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The Rust Programming Language
Patrick Walton
All Hands Winter 2011

•   What is Rust?

•   How has the Rust design evolved over the past year?

•   How far have we come in implementation?

•   What are we going to use Rust for?
What is Rust?
use std;
import std::{ int, vec };
fn main(grades : [str]) {
  let results = vec::map({ |s|
    if int::parse(s) >= 70 { “Pass” }
    else { “Fail” }
  }, grades);
  log results;
What is Rust?

•   Rust is a new systems programming language designed for
    safety, concurrency, and speed.

•   It was originally conceived by Graydon Hoare and is now
    developed by a team in Mozilla Research and the community.
What is Rust? — Safety

•   Rust has no null pointers. The typical replacement for a
    nullable pointer is std::option<T>.

•   Rust is memory-safe, outside of designated unsafe blocks,
    which can be easily audited.

•   Rust features typestate, an analysis that allows the compiler to
    track predicates that you define.
What is Rust?—Typestate

•   Typestate isn’t new—it’s in Java!
    public static void main() {
       String s;
       if (new Date().getHours() < 12)
            s = “Good morning!”
       System.out.println(s); // Error: s may be uninitialized
What is Rust?—Typestate
•   The same initialization checking takes place in Rust through the
    typestate system and the so-called init predicate. Each value
    must hold the init predicate (i.e. be initialized) before use.
    fn main() {
        let s : str;
        if date::localtime(date::now()).hours < 12u {
            s = “Good morning!”
        log s;    // Error: predicate ‘init’ does not hold
What is Rust?—Typestate
•   Beyond this, Rust allows you to define your own predicates.

•   Functions can demand that certain predicates be true before
    calling them is allowed.You can also use values with predicates
    as first-class types, such as int|prime.

•   You use the check statement to make the Rust compiler
    aware of assertions that you’re performing. The assertion is
    checked at runtime, and the program aborts if the assertion
What is Rust?—Typestate

•   Suppose we have these declarations:
    pred in_range(array : [int], start : uint, end : uint) {
        start < end && end < vec::len(array)
    fn slice(array : [int], start : uint, end : uint)
       -> [int] : in_range(array, start, end) { ... }
What is Rust?—Typestate

•   Then we can’t call slice in the normal way:
    fn main() {
       let v = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];
       log v.slice(2, 3);   // error: predicate
                            //‘in_range(v, 2, 3)’ does
                            // not hold
What is Rust?—Typestate

•   But we can if we use a check statement:
    fn main() {
       let v = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];
       check in_range(v, 2, 3);
       log v.slice(2, 3);   // OK
What is Rust?—Typestate

•   Why is this useful?

    •   The Rust compiler remembers the assertions that you’ve
        performed, so that you don’t have to perform them

    •   With typestate, assertions are in the function signature,
        which helps make functions self-documenting.
What is Rust?—Concurrency

•   Rust is designed for concurrency on a large scale, following
    the principles of Erlang.

•   You can spawn thousands of tasks in the same process.

•   Under the hood, the Rust scheduler spawns one or two OS
    threads per CPU and schedules your tasks appropriately.
What is Rust?—Concurrency

fn do_something_expensive() -> bigint {
   ret factorial(99999999);
fn main() {
   let task = spawn(do_something_expensive);
   log join(task);
What is Rust?—Concurrency
•   While they’re running, tasks can communicate via channels
    and ports.

•   Ports and channels are typed; e.g. port<int>,

•   Ports are the receiving endpoint; channels are the sending
    endpoint. Mnemonic: bodies of water.

•   Multiple channels can go to the same port.
What is Rust?—Concurrency
fn something_expensive(ch : chan<bignum>) {
  send(ch, factorial(99999999));
fn main() {
  let p = port();
  spawn(bind something_expensive(chan(p)));
  log recv(p);
What is Rust?—Concurrency
•   Rust ensures that there is no shared state.

•   There is no need for mutex locks, condition variables, atomic
    operations, or concurrent garbage collection.

•   All unique pointers (~) are allocated in a shared heap and
    move from task to task by simply copying a pointer.

•   All boxed pointers (@) are allocated in task-local heaps and
    never move.
What is Rust?—Concurrency
•   We enforce these concurrency-related invariants through our
    type system.

•   Unique pointers (denoted by ~) are the only pointers that
    can be sent.

•   Once you send a unique pointer, you lose access to it.

•   This is enforced through typestate; the unique pointer, once
    moved, loses its init predicate.
What is Rust?—Speed

•   We use the LLVM compiler infrastructure, which is used by
    the Clang C++ compiler, for the self-hosted compiler.

•   We benefit from all of LLVM’s optimization passes.
What is Rust?—Speed
•   We strive for predictable runtime performance with a
    minimum of overhead.

•   Performance should be comparable to idiomatic C++; that is,
    C++ with use of the STL and avoiding highly unsafe

•   We also have an unsafe sublanguage that allows direct pointer
    manipulation. It’s restricted to blocks and functions marked
What is Rust?—Speed
•   We support three type layers to make memory management
    simple and fast.

    •   Interior types (denoted with no sigil) are stored on the stack.

    •   Unique types (denoted with ~) have ownership semantics. When
        the pointer goes out of scope, the object it’s pointing to is

    •   Boxed types (denoted with @) are garbage-collected. Multiple
        boxes can point to the same data.
What is Rust?—Speed

•   All together:
    fn main() {
        let a =     ~3; // Unique pointer to number
        let b =     a;   // Copies a
        let c =     @3; // Box of number
        let d =     c;   // c & d point to the same value
    } // a and      b destroyed; c and d will be GC’d
Language changes

•   A year ago, we announced Rust at the Mozilla Summit.

•   Since then, we’ve made a large number of changes to the
    language syntax and semantics.

•   Writing the Rust compiler in Rust helped us to quickly find
    and fix the painful areas of the language.
Language changes—Syntax
•   One year ago:
    fn f(&option.t[str] s) {
        auto r;
        alt (s) {
            case (some(?ss)) { r = rec(x=123, y=ss); }
            case (none)      { fail; }
Language changes—Syntax

•   Today:
    fn f(s : option::t<str>) {
        let r = alt s {
            some(ss) { { x: 123, y: ss } }
            none.    { fail }
Language changes—Syntax

•   Small changes:

    •   We’ve removed parentheses around if, alt, while, etc.

    •   Pattern matching syntax has been tweaked. Switch
        statements (alt) no longer require case.

    •   Types now go after variable bindings: let int x is now
        written let x : int.
Language changes—Closures

•   Instead of simply supporting a bind form, we now essentially
    have full-featured closures.

•   Closures are written as Ruby-style blocks:
    vec::eachi([ 1, 2, 3 ], { |x, i|   // Parameters
        log “Element #“, i, “ is “, x;
Language changes—Sharing
•   When Rust was initially designed, only immutable data
    structures could be sent over channels, like Erlang.

•   But we still needed copying to avoid global garbage collection.

•   What we really need is to avoid sharing, not immutability.

•   The immutability restriction is now the ownership restriction—
    you can only send data you own, and after you send it you
    lose that ownership.
Language changes—Macros
•   One year ago, macros were more like compiler plugins—they
    were DLLs loaded by the rustc compiler that could
    manipulate its internal code representation.

•   These kinds of macros are still supported, but we wanted
    macros to be usable by people other than compiler hackers.

•   So now we have macro-by-example, which are pattern-
    matching macros like those of Scheme.
Current status
How far are we from achieving our goals of safety, concurrency,
                        and speed?
Current status—Safety
•   We have a type-safe, memory-safe language with a self-hosted
•   We have hundreds of unit tests and a testing framework.
•   We’re missing garbage collection and stack unwinding.
•   The compiler isn’t yet production-quality. Crashes are
    uncommon but still happen.
Current status—Concurrency

•   We have a working concurrency system that operates
    similarly to Erlang and Grand Central Dispatch.

•   Thousands of simultaneous tasks are supported.

•   We’re currently missing growable stacks (to prevent address
    space exhaustion), unique pointers and closures (for fast data
    sharing), and OS process isolation.
Current status—Speed

•   Our compiler benefits from LLVM’s optimizations and highly-
    tuned code generation.

•   On simple numeric kernels, we generally perform well.

•   We’re currently slower than we’d like to be on generic code
    (type-passing), memory management (too much copying), and
    cross-crate calls (no inlining).

•   A tentative roadmap:
    •   Rust 0.1 (soon!): Garbage collection/cycle collection; stack
        unwinding; unique pointers; unique closures; stack growth.
    •   Future: Rewritten backend; cross-crate function inlining;
        improved LLVM garbage collection; iterators; fleshed-out
        standard libraries; package management.
Project Servo
Or: “So why are we doing this?”
Servo Project
•   Rust is a critical piece of the Servo project, which is a project
    to develop a parallel browser engine.

•   We don’t know how, or whether, we will ship this engine to
    end users at the moment; it’s very much a research project. It
    might be a new product, become a part of Gecko/Firefox, or
    remain purely a research platform.

•   Nevertheless, we want our code to be production quality.
Servo Project—Architecture

Web content         dom.js       Servo engine   Platform APIs
HTML + JavaScript   JavaScript       Rust           C++
Servo Project—Architecture
•   Servo is not planned to feature a cross-language component

•   Instead, all JavaScript–Rust communication is performed via
    the Rust message passing system.

•   The single-threaded parts of the browser will run in
    JavaScript and communicate asynchronously with the highly
    parallel Servo engine written in Rust.
Servo Project—Components

•   These components are planned to be written in Rust:

    •   A parallel HTML/JavaScript/SVG/CSS parser.

    •   A layout engine that performs parallel layout, including CSS
        selector matching, box reflows, etc.
Servo Project—Components

•   These components are planned to remain in C++ for the first
    few iteration:

    •   The SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine.

    •   The graphics rendering engine “Azure”.
Servo Project—Components

•   These components will be written in JavaScript and HTML:

    •   The DOM will be dom.js, in order to avoid the problems of
        XPCOM (cross-language cycles, SpiderMonkey optimization
        hazards, etc.)

    •   The UI will be all HTML and JavaScript.
Servo Project—Getting Involved
•   We’re still in the early stages of development, but you can

•   dom.js is actively being worked on and we’d love to have your

•   If you have ideas along the lines of “what I would do if I could
    start over from scratch”, particularly if you’re a platform
    hacker, we’d like to know!
•   The Rust team

    •   Brian Anderson (brson)

    •   Tim Chevalier (tjc)

    •   Marijn Haverbeke (marijn)

    •   Dave Herman (dherman, @littlecalculist)

    •   Graydon Hoare (graydon, @graydon_moz)
•   And the Rust interns:

    •   Roy Frostig (froystig)

    •   Eric Holk (eholk, @theinedibleholk)

    •   Lindsey Kuper (lkuper, @lindsey)

    •   Paul Stansifer (pauls, @paulstansifer)

    •   Michael Sullivan (sully)
          @rustlang #rust

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Rust All Hands Winter 2011

  • 1. The Rust Programming Language Patrick Walton All Hands Winter 2011
  • 2. Overview • What is Rust? • How has the Rust design evolved over the past year? • How far have we come in implementation? • What are we going to use Rust for?
  • 3. What is Rust? use std; import std::{ int, vec }; fn main(grades : [str]) { let results = vec::map({ |s| if int::parse(s) >= 70 { “Pass” } else { “Fail” } }, grades); log results; }
  • 4. What is Rust? • Rust is a new systems programming language designed for safety, concurrency, and speed. • It was originally conceived by Graydon Hoare and is now developed by a team in Mozilla Research and the community.
  • 5. What is Rust? — Safety • Rust has no null pointers. The typical replacement for a nullable pointer is std::option<T>. • Rust is memory-safe, outside of designated unsafe blocks, which can be easily audited. • Rust features typestate, an analysis that allows the compiler to track predicates that you define.
  • 6. What is Rust?—Typestate • Typestate isn’t new—it’s in Java! public static void main() { String s; if (new Date().getHours() < 12) s = “Good morning!” System.out.println(s); // Error: s may be uninitialized }
  • 7. What is Rust?—Typestate • The same initialization checking takes place in Rust through the typestate system and the so-called init predicate. Each value must hold the init predicate (i.e. be initialized) before use. fn main() { let s : str; if date::localtime(date::now()).hours < 12u { s = “Good morning!” } log s; // Error: predicate ‘init’ does not hold }
  • 8. What is Rust?—Typestate • Beyond this, Rust allows you to define your own predicates. • Functions can demand that certain predicates be true before calling them is allowed.You can also use values with predicates as first-class types, such as int|prime. • You use the check statement to make the Rust compiler aware of assertions that you’re performing. The assertion is checked at runtime, and the program aborts if the assertion fails.
  • 9. What is Rust?—Typestate • Suppose we have these declarations: pred in_range(array : [int], start : uint, end : uint) { start < end && end < vec::len(array) } fn slice(array : [int], start : uint, end : uint) -> [int] : in_range(array, start, end) { ... }
  • 10. What is Rust?—Typestate • Then we can’t call slice in the normal way: fn main() { let v = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]; log v.slice(2, 3); // error: predicate //‘in_range(v, 2, 3)’ does // not hold }
  • 11. What is Rust?—Typestate • But we can if we use a check statement: fn main() { let v = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]; check in_range(v, 2, 3); log v.slice(2, 3); // OK }
  • 12. What is Rust?—Typestate • Why is this useful? • The Rust compiler remembers the assertions that you’ve performed, so that you don’t have to perform them repeatedly. • With typestate, assertions are in the function signature, which helps make functions self-documenting.
  • 13. What is Rust?—Concurrency • Rust is designed for concurrency on a large scale, following the principles of Erlang. • You can spawn thousands of tasks in the same process. • Under the hood, the Rust scheduler spawns one or two OS threads per CPU and schedules your tasks appropriately.
  • 14. What is Rust?—Concurrency fn do_something_expensive() -> bigint { ret factorial(99999999); } fn main() { let task = spawn(do_something_expensive); log join(task); }
  • 15. What is Rust?—Concurrency • While they’re running, tasks can communicate via channels and ports. • Ports and channels are typed; e.g. port<int>, chan<dom_node>. • Ports are the receiving endpoint; channels are the sending endpoint. Mnemonic: bodies of water. • Multiple channels can go to the same port.
  • 16. What is Rust?—Concurrency fn something_expensive(ch : chan<bignum>) { send(ch, factorial(99999999)); } fn main() { let p = port(); spawn(bind something_expensive(chan(p))); log recv(p); }
  • 17. What is Rust?—Concurrency • Rust ensures that there is no shared state. • There is no need for mutex locks, condition variables, atomic operations, or concurrent garbage collection. • All unique pointers (~) are allocated in a shared heap and move from task to task by simply copying a pointer. • All boxed pointers (@) are allocated in task-local heaps and never move.
  • 18. What is Rust?—Concurrency • We enforce these concurrency-related invariants through our type system. • Unique pointers (denoted by ~) are the only pointers that can be sent. • Once you send a unique pointer, you lose access to it. • This is enforced through typestate; the unique pointer, once moved, loses its init predicate.
  • 19. What is Rust?—Speed • We use the LLVM compiler infrastructure, which is used by the Clang C++ compiler, for the self-hosted compiler. • We benefit from all of LLVM’s optimization passes.
  • 20. What is Rust?—Speed • We strive for predictable runtime performance with a minimum of overhead. • Performance should be comparable to idiomatic C++; that is, C++ with use of the STL and avoiding highly unsafe constructs. • We also have an unsafe sublanguage that allows direct pointer manipulation. It’s restricted to blocks and functions marked unsafe.
  • 21. What is Rust?—Speed • We support three type layers to make memory management simple and fast. • Interior types (denoted with no sigil) are stored on the stack. • Unique types (denoted with ~) have ownership semantics. When the pointer goes out of scope, the object it’s pointing to is destroyed. • Boxed types (denoted with @) are garbage-collected. Multiple boxes can point to the same data.
  • 22. What is Rust?—Speed • All together: fn main() { let a = ~3; // Unique pointer to number let b = a; // Copies a let c = @3; // Box of number let d = c; // c & d point to the same value } // a and b destroyed; c and d will be GC’d
  • 23. Language changes • A year ago, we announced Rust at the Mozilla Summit. • Since then, we’ve made a large number of changes to the language syntax and semantics. • Writing the Rust compiler in Rust helped us to quickly find and fix the painful areas of the language.
  • 24. Language changes—Syntax • One year ago: fn f(&option.t[str] s) { auto r; alt (s) { case (some(?ss)) { r = rec(x=123, y=ss); } case (none) { fail; } } }
  • 25. Language changes—Syntax • Today: fn f(s : option::t<str>) { let r = alt s { some(ss) { { x: 123, y: ss } } none. { fail } }; }
  • 26. Language changes—Syntax • Small changes: • We’ve removed parentheses around if, alt, while, etc. • Pattern matching syntax has been tweaked. Switch statements (alt) no longer require case. • Types now go after variable bindings: let int x is now written let x : int.
  • 27. Language changes—Closures • Instead of simply supporting a bind form, we now essentially have full-featured closures. • Closures are written as Ruby-style blocks: vec::eachi([ 1, 2, 3 ], { |x, i| // Parameters log “Element #“, i, “ is “, x; });
  • 28. Language changes—Sharing • When Rust was initially designed, only immutable data structures could be sent over channels, like Erlang. • But we still needed copying to avoid global garbage collection. • What we really need is to avoid sharing, not immutability. • The immutability restriction is now the ownership restriction— you can only send data you own, and after you send it you lose that ownership.
  • 29. Language changes—Macros • One year ago, macros were more like compiler plugins—they were DLLs loaded by the rustc compiler that could manipulate its internal code representation. • These kinds of macros are still supported, but we wanted macros to be usable by people other than compiler hackers. • So now we have macro-by-example, which are pattern- matching macros like those of Scheme.
  • 30. Current status How far are we from achieving our goals of safety, concurrency, and speed?
  • 31. Current status—Safety • We have a type-safe, memory-safe language with a self-hosted compiler. • We have hundreds of unit tests and a testing framework. • We’re missing garbage collection and stack unwinding. • The compiler isn’t yet production-quality. Crashes are uncommon but still happen.
  • 32. Current status—Concurrency • We have a working concurrency system that operates similarly to Erlang and Grand Central Dispatch. • Thousands of simultaneous tasks are supported. • We’re currently missing growable stacks (to prevent address space exhaustion), unique pointers and closures (for fast data sharing), and OS process isolation.
  • 33. Current status—Speed • Our compiler benefits from LLVM’s optimizations and highly- tuned code generation. • On simple numeric kernels, we generally perform well. • We’re currently slower than we’d like to be on generic code (type-passing), memory management (too much copying), and cross-crate calls (no inlining).
  • 34. Roadmap • A tentative roadmap: • Rust 0.1 (soon!): Garbage collection/cycle collection; stack unwinding; unique pointers; unique closures; stack growth. • Future: Rewritten backend; cross-crate function inlining; improved LLVM garbage collection; iterators; fleshed-out standard libraries; package management.
  • 35. Project Servo Or: “So why are we doing this?”
  • 36. Servo Project • Rust is a critical piece of the Servo project, which is a project to develop a parallel browser engine. • We don’t know how, or whether, we will ship this engine to end users at the moment; it’s very much a research project. It might be a new product, become a part of Gecko/Firefox, or remain purely a research platform. • Nevertheless, we want our code to be production quality.
  • 37. Servo Project—Architecture Web content dom.js Servo engine Platform APIs HTML + JavaScript JavaScript Rust C++
  • 38. Servo Project—Architecture • Servo is not planned to feature a cross-language component model. • Instead, all JavaScript–Rust communication is performed via the Rust message passing system. • The single-threaded parts of the browser will run in JavaScript and communicate asynchronously with the highly parallel Servo engine written in Rust.
  • 39. Servo Project—Components • These components are planned to be written in Rust: • A parallel HTML/JavaScript/SVG/CSS parser. • A layout engine that performs parallel layout, including CSS selector matching, box reflows, etc.
  • 40. Servo Project—Components • These components are planned to remain in C++ for the first few iteration: • The SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine. • The graphics rendering engine “Azure”.
  • 41. Servo Project—Components • These components will be written in JavaScript and HTML: • The DOM will be dom.js, in order to avoid the problems of XPCOM (cross-language cycles, SpiderMonkey optimization hazards, etc.) • The UI will be all HTML and JavaScript.
  • 42. Servo Project—Getting Involved • We’re still in the early stages of development, but you can help! • dom.js is actively being worked on and we’d love to have your help: • If you have ideas along the lines of “what I would do if I could start over from scratch”, particularly if you’re a platform hacker, we’d like to know!
  • 43. Thanks • The Rust team • Brian Anderson (brson) • Tim Chevalier (tjc) • Marijn Haverbeke (marijn) • Dave Herman (dherman, @littlecalculist) • Graydon Hoare (graydon, @graydon_moz)
  • 44. Thanks • And the Rust interns: • Roy Frostig (froystig) • Eric Holk (eholk, @theinedibleholk) • Lindsey Kuper (lkuper, @lindsey) • Paul Stansifer (pauls, @paulstansifer) • Michael Sullivan (sully)
  • 45. Questions? @rustlang #rust