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Issue 3 August 2010

Vanilla structures return
Less complex rate products in vogue
Focusing on ILS issuance RMBS and          Structured     CDS
risk chemistry expectations bank ratings   credit ideas   clearing
Your securities. Priced.
When you work with
hard-to-price securities,
you need a source you
can count on.

Standard & Poor’s
Global Evaluations.

You know the big providers of global securities evaluations. But do you know what
makes Standard & Poor’s different? With over 35 years of experience in the pricing
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ABS, MBS, CMBS, CDOs and more — we’ve got you covered. And, we work closely with
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Standard & Poor’s Securities Evaluations, Inc. (SPSE) is a registered investment adviser, which is part of Standard & Poor’s Valuations & Risk
Strategies, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. SPSE publishes evaluated pricing, customized reports on valuations of
securities under various scenarios, and analyses of certain U.S. and European fixed income securities using its proprietary risk to price scoring methodology.
Analytic services and products provided by Standard & Poor’s are the result of separate activities designed to preserve the independence and objectivity of each
analytic process. Standard & Poor’s has established policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of non-public information received during each analytic process.
Issue	3			August	2010

                                                                  	 2	 The Interview
                                                                     Navigating changing markets
                                                                     Joe Walsh,	president	of	Amherst	Securities,	shares	his	views	on	

                                                                     the	ABS	and	MBS	markets	and	the	future	strategy	of	his	firm

                                                                   6 Wholesale Structured Products
                                                                     Vanilla structures return
                                                                     Suddenly	mundane	is	popular	again.	As	Kathy Fitzpatrick
                                                                     Hoffelder	discovers,	complicated	rate	product	strategies	that	have	
Editor                                                               been	marketed	as	‘too	sophisticated	to	fail’	are	out.	Institutional	
Mark	Pelham                                                          investors	instead	are	contemplating	ways	to	offset	an	ever	

+44	(0)	20	7438	1126                                                 steepening	yield	curve	and	find	a	little	bit	of	yield	along	the	way

Design	and	Production
Andy	Peat
                                                                  11 Structured Credit                                            Risk chemistry
Contributors                                                         The	relationship	between	credit	trading	and	risk	management	is	
Jillian	Ambrose                                                      attracting	more	attention	in	today’s	plain	vanilla,	post-crisis	world.	
Madhur	Duggar,	Batur	Bicer,	Matthew	                                 Many	institutions	are	putting	a	greater	focus	on	CVA	and	reserve	

Leeming,	Søren	Willemann	and	Rob	                                    models,	while	others	are	moving	credit	risk	managers	up	the	
Hagemans	of	Barclays	Capital	Credit	                                 hierarchy.	Rachael Horsewood	reports

                                                                  	 6 ILS
Kathy	Fitzpatrick	Hoffelder
Rachael	Horsewood
James	Linacre
Richard	Lorenzo	and	Patrick	Winsbury	of	
                                                                      Greater expectations
Moody’s	Investors	Service	                                           Insurance-linked	securities	are	typically	thought	of	as	a	specialist	
Corinne	Smith                                                        asset	class.	However,	as	Jillian Ambrose	explains,	catastrophe	
                                                                     bonds	are	generating	increasing	interest	from	non-insurance	

Managing	Director                                                    investors,	which	in	turn	could	be	met	by	increased	new	issuance	
John-Owen	Waller                                                     volumes
+44	(0)	20	7061	6335
Sales	Associate
Grace	O’Dwyer	Smith
                                                                  	 1	 ABS
+44	(0)	20	7061	6397
                                                                     RMBS, bank ratings and risk
                                                                     Richard Lorenzo,	vp	structured	finance,	and	Patrick Winsbury,	
                                                                     svp	financial	institutions,	at	Moody’s	Investors	Service	look	at	the	

©	SCI.	All	rights	reserved.	Reproduction	in	any	form	                relationship	between	RMBS	issuance	and	Australian	bank	ratings
is	prohibited	without	the	written	permission	of	the	
ISSN:	2043-7900
Although	every	effort	has	been	made	to	ensure	                    	 5	 Structured Credit
the	accuracy	of	the	information	contained	in	this	
publication,	the	publishers	can	accept	no	liabilities	for	
inaccuracies	that	may	appear.	No	statement	made	in	
                                                                       Simplicity is key
this	magazine	is	to	be	construed	as	a	recommendation	                Madhur Duggar,	Batur Bicer,	Matthew Leeming,	Søren
to	buy	or	sell	securities.	The	views	expressed	in	this	
publication	by	external	contributors	are	not	necessarily	
                                                                     Willemann	and	Rob Hagemans	of	Barclays	Capital	Credit	
those	of	the	publisher.                                              Research	take	a	look	at	the	potential	for	structured	credit	products
Printed	in	England	by	Hastings	Printing	Company	

                                                             25   	 1	 CDS Clearing
Limited,	Drury	Lane,	St	Leonards-on-Sea,	East	Sussex	
TN38	9BJ
SCI	is	published	by	Cold	Fountains	Media	Limited	and	
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                                                                       Clearing consensus
                                                                     A	consensus	has	been	reached	about	the	benefits	of	CDS	
POSTMASTER:	send	address	changes	to	SCI	PO	BOX	
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                                                             31   	 7	 Data
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+44	(0)	20	7061	6334                                      ABS,	CDOs	and	natural	catastrophe	bonds	issued	over	the	last	
                                                                     three	months

The Interview


Joe Walsh, president of Amherst Securities,
shares his views on the ABS and MBS
markets and the future strategy of his firm

Q: How would you characterise Amherst Securities’ role in the        Q: How would you differentiate yourselves from other similar
   securitisation space?                                                firms that have launched in the securitisation sector over
A: Amherst is one of the leading US broker-dealers specialising         the past few years?
   in the mortgage-backed securities space. We serve institutional   A: Amherst has been around since 1993, so the first differentia-
   investors and actively work in both the new issue and second-        tion really is our experience and significant track record of
   ary markets.                                                         success. We have helped our clients navigate several economic
       Our approach has always been to ensure we have a solid           cycles, including the most recent one which resulted in many
   grasp on the market fundamentals by balancing our proprietary        of our competitors dissolving or significantly scaling back their
   data and analytics with a deep understanding of the technical        services.
   aspects of what moves the market. Our analytics and data serve          The other real distinctions that separate our firm from
   as our strategic advantage over other firms and are highly           others are the quality of our proprietary data and analytics,
   valued by our customer base.                                         the quality of our people, and the fact that we have significant

2      SCI August 2010
The Interview


   capital behind our operations, includ-      form. As a firm, we are committed to           in the space. The addition of these two
   ing capital from our employees and the      looking at opportunities where access          products will also diversify our rev-
   additional capital raised in 2008 from      to fundamental performance data and            enue stream and should make us even
   a group of institutional investors led by   thorough and thoughtful analytics              more meaningful to our customers.
   Stone Point Capital.                        can add value and we believe that the
                                               ABS and CMBS markets provide this           Q: How does this affect your established
Q: Over the past six months you’ve             opportunity.                                   RMBS business?
   made some major hires in ABS and               Our aim is to succeed with the same      A: Our expansion into ABS and CMBS is
   CMBS – what are your aims for               strategy we’ve successfully deployed in        a completely natural and complemen-
   these two asset classes in particular?      the residential sector – providing better      tary extension of our RMBS business,
A: ABS and CMBS are natural exten-             data, analysis and understanding of the        which will continue to be a major focal
   sions of our leading residential plat-      market fundamentals than anyone else           point for our firm. There is significant

The Interview

“Recently we have seen confidence in a steady,
upward-sloping recovery erode and volatility
re-introduced into the marketplace”

    amount of customer overlap between         Q: Where do you see the bulk of your           Q: Which factors do you need to con-
    the different sectors and many of the         business and/or market opportuni-              sider in adapting to these changes?
    lessons we’ve learned over the years          ties coming from in the second half         A: There are a lot of economic, politi-
    in the RMBS space can be naturally            of 2010 and why?                               cal and regulatory issues that are
    applied to these categories as well.       A: Recently we have seen confidence in a          impacting consumer and borrower
                                                  steady, upward-sloping recovery erode          behaviour. We believe it is critical
Q: What are the lessons you have                  and volatility re-introduced into the          to appreciate the potential impact on
   learned in the RMBS space?                     marketplace. In addition, the funda-           fundamental performance that these
A: There were really multiple conflicts in        mental performance of residential              issues create.
   the securitisation business model lead-        and commercial mortgages and other                 In addition it is likely that we will
   ing up to the recent crisis and in large       consumer and corporate assets contin-          see a technical response from the
   part they are still being sorted out. The      ues to evolve in the face of economic          market to the extent the performance
   level of faulty analysis and decision-         pressures and regulatory reform.               differs from expectations. We pride
   making that went on in terms of select-           These factors are going to lead             ourselves on understanding the poten-
   ing which loans were securitised and           investors to more actively seek out            tial outcomes and factoring those into
   which weren’t was much higher than             the expertise and analytical edge that         a thoughtful view of risk and opportu-
   people anticipated.                            Amherst provides. People want a firm           nity. We’ve been extremely focused on
      The origination and loan underwrit-         they can trust, particularly in this type      those things, as evidenced by some of
   ing standards that were applied in the         of volatile market.                            our published strategy reports show-
   process were severely compromised                 We believe the market dynamics              ing our early positions on things like
   and massively underestimated by the            are going to provide some interesting          loan modifications, second liens in the
   market. To navigate through the mess           trading opportunities in the second half       residential MBS market.
   that was left over you really need to          of 2010. Investors will need to react to
   have access to great data and dynamic          these changing conditions and we’re         Q: Which specific impacts could those
   analytics to see through the carnage           going to be there to help people form          economic, political and regulatory
   and find opportunities.                        those reactions and opinions.                  issues have on performance?

4       SCI August 2010
The Interview

“Fundamental performance is going to continue
to evolve and it’s likely going to end up being
different than the market expects”

A: Ultimately all of those factors could            We think we’ll ultimately be better         A: If the economy is going to make a
   have a very large impact because they            positioned than others, but it’s going to      substantial recovery, then you have
   all can change fundamental perform-              evolve over a very long period of time.        to believe the securitisation markets,
   ance. For example, there was a lot of                                                           which were such a big piece of provid-
   regulatory rule changing that went on         Q: What sort of technical response                ing the capital for the vibrant and
   when Bear Stearns essentially went               do you anticipate from the market              growing consumer-based economy last
   bankrupt and that changed the outcome            if performance does differ from                decade, are going to make a recovery
   allowing their debt to get paid 100 cents        expectations?                                  as well. But in general, those involved
   on the dollar. But it’s clear these factors   A: I suspect there could be a series of knee      in the securitisation market are going
   can have a real impact on actual per-            jerk reactions, especially in situations       to be very focused on making sure we
   formance. You have to understand the             where people don’t truly understand            can use securitisation to fuel growth
   potential of those impacts and under-            why performance differs from expecta-          while eliminating the obvious conflicts
   stand how exposed you are to them.               tions. We could elicit some uninformed         which historically dominated the new
       Political and regulatory pressures           responses and that could be good or            issue structured finance markets and
   become extremely influential on issues           bad for market participants.                   resulted many failed transactions. I
   like loan modifications, so while you                                                           suspect what you will see in 2011 is
   may not be able to predict them, you          Q: What is your position on loan                  the new issue market trying to address
   had better understand what various               modifications and second liens in the          those concerns and convince investors
   scenarios mean to you and factor that            RMBS market?                                   that they are adequately protected from
   into your strategy and make sure you          A: Put simply, the second liens are stand-        the mistakes that fuelled the recent
   are getting paid for that risk. Knowing          ing in the way of a lot of loan modifica-      credit crisis.
   what can happen to you, being able to            tions. We believe the most effective
   see it happening and seeing it first it          loan modifications involve principal        Q: Beyond ABS and CMBS, does
   could create some very real and profit-          reduction and it’s really difficult to do      Amherst have plans to grow its busi-
   able opportunities.                              that when the second lien holder is the        ness into other securitisation areas?
                                                    servicer or is unwilling to have his debt   A: Not at this time. We think there are
Q: In general, what are the types                   reduced or written off at that point in        plenty of opportunities in the RMBS,
   of trading opportunities you’ve                  the modification. As a result, use of          CMBS and ABS space. We’re poised to
   mentioned?                                       principal reductions in loan modifica-         provide more knowledge, insight and
A: Fundamental performance is going                 tions has yet to have a meaningful             reliable data on the entire mortgage
   to continue to evolve and it’s likely            impact.                                        industry than any other broker-dealer.
   going to end up being different than the                                                        We may ultimately look to expand
   market expects. It’s hard to predict how      Q: Longer-term, how do you see the                beyond those products, but right now
   we will ultimately end up and why,               securitisation market landscape in             we are focused on building those exist-
   which is the challenge for us all, and           2011 and beyond?                               ing businesses.
   ultimately will separate the winners
   from the losers in this space.
       For instance, how loan modifica-           About the interviewee
   tions or foreclosures ultimately play          Joe Walsh, president of Amherst Securities, co-manages the business and
   out when the moratoriums are lifted            operations of the Amherst Companies. He has been in the mortgage-backed
   will create outcomes that are likely to        securities business for almost 25 years.
   be different than what people expect              Walsh previously served as an md in the private equity business at Fortress
   at the moment. So companies that can           Investment Group specialising in financial institutions. He also served for nine years
   see through that and see it first will         as an md and head of mortgage and asset-backed origination, finance and trading at
   have an advantage. Everyone who is             RBS Greenwich Capital.
   trading today has some opinion on how             He earned his B.A. in Biology at Princeton University.
   and when these things will play out.

Wholesale Structured Products


Suddenly mundane is popular again. As Kathy Fitzpatrick
Hoffelder discovers, complicated rate product strategies
that have been marketed as ‘too sophisticated to fail’ are
out. Institutional investors instead are contemplating ways to
offset an ever steepening yield curve and find a little bit of
yield along the way

6   SCI August 2010
Wholesale Structured Products

                                               Chart 1
                                               The BAML MOVE Index – three-year performance





                                                           Oct     2008      Apr      Jul     Oct     2009   Apr     Jul    Oct     2010    Apr
                                               Source: of America Merrill Lynch

                                               MOVE is the Merrill Option Volatility Estimate. This is a yield curve weighted index of the
                                               normalised implied volatility on 1-month treasury options. It is the weighted average of
                                               volatilities on the CT2, CT5, CT10, and CT30. `MOVE’ is a trademark product of Bank of
                                               America Merrill Lynch.

                                               puts it: “Most people are into preserva-                currency concerns, he says, noting capital
                                               tion of capital but they are concerned                  preservation did not help European-based
                                               about exactly how you do that when your                 investors much since the euro has depre-
                                               historic risk free is now full of risk.” Fur-           ciated against all major currencies.
                                               ther he says: “Everything has basically                     It is not all doom and gloom out there,
                                               become a credit including government                    however. A Goldman Sachs research
                                               bonds and that makes it very difficult.                 report in June notes the current macro
                                               That’s why you are seeing the kind of                   and regulatory backdrop is much better
                                               yields you are seeing on treasuries and                 than two years ago. For instance, private
                                               bunds.”                                                 sector imbalances are much smaller,
                                                   Indeed, global bond markets have been               having moved into surplus in the major
                                               rocked by a range of events from Lehman                 economies. “This means balance sheets
                                               and the start of the crisis, to sovereign               are stronger and there are more savings
                                               debt issues with a few government bail-                 available to fund the deficits,” the report

                                               outs and periodic support thrown in for                 notes.
                                               good measure. Bank of America Merrill                       But try convincing institutional
             he landscape has changed for      Lynch’s Option Volatility Estimate                      investors of that and one gets a myriad of
             creating interest rate deriva-    (MOVE) Index, which measures option                     responses. “There’s so much risk, volatil-
             tives products that protect       volatility on US treasuries, has seen dra-              ity and uncertainty, it’s hard to turn the
             principal and offer attractive    matic swings from its widest levels seen                table and say you have to do this for 100%
             yields. First, the very amount    in 2008 when it topped more than 260 to                 of your portfolio,” says Gary Pollack, md
of principal to protect has vastly dimin-      the 70s currently (see chart). The 10-year              and head of fixed income research and
ished for many investors and what kind of      bund yield has dropped to 2.67%, in from                trading for private wealth management at
protection is on offer is also up for grabs.   a little over 3% last summer, while the                 Deutsche Bank Securities.
Gone are the days when so-called liquid        10-year treasury yield has slid to 3.19%                    However volatile government securi-
and transparent index based transactions       from 3.5% at this time last year.                       ties and related products have been lately,
promised ‘expected’ anything. Not much             Capital preservation itself has also                investors generally agree one has to put
is expected anymore in this post credit        altered in meaning and scope, according                 money to work somewhere. Everyone
crisis environment except uncertainty and      to John Brynjolfsson, md at investment                  realises the natural rate for the 10-year
volatility.                                    management firm Armored Wolf. Capital                   treasury is not 3% but something higher,
    As Gary Jenkins, head of fixed income      preservation is taking on a new defini-                 notes Walter Schmidt, svp and manager
research at Evolution Securities aptly         tion where people are more sensitive to                 of structured product strategies at FTN

Wholesale Structured Products

                                             asset side to match your liabilities,” notes
                                             Jochen Felsenheimer, co-head of credit at
                                             Assenagon Asset Management.
                                                 Investors in general are a bit more
                                             sophisticated than prior years and demand
                                             at least a minimum return. This is the
                                             case with steepener trades put on between
                                             the 10-year and 30-year government bond
                                             curves, in which one sells CDS protection
                                             on the short end and buys protection on
                                             the long end.
                                                 Along with the trades, some investors
                                             favour having a cap and a floor, which
                                             was not the case five years ago, adds
                                             Felsenheimer. One caveat is “if interest
                                             rates stay low, you probably just earn the
                                             minimum on the interest rate structure,
                                             but normally you do not have dramatic
                                             problems on the rest of the risky part of
                                             your portfolio,” he says.
           Walter Schmidt, FTN Financial                                                     Jochen Felsenheimer, Assenagon
                        Capital Markets      Seeking yield at the right cost                 Asset Management
                                             Since loan demand is very low, deposito-
Financial Capital Markets. “People are       ries continue to reach for yield in the port-       Bill Gross, md at Pimco, reiterated
concerned we might be in a bubble for        folio, says Schmidt. “Right now for most        the changed landscape for investors in
bonds now. It’s just that we might be        index based customers, and to a lesser          his firm’s June commentary. “No longer
here for quite awhile so if we are here      extent, even liability based customers like     will ‘two get you three’ in the investment
for a while and sitting in cash, you are     depositories and insurance companies,           world. Not 1,000%, but 4-6% annual-
going to underperform and underperform       everyone’s looking for some return in this      ised returns for a diversified portfolio of
severely,” he says.                          environment,” he notes.                         stocks and bonds is the likely outcome,”
    There is still a tremendous amount           However, with the exception of the          he writes.
of liquidity in this system, Schmidt         corporate bond market, it’s very dif-               But where to get even that yield is up
observes. “We’ve been in this environ-       ficult to continue to add assets without        for debate. The high yield corporate bond
ment for almost two years now where the      the overall market overpricing itself, he       market in the US is the favoured segment
market is liquidity rich and capital poor.   notes. “This is exactly this deflationary or    of the market, says one US-based asset
What the Fed is obviously trying to do is    at least disinflationary environment that       management firm’s research head. “When
offset the tremendous capital burden and     Bernanke is quite concerned about.”             you have a great year in high yield, it
tremendous write-downs that still need to        Schmidt adds: “Those that are ratings-      leads to good years to follow and default
take place,” he explains.                    constrained are reaching a bit for yield        rates come in,” he says. He also sees the
    Insurance companies, for one, are        because they have to. The fact of the mat-      sector as somewhat removed from the
still looking at interest rate structures    ter is if you look at a state pension or cor-   sovereign debt crisis in Europe. Returns
since they regularly need to match their     porate pension, most of them have their         often are in the 9% range, he says.
liabilities. “A lot of insurance compa-      returns at 6-10% but no one’s earning               SocGen’s quantitative strategist Marc
nies have probably blown through their       6-10% in any market, including equities.        Teyssier adds that those investors that are
reserve levels. It becomes harder and        The reach for yield is very, very powerful,     more bullish on the economy are willing
harder to generate enough return on the      very strong.”                                   to invest in the high yield market –
                                                                                             something that only has occurred in rapid
                                                                                             pace since the beginning of the year. “You
“On the one side, there’s a very                                                             have all non-financial companies that
                                                                                             have very good results so far,” he says.

bearish focus on sovereign                                                                       “On the one side, there’s a very bearish
                                                                                             focus on sovereign risk and on the other
                                                                                             side, there’s more focus on what’s hap-
risk and on the other side,                                                                  pening on corporates,” Teyssier says. The
                                                                                             result has led to a compression of credit

there’s more focus on what’s                                                                 spreads. “Hedging credit portfolios is the
                                                                                             hottest topic right now among investors.”

happening on corporates”                                                                         But for Pollack, he views the invest-
                                                                                             ment grade bond market as a better bet in

8      SCI August 2010
Wholesale Structured Products

this post credit crisis environment. “We
think this is a good opportunity to pick
up some additional yield without really
                                               “We would expect a large
picking up that much increased risk as a
way to capture higher returns in the fixed
                                               amount of issuance from the
income markets,” he says.
    Pollack is underweight in treasury         Treasury in the 30-year sector
                                               not just to finance existing
holdings since he used that money to
increase exposure to corporate bonds. He
believes rates are likely to stay lower a
little longer than originally believed.
                                               deficits but to finance the rollover
Factoring in steepening
Investors right now are also trying to take    shorter maturity treasuries”
advantage of the steep yield curve so they
are bidding up the price of fixed income
assets, adds Schmidt. For the most part,       good trade opportunities in the long end             The Treasury recently extended its tar-
they are focusing on the front end of the      of the euro swap curve, but people tend to       get maturity for federal debt to 84 months
curve as opposed to the long end, he           stay away from it since it’s a “pain trade”      or 7 years from as low as 48 months
explains. The yield curve between the US       due to the uncertainty in the market, says       during 2009, which makes it more likely
two-year treasury and the 10-year treas-       Ungari. “If everything goes wrong, it’s          to issue out the curve. At a Treasury Bor-
ury stands at about 248bp, which is in         the kind of trade you cannot get away            rowing Advisory Committee meeting in
from 290bp earlier this year. Years earlier,   from,” she adds.                                 May, the Treasury said it believes its over-
say in 2002, for example, the yield curve          The 30-year maturity is also subject to      all debt issuance schedule is appropriate.
was closer to the 2% level at 220bp.           huge volatility due to some flows coming         “Consistent with the desire to increase
    While historically steep yield curves      from pension funds, Ungari says. The             the average maturity of outstanding debt,
can be inflationary, they can also be a        flows are not predictable and bring lots         the Committee recommends that issuance
step in the right direction economically.      of volatility in the 10s/30s sector of the       sizes in two-year, three-year and five-year
“Steepening trades are attractive because      curve, she notes, adding that the segment        maturities be reduced meaningfully, with
they pay good carry. People will try to        also sees constant maturity swap hedging         smaller reductions in seven-year, ten-year
find trades which pay good carry over the      flows as well.                                   and thirty-year maturities.”
short term,” says Sandrine Ungari, quan-           To others, the key right now is to               The Treasury also decided last May to
titative strategist at SocGen, noting the      avoid the long end at any cost. Particu-         increase the frequency of Treasury Infla-
trades make more sense in euros currently      larly if interest rates rise, the US-based       tion Protected Securities (TIPS) auctions
than in US dollars.                            asset management firm’s research head            by having a second reopening to 10-year
    But further out along the curve, inves-    is turning away from bonds with a high           TIPs offerings. It brings the total to six
tors start to get skittish. There are really   duration. He is also advising clients to         10-year TIPS auctions per year. The new
                                               seek out maturities 5-years and under.
                                               “Most bonds even with a 10-year duration
                                               are getting called,” he adds.
                                                   Some hedge funds and money manag-
                                               ers are, however, buying long-term US
                                               treasuries, and even have large mandates
                                               in place, but according to Brynjolfsson,
                                               the curve is still expected to be steep.
                                               “There are buyers of these long term
                                               treasuries, but I think the very steep yield
                                               curve is here to stay and possibly get
                                               steeper,” he says.
                                                   Three large sellers of long-term treas-
                                               ures are likely to keep the curve steep, he
                                               explains. The Treasury, Federal Reserve
                                               and China all have their reasons to unload
                                               or sell the securities, says Brynjolfsson.
                                               “We would expect a large amount of
                                               issuance from the Treasury in the 30-year
                                               sector not just to finance existing deficits
                                               but to finance the rollover shorter matu-
                   Marc Teyssier, SocGen       rity treasuries.”                                Sandrine Ungari, SocGen

Wholesale Structured Products

“More and more traditional                                                                   really know how the new regulation is
                                                                                             going to affect them,” says Teyssier.
                                                                                                 The tranche market is still, however,
money accounts are now                                                                       an outlet to hedge the volatility of mark
                                                                                             to market. Lots of people buy protection

looking to create different risk                                                             on senior index tranches, he adds, noting
                                                                                             that the combination of systemic risk and

return profiles by moving into
                                                                                             regulatory risk is why spreads in this area
                                                                                             have widened so far, especially in Europe.
                                                                                                 What is occurring more often, though,
new asset classes”                                                                           is a variety of hidden correlation offers,
                                                                                             such as when banks are trying to hedge
                                                                                             their exposure by selling part and by
change begins with the July new issue           continues to monetise the fiscal deficits,   keeping some correlation risk, notes
10-year TIPs offering.                          explains Brynjolfsson. “I would expect       Felsenheimer. But problems still exist
    The Fed’s decision last year to curtail     that would cause the bond market to          in selling the paper. “They need to find
its planned US$300bn buying programme           remain sceptical – both of inflationary      a buyer for this stuff. Except for hedge
similarly is still having an effect on the      impact of those policies and the solvency    funds I don’t see any trades,” he adds.
curve. “The Fed is examining very care-         impact of those policies increasing              Credit index options, however, are prov-
fully the possibility of selling their exist-   amounts of federal liabilities,” he says.    ing they are able to withstand the credit
ing holdings rather than let them mature,”                                                   crisis a bit more than other structured
says Brynjolfsson.                              Seeking alternatives                         products. Options trading on iTraxx Main
    The existing plan was to hold onto          Other investors are venturing a little bit   and on CDX have been popular lately.
their long-term treasuries and allow them       beyond their comfort zone for yields – if        “They [CDS index options] don’t suf-
to mature through the natural seasoning         ever so slightly. More and more tradi-       fer from the bad reputation of tranches.
process rather than sell them, he notes. The    tional money accounts are now looking        There are more clients willing to invest in
process would still put selling pressure on     to create different risk return profiles     that kind of instrument against a spread
the long-end, however, due to the Fed’s         by moving into new asset classes, says       widening,” says Teyssier. “An out-of-the-
overweight position of long-term treasuries.    Felsenheimer. But more often than not        money option does not cost a lot but is
    Globally government issuance will           it means implementing new strategies         an efficient hedge against a spread blow
remain high with net issuance in the cur-       within traditional asset classes, or in      out. Credit options are a very interest-
rent financial year expected to be about        a sense, creating a new definition for       ing product for clients that want to hedge
US$1.9trn in the US, €300bn in the euro         what alternative investment means, he        their credit exposure.”
area and £150bn in the UK, according to         explains.                                        Whether or not rate products are the
a report by Morgan Stanley analysts last            Indeed, more exotic correlation trades   panacea for investors right now remains
March.                                          are not as popular as they once were with    to be seen, but one thing is certain. Inves-
    A likely scenario going forward is          investors, especially due to regulatory      tors are not going to sit around and wait
that the Fed continues to keep short end        measures to be implemented under Basel       for the next bubble to appear – whether in
rates low, below the inflation rate, and        3 in Europe. “Market participants don’t      bonds or not.

10      SCI August 2010
Structured Credit

   The relationship between credit trading and risk management is
   attracting more attention in today’s plain vanilla, post-crisis world.
   Many institutions are putting a greater focus on CVA and reserve
   models, while others are moving credit risk managers up the
   hierarchy. Rachael Horsewood reports

              redit risk management and trading are working                “It is fair to say that the credit risk manager role has moved
              together more than ever before. Some sources say         up a notch now. When you consider that credit risk is being
              this is how it should have always been. Others           transferred from an originating desk to a credit risk management
              believe it is only perception given the market’s risk-   group, it is only natural for the risk managers and traders to work
              averse mood since the crisis. “Credit risk manage-       more closely. We see them working together more when it comes
ment is definitely experiencing a new evolution – it is viewed         to valuation and pricing too. But traders are still the top dogs
more as a value-added function now,” asserts David Kelly, the          when it comes to pay packages since they are the ones generating
director of credit product development at Quantifi, a specialist       revenue,” Kelly notes.
software company.                                                          A portfolio manager in London adds: “Traders are more
   He agrees credit risk management has distinguished itself more      aware of credit risk and capital charges but not as much as they
from other types of risk management since the crisis. Market           would if these things impacted their bonuses.” He says a lot of
risk managers, for example, are still viewed as more of a middle-      risk management heads at banks are trying to push credit risk
office, support function. Their main responsibility is to make sure    management down to the desk level, but trading desks don’t want
traders trade within the limits and report numbers accurately.         it. They see it as a firm-wide responsibility.

Structured Credit

                                                 majority of institutions it is a game of hot
                                                 potato right now,” he explains.
                                                     Some sources argue that trading desks
                                                 were well-aware of their counterparty
                                                 exposures during the crisis. “Systems
                                                 used to monitor credit risk at the desk
                                                 level were reasonably well-established
                                                 and working before the crisis. Most of
                                                 the focus on the sell-side has been on the
                                                 big drive towards centralised clearing,”
                                                 explains Kevin Gould, a co-founder of
                                                 Markit. He says he has seen some subtle
                                                 organisational changes due to pending
                                                 regulation, but that the bigger story is the
                                                 greater focus on data quality and liquidity
                                                 risk monitoring all around the market.
                                                     The lack of liquidity in credit has
                                                 made it much more difficult to trade.
                                                 One head of credit trading from a French
                                                 bank says this is another reason why
                         David Kelly, Quantifi   you see risk managers coming in to help        Kevin Gould, Markit
                                                 optimise the return on capital. “You can
    This is a sell-side trend since most         hedge interest rate risk and, on a macro       CVA move
buy-side exposures are heavily collateral-       basis, you can hedge your credit risk. In      Some sources say banks are also looking
ised, according to the portfolio manager.        Europe, we have sector indexes to help us      at Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA)
“It was less of a priority before the crisis     even hedge our funding risk, and because       more than before because of the pressure
when there were fewer defaults,” he adds.        these products are so granular, we are         to preserve capital and assess liquidity
    Marc Loomis, a credit product man-           able to fine-tune the hedges. But there        risks. “CVA is primarily an accounting
ager at Calypso, says the relationship           is one thing none of us can hedge and          requirement, b ut we are seeing more
between trading and risk management              that is liquidity risk.” He says the ability   crossovers between credit risk manage-
is “cyclical like most other things in the       to execute transactions (at a reasonable       ment and capital optimisation,” Kelly says.
financial world. At the end of the day risk      price) has worsened since 2007.                He was previously a senior credit trader
managers are paid to mitigate risk and               A credit strategist from another           on the global portfolio optimisation desk
traders are paid to take it on – a bit like      European bank adds that idiosyncratic          at Citigroup. There he actively managed
yin and yang.”                                   risks are more specific to credit. “This       the credit risk in derivatives positions and
    One London-based credit strategist           also makes credit much less resilient than     also established a CVA business.
says that although some banks try to             other assets. When you think of Greece             CVA is a valuation of the credit risk
make it look like risk management is in          and what has happened there as well,           of all contracts an institution has with a
charge of their capital, traders really are      you realise there are so many more lay-        given counterparty – the aggregate risks
the ones who own the risk. “Everyone is          ers of risk within the credit market that      of all counterparties. It is nothing new.
putting more resources into credit risk          we didn’t see a few years ago,” he says.       The first ones became known back in the
management, but it is a mixed bag when           “Many banks are now trying to combine          90s, when fair value accounting emerged
it comes to how they organise it. Several        all the talent they have in the structured     and the chief risk manager position
of the larger banks have established, cen-       credit space to create a more industrial-      became norm. Back then, credit default
tralised top-down approaches, but for the        ised credit department.”                       swap (CDS) pioneers on Wall Street
                                                                                                were also emphasising the importance of
                                                                                                counterparty risk management and how
                                                                                                it and trading desks should work together
“Everyone is putting more                                                                       to optimise capital, especially after the
                                                                                                repeal of Glass Steagall in 1999.

resources into credit risk                                                                          Jonathan Di Giambattista, md at Fitch
                                                                                                Solutions in New York, agrees CVA has
                                                                                                become a more topical subject. He says
management, but it is a mixed                                                                   it is also because of the greater focus on
                                                                                                derivatives counterparty risk. He explains

bag when it comes to how they                                                                   that CVA managers buy credit protection
                                                                                                as part of their mandate to level out risks,

organise it”                                                                                    especially concentration risks created
                                                                                                from trading desks.

12     SCI August 2010
Structured Credit

    “You can say that the CVA function is         Figure 1
there to capitalise on the compensation of
                                                  Elements of pricing and valuation infrastructure and operations
risks since profit is relative to the risk that
is taken. But it really is meant to ensure                    Cash Instruments                                                      Flow OTC                                          Structured Derivatives
                                                                                                                              e.g. Credit Derivatives                                 e.g. Structured Credit
risk is accounted for. It is a centralised                  e.g. Corporate Bonds

risk control discipline for all asset classes     Front                          Hardware/software                  Front-to-Back
                                                                                                                                                             Excel-based     Structuring/                             Excel-based
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Illustrative Only
                                                                                   (Bloomberg,                      Trading / Risk                                           Portfolio
within an institution. We believe most of         Office
                                                                                     Reuters)                         Systems
                                                                                                                                                                             Mgmt Apps

the top-tier international banks have a
                                                                                                 Market data                                            Market data (e.g.                                        Market data (e.g.
CVA function in place, but we have not                                                         (e.g Bloomberg,                                         Bloomberg, Markit,                                       Bloomberg, Markit,
seen any on the buy-side,” Di Giambattista                                                         Reuters)                                             CMA, BQuotes)                                            CMA, BQuotes)

says.                                                                                             Risk and                                                  Risk and                                                 Risk and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Analytics are
                                                                                               Product control                                           Product control                                          Product control
    He continues: “We find that apart from

                                                                                                                    portfolio risk, accounting, etc.

                                                                                                                                                                             portfolio risk, accounting, etc.
                                                            portfolio risk, accounting, etc.

                                                                                                                    Risk control, collateral mgmt,

                                                                                                                                                                             Risk control, collateral mgmt,
                                                            Risk control, collateral mgmt,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              required and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           often ‘embedded
a few of the biggest international institu-       Office                                       • Deal level and
                                                                                                 portfolio IPV
                                                                                                                                                        • Deal level and
                                                                                                                                                          portfolio IPV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Deal level and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  portfolio IPV            in these systems
tional investors most buy-side firms really                                                    • P&L risk control                                       • P&L risk control                                      • P&L risk control           and processes
                                                                                               • In-house                                               • In-house                                              • In-house
do not hedge counterparty risk exposures.                                                      • Independent                                            • Independent                                           • Independent
This is an expensive proposition for them                                                        3rd party                                                3rd party                                               3rd party
                                                                                                 valuations                                               valuations                                              valuations
generally due to the transaction costs of
hedging. The economies of scale are not           Office
there if it is only five names you are wor-                                                     Recurring                                                Recurring                                                Recurring
                                                                                                valuations                                               valuations                                               valuations
ried about. Smaller players might put on a
bilateral trade every once in a while when
it makes economic sense, but they tend to                                          Related to Front Office                                                Related to Middle/Back                                           Other users of pricing or
rely more on internal controls, limit set-                                         price discovery                                                        Office valuation of positions                                    valuation data

ting and the monitoring of counterparty           Source: Celent
    However, a number of hedge funds and
other large institutional investors have
been hiring seasoned traders and risk                 Ed James, a senior consultant in the                                                                              Salary increase
managers that used to work on the credit          risk management group at Joslin Rowe                                                                                  According to recruiters, salaries for risk
desks at investment banks. “Former struc-         Associates in London, confirms that a lot                                                                             management roles in general are increas-
tured credit traders could be valuable in         of new credit risk management positions                                                                               ing by around 15% from last year. Some
many other areas of trading and managing          have been created this year. “We see                                                                                  banks are increasing salaries 25% or
credit risk. If you look at the composition       demand across all types of risk manage-                                                                               more in order to attract the best, most
of credit risk there is a securitisation ele-     ment, and not just from banks but also                                                                                experienced candidates. Consultants
ment in transactions that are not cleared         asset management firms.”                                                                                              say that some senior risk management
so their skills could be applied to any of            He adds: “Many of these roles were                                                                                salaries might look larger because their
those,” Kelly adds.                               considered part of the finance or opera-                                                                              pay is normally not tied to performance or
                                                  tions groups four or five years ago. But risk                                                                         profitability, it is fixed.
                                                  management has become more high-profile                                                                                  Loomis agrees that while risk manag-
                                                  and is now a bigger group in its own right                                                                            ers’ influence might be increasing, they
                                                  at most financial institutions. On the credit                                                                         are never going to be paid as revenue
                                                  side, the risk manager’s opinions matter a                                                                            generators. “Pay packages are unlikely to
                                                  lot more than they used to.”                                                                                          change. Giving risk managers a bonus for

                                                  “You can say that the CVA
                                                  function is there to capitalise on
                                                  the compensation of risks since
                                                  profit is relative to the risk that
                                                  is taken. But it really is meant to
Jonathan Di Giambattista, Fitch Solutions         ensure risk is accounted for”
Structured Credit

Figure 2                                                                                                                sight of the shadow banking system and
                                                                                                                        off-balance sheet entities is necessary.
Total lifecycle costs for derivatives analytics                                                                         (Shadow banking institutions are typi-
USD$million                                                                                                             cally intermediaries between investors
                                    Total Cost of Derivatives Analytics
                                                                             ?             ?                            and borrowers – e.g. hedge funds, SIVs,
                                                                                                   Unknown costs
                                                                                                                        conduits, investment banks and other
45                                                         ?                                       Represents the       non-bank financial institutions. By
                                                                                                   cost of complexity
                                                                                                   and a drag on the    definition, shadow institutions do not
40                                 Ranges between
                                     $11-$22m                         Integration costs
                                                                                                   of the firm
                                                                                                                        accept deposits like a depository bank
                                                                      with internal &
                                                                      external systems                                  and therefore are not subject to the same
30                                  •Enhancements
                                                    • Inefficiencies &                                                  regulations.)
                                                      ‘drag’due to                        22.5
                                                      fragmented data,                                                      Acharya explains how the cycli-
                                                      analytics, platforms
                                                                                                                        cal nature of credit means there can be
20                                                  • If there are silos,
                                                      data disparities &                  11.3     Known costs          a significant amount of aggregate and
                       $4.5m                                                                       over 5 years
15                                                    quality issues will
                                                                                                   Between ~$25         liquidity risks when trading in this asset
                      •Bug Fixes                      continue to exist                    4.5
         $9m          •Support
                                                    • In an ideal world,
                                                                                                   to $36 million       class and that many financial institutions
         Initial                                      this would be zero.
                                                                                                                        underestimated both. “This is where the
5 specification,
     build and test                                                                                                     importance of capital adequacy comes in
     Development       Support /       Evolve /         Indirect       3rd party apps/    Total
                                                                                                                        because if there is not sufficient capital
                      Maintenance      Enhance           costs           integration                                    to absorb losses then people outside of
                                                                                                                        the financial sector become affected. So,
       One-off,                      Recurring costs totaled over                                                       one key issue is whether regulators can
     initial costs                   a 5-year production lifecycle
                                                                                                                        address such socio-economic risks that
Source: Celent                                                                                                          have not shown up before,” he asserts.

                                                                                                                        Regulatory spirit
                                                                                                                        Kelly agrees that the spirit of most of the
catching a certain type of risk is unlikely                           managers might even be gaining more               new regulations is to make sure securiti-
too. A risk manager is not paid to discover                           power to curtail trades. But the point is         sation and the product engineering around
where the bank should take risk. That                                 that risk management means a lot more             it has some socio-economic benefit. “It
is what a trader does. Traders look for a                             than it did before this crisis, partly due        is pretty clear that the securitisations of
cheap asset and then hope that the value                              to all of the pending regulation. Risk            mortgages, student loans and credit cards,
of it goes up. The risk manager is there to                           management is not just credit-related and         for example, are beneficial to economies
make sure the bank doesn’t over-expose                                it is not just about calculating your delta.      as long as the risk is transferred to people
itself,” he adds.                                                     It is also about transparency and suitabil-       who want it. I think regulators are a lot
    Sources say compliance is behind a lot                            ity. It is about digging deeper and looking       more on the ball when it comes to credit
of the new risk roles and Europe’s sover-                             not only at the counterparties more but
eign debt crisis is definitely accelerating                           also the motivation behind each trade,”
the regulatory effects on banks’ organi-                              explains Loomis.
sation structures and risk management                                     Viral Acharya, a professor of finance
practices. “The risk manager’s statue                                 at New York University’s Stern School of
might be increasing a bit more now. Risk                              Business, says this is why some over-

“This is where the importance
of capital adequacy comes in
because if there is not sufficient
capital to absorb losses then
people outside of the financial
sector become affected”                                                                                                 Viral Acharya, New York University Stern
                                                                                                                        School of Business

14          SCI August 2010
Structured Credit

trading and risk management, but I would
not say they are providing a guiding
light for big international banks. These
                                                “Valuation is definitely what links
institutions know what they need to do,”
he asserts.                                     trading and risk management.
                                                When it comes to the credit side,
    It is clear that banks continue to invest
heavily in the credit risk management
area, partly due to Basel III. But some
sources say that if these regulations push
more transactions onto exchanges, some
                                                pricing and risk management are
of the credit risk management functions
could become extinct. “A lot of the coun-       instrumental in getting any deal
terparty risks will be mitigated by central
clearing and standardised CDS contracts
will have daily margining like futures
                                                off the ground right now”
contracts,” Kelly notes.
    Even so, sources do not expect central
clearing will actually replace risk man-
agement roles. “Central clearing is one         the International Swaps and Derivatives          written by Anton Valukas, an examiner
of the main focuses of change right now         Association introduced last year are help-       who was hired by a US court to probe
but I don’t believe it will diffuse coun-       ing to improve transparency in the OTC           Lehman Brothers’ failure, also explained
terparty risk management and I don’t            market. “The modelling for bespoke deals         how the bank’s product control team was
believe it will cover every type of CDS.        is long and complicated. That is part of         too small to be an effective independent
Banks have been trying to price counter-        the reason why that market remains so            check on business desks.
party risk for years. It is a dark science.     illiquid.”                                          Inadequate product control has been
In other words it is not just about the pure        Sources say that although the market         cited in the financial markets many times
credit worthiness of your counterparty.         for bespoke credit deals (cash and syn-          since the crisis. The UK’s Financial Serv-
It is also about your risk profile and the      thetic) is very thin, interest has not totally   ices Authority (FSA) has taken action
exposures you have to that counterparty,”       disappeared. “The secondary credit               against a number of institutions over
says Loomis.                                    market is extremely fragmented and the           the past couple of years. In its write-up
    Di Giambattista adds that central           lack of price transparency is what is keep-      against one American investment bank
clearing for OTC derivatives would              ing investors from participating or acting       last year the FSA said: “Whilst junior
not reduce the effectiveness of a CVA.          regularly. The basis risk is so volatile that    global product control staff understood
Sources believe there will always be            you cannot really use CDS the way they           that their role was to ensure P&L was
demand for bi-lateral contracts whether         are meant to in the fixed income world,”         fully attributed, reconciled and explained
they are plain vanilla or the complex and       the French dealer says.                          in accordance with the firm’s systems,
esoteric type. He also says corporates              “Valuation is definitely what links          senior product controllers expected that
will continue to use the OTC market for         trading and risk management. When it             juniors would undertake analysis of
customised hedges. “There will always be        comes to the credit side, pricing and risk       P&L and whether it was consistent with
a need to mitigate counterparty risk when       management are instrumental in getting           changes in risk and market movement. In
you are dealing with different counterpar-      any deal off the ground right now,” the          particular there was a lack of understand-
ties around the world. Most CDS trades          European credit strategist adds.                 ing among junior controllers of volatility
are still executed bilaterally anyway,” he                                                       as a driver for the P&L.”
says.                                           Lessons learned?                                    Last year, McKinsey & Company
    Greater standardisation will no doubt       This close relationship with new issuance        also addressed this issue in a paper titled
help make pricing more transparent and          is driving greater reflection on lessons         ‘Turning Risk Management into a True
bid-offer spreads tighter. Loomis adds:         from the past and there is no shortage of        Competitive Advantage: Lessons from
“Valuation has always been a job for            information being published to examine.          the Recent Crisis’. It states: “In some
traders and I do not expect that to change.     For example, a new report explains that          cases, revenue producers are clearly in
What will continue to change is the             Lehman Brothers’ use of ‘inconsistent            charge and tend not to involve the risk
information that goes into models. People,      and highly subjective’ valuation methods         management function in their decisions.
mainly buy-side players, thought they did       was what brought the bank down.                  In best-in-class organisations, the risk
not need to understand the model because            Released in March, the report said that      management function is seen as a key
the credit rating was all that mattered.        while there is always some subjectivity          enabler of profitable growth. Problems
That got a lot of them into trouble during      in assigning prices to complex securities,       can arise when the risk function is
the crisis.”                                    Lehman Brothers’ used differing valua-           viewed by quickly evolving businesses as
    Loomis says open source initiatives         tion methods for trading desks that were         a cop or a goalie trying to catch the bad
such as the standardised pricing model that     even of the same asset class. The report,        shots.”


   Insurance-linked securities are typically thought of as
   a specialist asset class. However, as Jillian Ambrose
   explains, catastrophe bonds are generating increasing
   interest from non-insurance investors, which in turn
   could be met by increased new issuance volumes

                 s the 2009 global market rally falters to a limp in       Those involved in the space are quick to point out that while
                 2010 due to the European sovereign debt situation,    other fixed income asset classes buckled under credit pressures,
                 catastrophe bonds are enjoying a new-found popu-      ILS remained largely uncorrelated, with the exception of those
                 larity. While it is unlikely that insurance-linked    bonds affected by the Lehman bankruptcy. “Cat bonds have
                 securities (ILS) will become as mainstream as         posted strong performance throughout the crisis,” points out
other structured finance asset classes, investors are increasingly     Christophe Fritsch, head of ILS at AXA Investment Managers.
interested in adding diversification to their portfolios and those     “Investors have real positive elements from which they can judge
in the ILS space are eager to encourage this, which should also        the main reasons they should be investing in cat bonds: such as
encourage great volumes of new issuance.                               their low correlation and their resilience in the midst of strong
    In a post financial-crisis context, investing in ILS seems to      financial tensions on the markets.”
be an increasingly appealing prospect for investors. Speaking              As a result, adding ILS instruments to an investment portfo-
at the 2nd Insurance Linked Securities Summit held in London           lio is emerging as a promising new diversification play. “When
at the end of April, ceo of Hanover Re, Ulrich Wallin painted a        people look back on the financial crisis this is the one area of
bright picture for the future of the ILS industry. In particular he    the fixed income market that still had liquidity because it’s truly
explained that while the Lehman bankruptcy led to a total return       diversified,” explains md and head of ILS distribution for Swiss
swap default on four cat bonds, this consequence was an indirect       Re, Judy Klugman. “Our investors still had cash and we were
one. Structural problems within the market have since been             trading bonds. The basic tenants of this sector were really vali-
addressed, according to Wallin.                                        dated during the crisis and as a result, investors value the diver-

16      SCI August 2010

sification that these assets have to offer.   one-year agreement. As a result, sponsors
Although further developments need to be      are increasingly interested in exploring
made within the space, those within the       the benefits of ILS.
sector are now calling for a greater inves-       However, despite many ILS market
tor involvement in the market in order to     participants bordering on the evangelical
bring ILS into the mainstream.                in their calls for greater investment in the
    Historically an insurer would seek        sector, the vast majority of investors have
to transfer risk through a reinsurance        remained indifferent until now. “So far,
agreement in order to remain solvent in       there have not been that many institu-
the event of a large-scale natural catas-     tional investors that have taken the cat
trophe. Although ILS does not seek to         bond leap,” confirms Fritsch.
replace reinsurance, it is being touted as        But Henning Ludolphs, director of
a complement to the traditional reinsur-      Hanover Re’s ILS unit, adds that he is
ance sector. From the point of view of the    currently seeing an increase in interest
sponsors, ILS offers the added benefit of     from institutional investors. “We believe
a multi-year transaction with exposure to     that there are a lot of investors, pension
the capacity of the capital markets, while    funds for example, who are starting to
reinsurance transactions are typically a      look at allocating a small portion of their    Judy Klugman, Swiss Re


                                              problem may have to do with the overall       going to hit Los Angeles in the next two
                                              perception of the market.                     years. Using hundreds of years of science,
                                                  “It needs to be more widely looked at     independent firms assess the risk for
                                              as a mainstream asset class, rather than an   investors,” she explains.
                                              ‘esoteric asset class’ which scares some          Klugman adds that the models used
                                              investors off,” says Klugman. “Really         are not created specifically for the ILS
                                              it should be part of everyone’s diversi-      markets, but are developed within the
                                              fication strategy. The sector needs to be     scientific community and used by third-
                                              demystified.”                                 party firms in analysing securitisations.
                                                  Any enthusiasm that non-insurance         This, she says, adds a degree of subjectiv-
                                              specialist investors have for ILS can be      ity to the process. “When I look at credit
                                              dampened by confusion regarding the           and what can go wrong in terms of fraud
                                              underlying data, market processes and the     and misunderstanding, I think there are
                                              structures of the cat bonds themselves.       more variables in credit than there is in
                                              Participants in the space simultaneously      analysing the risk in a catastrophe bond.”
                                              argue that the market is not as complex as
                                              it may initially appear and point to recent   Increasing transparency
                                              developments and innovations within           In order to attract a wider investment base
                                              the market as evidence of its increasing      into the market, greater calls have come
                  Christophe Fritsch, AXA     accessibility.                                for increased transparency in the market.
                    Investment Managers           Concerns regarding the performance        “Transparency and liquidity is good for
                                              indicators used are perhaps justifiable       any market, and cat bonds are no excep-
funds to ILS,” he says. “A small portion      for investors unfamiliar with the market,     tion,” says Fritsch.
of a large fund would be a huge amount of     especially in light of the persistent con-       Ludolphs believes that various steps
money coming into the ILS market.”            troversy and distrust surrounding rating      could be taken to make the market more
    Fritsch predicts that as new investors    agencies in the broader credit markets.       transparent and easily understood by new
enter the space, development within the       Those involved in ILS insist that the mod-    investors to the space. “The market needs
market will increase. “As large inves-        els used in analysing the securitisations     to be open with underlying exposure data
tors such as pension funds and insurance      offer investors a non-subjective means of     and underlying investment data,” he says.
companies start investing more heavily        understanding the underlying risks.              Further, Ludolphs suggests that under-
in this sector, a new market dynamic will         Rupert Flatscher, head of Munich Re’s     lying data could be posted on websites in
be created,” he says. “This obviously goes    risk trading unit, says: “New investors       the same way as regulation now requires
hand in hand with a larger number of          need to understand that ILS are based on      mainstream structured finance deals to
sponsors as well as an increased diversifi-   models which are used in the insurance        do. “We need to share information and
cation of perils.”                            industry sometimes for decades. It is not     make underlying information transpar-
                                              only investors relying on such models but     ent,” he stresses.
Mainstream option?                            also a far bigger industry.”                     Ludolphs also advocates the greater
However, ILS is still far from being              Furthermore, Klugman argues that          use of indices and parameters which
accepted as a mainstream investment           assessing risks in ILS may be more reli-
option and current participants believe       able than methods used in other credit
that it’s vital to make the necessary         markets. “We don’t expect an investor to
changes to the market in order to develop     be able to analyse what the probability
ILS beyond a niche market. Part of the        is that a magnitude seven earthquake is

“When I look at credit and what
can go wrong in terms of fraud
and misunderstanding, I think
there are more variables in
credit than there is in analysing
the risk in a catastrophe bond”                                                             Rupert Flatscher, Munich Re

18     SCI August 2010

will naturally lead to greater transpar-        Chart 1
ency within the market. “For example, if
                                                Catastrophe bond issuance year-by-year to 1 June 2010
investors know that a bond is triggered by
an earthquake with a magnitude of 8 or                                 7,000
higher then immediately an investor can
read in a newspaper whether they have                                  6,000
lost money or not,” he explains.
    Ultimately, he believes that transparency                          5,000
will remove much of the complexity which

                                                Issuance volume ($M)
deters investors in the first place. “We need
to make the structures easy to understand.
The more complex it becomes the more
expert knowledge one needs to have.”
    However, Fritsch adds that investors
are not satisfied by an explanation of                                 2,000
the underlying perils alone and sug-
gests a need for the structures of the cat                             1,000
bonds themselves to be more transpar-
ent. “Transparent, easy-to-understand                                     0
structures are needed,” he says. “For a                                        2000   2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006    2007   2008    2009     2010
market to grow, it needs transparency, and                                                                        Year
it can currently be very difficult to get       Source: 2009/10 - STORM; 2000-2008 - GC Securities
information on transactions. Investment
opportunities can sometimes be jeop-
ardised because of that; you don’t want
to invest in a transaction you don’t fully         She notes though that the structures                           these innovations offer both a solution
understand.”                                    need to appeal to both investors and spon-                        and a potential drawback for the investor.
                                                sors in order to result in development for                        She suggests that money could be put into
Significant challenges                          the market as a whole. Whereas indem-                             treasury money market accounts, but adds
Although most ILS participants agree            nity structures are more opaque from an                           that in this way investors would lose the
unanimously with the idea that greater          investor viewpoint they offer the safest                          Libor-based rate.
transparency in structures is required,         option for sponsors.                                                  “In today’s environment to get a
and should be developed in a standardised          Moving forward a fine line will need                           Libor-return implies that you actually
format to maintain as much simplicity as        to be walked in order to appease both                             have to take some measure of credit risk
possible, the implementation of these ide-      camps. Klugman says: “If an issuer does a                         with your assets,” Klugman says. “So
als is not without significant challenges.      transaction based on anything other than                          that’s what we’re grappling with moving
Currently investors are faced with nego-        their actual losses then that means that                          forward: how much credit risk are inves-
tiating a multitude of potential cat bond       they’re taking a measure of basis risk.                           tors prepared to take on to get a Libor-
trigger mechanisms which could result           We need structures that meet the widest                           based rate, or are they fine taking very
in the investor losing money. Parametric        appetite for investors and sponsors.”                             little credit risk and having a treasury
measurements – such as the physical                Furthermore, Klugman explains that                             money market return?” While Klugman
measurement of wind speeds or an earth-         steps have been taken to minimise the                             acknowledges that this is not a major
quake – can be used, as can industry loss       potential risk for investors, but that again                      hurdle for the industry as a whole, it is an
triggers based on the insurance company
losses across the industry.
    While these triggers are relatively
simple processes for an investor to gauge,
indemnity triggers also exist whereby the
                                                “Transparent, easy-to-
trigger is based on the losses incurred by
the original sponsor. This can raise the
                                                understand structures are
kind of questions which act as a deter-
rent to prospective investors, but which is     needed. For a market to grow, it
favoured by the sponsors themselves.
    “We do believe that indemnity struc-
tures have a place in the market,” says
                                                needs transparency, and it can
Klugman. “But for this market to really
grow we believe that one shouldn’t feel         currently be very difficult to get
that they need to be an underwriting cat
expert in order to analyse the bond.”           information on transactions”
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
SCI Magazine Aug 2010
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SCI Magazine Aug 2010

  • 1. Issue 3 August 2010 Vanilla structures return Less complex rate products in vogue Focusing on ILS issuance RMBS and Structured CDS risk chemistry expectations bank ratings credit ideas clearing
  • 2. Your securities. Priced. When you work with hard-to-price securities, you need a source you can count on. Standard & Poor’s Global Evaluations. You know the big providers of global securities evaluations. But do you know what makes Standard & Poor’s different? With over 35 years of experience in the pricing business, we’re continuously expanding to meet your evolving needs. ABS, MBS, CMBS, CDOs and more — we’ve got you covered. And, we work closely with you to anticipate and address new market developments. Knowledge, independence, and direct access to the professionals behind the thinking. It’s what you expect from a market leader. For more information: Americas 1.212.438.4500 Europe +44 (0)20 7176 7454 Standard & Poor’s Securities Evaluations, Inc. (SPSE) is a registered investment adviser, which is part of Standard & Poor’s Valuations & Risk Strategies, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. SPSE publishes evaluated pricing, customized reports on valuations of securities under various scenarios, and analyses of certain U.S. and European fixed income securities using its proprietary risk to price scoring methodology. Analytic services and products provided by Standard & Poor’s are the result of separate activities designed to preserve the independence and objectivity of each analytic process. Standard & Poor’s has established policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of non-public information received during each analytic process.
  • 3. Issue 3 August 2010 Contents 2 The Interview Navigating changing markets Joe Walsh, president of Amherst Securities, shares his views on 2 the ABS and MBS markets and the future strategy of his firm 6 Wholesale Structured Products Vanilla structures return Suddenly mundane is popular again. As Kathy Fitzpatrick Hoffelder discovers, complicated rate product strategies that have Editor been marketed as ‘too sophisticated to fail’ are out. Institutional Mark Pelham investors instead are contemplating ways to offset an ever 6 +44 (0) 20 7438 1126 steepening yield curve and find a little bit of yield along the way Design and Production Andy Peat 11 Structured Credit Risk chemistry Contributors The relationship between credit trading and risk management is Jillian Ambrose attracting more attention in today’s plain vanilla, post-crisis world. Madhur Duggar, Batur Bicer, Matthew Many institutions are putting a greater focus on CVA and reserve 11 Leeming, Søren Willemann and Rob models, while others are moving credit risk managers up the Hagemans of Barclays Capital Credit hierarchy. Rachael Horsewood reports Research 6 ILS 1 Kathy Fitzpatrick Hoffelder Rachael Horsewood James Linacre Richard Lorenzo and Patrick Winsbury of Greater expectations Moody’s Investors Service Insurance-linked securities are typically thought of as a specialist Corinne Smith asset class. However, as Jillian Ambrose explains, catastrophe bonds are generating increasing interest from non-insurance 16 Managing Director investors, which in turn could be met by increased new issuance John-Owen Waller volumes +44 (0) 20 7061 6335 Sales Associate Grace O’Dwyer Smith 1 ABS 2 +44 (0) 20 7061 6397 RMBS, bank ratings and risk Richard Lorenzo, vp structured finance, and Patrick Winsbury, svp financial institutions, at Moody’s Investors Service look at the 21 © SCI. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form relationship between RMBS issuance and Australian bank ratings is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher. ISSN: 2043-7900 Although every effort has been made to ensure 5 Structured Credit 2 the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, the publishers can accept no liabilities for inaccuracies that may appear. No statement made in Simplicity is key this magazine is to be construed as a recommendation Madhur Duggar, Batur Bicer, Matthew Leeming, Søren to buy or sell securities. The views expressed in this publication by external contributors are not necessarily Willemann and Rob Hagemans of Barclays Capital Credit those of the publisher. Research take a look at the potential for structured credit products Printed in England by Hastings Printing Company 25 1 CDS Clearing Limited, Drury Lane, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN38 9BJ SCI is published by Cold Fountains Media Limited and 3 distributed in the USA by SPP, 75 Aberdeen Road, Emigsville, PA. 17318-0437. Periodicals postage paid at Emigsville, PA. Clearing consensus A consensus has been reached about the benefits of CDS POSTMASTER: send address changes to SCI PO BOX 437, Emigsville, PA. 17318-0437. clearing. But, as Corinne Smith and James Linacre discover in Subscription Rates: this special report undertaken for SCI’s online service, concerns £930 +vat for an annual subscription over pricing and liquidity remain €1200 Europe $1650 ROW 31 7 Data 3 Subscription enquiries: Ike Aneke +44 (0) 20 7061 6334 ABS, CDOs and natural catastrophe bonds issued over the last three months 1
  • 4. The Interview Navigating Joe Walsh, president of Amherst Securities, shares his views on the ABS and MBS markets and the future strategy of his firm Q: How would you characterise Amherst Securities’ role in the Q: How would you differentiate yourselves from other similar securitisation space? firms that have launched in the securitisation sector over A: Amherst is one of the leading US broker-dealers specialising the past few years? in the mortgage-backed securities space. We serve institutional A: Amherst has been around since 1993, so the first differentia- investors and actively work in both the new issue and second- tion really is our experience and significant track record of ary markets. success. We have helped our clients navigate several economic Our approach has always been to ensure we have a solid cycles, including the most recent one which resulted in many grasp on the market fundamentals by balancing our proprietary of our competitors dissolving or significantly scaling back their data and analytics with a deep understanding of the technical services. aspects of what moves the market. Our analytics and data serve The other real distinctions that separate our firm from as our strategic advantage over other firms and are highly others are the quality of our proprietary data and analytics, valued by our customer base. the quality of our people, and the fact that we have significant 2 SCI August 2010
  • 5. The Interview changing markets capital behind our operations, includ- form. As a firm, we are committed to in the space. The addition of these two ing capital from our employees and the looking at opportunities where access products will also diversify our rev- additional capital raised in 2008 from to fundamental performance data and enue stream and should make us even a group of institutional investors led by thorough and thoughtful analytics more meaningful to our customers. Stone Point Capital. can add value and we believe that the ABS and CMBS markets provide this Q: How does this affect your established Q: Over the past six months you’ve opportunity. RMBS business? made some major hires in ABS and Our aim is to succeed with the same A: Our expansion into ABS and CMBS is CMBS – what are your aims for strategy we’ve successfully deployed in a completely natural and complemen- these two asset classes in particular? the residential sector – providing better tary extension of our RMBS business, A: ABS and CMBS are natural exten- data, analysis and understanding of the which will continue to be a major focal sions of our leading residential plat- market fundamentals than anyone else point for our firm. There is significant 3
  • 6. The Interview “Recently we have seen confidence in a steady, upward-sloping recovery erode and volatility re-introduced into the marketplace” amount of customer overlap between Q: Where do you see the bulk of your Q: Which factors do you need to con- the different sectors and many of the business and/or market opportuni- sider in adapting to these changes? lessons we’ve learned over the years ties coming from in the second half A: There are a lot of economic, politi- in the RMBS space can be naturally of 2010 and why? cal and regulatory issues that are applied to these categories as well. A: Recently we have seen confidence in a impacting consumer and borrower steady, upward-sloping recovery erode behaviour. We believe it is critical Q: What are the lessons you have and volatility re-introduced into the to appreciate the potential impact on learned in the RMBS space? marketplace. In addition, the funda- fundamental performance that these A: There were really multiple conflicts in mental performance of residential issues create. the securitisation business model lead- and commercial mortgages and other In addition it is likely that we will ing up to the recent crisis and in large consumer and corporate assets contin- see a technical response from the part they are still being sorted out. The ues to evolve in the face of economic market to the extent the performance level of faulty analysis and decision- pressures and regulatory reform. differs from expectations. We pride making that went on in terms of select- These factors are going to lead ourselves on understanding the poten- ing which loans were securitised and investors to more actively seek out tial outcomes and factoring those into which weren’t was much higher than the expertise and analytical edge that a thoughtful view of risk and opportu- people anticipated. Amherst provides. People want a firm nity. We’ve been extremely focused on The origination and loan underwrit- they can trust, particularly in this type those things, as evidenced by some of ing standards that were applied in the of volatile market. our published strategy reports show- process were severely compromised We believe the market dynamics ing our early positions on things like and massively underestimated by the are going to provide some interesting loan modifications, second liens in the market. To navigate through the mess trading opportunities in the second half residential MBS market. that was left over you really need to of 2010. Investors will need to react to have access to great data and dynamic these changing conditions and we’re Q: Which specific impacts could those analytics to see through the carnage going to be there to help people form economic, political and regulatory and find opportunities. those reactions and opinions. issues have on performance? 4 SCI August 2010
  • 7. The Interview “Fundamental performance is going to continue to evolve and it’s likely going to end up being different than the market expects” A: Ultimately all of those factors could We think we’ll ultimately be better A: If the economy is going to make a have a very large impact because they positioned than others, but it’s going to substantial recovery, then you have all can change fundamental perform- evolve over a very long period of time. to believe the securitisation markets, ance. For example, there was a lot of which were such a big piece of provid- regulatory rule changing that went on Q: What sort of technical response ing the capital for the vibrant and when Bear Stearns essentially went do you anticipate from the market growing consumer-based economy last bankrupt and that changed the outcome if performance does differ from decade, are going to make a recovery allowing their debt to get paid 100 cents expectations? as well. But in general, those involved on the dollar. But it’s clear these factors A: I suspect there could be a series of knee in the securitisation market are going can have a real impact on actual per- jerk reactions, especially in situations to be very focused on making sure we formance. You have to understand the where people don’t truly understand can use securitisation to fuel growth potential of those impacts and under- why performance differs from expecta- while eliminating the obvious conflicts stand how exposed you are to them. tions. We could elicit some uninformed which historically dominated the new Political and regulatory pressures responses and that could be good or issue structured finance markets and become extremely influential on issues bad for market participants. resulted many failed transactions. I like loan modifications, so while you suspect what you will see in 2011 is may not be able to predict them, you Q: What is your position on loan the new issue market trying to address had better understand what various modifications and second liens in the those concerns and convince investors scenarios mean to you and factor that RMBS market? that they are adequately protected from into your strategy and make sure you A: Put simply, the second liens are stand- the mistakes that fuelled the recent are getting paid for that risk. Knowing ing in the way of a lot of loan modifica- credit crisis. what can happen to you, being able to tions. We believe the most effective see it happening and seeing it first it loan modifications involve principal Q: Beyond ABS and CMBS, does could create some very real and profit- reduction and it’s really difficult to do Amherst have plans to grow its busi- able opportunities. that when the second lien holder is the ness into other securitisation areas? servicer or is unwilling to have his debt A: Not at this time. We think there are Q: In general, what are the types reduced or written off at that point in plenty of opportunities in the RMBS, of trading opportunities you’ve the modification. As a result, use of CMBS and ABS space. We’re poised to mentioned? principal reductions in loan modifica- provide more knowledge, insight and A: Fundamental performance is going tions has yet to have a meaningful reliable data on the entire mortgage to continue to evolve and it’s likely impact. industry than any other broker-dealer. going to end up being different than the We may ultimately look to expand market expects. It’s hard to predict how Q: Longer-term, how do you see the beyond those products, but right now we will ultimately end up and why, securitisation market landscape in we are focused on building those exist- which is the challenge for us all, and 2011 and beyond? ing businesses. ultimately will separate the winners from the losers in this space. For instance, how loan modifica- About the interviewee tions or foreclosures ultimately play Joe Walsh, president of Amherst Securities, co-manages the business and out when the moratoriums are lifted operations of the Amherst Companies. He has been in the mortgage-backed will create outcomes that are likely to securities business for almost 25 years. be different than what people expect Walsh previously served as an md in the private equity business at Fortress at the moment. So companies that can Investment Group specialising in financial institutions. He also served for nine years see through that and see it first will as an md and head of mortgage and asset-backed origination, finance and trading at have an advantage. Everyone who is RBS Greenwich Capital. trading today has some opinion on how He earned his B.A. in Biology at Princeton University. and when these things will play out. 5
  • 8. Wholesale Structured Products Vanilla structures return Suddenly mundane is popular again. As Kathy Fitzpatrick Hoffelder discovers, complicated rate product strategies that have been marketed as ‘too sophisticated to fail’ are out. Institutional investors instead are contemplating ways to offset an ever steepening yield curve and find a little bit of yield along the way 6 SCI August 2010
  • 9. Wholesale Structured Products Chart 1 The BAML MOVE Index – three-year performance 300 250 200 150 100 0 Oct 2008 Apr Jul Oct 2009 Apr Jul Oct 2010 Apr Source: of America Merrill Lynch MOVE is the Merrill Option Volatility Estimate. This is a yield curve weighted index of the normalised implied volatility on 1-month treasury options. It is the weighted average of volatilities on the CT2, CT5, CT10, and CT30. `MOVE’ is a trademark product of Bank of America Merrill Lynch. puts it: “Most people are into preserva- currency concerns, he says, noting capital tion of capital but they are concerned preservation did not help European-based about exactly how you do that when your investors much since the euro has depre- historic risk free is now full of risk.” Fur- ciated against all major currencies. ther he says: “Everything has basically It is not all doom and gloom out there, become a credit including government however. A Goldman Sachs research bonds and that makes it very difficult. report in June notes the current macro That’s why you are seeing the kind of and regulatory backdrop is much better yields you are seeing on treasuries and than two years ago. For instance, private bunds.” sector imbalances are much smaller, Indeed, global bond markets have been having moved into surplus in the major rocked by a range of events from Lehman economies. “This means balance sheets and the start of the crisis, to sovereign are stronger and there are more savings debt issues with a few government bail- available to fund the deficits,” the report T outs and periodic support thrown in for notes. good measure. Bank of America Merrill But try convincing institutional he landscape has changed for Lynch’s Option Volatility Estimate investors of that and one gets a myriad of creating interest rate deriva- (MOVE) Index, which measures option responses. “There’s so much risk, volatil- tives products that protect volatility on US treasuries, has seen dra- ity and uncertainty, it’s hard to turn the principal and offer attractive matic swings from its widest levels seen table and say you have to do this for 100% yields. First, the very amount in 2008 when it topped more than 260 to of your portfolio,” says Gary Pollack, md of principal to protect has vastly dimin- the 70s currently (see chart). The 10-year and head of fixed income research and ished for many investors and what kind of bund yield has dropped to 2.67%, in from trading for private wealth management at protection is on offer is also up for grabs. a little over 3% last summer, while the Deutsche Bank Securities. Gone are the days when so-called liquid 10-year treasury yield has slid to 3.19% However volatile government securi- and transparent index based transactions from 3.5% at this time last year. ties and related products have been lately, promised ‘expected’ anything. Not much Capital preservation itself has also investors generally agree one has to put is expected anymore in this post credit altered in meaning and scope, according money to work somewhere. Everyone crisis environment except uncertainty and to John Brynjolfsson, md at investment realises the natural rate for the 10-year volatility. management firm Armored Wolf. Capital treasury is not 3% but something higher, As Gary Jenkins, head of fixed income preservation is taking on a new defini- notes Walter Schmidt, svp and manager research at Evolution Securities aptly tion where people are more sensitive to of structured product strategies at FTN 7
  • 10. Wholesale Structured Products asset side to match your liabilities,” notes Jochen Felsenheimer, co-head of credit at Assenagon Asset Management. Investors in general are a bit more sophisticated than prior years and demand at least a minimum return. This is the case with steepener trades put on between the 10-year and 30-year government bond curves, in which one sells CDS protection on the short end and buys protection on the long end. Along with the trades, some investors favour having a cap and a floor, which was not the case five years ago, adds Felsenheimer. One caveat is “if interest rates stay low, you probably just earn the minimum on the interest rate structure, but normally you do not have dramatic problems on the rest of the risky part of your portfolio,” he says. Walter Schmidt, FTN Financial Jochen Felsenheimer, Assenagon Capital Markets Seeking yield at the right cost Asset Management Since loan demand is very low, deposito- Financial Capital Markets. “People are ries continue to reach for yield in the port- Bill Gross, md at Pimco, reiterated concerned we might be in a bubble for folio, says Schmidt. “Right now for most the changed landscape for investors in bonds now. It’s just that we might be index based customers, and to a lesser his firm’s June commentary. “No longer here for quite awhile so if we are here extent, even liability based customers like will ‘two get you three’ in the investment for a while and sitting in cash, you are depositories and insurance companies, world. Not 1,000%, but 4-6% annual- going to underperform and underperform everyone’s looking for some return in this ised returns for a diversified portfolio of severely,” he says. environment,” he notes. stocks and bonds is the likely outcome,” There is still a tremendous amount However, with the exception of the he writes. of liquidity in this system, Schmidt corporate bond market, it’s very dif- But where to get even that yield is up observes. “We’ve been in this environ- ficult to continue to add assets without for debate. The high yield corporate bond ment for almost two years now where the the overall market overpricing itself, he market in the US is the favoured segment market is liquidity rich and capital poor. notes. “This is exactly this deflationary or of the market, says one US-based asset What the Fed is obviously trying to do is at least disinflationary environment that management firm’s research head. “When offset the tremendous capital burden and Bernanke is quite concerned about.” you have a great year in high yield, it tremendous write-downs that still need to Schmidt adds: “Those that are ratings- leads to good years to follow and default take place,” he explains. constrained are reaching a bit for yield rates come in,” he says. He also sees the Insurance companies, for one, are because they have to. The fact of the mat- sector as somewhat removed from the still looking at interest rate structures ter is if you look at a state pension or cor- sovereign debt crisis in Europe. Returns since they regularly need to match their porate pension, most of them have their often are in the 9% range, he says. liabilities. “A lot of insurance compa- returns at 6-10% but no one’s earning SocGen’s quantitative strategist Marc nies have probably blown through their 6-10% in any market, including equities. Teyssier adds that those investors that are reserve levels. It becomes harder and The reach for yield is very, very powerful, more bullish on the economy are willing harder to generate enough return on the very strong.” to invest in the high yield market – something that only has occurred in rapid pace since the beginning of the year. “You “On the one side, there’s a very have all non-financial companies that have very good results so far,” he says. bearish focus on sovereign “On the one side, there’s a very bearish focus on sovereign risk and on the other side, there’s more focus on what’s hap- risk and on the other side, pening on corporates,” Teyssier says. The result has led to a compression of credit there’s more focus on what’s spreads. “Hedging credit portfolios is the hottest topic right now among investors.” happening on corporates” But for Pollack, he views the invest- ment grade bond market as a better bet in 8 SCI August 2010
  • 11. Wholesale Structured Products this post credit crisis environment. “We think this is a good opportunity to pick up some additional yield without really “We would expect a large picking up that much increased risk as a way to capture higher returns in the fixed amount of issuance from the income markets,” he says. Pollack is underweight in treasury Treasury in the 30-year sector not just to finance existing holdings since he used that money to increase exposure to corporate bonds. He believes rates are likely to stay lower a little longer than originally believed. deficits but to finance the rollover Factoring in steepening Investors right now are also trying to take shorter maturity treasuries” advantage of the steep yield curve so they are bidding up the price of fixed income assets, adds Schmidt. For the most part, good trade opportunities in the long end The Treasury recently extended its tar- they are focusing on the front end of the of the euro swap curve, but people tend to get maturity for federal debt to 84 months curve as opposed to the long end, he stay away from it since it’s a “pain trade” or 7 years from as low as 48 months explains. The yield curve between the US due to the uncertainty in the market, says during 2009, which makes it more likely two-year treasury and the 10-year treas- Ungari. “If everything goes wrong, it’s to issue out the curve. At a Treasury Bor- ury stands at about 248bp, which is in the kind of trade you cannot get away rowing Advisory Committee meeting in from 290bp earlier this year. Years earlier, from,” she adds. May, the Treasury said it believes its over- say in 2002, for example, the yield curve The 30-year maturity is also subject to all debt issuance schedule is appropriate. was closer to the 2% level at 220bp. huge volatility due to some flows coming “Consistent with the desire to increase While historically steep yield curves from pension funds, Ungari says. The the average maturity of outstanding debt, can be inflationary, they can also be a flows are not predictable and bring lots the Committee recommends that issuance step in the right direction economically. of volatility in the 10s/30s sector of the sizes in two-year, three-year and five-year “Steepening trades are attractive because curve, she notes, adding that the segment maturities be reduced meaningfully, with they pay good carry. People will try to also sees constant maturity swap hedging smaller reductions in seven-year, ten-year find trades which pay good carry over the flows as well. and thirty-year maturities.” short term,” says Sandrine Ungari, quan- To others, the key right now is to The Treasury also decided last May to titative strategist at SocGen, noting the avoid the long end at any cost. Particu- increase the frequency of Treasury Infla- trades make more sense in euros currently larly if interest rates rise, the US-based tion Protected Securities (TIPS) auctions than in US dollars. asset management firm’s research head by having a second reopening to 10-year But further out along the curve, inves- is turning away from bonds with a high TIPs offerings. It brings the total to six tors start to get skittish. There are really duration. He is also advising clients to 10-year TIPS auctions per year. The new seek out maturities 5-years and under. “Most bonds even with a 10-year duration are getting called,” he adds. Some hedge funds and money manag- ers are, however, buying long-term US treasuries, and even have large mandates in place, but according to Brynjolfsson, the curve is still expected to be steep. “There are buyers of these long term treasuries, but I think the very steep yield curve is here to stay and possibly get steeper,” he says. Three large sellers of long-term treas- ures are likely to keep the curve steep, he explains. The Treasury, Federal Reserve and China all have their reasons to unload or sell the securities, says Brynjolfsson. “We would expect a large amount of issuance from the Treasury in the 30-year sector not just to finance existing deficits but to finance the rollover shorter matu- Marc Teyssier, SocGen rity treasuries.” Sandrine Ungari, SocGen 9
  • 12. Wholesale Structured Products “More and more traditional really know how the new regulation is going to affect them,” says Teyssier. The tranche market is still, however, money accounts are now an outlet to hedge the volatility of mark to market. Lots of people buy protection looking to create different risk on senior index tranches, he adds, noting that the combination of systemic risk and return profiles by moving into regulatory risk is why spreads in this area have widened so far, especially in Europe. What is occurring more often, though, new asset classes” is a variety of hidden correlation offers, such as when banks are trying to hedge their exposure by selling part and by change begins with the July new issue continues to monetise the fiscal deficits, keeping some correlation risk, notes 10-year TIPs offering. explains Brynjolfsson. “I would expect Felsenheimer. But problems still exist The Fed’s decision last year to curtail that would cause the bond market to in selling the paper. “They need to find its planned US$300bn buying programme remain sceptical – both of inflationary a buyer for this stuff. Except for hedge similarly is still having an effect on the impact of those policies and the solvency funds I don’t see any trades,” he adds. curve. “The Fed is examining very care- impact of those policies increasing Credit index options, however, are prov- fully the possibility of selling their exist- amounts of federal liabilities,” he says. ing they are able to withstand the credit ing holdings rather than let them mature,” crisis a bit more than other structured says Brynjolfsson. Seeking alternatives products. Options trading on iTraxx Main The existing plan was to hold onto Other investors are venturing a little bit and on CDX have been popular lately. their long-term treasuries and allow them beyond their comfort zone for yields – if “They [CDS index options] don’t suf- to mature through the natural seasoning ever so slightly. More and more tradi- fer from the bad reputation of tranches. process rather than sell them, he notes. The tional money accounts are now looking There are more clients willing to invest in process would still put selling pressure on to create different risk return profiles that kind of instrument against a spread the long-end, however, due to the Fed’s by moving into new asset classes, says widening,” says Teyssier. “An out-of-the- overweight position of long-term treasuries. Felsenheimer. But more often than not money option does not cost a lot but is Globally government issuance will it means implementing new strategies an efficient hedge against a spread blow remain high with net issuance in the cur- within traditional asset classes, or in out. Credit options are a very interest- rent financial year expected to be about a sense, creating a new definition for ing product for clients that want to hedge US$1.9trn in the US, €300bn in the euro what alternative investment means, he their credit exposure.” area and £150bn in the UK, according to explains. Whether or not rate products are the a report by Morgan Stanley analysts last Indeed, more exotic correlation trades panacea for investors right now remains March. are not as popular as they once were with to be seen, but one thing is certain. Inves- A likely scenario going forward is investors, especially due to regulatory tors are not going to sit around and wait that the Fed continues to keep short end measures to be implemented under Basel for the next bubble to appear – whether in rates low, below the inflation rate, and 3 in Europe. “Market participants don’t bonds or not. 10 SCI August 2010
  • 13. Structured Credit The relationship between credit trading and risk management is attracting more attention in today’s plain vanilla, post-crisis world. Many institutions are putting a greater focus on CVA and reserve models, while others are moving credit risk managers up the hierarchy. Rachael Horsewood reports Risk chemistry C redit risk management and trading are working “It is fair to say that the credit risk manager role has moved together more than ever before. Some sources say up a notch now. When you consider that credit risk is being this is how it should have always been. Others transferred from an originating desk to a credit risk management believe it is only perception given the market’s risk- group, it is only natural for the risk managers and traders to work averse mood since the crisis. “Credit risk manage- more closely. We see them working together more when it comes ment is definitely experiencing a new evolution – it is viewed to valuation and pricing too. But traders are still the top dogs more as a value-added function now,” asserts David Kelly, the when it comes to pay packages since they are the ones generating director of credit product development at Quantifi, a specialist revenue,” Kelly notes. software company. A portfolio manager in London adds: “Traders are more He agrees credit risk management has distinguished itself more aware of credit risk and capital charges but not as much as they from other types of risk management since the crisis. Market would if these things impacted their bonuses.” He says a lot of risk managers, for example, are still viewed as more of a middle- risk management heads at banks are trying to push credit risk office, support function. Their main responsibility is to make sure management down to the desk level, but trading desks don’t want traders trade within the limits and report numbers accurately. it. They see it as a firm-wide responsibility. 11
  • 14. Structured Credit majority of institutions it is a game of hot potato right now,” he explains. Some sources argue that trading desks were well-aware of their counterparty exposures during the crisis. “Systems used to monitor credit risk at the desk level were reasonably well-established and working before the crisis. Most of the focus on the sell-side has been on the big drive towards centralised clearing,” explains Kevin Gould, a co-founder of Markit. He says he has seen some subtle organisational changes due to pending regulation, but that the bigger story is the greater focus on data quality and liquidity risk monitoring all around the market. The lack of liquidity in credit has made it much more difficult to trade. One head of credit trading from a French bank says this is another reason why David Kelly, Quantifi you see risk managers coming in to help Kevin Gould, Markit optimise the return on capital. “You can This is a sell-side trend since most hedge interest rate risk and, on a macro CVA move buy-side exposures are heavily collateral- basis, you can hedge your credit risk. In Some sources say banks are also looking ised, according to the portfolio manager. Europe, we have sector indexes to help us at Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA) “It was less of a priority before the crisis even hedge our funding risk, and because more than before because of the pressure when there were fewer defaults,” he adds. these products are so granular, we are to preserve capital and assess liquidity Marc Loomis, a credit product man- able to fine-tune the hedges. But there risks. “CVA is primarily an accounting ager at Calypso, says the relationship is one thing none of us can hedge and requirement, b ut we are seeing more between trading and risk management that is liquidity risk.” He says the ability crossovers between credit risk manage- is “cyclical like most other things in the to execute transactions (at a reasonable ment and capital optimisation,” Kelly says. financial world. At the end of the day risk price) has worsened since 2007. He was previously a senior credit trader managers are paid to mitigate risk and A credit strategist from another on the global portfolio optimisation desk traders are paid to take it on – a bit like European bank adds that idiosyncratic at Citigroup. There he actively managed yin and yang.” risks are more specific to credit. “This the credit risk in derivatives positions and One London-based credit strategist also makes credit much less resilient than also established a CVA business. says that although some banks try to other assets. When you think of Greece CVA is a valuation of the credit risk make it look like risk management is in and what has happened there as well, of all contracts an institution has with a charge of their capital, traders really are you realise there are so many more lay- given counterparty – the aggregate risks the ones who own the risk. “Everyone is ers of risk within the credit market that of all counterparties. It is nothing new. putting more resources into credit risk we didn’t see a few years ago,” he says. The first ones became known back in the management, but it is a mixed bag when “Many banks are now trying to combine 90s, when fair value accounting emerged it comes to how they organise it. Several all the talent they have in the structured and the chief risk manager position of the larger banks have established, cen- credit space to create a more industrial- became norm. Back then, credit default tralised top-down approaches, but for the ised credit department.” swap (CDS) pioneers on Wall Street were also emphasising the importance of counterparty risk management and how it and trading desks should work together “Everyone is putting more to optimise capital, especially after the repeal of Glass Steagall in 1999. resources into credit risk Jonathan Di Giambattista, md at Fitch Solutions in New York, agrees CVA has become a more topical subject. He says management, but it is a mixed it is also because of the greater focus on derivatives counterparty risk. He explains bag when it comes to how they that CVA managers buy credit protection as part of their mandate to level out risks, organise it” especially concentration risks created from trading desks. 12 SCI August 2010
  • 15. Structured Credit “You can say that the CVA function is Figure 1 there to capitalise on the compensation of Elements of pricing and valuation infrastructure and operations risks since profit is relative to the risk that is taken. But it really is meant to ensure Cash Instruments Flow OTC Structured Derivatives e.g. Credit Derivatives e.g. Structured Credit risk is accounted for. It is a centralised e.g. Corporate Bonds risk control discipline for all asset classes Front Hardware/software Front-to-Back Excel-based Structuring/ Excel-based Illustrative Only (Bloomberg, Trading / Risk Portfolio within an institution. We believe most of Office Reuters) Systems ‘Pricers’ Mgmt Apps ‘Pricers’ the top-tier international banks have a Market data Market data (e.g. Market data (e.g. CVA function in place, but we have not (e.g Bloomberg, Bloomberg, Markit, Bloomberg, Markit, seen any on the buy-side,” Di Giambattista Reuters) CMA, BQuotes) CMA, BQuotes) says. Risk and Risk and Risk and Analytics are Product control Product control Product control He continues: “We find that apart from portfolio risk, accounting, etc. etc. portfolio risk, accounting, etc. portfolio risk, accounting, etc. Risk control, collateral mgmt, Risk control, collateral mgmt, Risk control, collateral mgmt, required and Middle often ‘embedded a few of the biggest international institu- Office • Deal level and portfolio IPV • Deal level and portfolio IPV • Deal level and portfolio IPV in these systems tional investors most buy-side firms really • P&L risk control • P&L risk control • P&L risk control and processes • In-house • In-house • In-house do not hedge counterparty risk exposures. • Independent • Independent • Independent This is an expensive proposition for them 3rd party 3rd party 3rd party valuations valuations valuations generally due to the transaction costs of Back hedging. The economies of scale are not Office there if it is only five names you are wor- Recurring Recurring Recurring valuations valuations valuations ried about. Smaller players might put on a bilateral trade every once in a while when it makes economic sense, but they tend to Related to Front Office Related to Middle/Back Other users of pricing or rely more on internal controls, limit set- price discovery Office valuation of positions valuation data ting and the monitoring of counterparty Source: Celent relationships.” However, a number of hedge funds and other large institutional investors have been hiring seasoned traders and risk Ed James, a senior consultant in the Salary increase managers that used to work on the credit risk management group at Joslin Rowe According to recruiters, salaries for risk desks at investment banks. “Former struc- Associates in London, confirms that a lot management roles in general are increas- tured credit traders could be valuable in of new credit risk management positions ing by around 15% from last year. Some many other areas of trading and managing have been created this year. “We see banks are increasing salaries 25% or credit risk. If you look at the composition demand across all types of risk manage- more in order to attract the best, most of credit risk there is a securitisation ele- ment, and not just from banks but also experienced candidates. Consultants ment in transactions that are not cleared asset management firms.” say that some senior risk management so their skills could be applied to any of He adds: “Many of these roles were salaries might look larger because their those,” Kelly adds. considered part of the finance or opera- pay is normally not tied to performance or tions groups four or five years ago. But risk profitability, it is fixed. management has become more high-profile Loomis agrees that while risk manag- and is now a bigger group in its own right ers’ influence might be increasing, they at most financial institutions. On the credit are never going to be paid as revenue side, the risk manager’s opinions matter a generators. “Pay packages are unlikely to lot more than they used to.” change. Giving risk managers a bonus for “You can say that the CVA function is there to capitalise on the compensation of risks since profit is relative to the risk that is taken. But it really is meant to Jonathan Di Giambattista, Fitch Solutions ensure risk is accounted for” 13
  • 16. Structured Credit Figure 2 sight of the shadow banking system and off-balance sheet entities is necessary. Total lifecycle costs for derivatives analytics (Shadow banking institutions are typi- USD$million cally intermediaries between investors Total Cost of Derivatives Analytics ? ? and borrowers – e.g. hedge funds, SIVs, 50 Unknown costs conduits, investment banks and other 45 ? Represents the non-bank financial institutions. By cost of complexity and a drag on the definition, shadow institutions do not 40 Ranges between $11-$22m Integration costs competitiveness of the firm accept deposits like a depository bank with internal & 35 external systems and therefore are not subject to the same 30 •Enhancements • Inefficiencies & regulations.) ‘drag’due to 22.5 25 •Upgrades fragmented data, Acharya explains how the cycli- analytics, platforms cal nature of credit means there can be 20 • If there are silos, data disparities & 11.3 Known costs a significant amount of aggregate and $4.5m over 5 years 15 quality issues will Between ~$25 liquidity risks when trading in this asset •Bug Fixes continue to exist 4.5 10 $9m •Support • In an ideal world, to $36 million class and that many financial institutions Initial this would be zero. 9.0 underestimated both. “This is where the 5 specification, build and test importance of capital adequacy comes in 0 Development Support / Evolve / Indirect 3rd party apps/ Total because if there is not sufficient capital Maintenance Enhance costs integration to absorb losses then people outside of the financial sector become affected. So, One-off, Recurring costs totaled over one key issue is whether regulators can initial costs a 5-year production lifecycle address such socio-economic risks that Source: Celent have not shown up before,” he asserts. Regulatory spirit Kelly agrees that the spirit of most of the catching a certain type of risk is unlikely managers might even be gaining more new regulations is to make sure securiti- too. A risk manager is not paid to discover power to curtail trades. But the point is sation and the product engineering around where the bank should take risk. That that risk management means a lot more it has some socio-economic benefit. “It is what a trader does. Traders look for a than it did before this crisis, partly due is pretty clear that the securitisations of cheap asset and then hope that the value to all of the pending regulation. Risk mortgages, student loans and credit cards, of it goes up. The risk manager is there to management is not just credit-related and for example, are beneficial to economies make sure the bank doesn’t over-expose it is not just about calculating your delta. as long as the risk is transferred to people itself,” he adds. It is also about transparency and suitabil- who want it. I think regulators are a lot Sources say compliance is behind a lot ity. It is about digging deeper and looking more on the ball when it comes to credit of the new risk roles and Europe’s sover- not only at the counterparties more but eign debt crisis is definitely accelerating also the motivation behind each trade,” the regulatory effects on banks’ organi- explains Loomis. sation structures and risk management Viral Acharya, a professor of finance practices. “The risk manager’s statue at New York University’s Stern School of might be increasing a bit more now. Risk Business, says this is why some over- “This is where the importance of capital adequacy comes in because if there is not sufficient capital to absorb losses then people outside of the financial sector become affected” Viral Acharya, New York University Stern School of Business 14 SCI August 2010
  • 17. Structured Credit trading and risk management, but I would not say they are providing a guiding light for big international banks. These “Valuation is definitely what links institutions know what they need to do,” he asserts. trading and risk management. When it comes to the credit side, It is clear that banks continue to invest heavily in the credit risk management area, partly due to Basel III. But some sources say that if these regulations push more transactions onto exchanges, some pricing and risk management are of the credit risk management functions could become extinct. “A lot of the coun- instrumental in getting any deal terparty risks will be mitigated by central clearing and standardised CDS contracts will have daily margining like futures off the ground right now” contracts,” Kelly notes. Even so, sources do not expect central clearing will actually replace risk man- agement roles. “Central clearing is one the International Swaps and Derivatives written by Anton Valukas, an examiner of the main focuses of change right now Association introduced last year are help- who was hired by a US court to probe but I don’t believe it will diffuse coun- ing to improve transparency in the OTC Lehman Brothers’ failure, also explained terparty risk management and I don’t market. “The modelling for bespoke deals how the bank’s product control team was believe it will cover every type of CDS. is long and complicated. That is part of too small to be an effective independent Banks have been trying to price counter- the reason why that market remains so check on business desks. party risk for years. It is a dark science. illiquid.” Inadequate product control has been In other words it is not just about the pure Sources say that although the market cited in the financial markets many times credit worthiness of your counterparty. for bespoke credit deals (cash and syn- since the crisis. The UK’s Financial Serv- It is also about your risk profile and the thetic) is very thin, interest has not totally ices Authority (FSA) has taken action exposures you have to that counterparty,” disappeared. “The secondary credit against a number of institutions over says Loomis. market is extremely fragmented and the the past couple of years. In its write-up Di Giambattista adds that central lack of price transparency is what is keep- against one American investment bank clearing for OTC derivatives would ing investors from participating or acting last year the FSA said: “Whilst junior not reduce the effectiveness of a CVA. regularly. The basis risk is so volatile that global product control staff understood Sources believe there will always be you cannot really use CDS the way they that their role was to ensure P&L was demand for bi-lateral contracts whether are meant to in the fixed income world,” fully attributed, reconciled and explained they are plain vanilla or the complex and the French dealer says. in accordance with the firm’s systems, esoteric type. He also says corporates “Valuation is definitely what links senior product controllers expected that will continue to use the OTC market for trading and risk management. When it juniors would undertake analysis of customised hedges. “There will always be comes to the credit side, pricing and risk P&L and whether it was consistent with a need to mitigate counterparty risk when management are instrumental in getting changes in risk and market movement. In you are dealing with different counterpar- any deal off the ground right now,” the particular there was a lack of understand- ties around the world. Most CDS trades European credit strategist adds. ing among junior controllers of volatility are still executed bilaterally anyway,” he as a driver for the P&L.” says. Lessons learned? Last year, McKinsey & Company Greater standardisation will no doubt This close relationship with new issuance also addressed this issue in a paper titled help make pricing more transparent and is driving greater reflection on lessons ‘Turning Risk Management into a True bid-offer spreads tighter. Loomis adds: from the past and there is no shortage of Competitive Advantage: Lessons from “Valuation has always been a job for information being published to examine. the Recent Crisis’. It states: “In some traders and I do not expect that to change. For example, a new report explains that cases, revenue producers are clearly in What will continue to change is the Lehman Brothers’ use of ‘inconsistent charge and tend not to involve the risk information that goes into models. People, and highly subjective’ valuation methods management function in their decisions. mainly buy-side players, thought they did was what brought the bank down. In best-in-class organisations, the risk not need to understand the model because Released in March, the report said that management function is seen as a key the credit rating was all that mattered. while there is always some subjectivity enabler of profitable growth. Problems That got a lot of them into trouble during in assigning prices to complex securities, can arise when the risk function is the crisis.” Lehman Brothers’ used differing valua- viewed by quickly evolving businesses as Loomis says open source initiatives tion methods for trading desks that were a cop or a goalie trying to catch the bad such as the standardised pricing model that even of the same asset class. The report, shots.” 15
  • 18. ILS Insurance-linked securities are typically thought of as a specialist asset class. However, as Jillian Ambrose explains, catastrophe bonds are generating increasing interest from non-insurance investors, which in turn could be met by increased new issuance volumes Greater A s the 2009 global market rally falters to a limp in Those involved in the space are quick to point out that while 2010 due to the European sovereign debt situation, other fixed income asset classes buckled under credit pressures, catastrophe bonds are enjoying a new-found popu- ILS remained largely uncorrelated, with the exception of those larity. While it is unlikely that insurance-linked bonds affected by the Lehman bankruptcy. “Cat bonds have securities (ILS) will become as mainstream as posted strong performance throughout the crisis,” points out other structured finance asset classes, investors are increasingly Christophe Fritsch, head of ILS at AXA Investment Managers. interested in adding diversification to their portfolios and those “Investors have real positive elements from which they can judge in the ILS space are eager to encourage this, which should also the main reasons they should be investing in cat bonds: such as encourage great volumes of new issuance. their low correlation and their resilience in the midst of strong In a post financial-crisis context, investing in ILS seems to financial tensions on the markets.” be an increasingly appealing prospect for investors. Speaking As a result, adding ILS instruments to an investment portfo- at the 2nd Insurance Linked Securities Summit held in London lio is emerging as a promising new diversification play. “When at the end of April, ceo of Hanover Re, Ulrich Wallin painted a people look back on the financial crisis this is the one area of bright picture for the future of the ILS industry. In particular he the fixed income market that still had liquidity because it’s truly explained that while the Lehman bankruptcy led to a total return diversified,” explains md and head of ILS distribution for Swiss swap default on four cat bonds, this consequence was an indirect Re, Judy Klugman. “Our investors still had cash and we were one. Structural problems within the market have since been trading bonds. The basic tenants of this sector were really vali- addressed, according to Wallin. dated during the crisis and as a result, investors value the diver- 16 SCI August 2010
  • 19. ILS expectations sification that these assets have to offer. one-year agreement. As a result, sponsors Although further developments need to be are increasingly interested in exploring made within the space, those within the the benefits of ILS. sector are now calling for a greater inves- However, despite many ILS market tor involvement in the market in order to participants bordering on the evangelical bring ILS into the mainstream. in their calls for greater investment in the Historically an insurer would seek sector, the vast majority of investors have to transfer risk through a reinsurance remained indifferent until now. “So far, agreement in order to remain solvent in there have not been that many institu- the event of a large-scale natural catas- tional investors that have taken the cat trophe. Although ILS does not seek to bond leap,” confirms Fritsch. replace reinsurance, it is being touted as But Henning Ludolphs, director of a complement to the traditional reinsur- Hanover Re’s ILS unit, adds that he is ance sector. From the point of view of the currently seeing an increase in interest sponsors, ILS offers the added benefit of from institutional investors. “We believe a multi-year transaction with exposure to that there are a lot of investors, pension the capacity of the capital markets, while funds for example, who are starting to reinsurance transactions are typically a look at allocating a small portion of their Judy Klugman, Swiss Re 17
  • 20. ILS problem may have to do with the overall going to hit Los Angeles in the next two perception of the market. years. Using hundreds of years of science, “It needs to be more widely looked at independent firms assess the risk for as a mainstream asset class, rather than an investors,” she explains. ‘esoteric asset class’ which scares some Klugman adds that the models used investors off,” says Klugman. “Really are not created specifically for the ILS it should be part of everyone’s diversi- markets, but are developed within the fication strategy. The sector needs to be scientific community and used by third- demystified.” party firms in analysing securitisations. Any enthusiasm that non-insurance This, she says, adds a degree of subjectiv- specialist investors have for ILS can be ity to the process. “When I look at credit dampened by confusion regarding the and what can go wrong in terms of fraud underlying data, market processes and the and misunderstanding, I think there are structures of the cat bonds themselves. more variables in credit than there is in Participants in the space simultaneously analysing the risk in a catastrophe bond.” argue that the market is not as complex as it may initially appear and point to recent Increasing transparency developments and innovations within In order to attract a wider investment base the market as evidence of its increasing into the market, greater calls have come Christophe Fritsch, AXA accessibility. for increased transparency in the market. Investment Managers Concerns regarding the performance “Transparency and liquidity is good for indicators used are perhaps justifiable any market, and cat bonds are no excep- funds to ILS,” he says. “A small portion for investors unfamiliar with the market, tion,” says Fritsch. of a large fund would be a huge amount of especially in light of the persistent con- Ludolphs believes that various steps money coming into the ILS market.” troversy and distrust surrounding rating could be taken to make the market more Fritsch predicts that as new investors agencies in the broader credit markets. transparent and easily understood by new enter the space, development within the Those involved in ILS insist that the mod- investors to the space. “The market needs market will increase. “As large inves- els used in analysing the securitisations to be open with underlying exposure data tors such as pension funds and insurance offer investors a non-subjective means of and underlying investment data,” he says. companies start investing more heavily understanding the underlying risks. Further, Ludolphs suggests that under- in this sector, a new market dynamic will Rupert Flatscher, head of Munich Re’s lying data could be posted on websites in be created,” he says. “This obviously goes risk trading unit, says: “New investors the same way as regulation now requires hand in hand with a larger number of need to understand that ILS are based on mainstream structured finance deals to sponsors as well as an increased diversifi- models which are used in the insurance do. “We need to share information and cation of perils.” industry sometimes for decades. It is not make underlying information transpar- only investors relying on such models but ent,” he stresses. Mainstream option? also a far bigger industry.” Ludolphs also advocates the greater However, ILS is still far from being Furthermore, Klugman argues that use of indices and parameters which accepted as a mainstream investment assessing risks in ILS may be more reli- option and current participants believe able than methods used in other credit that it’s vital to make the necessary markets. “We don’t expect an investor to changes to the market in order to develop be able to analyse what the probability ILS beyond a niche market. Part of the is that a magnitude seven earthquake is “When I look at credit and what can go wrong in terms of fraud and misunderstanding, I think there are more variables in credit than there is in analysing the risk in a catastrophe bond” Rupert Flatscher, Munich Re 18 SCI August 2010
  • 21. ILS will naturally lead to greater transpar- Chart 1 ency within the market. “For example, if Catastrophe bond issuance year-by-year to 1 June 2010 investors know that a bond is triggered by an earthquake with a magnitude of 8 or 7,000 higher then immediately an investor can read in a newspaper whether they have 6,000 lost money or not,” he explains. Ultimately, he believes that transparency 5,000 will remove much of the complexity which Issuance volume ($M) deters investors in the first place. “We need 4,000 to make the structures easy to understand. The more complex it becomes the more 3,000 expert knowledge one needs to have.” However, Fritsch adds that investors are not satisfied by an explanation of 2,000 the underlying perils alone and sug- gests a need for the structures of the cat 1,000 bonds themselves to be more transpar- ent. “Transparent, easy-to-understand 0 structures are needed,” he says. “For a 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 market to grow, it needs transparency, and Year it can currently be very difficult to get Source: 2009/10 - STORM; 2000-2008 - GC Securities information on transactions. Investment opportunities can sometimes be jeop- ardised because of that; you don’t want to invest in a transaction you don’t fully She notes though that the structures these innovations offer both a solution understand.” need to appeal to both investors and spon- and a potential drawback for the investor. sors in order to result in development for She suggests that money could be put into Significant challenges the market as a whole. Whereas indem- treasury money market accounts, but adds Although most ILS participants agree nity structures are more opaque from an that in this way investors would lose the unanimously with the idea that greater investor viewpoint they offer the safest Libor-based rate. transparency in structures is required, option for sponsors. “In today’s environment to get a and should be developed in a standardised Moving forward a fine line will need Libor-return implies that you actually format to maintain as much simplicity as to be walked in order to appease both have to take some measure of credit risk possible, the implementation of these ide- camps. Klugman says: “If an issuer does a with your assets,” Klugman says. “So als is not without significant challenges. transaction based on anything other than that’s what we’re grappling with moving Currently investors are faced with nego- their actual losses then that means that forward: how much credit risk are inves- tiating a multitude of potential cat bond they’re taking a measure of basis risk. tors prepared to take on to get a Libor- trigger mechanisms which could result We need structures that meet the widest based rate, or are they fine taking very in the investor losing money. Parametric appetite for investors and sponsors.” little credit risk and having a treasury measurements – such as the physical Furthermore, Klugman explains that money market return?” While Klugman measurement of wind speeds or an earth- steps have been taken to minimise the acknowledges that this is not a major quake – can be used, as can industry loss potential risk for investors, but that again hurdle for the industry as a whole, it is an triggers based on the insurance company losses across the industry. While these triggers are relatively simple processes for an investor to gauge, indemnity triggers also exist whereby the “Transparent, easy-to- trigger is based on the losses incurred by the original sponsor. This can raise the understand structures are kind of questions which act as a deter- rent to prospective investors, but which is needed. For a market to grow, it favoured by the sponsors themselves. “We do believe that indemnity struc- tures have a place in the market,” says needs transparency, and it can Klugman. “But for this market to really grow we believe that one shouldn’t feel currently be very difficult to get that they need to be an underwriting cat expert in order to analyse the bond.” information on transactions” 19