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Competency Goal 3
The learner will analyze how individuals, families, and
communities are alike and different.
3.01 Compare similarities and differences between oneself and others.
3.02 Describe similarities and differences among families in different
3.03 Compare similarities and differences among cultures in various
3.04 Identify multiple roles performed by individuals in their families and
3.05 Identify historical figures and events associated with various cultural
traditions and holidays celebrated around the world.
3.06 Identify individuals of diverse cultures and describe on their
contributions to society.
Competency Goal 1
3.01 Compare similarities and differences between oneself and others.
Lesson 1
Alike and Different
*This lesson may take several class periods*
Materials: Class directory student forms (About Me sheet) and Venn diagrams
for each child (see next two pages)
Ask the students: What are some ways in which all the kids in this class are
What are some ways you are different?
Chart children’s responses on the board. Brainstorm questions kids could ask to
learn more about each other and the diversity that exists within the classroom, for
example: What do you call your grandmother? (Nana, Bobci, etc.) What chores
do you do at home? Help student groups choose questions, conduct surveys,
and create web charts to show responses.
Class Directory: Distribute an information form for each child to complete.
Items include name, birthday, three words that describe you, your favorite thing,
your least favorite thing. Provided is a space for drawing a self- portrait. Later,
the teacher can assemble all the forms in a class directory. The children can later
browse through the pages, discovering similarities and differences.
Partner Interview: Distribute copies of the Venn diagram. Partners will
interview each other and record their similarities and differences. Have partners
ask each other questions to learn more about one interesting “difference.” Model
this process with a volunteer.
About Me
Name: ____________________________
Birthday: __________________________
Favorite Color: _____________________
Favorite Food: _____________________
Three Words to Describe Me:
Favorite Things:
Things I Don’t Like:
*Draw a picture of yourself on the back of this sheet*
My Partner and I: Similarities and
Partner 1
Partner 2
Competency Goal 2
3.02 Describe similarities and differences among families in different
Lesson 2
Different Families
*This lesson may take several class periods*
Preparation: before carrying out this activity, ask children to bring in photos of
their families (or drawings) to show the class.
You will need:
• photos of the children's families (see above)
• a copy of Muluken's story (next page)
• a copy of Shakeel’s story (next page)
• a note home to parents for homework assignment (next page)
Ask the children to show their family photos or drawings to the class. Talk about
the different kinds of family that exist and explain that they are going to be finding
out about some other families in different parts of the world.
Read Muluken's story. Talk about Muluken's family and what it means to her.
Draw attention to the fact that she lives in a compound, with all her relatives close
by. Ask children to think about the ways in which members of her family help
each other (fetching water and firewood, cooking food, giving each other cuddles
etc.). What are the similarities in children's own families? Most children in the
class will probably live in a 'nuclear' or a single parent family, but explore which
other relatives or carers might be involved, or who might get together with them
on special occasions, such as Christmas or New Year.
Then read Shakeel’s story. He lives with his mom and dad, and his brother
and sister.
Homework: Ask students to take home the letter located on the next page, and
complete the task for homework. Spend some time over the next few class
periods sharing the assignments.
Muluken's story
My name is Muluken and I'm seven years old. I live in a village called Gerba
Sefer which is high in the mountains in Ethiopia. My house is made of earth and
wood and there are trees all around.
Near my house is a canyon. I go there with my sister or friends. We climb on the
rocks and I can see for miles around. We watch the monkeys that live up there. I
live with my family all around me, in a group of houses called a compound. I live
with my dad, my older sister Esketsenaf and my younger sister Mekdes. My
grandmother also lives with us. She's special because she does all the cooking
and everything for us in the house. My mum works as a teacher in a school which
is 20 kilometers away. It is difficult to travel so far every day, so she comes home
on weekends and on the holidays. My uncle and his family live in the same
compound. I see them every day. Sometimes my uncle lets me ride his mule. My
cousin Zebawork is like another big sister. Another special person who lives near
my house is the village elder. He is old and wise and kind to us children.
In my village it's easy to find someone to join in my games. My favorite game is
playing 'shop'. We also play a game called Segne maksegno. This means
Monday and Tuesday and it is a sort of hopscotch.
I started school this year. After breakfast, I walk to school every day with my
sister. It takes about 15 minutes. I go to school in the mornings from 7:30 to
12:30. In the afternoons a whole new group of children come to school. That's
because the classrooms would be too small to hold all of us children together.
Many children don't come to school all the time. That's because most families
here are farmers. When it is time to plough the land or harvest, lots of children
are needed to help out at home.
There's no running water in my house so one of my jobs is to fetch clean water
from a pump and carry it back home. We always have to wash our hands before
we eat. There's no electricity so we use paraffin lamps at night and cook over a
wood fire. Another of my jobs is to collect firewood. Before I go to bed I like to
draw. When my mum is home, I cuddle up with her to sleep.
Shakeel’s story
My name is Shakeel and I'm seven years old. I live in a suburb of the city of
Hyderabad in India. It's hot, dry and dusty here, but other areas of India are lush
and green. I have always lived here, and my father was born here too.
I live with my mother and father, and brother and sister. At home we speak Urdu,
which is one of many languages that are spoken in India. The main ones are
Hindi and English.
I wake up at six o'clock in the morning, just as the sun comes up. My brother
Shabeer sleeps in the same room. Mum and dad are already up. My mum
fetches water from the tap in the street so that we can all wash, and my dad
washes his auto-rickshaw. This is a taxi with three wheels.
We are Muslims and say our prayers every morning. Then it's time to eat. For
breakfast I have salted parathas with tea. I like lots of sugar in my tea. Mum
helps me get ready for school.
At seven o'clock off I go to school. My dad gives me a lift on his way to work. We
see lots of monkeys on the way.
We have a blue and white uniform at school. There are about 40 children in my
class and so it gets very noisy. I like Craft and History best. I've got four special
friends - Rahim, Moulana, Ahmed and Suleman. At break time we play football.
It's so hot and dusty that some children prefer not to wear shoes.
I walk home from school with my big sister and our friends. It takes us quite a
while but on the way there's a very big tamarind tree. We stop and throw stones
to break off the juicy fruit. When I get home I milk and feed the goats. That's my
special job. I like it because then I can drink the milk. I also help my mum get the
evening meal ready by cutting vegetables. We eat dinner at about 7.30pm. I like
dal, potatoes and tomato curry. We all eat together if Dad is back from work.
After supper I watch TV or listen while my sister reads a story. By nine o'clock I
am in bed. I sleep with my favorite pillow, which I don't like anyone else to use. A
cool fan keeps Shabeer and me comfortable until morning.
Dear Parents,
Please share a story with your child about your own childhood. For example: A
favorite memory, family tradition, or school experience. Together, draw a picture
with your child. With your permission, the students will share your stories and
drawings with the class.
Thank you so much for all that you do,
The Second Grade Team
Competency Goal 3 and 4
3.03 Compare similarities and differences among cultures in various
3.04 Identify multiple roles performed by individuals in their families and
Lesson 3
People Around the World Part 1 (2 class periods)
In order to better understand diversity the students first need to learn a bit
about some other cultures and places around the world. To do this
effectively, the teacher will first show a short video episode of Arthur: Los
Vecinos . This video is about understanding the differences of families
from different countries. After watching the video about the family from
Ecuador, discuss the differences that they noticed. Additionally, ask the
students to share any stories they may have had with people from different
In addition to the video, there are a number of books that highlight the
differences between children of different cultures around the world.
Together, the class will read and discuss the books.
As a closing exercise, ask each student to draw a picture that represents
something that they learned about from another culture.
What if
What would you do if new neighbors from another country moved in next door?
What if they did not speak English? What kinds of foods would you like them to
try? What would you like to learn from them? Write about it below.
Competency Goal 3 and 4
3.03 Compare similarities and differences among cultures in various
3.04 Identify multiple roles performed by individuals in their families and
Lesson 4
People Around the World Part 2 (2 class periods)
In addition to reading and discussing new cultural information, the students
will have the opportunity to experience it. The students can get a taste of
other cultures through the demonstration of some games and dances from
other parts of the world. For games to play visit
Clips of traditional Indian dancing can be found on youtube. Additionally,
the students can participate in a simple teacher led dance lessons on the
Mexican Hat Dance or the Irish Jig, set to some music.
Lastly, with the help of parent volunteers, the students can sample some
simple ethnic dishes. Such as Greek Baklava or Indian samosas.
Competency Goal 5 and 6
3.05 Identify historical figures and events associated with various cultural
traditions and holidays celebrated around the world.
3.06 Identify individuals of diverse cultures and describe on their
contributions to society.
Lesson 5
Christmas Around the World
You will need:
• a copy of the passage about Christmas around the world(next page)
• a quiz for each child (next page)
The best way to discuss holidays around the world is similar to the way in which
the cultural diversities were taught in lesson 3. Read (teacher should read this
first and paraphrase for discussion with students) and discuss the following
passage with the students. The students will be quizzed about what they learn.
Christmas Around the World
In England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales:
Many Christmas customs originated in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. These
customs include sending Christmas cards and hanging a sprig of mistletoe in a room or
hallway. According to tradition, a person may kiss anyone standing under the mistletoe.
On Christmas Eve, children hang up stockings for Father Christmas, the British version
of Santa Claus, to fill with presents. On the afternoon of Christmas Day, most British
families watch their monarch give a special Christmas message on television. In
England, dinner on Christmas Day features roast turkey and dessert of mince pie and
plum pudding.
During the days before Christmas, children or groups of adults go from house to house
singing Christmas carols. Children ask for money for themselves, but adults usually ask
for money for charity. This tradition began many years ago, when visitors sang carols in
return for a drink from the wassail bowl. The bowl contained hot punch made from ale,
apples, eggs, sugar, and spices. The word wassail comes from Was haile, an old Saxon
greeting that means Be healthy. Today, English people at large parties still drink punch,
but it is usually made from wine and other alcoholic beverages, fruit, and spices.
In Ireland, people put a lighted candle in their window on Christmas Eve as a sign of
welcome to Mary and Joseph. In Wales, people have caroling contests during the
weeks before Christmas. Roast turkey is the main course for dinner. People in Scotland
also have roast turkey and exchange small gifts. Some Scottish families decorate a
Christmas tree and sing carols, but most hold their main celebrations on New Year's
In France, children put their shoes in front of the fireplace so Pere Noel (Father
Christmas) can fill them with gifts. Many families attend midnight Mass and then have a
festive supper called Le reveillon. Large numbers of French families also decorate their
homes with small Nativity scenes. In these scenes, clay figures called santons (little
saints) portray the story of Jesus's birth. Some people put additional santons in their
Nativity scenes every year. They buy these figures at special holiday fairs that are held
before Christmas.
In Germany, Saint Nicholas visits children's homes on Saint Nicholas Eve, December
5, and delivers candy and other sweets to be opened on December 6, Saint Nicholas
Day. According to one tradition, the Christkind (Christ child) sends the gifts on Christmas
Eve. This tradition is most popular in the mainly Roman Catholic region of southern
Germany. In the northern, mainly Protestant areas, parents usually say the
Weihnachtsmann (Christmas Man) brings the gifts.
Most German families have a Christmas tree that they decorate with lights, ornaments,
and tinsel. Spicy cakes called lebkuchen are made in various shapes and used as
In Spain, people dance and sing in the streets after midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.
Most Spanish homes and churches display a miniature Nativity scene called a
In the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, according to legend, Saint
Nicholas gives presents to children on Saint Nicholas Eve, December 5, which they open
on December 6, Saint Nicholas Day. Wearing a red robe, he arrives on a boat from
Spain and rides down the streets on a white horse. His servant, Swarte Piet (Black
Pete), accompanies him. Saint Nicholas goes down the chimney of each house and
leaves gifts in shoes that the children have put by the fireplace.
In Australia and New Zealand, December comes during the summer. Many people
celebrate Christmas by going on a picnic or to the beach. Schoolchildren have a six-
week summer vacation at Christmastime. Caroling takes place in many cities and towns.
Popular Christmas foods include turkey and plum pudding. Both Father Christmas and
Santa Claus are popular symbols of gift giving in Australia and New Zealand.
In Latin America. The nine days before Christmas have special importance in Mexico.
These days are called posadas, which means inns or lodgings. On each day, Mexicans
reenact Mary and Joseph's search for lodgings on the first Christmas Eve. Two children
carrying figures of Mary and Joseph lead a procession of people to a particular house.
The people knock on the door and ask for lodgings. They are refused at first but finally
are admitted.
After each posada ceremony, Mexicans feast and celebrate. Children enjoy trying to
break the pinata, a brightly decorated paper or clay figure containing candy and small
gifts. The pinata may be shaped like an animal, an elf, a star, or some other object. It is
hung from the ceiling, and the children take turns trying to hit it with a stick while
blindfolded. When someone breaks the pinata, the gifts and candy fall to the floor, and
the children scramble for them.
In Venezuela, people have a late supper after returning from midnight Mass on
Christmas Eve. Most of these meals include hallacas, which are corn-meal pies stuffed
with chicken, pork, beef, and spices. A favorite Christmas dish in Argentina is ninos
envueltos (wrapped children). It consists of rolled beef slices filled with seasoned
Children in some Latin-American countries, including Brazil, Colombia, and parts of
Mexico, receive gifts on Christmas Day. In Argentina, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, and most
areas of Mexico, the wise men leave the presents on the eve of Epiphany.
In Asia. Christmas is not widely celebrated there. In areas where Christmas is
observed, people follow such Western customs as attending religious services,
decorating Christmas trees, giving presents, and singing carols.
In Japan, Christians are a minority, yet the popular aspects of Christmas are increasingly
seen. Gifts are exchanged, lights decorate business districts, and department stores
often display Christmas trees. Even Santa Claus makes his appearance in the crowded
In Africa, as in Asia, the celebration of Christmas is not widespread because most of
the countries have a small Christian population. Missionaries brought Christmas
customs to Africa and so people in the Christian communities generally follow Western
traditions. However, Africans sing carols and hymns in their own languages. In Ethiopia,
members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church hold religious services on Christmas,
January 7. The major celebration takes place nearly two weeks later at Epiphany.
Christmas Around The World Quiz
Name _________________
Date __________________
1. Circle two names for Santa Claus
Saint Nicholas Santa Man Pere Noel Rudolph
2. In France, where does Pere Noel leave gifts for children?
A. In a sock C. In the kitchen sink
B. In a shoe D. Under the Christmas Tree
3. In Ireland, people put __________ in their windows to show a sign of
welcome to Mary and Joseph
candy toys lights small cakes
4. What do people in Australia and New Zeland do to celebrate Christmas
A. Drink hot Chocolate C. Build a snowman
B. Picnic on the beach D. Build a fire
True or False
5. _____ In Asia and Africa, not very many people celebrate Christmas.
6. _____ In Australia, Christmas happens in the summer.
Competency Goal 5 and 6
3.05 Identify historical figures and events associated with various cultural
traditions and holidays celebrated around the world.
3.06 Identify individuals of diverse cultures and describe on their
contributions to society.
Lesson 6
Holidays Around the World
You will need:
• a copy of the passage about holidays around the world(next page)
• a quiz for each child (next page)
Lesson 6 will be led just as lesson 5 was led. Read (teacher should read this
first and paraphrase for discussion with students) and discuss the following
passage with the students. The students will be quizzed about what they learn.
Holidays Around the World
In Japan, children who are three, five, or seven years old are thought to be especially
lucky. So, on November 15, families who have children of these ages take part in a very
old festival. This special children's festival is called Shichi-Go-San, or "Seven-Five-
On this day, the children dress in their finest clothes. Some wear Western-style clothes.
Others follow the old customs. They wear traditional kimonos, which are beautiful,
brightly colored robes made of cotton or silk. And every child has a long, narrow paper
bag. On each colorfully decorated bag there are pictures, usually of a pine tree, a
tortoise, and a crane. These are symbols of youth and long life.
When everyone is ready, the families go to a shrine, or place of worship. There, they
give thanks for the good health of the children. They also ask for a blessing for the future
health and happiness of the children.
Outside the shrine, there are stalls where the parents buy candy and toys to fill the
children's paper bags. After the families return home, the children give some of their
candy to visiting friends and relatives. In return, the children are often given gifts. Finally,
the day may end with a party.
Guadalupe Day
Guadalupe (pronounced gwahth ah LOO pay or GWAHD uhl OOP) Day commemorates
the day that the Virgin Mary is believed to have appeared to Juan Diego, a Mexican
Indian. According to legend, on Dec. 9, 1531, Juan was hurrying over Tepeyac Hill, in
what is now Mexico City, when a vision appeared to him. A lady told him to ask the
bishop to build a shrine where she stood. But the bishop did not believe Juan until the
vision appeared again, on December 12, and produced a sign. The lady later appeared
to Juan's uncle and called herself Holy Mary of Guadalupe. Our Lady of Guadalupe
(often called the Virgin of Guadalupe) became the patron saint of Mexico.
Roman Catholics throughout Mexico and in parts of the southwestern United States
celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12. The Roman Catholic
Church declared Juan Diego a saint on July 31, 2002.
Saint Lucia Day
Down the village street comes a small group of young people. At the head of the group
walks a pretty girl in a long, white dress. Upon her head she wears a crown of green
leaves and seven glowing candles. In her hands she carries a tray of little cakes. Behind
her walk some younger girls, also in white, carrying candles. A number of boys in tall,
pointed hats follow them. Processions such as these can be seen in all parts of Sweden
on Saint Lucia Day, December 13. The girls and boys bring cakes and coffee to
factories, homes, hospitals, and offices.
The girl with the crown represents Saint Lucia, a young Christian girl. She was killed by
Roman soldiers about fifteen hundred years ago for refusing to give up her religion.
Because Saint Lucia was an Italian, her day is also celebrated in Italy. There, people
honor her with bonfires and parades on her feast day.
Boxing Day
Boxing Day is a holiday celebrated in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United
Kingdom. It falls on December 26, which is also Saint Stephen's Day. The public
observance of Boxing Day takes place on the following Monday if December 26 falls on
a Saturday or Sunday. The traditional celebration of Boxing Day included giving money
and other gifts to charitable institutions, needy individuals, and people in service jobs.
The holiday may date from the Middle Ages (A.D. 400's-1400's), but the exact origin is
unknown. It may have begun with the lords and ladies of England, who presented
Christmas gifts in boxes to their servants on December 26. Or it may have begun with
priests, who opened the church's alms (charity) boxes on the day after Christmas and
distributed the contents to the poor.
Holidays Around The World Quiz
Name _________________
Date __________________
1. What does Shichi Go-San mean?
A. Seven, Five, Three C. Merry Christmas
B. Thank you D. Five Million
2. What is the name of the fancy robe worn in Japan?
A. Bath robe C. Kimono
B. Dress D. T-Shirt
3. Guadalupe Day is celebrated in
A. France C. Spain
B. Brazil D. Mexico
4. What do the people of Sweden eat on Saint Lucia Day?
A. Candy C. Little Cakes
B. Carrots D. Donuts
True or False
5. _____ On Boxing Day, people normally give money to a charity or the
1. about me page(lesson 1)
2. venn diagram (lesson1)
3. participation grade based on listening to and respecting others sharing
(lesson 2)
4. story and drawing done with family member (lesson 2)
5. What if paper (lesson 3)
6. participation grade based on following directions and listening to readings
(lesson 3)
7. picture drawn demonstrating a cultural tradition (lesson 3)
8. participation grade for participating in multi-cultural activities
9. Christmas around the world quiz (lesson 5)
10.Holidays around the world quiz(lesson 6)

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Second grade unit plan s.s.

  • 1. Competency Goal 3 The learner will analyze how individuals, families, and communities are alike and different. Objectives 3.01 Compare similarities and differences between oneself and others. 3.02 Describe similarities and differences among families in different communities. 3.03 Compare similarities and differences among cultures in various communities. 3.04 Identify multiple roles performed by individuals in their families and communities. 3.05 Identify historical figures and events associated with various cultural traditions and holidays celebrated around the world. 3.06 Identify individuals of diverse cultures and describe on their contributions to society. Competency Goal 1 3.01 Compare similarities and differences between oneself and others. Lesson 1
  • 2. Alike and Different *This lesson may take several class periods* Materials: Class directory student forms (About Me sheet) and Venn diagrams for each child (see next two pages) Introduction: Ask the students: What are some ways in which all the kids in this class are alike? What are some ways you are different? Chart children’s responses on the board. Brainstorm questions kids could ask to learn more about each other and the diversity that exists within the classroom, for example: What do you call your grandmother? (Nana, Bobci, etc.) What chores do you do at home? Help student groups choose questions, conduct surveys, and create web charts to show responses. Class Directory: Distribute an information form for each child to complete. Items include name, birthday, three words that describe you, your favorite thing, your least favorite thing. Provided is a space for drawing a self- portrait. Later, the teacher can assemble all the forms in a class directory. The children can later browse through the pages, discovering similarities and differences. Partner Interview: Distribute copies of the Venn diagram. Partners will interview each other and record their similarities and differences. Have partners ask each other questions to learn more about one interesting “difference.” Model this process with a volunteer. About Me Name: ____________________________ Birthday: __________________________ Favorite Color: _____________________ Favorite Food: _____________________
  • 3. Three Words to Describe Me: __________________ __________________ _________________ Favorite Things: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ____________________________ Things I Don’t Like: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ *Draw a picture of yourself on the back of this sheet* My Partner and I: Similarities and Differences Partner 1 Partner 2 Both
  • 4. Competency Goal 2 3.02 Describe similarities and differences among families in different communities. Lesson 2 Different Families *This lesson may take several class periods* Preparation: before carrying out this activity, ask children to bring in photos of their families (or drawings) to show the class. You will need: • photos of the children's families (see above) • a copy of Muluken's story (next page) • a copy of Shakeel’s story (next page) • a note home to parents for homework assignment (next page) Ask the children to show their family photos or drawings to the class. Talk about the different kinds of family that exist and explain that they are going to be finding out about some other families in different parts of the world. Read Muluken's story. Talk about Muluken's family and what it means to her. Draw attention to the fact that she lives in a compound, with all her relatives close by. Ask children to think about the ways in which members of her family help each other (fetching water and firewood, cooking food, giving each other cuddles
  • 5. etc.). What are the similarities in children's own families? Most children in the class will probably live in a 'nuclear' or a single parent family, but explore which other relatives or carers might be involved, or who might get together with them on special occasions, such as Christmas or New Year. Then read Shakeel’s story. He lives with his mom and dad, and his brother and sister. Homework: Ask students to take home the letter located on the next page, and complete the task for homework. Spend some time over the next few class periods sharing the assignments. Muluken's story My name is Muluken and I'm seven years old. I live in a village called Gerba Sefer which is high in the mountains in Ethiopia. My house is made of earth and wood and there are trees all around. Near my house is a canyon. I go there with my sister or friends. We climb on the rocks and I can see for miles around. We watch the monkeys that live up there. I live with my family all around me, in a group of houses called a compound. I live with my dad, my older sister Esketsenaf and my younger sister Mekdes. My grandmother also lives with us. She's special because she does all the cooking and everything for us in the house. My mum works as a teacher in a school which is 20 kilometers away. It is difficult to travel so far every day, so she comes home on weekends and on the holidays. My uncle and his family live in the same compound. I see them every day. Sometimes my uncle lets me ride his mule. My cousin Zebawork is like another big sister. Another special person who lives near my house is the village elder. He is old and wise and kind to us children. In my village it's easy to find someone to join in my games. My favorite game is playing 'shop'. We also play a game called Segne maksegno. This means Monday and Tuesday and it is a sort of hopscotch. I started school this year. After breakfast, I walk to school every day with my sister. It takes about 15 minutes. I go to school in the mornings from 7:30 to 12:30. In the afternoons a whole new group of children come to school. That's because the classrooms would be too small to hold all of us children together. Many children don't come to school all the time. That's because most families here are farmers. When it is time to plough the land or harvest, lots of children are needed to help out at home. There's no running water in my house so one of my jobs is to fetch clean water from a pump and carry it back home. We always have to wash our hands before we eat. There's no electricity so we use paraffin lamps at night and cook over a wood fire. Another of my jobs is to collect firewood. Before I go to bed I like to draw. When my mum is home, I cuddle up with her to sleep.
  • 6. Shakeel’s story My name is Shakeel and I'm seven years old. I live in a suburb of the city of Hyderabad in India. It's hot, dry and dusty here, but other areas of India are lush and green. I have always lived here, and my father was born here too. I live with my mother and father, and brother and sister. At home we speak Urdu, which is one of many languages that are spoken in India. The main ones are Hindi and English. I wake up at six o'clock in the morning, just as the sun comes up. My brother Shabeer sleeps in the same room. Mum and dad are already up. My mum fetches water from the tap in the street so that we can all wash, and my dad washes his auto-rickshaw. This is a taxi with three wheels. We are Muslims and say our prayers every morning. Then it's time to eat. For breakfast I have salted parathas with tea. I like lots of sugar in my tea. Mum helps me get ready for school. At seven o'clock off I go to school. My dad gives me a lift on his way to work. We see lots of monkeys on the way. We have a blue and white uniform at school. There are about 40 children in my class and so it gets very noisy. I like Craft and History best. I've got four special friends - Rahim, Moulana, Ahmed and Suleman. At break time we play football. It's so hot and dusty that some children prefer not to wear shoes. I walk home from school with my big sister and our friends. It takes us quite a while but on the way there's a very big tamarind tree. We stop and throw stones to break off the juicy fruit. When I get home I milk and feed the goats. That's my special job. I like it because then I can drink the milk. I also help my mum get the evening meal ready by cutting vegetables. We eat dinner at about 7.30pm. I like dal, potatoes and tomato curry. We all eat together if Dad is back from work. After supper I watch TV or listen while my sister reads a story. By nine o'clock I am in bed. I sleep with my favorite pillow, which I don't like anyone else to use. A cool fan keeps Shabeer and me comfortable until morning. Dear Parents, Please share a story with your child about your own childhood. For example: A
  • 7. favorite memory, family tradition, or school experience. Together, draw a picture with your child. With your permission, the students will share your stories and drawings with the class. Thank you so much for all that you do, The Second Grade Team Competency Goal 3 and 4 3.03 Compare similarities and differences among cultures in various communities. 3.04 Identify multiple roles performed by individuals in their families and communities. Lesson 3
  • 8. People Around the World Part 1 (2 class periods) In order to better understand diversity the students first need to learn a bit about some other cultures and places around the world. To do this effectively, the teacher will first show a short video episode of Arthur: Los Vecinos . This video is about understanding the differences of families from different countries. After watching the video about the family from Ecuador, discuss the differences that they noticed. Additionally, ask the students to share any stories they may have had with people from different cultures. In addition to the video, there are a number of books that highlight the differences between children of different cultures around the world. Together, the class will read and discuss the books. As a closing exercise, ask each student to draw a picture that represents something that they learned about from another culture. What if What would you do if new neighbors from another country moved in next door? What if they did not speak English? What kinds of foods would you like them to try? What would you like to learn from them? Write about it below. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
  • 10. Competency Goal 3 and 4 3.03 Compare similarities and differences among cultures in various communities. 3.04 Identify multiple roles performed by individuals in their families and communities. Lesson 4 People Around the World Part 2 (2 class periods) In addition to reading and discussing new cultural information, the students will have the opportunity to experience it. The students can get a taste of other cultures through the demonstration of some games and dances from other parts of the world. For games to play visit Clips of traditional Indian dancing can be found on youtube. Additionally, the students can participate in a simple teacher led dance lessons on the Mexican Hat Dance or the Irish Jig, set to some music. Lastly, with the help of parent volunteers, the students can sample some simple ethnic dishes. Such as Greek Baklava or Indian samosas.
  • 11. Competency Goal 5 and 6 3.05 Identify historical figures and events associated with various cultural traditions and holidays celebrated around the world. 3.06 Identify individuals of diverse cultures and describe on their contributions to society. . Lesson 5 Christmas Around the World You will need: • a copy of the passage about Christmas around the world(next page) • a quiz for each child (next page) The best way to discuss holidays around the world is similar to the way in which the cultural diversities were taught in lesson 3. Read (teacher should read this first and paraphrase for discussion with students) and discuss the following passage with the students. The students will be quizzed about what they learn. Christmas Around the World In England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales:
  • 12. Many Christmas customs originated in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. These customs include sending Christmas cards and hanging a sprig of mistletoe in a room or hallway. According to tradition, a person may kiss anyone standing under the mistletoe. On Christmas Eve, children hang up stockings for Father Christmas, the British version of Santa Claus, to fill with presents. On the afternoon of Christmas Day, most British families watch their monarch give a special Christmas message on television. In England, dinner on Christmas Day features roast turkey and dessert of mince pie and plum pudding. During the days before Christmas, children or groups of adults go from house to house singing Christmas carols. Children ask for money for themselves, but adults usually ask for money for charity. This tradition began many years ago, when visitors sang carols in return for a drink from the wassail bowl. The bowl contained hot punch made from ale, apples, eggs, sugar, and spices. The word wassail comes from Was haile, an old Saxon greeting that means Be healthy. Today, English people at large parties still drink punch, but it is usually made from wine and other alcoholic beverages, fruit, and spices. In Ireland, people put a lighted candle in their window on Christmas Eve as a sign of welcome to Mary and Joseph. In Wales, people have caroling contests during the weeks before Christmas. Roast turkey is the main course for dinner. People in Scotland also have roast turkey and exchange small gifts. Some Scottish families decorate a Christmas tree and sing carols, but most hold their main celebrations on New Year's Day. In France, children put their shoes in front of the fireplace so Pere Noel (Father Christmas) can fill them with gifts. Many families attend midnight Mass and then have a festive supper called Le reveillon. Large numbers of French families also decorate their homes with small Nativity scenes. In these scenes, clay figures called santons (little saints) portray the story of Jesus's birth. Some people put additional santons in their Nativity scenes every year. They buy these figures at special holiday fairs that are held before Christmas. In Germany, Saint Nicholas visits children's homes on Saint Nicholas Eve, December
  • 13. 5, and delivers candy and other sweets to be opened on December 6, Saint Nicholas Day. According to one tradition, the Christkind (Christ child) sends the gifts on Christmas Eve. This tradition is most popular in the mainly Roman Catholic region of southern Germany. In the northern, mainly Protestant areas, parents usually say the Weihnachtsmann (Christmas Man) brings the gifts. Most German families have a Christmas tree that they decorate with lights, ornaments, and tinsel. Spicy cakes called lebkuchen are made in various shapes and used as decorations. In Spain, people dance and sing in the streets after midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. Most Spanish homes and churches display a miniature Nativity scene called a Nacimiento. In the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, according to legend, Saint Nicholas gives presents to children on Saint Nicholas Eve, December 5, which they open on December 6, Saint Nicholas Day. Wearing a red robe, he arrives on a boat from Spain and rides down the streets on a white horse. His servant, Swarte Piet (Black Pete), accompanies him. Saint Nicholas goes down the chimney of each house and leaves gifts in shoes that the children have put by the fireplace. In Australia and New Zealand, December comes during the summer. Many people celebrate Christmas by going on a picnic or to the beach. Schoolchildren have a six- week summer vacation at Christmastime. Caroling takes place in many cities and towns. Popular Christmas foods include turkey and plum pudding. Both Father Christmas and Santa Claus are popular symbols of gift giving in Australia and New Zealand. In Latin America. The nine days before Christmas have special importance in Mexico. These days are called posadas, which means inns or lodgings. On each day, Mexicans reenact Mary and Joseph's search for lodgings on the first Christmas Eve. Two children carrying figures of Mary and Joseph lead a procession of people to a particular house. The people knock on the door and ask for lodgings. They are refused at first but finally are admitted.
  • 14. After each posada ceremony, Mexicans feast and celebrate. Children enjoy trying to break the pinata, a brightly decorated paper or clay figure containing candy and small gifts. The pinata may be shaped like an animal, an elf, a star, or some other object. It is hung from the ceiling, and the children take turns trying to hit it with a stick while blindfolded. When someone breaks the pinata, the gifts and candy fall to the floor, and the children scramble for them. In Venezuela, people have a late supper after returning from midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. Most of these meals include hallacas, which are corn-meal pies stuffed with chicken, pork, beef, and spices. A favorite Christmas dish in Argentina is ninos envueltos (wrapped children). It consists of rolled beef slices filled with seasoned mincemeat. Children in some Latin-American countries, including Brazil, Colombia, and parts of Mexico, receive gifts on Christmas Day. In Argentina, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, and most areas of Mexico, the wise men leave the presents on the eve of Epiphany. In Asia. Christmas is not widely celebrated there. In areas where Christmas is observed, people follow such Western customs as attending religious services, decorating Christmas trees, giving presents, and singing carols. In Japan, Christians are a minority, yet the popular aspects of Christmas are increasingly seen. Gifts are exchanged, lights decorate business districts, and department stores often display Christmas trees. Even Santa Claus makes his appearance in the crowded stores. In Africa, as in Asia, the celebration of Christmas is not widespread because most of the countries have a small Christian population. Missionaries brought Christmas customs to Africa and so people in the Christian communities generally follow Western traditions. However, Africans sing carols and hymns in their own languages. In Ethiopia, members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church hold religious services on Christmas, January 7. The major celebration takes place nearly two weeks later at Epiphany. Christmas Around The World Quiz Name _________________ Date __________________
  • 15. 1. Circle two names for Santa Claus Saint Nicholas Santa Man Pere Noel Rudolph 2. In France, where does Pere Noel leave gifts for children? A. In a sock C. In the kitchen sink B. In a shoe D. Under the Christmas Tree 3. In Ireland, people put __________ in their windows to show a sign of welcome to Mary and Joseph candy toys lights small cakes 4. What do people in Australia and New Zeland do to celebrate Christmas A. Drink hot Chocolate C. Build a snowman B. Picnic on the beach D. Build a fire True or False 5. _____ In Asia and Africa, not very many people celebrate Christmas. 6. _____ In Australia, Christmas happens in the summer. Competency Goal 5 and 6 3.05 Identify historical figures and events associated with various cultural traditions and holidays celebrated around the world. 3.06 Identify individuals of diverse cultures and describe on their contributions to society. . Lesson 6 Holidays Around the World You will need: • a copy of the passage about holidays around the world(next page)
  • 16. • a quiz for each child (next page) Lesson 6 will be led just as lesson 5 was led. Read (teacher should read this first and paraphrase for discussion with students) and discuss the following passage with the students. The students will be quizzed about what they learn. Holidays Around the World Shichi-Go-San In Japan, children who are three, five, or seven years old are thought to be especially lucky. So, on November 15, families who have children of these ages take part in a very old festival. This special children's festival is called Shichi-Go-San, or "Seven-Five- Three." On this day, the children dress in their finest clothes. Some wear Western-style clothes. Others follow the old customs. They wear traditional kimonos, which are beautiful, brightly colored robes made of cotton or silk. And every child has a long, narrow paper bag. On each colorfully decorated bag there are pictures, usually of a pine tree, a tortoise, and a crane. These are symbols of youth and long life. When everyone is ready, the families go to a shrine, or place of worship. There, they give thanks for the good health of the children. They also ask for a blessing for the future health and happiness of the children.
  • 17. Outside the shrine, there are stalls where the parents buy candy and toys to fill the children's paper bags. After the families return home, the children give some of their candy to visiting friends and relatives. In return, the children are often given gifts. Finally, the day may end with a party. Guadalupe Day Guadalupe (pronounced gwahth ah LOO pay or GWAHD uhl OOP) Day commemorates the day that the Virgin Mary is believed to have appeared to Juan Diego, a Mexican Indian. According to legend, on Dec. 9, 1531, Juan was hurrying over Tepeyac Hill, in what is now Mexico City, when a vision appeared to him. A lady told him to ask the bishop to build a shrine where she stood. But the bishop did not believe Juan until the vision appeared again, on December 12, and produced a sign. The lady later appeared to Juan's uncle and called herself Holy Mary of Guadalupe. Our Lady of Guadalupe (often called the Virgin of Guadalupe) became the patron saint of Mexico. Roman Catholics throughout Mexico and in parts of the southwestern United States celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12. The Roman Catholic Church declared Juan Diego a saint on July 31, 2002. Saint Lucia Day Down the village street comes a small group of young people. At the head of the group walks a pretty girl in a long, white dress. Upon her head she wears a crown of green leaves and seven glowing candles. In her hands she carries a tray of little cakes. Behind her walk some younger girls, also in white, carrying candles. A number of boys in tall, pointed hats follow them. Processions such as these can be seen in all parts of Sweden on Saint Lucia Day, December 13. The girls and boys bring cakes and coffee to factories, homes, hospitals, and offices. The girl with the crown represents Saint Lucia, a young Christian girl. She was killed by Roman soldiers about fifteen hundred years ago for refusing to give up her religion. Because Saint Lucia was an Italian, her day is also celebrated in Italy. There, people honor her with bonfires and parades on her feast day. Boxing Day Boxing Day is a holiday celebrated in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. It falls on December 26, which is also Saint Stephen's Day. The public observance of Boxing Day takes place on the following Monday if December 26 falls on a Saturday or Sunday. The traditional celebration of Boxing Day included giving money and other gifts to charitable institutions, needy individuals, and people in service jobs. The holiday may date from the Middle Ages (A.D. 400's-1400's), but the exact origin is
  • 18. unknown. It may have begun with the lords and ladies of England, who presented Christmas gifts in boxes to their servants on December 26. Or it may have begun with priests, who opened the church's alms (charity) boxes on the day after Christmas and distributed the contents to the poor. Holidays Around The World Quiz Name _________________ Date __________________ 1. What does Shichi Go-San mean? A. Seven, Five, Three C. Merry Christmas B. Thank you D. Five Million 2. What is the name of the fancy robe worn in Japan? A. Bath robe C. Kimono B. Dress D. T-Shirt 3. Guadalupe Day is celebrated in A. France C. Spain B. Brazil D. Mexico 4. What do the people of Sweden eat on Saint Lucia Day? A. Candy C. Little Cakes B. Carrots D. Donuts True or False 5. _____ On Boxing Day, people normally give money to a charity or the needy.
  • 19. Assessments 1. about me page(lesson 1) 2. venn diagram (lesson1) 3. participation grade based on listening to and respecting others sharing (lesson 2) 4. story and drawing done with family member (lesson 2) 5. What if paper (lesson 3) 6. participation grade based on following directions and listening to readings (lesson 3) 7. picture drawn demonstrating a cultural tradition (lesson 3) 8. participation grade for participating in multi-cultural activities 9. Christmas around the world quiz (lesson 5) 10.Holidays around the world quiz(lesson 6)