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SaraAne newspaper
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Page 1: Local issues (Task 1)
Page 2: World issues (Task 2)
Page 3: The baby giraffe (Task 3)
Page 4: News of the world (Task 4)
Page s 5-6: Too much TV? (Task
Page 6: Older mum not so bad
(Task 6)
Page 7: The alcohol (Task 7)
Page 8: Work and education (Task
Page 9: The computers games addict
(Task 9)
Page 10: Cinderella’s story (Task 10)
Page 11: What’s the weather like
(the weather forecast)
Page 12: Cinema review (Perdiendo el
Page s13-14-15-16: The
Page 17: The image of women in
Page 18: The advert (Fairy soap)
The mayor of Bilbao, Iñaki Azkuna, died this Thursday in his house, after eleven years fighting against the
cancer, the town hall has informed. Iñaki died at 71 years old surrounded by his family and the people he
loved. Everybody has expressed their deepest condolences and the town hall says that he has fought during
I ñaki Azkuna was a doctor (he majored in cardiology and radiology and he worked in the hospital of Cruces,
Barakaldo), teacher and Spanishpolitician of the PNV. The people of Bilbaoloved him, and they think he was
an excellent mayor.
He won the award of the Best Mayor in 2012, and he was Knight of the Legion of Honour of France, so he was
a very important person in all the world.
The funeral will be on Monday at the Cathedral of Santiago.
Several personalitieswill attend the Mass: the Princeof Asturias, the Basque President, BilbaoCorporation
and almost all PNV leaders.
Task 2
After the first movie, The History of Winter, the dolphin that receive a prosthesis in his tail, is coming back
to the big screen, but he has new adventures: fighting against the death of Panama (another dolphin that was
always with him) and making new friends.
For the second film, Bethany Hamilton is there, the surfer that lost one of her arms at 13 years old becausea
shark attacked her.
She is a Hawaiian surfer, known as a survivor because a shark attacked her and she lost her left arm at the
age of 13, but she returned to surfing and she has won many competitions since then.
She was lying on her board with her left arm under the water, when a tiger shark attacked her, ripping her left
arm just below the shoulder removing about 60% of her blood. She adapted a handmade table that was a little
thicker, making it easier to swim. After learning to swim with one arm, she began surfing completely.
Task 3
A baby giraffe borned in a zoo of Chester, and is one of the most little giraffe that the world has seen.
According to the Daily Mail Margaret, the giraffe born premature, and the zoo are doing everything possible so
that it exceeds its current size.
The giraffe weighs 35 kilograms and measuring about a meter and a half. Her mom is not the tallest .
Margaret was born before theyshould. This may explain their peculiar size", said Tim Rowlands, of the
section of giraffes at the zoo. "She (his mother) had problems breastfeeding so that our team is taking care of
her and she is doing mucheffort", said.
Task 4
At least two police officers died on Sunday after a bombexploded just a few metres from the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Egypt, located in the center of Cairo. This happened at midmorning, in one of the highly
travelled places in the city. It is the most serious attack in recent weeks in the Egyptian capital.
The general Secretary of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, said today that the decision by Scotland to continue in the
United Kingdomare "good news for Europe" and pointed out that the Scots have chosen «together» self-
After detecting the first case of ebola in US territory, authorities extreme precautionary measures. For this
reason, the Howard Hospital in the city of Washington isolated a patient with possible symptoms of the ebola
virus. Finally, it has been assured that the patient doesn’t suffer from the deadly disease.
The British David Bolam, who was kidnapped in Libya last May, has been released, as reported by the Foreign
Office in a statement on Saturday.
Task 5
Too much TV?
In general, we see much more TV than we should. Although we pass a nice
time, the TV is bad for our health because it worsens our sight . Some
shows of the TV create addiction and they are done in order to watch
more television. Some doctors say thatthe bestis to watch the TV about
two hours a day and if you watch less time, it is better.
Researchers from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, say that
watching TV two or three hours a day is bad because it causes diabetes,
cardiovascular disease and premature death. Watching TV has become one
of the mostfrequent activities in many parts of the world, like eating,
sleepingor working. They think thatthe 40% of the population spend
their free time in front of the smallscreen, which is an average of three to
four hours daily.
We see TV for about two hours.In our opinion,we should see the
televisionwhenever we want,because we are free to take our own
The textis aboutan application called TV Allowed.The inventor,Randal
Levensonteachesto watch the TV less hours thanwe should. TV Allowance
is the way to reduce televisiontime.It wenton sale in America last
month for $99 (fifty pounds).
The television is not very important in our lives,so we could live
withoutit. We think TV Allowance is good for people that have an
addiction to the TV.
With the new technologies like the mobile phones or the computers we are
not going to watch a lot of TV because in the mobile or computer you can
watch the same programmes.
Task 6
Older mum not so bad
The older mums and fathers haven't got the energy that the have when they
were younger, so there is no convenientto have a baby if you have more
than 50 years old. On the opposite case youngmums and fathers drop
school and they haven´tgot money for the child and they becomeadult
so fast. If you choose the sex of the baby it isn´tgoingto be naturaland
the baby is not going to be healthy, so the bestway to have a baby is to be
Task 7
The alcohol
We think that the idea of the Town Hall of Portugalete is so good because it helps the people to drink less. The
people wouldn´t stop drinking but it is a good start.
I t is acceptable to drink when you are an adult, more or less; so if you are a child it is unacceptable. The
people are not allowed to drink when theyare going to drive a car, because they can cause numerousaccidents,
and also when they are at schools because it is a place to study, not for drinking; and you are allowed to
drink when you are watching the television, because you are in your house.
The alcohol has some effects. It affects the blood, brain, stomach, when you are pregnant, heart, pancreas, in the
reproductive system, liver and oesophagus. When you are pregnant, the baby will have the effects of the alcohol
too, so it wouldn't be a healthy baby. And when you drink a lot all the days, you can become an alcoholic.
So, in conclusion, drinking alcohol sometimes is not bad if you are an adult, but if you drink everyday it
is bad for your health.
Task 8
Work And Education
The school´s name is St Gregory´s, in Bilbao. The size of each class will be of 18 𝒎𝟐 and colourful to give
a cozy look The school will be of mixed sex because the children relate with the other sex and they learn the
daily life. There will be uniformsbecause if there are uniforms there are not distinctions between the students.
The teachers are going to teach the normal subjects like Maths, English, Basque, Science… And other subjects
like Drama, ICT...There are going to be funny things to make studyfunnier and easier, like Drama; here they
learn to lose their shyness, so when theyare doing speaking in Basque, English or Spanishis going to be easier
for the students.
The school will start at half past nine and it is going to finishat ten past two. There will be classes every
day from Monday to Friday. In each day there are going to be four lessons and eachlesson will b e of one hour
. There will be a break of forty minutes to clear the mind. But in St Gregory's school there will be some rules,
so not all is funny. Here are some examples:
- You cannot smoke or take drugs in the building.
- You cannot speak loud in the corridors.
- You cannot hit another student.
- You must take care of the school and the material that is there.
- You cannot insult a teacher or another student.
- You must go to class every day.
Task 9
The computer games addict
It is normal that nowadays young people spend a lot of hours in front of the computer, mobile phones or other
technological inventions. Many young people use all of this to play videogames and not to look for help to do
homework or works. These video games create serious addictions in some young people and it is not healthy.
They don't do sport ,they don't study and they don’t go out; they prefer to stay in their house playing these
Insome cases, it is true that it is only a hobby, but in manycases it is an addiction. When it is a hobby,
they only play sometimes and a few hours for fun and entertainment, but they do other things too. Whenit
is an addiction, they only think iofplaying the video games and they need their parents to take action or
call a specialist.
Playing video games causes addiction, for example they need to pass the level that they are in the game, because
if they don’t win, they get angry and they need to try again until they win.
We think that all the addictions are similar because all of those have bad consequences. For example, being
addicted to cigarettes is bad because you are putting your health in danger . Other example is shopping because
if you go shopping all the days, you will spend a lot of money. We think that all those addictions are hard
to give up. If you get used to something, it is very difficult to give up.
Task 10
Once upona time,there was a beautiful princess called Cinderella.She married with a very handsome prince
and they were very happy together.Their had a perfect life,with a castle,servants and love. They didn’t
imagine life without one another
But some years ago, the coexistence together wasn't good because the prince was a lot of time out and they did
not spend timelike a couple. He wasn't the prince whoCinderella had imagined whenthey got married.
One day, a messenger said to Cinderella that he had watchedthe prince with other girls in the disco.
Cinderella was very angry,depressed and sad, and after a discussionwith the prince, theydecidedto break
up theirrelationship. Cinderella put him out of the house.Shegotthe castle, the money and the servants.
Cinderella was very sad, and to forget the prince,she went to the pubevery night to drink.She became an
alcoholic and she went with any boywho showedher a bit of affection. Her family and friends were very
worried but theycouldn't do anything to help Cinderella.
Today it will be a cloudy day but the temperature is going to be excellent; from
3 degrees to 12 degrees. At night, the temperature is going to be colder and there
might be storms. Also there will be a stiff wind blowing.
Tomorrow's weather is going to be better than today’s.
It will be a sunny day, the sun will climb higher in the sky.
The temperatures are going to be very good; from 7
degrees to 17 degrees. Tomorrow´s night is going to be
warm and with similar temperatures.
Cinema review: ‘Perdiendo el norte’
The nameof the last film that we have seen is called‘Perdiendo el norte’.This beautifully shot comedywas
directed by a very famous director; Nacho G. Velilla.Alsothere are a lot of famous Spanish actors and
actresses such as; Yon González,JuliánLópez,
Blanca Suárez, Miki Esparbé, José Sacristán, Úrsula
Corberó, Malena Alterio, Javier Cámara, Carmen
Machi, Younes Bachir and ArturoValls.
Yon González, called ‘Hugo’ in the film,is going to
marry Úrsula Corberó, calledNadia inthe film, but
Hugo feels he is in love with Blanca Suárez (Carla in
the film).
Hugo left Nadia on the day of their wedding and he
goes to Germany to stay with Carla.
Hugo and Braulio, two students with university degrees and masters,go to Germany because in Spain they
can’t find any work. When they arrive in Germany they soon realisethat finding a job in Germany is as
difficult as in Spain.
We like this film because it describes a nowadaysituation, but with a funny point. The actors’ work is
excellent; they are very good in their work. We recommend all the people to see this great film.
The horoscopes
23rd November – 22nd December
This month you will participate in some projects and
humanitarian causes. You have to help the other people and
you will receive help too. Because of Jupiter and Geminis you
will have facilities with your couple and to speak in public.
21st May – 21st June
Jupiter will be in your sign for the next months and it will help you
with new opportunities.You will meet a lot of new people and probably
you will win weight. You will have curiosity because of other countries
and cultures.You will have some new projects and you will do a travel with your
friends and family.
23rd December – 20th January
Because of Urano and Aries your home and your family life will be shaken. You
will feel curious and you will like moving. Pluton will influence those feelings.
You will probably think more about your future and you will be tense and
22nd June – 23rd July
Saturn is on Scorpius and that will have influence on things related
to love it will be difficult to have confidence in yourself. Aries will
motivate you having changes on your professional career.You will
read a lot about astrology and the life before the death. This is a good moment to
investigate about other cultures.
21st January – 19th February
This month is going to be excellent for you because of the Sun,
Mercurio, Venus, Marte and the New Moon. This is a good moment to
begin new projects and take new opportunities. You will feel strong
and you will attract friendship, love and money. However, you will probably feel
unconcentrated. You will advance on you professional career. Jupiter and Saturn
will help you on your love relations.
24th July – 23rd August
During this month you are going to be tense treating
with other people because of some planets transiting
Aquarius. You should be objective to be strong with the
critics. Take some time before doing something.You have to
give help to the people who need it.
20th February – 20th March
In this month Júpiter is in Gemini, so it will have a big
influence on your family and on your house. You will take the
best decisions. Saturn is on Scorpio, so maybe you will do
some travels , but take care of the money.
24th August – 23rd September
Because of Venus and Pluto you will have romances. You are
going to begin this month in love with someone.Maybe you
will get frustrated.
21st March – 20th April
Because of the activity of the sign Aquarius your interest is
going to be related to the technology. It is important to
connect with all the people to participate in humanity
projects. Your feelings are clear and you have the capacity of
having the attention of the other people.
24th September – 23rd October
This month your love life is going to be excellent. You will
probably feel curious. Don’t wait serious compromises. You
will probably meet new people and experiment with your
couple. Pluto is going to be intense on your home and on your
21st April – 21st May
Maybe you will feel frustrated and tense this month because of the
sign of Aquarius. Your professional area is going to be affected. You
have plans but you might fail. You have the necessity of having an
open mind .
24th October – 22nd November
This is going to be a difficult and tense month, don't concentrate on
small things.Saturn is going to give you a serious view of life .You
have to learn to be more realistic.
The image of women in publicity
The message of this image is that if you use this make up your skin is going to be as perfect as
in the photograph. But in the real life no one has this perfection because they use photoshop. So
if a girl buys this product and she doesn’t achieve the advertisement’s results, she is going to
be very frustrated. Maybe a teenager has this skin but an older woman can believe that the
advertisement is real and she throws the money to the rubbish. So I' don’tagree with this type
of delusion.
The adverts influence our life because if we see an announcement that promises excellents
results, we buy it. So the best thing with this is that you must be warned about the real effects.
We must not believe these announcements because we are going to be disappointed.We can't do
another thing because the big companies are not going to stop this publicity because they
receive a lot of money.
‘Fairy’ soap
With this soap you are goingto use only a drop to have all your
dinnerware clean.
Also, the price of this soap is so economical, only 2 pounds.
So you would have an excellent quality with a very cheap product.

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Sara ane newspaper2

  • 1. SaraAne newspaper All the information INDEX
  • 2. Page 1: Local issues (Task 1) Page 2: World issues (Task 2) Page 3: The baby giraffe (Task 3) Page 4: News of the world (Task 4) Page s 5-6: Too much TV? (Task 5) Page 6: Older mum not so bad (Task 6) Page 7: The alcohol (Task 7)
  • 3. Page 8: Work and education (Task 8) Page 9: The computers games addict (Task 9) Page 10: Cinderella’s story (Task 10) Page 11: What’s the weather like (the weather forecast) Page 12: Cinema review (Perdiendo el norte) Page s13-14-15-16: The horoscopes
  • 4. Page 17: The image of women in publicity Page 18: The advert (Fairy soap)
  • 5. TASK 1 The mayor of Bilbao, Iñaki Azkuna, died this Thursday in his house, after eleven years fighting against the cancer, the town hall has informed. Iñaki died at 71 years old surrounded by his family and the people he loved. Everybody has expressed their deepest condolences and the town hall says that he has fought during years. I ñaki Azkuna was a doctor (he majored in cardiology and radiology and he worked in the hospital of Cruces, Barakaldo), teacher and Spanishpolitician of the PNV. The people of Bilbaoloved him, and they think he was an excellent mayor. He won the award of the Best Mayor in 2012, and he was Knight of the Legion of Honour of France, so he was a very important person in all the world. The funeral will be on Monday at the Cathedral of Santiago. Several personalitieswill attend the Mass: the Princeof Asturias, the Basque President, BilbaoCorporation and almost all PNV leaders.
  • 6. Task 2 After the first movie, The History of Winter, the dolphin that receive a prosthesis in his tail, is coming back to the big screen, but he has new adventures: fighting against the death of Panama (another dolphin that was always with him) and making new friends. For the second film, Bethany Hamilton is there, the surfer that lost one of her arms at 13 years old becausea shark attacked her. She is a Hawaiian surfer, known as a survivor because a shark attacked her and she lost her left arm at the age of 13, but she returned to surfing and she has won many competitions since then. She was lying on her board with her left arm under the water, when a tiger shark attacked her, ripping her left arm just below the shoulder removing about 60% of her blood. She adapted a handmade table that was a little thicker, making it easier to swim. After learning to swim with one arm, she began surfing completely.
  • 7. Task 3 A baby giraffe borned in a zoo of Chester, and is one of the most little giraffe that the world has seen. According to the Daily Mail Margaret, the giraffe born premature, and the zoo are doing everything possible so that it exceeds its current size. The giraffe weighs 35 kilograms and measuring about a meter and a half. Her mom is not the tallest . Margaret was born before theyshould. This may explain their peculiar size", said Tim Rowlands, of the section of giraffes at the zoo. "She (his mother) had problems breastfeeding so that our team is taking care of her and she is doing mucheffort", said. Task 4
  • 8. Egypt At least two police officers died on Sunday after a bombexploded just a few metres from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, located in the center of Cairo. This happened at midmorning, in one of the highly travelled places in the city. It is the most serious attack in recent weeks in the Egyptian capital. Scotland The general Secretary of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, said today that the decision by Scotland to continue in the United Kingdomare "good news for Europe" and pointed out that the Scots have chosen «together» self- government. Washington After detecting the first case of ebola in US territory, authorities extreme precautionary measures. For this reason, the Howard Hospital in the city of Washington isolated a patient with possible symptoms of the ebola virus. Finally, it has been assured that the patient doesn’t suffer from the deadly disease. Libia The British David Bolam, who was kidnapped in Libya last May, has been released, as reported by the Foreign Office in a statement on Saturday. Task 5
  • 9. Too much TV? In general, we see much more TV than we should. Although we pass a nice time, the TV is bad for our health because it worsens our sight . Some shows of the TV create addiction and they are done in order to watch more television. Some doctors say thatthe bestis to watch the TV about two hours a day and if you watch less time, it is better. Researchers from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, say that watching TV two or three hours a day is bad because it causes diabetes, cardiovascular disease and premature death. Watching TV has become one of the mostfrequent activities in many parts of the world, like eating, sleepingor working. They think thatthe 40% of the population spend their free time in front of the smallscreen, which is an average of three to four hours daily. We see TV for about two hours.In our opinion,we should see the televisionwhenever we want,because we are free to take our own decisions. The textis aboutan application called TV Allowed.The inventor,Randal Levensonteachesto watch the TV less hours thanwe should. TV Allowance is the way to reduce televisiontime.It wenton sale in America last month for $99 (fifty pounds).
  • 10. The television is not very important in our lives,so we could live withoutit. We think TV Allowance is good for people that have an addiction to the TV. With the new technologies like the mobile phones or the computers we are not going to watch a lot of TV because in the mobile or computer you can watch the same programmes. Task 6 Older mum not so bad The older mums and fathers haven't got the energy that the have when they were younger, so there is no convenientto have a baby if you have more than 50 years old. On the opposite case youngmums and fathers drop
  • 11. school and they haven´tgot money for the child and they becomeadult so fast. If you choose the sex of the baby it isn´tgoingto be naturaland the baby is not going to be healthy, so the bestway to have a baby is to be somethingnatural. Task 7 The alcohol We think that the idea of the Town Hall of Portugalete is so good because it helps the people to drink less. The people wouldn´t stop drinking but it is a good start. I t is acceptable to drink when you are an adult, more or less; so if you are a child it is unacceptable. The people are not allowed to drink when theyare going to drive a car, because they can cause numerousaccidents, and also when they are at schools because it is a place to study, not for drinking; and you are allowed to drink when you are watching the television, because you are in your house. The alcohol has some effects. It affects the blood, brain, stomach, when you are pregnant, heart, pancreas, in the reproductive system, liver and oesophagus. When you are pregnant, the baby will have the effects of the alcohol too, so it wouldn't be a healthy baby. And when you drink a lot all the days, you can become an alcoholic.
  • 12. So, in conclusion, drinking alcohol sometimes is not bad if you are an adult, but if you drink everyday it is bad for your health. Task 8 Work And Education The school´s name is St Gregory´s, in Bilbao. The size of each class will be of 18 𝒎𝟐 and colourful to give a cozy look The school will be of mixed sex because the children relate with the other sex and they learn the daily life. There will be uniformsbecause if there are uniforms there are not distinctions between the students. The teachers are going to teach the normal subjects like Maths, English, Basque, Science… And other subjects like Drama, ICT...There are going to be funny things to make studyfunnier and easier, like Drama; here they learn to lose their shyness, so when theyare doing speaking in Basque, English or Spanishis going to be easier for the students. The school will start at half past nine and it is going to finishat ten past two. There will be classes every day from Monday to Friday. In each day there are going to be four lessons and eachlesson will b e of one hour . There will be a break of forty minutes to clear the mind. But in St Gregory's school there will be some rules, so not all is funny. Here are some examples: - You cannot smoke or take drugs in the building. - You cannot speak loud in the corridors. - You cannot hit another student.
  • 13. - You must take care of the school and the material that is there. - You cannot insult a teacher or another student. - You must go to class every day. Task 9 The computer games addict It is normal that nowadays young people spend a lot of hours in front of the computer, mobile phones or other technological inventions. Many young people use all of this to play videogames and not to look for help to do homework or works. These video games create serious addictions in some young people and it is not healthy. They don't do sport ,they don't study and they don’t go out; they prefer to stay in their house playing these games. Insome cases, it is true that it is only a hobby, but in manycases it is an addiction. When it is a hobby, they only play sometimes and a few hours for fun and entertainment, but they do other things too. Whenit is an addiction, they only think iofplaying the video games and they need their parents to take action or call a specialist. Playing video games causes addiction, for example they need to pass the level that they are in the game, because if they don’t win, they get angry and they need to try again until they win. We think that all the addictions are similar because all of those have bad consequences. For example, being addicted to cigarettes is bad because you are putting your health in danger . Other example is shopping because if you go shopping all the days, you will spend a lot of money. We think that all those addictions are hard to give up. If you get used to something, it is very difficult to give up.
  • 14. Task 10 Cinderella Once upona time,there was a beautiful princess called Cinderella.She married with a very handsome prince and they were very happy together.Their had a perfect life,with a castle,servants and love. They didn’t imagine life without one another But some years ago, the coexistence together wasn't good because the prince was a lot of time out and they did not spend timelike a couple. He wasn't the prince whoCinderella had imagined whenthey got married. One day, a messenger said to Cinderella that he had watchedthe prince with other girls in the disco. Cinderella was very angry,depressed and sad, and after a discussionwith the prince, theydecidedto break up theirrelationship. Cinderella put him out of the house.Shegotthe castle, the money and the servants. Cinderella was very sad, and to forget the prince,she went to the pubevery night to drink.She became an alcoholic and she went with any boywho showedher a bit of affection. Her family and friends were very worried but theycouldn't do anything to help Cinderella.
  • 15. WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE? Today it will be a cloudy day but the temperature is going to be excellent; from 3 degrees to 12 degrees. At night, the temperature is going to be colder and there might be storms. Also there will be a stiff wind blowing. Tomorrow's weather is going to be better than today’s. It will be a sunny day, the sun will climb higher in the sky. The temperatures are going to be very good; from 7
  • 16. degrees to 17 degrees. Tomorrow´s night is going to be warm and with similar temperatures. Cinema review: ‘Perdiendo el norte’ The nameof the last film that we have seen is called‘Perdiendo el norte’.This beautifully shot comedywas directed by a very famous director; Nacho G. Velilla.Alsothere are a lot of famous Spanish actors and actresses such as; Yon González,JuliánLópez, Blanca Suárez, Miki Esparbé, José Sacristán, Úrsula Corberó, Malena Alterio, Javier Cámara, Carmen Machi, Younes Bachir and ArturoValls. Yon González, called ‘Hugo’ in the film,is going to marry Úrsula Corberó, calledNadia inthe film, but Hugo feels he is in love with Blanca Suárez (Carla in the film). Hugo left Nadia on the day of their wedding and he goes to Germany to stay with Carla.
  • 17. Hugo and Braulio, two students with university degrees and masters,go to Germany because in Spain they can’t find any work. When they arrive in Germany they soon realisethat finding a job in Germany is as difficult as in Spain. We like this film because it describes a nowadaysituation, but with a funny point. The actors’ work is excellent; they are very good in their work. We recommend all the people to see this great film. The horoscopes Sagittarius 23rd November – 22nd December This month you will participate in some projects and humanitarian causes. You have to help the other people and you will receive help too. Because of Jupiter and Geminis you will have facilities with your couple and to speak in public. Gemini 21st May – 21st June Jupiter will be in your sign for the next months and it will help you with new opportunities.You will meet a lot of new people and probably you will win weight. You will have curiosity because of other countries and cultures.You will have some new projects and you will do a travel with your friends and family. Capricorn 23rd December – 20th January
  • 18. Because of Urano and Aries your home and your family life will be shaken. You will feel curious and you will like moving. Pluton will influence those feelings. You will probably think more about your future and you will be tense and stressed. Cancer 22nd June – 23rd July Saturn is on Scorpius and that will have influence on things related to love it will be difficult to have confidence in yourself. Aries will motivate you having changes on your professional career.You will read a lot about astrology and the life before the death. This is a good moment to investigate about other cultures. Aquarius 21st January – 19th February This month is going to be excellent for you because of the Sun, Mercurio, Venus, Marte and the New Moon. This is a good moment to begin new projects and take new opportunities. You will feel strong and you will attract friendship, love and money. However, you will probably feel unconcentrated. You will advance on you professional career. Jupiter and Saturn will help you on your love relations.
  • 19. Leo 24th July – 23rd August During this month you are going to be tense treating with other people because of some planets transiting Aquarius. You should be objective to be strong with the critics. Take some time before doing something.You have to give help to the people who need it. Pisces 20th February – 20th March In this month Júpiter is in Gemini, so it will have a big influence on your family and on your house. You will take the best decisions. Saturn is on Scorpio, so maybe you will do some travels , but take care of the money. Virgo 24th August – 23rd September Because of Venus and Pluto you will have romances. You are going to begin this month in love with someone.Maybe you will get frustrated. Aries 21st March – 20th April Because of the activity of the sign Aquarius your interest is going to be related to the technology. It is important to connect with all the people to participate in humanity
  • 20. projects. Your feelings are clear and you have the capacity of having the attention of the other people. Libra 24th September – 23rd October This month your love life is going to be excellent. You will probably feel curious. Don’t wait serious compromises. You will probably meet new people and experiment with your couple. Pluto is going to be intense on your home and on your family. Taurus 21st April – 21st May Maybe you will feel frustrated and tense this month because of the sign of Aquarius. Your professional area is going to be affected. You have plans but you might fail. You have the necessity of having an open mind . Scorpio 24th October – 22nd November This is going to be a difficult and tense month, don't concentrate on small things.Saturn is going to give you a serious view of life .You have to learn to be more realistic.
  • 21. The image of women in publicity The message of this image is that if you use this make up your skin is going to be as perfect as in the photograph. But in the real life no one has this perfection because they use photoshop. So if a girl buys this product and she doesn’t achieve the advertisement’s results, she is going to be very frustrated. Maybe a teenager has this skin but an older woman can believe that the advertisement is real and she throws the money to the rubbish. So I' don’tagree with this type of delusion. The adverts influence our life because if we see an announcement that promises excellents results, we buy it. So the best thing with this is that you must be warned about the real effects. We must not believe these announcements because we are going to be disappointed.We can't do another thing because the big companies are not going to stop this publicity because they receive a lot of money. ‘Fairy’ soap
  • 22. With this soap you are goingto use only a drop to have all your dinnerware clean. Also, the price of this soap is so economical, only 2 pounds. So you would have an excellent quality with a very cheap product.