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Sohail Gohir
CCIEx3 #41610,CCNP (R&S,SEC), CCDP
Rise of Cyber Security
What is Cyber Security
— Connected electronic devices has become part of our daily lives .
— Different types of organisations, such as educational, financial ,Oil and
gas, law institutions use network to do business.They utilise network by
sharing, storing, processing and collecting large amount of digital
— As more digital information is gathered and stored it is essential to
protect it.
— Personal level: It is vital to protect your data, your identity and your
computing Devices.
— Organisational level : Cyber Security is combination of processes ,
practices and technologies aimed to protect computers (end nodes),
network, software, operating systems (OS),Websites and data from
unauthorised access, attack and damage .
Our Identity
— As we spend more time online our identity both online and offline
can effect our lives.
— Our offline identity is human who our friends and family interact
with at work/home/school.
— They know our personal information such as name, age, where we
live and maybe DOB.
— Our online identity is who we present ourselves as online , and
this should have minimal information about us.
— We have to careful when choosing username online and it should
not disclose personal information, it should not violate any policy.3
Your Data
— Your Identity
— Medical data
— Educational data
— Information online
— Employment
— Information on devices
— Financial data
Where is our data
— All this information is about us there is different laws that
protect our privacy and data in our country.
— When we visit doctor our medical record might be shared
with insurance companies for different reasons.
— When we share our pictures online with our friends, do we
know who may have a copy of pictures?We have copies on
our devices ,our friends might have them. If they were shared
publicly then strangers might have access to them.
— Shopping loyalty cards maybe be convenient way to save
money but is they might be storing our shopping profile and
might be using for marketing purposes.
Our computing Devices
— Our devices don’t just store our information but they
became information gateway for bad guys.
— Unless we receive paper statement ,we use our computing
devices to access data.
— If we want most recent card statement we log online and
access that information.
— Beside allowing us to access information, these devices also
generate information about us.
— With all this information about us online our personal data
has become more profitable to hackers.6
They want our money
— If we have anything valuable ,the criminals want it.
— Our online credentials are valuable .
— They can trick our friend and family pretended to be us and
ask them to transfer money somewhere with false stories.
— The criminals can not only trick into us giving them our
money but also they can steal our identity and ruin our lives.
— They can steal frequent flyer points and use it for travelling.
— A recent case shown on Rip of Britain, they managed to
emptied bank account7
Types of
— Traditional Data: This includes personnel information ,
intellectual properties and financial data.
— Internet of Things & Big Data: With IoT on raise there
is more data to manage and secure. IoT can include sensors
,IP cameras, DVRs and equipment that extend beyond the
traditional computer network.All these connections plus we
have expanded storage capacity & storage devices through
cloud and virtualisation.This data has created new area of
interest in technology and business called “Big Data”.8
Information Security
for an organisation
— Confidentiality: Company policies should restrict access to the
information to authorised personnel. Methods to ensure this include
data encryption, user & pass, 2FA and minimising exposure of
sensitive information.
— Integrity: is accuracy, consistency, and trustworthiness of the data
during its entire life cycle. Checksum is used to verify integrity of
data from one place to other over the network.
— Availability: Marinating equipment, performing hardware repairs,
keeping OS & software up to date, and creating backups ensure the
availability of the network and data to the authorised users. Plans to
recover from natural and man made disaster.
The Consequences
of a Security Breach
— Theft: If hackers are able to get into your website or network ,they will be able
to access your bank information.
— Revenue Lost: If a hacker gets into your site and crashes it or causes and
extended period of downtime, your operation will cease & you will loose
— Vandalism: Your company’s reputation could be ruined in matter of minutes if
customers or others find poor information brazenly placed on your website.
— Ruined Reputation: If you keep private documents online, they could easily be
made public if your computer is hacked.
— Damaged Intellectual property: If a hacker gets in and steals ideas, plans, or
blueprints, you could miss out on being able to fully implement new products or
Cyber Crime
& Data Breach
examples 1
— British Gas: In Oct 2015 they contacted 2,200 customers and warn them that their
email addresses and account passwords were posted online in an unexplained data leak.
— TalkTalk: In Oct 2015 cybercriminals hackedTalkTalk website (email addresses, names,
DoB and phone were accessed) Other data included 16,000 bank account numbers and
28,000 credit/debit card details .TalkTalk says 157,000 customers were affected – latter
fined £400,000
— Vodafone: Vodafone says hackers have accessed the accounts of 1,827 customers, just a
week after a separate hacking attack atTalkTalk.The hack could potentially give criminals
customers’ names, mobile numbers, sort codes and the last four digits of their bankACC.
— Carphone warehouse: InAugust 2015, they said the personal details of up to 2.4
million of its customers may have been accessed in a cyber-attack.The encrypted credit
card details of up to 90,000 people may have been accessed, the mobile phone firm said.11
— Tesco Bank: (Nov 2016) 40,000 customer accounts ofTesco bank out of a total of
136,000 were subject to suspicious transactions, 9,000 of these had money stolen from
their accounts.The sums taken were relatively small varying up to amounts of £600 but
eventually totalled £2,500,000.
— National Lottery: (Nov 2016) Hackers gained access to 26,500 National Lottery
accounts with the use of passwords and e-mail addresses that had been stolen from
previous breaches.
— Three Mobile: (Nov 2016) Three Mobile have advised that a customer database has
been compromised as a result of a hacker attack, it is understood that 133,827 customers
may have suffered a data breach.
— Hospitals in Lincolnshire: (Oct 2016) Hospitals have been subject to a cyber attack
after an NHS computer network was compromised.12
Cyber Crime
& Data Breach
examples 2
— Sage Group: (Aug 2016) Sage Group who provide accounting , payroll and payments
software for many small and medium sized business have disclosed that an internal login
has been utilized to gain unauthorized access to the data of of a number of its British
clients. It is understood that the personal details of the employees of about 280 British
companies were possibly exposed in this breach.
— Cheltenham Hairdressing Salon: (June 2016)A local Cheltenham hairdresser
discovered that their computers not longer worked which meant that they were unable to
access their electronic diary to make and check bookings and to access their contact
London Stock Exchange: (June 2016)The London Stock Exchange was apparently
taken down for two hours by the hacking groupAnonymous .
— Mumsnet: (July 2016)The Mumsnet website was notoriously hacked twice last year in
July andAugust and up until now it has not be possible to identify who was responsible.
The parenting site had to reset its 7.7 million members’ passwords.Teenager was charged
Cyber Crime
& Data Breach
examples 3
— NatWest accounts accessed by “SIM swap fraud”: (Mar 2016) NatWest bank were
subject to a challenge to their security procedures after journalists from BBC Radio 4’s
You andYours program managed to access an account online taking money. Only £1.50
was transferred, a token amount to demonstrate how this could be carried out.
— Lincolnshire County Council Malware Attack: (Jan 2016) Lincolnshire County
Council was been subject to a £1m ransomware demand which forced the council to shut
down their PCs and servers across their entire network. It is understood that this was
caused by an email containing malware that was launched by a member of staff following a
phishing attack.
— Hackers target house conveyancing industry: It has been reported by the Daily
Telegraph that in excess of £10 million has been stolen by hackers who have managed to
gain access to the e-mails of individuals buying and selling houses.Over 90 people have
succumbed to this and it is understood that the average amount stolen is £112,000.14
Cyber Crime
& Data Breach
examples 4
— eBay: (2014) eBay asked 145m users to change their passwords after hackers stole
customers' names, addresses, numbers and dates of birth
— Heartbleed: (2014)A serious vulnerability was discovered in encryption technology used
to protect many of the world's major websites, leaving them vulnerable to data theft
— Sony: (2014)A cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment resulted in a huge data leak,
including private details of 47,000 employees and famous actors
— US Central Command: (2015) Hackers claiming links to Isil managed to take control of
CentCom'sTwitter andYouTube accounts, changing the logo to an image of a hooded fighter
— Ashley Madison: (2015) Hackers threatened to publish the names of up to 37m customers - a dating website for adulterous affairs
— JDWetherspoon: (2015)A database containing names, email addresses, birth dates and
phone numbers of of 656,723 customers was hacked.The company insisted only an
“extremely limited” number of credit card details were taken
Cyber Crime
& Data Breach
examples 5
— CommodityThreats: Commodity threats are the random malware, viruses,Trojans,
worms, botnets, ransomware, and other threats that are out propagating on the Internet all
the time. Strictly by chance, commodity threats are undirected and may end up inside of the
enterprise at any time.
— Hacktivists: Activist hacking, or hacktivism, consists of targeted attacks. Hacktivists use
hacking to make a public or political statement.Their goal is to use hacking to bolster their
cause or embarrass their adversaries. Hacktivism may be used against individuals,
enterprises, or governments, depending on the situation and the particular objectives of the
— Organised Crime: Like hacktivism, organised crime attacks are targeted. Criminals and
criminal organizations have found there is serious money to be made on the Internet.
Types of Cyber
attackers -1
— Espionage: Cyberespionage centers on stealing trade secrets for commercial advantage or
national secrets for political or military advantage
— Cyberwar: Whereas espionage is generally focused on stealing information, cyberwar is
about damaging the ability of enterprises or governments to operate in cyberspace.This
damage is done by overwhelming, overloading, disabling, or destroying the IT systems used
by the victims, or even using those IT systems to cause physical systems to malfunction and
damage themselves or their operators.
— Organised Crime: Like hacktivism, organised crime attacks are targeted. Criminals and
criminal organizations have found there is serious money to be made on the Internet.
Types of Cyber
attackers – 2
— Databases: The most interesting place to look for hackers is database, however these tend
to relatively well protected inside the enterprise.
— Backups: Enterprise databases which contains critical business and customer data should be
backed up. Usually the backups are not encrypted or are backed non-secure systems. Second
backup location usually doesn't have security best practices.
— Application Servers: Databases somehow have to make their data available to front end
application servers .Breaches of these systems can be used to gain access to data through the
applications, bypassing encryption and other protection methods.
— Systems Administrators: If attackers get access to these accounts, they can bypass all
other data protections and can steal valuable information. Usually they stay quit for long
time before taking any bad action.
Types of Cyber
attackers –
— Hijacking: altering infrastructure data about internet properties such as domain names,
social media identities or registered network locations. Some of these properties can be
worth thousands/millions.
— Sarbanes-Oxley: In the wake of the Enron disaster, the Sarbanes-Oxley regulations were
developed to protect the integrity of financial data published by publicly traded
— Online Banking: Attackers can get access to online business banking that can include
payroll, investments, stock funds and other assets worth thousands/millions.
— Direct Deposit: With bank direct deposit settings, employees are vulnerable to thefts
where their pay can be redirected to attacker’s account.
— Vandalism: Malicious actors try to infect websites or modify public material to embarrass
the victim. Internet facing systems can be hard to protect fully.
Types of Cyber
attackers –
— Distributed Denial of Service(DDOS): attackers can send large request or traffic by
using infected systems, which can include IoT devices which are considered non-secure and
easy to control.This can cause large organisations loss in millions.
— Targeted Denial of Service: attacks involve hacking into victim and then disabling
systems so that they need to be rebuilt or recovered. Depending on the severity of the
damage it could take some time for IT department to recover systems and restores, if
backups are affected as well as the primary systems.
— Physical Destruction:Attacks involve using cyberattacks to cause physical destruction.As
more and more critical systems are now days computer controlled, these types of attacks
will become potentially more dangerous and destructive over time.
Types of Cyber
attackers –
— The global IT security industry will face a shortfall of 1.8 million workers by 2022, according to a new
study, while the UK faces the prospect of its workforce actually shrinking.
— The Center for Cyber Safety and Education surveyed 19,000 cyber-security professionals for its eighth
bi-annual Global Information SecurityWorkforce Study (GISWS), sponsored by non-profit
professionals' association (ISC)².
— It found that the perceived shortfall in cyber-security experts had risen 20 percent, up from 1.5
million, the figure it published in its previous survey in 2015.
— The UK government's recent Cyber Security Strategy called Britain's cyber-security skills
gap a “national vulnerability that must be resolved”.
— The survey found that two-thirds of firms in the UK don't have enough infosecurity personnel to meet
their needs, and it is impacting economic security.Around 47 percent claimed the reason behind this
was an absence of qualified candidates.
— The skills shortage issue has already impacted UK firms, with 46 percent of UK companies reporting
that the shortfall of cyber-security personnel is having significant impact on their customers and 45
percent warning that it is leading to security breaches.
— more information
Need for Cyber
Why Become a
Cyber Security
— High Earning Potential:There is skill gap for cyber security professionals
this lead to higher earning potential
— Challenging Career: IT changes constantly, for cybersecurity it is more
dynamic field which will be challenging and fascinating. Cybersecurity
professionals would need to always be up to date with new threats.
— Highly Portable Career:A cybersecurity specialist job exist almost
everywhere in the world. It is portable job.
— Service to the Public:A cybersecurity specialist provide a necessary
service to their organisations, societies and countries, very much like law
enforcement or emergency responders.
— Becoming a cybersecurity specialist is a rewarding career opportunity.
— CompTIA
— mile2
— EC-Council
— Cisco
— ISC2
The end…

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Rise of cyber security v0.1

  • 1. Sohail Gohir CCIEx3 #41610,CCNP (R&S,SEC), CCDP CASP,C)PTE,C)NFE,C)PTC,CCSE,CCSA Rise of Cyber Security 1
  • 2. What is Cyber Security 2 — Connected electronic devices has become part of our daily lives . — Different types of organisations, such as educational, financial ,Oil and gas, law institutions use network to do business.They utilise network by sharing, storing, processing and collecting large amount of digital data/information. — As more digital information is gathered and stored it is essential to protect it. — Personal level: It is vital to protect your data, your identity and your computing Devices. — Organisational level : Cyber Security is combination of processes , practices and technologies aimed to protect computers (end nodes), network, software, operating systems (OS),Websites and data from unauthorised access, attack and damage .
  • 3. Our Identity — As we spend more time online our identity both online and offline can effect our lives. — Our offline identity is human who our friends and family interact with at work/home/school. — They know our personal information such as name, age, where we live and maybe DOB. — Our online identity is who we present ourselves as online , and this should have minimal information about us. — We have to careful when choosing username online and it should not disclose personal information, it should not violate any policy.3
  • 4. Your Data 4 — Your Identity — Medical data — Educational data — Information online — Employment — Information on devices — Financial data
  • 5. Where is our data 5 — All this information is about us there is different laws that protect our privacy and data in our country. — When we visit doctor our medical record might be shared with insurance companies for different reasons. — When we share our pictures online with our friends, do we know who may have a copy of pictures?We have copies on our devices ,our friends might have them. If they were shared publicly then strangers might have access to them. — Shopping loyalty cards maybe be convenient way to save money but is they might be storing our shopping profile and might be using for marketing purposes.
  • 6. Our computing Devices — Our devices don’t just store our information but they became information gateway for bad guys. — Unless we receive paper statement ,we use our computing devices to access data. — If we want most recent card statement we log online and access that information. — Beside allowing us to access information, these devices also generate information about us. — With all this information about us online our personal data has become more profitable to hackers.6
  • 7. They want our money — If we have anything valuable ,the criminals want it. — Our online credentials are valuable . — They can trick our friend and family pretended to be us and ask them to transfer money somewhere with false stories. — The criminals can not only trick into us giving them our money but also they can steal our identity and ruin our lives. — They can steal frequent flyer points and use it for travelling. — A recent case shown on Rip of Britain, they managed to emptied bank account7
  • 8. Types of Organisational Data — Traditional Data: This includes personnel information , intellectual properties and financial data. — Internet of Things & Big Data: With IoT on raise there is more data to manage and secure. IoT can include sensors ,IP cameras, DVRs and equipment that extend beyond the traditional computer network.All these connections plus we have expanded storage capacity & storage devices through cloud and virtualisation.This data has created new area of interest in technology and business called “Big Data”.8
  • 9. Information Security for an organisation — Confidentiality: Company policies should restrict access to the information to authorised personnel. Methods to ensure this include data encryption, user & pass, 2FA and minimising exposure of sensitive information. — Integrity: is accuracy, consistency, and trustworthiness of the data during its entire life cycle. Checksum is used to verify integrity of data from one place to other over the network. — Availability: Marinating equipment, performing hardware repairs, keeping OS & software up to date, and creating backups ensure the availability of the network and data to the authorised users. Plans to recover from natural and man made disaster. 9
  • 10. The Consequences of a Security Breach — Theft: If hackers are able to get into your website or network ,they will be able to access your bank information. — Revenue Lost: If a hacker gets into your site and crashes it or causes and extended period of downtime, your operation will cease & you will loose revenue. — Vandalism: Your company’s reputation could be ruined in matter of minutes if customers or others find poor information brazenly placed on your website. — Ruined Reputation: If you keep private documents online, they could easily be made public if your computer is hacked. — Damaged Intellectual property: If a hacker gets in and steals ideas, plans, or blueprints, you could miss out on being able to fully implement new products or designs. 10
  • 11. Cyber Crime & Data Breach examples 1 — British Gas: In Oct 2015 they contacted 2,200 customers and warn them that their email addresses and account passwords were posted online in an unexplained data leak. — TalkTalk: In Oct 2015 cybercriminals hackedTalkTalk website (email addresses, names, DoB and phone were accessed) Other data included 16,000 bank account numbers and 28,000 credit/debit card details .TalkTalk says 157,000 customers were affected – latter fined £400,000 — Vodafone: Vodafone says hackers have accessed the accounts of 1,827 customers, just a week after a separate hacking attack atTalkTalk.The hack could potentially give criminals customers’ names, mobile numbers, sort codes and the last four digits of their bankACC. — Carphone warehouse: InAugust 2015, they said the personal details of up to 2.4 million of its customers may have been accessed in a cyber-attack.The encrypted credit card details of up to 90,000 people may have been accessed, the mobile phone firm said.11
  • 12. — Tesco Bank: (Nov 2016) 40,000 customer accounts ofTesco bank out of a total of 136,000 were subject to suspicious transactions, 9,000 of these had money stolen from their accounts.The sums taken were relatively small varying up to amounts of £600 but eventually totalled £2,500,000. — National Lottery: (Nov 2016) Hackers gained access to 26,500 National Lottery accounts with the use of passwords and e-mail addresses that had been stolen from previous breaches. — Three Mobile: (Nov 2016) Three Mobile have advised that a customer database has been compromised as a result of a hacker attack, it is understood that 133,827 customers may have suffered a data breach. — Hospitals in Lincolnshire: (Oct 2016) Hospitals have been subject to a cyber attack after an NHS computer network was compromised.12 Cyber Crime & Data Breach examples 2
  • 13. — Sage Group: (Aug 2016) Sage Group who provide accounting , payroll and payments software for many small and medium sized business have disclosed that an internal login has been utilized to gain unauthorized access to the data of of a number of its British clients. It is understood that the personal details of the employees of about 280 British companies were possibly exposed in this breach. — Cheltenham Hairdressing Salon: (June 2016)A local Cheltenham hairdresser discovered that their computers not longer worked which meant that they were unable to access their electronic diary to make and check bookings and to access their contact details. London Stock Exchange: (June 2016)The London Stock Exchange was apparently taken down for two hours by the hacking groupAnonymous . — Mumsnet: (July 2016)The Mumsnet website was notoriously hacked twice last year in July andAugust and up until now it has not be possible to identify who was responsible. The parenting site had to reset its 7.7 million members’ passwords.Teenager was charged 13 Cyber Crime & Data Breach examples 3
  • 14. — NatWest accounts accessed by “SIM swap fraud”: (Mar 2016) NatWest bank were subject to a challenge to their security procedures after journalists from BBC Radio 4’s You andYours program managed to access an account online taking money. Only £1.50 was transferred, a token amount to demonstrate how this could be carried out. — Lincolnshire County Council Malware Attack: (Jan 2016) Lincolnshire County Council was been subject to a £1m ransomware demand which forced the council to shut down their PCs and servers across their entire network. It is understood that this was caused by an email containing malware that was launched by a member of staff following a phishing attack. — Hackers target house conveyancing industry: It has been reported by the Daily Telegraph that in excess of £10 million has been stolen by hackers who have managed to gain access to the e-mails of individuals buying and selling houses.Over 90 people have succumbed to this and it is understood that the average amount stolen is £112,000.14 Cyber Crime & Data Breach examples 4
  • 15. — eBay: (2014) eBay asked 145m users to change their passwords after hackers stole customers' names, addresses, numbers and dates of birth — Heartbleed: (2014)A serious vulnerability was discovered in encryption technology used to protect many of the world's major websites, leaving them vulnerable to data theft — Sony: (2014)A cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment resulted in a huge data leak, including private details of 47,000 employees and famous actors — US Central Command: (2015) Hackers claiming links to Isil managed to take control of CentCom'sTwitter andYouTube accounts, changing the logo to an image of a hooded fighter — Ashley Madison: (2015) Hackers threatened to publish the names of up to 37m customers - a dating website for adulterous affairs — JDWetherspoon: (2015)A database containing names, email addresses, birth dates and phone numbers of of 656,723 customers was hacked.The company insisted only an “extremely limited” number of credit card details were taken 15 Cyber Crime & Data Breach examples 5
  • 16. — CommodityThreats: Commodity threats are the random malware, viruses,Trojans, worms, botnets, ransomware, and other threats that are out propagating on the Internet all the time. Strictly by chance, commodity threats are undirected and may end up inside of the enterprise at any time. — Hacktivists: Activist hacking, or hacktivism, consists of targeted attacks. Hacktivists use hacking to make a public or political statement.Their goal is to use hacking to bolster their cause or embarrass their adversaries. Hacktivism may be used against individuals, enterprises, or governments, depending on the situation and the particular objectives of the hacktivists. — Organised Crime: Like hacktivism, organised crime attacks are targeted. Criminals and criminal organizations have found there is serious money to be made on the Internet. 16 Types of Cyber attackers -1
  • 17. — Espionage: Cyberespionage centers on stealing trade secrets for commercial advantage or national secrets for political or military advantage — Cyberwar: Whereas espionage is generally focused on stealing information, cyberwar is about damaging the ability of enterprises or governments to operate in cyberspace.This damage is done by overwhelming, overloading, disabling, or destroying the IT systems used by the victims, or even using those IT systems to cause physical systems to malfunction and damage themselves or their operators. — Organised Crime: Like hacktivism, organised crime attacks are targeted. Criminals and criminal organizations have found there is serious money to be made on the Internet. 17 Types of Cyber attackers – 2
  • 18. — Databases: The most interesting place to look for hackers is database, however these tend to relatively well protected inside the enterprise. — Backups: Enterprise databases which contains critical business and customer data should be backed up. Usually the backups are not encrypted or are backed non-secure systems. Second backup location usually doesn't have security best practices. — Application Servers: Databases somehow have to make their data available to front end application servers .Breaches of these systems can be used to gain access to data through the applications, bypassing encryption and other protection methods. — Systems Administrators: If attackers get access to these accounts, they can bypass all other data protections and can steal valuable information. Usually they stay quit for long time before taking any bad action. 18 Types of Cyber attackers – Confidentiality
  • 19. — Hijacking: altering infrastructure data about internet properties such as domain names, social media identities or registered network locations. Some of these properties can be worth thousands/millions. — Sarbanes-Oxley: In the wake of the Enron disaster, the Sarbanes-Oxley regulations were developed to protect the integrity of financial data published by publicly traded corporations. — Online Banking: Attackers can get access to online business banking that can include payroll, investments, stock funds and other assets worth thousands/millions. — Direct Deposit: With bank direct deposit settings, employees are vulnerable to thefts where their pay can be redirected to attacker’s account. — Vandalism: Malicious actors try to infect websites or modify public material to embarrass the victim. Internet facing systems can be hard to protect fully. 19 Types of Cyber attackers – Integrity
  • 20. — Distributed Denial of Service(DDOS): attackers can send large request or traffic by using infected systems, which can include IoT devices which are considered non-secure and easy to control.This can cause large organisations loss in millions. — Targeted Denial of Service: attacks involve hacking into victim and then disabling systems so that they need to be rebuilt or recovered. Depending on the severity of the damage it could take some time for IT department to recover systems and restores, if backups are affected as well as the primary systems. — Physical Destruction:Attacks involve using cyberattacks to cause physical destruction.As more and more critical systems are now days computer controlled, these types of attacks will become potentially more dangerous and destructive over time. 20 Types of Cyber attackers – Availability
  • 21. — The global IT security industry will face a shortfall of 1.8 million workers by 2022, according to a new study, while the UK faces the prospect of its workforce actually shrinking. — The Center for Cyber Safety and Education surveyed 19,000 cyber-security professionals for its eighth bi-annual Global Information SecurityWorkforce Study (GISWS), sponsored by non-profit professionals' association (ISC)². — It found that the perceived shortfall in cyber-security experts had risen 20 percent, up from 1.5 million, the figure it published in its previous survey in 2015. — The UK government's recent Cyber Security Strategy called Britain's cyber-security skills gap a “national vulnerability that must be resolved”. — The survey found that two-thirds of firms in the UK don't have enough infosecurity personnel to meet their needs, and it is impacting economic security.Around 47 percent claimed the reason behind this was an absence of qualified candidates. — The skills shortage issue has already impacted UK firms, with 46 percent of UK companies reporting that the shortfall of cyber-security personnel is having significant impact on their customers and 45 percent warning that it is leading to security breaches. — more information 21 Need for Cyber Security Professionals
  • 22. 22 Why Become a Cyber Security Specialist? — High Earning Potential:There is skill gap for cyber security professionals this lead to higher earning potential — Challenging Career: IT changes constantly, for cybersecurity it is more dynamic field which will be challenging and fascinating. Cybersecurity professionals would need to always be up to date with new threats. — Highly Portable Career:A cybersecurity specialist job exist almost everywhere in the world. It is portable job. — Service to the Public:A cybersecurity specialist provide a necessary service to their organisations, societies and countries, very much like law enforcement or emergency responders. — Becoming a cybersecurity specialist is a rewarding career opportunity.
  • 24. 24 Industry Certifications — CompTIA — mile2 — EC-Council — Cisco — SANS — ISC2 — ISACA — GIAC