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Running head: FINAL PAPER
Final Paper
Laura Dunkerson
South University Online
Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying do your sources use one word or two for this
term? Take another look. is one of the current social problems
that have flourished with the advancement in technology
because many people have access to technology today repetitive
of “current”. The technology has gone to both good and bad
hands. In bad hands, technology has been used to orchestrate
various criminal activities. Among the criminal activities
facilitated by the technology is cyber bullying. Various studies
have been conducted on cyber bullying. This paper highlights
some of the arguments in these studies. Despite being an
activity that came with the advancement in technology, cyber
bullying has rapidly spread in the society and can now affect
anybody wherever he or she is if he or she is accessible to the
internet. Thesis? What will the essay argue?
A research V conducted by a Harford County Examiner revealed
that half the population of teenagers is word form victims of
cyber bullying and only 10% of the victims take a step to report
the matter to their parents. Among the cyber bullying incidents,
less than 20% of the incidents get reported to the law
enforcement agencies. Approximately 20% of teenagers have
photos of them taken while in embarrassing situations. It further
revealed that girls are V often involved in cyber bullying than
boys. The study therefore indicates that cyber bullying is V
common in teenagers than any other age group. It further shows
how parents distance themselves towards monitoring what their
teenage children do on the internet how does it show that? The
evidence about from the source don’t show that. Therefore, it
can be concluded that inadequate parental consent is a major
contributor to the high trends of cyber bullying (Thaxter, 2010).
The information in this paragraph doesn’t support this
In regard to this, Thaxter (2010) researched and wrote a journal
article titled “Cyber bullying: Challenges and strategies faced
by juvenile police officers.” In this article, the author claims
that juvenile police officers are expected by the government to
ensure the full enforcement of laws and regulations related to
cyber bullying in a school classroom setting. This makes the
officers to be outstanding educational reserve this sentence
doesn’t make sense. This move what move? by the police
officers is centered towards the consequences of cyber bullying
on the victims and also impacts that the school cyber bullying
has on the behavior on the environment and ambiance at the
school. A vital technique to link the differing levels of
involvement in bullying is by calling attention to all students to
take part in the responsibility of ending cyber bullying. Editing
ends here.
In order to fully understand cyber bullying and formulate the
best ways of mitigating it, there have been various studies on
psychiatry over the matter. The study aims at fully
understanding the problem and the level of its prevalence
among individuals especially among teenagers and schools. The
studies give important indicators to the range of the problem,
which aids in formulating cognizance crusades and material
toolkits to both parents and schools. The studies also come up
with various ways of detecting the problem that help in
preventing the occurrence of the problem. Parents should build
a closer relationship with their children to ensure reporting of
any sensitive issue so that stern actions for the problems are
taken. The victims should not erase the bullying messages, as
they are proofs of victimization. Such incidences should be
reported to the relevant authorities. The law enforcement
agencies should put in strict laws against the bullies so that
people can keep off from such activities. The network providers
should start using filter machines to detect any form of bullying
such machines include the support-vector machines that filters
emails. The machines have been successful also in detecting
web pages that contain racist messages. There is a need to
analyze further the online interaction among individuals to
detect the bullying messages (Sugarman, 2009)
On the same topic of cyber bullying, Sugarman (2009) did a
study on online bullies and wrote another journal article titled
“Cyber bullying: Protecting kids and adults from online
bullies.” In this article, he argues that like researchers, authors
are able to give well-timed update assessment about cyber
bullying. Bullying has been around for a while, and swift
improvement in communication technology has modified it and
caused it to become bigger. There is inefficient
acknowledgment of the effects of online bullying young people
among themselves.
Various schools and institutions have enforced strict rules and
regulations to prevent the occurrence of students inflicting
torture to their fellow students due to their aggressive nature.
This has led to the emergence of cyber bullying as a way of
expressing aggression among individuals. A survey was
conducted by i-SAFE America and results indicated that 42% of
schoolchildren have experienced cyber bullying while they were
online. By 2008, the percentage had risen to 72% (Moore,
Huebner & Hills, 2012). This is a clear indication of the current
state of cyber bullying and its prevalence in the society.
Currently, large volumes of people use the internet for various
purposes. The degree is higher among youths who use the
internet for socialization. As a result, there is a high number of
those who experience cyber bullying on a daily basis which
raises the level of personal attacks. Administrators have the
urge to act on this issue but none of them is sure of the best way
of giving a response because the practice sometimes happens
even when the victims are outside their institutions. The schools
remain on a high threat because there are limited guidance and
strategic decorum by law. Such complexities make cyber
bullying a multifarious issue to deal with and some studies and
research still have to be conducted to offer a solution to the
problem of cyber bullying.
In line with this, Moore, Huebner & Hills in 2012 did a study
and drafted a journal article titled “Electronic bullying and
victimization and life satisfaction in middle school students.” In
the article, the study by these authors assessed the character and
frequency of electronic bullying and oppression in a section of
middle school students in a southeastern USA school. There was
also examination of the link between events of electronic
bullying and victimization and also global and domain specific
life approvals. A sum of 855 US students of 7th and 8th grade
replied on to the questions concerning global and domain-based
life satisfaction, electronic bullying and victimization
behaviors. There were a small percentage of students that gave
information about their engagement in or them being victims of
electronic bullying and point out that the activities to place
several times a week. Statistics showed that a large relationship
between electronic bullying and self-reported grades in schools,
gender and parent marital status. Also, there was a large
relationship between victimization and self-reported grades in
school, parent marital status and ethnicity. This lead to the
recommendation of a humble but the all-encompassing
association between experiences of electronic bullying and
victimization and adolescents’ life fulfillment details across a
diversity of important life domains.
Traditional bullying existed before the enforcement of stringent
laws against it. It is a form of bullying that involves either
verbal or physical torture, which affects a person emotionally.
Cyber bullying on the other hand is a form of bullying that uses
electronic forms as a means of reaching the victim. Cyber
bullying is a permanence of traditional bullying with a large
number of onlookers who do not physically know each other.
The bystanders continuously revise the aggressive acts of the
bully. The disclosure of the acts causes potential harm to the
victim. Unlike the traditional bullying where the bully has
physical power over the victim, cyber bullying does not require
the bully to have physical power over the victim. In regard to
traditional bullying and Cyber bullying Sontag, Clemans,
Graber & Lyndon (2011) did a study and came up with a journal
article titled “Traditional and cyber aggressors and victims: A
comparison of psychosocial characteristics.” In this article, they
argue that until now, there is slight knowledge about the
difference between perpetrators and victims’ cyber and
traditional types of aggression and this was the reason for this
particular study especially on psychosocial characteristics,
which were assessed in research on traditional aggression and
victimization. Cyber aggressors showed small levels of reactive
aggression compared to both traditional-only and combined
aggressors. It was also discovered that combined aggressors
showed the poorest psychosocial outline compared to other
aggressor groups. Results advocated for exceptional aspects
about cyber aggression and victimization that may lead to
further research.
On the other hand, Englander (2010) uses the journal article
titled Editorial for the special issue on cyber-bullying to justify
the fact that electronic aggression is different from offline in
the twisted relative goal to actual damage. The steady
accessibility of electronic communication appeal to individuals
to use it in a more awkward or complex social exchanges which
in turn may cause more social problems. These complex social
exchanges in particular, lead to prevalence of cyber bullying. In
other words, cyber bullying is one of the prominent social
problems in this regard.
As far as the effects of cyber bullying are concerned, the people
who have undergone the problem of bullying are likely to
experience such feelings as loneliness, anxiety, depression, and
unhappiness. Cyber bullying may sometimes lead to panic
attacks, which makes the affected to avoid social networks as a
means of preventing further occurrence of bullying. The effects
may usually go unnoticed because the victims may feel that if
they reveal to anyone that they were bullied over the internet,
they may be embarrassed or further be bullied. The resultant
effect is usually a passive response to the effects and the
victims may end up being less confident. As a result, their
general performance in school becomes negatively affected that
may impede their success in life. Bullying arises as a person
tries to commit his/her leisure time to socialize. Therefore,
when a person becomes bullied, he/she is likely to avoid the
situation by becoming antisocial because their view on
socializing might change and make them consider it as a way of
infringing their right to freedom from violence via the mental
and emotional torture. Bullying can also affect the productivity
of organizations because as the workers become bullied, they
get demotivated to work and begin being absent from the
In the same note, focusing on cyber bullying among high school
students, Schneider, O'Donnell, Stueve, & Coulter, (2012),
came up with the journal article titled “Cyber bullying, school
bullying, and psychological distress: A regional census of high
school students.” In this article, the dominance of cyber
bullying and schooling bullying victimization and their
relationship with psychosocial distress was found out in relation
to a research carried out from a regional census of high school
students. It was found out that victimization was higher in non-
heterosexually known youths. The victims showed low school
performance and school attachment. Results of regulated
analyses showed that distress was high in victims of cyber
bullying and school bullying.
In relation to culture, Keith & Martin (2005) researched on
cyber bullying and authored the journal article titled “Cyber-
bullying: Creating a culture of respect in a cyber
world.”According to these authors, the numerous occasions that
revolved around students on students’ brutality involved guns
and this was done in the 1990s. School managements came up
with programs that would keep guns and gangs out of schools.
In the 21st century, the violence has taken a new dimension
which has been helped by advancement in the technology hence
making it easy for cyber bullies to have easier access to their
victims. This article offers suggestions for overcoming the
challenge of cyber bulling.
Last, Rigby & Smith (2011) studied on cyber bullying in
schools and wrote an academic journal article titled “Is school
bullying really on the rise?”In this study, these authors
conducted an assessment in different countries on whether
school cyber bullying was rising or not. The results from their
assessment show that dominance of cyber bullying in schools
increased at different points in a particular time between 1990
and 2009. The report also shows that cyber bullying has
increased compared to traditional bullying in the period the
research took place.
In conclusion, cyber bullying affects the productivity of the
people both at their places of work and School. This may lead to
negative outcomes in the end. As a result, it is advisable to
enforce strict laws to prevent the growth of the act and the
victims should be counseled to be able to heal their affected
psychological life. It is a high time that parents should get
involved in what their children do over the internet as a means
of protecting their children from becoming either bullies or
victims. Extensive research has been done on the topic of cyber
bullying. This is because it is a form of crime that is rapidly
spreading in the society because of the advancement in
technology. It is evident in the discussion that cyber bullying is
both in the society and learning institutions. Therefore, cyber
bullying can now affect everybody accessible to the internet in
one way or the other.
Laura: This draft has a clear focus, a potential thesis, and some
useful information. In revision, I have several suggestions.
First, the essay needs the thesis to be presented earlier and with
more specifics. What is the debate and what do you want to
convince the reader of? Cyberbullying exists and most people
are aware of it. That is a fact, not a thesis. What do you want to
do about it? Second, each body paragraph needs to clearly
connect to the thesis. Third, edit carefully for clarity and
Englander, E. K. (2010). Editorial for the special issue on
cyber-bullying. Journal of Social
Sciences, 6(4), 508-509. Retrieved from
Keith, S., & Martin, M. E. (2005). Cyber-bullying: Creating a
culture of respect in a cyber world.
Reclaiming Children and Youth, 13(4), 224-228. Retrieved from
Moore, P. M., Huebner, E. S., & Hills, K. J. (2012). Electronic
bullying and victimization and
life satisfaction in middle school students. Social Indicators
Research, 107(3), 429-447.
Rigby, K., & Smith, P. K. (2011). Is school bullying really on
the rise? Social Psychology of
Education : An International Journal, 14(4), 441-455.
Schneider, S. K., O'Donnell, L., Stueve, A., & Coulter, R. W.
(2012). Cyberbullying, school
bullying, and psychological distress: A regional census of high
school students. American
Journal of Public Health, 102(1), 171-7. Retrieved from
Sontag, L. M., Clemans, K. H., Graber, J. A., & Lyndon, S. T.
(2011). Traditional and cyber
aggressors and victims: A comparison of psychosocial
characteristics. Journal of Youth
and Adolescence, 40(4), 392-404. Retrieved from
Sugarman, S. (2009). Cyber bullying: Protecting kids and adults
from online bullies. Choice,
47(2), 397. Retrieved from
Sugarman, S. (2011). Cyber bullying: Protecting kids and adults
from online bullies. Choice,
48(10), 1851. Retrieved from
Thaxter, K. (2010). Cyber bullying: Challenges and strategies
faced by juvenile police officers.
Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 529-531. Retrieved from
Assignment 2: Final Research Paper: Final Draft
By Thursday, August 22, 2013, save your essay in .doc, .docx,
or .rtf format and upload it to the W5: Assignment 2 Dropbox.
When you submit your final paper to the W5: Assignment 2
Dropbox, it must be 10 to 12 typed, double-spaced pages (the
body is 8 to 10 pages; the other pages are additional—see
(Please click here for a sample paper.)
· Title page: this includes the title of your essay, your name, the
class, your instructor’s name, and the date (on one separate
· An abstract is not required, but may be included.
· Body of the paper: The paper body should be eight to ten
pages in length, with proper documentation evident throughout.
· References page: This separate page should include at least
eight sources. Encyclopedia articles (such as those from
Wikipedia or are not acceptable as sources for this
project. Documentation for references must be correct according
to the APA guidelines.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Paper provided a clear thesis statement in an introduction that
aroused the reader’s interest and took a particular position on
the topic under discussion.
Paper provided a clear focus throughout, with no irrelevant
information, and including logical connections among ideas.
The position taken in the thesis was supported with logical and
relevant evidence in the form of reasons, examples, and
All information from sources was cited properly within the
paper according to APA style.
Paper was free of logical errors, biased testimony, false
statistics, and language that should be avoided.
Conclusion reinforced position statement and appropriately
ended the paper.
Reference page was included and correctly formatted.
Paper was free or virtually free of grammatical, mechanical, and
spelling errors.
The body of the paper contained a minimum of eight pages (not
including the Title and References pages) double-spaced.

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  • 1. Running head: FINAL PAPER 1 FINAL PAPER 11 Final Paper Laura Dunkerson South University Online 8/24/13 Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying do your sources use one word or two for this term? Take another look. is one of the current social problems that have flourished with the advancement in technology because many people have access to technology today repetitive of “current”. The technology has gone to both good and bad hands. In bad hands, technology has been used to orchestrate various criminal activities. Among the criminal activities facilitated by the technology is cyber bullying. Various studies have been conducted on cyber bullying. This paper highlights some of the arguments in these studies. Despite being an activity that came with the advancement in technology, cyber bullying has rapidly spread in the society and can now affect anybody wherever he or she is if he or she is accessible to the internet. Thesis? What will the essay argue? A research V conducted by a Harford County Examiner revealed that half the population of teenagers is word form victims of cyber bullying and only 10% of the victims take a step to report the matter to their parents. Among the cyber bullying incidents, less than 20% of the incidents get reported to the law enforcement agencies. Approximately 20% of teenagers have photos of them taken while in embarrassing situations. It further revealed that girls are V often involved in cyber bullying than boys. The study therefore indicates that cyber bullying is V
  • 2. common in teenagers than any other age group. It further shows how parents distance themselves towards monitoring what their teenage children do on the internet how does it show that? The evidence about from the source don’t show that. Therefore, it can be concluded that inadequate parental consent is a major contributor to the high trends of cyber bullying (Thaxter, 2010). The information in this paragraph doesn’t support this conclusion. In regard to this, Thaxter (2010) researched and wrote a journal article titled “Cyber bullying: Challenges and strategies faced by juvenile police officers.” In this article, the author claims that juvenile police officers are expected by the government to ensure the full enforcement of laws and regulations related to cyber bullying in a school classroom setting. This makes the officers to be outstanding educational reserve this sentence doesn’t make sense. This move what move? by the police officers is centered towards the consequences of cyber bullying on the victims and also impacts that the school cyber bullying has on the behavior on the environment and ambiance at the school. A vital technique to link the differing levels of involvement in bullying is by calling attention to all students to take part in the responsibility of ending cyber bullying. Editing ends here. In order to fully understand cyber bullying and formulate the best ways of mitigating it, there have been various studies on psychiatry over the matter. The study aims at fully understanding the problem and the level of its prevalence among individuals especially among teenagers and schools. The studies give important indicators to the range of the problem, which aids in formulating cognizance crusades and material toolkits to both parents and schools. The studies also come up with various ways of detecting the problem that help in preventing the occurrence of the problem. Parents should build a closer relationship with their children to ensure reporting of any sensitive issue so that stern actions for the problems are taken. The victims should not erase the bullying messages, as
  • 3. they are proofs of victimization. Such incidences should be reported to the relevant authorities. The law enforcement agencies should put in strict laws against the bullies so that people can keep off from such activities. The network providers should start using filter machines to detect any form of bullying such machines include the support-vector machines that filters emails. The machines have been successful also in detecting web pages that contain racist messages. There is a need to analyze further the online interaction among individuals to detect the bullying messages (Sugarman, 2009) On the same topic of cyber bullying, Sugarman (2009) did a study on online bullies and wrote another journal article titled “Cyber bullying: Protecting kids and adults from online bullies.” In this article, he argues that like researchers, authors are able to give well-timed update assessment about cyber bullying. Bullying has been around for a while, and swift improvement in communication technology has modified it and caused it to become bigger. There is inefficient acknowledgment of the effects of online bullying young people among themselves. Various schools and institutions have enforced strict rules and regulations to prevent the occurrence of students inflicting torture to their fellow students due to their aggressive nature. This has led to the emergence of cyber bullying as a way of expressing aggression among individuals. A survey was conducted by i-SAFE America and results indicated that 42% of schoolchildren have experienced cyber bullying while they were online. By 2008, the percentage had risen to 72% (Moore, Huebner & Hills, 2012). This is a clear indication of the current state of cyber bullying and its prevalence in the society. Currently, large volumes of people use the internet for various purposes. The degree is higher among youths who use the internet for socialization. As a result, there is a high number of those who experience cyber bullying on a daily basis which raises the level of personal attacks. Administrators have the
  • 4. urge to act on this issue but none of them is sure of the best way of giving a response because the practice sometimes happens even when the victims are outside their institutions. The schools remain on a high threat because there are limited guidance and strategic decorum by law. Such complexities make cyber bullying a multifarious issue to deal with and some studies and research still have to be conducted to offer a solution to the problem of cyber bullying. In line with this, Moore, Huebner & Hills in 2012 did a study and drafted a journal article titled “Electronic bullying and victimization and life satisfaction in middle school students.” In the article, the study by these authors assessed the character and frequency of electronic bullying and oppression in a section of middle school students in a southeastern USA school. There was also examination of the link between events of electronic bullying and victimization and also global and domain specific life approvals. A sum of 855 US students of 7th and 8th grade replied on to the questions concerning global and domain-based life satisfaction, electronic bullying and victimization behaviors. There were a small percentage of students that gave information about their engagement in or them being victims of electronic bullying and point out that the activities to place several times a week. Statistics showed that a large relationship between electronic bullying and self-reported grades in schools, gender and parent marital status. Also, there was a large relationship between victimization and self-reported grades in school, parent marital status and ethnicity. This lead to the recommendation of a humble but the all-encompassing association between experiences of electronic bullying and victimization and adolescents’ life fulfillment details across a diversity of important life domains. Traditional bullying existed before the enforcement of stringent laws against it. It is a form of bullying that involves either verbal or physical torture, which affects a person emotionally. Cyber bullying on the other hand is a form of bullying that uses
  • 5. electronic forms as a means of reaching the victim. Cyber bullying is a permanence of traditional bullying with a large number of onlookers who do not physically know each other. The bystanders continuously revise the aggressive acts of the bully. The disclosure of the acts causes potential harm to the victim. Unlike the traditional bullying where the bully has physical power over the victim, cyber bullying does not require the bully to have physical power over the victim. In regard to traditional bullying and Cyber bullying Sontag, Clemans, Graber & Lyndon (2011) did a study and came up with a journal article titled “Traditional and cyber aggressors and victims: A comparison of psychosocial characteristics.” In this article, they argue that until now, there is slight knowledge about the difference between perpetrators and victims’ cyber and traditional types of aggression and this was the reason for this particular study especially on psychosocial characteristics, which were assessed in research on traditional aggression and victimization. Cyber aggressors showed small levels of reactive aggression compared to both traditional-only and combined aggressors. It was also discovered that combined aggressors showed the poorest psychosocial outline compared to other aggressor groups. Results advocated for exceptional aspects about cyber aggression and victimization that may lead to further research. On the other hand, Englander (2010) uses the journal article titled Editorial for the special issue on cyber-bullying to justify the fact that electronic aggression is different from offline in the twisted relative goal to actual damage. The steady accessibility of electronic communication appeal to individuals to use it in a more awkward or complex social exchanges which in turn may cause more social problems. These complex social exchanges in particular, lead to prevalence of cyber bullying. In other words, cyber bullying is one of the prominent social problems in this regard. As far as the effects of cyber bullying are concerned, the people who have undergone the problem of bullying are likely to
  • 6. experience such feelings as loneliness, anxiety, depression, and unhappiness. Cyber bullying may sometimes lead to panic attacks, which makes the affected to avoid social networks as a means of preventing further occurrence of bullying. The effects may usually go unnoticed because the victims may feel that if they reveal to anyone that they were bullied over the internet, they may be embarrassed or further be bullied. The resultant effect is usually a passive response to the effects and the victims may end up being less confident. As a result, their general performance in school becomes negatively affected that may impede their success in life. Bullying arises as a person tries to commit his/her leisure time to socialize. Therefore, when a person becomes bullied, he/she is likely to avoid the situation by becoming antisocial because their view on socializing might change and make them consider it as a way of infringing their right to freedom from violence via the mental and emotional torture. Bullying can also affect the productivity of organizations because as the workers become bullied, they get demotivated to work and begin being absent from the workplace. In the same note, focusing on cyber bullying among high school students, Schneider, O'Donnell, Stueve, & Coulter, (2012), came up with the journal article titled “Cyber bullying, school bullying, and psychological distress: A regional census of high school students.” In this article, the dominance of cyber bullying and schooling bullying victimization and their relationship with psychosocial distress was found out in relation to a research carried out from a regional census of high school students. It was found out that victimization was higher in non- heterosexually known youths. The victims showed low school performance and school attachment. Results of regulated analyses showed that distress was high in victims of cyber bullying and school bullying. In relation to culture, Keith & Martin (2005) researched on cyber bullying and authored the journal article titled “Cyber-
  • 7. bullying: Creating a culture of respect in a cyber world.”According to these authors, the numerous occasions that revolved around students on students’ brutality involved guns and this was done in the 1990s. School managements came up with programs that would keep guns and gangs out of schools. In the 21st century, the violence has taken a new dimension which has been helped by advancement in the technology hence making it easy for cyber bullies to have easier access to their victims. This article offers suggestions for overcoming the challenge of cyber bulling. Last, Rigby & Smith (2011) studied on cyber bullying in schools and wrote an academic journal article titled “Is school bullying really on the rise?”In this study, these authors conducted an assessment in different countries on whether school cyber bullying was rising or not. The results from their assessment show that dominance of cyber bullying in schools increased at different points in a particular time between 1990 and 2009. The report also shows that cyber bullying has increased compared to traditional bullying in the period the research took place. In conclusion, cyber bullying affects the productivity of the people both at their places of work and School. This may lead to negative outcomes in the end. As a result, it is advisable to enforce strict laws to prevent the growth of the act and the victims should be counseled to be able to heal their affected psychological life. It is a high time that parents should get involved in what their children do over the internet as a means of protecting their children from becoming either bullies or victims. Extensive research has been done on the topic of cyber bullying. This is because it is a form of crime that is rapidly spreading in the society because of the advancement in technology. It is evident in the discussion that cyber bullying is both in the society and learning institutions. Therefore, cyber bullying can now affect everybody accessible to the internet in one way or the other.
  • 8. Laura: This draft has a clear focus, a potential thesis, and some useful information. In revision, I have several suggestions. First, the essay needs the thesis to be presented earlier and with more specifics. What is the debate and what do you want to convince the reader of? Cyberbullying exists and most people are aware of it. That is a fact, not a thesis. What do you want to do about it? Second, each body paragraph needs to clearly connect to the thesis. Third, edit carefully for clarity and coherence. References: Englander, E. K. (2010). Editorial for the special issue on cyber-bullying. Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 508-509. Retrieved from 31 Keith, S., & Martin, M. E. (2005). Cyber-bullying: Creating a culture of respect in a cyber world. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 13(4), 224-228. Retrieved from 1 Moore, P. M., Huebner, E. S., & Hills, K. J. (2012). Electronic bullying and victimization and life satisfaction in middle school students. Social Indicators Research, 107(3), 429-447. Rigby, K., & Smith, P. K. (2011). Is school bullying really on the rise? Social Psychology of Education : An International Journal, 14(4), 441-455. 011-9158-y Schneider, S. K., O'Donnell, L., Stueve, A., & Coulter, R. W.
  • 9. (2012). Cyberbullying, school bullying, and psychological distress: A regional census of high school students. American Journal of Public Health, 102(1), 171-7. Retrieved from 31 Sontag, L. M., Clemans, K. H., Graber, J. A., & Lyndon, S. T. (2011). Traditional and cyber aggressors and victims: A comparison of psychosocial characteristics. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40(4), 392-404. Retrieved from 1 Sugarman, S. (2009). Cyber bullying: Protecting kids and adults from online bullies. Choice, 47(2), 397. Retrieved from 1 Sugarman, S. (2011). Cyber bullying: Protecting kids and adults from online bullies. Choice, 48(10), 1851. Retrieved from 1 Thaxter, K. (2010). Cyber bullying: Challenges and strategies faced by juvenile police officers. Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 529-531. Retrieved from 31 Assignment 2: Final Research Paper: Final Draft By Thursday, August 22, 2013, save your essay in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format and upload it to the W5: Assignment 2 Dropbox. When you submit your final paper to the W5: Assignment 2 Dropbox, it must be 10 to 12 typed, double-spaced pages (the
  • 10. body is 8 to 10 pages; the other pages are additional—see below). (Please click here for a sample paper.) · Title page: this includes the title of your essay, your name, the class, your instructor’s name, and the date (on one separate page). · An abstract is not required, but may be included. · Body of the paper: The paper body should be eight to ten pages in length, with proper documentation evident throughout. · References page: This separate page should include at least eight sources. Encyclopedia articles (such as those from Wikipedia or are not acceptable as sources for this project. Documentation for references must be correct according to the APA guidelines. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Paper provided a clear thesis statement in an introduction that aroused the reader’s interest and took a particular position on the topic under discussion. 25 Paper provided a clear focus throughout, with no irrelevant information, and including logical connections among ideas. 25 The position taken in the thesis was supported with logical and relevant evidence in the form of reasons, examples, and quotations. 50 All information from sources was cited properly within the paper according to APA style. 25 Paper was free of logical errors, biased testimony, false statistics, and language that should be avoided. 25 Conclusion reinforced position statement and appropriately ended the paper. 25
  • 11. Reference page was included and correctly formatted. 25 Paper was free or virtually free of grammatical, mechanical, and spelling errors. 25 The body of the paper contained a minimum of eight pages (not including the Title and References pages) double-spaced. 25 Total: 250