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Learning Event
                               Tiina Sarisalmi
                              November 2012

               Team Work Results

1. The Future Classroom and Learning Environments
2. Learning and the Learner in 2020
3. Teacher’s Profession in 2020
eTwinning Learning Event   Future School - School in 2020   Tiina Sarisalmi


Introduction to the team work ………………………………………………………………………………………            2

Team A        …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                  5

Team B        …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                 15

Team C        …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                 23

Team D        …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                 29

Team E        …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                 34

Team F        …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                 39

Team G        …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                 48

Team H        …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                 57

Team J        …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                 62

Team K        …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                 71

Team L        …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                 79

Team M        …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………                 84

eTwinning Learning Event          Future School - School in 2020               Tiina Sarisalmi


1. The Future Classroom and Learning Environments
In this topic, we're discussing new technologies and equipment. What kind of technologies
will we use in the 2020 classroom? What do the classrooms look like? Are there desks any
more? Are there separate classrooms or classes any more? How will all the changes
 affect learning?

Recent trends in learning technology:

 •     cloud services
 •     mobile technology
 •     specialization
 •     visualization
 •     interactivity
 •     socializing (social networks)

Recent trends in learning environments:

 •     independent of place and time
 •     learning communities
 •     intertwining and integration of formal and informal learning
 •     from closed, private environments to open environments and networks
 •     from physical space to virtual space
 •     out from the school building to the outside world both in reality and virtually

How do these trends affect learning? Which of them will survive? Can you see new
trends in technology emerging?

What kind of standing would you take for BYOD - bring your own device - at school?

2. Learning and the learner in 2020
In this topic, we think about and discuss the future school from the viewpoint of the learner
and learning. We can discern three scenarios which will probably overlap to some degree
and be dominant at different age levels.

Three scenarios of learning from the learners' point of view:

     1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based-learning (the curriculum is
        based on skills so that the students can choose what and how they
        learn according to their strengths and interests, joining and leaving groups,
        studying at home or at school with a teacher as a tutor and a guide)
     2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning
        methods (this resembles a lot the student-centered flipped classroom model in

eTwinning Learning Event        Future School - School in 2020             Tiina Sarisalmi

          which students study alone at home and most of the work at school is in
          collaborative teams and networks)
     3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools (this
        resembles most the current system in which the subject content is defined in the
        curriculum and modern effective tools and digitalized learning materials are used
        under teachers' control)

List of trends and hot topics in learning

 •     independent learners and individual learning paths
 •     differentiation
 •     student-centered learning methods and collaborative
       learning (project, inquiry or problem based)
 •     peer assessment and continuous assessment
 •     developing learning materials: digital, visual,
       interactive, videos
 •     games based learning
 •     flipped classroom

Key skills and competences in 2020

What are they and where and how they are best learned?

3. Teachers' profession in 2020
 •     What's teacher’s role in the future classroom?
 •     In addition to those needed today, what new skills and
       competences will be required from a teacher?
 •     How will teaching environment be different?
 •     How will teachers' continuous professional development
       be arranged?

Trends in teaching:

 •     from teaching alone to teaching together (co-teaching)
 •     from teaching each subject separately to holistic teaching in teams
 •     teachers as guides and facilitators
 •     from teacher's individual autonomy to collective autonomy
 •     from teacher-centered to learner-centered
 •     from classrooms to virtual environments
 •     from hierarchies to networks

Five Scenarios: Teachers’ profession in 2025

Scenario 1 - European Education Network

eTwinning Learning Event        Future School - School in 2020   Tiina Sarisalmi

Scenario 2 - MyNetwork

Scenario 3 - Intelligent Agents

Scenario 4 - Diversified Teaching Careers

Scenario 5 - Offline Networking

eTwinning Learning Event                  Future School - School in 2020                      Tiina Sarisalmi

                                                      TEAM A

              Name                                   Country                           Students’ age
Fernanda Cristina Gonçalves           Portugal                                 3 - 6 years old
Maria da Luz Borges                   Portugal                                 3-6 years old
Miriam Schembri                       Malta                                    3-5 years old
Dana Avram                            Romania                                  3-6/7 years old
Susanna Serpe                         Italy                                    6 - 10 years old
Alina Dezso                           Romania                                  2 - 6 years old
Ana Patrícia Ferreira                 Portugal                                 6-10 years old
Gazdac Vasilica                       Romania                                  3-6 years old
Reneta Raicheva                       Bulgaria                                 7 - 11 years old

                                                      PART 1


eTwinning Learning Event         Future School - School in 2020                 Tiina Sarisalmi

     New Technologies           How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?

Mobile learning                The children are digital natives so they use always Mobile
                               phones, so the teachers could make some work using them
                               in a pedagogical way, inside classes not for fun but for
                               Firstly, the new technologies are very handy, offer accurate
                               information in time, when you need it. Secondly, they are
                               attractive - this determines the children to manipulate them
                               so much.
                               It’s a very immediate solution in case a doubt arises,
                               children can access the Internet or contact the teachers
                               when they need to.
elearning platform             All schools in my country have been supplied with an
                               elearning platform. This will definitely have its place in our
                               system as a lot of money has been invested.
                               The benefits for my very young students is the link being
                               created between home and school. Children and parents
                               can see the learning taking place during school hours.
                               Young children can find it difficult to express their
                               experiences but the elearning platform will meet this need.
                               Learning does not take place only at school especially with
                               young children but also at home. Having this link will lead
                               to a continuation of this learning which will be in a full
                               The elearning platform is one of the most intelligent
                               inventions in our time. Active and interactive learning
                               environments which are able to involve participants in
                               collaborative learning, stimulate creativity, develop ICT
                               skills. During the learning process the children practice
                               their critical thinking, share opinions more easily, find out
                               new things, are stimulated in problem solving.- Alina D.
                               I believe that these platforms allow each student to work at
                               his/her own pace and according to his/her available time
                               and they also take the learning experience further when it
                               comes to being able to access it anywhere, not just in a
                               For me elearning platform is in the beginning but we have a
                               blog (me and my children) that is the connection to the
                               families and they could see the work we’ve done.
                               The elearning platform i think it will replace the first book of
                               reading and numeracy.
Interactive whiteboards        IWBs is a new technology which motivates the children.
                               They pave the way to digital literacy.
                               An interactive whiteboard sustain learning in various ways.
                               We’re really sorry, there are no interactive whiteboards in
                               Romanian schools yet.
                               The interactive whiteboard features capabilities that allow
                               significantly change the nature of information worked,
                               times, spaces and the dynamics of the classroom, that

eTwinning Learning Event         Future School - School in 2020                Tiina Sarisalmi

                               motivate students and help their learning and
                               development.In our Kindergarten classroom we use it a lot
                               and children (3,4 and 5 years old) are so found of it that they
                               use to call it “Our magic board”.
                               I’ve been working with them for three years now and they
                               are a true blessing!You save time and money when
                               preparing your classes, you profit from a more visual and
                               interactive experience that motivates your students and you
                               have all sort of possibilities for each theme you wish to
                               We are dreaming of the day in each class from Romania will
                               be a ineractive whiteboard!
Educational soft               I use educational software to enhance learning on various
                               topics. Children are attracted to computer games and so
                               while playing you can check acquired knowledge or learning
                               new things.
                               Yes, there is a large range of educational soft for each
                               preschool subject we teach. That part during the activity, in
                               which we use the soft, is the most attractive and active.
                               Children just love all the tasks, games, or the way
                               information is exposed. They appreciate the quick feedback
                               they usually receive and are in a great competition with
                               each other.- Alina D.
                               Is a very good help for the teacher and a very good way for
                               children for their learning and improving their skills.
                               I use it just as much as any other commercially created
                               resource and I don’t think that they are all perfect so it’s
                               important for us to adapt and create our own materials more
                               balanced with our students’ needs and skills. But still, I find
                               educational software a good help, specially if it’s not too
                               expensive anr complicated to use.
                               We use simple and interactive educational software special
                               for math and sciense and for foreign languages.
Computer in the classroom      Even if it sounds obsolete, in my area and in Italy as a
                               whole, there aren’t many classes with a pc in it. I believe
                               that if we don’t help children to find a few different uses of
                               the pc, this will be used at home mainly for the social
                               networks and for digital games. New technologies, in Rome
                               and in the south of Italy, still means getting the teachers to
                               be trained in the various uses of the personal computers.
                               This also means that the majority of the adults around our
                               children still considers the pc as a means of “distracting”
                               children from the real school work. This is a habit that has
                               to be dealt with before anything very good can happen with
                               the new technologies. I would start from the younger
                               teachers and from the old ones who are willing to go on
                               training course in order to renovate their ways of teaching.
                               I am one of the old ones: until twelve years ago I wasn’t
                               even able to switch on a pc. I can now work with it in an
                               interactive way. It is really a matter of goodwill and
                               As I said above, the new generations of children are born for

eTwinning Learning Event            Future School - School in 2020               Tiina Sarisalmi

                                  learning and working on the computer. The computers
                                  shouldn’t miss from the classrooms! They are the
                                  appropriate learning environments which offer everything
                                  the children need in one particular moment. - Alina D.
                                  It is our third arm, a very good ally in the class.
                                  We had an interesting experiment that costed a lot of money
                                  when the government decided to offer free computers to
                                  primary school students. Those were small computers, sort
                                  of netbooks, and the idea was great and I even managed to
                                  teach some very interesting classes when all students had a
                                  computer on his/her desk.They were able to work at
                                  different paces and do different tasks and it was very good.
                                  But as soon as the computers started to malfunction ar the
                                  students started to leave them at home because they
                                  wouldn’t want to carry them on the schoolbag the whole
                                  thing lost steam...So now I use my own computer along with
                                  the interactive board and children stand up and work in the
                                  interactove board on at a time. I don’t think that the
                                  computer will ever replace a teacher in the classroom.
                                  For me is a positive experience, they could use it for fun and
                                  for learning and for the smaller they start to use all the
                                  elements and connect with internet, is the first experience.
                                  Is the way to connect with the colleagues from etwinning
                                  and others colleagues from other kindergartens.
                                  Yes , I use computer in my class and in my activities with
                                  children, parents and for me because i think this fact is a
                                  new dimension of education.
Mind Maps                         Mindmapping is an innovative method created by Toni
                                  Buzan. It’s suitable for teachers and students in order to
                                  learn and teach different languages more effectively.
                                  Actually this is a new technology which can change
                                  language learning in future school. It’s suitable for young
                                  learners, too. Children are so glad when they study through
                                  mind maps. This is the way they learn more interesting and
                                  useful things.

                      What will schools and learning environments look like?

Large classrooms with lots of space and resources for children, interactive digital boards,
laptop computers or tablets to have different experiences and be in touch with other
colleagues from other countries all over the world, places outside with lots of materials to
play with safety. Have contact with children with different special needs and intercultural
diversity. Collaboration with parents in an interactive way.
In 2020 and beyond I really hope that the schools’ environment will eventually look like a
big factory where children and adults have a common aim: getting on well together while
learning from each other. I still very much believe in what Neill swrote on this subject about
thirty years ago: unless we share something very important with our children, their interest
will never be brightly expressed. This is one of the reasons why in so many school

eTwinning Learning Event            Future School - School in 2020                  Tiina Sarisalmi

environments children still look so bored and dependant on the teacher’s instructions.
I imagine large spaces, where buildings are concentrated in purposes: the eating area, the
reading area, the sporting area and so on. There is a great need of important human
relationships, which can’t really be pursued if not connected to a common plan, to
thoughtful action, to the doing of the everyday school.
The future schools will be well prepared referring to teachers and technology. There will be
a lot of learning labs (like this one) which will offer ways to discover and develop key
competences for each child, valuing every person and helping him/her to achieve the
wanted place in society, performing, at a high quality level, his role. A friendly space, with
things and activities made at the normal speed, not in a hurry. A place in which the
children will be always eager to return.- Alina D.
I do not know and I even cannot imagine. But one thing I am sure of different and I
sincerely hope that it will meet students’ interests and needs of students. it will be less
exposing and more involving.
I imagine schools with lots of open spaces and connected to the surrounding community.
Actually this year I just started working in a new type of school that politicians are
implementing n Portugal, these schools are very big, with lots of students but its their
location that determines the architectural structures and even contributes to the learning
environment and activities planning. My school is located near a big park with all sorts of
trees and flowers and birds and we can go there with our students whenever we like...Is
there a better way to teach them something than by letting them contact with nature and
touch and smell things? I think technology will play a great part in the future but so will
local communities and open air spaces.
I imagine kindergarten schools moving away from a primary school building. They will be
surrounded by a natural environment. Technology will be available to the children but it
will not take priority over other essential skills and natural material which young children
need to explore.
 I imagine a green school with many plants, many trees inside the hall and a green roof
covered by grass. This school no grey concrete wall but glass, special glass like
interactive tablets. The school is open to all kind of experiment and experience and school
is the bridge to social community.
We are there to guide children in this amazing world where human respect all around.
The school will be more different. Computers, innovative methods, new ICT tools,
interactive whiteboards...the future school will change everything. The new technologies
will help children to be more creative and creativity will be a main aim.

                                                PART 2

                   1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning

             pros and possibilities                                      cons
Concentration-ability to go deep into                getting into a sort of game-cage, finding out
reading-personal understanding and                   that there is a usual pattern to understand
reflection-using reading as a means to               once and for all, isolation from the social
achieve a personal goal                              contest, addiction to simplicity, addiction to
                                                     effort/reward/effort/reward pattern

eTwinning Learning Event          Future School - School in 2020                 Tiina Sarisalmi

Continuous challenge, open-ended games             Playing alone and lack of peer to peer
which lead to the development of thinking          learning
skills, motivated children, total engagement
and focus
                                                   Isn’t appropriate to young children because
                                                   they like to learn in group.
                                                   Game is the first interaction between
                                                   children and environment and society .The
                                                   game need actors without them we loses
                                                   value and purpose.
Game - based learning is too important for
young learners. It makes the learning
process interesting for children, especially
when they study languages. Word games,
chants, crosswords and puzzles can make
language learning more successful.
Own learning pace and more according to            Classroom management would be harder for
individual skills and interests                    the teachers
Broader variety of strategies and materials        Social skills wouldn’t be under the limelight
used in the classroom                              as they should

   2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods

                        pros                                           cons
understanding better one’s own abilities,          putting aside or forgetting about one’s own
understanding the importance of                    weak points, losing the general, global
collaboration and sharing of ideas, learning       perspective, meeting with tasks that are too
to organize one’s own activity with the            difficult or too easy, possibly not getting
others’ help, building self-satisfaction,          enough expert advise,
building self-confidence and trust in the
Learning is meaningful and child centred.          Implementing a project which interests the
Through discovery children will have               whole class can be a problem.
ownership over their learning. Through
roblem solving children will start thinking.
Peer to peer learning.
                                                   Isn’t appropriate to young children because
                                                   they don’t study at home, they work
                                                   together and they have the orientation of the
                                                   oldest ones.
The children understanding all knowledge           People need to go at different speeds.
better if is placed in a problem situation.        Someone may try to take over the group.
Children will use intelligent.                     Quiet people may not feel comfortable.
                                                   Sometimes people just don't get along.
                                                   People may not pull their weight.
                                                   It is not fair!

eTwinning Learning Event           Future School - School in 2020                 Tiina Sarisalmi

                                                    A concept may not be understood as well if
                                                    a person doesn't have to figure it out.
                                                    The time spent talking about irrelevant
                                                    topics is unbelievable
Children learn more effectively when they
try to solve the problems through
discussions, creative communication and
You can usually get a lot more done in a
shorter amount of time.
Each member of the group has something
unique that he/she can contribute.
I am able to learn more, and truly
understand things better.
If I am clueless on something a partner may
be an expert on it.
Students can relate to one another more
easily than to a teacher .
It makes the assignment or project more
I really like working in groups, especially in
Asking children to rationalize and use their        Hard for young children to verbalize and
intelligence and personal experience from           organize their thoughts
an early stage in their lives                       Different personalities might originate
                                                    conflicts and the shy students wouldn’t be
                                                    as heard and taken into consideration as the

         3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools

                        pros                                            cons
getting to a very high level of ability in          losing the overall sense of the activity,
certain tasks, deep knowledge on some               losing the various connections between the
issues, enjoying the opportunity to divide          different issues, concentrating on one’s own
tasks in undertasks of minor difficulty in an       specific job without even having a hint of
up going scale, great mastery of some               what the others are thinking or doing next to
specific tools                                      you, conceiving a feeling of uselessness for
                                                    not having made decisions on the task to be
                                                    dealt with
More appropriated for young children
because they could count with the adult,
help when they need.
Small children need models well- defined
and well- established some categories of
Of course, I agree with this statement.

eTwinning Learning Event           Future School - School in 2020               Tiina Sarisalmi

Language learning will become more
successful when children keep strong rules
and the curriculum content is based on new
technologies and methods.
 Learners are exposed to a considerable
amount of language through stimulating
content. Learners explore interesting
content & are engaged in appropriate
language-dependant activities. Learning
language becomes automatic.
 Complex information is delivered through
real life context for the students to grasp
well & leads to intrinsic motivation.
 Greater flexibility & adaptability in the
curriculum can be deployed as per the
students interest.
More efficient and motivating learning              Harder to integrate everyone’s pace and
process                                             skills
Language learning gains a new range of              The adult, the teacher, would assume a
interest and becomes a more natural                 determinant position if the students
process                                             wouldn’t be as autonomous as one might
                                                    want them to be.

                           Important Skills and Competences in 2020
Collaboration, thinking, reflection, participation, creativity.

Critical thinking, creativity, innovation, communication, digital literacy, social skills

Communication,involvement, volunteer, digital competences,creativity.

The ability to look ahead of times, in a shared way together with a real ability to
listen to the children.

Creativity, multiple intelligences, ICT skills, collaborative learning, social networks

Multiple interests, ICT skills, interpersonal skills, pro activity, autonomy

                      Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences
1. Thinking
2. Creativity
3. Communication
4. Collaboration
5. ICT skills

                                               PART 3

eTwinning Learning Event               Future School - School in 2020                        Tiina Sarisalmi

                               Scenario 1 - European Education Network

                        pros                                                   cons
- Official languages
- Safety and security
- Share and access high quality resources
for free
- Connection with others
- Participation of the parents

   ●   the readiness of a lot of educational                 1    the possible ill functionment of the
       support material;                                          whole system (depending on the
   ●   the feeling of being part of something                     different national characterisics,
       very well organized;                                       such as loss of documents, bribery
   ●   the opportunity to link to many other                      and so forth);
       similar social and educational                        2    the possible use of the networks for
       settings;                                                  control on the part of the parents, of
   ●   the possible positive outcome of a                         the heads of education rather than
       well recorded teacher’s career ;                           for sharing and growing of
   ●   the inter-connection between the                           consciences;
       different actors in the educational                   3    the possible lowering of the
       process: students, teacher, families,                      importance of the vis a vis human
       society;                                                   relationships with the consequent
   ●   the students’ eagerness in the                             growth in alienation and negative
       leading and the controlling their own                      social behaviour;
       study career;                                         4    the possible constant divide between
   ●                                                              very technological countries and
                                                                  specific school and other countries
                                                                  or specific areas with just a little
At the moment there are various changes                      ●    teachers and students can become a
taking place in early childhood education all                     statistical number.
over Europe.                                                 ●    the pressure to invest in technology
    ● Networking will lead to the sharing of                      and the money needed.
       ideas and different teaching
       approaches being implemented. The
       best approaches will be adapted to
       the different cultures.
    ● The different curricula will be
    ● Teachers will ask themselves for the
       kind of training they need to enhance
       their professional development.
    ● Being part of a European community
       where teachers feel motivated and
   ●   integrated activity                                   ●    limited financial resourced.
   ●   implication of local community and                    ●
   ●   projects focused on children’s needs

eTwinning Learning Event          Future School - School in 2020                Tiina Sarisalmi

It will be a community of teachers, pupils
and parents. They will be motivated to work
together and successfully.


Probably will come true:                           Hope will come true:
I suppose that the creation of the CAREER          The move to quality education will be
RECOGNITION SYSTEM together with the               uniform over Europe following the best
Personal Teaching Record will be the first         examples.
steps the various Education Ministries will
manage to achieve. In my opinion this could
be a positive start, as long as it doesn’t         Education in Europe will become more
stand out as the only action taken.
                                                   cooperative and interactive among students
Professional training will be ongoing with         and teachers from all the countries
training provided by experts from the
different countries.                               Equal learning and teaching opportunities
                                                   for all
For me in first scenario the part will most
probably come true is look for jobs, search
and apply for training and be active in
suggesting changes in the curricula.
And the part I hope will come true is the
career recognition.

Career recognition system will come
true.Something similar has been tried in
Portugal but people were accused of making
it too easy for workers to validate their
competences and achieve academic goals.
     A possible scenario would consist of
theoretical and practical training of teachers
 by European specialist, implementing pilot
      projects for a period that will follow
          weaknesses and strengths.

Perhaps teachers will be creative persons
  like scientists who will inspire pupils to
study hard, and parents to help them. They
will be creators of ideas, programmes, new
     technologies, not only performers.

eTwinning Learning Event       Future School - School in 2020                     Tiina Sarisalmi

                                        TEAM B

              Name                        Country                        Students’ age
Paraskevas Pinelis           Greece                               9-12 years old
Cornelia Melcu               Romania                              10 yrs old
Ivana Križanac               Croatia                              6-10 years old
Tanc Mirela                  Romania                              10-14 years old
Evangelia Kalogirou          Greece                               9-12 yrs old
Fabrizio Ferrari             Italy                                8-9 years old
Melita Mesarić               Croatia                              10-14 years old
Corina Mitrulescu            Romania                              9-14 years old

                                         PART 1

eTwinning Learning Event       Future School - School in 2020               Tiina Sarisalmi

     New Technologies         How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?

-digital assistant           -sending information to their students. This would require    that each student in the class have their own PDA and the
view.asp?id=41222            information would be sent by an infrared beam from the
                             teacher’s PDA. This way at the end of the year instead of
                             throwing away millions of papers you need only to wipe the
                             hardrive clean. It would also help to cut down costs for
                             copies and paper for copiers, thus giving schools more
                             room in their budget. Yet another advantage of having a
                             paperless classroom is the reduction in time spent at the
                             copy machine.
-knowledge webs              -knowledge webs are ways of communicating information    using “conferences that provide an instant network of
view.asp?id=41222            contacts with useful skills, a personal brain trust scattered
                             geographically” An example could be visiting a ZOO that
                             the students could explore and learn about without actually
                             having to go anywhere.
-virtual communities         -By using virtual communities we “satisfy these needs at    any time, in any place” (Dede.) Some believe that virtual
view.asp?id=41222            communities can help” bring about close cooperation and
                             shared responsibility” (Dede) between parents, students
                             and teachers.
- personal teachers pod      - easy way to make your teaching available without limits of
casts                        space and time
- smartphone                 - make the most of it for learning,
Online collaborative         How they can be integrated in learning?
platforms                    They can be the medium for projects involving students of
                             the same school, of the same country or of different
                             countries! Thus, students will be motivated because they
                             will have learning and project progress on their hands and
                             will be working in real time situations. Furthermore, they will
                             enhance their collaborative skills and acquire knowledge on
                             each topic that will be chosen.

Smartphones (internet        How they can be integrated in learning?
capable phones)              I believe that in the future much software will be developed
                             for the use of such devices in learning. For example
                             smartphones could be used as quiz tools that wil be
                             working in real time.The teacher will ask a multiple question
                             on his PC and they will answer through their smartphones.
                             Such processes will provide easy and quick feedback for
                             the teacher. Also students will feel more relaxed as
                             smartphones are part of their everyday life.

eTwinning Learning Event            Future School - School in 2020               Tiina Sarisalmi

Cloud Technology                   How it can be integrated in learning?
                                   As a facilitator in sharing, exchanging and editing archives.
                                   Students will easily communicate with their teacher or with
                                   each other, when for example they have a project to work
                                   on. Cloud technology saves money (photocopies) and time.
 Collaborative, community-         Classroom/Laboratory with many and diverse digital
 based online tools AND            equipment: place to make experience and then share it, rate
 tools for making world            it, comment it, think about it.
 experience with sense             Learn and share, share and learn.
flipped classroom                 the flipped classroom model encompasses any use of Internet
                                  technology to leverage the learning in the classroom so that
                                  the teacher spend more time interacting with students instead
                                  of lecturing.This is common being done using teaching
                                  created videos that students view outside the classroom.
Tablets                            the technology would benefit student learning
Games                              we can make games as we want and we see answers of our                     students. It’s interesting and usefull in the same time
Netbooks and laptops               They feature tools like a camera, writing stylus and audio
                                   recording capabilities help to encourage a multimodal
                                   approach to learning.
                                  Rethinking mental health
                                  Mental health is how we think, feel and behave as we face the
                                  daily ups and downs of our lives.
                                  Mental health problems such as depression are the leading
                                  cause of disability for young people worldwide.
                                  Prevention, early detection and treatment are key issues. But
                                  stigma continues to surround mental health and it is often
                                  difficult for people to get the help they need

                       What will schools and learning environments look like?

Learning will be more active and connected to real life, technologies will be an integral part
of learning and life and teachers will become lifelong learners themselves. All the learning
objectives and competences are already needed now, not only in 2020.
Conclusion: we should adapt school to the learners and first step is to adapt ourselves..
School will be open places where students could have real experience and can discuss
about it with teachers and online communities. Every students will have real and virtual
world in the same time and teachers have to drive students experience and use of
technology for best and useful learning. What is the best learning: the learning that can be
break down and then reassemble in a new way many and many times.
The whole learning experience will be based upon new learning interfaces and novel
enabling communication technologies.
Using new technology students will learn the things needed for everyday life. Learning will
be more active because students like to explore things using new technology

eTwinning Learning Event             Future School - School in 2020                    Tiina Sarisalmi

Technology opens up opportunities for kids to really take ownership of their own
educations and to be a part of the process.
Games, videos and virtual experiments will help you discover the different advances that
biotechnologies have brought us, and the techniques that are being used in current health
research, from stem cells and the use of plants to farm drugs. Get informed and have your
say about the ethical, legal and social implications that surround biotechnology!

                                               PART 2

                    1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning

                         pros                                               cons
-We have personalised learning which                   -Lack of collaboration
allows learners to follow their rhythm in              -Competition could bring negative emotions
studying, be actively engaged in their                 and feelings
learning process by making choices on the
way they want to learn.
-Creative, positive learning environment(e.g.
-Interactive learning experience.
-We foster initiative taking.
-Imagination and passion for learning can
really find space here!!
- we have to prepare our students to be able           - lack of good resources
to make a choice and how to find the best              - game-based learning is often just learning
way for learning                                       without fun
                                                       - children need to have different learning
                                                       experience before making choices
- It also allows students to learn at their own        - It reduces the social interaction between
pace, which can help keep them interested              children and their peers.
and excited about the material.
- developing creativity in students                    - because of the great intellectual abilities of
- creative, interesting learning                       children there will be a wide variation in the
- interaktive learning, developing                     use of technology and some maybe will lose
cooperation                                            confidence and willingness for further work

   2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods

                         pros                                               cons
-collaboration creates a learning                      - spending a lot of time to find the best
environment safe and friendly for the                  resources and methods for implementing
students. Even the weaker ones can                     the project
contribute and feel part of the process.
-Students are motivated as they deal with

eTwinning Learning Event              Future School - School in 2020                      Tiina Sarisalmi

problems ,projects,inquiries that are
meaningful and connected to real life or
topics of interest for them.

- students love this                                     - sometimes gives up easily when they have
                                                         to deal with some difficulties
- students learn how to work in groups and               - shy students tend to leave the more
how to interact with others in order to solve            extrovert ones to be in charge of everything;
a task;
- students love to work that way                         - it’s difficult for me sometimes because I
- students develop friendships and learn                 have childrens with special offers in my
how to help those who need help which                    classes and I spend lots of time to find
make the pride                                           methods and resourses for them

           3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools

                          pros                                                 cons
-Digitalised material is captivating the                 -There is little room for creativity,initiative
learners’ attention.                                     and imagination.
-The learning process is facilitated for the
teacher and learner as well.

- Using web 2.o tools could motivate                     - Creativity is poor reflected and the
students because they are spectacular and                students do not explore...they just take a
could bring fun in the classes                           given content
- for teacher easiest way but not creative               - for students and creative teacher very
- Developing autonomy, awareness                         - isolation and health problems (many hours
                                                         in front of the computer)
- it is easier for the teacher to manage the             - it can become boring at some points;
whole educational process;
- that way of learning is easiest for teacher,           - it’s boring for students
it’s not creative and it hasn’t got big effect           - students can’t show their creativity and
on students                                              they can’t explore
                                                         - students are with automatism writhing
                                                         down without thinking to content

                              Important Skills and Competences in 2020
We will have to adapt our way of teaching to the students' needs. We will teach young
people to value self-directed learning,will teach them how to learn on their own terms, and
how to create an individual time schedule. We will combine face time with learning
online.Teachers will be guides in the student's learning journey, will coach and moderate
their learning. They will motivate, give options and lead students' learning in directions that
are most beneficial for their development.
The highly integrated use of technologies in our future's life requires that teachers have a
high level of digital competence. They need to be able to design and prepare ICT-based

eTwinning Learning Event           Future School - School in 2020                Tiina Sarisalmi

    learning objects and models.Teacher training should be a lifelong learning task and
    supported by school organisations. Teachers need to enhance their knowledge of students’
    learning needs and also develop their teaching methods through networking, observing
    and peer learning from other teachers.

    Future learning will require learners to improve their transversely skills, like the ability to
    think laterally, creativity and adaptability. Also learning to learn and initiative taking will
    make them self aware of the learning process and enhance it.

    Students can independently explore, discover, and make learning more exciting for

    First we must teach our students how to learn and explore them self because today with
    that curriculum that we have most of things we give them. They must be able to use ICT -
    this is future of learning. Teachers also need to develop their teaching methods and
    cooperating with teachers from other countries. Schools should support a lifelong training
    for teachers and then teachers would be able to make learning process more interesting
    and creative for students.

                            The Most Important Key Skills and Competences
   ability to design and prepare ICT-based learning objects and models
    learning to learn, critical and creative thinking, collaborating and networking and knowledge
   search, processing and construction
   initiative taking,imagination,innovation.
   reasoning, cultural awareness
   negotiating through learning, flexibility, discussion, cooperative learning;
   creativity, learning how to learn, cooperative learning
   Flexibility and adaptability(Adapting to varied roles and responsibilities)
   Initiative and autonomy
   Productivity and accountability

                            Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences
    1. learning to learn
    2.collaborating and networking and knowledge search
    3. critical and creative thinking
    4. initiative taking,imagination (2),innovation(2).
    5.processing and construction
    6. cooperative learning, creative thinking

                                                 PART 3
                                                 phase 1

                                    Scenario 2 - MyNetwork

                        pros                                               cons
teacher will create multiple profiles through      the problem is how to share some strong

eTwinning Learning Event           Future School - School in 2020                   Tiina Sarisalmi

a single log on                                    emotions using only this My Network. You
                                                   cannot touch the other....
teacher will be able to link to different          - the problem is the teacher’s skills- the
applications without loosing so much time.         teachers should be trained how to use
                                                   different applications
there will be a secure environment that will       - costs
be compliant with the school;s policy
teachers will be able to connect with the          - teachers should be trained in using foreign
teachers outside the Europe and share              languages
teachers will be able to observe how active        - the problem is the face-to-face contact
the student would be                               is...missing
-A personalised approach to networks will          - linear way of working- Internet and
highly facilitate the teacher in order to          computer resources only
organise, choose, check and make the most
of his resources .
-Also the teacher can have access to the           -The lack of face to face contact may result
students’ work quickly and give feedback           in negative emotions from the part of the
quickly as well.                                   weaker students.
-The teacher will spend very little time -Less authority from the teacher;
designing lessons and more time assisting - Personalised learning might be confused
students in meeting their own learning with individualised learning;


Phase 1: I                                         - We should pay attention to the human
This scenario could be possible in the future      relation: if we are implementing this
if the educational politics would be adapted       scenario there it will be lack of face to face
too to the 21st Century needs and the
                                                   relationship and communication :
economy would be capable to sustain all the
costs (human resources and material costs).        "I fear the day when the technology
                                                   overlaps with our humanity. The world will
My Network scenario, in my opinion, is only        only have a generation of idiots." Albert
a step away from becoming reality. All that        Einstein
is missing is that application that will enable
us to deal with our profiles and resources
more easily. I really hope it will come true as
I find no drawbacks in it. Teachers’ job will
be highly facilitated, more organised and

If we take into account this approach, what        While technology can be a great addition to
the teacher will do less of is - teach.            the classroom, it may also imply lots of
Teachers may not actually be physically            problems, such as: schools will have to hire
present in some classrooms, instead, taking        technology experts who have to deal with
on a virtual presence, particularly in places      the troubleshoot problems; costs of upkeep
difficult to reach.There will probably be less     and maintenance; the incompatibility of

eTwinning Learning Event           Future School - School in 2020                Tiina Sarisalmi

'front of the classroom' activities and more       some systems;
small group activities, problem based
learning and technology enhanced
processes. Finally, teachers will need to
work more in partnership with their
Phase 2:
                                                   Lack of face-to-face interaction - weI think
The European Education Network and The             we should keep the balance between
Offline Networking are those scenarios that
                                                   technology and traditional way of teaching.
seem to me quite possible to happen in the
future. I wish for it because I believe both of
them will involve teachers in collaborative        Without a doubt, the traditional school and
tasks.Therefore exchange of opinions,              teaching methods will change, and we need
sharing of ideas and successful                    to wait and see what these changes are, but
pedagogical strategies will occur, which,          we also need to make the right changes. I
nowadays lack from the typical teacher             think it would be better that the future of
interaction at schools.
                                                   education and learning to beg to shaped by
Changes in education will come from                teachers and their students in partnership,
teachers adopting new practices.                   rather than by governments.

eTwinning Learning Event          Future School - School in 2020                  Tiina Sarisalmi

                                           TEAM C

               Name                           Country                        Students’ age
Elizabeta Filipova              Macedonia (FYROM)                    9-12
Costantino Soudaz               Italy                                10-13
Georgia Maneta                  Greece                               9-12
Agnieszka Strózik               Poland                               7-12
Olga Antonioli                  Italy                                11-13
Tatiana Rębas                   Poland                               6-13
Magdalena Goc                   Poland                               6-12

                                            PART 1


      New Technologies           How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?

mobile phones, iPods            making short movies, recording voice, taking pictures...- as
                                a background for lesson, practice foreign languages
sharing programmes such         creating common projects (in time suitable for participants,

eTwinning Learning Event              Future School - School in 2020                 Tiina Sarisalmi

as You Tube, wiki, blogs,           they don’t have to be together), a tool for doing homework
popplet...                          online
Working in connected way            Pupils and teacher can collaborate trought many tools
                                    giving them possibilities of relathionchip and collaboration
                                    all around day and weeks.
online global events                students and teachers collaborate with a lot of schools from
                                    different countries and learn about the global issues that
                                    concern all the children globally
alice software                      Alice is a freely available teaching tool designed to be a
(a pilot project in a few           student’s first exposure to object-oriented computer
European countries)                 programming. Students can tell a story, create animations
is available in English and in      and games, solve problems and enjoy learning different
Spanish language                    topics. Every teacher can use it even if his/her country is
                                    not included in the project.                     is a software robot hosting service. From any browser, you
                                    can create and publish your own robots to anyone via the
                                    web. Also, there are 400 Self-Paced interactive courses for
                                    free. It is used in education. (I do not know much about this
e-twinning                          projects, school visits, professional development for
online dictionaries,                Practice and production stages of a lesson:
encyclopedias, ebooks               access to information, pronunciation learning (using for
                                    reference in the classroom and at home)
Virtual learning environment        Can be used for presentation, practice, production:
(learning platforms/sites)          to design a certain type of learning environment for
                                    students (provision of resources, organizing - mobile
                                    learning device: smartphones, iBook, iPad, Tablet
Social learning sites               to let the students to socialize (and learn) in their free time
all kind of presentation tools      Production
(including those allowing for
collaboration)                       Presentation of what have been learned using a certain tool
                                     (chosen either by the teacher or by a student)
mobile learning devices,            reinforcement of students’ attention and creativity through
interactive whiteboard              their active involvement in projects which foster
                                    communication, research, production, sharing of own works
                                    by using web tools
Blended learning                     Include project such as eTwining into the school curricula.

                                                PART 2

                     1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning

                             pros                                         cons

eTwinning Learning Event          Future School - School in 2020                        Tiina Sarisalmi

self-education, students take responsibility         little collaboration
for their learning, students develop their
strengths and interests, studying at home
Students can learn whenever they want to             little communication with other students
and at pace that is good for them.                   may mean that the content of learning is
                                                     limited (lack of information from other
                                                     students/peer to peer learning). Lack of
                                                     collaboration usually result in lower
                                                     motivation. Creativity (seeing the problem
                                                     from different viewpoints) can suffer as well.
students might be:                                   students might:
- more confident in the solution of tasks            - be addicted
involving    problem      solving    in    an        - play games inappropriate to their age
individual,challenging and funny way                 - find only entertainment
- more motivated to learn by having the              - feel ‘alone’ and uncomfortable during their
possibility to try and complete different            learning process.
levels and to interact according to their own
children do what they enjoy the most, play           learning can be fun, why not
games, and acquire knowledge without
realizing that they are actually studying
in self - education, encourages human                only for gifted, conscious and mature
creativity, lets expand individual interests         students, individualists.
and talents

    2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods

                             pros                                           cons
group work, students together search and             hard to identify individual skills
solve problems
engaging, helping to develop interpersonal           it’s probable that individual students will be
skills, it’s an easy and natural way of              mainly using the skills that are already well
learning                                             developed as students will be doing tasks
                                                     that are more suitable for them. It’s difficult
                                                     (although to some degree possible)to
                                                     assess the contribution of individual
students are not the passive but the active          - the possibility that a group may not work
creators of their knowledge by:                      properly for different personalities
- studying at their own pace at home                 - the frustration which may arise if in the
- sharing information in groups which also           group there’s a ‘know-it-all’
strengthen cooperation and support
team work, collaboration, sharing, critical          there will be problems if there is a lack of
thinking, creativity, evaluation                     good coordination
building social skills, learning collaborative       one has to build groups very attentive :not
and cooperative competences.                         only strong Ss, the weak ones should get an
                                                     adequate task concerning their limited

eTwinning Learning Event              Future School - School in 2020                       Tiina Sarisalmi

                                                         skills, there should be a leader.

           3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools

                             pros                                             cons
Clarity as for what and how something                    Lack of motivation/interest, not effective in
should be learned, systematicity, clear                  the long run (retaintion suffer when
feedback on the work done. Good if a                     motivation is low)
learner need the basics, lack time, lack
learning skills.
Learning process is under control.                       Lack time for self-expression.
Students know what they should achieve.
For teachers this is the easiest way to                  Students have different learning styles and
control and evaluate students’ learning                  different times to learn; this may cause in
                                                         them unsuccess and demotivation because
                                                         they are offered limited occasions to
                                                         overcome their difficulties in an individual
This is good if the children are very young              students who already have a background
or the students are very weak (do not know               knowledge are bored, naughty and usually
the basic things they should know)                       do not study at home because they think
                                                         they already know everything and this
                                                         sometimes proves to be wrong because
                                                         they get lower grades on the tests (they do
                                                         not pay enough attention during the
Good for young and analytical types of                   Bad for creative, quick-thinking students,
learners.                                                they can be easily bored.

                              Important Skills and Competences in 2020
self-expression, lifelong learning, open and flexible learning, personalized learning both in
class and in virtual classes, diversified and more active learning by doing Teachers know
the asincrounos way of teaching in splitting classroom acknowledge of the learning/
teaching technique trend and finally ICT Competences Learning to learn, critical thinking,
collaboration, creativity, reflection, evaluation learner’s autonomy, social skills,
planning, organising, coordinating, presenting, negotiation; literacy, media literacy,

                        Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences
1 Relationship competences with pupils and collegues. Learning to learn
2. Communications skills
3. Concentrate actions on pupils needs
4. CDP Good attitude towards all life around
5 ICT competences

eTwinning Learning Event               Future School - School in 2020                    Tiina Sarisalmi

                                                PART 3
                                                phase 1

                                    Scenario 3 - Intelligent Agents

                             pros                                              cons
Teachers attend continuous professional                   Teachers are connected 24/7 through mobile
development, prepare lessons, maintain                    devices, the avatar is paid by the school
contacts with other teachers teaching the
same subjects in other schools, an avatar
assists them in their work and does the
work the teachers usually do outside school
hours like identifying resources, presenting
draft plans, suggesting buddies
CPD is easier to improve due to presence of               I do not see any cons in IA
IA and it become a normal situation in 2020
LLLP will be fully achieved by teachers.
IA will enable the teacher to devote more                 There can be problems with paying for the
time to its real task: preparing the lesson;              avatar, some school cannot afford it.
teachers will attend CPD easier and be in
touch with “buddies” from the same
teaching area.
Teachers are connected with other teachers                This scenario makes me think of a loss of
who teach the same subjects in the same                   teachers’ humanity as everything seems so
area and in national and international                    ‘artificially’ well planned to prevent teachers
schools. They are given the opportunity to                and students from making mistakes which
share lessons and materials and to gain                   usually help in personal growth.
plenty of time to spend freely and to attend
CDPs. These prepare teachers not only to
be innovative and creative in the classroom
but also to be better at teaching.

Teachers have a tool for searching new                    IA can be expensive for a school.
methods of teaching and different
materials. They gain more time for
- collaboration                                           - If teachers rely completely on the IA in its
- unlimited possibility for professional and              searching function and it doesn’t work
personal development                                      properly, certain materials can be
- a great base of teaching resources                      overlooked
- individualization of teaching/learning                  - Perhaps, it would be better to employ
process                                                   some people to do the same job (especially
                                                          if there is a high unemployment level in the
                                                          region) instead of paying a private company.
                                                          Another idea would be for teachers to put
                                                          their heads together and create such a

eTwinning Learning Event           Future School - School in 2020                   Tiina Sarisalmi

                                                      divice without asking for help from the


Phase 1:                                              I believe teachers will not have avatars
Teachers will use online draft plans and              because they should be paid by the schools
resources prepared by other teachers and              and I assume avatars will be extremely
experts, attend professional development,
maintain contacts with other teachers
teaching the same subjects in other
schools and connect on social networks
I hope there will be a social network used by
all the teachers and students where they will
collaborate and share experience
It is highly probable that teachers will more         It seems to me that most schools won’t be
often attend CPD, connect on social
                                                      able to afford for the avatars.
networks and use more online resources for
To my mind teachers will use more than                I’m afraid that teachers can loose their
now Internet in their work                            „teacher’s sense”. You know when you
                                                      have two or more classes at the same level
     Which parts will probably come true?             you teach them in different way, because
- there will exist efficient engines for looking      children are different and what is suitable
for lesson plans
                                                      for one class, not always is usable in
- there will be virtually unlimited
possibilities for professional development            another one. So, IA doesn’t know children
- it will be extremely easy for teachers to           and it isn’t sure that its learning materials
identify their colleagues teaching the same           are proper for everyone.
- teaching will become more creative and
- some private entrepreneurs will be trying
to make fortune on proposing new technical            Which parts of the scenario I hope to come
solutions to school                                   true?
                                                      Everything I wrote in the left column with
                                                      the exception of the last statement.

Phase 2:

Once a month, teachers and students do collaborative projects with other teachers and
students face-to-face.Teachers look for each other on a simple networking system prior to
their collaboration.

Networking and collaboration will involve students and teachers in more active and open-
minded learning.

In my point of view, it’s really possibile a creation of teachers’ social network ( online
training courses, teachers meetings), virtual learning and rotating teachers.

eTwinning Learning Event      Future School - School in 2020                  Tiina Sarisalmi

                                       TEAM D

              Name                       Country                        Students’ age
Gabriela Ileana Crisan      Romania                             8-10
Yıldız Erdoğmuş             Turkey                              10-14
Narcisa Serfezeu            Romania                             8-14
Constantina Voitsiou        Greece                              8-12
Jelena Horvat               Croatia                             7-14
Tatjana Gulič               Slovenia                            10-15

                                       PART 1

     New Technologies        How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?

eTwinning Learning Event             Future School - School in 2020                   Tiina Sarisalmi

Touchscreen                           ●    a better structuring and synthesis of lessons
                                      ●    increasing interest in projects
                                      ●    support interactivity
Cloud - Dropbox,                      ●    efficiency and rapidity in work
Wearable mousse                       ●    control over the learning environment
                                      ●    safety
all web 2.0 tools                     ●    innovation-based
                                      ●    reflects on differentiated learning styles
                                      ●    easy access
Interactive whiteboard                ●    interactive material
                                      ●    multi-modular material responds to all learning types
                                           and styles of pupils
                                      ●    more attractive
                                      ●    more practical
video conference equipment            ●    used to overcome the problem of different space
                                      ●    enhances communication from distance
                                      ●     the image of the communicators creates realistic
                                           and lively interaction
mobile phones                      - easier access to materials
                                   - teachers can inform students about their grades
                                   - everyone owns one, so there are no disadvantaged
e-readers (eg Kindle)              - easier access to required reading
                                   - cheaper in the long run (you buy the reader only once, and
                                   many books can be downloaded for free because the
                                   copyright is no longer valid)
responding systems                 easier controlling of knowledge and marking

                       What will schools and learning environments look like?

   ● Digital textbooks will "replace" the existing school manuals
   ● ICT will remove the traditional classroom: the schools will rethink their classrooms
        to turn them into multifunctional spaces
   ● the teachers give up their central role and assume the position of mentors,coaches,
- more freedom in choosing which fields to work in (education “a la carte”)-
- inverted classrooms - students learn at home and do their “homework” or exercises in
They will look more like labs where pupils will be working in groups, searching for
information, discussing, collaborating
The teacher will help when needed and will be giving feedback_
e-classroom and maybe work also from homes and connecting via web cams, also virtual
teacher :-)
No wonder in the future classrooms will be spaceship.All teaching will be individual and
more technological than beyond imagination.There will be no teachers but will be some

eTwinning Learning Event             Future School - School in 2020                    Tiina Sarisalmi

                                               PART 2

                     1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning

                             pros                                            cons
 pupils are more motivated and longer last              Not everything can take the form of a game
longer when pupils are actively involved
The game, the natural way to learn of the               They learn without really understanding it!
child, is a conclusive example of integrated,
interdisciplinary activity for the full
development of the child
students take pleasure of learning                      Pupils may get more concentrated on the
                                                        game itself than on the content.
                                                        Not really a real-life experience.

    2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods

                             pros                                            cons
Pupils work together, they develop team                 Pupils can deviate in their research.
Experiential learning takes place; they reach
the knowledge themselves. They become
autonomous learners.
Learning through peers takes place.

positive interdependence: students realize              some students may not work, disagreement
that they need each other to to accomplish              for the role of the team leader
the task group

students develop interpersonal skills and in            some students may not communicate
the small group
Some students are likely to take their peers’           This type of learning may not suit all
advice than the teachers’.                              students (those with disabilities).

           3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools

                             pros                                            cons
Both sides (teachers and pupils) feel safe:             Very controlled learning. Pupils feel
they know the exact steps and stages of the             restricted.
learning process

eTwinning Learning Event               Future School - School in 2020                    Tiina Sarisalmi

Very organised and methodical                             is based on objectives and not competences

                              Important Skills and Competences in 2020

The ability to search for information and use technology tools.
The ability to keep up with technological advances and be able to adapt and learn quickly.
“Critical thinking” in order to accept or reject the information that is accessed.
Creativity and intellectual curiosity
Communication skills
Collaborative and interpersonal skills
Skills to differentiate important from irrelevant information.
Marketing skills - the ability to “sell” yourself, work on your skills throughout life.
                        Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences
1.Critical thinking
2. Communication skills
3. Collaboration
4. Problem solving skills
5. Active learning

                                                PART 3
                                                phase 1

                               Scenario 4 - Diversified Teaching Careers

                             pros                                              cons
- teachers will choose a career according to              -not all school can afford such technology
their aptitudes and skills
- they will specialise and be prepared to                 - teacher training and programme
teach in a particular way and environment                 development require a lot money
                                                          - we may encounter in a day with situation
                                                          of few teachers in the classroom, or digital
                                                          mentors or virtual teachers
                                                          -at primary school virtual teacher and digital
                                                          mentor teacher are unsuitable
                                                          -technology is relative (it can happen
                                                          malfunction, interruption of electricity,
                                                          connection problems)


Phase 1:                                                  - we may encounter in a day with situation
- teachers will choose a career according to              of few teachers in the classroom, or digital

eTwinning Learning Event         Future School - School in 2020                   Tiina Sarisalmi

their aptitudes and skills                          mentors or virtual teachers

Phase 2:                                            -technology is relative (it can happen
- teachers will specialise and be prepared to       malfunction, interruption of electricity,
  teach in a particular way and environment         connection problems)
                                                    -at primary school virtual teacher and digital
                                                    mentor teacher are unsuitable

eTwinning Learning Event      Future School - School in 2020                  Tiina Sarisalmi

                                        TEAM E

               Name                       Country                        Students’ age
Nena                         Slovenia                            13-15
Adriana                      Romania                             11-15
Ünsal                        Turkey                              11-14
Florin                       Romania                             11-14
Annie                        Greece                              12-15
Emanuela                     Romania                             7-18
Daniela                      Romania                             11-19

                                        PART 1

       New Technologies       How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?

  ●    online resources /    Students could find answers to their questions by searching
 encyclopedias / search      on the recommended resources, at anytime and from
 engines                     everywhere
  ●    videoconferencing     Collaboration and communication with the teachers and
 tools                       with the peers from home, while doing their research
  ●    interactive digital   Stimulate students’ creativity and enhance their learning
 devices (smartboards,       desire
 tablets, …)

eTwinning Learning Event             Future School - School in 2020               Tiina Sarisalmi

interactive spaces to post         The students could learn everywhere they have internet
their creation and to              access, and it would develop their collaboration skills and
collaborate with their             stimulate their creativity
   ●    free access to data        personalized learning, stimulating working environment
        sources                    more encouraging results...
   ●    the possibility of
        using modern IC
   ●    ergonomic furniture
Smartphones, Tablets,              In the future, classrooms could became multifunctional
Handhelds, Laptops                 spaces, offering new ways of learning. Also, students must
                                   be educated of appropriate use of these devices as a
                                   learning aids.
Interactive whiteboard             Teachers or students can use multimedia projected on the
                                   board, draw or write on it, to use it for homework, etc. The
                                   board can also be connected to the Internet, thus allowing
                                   guided web research
Tablet PCs for each pupil          In my opinion,8 years later, mostly the content of the school
and teacher and smart              education will get a new appearance.The way of teaching
boards for each classroom          and learning will change.Book centered teaching will
                                   replace with multiple e-devices.
Internet and computer              Access to a lot of resources, developing creativity, different
access in class for all -          learning styles, attraction towards learning
students and teachers
Professional sites to post         Visibility for parents, students’ progress, less paper used
pupils’ work
A collaborative and                Have access to a lot of resources. Collaborate not only with
multilingual open learning         the colleagues of your class but with colleagues from all
infrastructure will be in use      over Europe, exchanging ideas, tools and knowledge and be
 to boost demand for               a lot more creative,
Europe-wide eLearning              Learn to collaborate and be creative in a multilingual and
Resources The teachers and         multi-ethnic environment.
the students will have
access to this environment.

                       What will schools and learning environments look like?

I think in 2020, pupils will still go to schools, will still gather in classrooms and will still
have teachers. Of course they will use more technology (cell phones, graphing calculators,
tablets, computers) I don’t think that every student will have access to a computer in each
class (at least not in my country), but they will use computers for learning purpose in
school and at home. There will be other learning environments, as well. Teachers or
parents will first introduce them to the youngsters, but, since they will be very attractive
and interesting, pupils will access them over and over.
I think, there will be smaller groups, individualized work, more collaborative and research
work, problem-based learning, developing individual strengths...

eTwinning Learning Event             Future School - School in 2020                    Tiina Sarisalmi

Technology will always be a positive thing, but school still needs to be a place to learn
social skills, because education does not mean only professional briefing for the future,
but a complete human been. Teachers can`t be replaced by machines, and children still
need their guidance.
Learning should be meaningful for students. They should learn what they are interested in
and what they need for their future.
Students will work in schools and in their homes using Internet a lot, collaborating and
working with projects.

                                               PART 2

                     1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning

                             pros                                           cons
Students are fully engaged in their learning            Student is too devoting to himself,
and actively participate in the construction            collaborative skills are less present.
of their own curriculum.
Students proceed with their learning in their           This method does not develop students’
own pace, adapting the curriculum and the               communication and collaboration and social
learning methods to better suit their own               skills
Student will actively participate, surpassing           no opportunities for cooperative skills
more attractive to the student                          In excess, it may induce to the student the
                                                        idea that he only needs to play and he will
Students can study and work in their own                A student who will stay behind in his
pace. They will learn to be responsible for             knowledge may feel disappointed and stop
their learning development.                             caring.

    2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods

                             pros                                           cons
Students in the group feel safe, contribute             Students need to go at different speeds,
their best, find their strengths and develop            someone may try to take over the group,
them. Learners build social, communication              quiet pupils may not feel comfortable,
and technological skills.                               sometimes children just don't get along,...
Develops students’ collaboration and                    Sometimes, in a team, the whole work is
communication skills, and enhances their                done by the same members, while the
social and cultural expression.                         others are “not enough organized, not
                                                        enough trustworthy, etc...”
                                                        It is very hard to evaluate the individuals

eTwinning Learning Event              Future School - School in 2020                      Tiina Sarisalmi

                                                         inside a team.
Students can develop essential cognitive                 It depends on every pupil, because not
skills.                                                  everyone has the same rhythm.
In collaboration, pupils will teach to each              The responsibility is not the same for all the
other the new skills, by using appropriate               team members
(understandable for them) language
In our days it is a society demand to be able            Some students may feel unable to follow the
to work in collaborating teams with projects.            project and stop working while others might
                                                         feel that it is their responsibility to do all the

           3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools

                             pros                                              cons

Student’s progress is measurable,                        It does not meet all students’ needs, it does
standardized tests can be applied                        not develop their creativity
Students can feel confident on what they                 Creativity skills could be restricted.
have to do.
Tradition is always valuable                             Education should prepare the future
This type of learning made us what we are                generations for the changing modern
now                                                      society
The students will learn the basic knowledge              Collaboration is very important in our days.
and then they can discover new one based                 Very few projects can be done without
on their good knowledge on a subject.                    collaboration.

                              Important Skills and Competences in 2020
Learning to learn, social and civic competence, initiative taking and entrepreneurship,
cultural awareness and expression, skill how to valuate information
Communication skills, social competencies, learning to learn, basic competences in
science and technology, cultural awareness
Networking, multitasking, appropriation, play and negotiation.
Initiative, creativity, science and technology competences.
Learning to learn, multitasking, social and civic competencies, basic in science and
Basic knowledge in science,literature, history, technology, Maths,Web 2.0 or Web 3.0,
communicative skills, reading comprehension, knowledge evaluation, team spirit.
                        Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences
1. Learning to learn
2. science and technology competencies
3. communication skills
4. Skill how to valuate information
5. Multitasking

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School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
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School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
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School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
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School in 2020 - Team Work
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School in 2020 - Team Work
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School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
School in 2020 - Team Work
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  • 1. Learning Event Tiina Sarisalmi November 2012 FUTURE SCHOOL - SCHOOL IN 2020 Team Work Results 1. The Future Classroom and Learning Environments 2. Learning and the Learner in 2020 3. Teacher’s Profession in 2020
  • 2. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi Contents Introduction to the team work ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Team A ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 Team B ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 Team C ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 Team D ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29 Team E ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34 Team F ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39 Team G ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 48 Team H ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 57 Team J ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 62 Team K ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 71 Team L ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 79 Team M ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 84 1
  • 3. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi INTRODUCTION TO THE TEAM WORK 1. The Future Classroom and Learning Environments In this topic, we're discussing new technologies and equipment. What kind of technologies will we use in the 2020 classroom? What do the classrooms look like? Are there desks any more? Are there separate classrooms or classes any more? How will all the changes affect learning? Recent trends in learning technology: • cloud services • mobile technology • specialization • visualization • interactivity • socializing (social networks) Recent trends in learning environments: • independent of place and time • learning communities • intertwining and integration of formal and informal learning • from closed, private environments to open environments and networks • from physical space to virtual space • out from the school building to the outside world both in reality and virtually How do these trends affect learning? Which of them will survive? Can you see new trends in technology emerging? What kind of standing would you take for BYOD - bring your own device - at school? 2. Learning and the learner in 2020 In this topic, we think about and discuss the future school from the viewpoint of the learner and learning. We can discern three scenarios which will probably overlap to some degree and be dominant at different age levels. Three scenarios of learning from the learners' point of view: 1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based-learning (the curriculum is based on skills so that the students can choose what and how they learn according to their strengths and interests, joining and leaving groups, studying at home or at school with a teacher as a tutor and a guide) 2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods (this resembles a lot the student-centered flipped classroom model in 2
  • 4. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi which students study alone at home and most of the work at school is in collaborative teams and networks) 3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools (this resembles most the current system in which the subject content is defined in the curriculum and modern effective tools and digitalized learning materials are used under teachers' control) List of trends and hot topics in learning • independent learners and individual learning paths • differentiation • student-centered learning methods and collaborative learning (project, inquiry or problem based) • peer assessment and continuous assessment • developing learning materials: digital, visual, interactive, videos • games based learning • flipped classroom Key skills and competences in 2020 What are they and where and how they are best learned? 3. Teachers' profession in 2020 • What's teacher’s role in the future classroom? • In addition to those needed today, what new skills and competences will be required from a teacher? • How will teaching environment be different? • How will teachers' continuous professional development be arranged? Trends in teaching: • from teaching alone to teaching together (co-teaching) • from teaching each subject separately to holistic teaching in teams • teachers as guides and facilitators • from teacher's individual autonomy to collective autonomy • from teacher-centered to learner-centered • from classrooms to virtual environments • from hierarchies to networks Five Scenarios: Teachers’ profession in 2025 Scenario 1 - European Education Network 3
  • 5. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi Scenario 2 - MyNetwork Scenario 3 - Intelligent Agents Scenario 4 - Diversified Teaching Careers Scenario 5 - Offline Networking 4
  • 6. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi TEAM A Name Country Students’ age Fernanda Cristina Gonçalves Portugal 3 - 6 years old Maria da Luz Borges Portugal 3-6 years old Miriam Schembri Malta 3-5 years old Dana Avram Romania 3-6/7 years old Susanna Serpe Italy 6 - 10 years old Alina Dezso Romania 2 - 6 years old Ana Patrícia Ferreira Portugal 6-10 years old Gazdac Vasilica Romania 3-6 years old Reneta Raicheva Bulgaria 7 - 11 years old PART 1 5
  • 7. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi New Technologies How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning? Mobile learning The children are digital natives so they use always Mobile phones, so the teachers could make some work using them in a pedagogical way, inside classes not for fun but for learning. Firstly, the new technologies are very handy, offer accurate information in time, when you need it. Secondly, they are attractive - this determines the children to manipulate them so much. It’s a very immediate solution in case a doubt arises, children can access the Internet or contact the teachers when they need to. elearning platform All schools in my country have been supplied with an elearning platform. This will definitely have its place in our system as a lot of money has been invested. The benefits for my very young students is the link being created between home and school. Children and parents can see the learning taking place during school hours. Young children can find it difficult to express their experiences but the elearning platform will meet this need. Learning does not take place only at school especially with young children but also at home. Having this link will lead to a continuation of this learning which will be in a full circle. The elearning platform is one of the most intelligent inventions in our time. Active and interactive learning environments which are able to involve participants in collaborative learning, stimulate creativity, develop ICT skills. During the learning process the children practice their critical thinking, share opinions more easily, find out new things, are stimulated in problem solving.- Alina D. I believe that these platforms allow each student to work at his/her own pace and according to his/her available time and they also take the learning experience further when it comes to being able to access it anywhere, not just in a classroom. For me elearning platform is in the beginning but we have a blog (me and my children) that is the connection to the families and they could see the work we’ve done. The elearning platform i think it will replace the first book of reading and numeracy. Interactive whiteboards IWBs is a new technology which motivates the children. They pave the way to digital literacy. An interactive whiteboard sustain learning in various ways. We’re really sorry, there are no interactive whiteboards in Romanian schools yet. The interactive whiteboard features capabilities that allow significantly change the nature of information worked, times, spaces and the dynamics of the classroom, that 6
  • 8. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi motivate students and help their learning and development.In our Kindergarten classroom we use it a lot and children (3,4 and 5 years old) are so found of it that they use to call it “Our magic board”. I’ve been working with them for three years now and they are a true blessing!You save time and money when preparing your classes, you profit from a more visual and interactive experience that motivates your students and you have all sort of possibilities for each theme you wish to present. We are dreaming of the day in each class from Romania will be a ineractive whiteboard! Educational soft I use educational software to enhance learning on various topics. Children are attracted to computer games and so while playing you can check acquired knowledge or learning new things. Yes, there is a large range of educational soft for each preschool subject we teach. That part during the activity, in which we use the soft, is the most attractive and active. Children just love all the tasks, games, or the way information is exposed. They appreciate the quick feedback they usually receive and are in a great competition with each other.- Alina D. Is a very good help for the teacher and a very good way for children for their learning and improving their skills. I use it just as much as any other commercially created resource and I don’t think that they are all perfect so it’s important for us to adapt and create our own materials more balanced with our students’ needs and skills. But still, I find educational software a good help, specially if it’s not too expensive anr complicated to use. We use simple and interactive educational software special for math and sciense and for foreign languages. Computer in the classroom Even if it sounds obsolete, in my area and in Italy as a whole, there aren’t many classes with a pc in it. I believe that if we don’t help children to find a few different uses of the pc, this will be used at home mainly for the social networks and for digital games. New technologies, in Rome and in the south of Italy, still means getting the teachers to be trained in the various uses of the personal computers. This also means that the majority of the adults around our children still considers the pc as a means of “distracting” children from the real school work. This is a habit that has to be dealt with before anything very good can happen with the new technologies. I would start from the younger teachers and from the old ones who are willing to go on training course in order to renovate their ways of teaching. I am one of the old ones: until twelve years ago I wasn’t even able to switch on a pc. I can now work with it in an interactive way. It is really a matter of goodwill and enthusiasm. As I said above, the new generations of children are born for 7
  • 9. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi learning and working on the computer. The computers shouldn’t miss from the classrooms! They are the appropriate learning environments which offer everything the children need in one particular moment. - Alina D. It is our third arm, a very good ally in the class. We had an interesting experiment that costed a lot of money when the government decided to offer free computers to primary school students. Those were small computers, sort of netbooks, and the idea was great and I even managed to teach some very interesting classes when all students had a computer on his/her desk.They were able to work at different paces and do different tasks and it was very good. But as soon as the computers started to malfunction ar the students started to leave them at home because they wouldn’t want to carry them on the schoolbag the whole thing lost steam...So now I use my own computer along with the interactive board and children stand up and work in the interactove board on at a time. I don’t think that the computer will ever replace a teacher in the classroom. For me is a positive experience, they could use it for fun and for learning and for the smaller they start to use all the elements and connect with internet, is the first experience. Is the way to connect with the colleagues from etwinning and others colleagues from other kindergartens. Yes , I use computer in my class and in my activities with children, parents and for me because i think this fact is a new dimension of education. Mind Maps Mindmapping is an innovative method created by Toni Buzan. It’s suitable for teachers and students in order to learn and teach different languages more effectively. Actually this is a new technology which can change language learning in future school. It’s suitable for young learners, too. Children are so glad when they study through mind maps. This is the way they learn more interesting and useful things. What will schools and learning environments look like? Large classrooms with lots of space and resources for children, interactive digital boards, laptop computers or tablets to have different experiences and be in touch with other colleagues from other countries all over the world, places outside with lots of materials to play with safety. Have contact with children with different special needs and intercultural diversity. Collaboration with parents in an interactive way. In 2020 and beyond I really hope that the schools’ environment will eventually look like a big factory where children and adults have a common aim: getting on well together while learning from each other. I still very much believe in what Neill swrote on this subject about thirty years ago: unless we share something very important with our children, their interest will never be brightly expressed. This is one of the reasons why in so many school 8
  • 10. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi environments children still look so bored and dependant on the teacher’s instructions. I imagine large spaces, where buildings are concentrated in purposes: the eating area, the reading area, the sporting area and so on. There is a great need of important human relationships, which can’t really be pursued if not connected to a common plan, to thoughtful action, to the doing of the everyday school. The future schools will be well prepared referring to teachers and technology. There will be a lot of learning labs (like this one) which will offer ways to discover and develop key competences for each child, valuing every person and helping him/her to achieve the wanted place in society, performing, at a high quality level, his role. A friendly space, with things and activities made at the normal speed, not in a hurry. A place in which the children will be always eager to return.- Alina D. I do not know and I even cannot imagine. But one thing I am sure of different and I sincerely hope that it will meet students’ interests and needs of students. it will be less exposing and more involving. I imagine schools with lots of open spaces and connected to the surrounding community. Actually this year I just started working in a new type of school that politicians are implementing n Portugal, these schools are very big, with lots of students but its their location that determines the architectural structures and even contributes to the learning environment and activities planning. My school is located near a big park with all sorts of trees and flowers and birds and we can go there with our students whenever we like...Is there a better way to teach them something than by letting them contact with nature and touch and smell things? I think technology will play a great part in the future but so will local communities and open air spaces. I imagine kindergarten schools moving away from a primary school building. They will be surrounded by a natural environment. Technology will be available to the children but it will not take priority over other essential skills and natural material which young children need to explore. I imagine a green school with many plants, many trees inside the hall and a green roof covered by grass. This school no grey concrete wall but glass, special glass like interactive tablets. The school is open to all kind of experiment and experience and school is the bridge to social community. We are there to guide children in this amazing world where human respect all around. The school will be more different. Computers, innovative methods, new ICT tools, interactive whiteboards...the future school will change everything. The new technologies will help children to be more creative and creativity will be a main aim. PART 2 1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning pros and possibilities cons Concentration-ability to go deep into getting into a sort of game-cage, finding out reading-personal understanding and that there is a usual pattern to understand reflection-using reading as a means to once and for all, isolation from the social achieve a personal goal contest, addiction to simplicity, addiction to effort/reward/effort/reward pattern 9
  • 11. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi Continuous challenge, open-ended games Playing alone and lack of peer to peer which lead to the development of thinking learning skills, motivated children, total engagement and focus Isn’t appropriate to young children because they like to learn in group. Game is the first interaction between children and environment and society .The game need actors without them we loses value and purpose. Game - based learning is too important for young learners. It makes the learning process interesting for children, especially when they study languages. Word games, chants, crosswords and puzzles can make language learning more successful. Own learning pace and more according to Classroom management would be harder for individual skills and interests the teachers Broader variety of strategies and materials Social skills wouldn’t be under the limelight used in the classroom as they should 2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods pros cons understanding better one’s own abilities, putting aside or forgetting about one’s own understanding the importance of weak points, losing the general, global collaboration and sharing of ideas, learning perspective, meeting with tasks that are too to organize one’s own activity with the difficult or too easy, possibly not getting others’ help, building self-satisfaction, enough expert advise, building self-confidence and trust in the others, Learning is meaningful and child centred. Implementing a project which interests the Through discovery children will have whole class can be a problem. ownership over their learning. Through roblem solving children will start thinking. Peer to peer learning. Isn’t appropriate to young children because they don’t study at home, they work together and they have the orientation of the oldest ones. The children understanding all knowledge People need to go at different speeds. better if is placed in a problem situation. Someone may try to take over the group. Children will use intelligent. Quiet people may not feel comfortable. Sometimes people just don't get along. People may not pull their weight. It is not fair! 10
  • 12. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi A concept may not be understood as well if a person doesn't have to figure it out. The time spent talking about irrelevant topics is unbelievable Children learn more effectively when they try to solve the problems through discussions, creative communication and collaborations. You can usually get a lot more done in a shorter amount of time. Each member of the group has something unique that he/she can contribute. I am able to learn more, and truly understand things better. If I am clueless on something a partner may be an expert on it. Students can relate to one another more easily than to a teacher . It makes the assignment or project more fun. I really like working in groups, especially in LAB. Asking children to rationalize and use their Hard for young children to verbalize and intelligence and personal experience from organize their thoughts an early stage in their lives Different personalities might originate conflicts and the shy students wouldn’t be as heard and taken into consideration as the others 3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools pros cons getting to a very high level of ability in losing the overall sense of the activity, certain tasks, deep knowledge on some losing the various connections between the issues, enjoying the opportunity to divide different issues, concentrating on one’s own tasks in undertasks of minor difficulty in an specific job without even having a hint of up going scale, great mastery of some what the others are thinking or doing next to specific tools you, conceiving a feeling of uselessness for not having made decisions on the task to be dealt with More appropriated for young children because they could count with the adult, help when they need. Small children need models well- defined and well- established some categories of activities. Of course, I agree with this statement. 11
  • 13. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi Language learning will become more successful when children keep strong rules and the curriculum content is based on new technologies and methods. Learners are exposed to a considerable amount of language through stimulating content. Learners explore interesting content & are engaged in appropriate language-dependant activities. Learning language becomes automatic. Complex information is delivered through real life context for the students to grasp well & leads to intrinsic motivation. Greater flexibility & adaptability in the curriculum can be deployed as per the students interest. More efficient and motivating learning Harder to integrate everyone’s pace and process skills Language learning gains a new range of The adult, the teacher, would assume a interest and becomes a more natural determinant position if the students process wouldn’t be as autonomous as one might want them to be. Important Skills and Competences in 2020 Collaboration, thinking, reflection, participation, creativity. Critical thinking, creativity, innovation, communication, digital literacy, social skills Communication,involvement, volunteer, digital competences,creativity. The ability to look ahead of times, in a shared way together with a real ability to listen to the children. Creativity, multiple intelligences, ICT skills, collaborative learning, social networks Multiple interests, ICT skills, interpersonal skills, pro activity, autonomy Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1. Thinking 2. Creativity 3. Communication 4. Collaboration 5. ICT skills PART 3 12
  • 14. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi Scenario 1 - European Education Network pros cons - Official languages - Safety and security - Share and access high quality resources for free - Connection with others - Participation of the parents ● the readiness of a lot of educational 1 the possible ill functionment of the support material; whole system (depending on the ● the feeling of being part of something different national characterisics, very well organized; such as loss of documents, bribery ● the opportunity to link to many other and so forth); similar social and educational 2 the possible use of the networks for settings; control on the part of the parents, of ● the possible positive outcome of a the heads of education rather than well recorded teacher’s career ; for sharing and growing of ● the inter-connection between the consciences; different actors in the educational 3 the possible lowering of the process: students, teacher, families, importance of the vis a vis human society; relationships with the consequent ● the students’ eagerness in the growth in alienation and negative leading and the controlling their own social behaviour; study career; 4 the possible constant divide between ● very technological countries and specific school and other countries or specific areas with just a little technology At the moment there are various changes ● teachers and students can become a taking place in early childhood education all statistical number. over Europe. ● the pressure to invest in technology ● Networking will lead to the sharing of and the money needed. ideas and different teaching approaches being implemented. The best approaches will be adapted to the different cultures. ● The different curricula will be discussed. ● Teachers will ask themselves for the kind of training they need to enhance their professional development. ● Being part of a European community where teachers feel motivated and suported. ● integrated activity ● limited financial resourced. ● implication of local community and ● parents. ● projects focused on children’s needs 13
  • 15. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi It will be a community of teachers, pupils and parents. They will be motivated to work together and successfully. Conclusion Probably will come true: Hope will come true: I suppose that the creation of the CAREER The move to quality education will be RECOGNITION SYSTEM together with the uniform over Europe following the best Personal Teaching Record will be the first examples. steps the various Education Ministries will manage to achieve. In my opinion this could be a positive start, as long as it doesn’t Education in Europe will become more stand out as the only action taken. cooperative and interactive among students Professional training will be ongoing with and teachers from all the countries training provided by experts from the different countries. Equal learning and teaching opportunities for all For me in first scenario the part will most probably come true is look for jobs, search and apply for training and be active in suggesting changes in the curricula. And the part I hope will come true is the career recognition. Career recognition system will come true.Something similar has been tried in Portugal but people were accused of making it too easy for workers to validate their competences and achieve academic goals. A possible scenario would consist of theoretical and practical training of teachers by European specialist, implementing pilot projects for a period that will follow weaknesses and strengths. Perhaps teachers will be creative persons like scientists who will inspire pupils to study hard, and parents to help them. They will be creators of ideas, programmes, new technologies, not only performers. 14
  • 16. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi TEAM B Name Country Students’ age Paraskevas Pinelis Greece 9-12 years old Cornelia Melcu Romania 10 yrs old Ivana Križanac Croatia 6-10 years old Tanc Mirela Romania 10-14 years old Evangelia Kalogirou Greece 9-12 yrs old Fabrizio Ferrari Italy 8-9 years old Melita Mesarić Croatia 10-14 years old Corina Mitrulescu Romania 9-14 years old PART 1 15
  • 17. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi New Technologies How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning? -digital assistant -sending information to their students. This would require that each student in the class have their own PDA and the view.asp?id=41222 information would be sent by an infrared beam from the teacher’s PDA. This way at the end of the year instead of throwing away millions of papers you need only to wipe the hardrive clean. It would also help to cut down costs for copies and paper for copiers, thus giving schools more room in their budget. Yet another advantage of having a paperless classroom is the reduction in time spent at the copy machine. -knowledge webs -knowledge webs are ways of communicating information using “conferences that provide an instant network of view.asp?id=41222 contacts with useful skills, a personal brain trust scattered geographically” An example could be visiting a ZOO that the students could explore and learn about without actually having to go anywhere. -virtual communities -By using virtual communities we “satisfy these needs at any time, in any place” (Dede.) Some believe that virtual view.asp?id=41222 communities can help” bring about close cooperation and shared responsibility” (Dede) between parents, students and teachers. - personal teachers pod - easy way to make your teaching available without limits of casts space and time - smartphone - make the most of it for learning, Online collaborative How they can be integrated in learning? platforms They can be the medium for projects involving students of the same school, of the same country or of different countries! Thus, students will be motivated because they will have learning and project progress on their hands and will be working in real time situations. Furthermore, they will enhance their collaborative skills and acquire knowledge on each topic that will be chosen. Smartphones (internet How they can be integrated in learning? capable phones) I believe that in the future much software will be developed for the use of such devices in learning. For example smartphones could be used as quiz tools that wil be working in real time.The teacher will ask a multiple question on his PC and they will answer through their smartphones. Such processes will provide easy and quick feedback for the teacher. Also students will feel more relaxed as smartphones are part of their everyday life. 16
  • 18. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi Cloud Technology How it can be integrated in learning? As a facilitator in sharing, exchanging and editing archives. Students will easily communicate with their teacher or with each other, when for example they have a project to work on. Cloud technology saves money (photocopies) and time. Collaborative, community- Classroom/Laboratory with many and diverse digital based online tools AND equipment: place to make experience and then share it, rate tools for making world it, comment it, think about it. experience with sense Learn and share, share and learn. flipped classroom the flipped classroom model encompasses any use of Internet technology to leverage the learning in the classroom so that the teacher spend more time interacting with students instead of lecturing.This is common being done using teaching created videos that students view outside the classroom. Tablets the technology would benefit student learning Games we can make games as we want and we see answers of our students. It’s interesting and usefull in the same time Netbooks and laptops They feature tools like a camera, writing stylus and audio recording capabilities help to encourage a multimodal approach to learning. Rethinking mental health Mental health is how we think, feel and behave as we face the daily ups and downs of our lives. Mental health problems such as depression are the leading cause of disability for young people worldwide. Prevention, early detection and treatment are key issues. But stigma continues to surround mental health and it is often difficult for people to get the help they need What will schools and learning environments look like? Learning will be more active and connected to real life, technologies will be an integral part of learning and life and teachers will become lifelong learners themselves. All the learning objectives and competences are already needed now, not only in 2020. Conclusion: we should adapt school to the learners and first step is to adapt ourselves.. School will be open places where students could have real experience and can discuss about it with teachers and online communities. Every students will have real and virtual world in the same time and teachers have to drive students experience and use of technology for best and useful learning. What is the best learning: the learning that can be break down and then reassemble in a new way many and many times. The whole learning experience will be based upon new learning interfaces and novel enabling communication technologies. Using new technology students will learn the things needed for everyday life. Learning will be more active because students like to explore things using new technology 17
  • 19. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi Technology opens up opportunities for kids to really take ownership of their own educations and to be a part of the process. Games, videos and virtual experiments will help you discover the different advances that biotechnologies have brought us, and the techniques that are being used in current health research, from stem cells and the use of plants to farm drugs. Get informed and have your say about the ethical, legal and social implications that surround biotechnology! PART 2 1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning pros cons -We have personalised learning which -Lack of collaboration allows learners to follow their rhythm in -Competition could bring negative emotions studying, be actively engaged in their and feelings learning process by making choices on the way they want to learn. -Creative, positive learning environment(e.g. games). -Interactive learning experience. -We foster initiative taking. -Imagination and passion for learning can really find space here!! - we have to prepare our students to be able - lack of good resources to make a choice and how to find the best - game-based learning is often just learning way for learning without fun - children need to have different learning experience before making choices - It also allows students to learn at their own - It reduces the social interaction between pace, which can help keep them interested children and their peers. and excited about the material. - developing creativity in students - because of the great intellectual abilities of - creative, interesting learning children there will be a wide variation in the - interaktive learning, developing use of technology and some maybe will lose cooperation confidence and willingness for further work 2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods pros cons -collaboration creates a learning - spending a lot of time to find the best environment safe and friendly for the resources and methods for implementing students. Even the weaker ones can the project contribute and feel part of the process. -Students are motivated as they deal with 18
  • 20. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi problems ,projects,inquiries that are meaningful and connected to real life or topics of interest for them. - students love this - sometimes gives up easily when they have to deal with some difficulties - students learn how to work in groups and - shy students tend to leave the more how to interact with others in order to solve extrovert ones to be in charge of everything; a task; - students love to work that way - it’s difficult for me sometimes because I - students develop friendships and learn have childrens with special offers in my how to help those who need help which classes and I spend lots of time to find make the pride methods and resourses for them 3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools pros cons -Digitalised material is captivating the -There is little room for creativity,initiative learners’ attention. and imagination. -The learning process is facilitated for the teacher and learner as well. - Using web 2.o tools could motivate - Creativity is poor reflected and the students because they are spectacular and students do not explore...they just take a could bring fun in the classes given content - for teacher easiest way but not creative - for students and creative teacher very linear - Developing autonomy, awareness - isolation and health problems (many hours in front of the computer) - it is easier for the teacher to manage the - it can become boring at some points; whole educational process; - that way of learning is easiest for teacher, - it’s boring for students it’s not creative and it hasn’t got big effect - students can’t show their creativity and on students they can’t explore - students are with automatism writhing down without thinking to content Important Skills and Competences in 2020 We will have to adapt our way of teaching to the students' needs. We will teach young people to value self-directed learning,will teach them how to learn on their own terms, and how to create an individual time schedule. We will combine face time with learning online.Teachers will be guides in the student's learning journey, will coach and moderate their learning. They will motivate, give options and lead students' learning in directions that are most beneficial for their development. The highly integrated use of technologies in our future's life requires that teachers have a high level of digital competence. They need to be able to design and prepare ICT-based 19
  • 21. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi learning objects and models.Teacher training should be a lifelong learning task and supported by school organisations. Teachers need to enhance their knowledge of students’ learning needs and also develop their teaching methods through networking, observing and peer learning from other teachers. Future learning will require learners to improve their transversely skills, like the ability to think laterally, creativity and adaptability. Also learning to learn and initiative taking will make them self aware of the learning process and enhance it. Students can independently explore, discover, and make learning more exciting for themselves. First we must teach our students how to learn and explore them self because today with that curriculum that we have most of things we give them. They must be able to use ICT - this is future of learning. Teachers also need to develop their teaching methods and cooperating with teachers from other countries. Schools should support a lifelong training for teachers and then teachers would be able to make learning process more interesting and creative for students. The Most Important Key Skills and Competences adaptation ability to design and prepare ICT-based learning objects and models learning to learn, critical and creative thinking, collaborating and networking and knowledge search, processing and construction initiative taking,imagination,innovation. reasoning, cultural awareness negotiating through learning, flexibility, discussion, cooperative learning; creativity, learning how to learn, cooperative learning Flexibility and adaptability(Adapting to varied roles and responsibilities) Initiative and autonomy Productivity and accountability Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1. learning to learn 2.collaborating and networking and knowledge search 3. critical and creative thinking 4. initiative taking,imagination (2),innovation(2). 5.processing and construction 6. cooperative learning, creative thinking PART 3 phase 1 Scenario 2 - MyNetwork pros cons teacher will create multiple profiles through the problem is how to share some strong 20
  • 22. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi a single log on emotions using only this My Network. You cannot touch the other.... teacher will be able to link to different - the problem is the teacher’s skills- the applications without loosing so much time. teachers should be trained how to use different applications there will be a secure environment that will - costs be compliant with the school;s policy teachers will be able to connect with the - teachers should be trained in using foreign teachers outside the Europe and share languages ideas teachers will be able to observe how active - the problem is the face-to-face contact the student would be is...missing -A personalised approach to networks will - linear way of working- Internet and highly facilitate the teacher in order to computer resources only organise, choose, check and make the most of his resources . -Also the teacher can have access to the -The lack of face to face contact may result students’ work quickly and give feedback in negative emotions from the part of the quickly as well. weaker students. -The teacher will spend very little time -Less authority from the teacher; designing lessons and more time assisting - Personalised learning might be confused students in meeting their own learning with individualised learning; goals. conclusion Phase 1: I - We should pay attention to the human This scenario could be possible in the future relation: if we are implementing this if the educational politics would be adapted scenario there it will be lack of face to face too to the 21st Century needs and the relationship and communication : economy would be capable to sustain all the costs (human resources and material costs). "I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will My Network scenario, in my opinion, is only only have a generation of idiots." Albert a step away from becoming reality. All that Einstein is missing is that application that will enable us to deal with our profiles and resources more easily. I really hope it will come true as I find no drawbacks in it. Teachers’ job will be highly facilitated, more organised and controllable. If we take into account this approach, what While technology can be a great addition to the teacher will do less of is - teach. the classroom, it may also imply lots of Teachers may not actually be physically problems, such as: schools will have to hire present in some classrooms, instead, taking technology experts who have to deal with on a virtual presence, particularly in places the troubleshoot problems; costs of upkeep difficult to reach.There will probably be less and maintenance; the incompatibility of 21
  • 23. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi 'front of the classroom' activities and more some systems; small group activities, problem based learning and technology enhanced processes. Finally, teachers will need to work more in partnership with their students. Phase 2: Lack of face-to-face interaction - weI think The European Education Network and The we should keep the balance between Offline Networking are those scenarios that technology and traditional way of teaching. seem to me quite possible to happen in the future. I wish for it because I believe both of them will involve teachers in collaborative Without a doubt, the traditional school and tasks.Therefore exchange of opinions, teaching methods will change, and we need sharing of ideas and successful to wait and see what these changes are, but pedagogical strategies will occur, which, we also need to make the right changes. I nowadays lack from the typical teacher think it would be better that the future of interaction at schools. education and learning to beg to shaped by Changes in education will come from teachers and their students in partnership, teachers adopting new practices. rather than by governments. 22
  • 24. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi TEAM C Name Country Students’ age Elizabeta Filipova Macedonia (FYROM) 9-12 Costantino Soudaz Italy 10-13 Georgia Maneta Greece 9-12 Agnieszka Strózik Poland 7-12 Olga Antonioli Italy 11-13 Tatiana Rębas Poland 6-13 Magdalena Goc Poland 6-12 PART 1 New Technologies How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning? mobile phones, iPods making short movies, recording voice, taking pictures...- as a background for lesson, practice foreign languages sharing programmes such creating common projects (in time suitable for participants, 23
  • 25. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi as You Tube, wiki, blogs, they don’t have to be together), a tool for doing homework popplet... online Working in connected way Pupils and teacher can collaborate trought many tools giving them possibilities of relathionchip and collaboration all around day and weeks. online global events students and teachers collaborate with a lot of schools from different countries and learn about the global issues that concern all the children globally alice software Alice is a freely available teaching tool designed to be a (a pilot project in a few student’s first exposure to object-oriented computer European countries) programming. Students can tell a story, create animations is available in English and in and games, solve problems and enjoy learning different Spanish language topics. Every teacher can use it even if his/her country is not included in the project. is a software robot hosting service. From any browser, you can create and publish your own robots to anyone via the web. Also, there are 400 Self-Paced interactive courses for free. It is used in education. (I do not know much about this software) e-twinning projects, school visits, professional development for teachers online dictionaries, Practice and production stages of a lesson: encyclopedias, ebooks access to information, pronunciation learning (using for reference in the classroom and at home) Virtual learning environment Can be used for presentation, practice, production: (learning platforms/sites) to design a certain type of learning environment for students (provision of resources, organizing - mobile learning device: smartphones, iBook, iPad, Tablet Social learning sites to let the students to socialize (and learn) in their free time all kind of presentation tools Production (including those allowing for collaboration) Presentation of what have been learned using a certain tool (chosen either by the teacher or by a student) mobile learning devices, reinforcement of students’ attention and creativity through interactive whiteboard their active involvement in projects which foster communication, research, production, sharing of own works by using web tools Blended learning Include project such as eTwining into the school curricula. PART 2 1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning pros cons 24
  • 26. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi self-education, students take responsibility little collaboration for their learning, students develop their strengths and interests, studying at home Students can learn whenever they want to little communication with other students and at pace that is good for them. may mean that the content of learning is limited (lack of information from other students/peer to peer learning). Lack of collaboration usually result in lower motivation. Creativity (seeing the problem from different viewpoints) can suffer as well. students might be: students might: - more confident in the solution of tasks - be addicted involving problem solving in an - play games inappropriate to their age individual,challenging and funny way - find only entertainment - more motivated to learn by having the - feel ‘alone’ and uncomfortable during their possibility to try and complete different learning process. levels and to interact according to their own needs. children do what they enjoy the most, play learning can be fun, why not games, and acquire knowledge without realizing that they are actually studying in self - education, encourages human only for gifted, conscious and mature creativity, lets expand individual interests students, individualists. and talents 2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods pros cons group work, students together search and hard to identify individual skills solve problems engaging, helping to develop interpersonal it’s probable that individual students will be skills, it’s an easy and natural way of mainly using the skills that are already well learning developed as students will be doing tasks that are more suitable for them. It’s difficult (although to some degree possible)to assess the contribution of individual students students are not the passive but the active - the possibility that a group may not work creators of their knowledge by: properly for different personalities - studying at their own pace at home - the frustration which may arise if in the - sharing information in groups which also group there’s a ‘know-it-all’ strengthen cooperation and support team work, collaboration, sharing, critical there will be problems if there is a lack of thinking, creativity, evaluation good coordination building social skills, learning collaborative one has to build groups very attentive :not and cooperative competences. only strong Ss, the weak ones should get an adequate task concerning their limited 25
  • 27. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi skills, there should be a leader. 3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools pros cons Clarity as for what and how something Lack of motivation/interest, not effective in should be learned, systematicity, clear the long run (retaintion suffer when feedback on the work done. Good if a motivation is low) learner need the basics, lack time, lack learning skills. Learning process is under control. Lack time for self-expression. Students know what they should achieve. For teachers this is the easiest way to Students have different learning styles and control and evaluate students’ learning different times to learn; this may cause in them unsuccess and demotivation because they are offered limited occasions to overcome their difficulties in an individual way This is good if the children are very young students who already have a background or the students are very weak (do not know knowledge are bored, naughty and usually the basic things they should know) do not study at home because they think they already know everything and this sometimes proves to be wrong because they get lower grades on the tests (they do not pay enough attention during the lessons) Good for young and analytical types of Bad for creative, quick-thinking students, learners. they can be easily bored. Important Skills and Competences in 2020 self-expression, lifelong learning, open and flexible learning, personalized learning both in class and in virtual classes, diversified and more active learning by doing Teachers know the asincrounos way of teaching in splitting classroom acknowledge of the learning/ teaching technique trend and finally ICT Competences Learning to learn, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, reflection, evaluation learner’s autonomy, social skills, planning, organising, coordinating, presenting, negotiation; literacy, media literacy, Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1 Relationship competences with pupils and collegues. Learning to learn 2. Communications skills 3. Concentrate actions on pupils needs 4. CDP Good attitude towards all life around 5 ICT competences 26
  • 28. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi PART 3 phase 1 Scenario 3 - Intelligent Agents pros cons Teachers attend continuous professional Teachers are connected 24/7 through mobile development, prepare lessons, maintain devices, the avatar is paid by the school contacts with other teachers teaching the same subjects in other schools, an avatar assists them in their work and does the work the teachers usually do outside school hours like identifying resources, presenting draft plans, suggesting buddies CPD is easier to improve due to presence of I do not see any cons in IA IA and it become a normal situation in 2020 school LLLP will be fully achieved by teachers. IA will enable the teacher to devote more There can be problems with paying for the time to its real task: preparing the lesson; avatar, some school cannot afford it. teachers will attend CPD easier and be in touch with “buddies” from the same teaching area. Teachers are connected with other teachers This scenario makes me think of a loss of who teach the same subjects in the same teachers’ humanity as everything seems so area and in national and international ‘artificially’ well planned to prevent teachers schools. They are given the opportunity to and students from making mistakes which share lessons and materials and to gain usually help in personal growth. plenty of time to spend freely and to attend CDPs. These prepare teachers not only to be innovative and creative in the classroom but also to be better at teaching. Teachers have a tool for searching new IA can be expensive for a school. methods of teaching and different materials. They gain more time for themselves. - collaboration - If teachers rely completely on the IA in its - unlimited possibility for professional and searching function and it doesn’t work personal development properly, certain materials can be - a great base of teaching resources overlooked - individualization of teaching/learning - Perhaps, it would be better to employ process some people to do the same job (especially if there is a high unemployment level in the region) instead of paying a private company. Another idea would be for teachers to put their heads together and create such a 27
  • 29. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi divice without asking for help from the outside conclusion Phase 1: I believe teachers will not have avatars Teachers will use online draft plans and because they should be paid by the schools resources prepared by other teachers and and I assume avatars will be extremely experts, attend professional development, expensive maintain contacts with other teachers teaching the same subjects in other schools and connect on social networks I hope there will be a social network used by all the teachers and students where they will collaborate and share experience It is highly probable that teachers will more It seems to me that most schools won’t be often attend CPD, connect on social able to afford for the avatars. networks and use more online resources for lessons. To my mind teachers will use more than I’m afraid that teachers can loose their now Internet in their work „teacher’s sense”. You know when you have two or more classes at the same level Which parts will probably come true? you teach them in different way, because - there will exist efficient engines for looking children are different and what is suitable for lesson plans for one class, not always is usable in - there will be virtually unlimited possibilities for professional development another one. So, IA doesn’t know children - it will be extremely easy for teachers to and it isn’t sure that its learning materials identify their colleagues teaching the same are proper for everyone. subjects - teaching will become more creative and efficient - some private entrepreneurs will be trying to make fortune on proposing new technical Which parts of the scenario I hope to come solutions to school true? Everything I wrote in the left column with the exception of the last statement. Phase 2: Once a month, teachers and students do collaborative projects with other teachers and students face-to-face.Teachers look for each other on a simple networking system prior to their collaboration. Networking and collaboration will involve students and teachers in more active and open- minded learning. In my point of view, it’s really possibile a creation of teachers’ social network ( online training courses, teachers meetings), virtual learning and rotating teachers. 28
  • 30. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi TEAM D Name Country Students’ age Gabriela Ileana Crisan Romania 8-10 Yıldız Erdoğmuş Turkey 10-14 Narcisa Serfezeu Romania 8-14 Constantina Voitsiou Greece 8-12 Jelena Horvat Croatia 7-14 Tatjana Gulič Slovenia 10-15 PART 1 New Technologies How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning? 29
  • 31. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi Touchscreen ● a better structuring and synthesis of lessons ● increasing interest in projects ● support interactivity Cloud - Dropbox, ● efficiency and rapidity in work Wearable mousse ● control over the learning environment ● safety all web 2.0 tools ● innovation-based ● reflects on differentiated learning styles ● easy access Interactive whiteboard ● interactive material ● multi-modular material responds to all learning types and styles of pupils ● more attractive ● more practical video conference equipment ● used to overcome the problem of different space ● enhances communication from distance ● the image of the communicators creates realistic and lively interaction mobile phones - easier access to materials - teachers can inform students about their grades - everyone owns one, so there are no disadvantaged children e-readers (eg Kindle) - easier access to required reading - cheaper in the long run (you buy the reader only once, and many books can be downloaded for free because the copyright is no longer valid) responding systems easier controlling of knowledge and marking What will schools and learning environments look like? ● Digital textbooks will "replace" the existing school manuals ● ICT will remove the traditional classroom: the schools will rethink their classrooms to turn them into multifunctional spaces ● the teachers give up their central role and assume the position of mentors,coaches, partners - more freedom in choosing which fields to work in (education “a la carte”)- - inverted classrooms - students learn at home and do their “homework” or exercises in school They will look more like labs where pupils will be working in groups, searching for information, discussing, collaborating The teacher will help when needed and will be giving feedback_ e-classroom and maybe work also from homes and connecting via web cams, also virtual teacher :-) No wonder in the future classrooms will be spaceship.All teaching will be individual and more technological than beyond imagination.There will be no teachers but will be some facilliators. 30
  • 32. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi PART 2 1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning pros cons pupils are more motivated and longer last Not everything can take the form of a game longer when pupils are actively involved The game, the natural way to learn of the They learn without really understanding it! child, is a conclusive example of integrated, interdisciplinary activity for the full development of the child students take pleasure of learning Pupils may get more concentrated on the game itself than on the content. Not really a real-life experience. 2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods pros cons Pupils work together, they develop team Pupils can deviate in their research. spirit. Experiential learning takes place; they reach the knowledge themselves. They become autonomous learners. Learning through peers takes place. positive interdependence: students realize some students may not work, disagreement that they need each other to to accomplish for the role of the team leader the task group students develop interpersonal skills and in some students may not communicate the small group Some students are likely to take their peers’ This type of learning may not suit all advice than the teachers’. students (those with disabilities). 3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools pros cons Both sides (teachers and pupils) feel safe: Very controlled learning. Pupils feel they know the exact steps and stages of the restricted. learning process 31
  • 33. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi Very organised and methodical is based on objectives and not competences Important Skills and Competences in 2020 The ability to search for information and use technology tools. The ability to keep up with technological advances and be able to adapt and learn quickly. “Critical thinking” in order to accept or reject the information that is accessed. Creativity and intellectual curiosity Communication skills Collaborative and interpersonal skills Skills to differentiate important from irrelevant information. Marketing skills - the ability to “sell” yourself, work on your skills throughout life. Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1.Critical thinking 2. Communication skills 3. Collaboration 4. Problem solving skills 5. Active learning PART 3 phase 1 Scenario 4 - Diversified Teaching Careers pros cons - teachers will choose a career according to -not all school can afford such technology their aptitudes and skills - they will specialise and be prepared to - teacher training and programme teach in a particular way and environment development require a lot money - we may encounter in a day with situation of few teachers in the classroom, or digital mentors or virtual teachers -at primary school virtual teacher and digital mentor teacher are unsuitable -technology is relative (it can happen malfunction, interruption of electricity, connection problems) conclusion Phase 1: - we may encounter in a day with situation - teachers will choose a career according to of few teachers in the classroom, or digital 32
  • 34. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi their aptitudes and skills mentors or virtual teachers Phase 2: -technology is relative (it can happen - teachers will specialise and be prepared to malfunction, interruption of electricity, teach in a particular way and environment connection problems) -at primary school virtual teacher and digital mentor teacher are unsuitable 33
  • 35. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi TEAM E Name Country Students’ age Nena Slovenia 13-15 Adriana Romania 11-15 Ünsal Turkey 11-14 Florin Romania 11-14 Annie Greece 12-15 Emanuela Romania 7-18 Daniela Romania 11-19 PART 1 New Technologies How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning? ● online resources / Students could find answers to their questions by searching encyclopedias / search on the recommended resources, at anytime and from engines everywhere ● videoconferencing Collaboration and communication with the teachers and tools with the peers from home, while doing their research ● interactive digital Stimulate students’ creativity and enhance their learning devices (smartboards, desire tablets, …) 34
  • 36. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi interactive spaces to post The students could learn everywhere they have internet their creation and to access, and it would develop their collaboration skills and collaborate with their stimulate their creativity colleagues ● free access to data personalized learning, stimulating working environment sources more encouraging results... ● the possibility of using modern IC technology ● ergonomic furniture Smartphones, Tablets, In the future, classrooms could became multifunctional Handhelds, Laptops spaces, offering new ways of learning. Also, students must be educated of appropriate use of these devices as a learning aids. Interactive whiteboard Teachers or students can use multimedia projected on the board, draw or write on it, to use it for homework, etc. The board can also be connected to the Internet, thus allowing guided web research Tablet PCs for each pupil In my opinion,8 years later, mostly the content of the school and teacher and smart education will get a new appearance.The way of teaching boards for each classroom and learning will change.Book centered teaching will replace with multiple e-devices. Internet and computer Access to a lot of resources, developing creativity, different access in class for all - learning styles, attraction towards learning students and teachers Professional sites to post Visibility for parents, students’ progress, less paper used pupils’ work A collaborative and Have access to a lot of resources. Collaborate not only with multilingual open learning the colleagues of your class but with colleagues from all infrastructure will be in use over Europe, exchanging ideas, tools and knowledge and be to boost demand for a lot more creative, Europe-wide eLearning Learn to collaborate and be creative in a multilingual and Resources The teachers and multi-ethnic environment. the students will have access to this environment. What will schools and learning environments look like? I think in 2020, pupils will still go to schools, will still gather in classrooms and will still have teachers. Of course they will use more technology (cell phones, graphing calculators, tablets, computers) I don’t think that every student will have access to a computer in each class (at least not in my country), but they will use computers for learning purpose in school and at home. There will be other learning environments, as well. Teachers or parents will first introduce them to the youngsters, but, since they will be very attractive and interesting, pupils will access them over and over. I think, there will be smaller groups, individualized work, more collaborative and research work, problem-based learning, developing individual strengths... 35
  • 37. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi Technology will always be a positive thing, but school still needs to be a place to learn social skills, because education does not mean only professional briefing for the future, but a complete human been. Teachers can`t be replaced by machines, and children still need their guidance. Learning should be meaningful for students. They should learn what they are interested in and what they need for their future. Students will work in schools and in their homes using Internet a lot, collaborating and working with projects. PART 2 1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning pros cons Students are fully engaged in their learning Student is too devoting to himself, and actively participate in the construction collaborative skills are less present. of their own curriculum. Students proceed with their learning in their This method does not develop students’ own pace, adapting the curriculum and the communication and collaboration and social learning methods to better suit their own skills needs. Student will actively participate, surpassing no opportunities for cooperative skills himself. more attractive to the student In excess, it may induce to the student the idea that he only needs to play and he will grow Students can study and work in their own A student who will stay behind in his pace. They will learn to be responsible for knowledge may feel disappointed and stop their learning development. caring. 2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods pros cons Students in the group feel safe, contribute Students need to go at different speeds, their best, find their strengths and develop someone may try to take over the group, them. Learners build social, communication quiet pupils may not feel comfortable, and technological skills. sometimes children just don't get along,... Develops students’ collaboration and Sometimes, in a team, the whole work is communication skills, and enhances their done by the same members, while the social and cultural expression. others are “not enough organized, not enough trustworthy, etc...” It is very hard to evaluate the individuals 36
  • 38. eTwinning Learning Event Future School - School in 2020 Tiina Sarisalmi inside a team. Students can develop essential cognitive It depends on every pupil, because not skills. everyone has the same rhythm. In collaboration, pupils will teach to each The responsibility is not the same for all the other the new skills, by using appropriate team members (understandable for them) language In our days it is a society demand to be able Some students may feel unable to follow the to work in collaborating teams with projects. project and stop working while others might feel that it is their responsibility to do all the work. 3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools pros cons Student’s progress is measurable, It does not meet all students’ needs, it does standardized tests can be applied not develop their creativity Students can feel confident on what they Creativity skills could be restricted. have to do. Tradition is always valuable Education should prepare the future This type of learning made us what we are generations for the changing modern now society The students will learn the basic knowledge Collaboration is very important in our days. and then they can discover new one based Very few projects can be done without on their good knowledge on a subject. collaboration. Important Skills and Competences in 2020 Learning to learn, social and civic competence, initiative taking and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression, skill how to valuate information Communication skills, social competencies, learning to learn, basic competences in science and technology, cultural awareness Networking, multitasking, appropriation, play and negotiation. Initiative, creativity, science and technology competences. Learning to learn, multitasking, social and civic competencies, basic in science and technology Basic knowledge in science,literature, history, technology, Maths,Web 2.0 or Web 3.0, communicative skills, reading comprehension, knowledge evaluation, team spirit. Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1. Learning to learn 2. science and technology competencies 3. communication skills 4. Skill how to valuate information 5. Multitasking 37