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Argosy University
For purposes of this assignment case study, two shall be used to
complete this assignment
Brandon who is an African – American eight-year-old who is in
third grade has shown disinterest in academics. His tendencies
of always complaining that he is hungry and bored in class will
other kids are reading and even draws pictures, not only does it
show that the child is not interested in school, but he is
mentally traumatized and that there are other factors that are
making him not to focus. The incident of wetting his bed
occasionally also has to deal with psychological effects and the
surroundings that Brandon is subjected to. The paper will dwell
on the issues that majorly affect the behaviors of a child and
how the surrounding environment in which a child is subjected
to can affect how they behave.
To give to explanations on the behavior of a child bearing in
mind the ecological factors that the child is subjected to the
following are some of the inference that can be drawn. A child
behavior is determined by the environment which he or she
grows in. In a child grows in a family that domestic violence is
prevalent then the chances of that child being a bully and
violent are very high. Most children learn through hearing and
seeing. Whatever they will hear be it at home or from their
neighbors then the likelihood of the child repeating this is very
high. In Brandon’s situation of complaining to be bored can be
assumed to have been taken from his father’s action of sleeping
after losing his job. Parents are supposed to set an example to
the kids, and thus they create an atmosphere in which their kids
can grow to become great men and women in the society.
When the father fails to get out and go to look for a job, then it
shows that he has completely lost hope in life and finds
everything boring and this can be easily reciprocated to the
children since they will get to hear what their father is saying
and doing. The parental behavior plays a major role in
transforming the behavior of the child. The psychological effect
that this bears is that the child will become more aggressive
from this situation since the father is frustrated and he may
decide to vent his anger to the kids this will, in turn, make the
child rebellious in trying to show that he can be bale to defend
himself or herself.
The social environment also plays a key role in that the kid can
associate with his neighbors; they will, in turn, tend to borrow
and exchange behaviors that will affect how they relate. In
Brandon’s scenario it will be assumed that he is not from a well
of family and thus they are struggling to make ends meet and
settling the bill, this, therefore, leads us to the inclination that
the neighbors are also not well of. This, therefore, gives you a
neighborhood with frustrated families, the end product then is
kids who come to play and interact together but all of them have
some sought of frustration that can be traced to the family
problems. When these kids interact and play together each of
them portrays different behaviors that will, in turn, affect the
behavior of each of them as each will want to grasp the unique
behavior that they have seen their friends practicing or rather
Education plays an important role in defining the behavior of a
kid, the level of education affects the thinking of children in
that what they say and do will depend on the level of knowledge
that they have. The surrounding of a child who is exposed to
proper education will differ to that of a child who comes from
an environment where education is not prioritized. The exposure
to proper education will affects how a child behaves and
disciplined. The child will have courtesy, and he or she will be
able to interact with people in a proper manner. Education does
not only depend on the child alone. The level of education of
the parent also plays a major role; this is to the sense that the
educated parents have different ways of addressing issues
compared with parents who have been exposed to education.
This gives the kids a more different perspective on how they
view life this is due to the environment that has been created by
the family as a result of being exposed to education. In looking
at Brandon’s situation the father seems not to be exposed too
much education and therefore he is likely to curse life on the
misfortune that he is facing. This will, on the other hand make
the son have the same perspective of life. It will also be
important to note that communication is key when education
fails. It is important to note that parents who did not have the
privilege of going to school but they would not want their kids
not to miss the opportunity of not going to school. They
therefore, encourage the kids to get enough of education; this is
well illustrated by Ben Carson in his book think big, where he
acknowledges the effort of her mother who did not have so
much exposure in education.
The economical circumstance also plays a very major role in
determining the behavior of a child, for instance, Brandon
always complains to be hungry, and he consequently goes to the
principal’s office to eat, this shows that the family does not
provide him with sufficient food. The fact that the mother
complains that he steals food and carry them to his room it
evident shows that the child does not get enough food and thus
he feels that he can be full by stealing food to go and it them in
his room. It is important to note that the rate of concentration of
any adult cannot be fully achieved on an empty stomach, this
will, therefore, be used to state that the obvious that Brandon
could not effectively concentrate since he had not eaten enough
food. Therefore the economical aspect plays an important role
in that what the family can get is not enough but the kids have
not been told to appreciate the little that the family can be able
to get.
To summarize the factors that affect the behavior of the kids’
it’s will be important to note the importance of the family. The
family can be used as the S.I unit of the child’s behavior,
especially when he has elder brothers and sisters who will he be
able to emulate. The time which parents spend with their kids is
also important in shaping the behavior of the child. The parents
will be able to nurture the behavior of their kids and also impact
in them good principles in life. Using Brandon’s scenario where
the father was coming late during dinner time, this showed that
the kids did not effectively have a father figure or father and
kids bonding session and thus their behavior could not be the
same with a family in which the kids get proper time to spend
with both parents.
The ecology, family, and socialization plays a big role in
determining the behavior of the kid and the role that the child
plays in the society. As illustrated above the child will borrow
something from the above factors and in which they will be able
to design and shape their behavior and how they relate to other
children and how they interact with other family members and
teachers at school. The important aspect of it all is the ecology;
this is the determinant factor in which the behavior of a child
can be realized. A perfect example that can be used this which
has been proved by a scientist is having two identical twins
separated and taken in two different ecologies (Forrest, 2012).
At birth, these twins have the same intelligence quotient, but
when they are separated in that one is taken to a posh
environment and the other one to a struggling environment the
kids will have different behaviors.
The likelihood of having different intelligence quotient is very
high. Therefore the intelligence quotient may differ
distinctively; this therefore, illustrate that the ecology plays a
very vital role in shaping the behavior of a kid and also the
thinking capacity of the same child.
The role of a child in the family with regards to the expressed
behavior is that the child is supposed to portray total respect
and show the family that he or she can follow instructions that
will enable them to grow into good kids. The joy of any parent
is to see that their kids are following instructions that they will
be able to love their fellow siblings; this, therefore, gives the
parents an ample and peaceful at a time. A disciplined child is
one who listens to instruction and can do as instructed. The role
of a child in a family can, therefore, be summarized as showing
respect, obedience, and following instruction.
Theories of child development, mainly focus on the approach
that the family should take in perspective of the child, it
involves nature versus nurture, plasticity, and flexibility of the
child at different stages. The development of a child has often
been viewed as a probabilistic epigenetic course - this is with
regards to biology which has remained to be a prime mover but
then again the developmental results relay on reciprocal
relations between the social context and biology (Rothbaum,
2012). This, therefore, suggests that the environmental
resources and social build around the child will come together
to produce a certain outcome.
The Bronfenbrenner model was used to develop an ecological
perspective; he came up with a perspective that combined some
aspects of developmental psychology and sociology. In this, he
was able to prove that the identity of an individual and the
environment is correlated. In that, the environment can shape
and determine the behavior of an individual in a particular
environment. This, therefore, was used to make a conclusion
that the parents set an atmosphere in which their kids grow in,
the environment created will affect how the child will grow and
how they will interact with other fellow children.
The micro-system, the family, qualifies to be subjected to
Brofenbrenner’s works; this is to the interpersonal activities and
interactions with the child. At this stage, the child is bale to
experience interaction with other people. It begins from home
where the child will start to interact with two or three members
of the family. The complexity of the child grows as the child
ages, which involves more people like for instance day care. It
was noted that as long the number increases in a child’s micro
system it simply means that reciprocal relationships, therefore
an increase in size, increases the child’s development.
Macro- system they are considered to be blueprints for the
interlocking of social forces. At this stage, they can blend
interactions at home and those that come from a quality
relationship from setting that are influenced by forces
(Corcoran, 2010). This stage tends to provide a broad
organizational and development patterns in which the ecology
of a human being is reflected upon. It should be noted that
Macro system is not static and therefore can be subjected to
change through revolution and evolution.
School plays an important role in a child’s life; this is where his
or her cognitive ability is shaped and nurtured. Also where they
will be given a chance to interact with other kids where in the
process they will be able to grow and learn new things and in
the process, their behavior will change for the better or worse.
The school is a central point where children from diverse
background come together and interact in the long run change
exchange a couple of traits. In summary, the ecology plays an
important role in shaping and determines the behavior and role
of a child in the society; there are also other surrounding
In summary, the behavior of any child cannot be defined as
being aggressive or shy. While stating this, it will be important
to note the factors that have been surrounding the child and how
they have affected the behavior of the child. Children may not
be psychologically affected at sometimes since this may only be
a matter of the surrounding that is dictating how the child is
behaving. It will depend therefore on the parents and teachers to
meet and discuss the behaviors of the child on a regular basis.
This will, in turn, lead to easy monitoring of the child’s
Corcoran, J. (2010). Ecological factors associated with
parenting. Oxford journals.
Forrest, L. (2012). Individual ecological conceptualization.
Psychological training.
Rothbaum, F. (2012). Developmental systems perspective on
Page 1 of 2
Child, Family, and Community Relationships
©2013 Argosy University
Case Studies for LASA1 and LASA2
Pick one case study and use it for completing both assignments:
Case study 1:
Brandy is a Caucasian girl, who just celebrated her sixth
birthday, and is one of the youngest kids in her
first-grade class. Most of the school year has gone fairly well,
but she lately has been having trouble at
school. Last week she disrupted class and threw her pencil
across the room.
The teacher explained to the parents that she has been a bit
“emotional” lately, but did not know why. Her
mom wondered if it was because she has recently transitioned
from graduate school to a new job that
keeps her away from home a bit more than before.
Brandy generally likes school, but gets pulled out once or twice
a week for special speech therapy as she
occasionally has some problems with a lisp. Her parents were
hesitant about Brandy being pulled out of
class, but when she reported she was getting picked on at school
by some classmates, they agreed to the
speech therapy.
At home, she has a supportive family and siblings (younger and
older) with whom she gets along well.
Occasionally she will get into trouble for lying, but most often
feels pretty badly about it once she is caught.
Her father also has a master’s degree with a full-time job, and
she and her siblings attend an after-school
daycare program for a couple hours. She plays with the
neighborhood kids and her siblings; however
sometimes Brandy has communication struggles with others due
to her lisp. She loves sports, and just
finished playing soccer and is set to start t-ball within the next
week or two.
Case study 2:
Brandon is an African-American eight-year-old child in third
grade, who is in danger of having to repeat the
grade. He continues to struggle with being able to concentrate
in class, and says he is “bored” when
students have to just sit and read; sometimes he talks and walks
around the class and other times he draws
pictures and pays no attention at all. He frequently gets sent to
the principal’s office for this behavior, but
does not seem to mind because the principal lets him play and
gives him snacks (as he always complains
about being hungry). Often the principal compliments him on
his artwork.
When his parents were told about his behavior, they were
exasperated. The parents said he behaves even
more poorly at home, stealing and breaking his siblings’ things
and sneaking food into his room. He even
has nightly bed-wetting accidents on a fairly regular basis (the
doctor has ruled out physical problems as a
reason for these).
His mother works a part-time job at a local gas station when the
kids are in school. His father used to come
home around dinnertime and was often tired; but he was
recently laid off and is depressed and spends a lot
of time in bed.
Case study 3:
Jayant (or “Jay”) is a seventeen-year-old Indian student in his
senior year in high school. He is taking
several classes at the local community college as part of an
accelerated honors program. He never really
wanted to take these college classes, but was pressured by his
extremely domineering father, who is a
professor of physics at one of the local universities.
Page 2 of 2
Child, Family, and Community Relationships
©2013 Argosy University
2 Case Studies for LASA1 and LASA2
Johnny is falling behind with all his courses, particularly his
psychology coursework. He says it is because
he keeps relating what he reads to his own life situation and
problems. He tends to be alone most of the
time, although he is very curious about people and watches
others interact. Jay has a social immaturity
about him that prevents him from making many friends. If he
complains about not getting along with others,
his father reminds him he is not in school to socialize but to
succeed in life.
He feels like he does not fit in anywhere at the school because
his few acquaintances are not in the
accelerated honors program. This adds to the stress at home
because he has no outlets from the constant
pressure and criticism from his father. He is often reminded that
if his mother were still alive, she’d be a
resource and a buffer from his father.
Recently, he had to volunteer at a local community center as
part of a course assignment, and chose to
work with the local Boys and Girls Club. He enjoyed this so
much that he has decided to continue
volunteering even when the class ends.
Case study 4:
Soo-Kyung (or “Sue”) is a sixteen-year-old Korean student,
with a history of self-harm, drug abuse, and
theft. She has to go to counseling at the school as a condition of
her probation, and to have any chance of
having her record expunged when she is an adult.
Sue is usually shabbily dressed, has bad body odor, is hostile
and refuses to open up or discuss anything
at length with her counselor. She has been seen around school
with one kid and was seen talking to that
kid in the hall before she came into your office. You have found
some information in her school file that
apprises you of some pertinent details of her past experiences:
You learn that she had an alcoholic mother,
who was in and out of a series of relationships when Sue was a
child, resulting in frequent moves and a
string of different schools. A period of sexual abuse by one of
her mother’s boyfriends at the age of 14 led
Sue to attempt suicide. Subsequently, she has frequently
inflicted injuries on herself.
She finally moved out of her mother’s house and is living with
an aunt, who although she does not have a
drug problem, works three jobs to provide for Sue and her five
nieces and nephews, and is rarely home.
Sue loves helping out with the kids and likes her aunt. Her aunt
comes to the school occasionally for
parent-teacher conferences, and will ask for suggestions or help,
stating that she is trying to help Sue, but
has limited resources in terms of time and money.
Some ideas were used from Psychology Applied Learning
Scenarios (PALS): A practical introduction to
problem-based learning using vignettes for psychology lecturers
by Lin Norton funded by LTSN
Psychology. “All the materials provided in this pack are free to
use in their original format or can be
adapted, giving acknowledgment to LTSN Psychology.”
Making PowerPoint Slides
How to Design an Effective Presentation
Tips to be CoveredTitle slide and OutlinesSlide
StructureFontsColorBackgroundGraphsSpelling and
GrammarConclusionsSpeaker NotesQuestionsReferences
Title and Outline On the first slide, include the title of your
presentation, your full name and affiliation.Make your 1st or
2nd slide an outline of your presentationFollow the order of
your outline for the rest of the presentationOnly place main
points on the outline slide
Use the titles of each slide as main points
Use Notes section at the bottom of the slide to write out more
complete information the speaker will need (see below).
It is important to give the audience an overview of the
presentation. By previewing the presentation in a brief outline,
the audience will have an idea of what topics to expect and they
might start to develop questions to ask.
Helpful hint:
“Before you create a single slide, think about what you want to
say” (Friedman, 2007, p. 23).
Slide StructureUse 1-2 slides per minute of your
presentationWrite in bullet-point form, not complete
sentencesInclude 4-5 points per slideAvoid wordiness: use key
words and phrases only
The point is to guide the presenter as well as provide visual aids
for the audience. If the presenter clutters the slide with too
much information, readers will become too involved with the
slides rather than what the presenter is saying.
If you are spend several minutes on one slide, consider breaking
it up (obviously, some charts or graphics may take several
minutes to properly present).
Slide StructureThis page contains too many words for a
presentation slide. It is not written in point form, making it
difficult both for your audience to read and for you to present
each point. Although there are exactly the same number of
points on this slide as the previous slide, it looks much more
complicated. In short, your audience will spend too much time
trying to read this paragraph instead of listening to you.
Burke, James, and Ahmadi (2009) suggest that no more than
about bullet points should appear on each slide. Too much
information presented at a time results in decreased attention
and understanding of the material.
Slide StructureShow one point at a time:
Will help audience concentrate on what you are saying
Will prevent audience from reading ahead
Will help you keep your presentation focused
Slide StructureDo not use distracting animation
Do not go overboard with the animation
Be consistent with the animation that you use
Just as in using quotations within an APA-formatted paper,
animation should be used to emphasize a point, not to take up
Fonts Use at least an 18-point fontUse different size fonts for
main points and secondary points, but keep them consistent
across slides
this font is 24-point, the main point font is 28-point, and the
title font is 36-pointUse a standard font like Times New Roman
or Arial
FontsIf you use a small font, your audience won’t be able to
read what you have written
Don’t use a complicated font
ColorUse a color of font that contrasts sharply with the
Eg.: blue font on white backgroundUse color to reinforce the
logic of your structure
Eg.: light blue title and dark blue textUse color to emphasize a
But only use this occasionally
ColorUsing a font color that does not contrast with the
background color is hard to read Using color for decoration is
distracting and unprofessional.So is using color to
creative.Using a different color for each point is unnecessary
Using a different color for secondary points is also unnecessary
BackgroundUse backgrounds such as this one that are attractive
but simple
Use backgrounds which are light
Use the same background consistently throughout your
BackgroundAvoid backgrounds that are distracting or difficult
to read fromAlways be consistent with the background that you
GraphsUse graphs rather than just charts and words
Data in graphs is easier to comprehend & retain than is raw data
Trends are easier to visualize in graph form
Always title your graphsDo not copy graphs or charts from
other sources without permission
Compare this table to the graph on the next slide. Which is
easier to read?
Blue Balls
Red Balls
Items Sold in First Quarter of 2002
Blue Balls
Red Balls
Sheet1JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilBlue Balls20.427.49020.4Red
Blue Balls
Red Balls
Items Sold in First Quarter of 2002
Sheet1JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilBlue Balls20.427.49020.4Red
Minor gridlines are unnecessary, font is too small, colors are
illogical, title is missing, shading is distracting
Blue Balls
Red Balls
Items Sold in First Quarter of 2002
Blue Balls
Red Balls
Sheet1JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilBlue Balls20.427.49020.4Red
Why is the graph on the previous page difficult to read?Minor
gridlines are unnecessaryFont is too smallColors are
illogicalTitle is missingShading is distracting
Spelling and GrammarProof your slides for:
speling mistakes
the use of of repeated words
grammatical errors you might have make
If English is not your first language, please have someone else
check your presentation!
Read your work aloud to be sure it flows well and make sense
ConclusionUse an effective and strong closing
Your audience is likely to remember your last words
Use a conclusion slide to:
Summarize the main points of your presentation
Suggest future avenues of research
Questions??If appropriate, you can also end your presentation
with a simple question slide to:
Invite your audience to ask questions
Provide a visual aid during question period
Avoid ending a presentation abruptly
ReferencesInclude in-text citations throughout your presentation
to credit sources and include the full reference list in APA
format at the end.
Burke, L. A., James, K., & Ahmadi, M. (2009). Effectiveness of
PowerPoint-based lectures across different business disciplines:
an investigation and implications. Journal of Education for
Business, 84(4), 246–251.
Friedman, K. (2007). Avoid a PowerPoint slumber party. Global
Cosmetic Industry, 175(5), 23.
JanuaryFebruaryMarch April
Blue Balls20.427.49020.4
Red Balls30.638.634.631.6
Items Sold in First Quarter of 2002
JanuaryFebruaryMarch April
Blue Balls
Red Balls
JanuaryFebruaryMarch April
Blue Balls
Red Balls

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  • 1. Running Head: ASSESMENT OF CHILD’S BEHAVIOR 1 ASSESMENT OF CHILD’S BEHAVIOR 8 ASSESMENT OF CHILD’S BEHAVIOR Argosy University For purposes of this assignment case study, two shall be used to complete this assignment Brandon who is an African – American eight-year-old who is in third grade has shown disinterest in academics. His tendencies of always complaining that he is hungry and bored in class will other kids are reading and even draws pictures, not only does it show that the child is not interested in school, but he is mentally traumatized and that there are other factors that are making him not to focus. The incident of wetting his bed occasionally also has to deal with psychological effects and the surroundings that Brandon is subjected to. The paper will dwell on the issues that majorly affect the behaviors of a child and how the surrounding environment in which a child is subjected to can affect how they behave. To give to explanations on the behavior of a child bearing in mind the ecological factors that the child is subjected to the following are some of the inference that can be drawn. A child behavior is determined by the environment which he or she grows in. In a child grows in a family that domestic violence is prevalent then the chances of that child being a bully and violent are very high. Most children learn through hearing and seeing. Whatever they will hear be it at home or from their neighbors then the likelihood of the child repeating this is very
  • 2. high. In Brandon’s situation of complaining to be bored can be assumed to have been taken from his father’s action of sleeping after losing his job. Parents are supposed to set an example to the kids, and thus they create an atmosphere in which their kids can grow to become great men and women in the society. When the father fails to get out and go to look for a job, then it shows that he has completely lost hope in life and finds everything boring and this can be easily reciprocated to the children since they will get to hear what their father is saying and doing. The parental behavior plays a major role in transforming the behavior of the child. The psychological effect that this bears is that the child will become more aggressive from this situation since the father is frustrated and he may decide to vent his anger to the kids this will, in turn, make the child rebellious in trying to show that he can be bale to defend himself or herself. The social environment also plays a key role in that the kid can associate with his neighbors; they will, in turn, tend to borrow and exchange behaviors that will affect how they relate. In Brandon’s scenario it will be assumed that he is not from a well of family and thus they are struggling to make ends meet and settling the bill, this, therefore, leads us to the inclination that the neighbors are also not well of. This, therefore, gives you a neighborhood with frustrated families, the end product then is kids who come to play and interact together but all of them have some sought of frustration that can be traced to the family problems. When these kids interact and play together each of them portrays different behaviors that will, in turn, affect the behavior of each of them as each will want to grasp the unique behavior that they have seen their friends practicing or rather portraying. Education plays an important role in defining the behavior of a kid, the level of education affects the thinking of children in
  • 3. that what they say and do will depend on the level of knowledge that they have. The surrounding of a child who is exposed to proper education will differ to that of a child who comes from an environment where education is not prioritized. The exposure to proper education will affects how a child behaves and disciplined. The child will have courtesy, and he or she will be able to interact with people in a proper manner. Education does not only depend on the child alone. The level of education of the parent also plays a major role; this is to the sense that the educated parents have different ways of addressing issues compared with parents who have been exposed to education. This gives the kids a more different perspective on how they view life this is due to the environment that has been created by the family as a result of being exposed to education. In looking at Brandon’s situation the father seems not to be exposed too much education and therefore he is likely to curse life on the misfortune that he is facing. This will, on the other hand make the son have the same perspective of life. It will also be important to note that communication is key when education fails. It is important to note that parents who did not have the privilege of going to school but they would not want their kids not to miss the opportunity of not going to school. They therefore, encourage the kids to get enough of education; this is well illustrated by Ben Carson in his book think big, where he acknowledges the effort of her mother who did not have so much exposure in education. The economical circumstance also plays a very major role in determining the behavior of a child, for instance, Brandon always complains to be hungry, and he consequently goes to the principal’s office to eat, this shows that the family does not provide him with sufficient food. The fact that the mother complains that he steals food and carry them to his room it evident shows that the child does not get enough food and thus he feels that he can be full by stealing food to go and it them in his room. It is important to note that the rate of concentration of
  • 4. any adult cannot be fully achieved on an empty stomach, this will, therefore, be used to state that the obvious that Brandon could not effectively concentrate since he had not eaten enough food. Therefore the economical aspect plays an important role in that what the family can get is not enough but the kids have not been told to appreciate the little that the family can be able to get. To summarize the factors that affect the behavior of the kids’ it’s will be important to note the importance of the family. The family can be used as the S.I unit of the child’s behavior, especially when he has elder brothers and sisters who will he be able to emulate. The time which parents spend with their kids is also important in shaping the behavior of the child. The parents will be able to nurture the behavior of their kids and also impact in them good principles in life. Using Brandon’s scenario where the father was coming late during dinner time, this showed that the kids did not effectively have a father figure or father and kids bonding session and thus their behavior could not be the same with a family in which the kids get proper time to spend with both parents. The ecology, family, and socialization plays a big role in determining the behavior of the kid and the role that the child plays in the society. As illustrated above the child will borrow something from the above factors and in which they will be able to design and shape their behavior and how they relate to other children and how they interact with other family members and teachers at school. The important aspect of it all is the ecology; this is the determinant factor in which the behavior of a child can be realized. A perfect example that can be used this which has been proved by a scientist is having two identical twins separated and taken in two different ecologies (Forrest, 2012). At birth, these twins have the same intelligence quotient, but when they are separated in that one is taken to a posh environment and the other one to a struggling environment the
  • 5. kids will have different behaviors. The likelihood of having different intelligence quotient is very high. Therefore the intelligence quotient may differ distinctively; this therefore, illustrate that the ecology plays a very vital role in shaping the behavior of a kid and also the thinking capacity of the same child. The role of a child in the family with regards to the expressed behavior is that the child is supposed to portray total respect and show the family that he or she can follow instructions that will enable them to grow into good kids. The joy of any parent is to see that their kids are following instructions that they will be able to love their fellow siblings; this, therefore, gives the parents an ample and peaceful at a time. A disciplined child is one who listens to instruction and can do as instructed. The role of a child in a family can, therefore, be summarized as showing respect, obedience, and following instruction. Theories of child development, mainly focus on the approach that the family should take in perspective of the child, it involves nature versus nurture, plasticity, and flexibility of the child at different stages. The development of a child has often been viewed as a probabilistic epigenetic course - this is with regards to biology which has remained to be a prime mover but then again the developmental results relay on reciprocal relations between the social context and biology (Rothbaum, 2012). This, therefore, suggests that the environmental resources and social build around the child will come together to produce a certain outcome. The Bronfenbrenner model was used to develop an ecological perspective; he came up with a perspective that combined some aspects of developmental psychology and sociology. In this, he was able to prove that the identity of an individual and the environment is correlated. In that, the environment can shape
  • 6. and determine the behavior of an individual in a particular environment. This, therefore, was used to make a conclusion that the parents set an atmosphere in which their kids grow in, the environment created will affect how the child will grow and how they will interact with other fellow children. The micro-system, the family, qualifies to be subjected to Brofenbrenner’s works; this is to the interpersonal activities and interactions with the child. At this stage, the child is bale to experience interaction with other people. It begins from home where the child will start to interact with two or three members of the family. The complexity of the child grows as the child ages, which involves more people like for instance day care. It was noted that as long the number increases in a child’s micro system it simply means that reciprocal relationships, therefore an increase in size, increases the child’s development. Macro- system they are considered to be blueprints for the interlocking of social forces. At this stage, they can blend interactions at home and those that come from a quality relationship from setting that are influenced by forces (Corcoran, 2010). This stage tends to provide a broad organizational and development patterns in which the ecology of a human being is reflected upon. It should be noted that Macro system is not static and therefore can be subjected to change through revolution and evolution. School plays an important role in a child’s life; this is where his or her cognitive ability is shaped and nurtured. Also where they will be given a chance to interact with other kids where in the process they will be able to grow and learn new things and in the process, their behavior will change for the better or worse. The school is a central point where children from diverse background come together and interact in the long run change exchange a couple of traits. In summary, the ecology plays an important role in shaping and determines the behavior and role
  • 7. of a child in the society; there are also other surrounding factors. In summary, the behavior of any child cannot be defined as being aggressive or shy. While stating this, it will be important to note the factors that have been surrounding the child and how they have affected the behavior of the child. Children may not be psychologically affected at sometimes since this may only be a matter of the surrounding that is dictating how the child is behaving. It will depend therefore on the parents and teachers to meet and discuss the behaviors of the child on a regular basis. This will, in turn, lead to easy monitoring of the child’s behavior. Reference Corcoran, J. (2010). Ecological factors associated with parenting. Oxford journals. Forrest, L. (2012). Individual ecological conceptualization. Psychological training. Rothbaum, F. (2012). Developmental systems perspective on parenting. Page 1 of 2 Child, Family, and Community Relationships ©2013 Argosy University
  • 8. Case Studies for LASA1 and LASA2 Pick one case study and use it for completing both assignments: Case study 1: Brandy is a Caucasian girl, who just celebrated her sixth birthday, and is one of the youngest kids in her first-grade class. Most of the school year has gone fairly well, but she lately has been having trouble at school. Last week she disrupted class and threw her pencil across the room. The teacher explained to the parents that she has been a bit “emotional” lately, but did not know why. Her mom wondered if it was because she has recently transitioned from graduate school to a new job that keeps her away from home a bit more than before. Brandy generally likes school, but gets pulled out once or twice a week for special speech therapy as she occasionally has some problems with a lisp. Her parents were hesitant about Brandy being pulled out of class, but when she reported she was getting picked on at school by some classmates, they agreed to the speech therapy. At home, she has a supportive family and siblings (younger and older) with whom she gets along well. Occasionally she will get into trouble for lying, but most often feels pretty badly about it once she is caught. Her father also has a master’s degree with a full-time job, and she and her siblings attend an after-school
  • 9. daycare program for a couple hours. She plays with the neighborhood kids and her siblings; however sometimes Brandy has communication struggles with others due to her lisp. She loves sports, and just finished playing soccer and is set to start t-ball within the next week or two. Case study 2: Brandon is an African-American eight-year-old child in third grade, who is in danger of having to repeat the grade. He continues to struggle with being able to concentrate in class, and says he is “bored” when students have to just sit and read; sometimes he talks and walks around the class and other times he draws pictures and pays no attention at all. He frequently gets sent to the principal’s office for this behavior, but does not seem to mind because the principal lets him play and gives him snacks (as he always complains about being hungry). Often the principal compliments him on his artwork. When his parents were told about his behavior, they were exasperated. The parents said he behaves even more poorly at home, stealing and breaking his siblings’ things and sneaking food into his room. He even has nightly bed-wetting accidents on a fairly regular basis (the doctor has ruled out physical problems as a reason for these). His mother works a part-time job at a local gas station when the kids are in school. His father used to come home around dinnertime and was often tired; but he was recently laid off and is depressed and spends a lot of time in bed.
  • 10. Case study 3: Jayant (or “Jay”) is a seventeen-year-old Indian student in his senior year in high school. He is taking several classes at the local community college as part of an accelerated honors program. He never really wanted to take these college classes, but was pressured by his extremely domineering father, who is a professor of physics at one of the local universities. Page 2 of 2 Child, Family, and Community Relationships ©2013 Argosy University 2 Case Studies for LASA1 and LASA2 Johnny is falling behind with all his courses, particularly his psychology coursework. He says it is because he keeps relating what he reads to his own life situation and problems. He tends to be alone most of the time, although he is very curious about people and watches others interact. Jay has a social immaturity about him that prevents him from making many friends. If he complains about not getting along with others, his father reminds him he is not in school to socialize but to succeed in life. He feels like he does not fit in anywhere at the school because his few acquaintances are not in the accelerated honors program. This adds to the stress at home
  • 11. because he has no outlets from the constant pressure and criticism from his father. He is often reminded that if his mother were still alive, she’d be a resource and a buffer from his father. Recently, he had to volunteer at a local community center as part of a course assignment, and chose to work with the local Boys and Girls Club. He enjoyed this so much that he has decided to continue volunteering even when the class ends. Case study 4: Soo-Kyung (or “Sue”) is a sixteen-year-old Korean student, with a history of self-harm, drug abuse, and theft. She has to go to counseling at the school as a condition of her probation, and to have any chance of having her record expunged when she is an adult. Sue is usually shabbily dressed, has bad body odor, is hostile and refuses to open up or discuss anything at length with her counselor. She has been seen around school with one kid and was seen talking to that kid in the hall before she came into your office. You have found some information in her school file that apprises you of some pertinent details of her past experiences: You learn that she had an alcoholic mother, who was in and out of a series of relationships when Sue was a child, resulting in frequent moves and a string of different schools. A period of sexual abuse by one of her mother’s boyfriends at the age of 14 led Sue to attempt suicide. Subsequently, she has frequently inflicted injuries on herself. She finally moved out of her mother’s house and is living with
  • 12. an aunt, who although she does not have a drug problem, works three jobs to provide for Sue and her five nieces and nephews, and is rarely home. Sue loves helping out with the kids and likes her aunt. Her aunt comes to the school occasionally for parent-teacher conferences, and will ask for suggestions or help, stating that she is trying to help Sue, but has limited resources in terms of time and money. Some ideas were used from Psychology Applied Learning Scenarios (PALS): A practical introduction to problem-based learning using vignettes for psychology lecturers by Lin Norton funded by LTSN Psychology. “All the materials provided in this pack are free to use in their original format or can be adapted, giving acknowledgment to LTSN Psychology.” Making PowerPoint Slides How to Design an Effective Presentation Reference: * Tips to be CoveredTitle slide and OutlinesSlide StructureFontsColorBackgroundGraphsSpelling and GrammarConclusionsSpeaker NotesQuestionsReferences
  • 13. * Title and Outline On the first slide, include the title of your presentation, your full name and affiliation.Make your 1st or 2nd slide an outline of your presentationFollow the order of your outline for the rest of the presentationOnly place main points on the outline slide Use the titles of each slide as main points Use Notes section at the bottom of the slide to write out more complete information the speaker will need (see below). It is important to give the audience an overview of the presentation. By previewing the presentation in a brief outline, the audience will have an idea of what topics to expect and they might start to develop questions to ask. * Helpful hint: “Before you create a single slide, think about what you want to say” (Friedman, 2007, p. 23).
  • 14. Slide StructureUse 1-2 slides per minute of your presentationWrite in bullet-point form, not complete sentencesInclude 4-5 points per slideAvoid wordiness: use key words and phrases only The point is to guide the presenter as well as provide visual aids for the audience. If the presenter clutters the slide with too much information, readers will become too involved with the slides rather than what the presenter is saying. If you are spend several minutes on one slide, consider breaking it up (obviously, some charts or graphics may take several minutes to properly present). * Slide StructureThis page contains too many words for a presentation slide. It is not written in point form, making it difficult both for your audience to read and for you to present each point. Although there are exactly the same number of points on this slide as the previous slide, it looks much more complicated. In short, your audience will spend too much time trying to read this paragraph instead of listening to you. Burke, James, and Ahmadi (2009) suggest that no more than about bullet points should appear on each slide. Too much information presented at a time results in decreased attention and understanding of the material. *
  • 15. Slide StructureShow one point at a time: Will help audience concentrate on what you are saying Will prevent audience from reading ahead Will help you keep your presentation focused Slide StructureDo not use distracting animation Do not go overboard with the animation Be consistent with the animation that you use Just as in using quotations within an APA-formatted paper, animation should be used to emphasize a point, not to take up space. * Fonts Use at least an 18-point fontUse different size fonts for main points and secondary points, but keep them consistent across slides this font is 24-point, the main point font is 28-point, and the title font is 36-pointUse a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial FontsIf you use a small font, your audience won’t be able to read what you have written CAPITALIZE ONLY WHEN NECESSARY. IT IS DIFFICULT TO READ
  • 16. Don’t use a complicated font ColorUse a color of font that contrasts sharply with the background Eg.: blue font on white backgroundUse color to reinforce the logic of your structure Eg.: light blue title and dark blue textUse color to emphasize a point But only use this occasionally ColorUsing a font color that does not contrast with the background color is hard to read Using color for decoration is distracting and unprofessional.So is using color to creative.Using a different color for each point is unnecessary Using a different color for secondary points is also unnecessary BackgroundUse backgrounds such as this one that are attractive but simple Use backgrounds which are light Use the same background consistently throughout your presentation BackgroundAvoid backgrounds that are distracting or difficult to read fromAlways be consistent with the background that you use
  • 17. GraphsUse graphs rather than just charts and words Data in graphs is easier to comprehend & retain than is raw data Trends are easier to visualize in graph form Always title your graphsDo not copy graphs or charts from other sources without permission Graphs Compare this table to the graph on the next slide. Which is easier to read? GoodJanuaryJanuaryFebruaryFebruaryMarchMarchAprilApril Blue Balls Red Balls Items Sold in First Quarter of 2002 20.4 30.6 27.4 38.6 90 34.6 20.4 31.6 BadJanuaryJanuaryFebruaryFebruaryMarchMarchAprilApril Blue Balls Red Balls 20.4 30.6 27.4 38.6 90
  • 18. 34.6 20.4 31.6 Sheet1JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilBlue Balls20.427.49020.4Red Balls30.638.634.631.6 Sheet2 Sheet3 Graphs GoodJanuaryJanuaryFebruaryFebruaryMarchMarchAprilApril Blue Balls Red Balls Items Sold in First Quarter of 2002 20.4 30.6 27.4 38.6 90 34.6 20.4 31.6 Sheet1JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilBlue Balls20.427.49020.4Red Balls30.638.634.631.6 Sheet2 Sheet3 Graphs Minor gridlines are unnecessary, font is too small, colors are
  • 19. illogical, title is missing, shading is distracting * GoodJanuaryJanuaryFebruaryFebruaryMarchMarchAprilApril Blue Balls Red Balls Items Sold in First Quarter of 2002 20.4 30.6 27.4 38.6 90 34.6 20.4 31.6 BadJanuaryJanuaryFebruaryFebruaryMarchMarchAprilApril Blue Balls Red Balls 20.4 30.6 27.4 38.6 90 34.6 20.4 31.6 Sheet1JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilBlue Balls20.427.49020.4Red Balls30.638.634.631.6 Sheet2 Sheet3 Graphs Why is the graph on the previous page difficult to read?Minor gridlines are unnecessaryFont is too smallColors are
  • 20. illogicalTitle is missingShading is distracting Spelling and GrammarProof your slides for: speling mistakes the use of of repeated words grammatical errors you might have make If English is not your first language, please have someone else check your presentation! Read your work aloud to be sure it flows well and make sense ConclusionUse an effective and strong closing Your audience is likely to remember your last words Use a conclusion slide to: Summarize the main points of your presentation Suggest future avenues of research Questions??If appropriate, you can also end your presentation with a simple question slide to: Invite your audience to ask questions Provide a visual aid during question period Avoid ending a presentation abruptly ReferencesInclude in-text citations throughout your presentation
  • 21. to credit sources and include the full reference list in APA format at the end. Burke, L. A., James, K., & Ahmadi, M. (2009). Effectiveness of PowerPoint-based lectures across different business disciplines: an investigation and implications. Journal of Education for Business, 84(4), 246–251. Friedman, K. (2007). Avoid a PowerPoint slumber party. Global Cosmetic Industry, 175(5), 23. JanuaryFebruaryMarch April Blue Balls20.427.49020.4 Red Balls30.638.634.631.6 Items Sold in First Quarter of 2002 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 JanuaryFebruaryMarch April Blue Balls Red Balls 20.4 27.4 90 20.4 30.6 38.6 34.6 31.6