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3To Delegate or not to Delegate Vibert JacobSouth
To Delegate or not to Delegate
In the first scenario, I would delegate because of the nature of
the work involved in the process of looking for the most
effective software to settle for in order to meet the specific
accounting needs of the organization. The case presents that I
am a manager and I have two employees working under my
authority. The credit function of the organization plays a
significant role in the running of the organization. The ability
of the employees to accept and work with the new software will
greatly depend on their capacity to understand the basics of the
new software within the shortest time possible. For this reason,
the delegation will see to it that the two employees under my
authority are assigned tasked regarding the purchase of the new
accounting software. For instance, the task can be divided into
three subdivisions where each individual within the department
is given one task to research and report within two weeks. The
report from each individual will then be compiled to make up
the final recommendation which will then be presented to the
manager of the agency.
The reason for delegating the task is to ensure that my team
members are involved in the processes because they will be
among the key individuals who will also be tasked with the
responsibility of using the system. The move will, therefore,
present a great opportunity for the employees to give their
opinion, input, and advice based on their experiences within the
firm as well as the accounting industry as a whole. Moreover,
the move will also help to build trust between me and my
subordinates which will greatly improve the overall productivity
of the credit functions of the agency. The delegation will be on
an individual level since each of the two employees will be
given different tasks to research regarding the new accounting
system to be purchased.
The case presented in the second scenario brings out the fact
that the fields manager is under pressure in regards to
delivering the expected results within a limited time frame. As
such, delegation would be an effective way to ensure that the
organization is able to realize the desired objectives for the two
major process that are being undertaken which are crucial for its
overall success and sustainability, (Lyons, 2016). However, it is
imperative to recognize that the nature of work involved in the
case makes it challenging for the field manager to delegate his
duties to those under his leadership.
To being with, the performance improvement project is aimed at
improving the overall productivity and efficiency of the federal
agents. These are programs that are designed to help the agents
find more effective and convenient of undertaking tasks and
responsibility that would be considered to be otherwise
difficult. This means that the agents can only get it right if they
have an authority figure in their midst giving directions
regarding what needs to be done so as to realize the desired
positive outcomes for the field agents. The agency would expect
a comprehensive report regarding what how the performance
improvement process was undertaken and it would be absurd if
the field manager gives a report that was delegated to the same
field agents for which the program was intended for.
There is also the issue of the fiscal audit which creates the need
for the field manager to allow the review of the operations of
the field operations. This is a move that is aimed at identifying
redundancies in the operations and transactions of the field
operations which affect or improve the overall performance of
the agency as a whole. As the point person, it is imperative to
ensure that everything is undertaken in the desired manner to
ensure that the division also gets a positive image in regard to
compliance with the internal processes of the agency aimed at
promoting positive outcomes.
The nature of the work involved in the agency is one that
requires the filed manager to be well informed and involved in
all the activities taking place. This is because he will be
answerable to anything that goes wrong, and it would be a
shame if he does not have the right answers for the top
management in the event that he is needed to make
clarifications on how the processes were undertaken under their
watch. Moreover, the case is categorical that the manager is the
point person for all the office deadlines which means that more
time and effort have to be put in the process to ensure that the
deadlines are met, and the desired positive outcomes are
realized by the agency. For this reason, the move not to delegate
will go a long way in promoting the privacy and confidentially
of the of information among the field agents as well as the
office agents which promotes the core objectives of the agency
as suggested by Celik et al. (2016).
One thing that is clear in the last case is the fact that the
workplace presented in that case is understaffed and is facing
major deadline issues that need to be addressed as soon as
possible. It is therefore imperative to ensure that the available
employees take up additional responsibilities within a specified
period so as to cover up for those who are not available at the
moment. The monthly report to the City Council is due in a
week’s time and then there also several field calls that have
been unanswered. All these are unattended duties and
responsibilities which affect the overall output and productivity
of the organization as suggested by Yoon et al. (2016). If the
organization fails to meet its core functions, then it will not
matter whether some of the employees were on official sick
leave or vacation. The failure of the organization will be on the
head of all the employees and it is for this reason that the
remaining employees have to take the initiative to ensure that
work together through the delegation process to ensure that all
the necessary work is completed within the required timeframe.
Delegating the tasks among the available employees will see to
it that they all focus on what is important during that time.
What this means is that they will be putting their time and
energy on these urgent matters to meet the strict deadlines. In
addition, it is also important to mention that delegation provides
an opportunity for the manager to learn new and effective ways
of undertaking the various duties and responsibilities under
their watch within the organization. These skills will come in
handy in times when the organization in crisis and there is a
need for individuals to take up multiple responsibilities in order
to meet tight time schedules, (Celik et al., 2016).
It is also important to mention that there are higher level risks
associated with tight project schedules. Delegating duties will
see to it that the manager is able to focus on the quality aspect
of the matter as the other employees deal with the smaller roles.
The workload for the manager will also be greatly reduced and
that will provide enough time for evaluations of the available
options and thereafter making the most effective decisions,
which benefits the whole organization.
Finally, delegating will go a long way in helping the employees
develop trust among themselves as well as with the top
management. Building trust among employees is a very crucial
factor because it affects the productivity of the employees as
well as their job satisfaction. Employees who trust and feel
trusted by the organization fill more fulfilled with their jobs and
thus work hard to meet their set goals and objectives. Therefore,
the decision to delegate the work will not only help to meet the
short and urgent deadlines but also present an opportunity for
the employees to acquire knowledge and skills which will come
in handy in their future work.References
Celik, L., Karabay, B., & McLaren, J. (2015). When is it
optimal to delegate: The theory of fast-track
authority. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 7(3),
Lyons, P. R. (2016). Making the case for manager delegation of
authority. Human Resource Management International
Digest, 24(5), 1-3.
Yoon, J., Kim, M., & Shin, J. (2016). Confidence in delegation
and leadership of registered nurses in long‐term‐care
hospitals. Journal of nursing management, 24(5), 676-685.
Running head: HEALTH SECTOR
Health Sector
Vibert Jacob
South University
Health Sector
Social, technological and demographic changes are shaping the
national, state and local economy. As well, it has created new
challenges for the government at all levels. The aging society
combined with new healthcare technologies has been driving
healthcare costs to ever higher levels. Despite the fact that 20%
of the total budget was used to finance healthcare initiatives in
2017, there is a need to occasion policy changes and as well
increase funding for the healthcare services.
In the subsequent years, state and local budgets had been
projected to have been increasingly dominated recurrent
expenditures and healthcare burden due to increased disease
burden. This has significantly squeezed the fiscal capacity
required to address health education infrastructure and other
emerging demands in the sector. It is important to underscore
the fact that local and state government revenue systems have
now been confronted with new challenges from a more
technocratic and globalized economy with more mobile
commerce sources and income that eludes the grasp of taxing
authorities at the local and state as well as national levels of the
government (Over, 2018).
In the health sector, fiscal constraints and limits have translated
into downsized public expectations. The public has shown
increased confidence in the government to solve a wide range of
private and public problems. This has prompted growth in
complexity, size and number of government initiatives and
programs. Of mportance to note is that more recently, the major
policy responses and the corresponding public problems have
become so overwhelmingly intergovernmental in nature.
Specifically, the nature of resources and public challenges
needed to address some of the biggest challenges in the
healthcare are not preserve of a single government program and
the current constrained healthcare budget. This is a clear
indication that the health problems and the emerging solutions
are widely distributed throughout the intergovernmental system.
Based on the information of the fiscal and programmatic
fortunes of the healthcare industry, its success has become so
independent and intertwined than any other time before.
Additional fiscal initiatives and funding have become key in the
success of health sector especially in the implementation of the
concept of evidence-based practice. From the state and local
program priorities, the weight that that the health sector carries
as far as economic development is concerned cannot be ignored.
In the past times, slow improvements in the basic indicators of
child and maternal mortality as well as a double-burden of both
communicable and non-communicable diseases, highly
commercialized private sector health services and high-out of
pocket expenditure presents new challenges that have
contributed to the contemporary healthcare crisis in the United
States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The
proposal for the increase of healthcare funding and allocation
has been confronted with increased resistance from the
legislators basically due to competing political interests, lack of
good will, negligence and a lack of understanding of the
fundamental problems that affect the low class and underserved
populations (Over, 2018). The fact that the recent medical
errors and deaths have been attributed to systematic failures and
lack of an appropriate infrastructure to facilitate the delivery of
healthcare services has presented new issues in the healthcare
arena. This is a matter that must be looked into by the
government devoid of biases and political judgment to solve
some of the overarching problems in the healthcare sector.
A clear indication of the urgent need of increased funding is
the augmenting deaths of children in state hospitals. The
primary causes of these issues include systematic errors for
instance as a result of disrupted oxygen supply, the cases of
negligence and excessive billing are some of the recent
unfoldings in state hospitals. These are some of the issues that
must be resolved with urgency before the threatening economic
collapse knocks. The state and federal government that are the
key sources of funding in the health sector must understand that
the under-regulated private is not sufficient to address the
health care issues affecting the people today.
With the above understanding of some of the issues
undermining the delivery of quality and timely care in the state
hospitals, there are alternative approaches that should be
implemented. To start with, the complexities evident in
ensuring an inclusive and fair system of medical examination
will make sure that the medics are acquainted with the requisite
knowledge and competencies sufficient enough to handle the
critical elements of evidence-based practice. One of the key
things to note is that medical errors have been noted to among
the most serious problems in the healthcare industry occasioned
by acute shortage of staff, lack of incentives for instance further
training and education and more importantly insufficient
equipment to handle these training sessions (Over, 2018).
Increased funding will make sure that this issue has been
addressed and given the necessary attention it deserves in order
to resolve the widespread problems in the health sector.
The second approach to eradicate the burden of child mortality
and unwarranted deaths due to medical errors is ensuring
technology is embedded in the healthcare system. The rapid
technological development and its impact in the healthcare
arena cannot be overlooked. One of the ways to mitigate errors
in the healthcare arena that have become so widespread is the
use of technology in the admission and tracking of the progress
of patients through different stages of the treatment process. For
instance, a mistake made during the admission process is further
carried forward to the treatment stage. The mistake might not be
made in the admission stage but also in the subsequent stages
that involves assessment of the patients, diagnosis, treatment
and prescription.
The basic defense that has seen a vast majority of the proposals
for increased funding despised, bounce and aborted altogether is
the factor of limited resources and the current constraints in the
state budget. However, one of the key things that must be noted
and emphasized is that a sick population means lost
productivity, economic downturn and eventually a collapse of
the functional elements that ensures efficient running of private
and government organizations. There could be no youthful
population in the midst of the escalating child deaths and the
ever-appreciating loss of lives due to non-communicable
diseases such as obesity, tuberculosis, diabetes and
cardiovascular infections among others.
Implementing the proposed alternatives could be presumed to be
a heavy burden for the government to bear. However, they
should be viewed in the lens of the sustainability and long-term
stability of the local, state and national economy. The current
challenge in the healthcare demonstrates the urgent need for
solutions before the situation worsens further. The central
problem of healthcare that has hampered the implementation of
the proposed alternatives is low levels of public funding. This
has resulted to lack of good quality healthcare and poor access
to health that must be resolved to sanitize and make the health
services delivery model more efficient.
Over, A. M. (2018). Economics for health sector analysis:
Concepts and cases. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Team Building and Training Programs
Vibert Jacob
South University
Team Building and Training Programs
Teambuilding plays a critical role in the improvement of
the productivity of the workforces of different business
organizations. Most organizations are currently leveraging the
benefits of team building to reinforce unity and teamwork in
their respective human resource management plans. Over the
recent past, various business organizations have joined the
league of providing a gamut of training programs critical in
improving the cohesion of workforce specialized for the
specific needs of different corporate businesses (Bailey,
Mankin, Kelliher, & Garavan, 2018). Fresh Tracks Inc. one of
the leading company providing team building training programs
for various corporate entities. Ensuring productive and
motivated workforce are some of the enabling factors in
addressing challenges associated with attracting and retaining
best talents in the labor market. Therefore, the purpose of this
research paper is to discuss the benefits of team building
programs in meeting the specific needs of the company as
discussed below;
Company Overview
Fresh Tracks Inc. is UK based company providing a wide
range of training programs to different business corporations
which intent to revamp their workforce through motivation and
creation of a conducive work environment. The company has
been in operation since the 1990s mainly providing human
resources training programs to large corporations, small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), NGOs as well as government
institutions. The organization strives to offer a compelling
combination of intellectually stimulating and engaging
experience that is critical in creating a cohesive team ( Fresh
Tracks, 2018). The training programs are essential in bringing
together the new hires and existing employees in achieving
common goals of the business organizations. The collaboration
skills, team focus training, change management, leadership and
management among other notable courses the Fresh Tracks Inc.
is providing in teambuilding. Therefore, collaboration skills
program will form the primary focus of this research paper as
described below;
Key benefits of Training programs
The training programs provided by the Fresh Tracks
Company contribute significantly to the attainment of some of
the most critical needs of individual business organizations that
chose to adopt such programs. Some of the most vital areas of
improvement include enhanced communication among the team
members. The opportunities allow as many team members to
speak as a way of bonding with each other. In the process,
business organizations tend to benefit hugely from the resulting
effective communication strategies within their companies.
Secondly, training programs provide an avenue for skill
development. The sharing of ideas and skills allows individual
employees to acquire a new set of skills and competencies to the
advantage of the hiring company (Lussier & Hendon, 2017).
Additionally, teambuilding is also critical in enabling the team
members to discover and understand their roles as far as the
operation and management of a business organization are
Collaboration Skills and Team Building
Collaboration and teamwork are some of the critical skills
effective in improving the productivity of a workforce of
different business organizations. Interpersonal, communication
and problem-solving skills are essential in allowing team
members to work together towards the attainment of common
organizational goals and objectives. Such skills are vital when
incorporated in the corporate culture of different companies.
Moreover, such skills are crucial in building effective teamwork
for long-term benefits of the business organizations.
Fresh Tracks Company and Training Course
I will choose to purchase the training program offered by
the Fresh Tracks Inc. due to numerous reasons. For instance, the
assessment of the company profile shows that the company has
had a successful implementation of different team building
training programs for various business organizations. Moreover,
the company has been receiving positive reviews from many
corporate entities regarding the effectiveness of various training
programs the Fresh Tracks Inc. is providing. Additionally, the
collaboration skills course that the organization is offering is in
line with the precepts of the Belbin theory team building. The
Belbin team roles describe critical approaches to creating
mutual understanding and sharing of responsibilities among the
team members. However, it is essential to modify some of the
training programs that Fresh Tracks provide to corporate
business to achieve the desired outcome when implementing the
collaboration skills training program as shown below;
Customizing Training Courses
Organizations tend to face unique forms of challenges in
the creation of useful and productive team membership
depending on the type of organizational cultures adopted by the
respective business companies. Therefore, there no universal
standards for implementing team building training programs
that address all the challenges that the company may be facing
(Rickards & Moger, 2017).
Modification of the team focus training program is critical
in the attainment of the unique goals and objectives of the
business. Fresh Tracks Company provides specific approaches
to dealing with the focus training courses. However, in adopting
the contents of such courses, assessment of the overarching
organizational goals and objects play critical roles in reducing
goal-blindness among the team members and channeling their
energies towards the attainment of long-term and short-term
business’ needs (Lussier & Hendon, 2017).
Similarly, further customizing of the content of a change
management course that the training company is providing to
suit the existing organizational culture of the client company.
Ideally, different companies have a set of espoused values that
they usually bring forth when introducing new changes in the
management and running of the businesses. Similarly,
implementing the training programs on leadership and
management relies on the existing culture of the client
organization (Rickards & Moger, 2017). As a consequence, such
training programs should be tailored to meet the business goals
and objectives.
Therefore, it is critical to note that teambuilding plays
significant roles in the improvement of productivity and general
effectiveness of the workforce in different companies. The
choice on which programs to implement largely depend on the
internal business needs and objectives. Some courses on team
building require some forms of customization to make them
efficacious in addressing the unique challenges of the various
organizations. The corporate world has continued to face a
myriad of problems in the labor market, particularly in
attracting and retaining top talents in the market. Building unity
among the team members can be an enabling factor in enhancing
the general productivity of business organizations.
Fresh Tracks. (2018, August 6). Retrieved from
Bailey, C., Mankin, D., Kelliher, C., & Garavan, T. (2018).
Strategic human resource management. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Lussier, N. R., & Hendon, R. J. (2017). Human resource
management: Functions, applications, and skill development.
New York: Sage publications.
Rickards, T., & Moger, S. (2017). Handbook for creative team
leaders. New York: Routledge.
Title Administrative Theories
Vibert Jacob
South University
August 01, 2018
Administrative Theories
Different administrators interpret administration differently
because of different social, cultural and geographical locations
hence executing administrative duties in different manners. This
provides adaptability as well as flexibility. one of the most
effective theories of administration is the Friedrich theory.
Friedrich theory was believed to have good and logical policies.
Before being installed or put in place, the ministers need to get
feedback from trusted experts on the ground to try to understand
the effect of the policy, including the positive and negative part
of it. Herman Fener’s theory defined the relationship between
ministers and administrators comprehensively. Since the
minister was voted in by people, he is there final voice where he
creates all policies to be implemented in given directions and
instructions, and their policies are not subject to change. These
administrators are then expected to apply these policies to the
best they can. Finer also goes on to define responsibility as
obedience to explicit or certain directions as expected to your
level best. He argued that officials should be held accountable
for their actions and that punishment can be arranged in order to
correct any anomalies (Waldo, 1976). The minister’s expert
controls the actions of the ministers. This makes the
administrators have the fear of doing a poor job. The fear of
failure is used to motivate this administration, individuals.
Finer believed that both the minister and administrators should
be working for the needs of the people who elected them, and
not their personal needs. He believed that ministers can
supervise administrators without being troublesome, giving
orderly instructions as to what needs to be done and to an extent
of how it should be done. Ministers, in this case, are the final
say of the people. Whatever policies they put should be
executed to the letter. There is no need to change anything at
all, rather, one should just implement the policies. All
administrators are expected to be obedient to a given set of
directions. In sports for the example, the quarterback is clear
representations of the minister, as the leader who gives
directions to be done his way. This makes the other players
behind him to do as he does (Friedrich, 1968).
Carl J Friedrich’s theories were among the best America is built
on in terms of responsibility and authority. Friedrich’s theory or
concept or rather the idea of responsibility and accountability in
political and personal as well as the political responsibility
within the hierarchy of bureaucratic institutions or
organizations. Friedrich focuses on administration. The
administrator is a professional public servant who has been
given or appointed for a certain position. A minister is a
politician elected by people or committee and appointed in some
cases to sit in a country’s cabinet. His view was that there is a
reciprocal relationship between administration and politics. He
believed this two relied on each other and will always do to
deliver policies efficiently and adequately. Friedrich believed
in the specialization that politicians are good in making policies
and on the other hand administrators specialize in their jobs and
hence can give feedback on what to be corrected or done
differently or needs to be changed. A single minister cannot be
knowledgeable in all fields; therefore, his advice cannot be
sufficient to be relied upon. Hence consultations are needed
from other players who are experienced in a given field.
Policies that have been put in place are ultimately defined by
how the appointed administrators interpret their meaning. Some
may miss a given point and hence losing it all right there
(Friedrich, 1968)
I agree that most people hitherto, view that public service as the
highest and noblest calling. To begin with, it has many generous
benefits. Positions in the public sector reasonably have good
competitive salaries and good benefits as well. For example,
one may receive different separate vacations and leave when
sick, during holidays we also have federal payments, health
insurance that is good when one falls sick and requires medical
attention he or she will not use his money from the pocket the
insurance from the government pays. Health is a worthwhile
investment since one can be healthy today and tomorrow sick
making it difficult to work so you continue being paid
regardless of being in the hospital. And the opportunity to get
the advantage of government pensions and beneficial retirement
plan (Perry, 2007). Loan payment. There are positions that will
help you pay loans that like the student's loans with ease. There
also a better work-life balance since there are times one should
at work and time to leave as well. This has flexible schedules.
The work culture is also relaxed because they focus on service
rather than profit. This makes no enormous pressure at
workplace form the bosses. What is expected and to deliver
service that is efficient. Since it’s a nonprofit organization, the
government, and legal service organizations aren’t under
pressure to meet high hour quotas there is personal fulfillment.
One gets satisfied when working and your career allows you to
meet your personal mission in life. Time is flexible one can be
able to further education while still working since its simple to
work and study at the same time (Wright, 2010).
I clearly support Friedrich’s theory as my choice as it relies on
responsibility. There is democracy in hence it enables to get the
government via political way and to effectively implement the
decisions made by the process. The administrator has to
combine forces and compare notes as well to analyses what and
which policies worked, and which did not work. This enables
change to be put where needed to have the policy at its best
before implementation, enabling the minister to provide the best
and most effective policy, ensuring the policies are going to
work and has many benefits for his people at a bigger
percentage. This way the policy has been improved and tested to
the limit and whatever that can’t work in the policy eliminated.
This shows that Friedrich considered the impact of the policy.
This impact would have on his people and wanted the best for
them. In this case, administrators would be held responsible if
left to their own specializations. If the admin has self-
interpretations can lead to poor and not good policies hence a
relation between the two in key and important as the policies, it
is self. Responsibility comes from within the self.
Responsibility in this theory is not less important to democratic
governance. This theory encourages or consists the nature of
administrative responsibility which is reasoned communication.
After a policy has been put in place it’s tested and where we
have holes in it they are corrected. This enables the policy to
put consideration of the peoples’ feeling altogether. This
enables to get minimal resistance from the people who elected
the minister and in some the administrator. People want to feel
they are part of their government, not just having policies put in
place to govern them (Perry, 2007)
Friedrich, C. J. (1968). Constitutional government and
Friedrich, C. J., & Brzezinski, Z. K. (1965). Totalitarian
dictatorship. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP.
Waldo, D. (2017). The administrative state: A study of the
political theory of American public administration.
Perry, J. L., & Wise, L. R. (2007). The motivational bases of
public service. Public administration review, 367-373.
Wright, B. E., & Grant, A. M. (2010). Unanswered questions
about public service motivation: Designing research to
address key issues of emergence and effects. Public
administration review, 70(5), 691-700.

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  • 1. Running head: TO DELEGATE OR NOT TO DELEGATE 1TO DELEGATE OR NOT TO DELEGATE 3To Delegate or not to Delegate Vibert JacobSouth UniversityMemo To Delegate or not to Delegate In the first scenario, I would delegate because of the nature of the work involved in the process of looking for the most effective software to settle for in order to meet the specific accounting needs of the organization. The case presents that I am a manager and I have two employees working under my authority. The credit function of the organization plays a significant role in the running of the organization. The ability of the employees to accept and work with the new software will greatly depend on their capacity to understand the basics of the new software within the shortest time possible. For this reason, the delegation will see to it that the two employees under my authority are assigned tasked regarding the purchase of the new accounting software. For instance, the task can be divided into three subdivisions where each individual within the department is given one task to research and report within two weeks. The report from each individual will then be compiled to make up the final recommendation which will then be presented to the manager of the agency.
  • 2. The reason for delegating the task is to ensure that my team members are involved in the processes because they will be among the key individuals who will also be tasked with the responsibility of using the system. The move will, therefore, present a great opportunity for the employees to give their opinion, input, and advice based on their experiences within the firm as well as the accounting industry as a whole. Moreover, the move will also help to build trust between me and my subordinates which will greatly improve the overall productivity of the credit functions of the agency. The delegation will be on an individual level since each of the two employees will be given different tasks to research regarding the new accounting system to be purchased. The case presented in the second scenario brings out the fact that the fields manager is under pressure in regards to delivering the expected results within a limited time frame. As such, delegation would be an effective way to ensure that the organization is able to realize the desired objectives for the two major process that are being undertaken which are crucial for its overall success and sustainability, (Lyons, 2016). However, it is imperative to recognize that the nature of work involved in the case makes it challenging for the field manager to delegate his duties to those under his leadership. To being with, the performance improvement project is aimed at improving the overall productivity and efficiency of the federal agents. These are programs that are designed to help the agents find more effective and convenient of undertaking tasks and responsibility that would be considered to be otherwise difficult. This means that the agents can only get it right if they have an authority figure in their midst giving directions regarding what needs to be done so as to realize the desired positive outcomes for the field agents. The agency would expect a comprehensive report regarding what how the performance improvement process was undertaken and it would be absurd if
  • 3. the field manager gives a report that was delegated to the same field agents for which the program was intended for. There is also the issue of the fiscal audit which creates the need for the field manager to allow the review of the operations of the field operations. This is a move that is aimed at identifying redundancies in the operations and transactions of the field operations which affect or improve the overall performance of the agency as a whole. As the point person, it is imperative to ensure that everything is undertaken in the desired manner to ensure that the division also gets a positive image in regard to compliance with the internal processes of the agency aimed at promoting positive outcomes. The nature of the work involved in the agency is one that requires the filed manager to be well informed and involved in all the activities taking place. This is because he will be answerable to anything that goes wrong, and it would be a shame if he does not have the right answers for the top management in the event that he is needed to make clarifications on how the processes were undertaken under their watch. Moreover, the case is categorical that the manager is the point person for all the office deadlines which means that more time and effort have to be put in the process to ensure that the deadlines are met, and the desired positive outcomes are realized by the agency. For this reason, the move not to delegate will go a long way in promoting the privacy and confidentially of the of information among the field agents as well as the office agents which promotes the core objectives of the agency as suggested by Celik et al. (2016). One thing that is clear in the last case is the fact that the workplace presented in that case is understaffed and is facing major deadline issues that need to be addressed as soon as possible. It is therefore imperative to ensure that the available employees take up additional responsibilities within a specified
  • 4. period so as to cover up for those who are not available at the moment. The monthly report to the City Council is due in a week’s time and then there also several field calls that have been unanswered. All these are unattended duties and responsibilities which affect the overall output and productivity of the organization as suggested by Yoon et al. (2016). If the organization fails to meet its core functions, then it will not matter whether some of the employees were on official sick leave or vacation. The failure of the organization will be on the head of all the employees and it is for this reason that the remaining employees have to take the initiative to ensure that work together through the delegation process to ensure that all the necessary work is completed within the required timeframe. Delegating the tasks among the available employees will see to it that they all focus on what is important during that time. What this means is that they will be putting their time and energy on these urgent matters to meet the strict deadlines. In addition, it is also important to mention that delegation provides an opportunity for the manager to learn new and effective ways of undertaking the various duties and responsibilities under their watch within the organization. These skills will come in handy in times when the organization in crisis and there is a need for individuals to take up multiple responsibilities in order to meet tight time schedules, (Celik et al., 2016). It is also important to mention that there are higher level risks associated with tight project schedules. Delegating duties will see to it that the manager is able to focus on the quality aspect of the matter as the other employees deal with the smaller roles. The workload for the manager will also be greatly reduced and that will provide enough time for evaluations of the available options and thereafter making the most effective decisions, which benefits the whole organization. Finally, delegating will go a long way in helping the employees
  • 5. develop trust among themselves as well as with the top management. Building trust among employees is a very crucial factor because it affects the productivity of the employees as well as their job satisfaction. Employees who trust and feel trusted by the organization fill more fulfilled with their jobs and thus work hard to meet their set goals and objectives. Therefore, the decision to delegate the work will not only help to meet the short and urgent deadlines but also present an opportunity for the employees to acquire knowledge and skills which will come in handy in their future work.References Celik, L., Karabay, B., & McLaren, J. (2015). When is it optimal to delegate: The theory of fast-track authority. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 7(3), 347-89. Lyons, P. R. (2016). Making the case for manager delegation of authority. Human Resource Management International Digest, 24(5), 1-3. Yoon, J., Kim, M., & Shin, J. (2016). Confidence in delegation and leadership of registered nurses in long‐term‐care hospitals. Journal of nursing management, 24(5), 676-685. Running head: HEALTH SECTOR 1 HEALTH SECTOR 5 Health Sector Vibert Jacob South University Health Sector Social, technological and demographic changes are shaping the national, state and local economy. As well, it has created new challenges for the government at all levels. The aging society combined with new healthcare technologies has been driving healthcare costs to ever higher levels. Despite the fact that 20%
  • 6. of the total budget was used to finance healthcare initiatives in 2017, there is a need to occasion policy changes and as well increase funding for the healthcare services. In the subsequent years, state and local budgets had been projected to have been increasingly dominated recurrent expenditures and healthcare burden due to increased disease burden. This has significantly squeezed the fiscal capacity required to address health education infrastructure and other emerging demands in the sector. It is important to underscore the fact that local and state government revenue systems have now been confronted with new challenges from a more technocratic and globalized economy with more mobile commerce sources and income that eludes the grasp of taxing authorities at the local and state as well as national levels of the government (Over, 2018). In the health sector, fiscal constraints and limits have translated into downsized public expectations. The public has shown increased confidence in the government to solve a wide range of private and public problems. This has prompted growth in complexity, size and number of government initiatives and programs. Of mportance to note is that more recently, the major policy responses and the corresponding public problems have become so overwhelmingly intergovernmental in nature. Specifically, the nature of resources and public challenges needed to address some of the biggest challenges in the healthcare are not preserve of a single government program and the current constrained healthcare budget. This is a clear indication that the health problems and the emerging solutions are widely distributed throughout the intergovernmental system. Based on the information of the fiscal and programmatic fortunes of the healthcare industry, its success has become so independent and intertwined than any other time before. Additional fiscal initiatives and funding have become key in the
  • 7. success of health sector especially in the implementation of the concept of evidence-based practice. From the state and local program priorities, the weight that that the health sector carries as far as economic development is concerned cannot be ignored. In the past times, slow improvements in the basic indicators of child and maternal mortality as well as a double-burden of both communicable and non-communicable diseases, highly commercialized private sector health services and high-out of pocket expenditure presents new challenges that have contributed to the contemporary healthcare crisis in the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The proposal for the increase of healthcare funding and allocation has been confronted with increased resistance from the legislators basically due to competing political interests, lack of good will, negligence and a lack of understanding of the fundamental problems that affect the low class and underserved populations (Over, 2018). The fact that the recent medical errors and deaths have been attributed to systematic failures and lack of an appropriate infrastructure to facilitate the delivery of healthcare services has presented new issues in the healthcare arena. This is a matter that must be looked into by the government devoid of biases and political judgment to solve some of the overarching problems in the healthcare sector. A clear indication of the urgent need of increased funding is the augmenting deaths of children in state hospitals. The primary causes of these issues include systematic errors for instance as a result of disrupted oxygen supply, the cases of negligence and excessive billing are some of the recent unfoldings in state hospitals. These are some of the issues that must be resolved with urgency before the threatening economic collapse knocks. The state and federal government that are the key sources of funding in the health sector must understand that the under-regulated private is not sufficient to address the health care issues affecting the people today.
  • 8. With the above understanding of some of the issues undermining the delivery of quality and timely care in the state hospitals, there are alternative approaches that should be implemented. To start with, the complexities evident in ensuring an inclusive and fair system of medical examination will make sure that the medics are acquainted with the requisite knowledge and competencies sufficient enough to handle the critical elements of evidence-based practice. One of the key things to note is that medical errors have been noted to among the most serious problems in the healthcare industry occasioned by acute shortage of staff, lack of incentives for instance further training and education and more importantly insufficient equipment to handle these training sessions (Over, 2018). Increased funding will make sure that this issue has been addressed and given the necessary attention it deserves in order to resolve the widespread problems in the health sector. The second approach to eradicate the burden of child mortality and unwarranted deaths due to medical errors is ensuring technology is embedded in the healthcare system. The rapid technological development and its impact in the healthcare arena cannot be overlooked. One of the ways to mitigate errors in the healthcare arena that have become so widespread is the use of technology in the admission and tracking of the progress of patients through different stages of the treatment process. For instance, a mistake made during the admission process is further carried forward to the treatment stage. The mistake might not be made in the admission stage but also in the subsequent stages that involves assessment of the patients, diagnosis, treatment and prescription. The basic defense that has seen a vast majority of the proposals for increased funding despised, bounce and aborted altogether is the factor of limited resources and the current constraints in the state budget. However, one of the key things that must be noted
  • 9. and emphasized is that a sick population means lost productivity, economic downturn and eventually a collapse of the functional elements that ensures efficient running of private and government organizations. There could be no youthful population in the midst of the escalating child deaths and the ever-appreciating loss of lives due to non-communicable diseases such as obesity, tuberculosis, diabetes and cardiovascular infections among others. Implementing the proposed alternatives could be presumed to be a heavy burden for the government to bear. However, they should be viewed in the lens of the sustainability and long-term stability of the local, state and national economy. The current challenge in the healthcare demonstrates the urgent need for solutions before the situation worsens further. The central problem of healthcare that has hampered the implementation of the proposed alternatives is low levels of public funding. This has resulted to lack of good quality healthcare and poor access to health that must be resolved to sanitize and make the health services delivery model more efficient. References Over, A. M. (2018). Economics for health sector analysis: Concepts and cases. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Running Head: TEAM BUILDING AND TRAINING PROGRAMS 1 TEAM BUILDING AND TRAINING PROGRAMS 3 Team Building and Training Programs Vibert Jacob South University
  • 10. Team Building and Training Programs Introduction Teambuilding plays a critical role in the improvement of the productivity of the workforces of different business organizations. Most organizations are currently leveraging the benefits of team building to reinforce unity and teamwork in their respective human resource management plans. Over the recent past, various business organizations have joined the league of providing a gamut of training programs critical in improving the cohesion of workforce specialized for the specific needs of different corporate businesses (Bailey, Mankin, Kelliher, & Garavan, 2018). Fresh Tracks Inc. one of the leading company providing team building training programs for various corporate entities. Ensuring productive and motivated workforce are some of the enabling factors in addressing challenges associated with attracting and retaining best talents in the labor market. Therefore, the purpose of this research paper is to discuss the benefits of team building programs in meeting the specific needs of the company as discussed below; Company Overview Fresh Tracks Inc. is UK based company providing a wide range of training programs to different business corporations which intent to revamp their workforce through motivation and creation of a conducive work environment. The company has been in operation since the 1990s mainly providing human resources training programs to large corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), NGOs as well as government institutions. The organization strives to offer a compelling combination of intellectually stimulating and engaging experience that is critical in creating a cohesive team ( Fresh Tracks, 2018). The training programs are essential in bringing
  • 11. together the new hires and existing employees in achieving common goals of the business organizations. The collaboration skills, team focus training, change management, leadership and management among other notable courses the Fresh Tracks Inc. is providing in teambuilding. Therefore, collaboration skills program will form the primary focus of this research paper as described below; Key benefits of Training programs The training programs provided by the Fresh Tracks Company contribute significantly to the attainment of some of the most critical needs of individual business organizations that chose to adopt such programs. Some of the most vital areas of improvement include enhanced communication among the team members. The opportunities allow as many team members to speak as a way of bonding with each other. In the process, business organizations tend to benefit hugely from the resulting effective communication strategies within their companies. Secondly, training programs provide an avenue for skill development. The sharing of ideas and skills allows individual employees to acquire a new set of skills and competencies to the advantage of the hiring company (Lussier & Hendon, 2017). Additionally, teambuilding is also critical in enabling the team members to discover and understand their roles as far as the operation and management of a business organization are concerned. Collaboration Skills and Team Building Collaboration and teamwork are some of the critical skills effective in improving the productivity of a workforce of different business organizations. Interpersonal, communication and problem-solving skills are essential in allowing team members to work together towards the attainment of common organizational goals and objectives. Such skills are vital when
  • 12. incorporated in the corporate culture of different companies. Moreover, such skills are crucial in building effective teamwork for long-term benefits of the business organizations. Fresh Tracks Company and Training Course I will choose to purchase the training program offered by the Fresh Tracks Inc. due to numerous reasons. For instance, the assessment of the company profile shows that the company has had a successful implementation of different team building training programs for various business organizations. Moreover, the company has been receiving positive reviews from many corporate entities regarding the effectiveness of various training programs the Fresh Tracks Inc. is providing. Additionally, the collaboration skills course that the organization is offering is in line with the precepts of the Belbin theory team building. The Belbin team roles describe critical approaches to creating mutual understanding and sharing of responsibilities among the team members. However, it is essential to modify some of the training programs that Fresh Tracks provide to corporate business to achieve the desired outcome when implementing the collaboration skills training program as shown below; Customizing Training Courses Organizations tend to face unique forms of challenges in the creation of useful and productive team membership depending on the type of organizational cultures adopted by the respective business companies. Therefore, there no universal standards for implementing team building training programs that address all the challenges that the company may be facing (Rickards & Moger, 2017). Modification of the team focus training program is critical in the attainment of the unique goals and objectives of the business. Fresh Tracks Company provides specific approaches
  • 13. to dealing with the focus training courses. However, in adopting the contents of such courses, assessment of the overarching organizational goals and objects play critical roles in reducing goal-blindness among the team members and channeling their energies towards the attainment of long-term and short-term business’ needs (Lussier & Hendon, 2017). Similarly, further customizing of the content of a change management course that the training company is providing to suit the existing organizational culture of the client company. Ideally, different companies have a set of espoused values that they usually bring forth when introducing new changes in the management and running of the businesses. Similarly, implementing the training programs on leadership and management relies on the existing culture of the client organization (Rickards & Moger, 2017). As a consequence, such training programs should be tailored to meet the business goals and objectives. Conclusion Therefore, it is critical to note that teambuilding plays significant roles in the improvement of productivity and general effectiveness of the workforce in different companies. The choice on which programs to implement largely depend on the internal business needs and objectives. Some courses on team building require some forms of customization to make them efficacious in addressing the unique challenges of the various organizations. The corporate world has continued to face a myriad of problems in the labor market, particularly in attracting and retaining top talents in the market. Building unity among the team members can be an enabling factor in enhancing the general productivity of business organizations. References Fresh Tracks. (2018, August 6). Retrieved from
  • 14. Bailey, C., Mankin, D., Kelliher, C., & Garavan, T. (2018). Strategic human resource management. New York: Oxford University Press. Lussier, N. R., & Hendon, R. J. (2017). Human resource management: Functions, applications, and skill development. New York: Sage publications. Rickards, T., & Moger, S. (2017). Handbook for creative team leaders. New York: Routledge. Running head: CARL J FRIEDRICH AND HERMAN FINER 1 CARL J FRIEDRICH AND HERMAN FINER 5 Title Administrative Theories Vibert Jacob South University August 01, 2018
  • 15. Administrative Theories Different administrators interpret administration differently because of different social, cultural and geographical locations hence executing administrative duties in different manners. This provides adaptability as well as flexibility. one of the most effective theories of administration is the Friedrich theory. Friedrich theory was believed to have good and logical policies. Before being installed or put in place, the ministers need to get feedback from trusted experts on the ground to try to understand the effect of the policy, including the positive and negative part of it. Herman Fener’s theory defined the relationship between ministers and administrators comprehensively. Since the minister was voted in by people, he is there final voice where he creates all policies to be implemented in given directions and instructions, and their policies are not subject to change. These administrators are then expected to apply these policies to the best they can. Finer also goes on to define responsibility as obedience to explicit or certain directions as expected to your level best. He argued that officials should be held accountable for their actions and that punishment can be arranged in order to correct any anomalies (Waldo, 1976). The minister’s expert controls the actions of the ministers. This makes the administrators have the fear of doing a poor job. The fear of failure is used to motivate this administration, individuals. Finer believed that both the minister and administrators should be working for the needs of the people who elected them, and not their personal needs. He believed that ministers can supervise administrators without being troublesome, giving orderly instructions as to what needs to be done and to an extent of how it should be done. Ministers, in this case, are the final say of the people. Whatever policies they put should be executed to the letter. There is no need to change anything at all, rather, one should just implement the policies. All administrators are expected to be obedient to a given set of directions. In sports for the example, the quarterback is clear
  • 16. representations of the minister, as the leader who gives directions to be done his way. This makes the other players behind him to do as he does (Friedrich, 1968). Carl J Friedrich’s theories were among the best America is built on in terms of responsibility and authority. Friedrich’s theory or concept or rather the idea of responsibility and accountability in political and personal as well as the political responsibility within the hierarchy of bureaucratic institutions or organizations. Friedrich focuses on administration. The administrator is a professional public servant who has been given or appointed for a certain position. A minister is a politician elected by people or committee and appointed in some cases to sit in a country’s cabinet. His view was that there is a reciprocal relationship between administration and politics. He believed this two relied on each other and will always do to deliver policies efficiently and adequately. Friedrich believed in the specialization that politicians are good in making policies and on the other hand administrators specialize in their jobs and hence can give feedback on what to be corrected or done differently or needs to be changed. A single minister cannot be knowledgeable in all fields; therefore, his advice cannot be sufficient to be relied upon. Hence consultations are needed from other players who are experienced in a given field. Policies that have been put in place are ultimately defined by how the appointed administrators interpret their meaning. Some may miss a given point and hence losing it all right there (Friedrich, 1968) I agree that most people hitherto, view that public service as the highest and noblest calling. To begin with, it has many generous benefits. Positions in the public sector reasonably have good competitive salaries and good benefits as well. For example, one may receive different separate vacations and leave when sick, during holidays we also have federal payments, health insurance that is good when one falls sick and requires medical attention he or she will not use his money from the pocket the insurance from the government pays. Health is a worthwhile
  • 17. investment since one can be healthy today and tomorrow sick making it difficult to work so you continue being paid regardless of being in the hospital. And the opportunity to get the advantage of government pensions and beneficial retirement plan (Perry, 2007). Loan payment. There are positions that will help you pay loans that like the student's loans with ease. There also a better work-life balance since there are times one should at work and time to leave as well. This has flexible schedules. The work culture is also relaxed because they focus on service rather than profit. This makes no enormous pressure at workplace form the bosses. What is expected and to deliver service that is efficient. Since it’s a nonprofit organization, the government, and legal service organizations aren’t under pressure to meet high hour quotas there is personal fulfillment. One gets satisfied when working and your career allows you to meet your personal mission in life. Time is flexible one can be able to further education while still working since its simple to work and study at the same time (Wright, 2010). I clearly support Friedrich’s theory as my choice as it relies on responsibility. There is democracy in hence it enables to get the government via political way and to effectively implement the decisions made by the process. The administrator has to combine forces and compare notes as well to analyses what and which policies worked, and which did not work. This enables change to be put where needed to have the policy at its best before implementation, enabling the minister to provide the best and most effective policy, ensuring the policies are going to work and has many benefits for his people at a bigger percentage. This way the policy has been improved and tested to the limit and whatever that can’t work in the policy eliminated. This shows that Friedrich considered the impact of the policy. This impact would have on his people and wanted the best for them. In this case, administrators would be held responsible if left to their own specializations. If the admin has self- interpretations can lead to poor and not good policies hence a relation between the two in key and important as the policies, it
  • 18. is self. Responsibility comes from within the self. Responsibility in this theory is not less important to democratic governance. This theory encourages or consists the nature of administrative responsibility which is reasoned communication. After a policy has been put in place it’s tested and where we have holes in it they are corrected. This enables the policy to put consideration of the peoples’ feeling altogether. This enables to get minimal resistance from the people who elected the minister and in some the administrator. People want to feel they are part of their government, not just having policies put in place to govern them (Perry, 2007) . References Friedrich, C. J. (1968). Constitutional government and democracy. Friedrich, C. J., & Brzezinski, Z. K. (1965). Totalitarian dictatorship. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP. Waldo, D. (2017). The administrative state: A study of the political theory of American public administration. Routledge. Perry, J. L., & Wise, L. R. (2007). The motivational bases of public service. Public administration review, 367-373. Wright, B. E., & Grant, A. M. (2010). Unanswered questions about public service motivation: Designing research to address key issues of emergence and effects. Public administration review, 70(5), 691-700.