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Religion review
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Chapter 1
The bible refers to the writings that Christians believe are holy
and inspired by God. Through revelation God reveals himself.
People believe that God reveals himself through the bible. This
is through reading the bible and trying to understand its dippiest
meaning. Tradition refers to the collection of writings,
practices, artifacts and wisdoms that have been handed down by
Christians from one era to the next since the time of the bible.
Reason refers to the rational thought, inquiry, and intellect that
human beings use to investigate the surrounding world. It is
also considered a source of understanding God on account of the
belief that God created humanity with rational creator.
Experience on the other hand is the source for Christian thought
and practice. Having this in mind, it is true that even the most
abstract ideas need human beings to think them.
Theology method on the other hand has many theological
methods that include; biblical criticism, systematic theology,
historical theology, moral theology, pastoral theology,
liberation theology, natural theology, liturgical studies and
sacramental theology and mystical theology.
It is important for me to study theology since it serves as an
interpreter and mediator between the traditions and the living
communities of Christian people. It also shapes up the method
one uses for practicing theology and the foundations a
theologian prioritizes.
Chapter 4
Patristic Era refers to the era between 100 and 700. In this era,
Christianity spread from its origins in Palestine throughout
much of the Roman Empire. The spread of Christianity included
both geographical and ideological expression. With this Jewish
movement become thoroughly entrenched in and informed by
elements of broader Greco-Roman culture. In this period
Christians were always marginalized and at risk population from
the start of the movement and the beginning of the fourth
century. There was a drastic change when Emperor Constantine
was converted to Christianity. Constantine later issued an edict
of Milan that required toleration of Christianity. Later the
Roman Empire under Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the
official religion. The council of Nicaea concluded that Jesus
was of the same substance as the father and produced the first
form of Nicene Creed. The first council of Chalcedon concluded
that in Christ there are two unconfused and undivided natures in
one divine person , dispelling the monophysite which argued
that Christ had a single nature that was either wholly divine or a
mixture of human and divine.
In the Middle Ages several key developments shaped the
landscape of Christian thought. First the Islam religion began to
spread through North Africa and into Europe. Two, regular
fighting among feudal lords resulted in political instability
throughout Western Europe. Lastly, to facilitate stability, garner
protection and gain political power several bishops crowned
Kings one notable example is Pope Leo III who crowned
Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day in 800.
Charlemagne’s job was to spread and protect the Christian
worship throughout Europe. It is important to note that
Monastic orders became important social institutions and
leading centers for the preservation and development of
Christian Theology.
The Protestant Reformation began as an attempt to reform the
Roman Catholic Church. Monastic orders were also important
centers for moral reform. The Great Schism resulted from the
conflict over doctrine and authority, exacerbated by the violent
behavior in Eastern Europe of the western crusaders. This
resulted to the split of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the
Roman Catholic Church.
The Modern Era is characterized by advancement in scientific,
cultural and technological developments. The 20th and 21st
century saw unprecedented advance in travel and
communication, which included the invention of computers and
biological warfare. There have also been philosophical
movements such as rationalism, empiricism and the
Enlightenment thought Western Europe and colonial North
America. Some of the contemporary movements have been
marked with the advancement in medical technologies, social
revolutions e.g. feminism, and the gay right movement.
Chapter 5
Sections of God and definition of terms
Analogies try to explain the possibility of three in one i.e. the
father, the son and the Holy Spirit. The Nicene Creed is the
most common creed used in Christianity and it is used as a
profession of faith. Nicene states thee believe in one holy
catholic and the apostolic Church.
Attributes of God
God is the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit and this is the
doctrine of the Trinity, the Holy Trinity. When we speak of
God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that
helps us to understand who He truly is. That which follows is a
thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of His attributes.
Attributes of Jesus Christ
Son of God
Compassionate servant
One that there should be unity among Christians, Holy spirit
that the church should be filled with Gods spirit, catholic that
the church is universal, apostolic that the church is consistent
with or continuation of the church established by the first
follower of Jesus. Trinity includes any approach in which the
distinctions between father, son and spirit are diminished to
suggest that there is really only one person who acts in three
distinct ways.
Sacrament is where Christians confesses sins and through the
act of contrition or initiation, is restored to a proper
relationship with God and the Church. We have the sacrament
of Baptism, which is a religious rite of sprinkling water onto a
person's forehead or of immersion in water, symbolizing
purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian
Eucharist is another common sacrament by which Christians
partake of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and participate in
his one sacrifice.
There are disagreements in the protestant churches. This has led
to the formation of many protestant churches as a result of
offshoots from the main protestant churches. After all, just
because people are Christians does not mean they always agree.
Moreover, Christians still struggle with pride, selfishness, and
stubbornness, and this means they sometimes respond to
relational conflict poorly. This has often led to debates and
divisions within churches and denominations, which in turn
leads to the creation of new protestant churches and
Spirituality refers to a sense of connection to something bigger
than us and it typically involves the search for a meaning in
life. Worship refers to the feeling or expression of reference and
adoration for a deity. Prayer refers to a solemn request for help
or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of
worship. Mysticism refers to the belief characterized by self-
delusion or dreamy confusion of thought, especially when based
on the assumption of occult qualities or mysterious agencies.
Liturgy refers to a form or formulary according to which public
religious worship, especially Christian worship is conducted.
SALVATION is the saving of the soul from sin and its
consequences. The Bible says we are saved by grace through
faith and the sins forgiven
GRACE (in Christian belief) the free and unmerited favor of
God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal
of blessings.
SIN an immoral act considered to be a transgression against
divine law.
It is through salvation and God’s grace that the sins are
forgiven, this is the interrelation between the three terms
Inclusive interreligious dialogue involves all different
religious affiliations. Despite their religious believes they come
together and agree through mutual understanding that allow
them to live and cooperate in coming up with a solution. With
these every denomination is welcomed to air their own views
which will ultimately shape what will be concluded and agreed
In Exclusive interreligious dialogue there is a restriction or
even an exclusion of certain religious affiliations from
participating in dialogue. This gives the power to the chosen
religious affiliations to participate in the dialogue and come up
with solution irrespective of the views held by the other
religious affiliations that have been barred from participating in
the dialogue.
Pluralistic approach to interreligious dialogue gives room for
the religious affiliations to thrive in their own way. With this
any decision made by a religious affiliation is welcomed hence
bringing diversity in decision making. This makes every
religious affiliation to be comfortable since their own
believes/doctrines are not infringed at any given time.
Baring all these in mind I will choose Inclusive interreligious
dialogue since every party participates in the dialogue and also
it gives room for one to air their own views and at the same
time allowing for a Unisom agreement to the final decision.
When different religions meet and talk they promote
togetherness and show unity among the people of God. The
humble presence of living together in similar conditions would
inspire fellowship, dialogue and mutual service, more over a
good relationship.
One religious tradition that I think should be developed by
Christians is the Presbyterian theology. This will promote peace
and dialogue since they base their respect for humanity on the
authority of the bible and the word of God. This is because it
emphasizes on the sovereignty of God, the authority of the
scriptures and the necessity of Grace in Christ. Additionally, it
also uses the people as a reference when making the dialogue. It
also emphasizes on the use of scriptures in making a dialogue
and also on the emphasis of God’s power in everything. In
addition, it emphasizes on God’s Grace towards us in everything
we deal with or even do.
TRS100B Study Guide for the Final Exam
This guide was designed to help you focus your study and
research on key elements of the course. It relates primarily to
topics studied since the midterm exam, but you must
demonstrate in your responses an understanding certain
concepts discussed in the first part of the course.
The guide is not designed to provide the exact questions or
“answers” to memorize. Aim to understand concepts and have a
grasp of facts that will allow you to support your opinions. The
first part of the exam will consist of definitions and short
answer questions drawn from the following topics.
Basic Concepts: Review Chapter 1 in Weaver with special
attention to pp.21-24. Be sure that you understand the role of
the basic sources of Christian Theology (Bible, Tradition,
Reason, Experience). Reflect on theological method and what
is important to you in studying Theology.
Periods in Christian History (Weaver chapter 4): The Patristic
Era through the Modern Era (80-97). This chapter covered
some basics of the history of Christianity. Review it and focus
on key developments in this timeline: Be sure that you can
identify them and show their significance. You do not need to
go beyond the text in reviewing this section:
Patristic Period: The Missionary Work of the Apostle Paul,
Constantine, Doctrine, Doctrinal Debates (main points about
the Councils of Nicaea and Chalcedon), Gnosticism, Donatism
Middle Ages: Charlemagne and the Papacy (Pope Leo III),
Monasticism, The Great Schism or split between Roman
Catholicism and the Eastern Orthodox Church,
Reformation: Why necessary, Humanism, indulgences ,
Mainstream Reformation (Luther, Calvin), Catholic
Modern Era: Enlightenment, Age of Reason. Be able to
identify major movements of change: industrialization,
capitalism, Marxism, advances in modern science, Darwin. Note
contemporary movements (94)
Christian Doctrines (Weaver Chapter 5). Focus on the sections
on God. Be able to explain significant terms (analogy, Nicene
Creed’s statement on God), major attributes of God. Jesus the
Christ: Trinity, Holy Spirit, basic beliefs about Jesus Christ
Church (113-114)
Sacraments: Be able to define the term. Note the two
sacraments that are recognized as such by many denominations
(Baptism, Eucharist)
Salvation, Sin and Grace: 116-121. Review this section
carefully so that you can both define these terms
and show their relation to one another.
Diversity in Christianity : Why are there so many Protestant
churches? Why are there so many disagreements among them?
Provide good working definitions of spirituality, worship,
prayer, mysticism, liturgyEssays:
Prepare one (3 to 5 well-developed paragraphs with that
develop a thesis sentence)
1. Distinguish among inclusive, exclusive, and pluralistic
approaches to interreligious dialogue and explain the
advantages and disadvantages of the one you think may be most
2. If you were asked to identify the one religious tradition with
which Christians most desperately need to develop a fruitful
dialogue, which religion would you pick. Explain your choice.

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Running head RELIGION REVIEW .docx

  • 1. Running head: RELIGION REVIEW 1 Religion review Student’s Name University Affiliation Chapter 1 The bible refers to the writings that Christians believe are holy and inspired by God. Through revelation God reveals himself. People believe that God reveals himself through the bible. This is through reading the bible and trying to understand its dippiest meaning. Tradition refers to the collection of writings, practices, artifacts and wisdoms that have been handed down by Christians from one era to the next since the time of the bible. Reason refers to the rational thought, inquiry, and intellect that human beings use to investigate the surrounding world. It is also considered a source of understanding God on account of the belief that God created humanity with rational creator. Experience on the other hand is the source for Christian thought
  • 2. and practice. Having this in mind, it is true that even the most abstract ideas need human beings to think them. Theology method on the other hand has many theological methods that include; biblical criticism, systematic theology, historical theology, moral theology, pastoral theology, liberation theology, natural theology, liturgical studies and sacramental theology and mystical theology. It is important for me to study theology since it serves as an interpreter and mediator between the traditions and the living communities of Christian people. It also shapes up the method one uses for practicing theology and the foundations a theologian prioritizes. Chapter 4 Patristic Era refers to the era between 100 and 700. In this era, Christianity spread from its origins in Palestine throughout much of the Roman Empire. The spread of Christianity included both geographical and ideological expression. With this Jewish movement become thoroughly entrenched in and informed by elements of broader Greco-Roman culture. In this period Christians were always marginalized and at risk population from the start of the movement and the beginning of the fourth century. There was a drastic change when Emperor Constantine was converted to Christianity. Constantine later issued an edict of Milan that required toleration of Christianity. Later the Roman Empire under Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion. The council of Nicaea concluded that Jesus was of the same substance as the father and produced the first form of Nicene Creed. The first council of Chalcedon concluded that in Christ there are two unconfused and undivided natures in one divine person , dispelling the monophysite which argued that Christ had a single nature that was either wholly divine or a mixture of human and divine. In the Middle Ages several key developments shaped the landscape of Christian thought. First the Islam religion began to spread through North Africa and into Europe. Two, regular fighting among feudal lords resulted in political instability
  • 3. throughout Western Europe. Lastly, to facilitate stability, garner protection and gain political power several bishops crowned Kings one notable example is Pope Leo III who crowned Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day in 800. Charlemagne’s job was to spread and protect the Christian worship throughout Europe. It is important to note that Monastic orders became important social institutions and leading centers for the preservation and development of Christian Theology. The Protestant Reformation began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church. Monastic orders were also important centers for moral reform. The Great Schism resulted from the conflict over doctrine and authority, exacerbated by the violent behavior in Eastern Europe of the western crusaders. This resulted to the split of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. The Modern Era is characterized by advancement in scientific, cultural and technological developments. The 20th and 21st century saw unprecedented advance in travel and communication, which included the invention of computers and biological warfare. There have also been philosophical movements such as rationalism, empiricism and the Enlightenment thought Western Europe and colonial North America. Some of the contemporary movements have been marked with the advancement in medical technologies, social revolutions e.g. feminism, and the gay right movement. Chapter 5 Sections of God and definition of terms Analogies try to explain the possibility of three in one i.e. the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. The Nicene Creed is the most common creed used in Christianity and it is used as a profession of faith. Nicene states thee believe in one holy catholic and the apostolic Church. Attributes of God God is the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit and this is the doctrine of the Trinity, the Holy Trinity. When we speak of
  • 4. God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who He truly is. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of His attributes. Eternality Mercy Goodness Omnipotence Grace Omnipresence Holiness Omniscience Immanence Righteousness Immutability Self-Existence Justice Sovereignty Love Transcendence Attributes of Jesus Christ Faithful Prayerful Son of God Compassionate servant Loving Forgiving One that there should be unity among Christians, Holy spirit that the church should be filled with Gods spirit, catholic that the church is universal, apostolic that the church is consistent with or continuation of the church established by the first follower of Jesus. Trinity includes any approach in which the distinctions between father, son and spirit are diminished to suggest that there is really only one person who acts in three distinct ways. Definitions
  • 5. Sacrament is where Christians confesses sins and through the act of contrition or initiation, is restored to a proper relationship with God and the Church. We have the sacrament of Baptism, which is a religious rite of sprinkling water onto a person's forehead or of immersion in water, symbolizing purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian Church. Eucharist is another common sacrament by which Christians partake of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and participate in his one sacrifice. There are disagreements in the protestant churches. This has led to the formation of many protestant churches as a result of offshoots from the main protestant churches. After all, just because people are Christians does not mean they always agree. Moreover, Christians still struggle with pride, selfishness, and stubbornness, and this means they sometimes respond to relational conflict poorly. This has often led to debates and divisions within churches and denominations, which in turn leads to the creation of new protestant churches and denominations. Spirituality refers to a sense of connection to something bigger than us and it typically involves the search for a meaning in life. Worship refers to the feeling or expression of reference and adoration for a deity. Prayer refers to a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship. Mysticism refers to the belief characterized by self- delusion or dreamy confusion of thought, especially when based on the assumption of occult qualities or mysterious agencies. Liturgy refers to a form or formulary according to which public religious worship, especially Christian worship is conducted. SALVATION is the saving of the soul from sin and its consequences. The Bible says we are saved by grace through faith and the sins forgiven GRACE (in Christian belief) the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.
  • 6. SIN an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. It is through salvation and God’s grace that the sins are forgiven, this is the interrelation between the three terms Essay Inclusive interreligious dialogue involves all different religious affiliations. Despite their religious believes they come together and agree through mutual understanding that allow them to live and cooperate in coming up with a solution. With these every denomination is welcomed to air their own views which will ultimately shape what will be concluded and agreed upon. In Exclusive interreligious dialogue there is a restriction or even an exclusion of certain religious affiliations from participating in dialogue. This gives the power to the chosen religious affiliations to participate in the dialogue and come up with solution irrespective of the views held by the other religious affiliations that have been barred from participating in the dialogue. Pluralistic approach to interreligious dialogue gives room for the religious affiliations to thrive in their own way. With this any decision made by a religious affiliation is welcomed hence bringing diversity in decision making. This makes every religious affiliation to be comfortable since their own believes/doctrines are not infringed at any given time. Baring all these in mind I will choose Inclusive interreligious dialogue since every party participates in the dialogue and also it gives room for one to air their own views and at the same time allowing for a Unisom agreement to the final decision. When different religions meet and talk they promote togetherness and show unity among the people of God. The humble presence of living together in similar conditions would inspire fellowship, dialogue and mutual service, more over a good relationship. One religious tradition that I think should be developed by Christians is the Presbyterian theology. This will promote peace
  • 7. and dialogue since they base their respect for humanity on the authority of the bible and the word of God. This is because it emphasizes on the sovereignty of God, the authority of the scriptures and the necessity of Grace in Christ. Additionally, it also uses the people as a reference when making the dialogue. It also emphasizes on the use of scriptures in making a dialogue and also on the emphasis of God’s power in everything. In addition, it emphasizes on God’s Grace towards us in everything we deal with or even do. TRS100B Study Guide for the Final Exam This guide was designed to help you focus your study and research on key elements of the course. It relates primarily to topics studied since the midterm exam, but you must demonstrate in your responses an understanding certain concepts discussed in the first part of the course. The guide is not designed to provide the exact questions or “answers” to memorize. Aim to understand concepts and have a grasp of facts that will allow you to support your opinions. The first part of the exam will consist of definitions and short answer questions drawn from the following topics. Basic Concepts: Review Chapter 1 in Weaver with special attention to pp.21-24. Be sure that you understand the role of the basic sources of Christian Theology (Bible, Tradition, Reason, Experience). Reflect on theological method and what is important to you in studying Theology. Periods in Christian History (Weaver chapter 4): The Patristic Era through the Modern Era (80-97). This chapter covered some basics of the history of Christianity. Review it and focus
  • 8. on key developments in this timeline: Be sure that you can identify them and show their significance. You do not need to go beyond the text in reviewing this section: Patristic Period: The Missionary Work of the Apostle Paul, Constantine, Doctrine, Doctrinal Debates (main points about the Councils of Nicaea and Chalcedon), Gnosticism, Donatism Middle Ages: Charlemagne and the Papacy (Pope Leo III), Monasticism, The Great Schism or split between Roman Catholicism and the Eastern Orthodox Church, Reformation: Why necessary, Humanism, indulgences , Mainstream Reformation (Luther, Calvin), Catholic Reformation) Modern Era: Enlightenment, Age of Reason. Be able to identify major movements of change: industrialization, capitalism, Marxism, advances in modern science, Darwin. Note contemporary movements (94) Christian Doctrines (Weaver Chapter 5). Focus on the sections on God. Be able to explain significant terms (analogy, Nicene Creed’s statement on God), major attributes of God. Jesus the Christ: Trinity, Holy Spirit, basic beliefs about Jesus Christ (112-113) Church (113-114) Sacraments: Be able to define the term. Note the two sacraments that are recognized as such by many denominations (Baptism, Eucharist) Salvation, Sin and Grace: 116-121. Review this section carefully so that you can both define these terms and show their relation to one another. Diversity in Christianity : Why are there so many Protestant churches? Why are there so many disagreements among them? Provide good working definitions of spirituality, worship, prayer, mysticism, liturgyEssays: Prepare one (3 to 5 well-developed paragraphs with that develop a thesis sentence) 1. Distinguish among inclusive, exclusive, and pluralistic approaches to interreligious dialogue and explain the
  • 9. advantages and disadvantages of the one you think may be most fruitful. 2. If you were asked to identify the one religious tradition with which Christians most desperately need to develop a fruitful dialogue, which religion would you pick. Explain your choice.