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Nurse Interview Essay
Master's–Prepared Nurse Interview Grand Canyon University Theoretical Foundation for Nursing
Roles and Practice NUR–502 May 23, 2012 Master's–Prepared Nurse Interview With the rapid
growth in the implementation and use of electronic medical records, there is an increase in how we
define the role of nurses and other team member's (Deese & Stien, 2004). Along with providing
optimal care, nurses are also responsible for interpreting and accurately documenting large amounts
of information. According to, (Ericksen, 2009) nursing informatics is defined as the integration of
nursing, its information, and information management with information processing and
communication technology to support the health of people worldwide. In more content...
Present Position What she likes most about her job is that there aren't any typical days. Primarily
she is responsible for obtaining data such as: patient demographics, laboratory work, radiology, and
appointment utilization, from multiple data banks within the military hospital. Shadow her for a
week and you will see her in a variety of roles. Some days she may present a brief to the executive
team; another day you may find her mentoring a nurse on how to build a disease management
database ("Nursing Informatics as a Career," 2011). On another day she might be evaluating a
consumer–based web education program. The following is one example of what at typical project
for her may look like, Dr. A may request information on clinical outcomes on diabetes care for the
patients on their panel. After extracting the data, she then transforms it in to information that is
useful for example, one list may show all diabetic patients that are missing annual eye exams.
Another example may include helping a provider examine new cost–effective technologies like hand
held devices. Pearls of Wisdom In the interview the question about any advice she wanted to offer
was asked, with a big smile on her face, I am sure, she responded that the field is "wide open"
("Nursing Informatics as a Career," 2011) she continued on to say, if you are a self–starter it
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Leadership Interview Essay
To inspire and influence others, a leader must possess many skills and abilities. As motivational
speaker Peter Northouse, states, "a leader should be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be
bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not
arrogant" (Northouse, 2013) Moving an entire group of individuals toward a singular goal is a
considerable undertaking. Without effective communication skills and a clear vision of what needs
to be accomplished, one will feel like they are trying to herd cats rather than leading.
During my interview with Regina Martinez, BS RN and currently an Assistant Director of a home
health agency, I discovered her leadership style matched the above more content...
The success the company now enjoys is credited to Martinez's leadership, motivation, caring, and
attention to detail. Delivering the medical care to a patient, in the comfort of their own home, by
professional, caring medical staff is a much needed service in rural northeast Colorado.
Martinez stated that in her past and current position, her goal has been to always lead by example.
Martinez adamantly stated she would never ask an employee to do anything she herself was not
willing to do. She stated she did not follow a particular leadership style, but has read several
leadership and management books, articles and studies to become more effective. Martinez stated
the book she references the most is Carl E. Larson and Frank M.J. LaFasto's Teamwork: What Must
Go Right/What Can Go Wrong. Through their research they explored the eight properties of
successful teams: a clear, elevating goal; a results–driven structure; competent team members;
unified commitment; collaborative climate; standards of excellence; external support and
recognition; and principled leadership. (Larson & LaFasto, 1989, p.8) Their insights into what
makes a team successful have been used by countless leaders as a model for efficient and effective
As her job is to ensure proper medical patient care, Martinez spends most of her day on
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Examples Of Interview Essay
The subject of my interview was Juan Chavay. He was born and raised in small village close to
the mountains. The actual name was not mentioned by Juan, but he emphasized on a small,
remote village. He came to America in 2009 and has been here since. He is currently trying to
achieve citizenship, but is encountering problems with actually achieving it. He has since been
here on a work visa, which allows him to stay in the US for an extended period of time. He says he
will continue the work he is doing in Mississippi. I wanted to look at how he transitioned from one
country to another. I also looked at if he felt in racial tension or hostility as an immigrant in the
south. I also focused on the concept of community in the US compared to Guatemalan community. more content...
When I asked about an outstanding role model, he said his mother has been his rock though his
transition. He always calls her throughout the week, just to hear her voice. He said community in
Guatemala is a tighter knit community, compared to the US. He mentioned the sense of
individualism in America. He still has a hard time understanding this mindset since it's such a
polar opposite of his hometown. Juan realized he wanted to leave Guatemala in 2006 and spent
that time to make his way to the US. He originally came to the US to become a priest. He made
his way to the US when a position as a priest opened up. I asked Juan the hardest thing about
moving to America. He said it was learning English. He arrived to the Jackson airport knowing no
English at all. The first weeks for Juan were extremely difficult for him. Once he arrived to the
University of New Orleans, he began an intensive English class in order to learn the language. He
learned the language in about a year and could actually hold a conversation. Juan's time as priest
was a difficult task as he expressed in the interview. He had to juggle many responsibilities and at the
same time make many different people happy.
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Student Interview Essay
For my student interview, I was partnered up with a fellow student named Mary Fowler, but some
call her by her nickname "Lynn Lou." Her name was chosen by her grandmother on her father's side
who passed away. She is 18 years old and was born December 22,1998. She works at a salon called
Celebrity Styles in Mentor and works as a babysitter as a side job. She just came from Columbus
to get her Cosmetology license. A few years ago, she worked at a disgusting place called
Manhattan Deli, she stopped working there because she had to get surgery in her leg. She had torn
her MCL and ACL skateboarding and she was glad that she didn't have to go back. In the time of
us talking we began discussing many topics such as her school life and her 7th more
She revealed that she was a troublemaker and picked fights with others because of issues at
home. Her parents' divorce caused her to misbehave at school. Her parents going through a
divorce was the scariest thing in her life. Her father was becoming addicted to drugs and he later
became homeless. These situations led to the feelings of depression and attempting to commit
suicide. Later, we began to discuss her memories in 7th grade. She explained how she wasn't
good at basketball at all and was only good at defense. She couldn't remember what position she
played because she didn't really care for basketball and only wanted to follow in her sister's
footsteps. She did finally get around to something she loved to do which is theatre. In 7th grade
her friends told her to do theatre so she joined a group called the Shoreline Singers. Her first show
was Alice and Wonderland she played rapping singing turtle. She laughs at how cringe and
embarrassing it was but it gave her confidence to continue doing it. Theatre as of now is her
favorite hobby. She loves acting and dancing. She has been in at least 10 shows and wants to pursue
theatre as a
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Manager Interview Essay
I chose to interview Regina Geis, who holds the administrative role as acting supervisor for the
County Mental Health adult day program, which provides services for individuals with intellectual
disabilities. Ms. Geis has held this position for 15 months. This is her first managerial position
within a human service agency. Her style of management has changed over this short period of
time. She feels that she is now more direct with her direction with staff. She stated, "Maybe now I
come across as a little bit cold. But I have learned that I now have to use the least amount of words
to get my point across."
Ms. Geis feels that to be an effective leader one must demonstrate with a high level of confidence,
"even if I'm unsure of myself, more content...
She replied with "Linear like Dr. Sprague (agency CEO)."
Ms. Geis feels that the communication skills that one must possess in order to make advancements in
management are that one must be an effective communicator, know the work environment, and the
people you work with.
Edmondson (2009) discusses four different basic communication styles. The first style is
expressive which have a tendency to speak quickly, focus on the big picture, and have a high
energy level. They can be perceived as unpredictable, vain, or excessively jovial. Next are
systematic who tend to focus on small details, not on the larger picture, and try to avoid conflicts.
The third type listed is sympathetic. These individuals focus on people and relationships. They are
good listeners and so concern for everyone's needs. Sympathetics also do not like be at odds with
others. Lastly, the fourth communication style identified is directs who generally keep dialogue
short and are perceived as a multitaskers. The study recommends that the individual discover her own
communication style and adjust the style according to the situation.
Grant and Taylor (2014) conducted a study which identified six essential communication traits that
can aid women to demonstrate confidence: (1) starting strong, (2) staying succinct, (3)
dimensionalizing content, (4) owning voice, (5) controlling movement, and (6) projecting warmth
(p. 73). The authors found that the way a women talks about her accomplishments have
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Older Adult Interview Essay
I had the privilege of interviewing a 60 year old gentlemen who I will identify as Mr. E to protect his
privacy for this assignment. The goal of my interview was to gain insight on aging from an older
adult. I interviewed Mr. E in his home on a weekday evening. He expressed appreciation and was
surprised that he was the focus of an interview in which his life story and thoughts would be
Mr. E was born in a ranch in Guadalajara, Mexico. He is the youngest son of nine children. His
father passed away when he was 1 – year old. He was privileged to attend elementary school from
the 1st grade to the 4th grade. Mr. E had the responsibility of helping support the family as there were
only two male children in the family and more content...
As if you walked a path and see what you could of done but didn't. How could you have lived and
not lived. You see your errors. Like when you are on a cliff looking down or on the clouds and
looking down.
When asked about challenges to getting older (2012) Mr. E felt that accepting the challenges and
just living the best you can is all you can do. Try to live in peace and love what is on earth. When
you think of death you have to accept it. Why fight it you are going in that direction. You have to
make a decision.
He told me a story of a friend he had who had cancer and she made the choice to stop the
chemotherapy. Her arms had scabs and she decided enough was enough. She knew she wasn't
going to get better. She talked about death as if she were going to a party. He described how she
appeared to be at peace because she lived a fulfilling life. Mr. E felt that she encouraged and
motivated him more than he to her.Mr. E felt that the greatest joys of getting older were family and
seeing it grow. He also felt that being loved and having others think highly of you were great
achievements.Looking back on his life Mr. E felt that the only thing he could have done differently
was to be more patient, smarter, more humane and not make as many mistakes. "You look back and
think that you were not able to see things that are obvious" (E. Privacy, personal communication,
October 10, 2012).
When asked about fears of getting older Mr. E stated that
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Human Resource Interview Essay examples
Human Resource Management Interview
I. Introduction...............................1
II. Organization Information...................1
III. Background Information.....................2
IV. Role of Human Resources....................3
V. Performance Appraisals.....................5
VI. Closing....................................6
VII. Works Cited................................7
Human resource management is part of the human resource approach, which is evidently geared to
allow organizations to benefit in two significant ways: increasing in the organization's effectiveness
and satisfying all of the employee's needs. Organizational goals more content...
Background Information
Lori Fulmer attended Eastern Tennessee State University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Human Resource Management. Although Mrs. Fulmer has only been with Gordon Biersch
for about six months, she has had thirteen years experience in this field of work. She worked as
another human resource manager in a major manufacturing company in Johnson City. There, Mrs.
Fulmer was part of a professional association known as the Johnson City Human Resource
Role of Human Resources
The role of the human resource department at Gordon Biersch, is to maximize human potential in a
work friendly environment. If businesses are successful in acquiring this goal, employees can assure
themselves of maximizing their potential, either with Gordon Biersch or any other future
employment opportunity.
One of the main responsibilities of a human resource manager is the administering of any benefits
offered to the employees. "We have the duty of handling any safety that goes with worker's comp"
(Fulmer). When something happens in any of the restaurants, the human resource department is held
Another role that this field requires is the maintaining of employee satisfaction. This includes fringe
benefits, retirement security, and counseling. Mrs. Fulmer feels that they are very successful in this
aspect because of the constant interaction of the CEO with
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Client Interview Essay
I am very grateful that you replied me back on the site, Well here goes about me, I am a very easy
going person, I think of others way before myself, if I'm out with someone its important to me that
they are having a good time, I'm very confident, I always know what I want in life. I rarely give
in, and see things though.,I went on this site hoping to find my match but as you can see, not a lot
to pick from here .It is a bit sleazy on there, My attention span for this site is getting short. I am
finding that a lot of the men you talk to are not really serious with their intention, while some of the
men are fakes which really pisses me off .I have only been on that site a short time but am finding
nothing for me their. I am tired of more content...
I want you to know that when I am set nothing can change me so I don't beat about the bush and I
allow my feelings and mind to be known fast because its very awful when someone hurt another
good feelings. My favorite color is navy blue, I'm the jeans kind of lady cos it makes me looks music pref. is country with a touch of folk in their lyrics and soft rock...i like
baseball, played lots of Tennis not much of a football fan..I play snooker and billiards at times
and no good at either..I have include my pics even though I'm not to handy at photographing
myself.At this stage I feel there are a number reasons to get to know you better on here before we
meet in person.When did you join the site and haven't you met anyone there .how would you
describe your ideal you live you like your job how long have you been there.I
also hope that I have not bored you . And please excuse the spelling not one of my strong
points.....What I want in a man, you ask, well I want someone to be themselves, honesty, and not
what they think I would want, I would like a best friend as well as a partner, and we must always be
able to talk to each other if there's a problem. I'm a very faithful person, and expect the same from
my partner, above all I want you to make me smile, I have a great sense
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Interview (Aging) Essay example
A Man Cooler than Ice
Akanksha Sharma and Rose K Chua
AGNG 200
Dr. Jeffrey Ash
Nov 26th, 2014
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
I have always admired the senior citizens who are wondering how they have passed such long
journeys of their lives. They not only have accomplished achievements, but also have done
memorable works that deserve admiration, respect, and priority in today's society. These old
people may look incompetent and unexciting in somebody's eyes and thoughts, but not everyone
realizes that they are the people with greatest knowledge and experiences beyond their masters of
life. From my own experience, whenever I see an old mister or mistress looking for help or in need
of help, I can never ignore him more content...
He first mentioned that the advantage were "to be able to share my stories and years of
experiences to younger, upcoming generations". His willingness to share his wisdom with everyone
was clearly portrayed in his eyes. "Old age is a time when we are likely to come face–to–face with
questions about ultimate meaning. In fact, it was only in the 20th century that a sizable
proportion of the population survived to experience old age, and it is therefore natural that, in
our time, the meaning of old age has become an issue (Moody, 27)" The author of Aging:
Concepts and Controversies, Moody, has a contradicting idea with that of Mr. John Evans's. Mr.
John described one of the unique properties of us humans is that we, are the only species that look
after the elderly. We moved onto discussing how his memory has changed and how it has affected
his life. His response really surprised us when he said, "I have a better memory than my 24 year
old grandson." He said that one thing that hasn't changed all his life is his memory. He hasn't had
any issues with memory or memory loss. Based on his answers his crystalized and fluid
intelligence seems to be in check. He also told us how he loves gardening, listening to music,
watching movies, reading and so on. According to the textbook, as we get older our creativity
declines but
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Examples Of In-Depth Interview
To answer my research question, I chose semi–structured in–depth interviews because it particularly
lends itself to exploring challenging and complex life situations such as the return to work following
parental leave. According to Valerie Yow, "the recorded in
–depth interview can offer answers to
questions that no other methodology can provide" (Yow 2005, 9). In her introductory chapter on
in–depth interviewing, Yow specifically mentions complex decisions as a case where in–depth
interviews allow us to pose questions that remain invisible in statistics and official records. Thus,
while the OECD family database statistics might provide us with useful information about Hungarian
mothers' decisions concerning employment, in my research I would like to ask women to explain
the various and differing factors contributing to these more content...
8 respondents were university graduates, 7 had high school diplomas and 1 interviewee completed a
vocational secondary course. 10 interviewees worked in full–time jobs, 4 in part–time (6 hour)
positions and 1 in a flexible work arrangement. One woman was currently on maternity leave, but
before the birth of her second child, she had worked full time. Interviewees conducted a wide range
of blue–, pink–, and white–collar jobs, and not all women carried out work according to their
qualifications. For example, several university graduates worked in jobs not requiring tertiary
studies. 10 of my respondents had one child, 2 women had two and 4 had three or more children.
Youngest children were aged 7 months to 26 months at the time when the interviewees ended their
parental leave. 9 of my interviewees were located in Budapest, while 7 lived outside of the capital:
among them 6 lived in towns and one in a
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Mock Interview Essay
I actually enjoyed doing this mock interview. During the mock interview, overall I felt pretty
comfortable and confident. I think the biggest thing I learned from the mock interview is to give
more detail in my responses to the interviewer's questions. When answering a question from the
interviewer I should answer the question just as if I was writing it in an essay. Restate the question
but with an answer, give a reason or example to support my answer, and then conclude my response
by tying the information together. Good listening and eye contact are a few communication skills
came into play during my interview. I also learned that I have to be more direct when answering a
question and state more evidence to support my answers. If I answer
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Essay Interview with a Social Worker
With a strong interest in child welfare, there was no question that my interview with a social
worker would involve someone who is involved in this area of practice. I did a small amount of
internet research and discovered the All Nations Coordinated Response Network (ANCR) in
Winnipeg. I discovered that within the Child and Family Services system this agency is generally
the first point of contact. With an interest in front line work, I decided to make contact with this
agency in hopes of scheduling an interview. I made a phone call to ANCR and spoke to a
receptionist with the agency about what I was looking to accomplish. I was more specific than I
had originally planned and requested a recent graduate for the interview if more
If I presented myself in the most professional and knowledgeable manner, it may be beneficial to
obtaining a placement with this agency if I decided to pursue it. With these tips from Sarah, my
nerves had relaxed a little and a couple more questions came to my mind. I knew I would be ready
for the interview. When it came to the interview, I decided to ask Sophia questions about what it
was like to be in social work practice. Some of the questions I posed were: What are the challenges
and rewards of social work, what do you feel to be major successes in your fieldwork and how did
you achieve these, what would you define as the primary purpose of social work practice, do you
have a most memorable case you have worked on, what would you change about the system and
why, and is there any advice you have for someone just starting out in a social work career? In
response, Sophia told me she felt that it was a great reward to see even the smallest positive
change when working with a family or community but challenges could be the exact opposite,
working endlessly to advocate for change and not seeing, or being disappointed with the result. In
her fieldwork she feels that the reward of being part of any small positive changes are all her
successes and with this, she knows she is doing what she set out to accomplish in social work
practice. As a definition of social work provides much confusion for
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Sample Interview Essays

  • 1. Nurse Interview Essay Master's–Prepared Nurse Interview Grand Canyon University Theoretical Foundation for Nursing Roles and Practice NUR–502 May 23, 2012 Master's–Prepared Nurse Interview With the rapid growth in the implementation and use of electronic medical records, there is an increase in how we define the role of nurses and other team member's (Deese & Stien, 2004). Along with providing optimal care, nurses are also responsible for interpreting and accurately documenting large amounts of information. According to, (Ericksen, 2009) nursing informatics is defined as the integration of nursing, its information, and information management with information processing and communication technology to support the health of people worldwide. In more content... Present Position What she likes most about her job is that there aren't any typical days. Primarily she is responsible for obtaining data such as: patient demographics, laboratory work, radiology, and appointment utilization, from multiple data banks within the military hospital. Shadow her for a week and you will see her in a variety of roles. Some days she may present a brief to the executive team; another day you may find her mentoring a nurse on how to build a disease management database ("Nursing Informatics as a Career," 2011). On another day she might be evaluating a consumer–based web education program. The following is one example of what at typical project for her may look like, Dr. A may request information on clinical outcomes on diabetes care for the patients on their panel. After extracting the data, she then transforms it in to information that is useful for example, one list may show all diabetic patients that are missing annual eye exams. Another example may include helping a provider examine new cost–effective technologies like hand held devices. Pearls of Wisdom In the interview the question about any advice she wanted to offer was asked, with a big smile on her face, I am sure, she responded that the field is "wide open" ("Nursing Informatics as a Career," 2011) she continued on to say, if you are a self–starter it Get more content on
  • 2. Leadership Interview Essay To inspire and influence others, a leader must possess many skills and abilities. As motivational speaker Peter Northouse, states, "a leader should be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant" (Northouse, 2013) Moving an entire group of individuals toward a singular goal is a considerable undertaking. Without effective communication skills and a clear vision of what needs to be accomplished, one will feel like they are trying to herd cats rather than leading. During my interview with Regina Martinez, BS RN and currently an Assistant Director of a home health agency, I discovered her leadership style matched the above more content... The success the company now enjoys is credited to Martinez's leadership, motivation, caring, and attention to detail. Delivering the medical care to a patient, in the comfort of their own home, by professional, caring medical staff is a much needed service in rural northeast Colorado. Martinez stated that in her past and current position, her goal has been to always lead by example. Martinez adamantly stated she would never ask an employee to do anything she herself was not willing to do. She stated she did not follow a particular leadership style, but has read several leadership and management books, articles and studies to become more effective. Martinez stated the book she references the most is Carl E. Larson and Frank M.J. LaFasto's Teamwork: What Must Go Right/What Can Go Wrong. Through their research they explored the eight properties of successful teams: a clear, elevating goal; a results–driven structure; competent team members; unified commitment; collaborative climate; standards of excellence; external support and recognition; and principled leadership. (Larson & LaFasto, 1989, p.8) Their insights into what makes a team successful have been used by countless leaders as a model for efficient and effective leadership. As her job is to ensure proper medical patient care, Martinez spends most of her day on Get more content on
  • 3. Examples Of Interview Essay The subject of my interview was Juan Chavay. He was born and raised in small village close to the mountains. The actual name was not mentioned by Juan, but he emphasized on a small, remote village. He came to America in 2009 and has been here since. He is currently trying to achieve citizenship, but is encountering problems with actually achieving it. He has since been here on a work visa, which allows him to stay in the US for an extended period of time. He says he will continue the work he is doing in Mississippi. I wanted to look at how he transitioned from one country to another. I also looked at if he felt in racial tension or hostility as an immigrant in the south. I also focused on the concept of community in the US compared to Guatemalan community. more content... When I asked about an outstanding role model, he said his mother has been his rock though his transition. He always calls her throughout the week, just to hear her voice. He said community in Guatemala is a tighter knit community, compared to the US. He mentioned the sense of individualism in America. He still has a hard time understanding this mindset since it's such a polar opposite of his hometown. Juan realized he wanted to leave Guatemala in 2006 and spent that time to make his way to the US. He originally came to the US to become a priest. He made his way to the US when a position as a priest opened up. I asked Juan the hardest thing about moving to America. He said it was learning English. He arrived to the Jackson airport knowing no English at all. The first weeks for Juan were extremely difficult for him. Once he arrived to the University of New Orleans, he began an intensive English class in order to learn the language. He learned the language in about a year and could actually hold a conversation. Juan's time as priest was a difficult task as he expressed in the interview. He had to juggle many responsibilities and at the same time make many different people happy. Get more content on
  • 4. Student Interview Essay For my student interview, I was partnered up with a fellow student named Mary Fowler, but some call her by her nickname "Lynn Lou." Her name was chosen by her grandmother on her father's side who passed away. She is 18 years old and was born December 22,1998. She works at a salon called Celebrity Styles in Mentor and works as a babysitter as a side job. She just came from Columbus to get her Cosmetology license. A few years ago, she worked at a disgusting place called Manhattan Deli, she stopped working there because she had to get surgery in her leg. She had torn her MCL and ACL skateboarding and she was glad that she didn't have to go back. In the time of us talking we began discussing many topics such as her school life and her 7th more content... She revealed that she was a troublemaker and picked fights with others because of issues at home. Her parents' divorce caused her to misbehave at school. Her parents going through a divorce was the scariest thing in her life. Her father was becoming addicted to drugs and he later became homeless. These situations led to the feelings of depression and attempting to commit suicide. Later, we began to discuss her memories in 7th grade. She explained how she wasn't good at basketball at all and was only good at defense. She couldn't remember what position she played because she didn't really care for basketball and only wanted to follow in her sister's footsteps. She did finally get around to something she loved to do which is theatre. In 7th grade her friends told her to do theatre so she joined a group called the Shoreline Singers. Her first show was Alice and Wonderland she played rapping singing turtle. She laughs at how cringe and embarrassing it was but it gave her confidence to continue doing it. Theatre as of now is her favorite hobby. She loves acting and dancing. She has been in at least 10 shows and wants to pursue theatre as a Get more content on
  • 5. Manager Interview Essay I chose to interview Regina Geis, who holds the administrative role as acting supervisor for the County Mental Health adult day program, which provides services for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Ms. Geis has held this position for 15 months. This is her first managerial position within a human service agency. Her style of management has changed over this short period of time. She feels that she is now more direct with her direction with staff. She stated, "Maybe now I come across as a little bit cold. But I have learned that I now have to use the least amount of words to get my point across." Ms. Geis feels that to be an effective leader one must demonstrate with a high level of confidence, "even if I'm unsure of myself, more content... She replied with "Linear like Dr. Sprague (agency CEO)." Ms. Geis feels that the communication skills that one must possess in order to make advancements in management are that one must be an effective communicator, know the work environment, and the people you work with. Edmondson (2009) discusses four different basic communication styles. The first style is expressive which have a tendency to speak quickly, focus on the big picture, and have a high energy level. They can be perceived as unpredictable, vain, or excessively jovial. Next are systematic who tend to focus on small details, not on the larger picture, and try to avoid conflicts. The third type listed is sympathetic. These individuals focus on people and relationships. They are good listeners and so concern for everyone's needs. Sympathetics also do not like be at odds with others. Lastly, the fourth communication style identified is directs who generally keep dialogue short and are perceived as a multitaskers. The study recommends that the individual discover her own communication style and adjust the style according to the situation. Grant and Taylor (2014) conducted a study which identified six essential communication traits that can aid women to demonstrate confidence: (1) starting strong, (2) staying succinct, (3) dimensionalizing content, (4) owning voice, (5) controlling movement, and (6) projecting warmth (p. 73). The authors found that the way a women talks about her accomplishments have Get more content on
  • 6. Older Adult Interview Essay I had the privilege of interviewing a 60 year old gentlemen who I will identify as Mr. E to protect his privacy for this assignment. The goal of my interview was to gain insight on aging from an older adult. I interviewed Mr. E in his home on a weekday evening. He expressed appreciation and was surprised that he was the focus of an interview in which his life story and thoughts would be recorded. Mr. E was born in a ranch in Guadalajara, Mexico. He is the youngest son of nine children. His father passed away when he was 1 – year old. He was privileged to attend elementary school from the 1st grade to the 4th grade. Mr. E had the responsibility of helping support the family as there were only two male children in the family and more content... As if you walked a path and see what you could of done but didn't. How could you have lived and not lived. You see your errors. Like when you are on a cliff looking down or on the clouds and looking down. When asked about challenges to getting older (2012) Mr. E felt that accepting the challenges and just living the best you can is all you can do. Try to live in peace and love what is on earth. When you think of death you have to accept it. Why fight it you are going in that direction. You have to make a decision. He told me a story of a friend he had who had cancer and she made the choice to stop the chemotherapy. Her arms had scabs and she decided enough was enough. She knew she wasn't going to get better. She talked about death as if she were going to a party. He described how she appeared to be at peace because she lived a fulfilling life. Mr. E felt that she encouraged and motivated him more than he to her.Mr. E felt that the greatest joys of getting older were family and seeing it grow. He also felt that being loved and having others think highly of you were great achievements.Looking back on his life Mr. E felt that the only thing he could have done differently was to be more patient, smarter, more humane and not make as many mistakes. "You look back and think that you were not able to see things that are obvious" (E. Privacy, personal communication, October 10, 2012). When asked about fears of getting older Mr. E stated that Get more content on
  • 7. Human Resource Interview Essay examples Human Resource Management Interview Contents I. Introduction...............................1 II. Organization Information...................1 III. Background Information.....................2 IV. Role of Human Resources....................3 V. Performance Appraisals.....................5 VI. Closing....................................6 VII. Works Cited................................7 Introduction Human resource management is part of the human resource approach, which is evidently geared to allow organizations to benefit in two significant ways: increasing in the organization's effectiveness and satisfying all of the employee's needs. Organizational goals more content... Background Information Lori Fulmer attended Eastern Tennessee State University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resource Management. Although Mrs. Fulmer has only been with Gordon Biersch for about six months, she has had thirteen years experience in this field of work. She worked as another human resource manager in a major manufacturing company in Johnson City. There, Mrs. Fulmer was part of a professional association known as the Johnson City Human Resource Association. Role of Human Resources The role of the human resource department at Gordon Biersch, is to maximize human potential in a work friendly environment. If businesses are successful in acquiring this goal, employees can assure themselves of maximizing their potential, either with Gordon Biersch or any other future employment opportunity. One of the main responsibilities of a human resource manager is the administering of any benefits offered to the employees. "We have the duty of handling any safety that goes with worker's comp" (Fulmer). When something happens in any of the restaurants, the human resource department is held accountable. Another role that this field requires is the maintaining of employee satisfaction. This includes fringe benefits, retirement security, and counseling. Mrs. Fulmer feels that they are very successful in this aspect because of the constant interaction of the CEO with Get more content on
  • 8. Client Interview Essay I am very grateful that you replied me back on the site, Well here goes about me, I am a very easy going person, I think of others way before myself, if I'm out with someone its important to me that they are having a good time, I'm very confident, I always know what I want in life. I rarely give in, and see things though.,I went on this site hoping to find my match but as you can see, not a lot to pick from here .It is a bit sleazy on there, My attention span for this site is getting short. I am finding that a lot of the men you talk to are not really serious with their intention, while some of the men are fakes which really pisses me off .I have only been on that site a short time but am finding nothing for me their. I am tired of more content... I want you to know that when I am set nothing can change me so I don't beat about the bush and I allow my feelings and mind to be known fast because its very awful when someone hurt another good feelings. My favorite color is navy blue, I'm the jeans kind of lady cos it makes me looks music pref. is country with a touch of folk in their lyrics and soft rock...i like baseball, played lots of Tennis not much of a football fan..I play snooker and billiards at times and no good at either..I have include my pics even though I'm not to handy at photographing myself.At this stage I feel there are a number reasons to get to know you better on here before we meet in person.When did you join the site and haven't you met anyone there .how would you describe your ideal you live you like your job how long have you been there.I also hope that I have not bored you . And please excuse the spelling not one of my strong points.....What I want in a man, you ask, well I want someone to be themselves, honesty, and not what they think I would want, I would like a best friend as well as a partner, and we must always be able to talk to each other if there's a problem. I'm a very faithful person, and expect the same from my partner, above all I want you to make me smile, I have a great sense Get more content on
  • 9. Interview (Aging) Essay example A Man Cooler than Ice Akanksha Sharma and Rose K Chua AGNG 200 Dr. Jeffrey Ash Nov 26th, 2014 University of Maryland, Baltimore County I have always admired the senior citizens who are wondering how they have passed such long journeys of their lives. They not only have accomplished achievements, but also have done memorable works that deserve admiration, respect, and priority in today's society. These old people may look incompetent and unexciting in somebody's eyes and thoughts, but not everyone realizes that they are the people with greatest knowledge and experiences beyond their masters of life. From my own experience, whenever I see an old mister or mistress looking for help or in need of help, I can never ignore him more content... He first mentioned that the advantage were "to be able to share my stories and years of experiences to younger, upcoming generations". His willingness to share his wisdom with everyone was clearly portrayed in his eyes. "Old age is a time when we are likely to come face–to–face with questions about ultimate meaning. In fact, it was only in the 20th century that a sizable proportion of the population survived to experience old age, and it is therefore natural that, in our time, the meaning of old age has become an issue (Moody, 27)" The author of Aging: Concepts and Controversies, Moody, has a contradicting idea with that of Mr. John Evans's. Mr. John described one of the unique properties of us humans is that we, are the only species that look after the elderly. We moved onto discussing how his memory has changed and how it has affected his life. His response really surprised us when he said, "I have a better memory than my 24 year old grandson." He said that one thing that hasn't changed all his life is his memory. He hasn't had any issues with memory or memory loss. Based on his answers his crystalized and fluid intelligence seems to be in check. He also told us how he loves gardening, listening to music, watching movies, reading and so on. According to the textbook, as we get older our creativity declines but Get more content on
  • 10. Examples Of In-Depth Interview To answer my research question, I chose semi–structured in–depth interviews because it particularly lends itself to exploring challenging and complex life situations such as the return to work following parental leave. According to Valerie Yow, "the recorded in –depth interview can offer answers to questions that no other methodology can provide" (Yow 2005, 9). In her introductory chapter on in–depth interviewing, Yow specifically mentions complex decisions as a case where in–depth interviews allow us to pose questions that remain invisible in statistics and official records. Thus, while the OECD family database statistics might provide us with useful information about Hungarian mothers' decisions concerning employment, in my research I would like to ask women to explain the various and differing factors contributing to these more content... 8 respondents were university graduates, 7 had high school diplomas and 1 interviewee completed a vocational secondary course. 10 interviewees worked in full–time jobs, 4 in part–time (6 hour) positions and 1 in a flexible work arrangement. One woman was currently on maternity leave, but before the birth of her second child, she had worked full time. Interviewees conducted a wide range of blue–, pink–, and white–collar jobs, and not all women carried out work according to their qualifications. For example, several university graduates worked in jobs not requiring tertiary studies. 10 of my respondents had one child, 2 women had two and 4 had three or more children. Youngest children were aged 7 months to 26 months at the time when the interviewees ended their parental leave. 9 of my interviewees were located in Budapest, while 7 lived outside of the capital: among them 6 lived in towns and one in a Get more content on
  • 11. Mock Interview Essay I actually enjoyed doing this mock interview. During the mock interview, overall I felt pretty comfortable and confident. I think the biggest thing I learned from the mock interview is to give more detail in my responses to the interviewer's questions. When answering a question from the interviewer I should answer the question just as if I was writing it in an essay. Restate the question but with an answer, give a reason or example to support my answer, and then conclude my response by tying the information together. Good listening and eye contact are a few communication skills came into play during my interview. I also learned that I have to be more direct when answering a question and state more evidence to support my answers. If I answer Get more content on
  • 12. Essay Interview with a Social Worker With a strong interest in child welfare, there was no question that my interview with a social worker would involve someone who is involved in this area of practice. I did a small amount of internet research and discovered the All Nations Coordinated Response Network (ANCR) in Winnipeg. I discovered that within the Child and Family Services system this agency is generally the first point of contact. With an interest in front line work, I decided to make contact with this agency in hopes of scheduling an interview. I made a phone call to ANCR and spoke to a receptionist with the agency about what I was looking to accomplish. I was more specific than I had originally planned and requested a recent graduate for the interview if more content... If I presented myself in the most professional and knowledgeable manner, it may be beneficial to obtaining a placement with this agency if I decided to pursue it. With these tips from Sarah, my nerves had relaxed a little and a couple more questions came to my mind. I knew I would be ready for the interview. When it came to the interview, I decided to ask Sophia questions about what it was like to be in social work practice. Some of the questions I posed were: What are the challenges and rewards of social work, what do you feel to be major successes in your fieldwork and how did you achieve these, what would you define as the primary purpose of social work practice, do you have a most memorable case you have worked on, what would you change about the system and why, and is there any advice you have for someone just starting out in a social work career? In response, Sophia told me she felt that it was a great reward to see even the smallest positive change when working with a family or community but challenges could be the exact opposite, working endlessly to advocate for change and not seeing, or being disappointed with the result. In her fieldwork she feels that the reward of being part of any small positive changes are all her successes and with this, she knows she is doing what she set out to accomplish in social work practice. As a definition of social work provides much confusion for Get more content on