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Greening the Mainstream:
Taking your marketing message beyond the LOHAS
        audience to mainstream Americans

                            June 23, 2011

  ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
About Shelton Group

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We are the ad agency that brings sustainability to the masses.

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Our Clients – We Know Sustainability

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Level Setting

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In which product categories are you
searching for greener products?

66.6%   65.7%           64.8%              57.1%           54.6% 53.9% 50.2%       46.6%

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So why isn’t everybody
       buying green?

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It’s not about awareness

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It’s about connecting to
       personal values.

  Then it’s about keeping
     them motivated.

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Let’s start with what we’re
        doing wrong

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“We have to help Americans see
 how the planet is in peril and
     then they’ll change!”

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©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Which of the following scenarios would convince you that
climate change is a real, immediate threat, and cause you to
make dramatic changes in your lifestyle?

You wake up one morning and find out that…
•  Residents of American Samoa were having to be relocated due to rising tides
•  Shifting weather patterns/lack of rain was turning Nebraska into a desert
•  The polar ice cap had completely melted
•  Warmer winters were making the mosquito population unmanageable
   and cases of West Nile Virus and malaria were escalating in America
•  The number of tornadoes and hurricanes had doubled over the last two seasons
•  The average summer temperature for your community has been
   5–10 degrees higher than normal for the past three years.
•  Health experts recommend that kids should no longer go outside to play during
   the spring/summer due to consistently dangerous ozone/pollution levels
•  There were only twenty polar bears estimated to be left living in the wild

             ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
of the non-believers would
 not be moved to change.

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14.8%                                            14.1%

 ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
3%                                                       2%

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“Let’s tell them everything they need to
know on our packaging, and let’s make
   the packaging really sustainable!”

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©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
“Planet first, performance second.”

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“People will pay a little more to help
        the environment.”

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      ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
OK…so how do we do it right?

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Target the right consumer in a way
  that connects to her personal
values and apply the principals of
        behavioral science

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Understanding the Consumer

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Eco Pulse 2011 Consumer Segments
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©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Actives: 28% of Americans

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                                              •  Somewhat more likely to be female
                                              •  Most are aged 45–54
                                              •  Well educated
                                              •  High-income
                                              •  Ethnically diverse
                                                (significant Hispanic population)
                                              •  Have children living at home
                                              •  Sustainability is big part of self image
                                              •  Highly sensitive to greenwashing
                                              •  Respond best to themes of innovation
                                                 and possibility
                                              •  Health is a driving force—label readers
                                              •  Will pay more for green

      ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Understanding the Systemic Thinker (Gold)
•    They value integrity, competence and sustainability
•    “Life is a system”
•    Their goal is to restore balance and vitality
•    Prevalent in Gen X and younger
•    They join groups to solve problems and see results
•    Have great abilities to understand others and inspire them to a
     achieve a higher vision
•    Want to feel connected to their purpose
•    Believe that businesses and individuals need to take responsibility
     for being positive and progressive forces for good -- triple bottom-
     line philosophy

               ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
People who are intrinsically or
                                internally motivated participate in
                                a behavior because they enjoy
                                the work and find it rewarding.

                                They don’t need any outside
                                persuasion to act—they’re likely
                                innovators and early adopters.

©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
 •  To tap the Early Adopters/Actives/Systemic Thinkers:
    –  Create/build brands that can be seen by this group as authentically
       green, particularly in categories where she may not have already formed
       a strong brand loyalty
    –  Appeal to her sense of personal identity
    –  Tout the health benefits
    –  Use positive, hopeful, possibility-filled language
    –  Build in ingredient and packaging innovations
    –  Tie the brand to a greater cause–make this feel like a Big Idea
    –  Give her a social media outlet to learn more about how her purchase
       helps the cause; connects her to like minded people
    –  Reach her online
    –  Must be in non-traditional stores
    –  Offer free trials to get her to try your product as opposed to coupons

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Seekers: 27% of Americans

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                       •  Equally likely to be male or female
                       •  Slightly younger than Actives
                       •  Average education level
                       •  White collar and middle- to upper-income
                       •  Homeowners
                       •  Married with kids at home
                       •  Define green as energy efficient
                       •  Split on global warming
                       •  Pragmatic shoppers
                       •  Looking for green options in lower-priced

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Understanding the Humanistic Thinker (Jade)
•    Humanistic Thinking
•    Personal connections and relationships create meaning and happiness
•    Relativistic thinkers
•    Value equality, community
•    Sees the world as a large—and often dysfunctional—family
•    Believe businesses should be more about equality and less about
     untamed corporate greed

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Understanding the Individualistic
Thinker (Copper)
•    They value personal accomplishment, power and profit
•    “Life is a game to be won or lost”
•    Self-directed, pragmatic individualists responsible for creating their
     own lives
•    Believe that tough lessons are part of the growth process—despise
     victimhood mentality
•    Can be generous entrepreneurs, optimists, visionaries, persuasive
•    Chafe at outside restrictions and burdens that limit their potential to
     create wealth and success
•    Believe business exists to increase profits as a moral imperative

               ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
People who are extrinsically or
                                externally motivated aren’t
                                interested in the behavior itself.

                                They must have a reward for
                                acting and they only act if the
                                reward is in place.

©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
 •  To reach the Early-Middle Majority/Seekers/
    Humanistic Thinkers
    –  Rely on existing, trusted brand names
    –  Appeal to family, as in “good for your family”; align the brand with
       other family brands
    –  Offer a “permission slip”
    –  Consider school tie-ins and educational programs
    –  Tout the green reputation of the company
    –  Be real
    –  Be in the regular aisle with conventional products at standard
       grocery and big box stores
    –  Reach them via traditional media
    –  Coupons and promotions; price parity

            ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Skeptics: 30% of Americans

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                               •  Oldest of the groups
                               •  Predominantly male
                               •  Average education level
                               •  HHI: $100K or more
                               •  Feel no personal responsibility for changing
                                  to positively impact the environment
                               •  More concerned about comfort and
                                  convenience; find comfort in tradition
                               •  Respond best to a financial security/control

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Understanding the Absolutistic Thinker

•  They value discipline, authority and purpose
•  “Life is a test in which I must prove myself worthy by upholding
   strict moral codes and laws.”
•  Can’t tolerate uncertainty—need clear, unambiguous answers;
   seek intellectual security
•  Only answer to one “true authority” making them hard to
   persuade or inspire
•  Like to prove they’re right
•  Hardworking and dutiful, humble, little expectation for personal
   gain, work toward a common goal
•  Believe everyone has an obligation to work hard and that
   business should take care of them

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 •  To reach the Skeptics/Individualistic-Absolutistic
    Thinkers/Late Majority:
    –  Layer in sustainability messaging to existing traditional
       brands, but don’t lead with it. Messaging should focus on
       what’s in it for the consumer – hype ROI and comfort
       benefits, if at all possible; connote how smart and powerful
       he/she will feel for buying your brand
    –  Play on tradition, “brand you’ve always trusted”
    –  Must have price parity/discounts
    –  Must have Walmart distribution
    –  Be prescriptive

           ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Messages That Matter (Broadly):

•  Independence
•  Don't waste
•  Control
•  Comfort
•  Convenience
•  Economy
•  Health
•  Brand
•  Ingredients (food)
•  Recycled content and safety (non-food grocery items)
•  Energy efficiency and aesthetics (home improvement)

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Beyond Messaging:
Keeping consumers engaged and motivated

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      ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
The question isn’t,

“How can we motivate others?”

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The proper question is,

 “How can we create conditions
within which people will motivate

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©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
There’s no universal way to motivate everyone.
        That would be way too simple.

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The Challenges of Motivation:
    Sometimes it’s a people problem.
   Sometimes it’s a situational problem.

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People Problem A:
 Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivations

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Rewards are like an addiction.
                            Stop the reward. Stop the behavior.

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People Problem B:
                     Moral Licensing

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“But I ate a salad for
                                 lunch today!”

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People who bought
                                               energy-efficient washing
                                                machines used them
                                                     more often.

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“I will switch my
lightbulbs, but I will not
  sell my pickup truck”

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The Challenges of Motivation:
    Sometimes it’s a people problem.
  Sometimes it’s a situational problem.

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Situational Problem:
                                   It’s just too big.

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“Be energy efficient!”
               “Be green!”

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Strategy 1:
Scale down the mission.
i.e., instead of cleaning the
   whole house, do a five-
minute room rescue instead.
Engineer quick wins to
                                        build confidence and keep
                                             momentum high.

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 ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
   ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Strategy 2:
                                          Script the critical moves.

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You can’t just tell people to
                                      be healthier. You have to tell
                                        them exactly what to do.

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How Most People Think Change Happens:
 Analyze > Think > Change

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How Change Really Happens:
       See > Feel > Change

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To create behavior change, you must …
•  Harness enthusiasm and minimize resistance
•  Engage logic and engage emotion
•  Define a collective long-term vision and define immediate steps
   for individuals
•  Move people from automatic behaviors and shift them to
   conscious decisions
•  Remove big barriers and celebrate small wins
•  Communicate systemic benefits and progress and recognize
   personal benefits/help consumers create a new
   “sustainability” identity
•  Praise the effort/build on strengths and not focus only on results/
   expect failures along the way

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Putting All of This Into Practice

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©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Initial Request:
We must get Americans to understand the
   importance of water conservation.

 ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  Wake Actives and Seekers up to their automatic
behaviors around water so they can make conscious

  Identify the moment when using water becomes
                  wasting water.

      ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Initial Request:
Create an umbrella theme that tells GP’s sustainable
    forestry, manufacturing and design stories.

       ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Give consumers a “permission slip” to buy the quality
   convenience products they want to buy anyway.

       ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Initial Request:
       American Solar Energy Society
Build an energy literacy campaign to combat
campaigns from the coal and gas industries.

   ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Create a national solar movement that allows
      Americans to affordably express
            their support for solar

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©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Initial Request:
Combat consumer perception that we’re an expensive
 utility in an ivory tower and build a brand based on

        ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Tell the truth. And wrap that truth in endearing humor,
              delivered at the point of pain.

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©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
As you market to the Mainstream Consumer,
remember this:
 •  It’s not about the planet
 •  Jargon and packaging innovations can hurt you more
    than help you
 •  Price and performance have to be the same or better
    than conventional products
 •  It IS about understanding the target consumer,
    connecting with her personal values are, and creating
    conditions within which she can stay motivated/

          ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.

©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
Thank you!
                  Suzanne Shelton

©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
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SB11 - Ogilvy - Graceann Bennett and Freya Williams

  • 1. Greening  the  Mainstream:   Taking  your  marke4ng  message  beyond  the   LOHAS  audience  to  mainstream  Americans   Susan  Shelton   Shelton  Group  
  • 2. Greening the Mainstream: Taking your marketing message beyond the LOHAS audience to mainstream Americans June 23, 2011 ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 3. About Shelton Group ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 4. the ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 5. We are the ad agency that brings sustainability to the masses. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 6. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 7. Our Clients – We Know Sustainability ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 8. Level Setting ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 9. 2011 2010 2009 ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 10. In which product categories are you searching for greener products? 66.6% 65.7% 64.8% 57.1% 54.6% 53.9% 50.2% 46.6% ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 11. So why isn’t everybody buying green? ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 12. It’s not about awareness ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 13. It’s about connecting to personal values. Then it’s about keeping them motivated. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 14. Let’s start with what we’re doing wrong ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 15. “We have to help Americans see how the planet is in peril and then they’ll change!” ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 16. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 17. Which of the following scenarios would convince you that climate change is a real, immediate threat, and cause you to make dramatic changes in your lifestyle? You wake up one morning and find out that… •  Residents of American Samoa were having to be relocated due to rising tides •  Shifting weather patterns/lack of rain was turning Nebraska into a desert •  The polar ice cap had completely melted •  Warmer winters were making the mosquito population unmanageable and cases of West Nile Virus and malaria were escalating in America •  The number of tornadoes and hurricanes had doubled over the last two seasons •  The average summer temperature for your community has been 5–10 degrees higher than normal for the past three years. •  Health experts recommend that kids should no longer go outside to play during the spring/summer due to consistently dangerous ozone/pollution levels •  There were only twenty polar bears estimated to be left living in the wild ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 18. of the non-believers would not be moved to change. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 19. 14.8% 14.1% ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 20. 3% 2% ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 21. “Let’s tell them everything they need to know on our packaging, and let’s make the packaging really sustainable!” ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 22. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 23. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 24. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 25. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 26. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 27. “Planet first, performance second.” ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 28. “People will pay a little more to help the environment.” ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 29. OK…so how do we do it right? ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 30. Target the right consumer in a way that connects to her personal values and apply the principals of behavioral science ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 31. Understanding the Consumer ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 32. Eco Pulse 2011 Consumer Segments ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 33. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 34. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 35. Actives: 28% of Americans ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 36. Actives •  Somewhat more likely to be female •  Most are aged 45–54 •  Well educated •  High-income •  Ethnically diverse (significant Hispanic population) •  Have children living at home •  Sustainability is big part of self image •  Highly sensitive to greenwashing •  Respond best to themes of innovation and possibility •  Health is a driving force—label readers •  Will pay more for green ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 37. Understanding the Systemic Thinker (Gold) •  They value integrity, competence and sustainability •  “Life is a system” •  Their goal is to restore balance and vitality •  Prevalent in Gen X and younger •  They join groups to solve problems and see results •  Have great abilities to understand others and inspire them to a achieve a higher vision •  Want to feel connected to their purpose •  Believe that businesses and individuals need to take responsibility for being positive and progressive forces for good -- triple bottom- line philosophy ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 38. People who are intrinsically or internally motivated participate in a behavior because they enjoy the work and find it rewarding. They don’t need any outside persuasion to act—they’re likely innovators and early adopters. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 39. Synthesis: •  To tap the Early Adopters/Actives/Systemic Thinkers: –  Create/build brands that can be seen by this group as authentically green, particularly in categories where she may not have already formed a strong brand loyalty –  Appeal to her sense of personal identity –  Tout the health benefits –  Use positive, hopeful, possibility-filled language –  Build in ingredient and packaging innovations –  Tie the brand to a greater cause–make this feel like a Big Idea –  Give her a social media outlet to learn more about how her purchase helps the cause; connects her to like minded people –  Reach her online –  Must be in non-traditional stores –  Offer free trials to get her to try your product as opposed to coupons ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 40. Seekers: 27% of Americans ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 41. Seekers •  Equally likely to be male or female •  Slightly younger than Actives •  Average education level •  White collar and middle- to upper-income •  Homeowners •  Married with kids at home •  Define green as energy efficient •  Split on global warming •  Pragmatic shoppers •  Looking for green options in lower-priced categories ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 42. Understanding the Humanistic Thinker (Jade) •  Humanistic Thinking •  Personal connections and relationships create meaning and happiness •  Relativistic thinkers •  Value equality, community •  Sees the world as a large—and often dysfunctional—family •  Believe businesses should be more about equality and less about untamed corporate greed ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 43. Understanding the Individualistic Thinker (Copper) •  They value personal accomplishment, power and profit •  “Life is a game to be won or lost” •  Self-directed, pragmatic individualists responsible for creating their own lives •  Believe that tough lessons are part of the growth process—despise victimhood mentality •  Can be generous entrepreneurs, optimists, visionaries, persuasive motivators •  Chafe at outside restrictions and burdens that limit their potential to create wealth and success •  Believe business exists to increase profits as a moral imperative ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 44. People who are extrinsically or externally motivated aren’t interested in the behavior itself. They must have a reward for acting and they only act if the reward is in place. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 45. Synthesis: •  To reach the Early-Middle Majority/Seekers/ Humanistic Thinkers –  Rely on existing, trusted brand names –  Appeal to family, as in “good for your family”; align the brand with other family brands –  Offer a “permission slip” –  Consider school tie-ins and educational programs –  Tout the green reputation of the company –  Be real –  Be in the regular aisle with conventional products at standard grocery and big box stores –  Reach them via traditional media –  Coupons and promotions; price parity ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 46. Skeptics: 30% of Americans ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 47. Skeptics •  Oldest of the groups •  Predominantly male •  Average education level •  HHI: $100K or more •  Feel no personal responsibility for changing to positively impact the environment •  More concerned about comfort and convenience; find comfort in tradition •  Respond best to a financial security/control message ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 48. Understanding the Absolutistic Thinker (navy) •  They value discipline, authority and purpose •  “Life is a test in which I must prove myself worthy by upholding strict moral codes and laws.” •  Can’t tolerate uncertainty—need clear, unambiguous answers; seek intellectual security •  Only answer to one “true authority” making them hard to persuade or inspire •  Like to prove they’re right •  Hardworking and dutiful, humble, little expectation for personal gain, work toward a common goal •  Believe everyone has an obligation to work hard and that business should take care of them ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 49. Synthesis: •  To reach the Skeptics/Individualistic-Absolutistic Thinkers/Late Majority: –  Layer in sustainability messaging to existing traditional brands, but don’t lead with it. Messaging should focus on what’s in it for the consumer – hype ROI and comfort benefits, if at all possible; connote how smart and powerful he/she will feel for buying your brand –  Play on tradition, “brand you’ve always trusted” –  Must have price parity/discounts –  Must have Walmart distribution –  Be prescriptive ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 50. Messages That Matter (Broadly): •  Independence •  Don't waste •  Control •  Comfort •  Convenience •  Economy •  Health •  Brand •  Ingredients (food) •  Recycled content and safety (non-food grocery items) •  Energy efficiency and aesthetics (home improvement) ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 51. Beyond Messaging: Keeping consumers engaged and motivated ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 52. The question isn’t, “How can we motivate others?” ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 53. The proper question is, “How can we create conditions within which people will motivate themselves?” ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 54. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 55. There’s no universal way to motivate everyone. That would be way too simple. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 56. The Challenges of Motivation: Sometimes it’s a people problem. Sometimes it’s a situational problem. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 57. People Problem A: Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivations ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 58. Rewards are like an addiction. Stop the reward. Stop the behavior. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 59. People Problem B: Moral Licensing ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 60. “But I ate a salad for lunch today!” ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 61. People who bought energy-efficient washing machines used them more often. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 62. “I will switch my lightbulbs, but I will not sell my pickup truck” ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 63. The Challenges of Motivation: Sometimes it’s a people problem. Sometimes it’s a situational problem. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 64. Situational Problem: It’s just too big. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 65. “Be energy efficient!” “Be green!” ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 66. Strategy 1: Scale down the mission.
  • 67. i.e., instead of cleaning the whole house, do a five- minute room rescue instead.
  • 68. Engineer quick wins to build confidence and keep momentum high. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 69. Strategy 2: Script the critical moves. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 70. You can’t just tell people to be healthier. You have to tell them exactly what to do. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 71. How Most People Think Change Happens: Analyze > Think > Change ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 72. How Change Really Happens: See > Feel > Change ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 73. To create behavior change, you must … •  Harness enthusiasm and minimize resistance •  Engage logic and engage emotion •  Define a collective long-term vision and define immediate steps for individuals •  Move people from automatic behaviors and shift them to conscious decisions •  Remove big barriers and celebrate small wins •  Communicate systemic benefits and progress and recognize personal benefits/help consumers create a new “sustainability” identity •  Praise the effort/build on strengths and not focus only on results/ expect failures along the way ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 74. Putting All of This Into Practice ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 75. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 76. Initial Request: We must get Americans to understand the importance of water conservation. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 77. Ah-hah! Wake Actives and Seekers up to their automatic behaviors around water so they can make conscious choices; Identify the moment when using water becomes wasting water. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 78. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 79. Initial Request: Georgia-Pacific Create an umbrella theme that tells GP’s sustainable forestry, manufacturing and design stories. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 80. Ah-hah! Give consumers a “permission slip” to buy the quality convenience products they want to buy anyway. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 81. Initial Request: American Solar Energy Society Build an energy literacy campaign to combat campaigns from the coal and gas industries. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 82. Ah-hah! Create a national solar movement that allows Americans to affordably express their support for solar ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 83. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 84. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 85. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 86. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 87. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 88. Initial Request: Vectren Combat consumer perception that we’re an expensive utility in an ivory tower and build a brand based on conservation. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 89. Ah-hah! Tell the truth. And wrap that truth in endearing humor, delivered at the point of pain. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 90. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 91. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 92. ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 93. As you market to the Mainstream Consumer, remember this: •  It’s not about the planet •  Jargon and packaging innovations can hurt you more than help you •  Price and performance have to be the same or better than conventional products •  It IS about understanding the target consumer, connecting with her personal values are, and creating conditions within which she can stay motivated/ engaged ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 94. Questions? ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.
  • 95. Thank you! Suzanne Shelton 865.524.8385 ©2011 Shelton Group, Inc. Do not copy or distribute without permission.