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Indian effort on spies squeezes
cellular phone service operatorsHEATHER TIMMONS
New Delhi
July 18: As India prepares
to adopt new import regula-
tions designed to thwart spy-
ing and sabotage, the coun-
try’s mobile phone operators
say the costs of implement-
ing the rules could squeeze
their thin profits even fur-
ther and accelerate an
impending wave of consoli-
dation in the industry.
The proposed rules would
require phone operators in
India to have all foreign
equipment they purchase
inspected by third-party lab-
oratories in the United
States, Canada or Israel for
the presence of spyware or
“malware” — software that
could monitor or shut down
the country’s mobile phone
The rules are being
reviewed by the Indian Min-
istry of Law and Justice and
are expected to be intro-
duced shortly, said Rajan
Mathews, director general
of the Cellular Operators
Association of India, a trade
The rules would apply to
network equipment like
towers and switches but not
to consumer handsets.
India is concerned about
spying and sabotage from
neighboring countries, par-
ticularly China and Pak-
istan. A report this year by
the Citizen Lab at the Uni-
versity of Toronto said a
gang of computer hackers
based in China had conduct-
ed extensive spying opera-
tions in India, including
obtaining information from
the Department of Defense.
The costs of implementing
the regulations could accel-
erate consolidation in the
world’s second largest
mobile market by sub-
scribers, after China. Some
Indian operators are already
unprofitable and most
charge less than one penny a
minute for local calls. Last
month, Reliance Communi-
cations, one of India’s
biggest operators, said it
would sell 26 percent of the
company to raise cash.
“At this point, no one has a
clue” about how the new
rules will affect operators,
said Mr. Mathews of the
trade group. He said the
rules are an interim step and
that India plans to set up its
own testing center for
telecommunications equip-
ment in the next few years.
It could cost $100 million to
set up that facility, he esti-
Mobile operators say that
the companies that could be
approved to do the inspec-
tions are EWA Canada of
Ottawa; Infoguard, an infor-
mation management compa-
ny in a Lansdale, Pennsylva-
nia; and Altal Security Con-
sulting, based in Israel.
Since December, telecom-
munications operators in
India have been required to
vet the purchase of any for-
eign equipment with the
Ministry of Home Affairs,
which deals with security
concerns. The ministry has
approved a few dozen pur-
chases, and hundreds more
are still waiting, operators in
India say. Chinese equip-
ment manufacturers have
been effectively shut out of
the country, operators say.
The strain on Indian
mobile phone networks is
being felt strongly in some
urban areas, with phone
users facing dropped calls
and “network busy” mes-
sages. Some personal data
devices do not get signals
for hours at a time.
“All orders have been on
hold for the last seven
months,” said one telecom-
munications executive who
did not want to be identified
because of the sensitivity
about security concerns. The
company has been unable to
build its network in some
rural areas, and service qual-
ity is being affected in other
areas where it has gained
new subscribers, he said.
On Friday, A. Raja, a cabi-
net minister in the Ministry
of Communications and
Information Technology,
told reporters on the side-
lines of a conference that he
had recently met the minis-
ter of Home Affairs. “We do
hope the issue will be
resolved with the Home
Ministry in a couple of
weeks,” he said.
A Ministry of Home
Affairs spokesman declined
to comment. At the end of
May, India had 617 million
mobile phone subscribers.
Indian phone operators
spent about $34 billion on
equipment and other capital
expenses in the past fiscal
year, the trade group esti-
mates, with about 40 percent
of that from China. Many
individuals in India have
mobile phones but do not
have landline phones,
broadband Internet or any
other telecommunications
connection, making the
mobile phone network
incredibly important, opera-
tors here say. “In India, you
only have one network,”
said Mr. Mathews. “If that
goes down, you are
finished.” — NYT
Apple goes
on the
any expected a
mea culpa from
Steven P. Jobs,
Apple’s chief executive.
Instead, he turned the
iPhone 4’s antenna prob-
lems into a marketing event
on Friday. The so-called
iPhone “death grip.”
At a news conference at
Apple’s headquarters here,
Mr. Jobs acknowledged
that there were issues with
the antenna, which wraps
around the outside of the
device. But he insisted that
the problems, which can
result in dropped calls
when the device is held a
certain way, affect all
smartphones — a claim
that was challenged by
some Apple competitors.
And he accused the news
media of exaggerating the
scope of the issue, saying
customers and reviewers
were thrilled with the new
“This has been blown so
out of proportion that it is
incredible,” he said.
Mr. Jobs said that to put
the controversy behind it,
Apple would give free
bumpers — cases that wrap
around the rim of the phone
and seem to reduce the
problem of dropped calls
— to all iPhone 4 buyers
who want them.
Those who have already
bought the cases will be
reimbursed, and customers
who are still not satisfied
can return the phones for a
full refund. The cases will
remain free at least until
Sept. 30, when Apple will
consider whether it can
offer a different solution.
Some marketing experts
said Mr. Jobs had been
effective at deflecting a
potentially damaging crisis
and predicted Apple would
suffer little damage from
the antenna ruckus.
“It is inexcusable that this
problem was not found out
in advance,” said Peter
Sealey, a former chief mar-
keting officer of the Coca-
Cola Company who teach-
es at the School of Manage-
ment at Claremont Gradu-
ate University. But he said
Mr. Jobs “did what he
needed to do. He is the best
marketing guy in America,
and this is just a bump in
the road.” Mr. Jobs offered
some contrition. He said
Apple was not perfect and
apologized to customers
affected by the antenna
problem. “We are human
and we make mistakes,” he
said. — NYT
July 18: Microsoft Corp co-
founder Paul Allen, who has
been treated for non-
Hodgkin's lymphoma, said
on Thursday he is commit-
ting most of his estimated
$13.5 billion fortune to phi-
lanthropy after his death.
Allen follows in the foot-
steps of former business
partner Bill Gates and bil-
lionaire investor Warren
Buffett, who have both
pledged the vast majority of
their wealth to philanthropy.
Allen, the 37th richest per-
son in the world according
to Forbes magazine, co-
founded Microsoft in 1975
with Gates and resigned as
an executive in 1983 as he
overcame a first bout with
He has been involved with
philanthropy in the U.S.
Pacific Northwest for 20
years, largely through his
Paul G. Allen Family Foun-
dation, handing out more
than $1 billion in grants and
funding for local projects.
“Today I also want to
announce that my philan-
thropic efforts will continue
after my lifetime,” said
Allen in a statement. “I've
planned for many years now
that the majority of my
estate will be left to philan-
thropy to continue the work
of the Foundation and to
fund nonprofit scientific
research.” He gave no
details of how his fortune
would be directed after his
death. Unlike the Gates
Foundation, Allen funds his
own foundation's grants
Born and raised in Seattle,
Allen has close ties to the
region. He owns the Seattle
Seahawks American foot-
ball team and is a minority
owner of the Seattle
Sounders soccer team. He
created the Experience
Music Project pop museum
in the city and is leading the
development of a run-down
area near Seattle's Lake
Union into a center for
biotech research. Since
announcing his non-
Hodgkin's lymphoma diag-
nosis last November, Allen
has successfully completed
a course of chemotherapy
and currently has no med-
ical issues, his spokesman
said. — Reuters
As Facebook users die, their ghosts reach outJENNA WORTHAM
July 18: Courtney Purvin
got a shock when she visited
Facebook last month. The
site was suggesting that she
get back in touch with an old
family friend who played
piano at her wedding four
years ago. The friend had
died in April. “It kind of
freaked me out a bit,” she
said. “It was like he was
coming back from the
Facebook, the world’s
biggest social network,
knows a lot about its rough-
ly 500 million members. Its
software is quick to offer
helpful nudges about things
like imminent birthdays and
friends you have not con-
tacted in a while. But the
company has had trouble
automating the task of figur-
ing out when one of its users
has died.
That can lead to some dis-
turbing or just plain weird
moments for Facebook users
as the site keeps on shuffling
a dead friend through its
social algorithms.
Facebook says it has been
grappling with how to han-
dle the ghosts in its machine
but acknowledges that it has
not found a good solution.
“It’s a very sensitive
topic,” said Meredith Chin, a
company spokeswoman,
“and, of course, seeing
deceased friends pop up can
be painful.” Given the site’s
size, “and people passing
away every day, we’re never
going to be perfect at catch-
ing it,” she added.
James E. Katz, a professor
of communications at Rut-
gers University, said the
company was experiencing
“a coming-of-age problem.”
“So many of Facebook’s
early users were young, and
death was rare and unduly
tragic,” Mr. Katz said.
Now, people over 65 are
adopting Facebook at a
faster pace than any other
age group, with 6.5 million
signing up in May alone,
three times as many as in
May 2009, according to the
research firm comScore.
People over 65, of course,
also have the country’s high-
est mortality rate, so the
problem is only going to get
Tamu Townsend, a 37-
year-old technical writer in
Montreal, said she regularly
received prompts to connect
with acquaintances and
friends who had died.
“Sometimes it’s quite com-
forting when their faces
show up,” Ms. Townsend
said. “But at some point it
doesn’t become comforting
to see that. The service is
telling you to reconnect with
someone you can’t. If it’s
someone that has passed
away recently enough, it
Ms. Purvin, a 36-year-old
teacher living in Plano, Tex.,
said that after she got over
the initial jolt of seeing her
friend’s face, she was happy
for the reminder.
“It made me start talking
about him and thinking
about him, so that was
good,” she said. “But it was
definitely a little creepy.”
Facebook’s approach to
the deaths of its users has
evolved over time. Early on
it would immediately erase
the profile of anyone it
learned had died.
Ms. Chin says Facebook
now recognizes the impor-
tance of finding an appropri-
ate way to preserve those
pages as a place where the
mourning process can be
shared online. Following the
Virginia Tech shootings in
2007, members begged the
company to allow them to
commemorate the victims.
Now member profiles can be
“memorialized,” or convert-
ed into tribute pages. Griev-
ing friends can still post
messages on those pages.
Microsoft co-founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen in a file photo.
DDCC 13Bengaluru ●● Monday ●● 19 July 2010
Philanthropy: Paul Allen follows Gates
Dell close to
settling SEC
he computer maker
Dell said Friday that
it was getting closer
to settling investigations by
regulators into its account-
ing and the actions of its
chief executive Michael
Dell. Dell Inc. said Friday it
had proposed settlements to
the staff of the Securities
and Exchange Commis-
sion. The company said the
agency’s staff will recom-
mend the deal to the com-
missioners. Dell has
already set aside $100 mil-
lion to cover the cost of set-
tling charges that employ-
ees had misled auditors and
manipulated results to meet
performance targets. In
2007, it restated four years
of earnings — NYT
You saved my
life, Dr Robot
e have all
grown up fasci-
nated by robots
in sci-fi and Star Wars in
our childhood and con-
tinue with the same fan-
tasy. Did we ever imag-
ine that robots could
also be managing com-
plex tasks such as sur-
It is an active area of
research on the applica-
tion of information com-
munication and technol-
ogy (ICT) and robotic
technology to surgery, in
planning and execution
of surgical operations
and in training of sur-
geons. In robotic
telesurgery, the goal is
to develop robotic tools
to augment or replace
hand instruments used
in surgery.
As the robots helped in
the Star Wars characters
in difficult situations,
the United States gov-
ernment and NASA fan-
tasizing about remote
telesurgery via satellite
and autonomous robotic
surgeons on the battle-
field, robotic surgery
gained practicality when
minimally invasive sur-
gery (MIS) ideology
gained popularity in the
late 1980s.
MIS include
laparoscopy (abdominal
cavity), thoracoscopy
(chest cavity),
arthroscopy (joints),
pelviscopy (pelvis), and
angioscopy (blood ves-
sels) and many more
'scopy' procedures. Thir-
ty years on, from the ini-
tial vision of robotic sur-
geons operating on the
battlefield, the ICT
issues today are not
satellite or internet
bandwidth available, or
the network characteri-
sation and the latency or
the quality of video and
the encoding technology
to transmit the images in
120 to 180 millisecond
range from the robot
surgeon's site to the
operator sitting at the
other end of the world
but the cost. The issue in
India is the cost of such
technology that can
become widespread and
provide access of expe-
rienced MIS surgeons in
remote towns and vil-
lages. Can you imagine
the amount of carbon
credits these robots
would save India from
avoiding travel of
patients and their fami-
lies to major cities or
doctors to these remote
places from their place
of practice in the cities if
we were able to install
robotic telesurgery sta-
tions at major district
hospitals in India?
Presently, robotic tech-
nology has afforded
NASA's initial dream of
robotic telesurgery, with
the da Vinci and Zeus,
popular robotic surgical
systems that have
become widespread use
across the US. These
multi-million dollar sur-
geon-directed robots
have proven more suc-
cessful in certain proce-
dures-such as cholecys-
tectomies (removal of
the gall bladder), than
traditional open surgical
techniques. We also
have artificially-intelli-
gent, pre-programmed
robot surgeons are now
in the stages of develop-
ment and field trials.
Novel breakthroughs
allowing for more artifi-
cial neural networking
with the MIS tools,
bringing the future of
autonomous robotic sur-
geons within grasp.
Robotic systems are
very complex. They
depend on many
enabling technologies
and pose many chal-
lenges of how to inte-
grate these into a func-
tional system. These
technologies and chal-
lenges require a signifi-
cant amount of R&D,
are dependent on ICT
technologies and each
other progress at differ-
ent speeds. Human-
machine interface
designs, sensor systems,
mobile energy supply,
energy efficiency and
biocompatible materials
are some of the main
issues. The fascination
for robots in healthcare
has extended to innova-
tion in other spheres of
healthcare other than
telesurgery. We are talk-
ing of nanobot that will
be able to move itself, or
be externally steered, to
have a closer look at
internal tissues, take
samples or even destroy
unwanted tissue.
Wondering when there
could be something sim-
ilar to NASA's vision of
robotic surgeons coming
out of our Chan-
drayaan's labs suited to
India and Indians that
can be prototyped and
commercially devel-
Kapil Khandelwal is Director, EquNev
Capital, a niche investment banking and
advisory services firm and a leading
healthcare and information communication
technology (ICT) expert.
A dose
of IT
A dose
of IT
Facebook suggested that Courtney Purvin get in touch with a friend who had died in

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You saved my life, Dr. Robot : Kapil Khandelwal,

  • 1. c m y k c m y k Google finances projects to test digital library. Technomics Tesla, Toyota teaming up to make electric - powered utility vehicles. Japan's NTT to buy South Africa's Dimension Data. Indian effort on spies squeezes cellular phone service operatorsHEATHER TIMMONS New Delhi July 18: As India prepares to adopt new import regula- tions designed to thwart spy- ing and sabotage, the coun- try’s mobile phone operators say the costs of implement- ing the rules could squeeze their thin profits even fur- ther and accelerate an impending wave of consoli- dation in the industry. The proposed rules would require phone operators in India to have all foreign equipment they purchase inspected by third-party lab- oratories in the United States, Canada or Israel for the presence of spyware or “malware” — software that could monitor or shut down the country’s mobile phone networks. The rules are being reviewed by the Indian Min- istry of Law and Justice and are expected to be intro- duced shortly, said Rajan Mathews, director general of the Cellular Operators Association of India, a trade group. The rules would apply to network equipment like towers and switches but not to consumer handsets. India is concerned about spying and sabotage from neighboring countries, par- ticularly China and Pak- istan. A report this year by the Citizen Lab at the Uni- versity of Toronto said a gang of computer hackers based in China had conduct- ed extensive spying opera- tions in India, including obtaining information from the Department of Defense. The costs of implementing the regulations could accel- erate consolidation in the world’s second largest mobile market by sub- scribers, after China. Some Indian operators are already unprofitable and most charge less than one penny a minute for local calls. Last month, Reliance Communi- cations, one of India’s biggest operators, said it would sell 26 percent of the company to raise cash. “At this point, no one has a clue” about how the new rules will affect operators, said Mr. Mathews of the trade group. He said the rules are an interim step and that India plans to set up its own testing center for telecommunications equip- ment in the next few years. It could cost $100 million to set up that facility, he esti- mated. Mobile operators say that the companies that could be approved to do the inspec- tions are EWA Canada of Ottawa; Infoguard, an infor- mation management compa- ny in a Lansdale, Pennsylva- nia; and Altal Security Con- sulting, based in Israel. Since December, telecom- munications operators in India have been required to vet the purchase of any for- eign equipment with the Ministry of Home Affairs, which deals with security concerns. The ministry has approved a few dozen pur- chases, and hundreds more are still waiting, operators in India say. Chinese equip- ment manufacturers have been effectively shut out of the country, operators say. The strain on Indian mobile phone networks is being felt strongly in some urban areas, with phone users facing dropped calls and “network busy” mes- sages. Some personal data devices do not get signals for hours at a time. “All orders have been on hold for the last seven months,” said one telecom- munications executive who did not want to be identified because of the sensitivity about security concerns. The company has been unable to build its network in some rural areas, and service qual- ity is being affected in other areas where it has gained new subscribers, he said. On Friday, A. Raja, a cabi- net minister in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, told reporters on the side- lines of a conference that he had recently met the minis- ter of Home Affairs. “We do hope the issue will be resolved with the Home Ministry in a couple of weeks,” he said. A Ministry of Home Affairs spokesman declined to comment. At the end of May, India had 617 million mobile phone subscribers. Indian phone operators spent about $34 billion on equipment and other capital expenses in the past fiscal year, the trade group esti- mates, with about 40 percent of that from China. Many individuals in India have mobile phones but do not have landline phones, broadband Internet or any other telecommunications connection, making the mobile phone network incredibly important, opera- tors here say. “In India, you only have one network,” said Mr. Mathews. “If that goes down, you are finished.” — NYT bITs Apple goes on the offensive M any expected a mea culpa from Steven P. Jobs, Apple’s chief executive. Instead, he turned the iPhone 4’s antenna prob- lems into a marketing event on Friday. The so-called iPhone “death grip.” At a news conference at Apple’s headquarters here, Mr. Jobs acknowledged that there were issues with the antenna, which wraps around the outside of the device. But he insisted that the problems, which can result in dropped calls when the device is held a certain way, affect all smartphones — a claim that was challenged by some Apple competitors. And he accused the news media of exaggerating the scope of the issue, saying customers and reviewers were thrilled with the new phone. “This has been blown so out of proportion that it is incredible,” he said. Mr. Jobs said that to put the controversy behind it, Apple would give free bumpers — cases that wrap around the rim of the phone and seem to reduce the problem of dropped calls — to all iPhone 4 buyers who want them. Those who have already bought the cases will be reimbursed, and customers who are still not satisfied can return the phones for a full refund. The cases will remain free at least until Sept. 30, when Apple will consider whether it can offer a different solution. Some marketing experts said Mr. Jobs had been effective at deflecting a potentially damaging crisis and predicted Apple would suffer little damage from the antenna ruckus. “It is inexcusable that this problem was not found out in advance,” said Peter Sealey, a former chief mar- keting officer of the Coca- Cola Company who teach- es at the School of Manage- ment at Claremont Gradu- ate University. But he said Mr. Jobs “did what he needed to do. He is the best marketing guy in America, and this is just a bump in the road.” Mr. Jobs offered some contrition. He said Apple was not perfect and apologized to customers affected by the antenna problem. “We are human and we make mistakes,” he said. — NYT BILL RIGBY NEW YORK July 18: Microsoft Corp co- founder Paul Allen, who has been treated for non- Hodgkin's lymphoma, said on Thursday he is commit- ting most of his estimated $13.5 billion fortune to phi- lanthropy after his death. Allen follows in the foot- steps of former business partner Bill Gates and bil- lionaire investor Warren Buffett, who have both pledged the vast majority of their wealth to philanthropy. Allen, the 37th richest per- son in the world according to Forbes magazine, co- founded Microsoft in 1975 with Gates and resigned as an executive in 1983 as he overcame a first bout with cancer. He has been involved with philanthropy in the U.S. Pacific Northwest for 20 years, largely through his Paul G. Allen Family Foun- dation, handing out more than $1 billion in grants and funding for local projects. “Today I also want to announce that my philan- thropic efforts will continue after my lifetime,” said Allen in a statement. “I've planned for many years now that the majority of my estate will be left to philan- thropy to continue the work of the Foundation and to fund nonprofit scientific research.” He gave no details of how his fortune would be directed after his death. Unlike the Gates Foundation, Allen funds his own foundation's grants directly. Born and raised in Seattle, Allen has close ties to the region. He owns the Seattle Seahawks American foot- ball team and is a minority owner of the Seattle Sounders soccer team. He created the Experience Music Project pop museum in the city and is leading the development of a run-down area near Seattle's Lake Union into a center for biotech research. Since announcing his non- Hodgkin's lymphoma diag- nosis last November, Allen has successfully completed a course of chemotherapy and currently has no med- ical issues, his spokesman said. — Reuters As Facebook users die, their ghosts reach outJENNA WORTHAM NEW YORK July 18: Courtney Purvin got a shock when she visited Facebook last month. The site was suggesting that she get back in touch with an old family friend who played piano at her wedding four years ago. The friend had died in April. “It kind of freaked me out a bit,” she said. “It was like he was coming back from the dead.” Facebook, the world’s biggest social network, knows a lot about its rough- ly 500 million members. Its software is quick to offer helpful nudges about things like imminent birthdays and friends you have not con- tacted in a while. But the company has had trouble automating the task of figur- ing out when one of its users has died. That can lead to some dis- turbing or just plain weird moments for Facebook users as the site keeps on shuffling a dead friend through its social algorithms. Facebook says it has been grappling with how to han- dle the ghosts in its machine but acknowledges that it has not found a good solution. “It’s a very sensitive topic,” said Meredith Chin, a company spokeswoman, “and, of course, seeing deceased friends pop up can be painful.” Given the site’s size, “and people passing away every day, we’re never going to be perfect at catch- ing it,” she added. James E. Katz, a professor of communications at Rut- gers University, said the company was experiencing “a coming-of-age problem.” “So many of Facebook’s early users were young, and death was rare and unduly tragic,” Mr. Katz said. Now, people over 65 are adopting Facebook at a faster pace than any other age group, with 6.5 million signing up in May alone, three times as many as in May 2009, according to the research firm comScore. People over 65, of course, also have the country’s high- est mortality rate, so the problem is only going to get worse. Tamu Townsend, a 37- year-old technical writer in Montreal, said she regularly received prompts to connect with acquaintances and friends who had died. “Sometimes it’s quite com- forting when their faces show up,” Ms. Townsend said. “But at some point it doesn’t become comforting to see that. The service is telling you to reconnect with someone you can’t. If it’s someone that has passed away recently enough, it smarts.” Ms. Purvin, a 36-year-old teacher living in Plano, Tex., said that after she got over the initial jolt of seeing her friend’s face, she was happy for the reminder. “It made me start talking about him and thinking about him, so that was good,” she said. “But it was definitely a little creepy.” Facebook’s approach to the deaths of its users has evolved over time. Early on it would immediately erase the profile of anyone it learned had died. Ms. Chin says Facebook now recognizes the impor- tance of finding an appropri- ate way to preserve those pages as a place where the mourning process can be shared online. Following the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007, members begged the company to allow them to commemorate the victims. Now member profiles can be “memorialized,” or convert- ed into tribute pages. Griev- ing friends can still post messages on those pages. — NYT Microsoft co-founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen in a file photo. DDCC 13Bengaluru ●● Monday ●● 19 July 2010 Philanthropy: Paul Allen follows Gates Dell close to settling SEC enquiry T he computer maker Dell said Friday that it was getting closer to settling investigations by regulators into its account- ing and the actions of its chief executive Michael Dell. Dell Inc. said Friday it had proposed settlements to the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commis- sion. The company said the agency’s staff will recom- mend the deal to the com- missioners. Dell has already set aside $100 mil- lion to cover the cost of set- tling charges that employ- ees had misled auditors and manipulated results to meet performance targets. In 2007, it restated four years of earnings — NYT You saved my life, Dr Robot KAPIL KHANDELWAL W e have all grown up fasci- nated by robots in sci-fi and Star Wars in our childhood and con- tinue with the same fan- tasy. Did we ever imag- ine that robots could also be managing com- plex tasks such as sur- gery? It is an active area of research on the applica- tion of information com- munication and technol- ogy (ICT) and robotic technology to surgery, in planning and execution of surgical operations and in training of sur- geons. In robotic telesurgery, the goal is to develop robotic tools to augment or replace hand instruments used in surgery. As the robots helped in the Star Wars characters in difficult situations, the United States gov- ernment and NASA fan- tasizing about remote telesurgery via satellite and autonomous robotic surgeons on the battle- field, robotic surgery gained practicality when minimally invasive sur- gery (MIS) ideology gained popularity in the late 1980s. MIS include laparoscopy (abdominal cavity), thoracoscopy (chest cavity), arthroscopy (joints), pelviscopy (pelvis), and angioscopy (blood ves- sels) and many more 'scopy' procedures. Thir- ty years on, from the ini- tial vision of robotic sur- geons operating on the battlefield, the ICT issues today are not satellite or internet bandwidth available, or the network characteri- sation and the latency or the quality of video and the encoding technology to transmit the images in 120 to 180 millisecond range from the robot surgeon's site to the operator sitting at the other end of the world but the cost. The issue in India is the cost of such technology that can become widespread and provide access of expe- rienced MIS surgeons in remote towns and vil- lages. Can you imagine the amount of carbon credits these robots would save India from avoiding travel of patients and their fami- lies to major cities or doctors to these remote places from their place of practice in the cities if we were able to install robotic telesurgery sta- tions at major district hospitals in India? Presently, robotic tech- nology has afforded NASA's initial dream of robotic telesurgery, with the da Vinci and Zeus, popular robotic surgical systems that have become widespread use across the US. These multi-million dollar sur- geon-directed robots have proven more suc- cessful in certain proce- dures-such as cholecys- tectomies (removal of the gall bladder), than traditional open surgical techniques. We also have artificially-intelli- gent, pre-programmed robot surgeons are now in the stages of develop- ment and field trials. Novel breakthroughs allowing for more artifi- cial neural networking with the MIS tools, bringing the future of autonomous robotic sur- geons within grasp. Robotic systems are very complex. They depend on many enabling technologies and pose many chal- lenges of how to inte- grate these into a func- tional system. These technologies and chal- lenges require a signifi- cant amount of R&D, are dependent on ICT technologies and each other progress at differ- ent speeds. Human- machine interface designs, sensor systems, mobile energy supply, energy efficiency and biocompatible materials are some of the main issues. The fascination for robots in healthcare has extended to innova- tion in other spheres of healthcare other than telesurgery. We are talk- ing of nanobot that will be able to move itself, or be externally steered, to have a closer look at internal tissues, take samples or even destroy unwanted tissue. Wondering when there could be something sim- ilar to NASA's vision of robotic surgeons coming out of our Chan- drayaan's labs suited to India and Indians that can be prototyped and commercially devel- oped! Kapil Khandelwal is Director, EquNev Capital, a niche investment banking and advisory services firm and a leading healthcare and information communication technology (ICT) expert. A dose of IT A dose of IT Facebook suggested that Courtney Purvin get in touch with a friend who had died in April.