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Scott D. Oppliger
         10089 Crosier Lane       •   Cincinnati, Ohio 45242    •   513-253-7978       •

              AREAS OF
             EXPERTISE                                                       PROFILE

     •    Preaching and teaching                A passionate, effective and experienced ministry leader who is
                                                a life-long student and a life-changing communicator of biblical
     •    Spiritual formation
                                                truth. A relationship builder with exceptional emotional
     •    Teambuilding and staff                intelligence and people skills. Highly motivated to help people
          relations                             of all ages, cultures and backgrounds experience authentic
                                                spiritual growth and transformation through God’s Spirit.
     •    Evangelism and outreach
                                                Gifted and trained in determining ministry philosophy, strategy
     •    Small Groups
                                                and plan of action. Effective in communicating vision to others.
     •    Equipping and training                Repeated success in building, equipping and leading teams of
                                                people who really care about each other and are empowered
     •    Strategic planning                    by the Holy Spirit for missional endeavors.
     •    Discipleship
                                                Spiritual gifting in the areas of teaching, leading and serving.
     •    Helping a church become               Respected for uncompromising integrity, unwavering
          more missional                        character, a healthy marriage and a strong family,
                                                faithfulness, wisdom, strength, steadiness and loyalty.
     •    Cross-cultural ministry

     •    Mentoring and coaching                                    PROFESSIONAL HISTORY

     •    Pastoral counseling

     •    Spiritual disciplines                 Outreach and Small Groups Pastor
                                                February 2005 – January 2010
     •    Writing and curriculum                Montgomery Community Church
                                                (Employed by MCC through June 30th, 2010)
     •    Marriage and parenting

     •    Recovery ministry                     As a member of the Senior Staff team, provided leadership
                                                for the Missions and Adult Ministries of MCC. Areas of
     •    Care ministry                         responsibility included: small groups, spiritual growth,
                                                equipping classes, discipleship, adult education, outreach,
     •    Youth ministry                        evangelism, missions, care, assimilation, hospitality,
     •    Men’s Ministry                        membership, recovery ministries, volunteer recruitment,
                                                leadership development, women’s ministry, marriage ministry
                                                and men’s ministry.
                                                Led a staff team of nine, including five direct reports (three
University of Nebraska, BA, 1975                full-time directors/pastors, one part-time director, and one
                                                administrative assistant). Oversaw and supported these staff in
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
                                                understanding and fulfilling MCC’s vision in their areas of ministry.
Master of Divinity, 1984
                                                In addition, preached several times a year, taught numerous
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School             classes, groups and workshops, conducted funerals and
Doctor of Ministry, 2006                        weddings, and was directly involved with pastoral care.
`                                               Scott D. Oppliger
10089 Crosier Lane    • Cincinnati, Ohio 45242    •   513-253-7978    •

As a member of the Senior Staff team, was involved with all major decisions at MCC. This
included clarification and communication of the vision, mission and strategies of MCC, as
well as the content of each preaching series, conducting a multi-site feasibility study, going
through the annual budgeting process, determining staff policies, etc.

As Outreach and Small Groups Pastor, gave oversight to a number of strategies and
opportunities for growth, care and outreach at MCC. Key ministry areas that were planned,
developed and implemented included:

     •   MCC’s Groups Ministry. In 2009, MCC had over 150 groups (small groups, study
         groups and support groups) involving over 2900 people (compared to 126 groups
         and 1750 participants in 2008). Provided necessary leadership and training for
         small groups to be MCC’s core strategy for spiritual growth, care and outreach.
     •   Equipping classes and workshops. In the past two years, added new classes in
         financial stewardship, spiritual growth, evangelism, leadership development,
         relationship skills, foundations of the faith, parenting, marriage and Bible study.

     •   MCC’s Recovery Ministry. Expanded from less than 100 involved in 2007 to more
         than 400 in 2009 (most from outside MCC). Includes Celebrate Recovery,
         DivorceCare, DivorceCare for Kids, GriefShare, Shoulder to Shoulder (men’s
         purity), Motherless Daughters, and The Third Option (marriage enrichment).

     •   Outreach opportunities. This past year, hundreds of individuals and dozens of
         groups shared God’s love and message in practical and relevant ways to the
         families around MCC and in greater Cincinnati. Activities included tutoring, caring
         for the homeless, job training, prison mentoring, food pantries, and home repair.

     •   Short-term mission trips. In 2009, over 120 people were sent from MCC to love,
         serve and share the Gospel with those beyond our borders (Nicaragua, Guatemala,
         Dominican Republic, Mexico and China).

     •   MCC’s Marriage Ministry. Includes study groups, a newly designed pre-marriage
         class, marriage conferences and marriage mentoring.

     •   Yearly spiritual growth campaigns. Led overall integration of sermons, small
         groups, and daily devotionals. Wrote materials for group and individual study.

     •   Becoming missional. Helping transition MCC from just having a mission focus
         (a church that gives a lot of money to mission endeavors) to being a missional
         church where each believer is challenged, equipped and sent out to be on mission
         in his or her home, neighborhood, city and world.

     •   Evangelistic program (Alpha). Hundreds of participants attended during the past
         few years. The Lord has used this to draw many to himself.

     •   Care Ministry. Refining and coordinating MCC’s overall care strategy that included
         training over 50 lay leaders who ministered to more than 1,000 people in 2009.
Scott D. Oppliger
10089 Crosier Lane   • Cincinnati, Ohio 45242   •   513-253-7978    •

Campus Crusade for Christ, International                                      1978-2004

   Church Resource Director                                                   2002-2004
   Answers for Life (a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ)
   Cincinnati, Ohio

   Answers for Life was a ministry partnership between Campus Crusade for Christ and Dr.
   Henry Cloud. As Church Resource Director, equipped local churches to engage people in
   authentic spiritual growth connected to real-life contexts through small groups.

    •   Led a team to write and produce an innovative small group curriculum (The Great
        Adventure) for integrating personal, emotional, relational and spiritual growth.
        Centered on God’s Word, this curriculum used principles from Drs. Cloud and
        Townsend as a framework for helping people grow in a group context.

    •   Designed a day-long small group leaders’ workshop and personally trained several
        hundred small group leaders and pastors around the country.

    •   Designed and led a major evangelistic outreach effort, in partnership with Hope
        Church (Cincinnati), utilizing marriage material for over 60 small groups in
        neighborhoods around Cincinnati.

    •   Developed networking and collaborative relationships with a number of churches,
        including the small group leadership of Saddleback Community Church and Willow
        Creek Community Church (as well as the Willow Creek Association).

   Midwest Regional Director                                                  1999-2002
   Athletes in Action (a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ)
   Cincinnati, Ohio

   Responsible for leading and directing 40 full-time field staff in eight states whose
   primary ministry was evangelism and discipleship with collegiate and professional
   athletes. Led these staff in ministry planning and strategy, yearly performance reviews,
   personal development, ministry training and fund development.

   Associate National Director, Sports Teams                                  1992- 1999
   Athletes in Action
   Cincinnati, Ohio

   Responsible for leading, managing, developing and training nine sport directors
   representing over 70 full-time staff and an operating budget of nearly $1,000,000.
   Leadership over the evangelistic outreaches of nine sports that together shared the
   Gospel with hundreds of thousands of people around the world each year in live
   presentations. As a part of the AIA National Team, helped develop and refine AIA's
   mission statement, purpose statement, values, objectives and strategies. Personally
   directed and led mission teams of competing college athletes to Mexico, Australia,
   Japan, Thailand, and Benin.
Scott D. Oppliger
10089 Crosier Lane    • Cincinnati, Ohio 45242    •   513-253-7978     •

   Associate National Director, Basketball                                       1990-1992
   Athletes in Action
   Cincinnati, Ohio

   Leadership over the men's and women's basketball ministries of AIA. Instrumental in
   determining direction and plans for this facet of AIA that shared the Gospel with over
   200,000 people in live presentations annually. Led a team of twenty full-time staff.

   Pro Ministry Director                                                         1984-1990
   Athletes in Action
   New York, New York

   Ministry to professional athletes in New York City. Responsible for establishing and
   carrying out a ministry of evangelism and discipleship among professional athletes in the
   NYC area. Small group Bible studies, evangelism, discipleship, teaching, counseling,
   speaking, planning and executing ministry programs. Extensive work with many pastors
   and churches in coordinated evangelistic outreaches and other ministry efforts.

   Campus Director                                                                1978-1984
   Campus Ministry
   Evanston, Illinois

   Campus Director for Campus Crusade for Christ at Northwestern University. Directed
   staff team of 8-12 and discipled, trained and led groups of student leaders on campus.
   Trained hundreds of students in evangelism, discipleship, leading groups and other
   facets of the campus ministry. Attended Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and received
   Master of Divinity degree.


I am committed to the Christian life and ministry being a real expression of a genuine
relationship with Jesus Christ. I am passionate about building authentic community where
significant growth in loving God and loving others is a reality. God’s Word, the Bible, is the
basis for my life and my ministry. The Holy Spirit is my source of strength and guidance in
my life and my ministry.

I believe that my ministry is an outflow of my relationship with Jesus Christ. Ministry is
primarily about God and how he chooses to work in and through us. Because God does
choose to impact others through me, it is incumbent on me to be diligent in my ministry and
to be faithful in becoming as useable as possible for Him (II Timothy 2: 15).

I am fully committed to the Great Commission and believe God has called us, as the church,
to speak the words of the Gospel and live out changed lives because of the Gospel to those
around us and those around the world. I consistently look for better ways to reach out to
those who don’t know Christ in a culturally relevant approach. Cross-cultural ministry has
always been a passion. I have consistently built personal and ministry relationships with
those of other cultures and backgrounds.
Scott D. Oppliger
10089 Crosier Lane    • Cincinnati, Ohio 45242     •   513-253-7978    •

I highly value biblical community and the genuine living out of the “one another’s” of the
New Testament. God has designed us as relational beings, in his image, and life really is
better together. I am committed to always being involved with a small group where I can
learn, share, love, grow, serve, be vulnerable, etc. Claire and I lead a small group with
three other couples and I also lead a men’s small group focused on learning how to be the
best dads we can be, with God’s help.

I love to teach God’s Word and to challenge and encourage others to understand and then
apply what has been revealed to us in the Scripture. I highly value spiritual growth and
transformation. I believe that as God’s people, we are called to follow Jesus and become
more and more like him throughout our lives. Jesus calls us to transformation, where we
experience new levels of growth towards maturity. As we become like him, we impact the
people around us as we truly become the light of the world Jesus calls us to be. As we
become more like Jesus, we live, love and serve as Jesus would. This transformation does
not take place by trying harder and only occurs with the initiative, constant direction and
empowerment of God through his Holy Spirit. God has asked us to cooperate and be
involved with his work within us. He has given us resources (his Word, his Spirit and his
people) and processes (a variety of individual and corporate spiritual disciplines) as means
to this transformation in our lives.

I believe the key responsibility of pastoral leadership in the church is to “equip believers for
works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Ephesians 4:12). We need
each other to grow and mature, and we must grow and mature if we are to be the salt and
light of the world that Jesus’ describes in Matthew 5. The leadership of the church must be
about making disciples and helping those disciples authentically live out their faith where
they live, work and play (a missional lifestyle).

I place high importance on ministering to families. My wife, Claire, and I have taught
numerous classes and workshops on biblical marriage and parenting. We have counseled
many couples and have seen God use us in helping to restore and refresh a number of
marriages that were in crisis. We have had many opportunities to share biblical insights
regarding parenting with moms and dads in a variety of contexts. I have led a number of
small groups for men and love to help guys grow towards becoming godly men.

I value creativity and willingly think outside the box when so led by God. I am very loyal
and faithful once I make a commitment to someone or something. I highly value
relationships and am diligent and quick to follow biblical principles for godly relationships
and expect those with whom I work to do the same. I strongly believe in a team approach
to ministry and highly value the diversity of the gifts, passions and strengths of each
member of the body of Christ. I place a great deal of emphasis on my own personal
development and self leadership, recognizing that I must continue to ask God and others to
show me where I need to grow.
Scott D. Oppliger
10089 Crosier Lane    • Cincinnati, Ohio 45242    •   513-253-7978    •

                              OTHER MINISTRY INVOLVEMENTS

Board of Trustees for Equipping Ministries, International. EMI is a non-profit ministry,
serving the entire body of Christ to be more effective in any relational situation. EMI has
equipped leaders in 70 countries who now train other nationals.

Adjunct professor, Mexicali (Mexico) Baptist Seminary. Developed and taught two seminary
classes. The students for these week-long classes were pastors in the Mexicali area.

Leader at Hope Evangelical Free Church. From 1990-2004, provided leadership at HEFC
while in full-time ministry with Campus Crusade. Organized and led small groups (high
school guys, couples, and men), served as a deacon and as an elder, led a neighborhood
evangelism program, and taught a mid-size community of young families with Claire.

                           PERSONAL AND FAMILY INFORMATION

Married to Claire.
Christy, married to Mike
Luke, married to Andrea
Jason, college student, Long Beach State


Dr. Tom Lipsey, Senior Pastor, Montgomery Community Church, Cincinnati • 513-489-0902

Paul Utnage, Executive Pastor, Montgomery Community Church, Cincinnati • 513-489-0992

Denis Beausejour, Senior Pastor of Mariemont Community Church, Cincinnati (former Global
Marketing Director for Procter and Gamble) • • 513-886-0264

Dr. Mark Snyder, former Elder Board chairman at Hope Evangelical Free Church, Cincinnati • 513-489-0104

Rev. Glen Schrieber, District Superintendent (Southeast), Evangelical Free Church of
America • • 904-270-2099

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Scott Oppliger Resume 2010

  • 1. Scott D. Oppliger 10089 Crosier Lane • Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 • 513-253-7978 • AREAS OF EXPERTISE PROFILE • Preaching and teaching A passionate, effective and experienced ministry leader who is a life-long student and a life-changing communicator of biblical • Spiritual formation truth. A relationship builder with exceptional emotional • Teambuilding and staff intelligence and people skills. Highly motivated to help people relations of all ages, cultures and backgrounds experience authentic spiritual growth and transformation through God’s Spirit. • Evangelism and outreach Gifted and trained in determining ministry philosophy, strategy • Small Groups and plan of action. Effective in communicating vision to others. • Equipping and training Repeated success in building, equipping and leading teams of people who really care about each other and are empowered • Strategic planning by the Holy Spirit for missional endeavors. • Discipleship Spiritual gifting in the areas of teaching, leading and serving. • Helping a church become Respected for uncompromising integrity, unwavering more missional character, a healthy marriage and a strong family, faithfulness, wisdom, strength, steadiness and loyalty. • Cross-cultural ministry • Mentoring and coaching PROFESSIONAL HISTORY • Pastoral counseling • Spiritual disciplines Outreach and Small Groups Pastor February 2005 – January 2010 • Writing and curriculum Montgomery Community Church development (Employed by MCC through June 30th, 2010) • Marriage and parenting • Recovery ministry As a member of the Senior Staff team, provided leadership for the Missions and Adult Ministries of MCC. Areas of • Care ministry responsibility included: small groups, spiritual growth, equipping classes, discipleship, adult education, outreach, • Youth ministry evangelism, missions, care, assimilation, hospitality, • Men’s Ministry membership, recovery ministries, volunteer recruitment, leadership development, women’s ministry, marriage ministry and men’s ministry. EDUCATION Led a staff team of nine, including five direct reports (three University of Nebraska, BA, 1975 full-time directors/pastors, one part-time director, and one administrative assistant). Oversaw and supported these staff in Trinity Evangelical Divinity School understanding and fulfilling MCC’s vision in their areas of ministry. Master of Divinity, 1984 In addition, preached several times a year, taught numerous Trinity Evangelical Divinity School classes, groups and workshops, conducted funerals and Doctor of Ministry, 2006 weddings, and was directly involved with pastoral care.
  • 2. ` Scott D. Oppliger 10089 Crosier Lane • Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 • 513-253-7978 • As a member of the Senior Staff team, was involved with all major decisions at MCC. This included clarification and communication of the vision, mission and strategies of MCC, as well as the content of each preaching series, conducting a multi-site feasibility study, going through the annual budgeting process, determining staff policies, etc. As Outreach and Small Groups Pastor, gave oversight to a number of strategies and opportunities for growth, care and outreach at MCC. Key ministry areas that were planned, developed and implemented included: • MCC’s Groups Ministry. In 2009, MCC had over 150 groups (small groups, study groups and support groups) involving over 2900 people (compared to 126 groups and 1750 participants in 2008). Provided necessary leadership and training for small groups to be MCC’s core strategy for spiritual growth, care and outreach. . • Equipping classes and workshops. In the past two years, added new classes in financial stewardship, spiritual growth, evangelism, leadership development, relationship skills, foundations of the faith, parenting, marriage and Bible study. • MCC’s Recovery Ministry. Expanded from less than 100 involved in 2007 to more than 400 in 2009 (most from outside MCC). Includes Celebrate Recovery, DivorceCare, DivorceCare for Kids, GriefShare, Shoulder to Shoulder (men’s purity), Motherless Daughters, and The Third Option (marriage enrichment). • Outreach opportunities. This past year, hundreds of individuals and dozens of groups shared God’s love and message in practical and relevant ways to the families around MCC and in greater Cincinnati. Activities included tutoring, caring for the homeless, job training, prison mentoring, food pantries, and home repair. • Short-term mission trips. In 2009, over 120 people were sent from MCC to love, serve and share the Gospel with those beyond our borders (Nicaragua, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Mexico and China). • MCC’s Marriage Ministry. Includes study groups, a newly designed pre-marriage class, marriage conferences and marriage mentoring. • Yearly spiritual growth campaigns. Led overall integration of sermons, small groups, and daily devotionals. Wrote materials for group and individual study. • Becoming missional. Helping transition MCC from just having a mission focus (a church that gives a lot of money to mission endeavors) to being a missional church where each believer is challenged, equipped and sent out to be on mission in his or her home, neighborhood, city and world. • Evangelistic program (Alpha). Hundreds of participants attended during the past few years. The Lord has used this to draw many to himself. • Care Ministry. Refining and coordinating MCC’s overall care strategy that included training over 50 lay leaders who ministered to more than 1,000 people in 2009.
  • 3. Scott D. Oppliger 10089 Crosier Lane • Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 • 513-253-7978 • Campus Crusade for Christ, International 1978-2004 Church Resource Director 2002-2004 Answers for Life (a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ) Cincinnati, Ohio Answers for Life was a ministry partnership between Campus Crusade for Christ and Dr. Henry Cloud. As Church Resource Director, equipped local churches to engage people in authentic spiritual growth connected to real-life contexts through small groups. • Led a team to write and produce an innovative small group curriculum (The Great Adventure) for integrating personal, emotional, relational and spiritual growth. Centered on God’s Word, this curriculum used principles from Drs. Cloud and Townsend as a framework for helping people grow in a group context. • Designed a day-long small group leaders’ workshop and personally trained several hundred small group leaders and pastors around the country. • Designed and led a major evangelistic outreach effort, in partnership with Hope Church (Cincinnati), utilizing marriage material for over 60 small groups in neighborhoods around Cincinnati. • Developed networking and collaborative relationships with a number of churches, including the small group leadership of Saddleback Community Church and Willow Creek Community Church (as well as the Willow Creek Association). Midwest Regional Director 1999-2002 Athletes in Action (a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ) Cincinnati, Ohio Responsible for leading and directing 40 full-time field staff in eight states whose primary ministry was evangelism and discipleship with collegiate and professional athletes. Led these staff in ministry planning and strategy, yearly performance reviews, personal development, ministry training and fund development. Associate National Director, Sports Teams 1992- 1999 Athletes in Action Cincinnati, Ohio Responsible for leading, managing, developing and training nine sport directors representing over 70 full-time staff and an operating budget of nearly $1,000,000. Leadership over the evangelistic outreaches of nine sports that together shared the Gospel with hundreds of thousands of people around the world each year in live presentations. As a part of the AIA National Team, helped develop and refine AIA's mission statement, purpose statement, values, objectives and strategies. Personally directed and led mission teams of competing college athletes to Mexico, Australia, Japan, Thailand, and Benin.
  • 4. Scott D. Oppliger 10089 Crosier Lane • Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 • 513-253-7978 • Associate National Director, Basketball 1990-1992 Athletes in Action Cincinnati, Ohio Leadership over the men's and women's basketball ministries of AIA. Instrumental in determining direction and plans for this facet of AIA that shared the Gospel with over 200,000 people in live presentations annually. Led a team of twenty full-time staff. Pro Ministry Director 1984-1990 Athletes in Action New York, New York Ministry to professional athletes in New York City. Responsible for establishing and carrying out a ministry of evangelism and discipleship among professional athletes in the NYC area. Small group Bible studies, evangelism, discipleship, teaching, counseling, speaking, planning and executing ministry programs. Extensive work with many pastors and churches in coordinated evangelistic outreaches and other ministry efforts. Campus Director 1978-1984 Campus Ministry Evanston, Illinois Campus Director for Campus Crusade for Christ at Northwestern University. Directed staff team of 8-12 and discipled, trained and led groups of student leaders on campus. Trained hundreds of students in evangelism, discipleship, leading groups and other facets of the campus ministry. Attended Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and received Master of Divinity degree. CORE VALUES AND MINISTRY PHILOSOPHY I am committed to the Christian life and ministry being a real expression of a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. I am passionate about building authentic community where significant growth in loving God and loving others is a reality. God’s Word, the Bible, is the basis for my life and my ministry. The Holy Spirit is my source of strength and guidance in my life and my ministry. I believe that my ministry is an outflow of my relationship with Jesus Christ. Ministry is primarily about God and how he chooses to work in and through us. Because God does choose to impact others through me, it is incumbent on me to be diligent in my ministry and to be faithful in becoming as useable as possible for Him (II Timothy 2: 15). I am fully committed to the Great Commission and believe God has called us, as the church, to speak the words of the Gospel and live out changed lives because of the Gospel to those around us and those around the world. I consistently look for better ways to reach out to those who don’t know Christ in a culturally relevant approach. Cross-cultural ministry has always been a passion. I have consistently built personal and ministry relationships with those of other cultures and backgrounds.
  • 5. Scott D. Oppliger 10089 Crosier Lane • Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 • 513-253-7978 • I highly value biblical community and the genuine living out of the “one another’s” of the New Testament. God has designed us as relational beings, in his image, and life really is better together. I am committed to always being involved with a small group where I can learn, share, love, grow, serve, be vulnerable, etc. Claire and I lead a small group with three other couples and I also lead a men’s small group focused on learning how to be the best dads we can be, with God’s help. I love to teach God’s Word and to challenge and encourage others to understand and then apply what has been revealed to us in the Scripture. I highly value spiritual growth and transformation. I believe that as God’s people, we are called to follow Jesus and become more and more like him throughout our lives. Jesus calls us to transformation, where we experience new levels of growth towards maturity. As we become like him, we impact the people around us as we truly become the light of the world Jesus calls us to be. As we become more like Jesus, we live, love and serve as Jesus would. This transformation does not take place by trying harder and only occurs with the initiative, constant direction and empowerment of God through his Holy Spirit. God has asked us to cooperate and be involved with his work within us. He has given us resources (his Word, his Spirit and his people) and processes (a variety of individual and corporate spiritual disciplines) as means to this transformation in our lives. I believe the key responsibility of pastoral leadership in the church is to “equip believers for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Ephesians 4:12). We need each other to grow and mature, and we must grow and mature if we are to be the salt and light of the world that Jesus’ describes in Matthew 5. The leadership of the church must be about making disciples and helping those disciples authentically live out their faith where they live, work and play (a missional lifestyle). I place high importance on ministering to families. My wife, Claire, and I have taught numerous classes and workshops on biblical marriage and parenting. We have counseled many couples and have seen God use us in helping to restore and refresh a number of marriages that were in crisis. We have had many opportunities to share biblical insights regarding parenting with moms and dads in a variety of contexts. I have led a number of small groups for men and love to help guys grow towards becoming godly men. I value creativity and willingly think outside the box when so led by God. I am very loyal and faithful once I make a commitment to someone or something. I highly value relationships and am diligent and quick to follow biblical principles for godly relationships and expect those with whom I work to do the same. I strongly believe in a team approach to ministry and highly value the diversity of the gifts, passions and strengths of each member of the body of Christ. I place a great deal of emphasis on my own personal development and self leadership, recognizing that I must continue to ask God and others to show me where I need to grow.
  • 6. Scott D. Oppliger 10089 Crosier Lane • Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 • 513-253-7978 • OTHER MINISTRY INVOLVEMENTS Board of Trustees for Equipping Ministries, International. EMI is a non-profit ministry, serving the entire body of Christ to be more effective in any relational situation. EMI has equipped leaders in 70 countries who now train other nationals. Adjunct professor, Mexicali (Mexico) Baptist Seminary. Developed and taught two seminary classes. The students for these week-long classes were pastors in the Mexicali area. Leader at Hope Evangelical Free Church. From 1990-2004, provided leadership at HEFC while in full-time ministry with Campus Crusade. Organized and led small groups (high school guys, couples, and men), served as a deacon and as an elder, led a neighborhood evangelism program, and taught a mid-size community of young families with Claire. PERSONAL AND FAMILY INFORMATION Married to Claire. Children: Christy, married to Mike Luke, married to Andrea Jason, college student, Long Beach State REFERENCES Dr. Tom Lipsey, Senior Pastor, Montgomery Community Church, Cincinnati • 513-489-0902 Paul Utnage, Executive Pastor, Montgomery Community Church, Cincinnati • 513-489-0992 Denis Beausejour, Senior Pastor of Mariemont Community Church, Cincinnati (former Global Marketing Director for Procter and Gamble) • • 513-886-0264 Dr. Mark Snyder, former Elder Board chairman at Hope Evangelical Free Church, Cincinnati • 513-489-0104 Rev. Glen Schrieber, District Superintendent (Southeast), Evangelical Free Church of America • • 904-270-2099