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Running head: Critical infrastructure and key resources 1
Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources
Wilmington University
Shashank Pitla
Table of Contents
Identifying Critical Assets:4
Government Facilities5
Health Care Sector5
Responsibilities and risk assessment6
Information Sharing8
Works Cited11
Critical infrastructure is here after preferred as CI is which
has predefined as frameworks and resources, physical or virtual,
so basic to the United States that the insufficiency or demolition
of such systems and assets would incapacitating influence
security, national fiscal security, national general prosperity
and prosperity, or any blend of those matters.
PDD-63, distinguished exercises whose basic frameworks ought
to be secured data and correspondences, keeping money and
fund, water supply flying, expressways, mass travel, pipelines,
rail administrations. The following research paper can help in
identifying of how can we recognize the basic foundation
around us or in a group and what are the obligations that must
be taken amid catastrophe in group and which particular office
is mindful, how impart the data all through the procedures
(GOV, 2009)
The exercises that are so specific are key to the everyday
working and security of the nation for instance, transportation
of merchandise and individuals, correspondences, saving the
financial state, the supply and dispersion of power and water.
Residential security and our capacity to observe, low in count of
the antagonistic acts additionally rely on upon some of these
exercises and in addition other more particular exercises like
insight assembling and summon and control of public safety and
military strengths. A genuine interruption in these exercises and
abilities could indirectly impact on the Nations security and
even the capacity of the variety of resources, capacities, data,
all personal information, and frameworks/ structure of the
system, shaping what has been known as the country's basic
foundations. These foundations have developed mind boggling
and interconnected, implying that an interruption in one may
prompt disturbances in others (GOV, 2009)(Security, NIPP
2013, 2013).Identification of CA:
DHS is also referred as Department of Homeland Security,
through different components, by including through state
country security authorities and lead organization authorities,
looks to recognize framework resources that fit the meaning of
basic foundation. The National Critical Infrastructure
Prioritization Program here after is referred as NCIPP and the
Critical Foreign Dependencies Initiative that is referred as
CFDI , bolstered with evaluation and analysis from the National
Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center and the Office of
Infrastructure Analysis, recognize those benefits by including in
the country and even in the foreign countries most basic to the
country all in all, in view of the risks to which the advantage is
uncovered, its vulnerabilities to those risks, the potential
outcomes that may result as to include impacts that may course
to other foundation resources. The consequences of this
investigation help populate a grouped two-layered information
base and by using the framework resources. DHS connects with
the proprietor/administrators of these advantages and offers
help with directing to information vulnerability evaluations and
makes proposals on the best way to decrease those risks. Also,
DHS will lead provincial strength evaluations. The Regional
Resiliency Assessment Program extends the defenselessness
evaluations to consider groups of basic frameworks and key
assets inside a given geographic location (Moteff, 2015). DHS
Act of 2002 assigned to the Information Analysis and
Infrastructure Protection Directorate the following activities:
(Moteff, 2015)
· Access, receive, analyze, and incorporate data from an
assortment of sources with a specific end goal to distinguish
and evaluate the nature and extent of the attackers those are
treat and threat. (L.C, 2010)
· Carry out exhaustive appraisals of the vulnerabilities of key
assets and basic foundation, of the United States including
hazard evaluations to decide risks postured by specific sorts of
assaults (Moteff, 2015)
· Incorporate the data that is similar and analyze the
vulnerability assessments to spot the highest priorities for
protective and support measures. (Moteff, 2015)
Three important Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources
Food Sector: The Food Corporation can manage and dress
people well past the points of confinement of the nation. This
part speaks to roughly one-fifth of the nation's budgetary
activity and is regulated at the administration level by the U.S.
Branch of Agriculture (U.S BA) and HHS, Food and Drug
Administration. (Secuirty, 2013)
Public Resources: The public resources and even the
Government facilities center such as a wide collection of
structures, asserted or leased by chose, state, territorial,
neighborhood or tribal governments, discovered locally and
abroad. Various organization workplaces are keen on the all-
inclusive community for business works out, business trades, or
recreational activities. Others not open to individuals all in all
contain extremely delicate information, materials, techniques,
and rigging. This consolidates general-use office structures and
excellent use armed force bases, government workplaces,
courthouses, national research focuses, and structures that may
house essential apparatus and systems, frameworks, and limits.
Despite physical structures, the part considers computerized
segments that add to the protection of division assets (e.g., get
the chance to control systems and close circuit TV structures)
and what's more the security of individuals who have key,
operational, or key data or perform fundamental limits.
(Security, CIKR, 2009)
In Public Health: The Public Health and Healthcare Sector
constitutes around 15 percent of the gross national thing.
Working in all U.S. states, districts, tribal domains, urban
groups, locales, and towns, the Public Health and Healthcare
Sector is key to the U.S. economy and accept a significant part
in like manner and recovery over each other portion if there
should arise an occurrence of a trademark or engineered
disaster. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
is the Sector-Specific Agency (SSA) for the Public Health and
Healthcare Sector. The Public Health and Healthcare Sector is
exceedingly decentralized. Section substances collaborate under
moving conditions (e.g., regulating supplies, giving clinical
care), in any case, other than in destructive events, human
administrations tends to be limited. (Library, 2015)
Financial Sector: these financial sectors can also be considered
as a Banking process and Finance Sector, these happen to be
establishment of the world economy, is a broad and varying
division primarily asserted and worked by private components.
Fiscal organizations firms give a broad display of budgetary
things for their customers. Cash related establishments work to
give customers the financial things that they require, ensure the
association's budgetary reliability, secure customers'
advantages, and confirmation the uprightness of the fiscal
system. In that limit, budgetary foundations and the cash related
markets that they deal with manage a wide arrangement of fiscal
and certain non-budgetary perils (GOV, 2009)
Responsibilities and risk assessment:
The CIKR confirmation / affirmation obligations of
specific proprietors or overseers vacillate for the most part
inside and across over ranges. A couple parts have managerial
or statutory frameworks that regulate private region security
operations inside the portion; regardless, most are guided by
purposeful security organizations or adherence to industry-
progressed acknowledged techniques. Inside this varying
protective scene, private fragment components can better secure
CIKR under their control with the following:
· Performing broad hazard appraisals exclusively fitted to their
specific portion, undertaking, or office chance scene
· Implementing protective exercises and ventures to diminish
recognized vulnerabilities legitimate to the level of hazard
· Participating in the NIPP division affiliation illustrate
(numbering SCCs and information sharing instruments)
(Chertoff, 2009)
· Developing a regard for fundamental conditions and bury
conditions at the part, wander, and office levels
· Assisting and supporting Elected, State, neighborhood, and
tribal government CIKR data social event and security attempts
Risks can be assessed for assets, frameworks,
systems, and portrayed mixes of these. By virtue of the risks
from dread mongering, the subject of the risk examination is for
the most part called the target. While making circumstances for
a risk examination of a by and large settled structure, a basic
introductory stride is to perceive those parts or essential center
points where potential results would be most critical and where
protective measures and adaptability philosophies can be locked
in. Open and versatile frameworks are probably going to require
more modern ways to deal with screening, which are still being
worked on. The hazard situation additionally recognizes the
potential wellspring of mischief. For psychological warfare, the
hazard situation must incorporate the methods for assault and
conveyance, for example, a 4000-pound TNT-proportionate,
VBIED. On account of regular perils, the hazard situation must
incorporate the sort and size of the risks. (Chertoff, 2009)
A wide range of weakness evaluation methodologies are
utilized as a part of the diverse CIKR divisions and by different
government specialists. The essential helplessness appraisal
procedures utilized as a part of every division are portrayed in
the individual SSPs. The SSPs additionally give particular
insights with respect to how the appraisals can be done (e.g., by
whom and how regularly). The consequences of the weakness
appraisals should be practically identical keeping in mind the
end goal to add to national-level, cross-part chance
examination. Similarly as with hazard evaluations,
powerlessness appraisals ought to meet a similar center criteria
(i.e., be archived, objective, faultless, and finish) if the
outcomes are to be analyzed at a national, cross-part level.
(Chertoff, 2009) (GOV, 2009)
Information Sharing:
· Empower secure multidirectional information sharing between
and across over government and industry that focuses,
streamlines, and reduces tedious offering an explanation to the
best degree possible. (Thomlinson, Christopher , Toby , &
Edward , 2013)
· Implement a typical arrangement of all-risks correspondences,
coordination, and data sharing capacities for all CIKR
accomplices. (Thomlinson, Christopher , Toby , & Edward ,
· Provide a key assets to accomplices with a powerful
interchanges system customized to their particular data sharing
necessities, chance scene, and defensive design (Thomlinson,
Christopher , Toby , & Edward , 2013)
· Provide CIKR accomplices with an extensive regular working
picture that incorporates convenient and exact data about
normal risks, general and particular threats, incidents and
events, impact assessments, and best practices.
· Provide CIKR accomplices with auspicious episode detailing
and check of related truths that proprietors and administrators
can use with certainty while considering how developing
occurrences may influence their hazard act (Thomlinson,
Christopher , Toby , & Edward , 2013)
· Inside the CIKR people group, data sharing is an unfortunate
chore. The target of an effective circumstance for data sharing
is to give ideal and correlated data that accessories can use to
settle on decisions and take the essential exercises to manage
CIKR possibility. (Thomlinson, Christopher , Toby , & Edward ,
In this day and age, it is vital to shield nation from various
sorts of episodes like common or synthetic catastrophes. Basic
Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR) distinguishes secure
the key assets that are in our group or state amid the
catastrophe. Main assets ought to be very much archived and
ought to have uniform weighting framework to yield valuable
effect evaluations. (Thomlinson, Christopher , Toby , & Edward
, 2013)The reconciliation of CIKR abilities ought not to be
isolated from all other progressing knowledge and data sharing
exercises; rather, it ought to be incorporated all through each
progression of the insight procedure. This will guarantee that
CIKR data is fittingly organized and coordinated with other
state, nearby, government, and private division risk data,
regardless of whether criminal, country security, or
counterterrorism in nature.
Chertoff, M. (2009). Homeland Security and Emergency
Managemnt. Homeland Security and Emergency Managemnt, 6-
GOV, D. (2009, November 19). CIKR - DHS. (DHS, Ed.)
Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources, 1-5. Retrieved from
L.C, P. (2010, June 9). Department of Homeland Security and
Information Sharing. (U. A. College, Ed.) USAWC Class of
2010, 4-16.
Library, H. S. (2015, April 9). Critical Infrastructure Key
Resources. Critical Infrastructure Key Resources Awareness,
Moteff, J. (2015, June 10). Critical Infrastructures. (R. Service,
Ed.) Critical Infrastructures: Bakckground and Implementation,
Secuirty, H. (2013). Partnering the CISR. California: NIPP.
Thomlinson, M., Christopher , B., Toby , L., & Edward , R.
(2013, June 13). Information Security and Privacy Advisory
Board. University of MIchigan press, 4-25. Retrieved June 14,
2013, from
Suggested Topics for Exploration Papers, Phil 1301 (Just a few)
Pre-Socratics: Their Arguments for Hedonism, Their Arguments
for Skepticism
Socrates: The Socratic Method, The Ethics of Socrates, Socrates
and the Gods, The Epistemology of Socrates, The Metaphysics
of Socrates, A Socratic Thanatology
Plato: The Allegory of the Cave, The Epistemology of Plato,
Plato’s Anthropology, Plato’s Understanding of Justice, Plato’s
Political Theory, Plato’s Feminism, Plato’s Understanding of
Love, Plato’s Understanding of the Forms, Plato’s Argument for
the World of Ideal Forms
Aristotle: Aristotle’s Physics, Aristotle’s Epistemology,
Aristotle’s Ethics, Aristotle’s Logic, Aristotle’s Disagreement
with Plato, Aristotle and the Development of Science,
Aristotle’s Poetics, Aristotle’s Political Thought, Aristotle’s
Understanding of Friendship, Aristotle’s Understanding of and
Argument for the Prime Mover, The Four Causes, Aristotle’s
Epicurus: Epicurus’ Metaphysics, Epicurus’ Ethics, Epicurus
and the Question of Death
Augustine of Hippo: His Argument for the Existence of God,
His Philosophy of Mind, His Understanding of Time, His
Synthesis of Christian Thought with Platonism, His Free-will
Theodicy (How he accounts for the presence of evil in a world
created by a good God)
Anselm: The Ontological Argument for the Existence of God
Thomas Aquinas: The Cosmological Argument for the Existence
of God, His Understanding of Natural Law
Renee Descartes: How Does He Come to the Conclusion, “Ergo
Sum Cogito?” His Understanding of the Mind/Body Problem,
His Argument for the Existence of God, His Epistemology
Gottfried Leibniz: His understanding of language, Theodicy of
Against Argument of Evil and Suffering
George Berkeley: His Argument for Subjective Idealism
John Locke: His Political Theory, His Epistemology
David Hume: His Skepticism and His Epistemology
Immanuel Kant: His Epistemological Revolution, His Ethics
(The Categorical Imperative)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: His Metaphysics (Dialectical
Understanding of Reality)
Karl Marx: His Interpretation of History, His Critique of
Capitalism, the Alienation of the Worker, the Superstructure of
Soren Kierkegaard: His Critique of Hegel, His Understanding of
Authenticity and Faith
Baruch Spinoza: His Ethics, His Understanding of God
Arthur Schopenhauer: His Understanding of the Will
Friedrich Nietzsche: His Idea of ‘Will to Power,’ His
Epistemology, His Metaphysics
Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein: Philosophy of Mind,
Philosophy of Language (Game Theory of Language)
Edmund Husserl: Phenomenology
Martin Heidegger: Ontology (existence), Hermeneutics
Jean-Paul Sartre: Atheistic Existentialism
Martin Buber: Theistic Existentialism (Ich-Du)
Alvin Plantinga: Analytic Theistic Philosophy, The Question of
Evil, His Ontological Argument

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Running head Critical infrastructure and key resources1.docx

  • 1. Running head: Critical infrastructure and key resources 1 Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources Wilmington University Shashank Pitla Table of Contents Introduction3 Identifying Critical Assets:4 Three important and CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND KEY RESOURCES (CIKR)5 Agriculture5 Government Facilities5 Health Care Sector5 Banking6 Responsibilities and risk assessment6 Information Sharing8 Conclusion10 Works Cited11 Introduction Critical infrastructure is here after preferred as CI is which has predefined as frameworks and resources, physical or virtual, so basic to the United States that the insufficiency or demolition of such systems and assets would incapacitating influence
  • 2. security, national fiscal security, national general prosperity and prosperity, or any blend of those matters. PDD-63, distinguished exercises whose basic frameworks ought to be secured data and correspondences, keeping money and fund, water supply flying, expressways, mass travel, pipelines, rail administrations. The following research paper can help in identifying of how can we recognize the basic foundation around us or in a group and what are the obligations that must be taken amid catastrophe in group and which particular office is mindful, how impart the data all through the procedures (GOV, 2009) The exercises that are so specific are key to the everyday working and security of the nation for instance, transportation of merchandise and individuals, correspondences, saving the financial state, the supply and dispersion of power and water. Residential security and our capacity to observe, low in count of the antagonistic acts additionally rely on upon some of these exercises and in addition other more particular exercises like insight assembling and summon and control of public safety and military strengths. A genuine interruption in these exercises and abilities could indirectly impact on the Nations security and even the capacity of the variety of resources, capacities, data, all personal information, and frameworks/ structure of the system, shaping what has been known as the country's basic foundations. These foundations have developed mind boggling and interconnected, implying that an interruption in one may prompt disturbances in others (GOV, 2009)(Security, NIPP 2013, 2013).Identification of CA: DHS is also referred as Department of Homeland Security, through different components, by including through state country security authorities and lead organization authorities, looks to recognize framework resources that fit the meaning of basic foundation. The National Critical Infrastructure Prioritization Program here after is referred as NCIPP and the Critical Foreign Dependencies Initiative that is referred as CFDI , bolstered with evaluation and analysis from the National
  • 3. Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center and the Office of Infrastructure Analysis, recognize those benefits by including in the country and even in the foreign countries most basic to the country all in all, in view of the risks to which the advantage is uncovered, its vulnerabilities to those risks, the potential outcomes that may result as to include impacts that may course to other foundation resources. The consequences of this investigation help populate a grouped two-layered information base and by using the framework resources. DHS connects with the proprietor/administrators of these advantages and offers help with directing to information vulnerability evaluations and makes proposals on the best way to decrease those risks. Also, DHS will lead provincial strength evaluations. The Regional Resiliency Assessment Program extends the defenselessness evaluations to consider groups of basic frameworks and key assets inside a given geographic location (Moteff, 2015). DHS Act of 2002 assigned to the Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection Directorate the following activities: (Moteff, 2015) · Access, receive, analyze, and incorporate data from an assortment of sources with a specific end goal to distinguish and evaluate the nature and extent of the attackers those are treat and threat. (L.C, 2010) · Carry out exhaustive appraisals of the vulnerabilities of key assets and basic foundation, of the United States including hazard evaluations to decide risks postured by specific sorts of assaults (Moteff, 2015) · Incorporate the data that is similar and analyze the vulnerability assessments to spot the highest priorities for protective and support measures. (Moteff, 2015) Three important Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR): Food Sector: The Food Corporation can manage and dress people well past the points of confinement of the nation. This part speaks to roughly one-fifth of the nation's budgetary activity and is regulated at the administration level by the U.S.
  • 4. Branch of Agriculture (U.S BA) and HHS, Food and Drug Administration. (Secuirty, 2013) Public Resources: The public resources and even the Government facilities center such as a wide collection of structures, asserted or leased by chose, state, territorial, neighborhood or tribal governments, discovered locally and abroad. Various organization workplaces are keen on the all- inclusive community for business works out, business trades, or recreational activities. Others not open to individuals all in all contain extremely delicate information, materials, techniques, and rigging. This consolidates general-use office structures and excellent use armed force bases, government workplaces, courthouses, national research focuses, and structures that may house essential apparatus and systems, frameworks, and limits. Despite physical structures, the part considers computerized segments that add to the protection of division assets (e.g., get the chance to control systems and close circuit TV structures) and what's more the security of individuals who have key, operational, or key data or perform fundamental limits. (Security, CIKR, 2009) In Public Health: The Public Health and Healthcare Sector constitutes around 15 percent of the gross national thing. Working in all U.S. states, districts, tribal domains, urban groups, locales, and towns, the Public Health and Healthcare Sector is key to the U.S. economy and accept a significant part in like manner and recovery over each other portion if there should arise an occurrence of a trademark or engineered disaster. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the Sector-Specific Agency (SSA) for the Public Health and Healthcare Sector. The Public Health and Healthcare Sector is exceedingly decentralized. Section substances collaborate under moving conditions (e.g., regulating supplies, giving clinical care), in any case, other than in destructive events, human administrations tends to be limited. (Library, 2015) Financial Sector: these financial sectors can also be considered as a Banking process and Finance Sector, these happen to be
  • 5. establishment of the world economy, is a broad and varying division primarily asserted and worked by private components. Fiscal organizations firms give a broad display of budgetary things for their customers. Cash related establishments work to give customers the financial things that they require, ensure the association's budgetary reliability, secure customers' advantages, and confirmation the uprightness of the fiscal system. In that limit, budgetary foundations and the cash related markets that they deal with manage a wide arrangement of fiscal and certain non-budgetary perils (GOV, 2009) Responsibilities and risk assessment: The CIKR confirmation / affirmation obligations of specific proprietors or overseers vacillate for the most part inside and across over ranges. A couple parts have managerial or statutory frameworks that regulate private region security operations inside the portion; regardless, most are guided by purposeful security organizations or adherence to industry- progressed acknowledged techniques. Inside this varying protective scene, private fragment components can better secure the CIKR under their control with the following: · Performing broad hazard appraisals exclusively fitted to their specific portion, undertaking, or office chance scene · Implementing protective exercises and ventures to diminish recognized vulnerabilities legitimate to the level of hazard presented · Participating in the NIPP division affiliation illustrate (numbering SCCs and information sharing instruments) (Chertoff, 2009) · Developing a regard for fundamental conditions and bury conditions at the part, wander, and office levels · Assisting and supporting Elected, State, neighborhood, and tribal government CIKR data social event and security attempts Risks can be assessed for assets, frameworks,
  • 6. systems, and portrayed mixes of these. By virtue of the risks from dread mongering, the subject of the risk examination is for the most part called the target. While making circumstances for a risk examination of a by and large settled structure, a basic introductory stride is to perceive those parts or essential center points where potential results would be most critical and where protective measures and adaptability philosophies can be locked in. Open and versatile frameworks are probably going to require more modern ways to deal with screening, which are still being worked on. The hazard situation additionally recognizes the potential wellspring of mischief. For psychological warfare, the hazard situation must incorporate the methods for assault and conveyance, for example, a 4000-pound TNT-proportionate, VBIED. On account of regular perils, the hazard situation must incorporate the sort and size of the risks. (Chertoff, 2009) A wide range of weakness evaluation methodologies are utilized as a part of the diverse CIKR divisions and by different government specialists. The essential helplessness appraisal procedures utilized as a part of every division are portrayed in the individual SSPs. The SSPs additionally give particular insights with respect to how the appraisals can be done (e.g., by whom and how regularly). The consequences of the weakness appraisals should be practically identical keeping in mind the end goal to add to national-level, cross-part chance examination. Similarly as with hazard evaluations, powerlessness appraisals ought to meet a similar center criteria (i.e., be archived, objective, faultless, and finish) if the outcomes are to be analyzed at a national, cross-part level. (Chertoff, 2009) (GOV, 2009) Information Sharing: · Empower secure multidirectional information sharing between and across over government and industry that focuses, streamlines, and reduces tedious offering an explanation to the best degree possible. (Thomlinson, Christopher , Toby , & Edward , 2013) · Implement a typical arrangement of all-risks correspondences,
  • 7. coordination, and data sharing capacities for all CIKR accomplices. (Thomlinson, Christopher , Toby , & Edward , 2013) · Provide a key assets to accomplices with a powerful interchanges system customized to their particular data sharing necessities, chance scene, and defensive design (Thomlinson, Christopher , Toby , & Edward , 2013) · Provide CIKR accomplices with an extensive regular working picture that incorporates convenient and exact data about normal risks, general and particular threats, incidents and events, impact assessments, and best practices. · Provide CIKR accomplices with auspicious episode detailing and check of related truths that proprietors and administrators can use with certainty while considering how developing occurrences may influence their hazard act (Thomlinson, Christopher , Toby , & Edward , 2013) · Inside the CIKR people group, data sharing is an unfortunate chore. The target of an effective circumstance for data sharing is to give ideal and correlated data that accessories can use to settle on decisions and take the essential exercises to manage CIKR possibility. (Thomlinson, Christopher , Toby , & Edward , 2013) Conclusion In this day and age, it is vital to shield nation from various sorts of episodes like common or synthetic catastrophes. Basic Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR) distinguishes secure the key assets that are in our group or state amid the catastrophe. Main assets ought to be very much archived and ought to have uniform weighting framework to yield valuable effect evaluations. (Thomlinson, Christopher , Toby , & Edward , 2013)The reconciliation of CIKR abilities ought not to be isolated from all other progressing knowledge and data sharing exercises; rather, it ought to be incorporated all through each progression of the insight procedure. This will guarantee that CIKR data is fittingly organized and coordinated with other state, nearby, government, and private division risk data,
  • 8. regardless of whether criminal, country security, or counterterrorism in nature. References Chertoff, M. (2009). Homeland Security and Emergency Managemnt. Homeland Security and Emergency Managemnt, 6- 9. GOV, D. (2009, November 19). CIKR - DHS. (DHS, Ed.) Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources, 1-5. Retrieved from L.C, P. (2010, June 9). Department of Homeland Security and Information Sharing. (U. A. College, Ed.) USAWC Class of 2010, 4-16. Library, H. S. (2015, April 9). Critical Infrastructure Key Resources. Critical Infrastructure Key Resources Awareness, 13-17. Moteff, J. (2015, June 10). Critical Infrastructures. (R. Service, Ed.) Critical Infrastructures: Bakckground and Implementation, 9-10. Secuirty, H. (2013). Partnering the CISR. California: NIPP. Thomlinson, M., Christopher , B., Toby , L., & Edward , R. (2013, June 13). Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board. University of MIchigan press, 4-25. Retrieved June 14, 2013, from 06/ispab_meeting-minutes_june-2013_approved.pdf Suggested Topics for Exploration Papers, Phil 1301 (Just a few) Pre-Socratics: Their Arguments for Hedonism, Their Arguments for Skepticism Socrates: The Socratic Method, The Ethics of Socrates, Socrates and the Gods, The Epistemology of Socrates, The Metaphysics
  • 9. of Socrates, A Socratic Thanatology Plato: The Allegory of the Cave, The Epistemology of Plato, Plato’s Anthropology, Plato’s Understanding of Justice, Plato’s Political Theory, Plato’s Feminism, Plato’s Understanding of Love, Plato’s Understanding of the Forms, Plato’s Argument for the World of Ideal Forms Aristotle: Aristotle’s Physics, Aristotle’s Epistemology, Aristotle’s Ethics, Aristotle’s Logic, Aristotle’s Disagreement with Plato, Aristotle and the Development of Science, Aristotle’s Poetics, Aristotle’s Political Thought, Aristotle’s Understanding of Friendship, Aristotle’s Understanding of and Argument for the Prime Mover, The Four Causes, Aristotle’s Aesthetics Epicurus: Epicurus’ Metaphysics, Epicurus’ Ethics, Epicurus and the Question of Death Augustine of Hippo: His Argument for the Existence of God, His Philosophy of Mind, His Understanding of Time, His Synthesis of Christian Thought with Platonism, His Free-will Theodicy (How he accounts for the presence of evil in a world created by a good God) Anselm: The Ontological Argument for the Existence of God Thomas Aquinas: The Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God, His Understanding of Natural Law Renee Descartes: How Does He Come to the Conclusion, “Ergo Sum Cogito?” His Understanding of the Mind/Body Problem, His Argument for the Existence of God, His Epistemology Gottfried Leibniz: His understanding of language, Theodicy of Against Argument of Evil and Suffering George Berkeley: His Argument for Subjective Idealism John Locke: His Political Theory, His Epistemology David Hume: His Skepticism and His Epistemology Immanuel Kant: His Epistemological Revolution, His Ethics (The Categorical Imperative) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: His Metaphysics (Dialectical Understanding of Reality) Karl Marx: His Interpretation of History, His Critique of
  • 10. Capitalism, the Alienation of the Worker, the Superstructure of society Soren Kierkegaard: His Critique of Hegel, His Understanding of Authenticity and Faith Baruch Spinoza: His Ethics, His Understanding of God Arthur Schopenhauer: His Understanding of the Will Friedrich Nietzsche: His Idea of ‘Will to Power,’ His Epistemology, His Metaphysics Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language (Game Theory of Language) Edmund Husserl: Phenomenology Martin Heidegger: Ontology (existence), Hermeneutics Jean-Paul Sartre: Atheistic Existentialism Martin Buber: Theistic Existentialism (Ich-Du) Alvin Plantinga: Analytic Theistic Philosophy, The Question of Evil, His Ontological Argument