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               ENGLISH PROJECT


               ROMMEL MALGUA

                       4TH LEVEL

             MARCH – AUGUST – 2012
Task 1: Expressions Studied In Class ............................................................................................... 3
Task 2: Exercises From The Web Link ............................................................................................. 4
Task 3: Room Project 1. About Animals in Ecuador ..................................................................... 13
Task 4: New Inventions ..................................................................................................................... 14
Task 5: Shopping In Tulcan .............................................................................................................. 16
Task 6: Countable and Uncountable Nouns................................................................................... 18
Task 7: Abiligations and Needs In Your Career............................................................................. 22
Task 8: Reasearch about Suggestions ........................................................................................... 24
Task 9: How to Learn English ........................................................................................................... 26
Task 10: Research about Infinitive Forms ...................................................................................... 27
Task 11: Food Habits ......................................................................................................................... 30
Task 12: All. Both. Neither. Either .................................................................................................... 31
Task 2: Eucadorian Tv ....................................................................................................................... 36
Task 13: Pasive Voice ....................................................................................................................... 38
Portfolio ................................................................................................................................................ 39

Task 1: Expressions Studied In Class

   PRESENT VERB         PAST VERB              NOUNS        ADJECTIVES
Sleep              Slept                Mario          Beautiful
Wash               Washed               Hat            Red
Run                Ran                  Daniel         big
Break              Broke                Table          Blue
Win                Won                  Dania          wonderful
Work               Worked               Camp           nice
Sing               Sang                 Disco          Ugly
See                Saw                  Book           Red
Clean              Cleaned              Roon           Yellow
Cut                Cut                  Tomato         Orange

   1. Mario slept in a beautiful bed yesterday
   2. Andy washed his red hat last week
   3. Daniel ran a big track last month
   4. Carlos broke a blue table two days ago
   5. Dania won a wonderful dog last week
   6. Juan worked in the camp nice two years ago
   7. Fanny sang in a disco ugly last Saturday
   8. I saw the red book in the basement last week
   9. Maria cleaned his yellow bedroom yesterday
   10. I cut the orange tomato yesterday

Task 2: Exercises From The Web Link


1. He has waited              for the lift for over 10 minutes.

2. has he found         any gold yet? - Yes, he has.

3. Richard bought            the tickets for "Avatar" yesterday.

4. He still has not had        a shower.

5. My football team has won          the cup twice so far.

6. The alarm clock rang         at 7 a.m.

7. Kevin did not catch        the school bus last Monday.

8. I have already finished                    my paperwork.

9. did you take              a lot of pictures when you visited Paris?

10. He was                   United's best football player in 2008.
Read and complete the sentences with either the Present Perfect or the simple past of the verbs in brackets:

1. I did not go (not go)               to school last week because I was (be) sick.

2. Paul has just started (just/start)     reading a new book.

3. He has never eaten (never/eat)                such delicious cookies.

4. Michael drank (drink)                too much last night.

5. Have you ever been (you/ever/be)                 late for school?

6. I have already done (already/do)                the laundry. Now I need to do some ironing.

7. Did they wash (they/wash)                    their father's car on Sunday?

8. I arrived (arrive)                  from Italy yesterday morning.

9. Linda's husband only left (leave)                    5 minutes ago and she already misses him.

10. Sarah has worked (work)                   in this company since she was very young.

   b) Find in the grid and in any direction the missing verb forms and fill in the table:

                                                                1. begin - began - begun             2. break - broke -broken

                                                                3. build- built - built          4. choose - chose - chosen

                                                                5. come - came - come                 6. do - did - done

                                                                7. drive - drove - driven          8. feel- felt - felt

                                                                9. forget - forgot - forgotten     10. give- gave - given

                                                                11. go - went - gone                12. know - knew - known

                                                                13. make – made - made                 14. Meet - met - met

15. say - said - said    16. see - saw - seen

                                                         17. sell - sold - sold     18.sleep - slept - slept

1    I   visited (visit) Bob last month.
2   We have promised (promise) to help them already.
3   She has never done (never/do) anything bad.
4   She went (go) on holiday three weeks ago.
5   We have not done (not/do) our work yet.
6   She has seen (see) the film three times.
7   They swam (swim) in the sea last summer.

1    She read (read) the book yesterday.
2    Three people have come (come) to visit him so far.
3 They have just visited (just/visit) me.
4   When has she (she/promise) you to do it?
5   She brought (bring) pizza at 9 o’clock.
6   They bought (buy) a bike last month.
7 She    taught (teach) many children since she finished school herself.

1   We sung (sing) a song on Monday.
2 The children have sat (sit) still during the lesson.
3 He waited (wait) for 3 hours.
4   Then she has wanted (want) an ice-cream.
5 They have slept (sleep) a lot today.
6 While I have spoken (speak) to you he came home.
7 She has stood (stand) at the bus stop the other day.
8 We have taken (take) three books from the library recently.
9   His grandfather is dead. He made (make) the bench.

Task 3: Room Project 1. About Animals in Ecuador

The Condor lives in the Andes of South America, crevices or caverns in the
mountains. They eat carcasses of dead animals (like cattle in the mountains or
sea lions and birds on the coast). You can fly over the 7,000 meters, the condor is
married to the man because he believes that the meat of the condor and even
their bodies are sources of virility or offer remedy for aches and human diseases.

FLAMES live in the highlands of altitudes between 2300-4000 from near Pasto in
Colombia to central Chile and northern Argentina. They eat grass and leaves, are
hunted by man. To get wool, skin, fat, there are approximately 3,800,000 animals.

Spectacled bears live in the Andes the Peruvian Andes from Bolivia, Colombia and
Ecuador, even part of Venezuela and Panama in the higher areas and wild. It
feeds on fruits of palm sprouts, figs, leaves, small animals and insects. He
destroys their habitat. They are hunting for the skin.

Sheep are social animals, are located throughout the Andes mountain range. Their
food is legumes, shrubs and grass. Sheep farming is primarily focused on raising
lambs for meat production of sheep for wool and milk.

Task 4: New Inventions

                             THE LAST INVENTIONS


In the world there are a lot of things that have been invented for some people.
There are some invents that are good, but others are bad for people. We should
know to use all the things that are to disposition of people because some of them
can be very dangerous for us when we don´t have information about them.
However at the moment the most of things are easier to do with the help of some
equipment that we have in our houses and can be useful. For example a
computer, a calculator, a cell phone, a washing machine, a microwave, etc.


Flash Memory

Flash memories are important because they can carry a lot of information and still
be able to be stored in your pocket. This allows you to always keep your
information secured and ready for viewing when you need it to be. Is also
physically more difficult to break.

The flash unit also lets you share information with others who have a flash drive on
your computer. This is the perfect solution for those who have to do presentations
for work or are working on a project with someone.

Cell Telephone

Cell phones have become a necessity for many people around the world. The
ability to keep in touch with family, colleagues. Cell phones today are able not only
to receive and make phone calls, besides storing data, taking pictures.

Cell phones give users a sense of security. In an emergency, having a cell phone
can allow help to arrive quickly and could save lives. Modern cell phones are able
to access the Internet, send and receive pictures and files, and some mobile
phones are equipped with GPS technology, allowing its use in most places around
the world and allowing you to find someone anywhere in the world .


A laptop is more convenient because you can take to various places and you can
download and share information in your school, besides being able to use in the
classroom when you have some type of exposure and have to connect to the
projector, laptop and more cheaper than before, is more accessible now have one
of these computers a few years ago when they left.

A laptop can be light depending on the model as well as having great capacity,
laptops are essential to students, not see it as a waste, many adults have the
belief that only used for playing games and this is not true, now one can bring
these books and computers to do homework at home from their peers.


These inventions are important because it allows people to integrate or
communicate via cell phone, so students need a laptop that allows them to do their
homework and flash memory allow students to bring information to any location
thus allowing time and be cut faster.

Task 5: Shopping In Tulcan

                              SHOPPING IN TULCAN

Tulcán is an interesting city with lots of thing to see and do. There are many malls
to go shopping. First In the north of the city we can visit the inter duty free. In the
center of city. We found the BAHIA mall. Here WE CAN buy many things for
example: toys for children, bicycles, soccer balls, wall clock and decorations for
the house. Other mall there is in front of San Miguel market .this mall is EL
JARDIN DEL NORTE. Here we can do SEVERAL THINGS for example: we can
enjoy a candy, we can buy shoes. Here there are lawyers' offices, also center of
computation, the radio integration 101.3.

Dentistry offices, hairdressers, stationeries. The URACAN mall is big and beautiful
because it doesn't have tiers. Here we can buy clothes for example:

Shoes, dress, caps, shirts, gloves, scarfs, pants and many garments of
front it is the YOLIS mall. It mall is big. It has a lot of offices. Here we can buy:
Clothes, Accessories, Footwear, in diverse cases, toys, music (cd - dvd), movies,

an infinity of things. If we visit to the mall of Tulcan can buy the fashion and
complements that renovate you each season, the gifts for your dear beings, the
whims that give you that happiness...

Task 6: Countable and Uncountable Nouns


Countable nouns: have both a singular and a plural form and we can count
them. We use a or an and numbers before countable nouns.

For example:

    A table - two tables
    An orange – ten oranges
    An apple – five apples

uncountable nouns: Only have a singular form and we cannot count them

for example:

    coffee
    sugar
    milk
    orange juice

we don´t use a / an or numbers before uncountable nouns but we often use some
and any .

A: Is there any milk?

B:No, but there´s some coffe.

Countable                Uncountable
                               Nouns                     Nouns
 • SINGULAR                • a carrot                 • milk
 • PLURAL                  • carrots                        •x

     a(n) + singular countable nouns

     some + plural countable nouns

     some + uncountable nouns


   There´s an orange and some ice cream in the refrigerator
   There are some apples, too.












Task 7: Abiligations and Needs In Your Career

Hello my name is Rommel Malgua. I study in the state polytechnic university of the
Carchi in 4th Level of the school of Foreign Trade And International Trade


I must read the Código Orgánico De La Producción De Comercio E Inversiones

I must relate the COPCI with practices it

I must learn terms of Foreign Trade.

I must Defend the principles and the university patrimony

I must attend technical and practical tours, the established schedules

I must attend on time all the cultural, social and sport activities that it organizes the
school of Foreign Trade And International Trade Negotiation.

I must make good use from the on goods to their service and to collaborate with
the preservation of the same ones.

I must Student of the school of Foreign Trade and International Trade Negotiation
must know economic blocks.

I must not know commercial agreements that has Ecuador.


When I do an export. I have to know the incoterms 2010.

I have to study the different cases of external trade.

I have to realize classroom projects.

I have to know the tariff type that applies equator to the imports

I have to classify the merchandise to be exported or cared.

I have to know the export procedures and import.

I have to identify the import documents and export.

I have to know the requirements to be importer or exporter.

Task 8: Reasearch about Suggestions


The following English words and expressions are all used to make suggestions
and give advice to people.


"You should try to practice English."
"You shouldn't translate too much."

Why don't you

"Why don't you join an English club?"

Ought to

"You ought to read more."

If I were you, I'd…

"If I were you, I'd watch more television."

*All these expressions are followed by a verb, without to. For example: "He
should visit the Eiffel Tower." (Not "he should to visit the Eiffel Tower.")

Suggest and recommend

Either use a verb + ing
"I suggest visiting the Eiffel Tower." (We should all go.)

OR use that + a verb without to
"I suggest that you visit the Eiffel Tower." (I'm not going.)

OR use a noun
"I recommend the lasagne." (It's a very good dish to choose in this restaurant.)


"I advise you to buy a good dictionary."


Advice is an uncountable noun. This means that we can't say an advice. Instead,
we say some advice or a piece of advice.

"Let me give you some advice."

"She gave me a very useful piece of advice: to buy a good dictionary."

Task 9: How to Learn English

You should use simple English sentence               Many people think that exercises and tests
structure that you know is correct, so that          aren't much fun. However, by completing
you can concentrate on getting your                  exercises and taking tests you can really
message across.                                      improve your English. One of the best
                                                     reasons for doing lots of exercises and
You should use words and phrases you                 tests is that they give you a benchmark to
know in new situations.                              compare your future results with. Often, it
You should translate into and from your              is by comparing your score on a test you
own language. This takes too much time               took yesterday with one you took a month
and will make you more hesitant.                     or six

                             You should                                        You     shouldn´t
take notes in English, put English books             speak too fast! It's important to use a
around your room, listen to English                  natural rhythm when speaking English, but
language radio broadcasts, watch English             if you speak too fast it will be difficult for
news, movies and television .Also you                people       to     understand           you.
should Watch English Films and
Television, Listen to English Music and
can you really improve your knowledge of             You should speak without Fear. The
any language.                                        biggest problem most people face in
                                                     learning a new language is their own fear.

Task 10: Research about Infinitive Forms

TOPIC:      Infinitive Forms


The infinitive of a verb is its basic form with or without the particle to:


                'do' or 'to do'
                'be' or 'to be'

The infinitive without to is called bare infinitive ('do', 'be')

The infinitive with to is called full infinitive ('to do', 'to be')


   1. The bare infinitive is used as the main verb after the dummy auxiliary verb do
       or       most   modal       auxiliary   verbs    (such   as    will,   can,   or   should.)

            o I do know him
            o I do like you.
            o I can do it.

   2. Several common verbs of perception, including see, watch, hear, feel, and
       sense take a direct object and a bare infinitive.


            o I saw it happen
            o I watched it happen

   3. The bare infinitive is also used with several common verbs of permission or
       causation, including make, bid, let, and have.

       I made/bade/let/had him do it.

       (However, make takes a to-infinitive in the passive voice.

           o I was made to do it.

   4. The bare infinitive is also used after had better.


           o You had better leave now

   5. The verb help is followed by the bare infinitive.


           o He helped them do it. ("He helped them to do" it is also possible)

   6. With the word why.


           o Why say it?


The full infinitive is used as follows:

              The full infinitive can function as a noun phrase. In this case it is used
               as follows.
      as a subject.


   o   To err is human, to forgive is devine.

o    As an object.


                   o I intended to marry her.
                   o He wanted to know the whole truth.

   It       can    also   be      used      like   an     adjective    or    adverb.
    This is the game to watch. (to watch functions as an adjective,
    modifying the noun game)
   This is the problem to think about. (to think about functions as an
    adjective          modifying           the      noun         'the        problem')
    He went to his friend's house to study. (to study functions as an
    adverb answering the question why he went to hois friend's house)
    He is ready to go. (to go functions as an adverb, modifying the
    adjective 'ready'.)

Task 11: Food Habits
                                      FOOD HABITS

Every day in breakfast I want to drink
some tomato juice. I like to eat some
bread with some cheese. I don´t like to
drink milk for breakfast. After I enjoy
reading about FOOD HABITS some
times in the morning.

                                                  I like to eat all kinds of vegetables.
                                                  Because this is good for my health.I
                                                  think junk food is bad but I like to eat

Before the lunch I suggest to eat a
fruit. Because it help to grow healthy
and strong. In the lunch I like to eat
some soup. I like to eat fish because. I
need to have strong muscles.

Task 12: All. Both. Neither. Either


Both refers to TWO people or things. It has a positive meaning and it takes a
verb in the plural. It’s the negative of NEITHER / NOT EITHER.


James and Robin are students.

Both James and Robin are students.

They are both students.

Both of them are students.

Both boys are students.

I play the guitar and sing a song.

I both play the guitar and sing a song.

John can drive a car. Tom can drive a car.

Both John and Tom can drive a car.

They both can drive a car.

Both of them can drive a car.

Both boys can drive a car.


All refers to more than two people or things. It has a positive meaning and takes
a verb in the plural. It is the opposite of none.

All the children laughed.

All of them laughed.

They all laughed.

All three of them laughed.


None refers to more than two people or things. It has a negative meaning and
isn’t followed by a noun.

Are there any biscuits left? - no, none.

How much coffee do you want ? – none.

None of

None of is used before nouns or object pronouns followed by a verb either
singular or plural. It is the opposite of ALL.

None of us know you.

None of the students came early.

None of four boys know how to ride a bike


Either (= any of two)

Neither (=not one and not the other)

Either and Neither refer to two people or things and are used before singular
countable nouns.


Would you like to drink coke or fanta?

Either. (it makes no difference.)

Neither. (none of the two)

Either of

Either of + singular / plural noun

Either of the students is / are intelligent.

Either of them is / are married.

Either of us was / were at home last night.

Neither of

Neither of + singular / plural noun

Neither of them is / are at home now.

Neither of you is / are lazy.

Neither of us was / were at home last weekend.

Either, neither, both

The table shows us the meaning of either, neither and both.

One of the tricky things about either, neither and both is knowing when they
should followed by singular or plural nouns and verbs. The rules, with
examples, are given below:

Either, neither, both

We use either, neither and both when we are talking about two things.

                                           > Would you like tea or coffee?
                                           > Either. I don't mind.
either = one OR the other
                                           This means: 'You can give me tea OR
                                           coffee. I have no preference.'

                                           > Would you like ham or beef in your
                                           > Neither. I am a vegetarian. I don't eat
neither = not one and not the other
                                           This means: 'I don't want ham and I
                                           don't want beef.'

                                           I take both milk and sugar in my coffee.
both = the first AND the second            This means: 'I take sugar. I also take

We use either with a singular noun.        either car, either person
We use either of with a plural noun.       either of the chairs, either of the people

We use either and either of with a         Either day is fine for me.
singular verb.                             Either of the days is fine for me.

We use neither with a singular noun.       neither house, neither man
We use neither of with a plural noun.      neither of the houses, neither of the

We use neither and neither of with a
singular verb.                            Neither day was suitable.
                                          Neither of the days was suitable.

We use both with a plural noun.           both houses, both men
                                          both of the houses, both of the men

We use both with a plural verb.           Both (of) my brothers are tall.

We need of before the pronouns us,        both of us, both of you, either of them,
you, them.                                neither of them, etc.

Between of and a noun we need to use both of those houses, neither of my
these, those or my, your, John's, etc., brothers, both of John's sisters, either
or the.                                 of the cinemas

Neither & Either & Both & all & None — The difference between

by english

Either – Neither

Either and Neither can be used with of ile kullanılabilir. Verb may be
singular or plural . neither has a negative meaning.

Neither of my parents likes / like my friends.

Either of the candidates is / are ideal for the job.

Neither of them know / knows the answer.

Either of those suits are / is suitable for the meeting.

I saw neither of them = I didn’t see either of them.

She finished neither of the books. = She didn’t finish either of the books.

Neither of the students are here. = Either of the students aren’t here.

Either & Both

You can’t have either of them. (you cannot take this one or the other one. /

You cannot take any.)

You can’t have both of them. (You cannot take both. You can take only

All , None & Both, Neither

Both and neither are used to talk about two things, all and none are used
to talk about things more than two.

They have two cars. Both of them are expensive. Neither of them is blue.

They have three cars. All of them are expensive. None of them is blue.

Task 2: Eucadorian Tv


Ecuadorian television in recent                  In journalism as Higuera Hernán
years has been known for its                     and Eduardo Narvaez, Ecuavisa
transparency of information,                     chain achieved the King of Spain
presenting information and sport,                prize in the television category
culture, science, society and so on.             organized by EFE.
Each channel features series for
different ages as soap operas for
housewives and children's animated
series, the film weekend of action,
horror etc.

                                                 Some journalists say shut the
                                                 president wants to journalism.

IN SICIAL I think information to
reach those high standards. The
reporter must prepare and play in
the workplace all the risks in order to
inform the Ecuadorian people and
be a leader in social communication.
But in reality the president wants to
be all real and transparency. This
allows the journalists to be better.

Task 13: Pasive Voice

Topic: The Active To Pasive Voice Transformation In Present And In Past

                                 Active Voice                Passive Voice
Who discovered Amazon      Francisco Orellana          The amazon river was
River?                     discovered the amazon       discovered by Francisco
                           river                       Orellana

Who did the breakfast?     My mother does the          The breakfast was done
                           breakfast                   by my mother
what do money use in       The use the dollar in       The dollar is used in
Ecuador                    Ecuador                     Ecuador
Who keep the money         The Banc keeps the          The money is kept in the
                           money                       Bank
Who liberated five         Simón Bolivar liberated     Five nations was liberated
nations?                   five nations                by Simón Bolivar
Who watch the cartoon      The Boys watched the        The cartoon programs are
programs?                  cartoon programs            watched by the boys
Who wrote the Odisea?      Dante writes the novel      The novel Odisea was
                           Odisea                      written by Dante
Who create the laws in a   The government creates      The laws in each country
country?                   the laws in each country.   are created for the The
Who did homework?          Daniel did the homework     The homework was done
                                                       by Daniel
Which animal visited the   Dog visited the moon        The moon was visited by
moon?                                                  dog
Where do Nancy travel      Nancy visited Teresa aunt   Teresa was visited by
the last vacations         in Mexico                   Nancy
Who wrote the novel Don    Servantes wrote the novel   the novel Don Quijote de
Quijote de la mancha And   Don Quijote de la mancha    la mancha And Sancho
Sancho Panza?              And Sancho Panza            Panza was written by
Who discovered America     Cristóbal Colon             America was discovered
                           discovered America          by Cristobal Colon
Who control the goods      SENAE control the goods     the goods for export are
for export?                for export                  controlled for SENAE
Who painted La Mona        Leonardo Da Vinci           La Mona Lisa was painted
Lisa?                      painted La Mona Lisa        by Leonardo Da Vinci

                                 DIGITAL TARIFF



• To facilitate international trade.
• To facilitate the standardization of trade documents and data transmission.


Provide a basis for:
• tariff nomenclature, the development of Customs Tariffs
• tariff and statistical nomenclature in the development of Customs Tariffs of the
Parties to the declaration of goods at Customs.


This course is intended to show the importance of tariff nomenclature in trade in
goods under the customs nomenclature only as language and business,
contributing      substantially     to      facilitate    international     trade.
The Andean Group member countries, especially customs administrations and
private sector companies directly linked to customs activity may, in a systematic
and methodological.



Tariff Nomenclature and Classification
Customs Valuation
Customs techniques
Rules of Origin


Studying the goods
Customs Control Techniques Develop
Maintain current Tariff
Advise Governments


It is a descriptive listing, orderly and methodical goods subject of International
Trade, identified by a code number and product description.

Example: 2001.90.10 ----------- Olives
           0603.10.40 ----------- Roses
               0106.19.00 ----------- Dogs


       Nomenclature Base 6 Digits
       8 Digits (Nandina Regional)
       10 National Digit


CATEGORY                     ANIMAL          VEGETABLE        MINERAL

a) Natural products, even    Section I:    Section II:        Section V.
after being subjected to     Live Animals, Vegetable          Mineral
manipulations that do not    Animal        products           Products
have such distorted          Products
character of the natural

                             Section III: Oils and fats of
                             both animal and plant

b) Natural products having   section VIII    Section IX and   Section XIII,
undergone such               skins           X                XIV, XV
manipulations have                           Wood - Paper     Stones /
distorted character of the                                    abrasives /
natural product.                                              metals

                             Section XI: Textiles
                             Animal / Vegetable / Mineral or Chemical


SECTIONS (I -------- XXI)

Grouping of goods stored general characteristics.

It is expressed in Roman numerals.

Section I: Live animals and animal products
Section II: Vegetable products
Section XI: Textiles and textile articles



It is part of a section
It is expressed in Arabic numerals
There are 96 chapters
Chapter 77 is empty
Chapter 98 (national tariff)


It is a 4-digit code that designates one or more items or categories of goods for
the chapter they belong.

Games are specific or generic.

Total games: 1226 games.

Example: 07.01 -------- Papas (potatoes), fresh or chilled.
          07.02 --------Tomatoes, fresh or chilled
          07.03 --------Onions, garlic

             ---Designates the chapter number

            ---Determines the number of ordering of heading within this chapter.

Subheading      TARIFF

It is a 6 digit code that designates one or more items or categories of goods for
the chapter they belong.

They are of 3 types:

              Clothing made with knitting

First Level


        -Of man-made fibers

Second Level 6115.10.10

     Of synthetic fibers, title less than 67 decitex per single yarn


     All merchandise entered or withdrawn intended the country must be
     clearly identified and Classified
     Allows for statistics and monitoring of goods
     The Tariff Classification of goods is the first step to a successful foreign
     trade operation and this is important to fully identify the goods.


World Customs Organization - Official Homepage


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Rommel malgua 4th_ portfolio

  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS Task 1: Expressions Studied In Class ............................................................................................... 3 Task 2: Exercises From The Web Link ............................................................................................. 4 Task 3: Room Project 1. About Animals in Ecuador ..................................................................... 13 Task 4: New Inventions ..................................................................................................................... 14 Task 5: Shopping In Tulcan .............................................................................................................. 16 Task 6: Countable and Uncountable Nouns................................................................................... 18 Task 7: Abiligations and Needs In Your Career............................................................................. 22 Task 8: Reasearch about Suggestions ........................................................................................... 24 Task 9: How to Learn English ........................................................................................................... 26 Task 10: Research about Infinitive Forms ...................................................................................... 27 Task 11: Food Habits ......................................................................................................................... 30 Task 12: All. Both. Neither. Either .................................................................................................... 31 Task 2: Eucadorian Tv ....................................................................................................................... 36 Task 13: Pasive Voice ....................................................................................................................... 38 Portfolio ................................................................................................................................................ 39 -2-
  • 3. Task 1: Expressions Studied In Class PRESENT VERB PAST VERB NOUNS ADJECTIVES Sleep Slept Mario Beautiful Wash Washed Hat Red Run Ran Daniel big Break Broke Table Blue Win Won Dania wonderful Work Worked Camp nice Sing Sang Disco Ugly See Saw Book Red Clean Cleaned Roon Yellow Cut Cut Tomato Orange 1. Mario slept in a beautiful bed yesterday 2. Andy washed his red hat last week 3. Daniel ran a big track last month 4. Carlos broke a blue table two days ago 5. Dania won a wonderful dog last week 6. Juan worked in the camp nice two years ago 7. Fanny sang in a disco ugly last Saturday 8. I saw the red book in the basement last week 9. Maria cleaned his yellow bedroom yesterday 10. I cut the orange tomato yesterday -3-
  • 4. Task 2: Exercises From The Web Link a) READ AND CHOOSE THE CORRECT ALTERNATIVE: 1. He has waited for the lift for over 10 minutes. 2. has he found any gold yet? - Yes, he has. 3. Richard bought the tickets for "Avatar" yesterday. -4-
  • 5. 4. He still has not had a shower. 5. My football team has won the cup twice so far. 6. The alarm clock rang at 7 a.m. 7. Kevin did not catch the school bus last Monday. -5-
  • 6. 8. I have already finished my paperwork. 9. did you take a lot of pictures when you visited Paris? 10. He was United's best football player in 2008. Read and complete the sentences with either the Present Perfect or the simple past of the verbs in brackets: 1. I did not go (not go) to school last week because I was (be) sick. -6-
  • 7. 2. Paul has just started (just/start) reading a new book. 3. He has never eaten (never/eat) such delicious cookies. 4. Michael drank (drink) too much last night. 5. Have you ever been (you/ever/be) late for school? -7-
  • 8. 6. I have already done (already/do) the laundry. Now I need to do some ironing. 7. Did they wash (they/wash) their father's car on Sunday? 8. I arrived (arrive) from Italy yesterday morning. 9. Linda's husband only left (leave) 5 minutes ago and she already misses him. -8-
  • 9. 10. Sarah has worked (work) in this company since she was very young. b) Find in the grid and in any direction the missing verb forms and fill in the table: 1. begin - began - begun 2. break - broke -broken 3. build- built - built 4. choose - chose - chosen 5. come - came - come 6. do - did - done 7. drive - drove - driven 8. feel- felt - felt 9. forget - forgot - forgotten 10. give- gave - given 11. go - went - gone 12. know - knew - known 13. make – made - made 14. Meet - met - met -9-
  • 10. 15. say - said - said 16. see - saw - seen 17. sell - sold - sold 18.sleep - slept - slept 1 I visited (visit) Bob last month. 2 We have promised (promise) to help them already. 3 She has never done (never/do) anything bad. 4 She went (go) on holiday three weeks ago. 5 We have not done (not/do) our work yet. 6 She has seen (see) the film three times. 7 They swam (swim) in the sea last summer. -10-
  • 11. 1 She read (read) the book yesterday. 2 Three people have come (come) to visit him so far. 3 They have just visited (just/visit) me. 4 When has she (she/promise) you to do it? 5 She brought (bring) pizza at 9 o’clock. 6 They bought (buy) a bike last month. 7 She taught (teach) many children since she finished school herself. -11-
  • 12. 1 We sung (sing) a song on Monday. 2 The children have sat (sit) still during the lesson. 3 He waited (wait) for 3 hours. 4 Then she has wanted (want) an ice-cream. 5 They have slept (sleep) a lot today. 6 While I have spoken (speak) to you he came home. 7 She has stood (stand) at the bus stop the other day. 8 We have taken (take) three books from the library recently. 9 His grandfather is dead. He made (make) the bench. -12-
  • 13. Task 3: Room Project 1. About Animals in Ecuador The Condor lives in the Andes of South America, crevices or caverns in the mountains. They eat carcasses of dead animals (like cattle in the mountains or sea lions and birds on the coast). You can fly over the 7,000 meters, the condor is married to the man because he believes that the meat of the condor and even their bodies are sources of virility or offer remedy for aches and human diseases. FLAMES live in the highlands of altitudes between 2300-4000 from near Pasto in Colombia to central Chile and northern Argentina. They eat grass and leaves, are hunted by man. To get wool, skin, fat, there are approximately 3,800,000 animals. Spectacled bears live in the Andes the Peruvian Andes from Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador, even part of Venezuela and Panama in the higher areas and wild. It feeds on fruits of palm sprouts, figs, leaves, small animals and insects. He destroys their habitat. They are hunting for the skin. Sheep are social animals, are located throughout the Andes mountain range. Their food is legumes, shrubs and grass. Sheep farming is primarily focused on raising lambs for meat production of sheep for wool and milk. -13-
  • 14. Task 4: New Inventions THE LAST INVENTIONS INTRODUCTION In the world there are a lot of things that have been invented for some people. There are some invents that are good, but others are bad for people. We should know to use all the things that are to disposition of people because some of them can be very dangerous for us when we don´t have information about them. However at the moment the most of things are easier to do with the help of some equipment that we have in our houses and can be useful. For example a computer, a calculator, a cell phone, a washing machine, a microwave, etc. EXPLANATION Flash Memory Flash memories are important because they can carry a lot of information and still be able to be stored in your pocket. This allows you to always keep your information secured and ready for viewing when you need it to be. Is also physically more difficult to break. The flash unit also lets you share information with others who have a flash drive on your computer. This is the perfect solution for those who have to do presentations for work or are working on a project with someone. Cell Telephone Cell phones have become a necessity for many people around the world. The ability to keep in touch with family, colleagues. Cell phones today are able not only to receive and make phone calls, besides storing data, taking pictures. -14-
  • 15. Cell phones give users a sense of security. In an emergency, having a cell phone can allow help to arrive quickly and could save lives. Modern cell phones are able to access the Internet, send and receive pictures and files, and some mobile phones are equipped with GPS technology, allowing its use in most places around the world and allowing you to find someone anywhere in the world . Laptop A laptop is more convenient because you can take to various places and you can download and share information in your school, besides being able to use in the classroom when you have some type of exposure and have to connect to the projector, laptop and more cheaper than before, is more accessible now have one of these computers a few years ago when they left. A laptop can be light depending on the model as well as having great capacity, laptops are essential to students, not see it as a waste, many adults have the belief that only used for playing games and this is not true, now one can bring these books and computers to do homework at home from their peers. CONCLUSIONS These inventions are important because it allows people to integrate or communicate via cell phone, so students need a laptop that allows them to do their homework and flash memory allow students to bring information to any location thus allowing time and be cut faster. -15-
  • 16. Task 5: Shopping In Tulcan SHOPPING IN TULCAN Tulcán is an interesting city with lots of thing to see and do. There are many malls to go shopping. First In the north of the city we can visit the inter duty free. In the center of city. We found the BAHIA mall. Here WE CAN buy many things for example: toys for children, bicycles, soccer balls, wall clock and decorations for the house. Other mall there is in front of San Miguel market .this mall is EL JARDIN DEL NORTE. Here we can do SEVERAL THINGS for example: we can enjoy a candy, we can buy shoes. Here there are lawyers' offices, also center of computation, the radio integration 101.3. Dentistry offices, hairdressers, stationeries. The URACAN mall is big and beautiful because it doesn't have tiers. Here we can buy clothes for example: Shoes, dress, caps, shirts, gloves, scarfs, pants and many garments of front it is the YOLIS mall. It mall is big. It has a lot of offices. Here we can buy: Clothes, Accessories, Footwear, in diverse cases, toys, music (cd - dvd), movies, and an infinity of things. If we visit to the mall of Tulcan can buy the fashion and complements that renovate you each season, the gifts for your dear beings, the whims that give you that happiness... -16-
  • 17. -17-
  • 18. Task 6: Countable and Uncountable Nouns COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Countable nouns: have both a singular and a plural form and we can count them. We use a or an and numbers before countable nouns. For example:  A table - two tables  An orange – ten oranges  An apple – five apples uncountable nouns: Only have a singular form and we cannot count them for example:  coffee  sugar  milk  orange juice we don´t use a / an or numbers before uncountable nouns but we often use some and any . A: Is there any milk? B:No, but there´s some coffe. -18-
  • 19. Countable Uncountable Nouns Nouns • SINGULAR • a carrot • milk • PLURAL • carrots •x a(n) + singular countable nouns some + plural countable nouns some + uncountable nouns Example:  There´s an orange and some ice cream in the refrigerator  There are some apples, too. -19-
  • 22. Task 7: Abiligations and Needs In Your Career Hello my name is Rommel Malgua. I study in the state polytechnic university of the Carchi in 4th Level of the school of Foreign Trade And International Trade Negotiation. Obligations I must read the Código Orgánico De La Producción De Comercio E Inversiones (COPCI). I must relate the COPCI with practices it I must learn terms of Foreign Trade. I must Defend the principles and the university patrimony I must attend technical and practical tours, the established schedules I must attend on time all the cultural, social and sport activities that it organizes the school of Foreign Trade And International Trade Negotiation. I must make good use from the on goods to their service and to collaborate with the preservation of the same ones. I must Student of the school of Foreign Trade and International Trade Negotiation must know economic blocks. I must not know commercial agreements that has Ecuador. Necessities When I do an export. I have to know the incoterms 2010. I have to study the different cases of external trade. I have to realize classroom projects. I have to know the tariff type that applies equator to the imports -22-
  • 23. I have to classify the merchandise to be exported or cared. I have to know the export procedures and import. I have to identify the import documents and export. I have to know the requirements to be importer or exporter. -23-
  • 24. Task 8: Reasearch about Suggestions WORDS OR EXPRESSIONS USING TO GIVE SUGGESTIONS The following English words and expressions are all used to make suggestions and give advice to people. Should "You should try to practice English." "You shouldn't translate too much." Why don't you "Why don't you join an English club?" Ought to "You ought to read more." If I were you, I'd… "If I were you, I'd watch more television." *All these expressions are followed by a verb, without to. For example: "He should visit the Eiffel Tower." (Not "he should to visit the Eiffel Tower.") Suggest and recommend Either use a verb + ing "I suggest visiting the Eiffel Tower." (We should all go.) OR use that + a verb without to "I suggest that you visit the Eiffel Tower." (I'm not going.) OR use a noun "I recommend the lasagne." (It's a very good dish to choose in this restaurant.) Advise -24-
  • 25. "I advise you to buy a good dictionary." Advice Advice is an uncountable noun. This means that we can't say an advice. Instead, we say some advice or a piece of advice. "Let me give you some advice." "She gave me a very useful piece of advice: to buy a good dictionary." -25-
  • 26. Task 9: How to Learn English You should use simple English sentence Many people think that exercises and tests structure that you know is correct, so that aren't much fun. However, by completing you can concentrate on getting your exercises and taking tests you can really message across. improve your English. One of the best reasons for doing lots of exercises and You should use words and phrases you tests is that they give you a benchmark to know in new situations. compare your future results with. Often, it You should translate into and from your is by comparing your score on a test you own language. This takes too much time took yesterday with one you took a month and will make you more hesitant. or six You should You shouldn´t take notes in English, put English books speak too fast! It's important to use a around your room, listen to English natural rhythm when speaking English, but language radio broadcasts, watch English if you speak too fast it will be difficult for news, movies and television .Also you people to understand you. should Watch English Films and Television, Listen to English Music and can you really improve your knowledge of You should speak without Fear. The any language. biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear. -26-
  • 27. Task 10: Research about Infinitive Forms TOPIC: Infinitive Forms WHAT IS THE INFINITIVE? The infinitive of a verb is its basic form with or without the particle to: Examples:  'do' or 'to do'  'be' or 'to be' The infinitive without to is called bare infinitive ('do', 'be') The infinitive with to is called full infinitive ('to do', 'to be') THE BARE INFINITIVE 1. The bare infinitive is used as the main verb after the dummy auxiliary verb do or most modal auxiliary verbs (such as will, can, or should.) Examples: o I do know him o I do like you. o I can do it. 2. Several common verbs of perception, including see, watch, hear, feel, and sense take a direct object and a bare infinitive. Examples: o I saw it happen o I watched it happen 3. The bare infinitive is also used with several common verbs of permission or causation, including make, bid, let, and have. -27-
  • 28. Example: I made/bade/let/had him do it. (However, make takes a to-infinitive in the passive voice. o I was made to do it. 4. The bare infinitive is also used after had better. Example: o You had better leave now 5. The verb help is followed by the bare infinitive. Example: o He helped them do it. ("He helped them to do" it is also possible) 6. With the word why. Example: o Why say it? THE FULL INFINITIVE The full infinitive is used as follows:  The full infinitive can function as a noun phrase. In this case it is used as follows.  as a subject. Examples: o To err is human, to forgive is devine. -28-
  • 29. o As an object. Examples: o I intended to marry her. o He wanted to know the whole truth.  It can also be used like an adjective or adverb. Examples: This is the game to watch. (to watch functions as an adjective, modifying the noun game)  This is the problem to think about. (to think about functions as an adjective modifying the noun 'the problem') He went to his friend's house to study. (to study functions as an adverb answering the question why he went to hois friend's house) He is ready to go. (to go functions as an adverb, modifying the adjective 'ready'.) -29-
  • 30. Task 11: Food Habits FOOD HABITS Every day in breakfast I want to drink some tomato juice. I like to eat some bread with some cheese. I don´t like to drink milk for breakfast. After I enjoy reading about FOOD HABITS some times in the morning. I like to eat all kinds of vegetables. Because this is good for my health.I think junk food is bad but I like to eat this Before the lunch I suggest to eat a fruit. Because it help to grow healthy and strong. In the lunch I like to eat some soup. I like to eat fish because. I need to have strong muscles. -30-
  • 31. Task 12: All. Both. Neither. Either TOPIC: THE USE OF ALL, BOTH, NEITHER, EITHER, NO ONE BOTH Both refers to TWO people or things. It has a positive meaning and it takes a verb in the plural. It’s the negative of NEITHER / NOT EITHER. EXERCISES James and Robin are students. Both James and Robin are students. They are both students. Both of them are students. Both boys are students. I play the guitar and sing a song. I both play the guitar and sing a song. John can drive a car. Tom can drive a car. Both John and Tom can drive a car. They both can drive a car. Both of them can drive a car. Both boys can drive a car. ALL All refers to more than two people or things. It has a positive meaning and takes a verb in the plural. It is the opposite of none. All the children laughed. All of them laughed. They all laughed. All three of them laughed. NONE -31-
  • 32. None refers to more than two people or things. It has a negative meaning and isn’t followed by a noun. Are there any biscuits left? - no, none. How much coffee do you want ? – none. None of None of is used before nouns or object pronouns followed by a verb either singular or plural. It is the opposite of ALL. None of us know you. None of the students came early. None of four boys know how to ride a bike EITHER / NEITHER Either (= any of two) Neither (=not one and not the other) Either and Neither refer to two people or things and are used before singular countable nouns. Examples Would you like to drink coke or fanta? Either. (it makes no difference.) Neither. (none of the two) Either of Either of + singular / plural noun Either of the students is / are intelligent. Either of them is / are married. Either of us was / were at home last night. Neither of -32-
  • 33. Neither of + singular / plural noun Neither of them is / are at home now. Neither of you is / are lazy. Neither of us was / were at home last weekend. Either, neither, both The table shows us the meaning of either, neither and both. One of the tricky things about either, neither and both is knowing when they should followed by singular or plural nouns and verbs. The rules, with examples, are given below: Either, neither, both We use either, neither and both when we are talking about two things. > Would you like tea or coffee? > Either. I don't mind. either = one OR the other This means: 'You can give me tea OR coffee. I have no preference.' > Would you like ham or beef in your sandwich? > Neither. I am a vegetarian. I don't eat neither = not one and not the other meat. This means: 'I don't want ham and I don't want beef.' I take both milk and sugar in my coffee. both = the first AND the second This means: 'I take sugar. I also take milk.' We use either with a singular noun. either car, either person We use either of with a plural noun. either of the chairs, either of the people We use either and either of with a Either day is fine for me. singular verb. Either of the days is fine for me. We use neither with a singular noun. neither house, neither man We use neither of with a plural noun. neither of the houses, neither of the -33-
  • 34. men We use neither and neither of with a singular verb. Neither day was suitable. Neither of the days was suitable. We use both with a plural noun. both houses, both men both of the houses, both of the men We use both with a plural verb. Both (of) my brothers are tall. We need of before the pronouns us, both of us, both of you, either of them, you, them. neither of them, etc. Between of and a noun we need to use both of those houses, neither of my these, those or my, your, John's, etc., brothers, both of John's sisters, either or the. of the cinemas Neither & Either & Both & all & None — The difference between by english Either – Neither Either and Neither can be used with of ile kullanılabilir. Verb may be singular or plural . neither has a negative meaning. Neither of my parents likes / like my friends. Either of the candidates is / are ideal for the job. Neither of them know / knows the answer. Either of those suits are / is suitable for the meeting. I saw neither of them = I didn’t see either of them. She finished neither of the books. = She didn’t finish either of the books. Neither of the students are here. = Either of the students aren’t here. Either & Both You can’t have either of them. (you cannot take this one or the other one. / -34-
  • 35. You cannot take any.) You can’t have both of them. (You cannot take both. You can take only one) All , None & Both, Neither Both and neither are used to talk about two things, all and none are used to talk about things more than two. They have two cars. Both of them are expensive. Neither of them is blue. They have three cars. All of them are expensive. None of them is blue. -35-
  • 36. Task 2: Eucadorian Tv TOPIC: THE ECUADORIAN TELEVISISON Ecuadorian television in recent In journalism as Higuera Hernán years has been known for its and Eduardo Narvaez, Ecuavisa transparency of information, chain achieved the King of Spain presenting information and sport, prize in the television category culture, science, society and so on. organized by EFE. Each channel features series for different ages as soap operas for housewives and children's animated series, the film weekend of action, horror etc. Some journalists say shut the president wants to journalism. IN SICIAL I think information to reach those high standards. The reporter must prepare and play in the workplace all the risks in order to inform the Ecuadorian people and be a leader in social communication. But in reality the president wants to be all real and transparency. This allows the journalists to be better. -36-
  • 37. -37-
  • 38. Task 13: Pasive Voice Topic: The Active To Pasive Voice Transformation In Present And In Past Active Voice Passive Voice Who discovered Amazon Francisco Orellana The amazon river was River? discovered the amazon discovered by Francisco river Orellana Who did the breakfast? My mother does the The breakfast was done breakfast by my mother what do money use in The use the dollar in The dollar is used in Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Who keep the money The Banc keeps the The money is kept in the money Bank Who liberated five Simón Bolivar liberated Five nations was liberated nations? five nations by Simón Bolivar Who watch the cartoon The Boys watched the The cartoon programs are programs? cartoon programs watched by the boys Who wrote the Odisea? Dante writes the novel The novel Odisea was Odisea written by Dante Who create the laws in a The government creates The laws in each country country? the laws in each country. are created for the The government Who did homework? Daniel did the homework The homework was done by Daniel Which animal visited the Dog visited the moon The moon was visited by moon? dog Where do Nancy travel Nancy visited Teresa aunt Teresa was visited by the last vacations in Mexico Nancy Who wrote the novel Don Servantes wrote the novel the novel Don Quijote de Quijote de la mancha And Don Quijote de la mancha la mancha And Sancho Sancho Panza? And Sancho Panza Panza was written by Servantes. Who discovered America Cristóbal Colon America was discovered discovered America by Cristobal Colon Who control the goods SENAE control the goods the goods for export are for export? for export controlled for SENAE Who painted La Mona Leonardo Da Vinci La Mona Lisa was painted Lisa? painted La Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci -38-
  • 39. Portfolio DIGITAL TARIFF I STUDY IN UNIVERSITY OF CARCHI EESTATAL POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL OF FOREIGN TRADE AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE NEGOTIATIONS. FOLLOWING YOU IS THE SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION TARIFF OBJECTIVES • To facilitate international trade. • To facilitate the standardization of trade documents and data transmission. SPECIFIC: Provide a basis for: • tariff nomenclature, the development of Customs Tariffs • tariff and statistical nomenclature in the development of Customs Tariffs of the Parties to the declaration of goods at Customs. INTRODUCTION This course is intended to show the importance of tariff nomenclature in trade in goods under the customs nomenclature only as language and business, contributing substantially to facilitate international trade. The Andean Group member countries, especially customs administrations and private sector companies directly linked to customs activity may, in a systematic and methodological. -39-
  • 40. ARANCEL DIGITAL TARIFF AREAS OF LABOR / MANAGEMENT Tariff Nomenclature and Classification Customs Valuation Customs techniques Rules of Origin FUNCTIONS Studying the goods Customs Control Techniques Develop Maintain current Tariff Advise Governments TARIFF NOMENCLATURE It is a descriptive listing, orderly and methodical goods subject of International Trade, identified by a code number and product description. Example: 2001.90.10 ----------- Olives 0603.10.40 ----------- Roses 0106.19.00 ----------- Dogs EXAMPLES OF NOMENCLATURE Nomenclature Base 6 Digits 8 Digits (Nandina Regional) 10 National Digit -40-
  • 41. ACCORDING TO CONSTITUENT MATERIAL CATEGORY ANIMAL VEGETABLE MINERAL a) Natural products, even Section I: Section II: Section V. after being subjected to Live Animals, Vegetable Mineral manipulations that do not Animal products Products have such distorted Products character of the natural product. Section III: Oils and fats of both animal and plant b) Natural products having section VIII Section IX and Section XIII, undergone such skins X XIV, XV manipulations have Wood - Paper Stones / distorted character of the abrasives / natural product. metals Section XI: Textiles Animal / Vegetable / Mineral or Chemical HARMONIZED SYSTEM STRUCTURE -41-
  • 42. SECTIONS (I -------- XXI) Grouping of goods stored general characteristics. It is expressed in Roman numerals. Section I: Live animals and animal products Section II: Vegetable products Section XI: Textiles and textile articles HARMONIZED SYSTEM STRUCTURE CHAPTERS It is part of a section It is expressed in Arabic numerals There are 96 chapters Chapter 77 is empty Chapter 98 (national tariff) TARIFF ITEM It is a 4-digit code that designates one or more items or categories of goods for the chapter they belong. Games are specific or generic. Total games: 1226 games. Example: 07.01 -------- Papas (potatoes), fresh or chilled. 07.02 --------Tomatoes, fresh or chilled 07.03 --------Onions, garlic ---Designates the chapter number ---Determines the number of ordering of heading within this chapter. Subheading TARIFF -42-
  • 43. It is a 6 digit code that designates one or more items or categories of goods for the chapter they belong. They are of 3 types: closed 6113.00.00 Clothing made with knitting First Level 6114.40.00 -Of man-made fibers Second Level 6115.10.10 Of synthetic fibers, title less than 67 decitex per single yarn -43-
  • 44. -44-
  • 45. Conclusions All merchandise entered or withdrawn intended the country must be clearly identified and Classified Allows for statistics and monitoring of goods The Tariff Classification of goods is the first step to a successful foreign trade operation and this is important to fully identify the goods. Bibliography World Customs Organization - Official Homepage -45-