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Nursing Simulation Reflection Paper
Simulation Reflection
Anything... the word I professed some time ago. I prayed the prayer that I would do anything. The
woman who tends to always be in a state of trepidation, prayed that she would do anything for Him.
From that one word, many plans surfaced. I had hoped that it was just spontaneous thoughts and that
they did not mean anything. Among the list, was the idea of becoming a nurse. It was an outlandish
notion. How on earth could I be a nurse? Somehow that random thought has turned into a reality. I
am currently striving toward one of my "anythings". I know that my current situation is definitely
not by my own doing and that He has been continually opening doors. It has not been an easy road.
Thoughts of doubt, more content...
The intent of clinical simulations is to provide a safe environment for students to practice and
implement skills. This is a way in which to help prepare the student for the hospital setting.
Enhanced confidence, clinical judgment, knowledge, and competence are factors that come from
these situations. I gained further knowledge, but I did not experience the other skills during
simulation. During the postpartum–hemorrhage and birthing simulation, I purposefully picked the
scenarios that I felt most comfortable with. That entailed being the spouse of the woman in labor,
the nursing assistant, and the patient's family member. When embodying those roles, I felt at
ease, because I was not the fixation; I was not the one in charge of the situation. During the
preeclampsia simulation, I was "dubbed" the staff nurse. I was definitely out of my comfort zone.
I was in the second group, and this allowed me to observe the first group. I learned and made
alterations from the first group's performance. Observing the first group helped, but my
performance was poor. I made several mistakes and was embarrassed by the end result. I did not do
well with the assessments, answering the patient's questions appropriately, and when calling the
doctor, I was not fully prepared. Despite all the mistakes and feelings of embarrassment, I learned. I
am very thankful for the awareness of what things went wrong. With further practice and
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Nursing Assessment Paper
The national league for nurses defines critical thinking in the nursing process as "a discipline
specific, reflective reasoning process that guides a nurse in generating, implementing, and evaluating
approaches for dealing with client care and professional concerns" (Kozier, 2008). This definition is
imperative to help a nursing student learn how to think in terms of nursing care. Nursing students
must achieve a comprehensive understanding of critical thinking in order to understand the nursing
process. The purpose for this paper is for nursing students to learn how to use the nursing process,
how to properly document their findings and assessments, and correctly implement APA formatting
in a formal paper. HK passed away October 25, more content...
According to his chart, HK had to move back to Ohio because he was not able to take care of him
self in Las Vegas. He moved in with his daughter, and eventually was in need of too much care to
stay with her any longer. He was admitted to the ECF in August but his daughter continued to be his
biggest support. She had come to terms with the fact that he was declining and wanted her father to
be comfortable.
Patient Strengths Although the patient described himself as old and tired, he still had many
strengths. The patient kept a positive attitude and was pleasant to be around. He understood that the
nursing student was not as efficient as a professional nurse would be while preparing him for the
day. HK was never mean or rude, but eventually became very reserved. He followed the directions
given to him and obtained an admirable mutual respect between the patient and the nursing staff.
After his death, the nursing student asked a nursing aid for some information about HK. She said
he was easy going and went with the flow. She said he was never one to cause any problems. This is
commendable considering his health status and disease progression.
Nursing Diagnosis One
Adult failure to thrive related to social isolation as evidence by withdraws from social activities and
increased fatigue. Failure to thrive is impaired health of interrupted rehabiliation resulting from
illness, disability, lack of resources,
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The nursing process Essay
The standards of practice describe a competent level of nursing care as exhibited by the critical
thinking model known as the nursing process. This practice includes the areas of assessment,
diagnosis, outcome identification, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The nursing process
includes significant actions taken by registered nurses (RN) and forms the foundation of the nurse's
decision–making ("American Nurses Association," 2010). Assessment is the accurate collection of
comprehensive data pertinent to the patient's health or the situation ("American Nurses Association,"
2010). Assessment is the first step in the nursing process and the most important. Assessment is the
accurate collection of the patient's health more content...
It is during the second phase that the nurse must establish a nursing diagnosis. Only diagnosis
approved and listed through The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) may be
used. Ineffective airway clearance, risk for impaired skin integrity, risk for infection and ineffective
coping are just a few examples of NANDA approved diagnosis. A nursing diagnosis is a clinical
judgment about actual or potential individual, family, or community experiences/responses to health
problems/life processes. A nursing diagnosis provides the basis for selection of nursing interventions
to achieve outcomes for which the nurse has accountability (Defining the Knowledge," 2012). The
third standard of practice is outcomes identification. During this phase, the registered nurse identifies
expected outcomes for a plan individualized to the patient or the situation ("American Nurses
Association," 2010). During this step outcomes must be derived from the nursing diagnosis and must
be measurable, realistic and attainable by the patient. The registered nurse involves the patient,
family, heath care providers, and others in formulating expected outcomes when possible and
appropriate. The registered nurse must also consider associated risks, benefits, costs, current
scientific evidence, expected trajectory of the condition, and clinical expertise when formulating
outcomes ("American Nurses Association," 2010). Example of an
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What Is Nursing? Essay
Nursing is universal in the sense that nurses can be found almost in all countries around the world
(Henderson, 1978). They are in the hospitals, in school clinics, in the community centres, residential
homes and even play major roles in some of the popular soap operas in television. There are even
television shows that mainly revolve around nurses and which chronicles what they do at work –
both the positive and the negative. It is one of the most visible and easily identifiable occupations as
compared for example to other occupations such as engineers, managers or even pharmacists,
medical technologists and other health related occupations. This is partly because of what nurses do
and most especially how nurses look – with some more content...
The salient point in Henderson's definition is describing the duty of a nurse as one that cares or
assists an individual whether sick or well in obtaining a state of health in order to live an
independent lifestyle (paraphrased). Henderson also described the independent and dependent role
of nurses and the importance of a collaborative work with the other members of the
multi–disciplinary health care team especially the doctors (Henderson, 1966). The Royal College
of Nursing, on the other hand, described nursing as the utilization of clinical judgement in
extending the care necessary for the people to maintain and achieve an optimum state of life
throughout their lifetime (RCN, 2003). Other significant definitions of nursing were those given
by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Nurses Association (ANA). The
roles and functions of nurses have a very fascinating history and have evolved since the 19th
century. Landale (1895), in her letter to the editor of the Nursing Record and Hospital World
gave us a glimpse of what a nurse should be during that period. Referring to a nurse as a woman
in uniform, it gave us an idea that nursing was a female dominated vocation and not to be treated
as an economical occupation for financial gain. Landale (1895) placed an emphasis on the
characteristic of being a servant and being devoted to service in order to be a nurse who was worthy
of the uniform. The
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Community Health Nursing Reflection Essay
Community Health Nursing Reflection
Diane Schlicke RN MSN
Community Health Nursing Reflection
The role of the community health nurse in the participating family's community is to focus on the
health needs of the aggregate or group. Community health nursing refers to a systematic,
comprehensive focus on wellness, health protection, and disease, and injury prevention for the
population residing in a specific area. The nurse functions as advocate, case manager, consultant,
health care provider, educator, and collaborator with other agencies for healthy outcomes of the
entire community. Nurses involved in the health of a specific community such as the family
participating will assess the members living in the more content...
Education of the population is important. Developing and providing instructions to reframe from
outdoor activities during the peak hours of traffic in the neighborhood will minimize exposure.
Effective health seeking behaviors related to the expressed desire for a higher level of wellness,
evidenced by, involvement in physical/recreational activity in the community. The nurse may assist
the members of the community to explore motivations, behaviors, and feelings regarding their
determination to increase their level of wellness. In response to the person's self– awareness for the
desired elevation of maximum health, the nurse may reinforce the need to modify and plan more
achievable personal goals.
Due to long working hours, sedentary activity levels, and other personal responsibilities the nurse
may assess some community members display a nutrition imbalance related to excessive caloric
intake in comparison to expenditure of calories, evidenced by, weight gain of more than 20% over
ideal for height and frame. Interventions provided by the community nurse may include education of
a balanced healthy dietary regimen that include foods frequently eaten but prepared with less fat and
calories for the targeted population. The nurse will weigh each
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Personal Philosophy of Nursing Essay examples
Personal Philosophy of Nursing UCF November 25, 2011 Personal Philosophy of Nursing My
personal definition of nursing is taking care of my patient as a whole; using my knowledge, being
compassionate and caring, respectful and honest. Taking care of the; spiritual, physical and
emotional aspect of the patient, and taking into consideration their family and environment. Learning
about the different theorists I associate myself the most with Hildegard Peplau. Peplau believed that
the relationship between the patient and the nurse was focus of attention, rather than the patient only
as the unit of attention. (Chitty & Black p.314–315). Using Peplau's theory my relationship begins
with my patients as strangers and I try more content...
Not being afraid to question doctors as well as the nurses about their care, asking for a 2nd
opinion if they don't feel quite right about a diagnosis. Patients should educate themselves on their
disease process along with collaboration of the physicians and nurses. Patients should know why
they are on their medications, I have seen countless times were patients have no idea what their
taking and why their taking their medications, their response because the doctor said so this is not
good enough. I also believe that many of our physicians and nurses have failed our patients looking
at them as just a body not an individual. We should encourage screenings, early interventions
(education) to help prevent or reduce diseases. By doing these things I think we can help to reduce
patients hospitalizations, healthcare costs and risk of infections. Prolong the lives of our patients
help them to live a healthy and long life. There will be a few challenges ahead for our healthcare
system and the nursing profession: 1. The Aging Population– (baby boomers will be hitting
retirement age). 2. Poverty–"the increasing numbers of disenfranchised people and pressure to limit
health care expenditures will collide to create an intense values conflict for nurses of the future".
(Chitty & Black p.382) 3. Unhealthy Lifestyles– (obesity, tobacco use, lack of exercise, stress, HIV
/AIDS and drug abuse). 4. Faculty and Student shortages– making nursing shortage worse. Nurses as
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Nursing Application Essay Examples
The opportunity to challenge myself in UCLA's School of nursing, in addition to my own personal
experiences and traits, supply me with a fierce determination to succeed in my academics, in my
nursing career, and in fulfilling my aspirations as a whole.
Foremost, I am drawn to nursing from experiencing the lack of quality healthcare available
throughout society, often to the people who need it the most. Growing up in rural China, I have
witnessed the negative effects of a faulty healthcare system on children, adults, and even a whole
community. I find it appalling that people are suffering and dying from preventable diseases, due to
a lack of access to medical facilities, or when individuals are unable to seek adequate health care
because more content...
Coming from a family that struggles financially, my parents were frequently absent for work, and
often left me in charge to take care of my sister and brother. From my siblings' birth in January
2006 and May 2008 respectively, I was tasked with feeding, teaching, and caring for them while
my parents were working, on top of managing my own schoolwork. However, I am fulfilled by the
sense of gratitude I receive when I began caring for those who could not care for themselves. In
addition to teaching me patience, this also impels me towards a nursing career where I can fully
utilize my strengths. Furthermore, I gained exposure in healthcare through my internship at
Chapa–De as a dental assistant that began in early November 2016. By working clinically for over
12 hours a week, I gain invaluable exposure and experience by working with a variety of patients
each day. The skills I develop, such as time management, infection control, and patient comfort are
beneficial tools I will wield into my nursing education and career. Although my internship is focused
on the dental aspect of healthcare, I desire to transfer my skills and experience into nursing because
of the higher variety and more holistic aspects of patient care that enthralls me and my neverending
curiosity. Nonetheless, the opportunity to learn each day in this field of healthcare is fascinating,
and only further motivates me
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Examples Of Nursing Application Essay
Greetings and salutations fellow virtual aviator!
I'd first like to thank you for your interest in the team. We are always excited when we receive
applications. Our application process may span the course of multiple months. It is this span of time
that helps us determine whether or not an applicant is the right fit for the team. It is important that you
fill out our application with detail and honesty.
As an applicant of our team, we expect that you understand and emulate the four core values that
allow are our team remain successful and reputable.
Our demonstration is not easy––for any position on the team. Every flight, practice, performance, or
otherwise that we carry out requires a remarkable amount of accuracy and a keen sense for detail.
Every member of the team trains for hours in an effort to make our display appear the best that it
can be. more content...
It requires hundreds of hours of studying, practicing, and refining the demonstration. Sometimes it
gets difficult and to a point where it doesn't seem worth it. Being able to push through the hard
times and keep a focus on the end goal of the team is something we look for in all of our team
Every member of the team is part of different organizations in the flight simulation community, such
as The Sky Lounge, msFlights, MaldAir, and beyond. Being in the public eye quite often, it is
expected that our members all display themselves in a professional and mature manner. It is one
thing to have fun, but it is quite another to display yourself as immature.
Being able to take and learn from criticism is what allows the team to progress and succeed in the
long run. Taking the time to understand how the demonstration works, what you are doing
incorrectly, and taking the steps to fix it is imperative to making the team's demonstration appear as
flawlessly as
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A Career as a Registered Nurse Essay
A Registered Nurse is a person who enjoys helping other people. They practically have the
responsibility for many peoples lives. What's interesting about a Registered Nurse is that they get
to learn about all the parts of the human body. A Registered Nurse works in the medical field and
needs to be ready with anything that comes their way. There could be a sudden death, some kind
of medical issue that pops up, and even a patient just falls over and hurt themselves. As a
Registered Nurse they need to be able to deal with blood, snot, vomit etc. The main thing a
Registered Nurse has to be good at is being able, and wanting to help people in need. A Registered
Nurse typically tends to work in a clean and healthy work environment (" more
para. 1). Registered Nurses should be emotionally stable, so they can help the families through
rough times ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 47). An RN also needs to be organized, and to make
sure the patient gets what they need when needed ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 48). All RN's
will need to have the patients medical issues, and problems handy and to give the patients, and
their medicines when the patients need it ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 8). An RN will usually
records what the patient is doing, sometimes work with medical machinery, talk to doctors about
the patient, and help the patient and the patient's family on how to deal with their medical
problems ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 8). Another important thing that an RN will need is to
have the physical stamina and to be ready to lift or transfer patients ("Registered Nurses" U.S.
para. 49). An RN will have to be able to lift at least 10 pounds, maybe even 20 pounds ("Registered
Nurse" para. 4). A person in this career should have an energy level that is somewhat high, has a
skill that is interpersonal, and a knowledge that is a little scientific ("Career" para. 6). If you
happen to be an RN in a nursing home, an RN will watch over the LPN's and CNA's, may start
fluids for the patient, make plans for treatments, and manage the patients health
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Bortons Model Of Reflection In Nursing
Using Bortons (1970) model of reflection, I am going to reflect on an experience I have had whilst
out in practice working on an acute dementia ward based in the north of England. There was a
patient (Miss A) on the ward during my time at placement that constantly used to seek reassurance
and was very repetitive with everything she said. The patient did sometimes become intimidating and
threatening when she wouldn't get attention from staff members. The ward had 18 patients we were
nursing and it did become very hectic and challenging a lot of the times therefore staff did not
always have the time to sit and have conversations with Miss A. One morning Miss A came to the
nursing station as usual and constantly kept banning on the desk, more content...
Working with dementia patients can be very stressful and exhausting which is because of the
psychological and behavioural symptoms older adults with dementia present. Their behaviour can
often be violent and aggressive towards staff members (Beck and Shue 1994). This was exactly the
case in the ward I was working on they had a lot of challenging patients who were very violent who
needed a lot of attention and often due to lack of staff some patients and their care would get
neglected. Working long hours in hectic environments such as this can lead to compassion fatigue.
This is a combination of emotional exhaustion, stress and diminishing personal accomplishments.
Having long, continuous and intense contact with the patients in stressful situation can lead to
compassion fatigue Coetzee & Klopper, 2010). A lot of the times because of tiredness and
exhaustion from continuously working in a stressful environment, I often left almost a burden on
them as a student nurse and at times felt hesitant to approach them
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My Experiences in a Nursing Career Essay
"Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, It requires an exclusive devotion as hard a
preparation, as any painterВґs or sculptorВґs work; for what is the having to do with dead canvas or
dead marble, compared with having to do with the living body, the temple of GodВґs spirit? It is one
of the Fine Arts: I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts." Spoken by a true nurse, Florence
Nightingale; a pioneer of nursing and a reformer of hospital sanitation methods. I have many goals
in life such as to have a good strong career and family. What is important to me is graduating
Central high school and go on to UND. While at UND I plan to get my nursing degree and
specialize in pediatrics and truama. I more content...
My sights have changed as I have gotten older. I no longer want to become a medical doctor. I may in
the far future decide to become a doctor but I would rather be a registered nurse because they deal
with the patients more. I also prefer working with pediatric or gereatric patients. Whatever way
that I decide to go I will always be helping someone, somewhere. I have looked at many colleges. I
find myself lucky to be in Grand Forks, North Dakota. UND is an amazing school, with a highly
recommended nursing program. North Dakota is one of the only states left that require a four
year nursing degree. I looked in to going to the tech but decided that it was not the right choice for
me since I am planning to stay in North Dakota. This would mean I would have to work in
minnesota or take a job in North Dakota and work under a different title with less pay and
benefits. Another benefit that accompanies going to a four year nursing program is if i wanted to
higher my education it would be in my best interest to have the extra two years behind me. My
next step in becomming a registered nursing is a little sidetracked. I want to be come a CMA. A
CMA is a certified medical assistant. Once I become a CMA I will have more responsibility but it
will be worth it. Becomming a CMA will help me in future classes at UND. I will have the
backround of medications as well as a better understanding of patients.
Going to
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Nursing Exemplar
Katherine Gallagher NU 310 Exemplar 2/21/2012 I arrived to work well rested and ready to start
the day. I had just returned after a two week long vacation. Because of the time off, I arrived to 7
East to find that the assortment of patients was not familiar at all. As I began getting reports on
my patients, one in particular I started to feel a little anxious and stressed. At first glance I could
tell I would be busy for the next twelve hours. Lynda was a 45 year old woman that was admitted
almost a week ago after having an emergent tracheostomy placed. Lynda was newly diagnosed with
laryngeal cancer with already having several other diagnoses including: seizure disorders, mild
mental retardation, behavioral issues, and was more content...
The look on Lynda's face was that of incredible confidence, I was truly impressed with her. By the
end of our second twelve hour shift, Lynda had learned how to suction herself. It was passed
along in report to simply encourage her independence in suctioning herself. Day three, my
mission was to teach Lynda the proper care of her PEG tube, and to continue with the
encouragement of her suctioning herself. After walking her though a bolus feeding in the
morning, she agreed to do the next one. Lunch time came around and sure enough, she was able
to complete the bolus feeding with minimum assistance. By the time came for the next feeding
she was going to get the can of food to do it herself when I had walked in the room. She laughed
and told me I was right that the PEG tube was a lot easier than suctioning. At this point in Lynda's
stay I knew that she would be going home soon. Later that evening, while discussing Lynda's
progress over the last few days with the physicians I asked them what the plan was and instructed
them that we needed to get nutrition, social work, and case management involved so that she could
go home. The physicians stated that they would place the consults that I requested but as for
discharge they were unsure about when this would happen because Lynda's brother doesn't think she
can care for herself on her own. I was shocked to hear this, the brother who I had not
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Example Of Qualitative Research In Nursing
Chiropractic Association, 56 (3) pp.167–171, Available at:
/PMC3430448/, (accessed: 30/09/15) Aslam, S., & P. Emmanuel, (2010) 'Formulating a
Researchable Question: A Critical Step for Facilitating Good Clinical Research', Indian Journal of
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 31 (1) pp.47–50, Available at:
/articles/PMC3140151/, (accessed: 30/09/15)
Beauchamp T and J. Childress (1983), Principals of biomedical ethics 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford
University Press
Creswell, J. W.(2003) Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches, 2th
edition, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication
Community Tool Box (2016): Section 5. Collecting and Analyzing Data. Available at http:/
/main (accessed 14/06/2016) more content...
H., (2014) Introduction to Health Research Methods: A Practical Guide, Sudbury, MA: Jones &
Bartlett Learning Step 1: Chapters
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My Nursing Goals for the Next Three Years Essay
My nursing goals for the next three years. Nursing is a career which I believe that needs to come
from the heart and I have at all times appreciated with respect. My aim in doing my education in
nursing was because I always wanted to achieve an extended and successful profession in the
health and medical field. I suppose the responsibilities of a nurse can be very demanding and
frantic in certain instances but nothing can be equal to the joy and satisfaction it brings. There are
many specialized areas in the field of nursing but I was particular interested in the mental health
field. I have had a chance to experience mental healths nursing during one of my placements .There
are a few goals which I would like to achieve within the more content...
Not having sufficient knowledge provided by educators and preceptors during the orientation
process and student experiences regarding the NG roles and responsibilities and the about
transition process can leave NG in a very confused position making them to develops poor
confidence levels. Also having to face differences in the social structure and cultural differences,
lacking leadership and allocation skills, having oppressively hierarchical work structure, lack of
introduction to role models and poor guidance and assistance can be some of the
socio–developmental barriers to NG(Maben, Latter and Macleod Clark 2006 and Peterson 2009).
Different orientation and transition facilitating programs based on the practice of socialization of the
young nursing professionals needs to incorporate knowledge about the transition process during their
professional role. For instances theses programs could include information (e.g. theory trained
inspired and communal ways that help to contain different learning methods regarding transition)
and performance (e.g. acting out or learning based on scenarios which would engage both trainees
and experienced practitioners) linking to the steps of the transition process and reality shock (e.g.
what to anticipate and when).Information regarding how to improve communication skills between
intergenerational and inter/intraprofessional, for instance making them understand about ethics in
work and variations in styles and
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Sample Nursing Admission Essay
Many kids grow up wanting to be doctors, lawyers, or astronauts. I was one of those many who
wanted to be a doctor and save lives every time I walked into the hospital. Having this mindset
throughout my childhood, and even a semester in college, I soon learned in college that maybe
the traditional MD doctor route was not for me. The realization that I would have to stay in
school for close to, or more than, 8 consecutive years before I could make money, provide for
myself, or help others, medically, worried me. I was never truly thinking about my future until
college and that is why I was worried, I had no clue if I could even make it 8+ years, financially or
mentally. So, my thoughts quickly transitioned to nursing because I would be able to get out of
school with a BSN and start working. Then, I more content...
The obvious answer for why was to treat people. Of course that is a true and valid reason, my
main reasoning for studying nursing is the uniqueness of the processes of the body and the many
treatments that are available for each illness. The body is so complex and even today we still do
not know everything about it. I want to learn as much as I can about treating clients and learn ways
to facilitate a seamless transition from illness to health. Hopefully, as I learn more about the copious
processes and treatments, maybe I can help make a difference in future client's lives by aiding a
doctor's research in new techniques and treatment plans. This seems like a long shot to a lot of
people but, I believe the body still has many secrets that we have yet to discover. Maybe this will be
how I make a difference in the world but, I would also like to make a difference by showing people
how to be capable and proud of your career. My father has never been one for words but, has always
showed us you can be proud of what you do and do it
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Advanced Practice Nursing Essay examples
My own perspective on Advanced Practice Nursing
The need for continuing education in nursing has been accentuated in response to rapidly changing
health care environment. Expanding knowledge by pursuing higher education allows nurses to
enlarge one's practice. Furthermore, higher education in nursing has been shown that a nurse's level
of education can become a critical factor to the patient–centered quality of care. This essay describes
increased demand for higher education in nursing and emphasizes the necessity of continuing
education to provide optimum patient care in various setting.
Techniques and technologies in the medical field constantly evolve and change. With such a huge
increase in information, there more content...
As people's life expectancy increases, the nursing field needs to keep pace with the rapid
changes. There's increased needs for nurses in many different field as well such as nursing home,
hospitals, ambulatory cares, palliative care, and hospices. Therefore, an expectation of a role as a
nurse has been rise. Nursing skills and knowledge cannot remain limited, but need to utilize in
more various setting. In order to provide better care in various nursing field, continuing education
is essential. For example, as population and their lifespan increases there's also new diseases and
new treatment has been developed. A competence nurse must embrace old and new skills and
thorough knowledge to achieve best quality of care and optimum patient's overall outcome. The
quality of patient care heavily depends on nurses' level of education. One research proves that
nurses who received higher level of education showed lower mortality rate, less medical errors, and
higher patient satisfaction. This outcome is related to higher education which prepared nurses to
handle various circumstances with appropriate answers. Nurses are people who spend most of time
with ill individuals at the bed side. Nursing education will provide new demanding roles of nurses'
requirement such as seeing the patient as a whole, providing appropriate response to patient's
condition, and integrating knowledge and skills accordingly.
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Nurse Practitioner Application Essay
Your motivation for pursuing a career in the MSN specialty for which you are applying
My motivation for pursuing a career in Family Care Nurse Practitioner comes from my various
work experience, education, and life experiences. When I first started nursing school I followed a
Family Care Nurse Practitioner at the clinic inside of U of L Hospital. I followed her only for a
few hours but within this time, I knew that someday I wanted to have a career as a Nurse
Practitioner in a hospital with patients of all ages, genders and ethnicity, as well as with the full
range of medical problems.
Qualities you possess which would make you a good practitioner in the specialty for which you are
I possess many qualities that will make me an outstanding Nurse Practitioner in the family medicine
field. My belief is that nursing involves treating the whole person. That might mean giving
prescribed medication, but it also means providing guidance and education on better quality of life,
and how to find information on these and other issues. I learn quickly and have the desire to purse
an advanced degree in my more content...
Most important, I treat my patients, families, and coworkers the way I want to be treated.
Throughout my nursing career I have been recognized as a compassionate nurse by my co–workers,
patients and physicians. I use my critical thinking to provide excellent care to my patients.
Professionally, I maintain a very high level of autonomy and responsibility. I have taken additional
roles beyond staff nurse and I have stepped up to take on higher–level duties and responsibilities. For
example, am currently a member of the falls committee, and preceptor for BSN nursing students. I
have served on the unit based council and conducts peer reviews. I received the Daisy Awarded
which is given to This reminds me that the simplest kind actions may seem small to others but to
patients can make a big
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Nursing School Admission Essay Sample
My initial interest in nursing began from my experience with my grandmother. It was in the fall of
2007 when my grandmother was sent to the hospital due to hypernatremia. My dad would pick me
up every afternoon from school to visit my grandmother. I was given the responsibility to look after
my grandma for nearly two weeks that includes in feeding her, assisting her, and other light duties.
What fascinate me during my visits in the hospital were the nurses who assisted and took care of my
grandma. They treated my grandma with dignity, kindness, compassion, courtesy, respect,
understanding, and love. Their commitment, professionalism, dedication, determination and skills
inspired me to pursue a career in the medical field. From that point, I realized that nursing is a field
that enables people impact other people's lives and make a difference. At 9 years old, being a nurse
was a childhood dream and now I am at the point of turning my dream into reality. I want to study
and pursue my dream registered nursing at Ryerson University that offers a nursing degree program
that focuses on developing student's critical thinking skills, ability to analyze reflectively and apply
theory through community health focused practice making Ryerson one of the best nursing schools
in Canada.
Every summer I volunteer as a group leader in a one week more content...
I do not see myself going to a different university other than Ryerson because of the great nursing
program that your formidable school offers. This is why I choose Ryerson to hone my capabilities
to become not just a successful nurse, but a nurse who displays confidence in treating patients with
love, care and knowledge. I believe that I possess the skills, motivation and knowledge needed to
successfully finish the course with flying colors and eventually get a job with the endless
opportunities I would get from graduating at
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Nursing Admission Essay Sample
I grow both personally and professionally through my relationship with nursing. Unlike many other
careers, the growth is reciprocal. Nursing gives me the freedom to venture into uncharted territory
and in turn, nursing's boundaries expand. As the field of nursing develops and strengthens in new
areas, unique and rewarding opportunities become available to me. While I achieve a Master's of
Science in Adult Primary Care from New York University the profession of nursing will, in return,
be rewarded with a valuable contributor. My nursing relationship began after a successful yet
uninspired career in fashion and media production. As the first person in my family to attend college
and self–fund it, I am especially proud to have graduated cum laude from the University of Texas
with a BSN in December 2004. In school I maintained a 3.69 GPA in more content...
Oz Show, as a guest on Good Day New York, and on ABC 7 Eyewitness News with Dr. Jay
Adlersberg. Dr. Jay Adlersberg has encouraged me to draw upon my past career in modeling and
on–set production to become the first nurse health correspondent. He and I agree that it makes sense
for nurses to deliver health–related information in the media. The public wants information from
reliable, honest and ethical sources and nursing has ranked the most honest and ethical profession
in 13 out of 14 annual Gallop Poll surveys. After bolstering my education and credentials at NYU,
filling the vacancy in television is something that I would consider. Teaching is one of my favorite
aspects of nursing and I could reach a much broader audience using this forum. However, I want to
be clear, I am not focused on self–promotion. I am interested in health promotion; health promotion
through my business, my writing and the media. A graduate nursing degree from NYU combined
with my business acumen and previous career experience will give me the confidence and
credibility to advance in all of these
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Nursing Scholarship Essay Sample
After graduating Anacortes High school I plan on attending a four year private liberal arts
university. I will be pursing a Bachelors of Science in Nursing leading to a career as a Registered
Nurse. My main interest is a specialty in pediatrics. Following a month stay at Children's Hospital
after enduring emergency surgery and a difficult recovery I decided nursing is what I'm meant to
do. The nurses inspired me, and I hope that I can help a family and child in the same way that they
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Sample Nursing Essays

  • 1. Nursing Simulation Reflection Paper Simulation Reflection Anything... the word I professed some time ago. I prayed the prayer that I would do anything. The woman who tends to always be in a state of trepidation, prayed that she would do anything for Him. From that one word, many plans surfaced. I had hoped that it was just spontaneous thoughts and that they did not mean anything. Among the list, was the idea of becoming a nurse. It was an outlandish notion. How on earth could I be a nurse? Somehow that random thought has turned into a reality. I am currently striving toward one of my "anythings". I know that my current situation is definitely not by my own doing and that He has been continually opening doors. It has not been an easy road. Thoughts of doubt, more content... The intent of clinical simulations is to provide a safe environment for students to practice and implement skills. This is a way in which to help prepare the student for the hospital setting. Enhanced confidence, clinical judgment, knowledge, and competence are factors that come from these situations. I gained further knowledge, but I did not experience the other skills during simulation. During the postpartum–hemorrhage and birthing simulation, I purposefully picked the scenarios that I felt most comfortable with. That entailed being the spouse of the woman in labor, the nursing assistant, and the patient's family member. When embodying those roles, I felt at ease, because I was not the fixation; I was not the one in charge of the situation. During the preeclampsia simulation, I was "dubbed" the staff nurse. I was definitely out of my comfort zone. I was in the second group, and this allowed me to observe the first group. I learned and made alterations from the first group's performance. Observing the first group helped, but my performance was poor. I made several mistakes and was embarrassed by the end result. I did not do well with the assessments, answering the patient's questions appropriately, and when calling the doctor, I was not fully prepared. Despite all the mistakes and feelings of embarrassment, I learned. I am very thankful for the awareness of what things went wrong. With further practice and Get more content on
  • 2. Nursing Assessment Paper The national league for nurses defines critical thinking in the nursing process as "a discipline specific, reflective reasoning process that guides a nurse in generating, implementing, and evaluating approaches for dealing with client care and professional concerns" (Kozier, 2008). This definition is imperative to help a nursing student learn how to think in terms of nursing care. Nursing students must achieve a comprehensive understanding of critical thinking in order to understand the nursing process. The purpose for this paper is for nursing students to learn how to use the nursing process, how to properly document their findings and assessments, and correctly implement APA formatting in a formal paper. HK passed away October 25, more content... According to his chart, HK had to move back to Ohio because he was not able to take care of him self in Las Vegas. He moved in with his daughter, and eventually was in need of too much care to stay with her any longer. He was admitted to the ECF in August but his daughter continued to be his biggest support. She had come to terms with the fact that he was declining and wanted her father to be comfortable. Patient Strengths Although the patient described himself as old and tired, he still had many strengths. The patient kept a positive attitude and was pleasant to be around. He understood that the nursing student was not as efficient as a professional nurse would be while preparing him for the day. HK was never mean or rude, but eventually became very reserved. He followed the directions given to him and obtained an admirable mutual respect between the patient and the nursing staff. After his death, the nursing student asked a nursing aid for some information about HK. She said he was easy going and went with the flow. She said he was never one to cause any problems. This is commendable considering his health status and disease progression. Nursing Diagnosis One Adult failure to thrive related to social isolation as evidence by withdraws from social activities and increased fatigue. Failure to thrive is impaired health of interrupted rehabiliation resulting from illness, disability, lack of resources, Get more content on
  • 3. The nursing process Essay The standards of practice describe a competent level of nursing care as exhibited by the critical thinking model known as the nursing process. This practice includes the areas of assessment, diagnosis, outcome identification, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The nursing process includes significant actions taken by registered nurses (RN) and forms the foundation of the nurse's decision–making ("American Nurses Association," 2010). Assessment is the accurate collection of comprehensive data pertinent to the patient's health or the situation ("American Nurses Association," 2010). Assessment is the first step in the nursing process and the most important. Assessment is the accurate collection of the patient's health more content... It is during the second phase that the nurse must establish a nursing diagnosis. Only diagnosis approved and listed through The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) may be used. Ineffective airway clearance, risk for impaired skin integrity, risk for infection and ineffective coping are just a few examples of NANDA approved diagnosis. A nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgment about actual or potential individual, family, or community experiences/responses to health problems/life processes. A nursing diagnosis provides the basis for selection of nursing interventions to achieve outcomes for which the nurse has accountability (Defining the Knowledge," 2012). The third standard of practice is outcomes identification. During this phase, the registered nurse identifies expected outcomes for a plan individualized to the patient or the situation ("American Nurses Association," 2010). During this step outcomes must be derived from the nursing diagnosis and must be measurable, realistic and attainable by the patient. The registered nurse involves the patient, family, heath care providers, and others in formulating expected outcomes when possible and appropriate. The registered nurse must also consider associated risks, benefits, costs, current scientific evidence, expected trajectory of the condition, and clinical expertise when formulating outcomes ("American Nurses Association," 2010). Example of an Get more content on
  • 4. What Is Nursing? Essay Nursing is universal in the sense that nurses can be found almost in all countries around the world (Henderson, 1978). They are in the hospitals, in school clinics, in the community centres, residential homes and even play major roles in some of the popular soap operas in television. There are even television shows that mainly revolve around nurses and which chronicles what they do at work – both the positive and the negative. It is one of the most visible and easily identifiable occupations as compared for example to other occupations such as engineers, managers or even pharmacists, medical technologists and other health related occupations. This is partly because of what nurses do and most especially how nurses look – with some more content... The salient point in Henderson's definition is describing the duty of a nurse as one that cares or assists an individual whether sick or well in obtaining a state of health in order to live an independent lifestyle (paraphrased). Henderson also described the independent and dependent role of nurses and the importance of a collaborative work with the other members of the multi–disciplinary health care team especially the doctors (Henderson, 1966). The Royal College of Nursing, on the other hand, described nursing as the utilization of clinical judgement in extending the care necessary for the people to maintain and achieve an optimum state of life throughout their lifetime (RCN, 2003). Other significant definitions of nursing were those given by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Nurses Association (ANA). The roles and functions of nurses have a very fascinating history and have evolved since the 19th century. Landale (1895), in her letter to the editor of the Nursing Record and Hospital World gave us a glimpse of what a nurse should be during that period. Referring to a nurse as a woman in uniform, it gave us an idea that nursing was a female dominated vocation and not to be treated as an economical occupation for financial gain. Landale (1895) placed an emphasis on the characteristic of being a servant and being devoted to service in order to be a nurse who was worthy of the uniform. The Get more content on
  • 5. Community Health Nursing Reflection Essay Community Health Nursing Reflection NUR/405 2012 Diane Schlicke RN MSN Community Health Nursing Reflection The role of the community health nurse in the participating family's community is to focus on the health needs of the aggregate or group. Community health nursing refers to a systematic, comprehensive focus on wellness, health protection, and disease, and injury prevention for the population residing in a specific area. The nurse functions as advocate, case manager, consultant, health care provider, educator, and collaborator with other agencies for healthy outcomes of the entire community. Nurses involved in the health of a specific community such as the family participating will assess the members living in the more content... Education of the population is important. Developing and providing instructions to reframe from outdoor activities during the peak hours of traffic in the neighborhood will minimize exposure. Effective health seeking behaviors related to the expressed desire for a higher level of wellness, evidenced by, involvement in physical/recreational activity in the community. The nurse may assist the members of the community to explore motivations, behaviors, and feelings regarding their determination to increase their level of wellness. In response to the person's self– awareness for the desired elevation of maximum health, the nurse may reinforce the need to modify and plan more achievable personal goals. Due to long working hours, sedentary activity levels, and other personal responsibilities the nurse may assess some community members display a nutrition imbalance related to excessive caloric intake in comparison to expenditure of calories, evidenced by, weight gain of more than 20% over ideal for height and frame. Interventions provided by the community nurse may include education of a balanced healthy dietary regimen that include foods frequently eaten but prepared with less fat and calories for the targeted population. The nurse will weigh each Get more content on
  • 6. Personal Philosophy of Nursing Essay examples Personal Philosophy of Nursing UCF November 25, 2011 Personal Philosophy of Nursing My personal definition of nursing is taking care of my patient as a whole; using my knowledge, being compassionate and caring, respectful and honest. Taking care of the; spiritual, physical and emotional aspect of the patient, and taking into consideration their family and environment. Learning about the different theorists I associate myself the most with Hildegard Peplau. Peplau believed that the relationship between the patient and the nurse was focus of attention, rather than the patient only as the unit of attention. (Chitty & Black p.314–315). Using Peplau's theory my relationship begins with my patients as strangers and I try more content... Not being afraid to question doctors as well as the nurses about their care, asking for a 2nd opinion if they don't feel quite right about a diagnosis. Patients should educate themselves on their disease process along with collaboration of the physicians and nurses. Patients should know why they are on their medications, I have seen countless times were patients have no idea what their taking and why their taking their medications, their response because the doctor said so this is not good enough. I also believe that many of our physicians and nurses have failed our patients looking at them as just a body not an individual. We should encourage screenings, early interventions (education) to help prevent or reduce diseases. By doing these things I think we can help to reduce patients hospitalizations, healthcare costs and risk of infections. Prolong the lives of our patients help them to live a healthy and long life. There will be a few challenges ahead for our healthcare system and the nursing profession: 1. The Aging Population– (baby boomers will be hitting retirement age). 2. Poverty–"the increasing numbers of disenfranchised people and pressure to limit health care expenditures will collide to create an intense values conflict for nurses of the future". (Chitty & Black p.382) 3. Unhealthy Lifestyles– (obesity, tobacco use, lack of exercise, stress, HIV /AIDS and drug abuse). 4. Faculty and Student shortages– making nursing shortage worse. Nurses as Get more content on
  • 7. Nursing Application Essay Examples The opportunity to challenge myself in UCLA's School of nursing, in addition to my own personal experiences and traits, supply me with a fierce determination to succeed in my academics, in my nursing career, and in fulfilling my aspirations as a whole. Foremost, I am drawn to nursing from experiencing the lack of quality healthcare available throughout society, often to the people who need it the most. Growing up in rural China, I have witnessed the negative effects of a faulty healthcare system on children, adults, and even a whole community. I find it appalling that people are suffering and dying from preventable diseases, due to a lack of access to medical facilities, or when individuals are unable to seek adequate health care because more content... Coming from a family that struggles financially, my parents were frequently absent for work, and often left me in charge to take care of my sister and brother. From my siblings' birth in January 2006 and May 2008 respectively, I was tasked with feeding, teaching, and caring for them while my parents were working, on top of managing my own schoolwork. However, I am fulfilled by the sense of gratitude I receive when I began caring for those who could not care for themselves. In addition to teaching me patience, this also impels me towards a nursing career where I can fully utilize my strengths. Furthermore, I gained exposure in healthcare through my internship at Chapa–De as a dental assistant that began in early November 2016. By working clinically for over 12 hours a week, I gain invaluable exposure and experience by working with a variety of patients each day. The skills I develop, such as time management, infection control, and patient comfort are beneficial tools I will wield into my nursing education and career. Although my internship is focused on the dental aspect of healthcare, I desire to transfer my skills and experience into nursing because of the higher variety and more holistic aspects of patient care that enthralls me and my neverending curiosity. Nonetheless, the opportunity to learn each day in this field of healthcare is fascinating, and only further motivates me Get more content on
  • 8. Examples Of Nursing Application Essay Greetings and salutations fellow virtual aviator! I'd first like to thank you for your interest in the team. We are always excited when we receive applications. Our application process may span the course of multiple months. It is this span of time that helps us determine whether or not an applicant is the right fit for the team. It is important that you fill out our application with detail and honesty. As an applicant of our team, we expect that you understand and emulate the four core values that allow are our team remain successful and reputable. Precision Our demonstration is not easy––for any position on the team. Every flight, practice, performance, or otherwise that we carry out requires a remarkable amount of accuracy and a keen sense for detail. Every member of the team trains for hours in an effort to make our display appear the best that it can be. more content... It requires hundreds of hours of studying, practicing, and refining the demonstration. Sometimes it gets difficult and to a point where it doesn't seem worth it. Being able to push through the hard times and keep a focus on the end goal of the team is something we look for in all of our team members. Professionalism Every member of the team is part of different organizations in the flight simulation community, such as The Sky Lounge, msFlights, MaldAir, and beyond. Being in the public eye quite often, it is expected that our members all display themselves in a professional and mature manner. It is one thing to have fun, but it is quite another to display yourself as immature. Discipline Being able to take and learn from criticism is what allows the team to progress and succeed in the long run. Taking the time to understand how the demonstration works, what you are doing incorrectly, and taking the steps to fix it is imperative to making the team's demonstration appear as flawlessly as Get more content on
  • 9. A Career as a Registered Nurse Essay A Registered Nurse is a person who enjoys helping other people. They practically have the responsibility for many peoples lives. What's interesting about a Registered Nurse is that they get to learn about all the parts of the human body. A Registered Nurse works in the medical field and needs to be ready with anything that comes their way. There could be a sudden death, some kind of medical issue that pops up, and even a patient just falls over and hurt themselves. As a Registered Nurse they need to be able to deal with blood, snot, vomit etc. The main thing a Registered Nurse has to be good at is being able, and wanting to help people in need. A Registered Nurse typically tends to work in a clean and healthy work environment (" more content... para. 1). Registered Nurses should be emotionally stable, so they can help the families through rough times ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 47). An RN also needs to be organized, and to make sure the patient gets what they need when needed ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 48). All RN's will need to have the patients medical issues, and problems handy and to give the patients, and their medicines when the patients need it ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 8). An RN will usually records what the patient is doing, sometimes work with medical machinery, talk to doctors about the patient, and help the patient and the patient's family on how to deal with their medical problems ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 8). Another important thing that an RN will need is to have the physical stamina and to be ready to lift or transfer patients ("Registered Nurses" U.S. para. 49). An RN will have to be able to lift at least 10 pounds, maybe even 20 pounds ("Registered Nurse" para. 4). A person in this career should have an energy level that is somewhat high, has a skill that is interpersonal, and a knowledge that is a little scientific ("Career" para. 6). If you happen to be an RN in a nursing home, an RN will watch over the LPN's and CNA's, may start fluids for the patient, make plans for treatments, and manage the patients health Get more content on
  • 10. Bortons Model Of Reflection In Nursing Using Bortons (1970) model of reflection, I am going to reflect on an experience I have had whilst out in practice working on an acute dementia ward based in the north of England. There was a patient (Miss A) on the ward during my time at placement that constantly used to seek reassurance and was very repetitive with everything she said. The patient did sometimes become intimidating and threatening when she wouldn't get attention from staff members. The ward had 18 patients we were nursing and it did become very hectic and challenging a lot of the times therefore staff did not always have the time to sit and have conversations with Miss A. One morning Miss A came to the nursing station as usual and constantly kept banning on the desk, more content... Working with dementia patients can be very stressful and exhausting which is because of the psychological and behavioural symptoms older adults with dementia present. Their behaviour can often be violent and aggressive towards staff members (Beck and Shue 1994). This was exactly the case in the ward I was working on they had a lot of challenging patients who were very violent who needed a lot of attention and often due to lack of staff some patients and their care would get neglected. Working long hours in hectic environments such as this can lead to compassion fatigue. This is a combination of emotional exhaustion, stress and diminishing personal accomplishments. Having long, continuous and intense contact with the patients in stressful situation can lead to compassion fatigue Coetzee & Klopper, 2010). A lot of the times because of tiredness and exhaustion from continuously working in a stressful environment, I often left almost a burden on them as a student nurse and at times felt hesitant to approach them Get more content on
  • 11. My Experiences in a Nursing Career Essay Nursing "Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, It requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation, as any painterВґs or sculptorВґs work; for what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared with having to do with the living body, the temple of GodВґs spirit? It is one of the Fine Arts: I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts." Spoken by a true nurse, Florence Nightingale; a pioneer of nursing and a reformer of hospital sanitation methods. I have many goals in life such as to have a good strong career and family. What is important to me is graduating Central high school and go on to UND. While at UND I plan to get my nursing degree and specialize in pediatrics and truama. I more content... My sights have changed as I have gotten older. I no longer want to become a medical doctor. I may in the far future decide to become a doctor but I would rather be a registered nurse because they deal with the patients more. I also prefer working with pediatric or gereatric patients. Whatever way that I decide to go I will always be helping someone, somewhere. I have looked at many colleges. I find myself lucky to be in Grand Forks, North Dakota. UND is an amazing school, with a highly recommended nursing program. North Dakota is one of the only states left that require a four year nursing degree. I looked in to going to the tech but decided that it was not the right choice for me since I am planning to stay in North Dakota. This would mean I would have to work in minnesota or take a job in North Dakota and work under a different title with less pay and benefits. Another benefit that accompanies going to a four year nursing program is if i wanted to higher my education it would be in my best interest to have the extra two years behind me. My next step in becomming a registered nursing is a little sidetracked. I want to be come a CMA. A CMA is a certified medical assistant. Once I become a CMA I will have more responsibility but it will be worth it. Becomming a CMA will help me in future classes at UND. I will have the backround of medications as well as a better understanding of patients. Going to Get more content on
  • 12. Nursing Exemplar Katherine Gallagher NU 310 Exemplar 2/21/2012 I arrived to work well rested and ready to start the day. I had just returned after a two week long vacation. Because of the time off, I arrived to 7 East to find that the assortment of patients was not familiar at all. As I began getting reports on my patients, one in particular I started to feel a little anxious and stressed. At first glance I could tell I would be busy for the next twelve hours. Lynda was a 45 year old woman that was admitted almost a week ago after having an emergent tracheostomy placed. Lynda was newly diagnosed with laryngeal cancer with already having several other diagnoses including: seizure disorders, mild mental retardation, behavioral issues, and was more content... The look on Lynda's face was that of incredible confidence, I was truly impressed with her. By the end of our second twelve hour shift, Lynda had learned how to suction herself. It was passed along in report to simply encourage her independence in suctioning herself. Day three, my mission was to teach Lynda the proper care of her PEG tube, and to continue with the encouragement of her suctioning herself. After walking her though a bolus feeding in the morning, she agreed to do the next one. Lunch time came around and sure enough, she was able to complete the bolus feeding with minimum assistance. By the time came for the next feeding she was going to get the can of food to do it herself when I had walked in the room. She laughed and told me I was right that the PEG tube was a lot easier than suctioning. At this point in Lynda's stay I knew that she would be going home soon. Later that evening, while discussing Lynda's progress over the last few days with the physicians I asked them what the plan was and instructed them that we needed to get nutrition, social work, and case management involved so that she could go home. The physicians stated that they would place the consults that I requested but as for discharge they were unsure about when this would happen because Lynda's brother doesn't think she can care for herself on her own. I was shocked to hear this, the brother who I had not Get more content on
  • 13. Example Of Qualitative Research In Nursing Chiropractic Association, 56 (3) pp.167–171, Available at: /PMC3430448/, (accessed: 30/09/15) Aslam, S., & P. Emmanuel, (2010) 'Formulating a Researchable Question: A Critical Step for Facilitating Good Clinical Research', Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 31 (1) pp.47–50, Available at: /articles/PMC3140151/, (accessed: 30/09/15) Beauchamp T and J. Childress (1983), Principals of biomedical ethics 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press Creswell, J. W.(2003) Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches, 2th edition, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication Community Tool Box (2016): Section 5. Collecting and Analyzing Data. Available at http:/ /–of–contents/evaluate/evaluate–community–interventions/collect–analyze–data /main (accessed 14/06/2016) more content... H., (2014) Introduction to Health Research Methods: A Practical Guide, Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning Step 1: Chapters Get more content on
  • 14. My Nursing Goals for the Next Three Years Essay My nursing goals for the next three years. Nursing is a career which I believe that needs to come from the heart and I have at all times appreciated with respect. My aim in doing my education in nursing was because I always wanted to achieve an extended and successful profession in the health and medical field. I suppose the responsibilities of a nurse can be very demanding and frantic in certain instances but nothing can be equal to the joy and satisfaction it brings. There are many specialized areas in the field of nursing but I was particular interested in the mental health field. I have had a chance to experience mental healths nursing during one of my placements .There are a few goals which I would like to achieve within the more content... Not having sufficient knowledge provided by educators and preceptors during the orientation process and student experiences regarding the NG roles and responsibilities and the about transition process can leave NG in a very confused position making them to develops poor confidence levels. Also having to face differences in the social structure and cultural differences, lacking leadership and allocation skills, having oppressively hierarchical work structure, lack of introduction to role models and poor guidance and assistance can be some of the socio–developmental barriers to NG(Maben, Latter and Macleod Clark 2006 and Peterson 2009). Different orientation and transition facilitating programs based on the practice of socialization of the young nursing professionals needs to incorporate knowledge about the transition process during their professional role. For instances theses programs could include information (e.g. theory trained inspired and communal ways that help to contain different learning methods regarding transition) and performance (e.g. acting out or learning based on scenarios which would engage both trainees and experienced practitioners) linking to the steps of the transition process and reality shock (e.g. what to anticipate and when).Information regarding how to improve communication skills between intergenerational and inter/intraprofessional, for instance making them understand about ethics in work and variations in styles and Get more content on
  • 15. Sample Nursing Admission Essay Many kids grow up wanting to be doctors, lawyers, or astronauts. I was one of those many who wanted to be a doctor and save lives every time I walked into the hospital. Having this mindset throughout my childhood, and even a semester in college, I soon learned in college that maybe the traditional MD doctor route was not for me. The realization that I would have to stay in school for close to, or more than, 8 consecutive years before I could make money, provide for myself, or help others, medically, worried me. I was never truly thinking about my future until college and that is why I was worried, I had no clue if I could even make it 8+ years, financially or mentally. So, my thoughts quickly transitioned to nursing because I would be able to get out of school with a BSN and start working. Then, I more content... The obvious answer for why was to treat people. Of course that is a true and valid reason, my main reasoning for studying nursing is the uniqueness of the processes of the body and the many treatments that are available for each illness. The body is so complex and even today we still do not know everything about it. I want to learn as much as I can about treating clients and learn ways to facilitate a seamless transition from illness to health. Hopefully, as I learn more about the copious processes and treatments, maybe I can help make a difference in future client's lives by aiding a doctor's research in new techniques and treatment plans. This seems like a long shot to a lot of people but, I believe the body still has many secrets that we have yet to discover. Maybe this will be how I make a difference in the world but, I would also like to make a difference by showing people how to be capable and proud of your career. My father has never been one for words but, has always showed us you can be proud of what you do and do it Get more content on
  • 16. Advanced Practice Nursing Essay examples My own perspective on Advanced Practice Nursing ABSTRACT: The need for continuing education in nursing has been accentuated in response to rapidly changing health care environment. Expanding knowledge by pursuing higher education allows nurses to enlarge one's practice. Furthermore, higher education in nursing has been shown that a nurse's level of education can become a critical factor to the patient–centered quality of care. This essay describes increased demand for higher education in nursing and emphasizes the necessity of continuing education to provide optimum patient care in various setting. Techniques and technologies in the medical field constantly evolve and change. With such a huge increase in information, there more content... As people's life expectancy increases, the nursing field needs to keep pace with the rapid changes. There's increased needs for nurses in many different field as well such as nursing home, hospitals, ambulatory cares, palliative care, and hospices. Therefore, an expectation of a role as a nurse has been rise. Nursing skills and knowledge cannot remain limited, but need to utilize in more various setting. In order to provide better care in various nursing field, continuing education is essential. For example, as population and their lifespan increases there's also new diseases and new treatment has been developed. A competence nurse must embrace old and new skills and thorough knowledge to achieve best quality of care and optimum patient's overall outcome. The quality of patient care heavily depends on nurses' level of education. One research proves that nurses who received higher level of education showed lower mortality rate, less medical errors, and higher patient satisfaction. This outcome is related to higher education which prepared nurses to handle various circumstances with appropriate answers. Nurses are people who spend most of time with ill individuals at the bed side. Nursing education will provide new demanding roles of nurses' requirement such as seeing the patient as a whole, providing appropriate response to patient's condition, and integrating knowledge and skills accordingly. Get more content on
  • 17. Nurse Practitioner Application Essay Your motivation for pursuing a career in the MSN specialty for which you are applying My motivation for pursuing a career in Family Care Nurse Practitioner comes from my various work experience, education, and life experiences. When I first started nursing school I followed a Family Care Nurse Practitioner at the clinic inside of U of L Hospital. I followed her only for a few hours but within this time, I knew that someday I wanted to have a career as a Nurse Practitioner in a hospital with patients of all ages, genders and ethnicity, as well as with the full range of medical problems. Qualities you possess which would make you a good practitioner in the specialty for which you are applying I possess many qualities that will make me an outstanding Nurse Practitioner in the family medicine field. My belief is that nursing involves treating the whole person. That might mean giving prescribed medication, but it also means providing guidance and education on better quality of life, and how to find information on these and other issues. I learn quickly and have the desire to purse an advanced degree in my more content... Most important, I treat my patients, families, and coworkers the way I want to be treated. Throughout my nursing career I have been recognized as a compassionate nurse by my co–workers, patients and physicians. I use my critical thinking to provide excellent care to my patients. Professionally, I maintain a very high level of autonomy and responsibility. I have taken additional roles beyond staff nurse and I have stepped up to take on higher–level duties and responsibilities. For example, am currently a member of the falls committee, and preceptor for BSN nursing students. I have served on the unit based council and conducts peer reviews. I received the Daisy Awarded which is given to This reminds me that the simplest kind actions may seem small to others but to patients can make a big Get more content on
  • 18. Nursing School Admission Essay Sample My initial interest in nursing began from my experience with my grandmother. It was in the fall of 2007 when my grandmother was sent to the hospital due to hypernatremia. My dad would pick me up every afternoon from school to visit my grandmother. I was given the responsibility to look after my grandma for nearly two weeks that includes in feeding her, assisting her, and other light duties. What fascinate me during my visits in the hospital were the nurses who assisted and took care of my grandma. They treated my grandma with dignity, kindness, compassion, courtesy, respect, understanding, and love. Their commitment, professionalism, dedication, determination and skills inspired me to pursue a career in the medical field. From that point, I realized that nursing is a field that enables people impact other people's lives and make a difference. At 9 years old, being a nurse was a childhood dream and now I am at the point of turning my dream into reality. I want to study and pursue my dream registered nursing at Ryerson University that offers a nursing degree program that focuses on developing student's critical thinking skills, ability to analyze reflectively and apply theory through community health focused practice making Ryerson one of the best nursing schools in Canada. Every summer I volunteer as a group leader in a one week more content... I do not see myself going to a different university other than Ryerson because of the great nursing program that your formidable school offers. This is why I choose Ryerson to hone my capabilities to become not just a successful nurse, but a nurse who displays confidence in treating patients with love, care and knowledge. I believe that I possess the skills, motivation and knowledge needed to successfully finish the course with flying colors and eventually get a job with the endless opportunities I would get from graduating at Get more content on
  • 19. Nursing Admission Essay Sample I grow both personally and professionally through my relationship with nursing. Unlike many other careers, the growth is reciprocal. Nursing gives me the freedom to venture into uncharted territory and in turn, nursing's boundaries expand. As the field of nursing develops and strengthens in new areas, unique and rewarding opportunities become available to me. While I achieve a Master's of Science in Adult Primary Care from New York University the profession of nursing will, in return, be rewarded with a valuable contributor. My nursing relationship began after a successful yet uninspired career in fashion and media production. As the first person in my family to attend college and self–fund it, I am especially proud to have graduated cum laude from the University of Texas with a BSN in December 2004. In school I maintained a 3.69 GPA in more content... Oz Show, as a guest on Good Day New York, and on ABC 7 Eyewitness News with Dr. Jay Adlersberg. Dr. Jay Adlersberg has encouraged me to draw upon my past career in modeling and on–set production to become the first nurse health correspondent. He and I agree that it makes sense for nurses to deliver health–related information in the media. The public wants information from reliable, honest and ethical sources and nursing has ranked the most honest and ethical profession in 13 out of 14 annual Gallop Poll surveys. After bolstering my education and credentials at NYU, filling the vacancy in television is something that I would consider. Teaching is one of my favorite aspects of nursing and I could reach a much broader audience using this forum. However, I want to be clear, I am not focused on self–promotion. I am interested in health promotion; health promotion through my business, my writing and the media. A graduate nursing degree from NYU combined with my business acumen and previous career experience will give me the confidence and credibility to advance in all of these Get more content on
  • 20. Nursing Scholarship Essay Sample After graduating Anacortes High school I plan on attending a four year private liberal arts university. I will be pursing a Bachelors of Science in Nursing leading to a career as a Registered Nurse. My main interest is a specialty in pediatrics. Following a month stay at Children's Hospital after enduring emergency surgery and a difficult recovery I decided nursing is what I'm meant to do. The nurses inspired me, and I hope that I can help a family and child in the same way that they helped Get more content on