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Running head: COMPANY OVERVIEW 1
Company Overview
Vanessa McCray
Capella University
Dr. Frank DeCaro
January 21, 2018
Coca-Cola Company: Background Information
Coca-Cola Company was founded in 1886 by John Pemberton in
Atlanta, Georgia, United States. It has been a leading company
in the beverage and soft drinks industry since its establishment
in the 19th century. The company has managed to grow from a
small firm that could only manage to sell just nine glasses of
the beverage each day which has increased to see the company
sell billions of gallons of the Coca-Cola beverage. The
company's value has grown exponentially over the years with
the popularity of their beverages and soft drinks rising among
the American consumers and worldwide (The Coca-Cola
Company 2018). Currently, Coca-Cola has become a household
name not only in the United States but also across the world.
For many years, the company has attained sustainable growth in
the market by being able to offer quality and consistent brands
to their consumers in the global market.
Coca-Cola Company has been a publicly traded multinational
firm since the 1920s. In the New York Stock Exchange, Coca-
Cola Company is traded as NYSE: KO and is also listed as a
Fortune 500 Companies. Over the years, Coca-Cola has been
able to harness some of the key capabilities such as quality,
consistency, and the uniqueness of their brands enabling them
to pursue expansion into other global markets. This has enabled
them to be gain a competitive advantage in the market thereby
staying ahead of its competitors. Presently, Coca-Cola is a
market leader in the beverage industry as it has been able to
control a significant share of the global soft drinks and
beverage market (The Coca-Cola Company 2018). PepsiCo is
the main competitor to Coca-Cola across the world. The
company has its operations, production and distribution
activities, in almost every nation worldwide except in the case
of Cuba and North Korea. Both franchising and acquisition have
been significant strategies enabling the company to gain control
of a large market share despite the presence of competing firms
in the market (Rubin, Moriarty, & Mehlsak, n.d). The company
has more than 500 brands available in the market for their
consumers, with the largest volume of sales each day.
Organizational Structure
The structural design of the company has been designed to
ensure that all its production and distribution plants across the
world are functional regardless of the location. The
organizational structure of the Coca-Cola Company befits a
multinational company of its size as it simplifies the operations
(Elmore, 2013). The president and the C.E.O of the company
head all the business operations of the organization with the
assistance of the sub-ordinates spread across the various global
regions. The administration of the company is highly
decentralized where each plant operates independently while
ensuring coordination with the rest of the plants worldwide.
The firm is structured into manufacturing, marketing, corporate
staff, and finance. This has enabled the company to maintain
quality, consistency, and uniqueness in their brands regardless
of the region that the production takes place. The areas assigned
to various operating groups include the European Union, Africa,
North America, Latin America, Pacific, and Eurasia (Rubin,
Moriarty, & Mehlsak, n.d). These regions are further subdivided
into individual countries to ensure that for easy decision making
in as much as it helps the company can respond to the changes
in the local market. Managers in the higher managerial levels
help with the long-term planning of the operations within the
company and guarantee the attainment of their goals.
Coca-Cola Company in the Beverage Industry
Coca-Cola Company operates within a highly competitive
environment in the beverage and non-alcoholic drinks industry.
This is because there are many alternatives which are available
in the market from various manufacturers. The entry into this
industry has been made almost impossible by the dominant
firms such as Coca-Cola, which has seen most entrant firms
failing during the initial stages of entry into the market. Coca-
Cola Company and PepsiCo are the dominant firms in the
industry controlling more than 60% of the global market share.
Coca-Cola Company is a market leader in the industry
controlling the largest market share globally (Elmore, 2013).
Coca-Cola has managed to overcome the competitive forces
from new entrants through its ability to provide consumers with
unique brands. Some of the alternatives in the market include
nutritional and energy drinks. Coca-Cola Company has managed
to guarantee the global customers quality, unique tastes, and a
wide range of benefits from their products.
Macroeconomic Environment
The beverage industry exposes Coca-Cola Company to various
environmental factors that have affected their operations in the
local and international market. These factors vary from internal
to external forces, which may affect their operations in the
foreign, national, regional, and local level. The soft drinks and
beverage industries are adversely affected by the changes in the
external business environment factors (Rubin, Moriarty, &
Mehlsak, n.d). These include the political-legal, economic,
social, cultural, and technological factors. These have been due
to the changes in the political environment in most countries as
well as legislations that govern the operations of local and
multinational firms in different countries.
Demographic patterns have changed significantly across the
world in as much as the technology being used in
communication and production has advanced. This has
transformed the channels used to conduct business and the
utilization of particular resources which are vital to success in
the industry (Elmore, 2013). Economic factors have also
affected the industry with recessions and inflation globally.
This affects the consumption patterns, which in turn affects the
flow of revenue and profitability in the industry. The company
enjoys its global brand awareness and unique selling
capabilities enabling it to achieve sustainability in the market.
Elmore, B. J. (2013). Citizen Coke: an environmental and
political history of the Coca-Cola Company. Enterprise &
Society, 14(4), 717-731.
Rubin, J., Moriarty, B., & Mehlsak, A. (n.d). Sustainability at
the Coca-Cola Company in a New Era of Brand Building,
The Coca-Cola Company (2018). History. The Coca-Cola
Company [online]. Available at: http://www.coca- [Accessed 19 Jan. 2018].
HR Roles Mind map Grading Guide
HRM/300 Version 6
2 Individual Assignment: HR Roles MindmapPurpose of
The purpose of the assignment is to aid the student in
identifying the various HR positions in an organization.
Creating a mindmap will show how the HR positions relate to
each other and function in an organization. Writing a job
description will show the essential duties and responsibilities of
the HR roles the student chooses.Grading Guide
Partially Met
Not Met
The student creates a mind map or infographic that includes 7 to
10 characteristics and responsibilities for each of the four
potential HR roles chosen.
The student includes the job requirements for at least three of
the HR roles.
The student includes a job description for each HR role they
Each job description is at least 350 words.
Total Available
Total Earned
Writing Guidelines
Partially Met
Not Met
The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page,
and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting
guidelines and meets course-level requirements.
Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a
reference page.
Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and
maintain the flow throughout the paper.
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and
Total Available
Total Earned
Assignment Total
Additional comments:
Coca Cola Company Economic Analysis
Vanessa McCray
Capella University
Dr. Frank DeCaro
February 4, 2018
Coca Cola Company Economic Analysis
Regulatory Considerations Affecting the Company
Coca Cola Company operates in a global environment where it
is affected by a wide range of environmental regulations. The
global environmental conditions have been changing, which
requires the organization to make effective decisions that will
guarantee sustainability of their business. The policies and
programs developed within the company seek to ensure that
Coca Cola Company continues with its operations across the
world in a manner that upholds social responsibility, enhances
productivity, and profitability of the organization (McConnell,
Brue, Flynn, 2014). Thus, the company has to observe some
environmental and accounting regulations while making some of
its key decisions, which in turn go a long way towards affecting
its performance on a global platform.
Environmental Regulations
There are various environmental regulations that affect the
economic decisions made within Coca Cola Company such as
the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act. The company has always
strived to make its economic decisions in a way that enhances
accountability for environmental performance. This has helped
minimize the negative impacts that may be associated with their
operations on both the local and global environment. As the
company continues to achieve greater growth globally, it has
always sought to maintain compliance with the applicable
environmental laws and regulations in all their manufacturing
and distribution activities of their products. In addition, the
company has been a major stakeholders in the policy
formulation discussions, which impact their environmental
conservation strategies (Rubin, Moriarty, & Mehlsak, n.d). This
has ensured that the company supports all the public policies
relating to water quality, agriculture, ingredients, packaging,
among other environmental policies and actions that could
affect the company’s global operations.
Water conservation, use of clean energy, and addressing climate
change are some of the policy issues that have affected the
firm’s operations. The adoption of ISO 14001, which is an
international environmental management system, in most of the
company’s plants served as a key milestone towards compliance
with environmental regulations. Packaging and recycling,
through the 3Rs principle of Reduce, Recover, and Recycle, has
enabled the company to minimize environmental impacts
brought by packaging activities (Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson,
2012). On the other hand, the company seeks to promote
sustainable agriculture in the face of population growth, rising
food insecurity, and climate changes, by supporting various
programs that aim at enhancing agricultural productivity.
Accounting Regulations
As a publicly traded company, Coca Cola Company is required
to abide with the accounting regulations set by the SEC.
Appropriate financial reporting standards should be followed to
ensure that the stakeholders and general public can obtain
accurate financial reports to be used in making their investment
decisions. Some of the accounting regulations that affect Coca
Cola Company include Dodd-Frank Act or the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act, which aim at enhancing the financial accounting practices
of most organizations (Posner, 2014).
Sarbanes-Oxley Act was introduced in 2002 as a way of trying
to counter corporate fraud that was taking place in most
publicly traded organizations. Coca Cola Company has put in
place effective strategies to enhance compliance with the
accounting procedures and regulations established by this Act.
The company CEO is held personally responsible for any
accounting audit errors which may indicate any organizational
accounting malpractices (McConnell, Brue, Flynn, 2014). In
addition, Coca Cola Company stands to be audited by the Public
Company Oversight Board, which was created by the SOX to
establish the required standards of audit reports. By following
these standards, the company has been able to eliminate the
occurrence of accounting malpractices, which has in turn
enhanced investor confidence in their financial statements.
Another accounting regulation that has affected Coca Cola
Company is the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010. This act was a federal
law that seeks to regulate the financial accounting industry
through various government agencies. The company abides with
the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act, which has been essential in
promoting accountability and transparency across all the levels
of the organization (Posner, 2014). The presence of these
regulations has impacted the accounting practices used by the
company not only in the United States but also across the world.
Ethical Considerations and Economic Decisions at Coca Cola
As a global company, Coca Cola Company has to deal with
many ethical issues in their operations. It is also one of the
most valuable brand names across the world. However, Coca
Cola has had to deal with many ethical issues in the industry
such as racial discrimination claims, financial reporting
malpractices, disruption of contractual agreements, and
misrepresentation of market tests for some of their products
(Rubin, Moriarty, & Mehlsak, n.d). Coca Cola faces stiff
competition from other key companies such as PepsiCo, which
is also a market leader in the beverage industry. The fact that
the company operates in such a competitive and dynamic global
environment makes it possible to engage in various ethical
malpractices, which may raise concerns among the consumers,
stakeholders, and respective agencies.
Corporate social responsibility has been at the center of Coca
Cola’s mission to maintain its positive reputation among the key
stakeholders and consumers. The company has always been
committed towards ensuring that their products and activities
are manufactured with the interests of their consumers guiding
their decisions. This has enabled the company to provide
healthy products and contribute towards programs that promote
environmental protection across the world. Social responsibility
has been a key ethical issue that has helped guide the economic
decisions made by the organization in all their operations (Hitt,
Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2012). Diversity in the workplace is also
a major concern for the organization given its diverse workforce
from across the world. There have been various incidents where
the company had been accused of racial discrimination in the
workplace. Additionally, the company has been involved in
various queries over inflated earnings in their financial reports,
which amounts to misinformation to their stakeholders and
potential investors. The presence of various legal provisions on
accounting practices has ensured that the company complies
with financial reporting standards for the publicly traded
Role of Government Fiscal/Monetary Polices
Fiscal and monetary policies developed by the governments in
various global locations where the company operates have had a
significant effect on the economic decisions made by Coca Cola
Company. The fiscal policies affect the growth, employment,
inflation, and business cycles. Thus, fiscal policies can be used
to target a particular sector of the economy or organization
through tools such as taxation or providing incentives. On the
other hand, monetary policies affects all the sectors of the
economy through the use of various tools such as discount rates,
open market operations, and reserve ration requirements (Hitt,
Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2012). Coca Cola Company has had to
make changes to its key decisions regarding employment and
expansion into new locations based on the policies in place.
Coca-Cola enjoys being able to acquire talents from all over the
world through its highly effective human resource management
platforms. The monetary and fiscal policies have led to various
changes in the strategies applied by the company.
Monetary policy expansion within an economy has led the
company to increase their expenditure and investment, which
has helped the company boost its revenue from various
locations. Expansion on the fiscal policies implies that the
government is willing to spend more in supporting the
operations of the organization (McConnell, Brue, Flynn, 2014).
Coca Cola Company has worked closely with governments in
the formulation of policies to ensure that they can achieve
higher levels of performance and increase their investment in
production activities. Higher taxes discourage investment, and
as such Coca Cola may opt to reduce investing in economies
where taxation is high while low taxes encourage the company
to increase its investment within an economy.
Hitt, M., Ireland, R. D. & Hoskisson, R. (2012). Strategic
management cases: competitiveness and globalization. New
York: Cengage Learning.
Rubin, J., Moriarty, B., & Mehlsak, A. (n.d). Sustainability at
the Coca-Cola Company in a New Era of Brand Building,
Posner, R. A. (2014). Economic analysis of law. Wolters
Kluwer Law & Business.
McConnell, C., Brue, S., Flynn, S. (01/2014). Macroeconomics
Principles, Problems, & Policies, 20th Edition [Vital Source
Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from
Company Analysis
This is the final piece of your course project. You will complete
and submit
your company analysis by compiling the work you did in the
assignments for
Units 2 and 4 with the additional content needed to fully
analyze your company.
Your completed Company Analysis should read as a seamless
executive report,
so organize it in a logical fashion. You are encouraged to draw
from your
previous assignments, incorporating feedback from your
instructor as well as
additional information, and making sure your work fully
addresses the
requirements of this assignment. Do not simply paste your
previous assignments
into a new document.
Your completed company analysis should include the following:
• An introduction to the company and its industry.
o Include relevant background information.
o Describe the organizational structure.
• An analysis of the current economic environment of the
company and
o Explain how things such as tax rates, unemployment, and
government fiscal policies have affected the economic
decisions of the company.
o Explain the role of the Central Bank in the economic
• An analysis of the global presence of the company.
o Describe the global economic climate in which the company
is operating.
o Explain how things such as free trade, trade barriers, the
Third Basel Accord, or NAFTA have affected company
economic decisions.
o Analyze the economic implications of operating in different
market and industry structures.
o Explain the role of ethics and regulatory considerations in
operating globally.
• An analysis of the overall effect of macroeconomic principles,
policies, and tools that have influenced the economic decisions
strategy development of the company.
o Explain how macroeconomic principles, models, and tools
created value for the organization.
o Explain how macroeconomic principles, theories, policies,
and tools affected strategy development within the
o In other words, what macroeconomic principles, theories,
policies, and tools do you see at work within the company,
driving the economic decisions and strategy development?
• Recommended strategies (based on macroeconomic principles,
models, and tools) the company could adopt to successfully
long-term profits.
• A conclusion, including a long-term outlook for the company.
Additional Requirements
• Include a title page, reference page, and one-page executive
• Include 10-12 pages, not including title page, reference page,
executive summary.
• Use at least four scholarly or professional resources.
• Use APA format for citations and references.
• Set your paper in Times New Roman, 12 points, double
• Company Analysis Scoring Guide.
Company Analysis Scoring Guide
Due Date: End of Unit 6.
Percentage of Course Grade: 25%.
Analyze the
environment of a
company and
Does not analyze the
environment of a
company and
Describes the
environment of a
company and
Analyzes the
environment of a
company and
Analyzes the economic
environment of a
company and industry;
includes a concise
explanation of the factors
that affect the economic
Analyze the global
presence of a
Does not analyze the
global presence of a
Describes the global
presence of a
Analyzes the global
presence of a
Analyzes the global
presence of a company
and explains the factors
that affect its global
Analyze the effect of
principles, theories,
policies and tools on
a company’s
economic decisions
and strategy
Does not analyze the
effect of
principles, theories,
policies and tools on
a company’s
economic decisions
and strategy
Describes the effect
of macroeconomic
principles, theories,
policies and tools on
a company’s
economic decisions
and strategy
Analyzes the effect
of macroeconomic
principles, theories,
policies and tools on
a company’s
economic decisions
and strategy
Evaluates how well the
principles, theories,
policies and tools used in
a company’s economic
decisions and strategy
development have
served to create value for
the company in a global
strategies based on
principles, theories,
models, and tools
that a company
could use to
maximize long-term
Does not
strategies based on
principles, theories,
models, and tools
that a company
could use to
maximize long-term
Identifies strategies
that a company could
use to maximize
long-term profits, but
the strategies are not
based on
principles, theories,
models, and tools.
strategies based on
principles, theories,
models, and tools
that a company
could use to
maximize long-term
Recommends strategies
based on
principles, theories,
models, and tools that a
company could use to
maximize long-term
profits and supports
recommendations with
relevant evidence.
Correctly format
citations and
references using
current APA style.
Does not correctly
format citations and
references using
current APA style.
Uses current APA to
format citations and
references but with
numerous errors.
Correctly formats
citations and
references using
current APA style
with few errors.
Correctly formats
citations and references
using current APA style
with no errors.
Write content clearly
and logically with
correct use of
punctuation, and
Does not write
content clearly,
logically, or with
correct use of
punctuation, and
Writes with errors in
clarity, logic,
punctuation, and/or
Writes content
clearly and logically
with correct use of
punctuation, and
Writes clearly and
logically with correct use
of spelling, grammar,
punctuation, and
mechanics; uses relevant
evidence to support a
central idea.
Page 1 of 1Company Analysis Scoring Guide

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  • 1. Running head: COMPANY OVERVIEW 1 COMPANY OVERVIEW 5 Company Overview Vanessa McCray Capella University Dr. Frank DeCaro January 21, 2018 Coca-Cola Company: Background Information Coca-Cola Company was founded in 1886 by John Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. It has been a leading company in the beverage and soft drinks industry since its establishment in the 19th century. The company has managed to grow from a small firm that could only manage to sell just nine glasses of the beverage each day which has increased to see the company sell billions of gallons of the Coca-Cola beverage. The company's value has grown exponentially over the years with the popularity of their beverages and soft drinks rising among the American consumers and worldwide (The Coca-Cola Company 2018). Currently, Coca-Cola has become a household name not only in the United States but also across the world. For many years, the company has attained sustainable growth in
  • 2. the market by being able to offer quality and consistent brands to their consumers in the global market. Coca-Cola Company has been a publicly traded multinational firm since the 1920s. In the New York Stock Exchange, Coca- Cola Company is traded as NYSE: KO and is also listed as a Fortune 500 Companies. Over the years, Coca-Cola has been able to harness some of the key capabilities such as quality, consistency, and the uniqueness of their brands enabling them to pursue expansion into other global markets. This has enabled them to be gain a competitive advantage in the market thereby staying ahead of its competitors. Presently, Coca-Cola is a market leader in the beverage industry as it has been able to control a significant share of the global soft drinks and beverage market (The Coca-Cola Company 2018). PepsiCo is the main competitor to Coca-Cola across the world. The company has its operations, production and distribution activities, in almost every nation worldwide except in the case of Cuba and North Korea. Both franchising and acquisition have been significant strategies enabling the company to gain control of a large market share despite the presence of competing firms in the market (Rubin, Moriarty, & Mehlsak, n.d). The company has more than 500 brands available in the market for their consumers, with the largest volume of sales each day. Organizational Structure The structural design of the company has been designed to ensure that all its production and distribution plants across the world are functional regardless of the location. The organizational structure of the Coca-Cola Company befits a multinational company of its size as it simplifies the operations (Elmore, 2013). The president and the C.E.O of the company head all the business operations of the organization with the assistance of the sub-ordinates spread across the various global regions. The administration of the company is highly decentralized where each plant operates independently while ensuring coordination with the rest of the plants worldwide. The firm is structured into manufacturing, marketing, corporate
  • 3. staff, and finance. This has enabled the company to maintain quality, consistency, and uniqueness in their brands regardless of the region that the production takes place. The areas assigned to various operating groups include the European Union, Africa, North America, Latin America, Pacific, and Eurasia (Rubin, Moriarty, & Mehlsak, n.d). These regions are further subdivided into individual countries to ensure that for easy decision making in as much as it helps the company can respond to the changes in the local market. Managers in the higher managerial levels help with the long-term planning of the operations within the company and guarantee the attainment of their goals. Coca-Cola Company in the Beverage Industry Coca-Cola Company operates within a highly competitive environment in the beverage and non-alcoholic drinks industry. This is because there are many alternatives which are available in the market from various manufacturers. The entry into this industry has been made almost impossible by the dominant firms such as Coca-Cola, which has seen most entrant firms failing during the initial stages of entry into the market. Coca- Cola Company and PepsiCo are the dominant firms in the industry controlling more than 60% of the global market share. Coca-Cola Company is a market leader in the industry controlling the largest market share globally (Elmore, 2013). Coca-Cola has managed to overcome the competitive forces from new entrants through its ability to provide consumers with unique brands. Some of the alternatives in the market include nutritional and energy drinks. Coca-Cola Company has managed to guarantee the global customers quality, unique tastes, and a wide range of benefits from their products. Macroeconomic Environment The beverage industry exposes Coca-Cola Company to various environmental factors that have affected their operations in the local and international market. These factors vary from internal to external forces, which may affect their operations in the foreign, national, regional, and local level. The soft drinks and beverage industries are adversely affected by the changes in the
  • 4. external business environment factors (Rubin, Moriarty, & Mehlsak, n.d). These include the political-legal, economic, social, cultural, and technological factors. These have been due to the changes in the political environment in most countries as well as legislations that govern the operations of local and multinational firms in different countries. Demographic patterns have changed significantly across the world in as much as the technology being used in communication and production has advanced. This has transformed the channels used to conduct business and the utilization of particular resources which are vital to success in the industry (Elmore, 2013). Economic factors have also affected the industry with recessions and inflation globally. This affects the consumption patterns, which in turn affects the flow of revenue and profitability in the industry. The company enjoys its global brand awareness and unique selling capabilities enabling it to achieve sustainability in the market. References Elmore, B. J. (2013). Citizen Coke: an environmental and political history of the Coca-Cola Company. Enterprise & Society, 14(4), 717-731. Rubin, J., Moriarty, B., & Mehlsak, A. (n.d). Sustainability at the Coca-Cola Company in a New Era of Brand Building, The Coca-Cola Company (2018). History. The Coca-Cola Company [online]. Available at: http://www.coca- [Accessed 19 Jan. 2018]. HR Roles Mind map Grading Guide HRM/300 Version 6 2 Individual Assignment: HR Roles MindmapPurpose of Assignment The purpose of the assignment is to aid the student in identifying the various HR positions in an organization.
  • 5. Creating a mindmap will show how the HR positions relate to each other and function in an organization. Writing a job description will show the essential duties and responsibilities of the HR roles the student chooses.Grading Guide Content Met Partially Met Not Met Comments: The student creates a mind map or infographic that includes 7 to 10 characteristics and responsibilities for each of the four potential HR roles chosen. The student includes the job requirements for at least three of the HR roles. The student includes a job description for each HR role they selected. Each job description is at least 350 words. Total Available
  • 6. Total Earned 7 #/7 Writing Guidelines Met Partially Met Not Met Comments: The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements. Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page. Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
  • 7. Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation. Total Available Total Earned 3 #/3 Assignment Total # 10 #/10 Additional comments: Running head: COCA COLA COMPANY ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 1 COCA COLA COMPANY ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 3
  • 8. Coca Cola Company Economic Analysis Vanessa McCray Capella University Dr. Frank DeCaro February 4, 2018 Coca Cola Company Economic Analysis Regulatory Considerations Affecting the Company Coca Cola Company operates in a global environment where it is affected by a wide range of environmental regulations. The global environmental conditions have been changing, which requires the organization to make effective decisions that will guarantee sustainability of their business. The policies and programs developed within the company seek to ensure that Coca Cola Company continues with its operations across the world in a manner that upholds social responsibility, enhances productivity, and profitability of the organization (McConnell, Brue, Flynn, 2014). Thus, the company has to observe some environmental and accounting regulations while making some of its key decisions, which in turn go a long way towards affecting its performance on a global platform. Environmental Regulations There are various environmental regulations that affect the economic decisions made within Coca Cola Company such as the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The company has always strived to make its economic decisions in a way that enhances accountability for environmental performance. This has helped minimize the negative impacts that may be associated with their operations on both the local and global environment. As the company continues to achieve greater growth globally, it has
  • 9. always sought to maintain compliance with the applicable environmental laws and regulations in all their manufacturing and distribution activities of their products. In addition, the company has been a major stakeholders in the policy formulation discussions, which impact their environmental conservation strategies (Rubin, Moriarty, & Mehlsak, n.d). This has ensured that the company supports all the public policies relating to water quality, agriculture, ingredients, packaging, among other environmental policies and actions that could affect the company’s global operations. Water conservation, use of clean energy, and addressing climate change are some of the policy issues that have affected the firm’s operations. The adoption of ISO 14001, which is an international environmental management system, in most of the company’s plants served as a key milestone towards compliance with environmental regulations. Packaging and recycling, through the 3Rs principle of Reduce, Recover, and Recycle, has enabled the company to minimize environmental impacts brought by packaging activities (Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2012). On the other hand, the company seeks to promote sustainable agriculture in the face of population growth, rising food insecurity, and climate changes, by supporting various programs that aim at enhancing agricultural productivity. Accounting Regulations As a publicly traded company, Coca Cola Company is required to abide with the accounting regulations set by the SEC. Appropriate financial reporting standards should be followed to ensure that the stakeholders and general public can obtain accurate financial reports to be used in making their investment decisions. Some of the accounting regulations that affect Coca Cola Company include Dodd-Frank Act or the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which aim at enhancing the financial accounting practices of most organizations (Posner, 2014). Sarbanes-Oxley Act was introduced in 2002 as a way of trying to counter corporate fraud that was taking place in most publicly traded organizations. Coca Cola Company has put in
  • 10. place effective strategies to enhance compliance with the accounting procedures and regulations established by this Act. The company CEO is held personally responsible for any accounting audit errors which may indicate any organizational accounting malpractices (McConnell, Brue, Flynn, 2014). In addition, Coca Cola Company stands to be audited by the Public Company Oversight Board, which was created by the SOX to establish the required standards of audit reports. By following these standards, the company has been able to eliminate the occurrence of accounting malpractices, which has in turn enhanced investor confidence in their financial statements. Another accounting regulation that has affected Coca Cola Company is the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010. This act was a federal law that seeks to regulate the financial accounting industry through various government agencies. The company abides with the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which has been essential in promoting accountability and transparency across all the levels of the organization (Posner, 2014). The presence of these regulations has impacted the accounting practices used by the company not only in the United States but also across the world. Ethical Considerations and Economic Decisions at Coca Cola Company As a global company, Coca Cola Company has to deal with many ethical issues in their operations. It is also one of the most valuable brand names across the world. However, Coca Cola has had to deal with many ethical issues in the industry such as racial discrimination claims, financial reporting malpractices, disruption of contractual agreements, and misrepresentation of market tests for some of their products (Rubin, Moriarty, & Mehlsak, n.d). Coca Cola faces stiff competition from other key companies such as PepsiCo, which is also a market leader in the beverage industry. The fact that the company operates in such a competitive and dynamic global environment makes it possible to engage in various ethical malpractices, which may raise concerns among the consumers,
  • 11. stakeholders, and respective agencies. Corporate social responsibility has been at the center of Coca Cola’s mission to maintain its positive reputation among the key stakeholders and consumers. The company has always been committed towards ensuring that their products and activities are manufactured with the interests of their consumers guiding their decisions. This has enabled the company to provide healthy products and contribute towards programs that promote environmental protection across the world. Social responsibility has been a key ethical issue that has helped guide the economic decisions made by the organization in all their operations (Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2012). Diversity in the workplace is also a major concern for the organization given its diverse workforce from across the world. There have been various incidents where the company had been accused of racial discrimination in the workplace. Additionally, the company has been involved in various queries over inflated earnings in their financial reports, which amounts to misinformation to their stakeholders and potential investors. The presence of various legal provisions on accounting practices has ensured that the company complies with financial reporting standards for the publicly traded organizations. Role of Government Fiscal/Monetary Polices Fiscal and monetary policies developed by the governments in various global locations where the company operates have had a significant effect on the economic decisions made by Coca Cola Company. The fiscal policies affect the growth, employment, inflation, and business cycles. Thus, fiscal policies can be used to target a particular sector of the economy or organization through tools such as taxation or providing incentives. On the other hand, monetary policies affects all the sectors of the economy through the use of various tools such as discount rates, open market operations, and reserve ration requirements (Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2012). Coca Cola Company has had to make changes to its key decisions regarding employment and expansion into new locations based on the policies in place.
  • 12. Coca-Cola enjoys being able to acquire talents from all over the world through its highly effective human resource management platforms. The monetary and fiscal policies have led to various changes in the strategies applied by the company. Monetary policy expansion within an economy has led the company to increase their expenditure and investment, which has helped the company boost its revenue from various locations. Expansion on the fiscal policies implies that the government is willing to spend more in supporting the operations of the organization (McConnell, Brue, Flynn, 2014). Coca Cola Company has worked closely with governments in the formulation of policies to ensure that they can achieve higher levels of performance and increase their investment in production activities. Higher taxes discourage investment, and as such Coca Cola may opt to reduce investing in economies where taxation is high while low taxes encourage the company to increase its investment within an economy. References Hitt, M., Ireland, R. D. & Hoskisson, R. (2012). Strategic management cases: competitiveness and globalization. New York: Cengage Learning. Rubin, J., Moriarty, B., & Mehlsak, A. (n.d). Sustainability at the Coca-Cola Company in a New Era of Brand Building, Posner, R. A. (2014). Economic analysis of law. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. McConnell, C., Brue, S., Flynn, S. (01/2014). Macroeconomics
  • 13. Principles, Problems, & Policies, 20th Edition [Vital Source Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from Company Analysis This is the final piece of your course project. You will complete and submit your company analysis by compiling the work you did in the assignments for Units 2 and 4 with the additional content needed to fully analyze your company. Your completed Company Analysis should read as a seamless executive report, so organize it in a logical fashion. You are encouraged to draw from your previous assignments, incorporating feedback from your instructor as well as additional information, and making sure your work fully addresses the requirements of this assignment. Do not simply paste your previous assignments into a new document. Requirements
  • 14. Your completed company analysis should include the following: • An introduction to the company and its industry. o Include relevant background information. o Describe the organizational structure. • An analysis of the current economic environment of the company and industry. o Explain how things such as tax rates, unemployment, and government fiscal policies have affected the economic decisions of the company. o Explain the role of the Central Bank in the economic environment. • An analysis of the global presence of the company. o Describe the global economic climate in which the company is operating. o Explain how things such as free trade, trade barriers, the Third Basel Accord, or NAFTA have affected company
  • 15. economic decisions. o Analyze the economic implications of operating in different market and industry structures. o Explain the role of ethics and regulatory considerations in operating globally. • An analysis of the overall effect of macroeconomic principles, theories, policies, and tools that have influenced the economic decisions and strategy development of the company. o Explain how macroeconomic principles, models, and tools created value for the organization. o Explain how macroeconomic principles, theories, policies, and tools affected strategy development within the organization. o In other words, what macroeconomic principles, theories, policies, and tools do you see at work within the company, driving the economic decisions and strategy development?
  • 16. • Recommended strategies (based on macroeconomic principles, theories, models, and tools) the company could adopt to successfully maximize long-term profits. • A conclusion, including a long-term outlook for the company. Additional Requirements • Include a title page, reference page, and one-page executive summary. • Include 10-12 pages, not including title page, reference page, and executive summary. • Use at least four scholarly or professional resources. • Use APA format for citations and references. • Set your paper in Times New Roman, 12 points, double spaced. Resources • Company Analysis Scoring Guide.
  • 17. Company Analysis Scoring Guide Due Date: End of Unit 6. Percentage of Course Grade: 25%. CRITERIA NON-PERFORMANCE BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Analyze the economic environment of a company and industry. 20% Does not analyze the economic environment of a company and industry. Describes the economic environment of a company and industry. Analyzes the economic environment of a company and industry. Analyzes the economic
  • 18. environment of a company and industry; includes a concise explanation of the factors that affect the economic environment. Analyze the global presence of a company. 20% Does not analyze the global presence of a company. Describes the global presence of a company. Analyzes the global presence of a company. Analyzes the global presence of a company and explains the factors that affect its global presence. Analyze the effect of macroeconomic principles, theories, policies and tools on a company’s economic decisions
  • 19. and strategy development. 30% Does not analyze the effect of macroeconomic principles, theories, policies and tools on a company’s economic decisions and strategy development. Describes the effect of macroeconomic principles, theories, policies and tools on a company’s economic decisions and strategy development. Analyzes the effect of macroeconomic principles, theories, policies and tools on a company’s economic decisions and strategy development. Evaluates how well the macroeconomic principles, theories, policies and tools used in
  • 20. a company’s economic decisions and strategy development have served to create value for the company in a global economy. Recommend strategies based on macroeconomic principles, theories, models, and tools that a company could use to maximize long-term profits. 20% Does not recommend strategies based on macroeconomic principles, theories, models, and tools that a company could use to maximize long-term profits. Identifies strategies that a company could use to maximize long-term profits, but the strategies are not based on macroeconomic
  • 21. principles, theories, models, and tools. Recommends strategies based on macroeconomic principles, theories, models, and tools that a company could use to maximize long-term profits. Recommends strategies based on macroeconomic principles, theories, models, and tools that a company could use to maximize long-term profits and supports recommendations with relevant evidence. Correctly format citations and references using current APA style. 5% Does not correctly format citations and references using current APA style. Uses current APA to
  • 22. format citations and references but with numerous errors. Correctly formats citations and references using current APA style with few errors. Correctly formats citations and references using current APA style with no errors. Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. 5% Does not write content clearly, logically, or with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Writes with errors in clarity, logic, grammar, punctuation, and/or mechanics.
  • 23. Writes content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Writes clearly and logically with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics; uses relevant evidence to support a central idea. Page 1 of 1Company Analysis Scoring Guide 2/12/2018 n/MBA/MBA6008/170100/Scoring_Guides...