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The Right To Die Essay examples
To die or not to die is NOT the question for the terminally ill. The question is how to die.
The act of suicide is unpleasant and people do not like to discuss the topic but suicide happens. It is
contemplated by some, especially people suffering from painful incurable diseases who wish to end
their misery. The terminally ill and those with debilitating diseases should have the choice to seek
help from physicians to die. But currently with only three states allowing physician assisted suicide
for the terminally ill, many cannot get the support they need or access to a painless way to commit
suicide. Terminal illness can create a burden on the family both emotionally by watching the loved
one suffer and financially with the cost more content...
But the practice has been around illegally in secret for some time. Doctors have enough knowledge
and experience to know when a patient will not recover. Legalization will bring strict guidelines to
follow, and doctors can make better assessments before assisting a suicide.
The right to die should be a fundamental right of all people. Nowhere in the Constitution does it state
the government has the right to stop a person from committing suicide. In fact the Ninth Amendment
states 'the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or
disparage others retained by the people.' However, in 1997 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that
physician–assisted suicide is not a constitutional right but that each state may permit or prohibit the
practice. States currently allowing physician assisted suicide are Oregon, enacted in 1997, and
Washington, implemented in 2009, which have specific laws allowing it, and Montana which does
not have a specific law but the State Court ruled in 2009 that, in some circumstances, doctors
prescribing lethal medications was not illegal. Of the remaining states and the District of Columbia,
ten have no law specifically prohibiting assisted suicide but prosecution could fall under common
law for murder and 38 have laws specifically prohibiting it.
The Oregon 'Death with Dignity Act' was passed by voters in November
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Right to Die
The Right To Die
Imagine that you have come down with a disease and you have just been told that there is no
cure. There in your hospital bed all you can think about is the pain and the agony you are going to
have to endure for the rest of your remaining life. I for one know that I do not want to spend my
last times on this earth in pain and discomfort, knowing that I will never walk again, or feed
myself, or maybe ever even come back to consciousness. For years, doctors have been prohibited
from helping patients to take their own lives. I believe that a terminally ill patient should have the
right to decide if they have had enough. By legalizing euthanasia, also referred to as physician
assisted suicide, tremendous pain and suffering more content...
We face a critical shortage of medical staff in this country, especially nurses. Recent studies have
confirmed the obvious, that understaffed hospitals make more mistakes and provide lesser quality
care. And things are only going to get worse as the baby boom generation gets older and life spans
increase. We have to ask ourselves if attending to dying patients, who want to die immediately, is
the best use of medical staff time. Think of how many lives we can save if that nurse and doctor
time is freed up. Think of how much the quality of care would increase.
Prevention of suicide is a violation of religious freedom. A significant part of religious beliefs
involves what happens in the afterlife. By preventing suicide, the government is imposing its
religious belief that suicide is a sin. No one knows for sure what happens after we die; it should be
up to the individual to determine what he or she believes. The government cannot legislate morality.
Pain and anguish of the patient's family and friends can be lessened, and they can say their final
goodbyes. Friends and family of the patient often suffer as much or more pain as the patient
himself. It's difficult to see a loved one in such anguish for so long. It's emotional and physically
draining to have the stress drawn out for so long. And when the patient does eventually die, it's often
sudden or it follows a period when the patient has lost consciousness. Doctor–assisted suicide would
give the patient a chance to
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Right To Die Movement
The right–to–die movement is spreading across the United States. Right–to–die refers to issues that
involve the decisions of an individual to be allowed to die, when they could survive on life
support or in a diminished state. This also allows for terminally ill people to refuse life support and
/or die with dignity (Right to Die, n.d.). With this movement has come many legal issues. In 1976,
the US court system dealt with its first case of right–to–die decisions with in re Quinlan (How the
'Right to Die' Came to America, n.d.). There have since been a few stand out cases, like Terri
Schiavo and Brittany Maynard, that have helped to pave the way for others who would like to
exercise death with dignity. Some cases have also been argued as more content...
Different interpretations of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights results in no clear violation. Each
case presented represents different situations that utilize the right–to–die. A person that is a
candidate of a right–to–die method with a conscious and healthy mind set should be entitled to their
freedom and liberties to make this decision. A few brave women have exercised this right and
provided their families with comfort, knowing that they died with dignity in the way they choose,
instead of suffering and causing themselves and people close to them
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Essay on The Right To Die
The Right to Die Modern medical technology has made it possible to extend the lives of many far
beyond when they would have died in the past. Death, in modern times, often ensures a long and
painful fall where one loses control both physically and emotionally. Some individuals embrace the
time that modern technology buys them; while others find the loss of control overwhelming and
frightening. They want their loved ones to remember them as they were not as they have become.
Some even elect death to avoid burdens of lingering on. They also seek assistance in doing so from
The demands for assisted suicide and euthanasia are increasing (Kass 17). These issues raise many
questions, legal and ethical. Although neither more content...
Hence euthanasia should become legalized. The major assumption in this argument is that the
individuals are fully competent and capable of decision making. The arguments against making
euthanasia legal center on two points.
The first is the fear that "mercy killing" will open the door to abuse, allowing a way to
kill unwanted people. The second is the Hippocratic Oath, Physicians must not kill (Meier 1195). On
the other hand, death in three or four days through starvation and dehydration–passive euthanasia,
which is both legal and ethical and is a standard way of easing a terminally ill patient out of the
world at his or her request is not the most pleasant way to die. Once the decision to allow death has
been made between physician, patient, and family, what is the ethical difference between giving a
more painless death? Where is the abuse once the decision has been made to permit death to occur
under controlled circumstances?
People often ask why is it normal, and completely appropriate, for a veterinarian to put an aged,
suffering animal to sleep with a lethal injection but not appropriate for humans. The answer has to
be that we are different from animals because we have classified ourselves as such. This creates a
problem. A physician can morally, ethically, and legally allow someone to starve to death. This
death is going to take place over a few days. Would not that be the time for an instantaneous death by
A physician is
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The Right to Die Essay examples
The Right to Die Is the phrase "right to die" applicable as a right? Leon R. Kass believes that the
claim of a "right to die" is insubstantial because of the precursors pertaining to the meaning of
rights. Leon R. Kass believes that the right to die is an ineffectual statement and unprecedented,
that it is portrayed as a civil duty to which all should be in unison because Euthanasia is after all
"Mercy Killing". Right!? This case delves into the moral domain, within which it derives it's
relevance to the subject of Bioethics, Euthanasia is a popular subject that health care professionals,
lawyers and theologians have dealt with for a long time. While it is an extreme and exceptional
case to support and argue in favor of, more content...
It has been fashionable for some time now and in many aspects of American public life for people
to demand what they want or need as a matter of rights, hence the claim of the "right to die". In
defining the meaning of the word 'right' certain questions come up, and to clarify, define, explain,
and decipher, these claims of validity Leon R. Kass laid down the law or 'rights' as it was, as to
whether or not the right to die is feasible. What is the difference between right and wants? What
does it mean to have a right to something? Why should the right to die be asserted? Is there a right
to die? In order to understand the concepts that are brought up in succeeding arguments we need to
clarify some of the language and setup a base from which we can go into this information. Beliefs
cannot become moral standards simply because individuals so label them. American Idealism:
which is that the individual is more important than the whole. Universal Precepts: are tell the truth,
respect the privacy of others, protect confidential information, obtain consent before invading
another person's body, do not kill, do not cause pain, do not steal or otherwise deprived of goods,
prevent harm from occurring to others. The Kantian categorical imperative is such that I ought
never to act except in such a way that I can also will that my maxim should become a universal law.
However a moral act is praiseworthy only if done
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Right To Die Essay
Terminally Ill patients across the world all want a way to end what they are going through, but not
all doctor's want to help them achieve those goals. The right to die is a patient's ability to choose
their own time and means of death. A patient's death can be caused through injections of lethal drugs
or even by taking them off of their life support by the request of the patient. Some people support
this law because they believe that a patient should have the right to choose whether or not they
would want a "dignified death" or a death not caused by an illness. The people opposing this law
take the side of the sanctity of life and upholding the integrity of the medical profession by
"maintaining bans on physician–assisted suicide" (Right to Die) more content...
He does so by citing Pamela Wandix, a 59 year old african american woman with cancer who has
said that she has seen several people come and go from the hospital and that all of them wanted to
live. He also states that many in the black community distrust the health–care system out of fear of
racism and discrimination. That offering these people assisted suicide as the means of an end is not
going to make african americans feel more autonomous because blacks, who tend to have less
access to treatment, may think that ending their life early is their best and only option (Nirappil).
Black people strongly oppose the Right to Die because they fear that they will be taken advantage
of; that doctor's would convince them to agree to have their lives taken. The points that Fenit makes
are well thought out and cited ones despite being mostly emotion–based. He makes many great
points that help to support his
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Essay On Right To Die
Right to Die
As Americans, do we have the right to die? A controversial topic that has gained traction in recent
years is that of physician assisted suicide(PAS). With the death of Brittany Maynard in 2014, the
conversation on whether death is a liberty is ruffling feathers on all sides. With five states in the
U.S., including the District of Columbia, already legalizing PAS for people with a terminal
diagnosis; some Americans already have that freedom. For the other 45 states, they do not share that
same luxury. Physician assisted suicide should be legal in all 50 states because it grants people who
are near the end of their life, a way to go out on their own terms with their dignity intact. It also
allows people who are terminally ill more content...
That doesn't mean Americans should not work to make end of life decisions of terminally ill
patients a smooth transition. Physician assisted suicide gives people the option to go out on their
own terms and have and not have to suffer a slow and painful death in the process. As times
change so do our societal morals as well, and PAS is an issue that morals must change on. We as
Americans should have the right to die how and when we want. With government oversight,
legislation can be put in place to make the process smoother while maintaining a level of regulation
so abuse of the law remains a low
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The Right To Die Essay
The "Right to Die" (Euthanasia) should be further looked into as an option for terminally ill patients
and not considered unethical. There has been an issue concerning the topic of "Human Euthanasia"
as an acceptable action in society. The research compiled in conjunction with an educated opinion
will be the basis for the argument for voluntary Euthanasia in this paper. Patients suffering from an
incurable illness, exhausting all medical treatments, should be given the freedom of choice to
continue their path of suffering or end it at their own will. "The Right to die" is not suicide, as you
are fully aware that death will be certain, as Euthanasia spares the individual of additional pain.
The financial burden that is caused by more content...
A patient could feel that it is unfair to be denied what they believe their right to die is. There are
additional issues that a patient could experience along with the loss of their health. There is the loss
of privacy, pride, and dignity when unable to care for self. Society views suicide as an unreasonable
and inconsiderate action since there are many alternate avenues of help that a person could resort to.
In the case of Euthanasia for a terminally ill being, there is no option to make things better. There is
only medication that prolongs the death by temporally numbing the pain. One must imagine what
the patient is feeling and at some point and set aside their feelings to be more understanding to that
of the patient.
According to the Healthcare Crisis website (Healthcare Crisis, 2010):
"About 44 million Americans have no health insurance and another 38 million have inadequate
health insurance. This means that nearly one–third of Americans face each day without the security
of knowing that, if and when they need it, medical care is available to them and their families"
In today's world the cost for medical attention and health insurance has increased to the point that it
may cause a significant amount of strain to a family of a terminally ill patient. The health insurance
issues have become large enough to attract the attention of the political world. We are now
witnessing how difficult it has been for Health Care
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Right To Die
Should doctors be allowed to help the suffering and terminally ill to die when they choose? % The
article "The right to die" discusses this topic. In this paper the article is summarized, analyzed, and
compared with my opinion. For writing to be convincing it has to have examples and be organized
logically. Therefore, it is not surprising that I did not find the article convincing due to the authors
use and placement of examples and the general organization of the article. The article discusses the
controversial topic of doctor–assisted dying, and if it should be legal. The author is biased towards
making doctor–assisted dying legal and that is apparent in the article, almost all of the points made
are in favor of assisted dying. more content...
I believe that a human life is very valuable and thus I am against assisted dying. Legal deaths in a
society will decrease the value that people place on life. It also makes that society question who
should live and who should die, since people's morals go down. The article does not address this
as it is biased towards assisted dying. The article did not change my option on assisted dying, as
the article was not organized logically and this made it challenging to follow. I think it is good to
have read about the other side and to have tried to understand why the author believes the way they
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Right To Die Essay

  • 1. The Right To Die Essay examples To die or not to die is NOT the question for the terminally ill. The question is how to die. The act of suicide is unpleasant and people do not like to discuss the topic but suicide happens. It is contemplated by some, especially people suffering from painful incurable diseases who wish to end their misery. The terminally ill and those with debilitating diseases should have the choice to seek help from physicians to die. But currently with only three states allowing physician assisted suicide for the terminally ill, many cannot get the support they need or access to a painless way to commit suicide. Terminal illness can create a burden on the family both emotionally by watching the loved one suffer and financially with the cost more content... But the practice has been around illegally in secret for some time. Doctors have enough knowledge and experience to know when a patient will not recover. Legalization will bring strict guidelines to follow, and doctors can make better assessments before assisting a suicide. The right to die should be a fundamental right of all people. Nowhere in the Constitution does it state the government has the right to stop a person from committing suicide. In fact the Ninth Amendment states 'the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.' However, in 1997 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that physician–assisted suicide is not a constitutional right but that each state may permit or prohibit the practice. States currently allowing physician assisted suicide are Oregon, enacted in 1997, and Washington, implemented in 2009, which have specific laws allowing it, and Montana which does not have a specific law but the State Court ruled in 2009 that, in some circumstances, doctors prescribing lethal medications was not illegal. Of the remaining states and the District of Columbia, ten have no law specifically prohibiting assisted suicide but prosecution could fall under common law for murder and 38 have laws specifically prohibiting it. The Oregon 'Death with Dignity Act' was passed by voters in November Get more content on
  • 2. Right to Die The Right To Die Imagine that you have come down with a disease and you have just been told that there is no cure. There in your hospital bed all you can think about is the pain and the agony you are going to have to endure for the rest of your remaining life. I for one know that I do not want to spend my last times on this earth in pain and discomfort, knowing that I will never walk again, or feed myself, or maybe ever even come back to consciousness. For years, doctors have been prohibited from helping patients to take their own lives. I believe that a terminally ill patient should have the right to decide if they have had enough. By legalizing euthanasia, also referred to as physician assisted suicide, tremendous pain and suffering more content... We face a critical shortage of medical staff in this country, especially nurses. Recent studies have confirmed the obvious, that understaffed hospitals make more mistakes and provide lesser quality care. And things are only going to get worse as the baby boom generation gets older and life spans increase. We have to ask ourselves if attending to dying patients, who want to die immediately, is the best use of medical staff time. Think of how many lives we can save if that nurse and doctor time is freed up. Think of how much the quality of care would increase. Prevention of suicide is a violation of religious freedom. A significant part of religious beliefs involves what happens in the afterlife. By preventing suicide, the government is imposing its religious belief that suicide is a sin. No one knows for sure what happens after we die; it should be up to the individual to determine what he or she believes. The government cannot legislate morality. Pain and anguish of the patient's family and friends can be lessened, and they can say their final goodbyes. Friends and family of the patient often suffer as much or more pain as the patient himself. It's difficult to see a loved one in such anguish for so long. It's emotional and physically draining to have the stress drawn out for so long. And when the patient does eventually die, it's often sudden or it follows a period when the patient has lost consciousness. Doctor–assisted suicide would give the patient a chance to Get more content on
  • 3. Right To Die Movement The right–to–die movement is spreading across the United States. Right–to–die refers to issues that involve the decisions of an individual to be allowed to die, when they could survive on life support or in a diminished state. This also allows for terminally ill people to refuse life support and /or die with dignity (Right to Die, n.d.). With this movement has come many legal issues. In 1976, the US court system dealt with its first case of right–to–die decisions with in re Quinlan (How the 'Right to Die' Came to America, n.d.). There have since been a few stand out cases, like Terri Schiavo and Brittany Maynard, that have helped to pave the way for others who would like to exercise death with dignity. Some cases have also been argued as more content... Different interpretations of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights results in no clear violation. Each case presented represents different situations that utilize the right–to–die. A person that is a candidate of a right–to–die method with a conscious and healthy mind set should be entitled to their freedom and liberties to make this decision. A few brave women have exercised this right and provided their families with comfort, knowing that they died with dignity in the way they choose, instead of suffering and causing themselves and people close to them Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on The Right To Die The Right to Die Modern medical technology has made it possible to extend the lives of many far beyond when they would have died in the past. Death, in modern times, often ensures a long and painful fall where one loses control both physically and emotionally. Some individuals embrace the time that modern technology buys them; while others find the loss of control overwhelming and frightening. They want their loved ones to remember them as they were not as they have become. Some even elect death to avoid burdens of lingering on. They also seek assistance in doing so from medicine. The demands for assisted suicide and euthanasia are increasing (Kass 17). These issues raise many questions, legal and ethical. Although neither more content... Hence euthanasia should become legalized. The major assumption in this argument is that the individuals are fully competent and capable of decision making. The arguments against making euthanasia legal center on two points. The first is the fear that "mercy killing" will open the door to abuse, allowing a way to kill unwanted people. The second is the Hippocratic Oath, Physicians must not kill (Meier 1195). On the other hand, death in three or four days through starvation and dehydration–passive euthanasia, which is both legal and ethical and is a standard way of easing a terminally ill patient out of the world at his or her request is not the most pleasant way to die. Once the decision to allow death has been made between physician, patient, and family, what is the ethical difference between giving a more painless death? Where is the abuse once the decision has been made to permit death to occur under controlled circumstances? People often ask why is it normal, and completely appropriate, for a veterinarian to put an aged, suffering animal to sleep with a lethal injection but not appropriate for humans. The answer has to be that we are different from animals because we have classified ourselves as such. This creates a problem. A physician can morally, ethically, and legally allow someone to starve to death. This death is going to take place over a few days. Would not that be the time for an instantaneous death by injection? A physician is Get more content on
  • 5. The Right to Die Essay examples The Right to Die Is the phrase "right to die" applicable as a right? Leon R. Kass believes that the claim of a "right to die" is insubstantial because of the precursors pertaining to the meaning of rights. Leon R. Kass believes that the right to die is an ineffectual statement and unprecedented, that it is portrayed as a civil duty to which all should be in unison because Euthanasia is after all "Mercy Killing". Right!? This case delves into the moral domain, within which it derives it's relevance to the subject of Bioethics, Euthanasia is a popular subject that health care professionals, lawyers and theologians have dealt with for a long time. While it is an extreme and exceptional case to support and argue in favor of, more content... It has been fashionable for some time now and in many aspects of American public life for people to demand what they want or need as a matter of rights, hence the claim of the "right to die". In defining the meaning of the word 'right' certain questions come up, and to clarify, define, explain, and decipher, these claims of validity Leon R. Kass laid down the law or 'rights' as it was, as to whether or not the right to die is feasible. What is the difference between right and wants? What does it mean to have a right to something? Why should the right to die be asserted? Is there a right to die? In order to understand the concepts that are brought up in succeeding arguments we need to clarify some of the language and setup a base from which we can go into this information. Beliefs cannot become moral standards simply because individuals so label them. American Idealism: which is that the individual is more important than the whole. Universal Precepts: are tell the truth, respect the privacy of others, protect confidential information, obtain consent before invading another person's body, do not kill, do not cause pain, do not steal or otherwise deprived of goods, prevent harm from occurring to others. The Kantian categorical imperative is such that I ought never to act except in such a way that I can also will that my maxim should become a universal law. However a moral act is praiseworthy only if done Get more content on
  • 6. Right To Die Essay Terminally Ill patients across the world all want a way to end what they are going through, but not all doctor's want to help them achieve those goals. The right to die is a patient's ability to choose their own time and means of death. A patient's death can be caused through injections of lethal drugs or even by taking them off of their life support by the request of the patient. Some people support this law because they believe that a patient should have the right to choose whether or not they would want a "dignified death" or a death not caused by an illness. The people opposing this law take the side of the sanctity of life and upholding the integrity of the medical profession by "maintaining bans on physician–assisted suicide" (Right to Die) more content... He does so by citing Pamela Wandix, a 59 year old african american woman with cancer who has said that she has seen several people come and go from the hospital and that all of them wanted to live. He also states that many in the black community distrust the health–care system out of fear of racism and discrimination. That offering these people assisted suicide as the means of an end is not going to make african americans feel more autonomous because blacks, who tend to have less access to treatment, may think that ending their life early is their best and only option (Nirappil). Black people strongly oppose the Right to Die because they fear that they will be taken advantage of; that doctor's would convince them to agree to have their lives taken. The points that Fenit makes are well thought out and cited ones despite being mostly emotion–based. He makes many great points that help to support his Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Right To Die Right to Die As Americans, do we have the right to die? A controversial topic that has gained traction in recent years is that of physician assisted suicide(PAS). With the death of Brittany Maynard in 2014, the conversation on whether death is a liberty is ruffling feathers on all sides. With five states in the U.S., including the District of Columbia, already legalizing PAS for people with a terminal diagnosis; some Americans already have that freedom. For the other 45 states, they do not share that same luxury. Physician assisted suicide should be legal in all 50 states because it grants people who are near the end of their life, a way to go out on their own terms with their dignity intact. It also allows people who are terminally ill more content... That doesn't mean Americans should not work to make end of life decisions of terminally ill patients a smooth transition. Physician assisted suicide gives people the option to go out on their own terms and have and not have to suffer a slow and painful death in the process. As times change so do our societal morals as well, and PAS is an issue that morals must change on. We as Americans should have the right to die how and when we want. With government oversight, legislation can be put in place to make the process smoother while maintaining a level of regulation so abuse of the law remains a low Get more content on
  • 8. The Right To Die Essay The "Right to Die" (Euthanasia) should be further looked into as an option for terminally ill patients and not considered unethical. There has been an issue concerning the topic of "Human Euthanasia" as an acceptable action in society. The research compiled in conjunction with an educated opinion will be the basis for the argument for voluntary Euthanasia in this paper. Patients suffering from an incurable illness, exhausting all medical treatments, should be given the freedom of choice to continue their path of suffering or end it at their own will. "The Right to die" is not suicide, as you are fully aware that death will be certain, as Euthanasia spares the individual of additional pain. The financial burden that is caused by more content... A patient could feel that it is unfair to be denied what they believe their right to die is. There are additional issues that a patient could experience along with the loss of their health. There is the loss of privacy, pride, and dignity when unable to care for self. Society views suicide as an unreasonable and inconsiderate action since there are many alternate avenues of help that a person could resort to. In the case of Euthanasia for a terminally ill being, there is no option to make things better. There is only medication that prolongs the death by temporally numbing the pain. One must imagine what the patient is feeling and at some point and set aside their feelings to be more understanding to that of the patient. According to the Healthcare Crisis website (Healthcare Crisis, 2010): "About 44 million Americans have no health insurance and another 38 million have inadequate health insurance. This means that nearly one–third of Americans face each day without the security of knowing that, if and when they need it, medical care is available to them and their families" In today's world the cost for medical attention and health insurance has increased to the point that it may cause a significant amount of strain to a family of a terminally ill patient. The health insurance issues have become large enough to attract the attention of the political world. We are now witnessing how difficult it has been for Health Care Get more content on
  • 9. Right To Die Should doctors be allowed to help the suffering and terminally ill to die when they choose? % The article "The right to die" discusses this topic. In this paper the article is summarized, analyzed, and compared with my opinion. For writing to be convincing it has to have examples and be organized logically. Therefore, it is not surprising that I did not find the article convincing due to the authors use and placement of examples and the general organization of the article. The article discusses the controversial topic of doctor–assisted dying, and if it should be legal. The author is biased towards making doctor–assisted dying legal and that is apparent in the article, almost all of the points made are in favor of assisted dying. more content... I believe that a human life is very valuable and thus I am against assisted dying. Legal deaths in a society will decrease the value that people place on life. It also makes that society question who should live and who should die, since people's morals go down. The article does not address this as it is biased towards assisted dying. The article did not change my option on assisted dying, as the article was not organized logically and this made it challenging to follow. I think it is good to have read about the other side and to have tried to understand why the author believes the way they Get more content on