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Progress Results and Finalizing the HR Project
Asianna Johnson
Dr. Tony Denkins
Managing Human Resource Project
1. Strategies used to manage and sustain progress in your HR
According to Kloppenborg (2019) directing and managing a
project work is a process that entails all the activities related to
executing the scope of work that has been described in the
project management plan with the intention of attaining the
objectives of the project requirements that are succinctly
described within the “project scope statement”. This implies
that there are a number of basic activities that goes into manage
and direct a project, which ought to be carried out as prescribed
in the project plan. In view of this, to successful direct and
manage a project, the project manager ought to ensure that all
the prescribed activities have been carried out satisfactorily.
Before the commencement of any project work that one
may have, there are a number of strategies necessary to sustain
and manage project progress. To begin with, it is paramount to
ensure that the project foundation for success has been laid
(Van, 2015). This implies that all the project details have been
thrashed out and the entire team is made aware of these
including the expectations involved. Some of the crucial details
to cater for include attaining approval from all stakeholders.
Moreover, defining the project scope is a prerequisite for the
sustaining project success. This may include specifying the
different roles, duties, and responsibilities for each of the team
members. Van (2015) adds that it is paramount to design a
detailed plan that helps to outline all the project deliverables
(including timelines and deadlines) followed by the
development of measurable criteria for defining success.
Besides finalizing the project details, being clear on the
expectation of the project is another key strategy that can help
project managers to sustain project success. It entails letting the
each team understand the particulars of the responsibilities of
individual team members as such making it easier to sustain
accountability within the team, adds Van (2015).
Thirdly, the most crucial strategy of any project manager
is to gather together a team of competent people capable of
attaining the project goals, says the Society for Human
Resource Management (2016). This involves choosing people
who have the right combination of skills, talent and
personalities that best fit the project demands. It is mandatory
for the project manager to keep in mind that the team’s skill
sets ought to be aligned with the definite project requirements.
In addition to this, the project manager should endear to rid of
excess baggage that comes with having too many unnecessary
people within the team that increase team redundancies and
create a drag on the team progress.
2. Strategies that could be used to address and resolve any risks
within the control of the project.
One of the best strategies that can be used to manage and
resolve risks quickly, efficiently and effectively is by actually
understanding the risks that the project faces, which would help
the project team to establish a control mechanism
(Kloppenborg, 2019). Understanding the prevailing risks helps
the team to create a risk register that encompasses all the
possible risks and mitigation measures. By doing this, the
project manager prepares the team in case the project falls into
risks. Furthermore, it mandatory for the team to have a risk
management team within as part of part of the risk management
strategy. The risk management team usually assesses project
progress and puts mitigation measures in place. It projects
possible future risks based on the changing project dynamics
and advises the entire team accordingly.
Besides having a defined risk management strategy in
place, it is important for the team to have a working
communication strategy in place, according to Kloppenborg
(2019). The communication strategy aids the team to pass risk
based information effectively and efficiently within the team.
Information passed includes a clear definition of the risk,
course of action for each team members and the potential
pitfalls if the each team members fails to act as required. The
communication strategy includes clear channels for directing
feedback on risk management progress.
Thirdly, Kloppenborg (2019) avers that it is crucial for
project manages to lead the team to not only to closely monitor
but also to control the progress activities of the project. An
effective project monitoring and control mechanism assists the
project team to create new targets, goals and plans based on the
emerging needs. Not only does close monitoring help the project
stay on course but also ensures that there are consistent
improvements on the project efficiency, processes, outcomes, as
well as accountability.
All the processes described herein are vital towards
successfully averting risks in a project management context as
each plays a crucial role. However, without gaining
considerable knowledge of the potential risks that the project
faces, any other strategy that is employed (including those not
enumerated here) is likely to backfire. Project managers must
first seek to investigate the specific risks that the project faces
before describing the risks mitigation measures. Having wrong
data on potential risk may lead the project manager to prescribe
risk mitigation measures that are not consistent with the nature
of the prevailing risks. As such, understanding the risks that the
project faces is a prerequisite step in risk management strategies
on which other risk management activities are based on.
3. What actions should a project manager take as they begin to
close out the project?
There are project managers who believe that the attainment of
project deliverables marks the end of the project, and as such
there is no need to systematically close the project. This is a
huge mistake since projects are not started for their own sake.
Normally, there is an underlying purpose why the project was
started. Properly closing out a project is beneficial not only to
the team bust also to the organization involved. It can lead to
major lessons being learnt, and may form the foundation of
future projects, explains Bolat & Temur (2019). According to
Kloppenborg (2019) closing a project is s systematic process
that involves “all the project activities across all the activities
of the project with the aim of brining the projects, or a project
phase to a conclusion”. This has implications on the project
processes as it implies that closing a project is the “formalized
acceptance that a project” has run its course and has attained its
deliverables such that it needs to be formally brought to a close.
Bolat & Temur (2019) add that a project may also be brought to
a close even if it has not met the project deliverables. This
occurs when the project no longer serves the purpose it was
designed for. Not meeting the project deliverables does not
preclude the project from a formalized closure.
There are a number of actions available for project
managers. To begin with, it is important for mangers to ensure
that the necessary work and phases have effectively elapsed and
that all risks and deficiencies have been addressed, says
Kloppenborg (2019). Secondly, it is unethical to close out a
project without express approval of the project’s sponsor as
well as project clients. This implies that seeking approval from
the sponsors and clients is one of the most important activities
needed before the process of closing out the project commences.
This eliminates debate based on doubts and skepticism
surrounding project closure.
Having obtained approval, the next logical action for
project managers is to conduct an appraisal of whether (or not)
all project related governance issues and protocol have been
successfully executed. One of the biggest questions involved in
the appraisal goes beyond looking at the approval of closure
process to assessing whether all the project appropriate policies
have been implemented successfully. Moreover, data is
collected on whether the project policies actually we complied
with established procedures of the organizational. This kind of
appraisal allows the project management team to take corrective
measures before closing out the projects so as to address
notable deficiencies identified during the appraisal process
(Bolat & Temur, 2019). Data gathered during the appraisal
process can be critical in guiding future phases of the same or a
different project.
4. A review of Project Management in Action: The Power of
Lessons Learned
This section evaluates the power behind learning for project
management teams. It uses specific examples to draw
conclusion on how power behind the “lessons learnt”. For
instance, Kloppenborg (2019) it uses NASA as an example of
how to draw powerful and sophisticated databases of the lessons
learnt to help the organization with the overall project needs.
There exist project systems through which team members
submit comments about the lessons gained that would be useful
to the present as well as the future teams. Such insights are vital
to the ongoing success of the project team. The assertions in
this section are premised on the maxim that success is only
attained through consistent learning from ones mistakes as well
as the mistakes of others. This emphasizes the building the
culture of “what we know so far and who knows what”, which
leads to the building of a system that relies on existing data that
can be investigated and as such providing very useful insights.
References List
Bolat, H. B., & Temur, G. T. (2019). Agile approaches for
successfully managing and executing projects in the fourth
industrial revolution. Hershey, PA: IGI Global
Kloppenborg, T. (2019). Contemporary Project Management.
(4th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
Society for Human Resource Management (2016). Viewpoint:
Teamwork Is a Two-Way Street. Retrieved from
is-a-two-way-street-real-world- relationship-
Van, H. T. (2015). New SC&RA guidebook helps project
engineers manage work. Engineering News-Record, 275(15),
Running Head: Planning Considerations for the HR Project
Planning Considerations for the HR Project
Planning Considerations for the HR Project
Asianna Johnson
Dr. Tony Denkins
Managing Human Resource Project
In project management, several tasks are involved. Some of
these tasks include scope and schedule. Scope, when used in
project management, refers to the procedure of gathering data or
information required to start a specific project and using such
information to come up with a detailed sort or kind of project
and product. Scope incorporates learning the characteristics of
the product that will align with the desires or the expectations
of the stakeholder. Scope in project management is essential
because the product or the service will be described based on
the requirements that will be incorporated and integrated into
the scope of the project. Scope also includes which tools,
methods, inputs, and outcomes will be utilized for a specific
project. Preparing a detailed statement of a project is significant
for the project to thrive well and produce desirable results.
Therefore, it is beneficial for the scope of the project to be
sampled and clarified during the planning of the project
(Kendrick, 2015). This will help identify and bring to board any
present threats and other problems.
Scheduling, on the other hand, in project management refers to
the sampling of the actions, the final products, and the
milestones present in a project. The schedule also incorporates
the set commencement and finish date or time, time taken, and
resources set for each task. Proper project scheduling is a vital
requirement for ineffective management of time (Huang, 2019).
When scheduling, individuals should take into consideration the
functions which are involved, the available resources, the time
needed to complete the project, and how the schedule will be
Scheduling in project management is very advantageous since it
helps in tracking, identifying, and providing reports as well as
giving information on the progress of the project. This process
makes sure every individual is on the same page and in
alignment with the activities and deadlines. Scheduling also
aids in detecting a lack or shortage of resources and also can
help identify problems or risks which could occur.
For a project to be successful several resources should be
available. Some of the resources include people, capital, and
time. These resources should be mobilized. For a project
manager to be able to conduct project resourcing effectively,
he/she should have, possess, and be able to use different
behavioral skills (Kerzner, 2017). These behavioral skills
include relational personality, patience, and understanding,
having an open-door policy, politeness, and courtesy, making
the workplace more engaging, appreciating the team for the
efforts they put for the project, and getting corporate training.
Out of these seven behavioral skills associated with project
resourcing, four are very much critical. These four critical
behavioral skills include appreciating the team for the efforts
that they put in for the project, making the workplace more
engaging, politeness and courtesy, patience, and understanding.
This is very vital simply because they will determine the
outcome of the project at a very high rate. For instance,
appreciating the team for the efforts that they put in for the
project will help them work more extra harder, and then the
team will also be motivated to give their best. This turns out to
be the dream of every project manager. Politeness and courtesy
portrayed by the project manager will help him/her create a
strong bond with the other project members. The team members
will be able to share their opinions and ideas, which will be
useful for the success of the project (Hopkinson, 2017).
Through sharing new ways of doing things will be provided, and
also underlying problems that could affect the performance of
the project will be brought to the board.
Moreover, making the working environment more engaging is
another crucial behavioral skill. The project manager must
engage his/her team to be able to monitor the changes that are
relevant to them. The manager is also entitled to be honest and
transparent with the team members. This will help eliminate
cases of fraud and corruption, which could affect the
availability of some of the resources. Some of the resources
which can be affected by fraud and corruption include the
capital allocated for the smooth running of the activities within
the project. Lack of capital or inadequate capital will hinder the
performance of the project and will lead to a poor outcome.
The project manager should also be able to understand and be
patient with every team member. The team members likewise
should possess this skill. This will ensure that there no conflicts
while working. This is because disputes will lead to wastage of
time hence slowing down the activities which need to be carried
out within the project. It also through being understanding and
patient with each other that the team members will get to
acquire the right skills needed to carry out various activities in
the project. The project manager will have an easy time while
training the group members (Coleman, & Bourne, 2018).
Possession of the right skills will also ensure that the outcome
of the project is attractive and pleasant.
For a project to be successful, it has to have a budget. Several
concepts determine the budget of a project. These include the
schedule of the project, scope baseline, task activity cost
estimates, resource calendars, and contracts. For each activity,
there should be an estimate of the amount of money needed for
that particular activity. Funds for direct labor, all materials
required, including machines required, should be estimated. A
proper estimate will ensure that the project will not lack funds
before it is completed.
Estimates of these funds which are required should not be made
without a common ground or basis. There must be documents
supporting the estimate decisions. Resource calendars are also
used to determine which resources are assigned to the project.
Contracts for products and services will also be used to assess
their costs and should be included in the project budget.
All these are essential and determines the budget associated
with the project costs. For instance, in the HR project employee
wages and salaries, cost of employee benefits, cost of training
and development as well as paid time off are vital areas of
consideration. They have been used in determining the budget
of the project.
Costs are aggregated depending on the activities which need to
be carried out. Determining cash flows in the project will also
be essential to ensure that the project does not lack funds to
facilitate its activities. Therefore, learning of cash flows will be
done by considering the amount of money or input spend on
carrying out each activity in comparison with the output derived
from each activity (Che Ibrahim, Costello, & Wilkinson, 2018).
This will ensure that the project is not making a loss since cash
flow statements will detect it and can be corrected before it
A project can be faced with various risks. These risks need to be
identified and managed so that they may not lead to adverse
effects on the project. There are multiple ways in which a
project manager can identify possible project risks. Some of
these ways in which the project manager can be able to identify
potential project risks include; interviews, use of affinity
diagrams, and brainstorming. The project manager can pick
some of the key stakeholders in the project and interview them
by asking them some questions concerning the performance of
the project (Boudreau, John, Cascio, Wayne, Fink, Alexis,
Chicago 2019). The project manager can also ask them to
explain why they think that the project is doing good or poor
and what should be done to improve the performance of the
The project manager can also decide to brainstorm on the risks
hindering the achievement of the set objectives. He/she can also
brainstorm on the risks which could be related to the activities
being carried out within the project. This way, the manager will
be able to identify some of the underlying risks facing the
project. All the participants can also be asked to brainstorm
risks and write them down as notes. The chances then are sorted
into groups. This will help to know the most perceived risks
which could be affecting the project presently or which could
change the project in the future (Akram, Ihsan, Zafar, & Hayat,
2018). Engaging all the participants will help the manager
recognize some of the risks which he/she could not think about
as being threats to the performance of the project.
Akram, R., Ihsan, S., Zafar, S., & Hayat, B. (2018). Survey
Paper for Software Project Team, Staffing, Scheduling and
APPLICATIONS, 9(1), 479-484.
Boudreau, John W.; Cascio, Wayne F.; Fink, Alexis A. Chicago
:(2019) Society for Human Resource Management.
Che Ibrahim, C. K. I., Costello, S. B., & Wilkinson, S. (2018).
Making sense of team integration practice through the “lived
experience” of alliance project teams. Engineering,
Construction and Architectural Management, 25(5), 598-622.
Coleman, S., & Bourne, M. (2018). Project leadership: skills,
behaviours, knowledge and values. Association for Project
Hopkinson, M. (2017). The project risk maturity model:
Measuring and improving risk management capability.
Huang, W. (2019). Developing a Better Planning, Budgeting,
and Accounting System. In Built on Value (pp. 303-328).
Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.
Kendrick, T. (2015). Identifying and managing project risk:
essential tools for failure-proofing your project. Amacom.
Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to
planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
Leading and Managing the HR Project
Asianna Johnson
Dr. Tony Denkins
HRM 517: Managing Human Resource Project
Types of project manager power relevant to my project
Leading and managing the human resource project, which is a
method of documenting and identifying project roles, required
skills, relationship, responsibility, and creation of management
staffing plan. There is different project manager power that is
important to this project. Whereby power is the influencing
ability, which is an important player that is used in the decision
making the process for achieving the goals. Project managers in
some of the situation they feel powerless due to the lack of
manager functional powers. Project management is a well-
established approach in work assignment execution in an
environment that is project-oriented. It has formed considerable
interests this not only due to the implication for the
organization design but also is due to the implication for the
manage projects. (Tinnirello, P. C. 2018).
Although there is much in project management, little awareness
has been focusing on the project manager's problems they face
through gaining support and also cooperation by the project
personnel. The project-oriented environment is a distinguished
portion for the position of a project manager, which is
composed of facilitating, coordinating tasks, and integrating
that useful in the successful completion of that project. For a
manager is necessary to have a move across different functional
areas and also disciplines in gaining resources and services
from some project personnel on top of formal authority or who
have little. These personnel sometimes respond to requests
readily but in other times, become reluctant to in provision in
support of the desired level. The ability to acquire assistance
from project personnel is seen as an important factor in
determining project manager effectiveness. One of the project
manager power that are used in leading and managing human
resource projects is the reward power.
Reward power is a kind of power used by managers in
rewarding their employees to influence them to act. This is a
process of doing something for the purpose of getting another
one in return. Reward power is useful provided that reward is
recognized because of having value. For example, when you
give a gift or gold star, it may look nice if it is a rare
commodity, but the effect is overused, it may be weakened.
Most of the employees may start to have frustration experience
when the reward does not become significant. Also, in other
times, an award can be seen as for granted by the individual
offering the reward as a form of compensation for the duty.
When employees experience that reward is not adequate for the
compensation for the task requested. Reward power is also
applied in morale incensement. They are thinking of trophy
given to the first performer or the team consisting of the lowest
amount of mistakes. If this used well, this kind of reward is
highly sought after status signs around the organization. The
advantage of this reward power is that it encourages loyalty to
lead and managing the human resource project management and
also the organization. For example, workers will receive praise
regularly by performing their work in the right way; hence, they
will increase the loyalty sense when compared to the employee
who does not receive recognition. When the reward is available,
it also brings a healthy competition between the employees in
achieving an award. The other project manager's power is the
penalty power, which can apply in the project. This is the
method where the project manager involves punishment to the
team members, due to he or she is performing is duty poorly on
the project. The penalty should be applied carefully and to be
used as the last option. When penalty power, it only uses
conversation one to one but not to be used in front of others.
When this method is used, the manager gains power, and the
employees ought to respect the project manager, and then
employees work hard.
Outcomes resulting from managing projects
Project teams must be geared within delivering outcomes.
Procedures are used in helping to get there in a repeatable way.
Processes add structure, which is good in a new starter, and
assuring things are automatically done. But it is not good to
design a team around how procedures work, and it is created on
what project is required to be. In leading and managing the
human resource project, we have the results, which are the
outputs from any of the procedures. Processes are used on how
to get there. During the formation project management process,
someone usually focuses on the results. If the method fails to
get there, hence that is not a suitable procedure. One of the
outcomes is the identification of project management evolving
in an organization, and this is done through the application of
the information system that makes room for enterprise teams in
working in partnership, plan definition, and managing market
projects. Another outcome includes coming up with new drivers
from project management. (Hamilton, V. 2018). It is suitable
for the availability of a person to take care of accountability
and be responsible for all the project deliverables. This is
important because in team management, when the alignment of
the team is driven to a project plan, it keeps high standards with
delivering, project execution determination, and also the
communication method. Project clarity seeking through the
stakeholders. Stakeholders are persons who care about or have
an interest in the project. This is solved when the stakeholders
achieve their targets and objective and also to exceed their
expectations. Lastly is the application and using of a business
template to gain clarity within the project alignment up to
organizational goals and also the business effect.
Challenges of project managers may face when leading virtual
or global project management.
The obligation of a project manager is boiled down to dealing
with difficult projects and also acquiring positive results. For
balancing complex project elements, a project manager must
work hard on the daily basis. Project managers should have the
skills surrounding decision making, communication, risk-taking,
and delegation. The project there some of the challenges that
they encounter throughout their work. One of the challenges is
the poorly defined goals whereby a project manager has to come
to generally accept the internal and regard corporate issues.
These issues, most of the times are connected to owning poorly
expounded goals by a firm or a firm. The problems of project
manager arise before going to a business. Lack of clarity of
objectives and the goals to the project, then the project is,
unfortunately, likely to fail. The solution is that the project
manager is supposed to have a kickoff meeting together with
own team members or use software for planning and also apps
for team collaboration for defining the goals of the project and
each team member's obligation. (Ferraro, J. et al Lofbomm, A.
Gildan Media. 2018).
The other challenge is poor team skills, whereby even the
project manager may be good in their work, but the team that is
headed by the manager lacks skills; hence, the project may not
be satisfying. This makes the pro9ject to be at risk. But the
solution is that before the starting of the project, the project
manager must analyze out all the skills that the team members
should possess for the provision of excellent work. It is
essential for analyzing the weaknesses and strengths of all team
members to understand the type of additional training they
Inadequate communication being another challenge where a
project manager has the duty to show direction for every project
step, so the team members each one of them to know what is
expected from their team. Due to the poor communication in all
sides, managers, together with the team, serve as the biggest
challenge in project management. But the solution to this
challenge is that if the project manager lacks during the
communication field, something may make better their
communication. A project manager may incorporate building
activities of the team to foster teamwork and also excellent
communication.The overall plan for communication
management during the project.
Regardless the number of workers who are present in those
teams, business have to be precise and clear internal
communication structure that makes room for all managers to
issue a direction to the front line employees and also allows
them to give feedback to the managers so that he or she can
adjust their plans. The purpose of communication management
is to make sure things are done through others so people
working in an organization must be updated on doing work
assigned to the best possible manner. The method that is best in
that communication management during the project is the
interactive communication method, which is the simultaneous
information exchange through a transmission medium, which
includes video, conferencing, telephone conversation, and also
through internet relay through some chat sessions. The
information becomes crucial to all organizations in timing,
which is the choice control or the control of something on how
should be done. The arrangements provide standard tools to the
project manager to distribute and store information to all
stakeholders regarding the costs of the project, the progress to
be scheduled, and also the performance
Ferraro, J., Lofbomm, A., & Gildan Media. (2018). The
strategic project leader: Mastering service-based project
leadership, second edition. New York: Gildan Audio.
Hamilton, V. (2018). Project Management. US: Tritech Digital
In Tinnirello, P. C. (2018). Project management.
Organizing Human Resource Project
Asianna Johnson
Dr. Tony Denkins
HRM 517: Managing Human Resource Projects
After this assignment, I will be able to describe the process of
project management and the relation it has to human resource
management. Strategic project management is essential in
human resource management. I will assess strategies that help
in effective project management in an organization. I will also
be able to explain how technology can be used in effective
human resource management. I will be able to provide a general
direction to effect the necessary change as requested by
In an embedded human resource generalist, some human
resource professionals perform their organizational duties in
units that are usually defined by factors such as production line,
geographical locations of their offices, or their function. This
system has been an expensive mode of human resources
management and the main reason our company decided to
change and move in a more centralized model that enables all
the Human resource professionals to perform their duties in
within a single office in the organization as well as reporting to
one leadership team or a senior executive (Analoui, 2017).
There are five steps in strategic planning in any project
management. Any project team should follow for effective
project management in an organization.
The first step in strategic management is determining the vision
of the company. I will seek clarification of the company goals
and objectives of the change to be made. I will also need to
know the short and long-term objectives. These goals should be
realistic and achievable. In our case, the main objective will be
reducing the operational costs associated with diverse HRM
offices of our company (Schmidt, 2009). This step should
involve all the employees to minimize the chances of change
resistance. Involving every person will make them feel
represented in the decision-making process. This is the most
important step because it would help me understand the
company objectives of the change. The next step is the
identification of the process of accomplishing these objectives.
I will use these objectives as the basis of evaluation after the
The next step is gathering and analyzing the collected
information. This is essential in strategic management since the
information obtained in these steps will be used to shape the
other steps that will follow. Information relevant in vision and
objectives accomplishment should be gathered. The focus of
this step should the needs and understanding of the new
environment that we are about to move in. All the opportunities
and threats, as well as the benefits and challenges of the change,
should be identified at this stage (Schmidt, 2009).
The other step is strategy formulation. In this step, I will
determine the required resources and areas where the company
will need to get external resources to effect the change. This
step should also involve all the stakeholders and take care of
everyone's view. This will help in effectively bringing the
change without resistance from employees. In formulating the
strategy, we should consider the main objective of minimizing
operational costs in the company.
Strategy implementation is the other step in planning. This is
the critical stage because the actions of the plan begin here.
This will determine the success of the strategy in the company,
which is the change from embedded to a centralized model of
HR services delivering. At this stage, every HR professional
and other employees must be assigned their duties and
responsibilities. All the funding of the change will also be
secured at this stage of the change implementation.
The last step is the results control and evaluation. This stage
involves performance measurement, corrections if necessary,
and consistent review. Using objectives and visions that were
set at an earlier stage will help in result evaluation. I should be
able to tell if the change has been successful at this stage. If the
actions are not suspenseful, the alternative process should be
Strategic planning is essential in all business projects. It helps
an organization in setting up a direction. It helps in the
establishment of objectives that are in line with the company of
its mission and vision. It also helps the company in operational
efficiency improvement as well as increasing profitability in the
market share. A dedicated strategic plan makes the business
more durable, especially in a constantly changing market
environment. It also businesses become proactive and not
reactive as our company.
The mission statement of a company should consider aspects
such as company dreams, long-term objectives of the company
and should be aligned with the company values and goals.
Considering all of these aspects I came up with the following
vision and mission statement; OUR COMPANY WILL NOT
In any project management in an organization, there must be a
project charter. The project charter is a document that outlines
all the stakeholders of a project and lists the responsibilities of
everyone involved with the project. It also identifies all the
objectives of the project. Productive project chatter should give
the reason why the project should be initiated and what is to be
accomplished through the project (Meredith, Mantel &
Shafer,2017). The scope of effective project charter should be
clearly defined. It should also be connected to the objectives of
the project. A project charter is used to organize the project and
provide guidelines for project implementation. It is also used by
the project manager in the implementation of the project. A
project charter is also used in the demonstration of support from
the company's top management. Lastly but not least, a project
management can also be used to define the objectives and
outcomes of the project. The three charter elements which I
think are more critical are project scope, project case, and the
problem statement.
Project scope is the part that is involved in determining the
project objectives and outcomes, planning of the budget, and
timelines of the project. It documents what needs to be done and
expected results. It clarifies the expected project deliverables,
requirements, and critical milestones. It is an essential element
in project management since it supports an understanding of
expected deliverables. It also gives guidelines on decision
making to avoid any confusion during the project
implementation. The project scope will make the work of a
project manager easier since it acts as a reference for the
project implementation.
The other important element of a project charter is the project
case. This element defines all the project benefits and how it
will help the company realize its dream and objective. It also
shows how much money will be saved after implementing the
project. The other element is the problem statement, which is
also known as opportunity statement. This statement provides
us with the current company challenges or the problem that the
company is currently facing that need to be solved by
implementing the project. Problem statement also states the
opportunities that companies have, and which might be realized
after the implementation of the project. Does it answer
questions such as which is the problem? How huge is the
problem? And where is the problem? The main problem in our
company is the current HRM system, which has become more
expensive for the company over time.
"We must accept change for the survival of our company!!!"
they would be a statement of emphasis to the project team. As I
have stated above, the main problem in our company is the
embedded style of human resource management. The man
project is changing from embedded HRM to a more centralized
one. The current style has become more costly to our company;
hence the main reason we want to change. All the human
resource professionals and other employees must accept the
change for the continuity of our company hence the statement
that we must all accept change.
Every project management needs strategies developed by an
organization to help in effective project implementation. These
strategies have some benefits to the company as far as project
management is concerned. Some of this benefit includes the
following. Project strategies help the project manager and all
the other stakeholders in fulfilling the identified dreams and
objectives. In our case, the strategy will help in the
implementation of the change in the human resource
management system.
Project strategies will also help our company in strengthening
the business as a result of effective human resource
management. The human resource professionals will help to
create a productive workforce that is more creative and
innovative when they work as a team as compared with when
they work from different geographical locations. This will also
make management easy as reporting will be to single executive
In human resources management, there are some emerging
issues that can negatively affect the process. Management and
the style of leadership is one of the emerging issues in our
company is currently being faced by this problem; hence the
reason the management wants to change the current style.
Another emerging issue facing human resource management is
management conflicts. Unclear duties and responsibilities in the
human resource department is a significant issue affecting the
majority of companies (Goel, 2016). Clearly defined
responsibilities and expectations of employees by the company
will solve this issue in the human resource department.
Schmidt, T. (2009). Strategic project management made simple:
Practical tools for leaders and teams. John Wiley & Sons.
Analoui, F. (2017). The changing patterns of human resource
management. Routledge.
Meredith, J. R., Mantel Jr, S. J., & Shafer, S. M. (2017). Project
management: a managerial approach. John Wiley & Sons.
Goel, A. (2016). Emerging Issues of Human Resource
Management in Global Context. JAGRAN JOURNAL OF

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Running Head PROJECT MANAGEMENT 5Progress Results and F.docx

  • 1. Running Head: PROJECT MANAGEMENT 5 Progress Results and Finalizing the HR Project Asianna Johnson Dr. Tony Denkins Managing Human Resource Project 11/25/19 1. Strategies used to manage and sustain progress in your HR project. According to Kloppenborg (2019) directing and managing a project work is a process that entails all the activities related to executing the scope of work that has been described in the project management plan with the intention of attaining the objectives of the project requirements that are succinctly described within the “project scope statement”. This implies that there are a number of basic activities that goes into manage and direct a project, which ought to be carried out as prescribed in the project plan. In view of this, to successful direct and manage a project, the project manager ought to ensure that all
  • 2. the prescribed activities have been carried out satisfactorily. Before the commencement of any project work that one may have, there are a number of strategies necessary to sustain and manage project progress. To begin with, it is paramount to ensure that the project foundation for success has been laid (Van, 2015). This implies that all the project details have been thrashed out and the entire team is made aware of these including the expectations involved. Some of the crucial details to cater for include attaining approval from all stakeholders. Moreover, defining the project scope is a prerequisite for the sustaining project success. This may include specifying the different roles, duties, and responsibilities for each of the team members. Van (2015) adds that it is paramount to design a detailed plan that helps to outline all the project deliverables (including timelines and deadlines) followed by the development of measurable criteria for defining success. Besides finalizing the project details, being clear on the expectation of the project is another key strategy that can help project managers to sustain project success. It entails letting the each team understand the particulars of the responsibilities of individual team members as such making it easier to sustain accountability within the team, adds Van (2015). Thirdly, the most crucial strategy of any project manager is to gather together a team of competent people capable of attaining the project goals, says the Society for Human Resource Management (2016). This involves choosing people who have the right combination of skills, talent and personalities that best fit the project demands. It is mandatory for the project manager to keep in mind that the team’s skill sets ought to be aligned with the definite project requirements. In addition to this, the project manager should endear to rid of excess baggage that comes with having too many unnecessary people within the team that increase team redundancies and create a drag on the team progress. 2. Strategies that could be used to address and resolve any risks within the control of the project.
  • 3. One of the best strategies that can be used to manage and resolve risks quickly, efficiently and effectively is by actually understanding the risks that the project faces, which would help the project team to establish a control mechanism (Kloppenborg, 2019). Understanding the prevailing risks helps the team to create a risk register that encompasses all the possible risks and mitigation measures. By doing this, the project manager prepares the team in case the project falls into risks. Furthermore, it mandatory for the team to have a risk management team within as part of part of the risk management strategy. The risk management team usually assesses project progress and puts mitigation measures in place. It projects possible future risks based on the changing project dynamics and advises the entire team accordingly. Besides having a defined risk management strategy in place, it is important for the team to have a working communication strategy in place, according to Kloppenborg (2019). The communication strategy aids the team to pass risk based information effectively and efficiently within the team. Information passed includes a clear definition of the risk, course of action for each team members and the potential pitfalls if the each team members fails to act as required. The communication strategy includes clear channels for directing feedback on risk management progress. Thirdly, Kloppenborg (2019) avers that it is crucial for project manages to lead the team to not only to closely monitor but also to control the progress activities of the project. An effective project monitoring and control mechanism assists the project team to create new targets, goals and plans based on the emerging needs. Not only does close monitoring help the project stay on course but also ensures that there are consistent improvements on the project efficiency, processes, outcomes, as well as accountability. All the processes described herein are vital towards successfully averting risks in a project management context as each plays a crucial role. However, without gaining
  • 4. considerable knowledge of the potential risks that the project faces, any other strategy that is employed (including those not enumerated here) is likely to backfire. Project managers must first seek to investigate the specific risks that the project faces before describing the risks mitigation measures. Having wrong data on potential risk may lead the project manager to prescribe risk mitigation measures that are not consistent with the nature of the prevailing risks. As such, understanding the risks that the project faces is a prerequisite step in risk management strategies on which other risk management activities are based on. 3. What actions should a project manager take as they begin to close out the project? There are project managers who believe that the attainment of project deliverables marks the end of the project, and as such there is no need to systematically close the project. This is a huge mistake since projects are not started for their own sake. Normally, there is an underlying purpose why the project was started. Properly closing out a project is beneficial not only to the team bust also to the organization involved. It can lead to major lessons being learnt, and may form the foundation of future projects, explains Bolat & Temur (2019). According to Kloppenborg (2019) closing a project is s systematic process that involves “all the project activities across all the activities of the project with the aim of brining the projects, or a project phase to a conclusion”. This has implications on the project processes as it implies that closing a project is the “formalized acceptance that a project” has run its course and has attained its deliverables such that it needs to be formally brought to a close. Bolat & Temur (2019) add that a project may also be brought to a close even if it has not met the project deliverables. This occurs when the project no longer serves the purpose it was designed for. Not meeting the project deliverables does not preclude the project from a formalized closure. There are a number of actions available for project managers. To begin with, it is important for mangers to ensure that the necessary work and phases have effectively elapsed and
  • 5. that all risks and deficiencies have been addressed, says Kloppenborg (2019). Secondly, it is unethical to close out a project without express approval of the project’s sponsor as well as project clients. This implies that seeking approval from the sponsors and clients is one of the most important activities needed before the process of closing out the project commences. This eliminates debate based on doubts and skepticism surrounding project closure. Having obtained approval, the next logical action for project managers is to conduct an appraisal of whether (or not) all project related governance issues and protocol have been successfully executed. One of the biggest questions involved in the appraisal goes beyond looking at the approval of closure process to assessing whether all the project appropriate policies have been implemented successfully. Moreover, data is collected on whether the project policies actually we complied with established procedures of the organizational. This kind of appraisal allows the project management team to take corrective measures before closing out the projects so as to address notable deficiencies identified during the appraisal process (Bolat & Temur, 2019). Data gathered during the appraisal process can be critical in guiding future phases of the same or a different project. 4. A review of Project Management in Action: The Power of Lessons Learned This section evaluates the power behind learning for project management teams. It uses specific examples to draw conclusion on how power behind the “lessons learnt”. For instance, Kloppenborg (2019) it uses NASA as an example of how to draw powerful and sophisticated databases of the lessons learnt to help the organization with the overall project needs. There exist project systems through which team members submit comments about the lessons gained that would be useful to the present as well as the future teams. Such insights are vital to the ongoing success of the project team. The assertions in this section are premised on the maxim that success is only
  • 6. attained through consistent learning from ones mistakes as well as the mistakes of others. This emphasizes the building the culture of “what we know so far and who knows what”, which leads to the building of a system that relies on existing data that can be investigated and as such providing very useful insights. References List Bolat, H. B., & Temur, G. T. (2019). Agile approaches for successfully managing and executing projects in the fourth industrial revolution. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Kloppenborg, T. (2019). Contemporary Project Management. (4th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. Society for Human Resource Management (2016). Viewpoint: Teamwork Is a Two-Way Street. Retrieved from competencies/relationship-management/pages/teamwork- is-a-two-way-street-real-world- relationship- management.aspx Van, H. T. (2015). New SC&RA guidebook helps project engineers manage work. Engineering News-Record, 275(15), p19-19 Running Head: Planning Considerations for the HR Project 1 Planning Considerations for the HR Project
  • 7. 7 Planning Considerations for the HR Project Asianna Johnson Dr. Tony Denkins Managing Human Resource Project 11/11/19 In project management, several tasks are involved. Some of these tasks include scope and schedule. Scope, when used in project management, refers to the procedure of gathering data or information required to start a specific project and using such information to come up with a detailed sort or kind of project and product. Scope incorporates learning the characteristics of the product that will align with the desires or the expectations of the stakeholder. Scope in project management is essential because the product or the service will be described based on the requirements that will be incorporated and integrated into the scope of the project. Scope also includes which tools, methods, inputs, and outcomes will be utilized for a specific project. Preparing a detailed statement of a project is significant for the project to thrive well and produce desirable results. Therefore, it is beneficial for the scope of the project to be sampled and clarified during the planning of the project (Kendrick, 2015). This will help identify and bring to board any
  • 8. present threats and other problems. Scheduling, on the other hand, in project management refers to the sampling of the actions, the final products, and the milestones present in a project. The schedule also incorporates the set commencement and finish date or time, time taken, and resources set for each task. Proper project scheduling is a vital requirement for ineffective management of time (Huang, 2019). When scheduling, individuals should take into consideration the functions which are involved, the available resources, the time needed to complete the project, and how the schedule will be managed. Scheduling in project management is very advantageous since it helps in tracking, identifying, and providing reports as well as giving information on the progress of the project. This process makes sure every individual is on the same page and in alignment with the activities and deadlines. Scheduling also aids in detecting a lack or shortage of resources and also can help identify problems or risks which could occur. For a project to be successful several resources should be available. Some of the resources include people, capital, and time. These resources should be mobilized. For a project manager to be able to conduct project resourcing effectively, he/she should have, possess, and be able to use different behavioral skills (Kerzner, 2017). These behavioral skills include relational personality, patience, and understanding, having an open-door policy, politeness, and courtesy, making the workplace more engaging, appreciating the team for the efforts they put for the project, and getting corporate training. Out of these seven behavioral skills associated with project resourcing, four are very much critical. These four critical behavioral skills include appreciating the team for the efforts that they put in for the project, making the workplace more engaging, politeness and courtesy, patience, and understanding. This is very vital simply because they will determine the outcome of the project at a very high rate. For instance, appreciating the team for the efforts that they put in for the
  • 9. project will help them work more extra harder, and then the team will also be motivated to give their best. This turns out to be the dream of every project manager. Politeness and courtesy portrayed by the project manager will help him/her create a strong bond with the other project members. The team members will be able to share their opinions and ideas, which will be useful for the success of the project (Hopkinson, 2017). Through sharing new ways of doing things will be provided, and also underlying problems that could affect the performance of the project will be brought to the board. Moreover, making the working environment more engaging is another crucial behavioral skill. The project manager must engage his/her team to be able to monitor the changes that are relevant to them. The manager is also entitled to be honest and transparent with the team members. This will help eliminate cases of fraud and corruption, which could affect the availability of some of the resources. Some of the resources which can be affected by fraud and corruption include the capital allocated for the smooth running of the activities within the project. Lack of capital or inadequate capital will hinder the performance of the project and will lead to a poor outcome. The project manager should also be able to understand and be patient with every team member. The team members likewise should possess this skill. This will ensure that there no conflicts while working. This is because disputes will lead to wastage of time hence slowing down the activities which need to be carried out within the project. It also through being understanding and patient with each other that the team members will get to acquire the right skills needed to carry out various activities in the project. The project manager will have an easy time while training the group members (Coleman, & Bourne, 2018). Possession of the right skills will also ensure that the outcome of the project is attractive and pleasant. For a project to be successful, it has to have a budget. Several concepts determine the budget of a project. These include the schedule of the project, scope baseline, task activity cost
  • 10. estimates, resource calendars, and contracts. For each activity, there should be an estimate of the amount of money needed for that particular activity. Funds for direct labor, all materials required, including machines required, should be estimated. A proper estimate will ensure that the project will not lack funds before it is completed. Estimates of these funds which are required should not be made without a common ground or basis. There must be documents supporting the estimate decisions. Resource calendars are also used to determine which resources are assigned to the project. Contracts for products and services will also be used to assess their costs and should be included in the project budget. All these are essential and determines the budget associated with the project costs. For instance, in the HR project employee wages and salaries, cost of employee benefits, cost of training and development as well as paid time off are vital areas of consideration. They have been used in determining the budget of the project. Costs are aggregated depending on the activities which need to be carried out. Determining cash flows in the project will also be essential to ensure that the project does not lack funds to facilitate its activities. Therefore, learning of cash flows will be done by considering the amount of money or input spend on carrying out each activity in comparison with the output derived from each activity (Che Ibrahim, Costello, & Wilkinson, 2018). This will ensure that the project is not making a loss since cash flow statements will detect it and can be corrected before it escalates. A project can be faced with various risks. These risks need to be identified and managed so that they may not lead to adverse effects on the project. There are multiple ways in which a project manager can identify possible project risks. Some of these ways in which the project manager can be able to identify potential project risks include; interviews, use of affinity diagrams, and brainstorming. The project manager can pick some of the key stakeholders in the project and interview them
  • 11. by asking them some questions concerning the performance of the project (Boudreau, John, Cascio, Wayne, Fink, Alexis, Chicago 2019). The project manager can also ask them to explain why they think that the project is doing good or poor and what should be done to improve the performance of the project The project manager can also decide to brainstorm on the risks hindering the achievement of the set objectives. He/she can also brainstorm on the risks which could be related to the activities being carried out within the project. This way, the manager will be able to identify some of the underlying risks facing the project. All the participants can also be asked to brainstorm risks and write them down as notes. The chances then are sorted into groups. This will help to know the most perceived risks which could be affecting the project presently or which could change the project in the future (Akram, Ihsan, Zafar, & Hayat, 2018). Engaging all the participants will help the manager recognize some of the risks which he/she could not think about as being threats to the performance of the project. References Akram, R., Ihsan, S., Zafar, S., & Hayat, B. (2018). Survey
  • 12. Paper for Software Project Team, Staffing, Scheduling and Budgeting Problem. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, 9(1), 479-484. Boudreau, John W.; Cascio, Wayne F.; Fink, Alexis A. Chicago :(2019) Society for Human Resource Management. Che Ibrahim, C. K. I., Costello, S. B., & Wilkinson, S. (2018). Making sense of team integration practice through the “lived experience” of alliance project teams. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(5), 598-622. Coleman, S., & Bourne, M. (2018). Project leadership: skills, behaviours, knowledge and values. Association for Project Management. Hopkinson, M. (2017). The project risk maturity model: Measuring and improving risk management capability. Routledge. Huang, W. (2019). Developing a Better Planning, Budgeting, and Accounting System. In Built on Value (pp. 303-328). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. Kendrick, T. (2015). Identifying and managing project risk: essential tools for failure-proofing your project. Amacom. Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons. Leading and Managing the HR Project Asianna Johnson Dr. Tony Denkins HRM 517: Managing Human Resource Project 10/27/19
  • 13. Types of project manager power relevant to my project Leading and managing the human resource project, which is a method of documenting and identifying project roles, required skills, relationship, responsibility, and creation of management staffing plan. There is different project manager power that is important to this project. Whereby power is the influencing ability, which is an important player that is used in the decision making the process for achieving the goals. Project managers in some of the situation they feel powerless due to the lack of manager functional powers. Project management is a well- established approach in work assignment execution in an environment that is project-oriented. It has formed considerable interests this not only due to the implication for the organization design but also is due to the implication for the manage projects. (Tinnirello, P. C. 2018). Although there is much in project management, little awareness has been focusing on the project manager's problems they face through gaining support and also cooperation by the project personnel. The project-oriented environment is a distinguished portion for the position of a project manager, which is composed of facilitating, coordinating tasks, and integrating that useful in the successful completion of that project. For a manager is necessary to have a move across different functional areas and also disciplines in gaining resources and services from some project personnel on top of formal authority or who have little. These personnel sometimes respond to requests readily but in other times, become reluctant to in provision in support of the desired level. The ability to acquire assistance from project personnel is seen as an important factor in determining project manager effectiveness. One of the project manager power that are used in leading and managing human resource projects is the reward power. Reward power is a kind of power used by managers in
  • 14. rewarding their employees to influence them to act. This is a process of doing something for the purpose of getting another one in return. Reward power is useful provided that reward is recognized because of having value. For example, when you give a gift or gold star, it may look nice if it is a rare commodity, but the effect is overused, it may be weakened. Most of the employees may start to have frustration experience when the reward does not become significant. Also, in other times, an award can be seen as for granted by the individual offering the reward as a form of compensation for the duty. When employees experience that reward is not adequate for the compensation for the task requested. Reward power is also applied in morale incensement. They are thinking of trophy given to the first performer or the team consisting of the lowest amount of mistakes. If this used well, this kind of reward is highly sought after status signs around the organization. The advantage of this reward power is that it encourages loyalty to lead and managing the human resource project management and also the organization. For example, workers will receive praise regularly by performing their work in the right way; hence, they will increase the loyalty sense when compared to the employee who does not receive recognition. When the reward is available, it also brings a healthy competition between the employees in achieving an award. The other project manager's power is the penalty power, which can apply in the project. This is the method where the project manager involves punishment to the team members, due to he or she is performing is duty poorly on the project. The penalty should be applied carefully and to be used as the last option. When penalty power, it only uses conversation one to one but not to be used in front of others. When this method is used, the manager gains power, and the employees ought to respect the project manager, and then employees work hard. Outcomes resulting from managing projects Project teams must be geared within delivering outcomes. Procedures are used in helping to get there in a repeatable way.
  • 15. Processes add structure, which is good in a new starter, and assuring things are automatically done. But it is not good to design a team around how procedures work, and it is created on what project is required to be. In leading and managing the human resource project, we have the results, which are the outputs from any of the procedures. Processes are used on how to get there. During the formation project management process, someone usually focuses on the results. If the method fails to get there, hence that is not a suitable procedure. One of the outcomes is the identification of project management evolving in an organization, and this is done through the application of the information system that makes room for enterprise teams in working in partnership, plan definition, and managing market projects. Another outcome includes coming up with new drivers from project management. (Hamilton, V. 2018). It is suitable for the availability of a person to take care of accountability and be responsible for all the project deliverables. This is important because in team management, when the alignment of the team is driven to a project plan, it keeps high standards with delivering, project execution determination, and also the communication method. Project clarity seeking through the stakeholders. Stakeholders are persons who care about or have an interest in the project. This is solved when the stakeholders achieve their targets and objective and also to exceed their expectations. Lastly is the application and using of a business template to gain clarity within the project alignment up to organizational goals and also the business effect. Challenges of project managers may face when leading virtual or global project management. The obligation of a project manager is boiled down to dealing with difficult projects and also acquiring positive results. For balancing complex project elements, a project manager must work hard on the daily basis. Project managers should have the skills surrounding decision making, communication, risk-taking, and delegation. The project there some of the challenges that
  • 16. they encounter throughout their work. One of the challenges is the poorly defined goals whereby a project manager has to come to generally accept the internal and regard corporate issues. These issues, most of the times are connected to owning poorly expounded goals by a firm or a firm. The problems of project manager arise before going to a business. Lack of clarity of objectives and the goals to the project, then the project is, unfortunately, likely to fail. The solution is that the project manager is supposed to have a kickoff meeting together with own team members or use software for planning and also apps for team collaboration for defining the goals of the project and each team member's obligation. (Ferraro, J. et al Lofbomm, A. Gildan Media. 2018). The other challenge is poor team skills, whereby even the project manager may be good in their work, but the team that is headed by the manager lacks skills; hence, the project may not be satisfying. This makes the pro9ject to be at risk. But the solution is that before the starting of the project, the project manager must analyze out all the skills that the team members should possess for the provision of excellent work. It is essential for analyzing the weaknesses and strengths of all team members to understand the type of additional training they require. Inadequate communication being another challenge where a project manager has the duty to show direction for every project step, so the team members each one of them to know what is expected from their team. Due to the poor communication in all sides, managers, together with the team, serve as the biggest challenge in project management. But the solution to this challenge is that if the project manager lacks during the communication field, something may make better their communication. A project manager may incorporate building activities of the team to foster teamwork and also excellent
  • 17. communication.The overall plan for communication management during the project. Regardless the number of workers who are present in those teams, business have to be precise and clear internal communication structure that makes room for all managers to issue a direction to the front line employees and also allows them to give feedback to the managers so that he or she can adjust their plans. The purpose of communication management is to make sure things are done through others so people working in an organization must be updated on doing work assigned to the best possible manner. The method that is best in that communication management during the project is the interactive communication method, which is the simultaneous information exchange through a transmission medium, which includes video, conferencing, telephone conversation, and also through internet relay through some chat sessions. The information becomes crucial to all organizations in timing, which is the choice control or the control of something on how should be done. The arrangements provide standard tools to the project manager to distribute and store information to all stakeholders regarding the costs of the project, the progress to be scheduled, and also the performance
  • 18. References Ferraro, J., Lofbomm, A., & Gildan Media. (2018). The strategic project leader: Mastering service-based project leadership, second edition. New York: Gildan Audio. Hamilton, V. (2018). Project Management. US: Tritech Digital Media. In Tinnirello, P. C. (2018). Project management. Running head: ORGANIZING HUMAN RESOURCE PROJECT ORGANIZING HUMAN RESOURCE PROJECT 5 Organizing Human Resource Project Asianna Johnson Dr. Tony Denkins HRM 517: Managing Human Resource Projects 10/21/2019
  • 19. After this assignment, I will be able to describe the process of project management and the relation it has to human resource management. Strategic project management is essential in human resource management. I will assess strategies that help in effective project management in an organization. I will also be able to explain how technology can be used in effective human resource management. I will be able to provide a general direction to effect the necessary change as requested by management. In an embedded human resource generalist, some human resource professionals perform their organizational duties in units that are usually defined by factors such as production line, geographical locations of their offices, or their function. This system has been an expensive mode of human resources management and the main reason our company decided to change and move in a more centralized model that enables all the Human resource professionals to perform their duties in within a single office in the organization as well as reporting to one leadership team or a senior executive (Analoui, 2017). There are five steps in strategic planning in any project management. Any project team should follow for effective project management in an organization. The first step in strategic management is determining the vision of the company. I will seek clarification of the company goals and objectives of the change to be made. I will also need to know the short and long-term objectives. These goals should be realistic and achievable. In our case, the main objective will be reducing the operational costs associated with diverse HRM offices of our company (Schmidt, 2009). This step should involve all the employees to minimize the chances of change
  • 20. resistance. Involving every person will make them feel represented in the decision-making process. This is the most important step because it would help me understand the company objectives of the change. The next step is the identification of the process of accomplishing these objectives. I will use these objectives as the basis of evaluation after the change. The next step is gathering and analyzing the collected information. This is essential in strategic management since the information obtained in these steps will be used to shape the other steps that will follow. Information relevant in vision and objectives accomplishment should be gathered. The focus of this step should the needs and understanding of the new environment that we are about to move in. All the opportunities and threats, as well as the benefits and challenges of the change, should be identified at this stage (Schmidt, 2009). The other step is strategy formulation. In this step, I will determine the required resources and areas where the company will need to get external resources to effect the change. This step should also involve all the stakeholders and take care of everyone's view. This will help in effectively bringing the change without resistance from employees. In formulating the strategy, we should consider the main objective of minimizing operational costs in the company. Strategy implementation is the other step in planning. This is the critical stage because the actions of the plan begin here. This will determine the success of the strategy in the company, which is the change from embedded to a centralized model of HR services delivering. At this stage, every HR professional and other employees must be assigned their duties and responsibilities. All the funding of the change will also be secured at this stage of the change implementation. The last step is the results control and evaluation. This stage involves performance measurement, corrections if necessary, and consistent review. Using objectives and visions that were set at an earlier stage will help in result evaluation. I should be
  • 21. able to tell if the change has been successful at this stage. If the actions are not suspenseful, the alternative process should be used. Strategic planning is essential in all business projects. It helps an organization in setting up a direction. It helps in the establishment of objectives that are in line with the company of its mission and vision. It also helps the company in operational efficiency improvement as well as increasing profitability in the market share. A dedicated strategic plan makes the business more durable, especially in a constantly changing market environment. It also businesses become proactive and not reactive as our company. The mission statement of a company should consider aspects such as company dreams, long-term objectives of the company and should be aligned with the company values and goals. Considering all of these aspects I came up with the following vision and mission statement; OUR COMPANY WILL NOT GET BETTER BY CHANCE BUT BY CHANGE. In any project management in an organization, there must be a project charter. The project charter is a document that outlines all the stakeholders of a project and lists the responsibilities of everyone involved with the project. It also identifies all the objectives of the project. Productive project chatter should give the reason why the project should be initiated and what is to be accomplished through the project (Meredith, Mantel & Shafer,2017). The scope of effective project charter should be clearly defined. It should also be connected to the objectives of the project. A project charter is used to organize the project and provide guidelines for project implementation. It is also used by the project manager in the implementation of the project. A project charter is also used in the demonstration of support from the company's top management. Lastly but not least, a project management can also be used to define the objectives and outcomes of the project. The three charter elements which I think are more critical are project scope, project case, and the problem statement.
  • 22. Project scope is the part that is involved in determining the project objectives and outcomes, planning of the budget, and timelines of the project. It documents what needs to be done and expected results. It clarifies the expected project deliverables, requirements, and critical milestones. It is an essential element in project management since it supports an understanding of expected deliverables. It also gives guidelines on decision making to avoid any confusion during the project implementation. The project scope will make the work of a project manager easier since it acts as a reference for the project implementation. The other important element of a project charter is the project case. This element defines all the project benefits and how it will help the company realize its dream and objective. It also shows how much money will be saved after implementing the project. The other element is the problem statement, which is also known as opportunity statement. This statement provides us with the current company challenges or the problem that the company is currently facing that need to be solved by implementing the project. Problem statement also states the opportunities that companies have, and which might be realized after the implementation of the project. Does it answer questions such as which is the problem? How huge is the problem? And where is the problem? The main problem in our company is the current HRM system, which has become more expensive for the company over time. "We must accept change for the survival of our company!!!" they would be a statement of emphasis to the project team. As I have stated above, the main problem in our company is the embedded style of human resource management. The man project is changing from embedded HRM to a more centralized one. The current style has become more costly to our company; hence the main reason we want to change. All the human resource professionals and other employees must accept the change for the continuity of our company hence the statement that we must all accept change.
  • 23. Every project management needs strategies developed by an organization to help in effective project implementation. These strategies have some benefits to the company as far as project management is concerned. Some of this benefit includes the following. Project strategies help the project manager and all the other stakeholders in fulfilling the identified dreams and objectives. In our case, the strategy will help in the implementation of the change in the human resource management system. Project strategies will also help our company in strengthening the business as a result of effective human resource management. The human resource professionals will help to create a productive workforce that is more creative and innovative when they work as a team as compared with when they work from different geographical locations. This will also make management easy as reporting will be to single executive management. In human resources management, there are some emerging issues that can negatively affect the process. Management and the style of leadership is one of the emerging issues in our company is currently being faced by this problem; hence the reason the management wants to change the current style. Another emerging issue facing human resource management is management conflicts. Unclear duties and responsibilities in the human resource department is a significant issue affecting the majority of companies (Goel, 2016). Clearly defined responsibilities and expectations of employees by the company will solve this issue in the human resource department.
  • 24. References Schmidt, T. (2009). Strategic project management made simple: Practical tools for leaders and teams. John Wiley & Sons. Analoui, F. (2017). The changing patterns of human resource management. Routledge. Meredith, J. R., Mantel Jr, S. J., & Shafer, S. M. (2017). Project management: a managerial approach. John Wiley & Sons. Goel, A. (2016). Emerging Issues of Human Resource Management in Global Context. JAGRAN JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND ECONOMICS