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Mono Research Paper
Infectious Mononucleosis also known as Mono is known to be caused by the Epstein–Barr Virus
(EBV). It is contagious. It is usually seen during childhood but can extend to young adulthood ages
15 to 25. Ninety percent of the children who have mono have the EBV
The signs and symptoms include fever, and general malaise, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes
located in the neck and armpits, rash, and sometimes a swollen liver or spleen or both (
However, these symptoms are not visible until after the incubation period of four to six weeks.
Serology tests that can detect the IgM EBV antibodies are positive for EBV virus are used if a
person is symptomatic and has a negative mono test ( They may also show
increased ... Show more content on ...
Genera Lymphocryptovirus. (HHV–4). This virus has been known to be one of the most common
viruses in humans. It may cause a host of human diseases such as chicken pox, shingles, multiple
sclerosis, infectious mononucleosis, and Burkitts lymphoma which is one of the human cancers.
More than ninety percent of the adult population have artificially acquired immunity
The portal of entry is the respiratory tract. The virus survives in the infected cells of humans, and
causes an infection to the B cells which are located in the lymphoid tissues near the tonsils. Serology
tests that can detect that the IgM EBV antibodies are positive for EBV virus are used. Signs and
symptoms include, fever, sore throat, swollen and tender cervical lymph nodes, and extreme fatigue.
Prevention should include the treatment of symptoms and avoiding strenuous activity because there
is an increased risk of spleen rupture.
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CMV Case Study
The majority of CMV seropositive patients in both cohorts (BC and PC) were also amongst patients
who had high RILA scores; an indication of many terminal cells underwent apoptosis. CMV
seropositive patients have an increased risk of CMV infection reactivation when undergoing
intensified immunosuppressive therapies. It is conceivable that these immunosuppressive effects,
such as decreased proliferation of T–cells to CMV (Chidrawar et al., 2009), may cause subclinical
CMV reactivation in infected patients. Kuo et al. (2008) noted that in patients with head and neck
cancers, lung cancers and rectal cancer, the risk of CMV reactivation in these patients receiving
conventional chemotherapy is high. Of the 15 patients, Kuo et al. (2008) observed ... Show more
content on ...
There was no significant trend amongst many of the toxicity endpoints and RILA irrespective of
CMV serostatus. However, there was a significant trend in relation to urinary STAT and RILA
predictive power. It is noteworthy that the RILA assay shown to predict urinary STAT within this
cohort population. Interestingly, when the dataset was split based on CMV serostatus, however,
urinary toxicity was not observed in CMV seropositive patient despite an increase number of cells
undergoing apoptosis as assessed by RILA . This implies CMV infection in this cohort of prostate
cancer patients protects against toxicity (i.e. these patients were hyposensitive to toxicity – CMV
seropositive patients were at a minimal risk of suffering toxicity). This trend is in opposition to what
was observed amongst CMV seropositive BC patients. Neote et al. (1993) found elevated levels of
CMV IgG preceded the development of breast cancer in a Norwegian cohort. This might be the
reason why CMV seropositive BC patients had worse toxicity. CMV infection in BC patients might
be involved in tumour progression. Oseguera et al. (2017) study found elevated CMV levels in the
serum of some BC patients correlated with poor prognosis. CMV infection was associated with
promoting malignant spread of BC cell.
This study was subject to a series of limitations. First, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations were not
accounted for in this cohort population as these mutations can influence
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Katressa Case Study Essay
Case Study: Chief Complaint Katressa is a 16–year–old female high school student who recently
began to have health issues. The first instance of something being wrong was when she noticed that
she was extremely tired, had a sore throat and a headache. Her mother thought that she had a virus
and recommended that she go to bed early. Several days later she was feeling worse (even after
getting a ton of sleep the previous two nights) and felt like she had a fever and her neck hurt when
she moved it from side–to–side. But, since she had a project due at school, she decided that she
needed to go to school. During gym class that day became dizzy and had to sit down. Two days later
while in her technology course, she fainted. The school immediately called for an ambulance and
her parents were notified. Examination At the hospital, she was asked several questions by the ER
nurse and doctor. She told them she had these symptoms for 7–10 days. She had not traveled out of
the United States. She (with the help of her mother) described her symptoms. She was extremely
tired (somnolence), muscle pain (myalgia), sore throat, swollen glands, headache and a fever.
Katressa symptoms included Hyperpyrexia (an abnormally high body temperature), pharyngitis
(inflammation of the ... Show more content on ...
Katressa was not sure where she contacted the virus, since none of her friends had it. She was also
told that once you have the virus, you will have the virus for the rest of your live. But, once infected,
you will not contract it again if exposed at a later date. And that other complications may occur.
These complications included tonsillitis (swelling and infection of the tonsils), splenomegaly
(enlargement of the spleen), hepatomegaly or an abnormal enlargement of the liver. She was told
that she may also see a symptom of photophobia, which is an abnormal sensitivity to or intolerance
of light and/or hepatitis or inflammation is another serious
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Essay about Mononucleosis
Most commonly known as "the kissing disease", Mononucleosis or "Mono" is a serious and
contagious virus. Mononucleosis is a condition where there is an unusual profiteration of the
lymphocytes in the blood, due to an infection with the Epstein–Barr virus. The (EBV) Epstein– Barr
virus is a common and highly contagious organism and is a member of the Herpesviridae family.
EVP has played a role in the development of some cancers: Lymphoma's and Nasopharyngeal. Some
of the symptoms of "Mono" are often confused with strep throat. But because of the severe sore
throat, it often prompts the patient to call the doctor and get in for a visit. Some of the most common
symptoms of Infectious Mononucleosis are: a general lack of energy or ... Show more content on ...
These tests rely on our immune system and it's measurable anti–bodies against the (EBV) Epstein–
Barr virus. Unfortunately that is not able to be done until the patient has had the virus for 2 to 3
weeks. The doctor will need to ask several questions and examine the patient. Once the blood tests
are done, the results will help the doctor rule out any other causes of the patient's symptoms. Once
detected Mononucleosis can live in ones saliva for up to 18 months. One thing about this virus is,
once you have tested positive for "mono" our body builds up an antibody against the Epstein–Barr
Virus. Although patients have stated that with this virus making you feel so terrible, that ,there must
be some kind of antibiotic that is needed to get better. However, self care is usually all that is
needed. Of course, getting plenty of rest is important with most sickness, but with mono that is all
you will seem to do for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Gargle with salt water and warm water. That will help
your sore throat and swollen tonsils. Make sure to get some throat lozenges to help sooth your throat
as well. It is also helpful to take some acetaminophen (like Tylenol) or ibuprofen (like Advil) to
reduce fever and helps relieve the sore throat that was mentioned above. If possible only rest,
nourishment, and water are the best way to get through this virus. The medications above are not
needed to improve they are only
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Epstein Barr Case Studies
Summary: Maria Hernandez, a 29–year–old school teacher, presents to the doctor's office with
fatigue, ptosis and generalized weakness. Ms. Hernandez recently received a series of botox
injections, and is currently taking atorvastatin for her hypercholesterolemia. On physical
examination, a slight fever (100.2), an erythematous pharynx, and ten–pound weight loss were
noted; neurological examination revealed ptosis, facial weakness, decreased motor function as well
as bilateral trace reflexes in her patella and ankles. Additionally, chest radiography revealed a small
nodule in her right lung, and her lymphocyte and monocyte counts were elevated on her CBC.
Question: Describe the pathophysiology of mononucleosis and the significance of the mono–spot
test. ... Show more content on ...
Although the aforementioned symptoms are suggestive of IM, a subset of infected patients may be
asymptomatic (e.g., subclinical IM) or their symptoms may be attributable to other illnesses such as
acute HIV, cytomegalovirus or Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome.1 In order to differentiate IM
from other illnesses, diagnostic tests such as the mono–spot assay or EBV–specific antibodies
should be
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Medical Case Study
As the head physician at Johns Hopkins University Center Infirmary, I must inform you of an urgent
matter regarding the presence of four different diseases that hold the potential for an outbreak on
your campus. These four diagnosed diseases are meningococcal disease, Epstein–Barr virus,
streptococcal pharyngitis, and influenza virus B. Currently, nine students are independently affected
by one of these illnesses and if the campus does not take precaution immediately, the number of
infected students can quickly double within a day.
Found to be the most prevalent disease of the four, meningococcal disease, also known as bacterial
meningitis, was diagnosed in four of the campus' students. It was first diagnosed by DNA
sequencing through ... Show more content on ...
The second disease was the Epstein–Barr virus, which is also known as mononucleosis, that infected
two students on campus. For diagnosis, DNA sequencing through BLAST was also used to detect
the pathogen's existence in one of the patients. However, since the laboratory was unable to obtain a
sample from the second patient, the clinic deduced their infection by determining their relationships.
The symptoms that accompany this illness include a fever, sore throat, headaches, fatigue, and
swollen lymph nodes. Since the pathogen, Human herpesvirus 4 (HHV–4), for mononucleosis is a
virus, the patients were instructed to rest and antiviral medications were prescribed. Antiviral drugs,
unlike antibiotics, function similarly to pain killers as the viruses cannot be targeted and destroyed
the way that bacteria can, therefore, advising that the patients rest and recover allows for their
immune system to gradually fight off the viral infection. As the pathogen is able to be transmitted
through bodily fluids, students are advised to avoid sharing foods and drinks with other students and
maintain overall good hygiene, which includes regularly washing their hands.
Strep throat claimed one of the students on the campus, which was determined again through DNA
sequencing. With strep throat, individuals typically have a sore throat, fever, headaches, swollen
tonsils and/or lymph nodes, and overall body soreness. The
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Burkitt's Lymphoma
Burkitt's lymphoma is a very aggressive type of B–cell NHL with replication approaching 100%. It
has three clinical forms; endemic, sporadic and immunodeficiency associated. The endemic variant
is common in Africa, the sporadic variant is present in the U.S and Western Europe, and
immunocompromised variant occurs mainly in HIV patients. The sporadic variant comprises 30% of
pediatric lymphomas and less than 1% of adult NHL.
The most frequently affected site outside of lymph node involvement is the gastrointestinal tract
(30–50%). , Primary gastrointestinal lymphoma is rare. Secondary involvement of the
gastrointestinal tract is common in lymphoma. Primary gastrointestinal lymphoma presents with
symptoms localized to the GI tract or predominating ... Show more content on ...
We have been able to hold it at bay by aggressive chemotherapy, mainly derived from pediatric
treatment regiments, unspecific to Burkitt's. Chemotherapy, rituximab and prophylactic CNS
treatment should be included as part of the treatment regimens. Early diagnosis with aggressive and
early treatment can give very good long term survival rates for the patients, reaching around 70–
80%. However, letting the disease advance and get into older age groups can be very rapidly lethal
for the patients. It is a disease deserving of great attention and as we are at the edge of breaking
through into its treatment. An effort made into early detection can make a vast difference in outcome
for the
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Epstein-Barr Virus: A Case Study
The large, Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), is a complex cell that is not easily identified by the immune
system (Weisser, 2009). It infects nearly all individuals at some point in their lives and occasionally
goes undetected because symptoms can be dormant or resemble those of the common cold. In all
parts of the world, this virus is found (Chamberlain, 2009). Epstein–Barr virus can lead to many
other illnesses and in more severe cases, cancer (Smith, 2014). Once infected with the contagious
virus, it never escapes the body and can continue being transmitted to other individuals that one
comes in contact with (Nettleman, 2014). This intricate virus contains many structures that allow it
to survive and be pathogenic. Constructed by lipids, the cells ... Show more content on ...
Symptoms are commonly not seen in children under the age of five–years–old. When individuals are
in their teenage years or adults, symptoms are usually more noticeable. According to the Merck
Manual Home Edition, the four main signs of infectious mononucleosis are: extreme fatigue, fever,
sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. The most traditional sign of infectious mononucleosis are
swollen lymph nodes; which are often seen in ones neck, but can be visible in other areas of the
infected body. Another symptom that must be taken serious is an inflamed spleen. This may or may
not be noticeable, but if not handled properly it could rupture and result in serious consequences.
After all other symptoms have stopped, one may continue to suffer from fatigue for up to several
months (Urban,
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Mononucleosis Research Paper
Klaudia Malara Introduction The Epstein – Barr virus is one of the most common viruses in
humans. It is so common it has been stated that in the United States alone, it has shown previous
infection in about ninety to ninety five percent of all adults. (Weller, 2003). It is also one of the eight
main human herpes viruses as well as the cause of another disease called mononucleosis.
Mononucleosis is a kind of infection that is generated through kissing or sharing the same saliva.
Occurrences vary from drinking from the same glass or using the same toothbrush as someone who
is infected. It is also spread by blood or semen. Occurrences may include sex or an organ transplant.
Even after the infection of mononucleosis has ended, the virus stays in ... Show more content on ...
The Epstein–Barr virus is part of the Herpesvirales Order. Following order, this viruses Family is the
Herpesviridae. What this term means is that the viruses nucleic capsid is liner and has a double
stranded DNA. It is also composed of an icosahedral capsid and it is surrounded by an envelope
which is rich with phospholipids. The Epstein – Barr virus also is classified with a Subfamily
termed Gammaherpesvirinae. The virus is specific to T–lymphocytes or B–lymphocytes as well as
attacking the lymphoid tissues of vertebrae's. Moreover, the Genus is named Lymphocryptovirus
because it only infects cells in humans and monkeys. The Species is the Human Herpesvirus 4–.
This translates into a kind of virus that infects humans only and causes infectious mononucleosis
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Essay On Odontogenic Etiology
There are numerous conditions which could result in the pain experienced by a patient who reports a
"toothache". Many times, an odontogenic etiology–such as caries, cracked tooth, infection, or
periodontal abscess–for the pain can be identified, treated, and resolved. However, in some cases,
there is no odontogenic etiology for the pain, requiring a more complicated differential diagnosis.
After eliminating the possibility of odontogenic conditions by examination, radiography, and pulp
tests, several other conditions should be considered.
Fungal and viral infections can both cause orofacial pain. One common fungal infection of the
mouth is Candida albicans, whose symptoms typically include white patches or plaques on the
mucosa or tongue (SOURCE). Viral infections such as Herpes virus and Epstein–Barr virus ... Show
more content on ...
Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic neuropathic pain conditions which typically causes numbness,
pain, and/or burning in the area around the trigeminal nerve (NINDS, 2013). In patients with
trigeminal neuralgia symptoms, careful questioning about any concurrent health issues or symptoms
may allow diagnosis of an underlying systemic causes, such as neoplasm or multiple sclerosis
(Dumas, 1999), which may require referral to an appropriate specialist. Fibromyalgia is another
neuropathic pain condition, which results in symptoms including chronic, widespread pain,
hyperalgesia, fatigue, and sleep problems; additionally, this condition has a high comorbidity rate
with irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and anxiety disorders (Jin, 2014). One condition that can
be misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia is myofascial pain. Myofascial pain and fibromyalgia both involve
trigger points; however, unlike the former, myofascial pain involves asymmetrical pain in a taut
muscle band. Myofascial pain may also be misdiagnosed as odontogenic pain, so it is important to
assess radiographic exams, trigger points, and symptoms
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Summary Of Gammaherpesvirus
PROJECT SUMMARY The gammaherpesviruses Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) and Kaposi's sarcoma
herpesvirus (KSHV) establish lifelong persistent infection in the host and are capable of causing
several lymphomas and neoplasms. Gammaherpesviruses have two distinct phases in the life cycle:
lytic replication and latency. Lytic replication is cleared by the immune system, the virus evades
detection by the immune system and maintains a lifelong persistence in the host by establishing
latency. Viral latency in B cells is the critical event associated with tumorgenesis. The innate
immune system employs the Type I Interferon (IFN) response to combat viral infection. IFN family
of cytokines signals the presence of an intracellular infection and activates the transcription of IFN
stimulated genes (ISGs). ISG products are a diverse collection of proteins that promote antiviral and
immunomodulatory functions. This proposal ... Show more content on ...
Much of the work characterizing the immune response to KSHV and EBV has been done in vitro. A
critical barrier in the gammaherpesvirus field is the lack of an in vivo immune system to study
KSHV and EBV infection in the laboratory. To investigate how gammaherpesviruses interacts and
modulates the immune response in vivo, a closely related murine gammaherpesvirus, MHV–68, is
used as a laboratory model system. MHV–68 consists of 80 genes and is genetically more
homologous to KSHV than EBV. 60 open reading frames (ORFs) in MHV–68 are homologous to
KSHV. The replication lifecycle of MHV–68 mirrors human herpesviruses, with primary lytic
infection in the lungs, latency establishment and maintenance in the spleen, and viral reactivation
mechanisms. While lytic replication is resolved, the virus is able evade immune detection and
persist in the host by establishing latency. Viral latency in B cells is the critical event associated with
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Immune Complicated Disease: Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis, or MS as it is more commonly referred, is an immune mediated disease that
involves the body's own defense mechanism, specialized immune cells, that ultimately attacks the
central nervous system. Specifically, the myelin protein that coats axons and forms an electrically
insulating layer for quicker processing of the nervous system, is attacked by cytotoxic cells that have
crossed into the CNS. In a healthy patient, the blood brain barrier cannot be crossed by cytotoxic
cells and it is speculated that an environmental component or outside source mediates this crossing.
When the myelin is attacked, it forms scars in the CNS, as multiple sclerosis literally translates to
"many scars," which is the direct result of the disease. The scars disrupt the normal nerve impulses
that travel through the central nervous system, and can cause a variety of symptoms including loss
of cognition, fatigue, or numbness in the body (Evidence). ... Show more content on
While this may sound like an autoimmune disease, scientists are still unsure about what antigen the
immune cells are attracted to attack, meaning it is "immune–mediated" as opposed to "autoimmune"
(Evidence). This, like many components to MS, remains a mystery, and researchers are still
discovering and advancing what we know about the disease.
When I received your letter, I made sure to research MS more in depth to provide you with as much
information on the root cause of MS, as science will currently allow. As I mentioned, this disease
remains partially a mystery but with new scientific breakthroughs, it is becoming more clear that a
virus may be to
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Mononucleosis Research Papers
Emma Johnston Ms. Phelps Health Period 5 October 12, 2016 Mononucleosis Infectious
Mononucleosis, commonly known as mono, is an infectious disease caused by the Epstein–Barr
virus (EBV). The EBV virus causes an increase in lymphocytes (large white blood cells) in the
blood stream due to viral infection. Although scientists are not certain when the first case of mono
occurred, the most accurate record was written in 1889 by Dr. E. Pfeiffer. The term Infectious
Mononucleosis was first introduced in 1920 by British researchers Thomas P. Sprunt and Frank A.
Evans in replace of its original term Glandular Fever. By 1964, the Epstein–Barr virus was
successfully identified and named by doctors M. Anthony Epstein and Ms. Yvonne Barr. Mono's
nickname "The Kissing Disease" comes from its ability to transfer by human contact with saliva.
This, however, is not particular to just kissing. Mono can be transferred through anything that has
touched the saliva of anyone infected by it. Things such as sharing chapstick or lipstick, straws,
utensils, or cups can transmit the virus. Even sneezing or coughing in a close radius can transmit the
disease via droplet. Mono is most common in people ages 15–25, and is at it's prime during high
school years. Cases of ... Show more content on ...
Doctors may often advise people diagnosed with mono to stay in bed, limit activity, drink lots of
fluids, and use a throat lozenge––or gargle with salt water––to sooth a sore throat. Nonsteroidal
anti–inflammatory and analgesic drugs (such as Ibuprofen, Advil, and Tylenol) can be bought over
the counter as pain relievers and fever reducers. Mono symptoms usually die down at around 1–4
weeks, but the person may still be infected with the EBV virus for up to two months. However, there
is a small percentage of people whose immune systems are unable to completely fight off mono. As
a result, some people may develop CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) due to the EBV
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Symptoms of Mononucleosis
Mononucleosis Symptoms Mononucleosis is an infectious disease caused by the Epstein–Barr virus
(EBV), which infects the cells in an individual's throat, and an individual's immune system (Deckler
et al., 2009). Mononucleosis gets its name from the high number of white blood cells in the blood of
an infected person, which are called mononuclear cells (Deckler et al., 2009). People infected with
EBV carry the virus in their saliva. Symptoms The symptoms of Mononucleosis are as follows,
according to the MayoClinic (2012): Fatigue/Exhaustion Overwhelming feeling of malaise Sore,
irritated throat, such as a strep throat that doesn't respond to antibiotics Fever Swollen/enlarged/sore
lymph nodes in neck and armpits Swollen tonsils Headache/migraine Skin rash or otherwise irritated
skin Soft, swollen spleen A person suffering from mono who has a swollen spleen must be very
careful to avoid physical activity or any sports which could cause a rupture to the spleen (Deckler et
al., 2009). This type of precaution is truly important as, resuming normal activities can be done
within a few days, but all forms of exercise and one should really wait at least a month for the safety
of the spleen. While the sore throat and swollen tonsils may last just a few days or a week, the sense
of extreme fatigue will last at least a few weeks (Deckler et al., 2009). Mode of Transmission As
stated earlier, individuals carry the virus in their saliva, which means that it can be
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Viruses : A Small Organisms And Most Viruses Essay
Viruses are known to be very small organisms and most viruses cannot be seen with an ordinary
microscope. They are comprised of a little number of qualities as DNA or RNA encompassed by a
protein covering. A virus must enter a living cell and "commandeer" the cell 's hardware so as to
duplicate and make more viruses. Some viruses do this by embedding their own DNA (or RNA) into
that of the host cell. At this point the DNA or RNA influences the host cell 's qualities and can push
the cell toward becoming cancerous (American Cancer Society). There are several ways that a virus
can cause cancer. Some viruses can cause chronic inflammation. The chronic inflammation that is
brought on by the virus is when there is an increase in the cell division. By the cell division
increasing and making new cells to replace damaged cells, usually results in the risk that a genetic
mutation will take place. Therefore, inflammation caused by some of these viruses leads to increase
cell division, which leads to a greater chance that errors in genetic material will take place and will
eventually lead to cancer. There are also some viruses that may directly damage the DNA within the
cells causing them to result into cancer and alter the immune system, so that it is less able to fight
off cancer cells (Fayed). According to The National Cancer Institute, cancer is the name given to a
collection of related diseases. In all types of cancer, some of the body's cells begin to divide without
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Gamma Herpes Virus (EBV)
EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) also known as Gamma herpes Virus – 1, is amongst a large family of
approximately 100 herpes virus, 8 of these are known to infect humans. These are Cytomegalovirus,
herpes simplex virus –1 and –2, varicella–zoster virus, human herpes virus 6 (variant A and B),
human herpes virus 7, kaposi's sarcoma (human herpes virus 8) and EBV (gamma Herpes Virus –1).
All of these are classified into 3 different subfamilies known as alpha, beta and gamma dependant
on the specificity of cell host range and tropism. The alpha group includes Herpes simplex virus –1
and –2, and Varicella–Zoster Virus and can be described to have a broad host cell range, a short
reproductive cycle in epithelial cells and efficiently spreads well in culture. ... Show more content on ...
Beta Herpes subfamily consists of CMV (cytomegalovirus – HHV–5) also classified along with
HHV–6 and –7 (Human Herpes Virus –6, –7); HHV–5, –6 and –7 have similar genetic homology.
The beta subfamily has a restricted host range in vitro, except in vivo where few types of cells
including monocytes, lymphocytes and epithelial cells can be the site of replication; HHV–6 and –7
tend to target T–lymphocytes and latently infect lymphocytes (lymphoreticular cells), secretory
glands and kidneys. The focus is on the Gamma subfamily which includes Kaposi's sarcoma –
Herpes Virus (KSHV – HHV8) and EBV (HHV4), usually known to infect epithelial cells in the oral
cavity, gamma herpes sub family latently infect B–lymphocytes to prolong infection and further
spread in the host. EBV targets B–cells in the pharynx (nasopharnyx) leading to division of
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Mononucleosis Research Paper
By age of 5, about 50 percent of children in the United States have already been infected by
mononucleosis. This disease pops up frequently on college campuses, where one out of every 200
students get it each year. Though it isn't very harmful it can last a while, and sometimes in rare cases
if not treated it can be fatal.
Mononucleosis is a virus caused by the epstein–barr virus. Which is also known as EBV.
Mononucleosis (also known as mono) is most commonly known as the kissing disease. It is a fairly
well known disease and it's not a very harmful one, though it is highly contagious. It can be spread
through kissing, sharing drinks, or anything where you exchange bodily fluids. So it is easily spread
within families.
In 1990, September 11th through October 7th there was an outbreak of mono in Puerto Rico. It
started out as just a few people but at one point about 70% of Puerto Rico had mono. It spreads
quickly and easily so more and more people were getting infected. Though mono isn't very harmful
to people, it stops you from being able to do lots of activities and lasts for about two weeks or more.
Doctors started investigating why it was happening and they discovered how contagious it ... Show
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There was an outbreak where 450 students got mono. After that, they then began a 5 year study on
it. The next time they started studying it again was in 1971 when at yale university, over 16 people
were diagnosed with mono. Then, in 1972 2,851 people were infected in college campuses in the
united states. In 1974 it infected a military academy in the united states where 53 people were
infected. In 1979 there was an outbreak of infectious mononucleosis that infected college campuses
around california and hawaii. After that in 2013 there was another outbreak in college campuses and
there was another study on it and they found that 51 people in a high school had mono without even
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What Is Multiple Sclerosis?
What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Jessica Zelenak
American Military Public University
Multiple Sclerosis affects 2.3 million people worldwide. Multiple Sclerosis patients diagnosed are in
the age range of twenty to fifty. Multiple Sclerosis effects the myelin in the central nervous system
that disrupts the flow of information that is sent to the brain. This disruption effects your vision,
mobility and bodily functions. Multiple Sclerosis has a wide variety of people it can effect. Your
age, sex, where you grew up and even certain infections like Mono. There are a few tests that can be
done to find out if you have Multiple Sclerosis, such as; MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) this is
not the only test but it is a huge ... Show more content on ...
(National MS Society) (Mayo Clinic) Myelin is the fatty substance that surrounds and insulated the
nerve fibers. (National MS Society) Multiple Sclerosis is also know to be an immune–mediated
process that sends abnormal responses of the body's immune system that is directed again the
Central Nervous System (CNS). Myelin is compared to the insulation on electrical wires. (National
Multiple Sclerosis Society) The Central Nervous System is made up of the optic nerves, brain and
spinal cord. The exact antigen – or target that the immune cells are sensitized to attack remains
unknown. (National Multiple Sclerosis Society) In Multiple Sclerosis immune system There is yet to
be any reason as to what causes MS. Scientist believe the disease is triggered by but not yet
identified by environmental factors in a person who is genetically predisposed to respond. (National
MS Society) Some researchers say that it is an autoimmune disease. There is no cure for MS, but
there are treatments that can help you recovery and minimize your attacks, and modify the diseases
course. (Mayo Clinic) Some of the signs and symptoms of MS vary widely, and it also depends on
how damaged and which nerves are affected. Symptoms can range from the inability to walk to not
having any symptoms at all. Depending on
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Mononucleosis Research Paper
Mononucleosis is defined as, "a vial infection caused by the Epstein–Bart virus (EBV), which is part
of the herpes family of viruses." (Beaman). Mononucleosis is often referred by one of two names:
mono or the kissing disease. This infection is typically spread via saliva, so it is important to not and
drink after other people, and when someone is in a relationship. It is most common in young adults
in the age range of 15–24 years of age. The prevalence rate of mononucleosis is over 95%. Once a
person has this infection, it takes a while for the results to go back to negative. The signs and
symptoms of mononucleosis can take approximately four to eight weeks to first appear. These
symptoms include: swollen lymph glands, fever, sore throat,
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Research Paper On Bell's Palsy
Bell's Palsy is a type of severe paralysis of the muscles on one side of an individuals face, the nerves
that are damaged are thought to be caused by a type of virus; some types that can cause Bell's Palsy
is chickenpox or shingles, cold sores, mumps, cytomegalovirus and a virus that causes
mononucleosis (Epstein–Barr), but no real cause is known. The symptoms of this condition is
sudden weakness in the face, drooling, eye problems, loss of ability to taste, increased hearing
sensitivity, dropping of one side of the face, headache, and pain in or behind the ear. Bell's Palsy is
diagnosed by a physical and neurological exam to test for facial nerve function, most of the tests are
a process of elimination. If the tests and undetermined blood
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Chronic Fatigue Case Paper
Case Stem:
Patient is presented to the ER with her mother after having been referred by her pediatrician. Mother
complains nine month old patient is exhibiting symptoms she herself had been experiencing over the
last year and a half or so. Mother and daughter share symptoms of intermittent fevers, swollen
lymph nodes, weight loss/inability to gain weight, extreme fatigue with nocturnal wakefulness. The
mother said she also experienced some muscle pain, confusion at times and possible personality
changes. The mother told the ER doctor she attributed her symptoms to pregnancy but they
continued after giving birth. They started off very mild but have been becoming more severe over
the last year. During physical examination patient states having ... Show more content on ...
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome–Extreme fatigue, impaired concentration, malaise, muscle pain, and
joint pain
B. Fibromyalgia– Chronic neck/back pain, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, memory and
concentration problems, and headaches
C. African Trypanosomiasis– headaches, muscle and joint pain, fevers, malaise, itching of the skin,
CNS involvement, personality changes, swollen lymph nodes
D. Chronic Epstein–Barr virus– fatigue, fever, inflamed throat, swollen lymph nodes, rash
A. No, Chronic Fatigue is only diagnosed with the absence of any organic disease. Because a
parasite was found it cannot be CFS.
B. No, to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia you must meet a criteria of a certain number of tender
spots and this was not met. Also, this disease deals with soft tissue only and since the patient
complained of moderate joint pain fibromyalgia is unlikely.
C. Correct! The biggest finding was that the patient had traveled to a region of the world where this
disease is commonly found
D. No, Epstein–Barr is highly contagious and no one else had been infected that she had been in
contact with. Blood tests were ran and there was no sign of the virus.
The patient was infected by a parasite. How was it transmitted?
A. Water
B. Insect
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T-Lymphotropic Virus, Kaposi's Sarcoma
Viral Oncology is the study of virus caused cancers. These cancers include Adult T–cell Leukemia,
Kaposi's Sarcoma, Cervical Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, and Burkitt's Lymphoma.
Viruses that can cause cancer are known as oncoviruses. Known oncoviruses are: Hepatitis B and C
(HBV and HCV, respectively), Human T– Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV–I), Human papillomavirus
(HPV), Kaposi's Sarcoma– Associated Herpesvirus (HHV–8), and Epstein– Barr Virus (EBV).
Viruses, after entering a host cell, integrates its genome with the host cell's DNA using the enzyme
reverse transcriptase. During normal DNA replication, the virus' genome will be replicated to
produce more viral particles. During this process, host cell genes can be triggered by viral genes ...
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The cancer is usually seen in HIV positive patients because HIV weakens the immune system,
making the infected susceptible to uncommon or rare pathogens. Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a cancer
that develops from the cells that line lymph or blood vessels. It usually appears as tumors on the
skin or on mucosal surfaces such as inside the mouth, but tumors can also develop in other parts of
the body, such as in the lymph nodes (bean–sized collections of immune cells throughout the body),
the lungs, or digestive tract. KS can cause serious problems or even become life threatening when
the lesions are in the lungs, liver, or digestive tract. KS in the digestive tract, for example, can cause
bleeding, while tumors in the lungs may cause trouble breathing. A person infected with HIV (that
is, who is HIV–positive) does not necessarily have AIDS. The virus can be present in the body for a
long time, often many years, before causing major illness. The disease known as AIDS begins when
the virus has seriously damaged the immune system, which results in certain types of infections or
other medical complications, including KS. When HIV damages the immune system, people who
also are infected with a certain virus (the Kaposi sarcoma associated herpes virus or KSHV) are
more likely to develop
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Epstein-Barr Virus Lab
The Epstein–Barr Virus is part of the herpesvirus family and was the first virus discovered to cause a
human cancer. The virus has two stages of its life cycle, the latent phase, which allows the virus to
lie dormant within a cell and the host and the lytic phase where the virus reproduces and spreads
among cells. Haloperidol (HPD), a common mood stabilizer, aids in the initiation of the lytic cycle.
Administering the Haloperidol at varying concentrations and exposure lengths will test what is the
best time and concentration that will activate viral gene expression. Quantitative polymerase chain
reaction (qPCR) will monitor the amplification of the BZLF1 gene expressed from the lytic virus
and myc gene from the cell. These genes are regulatory ... Show more content on ...
The HH514–16 Burkitt lymphoma B cell is a cell line used that is infected with the Epstein–Barr
Virus. Cells are grown using RPMI 1640 medium containing 8% fetal bovine serum; a supplement
contain low level of antibodies and growth factors. Quality and quantity of the cells are measured by
counting the number of alive and dead cells under a microscope and also noting shape, size, and
arrangement. After, the cells are then cultured and treated with Haloperidol (HPD) at varying
concentrations or exposure times. Exposure times are marked when the cells are frozen and stored in
negative 80 degrees celsius. RNA is then isolated from the cells using a Promega kit. RNA
concentrations are measured using a Nanodrop and then appropriate dilutions are achieved to ensure
unified sample concentration. iScript reverse transcriptase generates a strand of complementary
DNA from a RNA template, to then be measured by PCR. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction
(qPCR) which monitors the amplification of targeted RNA molecules. iTaq Universal SYBR green
binds to double stranded DNA and detects the products that accumulate during PCR. BZFL1 and
myc are the genes being monitored that regulate transcription factors, which are being compared
against the 18s control. From these experiments, the amplification of the genes is measured. We will
determine what concentration or exposure time of Haloperidol reactivates the
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Hodgkin’s Disease Essay
Hodgkin's Disease
Cancers arising from the lymph nodes or other sites of lymphoid tissue are broadly termed
lymphomas. This group of diseases is divided into Hodgkin's disease and non–Hodgkin's
lymphoma. In both conditions, there is a replacement of normal lymphatic tissue by collections of
abnormal lymphoma cells.
The lymphatic system are a complex network of specialised cells and organs that defend the body
against infection. Lymphatic organs include the bone marrow, spleen, thymus gland, lymph nodes,
tonsils, adenoids, appendix and clumps of tissue in the small bowel. A function of the lymphatic
system is to nurture and mature the B and T–lymphocytes (white blood cells vital to immune
function). Cancerous changes can take place ... Show more content on ...
In some instances, the nodes may spontaneously increase and decrease in size.
Because Hodgkin's disease is associated with a defect in the maturation of the lymphocyte, the
immune system may be impaired. As such repeated infections may occur. Symptoms
The symptoms of Hodgkin's disease frequently depend upon the stage of disease. Staging defines
the extent to which the disease has spread throughout the body. Moreover, it often determines which
treatment(s) will be required.
Hodkins has 4 distinct stages of Hodgkin's disease, these being stages 1–4. Each stage is further
defined as exhibiting either A or B symptoms. These symptoms refer to either the absence of A or
presence of B unexplained weight loss in the preceding 6 months, fever greater than 38°C, and or
night sweats.
Tumour suppressor genes: In health this family of genes usually act as a counter balance for
oncogenesis. It is thought that they may be responsible for repairing gene damage in cells, or are
growth inhibitor genes. In Hodgkin's disease, there are often evidences of mutation in tumour
suppressor genes as well as other genes.
Stage 1.
Stage 1 Hodgkin's disease affects a single lymph node or lymph node region. The lymph nodes most
commonly affected are the nodes in the neck, armpits or groin.
Stage 2.
Stage 2 disease is associated with lymph node involvement in 2 or more regions. However, the
nodes must be involved in only one side of the
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Essay
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Thankfully, it is hard for most people to imagine a tiredness and weakness of body that would keep
one confined to a bed. There are people today who have lived a very active lifestyle for years and
have suddenly found themselves burdened by a feeling of bodily weariness they never knew was
possible. It all happens so swiftly and surprisingly that many are terrified by these changes taking
CFS, otherwise known as chronic fatigue syndrome, is this illness characterized by debilitating
fatigue. At times, this disease is also referred to as chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome
(CFIDS), or chronic Epstein–Barr virus (CEBV). However, no matter what it is called, it remains a
nightmare for those who ... Show more content on ...
One can simply become tired, while others may be totally bedridden and disabled from fatigue.
Sometimes the body is better, so the individual can lead an almost normal lifestyle, but then days or
weeks later this strength may easily wane.
The true cause of this illness is not yet known. Several studies in the 1980's tried to link CFS with
the Epstein–Barr virus (CFS pamphlet). This virus is one in the family of herpes viruses, and EBV
infection are almost inevitable in all humans. However, more recently it has been found that some
CFS patients lack the EBV antibodies, which means they never had this virus (Bell, 1994).
Therefore, there has been no consistent link found between elevated EBV antibodies and the
presence of CFS.
Other viruses have been associated with CFS as well. In the published research results (Holmes, et
al, 1988) findings suggest that the recently discovered herpesvirus–6 (HHV–6) is higher in patients
with CFS than in control groups. The higher level of HHV6 does not necessarily suggest that this
viral activity is occurring, but may demonstrate immune responses to various stimuli. Although it is
possible that HHV–6 may be a factor in CFS sufferers, it cannot be proven with the current antibody
Though this remains an area of great controversy, the psychological factors influencing those
diagnosed with chronic fatigue must be considered as well. Many
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Multiple Sclerosis Research Paper
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the nerve and nerve fibers of
the central nervous system (Ringold, Lynm, & Glass, 2006). It results in the loss and damage of
myelin, the insulator of nerve fibers, thus affecting the conduction of nerve signals within the brain
and spinal cord. This damage to the central nervous system (CNS) leads to an impairment in
sensory, cognitive, and motor functions of the body. The cause of multiple sclerosis is still unknown,
however, it is known that environmental, genetic, and viral factors play a role in the spread and
diagnosis of this disease. This essay will examine the likelihood of the Epstein–Barr virus as an
indicator to the development of multiple sclerosis.
Epstein–BarrVirus ... Show more content on ...
The acquisition of an infectious agent like EBV is more likely to occur during a specific window of
weak immunologic functioning such as childhood (Alotaibi et al., 2004). The diagnosis of multiple
sclerosis at such a young age further emphasizes the similar environmental and genetic factors that it
shares with EBV.
A study conducted by Alotaibi et al. (2004) compared the serological evidence of EBV in children
with MS and their healthy peers without MS. Of the children with MS, data showed that 83% traced
some sort of remote EBV infection. Whereas, the control group of healthy children showed only
42% of present EBV antibodies. The data further showed that there was no correlation to MS when
tested for other virus' such as parvovirus B19, cytomegalovirus, and varicella zoster. This evidence
supports the genetic etiology of multiple sclerosis. During childhood and adolescence, 50% of
individuals contract an EBV infection, and 5% of these individuals go on to develop multiple
sclerosis. Although these numbers may seem minuscule, the majority of children with MS show a
prior exposure to EBV, compared to their healthy peers who have yet been exposed to the
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Causes And Effects Of Cancer
Cancer is a name given to collection of various diseases that are caused by a similar mechanism:
uncontrolled division of cells that results in formation of abnormal cells that grow without stopping
– tumors. Cancer is caused by changes in genes of the cells that control the way they function.
Those changes can be caused by various environmental factors, such as excess ultraviolet exposure
from the sun, chemicals in tobacco smoke, radiation from radioactive elements and many other
factors. The only type of cancer that can be caused by an infection is the viral cancer. Viruses that
cause cancer are called oncoviruses; oncoviruses represent approximately 15% of all human cancers
worldwide (Liao 115). Viruses are made up of small portion of either DNA or RNA(sometimes
both) surrounded by a protein coat. Viruses enter a living cell and insert portion of their DNA or
RNA into the host cell, allowing the host cell to reproduce even more viruses through the processes
of transcription and translation of the cell. Each type of viruses tends to be very specific: they target
only specific type of cells in the body. Even though development of cancerous tumors from viral
infections may take years or even decades, they are still causing thousands of deaths annually (Liao
A tremendous portion of human cancers are associated with viral infections: "The estimated total of
infection–attributable cancer in the year 2002 is 1.9 million cases, or 17.8% of the global cancer
burden. The
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Epstein Barr Virus Research Paper
Name: Jade Dufren
Causative Agent: Epstein–Barr virus
Disease: Burkitts lymphoma, Mononucleosis, and Orchitis
Classification of the causative agent:
Human Herpesvirus 4 (HHV–4) – Gammaherpesvirinae enveloped virus.
The Ebstein–Barr Virus took on the name of its founders, Anthony Epstein, Yvonne Barr, and Burt
Achong in 1964. It is a part of the herpes family, but has no relation to the genital or oral types of
herpes. Although it was first recognized in children, about 90% of the human population all over the
world between infancy to old adulthood is infected with the virus. It is most popular for causing
mononucleosis, short for mono, which a lot of people refer to as the "kissing disease". It is also
believed to be the first ... Show more content on ...
This disease can cause several secondary infections including strep, sinusitis, and pneumonia that
involve damage to the immune system. In some rare circumstances, it can evolve to Guillain–Barré
syndrome which can lead to death.
In some rare cases, EBV can be associated in causing the secondary infection orchitis, which
symptoms include inflammation of the testicles.
There is no cure for EBV, only medications to relieve the symptoms such as anti–inflammatory and
steroids. People can also take vitamins to make their immune system stronger so the virus has a less
chance of taking over. There are also anitviral medications for people to take to help symptoms
flaring up such as acyclovir. A doctor may prescribe plenty of bed rest and fluids while experiencing
It is very difficult to prevent EBV since a lot of people infected are not even aware they have the
virus. There is no vaccine against the virus, but people can always make sure not to share drinks,
utensils, or eat after each other. Hand washing, good hygiene, and avoid kissing strangers. Protective
sex is never 100% effective but can lessen the chances of a person becoming
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Mononucleosis Research Paper
Infectious Mononucleosis is a viral infection characterized by swelling of the lymph glands.
Mononucleosis is more commonly referred to as "mono" or "kissing disease" because it is
transferred by saliva. Mono was first named "glandular fever" in the 1880s by a group of german
physicians; the name stems from the characteristics of having swollen glands and high fever.
Glandular fever was given the name Infectious Mononucleosis in 1920 by Thomas P. Sprunt and
Frank A. Evans. In 1932, two researchers that go by the names of Paul and Bunnell discovered a
way to help doctors diagnose mono more accurately. A few years later Anthony Epstein, Barr and
Achong discovered Epstein–Barr Virus (EBV) in the year 1964 and categorized it in the herpes
family. Epstein–Barr Virus and Infectious Mononucleosis had no connection until 1968 when
Gertrude and Werner Henle discovered how to inoculate EBV and found a link between the two. ...
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About 85%–90% of Americans have developed antibodies to the Epstein–Barr virus by the time
they are 40 years of age, which indicates that they have been infected with the virus during their
lifetime. A person can live with someone that has EBV and never become infected, but it is possible
that a person is susceptible to spreading the virus even if they no longer have symptoms. Epstein–
Barr virus lives in the nose and throat and is spread when a person comes in contact with infected
saliva, tears and mucus.
The most common group of people to contract EBV are teenagers from the ages of 15–17 years old,
but anyone can contract the virus. Young adults that become infected with this virus will usually
experience common symptoms, such as, headache, sore throat, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, fever
and in some cases an enlarged spleen. Swelling of the spleen can get as large as two to three times
the normal size and occurs in about 75 out of 100 people that are
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Liver Failure Research Paper
What can cause liver failure?
Liver failure occurs when liver cells are damaged significantly and are no longer able to function.
The cause of liver failure varies widely throughout the world. Drugs toxicity is more common in
United States & Western countries while HBV infection is a leading cause in India, France and
Japan. Common causes include:
Acetaminophen overdose. Minimal hepatotoxic dose is 7.5 gm in adults, 150 mg/kg in children and
severe toxicity is seen with dose > 15 gm. It is a common mode of attempted suicide.
Hepatotropic viruses. Hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B infections and hepatitis E can cause liver failure.
HAV & HBV infections are major causes of liver failure in many parts of world including India and
developing countries. Hepatitis E is a leading cause of liver failure in India but rarely seen in
western countries. ... Show more content on ...
Antibiotics (eg. augmentin, sulfa drugs, nitrofurantoin), antituberculous, nonsteroidal anti–
inflammatory drugs and anticonvulsants (eg. Phenytoin, valproic acid), can cause liver failure.
Uncommon causes include:
Herbal supplements. Herbal drugs and supplements, including kava (prepared as a tea), ephedra,
skullcap and pennyroyal tea, are linked to acute liver failure.
Toxins. Toxins that can cause acute liver failure include the sea anemone sting , poisonous wild
mushroom Amanita phalloides, which is sometimes mistaken for edible species.
Autoimmune disease. Liver failure can be caused by autoimmune hepatitis – a disease in which your
immune system attacks liver cells, causing inflammation and injury.
Diseases of the veins in the liver. Vascular diseases, such as Budd–Chiari syndrome, can cause
blockages in the veins of the liver, leading to acute liver failure.
Metabolic disease. Rare metabolic diseases, such as Wilson's disease infrequently cause acute liver
Cancer. Cancer that either begins in or spreads to liver (eg. Breast, lung, blood or lymph node
cancer) can cause liver to
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Personal Narrative: Epstein Barr Virus
I took a moment to reach inside of myself and watch the anger as it continued to swirl through my
body. I noticed my shoulders suddenly relax. Anger created a boundary and protected me from
helplessness and hopelessness that would have made me feel like a victim. I had handled my health
for the past thirty years and even though I felt momentarily defeated, I was not about to give up. No,
I would not step out of my power and no; I would not have a biopsy done. Instinctively, I knew
beyond a shadow of doubt that a biopsy would not lead to anything productive in this case. I would
stand my ground and find other options. I would handle this in my own way. Again.
Chapter 11
There is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility ... Show more content on ...
I was tired of the labels that everyone placed on me such as Chronic Fatigue, with a host of other
infections running amuck inside of me, and now the Epstein Barr virus. No offense to Doctors
Epstein and Barr, but I had lost patience with my body and myself. I refused to identify myself as an
illness. I was a human being and a woman with a conversation going on in my body that I could not
translate. I just could not figure out what made me so sick. I did everything I could think of to
improve my body's inner environment. I hated the exhaustion, the foggy thinking, the general
malaise and the weird symptoms that would pop up out of nowhere. The mental and emotional
stress that this caused was almost worse than the symptoms themselves. The best I could do was to
maintain a low standard of wellness. I longed to bring back the vitality I had experienced as a teen.
What I disliked most of all was when people tried to comfort me by saying this was all just a natural
part of the aging process (even when I was in my late twenties). If I had a dollar for every time
someone said that to me I would be a very wealthy albeit unhealthy
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Mononucleosis Research Paper
Mononucleosis is a disease that is spread from person to person. It is commonly referred to as
"mono" and "the kissing disease". It often occurs in adolescents from the age of fifteen to seventeen.
Mononucleosis is a viral infection that can cause fever, sore throat and swollen lymph glands. It is
passed on by saliva and close contact. It was discovered in the late nineteenth century. It was not
always referred to as mononucleosis and did not receive that name until around 1920. The virus,
Epstein–Barr Virus, that causes Mononucleosis is relatively large in size. It is something that stays
in your body due to cell memory. It is not always active and cannot always cause for a flare up of
the disease. When diagnosing this disease doctor's conduct ... Show more content on
When going to a doctor for suspected Mononucleosis a simple test is needed. The first test is a
simple evaluation. This is done by simply looking at the patient. The doctor is looking for signs such
as a skin rash, swollen tonsils, and swollen liver or spleen. After doing this simple test the doctors
will draw blood. Mononucleosis leads to an elevated white blood cell count. The mononucleosis
spot test looks for two specific antibodies that are associated with this disease. An antibody titer
helps to tell if the Epstein– Barr Virus infection in the patient is current or not. It measures the
number of the antibodies present against EBV in blood, which test can determine if the antibodies
are unknown or have been around for a long time. There are many simple treatments that will help
with this Mononucleosis, which relieve the symptoms of this disease. Thus include drinking plenty
of fluids, gargle with warm salt water, to ease the sore throat. Mononucleosis can cause fatigue.
Acetaminophen or ibuprofen should be taken to ease the pain. Since the spleen is swollen no contact
sports or anything that could rupture the spleen are contraindicated (Medline Plus, Center of Disease
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Epstein Barr Virus Analysis
Epstein – Barr virus (EBV) is an enveloped, dsDNA virus, member of the Herpesviridae family and
Gammaherpesvirinae subfamily and it is a common pathogen, currently present in over 95% of the
adult population (Murray, 2012). The virus is the primary cause of infectious mononucleosis both in
childhood and adulthood. The disease is caused by proliferation of infected B cells and later their
destruction by activated T cells (CTLs). EBV infects the mucosal epithelial cells, releasing progeny
virus into the saliva and the B lymphocytes which leads to a long term, latent infection with little or
no production of progeny virus (Acheson, 2011). Chronic EBV infection has been linked to multiple
diseases including Burkitt's lymphoma, Hodgkin disease,
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Infectious Mononucleosis
Infectious mononucleosis, or mono, is called "the kissing disease" because that is one of the ways
you can get it. Mono occurs in about 1 in every 2,000 people every year. Mono is caused by
Epstein–Barr virus, EBV for short, which affects nearly every person at some point in his or her life.
In this essay, you will learn the signs and symptoms, the treatment options for, and the prognosis of
infectious mononucleosis. Infectious mononucleosis most often occurs in people between the 5 to 25
years of age, with the highest occurrence rate being between 15 to 25 years of age. Universities are
the hot spot for contractions of mononucleosis each year. Epstein–Barr virus is carried in the
salivary glands and is spread by direct intimate contact
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Microbiology Research Paper
Melissa Babajko
Microbiology 214BA
Dr. May
June 6, 2012
Staphylococcus aureus– Is a facultative anaerobic, Gram–positive, salt positive, cocci shaped
bacterium. Staphylococcus aureus is found as normal part of the skin floral in the nasal passages and
on the skin. An estimated twenty percent of people naturally have harmless Staphylococcus aureus
on their skin and are long–term carries for Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus aureus is the
most common strand of Staphylococcus in humans to date, spread through skin to skin contact or
even skin to object contact that an a person infected with Staphylococcus aureus has touched.
Staphylococcus aureus is coagulase positive, which induces clumping of the cells and of the blood.
Staphylococcus ... Show more content on ...
( PMID: 22621239 [PubMed – as supplied by
publisher] May 2012
Streptococcus pneumoniae– Is a Gram–positive bacterium in the shape of a slightly pointed cocci.
They are usually found in pairs as diplococci. Streptococcus pneumoniae are alpha hemolytic
bacterium. Streptococcus pneumoniae have a polysaccharide capsule that acts as a virulence factor
for the organism; along with surface proteins that prevent the activation of complement pathways,
and pili that enable S. pneumoniae to attach to epithelial cells in the upper respiratory tract.
Streptococcus pneumoniae lacks catalase and ferments glucose to lactic acid, like most other
streptococci. However, unlike most other streptococci, it does not display an M protein and it
hydrolyzes insulin, which help distinguish it from other streptococci. Streptococcus pneumoniae is
the most common cause of meningitis in adults and young adults throughout the world and is best
known for causing pneumonia all other the world.
Research Study: Due to a continuing increase in S. pneumoniae's antibiotic resistance, the search for
a better vaccine is ongoing. Research on the Lactococcus lactis bacteria for use as a vaccine is
promising; its production of the pneumococcal surface protein PspA makes it a good candidate for a
mucosal vaccine, which could be administered through the nose instead of an injection (a
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Epstein Barr Research Paper
Epstein–Barr Virus, also known as human herpesvirus type 4, is a common infectious virus that will
affect greater than 85% of the population at least once in their lifetime. The virus was first
discovered by, and named after, Sir Michael Anthony Epstein and Yvonne Mr. Barr in 1964 in the
midst of researching a case of Burkitt's lymphoma. The Epstein–Barr virus is predominately found
in a host's saliva, and is transmitted through direct and indirect contact with the infected person's
bodily fluids. Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is responsible for numerous infections that can take place
throughout the body, most commonly acute infectious mononucleosis. Infectious mononucleosis,
simply referred to as "mono," is an illness that is directly caused by the Epstein–Barr virus and can
frequently affect toddlers, teenagers, and adults. EBV, along with infectious mononucleosis, is
primarily spread from person to person orally through the following acts: kissing, sharing food and
drinks, and coming in contact with contaminated objects, such as toothbrushes. ... Show more
content on ...
Antibiotics are not usually prescribed to those infected because they are considered an ineffectual
treatment of Epstein–Barr virus and its secondary virus, mononucleosis. However, over–the–counter
medications such as acetaminophen can be taken, but will only reduce fever and pain associated
with symptoms and will not treat the virus itself. Those in the recovering stage will be instructed by
a physician to get a sufficient amount of sleep, stay hydrated, and use pain relievers for any pain and
fevers that may arise. Confirmation of Epstein–Barr Virus can come from a "mono spot" test and
complete blood count (CBC) testing if the mono spot test produces a negative result. Typically, a
physician will check for any red dots or noticeable white patches on the oropharynx and soft palate
areas during an
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Epstein Barr Virus ( Ebv )
INTRODUCTION Epstein–Barr virus was first discovered in 1964 by Sir Michael Anthony Epstein
and Ms. Yvonne Barr. They located it in a Burkitt lymphoma cell line. It was the first virus to be
associated with cancer. Infection of Epstein–Barr (EBV) is extremely widespread. The National
Institutes of Health estimates that roughly 95% of people carry the virus. The virus was later found
to cause infectious mononucleosis. Mononucleosis has since been nicknamed the "kissing disease".
Transmission is spread orally, primarily through saliva. Healthy people are able to spread the virus
to uninfected people through kissing or sharing food. The virus remains dormant in the body
throughout life. For the most part, EBV presents no serious complications other than the cold–like
symptoms and glandular fever related to mononucleosis. However, a growing body of evidence
indicates that many cancers are directly attributable to EBV. It is also known to play a significant
role in the incidence of certain autoimmune and blood diseases.
Epstein–Barr Disease (EBV) is known as Herpes Virus 4 (HHV–4). HHV–4 belongs to the gamma–
herpes viruses family. EBV is distinct to B lymphocytes. Latency is often present in lymphoid
tissue. EBV DNA "may persist lifelong in an episomal form in the host carrier cells (mainly in
lymphocytes but also in macrophages, in non–hornifying squamous epithelium and/or in blood
vessel endothelial cells)." (Rajcani)
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Hepatitis B And Its Effects
Hepatitis B is a genuine liver disease created by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). For some individuals,
hepatitis B contamination gets to be incessant, which means it keeps going over six months. Having
unending hepatitis B builds your danger of creating liver disappointment, liver disease or cirrhosis
which is a condition that causes lasting scarring of the liver. A great number of people contaminated
with hepatitis B as grown–ups recuperate completely, regardless of the possibility that their signs
and side effects are extreme. Babies and youngsters will probably build up a ceaseless hepatitis B
contamination (MayoClinic).
Hepatitis C contamination additionally expands the danger of creating liver disease just like
hepatitis B. Until the 1980 's, hepatitis C virus (HCV) was known as non–A non–B hepatitis. The
underlying disease may have side effects, yet a critical number of individuals don 't have side
effects. Not at all like hepatitis B, in which the ailment does not frequently get to be constant, have
around 80% of individuals with hepatitis C built up an endless disease. As the invulnerable
framework keeps on assaulting the infection after some time, fibrosis grows, in the end prompting
cirrhosis. This unending aggravation can likewise prompt liver growth. This infection is spread
through tainted blood, for example, with transfusions and IV drug misuse, however numerous
individuals don 't have evident danger components for the sickness. It is currently suggested that
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Mono Research Paper

  • 1. Mono Research Paper Infectious Mononucleosis also known as Mono is known to be caused by the Epstein–Barr Virus (EBV). It is contagious. It is usually seen during childhood but can extend to young adulthood ages 15 to 25. Ninety percent of the children who have mono have the EBV The signs and symptoms include fever, and general malaise, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes located in the neck and armpits, rash, and sometimes a swollen liver or spleen or both ( However, these symptoms are not visible until after the incubation period of four to six weeks. Serology tests that can detect the IgM EBV antibodies are positive for EBV virus are used if a person is symptomatic and has a negative mono test ( They may also show increased ... Show more content on ... Genera Lymphocryptovirus. (HHV–4). This virus has been known to be one of the most common viruses in humans. It may cause a host of human diseases such as chicken pox, shingles, multiple sclerosis, infectious mononucleosis, and Burkitts lymphoma which is one of the human cancers. More than ninety percent of the adult population have artificially acquired immunity The portal of entry is the respiratory tract. The virus survives in the infected cells of humans, and causes an infection to the B cells which are located in the lymphoid tissues near the tonsils. Serology tests that can detect that the IgM EBV antibodies are positive for EBV virus are used. Signs and symptoms include, fever, sore throat, swollen and tender cervical lymph nodes, and extreme fatigue. Prevention should include the treatment of symptoms and avoiding strenuous activity because there is an increased risk of spleen rupture. Reference ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. CMV Case Study The majority of CMV seropositive patients in both cohorts (BC and PC) were also amongst patients who had high RILA scores; an indication of many terminal cells underwent apoptosis. CMV seropositive patients have an increased risk of CMV infection reactivation when undergoing intensified immunosuppressive therapies. It is conceivable that these immunosuppressive effects, such as decreased proliferation of T–cells to CMV (Chidrawar et al., 2009), may cause subclinical CMV reactivation in infected patients. Kuo et al. (2008) noted that in patients with head and neck cancers, lung cancers and rectal cancer, the risk of CMV reactivation in these patients receiving conventional chemotherapy is high. Of the 15 patients, Kuo et al. (2008) observed ... Show more content on ... There was no significant trend amongst many of the toxicity endpoints and RILA irrespective of CMV serostatus. However, there was a significant trend in relation to urinary STAT and RILA predictive power. It is noteworthy that the RILA assay shown to predict urinary STAT within this cohort population. Interestingly, when the dataset was split based on CMV serostatus, however, urinary toxicity was not observed in CMV seropositive patient despite an increase number of cells undergoing apoptosis as assessed by RILA . This implies CMV infection in this cohort of prostate cancer patients protects against toxicity (i.e. these patients were hyposensitive to toxicity – CMV seropositive patients were at a minimal risk of suffering toxicity). This trend is in opposition to what was observed amongst CMV seropositive BC patients. Neote et al. (1993) found elevated levels of CMV IgG preceded the development of breast cancer in a Norwegian cohort. This might be the reason why CMV seropositive BC patients had worse toxicity. CMV infection in BC patients might be involved in tumour progression. Oseguera et al. (2017) study found elevated CMV levels in the serum of some BC patients correlated with poor prognosis. CMV infection was associated with promoting malignant spread of BC cell. This study was subject to a series of limitations. First, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations were not accounted for in this cohort population as these mutations can influence ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Katressa Case Study Essay Case Study: Chief Complaint Katressa is a 16–year–old female high school student who recently began to have health issues. The first instance of something being wrong was when she noticed that she was extremely tired, had a sore throat and a headache. Her mother thought that she had a virus and recommended that she go to bed early. Several days later she was feeling worse (even after getting a ton of sleep the previous two nights) and felt like she had a fever and her neck hurt when she moved it from side–to–side. But, since she had a project due at school, she decided that she needed to go to school. During gym class that day became dizzy and had to sit down. Two days later while in her technology course, she fainted. The school immediately called for an ambulance and her parents were notified. Examination At the hospital, she was asked several questions by the ER nurse and doctor. She told them she had these symptoms for 7–10 days. She had not traveled out of the United States. She (with the help of her mother) described her symptoms. She was extremely tired (somnolence), muscle pain (myalgia), sore throat, swollen glands, headache and a fever. Katressa symptoms included Hyperpyrexia (an abnormally high body temperature), pharyngitis (inflammation of the ... Show more content on ... Katressa was not sure where she contacted the virus, since none of her friends had it. She was also told that once you have the virus, you will have the virus for the rest of your live. But, once infected, you will not contract it again if exposed at a later date. And that other complications may occur. These complications included tonsillitis (swelling and infection of the tonsils), splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen), hepatomegaly or an abnormal enlargement of the liver. She was told that she may also see a symptom of photophobia, which is an abnormal sensitivity to or intolerance of light and/or hepatitis or inflammation is another serious ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Essay about Mononucleosis Most commonly known as "the kissing disease", Mononucleosis or "Mono" is a serious and contagious virus. Mononucleosis is a condition where there is an unusual profiteration of the lymphocytes in the blood, due to an infection with the Epstein–Barr virus. The (EBV) Epstein– Barr virus is a common and highly contagious organism and is a member of the Herpesviridae family. EVP has played a role in the development of some cancers: Lymphoma's and Nasopharyngeal. Some of the symptoms of "Mono" are often confused with strep throat. But because of the severe sore throat, it often prompts the patient to call the doctor and get in for a visit. Some of the most common symptoms of Infectious Mononucleosis are: a general lack of energy or ... Show more content on ... These tests rely on our immune system and it's measurable anti–bodies against the (EBV) Epstein– Barr virus. Unfortunately that is not able to be done until the patient has had the virus for 2 to 3 weeks. The doctor will need to ask several questions and examine the patient. Once the blood tests are done, the results will help the doctor rule out any other causes of the patient's symptoms. Once detected Mononucleosis can live in ones saliva for up to 18 months. One thing about this virus is, once you have tested positive for "mono" our body builds up an antibody against the Epstein–Barr Virus. Although patients have stated that with this virus making you feel so terrible, that ,there must be some kind of antibiotic that is needed to get better. However, self care is usually all that is needed. Of course, getting plenty of rest is important with most sickness, but with mono that is all you will seem to do for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Gargle with salt water and warm water. That will help your sore throat and swollen tonsils. Make sure to get some throat lozenges to help sooth your throat as well. It is also helpful to take some acetaminophen (like Tylenol) or ibuprofen (like Advil) to reduce fever and helps relieve the sore throat that was mentioned above. If possible only rest, nourishment, and water are the best way to get through this virus. The medications above are not needed to improve they are only ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Epstein Barr Case Studies Summary: Maria Hernandez, a 29–year–old school teacher, presents to the doctor's office with fatigue, ptosis and generalized weakness. Ms. Hernandez recently received a series of botox injections, and is currently taking atorvastatin for her hypercholesterolemia. On physical examination, a slight fever (100.2), an erythematous pharynx, and ten–pound weight loss were noted; neurological examination revealed ptosis, facial weakness, decreased motor function as well as bilateral trace reflexes in her patella and ankles. Additionally, chest radiography revealed a small nodule in her right lung, and her lymphocyte and monocyte counts were elevated on her CBC. Question: Describe the pathophysiology of mononucleosis and the significance of the mono–spot test. ... Show more content on ... Although the aforementioned symptoms are suggestive of IM, a subset of infected patients may be asymptomatic (e.g., subclinical IM) or their symptoms may be attributable to other illnesses such as acute HIV, cytomegalovirus or Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome.1 In order to differentiate IM from other illnesses, diagnostic tests such as the mono–spot assay or EBV–specific antibodies should be ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Medical Case Study As the head physician at Johns Hopkins University Center Infirmary, I must inform you of an urgent matter regarding the presence of four different diseases that hold the potential for an outbreak on your campus. These four diagnosed diseases are meningococcal disease, Epstein–Barr virus, streptococcal pharyngitis, and influenza virus B. Currently, nine students are independently affected by one of these illnesses and if the campus does not take precaution immediately, the number of infected students can quickly double within a day. Found to be the most prevalent disease of the four, meningococcal disease, also known as bacterial meningitis, was diagnosed in four of the campus' students. It was first diagnosed by DNA sequencing through ... Show more content on ... The second disease was the Epstein–Barr virus, which is also known as mononucleosis, that infected two students on campus. For diagnosis, DNA sequencing through BLAST was also used to detect the pathogen's existence in one of the patients. However, since the laboratory was unable to obtain a sample from the second patient, the clinic deduced their infection by determining their relationships. The symptoms that accompany this illness include a fever, sore throat, headaches, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes. Since the pathogen, Human herpesvirus 4 (HHV–4), for mononucleosis is a virus, the patients were instructed to rest and antiviral medications were prescribed. Antiviral drugs, unlike antibiotics, function similarly to pain killers as the viruses cannot be targeted and destroyed the way that bacteria can, therefore, advising that the patients rest and recover allows for their immune system to gradually fight off the viral infection. As the pathogen is able to be transmitted through bodily fluids, students are advised to avoid sharing foods and drinks with other students and maintain overall good hygiene, which includes regularly washing their hands. Strep throat claimed one of the students on the campus, which was determined again through DNA sequencing. With strep throat, individuals typically have a sore throat, fever, headaches, swollen tonsils and/or lymph nodes, and overall body soreness. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Burkitt's Lymphoma Burkitt's lymphoma is a very aggressive type of B–cell NHL with replication approaching 100%. It has three clinical forms; endemic, sporadic and immunodeficiency associated. The endemic variant is common in Africa, the sporadic variant is present in the U.S and Western Europe, and immunocompromised variant occurs mainly in HIV patients. The sporadic variant comprises 30% of pediatric lymphomas and less than 1% of adult NHL. The most frequently affected site outside of lymph node involvement is the gastrointestinal tract (30–50%). , Primary gastrointestinal lymphoma is rare. Secondary involvement of the gastrointestinal tract is common in lymphoma. Primary gastrointestinal lymphoma presents with symptoms localized to the GI tract or predominating ... Show more content on ... We have been able to hold it at bay by aggressive chemotherapy, mainly derived from pediatric treatment regiments, unspecific to Burkitt's. Chemotherapy, rituximab and prophylactic CNS treatment should be included as part of the treatment regimens. Early diagnosis with aggressive and early treatment can give very good long term survival rates for the patients, reaching around 70– 80%. However, letting the disease advance and get into older age groups can be very rapidly lethal for the patients. It is a disease deserving of great attention and as we are at the edge of breaking through into its treatment. An effort made into early detection can make a vast difference in outcome for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Epstein-Barr Virus: A Case Study The large, Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), is a complex cell that is not easily identified by the immune system (Weisser, 2009). It infects nearly all individuals at some point in their lives and occasionally goes undetected because symptoms can be dormant or resemble those of the common cold. In all parts of the world, this virus is found (Chamberlain, 2009). Epstein–Barr virus can lead to many other illnesses and in more severe cases, cancer (Smith, 2014). Once infected with the contagious virus, it never escapes the body and can continue being transmitted to other individuals that one comes in contact with (Nettleman, 2014). This intricate virus contains many structures that allow it to survive and be pathogenic. Constructed by lipids, the cells ... Show more content on ... Symptoms are commonly not seen in children under the age of five–years–old. When individuals are in their teenage years or adults, symptoms are usually more noticeable. According to the Merck Manual Home Edition, the four main signs of infectious mononucleosis are: extreme fatigue, fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. The most traditional sign of infectious mononucleosis are swollen lymph nodes; which are often seen in ones neck, but can be visible in other areas of the infected body. Another symptom that must be taken serious is an inflamed spleen. This may or may not be noticeable, but if not handled properly it could rupture and result in serious consequences. After all other symptoms have stopped, one may continue to suffer from fatigue for up to several months (Urban, ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Mononucleosis Research Paper Klaudia Malara Introduction The Epstein – Barr virus is one of the most common viruses in humans. It is so common it has been stated that in the United States alone, it has shown previous infection in about ninety to ninety five percent of all adults. (Weller, 2003). It is also one of the eight main human herpes viruses as well as the cause of another disease called mononucleosis. Mononucleosis is a kind of infection that is generated through kissing or sharing the same saliva. Occurrences vary from drinking from the same glass or using the same toothbrush as someone who is infected. It is also spread by blood or semen. Occurrences may include sex or an organ transplant. Even after the infection of mononucleosis has ended, the virus stays in ... Show more content on ... The Epstein–Barr virus is part of the Herpesvirales Order. Following order, this viruses Family is the Herpesviridae. What this term means is that the viruses nucleic capsid is liner and has a double stranded DNA. It is also composed of an icosahedral capsid and it is surrounded by an envelope which is rich with phospholipids. The Epstein – Barr virus also is classified with a Subfamily termed Gammaherpesvirinae. The virus is specific to T–lymphocytes or B–lymphocytes as well as attacking the lymphoid tissues of vertebrae's. Moreover, the Genus is named Lymphocryptovirus because it only infects cells in humans and monkeys. The Species is the Human Herpesvirus 4–. This translates into a kind of virus that infects humans only and causes infectious mononucleosis (Weller, ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay On Odontogenic Etiology There are numerous conditions which could result in the pain experienced by a patient who reports a "toothache". Many times, an odontogenic etiology–such as caries, cracked tooth, infection, or periodontal abscess–for the pain can be identified, treated, and resolved. However, in some cases, there is no odontogenic etiology for the pain, requiring a more complicated differential diagnosis. After eliminating the possibility of odontogenic conditions by examination, radiography, and pulp tests, several other conditions should be considered. Fungal and viral infections can both cause orofacial pain. One common fungal infection of the mouth is Candida albicans, whose symptoms typically include white patches or plaques on the mucosa or tongue (SOURCE). Viral infections such as Herpes virus and Epstein–Barr virus ... Show more content on ... Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic neuropathic pain conditions which typically causes numbness, pain, and/or burning in the area around the trigeminal nerve (NINDS, 2013). In patients with trigeminal neuralgia symptoms, careful questioning about any concurrent health issues or symptoms may allow diagnosis of an underlying systemic causes, such as neoplasm or multiple sclerosis (Dumas, 1999), which may require referral to an appropriate specialist. Fibromyalgia is another neuropathic pain condition, which results in symptoms including chronic, widespread pain, hyperalgesia, fatigue, and sleep problems; additionally, this condition has a high comorbidity rate with irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and anxiety disorders (Jin, 2014). One condition that can be misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia is myofascial pain. Myofascial pain and fibromyalgia both involve trigger points; however, unlike the former, myofascial pain involves asymmetrical pain in a taut muscle band. Myofascial pain may also be misdiagnosed as odontogenic pain, so it is important to assess radiographic exams, trigger points, and symptoms ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Summary Of Gammaherpesvirus PROJECT SUMMARY The gammaherpesviruses Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) and Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV) establish lifelong persistent infection in the host and are capable of causing several lymphomas and neoplasms. Gammaherpesviruses have two distinct phases in the life cycle: lytic replication and latency. Lytic replication is cleared by the immune system, the virus evades detection by the immune system and maintains a lifelong persistence in the host by establishing latency. Viral latency in B cells is the critical event associated with tumorgenesis. The innate immune system employs the Type I Interferon (IFN) response to combat viral infection. IFN family of cytokines signals the presence of an intracellular infection and activates the transcription of IFN stimulated genes (ISGs). ISG products are a diverse collection of proteins that promote antiviral and immunomodulatory functions. This proposal ... Show more content on ... Much of the work characterizing the immune response to KSHV and EBV has been done in vitro. A critical barrier in the gammaherpesvirus field is the lack of an in vivo immune system to study KSHV and EBV infection in the laboratory. To investigate how gammaherpesviruses interacts and modulates the immune response in vivo, a closely related murine gammaherpesvirus, MHV–68, is used as a laboratory model system. MHV–68 consists of 80 genes and is genetically more homologous to KSHV than EBV. 60 open reading frames (ORFs) in MHV–68 are homologous to KSHV. The replication lifecycle of MHV–68 mirrors human herpesviruses, with primary lytic infection in the lungs, latency establishment and maintenance in the spleen, and viral reactivation mechanisms. While lytic replication is resolved, the virus is able evade immune detection and persist in the host by establishing latency. Viral latency in B cells is the critical event associated with ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Immune Complicated Disease: Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis, or MS as it is more commonly referred, is an immune mediated disease that involves the body's own defense mechanism, specialized immune cells, that ultimately attacks the central nervous system. Specifically, the myelin protein that coats axons and forms an electrically insulating layer for quicker processing of the nervous system, is attacked by cytotoxic cells that have crossed into the CNS. In a healthy patient, the blood brain barrier cannot be crossed by cytotoxic cells and it is speculated that an environmental component or outside source mediates this crossing. When the myelin is attacked, it forms scars in the CNS, as multiple sclerosis literally translates to "many scars," which is the direct result of the disease. The scars disrupt the normal nerve impulses that travel through the central nervous system, and can cause a variety of symptoms including loss of cognition, fatigue, or numbness in the body (Evidence). ... Show more content on ... While this may sound like an autoimmune disease, scientists are still unsure about what antigen the immune cells are attracted to attack, meaning it is "immune–mediated" as opposed to "autoimmune" (Evidence). This, like many components to MS, remains a mystery, and researchers are still discovering and advancing what we know about the disease. When I received your letter, I made sure to research MS more in depth to provide you with as much information on the root cause of MS, as science will currently allow. As I mentioned, this disease remains partially a mystery but with new scientific breakthroughs, it is becoming more clear that a virus may be to ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Mononucleosis Research Papers Emma Johnston Ms. Phelps Health Period 5 October 12, 2016 Mononucleosis Infectious Mononucleosis, commonly known as mono, is an infectious disease caused by the Epstein–Barr virus (EBV). The EBV virus causes an increase in lymphocytes (large white blood cells) in the blood stream due to viral infection. Although scientists are not certain when the first case of mono occurred, the most accurate record was written in 1889 by Dr. E. Pfeiffer. The term Infectious Mononucleosis was first introduced in 1920 by British researchers Thomas P. Sprunt and Frank A. Evans in replace of its original term Glandular Fever. By 1964, the Epstein–Barr virus was successfully identified and named by doctors M. Anthony Epstein and Ms. Yvonne Barr. Mono's nickname "The Kissing Disease" comes from its ability to transfer by human contact with saliva. This, however, is not particular to just kissing. Mono can be transferred through anything that has touched the saliva of anyone infected by it. Things such as sharing chapstick or lipstick, straws, utensils, or cups can transmit the virus. Even sneezing or coughing in a close radius can transmit the disease via droplet. Mono is most common in people ages 15–25, and is at it's prime during high school years. Cases of ... Show more content on ... Doctors may often advise people diagnosed with mono to stay in bed, limit activity, drink lots of fluids, and use a throat lozenge––or gargle with salt water––to sooth a sore throat. Nonsteroidal anti–inflammatory and analgesic drugs (such as Ibuprofen, Advil, and Tylenol) can be bought over the counter as pain relievers and fever reducers. Mono symptoms usually die down at around 1–4 weeks, but the person may still be infected with the EBV virus for up to two months. However, there is a small percentage of people whose immune systems are unable to completely fight off mono. As a result, some people may develop CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) due to the EBV ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Symptoms of Mononucleosis Mononucleosis Symptoms Mononucleosis is an infectious disease caused by the Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), which infects the cells in an individual's throat, and an individual's immune system (Deckler et al., 2009). Mononucleosis gets its name from the high number of white blood cells in the blood of an infected person, which are called mononuclear cells (Deckler et al., 2009). People infected with EBV carry the virus in their saliva. Symptoms The symptoms of Mononucleosis are as follows, according to the MayoClinic (2012): Fatigue/Exhaustion Overwhelming feeling of malaise Sore, irritated throat, such as a strep throat that doesn't respond to antibiotics Fever Swollen/enlarged/sore lymph nodes in neck and armpits Swollen tonsils Headache/migraine Skin rash or otherwise irritated skin Soft, swollen spleen A person suffering from mono who has a swollen spleen must be very careful to avoid physical activity or any sports which could cause a rupture to the spleen (Deckler et al., 2009). This type of precaution is truly important as, resuming normal activities can be done within a few days, but all forms of exercise and one should really wait at least a month for the safety of the spleen. While the sore throat and swollen tonsils may last just a few days or a week, the sense of extreme fatigue will last at least a few weeks (Deckler et al., 2009). Mode of Transmission As stated earlier, individuals carry the virus in their saliva, which means that it can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Viruses : A Small Organisms And Most Viruses Essay Viruses are known to be very small organisms and most viruses cannot be seen with an ordinary microscope. They are comprised of a little number of qualities as DNA or RNA encompassed by a protein covering. A virus must enter a living cell and "commandeer" the cell 's hardware so as to duplicate and make more viruses. Some viruses do this by embedding their own DNA (or RNA) into that of the host cell. At this point the DNA or RNA influences the host cell 's qualities and can push the cell toward becoming cancerous (American Cancer Society). There are several ways that a virus can cause cancer. Some viruses can cause chronic inflammation. The chronic inflammation that is brought on by the virus is when there is an increase in the cell division. By the cell division increasing and making new cells to replace damaged cells, usually results in the risk that a genetic mutation will take place. Therefore, inflammation caused by some of these viruses leads to increase cell division, which leads to a greater chance that errors in genetic material will take place and will eventually lead to cancer. There are also some viruses that may directly damage the DNA within the cells causing them to result into cancer and alter the immune system, so that it is less able to fight off cancer cells (Fayed). According to The National Cancer Institute, cancer is the name given to a collection of related diseases. In all types of cancer, some of the body's cells begin to divide without stopping ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Gamma Herpes Virus (EBV) EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) also known as Gamma herpes Virus – 1, is amongst a large family of approximately 100 herpes virus, 8 of these are known to infect humans. These are Cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus –1 and –2, varicella–zoster virus, human herpes virus 6 (variant A and B), human herpes virus 7, kaposi's sarcoma (human herpes virus 8) and EBV (gamma Herpes Virus –1). All of these are classified into 3 different subfamilies known as alpha, beta and gamma dependant on the specificity of cell host range and tropism. The alpha group includes Herpes simplex virus –1 and –2, and Varicella–Zoster Virus and can be described to have a broad host cell range, a short reproductive cycle in epithelial cells and efficiently spreads well in culture. ... Show more content on ... Beta Herpes subfamily consists of CMV (cytomegalovirus – HHV–5) also classified along with HHV–6 and –7 (Human Herpes Virus –6, –7); HHV–5, –6 and –7 have similar genetic homology. The beta subfamily has a restricted host range in vitro, except in vivo where few types of cells including monocytes, lymphocytes and epithelial cells can be the site of replication; HHV–6 and –7 tend to target T–lymphocytes and latently infect lymphocytes (lymphoreticular cells), secretory glands and kidneys. The focus is on the Gamma subfamily which includes Kaposi's sarcoma – Herpes Virus (KSHV – HHV8) and EBV (HHV4), usually known to infect epithelial cells in the oral cavity, gamma herpes sub family latently infect B–lymphocytes to prolong infection and further spread in the host. EBV targets B–cells in the pharynx (nasopharnyx) leading to division of ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Mononucleosis Research Paper Mononucleosis By age of 5, about 50 percent of children in the United States have already been infected by mononucleosis. This disease pops up frequently on college campuses, where one out of every 200 students get it each year. Though it isn't very harmful it can last a while, and sometimes in rare cases if not treated it can be fatal. Mononucleosis is a virus caused by the epstein–barr virus. Which is also known as EBV. Mononucleosis (also known as mono) is most commonly known as the kissing disease. It is a fairly well known disease and it's not a very harmful one, though it is highly contagious. It can be spread through kissing, sharing drinks, or anything where you exchange bodily fluids. So it is easily spread within families. In 1990, September 11th through October 7th there was an outbreak of mono in Puerto Rico. It started out as just a few people but at one point about 70% of Puerto Rico had mono. It spreads quickly and easily so more and more people were getting infected. Though mono isn't very harmful to people, it stops you from being able to do lots of activities and lasts for about two weeks or more. Doctors started investigating why it was happening and they discovered how contagious it ... Show more content on ... There was an outbreak where 450 students got mono. After that, they then began a 5 year study on it. The next time they started studying it again was in 1971 when at yale university, over 16 people were diagnosed with mono. Then, in 1972 2,851 people were infected in college campuses in the united states. In 1974 it infected a military academy in the united states where 53 people were infected. In 1979 there was an outbreak of infectious mononucleosis that infected college campuses around california and hawaii. After that in 2013 there was another outbreak in college campuses and there was another study on it and they found that 51 people in a high school had mono without even knowing ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. What Is Multiple Sclerosis? What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Jessica Zelenak American Military Public University Abstract Multiple Sclerosis affects 2.3 million people worldwide. Multiple Sclerosis patients diagnosed are in the age range of twenty to fifty. Multiple Sclerosis effects the myelin in the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information that is sent to the brain. This disruption effects your vision, mobility and bodily functions. Multiple Sclerosis has a wide variety of people it can effect. Your age, sex, where you grew up and even certain infections like Mono. There are a few tests that can be done to find out if you have Multiple Sclerosis, such as; MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) this is not the only test but it is a huge ... Show more content on ... (National MS Society) (Mayo Clinic) Myelin is the fatty substance that surrounds and insulated the nerve fibers. (National MS Society) Multiple Sclerosis is also know to be an immune–mediated process that sends abnormal responses of the body's immune system that is directed again the Central Nervous System (CNS). Myelin is compared to the insulation on electrical wires. (National Multiple Sclerosis Society) The Central Nervous System is made up of the optic nerves, brain and spinal cord. The exact antigen – or target that the immune cells are sensitized to attack remains unknown. (National Multiple Sclerosis Society) In Multiple Sclerosis immune system There is yet to be any reason as to what causes MS. Scientist believe the disease is triggered by but not yet identified by environmental factors in a person who is genetically predisposed to respond. (National MS Society) Some researchers say that it is an autoimmune disease. There is no cure for MS, but there are treatments that can help you recovery and minimize your attacks, and modify the diseases course. (Mayo Clinic) Some of the signs and symptoms of MS vary widely, and it also depends on how damaged and which nerves are affected. Symptoms can range from the inability to walk to not having any symptoms at all. Depending on ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Mononucleosis Research Paper Mononucleosis is defined as, "a vial infection caused by the Epstein–Bart virus (EBV), which is part of the herpes family of viruses." (Beaman). Mononucleosis is often referred by one of two names: mono or the kissing disease. This infection is typically spread via saliva, so it is important to not and drink after other people, and when someone is in a relationship. It is most common in young adults in the age range of 15–24 years of age. The prevalence rate of mononucleosis is over 95%. Once a person has this infection, it takes a while for the results to go back to negative. The signs and symptoms of mononucleosis can take approximately four to eight weeks to first appear. These symptoms include: swollen lymph glands, fever, sore throat, ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Research Paper On Bell's Palsy Bell's Palsy is a type of severe paralysis of the muscles on one side of an individuals face, the nerves that are damaged are thought to be caused by a type of virus; some types that can cause Bell's Palsy is chickenpox or shingles, cold sores, mumps, cytomegalovirus and a virus that causes mononucleosis (Epstein–Barr), but no real cause is known. The symptoms of this condition is sudden weakness in the face, drooling, eye problems, loss of ability to taste, increased hearing sensitivity, dropping of one side of the face, headache, and pain in or behind the ear. Bell's Palsy is diagnosed by a physical and neurological exam to test for facial nerve function, most of the tests are a process of elimination. If the tests and undetermined blood ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Chronic Fatigue Case Paper Case Stem: Patient is presented to the ER with her mother after having been referred by her pediatrician. Mother complains nine month old patient is exhibiting symptoms she herself had been experiencing over the last year and a half or so. Mother and daughter share symptoms of intermittent fevers, swollen lymph nodes, weight loss/inability to gain weight, extreme fatigue with nocturnal wakefulness. The mother said she also experienced some muscle pain, confusion at times and possible personality changes. The mother told the ER doctor she attributed her symptoms to pregnancy but they continued after giving birth. They started off very mild but have been becoming more severe over the last year. During physical examination patient states having ... Show more content on ... Chronic Fatigue Syndrome–Extreme fatigue, impaired concentration, malaise, muscle pain, and joint pain B. Fibromyalgia– Chronic neck/back pain, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, memory and concentration problems, and headaches C. African Trypanosomiasis– headaches, muscle and joint pain, fevers, malaise, itching of the skin, CNS involvement, personality changes, swollen lymph nodes D. Chronic Epstein–Barr virus– fatigue, fever, inflamed throat, swollen lymph nodes, rash Explanation: A. No, Chronic Fatigue is only diagnosed with the absence of any organic disease. Because a parasite was found it cannot be CFS. B. No, to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia you must meet a criteria of a certain number of tender spots and this was not met. Also, this disease deals with soft tissue only and since the patient complained of moderate joint pain fibromyalgia is unlikely. C. Correct! The biggest finding was that the patient had traveled to a region of the world where this disease is commonly found D. No, Epstein–Barr is highly contagious and no one else had been infected that she had been in contact with. Blood tests were ran and there was no sign of the virus. The patient was infected by a parasite. How was it transmitted? A. Water B. Insect ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. T-Lymphotropic Virus, Kaposi's Sarcoma Viral Oncology is the study of virus caused cancers. These cancers include Adult T–cell Leukemia, Kaposi's Sarcoma, Cervical Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, and Burkitt's Lymphoma. Viruses that can cause cancer are known as oncoviruses. Known oncoviruses are: Hepatitis B and C (HBV and HCV, respectively), Human T– Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV–I), Human papillomavirus (HPV), Kaposi's Sarcoma– Associated Herpesvirus (HHV–8), and Epstein– Barr Virus (EBV). Viruses, after entering a host cell, integrates its genome with the host cell's DNA using the enzyme reverse transcriptase. During normal DNA replication, the virus' genome will be replicated to produce more viral particles. During this process, host cell genes can be triggered by viral genes ... Show more content on ... The cancer is usually seen in HIV positive patients because HIV weakens the immune system, making the infected susceptible to uncommon or rare pathogens. Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a cancer that develops from the cells that line lymph or blood vessels. It usually appears as tumors on the skin or on mucosal surfaces such as inside the mouth, but tumors can also develop in other parts of the body, such as in the lymph nodes (bean–sized collections of immune cells throughout the body), the lungs, or digestive tract. KS can cause serious problems or even become life threatening when the lesions are in the lungs, liver, or digestive tract. KS in the digestive tract, for example, can cause bleeding, while tumors in the lungs may cause trouble breathing. A person infected with HIV (that is, who is HIV–positive) does not necessarily have AIDS. The virus can be present in the body for a long time, often many years, before causing major illness. The disease known as AIDS begins when the virus has seriously damaged the immune system, which results in certain types of infections or other medical complications, including KS. When HIV damages the immune system, people who also are infected with a certain virus (the Kaposi sarcoma associated herpes virus or KSHV) are more likely to develop ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Epstein-Barr Virus Lab The Epstein–Barr Virus is part of the herpesvirus family and was the first virus discovered to cause a human cancer. The virus has two stages of its life cycle, the latent phase, which allows the virus to lie dormant within a cell and the host and the lytic phase where the virus reproduces and spreads among cells. Haloperidol (HPD), a common mood stabilizer, aids in the initiation of the lytic cycle. Administering the Haloperidol at varying concentrations and exposure lengths will test what is the best time and concentration that will activate viral gene expression. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) will monitor the amplification of the BZLF1 gene expressed from the lytic virus and myc gene from the cell. These genes are regulatory ... Show more content on ... The HH514–16 Burkitt lymphoma B cell is a cell line used that is infected with the Epstein–Barr Virus. Cells are grown using RPMI 1640 medium containing 8% fetal bovine serum; a supplement contain low level of antibodies and growth factors. Quality and quantity of the cells are measured by counting the number of alive and dead cells under a microscope and also noting shape, size, and arrangement. After, the cells are then cultured and treated with Haloperidol (HPD) at varying concentrations or exposure times. Exposure times are marked when the cells are frozen and stored in negative 80 degrees celsius. RNA is then isolated from the cells using a Promega kit. RNA concentrations are measured using a Nanodrop and then appropriate dilutions are achieved to ensure unified sample concentration. iScript reverse transcriptase generates a strand of complementary DNA from a RNA template, to then be measured by PCR. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) which monitors the amplification of targeted RNA molecules. iTaq Universal SYBR green binds to double stranded DNA and detects the products that accumulate during PCR. BZFL1 and myc are the genes being monitored that regulate transcription factors, which are being compared against the 18s control. From these experiments, the amplification of the genes is measured. We will determine what concentration or exposure time of Haloperidol reactivates the ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Hodgkin’s Disease Essay Hodgkin's Disease Cancers arising from the lymph nodes or other sites of lymphoid tissue are broadly termed lymphomas. This group of diseases is divided into Hodgkin's disease and non–Hodgkin's lymphoma. In both conditions, there is a replacement of normal lymphatic tissue by collections of abnormal lymphoma cells. The lymphatic system are a complex network of specialised cells and organs that defend the body against infection. Lymphatic organs include the bone marrow, spleen, thymus gland, lymph nodes, tonsils, adenoids, appendix and clumps of tissue in the small bowel. A function of the lymphatic system is to nurture and mature the B and T–lymphocytes (white blood cells vital to immune function). Cancerous changes can take place ... Show more content on ... In some instances, the nodes may spontaneously increase and decrease in size. Because Hodgkin's disease is associated with a defect in the maturation of the lymphocyte, the immune system may be impaired. As such repeated infections may occur. Symptoms The symptoms of Hodgkin's disease frequently depend upon the stage of disease. Staging defines the extent to which the disease has spread throughout the body. Moreover, it often determines which treatment(s) will be required. Hodkins has 4 distinct stages of Hodgkin's disease, these being stages 1–4. Each stage is further defined as exhibiting either A or B symptoms. These symptoms refer to either the absence of A or presence of B unexplained weight loss in the preceding 6 months, fever greater than 38°C, and or night sweats. Tumour suppressor genes: In health this family of genes usually act as a counter balance for oncogenesis. It is thought that they may be responsible for repairing gene damage in cells, or are growth inhibitor genes. In Hodgkin's disease, there are often evidences of mutation in tumour suppressor genes as well as other genes. Stage 1. Stage 1 Hodgkin's disease affects a single lymph node or lymph node region. The lymph nodes most commonly affected are the nodes in the neck, armpits or groin.
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  • 98. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Essay Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Thankfully, it is hard for most people to imagine a tiredness and weakness of body that would keep one confined to a bed. There are people today who have lived a very active lifestyle for years and have suddenly found themselves burdened by a feeling of bodily weariness they never knew was possible. It all happens so swiftly and surprisingly that many are terrified by these changes taking place. CFS, otherwise known as chronic fatigue syndrome, is this illness characterized by debilitating fatigue. At times, this disease is also referred to as chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS), or chronic Epstein–Barr virus (CEBV). However, no matter what it is called, it remains a nightmare for those who ... Show more content on ... One can simply become tired, while others may be totally bedridden and disabled from fatigue. Sometimes the body is better, so the individual can lead an almost normal lifestyle, but then days or weeks later this strength may easily wane. The true cause of this illness is not yet known. Several studies in the 1980's tried to link CFS with the Epstein–Barr virus (CFS pamphlet). This virus is one in the family of herpes viruses, and EBV infection are almost inevitable in all humans. However, more recently it has been found that some CFS patients lack the EBV antibodies, which means they never had this virus (Bell, 1994). Therefore, there has been no consistent link found between elevated EBV antibodies and the presence of CFS. Other viruses have been associated with CFS as well. In the published research results (Holmes, et al, 1988) findings suggest that the recently discovered herpesvirus–6 (HHV–6) is higher in patients with CFS than in control groups. The higher level of HHV6 does not necessarily suggest that this viral activity is occurring, but may demonstrate immune responses to various stimuli. Although it is possible that HHV–6 may be a factor in CFS sufferers, it cannot be proven with the current antibody testing. Though this remains an area of great controversy, the psychological factors influencing those diagnosed with chronic fatigue must be considered as well. Many ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Multiple Sclerosis Research Paper Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the nerve and nerve fibers of the central nervous system (Ringold, Lynm, & Glass, 2006). It results in the loss and damage of myelin, the insulator of nerve fibers, thus affecting the conduction of nerve signals within the brain and spinal cord. This damage to the central nervous system (CNS) leads to an impairment in sensory, cognitive, and motor functions of the body. The cause of multiple sclerosis is still unknown, however, it is known that environmental, genetic, and viral factors play a role in the spread and diagnosis of this disease. This essay will examine the likelihood of the Epstein–Barr virus as an indicator to the development of multiple sclerosis. Epstein–BarrVirus ... Show more content on ... The acquisition of an infectious agent like EBV is more likely to occur during a specific window of weak immunologic functioning such as childhood (Alotaibi et al., 2004). The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis at such a young age further emphasizes the similar environmental and genetic factors that it shares with EBV. A study conducted by Alotaibi et al. (2004) compared the serological evidence of EBV in children with MS and their healthy peers without MS. Of the children with MS, data showed that 83% traced some sort of remote EBV infection. Whereas, the control group of healthy children showed only 42% of present EBV antibodies. The data further showed that there was no correlation to MS when tested for other virus' such as parvovirus B19, cytomegalovirus, and varicella zoster. This evidence supports the genetic etiology of multiple sclerosis. During childhood and adolescence, 50% of individuals contract an EBV infection, and 5% of these individuals go on to develop multiple sclerosis. Although these numbers may seem minuscule, the majority of children with MS show a prior exposure to EBV, compared to their healthy peers who have yet been exposed to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Causes And Effects Of Cancer Cancer is a name given to collection of various diseases that are caused by a similar mechanism: uncontrolled division of cells that results in formation of abnormal cells that grow without stopping – tumors. Cancer is caused by changes in genes of the cells that control the way they function. Those changes can be caused by various environmental factors, such as excess ultraviolet exposure from the sun, chemicals in tobacco smoke, radiation from radioactive elements and many other factors. The only type of cancer that can be caused by an infection is the viral cancer. Viruses that cause cancer are called oncoviruses; oncoviruses represent approximately 15% of all human cancers worldwide (Liao 115). Viruses are made up of small portion of either DNA or RNA(sometimes both) surrounded by a protein coat. Viruses enter a living cell and insert portion of their DNA or RNA into the host cell, allowing the host cell to reproduce even more viruses through the processes of transcription and translation of the cell. Each type of viruses tends to be very specific: they target only specific type of cells in the body. Even though development of cancerous tumors from viral infections may take years or even decades, they are still causing thousands of deaths annually (Liao 43). A tremendous portion of human cancers are associated with viral infections: "The estimated total of infection–attributable cancer in the year 2002 is 1.9 million cases, or 17.8% of the global cancer burden. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Epstein Barr Virus Research Paper Name: Jade Dufren Causative Agent: Epstein–Barr virus Disease: Burkitts lymphoma, Mononucleosis, and Orchitis Classification of the causative agent: Human Herpesvirus 4 (HHV–4) – Gammaherpesvirinae enveloped virus. History: The Ebstein–Barr Virus took on the name of its founders, Anthony Epstein, Yvonne Barr, and Burt Achong in 1964. It is a part of the herpes family, but has no relation to the genital or oral types of herpes. Although it was first recognized in children, about 90% of the human population all over the world between infancy to old adulthood is infected with the virus. It is most popular for causing mononucleosis, short for mono, which a lot of people refer to as the "kissing disease". It is also believed to be the first ... Show more content on ... This disease can cause several secondary infections including strep, sinusitis, and pneumonia that involve damage to the immune system. In some rare circumstances, it can evolve to Guillain–Barré syndrome which can lead to death. In some rare cases, EBV can be associated in causing the secondary infection orchitis, which symptoms include inflammation of the testicles. Treatments: There is no cure for EBV, only medications to relieve the symptoms such as anti–inflammatory and steroids. People can also take vitamins to make their immune system stronger so the virus has a less chance of taking over. There are also anitviral medications for people to take to help symptoms flaring up such as acyclovir. A doctor may prescribe plenty of bed rest and fluids while experiencing symptoms. Prevention: It is very difficult to prevent EBV since a lot of people infected are not even aware they have the virus. There is no vaccine against the virus, but people can always make sure not to share drinks, utensils, or eat after each other. Hand washing, good hygiene, and avoid kissing strangers. Protective sex is never 100% effective but can lessen the chances of a person becoming
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  • 115. Mononucleosis Research Paper Infectious Mononucleosis is a viral infection characterized by swelling of the lymph glands. Mononucleosis is more commonly referred to as "mono" or "kissing disease" because it is transferred by saliva. Mono was first named "glandular fever" in the 1880s by a group of german physicians; the name stems from the characteristics of having swollen glands and high fever. Glandular fever was given the name Infectious Mononucleosis in 1920 by Thomas P. Sprunt and Frank A. Evans. In 1932, two researchers that go by the names of Paul and Bunnell discovered a way to help doctors diagnose mono more accurately. A few years later Anthony Epstein, Barr and Achong discovered Epstein–Barr Virus (EBV) in the year 1964 and categorized it in the herpes family. Epstein–Barr Virus and Infectious Mononucleosis had no connection until 1968 when Gertrude and Werner Henle discovered how to inoculate EBV and found a link between the two. ... Show more content on ... About 85%–90% of Americans have developed antibodies to the Epstein–Barr virus by the time they are 40 years of age, which indicates that they have been infected with the virus during their lifetime. A person can live with someone that has EBV and never become infected, but it is possible that a person is susceptible to spreading the virus even if they no longer have symptoms. Epstein– Barr virus lives in the nose and throat and is spread when a person comes in contact with infected saliva, tears and mucus. The most common group of people to contract EBV are teenagers from the ages of 15–17 years old, but anyone can contract the virus. Young adults that become infected with this virus will usually experience common symptoms, such as, headache, sore throat, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, fever and in some cases an enlarged spleen. Swelling of the spleen can get as large as two to three times the normal size and occurs in about 75 out of 100 people that are ... Get more on ...
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  • 119. Liver Failure Research Paper What can cause liver failure? Liver failure occurs when liver cells are damaged significantly and are no longer able to function. The cause of liver failure varies widely throughout the world. Drugs toxicity is more common in United States & Western countries while HBV infection is a leading cause in India, France and Japan. Common causes include: Acetaminophen overdose. Minimal hepatotoxic dose is 7.5 gm in adults, 150 mg/kg in children and severe toxicity is seen with dose > 15 gm. It is a common mode of attempted suicide. Hepatotropic viruses. Hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B infections and hepatitis E can cause liver failure. HAV & HBV infections are major causes of liver failure in many parts of world including India and developing countries. Hepatitis E is a leading cause of liver failure in India but rarely seen in western countries. ... Show more content on ... Antibiotics (eg. augmentin, sulfa drugs, nitrofurantoin), antituberculous, nonsteroidal anti– inflammatory drugs and anticonvulsants (eg. Phenytoin, valproic acid), can cause liver failure. Uncommon causes include: Herbal supplements. Herbal drugs and supplements, including kava (prepared as a tea), ephedra, skullcap and pennyroyal tea, are linked to acute liver failure. Toxins. Toxins that can cause acute liver failure include the sea anemone sting , poisonous wild mushroom Amanita phalloides, which is sometimes mistaken for edible species. Autoimmune disease. Liver failure can be caused by autoimmune hepatitis – a disease in which your immune system attacks liver cells, causing inflammation and injury. Diseases of the veins in the liver. Vascular diseases, such as Budd–Chiari syndrome, can cause blockages in the veins of the liver, leading to acute liver failure. Metabolic disease. Rare metabolic diseases, such as Wilson's disease infrequently cause acute liver failure. Cancer. Cancer that either begins in or spreads to liver (eg. Breast, lung, blood or lymph node cancer) can cause liver to ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. Personal Narrative: Epstein Barr Virus I took a moment to reach inside of myself and watch the anger as it continued to swirl through my body. I noticed my shoulders suddenly relax. Anger created a boundary and protected me from helplessness and hopelessness that would have made me feel like a victim. I had handled my health for the past thirty years and even though I felt momentarily defeated, I was not about to give up. No, I would not step out of my power and no; I would not have a biopsy done. Instinctively, I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that a biopsy would not lead to anything productive in this case. I would stand my ground and find other options. I would handle this in my own way. Again. Chapter 11 There is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility ... Show more content on ... I was tired of the labels that everyone placed on me such as Chronic Fatigue, with a host of other infections running amuck inside of me, and now the Epstein Barr virus. No offense to Doctors Epstein and Barr, but I had lost patience with my body and myself. I refused to identify myself as an illness. I was a human being and a woman with a conversation going on in my body that I could not translate. I just could not figure out what made me so sick. I did everything I could think of to improve my body's inner environment. I hated the exhaustion, the foggy thinking, the general malaise and the weird symptoms that would pop up out of nowhere. The mental and emotional stress that this caused was almost worse than the symptoms themselves. The best I could do was to maintain a low standard of wellness. I longed to bring back the vitality I had experienced as a teen. What I disliked most of all was when people tried to comfort me by saying this was all just a natural part of the aging process (even when I was in my late twenties). If I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me I would be a very wealthy albeit unhealthy ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. Mononucleosis Research Paper Mononucleosis is a disease that is spread from person to person. It is commonly referred to as "mono" and "the kissing disease". It often occurs in adolescents from the age of fifteen to seventeen. Mononucleosis is a viral infection that can cause fever, sore throat and swollen lymph glands. It is passed on by saliva and close contact. It was discovered in the late nineteenth century. It was not always referred to as mononucleosis and did not receive that name until around 1920. The virus, Epstein–Barr Virus, that causes Mononucleosis is relatively large in size. It is something that stays in your body due to cell memory. It is not always active and cannot always cause for a flare up of the disease. When diagnosing this disease doctor's conduct ... Show more content on ... When going to a doctor for suspected Mononucleosis a simple test is needed. The first test is a simple evaluation. This is done by simply looking at the patient. The doctor is looking for signs such as a skin rash, swollen tonsils, and swollen liver or spleen. After doing this simple test the doctors will draw blood. Mononucleosis leads to an elevated white blood cell count. The mononucleosis spot test looks for two specific antibodies that are associated with this disease. An antibody titer helps to tell if the Epstein– Barr Virus infection in the patient is current or not. It measures the number of the antibodies present against EBV in blood, which test can determine if the antibodies are unknown or have been around for a long time. There are many simple treatments that will help with this Mononucleosis, which relieve the symptoms of this disease. Thus include drinking plenty of fluids, gargle with warm salt water, to ease the sore throat. Mononucleosis can cause fatigue. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen should be taken to ease the pain. Since the spleen is swollen no contact sports or anything that could rupture the spleen are contraindicated (Medline Plus, Center of Disease Control) ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. Epstein Barr Virus Analysis Epstein – Barr virus (EBV) is an enveloped, dsDNA virus, member of the Herpesviridae family and Gammaherpesvirinae subfamily and it is a common pathogen, currently present in over 95% of the adult population (Murray, 2012). The virus is the primary cause of infectious mononucleosis both in childhood and adulthood. The disease is caused by proliferation of infected B cells and later their destruction by activated T cells (CTLs). EBV infects the mucosal epithelial cells, releasing progeny virus into the saliva and the B lymphocytes which leads to a long term, latent infection with little or no production of progeny virus (Acheson, 2011). Chronic EBV infection has been linked to multiple diseases including Burkitt's lymphoma, Hodgkin disease, ... Get more on ...
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  • 135. Infectious Mononucleosis Infectious mononucleosis, or mono, is called "the kissing disease" because that is one of the ways you can get it. Mono occurs in about 1 in every 2,000 people every year. Mono is caused by Epstein–Barr virus, EBV for short, which affects nearly every person at some point in his or her life. In this essay, you will learn the signs and symptoms, the treatment options for, and the prognosis of infectious mononucleosis. Infectious mononucleosis most often occurs in people between the 5 to 25 years of age, with the highest occurrence rate being between 15 to 25 years of age. Universities are the hot spot for contractions of mononucleosis each year. Epstein–Barr virus is carried in the salivary glands and is spread by direct intimate contact ... Get more on ...
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  • 139. Microbiology Research Paper Melissa Babajko Microbiology 214BA Dr. May June 6, 2012 Staphylococcus aureus– Is a facultative anaerobic, Gram–positive, salt positive, cocci shaped bacterium. Staphylococcus aureus is found as normal part of the skin floral in the nasal passages and on the skin. An estimated twenty percent of people naturally have harmless Staphylococcus aureus on their skin and are long–term carries for Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common strand of Staphylococcus in humans to date, spread through skin to skin contact or even skin to object contact that an a person infected with Staphylococcus aureus has touched. Staphylococcus aureus is coagulase positive, which induces clumping of the cells and of the blood. Staphylococcus ... Show more content on ... ( PMID: 22621239 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher] May 2012 Streptococcus pneumoniae– Is a Gram–positive bacterium in the shape of a slightly pointed cocci. They are usually found in pairs as diplococci. Streptococcus pneumoniae are alpha hemolytic bacterium. Streptococcus pneumoniae have a polysaccharide capsule that acts as a virulence factor for the organism; along with surface proteins that prevent the activation of complement pathways, and pili that enable S. pneumoniae to attach to epithelial cells in the upper respiratory tract. Streptococcus pneumoniae lacks catalase and ferments glucose to lactic acid, like most other streptococci. However, unlike most other streptococci, it does not display an M protein and it hydrolyzes insulin, which help distinguish it from other streptococci. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of meningitis in adults and young adults throughout the world and is best known for causing pneumonia all other the world. Research Study: Due to a continuing increase in S. pneumoniae's antibiotic resistance, the search for a better vaccine is ongoing. Research on the Lactococcus lactis bacteria for use as a vaccine is promising; its production of the pneumococcal surface protein PspA makes it a good candidate for a mucosal vaccine, which could be administered through the nose instead of an injection (a ... Get more on ...
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  • 143. Epstein Barr Research Paper Epstein–Barr Virus, also known as human herpesvirus type 4, is a common infectious virus that will affect greater than 85% of the population at least once in their lifetime. The virus was first discovered by, and named after, Sir Michael Anthony Epstein and Yvonne Mr. Barr in 1964 in the midst of researching a case of Burkitt's lymphoma. The Epstein–Barr virus is predominately found in a host's saliva, and is transmitted through direct and indirect contact with the infected person's bodily fluids. Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is responsible for numerous infections that can take place throughout the body, most commonly acute infectious mononucleosis. Infectious mononucleosis, simply referred to as "mono," is an illness that is directly caused by the Epstein–Barr virus and can frequently affect toddlers, teenagers, and adults. EBV, along with infectious mononucleosis, is primarily spread from person to person orally through the following acts: kissing, sharing food and drinks, and coming in contact with contaminated objects, such as toothbrushes. ... Show more content on ... Antibiotics are not usually prescribed to those infected because they are considered an ineffectual treatment of Epstein–Barr virus and its secondary virus, mononucleosis. However, over–the–counter medications such as acetaminophen can be taken, but will only reduce fever and pain associated with symptoms and will not treat the virus itself. Those in the recovering stage will be instructed by a physician to get a sufficient amount of sleep, stay hydrated, and use pain relievers for any pain and fevers that may arise. Confirmation of Epstein–Barr Virus can come from a "mono spot" test and complete blood count (CBC) testing if the mono spot test produces a negative result. Typically, a physician will check for any red dots or noticeable white patches on the oropharynx and soft palate areas during an ... Get more on ...
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  • 147. Epstein Barr Virus ( Ebv ) INTRODUCTION Epstein–Barr virus was first discovered in 1964 by Sir Michael Anthony Epstein and Ms. Yvonne Barr. They located it in a Burkitt lymphoma cell line. It was the first virus to be associated with cancer. Infection of Epstein–Barr (EBV) is extremely widespread. The National Institutes of Health estimates that roughly 95% of people carry the virus. The virus was later found to cause infectious mononucleosis. Mononucleosis has since been nicknamed the "kissing disease". Transmission is spread orally, primarily through saliva. Healthy people are able to spread the virus to uninfected people through kissing or sharing food. The virus remains dormant in the body throughout life. For the most part, EBV presents no serious complications other than the cold–like symptoms and glandular fever related to mononucleosis. However, a growing body of evidence indicates that many cancers are directly attributable to EBV. It is also known to play a significant role in the incidence of certain autoimmune and blood diseases. ETIOLOGY Epstein–Barr Disease (EBV) is known as Herpes Virus 4 (HHV–4). HHV–4 belongs to the gamma– herpes viruses family. EBV is distinct to B lymphocytes. Latency is often present in lymphoid tissue. EBV DNA "may persist lifelong in an episomal form in the host carrier cells (mainly in lymphocytes but also in macrophages, in non–hornifying squamous epithelium and/or in blood vessel endothelial cells)." (Rajcani) MANIFESTATIONS OF PRIMARY EBV The most ... Get more on ...
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  • 151. Hepatitis B And Its Effects Hepatitis B is a genuine liver disease created by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). For some individuals, hepatitis B contamination gets to be incessant, which means it keeps going over six months. Having unending hepatitis B builds your danger of creating liver disappointment, liver disease or cirrhosis which is a condition that causes lasting scarring of the liver. A great number of people contaminated with hepatitis B as grown–ups recuperate completely, regardless of the possibility that their signs and side effects are extreme. Babies and youngsters will probably build up a ceaseless hepatitis B contamination (MayoClinic). Hepatitis C contamination additionally expands the danger of creating liver disease just like hepatitis B. Until the 1980 's, hepatitis C virus (HCV) was known as non–A non–B hepatitis. The underlying disease may have side effects, yet a critical number of individuals don 't have side effects. Not at all like hepatitis B, in which the ailment does not frequently get to be constant, have around 80% of individuals with hepatitis C built up an endless disease. As the invulnerable framework keeps on assaulting the infection after some time, fibrosis grows, in the end prompting cirrhosis. This unending aggravation can likewise prompt liver growth. This infection is spread through tainted blood, for example, with transfusions and IV drug misuse, however numerous individuals don 't have evident danger components for the sickness. It is currently suggested that ... Get more on ...