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Botswana 22 2018
Rough, tough
& ravishing
The Central Kalahari Game Reserve is vast and unpopulated – a true
wilderness. You have to be self-sufficient and you need a proper 4x4.
Up for the challenge? Here’s your guide!
here are two game-viewing
vehicles at Letiahau waterhole.
The waterhole has more mud
than water – you can smell
it from a distance. There are
no animals, only insects and butterflies
congregated along the seams of the mud.
The two vehicles are empty. Their
passengers are standing around, talking in
German and stretching their legs. It must
have been a long drive. I watch them from
a distance. The waterhole is surrounded
by trees and you can’t see very far. It’s
probably not the best place to get out,
but I’ve been in the Central Kalahari
Game Reserve (CKGR) for a few days
now and I haven’t seen anything other
than plains game.
Behind my Isuzu bakkie, a black-
backed jackal is also watching the
Germans – with less judgement and
more expectation, maybe waiting for
them to drop something to eat.
I put the bakkie in gear and drive away.
The jackal, clearly used to seeing vehicles,
trots off down the road in front of me. I
keep expecting it to veer off, but the grass
is tall on either side of the road. It doesn’t
seem to be in any rush either, jogging
along as if it’s late for a meeting it doesn’t
want to attend anyway.
I follow at walking speed – my
speedometer is barely moving. After
about 100 m, the jackal passes a bush
right next to the road. After that, things
happen at lightning pace: Wings flap as
a greater kestrel takes off, and then a
leopard appears out of nowhere, pinning
the jackal to the ground with one paw. A
clipped yelp, one bite and it’s all over. The
leopard drops the dead jackal next to the
bush and disappears into the grass.
This is the wilderness at its
unpredictable best.
2018 23 Botswana
POINTS OFVIEW. Gemsbok at sunset
in DeceptionValley.
The toughest road
in the land
The CKGR is enormous. Only two
national parks in the world are bigger:
Tassili n’Ajjer National Park in Algeria
and the Northeast Greenland National
Park. The CKGR is about two and a half
times the size of the Kruger Park, but
don’t expect camp shops and chalets
with air conditioning.
There are three types of accommo­
dation: a campsite with a braai, a pit
toilet and a bucket shower; a campsite
with a broken braai, a pit toilet and
bucket shower; and a campsite with
no facilities whatsoever.
You have to be self-sufficient and
bring your own drinking water, firewood,
food and extra fuel.
My tour starts south of the reserve, in
the much smaller Khutse Game Reserve.
I pitch my tent at Molose, a campsite in
the heart of Khutse. (See map on p 31.)
My plan is to tackle the CKGR from the
south and to drive as many of the roads
as possible to ensure that the information
on our maps is accurate.
Armed with four jerry cans of diesel,
lots of water and a GPS, I say goodbye
to Khutse and drive north. There are a
number of pans in the northern parts of
the reserve. (See map on p 28 – 29.) You’ll
see the most animals around these pans,
and the most tourists. I plan to drive
there via Xade, 230 km from Khutse
(a whole day’s driving).
The best way to tackle this road is not
to drive it at all! It’s tough, mind-numbing
work. There are deep holes in the sand
and I rarely go faster than 30 km/h. The
vegetation is so dense you could drive over
a lion’s tail and not even know it. For the
most part, the road is straight as a ruler,
with only two 90-degree bends to break
the monotony. Keep an eye on your GPS
so the bends don’t catch you off-guard –
tracks in the veld show that a few drivers
were asleep behind the wheel…
A much easier way to access the north
of the CKGR is to take the tar road via
Ghanzi from the west or via Rakops from
the east, and enter the reserve through
one of the northern gates like Tsau
or Matswere.
Thunder and lightning
About 40 km from Xade, I realise my
fuel consumption is way too high. I was
planning to only refuel in Rakops, but
there’s no way I’ll be able to explore the
Botswana 24 2018
whole of the CKGR with the diesel I have
on board. The closest filling station is in
Ghanzi. I decide to reroute.
I drive past Xade, where I had planned
to sleep, as thunderclouds gather on the
horizon. It’s late summer and this part
of Botswana has been experiencing a
good rainy season. It’s still four hours
from the Xade gate to Ghanzi. I arrive
there exhausted and pitch my tent at the
Kalahari Arms Hotel.
The next morning I decide not to
drive back to Xade. I’ll drive to the Tsau
gate instead, on the north-western
corner of the reserve. I fill my tank and
all my jerry cans at the Shell and chat
to owner Stanley Peacock. Stanley is the
right person to talk to if you want to
find out about the road conditions in
the CKGR. The road I’m planning to
follow to the Tsau gate is the same one
he uses to transport fuel to the lodges
in the Hainaveld (see p 96).
I ask whether I should be concerned
about flooded roads and mud. Those
thunderclouds look ready to burst.
“Nah,” he says. “It will only rain here
and there. One farmer might end up with
an overflowing dam while his neighbour
will get no rain.”
He shakes his head when he hears
about the route I took from Khutse to
Ghanzi. “You should never drive that
road alone. If you have no other choice,
take a satellite phone…”
Motopi is the closest campsite to the
Tsau gate. It’s quiet – few people camp
here. I’m not staying either, but I take a
look. There are three stands and they’re
kilometres apart. The first is on a hill
near the turn-off and it has the best view;
the other two are about 8 km deeper into
the veld, near some pans. Camp at one
of these if you want to feel alone in
the wilderness.
The road between the latter two is
rarely used. The middelmannetjie is
high and it tears at the seed net under
the bakkie. I pull over to remove grass
seeds from the radiator. A few pieces
of duct tape and a handful of cable ties
Anita & Bill Daly, Durban
Bill: “I think we’ll come back
here, but next time we’ll do it
differently. We’ll focus more on
the area around Passarge Valley
and Deception Pan.
“Be careful when you camp at
Lekhubu, especially if you have an
inflatable mattress – the place is
riddled with dubbeltjies.”
John & Di Smale, Durban
Di: “We loved the vistas and the
plains. There wasn’t a lot of game
between the valleys, but there were
always grazers on the plains. We
saw a herd of 21 giraffes near a
picnic site at Lekhubu."
John: “When I read Cry of the
Kalahari by Mark and Delia
Owens 35 years ago, it made a
big impression. I recently reread
the book. The CKGR was always
a place I wanted to visit and
I wasn’t disappointed.”
Penny & Ray Martin, Durban
Penny: “We were impressed by the
masses of gemsbok – I haven’t seen
them in such abundance anywhere
else. It’s really special that the CKGR
is so remote. We hardly saw any
other vehicles.”
2018 25 Botswana
ANIMAL ANTICS (from left to right).
A lilac-breasted roller provides
some colour in a landscape where
most creatures try to blend in with
the surroundings.This leopard
caught a jackal shortly before this
photo was taken.They may be
fierce but even lions will look for
shade in the heat of the day.
and the seed net is fixed.
I see gemsbok on Motopi Pan, but game
is scarce for the next 41 km to Passarge
waterhole. Clouds have gathered on the
horizon again and rain falls occasionally,
as Stanley predicted. Because of all the
water, the animals aren’t congregated
around the waterholes. Passarge is quiet
except for a few doves.
The road splits into three at the
waterhole: Left goes to Passarge Valley;
right to Phukwe Pan; the one that
continues straight is the Kalatraverse
cutline road. My destination for the night
is Kori Camp on the eastern side of the
reserve and the fastest route to get there
is along the Kalatraverse road.
I struggle for two hours through sand
and bush, but then the landscape opens
up. I’m in a place called Deception
Valley, which has vast plains of grass
full of springbok, gemsbok, wildebeest
and ostriches.
Kori Camp has four stands on the edge
of this valley. The stands are about 500 m
apart so your neighbour won’t get on your
nerves. My favourite is Kori 2. The road is
behind you and you have an unobstructed
view of the plains.
I bed down for the night as lions roar in
the darkness. They seem much too close
to my tiny hiking tent… I add some logs to
the campfire just in case.
Pure pan pleasure
The circular route through the north of
the CKGR is about 230 km long and takes
you to all the big pans. (Add another
60 km if you also want to see Piper Pan.)
You can drive the route in a day, but why
would you? Rather stay at the campsites
along the way.
From Kori, I head south to Deception
Pan. The pans in the CKGR don’t have
the characteristic white salt layer of the
Makgadikgadi, which means they dry
quicker. They should be safe to drive on
a week after a heavy downpour, but be
careful. At Deception Pan you can follow
a trail around the edge of the pan – if the
soil looks wet, steer clear. I spot muddy
tracks and evidence of rocks and branches
Keep in mind that places in the
CKGR are far apart.The roads
also take a very long time to
drive. On average, my travelling
speed was 30 km/h. Road
conditions change regularly.
When you arrive at the gate,
get the latest info.
Botswana 26 2018
are huddled
in the shade
of some
acacias and
foxes play-
fight in
the road.
wedged under tyres – clearly the wet pan
lured some other tourists into its trap.
The 50 km from Deception Pan to the
turn-off to Piper Pan goes through a
shallow valley. The two camps found here,
Lekhubu and Letiahau, each have only
one stand. Piper Pan is another hour’s
drive away from here on the road to Xade,
but you’ll have to drive back if you want
to continue on the circular route. (It’s
better to visit Piper if you enter the reserve
at the Xade gate.)
I carry on past the turn-off and the
road winds around more pans: Phokoje,
San and Phukwe. After Phukwe, I come
to a T-junction. A quick glance at my
watch confirms I have enough time to
complete the loop. If you reach this
point and it’s late, turn right at the
T-junction and go around Tau Pan to
the Kalatraverse road. I go left and
45 minutes later I reach the Passarge
waterhole, where I was yesterday.
It’s hot. Wildebeest are huddled in the
shade of some Kalahari-sand acacias and
bat-eared foxes play-fight in the road. The
only other vehicles I’ve seen so far were in
Deception Valley.
I eventually arrive at Leopard Pan,
late in the afternoon. There’s only one
campsite. I kick off my shoes… And put
them on again when I discover the sand
is full of dubbeltjies.
After tonight, I’ve only got one more
night in the reserve – at Deception Camp
about 20 km away. My journey has been
a strange one in that I’ve tried to cut
through the reserve for the sake of it.
This is unnecessary. If you enter at the
Matswere gate on the Rakops side, you
can spend a week camping wild around
the pans in that part of the reserve and
still bliss out on solitude. It’s the best
part of the reserve for game viewing in
any event, especially around Deception,
Leopard and Sunday pans.
The CKGR is like Van Zyl’s Pass in the
Kaokoveld, or the Acre of Death on the
Skeleton Coast: Once you’ve made it
safely through you have something to brag
about around the braai. If you can get to
the filling station in Rakops in one piece,
you can say you’ve survived one of the
most remote wilderness areas in Africa.
Yes, the CKGR is a 4x4 feather for
your cap, but also much more. You
might see a pride of lions and have
them all to yourself. When the sun is
hot in the middle of the day, make like
a wildebeest and find a tree next to one
of the pans. Wind down your windows.
A gemsbok, wildebeest or ostrich might
keep you company, along with the silence
all around.
You might also hear the cry of a jackal
in the distance. It’s looking for its mate,
which a leopard stole away…
2018 27 Botswana
Bookings? There are two kinds of
camps in the CKGR: The public
camps are run by Botswana’s
Department ofWildlife & National
Parks (DWNP) and the other camps
by a concession operator called
On our map, the public camps
are indicated in dark green and the
Bigfoot Tours camps in light green.
There’s no difference between the
facilities at the stands in the various
camps, public or concession: Each
stand has a bucket shower and a pit
toilet.The only difference is that the
privately managed camps are more
expensive than the public ones.
We’ve found that general
enquiries mostly go unanswered by
BigfootTours, but they do respond
promptly when you want to make
a booking.
It’s better to phone if you want
to make a DWNP booking. Before
you call, make sure you know which
camps you’d like to stay at, as well as
alternatives if your preferred camps
aren’t available. Some stands aren’t
well marked, but you’ll get a list with
the GPS co-ordinates of each stand
at the gate.
The DWNP camps are Deception,
Kori, Leopard Pan, San Pan, Phokoje
Pan, Qwee Pan, Bape, Molapo, Xaka,
Xade, Kukama and Matswere.
The camps managed by Bigfoot
Tours are Passarge, Sunday Pan,
Lekhubu Pan, Letiahau, Piper Pan
and Motopi.
Rates: DWNP camps P30 (R39)
per adult; P15 (R19) per child aged
8 – 15. Bigfoot Tours camps P250
(R324) per adult; P125 (R162) per
child aged 8 – 15. All visitors must
pay a conservation fee of P50 (R65)
per vehicle per day.
• DWNP: 00 267 397 1405;
00 267 686 1265;
• BigfootTours: 00 267 395 3360;
00 267 391 0927;
There are two luxury lodges,Tau Pan
Camp and Kalahari Plains Camp.
The roads to the lodges are only
open to guests. Kalahari Plains Camp
from R3 593 per person (rate for
SADC citizens); R2 874 per person if
you’re part of theWilderness Safaris
Members Club.Tau Pan Camp from
R4 545 per person.These rates
include almost everything.
• Kalahari Plains Camp: 021 702
•Tau Pan Camp: 00 267 686
enough fuel if you want to drive
the road between Khutse and
Xade. Be on the lookout for big
and small critters. If you stay in one
place for long enough you’ll spot
the ticks in the long grass…
Dawid deWet, tour leader at
“My aunt Ester visited the Bush­
men of the Central Kalahari in the
early 1990s and this reserve has
always been a dream destination
of mine. Now I get to accompany
tour groups.
“When I last visited the CKGR,
we came across a lion about 50 m
from the campsite one morning.
We followed it to the rest of
the pride – they were eating a
gemsbok right next to the road.
We were the only people there;
it seemed like we were the only
people in the whole reserve!
“The lions got up later, chased
some other lions over a sand dune
and returned to their breakfast.
The day ended on a high note
when we saw a black-maned
lion walking around the edge of
Piper Pan. Just as it was getting
dark, the lion roared with all his
might. We all huddled very closely
around the fire that night!˝
Piper Pan 2
Piper Pan 1
Tau Pan Lodge
Passarge 3
Motopi 3
Passarge 2
Motopi 1
Motopi 2
New Xade
Xhumo OrapaMopipi
Passarge Valley
toSehithwa/Maun toMaun/Gweta
Tsau Hill (1 118 m)
I had to stop for a family of
bat-eared foxes playing in
the road.
This vast reserve offers some of the best wilderness camping in Botswana. You must be fully self-sufficient – take enough fuel, food and
drinking water. It is also a 4x4 challenge – roads are very sandy and areas around the pans can be muddy during the rainy season. Take
recovery equipment along and drive in a small convoy. Park fees: P120 (R166) per adult; P60 (R83) per child aged 8 – 17; free for younger
kids; plus P50 (R69) per vehicle per day.
Letiahau Lekhubu
Kori 1 – 4
Sunday 1
Sunday 2 & 3
Passarge 1
Deception 1 – 6
Haina Kalahari Lodge
Brakah Camp
DeceptionValley Lodge
Kuke Corner
20 km
Public camp
BigfootTours camp
Private camp
This is where I witnessed a
leopard catching a black-
backed jackal.
Botswana 30 2018
Small reserve,
big lions
Khutse Game
Reserve is a (much)
smaller version of
the Central Kalahari
Game Reserve.
It’s also more
accessible and
chock-full of game
– especially lions!
t’s busy at the gate into Khutse Game
Reserve. There are about 10 vehicles
in the queue and their passengers
are standing around while the group
leader does all the paperwork inside
the office. I park my Isuzu bakkie and go
stand in the queue.
It’s late afternoon and most people
seem to be exiting the reserve. If it’s this
busy at the gate, it must be crazy inside…
Once my paperwork is done, I look for P40
(R54) in the cubbyhole of the bakkie to
buy a bundle of firewood. As I’m loading
the firewood, a vehicle drives past and a
young man leans out of the passenger side
and says with a shrug: “No lions.”
The guy who sold me the firewood just
smiles. “Not everyone is lucky,” he says.
My campsite is 15 km away. Daylight is
running out and lightning dances in the
distance. I say goodbye to the firewood
seller and drive into the park. All the
activity at the gate must have been an
anomaly. I don’t know it yet, but the
firewood seller is the last person I’ll see
for the next four days…
Unlike the Central Kalahari Game
Reserve, it’s relatively easy to reach
Khutse from South Africa. I left Vryburg
this morning.
Between the gate and Khutse Pan, I
pass two smaller pans: Jobe and Sutswane.
Pans are important in Khutse because it’s
where the animals congregate. It’s early
April and the rainy season is nearing its
end. The pans are covered in grass. It’s
almost dark when I arrive at Khutse Pan.
There are no other people around, but that
doesn’t mean I have the place to myself.
No lions, huh? Then why is there one
in my camp? As I drive down the jeep
track to my stand, a young lion appears
up ahead and saunters along in front of
the bakkie, to the exact place where
I have to pitch my tent.
I switch off the engine and wait. The
lion marks its territory and eventually
moves on. I sit in the car for almost an
hour, wracked with indecision. Should
I even get out and pitch my tent? Where
exactly did that lion go?
I decide to get out. I open the door and
2018 31 Botswana
immediately hear something rustling
in the grass behind the vehicle. I slam
the door closed and make my decision:
Tonight I’m sleeping right here, as
uncomfortable as it might be. A while
later I put a gas stove on the ground
outside the door and cook some noodles
for dinner. I open the door a little to stir
the pot when needed.
Here’s a tip: If you ever have to sleep
in the cab of a bakkie, it helps to open
the windows a crack. But only do this
once you’ve turned off the cabin lights,
otherwise you’ll attract every insect in
the Kalahari.
It’s a moonless night. I lie back and
watch the lightning roll closer in the
darkness. The air smells like rain. I don’t
see the lion again, but I can hear it moving
in the grass around the camp. When it
roars, it feels like it’s on the back seat.
In the distance, thunder roars back.
One benefit of a lion in your camp
is that you don’t have much to pack
up the next morning. I head out early,
driving a circular route along which you
can see almost the whole reserve. You
could easily do this route in a day and
return to Khutse Pan for the night, or
you can take it easy and camp at some
of the other pans along the way. (See
the map above.)
I turn south on the circular route and
drive as far as Moreswe Pan. The mud
has baked dry and some gemsbok wade
through the mirages to the manmade
waterhole on the northern side of the pan.
By the time I reach the campsite at Molose
Pan, it starts to rain. I manage to get my
tent up just before the drizzle turns into
a downpour.
Huddled inside later, thinking of that
lion, my nylon shelter feels very thin…
– François Haasbroek
Khutse 1 – 10
Park gate
Moreswe 3 & 4
Moreswe 1 & 2
Mahurushele 1 & 2
Mahurushele 3
Molose 1
Molose 2 – 4
Khanke 1 – 4
Khutse is 250 km from Gaborone.
The first 150 km are tar; the final
100 km are dirt. Fill your tank
in Letlhakeng because it’s the
last filling station you’ll see for
a while.
This road over the dunes is more
sandy and overgrown than the
main route. Use it as a short cut
to get to the Molose waterhole if
you need to.
This road is sandy and overgrown
– you won’t save much time if you
use it as a short cut.
This road joins up with the main route between
Khutse and Xade in the CKGR. It was so overgrown
when we visited that the vehicle couldn’t
get through.
There’s a sign here that says Xade is“only”
236 km away.This is the northern border of
Khutse Game Reserve; everywhere further
north is the CKGR.There is no gate or fence.
This circular route follows the courses of two
prehistoric rivers, around some petrified dunes.
Khanke Pan is within easy reach if you’re camping at
Khutse Pan.Take a drive here in the morning to watch the
game and you can be back at your campsite by lunchtime.
10 km
All the campsites are managed
by BigfootTours. P250 (R324)
per adult; P125 (R162) per child
aged 8 – 15. All visitors must pay
a daily conservation fee of P120
(R166) per adult; P60 (R83) per
child aged 8 – 17; P50 (R65)
per vehicle.
Contact: Bigfoot Tours
00 267 395 3360; 00 267 391
BigfootTours camps

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Rough, Tough & Ravishing

  • 1. Botswana 22 2018 CENTRAL KALAHARI Rough, tough & ravishing The Central Kalahari Game Reserve is vast and unpopulated – a true wilderness. You have to be self-sufficient and you need a proper 4x4. Up for the challenge? Here’s your guide! WORDS & PICTURES FRANÇOIS HAASBROEK WILLEMVANDERBERG T here are two game-viewing vehicles at Letiahau waterhole. The waterhole has more mud than water – you can smell it from a distance. There are no animals, only insects and butterflies congregated along the seams of the mud. The two vehicles are empty. Their passengers are standing around, talking in German and stretching their legs. It must have been a long drive. I watch them from a distance. The waterhole is surrounded by trees and you can’t see very far. It’s probably not the best place to get out, but I’ve been in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR) for a few days now and I haven’t seen anything other than plains game. Behind my Isuzu bakkie, a black- backed jackal is also watching the Germans – with less judgement and more expectation, maybe waiting for them to drop something to eat. I put the bakkie in gear and drive away. The jackal, clearly used to seeing vehicles, trots off down the road in front of me. I keep expecting it to veer off, but the grass is tall on either side of the road. It doesn’t seem to be in any rush either, jogging along as if it’s late for a meeting it doesn’t want to attend anyway. I follow at walking speed – my speedometer is barely moving. After about 100 m, the jackal passes a bush right next to the road. After that, things happen at lightning pace: Wings flap as a greater kestrel takes off, and then a leopard appears out of nowhere, pinning the jackal to the ground with one paw. A clipped yelp, one bite and it’s all over. The leopard drops the dead jackal next to the bush and disappears into the grass. This is the wilderness at its unpredictable best.
  • 2. CENTRAL KALAHARI 2018 23 Botswana POINTS OFVIEW. Gemsbok at sunset in DeceptionValley. The toughest road in the land The CKGR is enormous. Only two national parks in the world are bigger: Tassili n’Ajjer National Park in Algeria and the Northeast Greenland National Park. The CKGR is about two and a half times the size of the Kruger Park, but don’t expect camp shops and chalets with air conditioning. There are three types of accommo­ dation: a campsite with a braai, a pit toilet and a bucket shower; a campsite with a broken braai, a pit toilet and bucket shower; and a campsite with no facilities whatsoever. You have to be self-sufficient and bring your own drinking water, firewood, food and extra fuel. My tour starts south of the reserve, in the much smaller Khutse Game Reserve. I pitch my tent at Molose, a campsite in the heart of Khutse. (See map on p 31.) My plan is to tackle the CKGR from the south and to drive as many of the roads as possible to ensure that the information on our maps is accurate. Armed with four jerry cans of diesel, lots of water and a GPS, I say goodbye to Khutse and drive north. There are a number of pans in the northern parts of the reserve. (See map on p 28 – 29.) You’ll see the most animals around these pans, and the most tourists. I plan to drive there via Xade, 230 km from Khutse (a whole day’s driving). The best way to tackle this road is not to drive it at all! It’s tough, mind-numbing work. There are deep holes in the sand and I rarely go faster than 30 km/h. The vegetation is so dense you could drive over a lion’s tail and not even know it. For the most part, the road is straight as a ruler, with only two 90-degree bends to break the monotony. Keep an eye on your GPS so the bends don’t catch you off-guard – tracks in the veld show that a few drivers were asleep behind the wheel… A much easier way to access the north of the CKGR is to take the tar road via Ghanzi from the west or via Rakops from the east, and enter the reserve through one of the northern gates like Tsau or Matswere. Thunder and lightning About 40 km from Xade, I realise my fuel consumption is way too high. I was planning to only refuel in Rakops, but there’s no way I’ll be able to explore the
  • 3. Botswana 24 2018 IN OTHER WORDS whole of the CKGR with the diesel I have on board. The closest filling station is in Ghanzi. I decide to reroute. I drive past Xade, where I had planned to sleep, as thunderclouds gather on the horizon. It’s late summer and this part of Botswana has been experiencing a good rainy season. It’s still four hours from the Xade gate to Ghanzi. I arrive there exhausted and pitch my tent at the Kalahari Arms Hotel. The next morning I decide not to drive back to Xade. I’ll drive to the Tsau gate instead, on the north-western corner of the reserve. I fill my tank and all my jerry cans at the Shell and chat to owner Stanley Peacock. Stanley is the right person to talk to if you want to find out about the road conditions in the CKGR. The road I’m planning to follow to the Tsau gate is the same one he uses to transport fuel to the lodges in the Hainaveld (see p 96). I ask whether I should be concerned about flooded roads and mud. Those thunderclouds look ready to burst. “Nah,” he says. “It will only rain here and there. One farmer might end up with an overflowing dam while his neighbour will get no rain.” He shakes his head when he hears about the route I took from Khutse to Ghanzi. “You should never drive that road alone. If you have no other choice, take a satellite phone…” Motopi is the closest campsite to the Tsau gate. It’s quiet – few people camp here. I’m not staying either, but I take a look. There are three stands and they’re kilometres apart. The first is on a hill near the turn-off and it has the best view; the other two are about 8 km deeper into the veld, near some pans. Camp at one of these if you want to feel alone in the wilderness. The road between the latter two is rarely used. The middelmannetjie is high and it tears at the seed net under the bakkie. I pull over to remove grass seeds from the radiator. A few pieces of duct tape and a handful of cable ties Anita & Bill Daly, Durban Bill: “I think we’ll come back here, but next time we’ll do it differently. We’ll focus more on the area around Passarge Valley and Deception Pan. “Be careful when you camp at Lekhubu, especially if you have an inflatable mattress – the place is riddled with dubbeltjies.” John & Di Smale, Durban Di: “We loved the vistas and the plains. There wasn’t a lot of game between the valleys, but there were always grazers on the plains. We saw a herd of 21 giraffes near a picnic site at Lekhubu." John: “When I read Cry of the Kalahari by Mark and Delia Owens 35 years ago, it made a big impression. I recently reread the book. The CKGR was always a place I wanted to visit and I wasn’t disappointed.” Penny & Ray Martin, Durban Penny: “We were impressed by the masses of gemsbok – I haven’t seen them in such abundance anywhere else. It’s really special that the CKGR is so remote. We hardly saw any other vehicles.”
  • 4. CENTRAL KALAHARI 2018 25 Botswana ANIMAL ANTICS (from left to right). A lilac-breasted roller provides some colour in a landscape where most creatures try to blend in with the surroundings.This leopard caught a jackal shortly before this photo was taken.They may be fierce but even lions will look for shade in the heat of the day. and the seed net is fixed. I see gemsbok on Motopi Pan, but game is scarce for the next 41 km to Passarge waterhole. Clouds have gathered on the horizon again and rain falls occasionally, as Stanley predicted. Because of all the water, the animals aren’t congregated around the waterholes. Passarge is quiet except for a few doves. The road splits into three at the waterhole: Left goes to Passarge Valley; right to Phukwe Pan; the one that continues straight is the Kalatraverse cutline road. My destination for the night is Kori Camp on the eastern side of the reserve and the fastest route to get there is along the Kalatraverse road. I struggle for two hours through sand and bush, but then the landscape opens up. I’m in a place called Deception Valley, which has vast plains of grass full of springbok, gemsbok, wildebeest and ostriches. Kori Camp has four stands on the edge of this valley. The stands are about 500 m apart so your neighbour won’t get on your nerves. My favourite is Kori 2. The road is behind you and you have an unobstructed view of the plains. I bed down for the night as lions roar in the darkness. They seem much too close to my tiny hiking tent… I add some logs to the campfire just in case. Pure pan pleasure The circular route through the north of the CKGR is about 230 km long and takes you to all the big pans. (Add another 60 km if you also want to see Piper Pan.) You can drive the route in a day, but why would you? Rather stay at the campsites along the way. From Kori, I head south to Deception Pan. The pans in the CKGR don’t have the characteristic white salt layer of the Makgadikgadi, which means they dry quicker. They should be safe to drive on a week after a heavy downpour, but be careful. At Deception Pan you can follow a trail around the edge of the pan – if the soil looks wet, steer clear. I spot muddy tracks and evidence of rocks and branches ROAD CONDITIONS? Keep in mind that places in the CKGR are far apart.The roads also take a very long time to drive. On average, my travelling speed was 30 km/h. Road conditions change regularly. When you arrive at the gate, get the latest info.
  • 5. Botswana 26 2018 CENTRAL KALAHARI Wildebeest are huddled in the shade of some Kalahari-sand acacias and bat-eared foxes play- fight in the road. wedged under tyres – clearly the wet pan lured some other tourists into its trap. The 50 km from Deception Pan to the turn-off to Piper Pan goes through a shallow valley. The two camps found here, Lekhubu and Letiahau, each have only one stand. Piper Pan is another hour’s drive away from here on the road to Xade, but you’ll have to drive back if you want to continue on the circular route. (It’s better to visit Piper if you enter the reserve at the Xade gate.) I carry on past the turn-off and the road winds around more pans: Phokoje, San and Phukwe. After Phukwe, I come to a T-junction. A quick glance at my watch confirms I have enough time to complete the loop. If you reach this point and it’s late, turn right at the T-junction and go around Tau Pan to the Kalatraverse road. I go left and 45 minutes later I reach the Passarge waterhole, where I was yesterday. It’s hot. Wildebeest are huddled in the shade of some Kalahari-sand acacias and bat-eared foxes play-fight in the road. The only other vehicles I’ve seen so far were in Deception Valley. I eventually arrive at Leopard Pan, late in the afternoon. There’s only one campsite. I kick off my shoes… And put them on again when I discover the sand is full of dubbeltjies. After tonight, I’ve only got one more night in the reserve – at Deception Camp about 20 km away. My journey has been a strange one in that I’ve tried to cut through the reserve for the sake of it. This is unnecessary. If you enter at the Matswere gate on the Rakops side, you can spend a week camping wild around the pans in that part of the reserve and still bliss out on solitude. It’s the best part of the reserve for game viewing in any event, especially around Deception, Leopard and Sunday pans. The CKGR is like Van Zyl’s Pass in the Kaokoveld, or the Acre of Death on the Skeleton Coast: Once you’ve made it safely through you have something to brag about around the braai. If you can get to the filling station in Rakops in one piece, you can say you’ve survived one of the most remote wilderness areas in Africa. Yes, the CKGR is a 4x4 feather for your cap, but also much more. You might see a pride of lions and have them all to yourself. When the sun is hot in the middle of the day, make like a wildebeest and find a tree next to one of the pans. Wind down your windows. A gemsbok, wildebeest or ostrich might keep you company, along with the silence all around. You might also hear the cry of a jackal in the distance. It’s looking for its mate, which a leopard stole away…
  • 6. CENTRAL KALAHARI 2018 27 Botswana Bookings? There are two kinds of camps in the CKGR: The public camps are run by Botswana’s Department ofWildlife & National Parks (DWNP) and the other camps by a concession operator called BigfootTours. On our map, the public camps are indicated in dark green and the Bigfoot Tours camps in light green. There’s no difference between the facilities at the stands in the various camps, public or concession: Each stand has a bucket shower and a pit toilet.The only difference is that the privately managed camps are more expensive than the public ones. We’ve found that general enquiries mostly go unanswered by BigfootTours, but they do respond promptly when you want to make a booking. It’s better to phone if you want KNOW BEFORE YOU GO to make a DWNP booking. Before you call, make sure you know which camps you’d like to stay at, as well as alternatives if your preferred camps aren’t available. Some stands aren’t well marked, but you’ll get a list with the GPS co-ordinates of each stand at the gate. The DWNP camps are Deception, Kori, Leopard Pan, San Pan, Phokoje Pan, Qwee Pan, Bape, Molapo, Xaka, Xade, Kukama and Matswere. The camps managed by Bigfoot Tours are Passarge, Sunday Pan, Lekhubu Pan, Letiahau, Piper Pan and Motopi. Rates: DWNP camps P30 (R39) per adult; P15 (R19) per child aged 8 – 15. Bigfoot Tours camps P250 (R324) per adult; P125 (R162) per child aged 8 – 15. All visitors must pay a conservation fee of P50 (R65) per vehicle per day. Contact: • DWNP: 00 267 397 1405; 00 267 686 1265; • BigfootTours: 00 267 395 3360; 00 267 391 0927; ANYTHING FOR NON-CAMPERS? There are two luxury lodges,Tau Pan Camp and Kalahari Plains Camp. The roads to the lodges are only open to guests. Kalahari Plains Camp from R3 593 per person (rate for SADC citizens); R2 874 per person if you’re part of theWilderness Safaris Members Club.Tau Pan Camp from R4 545 per person.These rates include almost everything. Contact: • Kalahari Plains Camp: 021 702 7500; •Tau Pan Camp: 00 267 686 1449; BEPREPARED.Makesureyoucarry enough fuel if you want to drive the road between Khutse and Xade. Be on the lookout for big and small critters. If you stay in one place for long enough you’ll spot the ticks in the long grass… EXPERT OPINION Dawid deWet, tour leader at “My aunt Ester visited the Bush­ men of the Central Kalahari in the early 1990s and this reserve has always been a dream destination of mine. Now I get to accompany tour groups. “When I last visited the CKGR, we came across a lion about 50 m from the campsite one morning. We followed it to the rest of the pride – they were eating a gemsbok right next to the road. We were the only people there; it seemed like we were the only people in the whole reserve! “The lions got up later, chased some other lions over a sand dune and returned to their breakfast. The day ended on a high note when we saw a black-maned lion walking around the edge of Piper Pan. Just as it was getting dark, the lion roared with all his might. We all huddled very closely around the fire that night!˝
  • 7. Piper Pan 2 Piper Pan 1 Phokoje San Tau Pan Lodge Passarge 3 Motopi 3 Passarge 2 Motopi 1 Motopi 2 Motopi Tsau Sunday Deception Xade Malapo Xaxa Molose Bape Khutse LethlakengDutlwe Phuduhudu Kang Rakops New Xade Kukumane Kuke Xhumo OrapaMopipi Tsau Matswere Xade Khutse MotopiPan PassargePan PhukwePan SanPan PhokojePan TauPan PiperPan Passarge Valley Passarge Motopi Piper toKuke/Ghanzi toXadegate toSehithwa/Maun toMaun/Gweta toLetlhakane/Serowe toMolepololetoJwaneng toGhanzi toGhanzi toHukuntsi CentralKalahari GameReserve KhutseGame Reserve A2 A30 Tsau Hill (1 118 m) There’saroadoneithersideofthefence. Kalatraverseroad Enlargedarea Thissandycutlineroadisnotveryscenic,but it’sausefulshortcutbetweenthewestern andeasternpartsofthecircularroute. I had to stop for a family of bat-eared foxes playing in the road. CENTRAL KALAHARI GAME RESERVE This vast reserve offers some of the best wilderness camping in Botswana. You must be fully self-sufficient – take enough fuel, food and drinking water. It is also a 4x4 challenge – roads are very sandy and areas around the pans can be muddy during the rainy season. Take recovery equipment along and drive in a small convoy. Park fees: P120 (R166) per adult; P60 (R83) per child aged 8 – 17; free for younger kids; plus P50 (R69) per vehicle per day. Circularroute
  • 8. ge Letiahau Lekhubu KalahariTrails Kori 1 – 4 Sunday 1 Sunday 2 & 3 Leopard Passarge 1 Kukama Deception 1 – 6 Haina Kalahari Lodge Brakah Camp DeceptionValley Lodge Matswere Kuke Corner DeceptionPan SundayPan LeopardPan KukamaPan HAINAVELD y DeceptionValley Sunday Letiahau toMalapocamp toRakops CentralKalahari GameReserve 20 km Thisroadisovergrown;drivetoRakopsviaMatswere. toMakalamabedi/Maun Public camp BigfootTours camp Private camp This is where I witnessed a leopard catching a black- backed jackal. Circularroute
  • 9. Botswana 30 2018 Small reserve, big lions Khutse Game Reserve is a (much) smaller version of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. It’s also more accessible and chock-full of game – especially lions! I t’s busy at the gate into Khutse Game Reserve. There are about 10 vehicles in the queue and their passengers are standing around while the group leader does all the paperwork inside the office. I park my Isuzu bakkie and go stand in the queue. It’s late afternoon and most people seem to be exiting the reserve. If it’s this busy at the gate, it must be crazy inside… Once my paperwork is done, I look for P40 (R54) in the cubbyhole of the bakkie to buy a bundle of firewood. As I’m loading the firewood, a vehicle drives past and a young man leans out of the passenger side and says with a shrug: “No lions.” The guy who sold me the firewood just smiles. “Not everyone is lucky,” he says. My campsite is 15 km away. Daylight is running out and lightning dances in the distance. I say goodbye to the firewood seller and drive into the park. All the activity at the gate must have been an anomaly. I don’t know it yet, but the firewood seller is the last person I’ll see for the next four days… Unlike the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, it’s relatively easy to reach Khutse from South Africa. I left Vryburg this morning. Between the gate and Khutse Pan, I pass two smaller pans: Jobe and Sutswane. Pans are important in Khutse because it’s where the animals congregate. It’s early April and the rainy season is nearing its end. The pans are covered in grass. It’s almost dark when I arrive at Khutse Pan. There are no other people around, but that doesn’t mean I have the place to myself. No lions, huh? Then why is there one in my camp? As I drive down the jeep track to my stand, a young lion appears up ahead and saunters along in front of the bakkie, to the exact place where I have to pitch my tent. I switch off the engine and wait. The lion marks its territory and eventually moves on. I sit in the car for almost an hour, wracked with indecision. Should I even get out and pitch my tent? Where exactly did that lion go? I decide to get out. I open the door and Mores APANJUSTFORYOU.AtKhutsePan, yourcampsitecomeswithatree,a braaiplaceandapittoilet.Bringyour owndrinkingandwashingwater.
  • 10. 2018 31 Botswana immediately hear something rustling in the grass behind the vehicle. I slam the door closed and make my decision: Tonight I’m sleeping right here, as uncomfortable as it might be. A while later I put a gas stove on the ground outside the door and cook some noodles for dinner. I open the door a little to stir the pot when needed. Here’s a tip: If you ever have to sleep in the cab of a bakkie, it helps to open the windows a crack. But only do this once you’ve turned off the cabin lights, otherwise you’ll attract every insect in the Kalahari. It’s a moonless night. I lie back and watch the lightning roll closer in the darkness. The air smells like rain. I don’t see the lion again, but I can hear it moving in the grass around the camp. When it roars, it feels like it’s on the back seat. In the distance, thunder roars back. One benefit of a lion in your camp is that you don’t have much to pack up the next morning. I head out early, driving a circular route along which you can see almost the whole reserve. You could easily do this route in a day and return to Khutse Pan for the night, or you can take it easy and camp at some of the other pans along the way. (See the map above.) I turn south on the circular route and drive as far as Moreswe Pan. The mud has baked dry and some gemsbok wade through the mirages to the manmade waterhole on the northern side of the pan. By the time I reach the campsite at Molose Pan, it starts to rain. I manage to get my tent up just before the drizzle turns into a downpour. Huddled inside later, thinking of that lion, my nylon shelter feels very thin… – François Haasbroek Khutse 1 – 10 Park gate Moreswe 3 & 4 Moreswe 1 & 2 Mahurushele 1 & 2 Mahurushele 3 Molose 1 Molose 2 – 4 Khanke 1 – 4 JobePan SutswanePan KhutsePan NqaoPan GwiaPan PanZonderNaam MoreswePan MabuakolobePan BowringPan MolosePan KujwePan MotailanePan TshilwanePan MahurushelePan KhankePan Khutse GameReserve CentralKalahari GameReserve Khutse is 250 km from Gaborone. The first 150 km are tar; the final 100 km are dirt. Fill your tank in Letlhakeng because it’s the last filling station you’ll see for a while. This road over the dunes is more sandy and overgrown than the main route. Use it as a short cut to get to the Molose waterhole if you need to. This road is sandy and overgrown – you won’t save much time if you use it as a short cut. This road joins up with the main route between Khutse and Xade in the CKGR. It was so overgrown when we visited that the vehicle couldn’t get through. There’s a sign here that says Xade is“only” 236 km away.This is the northern border of Khutse Game Reserve; everywhere further north is the CKGR.There is no gate or fence. This circular route follows the courses of two prehistoric rivers, around some petrified dunes. Khanke Pan is within easy reach if you’re camping at Khutse Pan.Take a drive here in the morning to watch the game and you can be back at your campsite by lunchtime. toXade toGobe toLetlhakeng 10 km PARK FEES All the campsites are managed by BigfootTours. P250 (R324) per adult; P125 (R162) per child aged 8 – 15. All visitors must pay a daily conservation fee of P120 (R166) per adult; P60 (R83) per child aged 8 – 17; P50 (R65) per vehicle. Contact: Bigfoot Tours 00 267 395 3360; 00 267 391 0927; BigfootTours camps