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Running head: AUCTION
Marquita Phillips
Dr. Phyllis Isley
ECO 550: Managerial Accounting
Similarities and Differences
English Auction versus Dutch Auction
The Open Ascending Price Auction is the most popular
type of auction. We know it better as The English Auction.
The way that an English auction works is what you probably
already have in mind. From what you have seen on television
or have witnessed in real life. It is basicallay a bidding war,
with the price of the sale going higher and higher until only one
person has the highest bid and they of course become the winner
of the item they were bidding on. Placing a bid in an English
Auction is done by electronic means or vocally, just yelling out.
There is always a starting price. The starting price is basically
the lowest amount that they seller is willing to let the item go
for. Of course no seller wants the low ball numbers and often
hope that by having a low starting price for the bid, it will
attract more sellers and with more sellers, comes the chance for
a higher price. An auction is over when the bid reaches its
maximum value, and no participant is willing to offer a higher
amount. A negative aspect of the English Auction is that buyer
may offer a price that is higher than the real value of the
product. Additionally, the requirement of constant and proper
communication sometimes can be a little difficult and expensive
(Coppinger, Smith & Titus, 2010).
Descending Price Auction, which is also better known as,
the Dutch Auction is a type of auction where the bidder starts
bidding at a higher price than the original value of the items
being bidded on. The owner or auctioneer of the product starts
at a higher price and gradually lowers the price of the items.
However, the price cannot go beyond the holding price. This
auction type is intended for bulk items, and here the seller
specifies the number of identical items to sell at a minimum
price. In Dutch auctions, both the highest bidder and the earliest
bidder are winners for the available quantity of products. It is
also important to note that in a Dutch auction, mainly perishable
items, such as crops, fish, and other food items are sold
(Coppinger, Smith & Titus, 2010).
One major difference between English Auctions and Dutch
Auctions is the way that the pricing for the bidding is done.
English Auctions uses an ascending price auction, meaning the
bid is always started at the lowest price acceptable and end at
the highest price that someone is willing to pay. Dutch Auction
uses a descending price auction. As you can imagine
descending means they start at the highest price acceptable and
work backwards to gradually lower the price. In English
Auctions most of the products are non-perishable items and sold
in single numbers, while the Dutch Auctions products are
mainly perishable items that are sold in bulk. (Coppinger, Smith
& Titus, 2010).
Vickery Auction and Sealed Auction
The Sealed Bid First-Price Auction, also known as Blind
Auction, is where the bidder gets only one chance to bid.
Alternately, all bidders concurrently submit sealed bids, so that
no one knows each other’s' bid amount. The highest bidder pays
the price of the bidding amount.
Vickery Auction is also known as Second Price Sealed Bid,
in which bidders submit bids without the knowledge of the other
bidders. The winning bidder pays the second-highest bid, rather
than his bid. It is quite similar to the first-price sealed bid
auction. Although they are almost similar, the distinction
between the two types of the auction is that in Vickery auction,
the winner pays the second-highest bid, rather than the bid he
has won.
English Auction Flaws
The way that the English auction works is that the bidders
are actively trying to outbid each other, with each bid being
higher than the previous bid. Bidders are free to call out their
bids vocally or electronically. As a result, bidders are aware of
other bidder’s prices. One of the significant weaknesses
associated with this type of auction is bidder’s curse. One
bidder may place a bid of a price higher than the value of the
product to create a false impression of the value of the product.
For instance, Concierge Auctions has been accused of severally
for manipulating bids to juice up the businesses. Notably, the
company drummed up high bids of about $14 million for Joanne
Brown’s apartments, whose real value was $3 million (Clarke,
Ascending auction (English auction) provides bidders with
information throughout the bidding process. The information is
a two-edged sword. The information may arouse competition by
creating a reliable process of price discovery, by reducing the
winner’s curse, and by allowing efficient aggregations of items.
Alternately, the bidders may use the information to establish
and enforce collusive outcomes (Clarke, 2019).
Although English auctions may harvest many sales for the
company through high prices establish during an auction, the
value of the real estate may not be established, especially when
the bidders are inexperienced buyers. Through their overbid,
they may be exposed to the winner’s curse, thus buying the
property at a premium. Another downside of an auction is that
some of the attractiveness variables may be omitted attributing
false impression to the property. Some of the strategies to create
a false impression of the property may be accomplished through
media attention and other sales mechanisms (Clarke, 2019).
Regardless of the flaws involved English auctions
demonstrates, it remains the most efficient auction method.
Agreeably, each auction type has downsides and upsides, which
when compared to those of English auction, are found to be
more adverse. Escalation of bids establishes the agreeable value
of the property. The bidders do not have a fixed value for an
item. Instead, they learn from each other’s bidding and adjust
the value to the most agreeable value. The process is efficient
when conducted under certain conditions and when others do
not have sufficient information to make auction decision. The
method is efficient and maximizes revenue and the fact that the
method reveals that the winners are willing to par at least the
amount bid (Cramton, 2018).
Instead of Concierge Auctions switching to another form
of auction, the company needs to strengthen its moral standards.
According to the journal, the underlying problem is not the
method of auctioning but the people carrying out the process.
The company does not have moral standards and ethical
behavior. It is, therefore, recommended for the company to
review its moral and ethical standards in an auction. Even
though other better auction strategies may be established, the
company may still face legal suits for unethical behavior. Let
the company and its management adhere to integrity,
straightforwardness, and openness in auction processes.
Uses of Auction
Auction is the process of selling and buying products by
offering them for bidding. It allows buyers to bid and acquire
the product at the highest prices achieved. The bidders compete
against each other by placing bids with each subsequent bid
being higher than the previous one (for the case of English
Auction, which is most common). Once an item is placed for
sale, the auctioneer begins with a low price figure and gradually
increases to the highest price attained by a buyer. Alternately,
the auctioneer places a very high price on the item and
gradually reduces the prices to the level the first buyer is
willing to pay (Coppinger, Smith & Titus, 2010).
Auction theory is essential in determining the social price and
value of the item under sale. Besides, auction prevents
overpricing and underpricing of products due to market forces.
Auction regulates pricing of items in the product and service
markets. Application of the auction theory can be seen as the
commn link between the auction theory and information that is
based on the corporate finance theory. Auctions are used to help
individuals understand the practices used in financial
institutions and markets such as underpricing and overpricing of
products. Auctions can also help with services in the IPO
markets and non-cash bids in takeover markets as well as the
discrimination against certain bidders.
E-businesses also have auctions applied in their transactions.
The buyers are considered the bidders and the auctioneers are
considered the sellers. As the name suggests E-business is done
all online and all transactions are done electronically. E-
commerce application of auction may involve long-distance
auctioneering through various electronic devices between B2B,
B2C, and C2C. It also applies to online stock exchanges in
which bidders quote their stock prices, and the auctioneers
decide on the winning bids. Search engines also use a form of
auction to help improve the allocation of sponsored ad slots.
Higher bids win more slots for sponsored ads on various search
Auctions means of revenue generation in Not-for-profit
· Auctions raise income at a higher rate than expected as many
would invest much of their profit share back into CSR activities
· Auctions help in generating interest income making prices
· There is a probability of getting much value because fair value
is taken as base value hence higher value obtained
· Potential bidders may fail to follow formalities which are
tiresome and cumbersome
· Additional overhead costs arising from legal and solicitors
costs reduce the level of income for the organization.
Using auction to uncover value and increase revenue
· English auction raises more revenue than first-price auctions
only when the bidders do not encounter the winner’s curse. The
company should employ this type of auction to increase revenue
· Allowing bidders to reserve and upset prices and inform other
bidders on such changes to indicate the fair value of the
property or product under sale
· The auctioneers should be allowed to use puffers, who are
employed to raise the price by fictitious bids.
Clarke, K. (2019, February 7). Luxury Real-Estate Firm
Concierge Auctions Fights Allegations of Fraudulent Bids.
Retrieved from
Coppinger, V. M., Smith, V. L., & Titus, J. A. (2010).
Incentives and behavior in English, Dutch, and sealed‐bid
auctions. Economic Inquiry, 18(1), 1-22.
Cramton, P. (2018). Ascending Auctions. European Economic
Review 42 (5), 745-756.
completed! through! 2016! include:! 1)! Installation! of!
Watershed! Gardens;! 2)! Installation! of! a!
Permeable! Pavers! Plaza;! and! 3)! Installation! of! Picnic!
Shelters;! 4)! Installation! of! passive!
improvements! and! park! amenities! within! the! Watershed!
Gardens;! and! 5)! Environmental!
Testing! for! purposes! of! abating! and! demolishing! two!
existing! buildings,! (maintenance!
to! secure! architectural! and! engineering! design! services!
for! the! preparation! of! plans,!
construction! administration! services! during! the!
construction! phase! for! the! LAMBERT! PARK!
for! all! improvements! proposed! on! the! approved! Lambert!
Park! Conceptual! Plan! (Refer! to!
At! the! of! release! of! this! RFP! The! City! has!
approximately! $900,000! remaining! on! the! AQMD!
and! new! fields.! At! this! time! the! City! desires! to!
develop! a! comprehensive! plan! for! future!
design! of! parks! and! recreation! improvement! projects.! !
The! proposer! applying! should! have!
significant! experience! in! preparing! plans,! specifications,!
cost! estimates! and! obtaining! any!
design! and! secure! approval! of! all! plans,! specifications,!
estimates,! and! permits! from! all!
The! City! had! commissioned! and! approved! a! Conceptual!
Master! Plan! (see! Attachment! “A”! c!
Research! and! Coordination.! Conduct! required!
surveys/design! surveys! and! prepare! detailed!
1) Meetings!(number!of!meetings):!
a. Scoping/Kickcoff!(2)!
b. Utility!Company!(2)!
c. Stakeholders!!c!Final!Design!(2)!
d. City!Council!(2)!
e. City!Staff!(5)!
3) Research,!Survey,!and!Base!Map!preparation!
2) New! Restroom/Concession/Staff! Building.! Concession!
portion! designed! for! Level! 3!
3) New!Plaza!
4) Renovate!Existing!Building!
6) New!Multicuse!Sport!Fields!
7) New!Field!Lighting!
8) New!Outdoor!Fitness!Stations!
9) New!Hardscape!Improvements!and!Amenities!
10) New!Landscape!Improvements!
be! available! at! the! time! the! design! plans! and!
specifications! are! approved,! it! may! be!
necessary! to! construct! the! improvements! in! phases! based!
on! available! funding.!
Proposers! shall! provide! services! to! separate! the! plans!
into! multiple! phases! for!
3,! Item! 8.! Additionally,! the! scope! of! professional!
services! shall! include! coordination! with! all!
applicable! regulatory! agencies! and! outside! utility!
companies! if! required! for! the! design,!
conformance! with! the! current! Standard! Specifications! for!
Public! Works! Construction!
(Greenbook)! and! other! applicable! agency! standard! plans,!
specifications,! and! guidance!
documents! in! order! to! obtain! plan! approval.! ! Provide!
the! required! permits,! standards,! and!
permits! and! environmental! documents.! ! The! consultant!
shall! observe! all! laws,! rules,! and!
1) Document,! design,! and! incorporate! environmental!
requirements! (i.e.,! CEQA!
been! completed! and! all! mitigation! measures! have! been!
incorporated! into! the! PS&E!
3) Proposers! shall! incorporate! the! City! of! El! Monte’s!
Tree! Protection! and! Preservation!
deliverables! provided! to! the! City! shall! conform! to! those!
regulations! to! ensure! a!
with! Public! Works! Greenbook! and! EMMC! in! the!
preparation! of! full,! complete,! and!
4) Proposers! shall! incorporate! all! federal,! state,! and! local!
laws,! rules,! and! regulations!
concerning! public! works! as! applicable.! ! The! deliverables!
provided! to! the! City! shall!
conform! to! those! regulations! to! ensure! a! complete! and!
conforming! project.! ! The!
2) Assist!the!City!with!Request!for!Information!responses.!
3) Provide! review! of! the! Contractor’s! submittals! for!
conformance! with! the! contract!
“Project! Record! Drawings”.! ! Transmit! original! Mylar!
Record! Drawings! and! two! CDs!
proposer! to! all! of! the! commitments! made! in! the!
submittal.! ! The! letter! shall! include!
the! proposer’s! personnel! who! will! be! performing! the!
professional! services!
the! tasks! or! services! contemplated! under! this! RFP! on!
the! proposer’s! behalf.! ! The!
contract.! ! Relevant! experience! can! include! your!
company’s! overall! experience,!
experience! with! similar! projects! and! the! experience! of!
individuals! on! your! proposed!
this! park! improvement! project.! ! The! proposer! shall!
explain! the! way! in! which! the!
Consultant's! understanding! of! the! project.! ! The! content!
will! reflect! the! particular!
5) Proposed! Personnel.! ! Maximum! 2! page! resume! for! the!
project! manager! and! 1! page!
resume! for! each! of! the! other! key! personnel,! including!
subconsultants,! which! will! be!
6) Quality! Assurance/Quality! Control! Procedures.! !
Maximum! 1! page! brief! description! of!
the! consultant’s! approach! to! implement! a! Projectcspecific!
Quality! Control! Plan.!!
Describe! the! major! elements! and! steps! of! the! quality!
assurance! /! quality! control!
(QA/QC)! program! and! procedures! that! will! be! followed!
for! each! deliverable! (i.e.!
engineering! discipline! review,! coordination! review,!
constructability! review,! QA/QC!
information! of! the! public! agency! officer! or! employee!
responsible! for! overseeing! the!
Tasks! will! be! completed.! ! Proposers! should! factor! in!
additional! time! that! may! be!
and! submission! of! each! of! the! deliverables! identified! in!
the! Scope! of! Services.! The!
schedule! shall! also! factor! in! reasonable! review! and!
feedback! periods! for! draft!
9) Fee!Schedule/Cost!Proposal.!
an! estimate! of! the! number! of! hours! per! staff! member!
by! proposed! task! and! clearly!
(e.g.! flat! lump! sum! or! hourly! rate! structure)! for! each!
Task.! ! The! proposal! shall! also!
include! costs! and! expenses! related! to! photocopying,!
postage,! travel,! etc.! (i.e.!
Reimbursement! expenses).! ! To! the! extent! that! a! proposal!
contemplates! the! use! of!
subconsultants! to! perform! any! one! or! more! of! the! above!
described! tasks! on! the!
proposer’s! behalf,! the! proposal! shall! include! a! List! of!
Subconsultants! identifying! all!
proposal! contemplates! an! increase! in! compensation! rates!
or! charges! prior! to! the!
addressed! to! the! abovecmentioned! location.! ! The!
envelope! shall! contain! the!
Each! proposal! shall! be! evaluated! on! the! basis! of! the!
proposer’s! expertise,! experience! and!
1) Expertise,! Experience! &! Training! Plus! Prior!
Contracting! History! (25%)! –! The!
expertise,! experience! and! training! of! the! proposer! and!
its! key! personnel! and!
of! the! staff! that! will! perform! the! work! on! this! project.!
! This! factor! includes!
2) Project! Approach! (40%)! –! The! proposer’s!
responsiveness! in! developing! a!
3) Cost! (15%)! –! The! proposed! compensation! structure!
(inclusive! of! hourly! rates! of!
Tasks! 1! through! 8,! inclusive! of! its! proposed! notcto!
cexceed! sum.! ! The! proposers!
proposed! strategy! for! containing! costs! incurred! by! City!
while! still! meeting! the!
4) Schedule!(10%)!–
of! the! proposer’s! ability! to! identify! critical! paths! for!
the! timely! and! competent!
5) Compliance! with! RFP! (10%)! –! The! ability! of! the!
proposer! to! comply! with! all!
A! selection! committee,! comprised! of! City! staff! will!
review! the! proposals.! ! Proposals! will! be!
Deadline.! !Proposals!that!are!
deposited! with! an! overnight! courier! or! post! marked! prior!
to! the! Submission! Deadline! but!
Submitted! proposals! shall! be! maintained! as! confidential!
records! of! the! City! up! to! the!
following! the! Submission! Deadline,! however,! the! City,! in!
its! sole! and! absolute! discretion,!
reserves! the! right! to! accept! post! deadline! modifications!
if! it! is! determined! that! such!
modifications!are!in!the!best! interests!of!the!City.!
with! the! preparation! and! submission! of! the! proposals;!
demonstrations;! interviews;!
preparation! of! responses! to! questions! and! requests! for!
additional! information;! for!
!RFP.! !The!City! is!not!
2) Late!proposals!will!not!be!considered.!
will! it! be! based! solely! or! exclusively! on! the! lowest!
cost! proposal.! ! If! a! contract! is!
awarded,! it! will! be! awarded! to! the! proposer! who! in! the!
judgment! of! the! City! has!
5) The! City! reserves! the! right! to! investigate! the!
qualifications! of! any! proposer! under!
additional! evidence! of! experience! and! qualifications! to!
provide! the! services! or!
eria!the!City,! in! its!sole!
in!the!form!attached!hereto!as!Exhibit!1.! !By!
to! indemnification,! required! insurance! and! standard! of!
care! requirements.! ! If! a!
objection! to! a! certain! provision! of! the! PSA! is! merely! a!
question! of! added! cost,! the!
PSA! after! a! contract! has! been! awarded! and! proposers!
shall! be! deemed! to! have!
the! Submission! Deadline.! ! Responses! may! not! be!
modified! or! withdrawn! by! the!
at! [email protected]! by! the! REQUEST! FOR!
14) The!proposer!agrees!that,! if!a!contract!
ent “A
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 1 of 34
To: All Qualified Firms
Date: July 31, 2017
Subject: Request for Proposals for City of Glendale: Glendale –
Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
DUE DATE: Ten (10) hard copies and five (5) electronic copies
on CDs responding to the Re-
quest for Proposals are to be submitted to:
Fred Zohrehvand
Senior Transportation Planner
City of Glendale
633 E. Broadway, Room 300
Glendale, CA 91206
By 5:00 pm on August 22, 2017.
Proposals received after this date and time will not be
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 2 of 34
I. Schedule of Events
................. 6
II. Explanation of the Project
..... 6
III. Project Background
.............. 6
IV. City of Glendale Background
V. Project Scope of
.................... 8
VI. Instructions to Proposer
.... 15
VII. DBE Requirements
............ 18
VIII. Evaluation & Selection
..... 18
IX. Response to RFP – Formatting & Contents
..................................................................... 19
X. Appendix
.............................. 22
Submittal Forms
..................................................................................... ..........
....................... 23
............................. 34
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 3 of 34
NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Glendale (“City”) will
receive Proposals until the dead-
line established below for the following project:
Glendale – Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study
Proposal Submittal Deadline: Submit before 5:00 p.m. on
August 22, 2017
Proposal Submittal Location: 633 E. Broadway, Room 300,
Glendale, CA 91206
City of Glendale Contact Person for RFP Process:
Ms. Arezoo Kamali
Planning Assistant
Phone: (818) 937-8333
Email: [email protected]
Project Description:
For the past several years there have been discussions on the
concept of developing a street-
car system in Downtown Glendale. Earlier streetcar concepts
were discussed or evaluated by
the Greater Downtown Strategic Plan (1996) and the Downtown
Mobility Study (2007).
A streetcar in Glendale has the potential to connect the various
shopping, dining, entertain-
ment and parking components of the Downtown area, and
perhaps neighboring cities and
other mass transit services. Streetcar systems also attract
tourism, and visitors to Glendale
will be able to utilize the streetcar to patronize business
throughout the Downtown business
district. Finally, we have the ability to establish connectivity
among our various transportation
modes by linking the streetcar to the Beeline and the Larry
Zarian Transportation Center to
develop a more effective and comprehensive transit system. The
City of Glendale hopes to
continue to provide the infrastructure and resources necessary
for residents to incorporate
transit oriented lifestyles into their daily lives, and become part
of healthier communities.
The feasibility study required to move forward with any
streetcar concept would include:
• Evaluate different route alignments and technologies for the
• Analyze Downtown Glendale infrastructure to determine its
ability to accommodate a
streetcar system; and if necessary,
• Determine the infrastructure improvements needed to
construct the system;
• Determine what types of vehicles are obtainable and
• Establish how a streetcar system can be implemented;
• Project potential streetcar ridership and revenues;
• Predict traffic impacts;
• Forecast impacts on Downtown Glendale businesses; and
• Determine the overall cost of the project, including:
• The various equipment options
• Infrastructure improvements (tracks, street improvements)
• Maintenance and Operating Costs
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 4 of 34
Other Proposal Information:
1. Request for Proposal Documents may be obtained in the City
of Glendale
Community Development Department, Urban Design and
Mobility Division, lo-
cated at 633 East Broadway, Room 300, Glendale, CA, 91206,
or via email or
mail at the request of consultants without any cost.
2. Acceptance or Rejection of Proposals. The City reserves the
right to reject
any and all Proposals, and to waive any informalities,
irregularities or technical
defects in such proposals and determine the lowest responsible
whichever may be in the best interests of the City. No late
proposals will be ac-
cepted, nor will any oral, facsimile or electronic proposals be
accepted by the
3. Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference. August 9, 2017 2:30pm-
4:00pm at 633
E. Broadway, Room 105, Glendale, CA 91206.
4. Race Conscious (RC)/DBE Participation. [NOTE: The
following mandatory
requirement applies ONLY to the Glendale – Burbank Regional
Feasibility Study contract.
The U.S. Dept. of Transportation Regulations found
that 49 CFR Part 26 shall
apply to this contract. A disadvantaged business enterprise
(“DBE”) contract
goal of 10% goal has been established for this project. This
goal must be met or
good faith efforts to meet this goal must be demonstrated in
order for a proposal
to be considered responsive. The Consultant or subcontractor
shall not discrimi-
nate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the
performance of this
contract. The consultant shall carry out applicable requirements
of 49 CFR, Part
26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts.
Failure by the
consultant to carry out these requirements is a material breach
of this contract,
which may result in the termination of this contract or such
other remedy, as re-
cipient deems appropriate. To assist consultants in
ascertaining RC/DBE
availability for specific items of work, the City has determined
that RC/DBE
could reasonably be expected to compete for subcontracting
on this project, and their likely availability for work on this
project is 10%
Race Conscious RC/DBE.
It is the proposer’s responsibility to verify that the RC/DBE’s
fall into one of
the following groups in order to count towards the RC/DBE
contract goal:
1) Black American; 2) Asian-Pacific American; 3) Native
American; 4) Wom-
en; 5) Hispanic American; 6) Subcontinent Asian Pacific
American and any
other groups whose members are certified as socially and
disadvantaged. Proposers are required to submit the Local
Agency Pro-
posal RC/DBE Commitment, “Exhibit 15-G” and the Good Faith
“Exhibit 15-H” forms form along with the proposal submittal.
If the RC/DBE
Commitment forms are not submitted with the proposal, the
apparent low
proposer, the 2nd low proposer, and the 3rd low proposer must
and submit the RC/DBE Commitment forms (Exhibits 15-G and
15-H) to the
City. Submittal of only the “Local Agency Proposer RC/DBE
Commitment” form
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 5 of 34
may not provide sufficient documentation to demonstrate that
adequate good
faith efforts were made.
For a list of RC/DBE’s certified by the California Unified
Certification Pro-
gram, go to:
Dated this ______ day of _____________, 2017, City of
Glendale, California.
Ardashes Kassakhian, City Clerk of the City of Glendale.
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 6 of 34
Definition of Terms
The following terms used in the RFP documents shall be
construed as follows:
“City” shall mean the City of Glendale.
“Agreement” shall be considered synonymous with the term
“Proposer” shall mean the individual, partnership, corporation
or other entity who responds to
the RFP.
“Consultant” shall mean the individual, partnership, corporation
or other entity to which an
agreement is awarded.
“Days” shall mean the business days recognized by City of
I. Schedule of Events
Event Date
Request for Proposals (RFP) Issued July 31, 2017
Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting August 9, 2017
Deadline for Written Questions and Requests August 15, 2017
Responses and Addenda Issued August 15, 2017
Technical and Price Proposals Due August 22, 1017; 5:00pm
Interview Firms (TBD based on City review of written proposal)
Early September 2017
Proposed Approval of Selected Consultant(s) by City Council
Early-Mid September 2017
Notice to Proceed / Service Contract Begins / Kick-Off Meeting
Late October 2017
Project Completion Date (8-12) mos. after start of contract)
Summer 2018
City of Glendale reserves the right to alter any of the dates
shown above by written notice.
Submit any inquiries via email to Ms. Arezoo Kamali, Planning
Assistant at
[email protected] No phone calls please.
II. Explanation of the Project
The purpose of this RFP is to:
1) Obtain the services of a well-qualified project team led by a
single consultant/firm, or a
consultant team with experienced sub-consultants who are
experts in their respective
fields, to develop a Streetcar Feasibility Study concentrating in
the City of Glendale with
optional tasks D1 & D2.
III. Project Background
Streetcars have been an integral part of the history of the City
of Glendale. Streetcar
systems such as the Pacific Electric and Glendale & Montrose
Railway Company operated
within the boundaries of modern-day Glendale from 1904
Recently, many cities have installed streetcar systems as part of
larger successful
redevelopment projects. These cities have observed formerly
blighted areas turn
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prosperous; property values increase and cultural resources
enhance in the vicinity of newly
installed streetcar systems. This benefit is in addition to the
gains in transit services provided
by the streetcar system for these cities.
It is the City’s goal to develop a streetcar system that can create
connectivity linking the
various shopping, dining, entertainment, and parking resources
of downtown Glendale with
the region via the Larry Zarian Transportation Center and the
Hollywood Burbank Airport. A
successful streetcar system can also attract tourism and visitors
to the city increasing
commerce for Downtown Glendale businesses.
IV. City of Glendale Background
The City of Glendale is located at the eastern end
of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles Coun-
ty, at the southern base of the Verdugo Moun-
Glendale is bordered to the northwest by the
Tujunga neighborhood of Los Angeles, to the
northeast by La Canada Flintridge and the unin-
corporated area of La Crescenta, to the west by
Burbank, to the east by Pasadena and to the
south and southeast by the City of Los Angeles.
Glendale is also defined by the 210, 2, 134, and
5 freeways.
Glendale is a diverse, multilingual city of 191,719
residents (US Census Bureau 2010). Its business
community, from manufacturing to financial ser-
vices, employs nearly 100,000 people at more
than 6,800 firms (US Census Bureau 2007).
The area’s mobility network is well-connected by
public transportation, including Metrolink and Amtrak service
at the Glendale Transportation
Center in South Glendale, by Metro Rapid and Local buses, and
by the Glendale Beeline bus
For purposes of long-range planning, Glendale is divided into
four community planning areas,
as described below:
North Glendale Community Plan
The community of North Glendale lies within the Crescenta
Valley, which is clearly defined by
the San Gabriel and Verdugo Mountains. The Crescenta Valley
has a variety of neighbor-
hood‐oriented village centers and commercial districts,
including the Sparr Heights Business
District, Verdugo City and the suburban corridor of Foothill
Boulevard. The most intense of
these is the “town center” surrounding the vibrant, popular, and
highly walkable Montrose Shop-
ping Park. The North Glendale Community Plan was adopted by
City Council in November
2011; the document is provided in the Appendix.
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South Glendale Community Plan
South Glendale includes Downtown Glendale, which
is served by three public parking structures and ten
parking lots, and has experienced significant growth in
high-density mixed-use commercial and residential
buildings since the adoption of the Downtown Specific
Plan (2006) and the Downtown Mobility Study (2007).
Just south of downtown is the Brand Boulevard of
Cars, which contains a regional concentration of auto
dealerships, and the Tropico town site, the city’s his-
toric industrial base and a burgeoning mixed-use and
residential neighborhood around the Larry Zarian
Transportation Center. The South Glendale Communi-
ty Plan is currently in development and its adoption is
anticipated in early 2018.
East & West Glendale Community Plan
East Glendale includes hillside residential neighbor-
hoods and neighborhood-serving commercial areas,
and features Glendale Community College; this com-
munity abuts the City of Pasadena. West Glendale
includes hillside residential neighborhoods, commercial, and
industrial districts; it features the
Kenneth Village shopping area, the Walt Disney Company’s
Grand Central Creative Campus,
DreamWorks Animation studios, the Glendale Narrows
Riverwalk along the Los Angeles River,
and abuts the City of Burbank. Development of community
plans for East and West Glendale
will begin following the adoption of the South Glendale
Community Plan.
V. Project Scope of Work
Scope of Work – Glendale-Burbank Regional Streetcar
Feasibility Study
In developing the Glendale-Burbank Regional Streetcar
Feasibility Study, the Consultant shall
comply with all applicable local, State of California Department
of Transportation (Caltrans), and
federal facility design guidelines and requirements.
The Scope of Work consists of the following tasks:
1. Statement of Project Purpose and Function
This task will focus on developing a statement of purpose and
function for reintroducing
streetcar service to the city of Glendale. Specific elements
development of the
statement of project purpose
redevelopment sites
potentially served by a streetcar through South and West
Glendale and into the
neighboring city of Burbank
function for review and
adoption (see Task A-4)
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2. Technology Option Review
type of streetcar
technology available to the City
examples and in
light of the project’s statement of purpose
3. Existing Conditions Review
This task will provide the narrative context for the study
geography, de-
mographics, and economics
and their status
policies, and goals
4. Selection of Preferred Technology and Alignment
Alternatives - Workshop and
This task will include organization and conducting a workshop
with selected staff and the
City Council to develop consensus on the option or options to
be carried forward for fur-
ther study.
consensus regarding the
draft Statement of Project Purpose and Function; and on
determining alignment
alternatives and identifying minimum operating segments for
each alternative,
and confirming technology option(s) for further study
5. Concept Evaluation Report, Including Geodata
In light of the project purpose, and for the preferred technology
and alignment alterna-
tives, an evaluation will be conducted of how a streetcar would
be introduced into the
transportation environment and streetscape. Specific elements
n and
lane configurations,
impacts on adjacent properties, access constraints and parking
deration of pedestrian and bicycle access to stations
-O-W inventory and analysis
aerial photography us-
ing existing public & commercial sources wherever possible
6. Vehicles Review
Identify and describe the range of vehicle types that are
available for use in Glendale.
Specific elements include:
disadvantages, of the range of
vehicle types available
ious vehicle types to meet
applicable government re-
tions/maintenance requirements
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7. Preliminary Cost Estimates
For the alignment alternatives identified in Task A-11, the
order-of-magnitude capital and
operating cost estimates will be refined. Specific elements
frequency, run times,
annual hours and fleet requirements
g and maintenance (O&M) cost
minimum operating
segment in each alternative
operating segment in each
from recent projects to develop a
preliminary capital cost esti-
mate for each alternative
8. Ridership Analysis
Develop an estimate of ridership for each alternative utilizing
an “off-line” modeling tech-
nique. Specific elements include:
sh agreed upon “off-line” modeling process
travel demand within
project area
ply an “off-line” spreadsheet model to produce patronage
estimates for each
9. Preliminary Traffic Analysis
traffic conditions need to
be evaluated along the corridor with respect to streetcar
to traffic conditions,
and the effects of traffic on streetcar operations
analysis, and recom-
mendations for further engineering design and traffic study
10. Funding Sources Report
Refine the listing of funding sources to support the capital and
operating cost require-
ments of each alternative’s minimum operating segment.
Specific elements include:
be available to ap-
ply to streetcar project
ntify potential private sector sources of funding
identified source of fund-
ing and the level of revenues each source could provide.
11. Illustrated Route Concepts and Design Report
Refine system and alignment alternatives, including
identification of a minimum operat-
ing segment for each potential alignment. Specific elements
Apply evaluation criteria to candidate system alignments and
recommend a pre-
ferred alternative for further evaluation.
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for the preferred al-
drawings, cross-
sections and sketches
The Consultant will attend a start-up meeting in tandem with
the notice to proceed, at
which the City and the Consultant will finalize the scope of
work and project schedule.
As requested, the consultant team will attend project related
meetings and presenta-
tions. Specific elements include:
Transportation & Parking
Commission (TPC), City Council and community meetings
coordination with the City
and with sub consultants.
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1. Impact Assessment
Impacts not addressed during conceptual design development
will be identified and dealt
with. Specific elements include:
from the ridership
projections for the preferred alternative
cost implications of outstanding design
2. Traffic Analysis
-of-service (LOS) calculations for each
intersection along
the preferred alternative
with delays/queuing issues that might
affect operations
proposed road-
way/signal changes for the preferred alternative. This is a
planning level LOS
analysis and will not estimate traffic diversion or incorporate
detailed signal oper-
ations analysis in this task.
impacts (e.g. through
changing intersection configuration, signal operations,
implementing transit signal
priority, etc.)
3. Transit Interface Report
Identify the positive and negative impacts a streetcar service
would have on existing and
planned transit services in Glendale. Specific elements include:
entify connections to local and regional transit services
transit service within
the project area.
4. Active Transportation & First/Last Mile Interface
Identify opportunities to improve first last/mile connection in
light of existing and planned
bicycle and pedestrian facilities to streetcar service in Glendale.
Specific elements in-
locations consistent with the
Metro First Last Mile Strategic Plan methodology, and note
potential areas of
conflict between a streetcar and non-motorized travel modes
connectivity and access
around proposed station locations
5. Operations Plan
A final Operations Plan for the preferred alternative will be
developed. Specific elements
service frequency
ations of annual vehicle revenue hours, annual
revenue vehicle
miles and number of vehicles required
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6. Capital Costs Estimate
A final capital cost estimate reflecting the preferred alternative
will be developed. Specif-
ic elements include:
ct design elements that have changed since the
Task A-7 estimates
were produced
7. Operating & Maintenance Costs Estimate
Prepare a final operating and maintenance cost estimate
reflecting the final Operations
Plan including:
estimates developed
in Task A-7
Plan (Task B-5)
1. Phasing Plan
Identify the steps and milestones required to advance from the
current feasibility study to
project implementation. Specific elements include:
Federal (FTA)
funded project and a non-federalized project
e project report
2. Programming Strategies Report
Identify the required local, regional, state and Federal approvals
and clearances required
for project implementation. Specific elements include:
applicable to a streetcar op-
eration and the steps necessary to address each
or adopted plans
ramming Strategies portion of the project
3. Public Outreach Plan
Develop an outline for a public outreach plan for the various
phases to project opening.
Specific elements include:
required for a suc-
cessful public outreach program
4. Land Use & Zoning Analysis
ting land use and zoning policies, as well as
design guidelines,
within the project area in light of Metro guidance and best
practices relative to
transit corridors and Transit-Oriented Development
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design guideline
policies to focus new growth within the project area, support
streetcar ridership,
and help achieve regional GHG/VMT reduction goals
5. Funding Plan
Prepare a Funding Plan for the Glendale streetcar system.
Specific elements include:
the capital and O&M
funding sources
Task D: Add Alternatives
The City requests that proposers provide the following tasks as
optional “add alternatives” to the
project scope that the City may pursue if desired:
1. City of Burbank Streetcar Alignment
A detailed study of the proposed streetcar system within the
City of Burbank, including,
but not limited to:
• Alternative alignments connecting from the City of Glendale
serving the Down-
town Area of the City of Burbank, Media District, Hollywood
Burbank Airport, and
other points of interest within the City of Burbank.
• This optional task to determine alternative alignments to serve
the City of Bur-
bank shall be the same Scope of Work that was identified for
the City of Glendale
portion of the Study: Task A – Project Setting; Task B –
Preferred Option As-
sessment; and Task C – Implementation Strategy.
2. Personal Rapid Transit (PRT)
An evaluation of Personal Rapid Transit as a technology both
alternative and in
addition to a streetcar system in Glendale.
PRT technology, including
extant or
demonstration systems
PRT in Downtown Glendale
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VI. Instructions to Proposer
Compliance with Applicable Guidelines and Regulations
Consultants are required to comply with all applicable State of
California guidelines and regula-
tions regarding the Streetcar Feasibility Study.
Late Proposals
All proposals, as well as any modifications, received at this
office after the hour and date speci-
fied will not be considered unless they are sent by certified
mail, for which an official, dated post
office stamp has been obtained, and it is determined by the
City’s Project Manager that the late
receipt was due solely to delay in the mail.
The City reserves the right to extend the time allotted for the
RFP submittal, to interview the
Proposer in person, and to request a best and final offer, should
the City deem that it is in its
best interest to do so. This RFP does not commit the City to
award a contract, or to pay any
costs incurred in its preparation. The City reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all RFPs
received as a result of this request, to negotiate with any
qualified firm, or to cancel this RFP in
part or in its entirety. The City may require the selected firm to
participate in negotiations and to
submit such technical, price, or other revisions of their
proposals as may result from negotia-
tions. Any costs incurred by the Proposer in responding to this
Request for Proposals shall be
the Proposer’s sole expense and will not be reimbursed by the
Proprietary Information; Public Records Act
The City seeks to conduct its business openly. Upon
recommendation for award of Contract to
the City Council, all Proposal Documents shall become a matter
of public record and shall be
regarded as public, with the exception of those elements of each
Proposal that are identified by
the Consultant and plainly marked as “trade secret,”
“confidential,” or “proprietary”. Each ele-
ment of a Proposal which a Consultant desires not to be
considered a public record must be
clearly marked as set forth above, and any blanket statement
(i.e. regarding entire pages, doc-
uments, or other, non-specific designations) shall not be
sufficient and shall not bind the City in
any way whatsoever. If City receives a request from a third
party to make a Proposal available
for inspection and copying, the City will notify the Consultant
of the request. If a Consultant in-
structs the City that the information is not to be released, City
will withhold the information, pro-
vided, the Consultant expeditiously seeks a protective order to
prevent such release. If disclo-
sure is required under the California Public Records Act or
otherwise by law (despite the Con-
sultant’s request for confidentiality), the City shall not in any
way be liable or responsible for the
disclosure of any such records or part thereof.
Consultant shall indemnify, defend (including Consultant
providing and paying for legal counsel
for the City), and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents,
employees and representatives
from and against any liability, claims, suits, demands, damages,
fines, penalties, costs, or ex-
penses arising out of or alleging the City’s refusal to publicly
disclose one or more records that
Consultant identifies as protectable, or asserts is protectable.
Once selected, the successful Proposer must enter into a written
Agreement with the CITY with-
in fourteen (14) calendar days following Proposer’s receiving
the CITY’s Notice of Intent to
Award Contract.
Before any services can commence, the selected Proposer will
be required to execute the
Standard Form of Agreement, a sample of which is attached
here and alternately referred to as
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“Professional Services Agreement.” To facilitate the project’s
smooth and timely implementation,
Proposers responding to this RFP shall review all the terms and
conditions of the Standard
Form of Agreement including, but not limited to, provisions
relating to insurance, indemnity, and
The CITY’s policy is that the Standard Form of Agreement be
accepted as is. By submitting a
Proposal to the CITY in response to this RFP, each Proposer is
deemed to have provided its
approval to the Standard Form of Agreement, accepting it
without qualification. If a Proposer
seeks limited modification of the Standard Form of Agreement,
then in the Proposal a Proposer
must identify the proposed changes.
However, changes or qualifications to the Standard Form of
Agreement may be weighed in the
evaluation of the Proposal and may cause rejection of the
proposal as non-responsive, in
CITY’s determination.
Insurance Requirements
Based on the Scope of Work, insurance is required for the
following coverages:
• Professional Liability Insurance
• Workers’ Compensation Insurance
• Commercial General Liability or Business owners Liability
• Business Automobile Liability Insurance
The City’s specific insurance requirements are included in the
Appendix to this RFP, as are
sample Professional Services Agreements (PSAs) for 1)
consultants who are not Architects,
Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, or Professional
Land Surveyors and 2) consult-
ants who ARE licensed professionals in the aforementioned
Requests for Clarification
A Proposer with questions may submit to the City a written
Request for Clarification by email to
Ms. Arezoo Kamali, Planning Assistant at [email protected] for
an interpretation or
clarification of, or addenda to, this RFP. Any such request must
be received by the City no later
than the date and time specified in Section I. Schedule of
Events in this RFP. The City will re-
view and prepare a written response to each request made
pursuant to this section. The City's
determination will be furnished to all Proposers by the date
specified in Section I. Schedule of
Events in this RFP.
The City reserves the right to modify or issue addenda to this
RFP. If the City determines it ap-
propriate to revise any portion of this RFP, either at the request
of a Proposer or upon the City’s
own initiative, the City will issue, and make available to all
prospective Proposers, a written ad-
dendum setting forth this revision. Proposer shall acknowledge
receipt of addenda by written
notice thereof returned to the City. Where addenda require
changes in the work to be performed
under the Agreement, the date for receipt of proposals may be
postponed by such number of
days as the City deems appropriate to enable Proposers to revise
proposals. The City is not
bound by any oral interpretations, clarifications, or changes
made to this RFP by any City staff
member. Any clarification or change to the RFP must be
provided in writing pursuant to this sec-
Acceptance of Proposals
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Each proposal shall be submitted with the understanding that it
is subject to the evaluation pro-
cedure set forth in this RFP, and to negotiation at the option of
the City. Upon acceptance in
writing by the City of the final offer to furnish any and all of
the services described herein, the
parties shall promptly execute the final contract documents. The
written Agreement shall bind
the Proposer to furnish, deliver, maintain, operate or
compensate in accordance with conditions
of said accepted proposal and this Request for Proposals, as
negotiated. The City reserves the
right to make the award under this RFP based upon the initial
proposals submitted. The City has
the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any
informality in any proposal.
City Rights
The City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to:
confirmation of information fur-
nished by a Consultant, and require additional evidence of
qualifications to perform the
Work described in this RFP
Proposal, without further obligation
or reimbursement to the Respondents.
fy this RFP
the assistance of outside
technical experts in Proposal evaluation
ease a Consultant’s qualification
determination based on subse-
quently learned information
time after receipt of the Pro-
irregularities in Proposals as the
interests of the City may require.
in its best interests.
xecution of the Contract.
In submitting a Proposal to this RFP, the Consultant is
specifically acknowledging these City-
held rights. This RFP does not commit the City to enter into a
contract, including if the City
elects to reject, in its sole discretion, all of the Proposals. The
City is not liable for any costs in-
curred by a Consultant in preparation and submission of a
Proposal or in anticipation of award
of a contract. By submitting a Proposal, the Consultant
disclaims any right to be paid for such
Restrictions on Lobbying and Contacts
During the period beginning on the date of the issuance of the
RFP and ending on the date of
selection of the Proposer, no person (or entity) submitting a
proposal in response to this RFP,
nor any officer, employee, representative, agent, or consultant
representing such a person (or
entity) shall contact through any means or engage in any
discussion concerning the award of
the Contract with any member of the City Council of the City of
Glendale or his/her staff. Any
such contact shall be grounds for the disqualification of the
proposal. During the period begin-
ning on the date of the issuance of this RFP and ending on the
date of selection of the Propos-
er, each person or entity described in the previous paragraph
shall limit his or her communica-
tion with City staff to the written clarification and amendment
process described in this RFP, and
interviews or discussions pursuant to evaluation and selection
process described in this RFP. At
no time may any Proposer have any communication with a
member of the City’s evaluation
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Committee, other than communication initiated by such member
during interviews or discus-
VII. DBE Requirements
Race Conscious (RC)/DBE Participation. NOTE: The following
mandatory requirement
applies to the Glendale – Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility
Study. The U.S. Dept. of
Transportation Regulations found that 49 CFR Part 26 shall
apply to this contract. A disadvan-
taged business enterprise (“DBE”) contract goal of 10% goal
has been established for this pro-
ject. This goal must be met or good faith efforts to meet this
goal must be demonstrated in or-
der for a proposal to be considered responsive. The Consultant
or subcontractor shall not dis-
criminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in
the performance of this contract.
The consultant shall carry out applicable requirements of 49
CFR, Part 26 in the award and ad-
ministration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the
consultant to carry out these require-
ments is a material breach of this contract, which may result in
the termination of this contract or
such other remedy, as recipient deems appropriate. To assist
consultants in ascertaining
RC/DBE availability for specific items of work, the City has
determined that RC/DBE
could reasonably be expected to compete for subcontracting
opportunities on this pro-
ject, and their likely availability for work on this project is 10%
Race Conscious RC/DBE.
Consultants are required to complete “Exhibit 10.I NOTICE TO
INFORMATION” for this project.
It is the proposer’s responsibility to verify that the RC/DBEs
fall into one of the following
groups in order to count towards the RC/DBE contract goal: 1)
Black American; 2) Asian-
Pacific American; 3) Native American; 4) Women; 5) Hispanic
American; 6) Subcontinent
Asian Pacific American and any other groups whose members
are certified as socially
and economically disadvantaged. Proposers are required to
submit the Local Agency
Proposal RC/DBE Commitment, “Exhibit 15-G” and the Good
Faith Effort, “Exhibit 15-H”
forms along with the proposal submittal. If the RC/DBE
Commitment forms are not sub-
mitted with the proposal, the apparent low proposer, the 2nd
low proposer, and the 3rd low
proposer must complete and submit the RC/DBE Commitment
forms (Exhibits 15-G and
15-H) to the City. Submittal of only the “Local Agency
Proposer RC/DBE Commitment”
form may not provide sufficient documentation to demonstrate
that adequate good faith
efforts were made. For a list of RC/DBE’s certified by the
California Unified Certification
Program, go to:
VIII. Evaluation & Selection
Evaluation/Selection Criteria
a. Written Proposal (14 points each, 140 points total)
1) Project Understanding
2) Clarity of Proposal/Organization and Schedule
3) Thoroughness in Addressing Requirements
4) Creativity in Approach
5) Experience of Personnel
6) Technical Ability to Perform
7) Overall Cost of Product
8) Community Outreach/Facilitation
9) Experience with Similar Projects/Communities
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10) Technical Expertise/Experience of Subconsultants
b. Oral Presentation (10 points each, 60 points total)
1) Presentation
2) Organization
3) Clarity
4) Communication Skills
5) Technical Understanding
6) Responses to Questions
The top five (5) highest-scoring Proposers from the Written
Proposal section will be selected for
the Oral Presentation.
The City reserves the right to reject the proposal of any
Proposer who has previously failed to
perform properly, or complete on time, contracts of a similar
nature, or to reject the proposal of a
Proposer who is not in a position to perform such a contract
satisfactorily. The City expressly
reserves the right to reject the proposal of any Proposer who is
in default of the payment of tax-
es, Agreements or other monies due to the City of Glendale.
IX. Response to RFP – Formatting & Contents
Response Formatting and Contents
The City expects the Proposer to prepare a comprehensive
proposal with recommendations,
actions, and procedures to accomplish the scope of work set
forth in this RFP.
The City shall provide all relevant data in its possession that
pertains to this project in support of
the Proposer’s services. The City assumes no responsibility
whatsoever with respect to the suf-
ficiency or accuracy of any information supplied. The Proposer
shall be responsible for evalua-
tion of all information supplied by the City.
The City of Glendale must receive five (5) CDs and ten (10)
hard copies of the proposal, as well
as Form H, Price and Staffing Proposal, completed in MS Excel.
All documents must be submit-
ted together by the date and time noted on the RFP title sheet.
Proposals should be concise and must be correctly formatted in
accordance with this RFP.
Each proposal must be divided into Parts I, II, and III as
specified below, and must include all of
the required contents of each Part, in the sequence specified.
Each proposal shall include a ta-
ble of contents clearly referencing each Part in the proposal.
1. Submittal Cover – Form A
The proposal shall be signed by an individual authorized to bind
the Proposer and shall state
that the proposal is a firm offer for a 120-day period.
authorized officer(s) in accordance
with its corporate bylaws.
e the Proposal by all of its partners.
After each signature, each
partner must list a residential address or the Firm’s address,
either of which must include
the state, zip code, and telephone number.
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of any of the above entities,
each entity in the joint venture must sign the Proposal.
others must attach to the
Proposal evidence of that person’s legal authority to sign on
behalf of another or others.
2. Proposer Contact Information – Form B
Provide the indicated contact information for the primary
contact person who will be authorized
to make representations for the Proposer’s firm. Provide
information for the Proposer’s second-
ary contact. List all sub-contractors proposed for this project
including type of work to be per-
formed. Use additional sheets as needed.
3. Statements and Agreements – Forms C-F; Disclosure -
Campaign Finance Ordinance
This section should include the following certifications, each of
which shall be fully executed:
i. Form C – Restrictions on Lobbying and Contacts
ii. Form D – Statement of Qualifications
iii. Form E – Proposer's Affidavit of Noncollusion
iv. Form F – Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Statement
v. Form G – Hold Harmless Agreement
vi. Disclosure – Campaign Finance Ordinance
vii. DBE Requirement Documents
a. Caltrans Exhibit 10-O1 Consultant Proposal DBE
b. Caltrans Exhibit 10-O2 Consultant Contract DBE Information
c. Caltrans Exhibit 15-G Local Agency Bidder DBE
d. Caltrans Exhibit 15-H DBE Information – Good Faith Efforts
viii. Debarment and Suspension Certification
4. Information Regarding Debarments, Defaults, Claims, and
Related Events
Each Proposer, including its Joint Venture members, general
partners, and subconsultants
(“team members”), shall submit the information set forth below
regarding past performance, ac-
tivities, and projects. The information shall cover the 5 year
period prior to the due date of the
i. Any instance where the Proposer or a team member defaulted
on a public services
ii. Information concerning the bankruptcy or receivership of the
Proposer or a team
iii. Information concerning all adverse claims, disputes,
settlements, or lawsuits be-
tween a public agency and the Proposer or a team member
(including professional
liability/errors and omissions claims) in which the claim,
settlement, or judgment ex-
ceeds two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000).
Each Proposer shall submit Part II that includes each of the
materials set forth below, explaining
the qualifications of the Proposer to perform the scope of work
and setting forth the Proposer’s
management and organizational structure, capability,
experience, and proposed programs and
plans to ensure successful performance of the scope of work.
a. Project Team
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 21 of 34
i. Proposer must submit an organizational chart identifying the
titles of pro-
ject team members (and subcontractors if applicable) and
reporting rela-
tionships within the team. The submittal shall also include a
brief descrip-
tion for each position identifying which functions they will be
to perform in relation to the Agreement including coordination
of subcon-
tractors. The chart shall indicate a “Project Manager” who will
be the
City’s central contact person for day-to-day matters. The
successful Pro-
poser agrees not to change the assigned project staff without
prior written
consent of the City.
ii. If applicable, the Proposer will submit a description of the
proposed sub-
contractors and identify which functions they will be
responsible to per-
form in relation to the scope of work.
b. Experience, Reference, and Performance Record
i. Provide contact information for five (5) current agencies for
which the
Proposer has provided similar work product. Two of these
should be located in Southern California. Provide contact name,
agency name, address, phone, email, services provided, and
annual rev-
enue hours. Provide a brief scope of services provided for each
tual relationship. Briefly highlight any unusual findings
discovered in the
course of implementing the project and achievements gained as
a result
of the work product.
c. Technical Proposal
i. Provide detailed Scope of Work based on tasks specified in
this RFP. For
each task, please include the following: assigned staff,
estimated time or
proportion of staffer’s total project time, assigned staffer’s rate
and title,
and total proposed cost.
Price Proposal and Staffing Plan - Form H
Each Proposer shall submit a price proposal and staffing plan
using Form H. A review copy of
this form is included within this document, while a submittal
copy in MS Excel format is provided
electronically as a separate file distributed with this RFP. All
figures on Form H must be submit-
ted as a completed spreadsheet in MS Excel format on CD and
within the printed matter as well.
Proposer must submit a staffing plan that includes a
comprehensive list of all key staff by name
and position proposed for this Agreement. Include contract
labor by count, position, and rate
only, as applicable.
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 22 of 34
X. Appendix
List of Resources
For a list of resources, see the Attachments section of this
Appendix. The following resources
shall be used to inform the development of the project and, as
appropriate, summarized or in-
corporated into the project. All are available on the City’s FTP
site at or are
linked to in the Attachments section of this Appendix, unless
otherwise noted.
Local Plan Regional Plan Report/Study Other
• Glendale Bicycle
Plan (2012)
• Greener Glendale
Plan (2012)
• Circulation Ele-
ment of the Gen-
eral Plan (1998)
• Downtown Specif-
ic Plan (2006)
• SCAG Regional
Strategy (2016)
• Metro First Last
Mile Strategic
Plan (2014)
• Metro Active
Strategic Plan
• Glendale Down-
town Mobility
Study (2007)
• Caltrans Local
Assistance Pro-
cedures Manual
DBE forms
• Sample Profes-
sional Services
• City of Glendale
Insurance Re-
• Forms B, D, H
• Disclosure Form -
Campaign Fi-
nance Ordinance
• Campaign Fi-
nance Summary –
• Debarment and
Suspension Certi-
fication (Page 29
of this RFP)
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 23 of 34
Submittal Forms
MS Word versions of Form B, Form D, the Campaign Finance
Disclosure form,
and an MS Excel version of Form H are provided electronically
on the City’s FTP site:
All other forms should be printed from this RFP and executed
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 24 of 34
Firm Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
I certify that this Proposer is sufficiently informed as to all
matters affecting the performance of
the work, and the furnishing of labor, supplies, material or
equipment called for in this proposal;
that the proposal has been checked for errors and omissions,
that the facts stated in the pro-
posal are current and as intended and are a complete and correct
statement of the facts stated
therein for performing the work or furnishing the labor,
supplies, materials or equipment required
by the RFP. This Proposer waives any claim for the return of
its proposal on account of errors
or omissions claimed to have been made in its proposal or for
any other reason.
I certify that this response fully complies with the requirements
as defined in the RFP, and that I
am an authorized representative of the company to bind the firm
to this response to the RFP for
a 120 day period.
Printed Name of Authorized Representative Signature of
Authorized Representative
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 25 of 34
Firm Name:
City, State, Zip
Authorized Signer Name:
Authorized Signer Title:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Project Manager Name:
Project Manager Title:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Subcontractors to Proposer
Firm Name:
City, State, Zip
Authorized Representative Name:
Authorized Representative Title:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Work to be Performed:
Firm Name:
City, State, Zip:
Authorized Representative Name:
Authorized Representative Title:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Work to be Performed:
Attach additional pages as necessary.
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 26 of 34
The Proposer agrees that during the period beginning on the
date of the issuance of the RFP
and ending on the date of selection of the Proposer, no person
(or entity) submitting a proposal
in response to this RFP, nor any officer, employee,
representative, agent, or consultant repre-
senting such a person (or entity) has not and shall not contact
through any means or engage in
any discussion concerning the award of the Contract with any
member of the City Council of the
City of Glendale or his or her personal staff. Any such contact
shall be grounds for the disquali-
fication of the proposal.
The Proposer agrees that during the period beginning on the
date of the issuance of this RFP
and ending on the date of selection of the Proposer, each person
or entity described in the pre-
vious paragraph has and shall limit his or her communication
with City staff to the written clarifi-
cation and amendment process described in Section IV, and
interviews or discussions pursuant
to evaluation and selection process described in Section V. At
no time has or shall this Propos-
er have any communication with a member of the City’s
Evaluation Committee, other than
communication initiated by such member during interviews or
________________________________ _______________
Signature of Authorized Representative Date
Printed Name and Title of Authorized Representative
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 27 of 34
A. If your organization is a corporation or a limited liability
company, answer the following:
1. Date of incorporation/organization:
2. State of incorporation/organization:
3. Corporate ID number:
4. Agent for Service of Process:
5. Attach names, addresses and phone numbers of all
Corporate Officers.
B. If your organization is a partnership, answer the following:
1. Date of organization/formation:
2. Type of partnership (if applicable):
3. Attach name(s), address and telephone number of general
C. If your organization is individually owned, answer the
1. Date of organization:
2. Owner Name:
Telephone number:
D. Claims and Suits (Check the box if answer is “no”. If the
answer to any of the ques-
tions below is “yes”, please attach an explanation.)
from bidding by any
state, county or local government agencies? If yes, please
y judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings
or suits pending or
outstanding against your organization or its officers?
arbitration within the last
five (5) years?
er is a corporation, any principal of
the corporation ever
been convicted of a felony? If your answer is “Yes”, please
explain the details of that
conviction and, if so, whether you or said officer have served
his or her sentence.
r company ever been charged by any
governmental agency
for failure to follow safety procedures? If so, please explain.
We/I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true
and correct.
Dated this day of , 20____
Name of Company:
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 28 of 34
I, ____________________________________ under penalty of
perjury, state as follows:
1. That I am the ________________________ (Title of office if
a corporation: "sole owner,"
"Partner," or other proper title) of
__________________________________, (hereinafter called
"Proposer") who has submitted to the City of Glendale a
Proposal for the GLENDALE-
2. That said Proposal is genuine; that the same is not sham; that
all statements of fact
therein are true;
3. That said Proposal is not made in the interest or behalf of any
person, partnership, com-
pany, association, organization, or corporation not named or
4. That Proposer did not, directly or indirectly induce, solicit,
agree, collude, conspire or
contrive with anyone else to submit a false or sham proposal, to
refrain from proposing, or with-
draw his/her proposal, to raise or fix the proposal price of
Proposer or of anyone else, or to raise
or fix any overhead profit, or any cost element of Proposer’s
price or the price of anyone else;
and did not attempt to induce action prejudicial to the interests
of the City of Glendale, or of any
other Proposer, or anyone else interested in the proposed
5. That the Proposer has not in any manner sought by collusion
to secure for him-
self/herself/itself an advantage over any other Proposer or
induce action prejudicial to the inter-
ests of the City of Glendale or of any other Proposer, or anyone
else interested in the proposed
6. That the Proposer did not, directly or indirectly, submit its
proposal price or any break-
down thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulge information or
data relative thereto, to any cor-
poration, partnership, company, association, organization, bid
depository, or to any member or
agent thereof, or to any individual or group of individuals,
except to the City of Glendale, or to
any person or persons who have partnership or other financial
interest with said Proposer in
his/her business.
We/I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true
and correct.
Dated this day of , 20____
Name of Company:
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 29 of 34
The Proposer hereafter described will not discriminate against
any employee or applicant for
employment because of race/color, national origin, sex, sexual
preference, religion, age, or
handicapped status in employment or the provisions of services.
________________________________ _______________
Signature of Authorized Representative Date
Printed Name and Title of Authorized Representative
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 30 of 34
Proposer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of
Glendale against and from any and
all damages to property or injuries to or death of any person or
persons, including employees or
agents of the City, and shall defend, indemnify and hold
harmless the City, its officers, agents,
and employees, from any and all claims, demands, suits,
actions, or proceedings of any kind or
nature, of or by anyone whomsoever, in any way resulting from
or arising out of the negligent or
intentional acts, errors, or omissions of the Proposer or any of
its officers, agents, or employees.
________________________________ _______________
Signature of Authorized Representative Date
Printed Name and Title of Authorized Representative
City of Glendale
___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
Streetcar Feasibility Study
Page 31 of 34
1) All persons or firms, including subconsultants, must
complete this certification and certify, under
penalty of perjury, that, except as noted below, he/she or any
person associated therewith in the
capacity of owner, partner, director, officer, or manager:
a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for
debarment, declared ineligible, or
voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal
department or agency;
b) Have not, within the three (3) year period preceding this
certification, been convicted of
or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission
of fraud or a criminal
offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or
performing a public
(federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public
transaction, violation of
Federal or state antitrust statutes, or commission of
embezzlement, theft, forgery,
bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false
statements, or receiving
stolen property;
c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or
civilly charged by a
governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission
of any of the offenses
listed in subparagraph (1)(b) of this certification; and
d) Have not, within the three (3) year period preceding this
certification, had one or more
public transactions (Federal, state, and local) terminated for
cause or default.
2) If such persons or firms later become aware of any
information contradicting the statements of
paragraph (1), they will promptly provide that information to
THE City of Glendale.
If there are any exceptions to this certification, insert the
exceptions in the following space.
Exceptions will not necessarily result in denial of award, but
will be considered in determining
proposer/bidder responsibility. For any exception noted above,
indicate below to whom it applies, initiating
agency, and dates of actions.
Name of Firm
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Comparing English and Dutch Auction Formats

  • 1. Running head: AUCTION 1 AUCTION 8 AUCTIONS Marquita Phillips Dr. Phyllis Isley ECO 550: Managerial Accounting 19-08-2019 Similarities and Differences English Auction versus Dutch Auction The Open Ascending Price Auction is the most popular type of auction. We know it better as The English Auction. The way that an English auction works is what you probably already have in mind. From what you have seen on television or have witnessed in real life. It is basicallay a bidding war, with the price of the sale going higher and higher until only one person has the highest bid and they of course become the winner
  • 2. of the item they were bidding on. Placing a bid in an English Auction is done by electronic means or vocally, just yelling out. There is always a starting price. The starting price is basically the lowest amount that they seller is willing to let the item go for. Of course no seller wants the low ball numbers and often hope that by having a low starting price for the bid, it will attract more sellers and with more sellers, comes the chance for a higher price. An auction is over when the bid reaches its maximum value, and no participant is willing to offer a higher amount. A negative aspect of the English Auction is that buyer may offer a price that is higher than the real value of the product. Additionally, the requirement of constant and proper communication sometimes can be a little difficult and expensive (Coppinger, Smith & Titus, 2010). Descending Price Auction, which is also better known as, the Dutch Auction is a type of auction where the bidder starts bidding at a higher price than the original value of the items being bidded on. The owner or auctioneer of the product starts at a higher price and gradually lowers the price of the items. However, the price cannot go beyond the holding price. This auction type is intended for bulk items, and here the seller specifies the number of identical items to sell at a minimum price. In Dutch auctions, both the highest bidder and the earliest bidder are winners for the available quantity of products. It is also important to note that in a Dutch auction, mainly perishable items, such as crops, fish, and other food items are sold (Coppinger, Smith & Titus, 2010). One major difference between English Auctions and Dutch Auctions is the way that the pricing for the bidding is done. English Auctions uses an ascending price auction, meaning the bid is always started at the lowest price acceptable and end at the highest price that someone is willing to pay. Dutch Auction uses a descending price auction. As you can imagine descending means they start at the highest price acceptable and work backwards to gradually lower the price. In English Auctions most of the products are non-perishable items and sold
  • 3. in single numbers, while the Dutch Auctions products are mainly perishable items that are sold in bulk. (Coppinger, Smith & Titus, 2010). Vickery Auction and Sealed Auction The Sealed Bid First-Price Auction, also known as Blind Auction, is where the bidder gets only one chance to bid. Alternately, all bidders concurrently submit sealed bids, so that no one knows each other’s' bid amount. The highest bidder pays the price of the bidding amount. Vickery Auction is also known as Second Price Sealed Bid, in which bidders submit bids without the knowledge of the other bidders. The winning bidder pays the second-highest bid, rather than his bid. It is quite similar to the first-price sealed bid auction. Although they are almost similar, the distinction between the two types of the auction is that in Vickery auction, the winner pays the second-highest bid, rather than the bid he has won. English Auction Flaws The way that the English auction works is that the bidders are actively trying to outbid each other, with each bid being higher than the previous bid. Bidders are free to call out their bids vocally or electronically. As a result, bidders are aware of other bidder’s prices. One of the significant weaknesses associated with this type of auction is bidder’s curse. One bidder may place a bid of a price higher than the value of the product to create a false impression of the value of the product. For instance, Concierge Auctions has been accused of severally for manipulating bids to juice up the businesses. Notably, the company drummed up high bids of about $14 million for Joanne Brown’s apartments, whose real value was $3 million (Clarke, 2019). Ascending auction (English auction) provides bidders with information throughout the bidding process. The information is a two-edged sword. The information may arouse competition by creating a reliable process of price discovery, by reducing the winner’s curse, and by allowing efficient aggregations of items.
  • 4. Alternately, the bidders may use the information to establish and enforce collusive outcomes (Clarke, 2019). Although English auctions may harvest many sales for the company through high prices establish during an auction, the value of the real estate may not be established, especially when the bidders are inexperienced buyers. Through their overbid, they may be exposed to the winner’s curse, thus buying the property at a premium. Another downside of an auction is that some of the attractiveness variables may be omitted attributing false impression to the property. Some of the strategies to create a false impression of the property may be accomplished through media attention and other sales mechanisms (Clarke, 2019). Regardless of the flaws involved English auctions demonstrates, it remains the most efficient auction method. Agreeably, each auction type has downsides and upsides, which when compared to those of English auction, are found to be more adverse. Escalation of bids establishes the agreeable value of the property. The bidders do not have a fixed value for an item. Instead, they learn from each other’s bidding and adjust the value to the most agreeable value. The process is efficient when conducted under certain conditions and when others do not have sufficient information to make auction decision. The method is efficient and maximizes revenue and the fact that the method reveals that the winners are willing to par at least the amount bid (Cramton, 2018). Instead of Concierge Auctions switching to another form of auction, the company needs to strengthen its moral standards. According to the journal, the underlying problem is not the method of auctioning but the people carrying out the process. The company does not have moral standards and ethical behavior. It is, therefore, recommended for the company to review its moral and ethical standards in an auction. Even though other better auction strategies may be established, the company may still face legal suits for unethical behavior. Let the company and its management adhere to integrity, straightforwardness, and openness in auction processes.
  • 5. Uses of Auction Auction is the process of selling and buying products by offering them for bidding. It allows buyers to bid and acquire the product at the highest prices achieved. The bidders compete against each other by placing bids with each subsequent bid being higher than the previous one (for the case of English Auction, which is most common). Once an item is placed for sale, the auctioneer begins with a low price figure and gradually increases to the highest price attained by a buyer. Alternately, the auctioneer places a very high price on the item and gradually reduces the prices to the level the first buyer is willing to pay (Coppinger, Smith & Titus, 2010). Auction theory is essential in determining the social price and value of the item under sale. Besides, auction prevents overpricing and underpricing of products due to market forces. Auction regulates pricing of items in the product and service markets. Application of the auction theory can be seen as the commn link between the auction theory and information that is based on the corporate finance theory. Auctions are used to help individuals understand the practices used in financial institutions and markets such as underpricing and overpricing of products. Auctions can also help with services in the IPO markets and non-cash bids in takeover markets as well as the discrimination against certain bidders. E-businesses also have auctions applied in their transactions. The buyers are considered the bidders and the auctioneers are considered the sellers. As the name suggests E-business is done all online and all transactions are done electronically. E- commerce application of auction may involve long-distance auctioneering through various electronic devices between B2B, B2C, and C2C. It also applies to online stock exchanges in which bidders quote their stock prices, and the auctioneers decide on the winning bids. Search engines also use a form of auction to help improve the allocation of sponsored ad slots. Higher bids win more slots for sponsored ads on various search engines.
  • 6. Auctions means of revenue generation in Not-for-profit organizations Advantages · Auctions raise income at a higher rate than expected as many would invest much of their profit share back into CSR activities · Auctions help in generating interest income making prices better · There is a probability of getting much value because fair value is taken as base value hence higher value obtained Disadvantages · Potential bidders may fail to follow formalities which are tiresome and cumbersome · Additional overhead costs arising from legal and solicitors costs reduce the level of income for the organization. Using auction to uncover value and increase revenue · English auction raises more revenue than first-price auctions only when the bidders do not encounter the winner’s curse. The company should employ this type of auction to increase revenue · Allowing bidders to reserve and upset prices and inform other bidders on such changes to indicate the fair value of the property or product under sale · The auctioneers should be allowed to use puffers, who are employed to raise the price by fictitious bids.
  • 7. References Clarke, K. (2019, February 7). Luxury Real-Estate Firm Concierge Auctions Fights Allegations of Fraudulent Bids. Retrieved from firm-concierge-auctions-fights-allegations-of-fraudulent-bids- 11549568689 Coppinger, V. M., Smith, V. L., & Titus, J. A. (2010). Incentives and behavior in English, Dutch, and sealed‐bid auctions. Economic Inquiry, 18(1), 1-22. Cramton, P. (2018). Ascending Auctions. European Economic Review 42 (5), 745-756. ! ! ! ! ! DEPARTMENT!OF!PUBLIC!WORKS! ! REQUEST!FOR!PROPOSALS! FOR!PROFESSIONAL!DESIGN!SERVICES! FOR!THE!DESIGN!OF!
  • 9. REQUEST!FOR!PROPOSALS! FOR!PROFESSIONAL!DESIGN!SERVICES! FOR!THE!DESIGN!OF! LAMBERT(PARK(PHASE(II((CIP(NO.(819)( Table!of!Contents! ! 1.0!OVERVIEW...................................................................... ............................................................2! 2.0!SCOPE!OF!SERVICES...................................................... ..............................................................3! 3.0!PROPOSAL!FORMAT ............................................................................................... ....................7! 4.0!EVALUATION!CRITERIA................................................. ..............................................................10! 5.0!SELECTION!PROCESS..................................................... ..............................................................11! 6.0!PROPOSAL!REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... ........12! ! ATTACHMENT!A!–!LAMBERT!PARK!MASTR!PLAN! EXHIBIT!1!– !PROFESSIONAL!SERVICES!AGREEMENT!SAMPLE!
  • 10. ! ! ! ! ! 2! ! ! 1.0(Overview(( ! The!City!of!El!Monte!(the!City)!has!made!numerous!improvem ents!over!the!past!several!years! to!Lambert!Park.!These!improvements!have!been!made!possibl e!through!funds!awarded!to!the! City!from!Air!Quality!Management!District!(AQMD)!and!the! Conservation!Corp.!Improvements! completed! through! 2016! include:! 1)! Installation! of! Watershed! Gardens;! 2)! Installation! of! a! Permeable! Pavers! Plaza;! and! 3)! Installation! of! Picnic! Shelters;! 4)! Installation! of! passive! improvements! and! park! amenities! within! the! Watershed! Gardens;! and! 5)! Environmental! Testing! for! purposes! of! abating! and! demolishing! two! existing! buildings,! (maintenance! room/restrooms!and!youth!hut).!!! !
  • 11. The!City!recently!commissioned!the!preparation!of!a!New!Con ceptual!Plan!for!Lambert!Park! and!this!plan!was!approved!by!City!Council!in!a!meeting!on!A ugust!2,!2016.!This!Conceptual! Plan!(See!Attachment!A!– !Lambert!Park!Master)!will!be!the!basis!for!future!improvemen ts!to! Lambert!Park.! ! The!City!of!El!Monte!(the!City)!is!soliciting!proposals!from!q ualified!and!experienced!proposers! to! secure! architectural! and! engineering! design! services! for! the! preparation! of! plans,! specifications,!and!cost!estimates!(PS&E)!and!related!construct ion!documents,!and!to!provide! construction! administration! services! during! the! construction! phase! for! the! LAMBERT! PARK! IMPROVEMENTS!PHASEc2!(CIP!NO.!819).!The!plans!and!co st!estimates!will!be!comprehensive! for! all! improvements! proposed! on! the! approved! Lambert! Park! Conceptual! Plan! (Refer! to! Attachment!“A”).!It!is!the!intent!to!have!a!complete!set!of!pla ns!and!phase!construction!using! remaining!funds!from!the!AQMD!Grant!and!construct!improve ments!when!funding!is!available.! The!Design!Project!is!to!be!funded!using!funds!awarded!to!the !City!of!El!Monte.!This!project!is! subject!to!state!and!federal!regulations!and!procurement!requir ements.!! ! At! the! of! release! of! this! RFP! The! City! has! approximately! $900,000! remaining! on! the! AQMD! grant!and!is!seeking!future!funding!from!Los!Angeles!County!
  • 12. for!construction!of!improvements! and! new! fields.! At! this! time! the! City! desires! to! develop! a! comprehensive! plan! for! future! improvements!to!Lambert!Park.!Construction!of!these!improve ments!may!be!phased!based!on! future!funding!availability.! ! 3! ! ! 2.0(Scope(of(Services( ! The!City!is!seeking!a!qualified!proposer!to!provide!technical!p rofessional!services!related!to!the! design! of! parks! and! recreation! improvement! projects.! ! The! proposer! applying! should! have! significant! experience! in! preparing! plans,! specifications,! cost! estimates! and! obtaining! any! required!permits!for!these!types!of!projects.!!The!objective!of! the!Project!is!to!complete!the! design! and! secure! approval! of! all! plans,! specifications,! estimates,! and! permits! from! all! applicable!agencies!in!order!to!immediately!thereafter!advertis e,!bid,!and!award!a!construction! contract.!! ! The! City! had! commissioned! and! approved! a! Conceptual! Master! Plan! (see! Attachment! “A”! c! Lambert!Park!Master!Plan)!and!this!plan!will!be!the!basis!for! design!services!in!this!RFP.!! !
  • 13. The!following!tasks!are!identified!for!the!scope!of!services:! ( Task(1(– !Have!an!initial!scoping!meeting!with!the!City!to!finalize!the! specifics!of!the!Project!in! accordance!with!Attachment!“A”!– !Lambert!Park!Master!Plan.!Perform!Utility!Research/Other! Research! and! Coordination.! Conduct! required! surveys/design! surveys! and! prepare! detailed! base!map!for!use!in!developing!design!plans.!In!summary!this! task!shall!include!the!following! services:! ! 1) Meetings!(number!of!meetings):! a. Scoping/Kickcoff!(2)! b. Utility!Company!(2)! c. Stakeholders!!c!Final!Design!(2)! d. City!Council!(2)! e. City!Staff!(5)! ! 2) Develop!and!maintain!Project!Schedule!for!Approval!based!on! City!approval!process!and! grant!restrictions! ! 3) Research,!Survey,!and!Base!Map!preparation! ! Task(2(– !Develop!all!design!plans!based!on!Task!1!and!Attachment!“A ”!–!Lambert!Park!Master! Plan.!Project!Plans:!Prepare!design!plans!for!the!construction! of:!
  • 14. ! 1) Upon!completion!of!Base!Map,!conduct!second!scoping!meetin g!with!City!to!discuss!any! deviation!from!initial!scoping!meeting!/!approved!Conceptual! Plan!that!may!be!required! based!on!information!obtained!during!Task!1.!! ! 2) New! Restroom/Concession/Staff! Building.! Concession! portion! designed! for! Level! 3! Concession.! ! 4! ! 3) New!Plaza! ! 4) Renovate!Existing!Building! ! 5) New!Playground!Areas;!Tot!Lot!(Age!2c5)!&!Children!(Age!5c 12)!! ! 6) New!Multicuse!Sport!Fields! ! 7) New!Field!Lighting! !
  • 15. 8) New!Outdoor!Fitness!Stations! ! 9) New!Hardscape!Improvements!and!Amenities! ! 10) New!Landscape!Improvements! ! 11) New!Utilities/Utility!Improvements!to!Support!the!proposed!im provements! ! 12) Funding!to!construct!all!improvements!has!not!yet!been!secure d.!Should!full!funding!not! be! available! at! the! time! the! design! plans! and! specifications! are! approved,! it! may! be! necessary! to! construct! the! improvements! in! phases! based! on! available! funding.! Proposers! shall! provide! services! to! separate! the! plans! into! multiple! phases! for! construction!(Assume!3!phases).!!Phasing!shall!take!into!accou nt!the!time!gap!between! phases!and!a!maximum!of!3!phases.!Fee(to(this(subtask(shall(b e(identified(as(a(separate( line(item(under(Task(2.! ! Design!Services!shall!follow!and!include!Schedule!and!Schedu le!Control!covered!under!Section! 3,! Item! 8.! Additionally,! the! scope! of! professional! services! shall! include! coordination! with! all! applicable! regulatory! agencies! and! outside! utility!
  • 16. companies! if! required! for! the! design,! execution!and!completion!of!this!project.!Allow!3!weeks!for!e ach!City!review.!! ! Plans!shall!be!submitted!at!the!following!stages!of!completion! for!City!review!and!comment:! 30%,!65%,!95%,!100%!(Final).!! ! Task(3(– !Project!Specifications!at!30%,!65%,!95%,!and!100%!submittal :!Prepare!specifications!in! conformance! with! the! current! Standard! Specifications! for! Public! Works! Construction! (Greenbook)! and! other! applicable! agency! standard! plans,! specifications,! and! guidance! documents! in! order! to! obtain! plan! approval.! ! Provide! the! required! permits,! standards,! and! reference!materials!to!be!included!in!the!City’s!standard!contr act!documents.!!Every!item!of! work!must!be!fully!covered!including!a!measurement!clause!an d!a!payment!clause.! ! Task(4(– !Construction!Estimate:!Prepare!an!engineer’s!construction!esti mate!for!the!designed! Project!at!the!65%!submittal!and!100%!submittal.!!Cost!estima tes!shall!have!quantities!and!unit! 5! ! prices!with!backcup!calculations!for!all!quantities.!!The!consul tant!shall!verify!current!unit!prices! at!time!of!final!plan!approval.!
  • 17. ! Task(5(– !Permitting!and!Regulations:!Develop!and!manage!the!approval !process!for!all!required! permits! and! environmental! documents.! ! The! consultant! shall! observe! all! laws,! rules,! and! regulations!concerning!environmental!permitting!and!the!scope !of!professional!services!shall! include!all!steps!necessary!in!the!project!development!and!per mitting!process!to!fully!entitle! the!project!to!move!into!the!construction!phase.!! ! 1) Document,! design,! and! incorporate! environmental! requirements! (i.e.,! CEQA! documentation,!etc.),!mitigation!measures,!NPDES!requirement s!(including!adherence! to!MS4!LID!requirements),!BMPs,!air/water!quality,!and!erosi on/sediment!control!into! the!Project!construction!documents!as!required.! ! 2) Provide!a!signed!checkcoff!list!certifying!that!all!environment al!clearances/permits!have! been! completed! and! all! mitigation! measures! have! been! incorporated! into! the! PS&E! prior!to!the!advertisement!of!the!project!for!construction.! ! 3) Proposers! shall! incorporate! the! City! of! El! Monte’s! Tree! Protection! and! Preservation! Ordinance,!Chapter!14.03!of!the!El!Monte!Municipal!Code!(E MMC)!as!applicable.!!The! deliverables! provided! to! the! City! shall! conform! to! those! regulations! to! ensure! a!
  • 18. complete!and!conforming!project.!!The!consultant!and!its!subc onsultants!shall!comply! with! Public! Works! Greenbook! and! EMMC! in! the! preparation! of! full,! complete,! and! accurate!PS&E.!Note:!The!City!shall!supply!the!successful!pro poser!with!a!recent!tree! survey!report!for!Lambert!Park.! ! 4) Proposers! shall! incorporate! all! federal,! state,! and! local! laws,! rules,! and! regulations! concerning! public! works! as! applicable.! ! The! deliverables! provided! to! the! City! shall! conform! to! those! regulations! to! ensure! a! complete! and! conforming! project.! ! The! consultant!and!its!subconsultants!shall!comply!with!Public!Con tract!Code!Section!10120! in!the!preparation!of!full,!complete,!and!accurate!PS&E.! ! Task(6(– !Construction!Support!Services:!Provide!engineering!services!p rior!to,!during,!and! following!construction!including:! ( 1) Attend!a!precconstruction!meeting!and!provide!clarification!of! contract!documents!as! needed.! ! 2) Assist!the!City!with!Request!for!Information!responses.! ! 3) Provide! review! of! the! Contractor’s! submittals! for!
  • 19. conformance! with! the! contract! documents.! ! 4) Subsequent!to!completion!of!construction,!the!consultant!shall! provide!Mylar!plots!of! 6! ! revised!drawings!incorporating!all!ascbuilt!revisions!clouded!a nd!noted!in!the!revision! block!using!the!Contractor’s!record!red!lines.!!The!Project!dra wings!should!be!stamped! “Project! Record! Drawings”.! ! Transmit! original! Mylar! Record! Drawings! and! two! CDs! containing!all!project!drawings!including!AutoCAD!files!as!we ll!as!PDF!versions.!! ! All!data,!documents,!and!other!products!used!or!developed!dur ing!the!project!will!become!the! property!of!the!City.! ! 7! ! !
  • 20. 3.0(Proposal(Format( All!proposals!shall!include!the!following!information!and!com ply!with!the!associated!page!limit! restrictions.!!Note!that!1!page!includes!the!front!side!of!an!8.5 x11!sheet!of!paper!and!the!cover! does!not!constitute!a!page.! ! 1) Cover!Letter.!!Maximum!1!page!cover!letter!signed!by!an!offic er!of!the!firm,!binding!the! proposer! to! all! of! the! commitments! made! in! the! submittal.! ! The! letter! shall! include! name,!address!and!phone!number!of!the!person!authorized!to!r epresent!the!proposer! and!shall!include!the!following!Statement:! a. I!HAVE!READ!UNDERSTOOD,!AND!AGREED!TO!ALL!STA TEMENTS!IN!THIS!REQUEST! FOR! PROPOSAL! AND! ACKNOWLEDGE! RECEIPT! OF! ALL! ADDENDUMS/AMENDMENTS! AS! WELL! AS! TO! THE! TERMS,! CONDITIONS,! AND! ATTACHMENTS!REFERENCED.! ! 2) Proposer’s!Background.!!!Maximum!2!page!background!on!the !proposer!and!its!area(s)! of!professional!expertise!relevant!to!this!RFP.!!An!additional! 1!cpage!may!be!included!to! highlight!the!background!of!each!proposed!subconsultant!to!be !used!by!the!proposer! and!the!specific!task(s)!or!functions!the!subconsultant!will!per
  • 21. form.!!! ! 3) Qualifications!and!Experience!of!Proposer’s!Personnel.!!Maxi mum!3!page!summary!of! the!relevant!experience,!work!history,!training,!education!and! special!certifications!of! the! proposer’s! personnel! who! will! be! performing! the! professional! services! contemplated!under!this!RFP!on!the!proposer’s!behalf.!!Briefly !discuss!the!Consultant! team's!qualifications!and!experience!with!projects!of!a!similar! magnitude!and!nature.!! Proposers!shall!provide!identical!information!for!all!subconsul tants’!performing!any!of! the! tasks! or! services! contemplated! under! this! RFP! on! the! proposer’s! behalf.! ! The! summary!shall!also!include!the!office!location!of!key!personne l!proposed!to!work!on!this! contract.! ! Relevant! experience! can! include! your! company’s! overall! experience,! experience! with! similar! projects! and! the! experience! of! individuals! on! your! proposed! team.!!Show!how!your!experience!relates!to!the!demands!of!th is!project.! ! 4) Project!Approach.!!Maximum!3!page!summary!of!the!proposed !approach!to!designing! this! park! improvement! project.! ! The! proposer! shall! explain! the! way! in! which! the! proposer!will!timely!complete!all!of!the!tasks!called!for!under !the!RFP!along!with!an!
  • 22. estimate!of!the!time!it!will!take!to!complete!each!task.!!Includ e!a!brief!overview!of!the! Consultant's! understanding! of! the! project.! ! The! content! will! reflect! the! particular! viewpoint!of!the!Consultant.!!! ! 5) Proposed! Personnel.! ! Maximum! 2! page! resume! for! the! project! manager! and! 1! page! resume! for! each! of! the! other! key! personnel,! including! subconsultants,! which! will! be! performing!the!majority!of!the!work!on!this!project/contract.!! Resumes!for!corporate! leadership!should!not!be!included!unless!said!individuals!will! be!performing!substantial! 8! ! work!on!this!project.!!The!designated!Project!Manager!shall!be !the!primary!contact!with! the!City!during!the!contract!period!and!shall!function!in!that!c apacity!while!employed!by! the!firm.!!In!addition,!the!City!must!approve!changes!of!perso nnel.!! 6) Quality! Assurance/Quality! Control! Procedures.! ! Maximum! 1! page! brief! description! of! the! consultant’s! approach! to! implement! a! Projectcspecific! Quality! Control! Plan.!! Describe! the! major! elements! and! steps! of! the! quality! assurance! /! quality! control! (QA/QC)! program! and! procedures! that! will! be! followed!
  • 23. for! each! deliverable! (i.e.! engineering! discipline! review,! coordination! review,! constructability! review,! QA/QC! control!review,!etc.).!! ! 7) References.!!Each!proposal!must!include!at!least!3!public!agen cy!references!going!back! at!not!more!than!five!(5)!years!from!the!issuance!of!this!RFP!i n!which!the!proposer!was! engaged!to!perform!tasks!similar!to!those!requested!under!this! RFP.!!References!should! place!an!emphasis!on!past!projects!in!which!the!personnel!to!b e!used!by!proposer!for! this!project!were!deployed.!The!references!should!include!the! name,!title!and!contact! information! of! the! public! agency! officer! or! employee! responsible! for! overseeing! the! proposer’s!work.!! ! 8) Schedule!and!Schedule!Control.!!Maximum!2!page!schedule!de tailing!when!the!specific! Tasks! will! be! completed.! ! Proposers! should! factor! in! additional! time! that! may! be! required!due!to!reasonably!foreseeable!types!of!delays.!The!pr oposal!shall!identify!all! critical!task!sequencing!and!critical!paths!required!to!ensure!th at!the!work!is!timely!and! completely!completed.!The!Consultant!shall!submit!a!detailed! project!schedule!outlining! the!tasks,!activities,!deliverables,!milestone!and!duration!requi red!for!the!completion!
  • 24. and! submission! of! each! of! the! deliverables! identified! in! the! Scope! of! Services.! The! schedule! shall! also! factor! in! reasonable! review! and! feedback! periods! for! draft! deliverables!by!City!staff!as!well!as!any!and!all!legally!manda ted!review!and!comment! period,!including!those!that!may!be!required!by!third!party!reg ulatory!agencies.!! ! 9) Fee!Schedule/Cost!Proposal.! !Maximum!3!page!detailed!cost!estimate!for!performing! specific!Tasks!identified!in!the!RFP!and!a!schedule!of!rates!fo r!each!proposed!personnel! that!may!be!tasked!to!complete!the!Project.!The!Taskcspecific! cost!estimate!shall!include! an! estimate! of! the! number! of! hours! per! staff! member! by! proposed! task! and! clearly! identify!an!hourly!rate!schedule!for!the!proposed!staff.!The!pr oposal!shall!indicate!the! compensation!structure!for!performing!specific!services!identif ied!in!Tasks!1!through!6! (e.g.! flat! lump! sum! or! hourly! rate! structure)! for! each! Task.! ! The! proposal! shall! also! include! costs! and! expenses! related! to! photocopying,! postage,! travel,! etc.! (i.e.! Reimbursement! expenses).! ! To! the! extent! that! a! proposal! contemplates! the! use! of! subconsultants! to! perform! any! one! or! more! of! the! above! described! tasks! on! the! proposer’s! behalf,! the! proposal! shall! include! a! List! of! Subconsultants! identifying! all! subconsultants!and!state!the!fee!for!each!subconsultant!in!the! Fee!Schedule!under!the! appropriate!Task!under!which!the!service!will!be!provided.!!In
  • 25. !so!far!as!the!proposer’s! proposal! contemplates! an! increase! in! compensation! rates! or! charges! prior! to! the! completion!of!Tasks!1!through!6,!and!during!the!term!of!the!p ortion!of!the!PSA!or!any! 9! ! extension!term,!the!proposal!shall!clearly!indicate!when!such!i ncreases!will!take!effect! and!by!how!much.! ! a. The!Fee!Schedule/Cost!Proposal!shall!be!delivered!in!a!separat e!sealed!envelope! which!is!plainly!marked!on!the!outside!“Lambert!Park!Phase!II !(CIP!NO.!819)”!and! addressed! to! the! abovecmentioned! location.! ! The! envelope! shall! contain! the! name!and!address!of!the!consultant!clearly!marked!on!the!outs ide.! ! The!City!reserves!the!right!to!delete!specific!task(s).!! 10! ! !
  • 26. 4.0(Evaluation(Criteria( Each! proposal! shall! be! evaluated! on! the! basis! of! the! proposer’s! expertise,! experience! and! training!and!the!expertise!of!its!key!personnel!along!with!prior !contracting!history,!approach!to! the!project,!cost,!proposed!schedule!and!compliance!with!the! RFP!requirements!including!the! terms!of!the!attached!PSA.!Each!such!factor!shall!be!weighted !by!the!City!as!follows:!! 1) Expertise,! Experience! &! Training! Plus! Prior! Contracting! History! (25%)! –! The! expertise,! experience! and! training! of! the! proposer! and! its! key! personnel! and! previous!experience!with!similar!work!in!similar!fields!and!qu alifications!and!depth! of! the! staff! that! will! perform! the! work! on! this! project.! ! This! factor! includes! evaluation!of!the!proposer’s!prior!contracting!history,! including!the!review!of!the! proposer’s!certifications!relating!to!false!claims,!debarment!an d!civil!litigation.! ! 2) Project! Approach! (40%)! –! The! proposer’s! responsiveness! in! developing! a! comprehensive!plan!while!meeting!regulatory!requirements!and !the!City’s!specific! needs.! ! 3) Cost! (15%)! –! The! proposed! compensation! structure! (inclusive! of! hourly! rates! of! compensation,!pass!through!costs!and!subconsultant!costs)!for!
  • 27. the!performance!of! Tasks! 1! through! 8,! inclusive! of! its! proposed! notcto! cexceed! sum.! ! The! proposers! proposed! strategy! for! containing! costs! incurred! by! City! while! still! meeting! the! objectives!and!standards!set!forth!under!the!RFP.! ! 4) Schedule!(10%)!– !Proposal!for!completing!the!project!in!a!timely!manner,!inclu sive! of! the! proposer’s! ability! to! identify! critical! paths! for! the! timely! and! competent! completion!of!all!work!contemplated!under!the!RFP.!! ! 5) Compliance! with! RFP! (10%)! –! The! ability! of! the! proposer! to! comply! with! all! instructions!set!forth!under!this!RFP!as!well!as!the!proposer’s! ability!to!agree!to!all!of! the!terms!and!conditions!of!the!attached!PSA!without!modifica tion,!particularly!as! relates!to!indemnification,!insurance!requirements!and!standard s!of!care.!! ! ! 11! ! !
  • 28. 5.0(Selection(Process( A! selection! committee,! comprised! of! City! staff! will! review! the! proposals.! ! Proposals! will! be! ranked!on!qualifications!and!the!selection!committee!may!choo se!to!interview!several!of!the! top!ranked!proposers.!However,!at! its!sole!discretion!the!selection!committee!may!dispense! with!interviews!and!select!a!proposer!to!perform!the!work.! 12! ! ! 6.0(Proposal(Requirements( Proposals!must!be!submitted!using!the!following!methods:!!! Three!(3)!printed!copies!of!the!proposal!must!be!received!prio r!to!the!Submission!Deadline.!! Proposals!shall!be!submitted!to!the!following!address:! ! City!of!El!Monte!! Department!of!Public!Works!–!Engineering!Division! City!Hall!West! 11333!Valley!Boulevard! El!Monte,!CA!91731c3293! ! ATTN:!Elaine!Jeng,!P.E.! Public!Works!&!Utilities!Director/City!Engineer! !
  • 29. Subject:!RFP!–!Lambert!Park!Phase!II!–!CIP!NO.!819! ! Proposals!may!be!submitted!via!personal!delivery,!overnight!c ourier!(e.g.,!FedEx!or!UPS)!or!U.S.! Mail.!Proposals!must!be!received!by!or!before!the!Submission! Deadline.! !Proposals!that!are! deposited! with! an! overnight! courier! or! post! marked! prior! to! the! Submission! Deadline! but! received!after!the!Submission!Deadline!will!not!be!considered! by!the!City.!!! Submitted! proposals! shall! be! maintained! as! confidential! records! of! the! City! up! to! the! Submission!Deadline.!!Proposers!may!withdraw,!modify!and/or !resubmit!a!proposal!prior!to!the! Submission!Deadline!but!not!after.! !Proposers!shall!be!bound!to!the!terms!of!their!proposal! following! the! Submission! Deadline,! however,! the! City,! in! its! sole! and! absolute! discretion,! reserves! the! right! to! accept! post! deadline! modifications! if! it! is! determined! that! such! modifications!are!in!the!best! interests!of!the!City.! !The!City!also!reserves!the!right!to!waive! minor!noncsubstantive!informalities!or!allow!the!proposer!to!c orrect!them.! ! 1) Proposers!shall!be!solely!and!exclusively!responsible!for!all!c osts!incurred!in!connection! with! the! preparation! and! submission! of! the! proposals;! demonstrations;! interviews;! preparation! of! responses! to! questions! and! requests! for! additional! information;! for! contract!discussions;!or!for!anything!in!any!way!related!to!this !RFP.! !The!City! is!not!
  • 30. liable!for!any!costs!incurred!by!a!proposer!in!response!to!this! RFP.!!Whether!or!not!a! proposer!is!awarded!a!contract!pursuant!to!this!RFP,!no!propo ser!shall!be!entitled!to! reimbursement!for!any!costs!or!expenses!associated!with!the!p roposer’s!participation! in!this!RFP!process.!! ! 2) Late!proposals!will!not!be!considered.! ! 3) The!City!reserves!the!right!to!reject!any!and!all!proposals!rece ived!as!a!result!of!this! RFP.!!The!City’s!potential!award!of!a!contract!will!not!be!bas ed!on!any!single!factor!nor! will! it! be! based! solely! or! exclusively! on! the! lowest! cost! proposal.! ! If! a! contract! is! 13! ! awarded,! it! will! be! awarded! to! the! proposer! who! in! the! judgment! of! the! City! has! presented!an!optimal!balance!of!relevant!experience,!technical! expertise,!price,!quality! of!service,!work!history!and!other!factors!which!the!City!may! consider!relevant!and! important!in!determining!which!proposal!is!best!for!the!City.!! ! 4) The!City!reserves!the!right!to!cancel!or!modify!this!RFP.!!The
  • 31. re!is!no!guarantee!that!the! City!will!award!contract.! ! 5) The! City! reserves! the! right! to! investigate! the! qualifications! of! any! proposer! under! consideration!including!proposed!subcontractors!and!parties!ot herwise!related!to!the! proposer!and!require!confirmation!of!information!furnished!by! a!proposer,!or!require! additional! evidence! of! experience! and! qualifications! to! provide! the! services! or! otherwise!discharge!the!obligations!required!by!this!RFP.! ! 6) Following!the!Submission!Deadline,!the!City,!pursuant!to!the! California!Public!Records! Act!(Govt.!Code!Section!6250!et!seq.)!reserves!the!right!to!ma ke!copies!of!all!submitted! proposals!available!for!inspection!and!copying!by!any!intereste d!member!of!the!public,! except!to!the!limited!extent!the!City!determines!that!any!infor mation!contained!in!a! proposal!is!legally!privileged!under!the!California!Public!Reco rds!Act.!!By!submission!of! a!proposal,!proposers!acknowledge!and!agree!that!their!propos al!and!any!information! contained!therein!may!be!disclosed!by!the!City!to!interested!m embers!of!the!public,! including!other!proposers.!! ! 7)
  • 32. The!City!reserves!the!right!to!approve!or!disapprove!of!particu lar!subcontractors,!joint! venture!partners,!or!other!proposed!team!members.! ! 8) The!City!reserves!the!right!to!evaluate!responses!in!terms!of!t he!best!interests!of!the! City,!applying!criteria!provided!in!this!RFP!and!any!other!crit eria!the!City,! in! its!sole! discretion,!deems!pertinent.! ! 9) By!the!submission!of!a!proposal,!each!proposer!accepts!and!ag rees!to!execute!a!written! Professional!Services!Agreement!(PSA)! in!the!form!attached!hereto!as!Exhibit!1.! !By! submission!of!a!proposal,!each!proposer!agrees!to!execute!a!P SA!with!the!City!in!the! form!attached!hereto!as!Exhibit!1,!inclusive!of!all!stated!terms !and!conditions!relating! to! indemnification,! required! insurance! and! standard! of! care! requirements.! ! If! a! proposer!is!unable!to!agree!to!any!of!the!terms!or!conditions!o f!the!PSA!in!the!form! attached!hereto,!the!proposer!must!identify!the!provision(s)!in! question!and!provide!an! explanation!as!to!why!the!proposer!cannot!comply!with!such!p rovisions.!!If!a!proposers! objection! to! a! certain! provision! of! the! PSA! is! merely! a! question! of! added! cost,! the! proposer!shall!indicate!in!the!proposal!the!difference!in!cost!a ssociated!with!complying!
  • 33. with!the!provision(s)!versus!the!cost!associated!with!the!City’s !waiver!or!modification! of!the!provision(s).!!The!City!shall!be!under!no!obligation!to! make!modifications!to!the! PSA! after! a! contract! has! been! awarded! and! proposers! shall! be! deemed! to! have! incorporated!all!costs!associated!with!compliance!with!the!PS A!into!their!proposal.!!A! 14! ! proposer’s!inability!to!comply!with!one!or!more!provisions!of! the!PSA!shall!be!a!factor! that!will!be!considered!by!the!City!in!determining!which!prop osal!will!serve!the!best! interest!of!the!City!when!all!other!factors!are!taken!into!accou nt.!! ! 10) All!proposals!must!remain!valid!for!a!minimum!period!of!nine ty!(90)!calendar!days!after! the! Submission! Deadline.! ! Responses! may! not! be! modified! or! withdrawn! by! the! proposer!during!this!period!of!time!except!in!accordance!with! this!RFP!and!with!written! permission!granted!by!the!City.! ! 11) All!questions!or!requests!for!clarification!shall!be!submitted!vi a!email!to!Alan!Palermo! at! [email protected]! by! the! REQUEST! FOR!
  • 34. INFORMATION! DEADLINE.! ! All! questions!received!by!this!deadline!will!be!addressed!and!post ed!on!the!City’s!website! (!by!the!RELEASE!OF!INFORMATION !REQUESTED!DATE.! ! 12) If!it!becomes!necessary!to!revise!any!part!of!this!RFP,!an!add endum!will!be!posted!on! the!City’s!website.!!It!shall!be!the!sole!responsibility!of!the!pr oposer!to!check!for!any! addendums!to!the!RFP!that!may!be!issued!by!the!City.! ! 13) It!is!presumed!that!each!proposer!has!read!and!is!thoroughly!f amiliar!with!the!scope!of! services!to!be!performed!under!this!RFP.! ! 14) The!proposer!agrees!that,! if!a!contract! is!awarded!to!a!proposer,!the!proposer!shall! make!no!claim!against!the!City!or!any!of!the!funding!agencies !because!of!any!estimate! or!statement!made!by!any!employees,!agents,!or!consultants!of !the!City!which!may! prove!to!be!erroneous!in!any!respect.! ! 15) Proposers!may!withdraw!their!proposal!prior!to!the!Submission !Deadline.!
  • 35. ! A ttachm ent “A ” City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 1 of 34 CITY OF GLENDALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS “GLENDALE-BURBANK REGIONAL STREETCAR FEASIBILITY STUDY” To: All Qualified Firms Date: July 31, 2017 Subject: Request for Proposals for City of Glendale: Glendale –
  • 36. Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study DUE DATE: Ten (10) hard copies and five (5) electronic copies on CDs responding to the Re- quest for Proposals are to be submitted to: Fred Zohrehvand Senior Transportation Planner City of Glendale 633 E. Broadway, Room 300 Glendale, CA 91206 By 5:00 pm on August 22, 2017. Proposals received after this date and time will not be considered. City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 2 of 34
  • 37. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Schedule of Events ............................................................................................... ................. 6 II. Explanation of the Project ............................................................................................... ..... 6 III. Project Background ............................................................................................... .............. 6 IV. City of Glendale Background .............................................................................................. 7 V. Project Scope of Work...................................................................................... .................... 8 VI. Instructions to Proposer ............................................................................................... .... 15 VII. DBE Requirements ............................................................................................... ............ 18 VIII. Evaluation & Selection ............................................................................................... ..... 18 IX. Response to RFP – Formatting & Contents ..................................................................... 19 X. Appendix ............................................................................................... .............................. 22 Submittal Forms ..................................................................................... .......... ....................... 23 Attachments ...............................................................................................
  • 38. ............................. 34 City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 3 of 34 NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Glendale (“City”) will receive Proposals until the dead- line established below for the following project: Glendale – Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Proposal Submittal Deadline: Submit before 5:00 p.m. on August 22, 2017 Proposal Submittal Location: 633 E. Broadway, Room 300, Glendale, CA 91206
  • 39. NO LATE PROPOSALS WILL BE ACCEPTED. City of Glendale Contact Person for RFP Process: Ms. Arezoo Kamali Planning Assistant Phone: (818) 937-8333 Email: [email protected] Project Description: For the past several years there have been discussions on the concept of developing a street- car system in Downtown Glendale. Earlier streetcar concepts were discussed or evaluated by the Greater Downtown Strategic Plan (1996) and the Downtown Mobility Study (2007). A streetcar in Glendale has the potential to connect the various shopping, dining, entertain- ment and parking components of the Downtown area, and perhaps neighboring cities and other mass transit services. Streetcar systems also attract tourism, and visitors to Glendale will be able to utilize the streetcar to patronize business throughout the Downtown business district. Finally, we have the ability to establish connectivity among our various transportation modes by linking the streetcar to the Beeline and the Larry Zarian Transportation Center to develop a more effective and comprehensive transit system. The City of Glendale hopes to continue to provide the infrastructure and resources necessary for residents to incorporate transit oriented lifestyles into their daily lives, and become part of healthier communities.
  • 40. The feasibility study required to move forward with any streetcar concept would include: • Evaluate different route alignments and technologies for the streetcar; • Analyze Downtown Glendale infrastructure to determine its ability to accommodate a streetcar system; and if necessary, • Determine the infrastructure improvements needed to construct the system; • Determine what types of vehicles are obtainable and appropriate; • Establish how a streetcar system can be implemented; • Project potential streetcar ridership and revenues; • Predict traffic impacts; • Forecast impacts on Downtown Glendale businesses; and • Determine the overall cost of the project, including: • The various equipment options • Infrastructure improvements (tracks, street improvements) • Maintenance and Operating Costs City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 4 of 34 Other Proposal Information:
  • 41. 1. Request for Proposal Documents may be obtained in the City of Glendale Community Development Department, Urban Design and Mobility Division, lo- cated at 633 East Broadway, Room 300, Glendale, CA, 91206, or via email or mail at the request of consultants without any cost. 2. Acceptance or Rejection of Proposals. The City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals, and to waive any informalities, irregularities or technical defects in such proposals and determine the lowest responsible proposer, whichever may be in the best interests of the City. No late proposals will be ac- cepted, nor will any oral, facsimile or electronic proposals be accepted by the City. 3. Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference. August 9, 2017 2:30pm- 4:00pm at 633 E. Broadway, Room 105, Glendale, CA 91206. 4. Race Conscious (RC)/DBE Participation. [NOTE: The following mandatory requirement applies ONLY to the Glendale – Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study contract. The U.S. Dept. of Transportation Regulations found that 49 CFR Part 26 shall apply to this contract. A disadvantaged business enterprise (“DBE”) contract
  • 42. goal of 10% goal has been established for this project. This goal must be met or good faith efforts to meet this goal must be demonstrated in order for a proposal to be considered responsive. The Consultant or subcontractor shall not discrimi- nate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The consultant shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR, Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the consultant to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy, as re- cipient deems appropriate. To assist consultants in ascertaining RC/DBE availability for specific items of work, the City has determined that RC/DBE could reasonably be expected to compete for subcontracting opportunities on this project, and their likely availability for work on this project is 10% Race Conscious RC/DBE. It is the proposer’s responsibility to verify that the RC/DBE’s fall into one of the following groups in order to count towards the RC/DBE contract goal: 1) Black American; 2) Asian-Pacific American; 3) Native American; 4) Wom- en; 5) Hispanic American; 6) Subcontinent Asian Pacific American and any
  • 43. other groups whose members are certified as socially and economically disadvantaged. Proposers are required to submit the Local Agency Pro- posal RC/DBE Commitment, “Exhibit 15-G” and the Good Faith Efforts, “Exhibit 15-H” forms form along with the proposal submittal. If the RC/DBE Commitment forms are not submitted with the proposal, the apparent low proposer, the 2nd low proposer, and the 3rd low proposer must complete and submit the RC/DBE Commitment forms (Exhibits 15-G and 15-H) to the City. Submittal of only the “Local Agency Proposer RC/DBE Commitment” form City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 5 of 34 may not provide sufficient documentation to demonstrate that adequate good faith efforts were made. For a list of RC/DBE’s certified by the California Unified Certification Pro- gram, go to: Dated this ______ day of _____________, 2017, City of
  • 44. Glendale, California. Ardashes Kassakhian, City Clerk of the City of Glendale. City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 6 of 34 Definition of Terms The following terms used in the RFP documents shall be construed as follows: “City” shall mean the City of Glendale. “Agreement” shall be considered synonymous with the term “Contract.” “Proposer” shall mean the individual, partnership, corporation or other entity who responds to the RFP. “Consultant” shall mean the individual, partnership, corporation or other entity to which an agreement is awarded. “Days” shall mean the business days recognized by City of Glendale. I. Schedule of Events
  • 45. Event Date Request for Proposals (RFP) Issued July 31, 2017 Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting August 9, 2017 Deadline for Written Questions and Requests August 15, 2017 Responses and Addenda Issued August 15, 2017 Technical and Price Proposals Due August 22, 1017; 5:00pm Interview Firms (TBD based on City review of written proposal) Early September 2017 Proposed Approval of Selected Consultant(s) by City Council Early-Mid September 2017 Notice to Proceed / Service Contract Begins / Kick-Off Meeting Late October 2017 Project Completion Date (8-12) mos. after start of contract) Summer 2018 City of Glendale reserves the right to alter any of the dates shown above by written notice. Submit any inquiries via email to Ms. Arezoo Kamali, Planning Assistant at [email protected] No phone calls please. II. Explanation of the Project The purpose of this RFP is to: 1) Obtain the services of a well-qualified project team led by a single consultant/firm, or a consultant team with experienced sub-consultants who are experts in their respective fields, to develop a Streetcar Feasibility Study concentrating in the City of Glendale with optional tasks D1 & D2. III. Project Background
  • 46. Streetcars have been an integral part of the history of the City of Glendale. Streetcar systems such as the Pacific Electric and Glendale & Montrose Railway Company operated within the boundaries of modern-day Glendale from 1904 to1956. Recently, many cities have installed streetcar systems as part of larger successful redevelopment projects. These cities have observed formerly blighted areas turn City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 7 of 34 prosperous; property values increase and cultural resources enhance in the vicinity of newly installed streetcar systems. This benefit is in addition to the gains in transit services provided by the streetcar system for these cities. It is the City’s goal to develop a streetcar system that can create connectivity linking the various shopping, dining, entertainment, and parking resources of downtown Glendale with the region via the Larry Zarian Transportation Center and the Hollywood Burbank Airport. A successful streetcar system can also attract tourism and visitors to the city increasing
  • 47. commerce for Downtown Glendale businesses. IV. City of Glendale Background The City of Glendale is located at the eastern end of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles Coun- ty, at the southern base of the Verdugo Moun- tains. Glendale is bordered to the northwest by the Tujunga neighborhood of Los Angeles, to the northeast by La Canada Flintridge and the unin- corporated area of La Crescenta, to the west by Burbank, to the east by Pasadena and to the south and southeast by the City of Los Angeles. Glendale is also defined by the 210, 2, 134, and 5 freeways. Glendale is a diverse, multilingual city of 191,719 residents (US Census Bureau 2010). Its business community, from manufacturing to financial ser- vices, employs nearly 100,000 people at more than 6,800 firms (US Census Bureau 2007). The area’s mobility network is well-connected by public transportation, including Metrolink and Amtrak service at the Glendale Transportation Center in South Glendale, by Metro Rapid and Local buses, and by the Glendale Beeline bus service. For purposes of long-range planning, Glendale is divided into four community planning areas, as described below: North Glendale Community Plan
  • 48. The community of North Glendale lies within the Crescenta Valley, which is clearly defined by the San Gabriel and Verdugo Mountains. The Crescenta Valley has a variety of neighbor- hood‐oriented village centers and commercial districts, including the Sparr Heights Business District, Verdugo City and the suburban corridor of Foothill Boulevard. The most intense of these is the “town center” surrounding the vibrant, popular, and highly walkable Montrose Shop- ping Park. The North Glendale Community Plan was adopted by City Council in November 2011; the document is provided in the Appendix. City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 8 of 34 South Glendale Community Plan South Glendale includes Downtown Glendale, which is served by three public parking structures and ten parking lots, and has experienced significant growth in high-density mixed-use commercial and residential buildings since the adoption of the Downtown Specific Plan (2006) and the Downtown Mobility Study (2007). Just south of downtown is the Brand Boulevard of Cars, which contains a regional concentration of auto dealerships, and the Tropico town site, the city’s his- toric industrial base and a burgeoning mixed-use and residential neighborhood around the Larry Zarian
  • 49. Transportation Center. The South Glendale Communi- ty Plan is currently in development and its adoption is anticipated in early 2018. East & West Glendale Community Plan East Glendale includes hillside residential neighbor- hoods and neighborhood-serving commercial areas, and features Glendale Community College; this com- munity abuts the City of Pasadena. West Glendale includes hillside residential neighborhoods, commercial, and industrial districts; it features the Kenneth Village shopping area, the Walt Disney Company’s Grand Central Creative Campus, DreamWorks Animation studios, the Glendale Narrows Riverwalk along the Los Angeles River, and abuts the City of Burbank. Development of community plans for East and West Glendale will begin following the adoption of the South Glendale Community Plan. V. Project Scope of Work Scope of Work – Glendale-Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study In developing the Glendale-Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study, the Consultant shall comply with all applicable local, State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and federal facility design guidelines and requirements. The Scope of Work consists of the following tasks: Task A - PROJECT SETTING
  • 50. 1. Statement of Project Purpose and Function This task will focus on developing a statement of purpose and function for reintroducing streetcar service to the city of Glendale. Specific elements include: development of the statement of project purpose redevelopment sites potentially served by a streetcar through South and West Glendale and into the neighboring city of Burbank function for review and adoption (see Task A-4) City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 9 of 34 2. Technology Option Review type of streetcar technology available to the City examples and in
  • 51. light of the project’s statement of purpose 3. Existing Conditions Review This task will provide the narrative context for the study geography, de- mographics, and economics and their status policies, and goals 4. Selection of Preferred Technology and Alignment Alternatives - Workshop and Report This task will include organization and conducting a workshop with selected staff and the City Council to develop consensus on the option or options to be carried forward for fur- ther study. consensus regarding the draft Statement of Project Purpose and Function; and on determining alignment alternatives and identifying minimum operating segments for each alternative, and confirming technology option(s) for further study
  • 52. 5. Concept Evaluation Report, Including Geodata In light of the project purpose, and for the preferred technology and alignment alterna- tives, an evaluation will be conducted of how a streetcar would be introduced into the transportation environment and streetscape. Specific elements include: n and lane configurations, impacts on adjacent properties, access constraints and parking impacts deration of pedestrian and bicycle access to stations -O-W inventory and analysis aerial photography us- ing existing public & commercial sources wherever possible 6. Vehicles Review Identify and describe the range of vehicle types that are available for use in Glendale. Specific elements include: disadvantages, of the range of vehicle types available ious vehicle types to meet applicable government re-
  • 53. quirements opera- tions/maintenance requirements streetcar City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 10 of 34 7. Preliminary Cost Estimates For the alignment alternatives identified in Task A-11, the order-of-magnitude capital and operating cost estimates will be refined. Specific elements include: frequency, run times, annual hours and fleet requirements g and maintenance (O&M) cost minimum operating segment in each alternative operating segment in each
  • 54. alternative from recent projects to develop a preliminary capital cost esti- mate for each alternative 8. Ridership Analysis Develop an estimate of ridership for each alternative utilizing an “off-line” modeling tech- nique. Specific elements include: sh agreed upon “off-line” modeling process travel demand within project area alignment ply an “off-line” spreadsheet model to produce patronage estimates for each alternative 9. Preliminary Traffic Analysis traffic conditions need to be evaluated along the corridor with respect to streetcar alternatives to traffic conditions, and the effects of traffic on streetcar operations
  • 55. analysis, and recom- mendations for further engineering design and traffic study 10. Funding Sources Report Refine the listing of funding sources to support the capital and operating cost require- ments of each alternative’s minimum operating segment. Specific elements include: be available to ap- ply to streetcar project sources ntify potential private sector sources of funding identified source of fund- ing and the level of revenues each source could provide. 11. Illustrated Route Concepts and Design Report Refine system and alignment alternatives, including identification of a minimum operat- ing segment for each potential alignment. Specific elements include: Apply evaluation criteria to candidate system alignments and recommend a pre- ferred alternative for further evaluation.
  • 56. City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 11 of 34 for the preferred al- ternative drawings, cross- sections and sketches 12. MEETINGS, PRESENTATIONS and MANAGEMENT The Consultant will attend a start-up meeting in tandem with the notice to proceed, at which the City and the Consultant will finalize the scope of work and project schedule. Deliverables: As requested, the consultant team will attend project related meetings and presenta- tions. Specific elements include: Transportation & Parking Commission (TPC), City Council and community meetings
  • 57. coordination with the City and with sub consultants. City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 12 of 34 TASK B – PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT 1. Impact Assessment Impacts not addressed during conceptual design development will be identified and dealt with. Specific elements include: from the ridership projections for the preferred alternative cost implications of outstanding design issues 2. Traffic Analysis -of-service (LOS) calculations for each intersection along
  • 58. the preferred alternative with delays/queuing issues that might affect operations proposed road- way/signal changes for the preferred alternative. This is a planning level LOS analysis and will not estimate traffic diversion or incorporate detailed signal oper- ations analysis in this task. impacts (e.g. through changing intersection configuration, signal operations, implementing transit signal priority, etc.) 3. Transit Interface Report Identify the positive and negative impacts a streetcar service would have on existing and planned transit services in Glendale. Specific elements include: entify connections to local and regional transit services transit service within the project area. 4. Active Transportation & First/Last Mile Interface Identify opportunities to improve first last/mile connection in
  • 59. light of existing and planned bicycle and pedestrian facilities to streetcar service in Glendale. Specific elements in- clude: ion locations consistent with the Metro First Last Mile Strategic Plan methodology, and note potential areas of conflict between a streetcar and non-motorized travel modes connectivity and access around proposed station locations 5. Operations Plan A final Operations Plan for the preferred alternative will be developed. Specific elements include: service frequency ations of annual vehicle revenue hours, annual revenue vehicle miles and number of vehicles required City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 13 of 34
  • 60. 6. Capital Costs Estimate A final capital cost estimate reflecting the preferred alternative will be developed. Specif- ic elements include: ct design elements that have changed since the Task A-7 estimates were produced elements 7. Operating & Maintenance Costs Estimate Prepare a final operating and maintenance cost estimate reflecting the final Operations Plan including: estimates developed in Task A-7 erations Plan (Task B-5) Task C – IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY 1. Phasing Plan Identify the steps and milestones required to advance from the current feasibility study to
  • 61. project implementation. Specific elements include: Federal (FTA) funded project and a non-federalized project e project report 2. Programming Strategies Report Identify the required local, regional, state and Federal approvals and clearances required for project implementation. Specific elements include: tions applicable to a streetcar op- eration and the steps necessary to address each required or adopted plans ramming Strategies portion of the project report 3. Public Outreach Plan Develop an outline for a public outreach plan for the various phases to project opening. Specific elements include: required for a suc- cessful public outreach program
  • 62. 4. Land Use & Zoning Analysis ting land use and zoning policies, as well as design guidelines, within the project area in light of Metro guidance and best practices relative to transit corridors and Transit-Oriented Development City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 14 of 34 design guideline policies to focus new growth within the project area, support streetcar ridership, and help achieve regional GHG/VMT reduction goals 5. Funding Plan Prepare a Funding Plan for the Glendale streetcar system. Specific elements include: dollars the capital and O&M costs
  • 63. funding sources Task D: Add Alternatives The City requests that proposers provide the following tasks as optional “add alternatives” to the project scope that the City may pursue if desired: 1. City of Burbank Streetcar Alignment A detailed study of the proposed streetcar system within the City of Burbank, including, but not limited to: • Alternative alignments connecting from the City of Glendale serving the Down- town Area of the City of Burbank, Media District, Hollywood Burbank Airport, and other points of interest within the City of Burbank. • This optional task to determine alternative alignments to serve the City of Bur- bank shall be the same Scope of Work that was identified for the City of Glendale portion of the Study: Task A – Project Setting; Task B – Preferred Option As- sessment; and Task C – Implementation Strategy. 2. Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) An evaluation of Personal Rapid Transit as a technology both alternative and in
  • 64. addition to a streetcar system in Glendale. PRT technology, including extant or demonstration systems operating PRT in Downtown Glendale City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 15 of 34 VI. Instructions to Proposer Compliance with Applicable Guidelines and Regulations Consultants are required to comply with all applicable State of California guidelines and regula- tions regarding the Streetcar Feasibility Study. Late Proposals All proposals, as well as any modifications, received at this office after the hour and date speci- fied will not be considered unless they are sent by certified mail, for which an official, dated post office stamp has been obtained, and it is determined by the City’s Project Manager that the late receipt was due solely to delay in the mail. Disclaimers
  • 65. The City reserves the right to extend the time allotted for the RFP submittal, to interview the Proposer in person, and to request a best and final offer, should the City deem that it is in its best interest to do so. This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract, or to pay any costs incurred in its preparation. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all RFPs received as a result of this request, to negotiate with any qualified firm, or to cancel this RFP in part or in its entirety. The City may require the selected firm to participate in negotiations and to submit such technical, price, or other revisions of their proposals as may result from negotia- tions. Any costs incurred by the Proposer in responding to this Request for Proposals shall be the Proposer’s sole expense and will not be reimbursed by the City. Proprietary Information; Public Records Act The City seeks to conduct its business openly. Upon recommendation for award of Contract to the City Council, all Proposal Documents shall become a matter of public record and shall be regarded as public, with the exception of those elements of each Proposal that are identified by the Consultant and plainly marked as “trade secret,” “confidential,” or “proprietary”. Each ele- ment of a Proposal which a Consultant desires not to be considered a public record must be clearly marked as set forth above, and any blanket statement (i.e. regarding entire pages, doc- uments, or other, non-specific designations) shall not be sufficient and shall not bind the City in any way whatsoever. If City receives a request from a third party to make a Proposal available
  • 66. for inspection and copying, the City will notify the Consultant of the request. If a Consultant in- structs the City that the information is not to be released, City will withhold the information, pro- vided, the Consultant expeditiously seeks a protective order to prevent such release. If disclo- sure is required under the California Public Records Act or otherwise by law (despite the Con- sultant’s request for confidentiality), the City shall not in any way be liable or responsible for the disclosure of any such records or part thereof. Consultant shall indemnify, defend (including Consultant providing and paying for legal counsel for the City), and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, employees and representatives from and against any liability, claims, suits, demands, damages, fines, penalties, costs, or ex- penses arising out of or alleging the City’s refusal to publicly disclose one or more records that Consultant identifies as protectable, or asserts is protectable. Agreement Once selected, the successful Proposer must enter into a written Agreement with the CITY with- in fourteen (14) calendar days following Proposer’s receiving the CITY’s Notice of Intent to Award Contract. Before any services can commence, the selected Proposer will be required to execute the Standard Form of Agreement, a sample of which is attached here and alternately referred to as
  • 67. City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 16 of 34 “Professional Services Agreement.” To facilitate the project’s smooth and timely implementation, Proposers responding to this RFP shall review all the terms and conditions of the Standard Form of Agreement including, but not limited to, provisions relating to insurance, indemnity, and termination. The CITY’s policy is that the Standard Form of Agreement be accepted as is. By submitting a Proposal to the CITY in response to this RFP, each Proposer is deemed to have provided its approval to the Standard Form of Agreement, accepting it without qualification. If a Proposer seeks limited modification of the Standard Form of Agreement, then in the Proposal a Proposer must identify the proposed changes. However, changes or qualifications to the Standard Form of Agreement may be weighed in the evaluation of the Proposal and may cause rejection of the proposal as non-responsive, in CITY’s determination. Insurance Requirements Based on the Scope of Work, insurance is required for the following coverages: • Professional Liability Insurance
  • 68. • Workers’ Compensation Insurance • Commercial General Liability or Business owners Liability Insurance • Business Automobile Liability Insurance The City’s specific insurance requirements are included in the Appendix to this RFP, as are sample Professional Services Agreements (PSAs) for 1) consultants who are not Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, or Professional Land Surveyors and 2) consult- ants who ARE licensed professionals in the aforementioned fields. Requests for Clarification A Proposer with questions may submit to the City a written Request for Clarification by email to Ms. Arezoo Kamali, Planning Assistant at [email protected] for an interpretation or clarification of, or addenda to, this RFP. Any such request must be received by the City no later than the date and time specified in Section I. Schedule of Events in this RFP. The City will re- view and prepare a written response to each request made pursuant to this section. The City's determination will be furnished to all Proposers by the date specified in Section I. Schedule of Events in this RFP. The City reserves the right to modify or issue addenda to this RFP. If the City determines it ap- propriate to revise any portion of this RFP, either at the request of a Proposer or upon the City’s own initiative, the City will issue, and make available to all prospective Proposers, a written ad-
  • 69. dendum setting forth this revision. Proposer shall acknowledge receipt of addenda by written notice thereof returned to the City. Where addenda require changes in the work to be performed under the Agreement, the date for receipt of proposals may be postponed by such number of days as the City deems appropriate to enable Proposers to revise proposals. The City is not bound by any oral interpretations, clarifications, or changes made to this RFP by any City staff member. Any clarification or change to the RFP must be provided in writing pursuant to this sec- tion. Acceptance of Proposals City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 17 of 34 Each proposal shall be submitted with the understanding that it is subject to the evaluation pro- cedure set forth in this RFP, and to negotiation at the option of the City. Upon acceptance in writing by the City of the final offer to furnish any and all of the services described herein, the parties shall promptly execute the final contract documents. The written Agreement shall bind the Proposer to furnish, deliver, maintain, operate or compensate in accordance with conditions of said accepted proposal and this Request for Proposals, as
  • 70. negotiated. The City reserves the right to make the award under this RFP based upon the initial proposals submitted. The City has the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any informality in any proposal. City Rights The City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to: confirmation of information fur- nished by a Consultant, and require additional evidence of qualifications to perform the Work described in this RFP Proposal, without further obligation or reimbursement to the Respondents. fy this RFP the assistance of outside technical experts in Proposal evaluation ease a Consultant’s qualification determination based on subse- quently learned information time after receipt of the Pro- posal.
  • 71. irregularities in Proposals as the interests of the City may require. in its best interests. xecution of the Contract. In submitting a Proposal to this RFP, the Consultant is specifically acknowledging these City- held rights. This RFP does not commit the City to enter into a contract, including if the City elects to reject, in its sole discretion, all of the Proposals. The City is not liable for any costs in- curred by a Consultant in preparation and submission of a Proposal or in anticipation of award of a contract. By submitting a Proposal, the Consultant disclaims any right to be paid for such costs. Restrictions on Lobbying and Contacts During the period beginning on the date of the issuance of the RFP and ending on the date of selection of the Proposer, no person (or entity) submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, nor any officer, employee, representative, agent, or consultant representing such a person (or entity) shall contact through any means or engage in any discussion concerning the award of the Contract with any member of the City Council of the City of Glendale or his/her staff. Any such contact shall be grounds for the disqualification of the proposal. During the period begin- ning on the date of the issuance of this RFP and ending on the date of selection of the Propos-
  • 72. er, each person or entity described in the previous paragraph shall limit his or her communica- tion with City staff to the written clarification and amendment process described in this RFP, and interviews or discussions pursuant to evaluation and selection process described in this RFP. At no time may any Proposer have any communication with a member of the City’s evaluation City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 18 of 34 Committee, other than communication initiated by such member during interviews or discus- sions. VII. DBE Requirements Race Conscious (RC)/DBE Participation. NOTE: The following mandatory requirement applies to the Glendale – Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study. The U.S. Dept. of Transportation Regulations found that 49 CFR Part 26 shall apply to this contract. A disadvan- taged business enterprise (“DBE”) contract goal of 10% goal has been established for this pro- ject. This goal must be met or good faith efforts to meet this goal must be demonstrated in or- der for a proposal to be considered responsive. The Consultant or subcontractor shall not dis- criminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in
  • 73. the performance of this contract. The consultant shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR, Part 26 in the award and ad- ministration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the consultant to carry out these require- ments is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy, as recipient deems appropriate. To assist consultants in ascertaining RC/DBE availability for specific items of work, the City has determined that RC/DBE could reasonably be expected to compete for subcontracting opportunities on this pro- ject, and their likely availability for work on this project is 10% Race Conscious RC/DBE. Consultants are required to complete “Exhibit 10.I NOTICE TO PROPOSERS DBE IN- FORMATION,” “Exhibit 10-01 CONSULTANT PROPOSAL DBE COMMITMENT,” and “Ex- hibit 10-02 CONSULTANT CONTRACT DBE INFORMATION” for this project. It is the proposer’s responsibility to verify that the RC/DBEs fall into one of the following groups in order to count towards the RC/DBE contract goal: 1) Black American; 2) Asian- Pacific American; 3) Native American; 4) Women; 5) Hispanic American; 6) Subcontinent Asian Pacific American and any other groups whose members are certified as socially and economically disadvantaged. Proposers are required to submit the Local Agency Proposal RC/DBE Commitment, “Exhibit 15-G” and the Good Faith Effort, “Exhibit 15-H” forms along with the proposal submittal. If the RC/DBE Commitment forms are not sub-
  • 74. mitted with the proposal, the apparent low proposer, the 2nd low proposer, and the 3rd low proposer must complete and submit the RC/DBE Commitment forms (Exhibits 15-G and 15-H) to the City. Submittal of only the “Local Agency Proposer RC/DBE Commitment” form may not provide sufficient documentation to demonstrate that adequate good faith efforts were made. For a list of RC/DBE’s certified by the California Unified Certification Program, go to: VIII. Evaluation & Selection Evaluation/Selection Criteria a. Written Proposal (14 points each, 140 points total) 1) Project Understanding 2) Clarity of Proposal/Organization and Schedule 3) Thoroughness in Addressing Requirements 4) Creativity in Approach 5) Experience of Personnel 6) Technical Ability to Perform 7) Overall Cost of Product 8) Community Outreach/Facilitation 9) Experience with Similar Projects/Communities City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study
  • 75. Page 19 of 34 10) Technical Expertise/Experience of Subconsultants b. Oral Presentation (10 points each, 60 points total) 1) Presentation 2) Organization 3) Clarity 4) Communication Skills 5) Technical Understanding 6) Responses to Questions The top five (5) highest-scoring Proposers from the Written Proposal section will be selected for the Oral Presentation. The City reserves the right to reject the proposal of any Proposer who has previously failed to perform properly, or complete on time, contracts of a similar nature, or to reject the proposal of a Proposer who is not in a position to perform such a contract satisfactorily. The City expressly reserves the right to reject the proposal of any Proposer who is in default of the payment of tax- es, Agreements or other monies due to the City of Glendale. IX. Response to RFP – Formatting & Contents Response Formatting and Contents The City expects the Proposer to prepare a comprehensive proposal with recommendations, actions, and procedures to accomplish the scope of work set forth in this RFP.
  • 76. The City shall provide all relevant data in its possession that pertains to this project in support of the Proposer’s services. The City assumes no responsibility whatsoever with respect to the suf- ficiency or accuracy of any information supplied. The Proposer shall be responsible for evalua- tion of all information supplied by the City. The City of Glendale must receive five (5) CDs and ten (10) hard copies of the proposal, as well as Form H, Price and Staffing Proposal, completed in MS Excel. All documents must be submit- ted together by the date and time noted on the RFP title sheet. Proposals should be concise and must be correctly formatted in accordance with this RFP. Each proposal must be divided into Parts I, II, and III as specified below, and must include all of the required contents of each Part, in the sequence specified. Each proposal shall include a ta- ble of contents clearly referencing each Part in the proposal. Part I – BACKGROUND, AFFIRMATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS AND STABILITY 1. Submittal Cover – Form A The proposal shall be signed by an individual authorized to bind the Proposer and shall state that the proposal is a firm offer for a 120-day period. authorized officer(s) in accordance with its corporate bylaws. e the Proposal by all of its partners. After each signature, each
  • 77. partner must list a residential address or the Firm’s address, either of which must include the state, zip code, and telephone number. City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 20 of 34 of any of the above entities, each entity in the joint venture must sign the Proposal. others must attach to the Proposal evidence of that person’s legal authority to sign on behalf of another or others. 2. Proposer Contact Information – Form B Provide the indicated contact information for the primary contact person who will be authorized to make representations for the Proposer’s firm. Provide information for the Proposer’s second- ary contact. List all sub-contractors proposed for this project including type of work to be per- formed. Use additional sheets as needed. 3. Statements and Agreements – Forms C-F; Disclosure - Campaign Finance Ordinance This section should include the following certifications, each of
  • 78. which shall be fully executed: i. Form C – Restrictions on Lobbying and Contacts ii. Form D – Statement of Qualifications iii. Form E – Proposer's Affidavit of Noncollusion iv. Form F – Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Statement v. Form G – Hold Harmless Agreement vi. Disclosure – Campaign Finance Ordinance vii. DBE Requirement Documents a. Caltrans Exhibit 10-O1 Consultant Proposal DBE Commitment b. Caltrans Exhibit 10-O2 Consultant Contract DBE Information c. Caltrans Exhibit 15-G Local Agency Bidder DBE Commitment d. Caltrans Exhibit 15-H DBE Information – Good Faith Efforts viii. Debarment and Suspension Certification 4. Information Regarding Debarments, Defaults, Claims, and Related Events Each Proposer, including its Joint Venture members, general partners, and subconsultants (“team members”), shall submit the information set forth below regarding past performance, ac- tivities, and projects. The information shall cover the 5 year period prior to the due date of the proposal. i. Any instance where the Proposer or a team member defaulted on a public services contract.
  • 79. ii. Information concerning the bankruptcy or receivership of the Proposer or a team member. iii. Information concerning all adverse claims, disputes, settlements, or lawsuits be- tween a public agency and the Proposer or a team member (including professional liability/errors and omissions claims) in which the claim, settlement, or judgment ex- ceeds two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000). Part II – QUALIFICATIONS & TECHNICAL PROPOSAL Each Proposer shall submit Part II that includes each of the materials set forth below, explaining the qualifications of the Proposer to perform the scope of work and setting forth the Proposer’s management and organizational structure, capability, experience, and proposed programs and plans to ensure successful performance of the scope of work. a. Project Team City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 21 of 34 i. Proposer must submit an organizational chart identifying the titles of pro- ject team members (and subcontractors if applicable) and
  • 80. reporting rela- tionships within the team. The submittal shall also include a brief descrip- tion for each position identifying which functions they will be responsible to perform in relation to the Agreement including coordination of subcon- tractors. The chart shall indicate a “Project Manager” who will be the City’s central contact person for day-to-day matters. The successful Pro- poser agrees not to change the assigned project staff without prior written consent of the City. ii. If applicable, the Proposer will submit a description of the proposed sub- contractors and identify which functions they will be responsible to per- form in relation to the scope of work. b. Experience, Reference, and Performance Record i. Provide contact information for five (5) current agencies for which the Proposer has provided similar work product. Two of these contracts should be located in Southern California. Provide contact name, title, agency name, address, phone, email, services provided, and annual rev- enue hours. Provide a brief scope of services provided for each contrac- tual relationship. Briefly highlight any unusual findings discovered in the course of implementing the project and achievements gained as
  • 81. a result of the work product. c. Technical Proposal i. Provide detailed Scope of Work based on tasks specified in this RFP. For each task, please include the following: assigned staff, estimated time or proportion of staffer’s total project time, assigned staffer’s rate and title, and total proposed cost. Part III -- PRICE PROPOSAL AND STAFFING PLAN Price Proposal and Staffing Plan - Form H Each Proposer shall submit a price proposal and staffing plan using Form H. A review copy of this form is included within this document, while a submittal copy in MS Excel format is provided electronically as a separate file distributed with this RFP. All figures on Form H must be submit- ted as a completed spreadsheet in MS Excel format on CD and within the printed matter as well. Proposer must submit a staffing plan that includes a comprehensive list of all key staff by name and position proposed for this Agreement. Include contract labor by count, position, and rate only, as applicable. City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional
  • 82. Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 22 of 34 X. Appendix List of Resources For a list of resources, see the Attachments section of this Appendix. The following resources shall be used to inform the development of the project and, as appropriate, summarized or in- corporated into the project. All are available on the City’s FTP site at or are linked to in the Attachments section of this Appendix, unless otherwise noted. Local Plan Regional Plan Report/Study Other • Glendale Bicycle Transportation Plan (2012) • Greener Glendale Plan (2012) • Circulation Ele- ment of the Gen- eral Plan (1998) • Downtown Specif- ic Plan (2006) • SCAG Regional Transportation
  • 83. Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (2016) • Metro First Last Mile Strategic Plan (2014) • Metro Active Transportation Strategic Plan (2014) • Glendale Down- town Mobility Study (2007) • Caltrans Local Assistance Pro- cedures Manual DBE forms • Sample Profes- sional Services Agreements • City of Glendale Insurance Re- quirements • Forms B, D, H • Disclosure Form - Campaign Fi-
  • 84. nance Ordinance • Campaign Fi- nance Summary – Contracts • Debarment and Suspension Certi- fication (Page 29 of this RFP) City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 23 of 34 Submittal Forms MS Word versions of Form B, Form D, the Campaign Finance Disclosure form, and an MS Excel version of Form H are provided electronically on the City’s FTP site: All other forms should be printed from this RFP and executed manually.
  • 85. City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 24 of 34 FORM A SUBMITTAL COVER PAGE RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY OF GLENDALE GLENDALE-BURBANK REGIONAL STREETCAR FEASIBILTY STUDY Proposer: Firm Name: Street Address: City, State, Zip: I certify that this Proposer is sufficiently informed as to all matters affecting the performance of the work, and the furnishing of labor, supplies, material or equipment called for in this proposal; that the proposal has been checked for errors and omissions,
  • 86. that the facts stated in the pro- posal are current and as intended and are a complete and correct statement of the facts stated therein for performing the work or furnishing the labor, supplies, materials or equipment required by the RFP. This Proposer waives any claim for the return of its proposal on account of errors or omissions claimed to have been made in its proposal or for any other reason. I certify that this response fully complies with the requirements as defined in the RFP, and that I am an authorized representative of the company to bind the firm to this response to the RFP for a 120 day period. __________________________________ ___________________________________ Printed Name of Authorized Representative Signature of Authorized Representative City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 25 of 34 FORM B PROPOSER CONTACT INFORMATION Proposer
  • 87. Firm Name: Address: City, State, Zip Authorized Signer Name: Authorized Signer Title: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: Project Manager Name: Project Manager Title: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: Subcontractors to Proposer Firm Name: Address: City, State, Zip Authorized Representative Name: Authorized Representative Title: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: Work to be Performed: Firm Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Authorized Representative Name: Authorized Representative Title: Telephone Number:
  • 88. Fax Number: Email Address: Work to be Performed: Attach additional pages as necessary. City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 26 of 34 FORM C RESTRICTIONS ON LOBBYING AND CONTACTS The Proposer agrees that during the period beginning on the date of the issuance of the RFP and ending on the date of selection of the Proposer, no person (or entity) submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, nor any officer, employee, representative, agent, or consultant repre- senting such a person (or entity) has not and shall not contact through any means or engage in any discussion concerning the award of the Contract with any member of the City Council of the City of Glendale or his or her personal staff. Any such contact shall be grounds for the disquali- fication of the proposal. The Proposer agrees that during the period beginning on the date of the issuance of this RFP and ending on the date of selection of the Proposer, each person or entity described in the pre-
  • 89. vious paragraph has and shall limit his or her communication with City staff to the written clarifi- cation and amendment process described in Section IV, and interviews or discussions pursuant to evaluation and selection process described in Section V. At no time has or shall this Propos- er have any communication with a member of the City’s Evaluation Committee, other than communication initiated by such member during interviews or discussions. ________________________________ _______________ Signature of Authorized Representative Date ____________________________________________ Printed Name and Title of Authorized Representative City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 27 of 34 FORM D STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS A. If your organization is a corporation or a limited liability company, answer the following:
  • 90. 1. Date of incorporation/organization: 2. State of incorporation/organization: 3. Corporate ID number: 4. Agent for Service of Process: 5. Attach names, addresses and phone numbers of all Corporate Officers. B. If your organization is a partnership, answer the following: 1. Date of organization/formation: 2. Type of partnership (if applicable): 3. Attach name(s), address and telephone number of general partner(s): C. If your organization is individually owned, answer the following: 1. Date of organization: 2. Owner Name: Address: Telephone number: D. Claims and Suits (Check the box if answer is “no”. If the answer to any of the ques- tions below is “yes”, please attach an explanation.) from bidding by any state, county or local government agencies? If yes, please explain. y judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your organization or its officers? arbitration within the last five (5) years? er is a corporation, any principal of the corporation ever
  • 91. been convicted of a felony? If your answer is “Yes”, please explain the details of that conviction and, if so, whether you or said officer have served his or her sentence. r company ever been charged by any governmental agency for failure to follow safety procedures? If so, please explain. We/I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this day of , 20____ Name of Company: By: Title: City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 28 of 34 FORM E PROPOSER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NONCOLLUSION I, ____________________________________ under penalty of perjury, state as follows: 1. That I am the ________________________ (Title of office if a corporation: "sole owner," "Partner," or other proper title) of __________________________________, (hereinafter called
  • 92. "Proposer") who has submitted to the City of Glendale a Proposal for the GLENDALE- BURBANK REGIONAL STREETCAR FEASIBILTY STUDY; 2. That said Proposal is genuine; that the same is not sham; that all statements of fact therein are true; 3. That said Proposal is not made in the interest or behalf of any person, partnership, com- pany, association, organization, or corporation not named or disclosed; 4. That Proposer did not, directly or indirectly induce, solicit, agree, collude, conspire or contrive with anyone else to submit a false or sham proposal, to refrain from proposing, or with- draw his/her proposal, to raise or fix the proposal price of Proposer or of anyone else, or to raise or fix any overhead profit, or any cost element of Proposer’s price or the price of anyone else; and did not attempt to induce action prejudicial to the interests of the City of Glendale, or of any other Proposer, or anyone else interested in the proposed Agreement; 5. That the Proposer has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure for him- self/herself/itself an advantage over any other Proposer or induce action prejudicial to the inter- ests of the City of Glendale or of any other Proposer, or anyone else interested in the proposed Agreement; 6. That the Proposer did not, directly or indirectly, submit its proposal price or any break- down thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulge information or data relative thereto, to any cor- poration, partnership, company, association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof, or to any individual or group of individuals,
  • 93. except to the City of Glendale, or to any person or persons who have partnership or other financial interest with said Proposer in his/her business. We/I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this day of , 20____ Name of Company: By: Title: City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 29 of 34 FORM F EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION STATEMENT The Proposer hereafter described will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race/color, national origin, sex, sexual preference, religion, age, or handicapped status in employment or the provisions of services.
  • 94. ________________________________ _______________ Signature of Authorized Representative Date ____________________________________________ Printed Name and Title of Authorized Representative City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study Page 30 of 34 FORM G HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Proposer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Glendale against and from any and all damages to property or injuries to or death of any person or persons, including employees or agents of the City, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, or proceedings of any kind or nature, of or by anyone whomsoever, in any way resulting from or arising out of the negligent or intentional acts, errors, or omissions of the Proposer or any of its officers, agents, or employees.
  • 95. ________________________________ _______________ Signature of Authorized Representative Date ____________________________________________ Printed Name and Title of Authorized Representative City of Glendale ___________________ RFP: Glendale –Burbank Regional Streetcar Feasibility Study
  • 96. Page 31 of 34 TITLE 49, CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, PART 29 DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION CERTIFICATION 1) All persons or firms, including subconsultants, must complete this certification and certify, under penalty of perjury, that, except as noted below, he/she or any person associated therewith in the capacity of owner, partner, director, officer, or manager: a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; b) Have not, within the three (3) year period preceding this certification, been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction, violation of Federal or state antitrust statutes, or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;
  • 97. c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses listed in subparagraph (1)(b) of this certification; and d) Have not, within the three (3) year period preceding this certification, had one or more public transactions (Federal, state, and local) terminated for cause or default. 2) If such persons or firms later become aware of any information contradicting the statements of paragraph (1), they will promptly provide that information to THE City of Glendale. If there are any exceptions to this certification, insert the exceptions in the following space. Exceptions will not necessarily result in denial of award, but will be considered in determining proposer/bidder responsibility. For any exception noted above, indicate below to whom it applies, initiating agency, and dates of actions. _________________________________ Name of Firm