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My name is Budger (Nurunderi) Davidson our Fathers tribal area of the Kullilli people, It means Eagle –
Hawk Warrior. My mothers country the “BIRIN” the Country of my Grandfather King Billy Turner whose
Tribal name was Durubin & meant “A PLACE WE CALL HOME” or -Yuggera & is a white man language
group of South East Qld. From this group my Mothers Tribe, Budger is known as the teacher of the Ancestral
Beliefs & Baiame our Great Spirit Father of this our beloved Land. Thus the Turner- Thompson family has
given me the honour as being an Applicant to our Native Title Claim over the said area. Our family group are
the first claimants to use our Traditional Ancestral Beliefs thus forming the “Birin Spiritual Aboriginal
Corporation” In September 2014. The Spiritual name of the Great Spirit Ancestor of
“PAMANYUNGAN”AUSTRALIA -; NURUNDERI was bestowed upon ones self in early 1980 by the Great
Spiritual Ancestors of the Universe, being the teacher and giver of the 42 Ancient Wise Counsels. This is a
Roll- Call of all peoples of the World to consider their Ancient Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the country
of where they live & are connected to. We welcome those Non Indigenous people born of this sod & their
input to review the link and discussions between players of Spiritual & Cultural Entrepreneurship;
Management; Art & Economics; accountability – governance and the contemporary challenges of politics and
public policy. For this discussion, We reference the linking an International Aboriginal businesses in Canada &
an Australian Aboriginal business, “Baiame Cultural and Spiritual Research” here in Australia.
In 1987- 88: A Canadian program named the Entrepreneurship training was established. This program
objectives were aimed at helping Indigenous Canadian Youths at risk of unemployment. The Department of
Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND) initiated this program & was planned to assist youth
facilitate new enterprises. Pilot projects were a positive injection resulting in ‘20 per cent actually started a
business) to suggest a second year of expanded trial’. (Chamard: 1993 p31). The outcome indicate that
Governance and accountability laid the foundation for self-empowerment.
Whatever the outcomes in job creation terms of the programmes which
evolve, they begin with the distinct advantage of reducing dependency by
placing resources and decision-making power in Aboriginal hands. This,
in our view, is a considerable step forward and one which is in keeping
with the spirit of ethno-development. (Chamard: 1993 p35).
Accountability, governance scrutinised and addressed, demonstrates past and present-day public and political
policies have influenced both Canadian and Australian Aboriginal peoples. To realise today’s present
influences take a step back to past Aboriginal history. About a thousand years ago, the Scandinavians were the
first visitors to the east coast of North America, what is now known as Canada. In the seventeenth century
France settled Canada and Colonial English People established trading posts in and around Hudson's Bay to
the north. Originally these associations between Aboriginal people and the Europeans were one of co-
operation because the land was not fit or suited for agriculture, mining, or lumbering and it was useless to the
Europeans. Canadian Aboriginals were customary hunters and trappers of the fur-bearing animals of the land
which were the 'raisond' etre' an essential origin of financial gain for the Hudson Bay Company and the
French colonies. In return, the Europeans provided manufactured goods. Hence it was passed off as left-over
land. Aboriginal people were forcefully removed from their vast Homelands throughout Canada en route to a
postage stamp size of waste-land as inmates of Christian Reserve Mission Stations. For the First People of
Canada there was nothing but despair as their new small portion of land constituted reserve and categorically
they were forced into being dependent to the open -arms of government for survival. Later the Aboriginal
Communities of Canada were completely dependent on the government handouts of food, clothing, education
and housing. To grasp the inhuman treatment of Colonisation, Christianisation, Politics, Accountability and
Governance we need to unwrap the historical connection pertaining to the First Peoples of Canada – Australia
and the Europeans settlers. Chamard states:
The British Government, which by the early nineteenth century controlled all of what is
now Canada, entered into treaties with the vanquished Aboriginal Nations. The treaties
provided for the Aborigines to live on pieces of land, and for the government to provide
subsidies of various sorts for varying lengths of time. Conditions on the reserves
became so appalling that even the mythology of the noble savage could not prevent
proper Victorian concern about the welfare of the Queen's Red Indian subjects. The
new revealed wisdom was that Aborigines suffered precisely because they were
Aborigines; what was needed was that they become less savage and more European.
Thus was born the strategy of cultural assimilation. The reserves themselves remained
much as they had been, but Aboriginal children were removed from their Homes to
residential schools where they were vigorously Europeanized by Christian
organisations. (Chamard, 1993 p 3)
Eight hundred years after the Scandinavians connected with the Aboriginal people of Canada the same
fundamental interaction, policies, Governance of Corporates and Government Acts applied. Chamard reported
that, ‘Policies and programmes applied to Aborigines in Australia and Canada have been drawn, historically,
from a European-oriented world view’. (Chamard et al 1993 p 27). This world view applied to Aboriginal
Australia when Governor Phillips had taken control of the East Coast of Australia in 1888. Thereby alive and
living on the Missions obstructed what was seen by the Europeans as a better use of land, and traditional
Aboriginal skills were now no longer useful to this new economic world.
CSchaefer R T (2002, p2) in his white paper revealed the Aboriginal population in Australia pre and during colonisation
1788, were about a minimum of 315,000 and another report place more than a million. And said archaeology analyse a
population figure of 750,000, including 160,000 convicts were sent to Australia by the British Government, historical
reports the French, Dutch, English traders, and other people arrived prior to colonisation. Further, the British settlement
around Sydney Harbour was not akin to their prior colonisation of Indigenous lands. Schaefer reveals; ‘Australia
initially was not populated by true colonist and was used largely as a port of penal colonies created along the
coastline’. As a result of colonisation, the Aboriginal population decreased due to diseases bought here and were at that
time unknown to Aboriginal Australia. However, these diseases were not life threatening to the European-newcomers.
The Aboriginals lacked resistance and immunity to these diseases, thus desolation of whole communities was rife.
Persuasive evidence of a decreasing population was the dispossession of Aboriginal people from their Home-Lands. As
a consequence of this alienation, Aboriginal people were dying at a fast rate. No colonial policy regarding the social
welfare of Aboriginal People existed and it was accepted that they would become extinct. Schaefer R T in his white
paper on Encyclopaedia of Race, Ethnic, and Society disclose that:
Already by the 1830s, this was deemed as inevitable. In 1901, when the Commonwealth of Australia was
formed, the official count was placed at 70,000. … As with Indigenous people worldwide, Aborigines were and
are the object of missionary outreach. Chief among the denominations in the Australian are the Anglican
Church, Roman Catholics, and Methodists. Over time and location, there have been significant differences in
interference in clan spiritual and cultural practises. Reflecting the spatial isolation of many clans, new
missionary initiatives were undertaken as recently as the 1940s.(Schaefer R T: 2002, p2)
page 23
Civilisation in bygone days was more barbaric then it is today. Religion was the main power base for peoples
of the Nations. Indoctrinated and controlled powers of religion has nothing to do with God, although the name
of God is continually used, religion is only a form of earthly power. Religions throughout the ages have
destroyed many cultures and beliefs, and some of the greatest knowledge has become lost, due to religion and
their quest of empires. Europeans believed that Indigenous People would become extinct due to practices of
Colonisation, Christianisation and policies of Assimilation. We may now live in a different time period,
however the principals of Accountability and Governance still apply. Those religious builders of Empires were
the Sons of Abraham and as Phinehas writes,-: and is but a small paragraph of Dad Ra (Raymond Johnson)
Book; “The Sword of Truth” and his article on “Representative Wealth” page 87- 88 and 89.
“In the days of Peleg it came to pass, that men first began to enclose lands. He enacted the laws of
property. He settled the bounds of families;he first gave particular inheritances; he grew as an
arbitrator; lands were given by him for cultivation; infringes hence became culpable of his
displeasure; riches, pride, government, poverty, idleness and rebellion ensued”. Peleg was born
2357 BC, and he died 2118 BC, and was a direct descendent of Abraham. It is more likely that it
was Peleg that started the whole system of capitalism rolling. Dad Ra (Raymond Johnson) Book
“The Sword of Truth” page 87.
The origins of Representative Wealth (Money) and not for profit, Legal set-ups, religious tax exempted
organisations had began. The Hebrew Bible sidesteps these issues when it says:-‘the love of money is the root of
all evil. No money period is the root of all evil, for in money, all things within the system can be done, money is
the basis of this earthly power, and it is the motivating force of Yetzer-Hara. Faith in money is the faith in a
system of greed and earthly power. The Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation are Teachers of
our Ancient Universal Spirit Ancestral Belief Systems). We perform a service for others, & regard it as a service
on behalf of the Great Spirit Fathers and Mothers of this World. Today’s people usually regard the motive of
profit first as people of the World have adapted to modern religion and have forgotten about their ancient
Forefathers and Mothers? We now share with Aboriginal, non Aboriginal Australia and the World our knowledge
of the Ancient Cultural and Spirit Beliefs. The real strengths of all peoples are their Ancestral Spiritual Beings as
they are now becoming one people of this country & seek a greater unity under our own God, Baiame. We
promote self-empowerment with a true Spiritual and economic base for all Indigenous & non Indigenous
Australians. Baiame Cultural and Spiritual Research ask all to come on board and get to know us as friends first
before we get into the serious work of forming the business of identifying the true Ancient Spirit Ancestors of
this World. The “Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation” and the teachings of the “Harakate”.
Upon completion of a three month course with the IBA we find the Australian Government have been able to
impress on Indigenous entrepreneurs, a certain amount of accountability. The IBA, under section 146, aims to
advance the commercial and economic interests of all Aboriginal Australians by using capital assets to help
benefit indigenous businesses. Under sect 147 the IBA will promote and encourage Aboriginal Australian to self-
manage and promote economic self-sufficiency (IBA 2013), to the advancement by joining the NSW Indigenous
Chamber of Commerce and choosing Debbie Barwick the Foundering National Director and Chairperson to act
as my consultant to the IBA. Debbie has established over 70 Indigenous owned businesses & as well received the
NSW Premier's Award for Excellence. In 1996, Debbie established Australia’s first Indigenous Chamber of
Commerce (Mandurah Hunter Indigenous Business Chamber). She was also responsible for establishing the
NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce in 2011.
Page 3/3
I was fortunate to be part of a group known as Tribal Council or Black power mob. We were a product
of the Brisbane Blacks who formed soon after the 1967 Referendum. Our mantras were of land,
Rights, Black control of Black Affairs, and the revitalisation of our rich Culture & Spirit Values & an
economic base for all. I meet with many great Aboriginal Rights Campaigners such as Ray Peckem is still an
advocate of Aboriginal Rights, at the age of 84, also many of those late Aunts and Uncles have since passed on.
In those early days our views were portrayed as a radical, and the Queensland Police Force at the time handed
out many of bashings to our brothers & sisters on the streets & in the police – cells. however Marcia Langton
professor of Indigenous studies reveals: ‘that the late doctor Charles Perkins argued tirelessly for the
participation of Aboriginal people in the economic life of the nation, as well as social. Cultural and sporting
arenas.(Read,. P. 1999 p 1). When referring to an economic base for all Australia please refer to our Australian
Aboriginal Peoples Charter of Rights as the economy that this Charter would bring to working Australia and the
majority of Aboriginal people would be a God send. However be very careful of pushing for a treaty as it still has
goverment control and it takes away that Self Determination and places it in the hands of Aboriginal Affairs that
is run by a majority of non Aboriginal people. As Chamard details those many long years ago: The British
Government, which by the early nineteenth century controlled all of what is now Canada, entered into treaties
with the vanquished Aboriginal nations. The treaties provided for the Aborigines to live on pieces of land, and
for the government to provide subsidies of various sorts for varying lengths of time. (Chamard, 1993 p 33)
In conclusion, businesses such as the Biaime Cultural & Spiritual Research aims and objectives have formed
the not for profit Assemblies of 'Biaime Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation', and with the backing of the
Indigenous business organization such as the Chamber of Commerce and (IBA) who offer Governance and
law that self-empowers and gives back power to Indigenous communities as stake holders that work
independently from mainstream Government.The “Assemblies of Baiame” stand for the establishment of the
Australian Aboriginal Peoples Charter of Rights and the restoration and the renewal of our proud Cultural and
Spiritual Beliefs .
This land was part of the frozen south
When mother earth began to sway
And “YAHI” stretched out her warming hands
Melting all the ice away.
Then long and dormant seeds sprung forth
Nourished by the clean fresh earth
Whilst sparkling creeks of water flowed
To give this land another birth.
Creatures came and made their home
As the spirits of nature formed the land
Mother nature had awoke
Stretching forth her creative hand.
This is what we call the dream-time
Yet these dreams are of the past
What are our dreams of things to come ?
For its only dreams that makes things last.
ETERNALLY YOURS NURUNDERI Put out by: Baime Cultural & Spiritual Research; c/o (ABN 44615835484.) Per the;
‘Not for profit Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation & the Harakate’ on a National & International level; All Painting prints,
literature and sacred books distributed will assist to further research, teach & grow the Ancient Ancestral Beliefs of this world.
Colonisation, Christianization, Social & Cultural diversity, inequality, & racism have had a negative demoralising effect on
Aboriginal Australia. The time to renew our Spiritual Heritage is now.
An essential ingredient of a people's culture is their spiritual beliefs. It binds and moulds a people together as one distinct identity.
Once this component is taken away the people become lost and degraded, thus being assimilated into the dominant community of
the oppressor. Furthermore they have nothing to preserve their identity and have to accept some one else's culture and the people of
that culture. Since colonisation there has been a push to absorb and assimilate Aboriginal people into mainstream society. For
people that have lost their spirit and soul is a people that have lost their very essence of life and will cease to exist as a people.
Perspectives of anthropologists and educators both Aboriginal & non Aboriginal should be made aware that their scientific research
and descriptions on the fundamental social and spiritual characteristics of Pamanyungan - Australia are flawed. Benewa or Baiame
is the Overlord of this Island Continent and his two wives, Yurlunggul the Great Eternal Mother of the rain (The Rainbow Serpent)
who forms the Spirit Children. Nungeena Eternal Mother of Baiame the rivers and waterfalls and Yahi sun Goddess who assisted
Baiame in the creation of life. This ancient knowledge had almost become lost due to the coming of Christianity or 'Yahweh'
(Jehovah), who is recognised as being the Overlord of the Middle East region, the God of the Jews and Arabs. Through the sons of
Abraham the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael came into being. The true Aboriginal beliefs are rich in culture, wisdom and beauty.
In these beliefs the ancestors have sustained and caused them to survive over the thousands of years. If it were not so, Aboriginal
Australia would not have been here today. Colonisation, protection and forced removals into the government mission and the later
assimilation policies had contaminated & increased these diversities to such an extent it almost destroyed our ancestral belief
Who can understand this timeless land
But those whom born of this sod
Whom can understand its spiritual truths
And the wisdom of Baiame our God
But to whom this timeless land belongs
Who can understand its legends their deep embodied truths
But those to whom this truth still cling
Our spiritual evolution thus destroyed
And the desolation that this did bring
Only those whom still hear and to whom
This timeless land belongs
Eternally Yours Nurunderi
By Dad Ra (Raymond Johnson)
If you have kindness done , pass it on, It was not meant for you alone , pass it on ,
For the Great Gods up above , Do their workings through you love ,
So if you have a kindness done , pass it on . If there's nastiness within , keep it there ,
For nastiness was never meant to share , And if you snap and moan ,
You'll soon find yourself alone , So if there's nastiness within , keep it there .
You must work and strive to make your life secure , For if you don't there’s hardships to endure ,
And your own need will be there , You'll have nothing left to share ,
So you must work and strive to make your life secure .You must learn what it is to be free ,
With happiness which everyone can see ,To enjoy this life and living ,
And show your pleasure in your giving ,You must learn to be free .
You must learn to accumulate a treasure, Before you can hope to learn it's pleasure ,
You will reap the rich reward , If you work to one accord ,
You must learn to accumulate a treasure ,You must always think , and try to use your mind .
In the many little ways you can be kind ,You must share your lives with others ,
As your sisters and your brothers , You must always think and try to use your minds .
You must try and be a bright and shining light ,That all the folk may see your living right ,
You must in your actions say ,This is the Harakate way ,
You must try to be a bright and shining light . You must realise that this life is not the end ,
That there's a spirit in you which you have to tend , If you believe this is not right ,
Then just give up the fight , But you'll stand before “Harmakhis” in the end.
Put out by: Baime Cultural & Spiritual Research; c/o (ABN44615835484.) Per; the ‘Not
for profit Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation our private research group RA-HA-RA-KA-TE
is of ultimate significance. Raymond Johnstone or Dad Ra master research extraordinaire that enabled Koori
Australia to establish the teaching of the Ancient Goori-Spiritual beliefs. We operate on a National &
International level. Our research is about the Ancient Ancestral Beliefs of all people. Painting, prints, literature
and sacred books distributed will assist in growing the above organizations. Our group introduce the Ancient
Egyptian World Faith to all people upon the planet. Find Spiritual Wirinun Supervisor Budger Davidson
0478802283. I care for all land matters upon the Planet. Spiritual Guardian Wirinun Boomba Djunebun Thomas
Wilmot 0423245893 cares for the Spiritual Realms. RA-HA-RA-KA-TE. The men & Religion have ruled the
World with Wars against each other to the loss of all people. Our job empowers Women by shifting control to
Our Eternal Mothers once again, thus enabling peace & a renewal of the 42 Ancient Wise Councils of this
And the desolation that this did bring
Only those whom still hear and to whom
This timeless land belongs
Eternally Yours Nurunderi
By Dad Ra (Raymond Johnson)
If you have kindness done , pass it on, It was not meant for you alone , pass it on ,
For the Great Gods up above , Do their workings through you love ,
So if you have a kindness done , pass it on . If there's nastiness within , keep it there ,
For nastiness was never meant to share , And if you snap and moan ,
You'll soon find yourself alone , So if there's nastiness within , keep it there .
You must work and strive to make your life secure , For if you don't there’s hardships to endure ,
And your own need will be there , You'll have nothing left to share ,
So you must work and strive to make your life secure .You must learn what it is to be free ,
With happiness which everyone can see ,To enjoy this life and living ,
And show your pleasure in your giving ,You must learn to be free .
You must learn to accumulate a treasure, Before you can hope to learn it's pleasure ,
You will reap the rich reward , If you work to one accord ,
You must learn to accumulate a treasure ,You must always think , and try to use your mind .
In the many little ways you can be kind ,You must share your lives with others ,
As your sisters and your brothers , You must always think and try to use your minds .
You must try and be a bright and shining light ,That all the folk may see your living right ,
You must in your actions say ,This is the Harakate way ,
You must try to be a bright and shining light . You must realise that this life is not the end ,
That there's a spirit in you which you have to tend , If you believe this is not right ,
Then just give up the fight , But you'll stand before “Harmakhis” in the end.
Put out by: Baime Cultural & Spiritual Research; c/o (ABN44615835484.) Per; the ‘Not
for profit Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation our private research group RA-HA-RA-KA-TE
is of ultimate significance. Raymond Johnstone or Dad Ra master research extraordinaire that enabled Koori
Australia to establish the teaching of the Ancient Goori-Spiritual beliefs. We operate on a National &
International level. Our research is about the Ancient Ancestral Beliefs of all people. Painting, prints, literature
and sacred books distributed will assist in growing the above organizations. Our group introduce the Ancient
Egyptian World Faith to all people upon the planet. Find Spiritual Wirinun Supervisor Budger Davidson
0478802283. I care for all land matters upon the Planet. Spiritual Guardian Wirinun Boomba Djunebun Thomas
Wilmot 0423245893 cares for the Spiritual Realms. RA-HA-RA-KA-TE. The men & Religion have ruled the
World with Wars against each other to the loss of all people. Our job empowers Women by shifting control to
Our Eternal Mothers once again, thus enabling peace & a renewal of the 42 Ancient Wise Councils of this

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  • 1. SELF EMPOWERMENT Page 1/3 My name is Budger (Nurunderi) Davidson our Fathers tribal area of the Kullilli people, It means Eagle – Hawk Warrior. My mothers country the “BIRIN” the Country of my Grandfather King Billy Turner whose Tribal name was Durubin & meant “A PLACE WE CALL HOME” or -Yuggera & is a white man language group of South East Qld. From this group my Mothers Tribe, Budger is known as the teacher of the Ancestral Beliefs & Baiame our Great Spirit Father of this our beloved Land. Thus the Turner- Thompson family has given me the honour as being an Applicant to our Native Title Claim over the said area. Our family group are the first claimants to use our Traditional Ancestral Beliefs thus forming the “Birin Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation” In September 2014. The Spiritual name of the Great Spirit Ancestor of “PAMANYUNGAN”AUSTRALIA -; NURUNDERI was bestowed upon ones self in early 1980 by the Great Spiritual Ancestors of the Universe, being the teacher and giver of the 42 Ancient Wise Counsels. This is a Roll- Call of all peoples of the World to consider their Ancient Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the country of where they live & are connected to. We welcome those Non Indigenous people born of this sod & their input to review the link and discussions between players of Spiritual & Cultural Entrepreneurship; Management; Art & Economics; accountability – governance and the contemporary challenges of politics and public policy. For this discussion, We reference the linking an International Aboriginal businesses in Canada & an Australian Aboriginal business, “Baiame Cultural and Spiritual Research” here in Australia. In 1987- 88: A Canadian program named the Entrepreneurship training was established. This program objectives were aimed at helping Indigenous Canadian Youths at risk of unemployment. The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND) initiated this program & was planned to assist youth facilitate new enterprises. Pilot projects were a positive injection resulting in ‘20 per cent actually started a business) to suggest a second year of expanded trial’. (Chamard: 1993 p31). The outcome indicate that Governance and accountability laid the foundation for self-empowerment. Whatever the outcomes in job creation terms of the programmes which evolve, they begin with the distinct advantage of reducing dependency by placing resources and decision-making power in Aboriginal hands. This, in our view, is a considerable step forward and one which is in keeping with the spirit of ethno-development. (Chamard: 1993 p35). Accountability, governance scrutinised and addressed, demonstrates past and present-day public and political policies have influenced both Canadian and Australian Aboriginal peoples. To realise today’s present influences take a step back to past Aboriginal history. About a thousand years ago, the Scandinavians were the first visitors to the east coast of North America, what is now known as Canada. In the seventeenth century France settled Canada and Colonial English People established trading posts in and around Hudson's Bay to the north. Originally these associations between Aboriginal people and the Europeans were one of co- operation because the land was not fit or suited for agriculture, mining, or lumbering and it was useless to the Europeans. Canadian Aboriginals were customary hunters and trappers of the fur-bearing animals of the land which were the 'raisond' etre' an essential origin of financial gain for the Hudson Bay Company and the French colonies. In return, the Europeans provided manufactured goods. Hence it was passed off as left-over land. Aboriginal people were forcefully removed from their vast Homelands throughout Canada en route to a postage stamp size of waste-land as inmates of Christian Reserve Mission Stations. For the First People of Canada there was nothing but despair as their new small portion of land constituted reserve and categorically
  • 2. they were forced into being dependent to the open -arms of government for survival. Later the Aboriginal Communities of Canada were completely dependent on the government handouts of food, clothing, education and housing. To grasp the inhuman treatment of Colonisation, Christianisation, Politics, Accountability and Governance we need to unwrap the historical connection pertaining to the First Peoples of Canada – Australia and the Europeans settlers. Chamard states: The British Government, which by the early nineteenth century controlled all of what is now Canada, entered into treaties with the vanquished Aboriginal Nations. The treaties provided for the Aborigines to live on pieces of land, and for the government to provide subsidies of various sorts for varying lengths of time. Conditions on the reserves became so appalling that even the mythology of the noble savage could not prevent proper Victorian concern about the welfare of the Queen's Red Indian subjects. The new revealed wisdom was that Aborigines suffered precisely because they were Aborigines; what was needed was that they become less savage and more European. Thus was born the strategy of cultural assimilation. The reserves themselves remained much as they had been, but Aboriginal children were removed from their Homes to residential schools where they were vigorously Europeanized by Christian organisations. (Chamard, 1993 p 3) Eight hundred years after the Scandinavians connected with the Aboriginal people of Canada the same fundamental interaction, policies, Governance of Corporates and Government Acts applied. Chamard reported that, ‘Policies and programmes applied to Aborigines in Australia and Canada have been drawn, historically, from a European-oriented world view’. (Chamard et al 1993 p 27). This world view applied to Aboriginal Australia when Governor Phillips had taken control of the East Coast of Australia in 1888. Thereby alive and living on the Missions obstructed what was seen by the Europeans as a better use of land, and traditional Aboriginal skills were now no longer useful to this new economic world. CSchaefer R T (2002, p2) in his white paper revealed the Aboriginal population in Australia pre and during colonisation 1788, were about a minimum of 315,000 and another report place more than a million. And said archaeology analyse a population figure of 750,000, including 160,000 convicts were sent to Australia by the British Government, historical reports the French, Dutch, English traders, and other people arrived prior to colonisation. Further, the British settlement around Sydney Harbour was not akin to their prior colonisation of Indigenous lands. Schaefer reveals; ‘Australia initially was not populated by true colonist and was used largely as a port of penal colonies created along the coastline’. As a result of colonisation, the Aboriginal population decreased due to diseases bought here and were at that time unknown to Aboriginal Australia. However, these diseases were not life threatening to the European-newcomers. The Aboriginals lacked resistance and immunity to these diseases, thus desolation of whole communities was rife. Persuasive evidence of a decreasing population was the dispossession of Aboriginal people from their Home-Lands. As a consequence of this alienation, Aboriginal people were dying at a fast rate. No colonial policy regarding the social welfare of Aboriginal People existed and it was accepted that they would become extinct. Schaefer R T in his white paper on Encyclopaedia of Race, Ethnic, and Society disclose that: Already by the 1830s, this was deemed as inevitable. In 1901, when the Commonwealth of Australia was formed, the official count was placed at 70,000. … As with Indigenous people worldwide, Aborigines were and are the object of missionary outreach. Chief among the denominations in the Australian are the Anglican Church, Roman Catholics, and Methodists. Over time and location, there have been significant differences in interference in clan spiritual and cultural practises. Reflecting the spatial isolation of many clans, new missionary initiatives were undertaken as recently as the 1940s.(Schaefer R T: 2002, p2)
  • 3. page 23 Civilisation in bygone days was more barbaric then it is today. Religion was the main power base for peoples of the Nations. Indoctrinated and controlled powers of religion has nothing to do with God, although the name of God is continually used, religion is only a form of earthly power. Religions throughout the ages have destroyed many cultures and beliefs, and some of the greatest knowledge has become lost, due to religion and their quest of empires. Europeans believed that Indigenous People would become extinct due to practices of Colonisation, Christianisation and policies of Assimilation. We may now live in a different time period, however the principals of Accountability and Governance still apply. Those religious builders of Empires were the Sons of Abraham and as Phinehas writes,-: and is but a small paragraph of Dad Ra (Raymond Johnson) Book; “The Sword of Truth” and his article on “Representative Wealth” page 87- 88 and 89. “In the days of Peleg it came to pass, that men first began to enclose lands. He enacted the laws of property. He settled the bounds of families;he first gave particular inheritances; he grew as an arbitrator; lands were given by him for cultivation; infringes hence became culpable of his displeasure; riches, pride, government, poverty, idleness and rebellion ensued”. Peleg was born 2357 BC, and he died 2118 BC, and was a direct descendent of Abraham. It is more likely that it was Peleg that started the whole system of capitalism rolling. Dad Ra (Raymond Johnson) Book “The Sword of Truth” page 87. The origins of Representative Wealth (Money) and not for profit, Legal set-ups, religious tax exempted organisations had began. The Hebrew Bible sidesteps these issues when it says:-‘the love of money is the root of all evil. No money period is the root of all evil, for in money, all things within the system can be done, money is the basis of this earthly power, and it is the motivating force of Yetzer-Hara. Faith in money is the faith in a system of greed and earthly power. The Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation are Teachers of our Ancient Universal Spirit Ancestral Belief Systems). We perform a service for others, & regard it as a service on behalf of the Great Spirit Fathers and Mothers of this World. Today’s people usually regard the motive of profit first as people of the World have adapted to modern religion and have forgotten about their ancient Forefathers and Mothers? We now share with Aboriginal, non Aboriginal Australia and the World our knowledge of the Ancient Cultural and Spirit Beliefs. The real strengths of all peoples are their Ancestral Spiritual Beings as they are now becoming one people of this country & seek a greater unity under our own God, Baiame. We promote self-empowerment with a true Spiritual and economic base for all Indigenous & non Indigenous Australians. Baiame Cultural and Spiritual Research ask all to come on board and get to know us as friends first before we get into the serious work of forming the business of identifying the true Ancient Spirit Ancestors of this World. The “Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation” and the teachings of the “Harakate”. Upon completion of a three month course with the IBA we find the Australian Government have been able to impress on Indigenous entrepreneurs, a certain amount of accountability. The IBA, under section 146, aims to advance the commercial and economic interests of all Aboriginal Australians by using capital assets to help benefit indigenous businesses. Under sect 147 the IBA will promote and encourage Aboriginal Australian to self- manage and promote economic self-sufficiency (IBA 2013), to the advancement by joining the NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce and choosing Debbie Barwick the Foundering National Director and Chairperson to act as my consultant to the IBA. Debbie has established over 70 Indigenous owned businesses & as well received the NSW Premier's Award for Excellence. In 1996, Debbie established Australia’s first Indigenous Chamber of Commerce (Mandurah Hunter Indigenous Business Chamber). She was also responsible for establishing the NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce in 2011. Page 3/3 I was fortunate to be part of a group known as Tribal Council or Black power mob. We were a product
  • 4. of the Brisbane Blacks who formed soon after the 1967 Referendum. Our mantras were of land, Rights, Black control of Black Affairs, and the revitalisation of our rich Culture & Spirit Values & an economic base for all. I meet with many great Aboriginal Rights Campaigners such as Ray Peckem is still an advocate of Aboriginal Rights, at the age of 84, also many of those late Aunts and Uncles have since passed on. In those early days our views were portrayed as a radical, and the Queensland Police Force at the time handed out many of bashings to our brothers & sisters on the streets & in the police – cells. however Marcia Langton professor of Indigenous studies reveals: ‘that the late doctor Charles Perkins argued tirelessly for the participation of Aboriginal people in the economic life of the nation, as well as social. Cultural and sporting arenas.(Read,. P. 1999 p 1). When referring to an economic base for all Australia please refer to our Australian Aboriginal Peoples Charter of Rights as the economy that this Charter would bring to working Australia and the majority of Aboriginal people would be a God send. However be very careful of pushing for a treaty as it still has goverment control and it takes away that Self Determination and places it in the hands of Aboriginal Affairs that is run by a majority of non Aboriginal people. As Chamard details those many long years ago: The British Government, which by the early nineteenth century controlled all of what is now Canada, entered into treaties with the vanquished Aboriginal nations. The treaties provided for the Aborigines to live on pieces of land, and for the government to provide subsidies of various sorts for varying lengths of time. (Chamard, 1993 p 33) In conclusion, businesses such as the Biaime Cultural & Spiritual Research aims and objectives have formed the not for profit Assemblies of 'Biaime Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation', and with the backing of the Indigenous business organization such as the Chamber of Commerce and (IBA) who offer Governance and law that self-empowers and gives back power to Indigenous communities as stake holders that work independently from mainstream Government.The “Assemblies of Baiame” stand for the establishment of the Australian Aboriginal Peoples Charter of Rights and the restoration and the renewal of our proud Cultural and Spiritual Beliefs . THE 42 ETERNAL STORIES SERIES DREAMTIME This land was part of the frozen south When mother earth began to sway And “YAHI” stretched out her warming hands Melting all the ice away.
  • 5. Then long and dormant seeds sprung forth Nourished by the clean fresh earth Whilst sparkling creeks of water flowed To give this land another birth. Creatures came and made their home As the spirits of nature formed the land Mother nature had awoke Stretching forth her creative hand. This is what we call the dream-time Yet these dreams are of the past What are our dreams of things to come ? For its only dreams that makes things last. ETERNALLY YOURS NURUNDERI Put out by: Baime Cultural & Spiritual Research; c/o (ABN 44615835484.) Per the; ‘Not for profit Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation & the Harakate’ on a National & International level; All Painting prints, literature and sacred books distributed will assist to further research, teach & grow the Ancient Ancestral Beliefs of this world. Colonisation, Christianization, Social & Cultural diversity, inequality, & racism have had a negative demoralising effect on Aboriginal Australia. The time to renew our Spiritual Heritage is now. An essential ingredient of a people's culture is their spiritual beliefs. It binds and moulds a people together as one distinct identity. Once this component is taken away the people become lost and degraded, thus being assimilated into the dominant community of the oppressor. Furthermore they have nothing to preserve their identity and have to accept some one else's culture and the people of that culture. Since colonisation there has been a push to absorb and assimilate Aboriginal people into mainstream society. For people that have lost their spirit and soul is a people that have lost their very essence of life and will cease to exist as a people. Perspectives of anthropologists and educators both Aboriginal & non Aboriginal should be made aware that their scientific research and descriptions on the fundamental social and spiritual characteristics of Pamanyungan - Australia are flawed. Benewa or Baiame is the Overlord of this Island Continent and his two wives, Yurlunggul the Great Eternal Mother of the rain (The Rainbow Serpent) who forms the Spirit Children. Nungeena Eternal Mother of Baiame the rivers and waterfalls and Yahi sun Goddess who assisted Baiame in the creation of life. This ancient knowledge had almost become lost due to the coming of Christianity or 'Yahweh' (Jehovah), who is recognised as being the Overlord of the Middle East region, the God of the Jews and Arabs. Through the sons of Abraham the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael came into being. The true Aboriginal beliefs are rich in culture, wisdom and beauty. In these beliefs the ancestors have sustained and caused them to survive over the thousands of years. If it were not so, Aboriginal Australia would not have been here today. Colonisation, protection and forced removals into the government mission and the later assimilation policies had contaminated & increased these diversities to such an extent it almost destroyed our ancestral belief system. Pamanyungan Who can understand this timeless land But those whom born of this sod Whom can understand its spiritual truths And the wisdom of Baiame our God But to whom this timeless land belongs Who can understand its legends their deep embodied truths But those to whom this truth still cling Our spiritual evolution thus destroyed
  • 6. And the desolation that this did bring Only those whom still hear and to whom This timeless land belongs Eternally Yours Nurunderi By Dad Ra (Raymond Johnson) “THE HARAKATE WAY” If you have kindness done , pass it on, It was not meant for you alone , pass it on , For the Great Gods up above , Do their workings through you love , So if you have a kindness done , pass it on . If there's nastiness within , keep it there , For nastiness was never meant to share , And if you snap and moan , You'll soon find yourself alone , So if there's nastiness within , keep it there . You must work and strive to make your life secure , For if you don't there’s hardships to endure , And your own need will be there , You'll have nothing left to share , So you must work and strive to make your life secure .You must learn what it is to be free , With happiness which everyone can see ,To enjoy this life and living , And show your pleasure in your giving ,You must learn to be free . You must learn to accumulate a treasure, Before you can hope to learn it's pleasure , You will reap the rich reward , If you work to one accord , You must learn to accumulate a treasure ,You must always think , and try to use your mind . In the many little ways you can be kind ,You must share your lives with others , As your sisters and your brothers , You must always think and try to use your minds . You must try and be a bright and shining light ,That all the folk may see your living right , You must in your actions say ,This is the Harakate way , You must try to be a bright and shining light . You must realise that this life is not the end , That there's a spirit in you which you have to tend , If you believe this is not right , Then just give up the fight , But you'll stand before “Harmakhis” in the end. Put out by: Baime Cultural & Spiritual Research; c/o (ABN44615835484.) Per; the ‘Not for profit Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation our private research group RA-HA-RA-KA-TE is of ultimate significance. Raymond Johnstone or Dad Ra master research extraordinaire that enabled Koori Australia to establish the teaching of the Ancient Goori-Spiritual beliefs. We operate on a National & International level. Our research is about the Ancient Ancestral Beliefs of all people. Painting, prints, literature and sacred books distributed will assist in growing the above organizations. Our group introduce the Ancient Egyptian World Faith to all people upon the planet. Find Spiritual Wirinun Supervisor Budger Davidson 0478802283. I care for all land matters upon the Planet. Spiritual Guardian Wirinun Boomba Djunebun Thomas Wilmot 0423245893 cares for the Spiritual Realms. RA-HA-RA-KA-TE. The men & Religion have ruled the World with Wars against each other to the loss of all people. Our job empowers Women by shifting control to Our Eternal Mothers once again, thus enabling peace & a renewal of the 42 Ancient Wise Councils of this world.
  • 7. And the desolation that this did bring Only those whom still hear and to whom This timeless land belongs Eternally Yours Nurunderi By Dad Ra (Raymond Johnson) “THE HARAKATE WAY” If you have kindness done , pass it on, It was not meant for you alone , pass it on , For the Great Gods up above , Do their workings through you love , So if you have a kindness done , pass it on . If there's nastiness within , keep it there , For nastiness was never meant to share , And if you snap and moan , You'll soon find yourself alone , So if there's nastiness within , keep it there . You must work and strive to make your life secure , For if you don't there’s hardships to endure , And your own need will be there , You'll have nothing left to share , So you must work and strive to make your life secure .You must learn what it is to be free , With happiness which everyone can see ,To enjoy this life and living , And show your pleasure in your giving ,You must learn to be free . You must learn to accumulate a treasure, Before you can hope to learn it's pleasure , You will reap the rich reward , If you work to one accord , You must learn to accumulate a treasure ,You must always think , and try to use your mind . In the many little ways you can be kind ,You must share your lives with others , As your sisters and your brothers , You must always think and try to use your minds . You must try and be a bright and shining light ,That all the folk may see your living right , You must in your actions say ,This is the Harakate way , You must try to be a bright and shining light . You must realise that this life is not the end , That there's a spirit in you which you have to tend , If you believe this is not right , Then just give up the fight , But you'll stand before “Harmakhis” in the end. Put out by: Baime Cultural & Spiritual Research; c/o (ABN44615835484.) Per; the ‘Not for profit Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation our private research group RA-HA-RA-KA-TE is of ultimate significance. Raymond Johnstone or Dad Ra master research extraordinaire that enabled Koori Australia to establish the teaching of the Ancient Goori-Spiritual beliefs. We operate on a National & International level. Our research is about the Ancient Ancestral Beliefs of all people. Painting, prints, literature and sacred books distributed will assist in growing the above organizations. Our group introduce the Ancient Egyptian World Faith to all people upon the planet. Find Spiritual Wirinun Supervisor Budger Davidson 0478802283. I care for all land matters upon the Planet. Spiritual Guardian Wirinun Boomba Djunebun Thomas Wilmot 0423245893 cares for the Spiritual Realms. RA-HA-RA-KA-TE. The men & Religion have ruled the World with Wars against each other to the loss of all people. Our job empowers Women by shifting control to Our Eternal Mothers once again, thus enabling peace & a renewal of the 42 Ancient Wise Councils of this world.