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philbaumann:     #RNchat is starting in 30 mins. Docs, nurses & everyone else invited. Topics include:
                 Domestic Violence; Tech Trends; Community Care
                 2/5/2010 20:33

KaitlynAliano:   @holisticnurses, what about nursing students? ;-) #RNchat
                 2/5/2010 20:35

philbaumann:     @KaitlynAliano Be happy to discuss nursing students! :) Be glad to open up the whole
                 torturing of students that goes on. :) #RNchat
                 2/5/2010 20:44

rnchat:          In preparation for tonight's #RNchat, consider using - keeps you
                 focused on the convo. #RNchat
                 2/5/2010 20:53

rnchat:          Welcome to #RNchat! We'll start up the chat in a moment but let's begin with
                 introductions. Tell us about yourselves.
                 2/5/2010 21:00

joniwatson:      Joni Watson, Austin, TX, onc nurse & director of the Nurse Oncology Education Program,
                 NOEP (@NurseOEP) So great to be here! #rnchat
                 2/5/2010 21:01

chuymatt:        T0 Ben, RN student in WA. #rnchat
                 2/5/2010 21:01

cyclingwidow:    At Variety show at kid's school. May have to miss #RNChat again this week. :(
                 2/5/2010 21:01

EllenRichter:    OMG I just made it!! Got out of the hospital SOOO late tonight!! I was hoping I'd get
                 home in time...and I did!! :) #RNchat
                 2/5/2010 21:02

InfusionNurse:   good evening to all! Infusion nurse educator and consultant, name is Cora! Happy Snowy
                 Friday! #rnchat
                 2/5/2010 21:02

nursingpins:     hey all - Vernon, critical care in New Orleans #rnchat
                 2/5/2010 21:02

TeriRN:          Teri, Travel RN specializing in hospice. currently in Cupertino CA. #RNChat
                 2/5/2010 21:03

lisagualtieri:   Hi #rnchat I'm not an RN but love your chat, can I stay? I teach Online Consumer Health
                 at Tufts University School of Medicine
                 2/5/2010 21:03

philbaumann:     Phil here - started this thing. Former ICU nurse. Moody bastard. #RNchat
                 2/5/2010 21:03

EllenRichter:    Hi friends! Already too many of you to say hi individually!! Ellen, a critical care RN & legal
                 nurse consultant from Ft Lauderdale! #RNchat
                 2/5/2010 21:03

rnchat:          @lisagualtieri Absolutely! Thanks for swinging by. #RNchat
                 2/5/2010 21:04
KaitlynAliano:    I'm a nursing student (RN wannabe) in NJ. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:04

NursingCenter:    Hi everyone! I'm Lisa - clinical editor for Lippincott, former MICU nurse and women's
                  health NP #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:04

holisticnurses:   Amy, Telehealth and Holistic Nurse, New York. Hi everyone! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:04

rnchat:           @EllenRichter @Chuymatt @nursingpins @infusionnurse @nursingcenter Good to see
                  you all! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:05

rnchat:           @holisticnurses Welcome! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:05

nursingpins:      @lisagualtieri Sure! - and you are welcomed.#rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:05

joniwatson:       Wow. So many on tonight. Yea! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:05

EllenRichter:     What a nice turnout! Yay! :) Love that non-RNs and RN students come too! This really
                  says alot about your chat @Philbaumann #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:06

EllenRichter:     @joniwatson so many of us with no social life on a Friday night! LMAO ;) jk! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:06

TeriRN:           Hey all. Welcome newbies. So glad I got home in time to join in this week. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:06

NursingCenter:    Great to be here - I've missed the last several :( Kids are in bed, but not yet asleep! We'll
                  see how it goes! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:07

joniwatson:       @EllenRichter LOL! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:07

InfusionNurse:    snowed in!! RT @EllenRichter: @joniwatson so many of us with no social life on a Friday
                  night! LMAO ;) jk! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:07

philbaumann:      @EllenRichter Great turnout. Thanks! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:07

joniwatson:       @NursingCenter ditto. *crosses fingers* #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:07

rnchat:           First Topic coming up #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:08

joniwatson:       @InfusionNurse stay warm!! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:08

EllenRichter:     @philbaumann it might just be "standing room only" tonight!! :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:08
rnchat:           T1 Domestic Violence - How better (or worse) are healthcare, legal & community systems
                  doing w/DV? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:08

rnchat:           @NursingCenter Know what you mean. :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:08

TeriRN:           @InfusionNurse UGH! We are needing gopher wood to build an ark. Don't like the rain
                  hate snow worse. Stay warm and safe. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:08

philbaumann:      @EllenRichter We'll probably go over a bit. :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:09

joniwatson:       T1 In regards to DV within our profession or caring for DV victims or educating and
                  advocating?? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:10

chuymatt:         T1 From the student pov, it is being presented as something that will be present in all
                  parts of nursing, s/sx, interventions, etc. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:10

nursingpins:      Harder to draw the line between DV and the garden variety - makes it easy to overlook -
                  #rnchat -
                  2/5/2010 21:10

KaitlynAliano:    RT @rnchat: T1 Domestic Violence - How better (or worse) are healthcare, legal &
                  community systems doing w/DV? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:10

holisticnurses:   I haven't dealth with any DV issues for a long time! Hope that's a good sign. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:11

TeriRN:           T1: Still think it isn't getting the attention it needs by all professions involved. Too many
                  don't want to get involved. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:12

rnchat:           @joniwatson All aspects actually - although advocacy key. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:12

EllenRichter:     T1 I am sure ER folks see & screen it much more #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:12

joniwatson:       I'm with @EllenRichter...not much experience here. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:12

EllenRichter:     T1 @TeriRN yes, the fear of getting involved has always been a problem with many
                  issues like abuse & addiction #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:13

InfusionNurse:    T1 don't deal w/pts but do know of colleagues who are DV victims...unrecognized. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:13

TeriRN:           T1: Dtr was victim of DV. ER nurses did good but the legal system I feel let her down due
                  to not being able to afford a lawyer #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:13
holisticnurses:   T1 SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) Cert. is a positive step, although not sure
                  how many ERs, hospitals, home cares utilize #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:13

lisagualtieri:    What are the signs to an RN of domestic violence? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:13

EllenRichter:     T1 @TeriRN that is very sad to hear, about the difficulties your child had with that
                  2/5/2010 21:14

TeriRN:           @EllenRichter I've even had managers that "hushed" me when I brought to their attention
                  a potiental abuse issue. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:14

rnchat:           @chuymatt Are they providing any case studies? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:14

holisticnurses:   T1 Perhaps the SANE role can broaden to encompass Domestic Violence too. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:15

rnchat:           @lisagualtieri Aside from any physical signs, guarded behavior. Abusers tend to be
                  controlling (charming often too). #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:16

EllenRichter:     T1 @lisagualtieri physical abuse usually occurs over long period of time, so black/blue on
                  the body will be at all stages of healing #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:16

nursingpins:      nursingpins The most obvious clue is the reluctance to explain the cause of inj. - the big
                  problem is not being reported #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:16

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat T1 ok trying to join in
                  2/5/2010 21:16

NursingCenter:    T1 Not much experience with it, but some of our key ?'s were: When do you feel safe?
                  When do you not feel safe? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:16

EllenRichter:     T1 @holisticnurses Yes, very good point about SANE role as advocate for early
                  recognition of DV #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:17

TeriRN:           @EllenRichter Dtr's husband was ex-cop so he knew how to abuse w/o leaving marks. It
                  was harder to see until almost to late. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:17

bbesser502:       RT @EllenRichter: T1 @lisagualtieri physical abuse usually occurs over long period of
                  time, so black/blue on the body will be at all stages of healing #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:18

rnchat:           SANE - Sexual Assault Examiner Programs - #RNchat cc:
                  2/5/2010 21:18

TeriRN:           @holisticnurses T1: yep. Was reprimanded 4 not talking 2 supervisor B4 calling APS on a
suspected abuse 2 a hospice patient. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:18

EllenRichter:     T1 Yes @RNchat & @TeriRN Abusers can be very clever to cover up & deceive the
                  general public #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:19

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat T1 physical abuse does go hand in hand with addiction, crime, & drugs/dealing
                  2/5/2010 21:19

nursingpins:      T1 small rural hospital ER- nights just nurses and doctors - the abuse is out there - most
                  I see involves alcohol - not reported #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:19

philbaumann:      RT @EllenRichter: T1 @lisagualtieri physical abuse usually occurs over long period of
                  time, so black/blue on the body will be at all stages of healing #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:19

KaitlynAliano:    @TeriRN, wow, reprimanded? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:19

joniwatson:       T1: nurses are seen as most trusted professionals; reluctance to speak up to us further
                  emphasizes need 4 "extreme" advocacy #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:20

TeriRN:           @EllenRichter T1: I agree that SANE nurses are a good place to start for early
                  recognition. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:20

NursingCenter:    RT @rnchat: SANE - Sexual Assault Examiner Programs - #RNchat
                  cc: @holisticnurses #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:21

rnchat:           RT @ocdgirl2000: #rnchat T1 physical abuse does go hand in hand with addiction, crime,
                  & drugs/dealing #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:21

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat T1 definitely ETOH involvement almost all of the time.
                  2/5/2010 21:22

TeriRN:           @KaitlynAliano Yep. I didn't make snap decesion. The whole team (SW, RN's & MD)
                  discussed the case first. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:22

holisticnurses:   T1 @TeriRN Sometimes we get bogged down in process. You were advocating. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:22

nursingpins:      T1 - some things just need external checks - DV reporting is one of them for most smaller
                  hospitals #rnchat (at this time)
                  2/5/2010 21:22

holisticnurses:   T1 More regular inservices on DV couldn't hurt. Or educating HHA in homes, PCP
                  more...etc. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:23

EllenRichter:     T1 @TeriRN if whole team was in agreement, why were you singled out & repremanded?
                  Plus, isnt it the law to report suspected DV? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:24
TeriRN:           @holisticnurses The best I could. We were right hubby was trying to justify sex with his
                  severely demented wife. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:24

rnchat:           Fantastic chat! We'll be moving a long to the next topic in a couple minutes. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:24

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat T1 then, a history of family abuse,financial problems,incarcerations,court, child
                  protective services, custody, adoption..
                  2/5/2010 21:24

EllenRichter:     YES!! >> RT @holisticnurses: T1 More regular inservices on DV couldn't hurt. Or
                  educating HHA in homes, PCP more...etc. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:24

nursingpins:      RT @EllenRichter: YES!! >> RT @holisticnurses: T1 More regular inservices on DV
                  couldn't hurt. Or educating HHA in homes, PCP more...etc. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:25

TeriRN:           @EllenRichter Because of complaint from pt's husband. Nurse manager would only listen
                  to 1 side of the story. HIS! #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:26

philbaumann:      RT @holisticnurses: T1 More regular inservices on DV couldn't hurt. Or educating HHA in
                  homes, PCP more...etc. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:26

rnchat:           T2 Nursing News Sources - Where do you get your news on the profession? What are
                  top sources? How do you stay up-to-date? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:27

TeriRN:           @EllenRichter 1 of my pet peeves. We R told we have 2 report abuse & nurse managers
                  come down on nurse who does. No upper support #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:27

EllenRichter:     T1 @TeriRN Your sad story makes my blood boil! I hate that your manager didnt back
                  you up, espec when it was the correct thing to do #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:27

KaitlynAliano:    RT @rnchat: T2 Nursing News Sources - Where do you get your news on the
                  profession? What are top sources? How do U stay up-to-date? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:28

holisticnurses:   T2 Dare I say many of you on Twitter! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:28

joniwatson:       T2: everywhere...journals, emails, RSS name it. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:28

holisticnurses:   RT @TeriRN: @EllenRichter. We R told we have 2 report abuse & nurse managers come
                  down on nurse who does. No upper support #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:28

joniwatson:       @holisticnurses LOL! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:28
nursingpins:      T1 may have to be monitored to get ER staff to report cases that should be reported -
                  much hesitation - many reasons #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:28

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat since when is a Nurse Manager the Judge, Jury, & Social Services Authority?
                  We need to stop idolizing Nurse Managers..sorry guys!
                  2/5/2010 21:28

InfusionNurse:    Ditto..still read hard copy though..RT @joniwatson: T2: everywhere...journals, emails,
                  RSS name it. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:29

KaitlynAliano:    @holisticnurses, hehe. I'll admit to it, too! :-) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:29

TeriRN:           @EllenRichter Thanks. I think that this may be the norm for a lot of nurses as to why it's
                  not better reported #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:29

chuymatt:         T2... twitter? I am a journal junkie and my brother, who is in the DoH. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:29

EllenRichter:     Me too >> RT @joniwatson: T2: everywhere...journals, emails, RSS name it.
                  #rnchat #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:30

holisticnurses:   T2 Seriously though...lots of great links shared here. Professional Nursing Org websites,
                  journals, newspapers #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:30

TeriRN:           Me Three>> RT @EllenRichter: Me too >> RT @joniwatson: T2: everywhere...journals,
                  emails, RSS name it. #rnchat #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:31

rnchat:           T2 Follow-up - What specific sources do you use? Also what would you recommend to
                  students? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:31

joniwatson:       Def. agree. RT @holisticnurses: T2 Seriously though...lots of great links shared here.
                  2/5/2010 21:31

KaitlynAliano:    As a student, we've been introduced to a number of resources. Articles, journals, online
                  communities & databases, videos, etc. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:31

EllenRichter:     T2 I enjoy Medscape nursing ...they email updates most every day & have lots of great
                  CEUs #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:31

KaitlynAliano:    RT @rnchat: T2 Follow-up - What specific sources do you use? Also what would you
                  recommend to students? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:32

TeriRN:           Very good source>>RT @EllenRichter: T2 I enjoy Medscape nursing ...they email updates
                  most every day & have lots of great CEUs #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:32
EllenRichter:     Absolutely! I learn so much on Twitter from following great RNs! RT @holisticnurses: T2
                  Dare I say many of you on Twitter! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:32

joniwatson:       Agreed! RT @EllenRichter: T2 I enjoy Medscape nursing ...they email updates most every
                  day & have lots of great CEUs #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:32

InfusionNurse:    T2 nrsg organization's websites and their on line journals.. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:33

KaitlynAliano:    @EllenRichter, helpful for students? I'm going to check it out. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:33

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat T2 besides just Nursing resources, I would begin to link Nurses in school to
                  Employment law sites, including EEOC law USA.
                  2/5/2010 21:33

NursingCenter:    T2 I agree - Twitter! Also journals, enewsletters from different nsg organizations....Gotta
                  put a plug here for NursingCenter too! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:33

joniwatson:       T2: ANA email briefs, oncology nursing society, love electronic journals and lots of great
                  blogs #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:34

holisticnurses:   T2 Yes Medscape, @TeriRN The NIH Center for Complementary and Alternative Med.
                  Can't do it unless there's research to back it! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:34

TeriRN:           @JoeCascio Probably Happened early in career @ time was intimidated by boss Learning
                  2empower myself & really advocate 4my pts now #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:34

rnchat:           @joniwatson Any blogs in particular? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:34

nursingpins:      @JoeCascio suppresion of reporting domestic violence is part of the medical culture (few
                  exceptions) since the beginning #rnchat T1
                  2/5/2010 21:34

EllenRichter:     T2 One of the best conglomeration of links I enjoy is #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:35

chuymatt:         um... was something I happened upon. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:35

joniwatson:       T2: must admit I rip up my journals as I read them and file the articles once read into
                  different files #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:35

InfusionNurse:    agree.. i'm sure we all have seen those or have one..RT @joniwatson: T2: ...and lots of
                  great blogs #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:35

holisticnurses:   RT @EllenRichter: T2 One of the best conglomeration of links I enjoy is
                  2/5/2010 21:35
lisagualtieri:    @joniwatson: T2 - Which blogs do you like? Do you ever read patient blogs? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:35

NursingCenter:    RT @joniwatson: T2: must admit I rip up my journals as I read them and file the articles
                  once read into different files #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:35

chuymatt:         @joniwatson oh, you are one of THOSE people! ;) #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:36

NursingCenter:    @joniwatson Fantastic!!! Mine are all with pages folded and marked up...gotta get a
                  better system! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:36

philbaumann:      @EllenRichter Wow - I just checked over there an my blog still on it (tho I don't do much
                  nrsg per se). #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:36

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat T2 most RN's are deficient in understanding their employment rights in the
                  workplace.this needs 2 B addressed B4 they go out 2 work!
                  2/5/2010 21:37

EllenRichter:     T2 @lisagualtieri I have read many blogs written by cancer survivors as well as those
                  dying. I love reading patient blogs! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:37

holisticnurses:   Reblogging for myself! RT @InfusionNurse: T2 shameless plug of infusion nurse blog...=)
                  2/5/2010 21:37

KaitlynAliano:    @joniwatson, would you mind linking me to some of the blogs you mentioned? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:37

joniwatson:       @rnchat I'm biased to ONS Re:Connect (disclosure: I'm a blogger). also read a lot of non-
                  nsg blogs: Harvard Business Review, etc. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:37

TeriRN:           @joniwatson Me too. Hubby thinks I'm just collecting papers I'll never use. Old articles
                  always come in handy. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:37

EllenRichter:     LOL @philbaumann dude, you sure get around this web! I see your stuff in every nook &
                  cranny!! :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:38

holisticnurses:   T2 I dig the NYTimes Health Blog too. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:38

philbaumann:      @EllenRichter Did you know that @pixelrn got Guy to Nursing on Alltop up? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:38

nursingpins:      RT @EllenRichter: LOL @philbaumann dude, you sure get around this web! I see your
                  stuff in every nook & cranny!! :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:39

joniwatson:       RT @holisticnurses: T2 I dig the NYTimes Health Blog too. //Oh me, too!! #rnchat
2/5/2010 21:39

EllenRichter:     Absolutely!! >> RT @holisticnurses: T2 I dig the NYTimes Health Blog too. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:39

InfusionNurse:    aren't those available electronically? RT @NursingCenter: @joniwatson Fantastic!!! Mine
                  are all with pages folded and marked up. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:39

ocdgirl2000:      RT @joniwatson: @rnchat I'm biased to ONS Re:Connect (disclosure: I'm a blogger). also
                  read a lot of non-nsg blogs: Harvard Business Review, etc. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:39

joniwatson:       @KaitlynAliano you bet...just a sec. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:39

chuymatt:         @philbaumann so we are not going with "mursing" anymore? does it have to do with the
                  man purse confusion? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:40

holisticnurses:   T2 Nurse Ratched's Place! Does she still write? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:40

nursingpins:      NYTimes Health Blog is a fav of mine too #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:40

EllenRichter:     Wow, no I didnt know that! >> RT @philbaumann: @EllenRichter Did you know that
                  @pixelrn got Guy to Nursing on Alltop up? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:40

lisagualtieri:    What do you learn? RT @EllenRichter: I love reading patient blogs! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:40

joniwatson:       @InfusionNurse some are available electronically and some not. :( #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:40

TeriRN:           @philbaumann Guy would be so proud of us referring to his work. I do like Nursing on
                  Alltop #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:40

joniwatson:       @safetynurse is a great nurse blogger... #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:41

rnchat:           @joniwatson RSS may be something we need to get nurses to know about and
                  understand. (Even though Twitter is sorta replacing it.) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:41

NursingCenter:    @InfusionNurse Yes - but I also enjoy leafing through the pages of an actual journal!
                  Online though- you can organize too! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:41

EllenRichter:     @lisagualtieri I learn to appreciate the perspective of "living" the illness rather than just
                  treating it :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:41

InfusionNurse:    LA Times Health Blog also ...RT @nursingpins: NYTimes Health Blog is a fav of mine too
                  2/5/2010 21:41

EllenRichter:     @TeriRN: @philbaumann Guy tweeted the link to me, once, & I just thought he stumbled
                  upon the site & was sharing it with me! LMAO~ #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:42

holisticnurses:   That's the concept of Narrative Medicine. RT @lisagualtieri appreciate the perspective of
                  "living" the illness rather #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:42

InfusionNurse:    RT @chuymatt: T2 I have a channel on my feed that is devoted to
                  healthcare and is 3x larger than any other channel. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:42

holisticnurses:   Represent West Coast! RT @InfusionNurse: LA Times Health Blog also ...RT
                  @nursingpins: NYTimes Health Blog is a fav of mine too #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:42

joniwatson:       @Livestrong has a great blog. If you are into nonprofits, you need to check out
        , too. @daveiam is a great resource #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:43

KaitlynAliano:    @joniwatson, whenever you get the chance. Thank you! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:43

joniwatson:       Dr.Lens also has a really good blog for American Cancer Society (@morebirthdays)
                  2/5/2010 21:43

rnchat:           @holisticnurses Yes - & she's @not_ratched #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:43

holisticnurses:   RT @joniwatson: @Livestrong has a great blog. If you are into nonprofits,
                  too @daveiam is a great resource #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:44

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat T2 latest interest for me, articles written by Nurses on "Newsvine" and newsvine
                  groups. new!!I just started a fake journalist page!
                  2/5/2010 21:44

joniwatson:       I think it's, @daveiam. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:44

holisticnurses:   T2 Plus, she has a blog roll! Yeah! RT @rnchat: @holisticnurses Yes -
         & shes @not_ratched #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:44

rnchat:           OK - Our third topic is coming up in a couple minutes. We may have to add something to
                  RNchat's site with a list of resources. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:44

joniwatson:       @rnchat YESSSSS! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:45

InfusionNurse:    PLEASE...thanks! RT @rnchat: We may have to add something to RNchats site with a list
                  of resources. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:46
EllenRichter:     What a GREAT idea, Phil! A group effort >> RT @rnchat: We may have to add something
                  to RNchat's site with a list of resources. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:46

joniwatson:       @KaitlynAliano DM me your email...much easier to send it to you that way. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:46

lisagualtieri:    @EllenRichter Did you read journalists cancer blogs,
                  2/5/2010 21:46

KaitlynAliano:    Yes, please. RT @InfusionNurse: PLEASE...thanks! RT @rnchat: We may have to add
                  something to RNchats site with a list of resources. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:47

EllenRichter:     #RNchat is cookin' in oil tonight!! :)
                  2/5/2010 21:47

nursingpins:      That would be great Phil - all could add to it #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:47

InfusionNurse:    Can u send to phil too? RT @joniwatson: @KaitlynAliano DM me your email...much
                  easier to send it to you that way. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:47

rnchat:           T3 Community Nursing - What's the current state of community nursing? What specific
                  areas need attention? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:47

joniwatson:       RT @nursingpins: That would be great Phil - all could add to it// love user generated
                  content!! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:47

holisticnurses:   Awesome! Thank you in advance. RT @rnchat: We may have to add something to
                  RNchats site with a list of resources. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:47

joniwatson:       @InfusionNurse you bet! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:48

KaitlynAliano:    RT @rnchat: T3 Community Nursing - What's the current state of community nursing?
                  What specific areas need attention? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:48

holisticnurses:   Education, education, education! Pt education. RT @rnchat: T3 Community Nursing -
                  What specific areas need attention? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:48

EllenRichter:     @lisagualtieri Ahh, Lisa, I am still on last weeks reading! I can barely keep up, theres so
                  much, bit I will surely check that 1 out #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:48

philbaumann:      @EllenRichter I'll start something up on that. Have to think of something simple but a bit
                  creative. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:49
nursingpins:      Good topic @KaitlynAliano community nursing is almost non-existent in the south #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:50

TeriRN:           @holisticnurses Agree. Patient education is so lacking. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:50

holisticnurses:   T3 And caregiver education, insurance much to teach #rnchat #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:50

joniwatson:       T3: need more community nurses! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:50

InfusionNurse:    T3 ...reimbursement for their services... #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:50

chuymatt:         T3 - needs funding. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:50

TeriRN:           Agree! >> RT @joniwatson: T3: need more community nurses! #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:51

holisticnurses:   Yes, good point! Nurses are loaded up w/ cases too...not enough time. RT
                  @InfusionNurse: T3 ...reimbursement for their services... #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:51

lisagualtieri:    @EllenRichter: Curious what you think. Very public cancer blogs, lots of comments. Most
                  patients blogs have few comments. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:51

nursingpins:      RT @joniwatson: T3: when I think "community nursing," I think of parish nurses, school
                  nurses, occupational health nurses...many specialties #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:51

holisticnurses:   T3 Preventive Homecare could be a smart innovation. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:52

holisticnurses:   True. RT @joniwatson: T3: when I think "community nursing," I think of parish nurses,
                  school nurses, occupational health nurses. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:53

EllenRichter:     T3 Traditionally community nurses have been paid less salary than acute care nurses,
                  right? That may be a reason for shortages #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:53

EllenRichter:     T3 I guess the Wellness Clinics run by NPs can also be considered community nursing,
                  right? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:54

InfusionNurse:    home health nursing too RT @joniwatson: T3:"community nursing," I think of parish
                  nurses, school nurses, occupational health nurses. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:54

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat T3 frozen twitter again. my actual RN title is CHNII. Community Health RN II
                  Outpatient Addictions MAT
                  2/5/2010 21:54

joniwatson:       @EllenRichter Yep. definitely agree. Salary is an issue. Most parish nurses, for example,
are volunteers in their religious comm.'s #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:54

nursingpins:      Most people who need HH - don't know about - have no way of getting it -T3 #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:55

EllenRichter:     @lisagualtieri I put your question in my favorites list so I remember to read the article &
                  let you know how I feel re: comments etc #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:55

TeriRN:           @EllenRichter I agree. But all the states need to give NP's script authority to make it
                  more efficient and beneficial for patients #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:56

holisticnurses:   Larger homecares offer free care. RT @nursingpins: T3 Home Health IS growing, only for
                  patients in the system otherwise in the cold #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:56

EllenRichter:     T3 @nursingpins Our hospital has a very strong, active Case Mgmt dept & no one goes
                  home without Home care follow-up when necessary #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:56

InfusionNurse:    T3 some health insurance dont have coverage for HH or any outside acute care
                  services... #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:57

TeriRN:           @nursingpins Also those patients may not fully qualify for HH. Rules 2 stringent to allow
                  those who would benefit best. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 21:57

rnchat:           @joniwatson Yeah, it's a huge term - very broad. Kinda like obscenity tho: you somehow
                  know it when you see it. :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:57

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat T3 ok new browser window
                  2/5/2010 21:58

holisticnurses:   @InfusionNurse: Are you homecare infusion? In hospital? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:58

joniwatson:       @RNchat agree about RSS feeds and nurses (& Twitter). #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:58

nursingpins:      Thankfully hospice in LA is available to all - biggest advance of the century for healt care
                  -T3 #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:58

EllenRichter:     T3 Yes @TeriRN It will be great when NPs can also prescribe uniformly thruout the
                  country, but at least its a start #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:58

joniwatson:       @rnchat LOL. Yeah. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:58

KaitlynAliano:    @ocdgirl2000, try using @TweetGrid to stream #RNchat.
                  2/5/2010 21:58
rnchat:           RT @EllenRichter: T3 Community nursing? Is that home care? If so, its booming. We D/C
                  patients so fast these days, they all get home care initially #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:58

chuymatt:         @EllenRichter yah. right. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:59

InfusionNurse:    Was homecare, now outpt hosp based infusion...RT @holisticnurses: @InfusionNurse: Are
                  you homecare infusion? In hospital? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:59

joniwatson:       Ha! Yup! :) (and I'm a Gen-Y-er!) RT @chuymatt: @joniwatson oh, you are one of
                  THOSE people! ;) #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 21:59

rnchat:           @ocdgirl2000 Does work for you? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 21:59

EllenRichter:     What was that in reference to? LOL...I said a lot of things tonite! :) >> RT @chuymatt:
                  @EllenRichter yah. right. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:00

holisticnurses:   It is! That's great. Is it a county hospice then? RT @nursingpins: Thankfully hospice in LA
                  is available to all - #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:00

joniwatson:       I'm missing some @ replies...trying to catch up. :) #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:01

chuymatt:         @EllenRichter prescriptive power in the whole of the country. I know in AR the MDs are
                  trying to restrict them as much as possible. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:01

rnchat:           OK - we're gonna have one more topic (we'll go over the hour, so feel free to stay or
                  leave if you have to). Last topic coming up. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:02

EllenRichter:     @joniwatson Yes, its always such a fantastic flowing chat when I sit down & read the
                  transcript!! :) I miss SOOOO much! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:02

joniwatson:       Love pt blogs. Nothin like em. RT @lisagualtieri: @joniwatson: T2 - Which blogs do you
                  like? Do you ever read patient blogs? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:02

EllenRichter:     @RNchat Do we get time & a half if we stay past the hour?? ;) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:02

TeriRN:           @chuymatt GA too. They have made getting DEA license harder for RN's than MD's so
                  many have chosen not to get it. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 22:02

InfusionNurse:    Think the medical prof in general RT @chuymatt: @EllenRichter I know in AR the MDs
                  are trying to restrict them as much as possible. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:02

chuymatt:         @ocdgirl2000 RE: approval skills: do you teach classes? that is something I would love to
be known for. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:03

KaitlynAliano:    Community nursing refers to hospice, too? They're currently building a hospice center
                  around the corner from my house. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:03

joniwatson:       :) // RT @EllenRichter: @RNchat Do we get time & a half if we stay past the hour?? ;)
                  2/5/2010 22:03

InfusionNurse:    Time 1/2 of fun!! LOL RT @EllenRichter: @RNchat Do we get time & a half if we stay
                  past the hour?? ;) #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:03

holisticnurses:   Aw. Enjoyed Hospice work. RT @KaitlynAliano: They're currently building a hospice center
                  around the corner from my house. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:04

EllenRichter:     LOLLLL! Please dont let my humor about time & a half translate into "I am a nurse for the
                  money" #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:04

rnchat:           @EllenRichter LOL. $50 bonus too. ;) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:04

TeriRN:           @EllenRichter Wonder if there is a way to get CEU's for our time here. Hmmmmmm?
                  2/5/2010 22:05

joniwatson:       ROTFL. There are those?? Pffft! RT @EllenRichter: Please dont let my humor translate
                  into "I am a nurse for the money" #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:05

EllenRichter:     Alrightie! I'll take a gift card to Bath & Body Works! RT @rnchat: @EllenRichter LOL. $50
                  bonus too. ;) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:05

TeriRN:           @EllenRichter I thought it was why people went into nursing> for all the money we make.
                  =D #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 22:05

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat @rnchat old windowsME200 is all I can afford on a Montgomery County Gov
                  Nursing salary.Our Nurse Manager absorbs most of the salary$
                  2/5/2010 22:06

EllenRichter:     LOL it may be a tad too disorganized for that! > RT @TeriRN: @EllenRichter Wonder if
                  there is a way to get CEU's for our time here. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:06

chuymatt:         @ocdgirl2000 really?! ME?! oh dear. /olditguy #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:06

holisticnurses:   It's ok to be a nurse of integrity who admires money too. RT @EllenRichter: Please dont
                  let my humor about time & a half translate.. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:06
InfusionNurse:    LMAO...RT @TeriRN: @EllenRichter I thought it was why people went into nursing> for
                  all the money we make. =D #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:06

EllenRichter:     @TeriRN I do think that student nurses should be able to get college credits in a nursing
                  class for attending #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:07

nursingpins:      @KaitlynAliano I think of Hospice care (if available to all) as community nursing and will
                  be MUCH bigger in the coming years. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:07

joniwatson:       I don't think it would qualify ANCC rules. RT @TeriRN: @EllenRichter Wonder if there is a
                  way to get CEUs for our time here. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:07

EllenRichter:     LMAO too...about the big bucks! @infusionnurse @terirn #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:07

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat oh. great news! I got an expedited increment increase!WOW! a whole $1.10 an
                  2/5/2010 22:08

joniwatson:       Agree! RT @EllenRichter: @TeriRN student nurses should be able to get college credits
                  in a nursing class for attending #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:08

TeriRN:           @EllenRichter That would be awesome. Think it would get more new nurses to embrace
                  SM. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 22:08

lisagualtieri:    @joniwatson: Which patient blogs do you read? Have you suggested that someone write
                  one? Did a patient ever show you one? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:08

holisticnurses:   But I'll settle for a gift card too. :) #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:08

EllenRichter:     @RNchat did I miss T4???? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:08

rnchat:           T4 Tech Trends - What are the biggest trends in h/c & nursing tech? (Web, mobile,
                  devices) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:08

KaitlynAliano:    @EllenRichter, I would love to get college credit for this! A girl can dream... #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:09

joniwatson:       @onlinenursing would probably be cool with that idea of credit to students on #RNchat
                  @EllenRichter and @TeriRN #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:09

rnchat:           @EllenRichter Just sent it. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:09

InfusionNurse:    T4 ..iPad...u know u wanted to see that...LOL #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:10
EllenRichter:     T4 A very popular trend is the increased usage of non-invasive or minimally invasive
                  diagnostics & treatments! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:10

KaitlynAliano:    RT @rnchat: T4 Tech Trends - What are the biggest trends in h/c & nursing tech? (Web,
                  mobile, devices) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:10

holisticnurses:   T4 Telehealth monitoring systems in's report daily Vital Signs/Weight via PC
                  for visiting nurses. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:10

joniwatson:       T4: definitely mobile...smartphones, laptops/iPads, telemedicine... #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:11

nursingpins:      @lisagualtieri is a great site (e-patient dave and that cutting edge
                  bunch) often great links #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:11

holisticnurses:   T4 Clinics sharing med records online for pts...that's cool! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:11

rnchat:           @KaitlynAliano Well, maybe that's possible. May have to get some faculty to see it and
                  "get it". Worth a shot. :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:11

KaitlynAliano:    @InfusionNurse, haha! I immediately thought #iPad when I read T4! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:11

chuymatt:         Well, I have invited several of my faculty to get in on it. Most are not so inclined. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:12

EllenRichter:     T4 Most small to medium facilities dont have cutting edge technology yet. EMR is
                  probably their biggest move towards innovation #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:12

joniwatson:       T4: heard about some neat programs texting and paging (yes, paging :) patients to take
                  meds, etc. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:13

TeriRN:           T4: ipad was my 1st thought too. I'm hoping it will be as great as they say. I think it would
                  help with continuity of care. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 22:13

EllenRichter:     @chuymatt Maybe your school faculty just feel uncomfortable tweeting in general. A
                  novice tweeter may not enjoy this type of forum #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:13

KaitlynAliano:    @rnchat, my deans and professors are incredibly old school, but I will bring it up!
                  2/5/2010 22:13

holisticnurses:   RT @joniwatson: T4: heard about some neat programs texting and paging (yes, paging :)
                  patients to take meds, etc. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:14

holisticnurses:   Eeek! RT @KaitlynAliano: @rnchat, my deans and professors are incredibly old school,
but I will bring it up! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:14

EllenRichter:     T4 We need more nurses to help create & develop apps for bedside use! Much of whats
                  out there is developed by non-RNs #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:14

KaitlynAliano:    @chuymatt, I have found that many don't "get" Twitter and equate it to texting... #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:15

lisagualtieri:    Thanks, @nursingpins @ePatientDave and @DrDannySands guest lectured at my fall
                  course @TuftsUniversity, I agree, great blog! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:15

rnchat:           @KaitlynAliano Know whatchya mean - that's a pretty common problem. In the h/c
                  industry in general too. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:15

TeriRN:           T4: I have a pt that is doing in home INR test then they call the anticoagulation clinic for
                  changes in coumadin. Something new 4 me #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 22:15

KaitlynAliano:    @EllenRichter, could seem chaotic to someone who has never been exposed to a
                  @Twitter chat. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:16

TeriRN:           @EllenRichter It would B nice if nurses would come up w/programs. I swear geeks not
                  familiar w/ hc are writing our current programs #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 22:17

JoeCascio:        T4 Have you seen a net + or - from the introduction of EMR in your daily work? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:17

joniwatson:       T4: must point out that nursing (as a whole) has a lot of late-adapters to technology.
                  We're getting better, tho. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:17

NursingCenter:    @TeriRN That is fantastic! So much easier for the pt. than having to go to lab and then to
                  appt. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:17

EllenRichter:     @KaitlynAliano Oh yes, youre right. LOL its even chaotic to me! And I feel that I'm fairly
                  comfortable with tweeting~ #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:18

InfusionNurse:    Howdy Mark! RT @ONSmark: T4: Downloaded the free iChemoDiary iPhone app today
                  2/5/2010 22:19

marypoole:        T4:have been using a PC tablet for 6 years and develop my own forms etc for pt visits.
                  Not sure what the IPad fuss is about #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:19

holisticnurses:   Increase on this end! RT @JoeCascio: T4 Have you seen a net + or - from the
                  introduction of EMR in your daily work? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:19
ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat T4 here's the samhsa link very cool!
                  2/5/2010 22:19

joniwatson:       Hey, Mark! That's actually a really cool app. RT @ONSmark: T4: Downloaded the free
                  iChemoDiary iPhone app today #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:19

JoeCascio:        #rnchat I'm a software developer. What are some ideas to make your RN job easier?
                  2/5/2010 22:19

chuymatt:         @KaitlynAliano I try to equate it with an RSS feed, but interactive. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:19

rnchat:           @KaitlynAliano @EllenRichter Yeah, Twitter just makes no sense to peeps not using it.
                  And the chats - it's like LSD to them. :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:20

EllenRichter:     @JoeCascio Absolutely see EMR as a positive addition, of course after a major learning
                  curve occurs #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:20

holisticnurses:   Yes! This is very true...impacts care too. RT @grimalkinrn: T4 Documentation needs to
                  evolve to realtime. T4 #rnchat ( #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:20

rnchat:           RT @JoeCascio: #rnchat Im a software developer. What are some ideas to make your
                  RN job easier? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:20

ONSmark:          @InfusionNurse Howdy! Joined #rnchat really late tonight -- blame the snow :)
                  2/5/2010 22:20

ocdgirl2000:      RT @rnchat: RT @JoeCascio: #rnchat Im a software developer. What are some ideas to
                  make your RN job easier? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:21

acluxton:         RT @ONSmark: T4: Downloaded the free iChemoDiary iPhone app today #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:21

KaitlynAliano:    @chuymatt, yes. It's SO much more than simply telling others what you're doing. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:21

TeriRN:           @JoeCascio realtime documentation. easier to see last test, vs, etc. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 22:21

joniwatson:       Holy moly! I can't keep up. What a great problem! :) #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:21

rnchat:           RT @marypoole: T4:have been using PC tablet 4 6 years & develop my own forms etc
                  for pt visits. Not sure what the IPad fuss is about #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:21

chuymatt:         @JoeCascio tablet nursing. It seems to be the way of the future. We discussed the
                  possibilities of this in the last(?) rnchat #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:21

TeriRN:           @InfusionNurse same for the Blackberry. developers need to think of all the devices.
                  2/5/2010 22:22

holisticnurses:   T4 Too many programs used for diff. applications. Programmers need 2 look at a
                  company's needs, then design programs. RT @JoeCascio #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:22

nursingpins:      @JoeCascio A good ACLS program would be nice - one that would follow changes and
                  keep up with meds etc. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:22

philbaumann:      @KaitlynAliano Here's a couple or more for Twitter - #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:23

ocdgirl2000:      @JoeCascio #rnchat T4 we use clinicweb a methadone dispensing & clinical patient
                  database management software app.
                  2/5/2010 22:23

marypoole:        @ InfusionNurse Still waiting for epocrates for droid #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:23

chuymatt:         @marypoole the possibility that is will be a much more user friendly, closed yet fully
                  developed system. things missing at present. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:23

nursingpins:      keep forgetting tags #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:23

KaitlynAliano:    Ditto! RT @joniwatson: Holy moly! I can't keep up. What a great problem! :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:23

EllenRichter:     @JoeCascio We need uniform standarized programs that prompt us to deliver same
                  standard of care no matter where the clients may live #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:23

JoeCascio:        @InfusionNurse Are you allowed to use your own phone for this? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:23

holisticnurses:   Yay! Good sign, nurses. RT @KaitlynAliano: Ditto! RT @joniwatson: Holy moly! I cant
                  keep up. What a great problem! :) #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:23

InfusionNurse:    Yes...RT @JoeCascio: @InfusionNurse Are you allowed to use your own phone for this?
                  2/5/2010 22:24

KaitlynAliano:    @philbaumann, thanks! I just bookmarked it. I'll read it right after #RNchat. :-)
                  2/5/2010 22:24

chuymatt:         @holisticnurses This makes one wonder if regional dev. of systems may be a better idea.
                  Every man for themselves is difficult. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:24

joniwatson:       I have to sign off, Friends. :( Have a fabulous weekend. Stay warm, snowbound folks.
                  Thanks, @RNChat for a great chat!! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:24
EllenRichter:     @JoeCascio I can use my own phone with my own apps, but not allowed to bring patient
                  data onto my device #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:24

JoeCascio:        @chuymatt what could you do on a tablet that you couldn't on a phone? Just easier?
                  2/5/2010 22:24

marypoole:        @holisticnurses Agree; hubby a nurse at VA; has to use four diff computers to document
                  2/5/2010 22:24

ONSmark:          @joniwatson Hi Joni. I'm liking its design, etc. Did you know ONS has a PEP app on the
                  way (very soon)? Will be a few bucks #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:25

nursingpins:      If you know ACLS well of somebody at the code does (program) you don't have to know
                  much else (medicine) at the time #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:25

InfusionNurse:    U guy realize we've been on for almost 1 - 1/2 hrs? Fun!! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:25

holisticnurses:   Bravo Agreed RT @EllenRichter:We need uniform standarized programs to deliver same
                  standard of care no matter where clients may live #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:25

chuymatt:         @JoeCascio It is the EMR integration. More real estate is better for more accuracy and
                  less eyestrain. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:25

KaitlynAliano:    @joniwatson, enjoy the rest of your night! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:25

rnchat:           OK, we're gonna wrap up in a few minutes. Keep chatting - lots of good stuff flying.
                  2/5/2010 22:25

joniwatson:       @ONSmark Sa-weet!! I'll definitely be looking forward to that! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:26

JoeCascio:        @marypoole Develop your own forms? Using what? #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:26

NursingCenter:    @joniwatson Have a good night! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:26

joniwatson:       @KaitlynAliano Thanks!! You, too. :) #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:26

TeriRN:           @marypoole I tried 2simplify forms 4 1 comp I worked 4but it got bogged down in QA &
                  never saw light of day Made nurses job easier #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 22:26

EllenRichter:     @InfusionNurse SSSSSSSShhhhh! Dont tell anyone! :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:26
KaitlynAliano:    @JoeCascio, I don't think the tablet is any different than a phone. It will be once they add
                  multitasking. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:26

InfusionNurse:    @joniwatson ,good night Joni...great chatting with u. Till next chat! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:26

marypoole:        @JoeCascio tablet allows me to write and sign docs. Old nurse not good at texting
                  2/5/2010 22:27

holisticnurses:   T4 I'm for a uniform standardized system but true, every dept/hospital requires different
                  tasks. RT @chuymatt: #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:27

InfusionNurse:    yes, Ms. Time and a half!! LOL..RT @EllenRichter: @InfusionNurse SSSSSSSShhhhh!
                  Dont tell anyone! :) #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:27

rnchat:           @joniwatson Good night! Thanks for being here! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:27

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat T4 well, we are attached to cameras and a "pump" with tubing that's calibrated to
                  dispense liquid mgs/ml/!Dr's orders!
                  2/5/2010 22:28

nursingpins:      Ya'll are right -there have been so many new developments and advances - much of it
                  could be standardized #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:28

JoeCascio:        @chuymatt Gotcha. So bulkiness not an issue vs. improved usability? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:28

holisticnurses:   Goodnight, everyone! You're all lovely, RN's! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:28

chuymatt:         @holisticnurses T4 Thus the regional aspect; you can't expect a system that works for all.
                  Just has to be all inclusive. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:28

nursingpins:      Thanks Phil #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:28

chuymatt:         @JoeCascio The machines will only get lighter. A tired nurse squinting at a tiny phone=
                  mistakes made. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:29

holisticnurses:   Socialized Technology! That would scare some? Ugh. And irk tech companies. RT
                  @nursingpins: much of it could be standardized #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:29

EllenRichter:     Wow, after 13 hours in ICU, I dragged my ass home & this chat certainly woke me back
                  up!! GREAT chat tonight, folks! Thanks to all! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:29

nursingpins:      Great to see so many tonight - GN all #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:30
rnchat:           @EllenRichter :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:30

KaitlynAliano:    @holisticnurses, enjoy the rest of your night! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:30

TeriRN:           @EllenRichter Agreed. Glad I got home in time tonight. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 22:30

marypoole:        Night all #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:31

EllenRichter:     @joecascio well you know where to come for ideas when you decide to create the future
                  programs for nurses! Come to >> #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:31

rnchat:           OK Everyone - Chat's closing down. We went 1.5 hours. Time to be paid in donuts. :)
                  2/5/2010 22:31

NursingCenter:    Have a great night and weekend everyone! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:31

InfusionNurse:    Are we dismissed? LOL..had so much fun tonight!! Thanks all!! Thanks @philbaumann
                  2/5/2010 22:31

rnchat:           @marypoole Good night. Thanks for coming! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:31

TeriRN:           Hubby and puppy demanding supper. Next Fri. galavanting San Fran w/ hubby so will
                  miss talking with y'all. #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 22:32

holisticnurses:   You too, lady! RT @KaitlynAliano #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:32

KaitlynAliano:    Loved my first #RNchat! Will be back next week. Thanks, @rnchat! :-)
                  2/5/2010 22:32

holisticnurses:   Bye #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:32

rnchat:           THANK YOU for coming everyone! Transcript of tonight's #RNchat will be up tomorrow.
                  2/5/2010 22:32

EllenRichter:     (((((((cyber hug)))))) to everyone who attended & who read from the sidelines ...til next
                  time! TY Phil!! Great topics!! :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:33

ocdgirl2000:      @rnchat Night Night nursey nurses on #rnchat! G-nite Phil!, thank you for being the host
                  with the mostest!
                  2/5/2010 22:33

InfusionNurse:    Good night! Have a great weekend everyone! #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:33
JoeCascio:        @EllenRichter No kidding! Great stuff. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:33

rnchat:           Our next #RNchat will be next Friday 2/12 9pm EST. Enjoy our weekend!
                  2/5/2010 22:33

EllenRichter:     @KaitlynAliano Wow, didnt realize this was your first one! Glad you came! Nice to meet
                  you! :) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:33

TeriRN:           @rnchat @philbaumann thanks for great topics again as usually. Will look forward to next
                  weeks transcript to see what I missed.=D #RNChat
                  2/5/2010 22:34

chuymatt:         Have a wonderful night, folks. #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:34

holisticnurses:   For the past nine years, yes! Keep the tech rolling! @JoeCascio @holisticnurses EMR
                  has made more work for you? #rnchat
                  2/5/2010 22:34

EllenRichter:     @JoeCascio Glad you feel comfortable hanging out with us! Its great hearing ideas &
                  thoughts of "non-nurses" (LOL, I love that term) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:35

philbaumann:      @terirn @InfusionNurse Class dismissed - LOL :) Thanks for coming. Have a great night!
                  2/5/2010 22:35

NursingCenter:    @EllenRichter Hope you can sleep in tomorrow! Crazy that I miss those days? So glad to
                  get the updates from the great nurses here! #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:35

EllenRichter:     Will retweet the correct time next week! LOL! >> RT @rnchat: Our next #RNchat will be
                  next Friday 2/12 9pm EST. Enjoy our weekend!
                  2/5/2010 22:36

philbaumann:      @EllenRichter Sure! Tonight's #RNchat was awesome. Great to see new peeps.
                  2/5/2010 22:36

InfusionNurse:    RT @rnchat: Our next #RNchat will be next Friday 2/12 9pm EST. Enjoy our weekend!
                  2/5/2010 22:38

lisagualtieri:    RT @philbaumann: @EllenRichter Tonight's #RNchat was awesome.
                  2/5/2010 22:39

EllenRichter:     I do think that EMR has made descriptions of patient situations much less individualized &
                  much more "canned" (pre-set choices) #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:39

JoeCascio:        @EllenRichter Happy to participate. Thx for making me feel welcome. :) Great learning
                  oppor. #RNchat
                  2/5/2010 22:41

ocdgirl2000:      #rnchat DC area is under a major blizzard! emergency!LOL #snomg "
                  #SNOWMAGEDDON 2010" ( (expand) (expand) )
                  2/5/2010 22:41

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RNchat Transcript February 5 2010

  • 1. philbaumann: #RNchat is starting in 30 mins. Docs, nurses & everyone else invited. Topics include: Domestic Violence; Tech Trends; Community Care 2/5/2010 20:33 KaitlynAliano: @holisticnurses, what about nursing students? ;-) #RNchat 2/5/2010 20:35 philbaumann: @KaitlynAliano Be happy to discuss nursing students! :) Be glad to open up the whole torturing of students that goes on. :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 20:44 rnchat: In preparation for tonight's #RNchat, consider using - keeps you focused on the convo. #RNchat 2/5/2010 20:53 rnchat: Welcome to #RNchat! We'll start up the chat in a moment but let's begin with introductions. Tell us about yourselves. 2/5/2010 21:00 joniwatson: Joni Watson, Austin, TX, onc nurse & director of the Nurse Oncology Education Program, NOEP (@NurseOEP) So great to be here! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:01 chuymatt: T0 Ben, RN student in WA. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:01 cyclingwidow: At Variety show at kid's school. May have to miss #RNChat again this week. :( 2/5/2010 21:01 EllenRichter: OMG I just made it!! Got out of the hospital SOOO late tonight!! I was hoping I'd get home in time...and I did!! :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:02 InfusionNurse: good evening to all! Infusion nurse educator and consultant, name is Cora! Happy Snowy Friday! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:02 nursingpins: hey all - Vernon, critical care in New Orleans #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:02 TeriRN: Teri, Travel RN specializing in hospice. currently in Cupertino CA. #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:03 lisagualtieri: Hi #rnchat I'm not an RN but love your chat, can I stay? I teach Online Consumer Health at Tufts University School of Medicine 2/5/2010 21:03 philbaumann: Phil here - started this thing. Former ICU nurse. Moody bastard. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:03 EllenRichter: Hi friends! Already too many of you to say hi individually!! Ellen, a critical care RN & legal nurse consultant from Ft Lauderdale! #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:03 rnchat: @lisagualtieri Absolutely! Thanks for swinging by. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:04
  • 2. KaitlynAliano: I'm a nursing student (RN wannabe) in NJ. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:04 NursingCenter: Hi everyone! I'm Lisa - clinical editor for Lippincott, former MICU nurse and women's health NP #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:04 holisticnurses: Amy, Telehealth and Holistic Nurse, New York. Hi everyone! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:04 rnchat: @EllenRichter @Chuymatt @nursingpins @infusionnurse @nursingcenter Good to see you all! #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:05 rnchat: @holisticnurses Welcome! #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:05 nursingpins: @lisagualtieri Sure! - and you are welcomed.#rnchat 2/5/2010 21:05 joniwatson: Wow. So many on tonight. Yea! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:05 EllenRichter: What a nice turnout! Yay! :) Love that non-RNs and RN students come too! This really says alot about your chat @Philbaumann #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:06 EllenRichter: @joniwatson so many of us with no social life on a Friday night! LMAO ;) jk! #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:06 TeriRN: Hey all. Welcome newbies. So glad I got home in time to join in this week. #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:06 NursingCenter: Great to be here - I've missed the last several :( Kids are in bed, but not yet asleep! We'll see how it goes! #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:07 joniwatson: @EllenRichter LOL! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:07 InfusionNurse: snowed in!! RT @EllenRichter: @joniwatson so many of us with no social life on a Friday night! LMAO ;) jk! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:07 philbaumann: @EllenRichter Great turnout. Thanks! #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:07 joniwatson: @NursingCenter ditto. *crosses fingers* #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:07 rnchat: First Topic coming up #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:08 joniwatson: @InfusionNurse stay warm!! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:08 EllenRichter: @philbaumann it might just be "standing room only" tonight!! :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:08
  • 3. rnchat: T1 Domestic Violence - How better (or worse) are healthcare, legal & community systems doing w/DV? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:08 rnchat: @NursingCenter Know what you mean. :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:08 TeriRN: @InfusionNurse UGH! We are needing gopher wood to build an ark. Don't like the rain hate snow worse. Stay warm and safe. #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:08 philbaumann: @EllenRichter We'll probably go over a bit. :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:09 joniwatson: T1 In regards to DV within our profession or caring for DV victims or educating and advocating?? #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:10 chuymatt: T1 From the student pov, it is being presented as something that will be present in all parts of nursing, s/sx, interventions, etc. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:10 nursingpins: Harder to draw the line between DV and the garden variety - makes it easy to overlook - #rnchat - 2/5/2010 21:10 KaitlynAliano: RT @rnchat: T1 Domestic Violence - How better (or worse) are healthcare, legal & community systems doing w/DV? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:10 holisticnurses: I haven't dealth with any DV issues for a long time! Hope that's a good sign. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:11 TeriRN: T1: Still think it isn't getting the attention it needs by all professions involved. Too many don't want to get involved. #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:12 rnchat: @joniwatson All aspects actually - although advocacy key. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:12 EllenRichter: T1 I am sure ER folks see & screen it much more #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:12 joniwatson: I'm with @EllenRichter...not much experience here. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:12 EllenRichter: T1 @TeriRN yes, the fear of getting involved has always been a problem with many issues like abuse & addiction #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:13 InfusionNurse: T1 don't deal w/pts but do know of colleagues who are DV victims...unrecognized. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:13 TeriRN: T1: Dtr was victim of DV. ER nurses did good but the legal system I feel let her down due to not being able to afford a lawyer #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:13
  • 4. holisticnurses: T1 SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) Cert. is a positive step, although not sure how many ERs, hospitals, home cares utilize #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:13 lisagualtieri: What are the signs to an RN of domestic violence? #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:13 EllenRichter: T1 @TeriRN that is very sad to hear, about the difficulties your child had with that #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:14 TeriRN: @EllenRichter I've even had managers that "hushed" me when I brought to their attention a potiental abuse issue. #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:14 rnchat: @chuymatt Are they providing any case studies? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:14 holisticnurses: T1 Perhaps the SANE role can broaden to encompass Domestic Violence too. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:15 rnchat: @lisagualtieri Aside from any physical signs, guarded behavior. Abusers tend to be controlling (charming often too). #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:16 EllenRichter: T1 @lisagualtieri physical abuse usually occurs over long period of time, so black/blue on the body will be at all stages of healing #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:16 nursingpins: nursingpins The most obvious clue is the reluctance to explain the cause of inj. - the big problem is not being reported #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:16 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat T1 ok trying to join in 2/5/2010 21:16 NursingCenter: T1 Not much experience with it, but some of our key ?'s were: When do you feel safe? When do you not feel safe? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:16 EllenRichter: T1 @holisticnurses Yes, very good point about SANE role as advocate for early recognition of DV #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:17 TeriRN: @EllenRichter Dtr's husband was ex-cop so he knew how to abuse w/o leaving marks. It was harder to see until almost to late. #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:17 bbesser502: RT @EllenRichter: T1 @lisagualtieri physical abuse usually occurs over long period of time, so black/blue on the body will be at all stages of healing #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:18 rnchat: SANE - Sexual Assault Examiner Programs - #RNchat cc: @holisticnurses 2/5/2010 21:18 TeriRN: @holisticnurses T1: yep. Was reprimanded 4 not talking 2 supervisor B4 calling APS on a
  • 5. suspected abuse 2 a hospice patient. #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:18 EllenRichter: T1 Yes @RNchat & @TeriRN Abusers can be very clever to cover up & deceive the general public #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:19 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat T1 physical abuse does go hand in hand with addiction, crime, & drugs/dealing 2/5/2010 21:19 nursingpins: T1 small rural hospital ER- nights just nurses and doctors - the abuse is out there - most I see involves alcohol - not reported #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:19 philbaumann: RT @EllenRichter: T1 @lisagualtieri physical abuse usually occurs over long period of time, so black/blue on the body will be at all stages of healing #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:19 KaitlynAliano: @TeriRN, wow, reprimanded? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:19 joniwatson: T1: nurses are seen as most trusted professionals; reluctance to speak up to us further emphasizes need 4 "extreme" advocacy #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:20 TeriRN: @EllenRichter T1: I agree that SANE nurses are a good place to start for early recognition. #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:20 NursingCenter: RT @rnchat: SANE - Sexual Assault Examiner Programs - #RNchat cc: @holisticnurses #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:21 rnchat: RT @ocdgirl2000: #rnchat T1 physical abuse does go hand in hand with addiction, crime, & drugs/dealing #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:21 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat T1 definitely ETOH involvement almost all of the time. 2/5/2010 21:22 TeriRN: @KaitlynAliano Yep. I didn't make snap decesion. The whole team (SW, RN's & MD) discussed the case first. #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:22 holisticnurses: T1 @TeriRN Sometimes we get bogged down in process. You were advocating. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:22 nursingpins: T1 - some things just need external checks - DV reporting is one of them for most smaller hospitals #rnchat (at this time) 2/5/2010 21:22 holisticnurses: T1 More regular inservices on DV couldn't hurt. Or educating HHA in homes, PCP more...etc. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:23 EllenRichter: T1 @TeriRN if whole team was in agreement, why were you singled out & repremanded? Plus, isnt it the law to report suspected DV? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:24
  • 6. TeriRN: @holisticnurses The best I could. We were right hubby was trying to justify sex with his severely demented wife. #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:24 rnchat: Fantastic chat! We'll be moving a long to the next topic in a couple minutes. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:24 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat T1 then, a history of family abuse,financial problems,incarcerations,court, child protective services, custody, adoption.. 2/5/2010 21:24 EllenRichter: YES!! >> RT @holisticnurses: T1 More regular inservices on DV couldn't hurt. Or educating HHA in homes, PCP more...etc. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:24 nursingpins: RT @EllenRichter: YES!! >> RT @holisticnurses: T1 More regular inservices on DV couldn't hurt. Or educating HHA in homes, PCP more...etc. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:25 TeriRN: @EllenRichter Because of complaint from pt's husband. Nurse manager would only listen to 1 side of the story. HIS! #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:26 philbaumann: RT @holisticnurses: T1 More regular inservices on DV couldn't hurt. Or educating HHA in homes, PCP more...etc. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:26 rnchat: T2 Nursing News Sources - Where do you get your news on the profession? What are top sources? How do you stay up-to-date? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:27 TeriRN: @EllenRichter 1 of my pet peeves. We R told we have 2 report abuse & nurse managers come down on nurse who does. No upper support #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:27 EllenRichter: T1 @TeriRN Your sad story makes my blood boil! I hate that your manager didnt back you up, espec when it was the correct thing to do #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:27 KaitlynAliano: RT @rnchat: T2 Nursing News Sources - Where do you get your news on the profession? What are top sources? How do U stay up-to-date? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:28 holisticnurses: T2 Dare I say many of you on Twitter! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:28 joniwatson: T2: everywhere...journals, emails, RSS name it. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:28 holisticnurses: RT @TeriRN: @EllenRichter. We R told we have 2 report abuse & nurse managers come down on nurse who does. No upper support #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:28 joniwatson: @holisticnurses LOL! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:28
  • 7. nursingpins: T1 may have to be monitored to get ER staff to report cases that should be reported - much hesitation - many reasons #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:28 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat since when is a Nurse Manager the Judge, Jury, & Social Services Authority? We need to stop idolizing Nurse Managers..sorry guys! 2/5/2010 21:28 InfusionNurse: Ditto..still read hard copy though..RT @joniwatson: T2: everywhere...journals, emails, RSS name it. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:29 KaitlynAliano: @holisticnurses, hehe. I'll admit to it, too! :-) #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:29 TeriRN: @EllenRichter Thanks. I think that this may be the norm for a lot of nurses as to why it's not better reported #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:29 chuymatt: T2... twitter? I am a journal junkie and my brother, who is in the DoH. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:29 EllenRichter: Me too >> RT @joniwatson: T2: everywhere...journals, emails, RSS name it. #rnchat #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:30 holisticnurses: T2 Seriously though...lots of great links shared here. Professional Nursing Org websites, journals, newspapers #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:30 TeriRN: Me Three>> RT @EllenRichter: Me too >> RT @joniwatson: T2: everywhere...journals, emails, RSS name it. #rnchat #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:31 rnchat: T2 Follow-up - What specific sources do you use? Also what would you recommend to students? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:31 joniwatson: Def. agree. RT @holisticnurses: T2 Seriously though...lots of great links shared here. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:31 KaitlynAliano: As a student, we've been introduced to a number of resources. Articles, journals, online communities & databases, videos, etc. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:31 EllenRichter: T2 I enjoy Medscape nursing ...they email updates most every day & have lots of great CEUs #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:31 KaitlynAliano: RT @rnchat: T2 Follow-up - What specific sources do you use? Also what would you recommend to students? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:32 TeriRN: Very good source>>RT @EllenRichter: T2 I enjoy Medscape nursing ...they email updates most every day & have lots of great CEUs #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:32
  • 8. EllenRichter: Absolutely! I learn so much on Twitter from following great RNs! RT @holisticnurses: T2 Dare I say many of you on Twitter! #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:32 joniwatson: Agreed! RT @EllenRichter: T2 I enjoy Medscape nursing ...they email updates most every day & have lots of great CEUs #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:32 InfusionNurse: T2 nrsg organization's websites and their on line journals.. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:33 KaitlynAliano: @EllenRichter, helpful for students? I'm going to check it out. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:33 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat T2 besides just Nursing resources, I would begin to link Nurses in school to Employment law sites, including EEOC law USA. 2/5/2010 21:33 NursingCenter: T2 I agree - Twitter! Also journals, enewsletters from different nsg organizations....Gotta put a plug here for NursingCenter too! #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:33 joniwatson: T2: ANA email briefs, oncology nursing society, love electronic journals and lots of great blogs #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:34 holisticnurses: T2 Yes Medscape, @TeriRN The NIH Center for Complementary and Alternative Med. Can't do it unless there's research to back it! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:34 TeriRN: @JoeCascio Probably Happened early in career @ time was intimidated by boss Learning 2empower myself & really advocate 4my pts now #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:34 rnchat: @joniwatson Any blogs in particular? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:34 nursingpins: @JoeCascio suppresion of reporting domestic violence is part of the medical culture (few exceptions) since the beginning #rnchat T1 2/5/2010 21:34 EllenRichter: T2 One of the best conglomeration of links I enjoy is #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:35 chuymatt: um... was something I happened upon. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:35 joniwatson: T2: must admit I rip up my journals as I read them and file the articles once read into different files #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:35 InfusionNurse: agree.. i'm sure we all have seen those or have one..RT @joniwatson: T2: ...and lots of great blogs #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:35 holisticnurses: RT @EllenRichter: T2 One of the best conglomeration of links I enjoy is #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:35
  • 9. lisagualtieri: @joniwatson: T2 - Which blogs do you like? Do you ever read patient blogs? #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:35 NursingCenter: RT @joniwatson: T2: must admit I rip up my journals as I read them and file the articles once read into different files #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:35 chuymatt: @joniwatson oh, you are one of THOSE people! ;) #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:36 NursingCenter: @joniwatson Fantastic!!! Mine are all with pages folded and marked up...gotta get a better system! #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:36 philbaumann: @EllenRichter Wow - I just checked over there an my blog still on it (tho I don't do much nrsg per se). #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:36 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat T2 most RN's are deficient in understanding their employment rights in the workplace.this needs 2 B addressed B4 they go out 2 work! 2/5/2010 21:37 EllenRichter: T2 @lisagualtieri I have read many blogs written by cancer survivors as well as those dying. I love reading patient blogs! #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:37 holisticnurses: Reblogging for myself! RT @InfusionNurse: T2 shameless plug of infusion nurse blog...=) #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:37 KaitlynAliano: @joniwatson, would you mind linking me to some of the blogs you mentioned? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:37 joniwatson: @rnchat I'm biased to ONS Re:Connect (disclosure: I'm a blogger). also read a lot of non- nsg blogs: Harvard Business Review, etc. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:37 TeriRN: @joniwatson Me too. Hubby thinks I'm just collecting papers I'll never use. Old articles always come in handy. #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:37 EllenRichter: LOL @philbaumann dude, you sure get around this web! I see your stuff in every nook & cranny!! :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:38 holisticnurses: T2 I dig the NYTimes Health Blog too. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:38 philbaumann: @EllenRichter Did you know that @pixelrn got Guy to Nursing on Alltop up? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:38 nursingpins: RT @EllenRichter: LOL @philbaumann dude, you sure get around this web! I see your stuff in every nook & cranny!! :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:39 joniwatson: RT @holisticnurses: T2 I dig the NYTimes Health Blog too. //Oh me, too!! #rnchat
  • 10. 2/5/2010 21:39 EllenRichter: Absolutely!! >> RT @holisticnurses: T2 I dig the NYTimes Health Blog too. #rnchat #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:39 InfusionNurse: aren't those available electronically? RT @NursingCenter: @joniwatson Fantastic!!! Mine are all with pages folded and marked up. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:39 ocdgirl2000: RT @joniwatson: @rnchat I'm biased to ONS Re:Connect (disclosure: I'm a blogger). also read a lot of non-nsg blogs: Harvard Business Review, etc. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:39 joniwatson: @KaitlynAliano you bet...just a sec. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:39 chuymatt: @philbaumann so we are not going with "mursing" anymore? does it have to do with the man purse confusion? #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:40 holisticnurses: T2 Nurse Ratched's Place! Does she still write? #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:40 nursingpins: NYTimes Health Blog is a fav of mine too #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:40 EllenRichter: Wow, no I didnt know that! >> RT @philbaumann: @EllenRichter Did you know that @pixelrn got Guy to Nursing on Alltop up? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:40 lisagualtieri: What do you learn? RT @EllenRichter: I love reading patient blogs! #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:40 joniwatson: @InfusionNurse some are available electronically and some not. :( #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:40 TeriRN: @philbaumann Guy would be so proud of us referring to his work. I do like Nursing on Alltop #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:40 joniwatson: @safetynurse is a great nurse blogger... #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:41 rnchat: @joniwatson RSS may be something we need to get nurses to know about and understand. (Even though Twitter is sorta replacing it.) #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:41 NursingCenter: @InfusionNurse Yes - but I also enjoy leafing through the pages of an actual journal! Online though- you can organize too! #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:41 EllenRichter: @lisagualtieri I learn to appreciate the perspective of "living" the illness rather than just treating it :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:41 InfusionNurse: LA Times Health Blog also ...RT @nursingpins: NYTimes Health Blog is a fav of mine too
  • 11. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:41 EllenRichter: @TeriRN: @philbaumann Guy tweeted the link to me, once, & I just thought he stumbled upon the site & was sharing it with me! LMAO~ #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:42 holisticnurses: That's the concept of Narrative Medicine. RT @lisagualtieri appreciate the perspective of "living" the illness rather #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:42 InfusionNurse: RT @chuymatt: T2 I have a channel on my feed that is devoted to healthcare and is 3x larger than any other channel. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:42 holisticnurses: Represent West Coast! RT @InfusionNurse: LA Times Health Blog also ...RT @nursingpins: NYTimes Health Blog is a fav of mine too #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:42 joniwatson: @Livestrong has a great blog. If you are into nonprofits, you need to check out, too. @daveiam is a great resource #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:43 KaitlynAliano: @joniwatson, whenever you get the chance. Thank you! #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:43 joniwatson: Dr.Lens also has a really good blog for American Cancer Society (@morebirthdays) #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:43 rnchat: @holisticnurses Yes - & she's @not_ratched #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:43 holisticnurses: RT @joniwatson: @Livestrong has a great blog. If you are into nonprofits, too @daveiam is a great resource #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:44 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat T2 latest interest for me, articles written by Nurses on "Newsvine" and newsvine groups. new!!I just started a fake journalist page! 2/5/2010 21:44 joniwatson: I think it's, @daveiam. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:44 holisticnurses: T2 Plus, she has a blog roll! Yeah! RT @rnchat: @holisticnurses Yes - & shes @not_ratched #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:44 rnchat: OK - Our third topic is coming up in a couple minutes. We may have to add something to RNchat's site with a list of resources. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:44 joniwatson: @rnchat YESSSSS! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:45 InfusionNurse: PLEASE...thanks! RT @rnchat: We may have to add something to RNchats site with a list of resources. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:46
  • 12. EllenRichter: What a GREAT idea, Phil! A group effort >> RT @rnchat: We may have to add something to RNchat's site with a list of resources. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:46 joniwatson: @KaitlynAliano DM me your email...much easier to send it to you that way. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:46 lisagualtieri: @EllenRichter Did you read journalists cancer blogs, #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:46 KaitlynAliano: Yes, please. RT @InfusionNurse: PLEASE...thanks! RT @rnchat: We may have to add something to RNchats site with a list of resources. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:47 EllenRichter: #RNchat is cookin' in oil tonight!! :) 2/5/2010 21:47 nursingpins: That would be great Phil - all could add to it #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:47 InfusionNurse: Can u send to phil too? RT @joniwatson: @KaitlynAliano DM me your email...much easier to send it to you that way. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:47 rnchat: T3 Community Nursing - What's the current state of community nursing? What specific areas need attention? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:47 joniwatson: RT @nursingpins: That would be great Phil - all could add to it// love user generated content!! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:47 holisticnurses: Awesome! Thank you in advance. RT @rnchat: We may have to add something to RNchats site with a list of resources. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:47 joniwatson: @InfusionNurse you bet! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:48 KaitlynAliano: RT @rnchat: T3 Community Nursing - What's the current state of community nursing? What specific areas need attention? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:48 holisticnurses: Education, education, education! Pt education. RT @rnchat: T3 Community Nursing - What specific areas need attention? #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:48 EllenRichter: @lisagualtieri Ahh, Lisa, I am still on last weeks reading! I can barely keep up, theres so much, bit I will surely check that 1 out #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:48 philbaumann: @EllenRichter I'll start something up on that. Have to think of something simple but a bit creative. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:49
  • 13. nursingpins: Good topic @KaitlynAliano community nursing is almost non-existent in the south #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:50 TeriRN: @holisticnurses Agree. Patient education is so lacking. #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:50 holisticnurses: T3 And caregiver education, insurance much to teach #rnchat #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:50 joniwatson: T3: need more community nurses! #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:50 InfusionNurse: T3 ...reimbursement for their services... #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:50 chuymatt: T3 - needs funding. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:50 TeriRN: Agree! >> RT @joniwatson: T3: need more community nurses! #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:51 holisticnurses: Yes, good point! Nurses are loaded up w/ cases too...not enough time. RT @InfusionNurse: T3 ...reimbursement for their services... #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:51 lisagualtieri: @EllenRichter: Curious what you think. Very public cancer blogs, lots of comments. Most patients blogs have few comments. #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:51 nursingpins: RT @joniwatson: T3: when I think "community nursing," I think of parish nurses, school nurses, occupational health nurses...many specialties #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:51 holisticnurses: T3 Preventive Homecare could be a smart innovation. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:52 holisticnurses: True. RT @joniwatson: T3: when I think "community nursing," I think of parish nurses, school nurses, occupational health nurses. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:53 EllenRichter: T3 Traditionally community nurses have been paid less salary than acute care nurses, right? That may be a reason for shortages #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:53 EllenRichter: T3 I guess the Wellness Clinics run by NPs can also be considered community nursing, right? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:54 InfusionNurse: home health nursing too RT @joniwatson: T3:"community nursing," I think of parish nurses, school nurses, occupational health nurses. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:54 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat T3 frozen twitter again. my actual RN title is CHNII. Community Health RN II Outpatient Addictions MAT 2/5/2010 21:54 joniwatson: @EllenRichter Yep. definitely agree. Salary is an issue. Most parish nurses, for example,
  • 14. are volunteers in their religious comm.'s #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:54 nursingpins: Most people who need HH - don't know about - have no way of getting it -T3 #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:55 EllenRichter: @lisagualtieri I put your question in my favorites list so I remember to read the article & let you know how I feel re: comments etc #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:55 TeriRN: @EllenRichter I agree. But all the states need to give NP's script authority to make it more efficient and beneficial for patients #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:56 holisticnurses: Larger homecares offer free care. RT @nursingpins: T3 Home Health IS growing, only for patients in the system otherwise in the cold #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:56 EllenRichter: T3 @nursingpins Our hospital has a very strong, active Case Mgmt dept & no one goes home without Home care follow-up when necessary #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:56 InfusionNurse: T3 some health insurance dont have coverage for HH or any outside acute care services... #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:57 TeriRN: @nursingpins Also those patients may not fully qualify for HH. Rules 2 stringent to allow those who would benefit best. #RNChat 2/5/2010 21:57 rnchat: @joniwatson Yeah, it's a huge term - very broad. Kinda like obscenity tho: you somehow know it when you see it. :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:57 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat T3 ok new browser window 2/5/2010 21:58 holisticnurses: @InfusionNurse: Are you homecare infusion? In hospital? #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:58 joniwatson: @RNchat agree about RSS feeds and nurses (& Twitter). #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:58 nursingpins: Thankfully hospice in LA is available to all - biggest advance of the century for healt care -T3 #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:58 EllenRichter: T3 Yes @TeriRN It will be great when NPs can also prescribe uniformly thruout the country, but at least its a start #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:58 joniwatson: @rnchat LOL. Yeah. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:58 KaitlynAliano: @ocdgirl2000, try using @TweetGrid to stream #RNchat. 2/5/2010 21:58
  • 15. rnchat: RT @EllenRichter: T3 Community nursing? Is that home care? If so, its booming. We D/C patients so fast these days, they all get home care initially #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:58 chuymatt: @EllenRichter yah. right. #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:59 InfusionNurse: Was homecare, now outpt hosp based infusion...RT @holisticnurses: @InfusionNurse: Are you homecare infusion? In hospital? #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:59 joniwatson: Ha! Yup! :) (and I'm a Gen-Y-er!) RT @chuymatt: @joniwatson oh, you are one of THOSE people! ;) #rnchat 2/5/2010 21:59 rnchat: @ocdgirl2000 Does work for you? #RNchat 2/5/2010 21:59 EllenRichter: What was that in reference to? LOL...I said a lot of things tonite! :) >> RT @chuymatt: @EllenRichter yah. right. #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:00 holisticnurses: It is! That's great. Is it a county hospice then? RT @nursingpins: Thankfully hospice in LA is available to all - #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:00 joniwatson: I'm missing some @ replies...trying to catch up. :) #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:01 chuymatt: @EllenRichter prescriptive power in the whole of the country. I know in AR the MDs are trying to restrict them as much as possible. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:01 rnchat: OK - we're gonna have one more topic (we'll go over the hour, so feel free to stay or leave if you have to). Last topic coming up. #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:02 EllenRichter: @joniwatson Yes, its always such a fantastic flowing chat when I sit down & read the transcript!! :) I miss SOOOO much! #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:02 joniwatson: Love pt blogs. Nothin like em. RT @lisagualtieri: @joniwatson: T2 - Which blogs do you like? Do you ever read patient blogs? #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:02 EllenRichter: @RNchat Do we get time & a half if we stay past the hour?? ;) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:02 TeriRN: @chuymatt GA too. They have made getting DEA license harder for RN's than MD's so many have chosen not to get it. #RNChat 2/5/2010 22:02 InfusionNurse: Think the medical prof in general RT @chuymatt: @EllenRichter I know in AR the MDs are trying to restrict them as much as possible. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:02 chuymatt: @ocdgirl2000 RE: approval skills: do you teach classes? that is something I would love to
  • 16. be known for. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:03 KaitlynAliano: Community nursing refers to hospice, too? They're currently building a hospice center around the corner from my house. #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:03 joniwatson: :) // RT @EllenRichter: @RNchat Do we get time & a half if we stay past the hour?? ;) #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:03 InfusionNurse: Time 1/2 of fun!! LOL RT @EllenRichter: @RNchat Do we get time & a half if we stay past the hour?? ;) #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:03 holisticnurses: Aw. Enjoyed Hospice work. RT @KaitlynAliano: They're currently building a hospice center around the corner from my house. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:04 EllenRichter: LOLLLL! Please dont let my humor about time & a half translate into "I am a nurse for the money" #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:04 rnchat: @EllenRichter LOL. $50 bonus too. ;) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:04 TeriRN: @EllenRichter Wonder if there is a way to get CEU's for our time here. Hmmmmmm? #RNChat 2/5/2010 22:05 joniwatson: ROTFL. There are those?? Pffft! RT @EllenRichter: Please dont let my humor translate into "I am a nurse for the money" #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:05 EllenRichter: Alrightie! I'll take a gift card to Bath & Body Works! RT @rnchat: @EllenRichter LOL. $50 bonus too. ;) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:05 TeriRN: @EllenRichter I thought it was why people went into nursing> for all the money we make. =D #RNChat 2/5/2010 22:05 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat @rnchat old windowsME200 is all I can afford on a Montgomery County Gov Nursing salary.Our Nurse Manager absorbs most of the salary$ 2/5/2010 22:06 EllenRichter: LOL it may be a tad too disorganized for that! > RT @TeriRN: @EllenRichter Wonder if there is a way to get CEU's for our time here. #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:06 chuymatt: @ocdgirl2000 really?! ME?! oh dear. /olditguy #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:06 holisticnurses: It's ok to be a nurse of integrity who admires money too. RT @EllenRichter: Please dont let my humor about time & a half translate.. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:06
  • 17. InfusionNurse: LMAO...RT @TeriRN: @EllenRichter I thought it was why people went into nursing> for all the money we make. =D #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:06 EllenRichter: @TeriRN I do think that student nurses should be able to get college credits in a nursing class for attending #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:07 nursingpins: @KaitlynAliano I think of Hospice care (if available to all) as community nursing and will be MUCH bigger in the coming years. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:07 joniwatson: I don't think it would qualify ANCC rules. RT @TeriRN: @EllenRichter Wonder if there is a way to get CEUs for our time here. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:07 EllenRichter: LMAO too...about the big bucks! @infusionnurse @terirn #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:07 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat oh. great news! I got an expedited increment increase!WOW! a whole $1.10 an hour!woot! 2/5/2010 22:08 joniwatson: Agree! RT @EllenRichter: @TeriRN student nurses should be able to get college credits in a nursing class for attending #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:08 TeriRN: @EllenRichter That would be awesome. Think it would get more new nurses to embrace SM. #RNChat 2/5/2010 22:08 lisagualtieri: @joniwatson: Which patient blogs do you read? Have you suggested that someone write one? Did a patient ever show you one? #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:08 holisticnurses: But I'll settle for a gift card too. :) #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:08 EllenRichter: @RNchat did I miss T4???? #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:08 rnchat: T4 Tech Trends - What are the biggest trends in h/c & nursing tech? (Web, mobile, devices) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:08 KaitlynAliano: @EllenRichter, I would love to get college credit for this! A girl can dream... #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:09 joniwatson: @onlinenursing would probably be cool with that idea of credit to students on #RNchat @EllenRichter and @TeriRN #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:09 rnchat: @EllenRichter Just sent it. #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:09 InfusionNurse: T4 ..iPad...u know u wanted to see that...LOL #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:10
  • 18. EllenRichter: T4 A very popular trend is the increased usage of non-invasive or minimally invasive diagnostics & treatments! #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:10 KaitlynAliano: RT @rnchat: T4 Tech Trends - What are the biggest trends in h/c & nursing tech? (Web, mobile, devices) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:10 holisticnurses: T4 Telehealth monitoring systems in's report daily Vital Signs/Weight via PC for visiting nurses. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:10 joniwatson: T4: definitely mobile...smartphones, laptops/iPads, telemedicine... #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:11 nursingpins: @lisagualtieri is a great site (e-patient dave and that cutting edge bunch) often great links #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:11 holisticnurses: T4 Clinics sharing med records online for pts...that's cool! #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:11 rnchat: @KaitlynAliano Well, maybe that's possible. May have to get some faculty to see it and "get it". Worth a shot. :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:11 KaitlynAliano: @InfusionNurse, haha! I immediately thought #iPad when I read T4! #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:11 chuymatt: Well, I have invited several of my faculty to get in on it. Most are not so inclined. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:12 EllenRichter: T4 Most small to medium facilities dont have cutting edge technology yet. EMR is probably their biggest move towards innovation #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:12 joniwatson: T4: heard about some neat programs texting and paging (yes, paging :) patients to take meds, etc. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:13 TeriRN: T4: ipad was my 1st thought too. I'm hoping it will be as great as they say. I think it would help with continuity of care. #RNChat 2/5/2010 22:13 EllenRichter: @chuymatt Maybe your school faculty just feel uncomfortable tweeting in general. A novice tweeter may not enjoy this type of forum #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:13 KaitlynAliano: @rnchat, my deans and professors are incredibly old school, but I will bring it up! #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:13 holisticnurses: RT @joniwatson: T4: heard about some neat programs texting and paging (yes, paging :) patients to take meds, etc. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:14 holisticnurses: Eeek! RT @KaitlynAliano: @rnchat, my deans and professors are incredibly old school,
  • 19. but I will bring it up! #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:14 EllenRichter: T4 We need more nurses to help create & develop apps for bedside use! Much of whats out there is developed by non-RNs #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:14 KaitlynAliano: @chuymatt, I have found that many don't "get" Twitter and equate it to texting... #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:15 lisagualtieri: Thanks, @nursingpins @ePatientDave and @DrDannySands guest lectured at my fall course @TuftsUniversity, I agree, great blog! #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:15 rnchat: @KaitlynAliano Know whatchya mean - that's a pretty common problem. In the h/c industry in general too. #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:15 TeriRN: T4: I have a pt that is doing in home INR test then they call the anticoagulation clinic for changes in coumadin. Something new 4 me #RNChat 2/5/2010 22:15 KaitlynAliano: @EllenRichter, could seem chaotic to someone who has never been exposed to a @Twitter chat. #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:16 TeriRN: @EllenRichter It would B nice if nurses would come up w/programs. I swear geeks not familiar w/ hc are writing our current programs #RNChat 2/5/2010 22:17 JoeCascio: T4 Have you seen a net + or - from the introduction of EMR in your daily work? #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:17 joniwatson: T4: must point out that nursing (as a whole) has a lot of late-adapters to technology. We're getting better, tho. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:17 NursingCenter: @TeriRN That is fantastic! So much easier for the pt. than having to go to lab and then to appt. #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:17 EllenRichter: @KaitlynAliano Oh yes, youre right. LOL its even chaotic to me! And I feel that I'm fairly comfortable with tweeting~ #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:18 InfusionNurse: Howdy Mark! RT @ONSmark: T4: Downloaded the free iChemoDiary iPhone app today #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:19 marypoole: T4:have been using a PC tablet for 6 years and develop my own forms etc for pt visits. Not sure what the IPad fuss is about #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:19 holisticnurses: Increase on this end! RT @JoeCascio: T4 Have you seen a net + or - from the introduction of EMR in your daily work? #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:19
  • 20. ocdgirl2000: #rnchat T4 here's the samhsa link very cool! 2/5/2010 22:19 joniwatson: Hey, Mark! That's actually a really cool app. RT @ONSmark: T4: Downloaded the free iChemoDiary iPhone app today #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:19 JoeCascio: #rnchat I'm a software developer. What are some ideas to make your RN job easier? 2/5/2010 22:19 chuymatt: @KaitlynAliano I try to equate it with an RSS feed, but interactive. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:19 rnchat: @KaitlynAliano @EllenRichter Yeah, Twitter just makes no sense to peeps not using it. And the chats - it's like LSD to them. :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:20 EllenRichter: @JoeCascio Absolutely see EMR as a positive addition, of course after a major learning curve occurs #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:20 holisticnurses: Yes! This is very true...impacts care too. RT @grimalkinrn: T4 Documentation needs to evolve to realtime. T4 #rnchat ( #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:20 rnchat: RT @JoeCascio: #rnchat Im a software developer. What are some ideas to make your RN job easier? #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:20 ONSmark: @InfusionNurse Howdy! Joined #rnchat really late tonight -- blame the snow :) 2/5/2010 22:20 ocdgirl2000: RT @rnchat: RT @JoeCascio: #rnchat Im a software developer. What are some ideas to make your RN job easier? #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:21 acluxton: RT @ONSmark: T4: Downloaded the free iChemoDiary iPhone app today #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:21 KaitlynAliano: @chuymatt, yes. It's SO much more than simply telling others what you're doing. #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:21 TeriRN: @JoeCascio realtime documentation. easier to see last test, vs, etc. #RNChat 2/5/2010 22:21 joniwatson: Holy moly! I can't keep up. What a great problem! :) #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:21 rnchat: RT @marypoole: T4:have been using PC tablet 4 6 years & develop my own forms etc for pt visits. Not sure what the IPad fuss is about #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:21 chuymatt: @JoeCascio tablet nursing. It seems to be the way of the future. We discussed the possibilities of this in the last(?) rnchat #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:21 TeriRN: @InfusionNurse same for the Blackberry. developers need to think of all the devices.
  • 21. #RNChat 2/5/2010 22:22 holisticnurses: T4 Too many programs used for diff. applications. Programmers need 2 look at a company's needs, then design programs. RT @JoeCascio #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:22 nursingpins: @JoeCascio A good ACLS program would be nice - one that would follow changes and keep up with meds etc. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:22 philbaumann: @KaitlynAliano Here's a couple or more for Twitter - #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:23 ocdgirl2000: @JoeCascio #rnchat T4 we use clinicweb a methadone dispensing & clinical patient database management software app. 2/5/2010 22:23 marypoole: @ InfusionNurse Still waiting for epocrates for droid #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:23 chuymatt: @marypoole the possibility that is will be a much more user friendly, closed yet fully developed system. things missing at present. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:23 nursingpins: keep forgetting tags #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:23 KaitlynAliano: Ditto! RT @joniwatson: Holy moly! I can't keep up. What a great problem! :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:23 EllenRichter: @JoeCascio We need uniform standarized programs that prompt us to deliver same standard of care no matter where the clients may live #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:23 JoeCascio: @InfusionNurse Are you allowed to use your own phone for this? #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:23 holisticnurses: Yay! Good sign, nurses. RT @KaitlynAliano: Ditto! RT @joniwatson: Holy moly! I cant keep up. What a great problem! :) #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:23 InfusionNurse: Yes...RT @JoeCascio: @InfusionNurse Are you allowed to use your own phone for this? #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:24 KaitlynAliano: @philbaumann, thanks! I just bookmarked it. I'll read it right after #RNchat. :-) 2/5/2010 22:24 chuymatt: @holisticnurses This makes one wonder if regional dev. of systems may be a better idea. Every man for themselves is difficult. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:24 joniwatson: I have to sign off, Friends. :( Have a fabulous weekend. Stay warm, snowbound folks. Thanks, @RNChat for a great chat!! #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:24
  • 22. EllenRichter: @JoeCascio I can use my own phone with my own apps, but not allowed to bring patient data onto my device #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:24 JoeCascio: @chuymatt what could you do on a tablet that you couldn't on a phone? Just easier? #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:24 marypoole: @holisticnurses Agree; hubby a nurse at VA; has to use four diff computers to document #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:24 ONSmark: @joniwatson Hi Joni. I'm liking its design, etc. Did you know ONS has a PEP app on the way (very soon)? Will be a few bucks #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:25 nursingpins: If you know ACLS well of somebody at the code does (program) you don't have to know much else (medicine) at the time #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:25 InfusionNurse: U guy realize we've been on for almost 1 - 1/2 hrs? Fun!! #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:25 holisticnurses: Bravo Agreed RT @EllenRichter:We need uniform standarized programs to deliver same standard of care no matter where clients may live #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:25 chuymatt: @JoeCascio It is the EMR integration. More real estate is better for more accuracy and less eyestrain. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:25 KaitlynAliano: @joniwatson, enjoy the rest of your night! #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:25 rnchat: OK, we're gonna wrap up in a few minutes. Keep chatting - lots of good stuff flying. #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:25 joniwatson: @ONSmark Sa-weet!! I'll definitely be looking forward to that! #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:26 JoeCascio: @marypoole Develop your own forms? Using what? #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:26 NursingCenter: @joniwatson Have a good night! #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:26 joniwatson: @KaitlynAliano Thanks!! You, too. :) #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:26 TeriRN: @marypoole I tried 2simplify forms 4 1 comp I worked 4but it got bogged down in QA & never saw light of day Made nurses job easier #RNChat 2/5/2010 22:26 EllenRichter: @InfusionNurse SSSSSSSShhhhh! Dont tell anyone! :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:26
  • 23. KaitlynAliano: @JoeCascio, I don't think the tablet is any different than a phone. It will be once they add multitasking. #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:26 InfusionNurse: @joniwatson ,good night Joni...great chatting with u. Till next chat! #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:26 marypoole: @JoeCascio tablet allows me to write and sign docs. Old nurse not good at texting #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:27 holisticnurses: T4 I'm for a uniform standardized system but true, every dept/hospital requires different tasks. RT @chuymatt: #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:27 InfusionNurse: yes, Ms. Time and a half!! LOL..RT @EllenRichter: @InfusionNurse SSSSSSSShhhhh! Dont tell anyone! :) #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:27 rnchat: @joniwatson Good night! Thanks for being here! #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:27 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat T4 well, we are attached to cameras and a "pump" with tubing that's calibrated to dispense liquid mgs/ml/!Dr's orders! 2/5/2010 22:28 nursingpins: Ya'll are right -there have been so many new developments and advances - much of it could be standardized #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:28 JoeCascio: @chuymatt Gotcha. So bulkiness not an issue vs. improved usability? #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:28 holisticnurses: Goodnight, everyone! You're all lovely, RN's! #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:28 chuymatt: @holisticnurses T4 Thus the regional aspect; you can't expect a system that works for all. Just has to be all inclusive. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:28 nursingpins: Thanks Phil #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:28 chuymatt: @JoeCascio The machines will only get lighter. A tired nurse squinting at a tiny phone= mistakes made. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:29 holisticnurses: Socialized Technology! That would scare some? Ugh. And irk tech companies. RT @nursingpins: much of it could be standardized #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:29 EllenRichter: Wow, after 13 hours in ICU, I dragged my ass home & this chat certainly woke me back up!! GREAT chat tonight, folks! Thanks to all! #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:29 nursingpins: Great to see so many tonight - GN all #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:30
  • 24. rnchat: @EllenRichter :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:30 KaitlynAliano: @holisticnurses, enjoy the rest of your night! #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:30 TeriRN: @EllenRichter Agreed. Glad I got home in time tonight. #RNChat 2/5/2010 22:30 marypoole: Night all #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:31 EllenRichter: @joecascio well you know where to come for ideas when you decide to create the future programs for nurses! Come to >> #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:31 rnchat: OK Everyone - Chat's closing down. We went 1.5 hours. Time to be paid in donuts. :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:31 NursingCenter: Have a great night and weekend everyone! #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:31 InfusionNurse: Are we dismissed? LOL..had so much fun tonight!! Thanks all!! Thanks @philbaumann #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:31 rnchat: @marypoole Good night. Thanks for coming! #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:31 TeriRN: Hubby and puppy demanding supper. Next Fri. galavanting San Fran w/ hubby so will miss talking with y'all. #RNChat 2/5/2010 22:32 holisticnurses: You too, lady! RT @KaitlynAliano #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:32 KaitlynAliano: Loved my first #RNchat! Will be back next week. Thanks, @rnchat! :-) 2/5/2010 22:32 holisticnurses: Bye #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:32 rnchat: THANK YOU for coming everyone! Transcript of tonight's #RNchat will be up tomorrow. 2/5/2010 22:32 EllenRichter: (((((((cyber hug)))))) to everyone who attended & who read from the sidelines ...til next time! TY Phil!! Great topics!! :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:33 ocdgirl2000: @rnchat Night Night nursey nurses on #rnchat! G-nite Phil!, thank you for being the host with the mostest! 2/5/2010 22:33 InfusionNurse: Good night! Have a great weekend everyone! #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:33
  • 25. JoeCascio: @EllenRichter No kidding! Great stuff. #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:33 rnchat: Our next #RNchat will be next Friday 2/12 9pm EST. Enjoy our weekend! 2/5/2010 22:33 EllenRichter: @KaitlynAliano Wow, didnt realize this was your first one! Glad you came! Nice to meet you! :) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:33 TeriRN: @rnchat @philbaumann thanks for great topics again as usually. Will look forward to next weeks transcript to see what I missed.=D #RNChat 2/5/2010 22:34 chuymatt: Have a wonderful night, folks. #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:34 holisticnurses: For the past nine years, yes! Keep the tech rolling! @JoeCascio @holisticnurses EMR has made more work for you? #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:34 EllenRichter: @JoeCascio Glad you feel comfortable hanging out with us! Its great hearing ideas & thoughts of "non-nurses" (LOL, I love that term) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:35 philbaumann: @terirn @InfusionNurse Class dismissed - LOL :) Thanks for coming. Have a great night! #rnchat 2/5/2010 22:35 NursingCenter: @EllenRichter Hope you can sleep in tomorrow! Crazy that I miss those days? So glad to get the updates from the great nurses here! #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:35 EllenRichter: Will retweet the correct time next week! LOL! >> RT @rnchat: Our next #RNchat will be next Friday 2/12 9pm EST. Enjoy our weekend! 2/5/2010 22:36 philbaumann: @EllenRichter Sure! Tonight's #RNchat was awesome. Great to see new peeps. 2/5/2010 22:36 InfusionNurse: RT @rnchat: Our next #RNchat will be next Friday 2/12 9pm EST. Enjoy our weekend! 2/5/2010 22:38 lisagualtieri: RT @philbaumann: @EllenRichter Tonight's #RNchat was awesome. 2/5/2010 22:39 EllenRichter: I do think that EMR has made descriptions of patient situations much less individualized & much more "canned" (pre-set choices) #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:39 JoeCascio: @EllenRichter Happy to participate. Thx for making me feel welcome. :) Great learning oppor. #RNchat 2/5/2010 22:41 ocdgirl2000: #rnchat DC area is under a major blizzard! emergency!LOL #snomg " #SNOWMAGEDDON 2010" ( (expand) (expand) ) 2/5/2010 22:41