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The Blue Ocean Strategy, among others is one that can be used
in facilitating the strategic thinking process (Harris, 2018). This
strategy requires abstract thinking and creativity
beyond focusing solely on the current market and competitors.
So rather than using competition and what they are/are not
doing, the focus is shifted to value innovation (Harris, 2018).
This type of thinking asks questions like, "how can we expand
the boundaries of our market?" and "What could we do
differently to set ourselves apart while providing a new or
necessary service?" The idea of this strategy is to explore the
big blue ocean (Harris, 2018). Value innovation serves as the
vital component to this strategy and facilitates rapid and
profitable growth as opposed to staying within a strict market
with other competitors (Harris, 2018). This strategy relies on
creativity, collective thought, and big picture ideas that are
organic through conversation.
A second strategy that can be used in the strategic thinking
process is the Five Forces Framework. This strategy focuses on
understanding the five forces that are competitive across
industries: rivalry, threat of substitution, buyer power, supplier
power, and threat of new entrants (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner,
2012). This strategy puts major focus on the market and
competitors and the idea is to gain advantage over exploitation
of competitor's and the market's weaknesses (Burns, Bradley, &
Weiner, 2012). Once the weaknesses are discovered then a plan
can be made to improve internally to both exploit other's
weaknesses and offer services/advantages that others haven't
been successful at.
These two strategies that can be used to facilitate strategic
thinking are directly conflicting with one another. The Blue
Ocean Strategy is more abstract, collaborative, innovative, and
longitudinal. The Five Forces Framework is concrete,
analytical, and present minded rather than looking at big picture
and long term objectives.
Burns, L. R., Bradley, E. H., & Weiner, B. J. (2012) Shortell &
Kaluzny's health care management: Organization design &
behavior. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Harris, J. M. (2018). Healthcare Strategic Planning, Fourth
Edition. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
Only the resources provided in the links bellow may be used in
writing this assignment.
Supplier Selection Report
Assume you are chief executive officer (CEO) of a company
that will develop products used in laboratory testing. Together
with your chief science officer (CSO), you will need to develop
a supplier base to deliver the following materials:
· Muscles from turkey legs
· Hearts from pigs
· Alligator claws
· Corn leaves
· Kelp from Chesapeake Bay
These materials must be purchased in raw form as personnel at
your company will process the materials in a proprietary way
based on customer requirements for your products. Describe
how you will (a) locate suppliers who can provide these
materials reliably and in high volumes, (b) assess the potential
suppliers’ capabilities to meet your requirements, (c) determine
the evaluative criteria for the suppliers once they begin to
deliver. Also, discuss the benefits and costs of buying from
multiple suppliers or establishing a contract for long-term
supply. Make sure you rely on resources from the first three
weeks of the class.
Required Formatting of Assignment #1:
This report should be double spaced, 12-point font, and three to
four pages in length excluding the title page and reference page
Third person writing is required. Third person means that there
are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person
writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person
writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this
Contractions are not used in business writing, so you are
expected NOT to use contractions in writing this assignment.
Title page
Use headings to help organize the paper
Use APA formatting for in-text citations and reference page.
You are expected to paraphrase and not use quotes. Deductions
will be taken when quotes are used and found to be unnecessary.
The expectation is that you provide a robust use of the course
readings. No other books besides the course eBook can be used.
When using a source document, the expectation is that the
information is cited and referenced with a page or paragraph
2/6/2020 Rubric Assessment - BMGT 375 6380 Purchasing
Management (2202) - UMGC Learning Management System
groupId=0… 1/4
Criteria Outstanding Superior Good Substandard Fa
Creation of
Creation of
5 points
Formatting and
development of Scorecard
was correct and
comprehensively explained.
Each element of the card
defined the assumptions
made to evaluate the
performance. Conclusions
drawn reflected a highly
accomplished level of
analysis, synthesis,
evaluation and reasoning of
the case material and case
study facts resulting in
accurate, thorough, and
soundly reasoned
4.25 points
Formatting and
development of
Scorecard was correct
and explained. Each
element of the card
defined the
assumptions made to
evaluate performance.
Conclusions drawn
reflected a good level
of analysis, synthesis,
evaluation and
reasoning of the case
material and case study
facts resulting in
accurate, and logically
conclusions. However,
development of one or
two elements and or
assumptions were
not fully explained or
3.75 points
Scorecard was
crated and all
elements were
Comments identified
and assumptions
made for
performance of each
supplier. Scorecard
was created but had
3-4 mistakes.
Comments reflect a
satisfactory level of
analysis, synthesis,
evaluation and
reasoning of the
case material and
case study facts
resulting in partially
correct conclusions
that lack
development or
detail. Comments
tend to be
3.25 points
Attempt was made to
make a completed
scorecard. Scorecard
mostly inaccurate and
assumptions reflected
minimal analysis,
synthesis, evaluation
and reasoning of the
case material and
case study facts,
5 points 4.25 points 3.75 points 3.25 points 0
2/6/2020 Rubric Assessment - BMGT 375 6380 Purchasing
Management (2202) - UMGC Learning Management System
groupId=0… 2/4
TCO model
Attention to
Formatting and
development of TCO was
correct and
comprehensively explained.
Each element of the model
was defined the
assumptions made to
evaluate the performance.
Conclusions drawn
reflected a highly
accomplished level of
analysis, synthesis,
evaluation and reasoning of
the case material and case
study facts resulting in
accurate, thorough, and
soundly reasoned
Formatting and
development of model
was correct
and explained. Each
element of the card
defined the
assumptions made to
evaluate the
Conclusions drawn
reflected a level of
analysis, synthesis,
evaluation and
reasoning of the case
material and case study
facts resulting in
accurate, and soundly
reasoned conclusions
for each of the model
elements. Justification
for the reasoning was
for the most part good
but one or two of the
model step were not
detailed enough.
Comments generally
identify and explain
the model steps.
Comments reflect a
satisfactory level of
analysis, synthesis,
evaluation and
reasoning of the
case material and
case study facts.
However some step
conclusions were in
partially correct and
or the conclusions
reflected a lack
development or
reasoning Comments
tend to be
Comments only
minimally identify
and explain the
model elements. The
level of analysis,
synthesis, evaluation
and reasoning of the
case material and
case study facts
however, was
inadequate due to
lack of supporting
class material and
case study facts.
2 points
Demonstrates exceptional
understanding of
requirements responding
completely to each aspect
of assignment including
minor aspects of the
assignment such as using
1.7 points
understanding of
requirements; missed
one minor aspect of
1.5 points
understanding of
missed a key
element or two
1.3 points
Fails to show a firm
understanding of
requirements; missed
two key elements or
several minor aspects
of assignment
2/6/2020 Rubric Assessment - BMGT 375 6380 Purchasing
Management (2202) - UMGC Learning Management System
groupId=0… 3/4
to APA
Style (6th
third person writing,
required use of course
readings, and assignment
minor aspects of
1.5 points
Strictly adheres to standard
usage rules of written
English, including but not
limited to capitalization,
punctuation, run-on
sentences, missing or extra
words, stylistic errors,
spelling and grammatical
errors. No errors found. No
contractions or jargon used.
(1.35 - 1.5)
1.28 points
Excellently adheres to
standard usage of
conventions of written
English, including
punctuation, and
spelling. One to three
errors found.
(1.2 - 1.34)
1.13 points
adheres to standard
usage rules of
conventions of
English, including
punctuation, and
spelling. Four to 10
errors found.
(1.05 - 1.19)
0.98 points
Minimally adheres to
standard usage rules
of mechanics:
conventions of
written English,
punctuation, and
spelling. More than
10 errors found.
(0.9 - 1.04)
1.5 points
No APA style or usage
errors; Proper citation of
source material is used
throughout paper;
Reference titles follow APA
with only the first word, the
first word after a colon and
proper nouns capitalized.
(1.35 - 1.5)
1.28 points
Attempts in-text
citations and reference
list but one or two APA
style errors noted or
fails to use APA
citations when
appropriate 1-2 times.
(1.2 - 1.34)
1.13 points
Attempts in-text
citations and
reference lists; APA
style errors are
noted throughout
document; Fails to
use APA citations
when appropriate 3
times in document.
(1.05 - 1.19)
0.98 points
Attempts in-text
citations and
reference lists; Fails
to use APA citation
when appropriate 4-5
times; or presents
only 1-2 in-text
citations and
reference list in a
paper that requires
APA citations
throughout the
(0.9 - 1.04)
2/6/2020 Rubric Assessment - BMGT 375 6380 Purchasing
Management (2202) - UMGC Learning Management System
groupId=0… 4/4
Total / 15
Overall Score
13.5 points minimum
12 points minimum
10.5 points minimum
9 points minimum
0 points minimum
The assignment bellow is based off assignment 1 report that is
attached for reference Also attached is the original instructions
to assignment 1 for reference. The resources provided as links
at the bottom and in the assignment 2 word doc are the only
resources to be used. The assignment must include in text
citations. The assignment must be written within the scope of
the rubric at is also attached.
Assignment #2: Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Report
Continuing with the information from Assignment #1, develop a
balanced scorecard and create a total cost of ownership (TCO)
model for the five commodities/materials you need to purchase
for your new business. Feel free to make assumptions about the
actual performance of each of the suppliers in terms of delivery,
price changes, quality issues, etc. For example, you could
indicate that your corn leaf supplier delivered on time or
slightly early for the first sixth months but has been habitually
late for the last six months. Make sure to clearly identify the
assumptions you use. Also, rely on the assigned resources as
much as possible but you can add other resources that you find
helpful. Feel free to include diagrams to illustrate your
scorecard or model. These diagrams do not count toward to
your page length requirement. Your paper should be two to
three pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins.
Required Formatting of Assignment #2:
The TCO should be double spaced, 12-point font, and two to
three pages in length excluding the title page and reference
Third person writing is required. Third person means that there
are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person
writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person
writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this
Contractions are not used in business writing, so you are
expected NOT to use contractions in writing this assignment.
Title page
Use headings to help organize the paper
Use APA formatting for in-text citations and reference page.
You are expected to paraphrase and not use quotes. Deductions
will be taken when quotes are used and found to be unnecessary.
The expectation is that you provide a robust use of the course
readings. No other books besides the course eBook can be used.
When using a source document, the expectation is that the
information is cited and referenced with a page or paragraph
Supplier Selection Report
Zachary T. Trigger
Purchasing Management
Professor James Swaim
February 2, 2020
The criteria for the selection of suppliers has significantly
changed over the years. In the past, price was utilized as the
primary criteria for the selection of suppliers together with
location and preferences. However, there has been a greater
emphasis on food safety and quality hence the need to improve
on the quality of raw materials supplied. Choosing the right
suppliers can help an organization to meet and supersede the set
regulatory standards while increasing consumer demand and
building the brand reputation. The supplier that is chosen has to
be able to deliver quality and safe ingredients which will
translate to quality and safe end products for the consumer
(Eldridge, 2012).
Identifying the appropriate supplier is a costly affair but has
significant results if done in the correct manner. The opinions
of the stakeholders are sought to determine the appropriate
criteria to follow in selecting a supplier. Some of the
stakeholders include members of the research and development,
processing, quality assurance, marketing and purchasing among
others. After the identification of the appropriate criteria
potential suppliers are identified and their capabilities and
pricing is compared. This stage involves working with the
potential suppliers and maintaining open communication where
the manufacturer explains to the supplier the manufacturing
process. While cost is a significant driver, value is paramount
and it should be key in selecting the appropriate supplier. Some
of the factors which contribute towards value include delivery
commitments, responsiveness and reliability, hard and soft
resource savings and customer service (Eldridge, 2012).
The raw materials that are being sought are highly perishable
and one criteria for the supplier is that it should be able to reach
the company in a fresh state. This should be one of the factors
to look for when sourcing for the supplier. Because of the
sensitive nature of the raw materials that are required, it is
paramount that the supplier is able to assure of the quality of
the raw materials they will be supplying. For example, the
supplier for hearts from pigs should have a pig farm rather than
outsourcing from another farm. This way, they are able to raise
the pigs to standard and consequently they will have good
quantity hearts to serve the purpose aimed at by the company.
This is carried out on all of the other required raw materials.
Before signing the contact, there is need to carry out an audit on
the suppliers to determine whether or not they have the capacity
to deliver. The audit is carried out to enable the determination
of whether the supplier is compliant or has some significant
compliance or quality system failures. These shortcomings have
a significant impact on the supplier’s capability to produce top
quality products. This procedure is carried out on the best
suited supplier since it is a costly process and it aims at
protecting the manufacturers from contracting a supplier that
may be good in the books but this does not match the actual
situation of the company. The audit also aims at helping the
company to understand the weaknesses and strengths of the
supplier before the relationship is made official. Therefore, by
carrying out an audit of the suppliers, the company is able to
determine the capability of the supplier to meet the company’s
requirements (Assemblymag, 2001).
Evaluating the performance of a supplier is important to grade
them and determine whether or not the partnership will
continue. Evaluation can be carried out through a self-
assessment questionnaire by the suppliers. This helps the
supplier to identify any existing gaps ad take the appropriate
measures towards covering them. It also helps the company to
understand how the supplier understands its operations and
whether or not they are willing to make improvements on
existing discrepancies. The company should also set up
appropriate metrics with which the measurement of performance
can be carried out. Some of the metrics which can be used
include lots that are rejected, documentation errors and perfect
shipments among many others. The metrics allows for the
categorization of the supplier as either full partner, associate
partner, high risk or incapable. A full partner is a supplier that
has been able to meet all the company’s expectations and can be
trusted to supply quality raw materials to the manufacturer. An
associate partner is a supplier that falls short of the expectations
and needs to put in more effort so as to attain the status of a full
partner. High risk supplier is utilized for current production but
it is advised not to award them with future business. An
incapable supplier does not meet the needs of the manufacturer
and hence they should be let go as soon as possible. These
categorizations help the company to know which supplier they
need to replace and which one they need to retain. It plays a
significant role in the continuous process of assuring quality in
the raw materials that they are supplied with (Assemblymag,
Establishing long term supplier relationships has many
advantages on the company. It leads to a reduction is costs since
there is a significant amount of resources that is associated with
searching for a supplier including months of determining the
appropriate one and setting up a relationship with them. With
long term suppliers, there is an increase in communication and
efficiency hence a smooth operation unlike in instances where
the supplier is regularly changed. With the long term
relationship, there is also room for continued improvement and
the supplier is able to better understand the needs of the
manufacturer and hence they are able to satisfy them better
(Figues, 2020). Long term suppliers are those that have been
able to achieve the metrics of full partnership and the two
entities have been able to establish a level of trust and by
working together, the company has been able to achieve and
supersede the required quality.
Assemblymag. (2001). Retrieved 2 February 2020, from
Eldridge, B. (2012). Supplier Management: Six Steps to
Selecting the Right Supplier. Retrieved 2 February 2020, from
Figues, R. (2020). Retrieved 2 February 2020, from

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  • 1. Running head: STRATEGIC THINKING 1 STRATEGIC THINKING 2 The Blue Ocean Strategy, among others is one that can be used in facilitating the strategic thinking process (Harris, 2018). This strategy requires abstract thinking and creativity beyond focusing solely on the current market and competitors. So rather than using competition and what they are/are not doing, the focus is shifted to value innovation (Harris, 2018). This type of thinking asks questions like, "how can we expand the boundaries of our market?" and "What could we do differently to set ourselves apart while providing a new or necessary service?" The idea of this strategy is to explore the big blue ocean (Harris, 2018). Value innovation serves as the vital component to this strategy and facilitates rapid and profitable growth as opposed to staying within a strict market with other competitors (Harris, 2018). This strategy relies on creativity, collective thought, and big picture ideas that are organic through conversation. A second strategy that can be used in the strategic thinking process is the Five Forces Framework. This strategy focuses on understanding the five forces that are competitive across industries: rivalry, threat of substitution, buyer power, supplier power, and threat of new entrants (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner, 2012). This strategy puts major focus on the market and competitors and the idea is to gain advantage over exploitation
  • 2. of competitor's and the market's weaknesses (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner, 2012). Once the weaknesses are discovered then a plan can be made to improve internally to both exploit other's weaknesses and offer services/advantages that others haven't been successful at. These two strategies that can be used to facilitate strategic thinking are directly conflicting with one another. The Blue Ocean Strategy is more abstract, collaborative, innovative, and longitudinal. The Five Forces Framework is concrete, analytical, and present minded rather than looking at big picture and long term objectives. References Burns, L. R., Bradley, E. H., & Weiner, B. J. (2012) Shortell & Kaluzny's health care management: Organization design & behavior. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Harris, J. M. (2018). Healthcare Strategic Planning, Fourth Edition. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Only the resources provided in the links bellow may be used in writing this assignment. Supplier Selection Report Assume you are chief executive officer (CEO) of a company that will develop products used in laboratory testing. Together with your chief science officer (CSO), you will need to develop a supplier base to deliver the following materials: · Muscles from turkey legs · Hearts from pigs · Alligator claws · Corn leaves · Kelp from Chesapeake Bay These materials must be purchased in raw form as personnel at
  • 3. your company will process the materials in a proprietary way based on customer requirements for your products. Describe how you will (a) locate suppliers who can provide these materials reliably and in high volumes, (b) assess the potential suppliers’ capabilities to meet your requirements, (c) determine the evaluative criteria for the suppliers once they begin to deliver. Also, discuss the benefits and costs of buying from multiple suppliers or establishing a contract for long-term supply. Make sure you rely on resources from the first three weeks of the class. Required Formatting of Assignment #1: This report should be double spaced, 12-point font, and three to four pages in length excluding the title page and reference page Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link: second-and-third-person. Contractions are not used in business writing, so you are expected NOT to use contractions in writing this assignment. Title page Use headings to help organize the paper Use APA formatting for in-text citations and reference page. You are expected to paraphrase and not use quotes. Deductions will be taken when quotes are used and found to be unnecessary. The expectation is that you provide a robust use of the course readings. No other books besides the course eBook can be used. When using a source document, the expectation is that the information is cited and referenced with a page or paragraph number. Resources:
  • 4. r-selection-and-evaluation/ -practice-statements/performance-measurement-metrics suppliers edings/BBFedeleDolan.pdf archive1/augustseptember-2012/supplier-management-six-steps- to-selecting-the-right-supplier/ EORMS.pdf process/ and-methods-in-supply-chains-a-review _CUSTOMER_SUPLLIER_RELATIONSHIPS management-tqm/introduction-and-implementation-total- quality-management-tqm/ 9617/ben24110_ch01_001_024.pdf 2/6/2020 Rubric Assessment - BMGT 375 6380 Purchasing Management (2202) - UMGC Learning Management System
  • 5. ssment_results.d2l?ou=487048&evalObjectId=921356&evalObj ectType=1&userId=173587&viewTypeId=3&rubricId=881950& groupId=0… 1/4 Criteria Outstanding Superior Good Substandard Fa Creation of Balanced Scorecard with assumptions Creation of 5 points Formatting and development of Scorecard was correct and comprehensively explained. Each element of the card defined the assumptions made to evaluate the performance. Conclusions
  • 6. drawn reflected a highly accomplished level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts resulting in accurate, thorough, and soundly reasoned conclusions (4.5-5.0) 4.25 points Formatting and development of Scorecard was correct and explained. Each element of the card defined the assumptions made to
  • 7. evaluate performance. Conclusions drawn reflected a good level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts resulting in accurate, and logically reasoned conclusions. However, development of one or two elements and or assumptions were not fully explained or inaccurate. (4.0-4.499) 3.75 points
  • 8. Scorecard was crated and all elements were present. Comments identified elements and assumptions made for performance of each supplier. Scorecard was created but had 3-4 mistakes. Comments reflect a satisfactory level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and
  • 9. case study facts resulting in partially correct conclusions that lack development or detail. Comments tend to be overbroad. (3.5-3.999) 3.25 points Attempt was made to make a completed scorecard. Scorecard was mostly inaccurate and assumptions reflected minimal analysis, synthesis, evaluation
  • 10. and reasoning of the case material and case study facts, (3.0-3.499) 0 Sc at el in su ju th Co m sy an ca st
  • 11. fa co (0 5 points 4.25 points 3.75 points 3.25 points 0 2/6/2020 Rubric Assessment - BMGT 375 6380 Purchasing Management (2202) - UMGC Learning Management System ssment_results.d2l?ou=487048&evalObjectId=921356&evalObj ectType=1&userId=173587&viewTypeId=3&rubricId=881950& groupId=0… 2/4 TCO model Attention to Instructions Formatting and development of TCO was correct and comprehensively explained. Each element of the model was defined the
  • 12. assumptions made to evaluate the performance. Conclusions drawn reflected a highly accomplished level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts resulting in accurate, thorough, and soundly reasoned conclusions (4.5-5.0) Formatting and development of model was correct and explained. Each element of the card
  • 13. defined the assumptions made to evaluate the performance. Conclusions drawn reflected a level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts resulting in accurate, and soundly reasoned conclusions for each of the model elements. Justification for the reasoning was for the most part good but one or two of the
  • 14. model step were not detailed enough. (4.0-4.499) Comments generally identify and explain the model steps. Comments reflect a satisfactory level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts. However some step application conclusions were in partially correct and or the conclusions
  • 15. reflected a lack development or detailed reasoning Comments tend to be overbroad. (3.5-3.999) Comments only minimally identify and explain the model elements. The level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts however, was inadequate due to
  • 16. lack of supporting class material and case study facts. (3.0-3.499) Co to ex m or ev re m st dr (0 2 points Demonstrates exceptional understanding of
  • 17. requirements responding completely to each aspect of assignment including minor aspects of the assignment such as using 1.7 points Demonstrates excellent understanding of requirements; missed one minor aspect of assignment. (1.6-1.799) 1.5 points Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of requirements;
  • 18. missed a key element or two 1.3 points Fails to show a firm understanding of requirements; missed two key elements or several minor aspects of assignment (1.2-1.399) 0 Fa un as re (0 2/6/2020 Rubric Assessment - BMGT 375 6380 Purchasing
  • 19. Management (2202) - UMGC Learning Management System ssment_results.d2l?ou=487048&evalObjectId=921356&evalObj ectType=1&userId=173587&viewTypeId=3&rubricId=881950& groupId=0… 3/4 Writing Mechanics Adherence to APA Style (6th ed.) third person writing, required use of course readings, and assignment format. (1.8-2.0) minor aspects of assignment. (1.4-1.599) 1.5 points
  • 20. Strictly adheres to standard usage rules of written English, including but not limited to capitalization, punctuation, run-on sentences, missing or extra words, stylistic errors, spelling and grammatical errors. No errors found. No contractions or jargon used. (1.35 - 1.5) 1.28 points Excellently adheres to standard usage of mechanics: conventions of written English, including capitalization,
  • 21. punctuation, and spelling. One to three errors found. (1.2 - 1.34) 1.13 points Satisfactorily adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: conventions of English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Four to 10 errors found. (1.05 - 1.19) 0.98 points Minimally adheres to
  • 22. standard usage rules of mechanics: conventions of written English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. More than 10 errors found. (0.9 - 1.04) 0. Do st of co En in er
  • 23. to (0 1.5 points No APA style or usage errors; Proper citation of source material is used throughout paper; Reference titles follow APA with only the first word, the first word after a colon and proper nouns capitalized. (1.35 - 1.5) 1.28 points Attempts in-text citations and reference list but one or two APA style errors noted or fails to use APA
  • 24. citations when appropriate 1-2 times. (1.2 - 1.34) 1.13 points Attempts in-text citations and reference lists; APA style errors are noted throughout document; Fails to use APA citations when appropriate 3 times in document. (1.05 - 1.19) 0.98 points Attempts in-text citations and reference lists; Fails
  • 25. to use APA citation when appropriate 4-5 times; or presents only 1-2 in-text citations and reference list in a paper that requires APA citations throughout the document. (0.9 - 1.04) 0 No st ei or om (0
  • 26. 2/6/2020 Rubric Assessment - BMGT 375 6380 Purchasing Management (2202) - UMGC Learning Management System ssment_results.d2l?ou=487048&evalObjectId=921356&evalObj ectType=1&userId=173587&viewTypeId=3&rubricId=881950& groupId=0… 4/4 Total / 15 Overall Score Close Outstanding 13.5 points minimum Superior 12 points minimum Good 10.5 points minimum Substandard 9 points minimum Failure 0 points minimum The assignment bellow is based off assignment 1 report that is attached for reference Also attached is the original instructions to assignment 1 for reference. The resources provided as links
  • 27. at the bottom and in the assignment 2 word doc are the only resources to be used. The assignment must include in text citations. The assignment must be written within the scope of the rubric at is also attached. Assignment #2: Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Report Continuing with the information from Assignment #1, develop a balanced scorecard and create a total cost of ownership (TCO) model for the five commodities/materials you need to purchase for your new business. Feel free to make assumptions about the actual performance of each of the suppliers in terms of delivery, price changes, quality issues, etc. For example, you could indicate that your corn leaf supplier delivered on time or slightly early for the first sixth months but has been habitually late for the last six months. Make sure to clearly identify the assumptions you use. Also, rely on the assigned resources as much as possible but you can add other resources that you find helpful. Feel free to include diagrams to illustrate your scorecard or model. These diagrams do not count toward to your page length requirement. Your paper should be two to three pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins. Required Formatting of Assignment #2: The TCO should be double spaced, 12-point font, and two to three pages in length excluding the title page and reference page. Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link: second-and-third-person. Contractions are not used in business writing, so you are expected NOT to use contractions in writing this assignment. Title page
  • 28. Use headings to help organize the paper Use APA formatting for in-text citations and reference page. You are expected to paraphrase and not use quotes. Deductions will be taken when quotes are used and found to be unnecessary. The expectation is that you provide a robust use of the course readings. No other books besides the course eBook can be used. When using a source document, the expectation is that the information is cited and referenced with a page or paragraph number. Resources: nl/download/Spend_Mgmt_WP_FI_8p.pdf 2182-OL4- 7980/Total%20Cost%20of%20Ownership%20Tutorial.pdf?_&d2 lSessionVal=H8I2DgoTEo3pjtI6HcTsXAbGs reasons-to-use-total-cost-of-ownership ownership-offers-sustainable-procurement t_Not_Price.pdf performance-scorecards-supplier-stratification-part-2 drive-performance-2 Running head: SUPPLIER SELECTION REPORT 1 SUPPLIER SELECTION REPORT 5
  • 29. Supplier Selection Report Zachary T. Trigger UMCG Purchasing Management Professor James Swaim February 2, 2020 The criteria for the selection of suppliers has significantly changed over the years. In the past, price was utilized as the primary criteria for the selection of suppliers together with location and preferences. However, there has been a greater emphasis on food safety and quality hence the need to improve on the quality of raw materials supplied. Choosing the right suppliers can help an organization to meet and supersede the set regulatory standards while increasing consumer demand and building the brand reputation. The supplier that is chosen has to be able to deliver quality and safe ingredients which will translate to quality and safe end products for the consumer (Eldridge, 2012). Identifying the appropriate supplier is a costly affair but has significant results if done in the correct manner. The opinions of the stakeholders are sought to determine the appropriate criteria to follow in selecting a supplier. Some of the stakeholders include members of the research and development,
  • 30. processing, quality assurance, marketing and purchasing among others. After the identification of the appropriate criteria potential suppliers are identified and their capabilities and pricing is compared. This stage involves working with the potential suppliers and maintaining open communication where the manufacturer explains to the supplier the manufacturing process. While cost is a significant driver, value is paramount and it should be key in selecting the appropriate supplier. Some of the factors which contribute towards value include delivery commitments, responsiveness and reliability, hard and soft resource savings and customer service (Eldridge, 2012). The raw materials that are being sought are highly perishable and one criteria for the supplier is that it should be able to reach the company in a fresh state. This should be one of the factors to look for when sourcing for the supplier. Because of the sensitive nature of the raw materials that are required, it is paramount that the supplier is able to assure of the quality of the raw materials they will be supplying. For example, the supplier for hearts from pigs should have a pig farm rather than outsourcing from another farm. This way, they are able to raise the pigs to standard and consequently they will have good quantity hearts to serve the purpose aimed at by the company. This is carried out on all of the other required raw materials. Before signing the contact, there is need to carry out an audit on the suppliers to determine whether or not they have the capacity to deliver. The audit is carried out to enable the determination of whether the supplier is compliant or has some significant compliance or quality system failures. These shortcomings have a significant impact on the supplier’s capability to produce top quality products. This procedure is carried out on the best suited supplier since it is a costly process and it aims at protecting the manufacturers from contracting a supplier that may be good in the books but this does not match the actual situation of the company. The audit also aims at helping the company to understand the weaknesses and strengths of the supplier before the relationship is made official. Therefore, by
  • 31. carrying out an audit of the suppliers, the company is able to determine the capability of the supplier to meet the company’s requirements (Assemblymag, 2001). Evaluating the performance of a supplier is important to grade them and determine whether or not the partnership will continue. Evaluation can be carried out through a self- assessment questionnaire by the suppliers. This helps the supplier to identify any existing gaps ad take the appropriate measures towards covering them. It also helps the company to understand how the supplier understands its operations and whether or not they are willing to make improvements on existing discrepancies. The company should also set up appropriate metrics with which the measurement of performance can be carried out. Some of the metrics which can be used include lots that are rejected, documentation errors and perfect shipments among many others. The metrics allows for the categorization of the supplier as either full partner, associate partner, high risk or incapable. A full partner is a supplier that has been able to meet all the company’s expectations and can be trusted to supply quality raw materials to the manufacturer. An associate partner is a supplier that falls short of the expectations and needs to put in more effort so as to attain the status of a full partner. High risk supplier is utilized for current production but it is advised not to award them with future business. An incapable supplier does not meet the needs of the manufacturer and hence they should be let go as soon as possible. These categorizations help the company to know which supplier they need to replace and which one they need to retain. It plays a significant role in the continuous process of assuring quality in the raw materials that they are supplied with (Assemblymag, 2001). Establishing long term supplier relationships has many advantages on the company. It leads to a reduction is costs since there is a significant amount of resources that is associated with searching for a supplier including months of determining the appropriate one and setting up a relationship with them. With
  • 32. long term suppliers, there is an increase in communication and efficiency hence a smooth operation unlike in instances where the supplier is regularly changed. With the long term relationship, there is also room for continued improvement and the supplier is able to better understand the needs of the manufacturer and hence they are able to satisfy them better (Figues, 2020). Long term suppliers are those that have been able to achieve the metrics of full partnership and the two entities have been able to establish a level of trust and by working together, the company has been able to achieve and supersede the required quality. References Assemblymag. (2001). Retrieved 2 February 2020, from suppliers Eldridge, B. (2012). Supplier Management: Six Steps to Selecting the Right Supplier. Retrieved 2 February 2020, from archive1/augustseptember-2012/supplier-management-six-steps- to-selecting-the-right-supplier/ Figues, R. (2020). Retrieved 2 February 2020, from _CUSTOMER_SUPLLIER_RELATIONSHIPS