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Science Journal	
The Source of Information and Intelligence for Missouri Academy
November 2014
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Jee Haeng Yoo
Vice President
Lorden Hoff
Head Journalist
Caleb Brown
Head Editors
Seung Hyun Lee
HyunJun Kim
Je Yun Lee
First Year Executive
Gi Ahn Jung
Missouri Academy
of Science, Mathematics, and Computing
Katherine Burrows
Andrew Kaiser
JiHyun Kim
Min Soo Kim
SeoHyoung Moon
Chunzi Zhang
Claire Ames
EonHo Chang
Jinwoo Choi
Jisu Eo
Min Su Kim
Hyung Jun Lee
Yurim Lee
Seunghyun Nam
Jin Chul Rhim
Chae Won Ryu
Sang Weon Suh
Justin Turner
Jackson White
Jamie Wise
Science Journal Club
§General Health
- Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
- Convalescent Serum in the Treatment and Prevention of Disease
- Tension Headaches
- Effects of Tobacco and Liquor in Human Body
- Drinking During Meals
- EV-D68
- Importance of Sleep in Human Body
- Parisitic
- The Development and Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccines
- Venom vs. Poison
- Effect of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
- Effects of Perfectionism on Your Health
- The Impacts of Stress and Anxiety on the Human Body
- Happy Mind
- Human Emotion and Health
- How Dehydration Affects Human Body
- The Effect of Saturated Fat on Human Body
- GMO, Saviour or Sinner
- Dietary Strategies for Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes
- Causes and Effects of Obesity
- Eat and Stay Young
- All About Vitamin C
- Enzymes Can Resolve it All
- How to Use NSAID Drugs Safely
- Running: How Beneficial is Running to Your Health?
- Regenerative Kidney
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Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
Caleb Brown
	 Recently a major concern for the planet has been the threat of Ebola, less commonly known as Ebola
Hemorrhagic Fever. The entire world seems to be terrified of this disease, but only a few of those freaking out are
actually educated as to what the virus does. In this article, we will take a look at what Ebola is, what it does, and possible
treatments of it.
	 Ebola is a disease caused by one of five strains of the Ebola virus. Four of the strains cause symptoms in humans,
including: Ebola virus (Zaire ebolavirus), Sudan virus (Sudan ebolavirus), Tai Forest virus (Tai Forest ebolavirus), and
the Bundibugyo virus (Bundibugyo ebolavirus). The fifth strain, Reston ebolavirus, causes symptoms in non-human
. The virus typically causes symptoms within 2 to 21 days, giving a very large range for when the virus strikes
after infection.1
The virus is not contagious, however, until symptoms begin showing.
	 The virus itself may have no cure and is considered one of the most dangerous viruses in the world, but the virus
itself is not what causes patients to die. The virus is the indirect killer in this situation. In all reality, the true killer is the
body’s immune system. When a patient’s body recognizes that the Ebola virus is present, it begins a cytokine storm, in
which the brain sends a signal to every cell and tells it to use every single autoimmune response available, hoping to
defeat the virus. The process eradicates a large percentage of the virus, but the repercussions are severe. The cytokine
storm results in the destruction of blood vessel and a large release of nitric oxide throughout the body. The result of
these two effects amounts to the leaking of blood and plasma from the patients’ arteries, veins, and capillaries, along with
lower blood pressure and thinning the blood cells, resulting in a greater flow of blood and plasma through the walls. The
massive flow of blood and plasma in the body does not cause death by blood loss, but by septic shock.3
The body cannot
handle the toxicity caused by the large amount of blood in parts of the body where it does not belong.
	 The fear of Ebola is very justified, but it is also for the wrong reasons. As the outbreak continues to spread,
doctors will rampantly try to find a way to subdue the side-effects caused by the immune system in response to the virus’
About Ebola Virus Disease. (2014, September 18). Retrieved October 3, 2014.
Ebola: Experimental drugs and vaccines. (2014, November 13). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from	
Doucleff, M. (2014, August 26). How Ebola Kills You: It's Not The Virus. Retrieved October 3, 2014.
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Convalescent Serum in the Treatment and Prevention of Disease:
A Hope in the Face of the Ebola Pandemic
	 In a perfect world, when a pathogen enters the body, an immune response is triggered, and the body
rids itself of the invader. Afterwards, the body remembers how it dealt with the pathogen by producing
immunoglobulins. These immunoglobulins continue to circulate even after the initial infection has passed and
ensure that the person never becomes “ill” because of that pathogen again. Anyone in this state is known as
a convalescent, and their serum, the liquid component of blood excluding the red blood cells, can actually be
useful in helping those who do not overcome an illness on their own by giving them the antibodies that their
immune system hasn’t or can’t produce.
	 The idea of transferring the blood of a recovered patient to a still-struggling patient is not a new one.
In fact, popular studies on vaccinating against mumps in the early thirties tested the use of convalescent serum
in young boys as a method of avoiding the disease entirely, and results proved positive.1
New relevance has
been found in a fairly major area, though: the Ebola outbreak in Africa. Because of the high death toll -- the
WHO reports a total of 70.8% of definitive cases ending in death in this outbreak alone -- as well as the fact
that successful treatment for Ebola has not been found, the current pandemic has the medical community in a
frenzy over finding a way to mitigate fallout of the disease, and convalescent serum appears to offer one of the
best chances at accomplishing that task.
	 The most famous clinical record of the successful care for Ebola hemorrhagic fever using the blood
of Ebola patients was documented in the mid-nineties, during the last major outbreak in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo. In the study, eight patients were given blood and cared for, of which only one patient
Though the test group was small, the 12.5% death rate presented was a significant decrease from the
average of 80% seen throughout the case as a whole, and other instances of success followed to bolster its
appeal. Due to this, when missionary Dr. Richard Sacra contracted Ebola and was transported back to the US,
one of the three therapies used to help him fend off the disease was the serum of another American citizen who
had already survived Ebola, the help of which may have ensured Sacra’s survival of the disease.3
when determining what therapies should be considered in the face of an unprecedented outbreak, convalescent
serum was one of the most closely considered by the WHO, and in the near future the organization is expected
to publish interim guidelines for the implementation of the therapy in quarantined and pandemic-stricken
Zeligs, M. (1932). Convalescent serum in the prevention of mumps. The Journal of Pediatrics, 727-728.
Mupapa, K., Massamba, M., Kibadi, K., Kuvula, K., Bwaka, A., Kipasa, M., . . . Muyembe-Tamfum, J. J. (1999). Treatment of Ebola 	
Hemorrhagic Fever with Blood Transfusions from Convalescent Patients. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 18-23.
Mahoney, G. (2014, September 11). US Ebola Patient Gets Serum From Recovered Victim to Fight Virus. ABC News.
World Health Organization. (2014, September 26). Experimental therapies: growing interest in the use of whole blood or plasma 	
from recovered Ebola patients (convalescent therapies). Retrieved from World Health Oraganization Web site:	
Katherine Burrows
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Tension Headaches
Andrew Kaiser
	 Headaches are a significant issue for millions of Americans, but many people do not understand the
causes or effects of the headaches they have. There have been plenty of studies done on the underlying causes
of headaches, some of which are important for understanding the truth behind headaches.
	 The International Headache Society released a new classification system of headaches in 2005, giving
health care professionals a simpler way of diagnosing the pains. According to this new classification system,
there are three main kinds of headaches: primary, which includes tension headaches, migraines, and cluster
headaches; secondary, which include post-concussive headaches, sinus infections, and diseases such as
meningitis; and cranial neuralgia with facial pain. Because they are more common than others, the main focus
of this article will be on tension headaches.1
	 1 in 20 Americans suffer from tension headaches daily. Tension headaches often start from the back of
the head and move forward. Recently, researchers have proposed that tension headaches may be caused by a
shift in the levels of neurotransmitters, chemicals used by the brain to transfer electrical impulses. Factors that
may trigger a change in neurotransmitter levels include: stress or anxiety, holding your head in one position for
extended periods of time, fatigue or overexertion, skipping meals, or clenched jaw or grinding teeth.2
	 Whatever the reason, there are certain risk factors that everyone should look out for that increase the
possibilities of tension headaches. While these are not definite signs that the pain is coming from tension
headaches, the following is a good list of factors that may increase your risk for tension aches: gender (females
are more likely to have tension headaches), stress, skipping meals, too much or too little sleep.2
	 With so many potential causes of these headaches, it has been very hard for research scientists to
pinpoint the most effective way to treat them. Because of the wide reach tension headaches have on the
population, there is extensive research being conducted on these headaches and how they can be treated. There
are, however, some fairly effective lifestyle changes that can help reduce and even prevent tension headaches.
These are simple changes that can significantly benefit the public. These small changes are as follows: getting
adequate and regular sleep, eating healthily – avoid foods such as chocolate, monosodium glutamate (MSG's),
dairy products, fermented foods and drinks, and caffeine, exercising regularly, and refraining from smoking.2
	 As you can see, there are many causes of tension headaches, but there are also many ways that anyone
can go about reducing the effect tension aches inflict on them.
Wedro, B. Headache: Get the facts on headaches and their types. (2014, July 15). In MedicineNet. Retrieved October 2, 2014
Tension headache (2013, May 7). In University of Maryland Medical Center. Retrieved October 2, 2014
Effects of Tobacco and Liquor in Human Body
	 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are more than 7000 chemicals
in one cigarette. Among those 7000 chemicals, 100 of them are known to be toxic, and about 70 are found
to be causing cancer. The chemicals in cigarettes were initially used to make pipes, steel, paint, and chemical
weapons. One of the most well-known and dangerous substances in cigarettes is nicotine. Even though
smokers already know about the negative results of smoking, nicotine constantly triggers their desire for more
and more nicotine. Also, when smokers stop taking nicotine for some time, nicotine causes an addiction
phenomenon called withdrawal. The symptoms of withdrawal include stress, anxiety, and insomnia.2
	 Now, alcohol has also been a problem for a long time. Alcohol does not seem to be as harmful to the
human body as tobacco, but alcohol has different effects on specific parts of our body. First of all, alcohol
affects our brains, making it harder for us to think clearly and rationally. This is the reason that we find drunk
drivers, who cannot make coherent decisions, causing many of the major car accidents. Secondly, alcohol
damages our heart. High blood pressure is one of the symptoms of frequent alcohol use and can often lead to
strokes, which take many people’s lives. Lastly, high usage of alcohol endangers the immune system and raises
the risk of cancer in many parts of our body – the mouth, the esophagus, the throat, the liver, and the breasts.3
	 Clearly, there are many negative effects of tobacco and alcohol. According to scientific research, it is
best to not start at all, since quitting is the hardest part. For smokers and drinkers, talking to a specialist or
physician about quitting is one way to majorly improve health.
Excellent Tobacco And Liquor Store In Northwest Texas For Sale. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from http://secure.
Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking. (2014, February 6). Retrieved November 19, 2014, from
Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking. (2014, February 6). Retrieved November 19, 2014, from
HyunJun Kim
	 According to a survey, two of the most common New Year
resolutions are to quit smoking and drinking. It is easy to set such
goals, but it is painful and almost impossible to accomplish them.
Some people take this failure to keep these New Year resolutions as
their lack of diligence. However, it is somewhat understandable after
learning about the chemical and biological effects of alcohol and
tobacco that eventually lead to addiction. This article will explore how
chemicals in tobacco and alcohol produce these effects on human
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Min Soo Kim
	 As soon as the school year started, Enterovirus D68, also known as EV-D68, has driven the US into
a tense situation, infecting children across the nation. It has now hit around 400 children in exactly 42 states
without a distinct cure for this virus. On October 2, 2014, according to, the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention found out that four people had died from Enterovirus D68, including a girl
named Emily Otrando, who died of a second infection.1
Doctors are overwhelmed, still trying to figure out
how Enterovirus assists in people’s death.
	 The symptoms for Enterovirus include coughing, high fever, shivers, and dyspnea (difficult breathing).
However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has suggested a new theory that EV-D68 could later
develop neurological disorders, including paralysis and muscle ache, because the virus constantly mutates
itself. An investigation of nine children, who visited a hospital in Colorado for Enterovirus D68 since this
August, supports such a claim. They stated that the central nervous system, which affects the spinal cord, could
have been injured by EV-D68, eventually leading to paralysis. However, solutions for this frightful disease are
yet to be found.2
	 In fact, Enterovirus D68 is not new – it had been discovered in the 1960s. However, the virus was so
rare back then that doctors did not pay much attention. This year, the rapid infection among children in 42
states has shed new light on Enterovirus D68.
	 Noticing that Missouri was one of the two states spotted with EV-D68, doctors are emphasizing that
prevention of this virus will do more good than harm since there is no cure for it yet. Doctors recommended
that they wash their hands for more than 20 seconds with soap and not touch their eyes and mouths with
hands. In addition, even if the symptom is temporary or small, it is preferable to go to the hospital immediately
and get medical care as soon as possible.4
Shin, B. (2014, October 10). 4 People died from Respiratory Virus. Retrieved October 23, 2014,	 from
Dalrymple, J., II. (2014, October 2). Mysterious Respiratory Virus Spreading Across U.S. Linked To Four Deaths. Retrieved October 	
23, 2014, from
UPDATED: EnteroVirus 68 ED-V68 Alternative Prevention Essential Oils, Herbs and Homeopath. (2014, September 12). Retrieved 	
November 24, 2014, from
Sheridan, K. (2014, September 30). Rare respiratory virus, paralysis spreads among US kids. Retrieved October 23, 2014, from
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Drinking During Meals
Jinwoo Choi
	 When I first came to the USA, one of the culture shocks was the free refills at restaurants. I still remember the
days backs in Korea where I had to save some of my drinks to finish my meal without thirst. I do not have to worry about
that anymore since I can get my drinks refill unlimitedlyunlimited drink refills in the Union. Since then, drinking a lot of
soda during the meal became my habit since it is free.
Yet, just because it seems so natural, it doesn’t necessarily mean that drinking while eating is a good habit. Obviously,
it helps us swallow food more easilyeasier and intensify the flavors. However, drinking while eating food has negative
effects on our health.
	 Before talking about drinking while eating, drinking sodas and juices itself has disadvantages as they have high
calories. Although it varies depending on each individual’s weight, height, and level of activeness, the optimum amount
of calories consumed per day for teenagers around our age is around 2000 to 2500. Drinking sodas can take up to about
one fifth of this amount. Suppose someone drinks one can of Pepsi during each meal;, a can has 150 calories and with a
bigger cup in the Union, the number gets even bigger.1
Hence, by only eating normal meals and drinking several cups of
soda a day, the adequate amount can be exceeded.
	 In addition, there are many other negative effects of sodas and juices, such as its correlation to teeth
cavitycavities. Yet, what many people do not realize is the effect of drinking any liquid during meals on digestion.
Digestion involves various chemical reactions that are catalyzed by enzymes. When we chew, for instance, saliva breaks
down food with an enzyme called amylase which digests carbohydrates. Next, food molecules go down into our stomach
and are broken down further by many types of enzymes and stomach acids. During this process, liquids can be harmful.
First, additional liquids other than the enzymes and stomach acids needed for digestion make the concentration of
enzymes and acids lower, thus slowing down the rate of breaking down food molecules. In some cases, before even
digesting any food molecules, some enzymes can by washed away by the liquid that one takes in during the meal.
Furthermore, since most enzymes are proteins, they are affected by temperature and pH. Cold drinks that we consume
can decrease the activity of digestive enzymes. Consequently, this diluted, inactive digestive system will not allow our
bodies to effectively absorb the necessary nutrients. In addition, many sodas are acids; therefore, they changes ourthe pH
in theour stomach, which can interrupt enzyme functions.23
	 Although there are debates going on about whether these negative effects are significant, it seems to be a good
habit to avoid drinking during meals. Chewing itself is sufficient. However, it is not easy to avoid the temptation of
drinks. When drinking while eating, at least try to obtaining warm drinks so that the drinks are closer to our body
temperature. If giving up soda with ice in the student Union is just too hard, drinking less would be a good alternative.
	 Is drinking while eating a good thing? No, one should try not to drink during the meal; it will be a hard decision
since temptation to drink has always been a habit. Regardless of this danger, I will still drink soda for my meal. This
question always remains as a mystery. Which drink should I pick for lunch? I wish I can ask the cafeteria for a “random”
option on the drinks machine.
Calories in Pepsi. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2014.
Martino, Joe. "Is Drinking Water While Eating Good For You?" CollectiveEvolution RSS. Collective Evolution, 2 July 2013. Web. 24 	
Oct. 2014.
Babe, F. (2012, February 19). Be Unconventional - Stop Drinking with Your Meals - Food Babe. Retrieved October 24, 2014.
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Importance of Sleep in Human Body
	 Everyone needs sleep in their lives. There is a reason why we feel tired and exhausted without sleep. It
is meant to be essential to human health and body. In order to be lively and energetic throughout the day, you
need enough amount of sleep the day before. It is like recharging your battery and without fully recharging it
you can’t function properly and effectively. Sleep plays various important roles in the life such as repairing your
bodily functions and helping you to remember things better. Sleep deprivation can lead to health issues such as
diabetes and growth issues.
	 Sleep is responsible for replenishing your body after a long day. It relaxes your body and recharges the
body and prepares it for the next day. With a good amount of sleep every day, it helps the body to be more
immune and restores vessels in the body such as heart and blood vessels, which are responsible for keeping
your body healthy and constantly providing blood regulation. Sleep also improves one’s ability to remember
things for a longer duration of time and increase learning ability. During deep sleep, your brain organizes the
new data that has entered into one’s brain and makes it easier for the brain to recall data more quickly and
easily. Access of the data recorded in the brain is easier through having a deep sleep after learning.
	 Lack of sleep can cause many health issues. While the body is sleeping, hormones are important for
the growth and development of the body. When adolescents who still are capable of growth lack sleep, their
bodies can’t grow to their full potential. Sleeping is essential and responsible for the right amount for certain
types of hormones to be released inside the body. Sleep deprivation can cause diabetes and obesity. Diabetes is
caused by high levels of blood sugar or blood glucose. Without enough sleep, the hormones which moderate
one’s blood glucose level (insulin) fails to effectively function, increasing the levels of sugar in the blood.
This increases the risk of diabetes in the body. Furthermore, sleep is responsible for balancing two types of
hormones in the body which make one feel hungry and full. However, when there isn’t enough sleep, the
hormone level that makes one feel full decreases and one feels hungrier as they stay up later. One eats more
than usual and this can lead to obesity. As the amount of times staying up late increases, one feels hungrier as
the days pass and they will eat more than they used to.1
	 This is why sleep is important to our body, because it helps many beneficial things to happen and
without sleep, there can be issues which are detrimental to one’s health.
Why Is Sleep Important? (2012, February 22). Retrieved October 2, 2014, from
Hyoung Jun Lee
Jin Chul Rhim
	 Disgusting is one of the common perceptions of parasites. Even scientists despise those small, malicious creatures
degenerated from once prospective, self-sustaining eukaryotes. Some scientists did not even believe that God had created
those blood-sucking creatures that make hosts suffer in inhumane ways. Humans had been hosts of parasites as other animals
were. During the history of civilization, parasites survived and evolved in the human body. Because civilization was based on
dense population, it became the perfect target of parasites. A fossil record shows that parasites have been living in the human
body for more than 30,000 years: Otzi the Alps iceman, mummified 5,300 years ago by cold Alps weather, had whipworm,
an intestinal parasite in his body. Before the development of medications, almost every person had at least 10 to 20 kinds of
parasites in their body.1
The glorious history of parasites met fiasco when technology and public health improved. The development of anti-
parasite medicine in the 19th century almost ended their long history of coexistence with humans. Various effective
medications removed parasites from our body, and in most well-developed nations, these creatures were almost extinct.
An anti-parasite campaign during those periods was based on simple and obvious assumptions that parasites are ‘bad’; it
seemed obvious that those little creatures are undermining our health and causing troubles. For decades, because of the lack
of technology, parasitologists could only observe the dead specimen of parasites. Therefore, parasitologists speculated that
parasites are only harmful to the immune system since there was no such technique to observe living parasites’ movement in
intestines or bloodstreams and analyze the chemicals they synthesized.
	 However, ample information about the human immune system and improvements in understanding of microscopic
organisms led to a new perspective on those small creatures bathing in our bloodstream and intestine. The new research
found out that an extremely small number of parasites that lived in the human body actually ‘relieve’ allergy, asthma,
coughing, and multiple other diseases caused by a hyperactive immune system attacking our own body cells. These
astonishing new results of research can be explained by the long history of coexistence between humans and parasites.
	 Evolutions taken place during the long history of parasitism has made both parasites and hosts’ immune system to
adapt to each other: parasites only absorb what they need, and human immune system does not attack those parasites, which
will only cause more troubles. The result of these almost symbiotic relationships is a balanced immune system that would
not attack intestine and parasites. Chemicals made by parasites diminished the aggressiveness of immune cells; softened
hostility of immune reaction, and benefitted the human body. Whether the coexistence was optional or not, the new drugs
disturbed the equilibrium between host body and parasites. Parasites were releasing relaxant that would slowly alleviate the
overactive immune cells; even medical technology today cannot mimic the chemicals they infuse in our body. Without its
long term comrade, the human immune system soon becomes hyperactive again, looking for targets to attack. However,
since there is nothing to attack, it starts attacking our own body. Those kinds of diseases caused by an over-excited immune
system are what people nowadays suffer from. The well-developed western hemisphere, where parasites are almost extinct,
the population suffering from diseases caused by hyperactive immune systems is constantly increasing. Digestion problems,
multiple sclerosis, and Crohn’s disease are common symptoms of an unbalanced immune system.
In order to restore the equilibrium state, doctors had subscribed 2500 pig whipworm eggs for 3 weeks to patients who
are suffering from Crohn’s disease, caused by an overactive immune system in intestine. The effect was amazing – almost 85%
of patients was cured of this painful digestive disease with red, aching intestines after 8 months.1
Now, multi-disciplinary
researchers are called together to utilize parasitology in the medical field for new generation diseases caused by our own body
system. Some scientists are even researching about a parasite diet that would be helpful for losing weight. Theoretically, it
is possible because intestine parasites absorb nutrition in intestines, which may prevent obesity without harming our body.
However, the diet is hard to realize since parasites only eat a small amount of food, compared to what humans eat. Parasites,
with these newly discovered facts, can finally take off their notorious reputation.
Zimmer, Carl. Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures. New York: Free, 2000. Print.
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The Development and Effectiveness of Influenza
	 Each fall, many people go to their local hospitals, clinics or pharmacies to receive their yearly flu shot— but
many do not. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), only about 42% of Americans got the seasonal
influenza vaccine last year.1
Many of those who opt out question the overall effectiveness of the vaccine.
	 The influenza virus is challenging to vaccinate against due to its dynamic and mutative qualities.2
In some cases,
such as spring 2009, novel viruses, like influenza A (H1N1), can cause widespread pandemics. On average, it takes 5-6
months for a new vaccine to be derived for a pandemic virus. World Health Organization (WHO) labs begin the process
with hybridizing the virus strains in chicken eggs. The strains move to manufacturers, where they are purified into
antigens that are active ingredients in the vaccine after passing the verification that the vaccine strain is a match for the
occurring virus. Following extensive quality control and clinical trials, the vaccine is released to the public.3
	 Professionals attend conferences set to project which influenza strains should be included in the upcoming
winter’s vaccine. The final decision is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) during the spring of
each year. This year, H1N1 is included in the seasonal vaccine, along with influenza A (H3N2) and different B strains.4
	 Of the three types of influenza viruses, influenza A is likely the most well-known. The nomenclature of
influenza A virus is defined by the types of glycoproteins on the outer membrane of the virus: hemagglutinin (H) and
neuraminidase (N). Additionally, flu viruses can be identified by their host of origin, such as swine, equine, or bird.5
	 Influenza vaccines work like many others by strengthening the immune system against the active virus by
inducing the production of antibodies before infection. However, this imitation infection can result in minor flu-like
symptoms as the body adjusts.2
It causes many to hesitate, fearing that being injected with a form of the virus will only
make them contract it—it is, admittedly, a risk.
	 However, the CDC still highly recommends vaccination, especially for children, the elderly and those with
chronic illness.6
Last flu season, 105 pediatric deaths due to influenza were reported in the United States—90% had not
been vaccinated against the virus.7
	 Due to the seriousness of these cases, researchers evaluate the efficacy of seasonal influenza vaccines based on
both randomized and observational studies. They compare the recipients of the vaccine to those who did not receive it or
were given a placebo based on whether or not they contracted the illness each year.6
The CDC published their estimate
that the vaccine for 2013-2014 was 61% effective for all age groups.8
Overall, the effectiveness of each vaccine depends
on the individual health of each recipient and the closeness that the vaccine matches the actual viruses circulating during
the flu season.6
This ongoing challenge to create a fully effective vaccine continues in future medical research.
Jaslow, R. (2012, September 27). Officials urge flu vaccine for unpredictable 2012-2013 season. Retrieved November 8, 2014, from http://www.
Vaccine Development. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2014, from
Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Manufacturing Process and Timeline. (2009, August 6). Retrieved October 1, 2014 from
Selecting the Viruses in the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine. (2014, September 22). Retrieved October 1, 2014 from
Types of Influenza Viruses. (2014, August 19). Retrieved October 1, 2014, from
Vaccine Effectiveness—How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work? (2014, May 1). Retrieved October 1, 2014 from
Jaslow, R. (2012, September 27). Officials urge flu vaccine for unpredictable 2012-2013 season. Retrieved November 8, 2014, from http://www.
Influenza Season. (2014, August 26). Retrieved October 1, 2014 from
Jamie Wise
Venom vs. Poison
Caleb Brown
	 In the eyes of humans, one fear that is overtly prevalent is the fear of snakes, spiders, and creatures of toxic
association in general. Many of these fears are rooted in the misguided opinion that the animals are poisonous, when in
all reality a much more frightful and gruesome term can be used to label them – venomous. In this article, the differences
between venom and poison will be addressed, along with the different types of venom.
	 The main difference between a general poison and a venom is that venom is only from specialized glands within
animals and is injected to the blood stream in some way,2
whereas a poison is any toxic substance that can harm the
body in small doses. Poisons can come from anything – from berries and other plants, to chemicals, food, and, of course,
chemicals produced by animals.3
Along with the distinction from other poisons, there are differences between the
different types of venom.
	 There are four common types of venom in nature: hemotoxins, neurotoxins, cytotoxins, and myotoxins.
Hemotoxic venoms are venoms that attack hemoglobin, or blood cells. The damaging of blood cells causes significant
tissue damages and can also result in organ failure, if the venom reaches or enters near the person’s vital areas. Neurotoxic
venoms attack the nervous system, causing paralysis and other frightening permanent damages, including asphyxia
(deprivation of oxygen), resulting in death.4
Cytotoxic venom is the most threatening because it attacks cells in general.
Any and all cells are vulnerable to this potent substance, and infection with the cytotoxic venom can result in massive
internal bleeding, organ swelling, and organ failure. Myotoxic venoms forces muscle systems to shut down, resulting in
paralysis and eventually permanent muscle and kidney damage. Myotoxic venom helps the predator eat its prey in peace
without the fear of it escaping.
	 Toxins produced by animals are generally mislabeled and misunderstood. A greater respect can be developed for
these animals with a greater understanding of their potentials.
Heininger, C. (2008, February 5). NJ doctors tap snake venom to treat stroke patients. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from http://
Poison. (n.d.) Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. (2007). Retrieved October 1 2014 from http://medical-
Venom. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2014, from
Venom Types. (2014, January 1). Retrieved October 2, 2014 from
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Effect of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
	 Hormones are substances produced from cells in our body to affect a target cell. They are produced in small
amounts and run through our blood streams to manage our body system. Hormones stimulate the growth of cells and
organs, control blood pressure and heart rate, and carry out many more functions throughout the human body.
	 Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that disrupt the hormone system of mammals. They are also known
as environmental hormones because they are formed outside of the body and get absorbed by an outer source. The
chemicals that are released to the environment by industrial activity function as hormones when they enter our bodies.
Some inhibit the reaction of hormones, while some strengthen them. Others significantly affect growth and body
functions even in miniscule doses. There is no identified research that directly supports the detrimental effects of the
endocrine hormones; however, most results tend to sway towards the harmful side.
	 Currently, there are 67 known endocrine disruptors. BPA, Dioxin, Atrazine, Phthalates, Perchlorate, Lead, and
Arsenic are some of the serious, disrupting chemicals. Plastics contain BPA that functions as estrogen when they enter
our bodies. It can cause breast cancer, obesity, early puberty, and heart disease. Dioxin affects the reproductive ability of
mammals and can build up in years, affecting the immune system or causing cancer. Atrazine shows similar carcinogenic
effects and disrupts puberty. Phthalates stimulate a part of a cell, causing them to die earlier. In short, disruptors in
general change hormones, affect reproductive abilities, or cause obesity or cancer. These effects have made endocrine
disruptive chemicals an issue because of the risks they can impose on human bodies.1
	 There has been a lot of experiments related to the effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on animals. For
mammals, the case of Baltic gray seals and Dutch harbor seals has provided insight. Because of PBC (Primary Biliary
Cirrhosis) contained in their food chain, reproduction and immune functions of the seals were disabled. Population
declined, and the mortality rate increased due to morbillivirus infections. In the United Kingdom, estrogenic effects
demonstrated in estuaries and other marine environments showed that the fish population had endocrine disruption.2
	 Although the experiments do not fully support the harmful effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals, the
experiments surely imply the risk it can have on organisms. If left alone, this issue will become a global problem. The rate
of chemicals in animals has increased compared to the past, and the number of cases of premature puberty is increasing.
For a preventive measure, it is recommended that people avoid using materials that may include endocrine disruptors,
such as Styrofoam and plastics, in ways that the materials can be absorbed to the human body.
Dirty Dozen List of Endocrine Disruptors (28 October 2013). Retrieved from
Safe, Stephen H. (June 2000). Endocrine Disruptors and Human Health-Is There a Problem? An Update. Environmental Health
Perspectives, 108(6), p487-493. Retrieved from
JiHyun Kim
The Effects of Perfectionism on Well-Being
Claire Ames
	 Perfectionism is a disorder that can be detrimental to one’s well-being. A perfectionist always strives
for perfection and sets unrealistic goals, which can only be attained by superiority. This disorder can have
a profound effect on the mental and physical health of an individual. Perfectionism is known to cause high
stress levels, as well as severe anxiety and depression. Individuals with this disorder suffer from the fear of
failure and making mistakes. When they make mistakes, such individuals are struck with a feeling of intense
distress. Those who suffer from perfectionism are found to have higher risks of developing such issues as eating
disorders and anxiety disorders. Perfectionists also have a higher death rate because of the constant amounts of
high stress placed on the body1
	 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be related to perfectionism. Individuals may continuously
revise or rewrite work, seek reassurance from others, or procrastinate tasks due to the need to have things done
. OCD can be an outlet for anxiety.
	 Perfectionism has an effect on an individual’s social life as well. Fear of rejection can prevent individuals
from interacting with others2
. Many perfectionists resist trying new activities for fear of error. Although it is
accepted for an individual to make mistakes when trying a new activity, perfectionists feel the need to perform
flawlessly on their first try. They believe that they are constantly judged by others, which can cause them to stay
distant from their peers. This distance and constant self-criticism can eventually evolve into depression3.
	 However, perfectionism is not always a negative thing. In fact, it can sometimes be helpful to one’s
health. For example, a person who has type 2 diabetes and perfectionism often strictly adheres to the dietary
rules and religiously checks their blood sugar levels1
. Studies show that such individuals have a lower risk
of death than those without the disorder. People with perfectionism are less likely to participate in high
risk behaviors, such as smoking or drugs2
. Individuals with this disorder set high standards and goals for
themselves, which is one of the positive sides to perfectionism. It is the inability to adapt and learn from errors
that makes this disorder so detrimental.
	 Perfectionism is a grueling battle. The constant need to be perfect can cause an overbearing strain on
your health. Perfectionists often have little time to care for themselves because they spend all of their time
striving for perfection. On the other hand, this disorder can improve your health by decreasing participation
in risky behaviors. There are two sides of perfectionism, and often times the dark side outweighs the benefits of
the disorder.
Rettner, R. (2010, July 11). The Dark Side of Perfectionism Revealed. Retrieved September 30, 2014.
Smith, A. (2013, July 25). Why Being a Perfectionist Can Make You Depressed. Retrieved October 2, 2014.
You Are Not Alone. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2014, from
Marano, H. (2008, March 1). Pitfalls of Perfectionism. Retrieved September 30, 2014.
16 17
The Impacts of Stress on the Human Immune System
	 Stress is a reaction to a stimulus that causes a disturbance to our physical or mental equilibrium. Stress
causes a physiological response called the general adaptation syndrome, sometimes referred to as the “fight
or flight” response. This response causes the body to divert its blood flow to large muscles and away from the
digestive system and organs that do not assist in either fleeing from danger or fighting.1
Although modern
stressors usually do not require spontaneous physical activity, psychological stressors are still capable of causing
physical reactions. Stress is attributed to numerous physical disorders including immune system disturbances.
Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, led a team of researchers to study the
impacts of chronic psychological stress in relation to the body’s ability to regulate the inflammatory response.
Cohen’s research found that the effects of psychological stress promote the development and progression of
	 A hormone called cortisol is responsible in part for the regulation of inflammation. When the body is
stressed, the brain signals the adrenal cortex to produce cortisol. However, prolonged stress alters the efficiency
of cortisol to adjust inflammatory response as the response reduces tissue sensitivity to the hormone. When
cortisol is restricted from serving its purpose, inflammation becomes uncontrolled. Immune cells become
insensitive to cortisol, and in turn causes unregulated inflammation to promote the progression of disease.2
	 Cohen’s research experiment necessitated 394 healthy subjects to be given nasal drops containing one
of five pre-chosen respiratory viruses, including rhinovirus type 2, 9, and 14, respiratory syncytial virus, and
coronavirus type 229E. A separate 26 subjects were given saline nasal drops to be used as the control group.
The subjects were then put in quarantine for five days and were monitored to observe the development of
infection and symptoms of disease. The more stress people reported, the more the subject’s probability of
infection increased. The rates of both respiratory infection and clinical colds increased with the increase of
psychological stress.3
These results support Cohen’s finding that prolonged stress is associated with a cell’s
inability to respond to hormonal signals responsible for the regulation of inflammation, most importantly
being cortisol.
	 A person’s reaction to environmental stressors is best characterized by the “fight or flight” response,
in which the body prepares itself to either run from danger or fight. This response triggers the redirection
of blood flow away from the immune system in order to transfer more blood to muscles and vital organs.
However, modern stressors are now more likely to be psychological stress. Although psychological stress
does not require an immediate physical response from the body, it has profound and negative impacts on the
human body. Prolonged stress weakens the immune system’s ability to combat disease and infection, causing
widespread damage to the body.
"Stress (medicine)." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2014.
Cohen, S. "Psychological Stress and Susceptibility to the Common Cold. "National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S.
National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2014. <>.
Segerstrom, Suzanne C. "Psycological Stress and the Human Immune System." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S.
National Library of Medicine, 23 Dec. 0005. Web. 30 Sept. 2014. <>.
Lorden Hoff
Happy Mind
Jackson White
	 People every day attempt to lead healthy lives by eating right and exercising. These are no doubt the
silver bullet when it comes to being healthier, but not everyone takes their mental health into consideration.
The mind can have a tremendous impact on the well-being of the body it inhabits, positive or negative. Take
the placebo effect for example, which is the effect a belief can have on your health. In some cases, if a person is
convinced a treatment will work, their body may respond as expected, despite the legitimacy of the treatment.
The exact reasons and mechanisms for this effect are still being researched, but it’s a powerful example for the
kind of power the mind has over the body.
	 Like proper diet and physical activity, having a positive mindset can drastically effect an individual’s
physical health, not to mention their overall mental health. A positive mindset means approaching problems
and everyday life with the confidence that things will turn out well. Expecting the best from a situation,
happily engaging in new activities, and creating happy relationships are all traits of a positive person. People
who maintain a positive mindset experience lower rates of depression and anxiety, a healthier immune system,
reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, a longer lifespan, and improved mental fortitude during times of stress
or hardship.1
	 The explanation behind this phenomenon traces back to the stress most people go through in their
lives. According to Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, people under
psychological stress are at increased risk to contract the cold and other illnesses.3
Stress has a larger impact on a
person’s physical health than most people realize, and can severely affect their way of life. To put it another way,
the more positive a person is, the less stress they undergo, which causes the mind to put less physical stress
on the body. Another explanation as to why happy folks are healthier could simply be that jolly people have a
tendency to live more beneficial lifestyles. Whether these people are consciously improving themselves or it is
a product of their happiness, the result is the same. Being in good health requires work, but staying cheerful is
usually the easiest thing you can do to improve your body.
1 "
Stress Management." Positive Thinking: Reduce Stress by Eliminating Negative Self-talk. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Oct. 2014.
Dawson, D. (2013, April 10). Happy Minds. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from	 	
Cohen, Sheldon. "Result Filters." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 02 	
Oct. 2014.
<Image 12
18 19
Human Emotion and Heatlh
	 Recent studies in the field of science suggested some controversial issues of the relationship between
human emotions and health. Some neuroscientists and psychologists claim that one’s emotions are dependent
on one’s health. On the other hand, others claim that this is true vice versa; that one’s health depends on one’s
emotions. Although it is still a hotly debated topic, nowadays many scientists conclude that the two factors
have mutual influence. However, as the theme of this journal is “General Health,” the influence of human
emotions toward human body or health will be the main discussion of this article.
	 Negative emotions such as anger and fear may induce cardiovascular disease in our body. According to
Laura Kubzansky, PhD, MPH, a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health in Cambridge, Mass., people
with high anger levels have a higher possibility in getting a cardiovascular disease2
. Psychologically speaking,
anger activates the “fight or flight response” of our body, which results in secretion of stress hormones such
as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones speed up our heart rate and raise our blood pressure to give
tremendous energy for a short period of time. If this sequence happens continuously, our body will be in a
state of tension for a long time and it causes a negative effect on one’s heart. The “wear and tear” of our heart
might lead to a serious cardiovascular disease as well as other physiological diseases.
	 There are not as many studies and results of the relationship between positive emotions and health
as that of the relationship between negative emotions and health. Still, some data shows that good feelings
such as happiness and optimism are closely linked with the well-being of individuals3
. Also, various keys to
happiness is discovered by experts. For example, meditation is very helpful for our brain to think positively
and optimistically. Active interactions with others will be a good catalyst for our happiness and health. Thus,
instead of being serious, try to be happy, and you will feel the significant change on your body.
Looking Into Human Emotions. (2011, January 10). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from
Kam, K. (2009, December 21). How Anger Hurts Your Heart. Retrieved October 16, 2014, from
Srivastava, A. (2013, March 27). How Happiness Affects Your Health. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from
Chae Won Ryu
<Image 11
How Dehydration Affects Human Body
EonHo Chang
	 Have you ever felt sudden dizziness or grogginess while walking down the street? Have you ever lost your temper
toward your close friends or family for trivial reasons? Have you ever felt tired, even though you did not do any high-intensity
cardiovascular exercise? If you have been in one or more of these situations, here is your panacea: water.
	 Before we go deeper into the subject, let us first review the basic knowledge about water. All living organisms
depend on water. It is crucial for life both as a medium and a solvent for critical metabolic reactions. In anabolism, water is
removed from molecules (condensation reaction) to form larger molecules. In catabolism, macromolecules are broken down
into smaller molecules by water breaking the chemical bonds (hydrolysis). In respiration, cells reform water and CO2 while
oxidizing the hydrogen and carbon (cellular respiration).
	 Dizziness can result from not having enough water in your blood. Blood is 94% water, and water dominates our
blood pressure. Therefore, without water, the amount of blood in your body decreases, and thus your blood pressure drops.
Our blood circulation that takes part in transportation of various materials throughout the entire body will be disrupted.
Eventually, shortage of water will cause shortage of oxygen and other nutrients needed in our cells, tissues, and even organs in
severe cases.
	 As the situation deteriorates, lack of water may affect our cognitive activities. If our brains are oxygen-deprived, they
will lose consciousness. Brain cells will weaken, and the transfer of information among cells will not function as normal. Also,
the frontal lobe, part of the brain related to emotions, will not operate normally, and we therefore may become cranky and
	 We need water in the whole process of digestion, and lack of water makes our stomach uncomfortable. Water is used
for hydrolysis, which is one of the steps in which food get dissolved and cleaved. It also plays the role of carriers of nutrients
from the digestive system to the living cells.
	 Water is essential for providing energy for the body as well. Poor hydration will lead to less energy production, which
eventually will result in unexplainable fatigue.
Most people drink only when they are thirsty. Also, many people only drink soda, coffee, or tea. Caffeine contained in the
drink will cause diuresis (increased amount of urine), which could possibly lead to dehydration.
	 Ladies, here is another reason you should drink water– elasticity of skin. Drink water as often as you can, and you will
find yourself looking younger every day!
Shirreffs SM, Merson SJ, Fraser SM, Archer DT; Merson; Fraser; Archer. (June 2004)."The effects of fluid restriction on hydration
status and subjective feelings in man". Br. J. Nutr. 91 (6), p951-958. doi:10.1079/BJN20041149
Rosalie MB. (23 Nov 2009). Dehydration Affects Mood, Not Just Motor Skills.
20 21
GMO, Savior or Sinner?
	 In response to these concerns, the errors that might be made during the challenging GM processes
undergo strict safety tests referring to the official regulations. Of course GMOs can be dangerous, if errors
weren’t found and got consumed by people. That is why strict regulations are required for GMOs. They need to
get permission from the country regarding its regulation of GMOs.2
For instance in EU countries, GMOs are
evaluated particularly in two areas.
	 Firstly, when injecting newly developed genes into the organisms, generally new proteins are formed.
These new kinds of proteins should be tested whether it is suitable for human consumption. The safety of these
proteins are appraised during the animal feeding tests. There are several criteria for assessing the proteins’
danger, and if one or more criteria are met, this GMO will not be able to get consumed by people.
	 Secondly, chemical analyses and animal feeding tests are used to minimize the possibility of side-
effects. The GMOs nutritional value and content of toxins are measured with those of the other conventional
foods. If any differences are shown including the toxin content, that GM food would not be permitted. In the
animal feeding test, the whole GM food is fed to the subject animals of the experiment consistently over a long
period of time. If there are any negative changes in the subjects’ organs or immune system, the GM food is
	 In conclusion, GMOs have to go through rigorous steps before we can meet them at supermarkets. The
truth is that the GMOs people consume is strictly marked as safety food.
Waananen, L. (2013, September 27). Syringes, gas masks and Frankenfood: Visuals of the GMO debate. Retrieved November 24,
2014, from
Frequently asked questions on genetically modified foods. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2014, from
Evaluating Safety: A Major Undertaking. (2006, February 15). Retrieved November 15, 2014, from
Gi Ahn Jung
	 GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are deliberately
processed organisms by changing their genetic structure. The problem
with it is that the only words we hear associated with GMOs are
words like biotechnology, biosafety, genetic injection, transgenic food,
gene therapy, and so on. According to the Australian Department
of the Environment and Heritage, genetic modification means "the
manipulation of an organism's genetic make-up in order to create or
enhance desirable characteristics from the same or another species.”
	 GMO genetics are manipulated by extracting the useful or
needed gene from the organism and putting it into the target organism.
To do this, restriction enzymes are initially used to cut out the specific
gene. These enzymes recognize the sequences of the DNA strands and
cut out the exact places. Then, the vector, which is capable of getting
into the host cells, is used to carry the extracted genes inside the host
cells of the target organism. Of course, harmful toxins or viruses get
eliminated before the extracted genes are put into the organism. Because
the process of genetic modification is technically demanding, there is
a common misconception that GMOs are unhealthy and might bring
severe circumstances.
<Image 11
The Effect of Saturated Fat on Human Body
Jisu Eo
	 Polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats, saturated fats, and trans fats are different kinds of fats
that are known today. There are categories that these kinds of fats are classified as. Polyunsaturated fats
and monounsaturated fats are known to be called “healthy fats,” which decrease LDL and increase HDL.
In contrast, saturated fats and trans fats are the “unhealthy fats,” which increase bad cholesterol. The main
difference between these two major types of fats is that in saturated fats only single bonds can be found, but the
unsaturated fats contain some double bonds.
	 Saturated fat is often found in everyday life. Butter, cheese, chocolate, fats in meat, and French fries are
known to have one of the highest calorie counts. Saturated fat has been considered dangerous as it increases
risk on the human body. However, because of its addictive taste, many people seek for the saturated fat foods
even though they know it is harmful. In fact, people are not really aware of the danger of it.
	 To begin with, consuming the food with a high density of saturated fat is very dangerous as it raises the
cholesterol level in the blood stream. Cholesterol is not always detrimental to the human body, but it is actually
an essential substance for the body’s normal functioning. However, if cholesterol levels in the blood get too
high, it can lead to risk of heart and blood vessel disease, stroke and cancer. As one takes in more calories than
the body requires to maintain itself, plaques in the blood stream can be built up due to cholesterol. This built-
up plaques are very harmful as it clogs the blood stream like a blocked pipe. This kind of situation can lead to
cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.1
	 Furthermore, the foods containing high levels of saturated fats such as butter, creams, and meats are
often high in calories and it is obvious that eating a high-calorie diet causes many side effects. When a person
eats a high-calorie diet with more calories than the person burns, the extra energy will be stored as fats for
future use. When there is too much extra energy in the fat cell, it will finally cause conditions such as obesity
and high blood pressure. Therefore, it is important for people to balance their diet and avoid an excess of
saturated fat in the diet.
Feature, R. (n.d.). High Cholesterol Risks: Heart Attack and Stroke. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from
Krauss, R. (2012, April 24). Saturated Fat and Red Meat? It Depends. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from http://howonearthradio.
<Image 12
22 23
Causes and Effects of Obesity
	 Pizzas, Hamburgers, Fries, Nuggets, Pasta…. Looks good? Your tongue might feel tastier, but your life
will not. Obesity; one of the biggest health problems in the modern society. As I mentioned, there are a bunch
of amazing foods that attract us every day. These foods taste good, but these foods are mostly considered as
“Fast-Foods”, and contain a lot of fat, MSG, and cholesterols. These foods are in fact, the main causes of obesity.
	 When you become obese, there are a lot of problems that can happen, you get to weight more, so there
could be some difficulties and discomforts while living out. For instance, you might not be able to run fast,
sit on small chairs, or might not look good to other people. However, these are not the real problems. Other
“Real” problems exist. When a person becomes obese, the likelihood of many serious diseases such as heart
diseases, diabetes, and some cancers increases in a significant rate1
. This means, even if a child is obese, there
is a possibility those young might get these diseases. Also, obese people get to use more energy than people
who are not, so they get to eat more again. This makes obesity even scarier, and explains how severe the
consequences of obese can be. Some scientists say that in fact obese is one of the leading causes of death in the
globe nowadays. It is absolutely and obviously true that obesity in our society is a major problem to solve.
	 Now, here’s most important question: How do we solve obesity problems? The most important will be
to eat healthy foods, and have a regular diet and living habits. Eating a lot of food such as salads will be helpful,
and managing to reduce the amount you eat every time will be one of the most effective ways. Also important,
is to do a lot of exercise. Especially doing aerobic exercises such as running every day will be another plus in
your diet. So remember these two things: food and exercise. As I said before, the more you gain weight, the
harder you get to escape from obesity. At first the methods might not seem to work, so it could be stressful
and hopeless about the diet. But if you endure, and keep on the diet, you’ll notice you lost a lot of weight each
month! Diet will not only give you smile and confidence right now, but also the rest of your life.
Haslam, D.W. , James, P.T. (29 September 2005) “Obesity” doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)67483-1
Steinfeld, J. (2013, September 16). Declaring War on Childhood Obesity. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from	
Seunghyun Nam
<Image 12
Dietary Strategies for Glycemic Control
in Type 2 Diabetes
	 In a society where individuals are highly exposed to an increasing number of processed food, people tend to be
indifferent to our daily eating habits. Such indifference has led an overarching number of people to suffer from various
diseases and arising complications. Throughout the last few decades, there has been a large growth in the number of
patients who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is classified as type two because its primary cause is
due to impaired lifestyle, such as disoriented eating habits, unbalanced nutritional diet, lack of exercises, and obesity.
In fact, researchers have firmly claimed that lifestyle modification, especially nutritional and dietary strategies, is the
best way to maintain normal blood glucose level. There are several types of dietary strategies that have been suggested
to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, such as a low-fat diet, low-carbohydrate diet, dietary advice with exercise, and
so on. Diabetes can easily lead to numerous complications that may eventually cause death, thus maintaining a stable
glycemic index through the implementation of a well-managed dietary strategy is critical.
	 Until now, numerous researchers have conducted experiments and research on different strategies that can best
reduce the blood glucose levels for patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus and its complications. They have
clearly stated that lifestyle modifications such as a low-fat diet and low carbohydrate diet are some of the best lifestyle
modifications that patients must actively adopt.1
	 The research was conducted to assess the value of a low-carbohydrate diet and a low-fat diet, and concluded that
more patients in the low-carbohydrate group experienced faster weight loss than those in the low-fat group in a short
term. However, as time progressed, there was a similar weight reduction of about 3.4% in both groups of patients. It can
be inferred that both dietary strategies can certainly enhance diabetic symptoms by reducing the weight. Implementation
of a low-carbohydrate diet for a year proved to have positive effects on hemoglobin A1C and the measure of average
blood glucose.1
	 Researchers who reviewed meta-analysis of several studies in glycemic control made a conclusion that high-
monosaturated-fat diets improve glycemic index profiles and lipoprotein profiles, as opposed to high-carbohydrate diets.
It showed that fasting plasma triacylglycerol concentrations significantly reduces the cholesterol, specifically VLDL-
cholesterol, concentrations by about 20%. There was a decrease of carbohydrate load through high-monosaturated-fat
diets, which is difficult for type 2 diabetes patients to handle readily. Scientists suggest that this specific dietary approach
is best encouraged for patients who focus primarily on losing or maintaining weight.2
	 Taking results from research about various dietary strategies, patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes must focus
their treatment on making changes in their diets. Being fully aware of detrimental effects from implications such as
cardiovascular diseases and nerve and kidney damage, patients should take active response in glycemic control.	
Davis, N.J., Tomuta N., Schechter C., Isasi, C.R., Segal-Isaacson, C.J., Wylie-Rosett, J. (2009). Comparative Study of the Effects 	
of a 1-Year Dietary Intervention of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Versus a Low-Fat Diet on Weight and Glycemic Control in Type 2 	
Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 32, 1147-1152.
Garg, Abhimanyu (1998). High-monosaturated-fat diets for patients with diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis. The American Journal 	
of Clinical Nutrition, 67, 5775-5825.
Min Su Kim
24 25
Eat and Stay Young
Sang Weon Suh
	 If a cell is in contact with oxygen, oxidation occurs within the cell. No matter what type of cell it is, any cell
that interacts with oxygen goes through oxidation. This phenomenon can be seen easily in our daily life, but seeing this
may not be always so always be pleasant. For instance, browning apples, rancid fish, and even rust on an iron pipe are
examples of oxidation that can be seen easily in daily situations, and they are all not pleasant at all. Furthermore, if this
oxidation happens on human skin, it can be worse. Simply, if one’s skin goes through oxidation, one will appear older
than they actually are. Looking at people with many wrinkles, or scars that are easily distinguishable from normal skin
color, it is right to say that their skin went through oxidation. There is a medical way that can help in preventing wrinkles
and scars, and that is by using antioxidants. Since antioxidants prevents oxidation, which is responsible for making skin
getting older, it is crucial for our health.
	 Organisms that synthesize oxygen to survive are born with an ability to cure themselves from oxidation.
However, as they age and get older the amount of oxidation-causing wastes, which are called free oxygen, are stacked in
the body; therefore exceedings the amount of waste that can be cured by innate ability. As this ability is not capable of
the taking care of the amount of free oxygen, people can get serious illness. For example, excess oxidation can cause cell
damage and lead to hardening of arteries, which can be a main cause for one’s death. Therefore, people need antioxidants
for their health.
	 Out of my friends, there are several of them who look extremely old compared to their age, and they sometimes
have complexion about their appearance. It seems impossible to prevent oneself from getting old but it is actually really
easy to slow that process down by using antioxidants.
	 To put it in an extreme way, oxidation can be part of cancer, diabetes, and other diseases that lead to
death. Therefore, consuming food with a lot of antioxidants can not only keep one to looklooking young, but
also can help a person to stay healthy and live longer.
Tsang, G. (2011, March 1). Antioxidants 101. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from	
<Image 12
All About Vitamin C
	 Vitamin C is one of the water-soluble vitamins that has a sour taste with yellowish-white color. The
human body can neither produce Vitamin C nor store it, so it has to be consumed daily from fresh fruits or
vegetables. The importance of Vitamin C was first introduced in the 15th century, when sailors and explorers
suffered from the disease called ‘scurvy.’ As sailors stayed onboard ship for a long period of time, they were
not able to consume fresh fruits or vegetables, thus leading them to scurvy.2
Scurvy is the disease that results
in hemorrhage, gum disease, or anemia, and eventually leads the human body to death. Sailors realized the
importance of Vitamin C and started carrying fresh fruits such as lemon on the voyage.
	 Other than the cure of scurvy, Vitamin C has so much more usage in the human body that it is now
considered the ‘cure-all.’ Vitamin C helps repair and grow many parts of the human body-from blood vessels
and tissues to teeth and bones. Vitamin C affects not only the inside of the human body but also the outside.
It slows down the aging of the skin and cures wounds. Moreover, Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants that
prevent substances called ‘free radicals’ from harming the human body. Since free radicals are related to severe
heart disease or cancer, Vitamin C may be the ‘cure-all’.
	 However, as there is an old saying ‘too much is as bad as too little,’ excessive consumption of Vitamin
C can harm the human body. According to the ‘Dietary Reference Intakes: Estimated Average Requirements,’
published by the United States National Academy of Sciences, the recommended dietary allowance of Vitamin
C for an adult male is 90 mg per day.3
Vitamin C can leave the body through the urine system when there is an
excessive amount of Vitamin C since it is water-soluble. However, when people consume too much Vitamin C,
it may cause light symptoms like headache or diarrhea to severe issues such as heartburn or kidney stones.
	 For many people, Vitamin C may be a familiar nutrient, but not many of them know what effects
Vitamin C has on the human body. Know exactly how it affects your body and consume wisely.
30 Foods Under 40 Calories, with Recipes. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2014, from	 	
Scurvy. (2013, January 22). Retrieved October 1, 2014, from
Vitamin C. (2014, February 18). Retrieved October 1, 2014, from
Jee Haeng Yoo
	 There are three major nutrients that human beings have to consume
for a living: protein, carbohydrates, and fat. The three major nutrients are so
essential that you may end up dying if you do not consume enough, but there
is no need to worry because such nutrients are consumed on a daily basis.
However, even though these three nutrients are ‘the three major nutrients,’ it
does not mean that these are only necessary nutrients for your body.
	 Vitamin is one of the essential nutrients that the human body should
have in order to stay alive. There are 13 recognized vitamins, and the most
popular one is the Ascorbic Acid, widely known as Vitamin C. <Image 11
26 27
Enzymes can Resolve it All
Yurim Lee
	 Lack of protease causes anxiety, feeble immune system, sloppy kidney function and cold hands and feet. Lack
of disaccharidase causes diarrhea, constipation, insomnia and depression. 1
People also gain weight easily if they intake
foods without enzymes because too much cryptic enzymes, which humans form themselves, are used up as digestive
enzymes when some of them need to be saved for metabolism.2
According to Karen L. Defelice in Nutrition and
Enzymes, insufficient amounts of enzymes just might be the cause of all of the health problems listed above which are
common for modern people.
	 As one of nine major nutrients that organisms require to sustain their lives, enzymes break down foods so that
bodies can absorb nutrients helping absorption, digestion and evacuation take place.3
There are two kinds of enzymes;
one that humans produce on their own and another that they obtain from foods. Well, in the past, it was known that
humans can produce cryptic enzymes infinitely, but now that the amount of enzymes human bodies can produce has
been found out to be limited, people’s interest in effectively consuming enzymes has increased.4
Fortunately, according
to Cookand, scietists have found out that people can increase the amount of enzymes they obtain from foods, though, by
eating ‘rightly cooked’ foods at the ‘right time’. 	
	 People can increase the amount of enzymes they obtain from foods by cooking them right. According to
Cookand, enzymes get denatured when cooked at high temperatures. In fact, most plant based enzymes become
denatured at 48°C (water’s boiling point is at 100°C) and it is best to eat them raw. Second, the amount of enzymes one
can obtain increases about ten times once the food gets grinded. Grinding fruits and vegetables as a whole, with their
peels, would even add up this boost. 5
	 People can also consume enzymes effectively if they understand their biorhythm. According to Moon in Failing
Diet, Lack of Enzymes Might be the Cause, in nutritional science, a day is divided in to three groups; four in the morning
to noon, noon to eight in the night, and eight to four. Four to noon is when metabolic enzymes become active and
people excrete bodily wastes. Since activation of digestive enzymes can interfere with or lessen the amount of metabolic
enzymes, eating foods with enzymes, grinded vegetables, for instance, and drinking water are recommended. Noon to
eight is when digestive enzymes become active so enough nutrients including carbohydrates and proteins should be
taken at this time. Eight until four, on the other hand, is when people should not eat. This is when cellular metabolic
reactions take place with nutrients saved earlier and bodies repair themselves.6
To take enzymes efficiently, people have
to supplement foods that contain enzymes and avoid foods that do not from four to noon.
	 Moon from Cookand states, now that a large part of people’s diets consist of foods without enzymes such as
cookies and breads, poor digestion, bacterial infections due to poor digestion, leaky gut, colon problems and toxins might
just all come from deficiency of enzymes. 7
People can intake enzymes effectively from foods, though, by eating fruits and
vegetables raw or grinded as a whole or both. Clear understanding of biorhythm also offers times to supplement enzymes
and when not to intake foods. If one can obtain sufficient amounts of enzymes, one might be able to resolve some of the
health problems he or she has.
Karen L. DeFelice . (8.25.05), paragraph 1, Nutrition and Enzymes. In Enzyme Stuff; the Wonderful World of Digestive Enzymes.
Moon. E.J. (2012.06.01), paragraph 3, Failing Diet, Lack of Enzymes Might be the Cause. Cookand.
Karen L. DeFelice . (8.25.05), paragraph 2, Nutrition and Enzymes. In Enzyme Stuff; the Wonderful World of Digestive Enzymes.
Moon. E.J. (2012.06.01), paragraph 2, Failing Diet, Lack of Enzymes Might be the Cause. Cookand.
Moon. E.J. (2012.06.01), paragraph 4, Failing Diet, Lack of Enzymes Might be the Cause. Cookand.
Moon. E.J. (2012.06.01), paragraph 5, Failing Diet, Lack of Enzymes Might be the Cause. Cookand.
Karen L. DeFelice . (8.25.05), paragraph 2 and 3, Nutrition and Enzymes. In Enzyme Stuff; the Wonderful World of Digestive
Enzymes.; Moon. E.J. (2012.06.01), paragraph 3, Failing Diet, Lack of Enzymes Might be the Cause. Cookand.
How to Use NSAID Drugs Safely
	 Have you benefitted from the effect of non-steroidal anti-Inflammatory drugs, otherwise known as
NSAID drugs? You don’t think so? Well, maybe then you need a better explanation. One of the most popularly
used forms of NSAID painkillers is Acetyl Salicylic Acid, otherwise known as Aspirin. Another popular form
is known as Ibuprofen. They are also among the most popular over-the-counter drugs, which means that they
can be bought without a prescription.
	 However, did you know that NSAID drugs had a fatal side effect? These anti-inflammatory drugs
can cause gastrointestinal bleeding which can be fatal. Although individual possibility of experiencing these
symptoms are very low, over 100,000 hospitalizations and 16,000 deaths are caused by NSAID drugs annually.1
You are more likely to experience these symptoms if you are “over 60 years, concurrent use of corticosteroids,
previous GI bleeding or history of peptic ulcer disease, use of excessively high NSAID doses, and history of
cardiovascular disease .” 1
	 Also, overdose of these drugs are a common symptom. There are nearly 175 million adults who
take pain relievers, and over half of them admit that their doses exceed the recommended dose.2
People use
various reasons to take more than written on the prescription, the most common reason being that they
have developed immunity or that it doesn’t work quickly enough. On the contrary, there has been no case of
developing immunity to NSAID, overdosing highly increases the possibility of kidney failure to up to 4 times.3
	 To avoid these fatal symptoms, we need to understand how these popular painkillers work. As the
name “anti-inflammatory” suggests, they cut off the effects of Cox-1 and Cox-2 enzymes. By blocking these
enzymes, these drugs lessen pain and swelling.4
However, it cannot be said that it is good to be relieved of pain
or fever because it is a factor in our immune system. By trying to suppress the uncomfortable symptoms such
as fevers or cramps, we also end up suppressing our immune system, prolonging the illness.
	 At the risk of sounding clichéd, anti-inflammatory painkillers are a double-edged sword. Although
they are already a part of life because they are highly helpful in managing everyday disturbances. On the other
hand, they can cause permanent organ damage and internal bleeding, both of which can be fatal. So, before
you gulp that Ibuprofen, think twice and stay safe!
BAKOWSKY, V., & HANLY, J. (2000, December 1). Editorial. Retrieved October 3, 2014, from
Over-the-Counter Pain Killer Abuse. (n.d.). Retrieved November 19, 2014, from
Whitmont, R. (2014, September 24). Could Blocking Symptoms Hurt Your Health? Retrieved October 2, 2014, from http://www.
How Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Work. (n.d.). Retrieved November 19, 2014, from
SeoHyoung Moon
28 29
Running: How beneficial is running to your health?
Justin Turner
	 Running is an intriguing activity. Just last year, over 540,000 people ran marathons within the United
Over half of a million people decided to run 26 miles. Why would anyone put themselves through such
a thing? The reasoning is, running is extremely beneficial to your health and your mentality. Those half-million
people enjoyed what they were doing. Running can make you feel healthier, reduce stress, and create social
	 Some of the health benefits of running include the strengthening of bones and muscles, increasing
energy, and extending your life. When you run, just like in all exercise, your muscle filaments tear. Your cells
then rapidly work to regrow and as a result your muscles are stronger. Two of the main parts of your body to
be affected are legs and knees. The filaments around your knees strengthen and can remove knee and joint
pain. Also with each stride a person takes while running, their bone is stressed upon and the body reacts
by rebuilding and strengthening bone cells.2
Along with strengthening bones and muscles, you will have an
increase in energy. Running works out your cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system is responsible
for pumping blood and moving oxygen around your system.3
Oxygen is one of the key components in cellular
respiration to produce energy in your cells. By improving your heart health through running, you increase
oxygen movement and energy production. Runners find themselves rejuvenated and awake. Finally, exercising
can increase your life by creating stronger cells and reducing stress on your body in the long run.
	 Besides helping you physically, running benefits your mental emotions and capabilities. When you run,
you increase your production of endorphins, which are neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters help make you
feel good.4
Running also produces a calming rhythm to remove worry and forget your daily struggles. It can
also help balance your sleep schedule, which results in a healthier and happier lifestyle. Finally, running gives
more oxygen to the brain and causes higher awareness and more retention when learning.
	 Socially, running is a very popular activity. Many people run daily and know others who run. Running
can, with no doubt, be hard to do at times, and running with someone enduring the pain grows a respect and
a strong bond with that person. Also, instead of enduring pain, a group of people can jog lightly and chat.
Nowadays, running events are held very frequently that are often filled with friendly people. Socially, running
is a great activity to get involved in.
	 To conclude, running is a wonderful activity to get involved in to increase your health, relieve mental
stress, and get to know people. Running is an activity that can be done through the young years, and through
the old. It is an extremely beneficial form of exercise and is a great way to stay healthy.
N/A. (2014, March 23). "Running USA's Annual Marathon Report | Running USA." Retrieved from
Sherwood, Chris. (2013, Oct. 25). "How Does Running Affect Bones?" Retrieved from
Munford, Krysta. (2014). "Cardiovascular System." Retrieved from
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2014) "Stress Management." Retrieved from
Regenerative Kidney
	 It is widely believed that the only viable ways of treating renal failure and renal insufficiency are
transplantation, hemodialysis, and peritoneal dialysis, all of which may induce great pain in the patient and
cost extremely large amounts of money. But now, a prospective, more advanced, and less costly treatment is
already under progress and is very likely to become the primary method of treating kidney diseases and other
chronic diseases caused by irreversible cell damage.
	 Most of chronic kidney diseases are caused by damage of podocytes --differentiated epithelial cells
crucial for filtration. Unlike other epithelial cells that periodically renew themselves, these cells are thought
to be non-regenerative because the kidney has a highly organized filter system and any replacement of cells
can undermine the homeostatic balance. Any damage done would be permanent. Many scientists specialized
in stem cells, telomerase, and cell aging have attempted to find signs of podocytes’ renewal. It is found
that podocytes may dedifferentiate, and proliferate, in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated
nephropathy, which is characterized by a rapid decline in renal function, emphasizing the importance of
podocyte quiescence for glomerular function (Barisoni 1999). Together with other evidence, it reveals the
potential regenerative ability of podocytes.
	 A study done by Marina Shkreli showed that podocytes can re-enter the cell cycle after TERT
expression is silenced or when Wnt signaling is inhibited. (Shkreli 2009) A more stunning research conducted
by Dr. Yuval Rinkevich at Stanford managed to show that in fact, kidney cells (renal tubule-restricted clonal
segment-specific epithelial cells) can be replenished by local cell production from Wnt-responsive, fate-
restricted, and clone-forming cells that may function as unipotent stem/progenitor cells. (Rinkevich 2014)
These results are especially valuable for the patients who have been suffering from chronic kidney disease and
cannot afford the prohibitive cost of regular dialysis treatment.
	 It is known that the ability that these cells possess to re-enter the generation process is related to
Wnt pathways, which was found in numerous studies investigating kidney cell regeneration. Basically, these
proteins are involved in a particular kind of cellular pathway that can be recognized by podocytes, and the
activation of this pathway can trigger cellular reproduction. This finding offers a therapeutic target to stimulate
the regenerative ability of the kidneys. If one day we can put this method to use, it may become the radical cure
for chronic kidney disease.
Barisoni L, Kriz W, Mundel P, D’Agati V. 1999 Jan. The dysregulated podocyte phenotype: a novel concept in the pathogenesis of
collapsing idiopathic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and HIV-associated nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol. 10:51–61. [PubMed]
Shkreli M., Sarin KY., Pech MF., Papeta N., Chang W., Brockman SA., Cheung P., Lee E., Kuhnert F, et al.2011 Dec. Reversible
cell-cycle entry in adult kidney podocytes through regulated control of telomerase and Wnt signaling. Nat Med. doi:10.1038/
Yuval Rinkevich, Daniel T. Montoro, Humberto Contreras-Trujillo, Orit Harari-Steinberg, Aaron M. Newman, Jonathan M. Tsai,
Xinhong Lim, Renee Van-Amerongen, Angela Bowman, Michael Januszyk, Oren Pleniceanu, Roel Nusse, Michael T. Longaker,
Irving L. Weissman, Benjamin Dekel. 2014. In Vivo Clonal Analysis Reveals Lineage-Restricted Progenitor Characteristics in
Mammalian Kidney Development, Maintenance, and Regeneration. Cell Reports. 7 (4): 1270 DOI:10.1016/j.celrep.2014.04.018
Chunzi Zhang
30 3131
Science Journal Club
Missouri Academy of Science Mathematics and Computing
Science Jounal November 2014
Published by
President: Jee Haeng Yoo
First Year Executive: Gi Ahn Jung
The Missouri Academy Science Journal serves as the source of scientific intelligence of the students
of the Missouri Academy and staff members of Northwest Missouri State University.
Cover Photo References
<Front Cover>
What is healthism? (2012, February 20). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from http://www.thehealthculture.
<Back Cover>
Winners announced for the 2013 Leaders in Health Care Awards by Minnesota Business Magazine. (2013, October
29). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from
	 Missouri Academy
of Science, Mathematics, and Computing
November 2014

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Science Journal November 2014

  • 1. 1 Science Journal The Source of Information and Intelligence for Missouri Academy November 2014
  • 2. 2 3 CREDITS President Jee Haeng Yoo Vice President Lorden Hoff Head Journalist Caleb Brown Head Editors Seung Hyun Lee HyunJun Kim Treasurer Je Yun Lee First Year Executive Gi Ahn Jung Missouri Academy of Science, Mathematics, and Computing Editors Katherine Burrows Andrew Kaiser JiHyun Kim Min Soo Kim SeoHyoung Moon Chunzi Zhang Jounalists Claire Ames EonHo Chang Jinwoo Choi Jisu Eo Min Su Kim Hyung Jun Lee Yurim Lee Seunghyun Nam Jin Chul Rhim Chae Won Ryu Sang Weon Suh Justin Turner Jackson White Jamie Wise CONTENTS Science Journal Club §General Health - Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever - Convalescent Serum in the Treatment and Prevention of Disease - Tension Headaches - Effects of Tobacco and Liquor in Human Body - Drinking During Meals - EV-D68 - Importance of Sleep in Human Body - Parisitic - The Development and Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccines - Venom vs. Poison - Effect of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals - Effects of Perfectionism on Your Health - The Impacts of Stress and Anxiety on the Human Body - Happy Mind - Human Emotion and Health - How Dehydration Affects Human Body - The Effect of Saturated Fat on Human Body - GMO, Saviour or Sinner - Dietary Strategies for Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes - Causes and Effects of Obesity - Eat and Stay Young - All About Vitamin C - Enzymes Can Resolve it All - How to Use NSAID Drugs Safely - Running: How Beneficial is Running to Your Health? - Regenerative Kidney 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2 3
  • 3. 4 5 Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Caleb Brown Recently a major concern for the planet has been the threat of Ebola, less commonly known as Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever. The entire world seems to be terrified of this disease, but only a few of those freaking out are actually educated as to what the virus does. In this article, we will take a look at what Ebola is, what it does, and possible treatments of it. Ebola is a disease caused by one of five strains of the Ebola virus. Four of the strains cause symptoms in humans, including: Ebola virus (Zaire ebolavirus), Sudan virus (Sudan ebolavirus), Tai Forest virus (Tai Forest ebolavirus), and the Bundibugyo virus (Bundibugyo ebolavirus). The fifth strain, Reston ebolavirus, causes symptoms in non-human primates1 . The virus typically causes symptoms within 2 to 21 days, giving a very large range for when the virus strikes after infection.1 The virus is not contagious, however, until symptoms begin showing. The virus itself may have no cure and is considered one of the most dangerous viruses in the world, but the virus itself is not what causes patients to die. The virus is the indirect killer in this situation. In all reality, the true killer is the body’s immune system. When a patient’s body recognizes that the Ebola virus is present, it begins a cytokine storm, in which the brain sends a signal to every cell and tells it to use every single autoimmune response available, hoping to defeat the virus. The process eradicates a large percentage of the virus, but the repercussions are severe. The cytokine storm results in the destruction of blood vessel and a large release of nitric oxide throughout the body. The result of these two effects amounts to the leaking of blood and plasma from the patients’ arteries, veins, and capillaries, along with lower blood pressure and thinning the blood cells, resulting in a greater flow of blood and plasma through the walls. The massive flow of blood and plasma in the body does not cause death by blood loss, but by septic shock.3 The body cannot handle the toxicity caused by the large amount of blood in parts of the body where it does not belong. The fear of Ebola is very justified, but it is also for the wrong reasons. As the outbreak continues to spread, doctors will rampantly try to find a way to subdue the side-effects caused by the immune system in response to the virus’ presence. 1 About Ebola Virus Disease. (2014, September 18). Retrieved October 3, 2014. 2 Ebola: Experimental drugs and vaccines. (2014, November 13). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from health-28663217 3 Doucleff, M. (2014, August 26). How Ebola Kills You: It's Not The Virus. Retrieved October 3, 2014. <Image 12 > Convalescent Serum in the Treatment and Prevention of Disease: A Hope in the Face of the Ebola Pandemic In a perfect world, when a pathogen enters the body, an immune response is triggered, and the body rids itself of the invader. Afterwards, the body remembers how it dealt with the pathogen by producing immunoglobulins. These immunoglobulins continue to circulate even after the initial infection has passed and ensure that the person never becomes “ill” because of that pathogen again. Anyone in this state is known as a convalescent, and their serum, the liquid component of blood excluding the red blood cells, can actually be useful in helping those who do not overcome an illness on their own by giving them the antibodies that their immune system hasn’t or can’t produce. The idea of transferring the blood of a recovered patient to a still-struggling patient is not a new one. In fact, popular studies on vaccinating against mumps in the early thirties tested the use of convalescent serum in young boys as a method of avoiding the disease entirely, and results proved positive.1 New relevance has been found in a fairly major area, though: the Ebola outbreak in Africa. Because of the high death toll -- the WHO reports a total of 70.8% of definitive cases ending in death in this outbreak alone -- as well as the fact that successful treatment for Ebola has not been found, the current pandemic has the medical community in a frenzy over finding a way to mitigate fallout of the disease, and convalescent serum appears to offer one of the best chances at accomplishing that task. The most famous clinical record of the successful care for Ebola hemorrhagic fever using the blood of Ebola patients was documented in the mid-nineties, during the last major outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In the study, eight patients were given blood and cared for, of which only one patient died.2 Though the test group was small, the 12.5% death rate presented was a significant decrease from the average of 80% seen throughout the case as a whole, and other instances of success followed to bolster its appeal. Due to this, when missionary Dr. Richard Sacra contracted Ebola and was transported back to the US, one of the three therapies used to help him fend off the disease was the serum of another American citizen who had already survived Ebola, the help of which may have ensured Sacra’s survival of the disease.3 Additionally, when determining what therapies should be considered in the face of an unprecedented outbreak, convalescent serum was one of the most closely considered by the WHO, and in the near future the organization is expected to publish interim guidelines for the implementation of the therapy in quarantined and pandemic-stricken areas.4 1 Zeligs, M. (1932). Convalescent serum in the prevention of mumps. The Journal of Pediatrics, 727-728. 2 Mupapa, K., Massamba, M., Kibadi, K., Kuvula, K., Bwaka, A., Kipasa, M., . . . Muyembe-Tamfum, J. J. (1999). Treatment of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever with Blood Transfusions from Convalescent Patients. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 18-23. 3 Mahoney, G. (2014, September 11). US Ebola Patient Gets Serum From Recovered Victim to Fight Virus. ABC News. 4 World Health Organization. (2014, September 26). Experimental therapies: growing interest in the use of whole blood or plasma from recovered Ebola patients (convalescent therapies). Retrieved from World Health Oraganization Web site: mediacentre/news/ebola/26-september-2014/en/ Katherine Burrows
  • 4. 6 7 Tension Headaches Andrew Kaiser Headaches are a significant issue for millions of Americans, but many people do not understand the causes or effects of the headaches they have. There have been plenty of studies done on the underlying causes of headaches, some of which are important for understanding the truth behind headaches. The International Headache Society released a new classification system of headaches in 2005, giving health care professionals a simpler way of diagnosing the pains. According to this new classification system, there are three main kinds of headaches: primary, which includes tension headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches; secondary, which include post-concussive headaches, sinus infections, and diseases such as meningitis; and cranial neuralgia with facial pain. Because they are more common than others, the main focus of this article will be on tension headaches.1 1 in 20 Americans suffer from tension headaches daily. Tension headaches often start from the back of the head and move forward. Recently, researchers have proposed that tension headaches may be caused by a shift in the levels of neurotransmitters, chemicals used by the brain to transfer electrical impulses. Factors that may trigger a change in neurotransmitter levels include: stress or anxiety, holding your head in one position for extended periods of time, fatigue or overexertion, skipping meals, or clenched jaw or grinding teeth.2 22 Whatever the reason, there are certain risk factors that everyone should look out for that increase the possibilities of tension headaches. While these are not definite signs that the pain is coming from tension headaches, the following is a good list of factors that may increase your risk for tension aches: gender (females are more likely to have tension headaches), stress, skipping meals, too much or too little sleep.2 With so many potential causes of these headaches, it has been very hard for research scientists to pinpoint the most effective way to treat them. Because of the wide reach tension headaches have on the population, there is extensive research being conducted on these headaches and how they can be treated. There are, however, some fairly effective lifestyle changes that can help reduce and even prevent tension headaches. These are simple changes that can significantly benefit the public. These small changes are as follows: getting adequate and regular sleep, eating healthily – avoid foods such as chocolate, monosodium glutamate (MSG's), dairy products, fermented foods and drinks, and caffeine, exercising regularly, and refraining from smoking.2 As you can see, there are many causes of tension headaches, but there are also many ways that anyone can go about reducing the effect tension aches inflict on them. 1 Wedro, B. Headache: Get the facts on headaches and their types. (2014, July 15). In MedicineNet. Retrieved October 2, 2014 2 Tension headache (2013, May 7). In University of Maryland Medical Center. Retrieved October 2, 2014 Effects of Tobacco and Liquor in Human Body According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are more than 7000 chemicals in one cigarette. Among those 7000 chemicals, 100 of them are known to be toxic, and about 70 are found to be causing cancer. The chemicals in cigarettes were initially used to make pipes, steel, paint, and chemical weapons. One of the most well-known and dangerous substances in cigarettes is nicotine. Even though smokers already know about the negative results of smoking, nicotine constantly triggers their desire for more and more nicotine. Also, when smokers stop taking nicotine for some time, nicotine causes an addiction phenomenon called withdrawal. The symptoms of withdrawal include stress, anxiety, and insomnia.2 Now, alcohol has also been a problem for a long time. Alcohol does not seem to be as harmful to the human body as tobacco, but alcohol has different effects on specific parts of our body. First of all, alcohol affects our brains, making it harder for us to think clearly and rationally. This is the reason that we find drunk drivers, who cannot make coherent decisions, causing many of the major car accidents. Secondly, alcohol damages our heart. High blood pressure is one of the symptoms of frequent alcohol use and can often lead to strokes, which take many people’s lives. Lastly, high usage of alcohol endangers the immune system and raises the risk of cancer in many parts of our body – the mouth, the esophagus, the throat, the liver, and the breasts.3 Clearly, there are many negative effects of tobacco and alcohol. According to scientific research, it is best to not start at all, since quitting is the hardest part. For smokers and drinkers, talking to a specialist or physician about quitting is one way to majorly improve health. 1 Excellent Tobacco And Liquor Store In Northwest Texas For Sale. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from http://secure. 2 Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking. (2014, February 6). Retrieved November 19, 2014, from statistics/fact_sheets/health_effects/effects_cig_smoking/ 3 Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking. (2014, February 6). Retrieved November 19, 2014, from statistics/fact_sheets/health_effects/effects_cig_smoking/ HyunJun Kim According to a survey, two of the most common New Year resolutions are to quit smoking and drinking. It is easy to set such goals, but it is painful and almost impossible to accomplish them. Some people take this failure to keep these New Year resolutions as their lack of diligence. However, it is somewhat understandable after learning about the chemical and biological effects of alcohol and tobacco that eventually lead to addiction. This article will explore how chemicals in tobacco and alcohol produce these effects on human bodies. <Image 11 >
  • 5. 8 9 EV-D68 Min Soo Kim As soon as the school year started, Enterovirus D68, also known as EV-D68, has driven the US into a tense situation, infecting children across the nation. It has now hit around 400 children in exactly 42 states without a distinct cure for this virus. On October 2, 2014, according to, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found out that four people had died from Enterovirus D68, including a girl named Emily Otrando, who died of a second infection.1 Doctors are overwhelmed, still trying to figure out how Enterovirus assists in people’s death. The symptoms for Enterovirus include coughing, high fever, shivers, and dyspnea (difficult breathing). However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has suggested a new theory that EV-D68 could later develop neurological disorders, including paralysis and muscle ache, because the virus constantly mutates itself. An investigation of nine children, who visited a hospital in Colorado for Enterovirus D68 since this August, supports such a claim. They stated that the central nervous system, which affects the spinal cord, could have been injured by EV-D68, eventually leading to paralysis. However, solutions for this frightful disease are yet to be found.2 In fact, Enterovirus D68 is not new – it had been discovered in the 1960s. However, the virus was so rare back then that doctors did not pay much attention. This year, the rapid infection among children in 42 states has shed new light on Enterovirus D68. Noticing that Missouri was one of the two states spotted with EV-D68, doctors are emphasizing that prevention of this virus will do more good than harm since there is no cure for it yet. Doctors recommended that they wash their hands for more than 20 seconds with soap and not touch their eyes and mouths with hands. In addition, even if the symptom is temporary or small, it is preferable to go to the hospital immediately and get medical care as soon as possible.4 1 Shin, B. (2014, October 10). 4 People died from Respiratory Virus. Retrieved October 23, 2014, from 2 Dalrymple, J., II. (2014, October 2). Mysterious Respiratory Virus Spreading Across U.S. Linked To Four Deaths. Retrieved October 23, 2014, from 3 UPDATED: EnteroVirus 68 ED-V68 Alternative Prevention Essential Oils, Herbs and Homeopath. (2014, September 12). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from 4 Sheridan, K. (2014, September 30). Rare respiratory virus, paralysis spreads among US kids. Retrieved October 23, 2014, from <Image 13 > Drinking During Meals Jinwoo Choi When I first came to the USA, one of the culture shocks was the free refills at restaurants. I still remember the days backs in Korea where I had to save some of my drinks to finish my meal without thirst. I do not have to worry about that anymore since I can get my drinks refill unlimitedlyunlimited drink refills in the Union. Since then, drinking a lot of soda during the meal became my habit since it is free. Yet, just because it seems so natural, it doesn’t necessarily mean that drinking while eating is a good habit. Obviously, it helps us swallow food more easilyeasier and intensify the flavors. However, drinking while eating food has negative effects on our health. Before talking about drinking while eating, drinking sodas and juices itself has disadvantages as they have high calories. Although it varies depending on each individual’s weight, height, and level of activeness, the optimum amount of calories consumed per day for teenagers around our age is around 2000 to 2500. Drinking sodas can take up to about one fifth of this amount. Suppose someone drinks one can of Pepsi during each meal;, a can has 150 calories and with a bigger cup in the Union, the number gets even bigger.1 Hence, by only eating normal meals and drinking several cups of soda a day, the adequate amount can be exceeded. In addition, there are many other negative effects of sodas and juices, such as its correlation to teeth cavitycavities. Yet, what many people do not realize is the effect of drinking any liquid during meals on digestion. Digestion involves various chemical reactions that are catalyzed by enzymes. When we chew, for instance, saliva breaks down food with an enzyme called amylase which digests carbohydrates. Next, food molecules go down into our stomach and are broken down further by many types of enzymes and stomach acids. During this process, liquids can be harmful. First, additional liquids other than the enzymes and stomach acids needed for digestion make the concentration of enzymes and acids lower, thus slowing down the rate of breaking down food molecules. In some cases, before even digesting any food molecules, some enzymes can by washed away by the liquid that one takes in during the meal. Furthermore, since most enzymes are proteins, they are affected by temperature and pH. Cold drinks that we consume can decrease the activity of digestive enzymes. Consequently, this diluted, inactive digestive system will not allow our bodies to effectively absorb the necessary nutrients. In addition, many sodas are acids; therefore, they changes ourthe pH in theour stomach, which can interrupt enzyme functions.23 Although there are debates going on about whether these negative effects are significant, it seems to be a good habit to avoid drinking during meals. Chewing itself is sufficient. However, it is not easy to avoid the temptation of drinks. When drinking while eating, at least try to obtaining warm drinks so that the drinks are closer to our body temperature. If giving up soda with ice in the student Union is just too hard, drinking less would be a good alternative. Is drinking while eating a good thing? No, one should try not to drink during the meal; it will be a hard decision since temptation to drink has always been a habit. Regardless of this danger, I will still drink soda for my meal. This question always remains as a mystery. Which drink should I pick for lunch? I wish I can ask the cafeteria for a “random” option on the drinks machine. 1 Calories in Pepsi. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2014. 2 Martino, Joe. "Is Drinking Water While Eating Good For You?" CollectiveEvolution RSS. Collective Evolution, 2 July 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. 3 Babe, F. (2012, February 19). Be Unconventional - Stop Drinking with Your Meals - Food Babe. Retrieved October 24, 2014.
  • 6. 10 11 Importance of Sleep in Human Body Everyone needs sleep in their lives. There is a reason why we feel tired and exhausted without sleep. It is meant to be essential to human health and body. In order to be lively and energetic throughout the day, you need enough amount of sleep the day before. It is like recharging your battery and without fully recharging it you can’t function properly and effectively. Sleep plays various important roles in the life such as repairing your bodily functions and helping you to remember things better. Sleep deprivation can lead to health issues such as diabetes and growth issues. Sleep is responsible for replenishing your body after a long day. It relaxes your body and recharges the body and prepares it for the next day. With a good amount of sleep every day, it helps the body to be more immune and restores vessels in the body such as heart and blood vessels, which are responsible for keeping your body healthy and constantly providing blood regulation. Sleep also improves one’s ability to remember things for a longer duration of time and increase learning ability. During deep sleep, your brain organizes the new data that has entered into one’s brain and makes it easier for the brain to recall data more quickly and easily. Access of the data recorded in the brain is easier through having a deep sleep after learning. Lack of sleep can cause many health issues. While the body is sleeping, hormones are important for the growth and development of the body. When adolescents who still are capable of growth lack sleep, their bodies can’t grow to their full potential. Sleeping is essential and responsible for the right amount for certain types of hormones to be released inside the body. Sleep deprivation can cause diabetes and obesity. Diabetes is caused by high levels of blood sugar or blood glucose. Without enough sleep, the hormones which moderate one’s blood glucose level (insulin) fails to effectively function, increasing the levels of sugar in the blood. This increases the risk of diabetes in the body. Furthermore, sleep is responsible for balancing two types of hormones in the body which make one feel hungry and full. However, when there isn’t enough sleep, the hormone level that makes one feel full decreases and one feels hungrier as they stay up later. One eats more than usual and this can lead to obesity. As the amount of times staying up late increases, one feels hungrier as the days pass and they will eat more than they used to.1 This is why sleep is important to our body, because it helps many beneficial things to happen and without sleep, there can be issues which are detrimental to one’s health. 1 Why Is Sleep Important? (2012, February 22). Retrieved October 2, 2014, from topics/sdd/why.html Hyoung Jun Lee Parisitic Jin Chul Rhim Disgusting is one of the common perceptions of parasites. Even scientists despise those small, malicious creatures degenerated from once prospective, self-sustaining eukaryotes. Some scientists did not even believe that God had created those blood-sucking creatures that make hosts suffer in inhumane ways. Humans had been hosts of parasites as other animals were. During the history of civilization, parasites survived and evolved in the human body. Because civilization was based on dense population, it became the perfect target of parasites. A fossil record shows that parasites have been living in the human body for more than 30,000 years: Otzi the Alps iceman, mummified 5,300 years ago by cold Alps weather, had whipworm, an intestinal parasite in his body. Before the development of medications, almost every person had at least 10 to 20 kinds of parasites in their body.1 The glorious history of parasites met fiasco when technology and public health improved. The development of anti- parasite medicine in the 19th century almost ended their long history of coexistence with humans. Various effective medications removed parasites from our body, and in most well-developed nations, these creatures were almost extinct. An anti-parasite campaign during those periods was based on simple and obvious assumptions that parasites are ‘bad’; it seemed obvious that those little creatures are undermining our health and causing troubles. For decades, because of the lack of technology, parasitologists could only observe the dead specimen of parasites. Therefore, parasitologists speculated that parasites are only harmful to the immune system since there was no such technique to observe living parasites’ movement in intestines or bloodstreams and analyze the chemicals they synthesized. However, ample information about the human immune system and improvements in understanding of microscopic organisms led to a new perspective on those small creatures bathing in our bloodstream and intestine. The new research found out that an extremely small number of parasites that lived in the human body actually ‘relieve’ allergy, asthma, coughing, and multiple other diseases caused by a hyperactive immune system attacking our own body cells. These astonishing new results of research can be explained by the long history of coexistence between humans and parasites. Evolutions taken place during the long history of parasitism has made both parasites and hosts’ immune system to adapt to each other: parasites only absorb what they need, and human immune system does not attack those parasites, which will only cause more troubles. The result of these almost symbiotic relationships is a balanced immune system that would not attack intestine and parasites. Chemicals made by parasites diminished the aggressiveness of immune cells; softened hostility of immune reaction, and benefitted the human body. Whether the coexistence was optional or not, the new drugs disturbed the equilibrium between host body and parasites. Parasites were releasing relaxant that would slowly alleviate the overactive immune cells; even medical technology today cannot mimic the chemicals they infuse in our body. Without its long term comrade, the human immune system soon becomes hyperactive again, looking for targets to attack. However, since there is nothing to attack, it starts attacking our own body. Those kinds of diseases caused by an over-excited immune system are what people nowadays suffer from. The well-developed western hemisphere, where parasites are almost extinct, the population suffering from diseases caused by hyperactive immune systems is constantly increasing. Digestion problems, multiple sclerosis, and Crohn’s disease are common symptoms of an unbalanced immune system. In order to restore the equilibrium state, doctors had subscribed 2500 pig whipworm eggs for 3 weeks to patients who are suffering from Crohn’s disease, caused by an overactive immune system in intestine. The effect was amazing – almost 85% of patients was cured of this painful digestive disease with red, aching intestines after 8 months.1 Now, multi-disciplinary researchers are called together to utilize parasitology in the medical field for new generation diseases caused by our own body system. Some scientists are even researching about a parasite diet that would be helpful for losing weight. Theoretically, it is possible because intestine parasites absorb nutrition in intestines, which may prevent obesity without harming our body. However, the diet is hard to realize since parasites only eat a small amount of food, compared to what humans eat. Parasites, with these newly discovered facts, can finally take off their notorious reputation. 1 Zimmer, Carl. Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures. New York: Free, 2000. Print.
  • 7. 12 13 The Development and Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccines Each fall, many people go to their local hospitals, clinics or pharmacies to receive their yearly flu shot— but many do not. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), only about 42% of Americans got the seasonal influenza vaccine last year.1 Many of those who opt out question the overall effectiveness of the vaccine. The influenza virus is challenging to vaccinate against due to its dynamic and mutative qualities.2 In some cases, such as spring 2009, novel viruses, like influenza A (H1N1), can cause widespread pandemics. On average, it takes 5-6 months for a new vaccine to be derived for a pandemic virus. World Health Organization (WHO) labs begin the process with hybridizing the virus strains in chicken eggs. The strains move to manufacturers, where they are purified into antigens that are active ingredients in the vaccine after passing the verification that the vaccine strain is a match for the occurring virus. Following extensive quality control and clinical trials, the vaccine is released to the public.3 Professionals attend conferences set to project which influenza strains should be included in the upcoming winter’s vaccine. The final decision is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) during the spring of each year. This year, H1N1 is included in the seasonal vaccine, along with influenza A (H3N2) and different B strains.4 Of the three types of influenza viruses, influenza A is likely the most well-known. The nomenclature of influenza A virus is defined by the types of glycoproteins on the outer membrane of the virus: hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). Additionally, flu viruses can be identified by their host of origin, such as swine, equine, or bird.5 Influenza vaccines work like many others by strengthening the immune system against the active virus by inducing the production of antibodies before infection. However, this imitation infection can result in minor flu-like symptoms as the body adjusts.2 It causes many to hesitate, fearing that being injected with a form of the virus will only make them contract it—it is, admittedly, a risk. However, the CDC still highly recommends vaccination, especially for children, the elderly and those with chronic illness.6 Last flu season, 105 pediatric deaths due to influenza were reported in the United States—90% had not been vaccinated against the virus.7 Due to the seriousness of these cases, researchers evaluate the efficacy of seasonal influenza vaccines based on both randomized and observational studies. They compare the recipients of the vaccine to those who did not receive it or were given a placebo based on whether or not they contracted the illness each year.6 The CDC published their estimate that the vaccine for 2013-2014 was 61% effective for all age groups.8 Overall, the effectiveness of each vaccine depends on the individual health of each recipient and the closeness that the vaccine matches the actual viruses circulating during the flu season.6 This ongoing challenge to create a fully effective vaccine continues in future medical research. 1 Jaslow, R. (2012, September 27). Officials urge flu vaccine for unpredictable 2012-2013 season. Retrieved November 8, 2014, from http://www. 2 Vaccine Development. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2014, from 3 Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Manufacturing Process and Timeline. (2009, August 6). Retrieved October 1, 2014 from 4 Selecting the Viruses in the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine. (2014, September 22). Retrieved October 1, 2014 from professionals/vaccination/virusqa.htm 5 Types of Influenza Viruses. (2014, August 19). Retrieved October 1, 2014, from 6 Vaccine Effectiveness—How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work? (2014, May 1). Retrieved October 1, 2014 from vaccineeffect.htm 7 Jaslow, R. (2012, September 27). Officials urge flu vaccine for unpredictable 2012-2013 season. Retrieved November 8, 2014, from http://www. 8 Influenza Season. (2014, August 26). Retrieved October 1, 2014 from Jamie Wise Venom vs. Poison Caleb Brown In the eyes of humans, one fear that is overtly prevalent is the fear of snakes, spiders, and creatures of toxic association in general. Many of these fears are rooted in the misguided opinion that the animals are poisonous, when in all reality a much more frightful and gruesome term can be used to label them – venomous. In this article, the differences between venom and poison will be addressed, along with the different types of venom. The main difference between a general poison and a venom is that venom is only from specialized glands within animals and is injected to the blood stream in some way,2 whereas a poison is any toxic substance that can harm the body in small doses. Poisons can come from anything – from berries and other plants, to chemicals, food, and, of course, chemicals produced by animals.3 Along with the distinction from other poisons, there are differences between the different types of venom. There are four common types of venom in nature: hemotoxins, neurotoxins, cytotoxins, and myotoxins. Hemotoxic venoms are venoms that attack hemoglobin, or blood cells. The damaging of blood cells causes significant tissue damages and can also result in organ failure, if the venom reaches or enters near the person’s vital areas. Neurotoxic venoms attack the nervous system, causing paralysis and other frightening permanent damages, including asphyxia (deprivation of oxygen), resulting in death.4 Cytotoxic venom is the most threatening because it attacks cells in general. Any and all cells are vulnerable to this potent substance, and infection with the cytotoxic venom can result in massive internal bleeding, organ swelling, and organ failure. Myotoxic venoms forces muscle systems to shut down, resulting in paralysis and eventually permanent muscle and kidney damage. Myotoxic venom helps the predator eat its prey in peace without the fear of it escaping. Toxins produced by animals are generally mislabeled and misunderstood. A greater respect can be developed for these animals with a greater understanding of their potentials. 1 Heininger, C. (2008, February 5). NJ doctors tap snake venom to treat stroke patients. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from http:// 2 Poison. (n.d.) Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. (2007). Retrieved October 1 2014 from http://medical- 3 Venom. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2014, from 4 Venom Types. (2014, January 1). Retrieved October 2, 2014 from <Image 11>
  • 8. 14 15 Effect of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Hormones are substances produced from cells in our body to affect a target cell. They are produced in small amounts and run through our blood streams to manage our body system. Hormones stimulate the growth of cells and organs, control blood pressure and heart rate, and carry out many more functions throughout the human body. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that disrupt the hormone system of mammals. They are also known as environmental hormones because they are formed outside of the body and get absorbed by an outer source. The chemicals that are released to the environment by industrial activity function as hormones when they enter our bodies. Some inhibit the reaction of hormones, while some strengthen them. Others significantly affect growth and body functions even in miniscule doses. There is no identified research that directly supports the detrimental effects of the endocrine hormones; however, most results tend to sway towards the harmful side. Currently, there are 67 known endocrine disruptors. BPA, Dioxin, Atrazine, Phthalates, Perchlorate, Lead, and Arsenic are some of the serious, disrupting chemicals. Plastics contain BPA that functions as estrogen when they enter our bodies. It can cause breast cancer, obesity, early puberty, and heart disease. Dioxin affects the reproductive ability of mammals and can build up in years, affecting the immune system or causing cancer. Atrazine shows similar carcinogenic effects and disrupts puberty. Phthalates stimulate a part of a cell, causing them to die earlier. In short, disruptors in general change hormones, affect reproductive abilities, or cause obesity or cancer. These effects have made endocrine disruptive chemicals an issue because of the risks they can impose on human bodies.1 There has been a lot of experiments related to the effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on animals. For mammals, the case of Baltic gray seals and Dutch harbor seals has provided insight. Because of PBC (Primary Biliary Cirrhosis) contained in their food chain, reproduction and immune functions of the seals were disabled. Population declined, and the mortality rate increased due to morbillivirus infections. In the United Kingdom, estrogenic effects demonstrated in estuaries and other marine environments showed that the fish population had endocrine disruption.2 Although the experiments do not fully support the harmful effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals, the experiments surely imply the risk it can have on organisms. If left alone, this issue will become a global problem. The rate of chemicals in animals has increased compared to the past, and the number of cases of premature puberty is increasing. For a preventive measure, it is recommended that people avoid using materials that may include endocrine disruptors, such as Styrofoam and plastics, in ways that the materials can be absorbed to the human body. 1 Dirty Dozen List of Endocrine Disruptors (28 October 2013). Retrieved from endocrine-disruptors 2 Safe, Stephen H. (June 2000). Endocrine Disruptors and Human Health-Is There a Problem? An Update. Environmental Health Perspectives, 108(6), p487-493. Retrieved from pdf JiHyun Kim The Effects of Perfectionism on Well-Being Claire Ames Perfectionism is a disorder that can be detrimental to one’s well-being. A perfectionist always strives for perfection and sets unrealistic goals, which can only be attained by superiority. This disorder can have a profound effect on the mental and physical health of an individual. Perfectionism is known to cause high stress levels, as well as severe anxiety and depression. Individuals with this disorder suffer from the fear of failure and making mistakes. When they make mistakes, such individuals are struck with a feeling of intense distress. Those who suffer from perfectionism are found to have higher risks of developing such issues as eating disorders and anxiety disorders. Perfectionists also have a higher death rate because of the constant amounts of high stress placed on the body1 . Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be related to perfectionism. Individuals may continuously revise or rewrite work, seek reassurance from others, or procrastinate tasks due to the need to have things done perfectly2 . OCD can be an outlet for anxiety. Perfectionism has an effect on an individual’s social life as well. Fear of rejection can prevent individuals from interacting with others2 . Many perfectionists resist trying new activities for fear of error. Although it is accepted for an individual to make mistakes when trying a new activity, perfectionists feel the need to perform flawlessly on their first try. They believe that they are constantly judged by others, which can cause them to stay distant from their peers. This distance and constant self-criticism can eventually evolve into depression3. However, perfectionism is not always a negative thing. In fact, it can sometimes be helpful to one’s health. For example, a person who has type 2 diabetes and perfectionism often strictly adheres to the dietary rules and religiously checks their blood sugar levels1 . Studies show that such individuals have a lower risk of death than those without the disorder. People with perfectionism are less likely to participate in high risk behaviors, such as smoking or drugs2 . Individuals with this disorder set high standards and goals for themselves, which is one of the positive sides to perfectionism. It is the inability to adapt and learn from errors that makes this disorder so detrimental. Perfectionism is a grueling battle. The constant need to be perfect can cause an overbearing strain on your health. Perfectionists often have little time to care for themselves because they spend all of their time striving for perfection. On the other hand, this disorder can improve your health by decreasing participation in risky behaviors. There are two sides of perfectionism, and often times the dark side outweighs the benefits of the disorder. 1 Rettner, R. (2010, July 11). The Dark Side of Perfectionism Revealed. Retrieved September 30, 2014. 2 Smith, A. (2013, July 25). Why Being a Perfectionist Can Make You Depressed. Retrieved October 2, 2014. 3 You Are Not Alone. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2014, from perfection Marano, H. (2008, March 1). Pitfalls of Perfectionism. Retrieved September 30, 2014.
  • 9. 16 17 The Impacts of Stress on the Human Immune System Stress is a reaction to a stimulus that causes a disturbance to our physical or mental equilibrium. Stress causes a physiological response called the general adaptation syndrome, sometimes referred to as the “fight or flight” response. This response causes the body to divert its blood flow to large muscles and away from the digestive system and organs that do not assist in either fleeing from danger or fighting.1 Although modern stressors usually do not require spontaneous physical activity, psychological stressors are still capable of causing physical reactions. Stress is attributed to numerous physical disorders including immune system disturbances. Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, led a team of researchers to study the impacts of chronic psychological stress in relation to the body’s ability to regulate the inflammatory response. Cohen’s research found that the effects of psychological stress promote the development and progression of disease. A hormone called cortisol is responsible in part for the regulation of inflammation. When the body is stressed, the brain signals the adrenal cortex to produce cortisol. However, prolonged stress alters the efficiency of cortisol to adjust inflammatory response as the response reduces tissue sensitivity to the hormone. When cortisol is restricted from serving its purpose, inflammation becomes uncontrolled. Immune cells become insensitive to cortisol, and in turn causes unregulated inflammation to promote the progression of disease.2 Cohen’s research experiment necessitated 394 healthy subjects to be given nasal drops containing one of five pre-chosen respiratory viruses, including rhinovirus type 2, 9, and 14, respiratory syncytial virus, and coronavirus type 229E. A separate 26 subjects were given saline nasal drops to be used as the control group. The subjects were then put in quarantine for five days and were monitored to observe the development of infection and symptoms of disease. The more stress people reported, the more the subject’s probability of infection increased. The rates of both respiratory infection and clinical colds increased with the increase of psychological stress.3 These results support Cohen’s finding that prolonged stress is associated with a cell’s inability to respond to hormonal signals responsible for the regulation of inflammation, most importantly being cortisol. A person’s reaction to environmental stressors is best characterized by the “fight or flight” response, in which the body prepares itself to either run from danger or fight. This response triggers the redirection of blood flow away from the immune system in order to transfer more blood to muscles and vital organs. However, modern stressors are now more likely to be psychological stress. Although psychological stress does not require an immediate physical response from the body, it has profound and negative impacts on the human body. Prolonged stress weakens the immune system’s ability to combat disease and infection, causing widespread damage to the body. 1 "Stress (medicine)." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2014. 2 Cohen, S. "Psychological Stress and Susceptibility to the Common Cold. "National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2014. <>. 3 Segerstrom, Suzanne C. "Psycological Stress and the Human Immune System." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 23 Dec. 0005. Web. 30 Sept. 2014. <>. Lorden Hoff Happy Mind Jackson White People every day attempt to lead healthy lives by eating right and exercising. These are no doubt the silver bullet when it comes to being healthier, but not everyone takes their mental health into consideration. The mind can have a tremendous impact on the well-being of the body it inhabits, positive or negative. Take the placebo effect for example, which is the effect a belief can have on your health. In some cases, if a person is convinced a treatment will work, their body may respond as expected, despite the legitimacy of the treatment. The exact reasons and mechanisms for this effect are still being researched, but it’s a powerful example for the kind of power the mind has over the body. Like proper diet and physical activity, having a positive mindset can drastically effect an individual’s physical health, not to mention their overall mental health. A positive mindset means approaching problems and everyday life with the confidence that things will turn out well. Expecting the best from a situation, happily engaging in new activities, and creating happy relationships are all traits of a positive person. People who maintain a positive mindset experience lower rates of depression and anxiety, a healthier immune system, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, a longer lifespan, and improved mental fortitude during times of stress or hardship.1 The explanation behind this phenomenon traces back to the stress most people go through in their lives. According to Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, people under psychological stress are at increased risk to contract the cold and other illnesses.3 Stress has a larger impact on a person’s physical health than most people realize, and can severely affect their way of life. To put it another way, the more positive a person is, the less stress they undergo, which causes the mind to put less physical stress on the body. Another explanation as to why happy folks are healthier could simply be that jolly people have a tendency to live more beneficial lifestyles. Whether these people are consciously improving themselves or it is a product of their happiness, the result is the same. Being in good health requires work, but staying cheerful is usually the easiest thing you can do to improve your body. 1 " Stress Management." Positive Thinking: Reduce Stress by Eliminating Negative Self-talk. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Oct. 2014. 2 Dawson, D. (2013, April 10). Happy Minds. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from uploads/2013/04/happy-mind.jpg 3 Cohen, Sheldon. "Result Filters." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2014. <Image 12 >
  • 10. 18 19 Human Emotion and Heatlh Recent studies in the field of science suggested some controversial issues of the relationship between human emotions and health. Some neuroscientists and psychologists claim that one’s emotions are dependent on one’s health. On the other hand, others claim that this is true vice versa; that one’s health depends on one’s emotions. Although it is still a hotly debated topic, nowadays many scientists conclude that the two factors have mutual influence. However, as the theme of this journal is “General Health,” the influence of human emotions toward human body or health will be the main discussion of this article. Negative emotions such as anger and fear may induce cardiovascular disease in our body. According to Laura Kubzansky, PhD, MPH, a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health in Cambridge, Mass., people with high anger levels have a higher possibility in getting a cardiovascular disease2 . Psychologically speaking, anger activates the “fight or flight response” of our body, which results in secretion of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones speed up our heart rate and raise our blood pressure to give tremendous energy for a short period of time. If this sequence happens continuously, our body will be in a state of tension for a long time and it causes a negative effect on one’s heart. The “wear and tear” of our heart might lead to a serious cardiovascular disease as well as other physiological diseases. There are not as many studies and results of the relationship between positive emotions and health as that of the relationship between negative emotions and health. Still, some data shows that good feelings such as happiness and optimism are closely linked with the well-being of individuals3 . Also, various keys to happiness is discovered by experts. For example, meditation is very helpful for our brain to think positively and optimistically. Active interactions with others will be a good catalyst for our happiness and health. Thus, instead of being serious, try to be happy, and you will feel the significant change on your body. 1 Looking Into Human Emotions. (2011, January 10). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from f/9/emotions__by_Xo_Apex_oX.jpg 2 Kam, K. (2009, December 21). How Anger Hurts Your Heart. Retrieved October 16, 2014, from stress-management/features/how-anger-hurts-your-heart 3 Srivastava, A. (2013, March 27). How Happiness Affects Your Health. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from blogs/health/2013/03/27/how-happiness-affects-your-health/ Chae Won Ryu <Image 11 > How Dehydration Affects Human Body EonHo Chang Have you ever felt sudden dizziness or grogginess while walking down the street? Have you ever lost your temper toward your close friends or family for trivial reasons? Have you ever felt tired, even though you did not do any high-intensity cardiovascular exercise? If you have been in one or more of these situations, here is your panacea: water. Before we go deeper into the subject, let us first review the basic knowledge about water. All living organisms depend on water. It is crucial for life both as a medium and a solvent for critical metabolic reactions. In anabolism, water is removed from molecules (condensation reaction) to form larger molecules. In catabolism, macromolecules are broken down into smaller molecules by water breaking the chemical bonds (hydrolysis). In respiration, cells reform water and CO2 while oxidizing the hydrogen and carbon (cellular respiration). DIZZINESS1 Dizziness can result from not having enough water in your blood. Blood is 94% water, and water dominates our blood pressure. Therefore, without water, the amount of blood in your body decreases, and thus your blood pressure drops. Our blood circulation that takes part in transportation of various materials throughout the entire body will be disrupted. Eventually, shortage of water will cause shortage of oxygen and other nutrients needed in our cells, tissues, and even organs in severe cases. BRAIN ACTIVITY2 As the situation deteriorates, lack of water may affect our cognitive activities. If our brains are oxygen-deprived, they will lose consciousness. Brain cells will weaken, and the transfer of information among cells will not function as normal. Also, the frontal lobe, part of the brain related to emotions, will not operate normally, and we therefore may become cranky and impatient. DIGESTION We need water in the whole process of digestion, and lack of water makes our stomach uncomfortable. Water is used for hydrolysis, which is one of the steps in which food get dissolved and cleaved. It also plays the role of carriers of nutrients from the digestive system to the living cells. FATIGUE12 Water is essential for providing energy for the body as well. Poor hydration will lead to less energy production, which eventually will result in unexplainable fatigue. Most people drink only when they are thirsty. Also, many people only drink soda, coffee, or tea. Caffeine contained in the drink will cause diuresis (increased amount of urine), which could possibly lead to dehydration. SO DRINK WATER FREQUENTLY! Ladies, here is another reason you should drink water– elasticity of skin. Drink water as often as you can, and you will find yourself looking younger every day! 1 Shirreffs SM, Merson SJ, Fraser SM, Archer DT; Merson; Fraser; Archer. (June 2004)."The effects of fluid restriction on hydration status and subjective feelings in man". Br. J. Nutr. 91 (6), p951-958. doi:10.1079/BJN20041149 2 Rosalie MB. (23 Nov 2009). Dehydration Affects Mood, Not Just Motor Skills. top
  • 11. 20 21 GMO, Savior or Sinner? In response to these concerns, the errors that might be made during the challenging GM processes undergo strict safety tests referring to the official regulations. Of course GMOs can be dangerous, if errors weren’t found and got consumed by people. That is why strict regulations are required for GMOs. They need to get permission from the country regarding its regulation of GMOs.2 For instance in EU countries, GMOs are evaluated particularly in two areas. Firstly, when injecting newly developed genes into the organisms, generally new proteins are formed. These new kinds of proteins should be tested whether it is suitable for human consumption. The safety of these proteins are appraised during the animal feeding tests. There are several criteria for assessing the proteins’ danger, and if one or more criteria are met, this GMO will not be able to get consumed by people. Secondly, chemical analyses and animal feeding tests are used to minimize the possibility of side- effects. The GMOs nutritional value and content of toxins are measured with those of the other conventional foods. If any differences are shown including the toxin content, that GM food would not be permitted. In the animal feeding test, the whole GM food is fed to the subject animals of the experiment consistently over a long period of time. If there are any negative changes in the subjects’ organs or immune system, the GM food is inadmissible.3 In conclusion, GMOs have to go through rigorous steps before we can meet them at supermarkets. The truth is that the GMOs people consume is strictly marked as safety food. 1 Waananen, L. (2013, September 27). Syringes, gas masks and Frankenfood: Visuals of the GMO debate. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from debate 2 Frequently asked questions on genetically modified foods. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2014, from foodsafety/areas_work/food-technology/faq-genetically-modified-food/en/ 3 Evaluating Safety: A Major Undertaking. (2006, February 15). Retrieved November 15, 2014, from Gi Ahn Jung GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are deliberately processed organisms by changing their genetic structure. The problem with it is that the only words we hear associated with GMOs are words like biotechnology, biosafety, genetic injection, transgenic food, gene therapy, and so on. According to the Australian Department of the Environment and Heritage, genetic modification means "the manipulation of an organism's genetic make-up in order to create or enhance desirable characteristics from the same or another species.” GMO genetics are manipulated by extracting the useful or needed gene from the organism and putting it into the target organism. To do this, restriction enzymes are initially used to cut out the specific gene. These enzymes recognize the sequences of the DNA strands and cut out the exact places. Then, the vector, which is capable of getting into the host cells, is used to carry the extracted genes inside the host cells of the target organism. Of course, harmful toxins or viruses get eliminated before the extracted genes are put into the organism. Because the process of genetic modification is technically demanding, there is a common misconception that GMOs are unhealthy and might bring severe circumstances. <Image 11 > The Effect of Saturated Fat on Human Body Jisu Eo Polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats, saturated fats, and trans fats are different kinds of fats that are known today. There are categories that these kinds of fats are classified as. Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are known to be called “healthy fats,” which decrease LDL and increase HDL. In contrast, saturated fats and trans fats are the “unhealthy fats,” which increase bad cholesterol. The main difference between these two major types of fats is that in saturated fats only single bonds can be found, but the unsaturated fats contain some double bonds. Saturated fat is often found in everyday life. Butter, cheese, chocolate, fats in meat, and French fries are known to have one of the highest calorie counts. Saturated fat has been considered dangerous as it increases risk on the human body. However, because of its addictive taste, many people seek for the saturated fat foods even though they know it is harmful. In fact, people are not really aware of the danger of it. To begin with, consuming the food with a high density of saturated fat is very dangerous as it raises the cholesterol level in the blood stream. Cholesterol is not always detrimental to the human body, but it is actually an essential substance for the body’s normal functioning. However, if cholesterol levels in the blood get too high, it can lead to risk of heart and blood vessel disease, stroke and cancer. As one takes in more calories than the body requires to maintain itself, plaques in the blood stream can be built up due to cholesterol. This built- up plaques are very harmful as it clogs the blood stream like a blocked pipe. This kind of situation can lead to cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.1 Furthermore, the foods containing high levels of saturated fats such as butter, creams, and meats are often high in calories and it is obvious that eating a high-calorie diet causes many side effects. When a person eats a high-calorie diet with more calories than the person burns, the extra energy will be stored as fats for future use. When there is too much extra energy in the fat cell, it will finally cause conditions such as obesity and high blood pressure. Therefore, it is important for people to balance their diet and avoid an excess of saturated fat in the diet. 1 Feature, R. (n.d.). High Cholesterol Risks: Heart Attack and Stroke. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from cholesterol-management/features/high-cholesterol-risks-top-2-dangers 2 Krauss, R. (2012, April 24). Saturated Fat and Red Meat? It Depends. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from http://howonearthradio. org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Cheeseburger-wikimedia.jpg <Image 12 >
  • 12. 22 23 Causes and Effects of Obesity Pizzas, Hamburgers, Fries, Nuggets, Pasta…. Looks good? Your tongue might feel tastier, but your life will not. Obesity; one of the biggest health problems in the modern society. As I mentioned, there are a bunch of amazing foods that attract us every day. These foods taste good, but these foods are mostly considered as “Fast-Foods”, and contain a lot of fat, MSG, and cholesterols. These foods are in fact, the main causes of obesity. When you become obese, there are a lot of problems that can happen, you get to weight more, so there could be some difficulties and discomforts while living out. For instance, you might not be able to run fast, sit on small chairs, or might not look good to other people. However, these are not the real problems. Other “Real” problems exist. When a person becomes obese, the likelihood of many serious diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, and some cancers increases in a significant rate1 . This means, even if a child is obese, there is a possibility those young might get these diseases. Also, obese people get to use more energy than people who are not, so they get to eat more again. This makes obesity even scarier, and explains how severe the consequences of obese can be. Some scientists say that in fact obese is one of the leading causes of death in the globe nowadays. It is absolutely and obviously true that obesity in our society is a major problem to solve. Now, here’s most important question: How do we solve obesity problems? The most important will be to eat healthy foods, and have a regular diet and living habits. Eating a lot of food such as salads will be helpful, and managing to reduce the amount you eat every time will be one of the most effective ways. Also important, is to do a lot of exercise. Especially doing aerobic exercises such as running every day will be another plus in your diet. So remember these two things: food and exercise. As I said before, the more you gain weight, the harder you get to escape from obesity. At first the methods might not seem to work, so it could be stressful and hopeless about the diet. But if you endure, and keep on the diet, you’ll notice you lost a lot of weight each month! Diet will not only give you smile and confidence right now, but also the rest of your life. 1 Haslam, D.W. , James, P.T. (29 September 2005) “Obesity” doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)67483-1 2 Steinfeld, J. (2013, September 16). Declaring War on Childhood Obesity. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from gen/1354867/thumbs/o-CHILDHOOD-OBESITY-facebook.jpg Seunghyun Nam <Image 12 > Dietary Strategies for Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes In a society where individuals are highly exposed to an increasing number of processed food, people tend to be indifferent to our daily eating habits. Such indifference has led an overarching number of people to suffer from various diseases and arising complications. Throughout the last few decades, there has been a large growth in the number of patients who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is classified as type two because its primary cause is due to impaired lifestyle, such as disoriented eating habits, unbalanced nutritional diet, lack of exercises, and obesity. In fact, researchers have firmly claimed that lifestyle modification, especially nutritional and dietary strategies, is the best way to maintain normal blood glucose level. There are several types of dietary strategies that have been suggested to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, such as a low-fat diet, low-carbohydrate diet, dietary advice with exercise, and so on. Diabetes can easily lead to numerous complications that may eventually cause death, thus maintaining a stable glycemic index through the implementation of a well-managed dietary strategy is critical. Until now, numerous researchers have conducted experiments and research on different strategies that can best reduce the blood glucose levels for patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus and its complications. They have clearly stated that lifestyle modifications such as a low-fat diet and low carbohydrate diet are some of the best lifestyle modifications that patients must actively adopt.1 The research was conducted to assess the value of a low-carbohydrate diet and a low-fat diet, and concluded that more patients in the low-carbohydrate group experienced faster weight loss than those in the low-fat group in a short term. However, as time progressed, there was a similar weight reduction of about 3.4% in both groups of patients. It can be inferred that both dietary strategies can certainly enhance diabetic symptoms by reducing the weight. Implementation of a low-carbohydrate diet for a year proved to have positive effects on hemoglobin A1C and the measure of average blood glucose.1 Researchers who reviewed meta-analysis of several studies in glycemic control made a conclusion that high- monosaturated-fat diets improve glycemic index profiles and lipoprotein profiles, as opposed to high-carbohydrate diets. It showed that fasting plasma triacylglycerol concentrations significantly reduces the cholesterol, specifically VLDL- cholesterol, concentrations by about 20%. There was a decrease of carbohydrate load through high-monosaturated-fat diets, which is difficult for type 2 diabetes patients to handle readily. Scientists suggest that this specific dietary approach is best encouraged for patients who focus primarily on losing or maintaining weight.2 Taking results from research about various dietary strategies, patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes must focus their treatment on making changes in their diets. Being fully aware of detrimental effects from implications such as cardiovascular diseases and nerve and kidney damage, patients should take active response in glycemic control. 1 Davis, N.J., Tomuta N., Schechter C., Isasi, C.R., Segal-Isaacson, C.J., Wylie-Rosett, J. (2009). Comparative Study of the Effects of a 1-Year Dietary Intervention of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Versus a Low-Fat Diet on Weight and Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 32, 1147-1152. 2 Garg, Abhimanyu (1998). High-monosaturated-fat diets for patients with diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67, 5775-5825. Min Su Kim
  • 13. 24 25 Eat and Stay Young Sang Weon Suh If a cell is in contact with oxygen, oxidation occurs within the cell. No matter what type of cell it is, any cell that interacts with oxygen goes through oxidation. This phenomenon can be seen easily in our daily life, but seeing this may not be always so always be pleasant. For instance, browning apples, rancid fish, and even rust on an iron pipe are examples of oxidation that can be seen easily in daily situations, and they are all not pleasant at all. Furthermore, if this oxidation happens on human skin, it can be worse. Simply, if one’s skin goes through oxidation, one will appear older than they actually are. Looking at people with many wrinkles, or scars that are easily distinguishable from normal skin color, it is right to say that their skin went through oxidation. There is a medical way that can help in preventing wrinkles and scars, and that is by using antioxidants. Since antioxidants prevents oxidation, which is responsible for making skin getting older, it is crucial for our health. Organisms that synthesize oxygen to survive are born with an ability to cure themselves from oxidation. However, as they age and get older the amount of oxidation-causing wastes, which are called free oxygen, are stacked in the body; therefore exceedings the amount of waste that can be cured by innate ability. As this ability is not capable of the taking care of the amount of free oxygen, people can get serious illness. For example, excess oxidation can cause cell damage and lead to hardening of arteries, which can be a main cause for one’s death. Therefore, people need antioxidants for their health. Out of my friends, there are several of them who look extremely old compared to their age, and they sometimes have complexion about their appearance. It seems impossible to prevent oneself from getting old but it is actually really easy to slow that process down by using antioxidants. To put it in an extreme way, oxidation can be part of cancer, diabetes, and other diseases that lead to death. Therefore, consuming food with a lot of antioxidants can not only keep one to looklooking young, but also can help a person to stay healthy and live longer. 1 Tsang, G. (2011, March 1). Antioxidants 101. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from imagecache/article-lead-image-570x200/berries_600.jpg <Image 12 > All About Vitamin C Vitamin C is one of the water-soluble vitamins that has a sour taste with yellowish-white color. The human body can neither produce Vitamin C nor store it, so it has to be consumed daily from fresh fruits or vegetables. The importance of Vitamin C was first introduced in the 15th century, when sailors and explorers suffered from the disease called ‘scurvy.’ As sailors stayed onboard ship for a long period of time, they were not able to consume fresh fruits or vegetables, thus leading them to scurvy.2 Scurvy is the disease that results in hemorrhage, gum disease, or anemia, and eventually leads the human body to death. Sailors realized the importance of Vitamin C and started carrying fresh fruits such as lemon on the voyage. Other than the cure of scurvy, Vitamin C has so much more usage in the human body that it is now considered the ‘cure-all.’ Vitamin C helps repair and grow many parts of the human body-from blood vessels and tissues to teeth and bones. Vitamin C affects not only the inside of the human body but also the outside. It slows down the aging of the skin and cures wounds. Moreover, Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants that prevent substances called ‘free radicals’ from harming the human body. Since free radicals are related to severe heart disease or cancer, Vitamin C may be the ‘cure-all’. However, as there is an old saying ‘too much is as bad as too little,’ excessive consumption of Vitamin C can harm the human body. According to the ‘Dietary Reference Intakes: Estimated Average Requirements,’ published by the United States National Academy of Sciences, the recommended dietary allowance of Vitamin C for an adult male is 90 mg per day.3 Vitamin C can leave the body through the urine system when there is an excessive amount of Vitamin C since it is water-soluble. However, when people consume too much Vitamin C, it may cause light symptoms like headache or diarrhea to severe issues such as heartburn or kidney stones. For many people, Vitamin C may be a familiar nutrient, but not many of them know what effects Vitamin C has on the human body. Know exactly how it affects your body and consume wisely. 1 30 Foods Under 40 Calories, with Recipes. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2014, from gallery/0,,20640804_19,00.html 2 Scurvy. (2013, January 22). Retrieved October 1, 2014, from 3 Vitamin C. (2014, February 18). Retrieved October 1, 2014, from Jee Haeng Yoo There are three major nutrients that human beings have to consume for a living: protein, carbohydrates, and fat. The three major nutrients are so essential that you may end up dying if you do not consume enough, but there is no need to worry because such nutrients are consumed on a daily basis. However, even though these three nutrients are ‘the three major nutrients,’ it does not mean that these are only necessary nutrients for your body. Vitamin is one of the essential nutrients that the human body should have in order to stay alive. There are 13 recognized vitamins, and the most popular one is the Ascorbic Acid, widely known as Vitamin C. <Image 11 >
  • 14. 26 27 Enzymes can Resolve it All Yurim Lee Lack of protease causes anxiety, feeble immune system, sloppy kidney function and cold hands and feet. Lack of disaccharidase causes diarrhea, constipation, insomnia and depression. 1 People also gain weight easily if they intake foods without enzymes because too much cryptic enzymes, which humans form themselves, are used up as digestive enzymes when some of them need to be saved for metabolism.2 According to Karen L. Defelice in Nutrition and Enzymes, insufficient amounts of enzymes just might be the cause of all of the health problems listed above which are common for modern people. As one of nine major nutrients that organisms require to sustain their lives, enzymes break down foods so that bodies can absorb nutrients helping absorption, digestion and evacuation take place.3 There are two kinds of enzymes; one that humans produce on their own and another that they obtain from foods. Well, in the past, it was known that humans can produce cryptic enzymes infinitely, but now that the amount of enzymes human bodies can produce has been found out to be limited, people’s interest in effectively consuming enzymes has increased.4 Fortunately, according to Cookand, scietists have found out that people can increase the amount of enzymes they obtain from foods, though, by eating ‘rightly cooked’ foods at the ‘right time’. People can increase the amount of enzymes they obtain from foods by cooking them right. According to Cookand, enzymes get denatured when cooked at high temperatures. In fact, most plant based enzymes become denatured at 48°C (water’s boiling point is at 100°C) and it is best to eat them raw. Second, the amount of enzymes one can obtain increases about ten times once the food gets grinded. Grinding fruits and vegetables as a whole, with their peels, would even add up this boost. 5 People can also consume enzymes effectively if they understand their biorhythm. According to Moon in Failing Diet, Lack of Enzymes Might be the Cause, in nutritional science, a day is divided in to three groups; four in the morning to noon, noon to eight in the night, and eight to four. Four to noon is when metabolic enzymes become active and people excrete bodily wastes. Since activation of digestive enzymes can interfere with or lessen the amount of metabolic enzymes, eating foods with enzymes, grinded vegetables, for instance, and drinking water are recommended. Noon to eight is when digestive enzymes become active so enough nutrients including carbohydrates and proteins should be taken at this time. Eight until four, on the other hand, is when people should not eat. This is when cellular metabolic reactions take place with nutrients saved earlier and bodies repair themselves.6 To take enzymes efficiently, people have to supplement foods that contain enzymes and avoid foods that do not from four to noon. Moon from Cookand states, now that a large part of people’s diets consist of foods without enzymes such as cookies and breads, poor digestion, bacterial infections due to poor digestion, leaky gut, colon problems and toxins might just all come from deficiency of enzymes. 7 People can intake enzymes effectively from foods, though, by eating fruits and vegetables raw or grinded as a whole or both. Clear understanding of biorhythm also offers times to supplement enzymes and when not to intake foods. If one can obtain sufficient amounts of enzymes, one might be able to resolve some of the health problems he or she has. 1 Karen L. DeFelice . (8.25.05), paragraph 1, Nutrition and Enzymes. In Enzyme Stuff; the Wonderful World of Digestive Enzymes. 2 Moon. E.J. (2012.06.01), paragraph 3, Failing Diet, Lack of Enzymes Might be the Cause. Cookand. 3 Karen L. DeFelice . (8.25.05), paragraph 2, Nutrition and Enzymes. In Enzyme Stuff; the Wonderful World of Digestive Enzymes. 4 Moon. E.J. (2012.06.01), paragraph 2, Failing Diet, Lack of Enzymes Might be the Cause. Cookand. 5 Moon. E.J. (2012.06.01), paragraph 4, Failing Diet, Lack of Enzymes Might be the Cause. Cookand. 6 Moon. E.J. (2012.06.01), paragraph 5, Failing Diet, Lack of Enzymes Might be the Cause. Cookand. 7 Karen L. DeFelice . (8.25.05), paragraph 2 and 3, Nutrition and Enzymes. In Enzyme Stuff; the Wonderful World of Digestive Enzymes.; Moon. E.J. (2012.06.01), paragraph 3, Failing Diet, Lack of Enzymes Might be the Cause. Cookand. How to Use NSAID Drugs Safely Have you benefitted from the effect of non-steroidal anti-Inflammatory drugs, otherwise known as NSAID drugs? You don’t think so? Well, maybe then you need a better explanation. One of the most popularly used forms of NSAID painkillers is Acetyl Salicylic Acid, otherwise known as Aspirin. Another popular form is known as Ibuprofen. They are also among the most popular over-the-counter drugs, which means that they can be bought without a prescription. However, did you know that NSAID drugs had a fatal side effect? These anti-inflammatory drugs can cause gastrointestinal bleeding which can be fatal. Although individual possibility of experiencing these symptoms are very low, over 100,000 hospitalizations and 16,000 deaths are caused by NSAID drugs annually.1 You are more likely to experience these symptoms if you are “over 60 years, concurrent use of corticosteroids, previous GI bleeding or history of peptic ulcer disease, use of excessively high NSAID doses, and history of cardiovascular disease .” 1 Also, overdose of these drugs are a common symptom. There are nearly 175 million adults who take pain relievers, and over half of them admit that their doses exceed the recommended dose.2 People use various reasons to take more than written on the prescription, the most common reason being that they have developed immunity or that it doesn’t work quickly enough. On the contrary, there has been no case of developing immunity to NSAID, overdosing highly increases the possibility of kidney failure to up to 4 times.3 To avoid these fatal symptoms, we need to understand how these popular painkillers work. As the name “anti-inflammatory” suggests, they cut off the effects of Cox-1 and Cox-2 enzymes. By blocking these enzymes, these drugs lessen pain and swelling.4 However, it cannot be said that it is good to be relieved of pain or fever because it is a factor in our immune system. By trying to suppress the uncomfortable symptoms such as fevers or cramps, we also end up suppressing our immune system, prolonging the illness. At the risk of sounding clichéd, anti-inflammatory painkillers are a double-edged sword. Although they are already a part of life because they are highly helpful in managing everyday disturbances. On the other hand, they can cause permanent organ damage and internal bleeding, both of which can be fatal. So, before you gulp that Ibuprofen, think twice and stay safe! 1 BAKOWSKY, V., & HANLY, J. (2000, December 1). Editorial. Retrieved October 3, 2014, from editorials/200164.html 2 Over-the-Counter Pain Killer Abuse. (n.d.). Retrieved November 19, 2014, from news/20030130/when-relieving-pain-raises-risk 3 Whitmont, R. (2014, September 24). Could Blocking Symptoms Hurt Your Health? Retrieved October 2, 2014, from http://www. 4 How Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Work. (n.d.). Retrieved November 19, 2014, from features/how-anti-inflammatory-drugs-work?page=2 SeoHyoung Moon
  • 15. 28 29 Running: How beneficial is running to your health? Justin Turner Running is an intriguing activity. Just last year, over 540,000 people ran marathons within the United States.1 Over half of a million people decided to run 26 miles. Why would anyone put themselves through such a thing? The reasoning is, running is extremely beneficial to your health and your mentality. Those half-million people enjoyed what they were doing. Running can make you feel healthier, reduce stress, and create social interactions. Some of the health benefits of running include the strengthening of bones and muscles, increasing energy, and extending your life. When you run, just like in all exercise, your muscle filaments tear. Your cells then rapidly work to regrow and as a result your muscles are stronger. Two of the main parts of your body to be affected are legs and knees. The filaments around your knees strengthen and can remove knee and joint pain. Also with each stride a person takes while running, their bone is stressed upon and the body reacts by rebuilding and strengthening bone cells.2 Along with strengthening bones and muscles, you will have an increase in energy. Running works out your cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system is responsible for pumping blood and moving oxygen around your system.3 Oxygen is one of the key components in cellular respiration to produce energy in your cells. By improving your heart health through running, you increase oxygen movement and energy production. Runners find themselves rejuvenated and awake. Finally, exercising can increase your life by creating stronger cells and reducing stress on your body in the long run. Besides helping you physically, running benefits your mental emotions and capabilities. When you run, you increase your production of endorphins, which are neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters help make you feel good.4 Running also produces a calming rhythm to remove worry and forget your daily struggles. It can also help balance your sleep schedule, which results in a healthier and happier lifestyle. Finally, running gives more oxygen to the brain and causes higher awareness and more retention when learning. Socially, running is a very popular activity. Many people run daily and know others who run. Running can, with no doubt, be hard to do at times, and running with someone enduring the pain grows a respect and a strong bond with that person. Also, instead of enduring pain, a group of people can jog lightly and chat. Nowadays, running events are held very frequently that are often filled with friendly people. Socially, running is a great activity to get involved in. To conclude, running is a wonderful activity to get involved in to increase your health, relieve mental stress, and get to know people. Running is an activity that can be done through the young years, and through the old. It is an extremely beneficial form of exercise and is a great way to stay healthy. 1 N/A. (2014, March 23). "Running USA's Annual Marathon Report | Running USA." Retrieved from index.cfm?fuseaction=news.details&ArticleId=332 2 Sherwood, Chris. (2013, Oct. 25). "How Does Running Affect Bones?" Retrieved from how-does-running-affect-bones/ 3 Munford, Krysta. (2014). "Cardiovascular System." Retrieved from cardiovascular-system 4 Mayo Clinic Staff. (2014) "Stress Management." Retrieved from depth/exercise-and-stress/art-20044469 Regenerative Kidney It is widely believed that the only viable ways of treating renal failure and renal insufficiency are transplantation, hemodialysis, and peritoneal dialysis, all of which may induce great pain in the patient and cost extremely large amounts of money. But now, a prospective, more advanced, and less costly treatment is already under progress and is very likely to become the primary method of treating kidney diseases and other chronic diseases caused by irreversible cell damage. Most of chronic kidney diseases are caused by damage of podocytes --differentiated epithelial cells crucial for filtration. Unlike other epithelial cells that periodically renew themselves, these cells are thought to be non-regenerative because the kidney has a highly organized filter system and any replacement of cells can undermine the homeostatic balance. Any damage done would be permanent. Many scientists specialized in stem cells, telomerase, and cell aging have attempted to find signs of podocytes’ renewal. It is found that podocytes may dedifferentiate, and proliferate, in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated nephropathy, which is characterized by a rapid decline in renal function, emphasizing the importance of podocyte quiescence for glomerular function (Barisoni 1999). Together with other evidence, it reveals the potential regenerative ability of podocytes. A study done by Marina Shkreli showed that podocytes can re-enter the cell cycle after TERT expression is silenced or when Wnt signaling is inhibited. (Shkreli 2009) A more stunning research conducted by Dr. Yuval Rinkevich at Stanford managed to show that in fact, kidney cells (renal tubule-restricted clonal segment-specific epithelial cells) can be replenished by local cell production from Wnt-responsive, fate- restricted, and clone-forming cells that may function as unipotent stem/progenitor cells. (Rinkevich 2014) These results are especially valuable for the patients who have been suffering from chronic kidney disease and cannot afford the prohibitive cost of regular dialysis treatment. It is known that the ability that these cells possess to re-enter the generation process is related to Wnt pathways, which was found in numerous studies investigating kidney cell regeneration. Basically, these proteins are involved in a particular kind of cellular pathway that can be recognized by podocytes, and the activation of this pathway can trigger cellular reproduction. This finding offers a therapeutic target to stimulate the regenerative ability of the kidneys. If one day we can put this method to use, it may become the radical cure for chronic kidney disease. 1 Barisoni L, Kriz W, Mundel P, D’Agati V. 1999 Jan. The dysregulated podocyte phenotype: a novel concept in the pathogenesis of collapsing idiopathic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and HIV-associated nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol. 10:51–61. [PubMed] 2 Shkreli M., Sarin KY., Pech MF., Papeta N., Chang W., Brockman SA., Cheung P., Lee E., Kuhnert F, et al.2011 Dec. Reversible cell-cycle entry in adult kidney podocytes through regulated control of telomerase and Wnt signaling. Nat Med. doi:10.1038/ nm.2550 3 Yuval Rinkevich, Daniel T. Montoro, Humberto Contreras-Trujillo, Orit Harari-Steinberg, Aaron M. Newman, Jonathan M. Tsai, Xinhong Lim, Renee Van-Amerongen, Angela Bowman, Michael Januszyk, Oren Pleniceanu, Roel Nusse, Michael T. Longaker, Irving L. Weissman, Benjamin Dekel. 2014. In Vivo Clonal Analysis Reveals Lineage-Restricted Progenitor Characteristics in Mammalian Kidney Development, Maintenance, and Regeneration. Cell Reports. 7 (4): 1270 DOI:10.1016/j.celrep.2014.04.018 Chunzi Zhang
  • 16. 30 3131 Science Journal Club Missouri Academy of Science Mathematics and Computing Science Jounal November 2014 Published by President: Jee Haeng Yoo First Year Executive: Gi Ahn Jung The Missouri Academy Science Journal serves as the source of scientific intelligence of the students of the Missouri Academy and staff members of Northwest Missouri State University. Cover Photo References <Front Cover> What is healthism? (2012, February 20). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from http://www.thehealthculture. com/2012/02/what-is-healthism-part-one/ <Back Cover> Winners announced for the 2013 Leaders in Health Care Awards by Minnesota Business Magazine. (2013, October 29). Retrieved November 24, 2014, from 30
  • 17. 32 Missouri Academy of Science, Mathematics, and Computing November 2014