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REVAMP Your Love Life!

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Table of contents
Introduction…………………………………………………………….. 5

How To Avoid The 8 Most Common Relationship Issues .…………6

The Overlooked Step To An Unbreakable Bond………………..…..17

The 1 Secret That Makes A Relationship Thrive…………….......… 19

Techniques To Influx The Love In Your Relationship....……….…...21

5 Signs Of A Dead-end Relationship…………………….…….……. 27

How To Kill Your Fear Of Loneliness……..….……………….….…. 32

8 Attributes Of An Ideal Soul mate………………...…….………….. 36

Conclusion…………………………………………..….…….….….…. 38

Cited Resources…………………………………….…….….….……. 40

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Whether you are looking to find the right one, currently

dating or married, you and I both know for a fact that

relationships can be a gruesome uphill battle, yet we are

still willing to be a part of one.

Why? Well we will get into that later in this eBook…

As you read along through this publication we will go into

some methods and inspiring advice that may help you

develop an exciting drama free relationship.

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How To Avoid The 8 Most Common

Relationship Issues

Every long-term or significant relationship faces many

issues. Some tend to be right on the surface and others

are deeply buried and seldom talked about. Every

relationship encounters some sort of obstacle at one time

or another but its how you work through it that proves if

you will last, or crumble.

Take a look at these 8 relationship issues and decide if

you are living in one today. If something strikes a cord

with you, communicate it with your partner and honestly

express your thoughts and feelings.

    1. Denying the real issues

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No matter how terrible your day was or how

depressed you are about your financial situation,

there is no excuse for taking it out on your partner.

Often times we end up hurting the ones we love the

most. But why? Loved ones are our support

system and tend to be the people we see and talk

to the most during the day.

We grow comfortable around them and therefore

can take advantage of that closeness. Rather than

hurt the ones you love, do what it takes to meet the

real problem head-on, as effectively as you can.

If you are unsure of how to address a problem, the

strong and mature thing to do is to ask for help and

support from trusted sources (i.e., a friend, relative,

or therapist).

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2. Brushing things under the rug

  Many concerns get ignored, overlooked and buried

  because the daily rush of work and child raising

  leaves no time for discussion. Maybe one dreads

  confrontation, or maybe you just don’t make the

  time to talk things out and work through issues

  together. Brushing problems and issues to the side

  only makes for a bigger problem to arise later on.

  You can only tiptoe around the real issue for so

  long, until one or both of you explode. If it’s a small

  issue make the decision to drop it or vent to a

  friend. If it’s a big issue, find the time to address it

  immediately and in a calm way. Don’t wait months

  or years for suppressed rage to finally burst out.

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Deal with conflict as it happens, so to avoid greater

  hurt in the future.

3. Gossiping

  If you are talking about the problems in your

  relationship with friends or relatives but not working

  on improving the situation, you are gossiping.

  Gossip is not a productive way to handle problems,

  and can result in additional problems. For instance,

  your partner may feel betrayed that you revealed

  sensitive material to others that made him

  embarrassed or uncomfortable around them.

  Also, if you promote a negative side of your partner

  or your relationship, others may get a distorted

  view, and changes in their attitudes and behavior

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may follow. Others may remember your conflicts

  long after you and your partner have gotten past

  them. Instead, work on improving your

  communication skills as a couple. Turn toward your

  partner, not away. If you need help, seek out the

  assistance of an objective third party such as a

  therapist who works with couples. When it comes to

  your needs, stop complaining and start asking!

4. Not listening

  Think back to when you were dating. Remember

  when every single word out of your date’s mouth

  was fascinating and you couldn’t wait for him to call,

  to hear what he thought about anything and

  everything? This “honeymoon” phase can fade and

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be replaced by the realistic daily life you now live

together. Are you distracted and too worried about

your last argument or issues at your job? Are you

bored with hearing your partner complain endlessly

about work without doing anything about it and

therefore tuning out?

Once you can get a handle on why one or the other

partner no longer listens, you can dig deeper into

the issues. Communication is key here and needs

to be addressed before any greater issue can be

solved. Remember that your relationship is a

compromise between two very different people and

when you got together you made that commitment

together. Be vocal about your frustrations and be

open to hearing about what your man might find

irritating about you too!

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5. Unreasonable expectations

  Unreasonable expectations are exactly that,

  unreasonable. Many men and women have crazy

  expectations about the institution of marriage and

  what that entails. Resentment can build up if a

  partner feels particularly shocked with reality.

  These expectations and unexpected realities

  double for child raising, when lack of sleep, stress

  and financial pressure bring out conflicts in nearly

  every couple in the world.

  The list of areas where people have unrealistic

  expectations are nearly endless: how their partner

  should look, the job they should have, how much

  money they should earn etc. It’s important for both
  partners to take a step back and clearly state their

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expectations for different stages in their

  relationship. If something seems extremely

  unreasonable to one of you, it probably is, at least

  for your specific relationship. Seek advice and help

  from either friends or family who have gone through

  something similar, or an objective 3rd party such as

  a therapist or counselor.

6. Putting Yourself First

  It’s not “all about me,” especially when you are in a

  relationship. Letting one’s self interests take priority

  in an unbalanced way can be toxic to a partnership.

  The other person usually winds up feeling deprived,

  resentful, and unimportant. Furthermore, the more

  self-involved you are, the more you take your

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relationship for granted, the less you appreciate

  your partner, and the more alone you actually are.

  So if your relationship is this way, you also lose out,

  because you experience less of the joy that a true

  connection brings. You and your partner both get

  more from the relationship through reciprocity in

  giving and receiving. Relationships are about give

  and take. You should want your partner to be as

  happy and content as you are.

7. Living in the past

  If you have a problem with your service or food at a

  restaurant, do you tell your server about every

  problem you’ve ever had at that restaurant your

  entire life? Or do you just get down to the complaint

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at hand? Relationships are the same. Talk about

  what’s happening now.

  Bringing up issues and problems in the past may be

  helpful in establishing a relationship history initially,

  but by constantly bringing up the past you will lose

  sight of your future. To complain over and over

  about past events only dilutes the current issue,

  leaving the other person worn out, overwhelmed

  and likely to tune out about your current complaint.

8. Trust issues

  The foundation for every solid relationship is based

  on trust. Honesty is the best policy applies more

  than ever in intimate relationships. This means
  being truthful about how you think, what you feel

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and what you’re doing. You should have your

       partner’s back and they should have yours.

       Sadly, many of us grew up in homes where trust

       between parents was fractured and this childhood

       history can lead any of us down a similar

       relationship path. Don’t continue the cycle of hurt

       and sadness in your relationship.

I’m sorry if any of these common relationship issues are

affecting you, but now we are about to get into an

important yet often neglected step towards building a

lasting relationship.

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The Overlooked Step To An

Unbreakable Bond

Another important thing you may want to take note is that

if you want to find a person who can give you a lasting

relationship to fulfill your emotional and physical needs, it

is best to become friends before you become lovers.

Friendship is the foundation of a relationship. Like how a

building that is constructed with a strong foundation can

survive a storm or flood, so can couples that are truly best

friends with one another are able to withstand stormy or

rocky times.

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That is why being in the ‘friend zone’ with the opposite sex

is not necessarily a bad thing. Truly getting to know a

person without prior selfish motives creates an anchor or

bond for a potential lasting/joyful relationship.

Just think about it, if true friends are quick to forgive and

remain loyal to one another, then how much more so

would a couple be united if they properly laid a solid

foundation of genuine friendship?

Also, what makes a true friendship unique is that it allows

you to develop an essential attribute towards forming a

relationship that lasts through thick and thin.

As you continue on you will learn what this vital attribute


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The 1 Secret That Makes A Relationship


Before we go into the secret that makes a relationship

prosper, let us consider this illustration…. Let’s say that

you are camping with your friends and or family and you

light a fire. Now that fire is intensely hot at the moment,

but if you left that fire alone over night, do you think it will

still be blazing without consistently adding firewood?

Of course not, with love being the secret (if you want to

call it that) to a strong relationship, it is similar to fire. It can

be intensely hot and strong in the beginning, but without

that constant firewood or applied effort to keep that fiery

love burning, your relationship will dwindle over time.

Now love can be broken down into 3 basic components…

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 Trust

   Kindness

   Forgiveness

When trials and tribulation occurs within a relationship

these 3 components of love are severely threatened. So

as you read on to the next subheading we will go into

some actionable steps you can take, if the love in your

relationship is currently weakening.

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Techniques To Influx The Love In Your


Consider this illustration...

You pick out the make, model, year, color, and features
that you believe are best for you. After driving your car for
a couple of months, you realize that perhaps you should
have purchased a larger car, or that maybe the leather
seats would have been better, or on hot sunny days, the
sunroof would have been nice.

However, it is now too late so you choose to keep your car
and make it work. It is the same for relationships. Not
everything will be perfect and there will be major obstacles
to overcome but you have made your decision and now
you choose to make it work.

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There are hundreds of things you can do to better your
relationship. To help get you headed in the right direction,
here are some proven ways to build, strengthen, and
enhance the love in your relationship.

  Start Over

  When couples first get together, everything is new and
  exciting. They overlook the little annoying things the
  other person does. However, after time, the nagging
  starts, instead of hearing, “You look beautiful,” they
  might hear “Why are you wearing that shirt?” If this
  sounds like your relationship, first, the two of you need
  to sit down and be honest that things have changed.

  Identify the things each other did in the beginning of the
  relationship that created the attraction in the first place.
  Then together, make a commitment to start over. The

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truth is, both of you will have to work on this. It will not
automatically be easy but it is possible. Start by
forgiving each other, forgetting the past, and then start
over with the flirtation. Focus only on the special things
your mate does and relearn to put the unimportant
things aside. It will take some time so be patient.


When couples are having problems in a relationship,
communication is the first thing to stop. It is often easier
to just be quiet than to get mad. When rebuilding
relationships, just as communication was the first to
stop, it now needs to be the first to start. This will require
that both individuals let down their guard and pretty
much throw caution to the wind. Healing in the
relationship cannot start until you talk.

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Make an agreement that you will talk about anything
and everything and that you will listen, really listen. That
does not mean that you will agree with everything,
which is perfectly fine.

However, if you do not agree, do not yell, rather, the two
of you need to calmly discuss the issue and together,
work out a solution. This is hard work but within a very
short time, you will both feel much better, individually
and as a couple.

Schedule Time

Spending quality time together is crucial. This time can
be with friends, dining out, attending a sporting event, or
cuddling together while watching a favorite movie. The
activity is not what is important but the fact that you are
together, doing something that you both enjoy.

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People have extremely busy schedules and between
work, family, the home, errands, and everything else
going on, finding time for your mate can be difficult. Just
as you would schedule a meeting on your calendar,
show some courtesy in the relationship by scheduling
time with each other. Once the plan is in place, no
backing out unless you have some life and death

Realistic Expectations

No matter how wonderful and flawless your mate

seems, no one is perfect. Be careful about putting

someone on a pedestal, especially in the early stages of

your relationship. Make sure that the expectations you

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have for your mate and yourself are realistic. There are

  going to be differences in opinion, and probably some

  disagreements. Also, do not assume that your mate

  knows how you feel or what you think about something.

  When discussing something important to you, ensure

  that you both understand the same thing. The reality is

  that neither one of you is going to know exactly what the

  other one needs. As long as you do not expect them to

  read your mind and accept that this is a part of getting to

  know one another and communicating, you will be fine.

Maintaining and rebuilding the love in a relationship is not

the easiest thing to do, sadly this is why many couples fail.

When problems arise in a relationship if both mates are

willing to work it out before it’s too late, there’s a window of

opportunity to start over and refresh that relationship.

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But how do you know when it’s time to start over to rebuild

your relationship? And what steps should you take? As we

continue to the next subheading we’ll get the answers to

these 2 questions.

5 Signs Of A Dead-end Relationship

Are you and your partner fighting all the time or just not

getting along? No matter how bad things get, it can be

difficult to know when to call it quits. Here are five signs it's

time to start afresh…

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Lack of respect

Steps to take:
   Tell your partner how their actions are making you
   Suggest you both limit teasing, listen more actively
    and be more positive towards each other.
   If your partner doesn't see a problem, you're at a
    dead end.

No time for each other

Steps to take:

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 Set aside time for each other every day. Do this in a
      clear and structured way.
     It may not be spontaneous, but having a plan and
      sticking to it shows you want to work things out.
     If you or your partner won't commit the time, it's a
      sign that you're at a stalemate.

Incompatible goals

Steps to take:

   'What's important is not to focus on persuading the
    other to come around to your point of view, but to
    work out whether or not you can find a compromise
    together that makes you both happy,' says
    relationship counselor Tracey Williams.
   If you do find a compromise, make sure you're both
    behind it 100 per cent. Otherwise, a blame game will

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start further down the line that will bring your
    relationship to an end.

Constant Boredom

Steps to take:

   Stuck in a rut means changes need to be made,' says

    psychotherapist Annie Bennett. Think about finding

    new interests or challenges together.

   'Try to introduce variety across different areas of your
    life. Go to new places to eat, try new ways of being

    together and turn off distractions when you're together

    - the TV, computer, mobile phones - and start talking.'

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 If you or your partner are not interested in making

    changes, this is a sign that your relationship may

    have run its course.

Bickering and fighting

Steps to take:
   'If your relationship has become abusive, it's time to
    call it a day,' advises Annie Bennett.
   For constant bickerers, take a break from the fighting
    by calling a truce and see if you can stick to it for a
   No desire to call a ceasefire? Then you're at a dead
    end and it's unlikely the relationship can be saved.

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If you noticed 1 or more of these symptoms in your

relationship, then it maybe to your benefit to apply the

advice given above, but if you are the only one putting

forth effort to improve, and your mate’s actions shows they

refuse to help refine the relationship. Than it may be best

to leave them alone, but if you’re married you may want to

seek help from trusted resources (family, bible,

professional consoling, etc).

How To Kill Your Fear Of Loneliness
  1. Grieve for what you have lost: ending a relationship is
    a loss that needs to be worked through, even if being
    together made you unhappy. Often, we are
    encouraged to 'forget them and move on', but this will
    only keep your ex firmly on your mind.

  2. Seize the advantages of being single: as a single
    person, you have total control over what you do and

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where you go in your life. Start making plans to take
  advantage of your new freedom.

3. Mobilize your support system: being with friends and
  family allows you to vent your emotions as you sort
  through your life. They can also help you see how
  much you are loved and needed in your own right.

4. Reinvent yourself: get a haircut, change your look or
  take up something you've always fancied. Just don't
  do anything rash that you may later regret, such as
  leaving your job.

5. Sort out your financial affairs: breaking up can be
  stressful from a financial point of view. You may be
  left paying the rent or mortgage, or have to find a new
  place to live. If you're finding things a stretch, get
  some professional financial advice.

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6. Accept you'll have down times: don't expect
    everything to be fine and dandy. Prepare yourself for
    some lonely moments, but remind yourself that they
    will pass and you will be happy again.

  7. Set goals: one of the worst things about ending a
    relationship is seeing your future as a blank slate that
    was once filled with potential. Set new goals, be they
    work ones, travel ones or ones that broaden your life.

  8. Let yourself be happy: single life may not be your
    ideal, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. Say
    yes to invites, make plans for your social life and work
    on finding a new way of living that pushes you out of
    your comfort zone now and again.

If you’re currently in the process of getting over a break up

or your contemplating breaking up with someone then

please apply what you just read above.

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And do not rush into another relationship thinking it will

make things better, for 1st you will need to allow yourself

time to heal and regain confidence.

Plus, it would be best to reanalyze your past relationship

and see the mistakes you and your partner made at the

time, and make a personal change to prevent similar

issues in the future. Once you’re emotional able then it

would be best to find someone who has the ideal

attributes of being your true love.

The next subheading will go into some ideal attributes to

look for in a potential mate or help depict whether or not

your current partner is right for you.

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8 Attributes Of An Ideal Soul mate

As humans it is only natural for us to want to find our

perfect match, but as imperfect people we have many

flaws. So to make things clear you will need to be realistic

when searching out a mate, for you will never truly find

that superman or superwoman.

However, it is possible to find the best one for you. So

here’s a characteristic profile of a person that is proven to

be a right fit for anyone in need of a lasting relationship.

Traits to look for in an ideal mate no matter your type…

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 Willing to consult you when making a decision that

    could affect the relationship

   Deeply cares for your feelings rather than their own

   Self sacrificing

   Moderate in habits

   Humble / Down to earth

   Forgiving

   Practices self control

   Honest

These traits may not sound attractive. Plus, a potential

mate or person you may already be dating may not have

any of these characteristics, but to be in a relationship with

a person like this is priceless.

If you ever spoke with couples who been happily married

for majority of their lives and asked them how their spouse
contributes to keep their happy relationship, it’s

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guaranteed they will give you a description similar to the

one above.

As you can see, relationships take work but the rewards of

a successful relationship will pay for itself many times

over. With the right attitude, upfront effort, and some

unique applicable methods on how to make it successful,

couples can have a strong lifelong relationship!

So no matter if you’re currently seeking the right mate,

already dating someone, or currently married, please

remember that love endures and conquers all. If you

always exercise love in your life, your peace and joy will

be abundant.

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P.S. -

    Let peace and blessings be with you on
    your journey for true love and happiness,

    Owner of

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Cited Resources
Quoted from other sites:



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 Image 17

 Image 18

 Image 19

 Image 20

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 Image 22

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Revamp your love life

  • 1. REVAMP Your Love Life! Exclusive Release From: © All Rights Reserved -
  • 2. Disclaimer The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this eBook, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate. The information contained in this report is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this report, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided “as is”, and without warranties. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 3. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. All content that maybe subjected to copyright will be cited within this publication. This book is for personal use only. The author and publisher does not grant you permission to sale, distribute or alter this eBook. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 4. Table of contents Introduction…………………………………………………………….. 5 How To Avoid The 8 Most Common Relationship Issues .…………6 The Overlooked Step To An Unbreakable Bond………………..…..17 The 1 Secret That Makes A Relationship Thrive…………….......… 19 Techniques To Influx The Love In Your Relationship....……….…...21 5 Signs Of A Dead-end Relationship…………………….…….……. 27 How To Kill Your Fear Of Loneliness……..….……………….….…. 32 8 Attributes Of An Ideal Soul mate………………...…….………….. 36 Conclusion…………………………………………..….…….….….…. 38 Cited Resources…………………………………….…….….….……. 40 © All Rights Reserved -
  • 5. Introduction Whether you are looking to find the right one, currently dating or married, you and I both know for a fact that relationships can be a gruesome uphill battle, yet we are still willing to be a part of one. Why? Well we will get into that later in this eBook… As you read along through this publication we will go into some methods and inspiring advice that may help you develop an exciting drama free relationship. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 6. How To Avoid The 8 Most Common Relationship Issues Every long-term or significant relationship faces many issues. Some tend to be right on the surface and others are deeply buried and seldom talked about. Every relationship encounters some sort of obstacle at one time or another but its how you work through it that proves if you will last, or crumble. Take a look at these 8 relationship issues and decide if you are living in one today. If something strikes a cord with you, communicate it with your partner and honestly express your thoughts and feelings. 1. Denying the real issues © All Rights Reserved -
  • 7. No matter how terrible your day was or how depressed you are about your financial situation, there is no excuse for taking it out on your partner. Often times we end up hurting the ones we love the most. But why? Loved ones are our support system and tend to be the people we see and talk to the most during the day. We grow comfortable around them and therefore can take advantage of that closeness. Rather than hurt the ones you love, do what it takes to meet the real problem head-on, as effectively as you can. If you are unsure of how to address a problem, the strong and mature thing to do is to ask for help and support from trusted sources (i.e., a friend, relative, or therapist). © All Rights Reserved -
  • 8. 2. Brushing things under the rug Many concerns get ignored, overlooked and buried because the daily rush of work and child raising leaves no time for discussion. Maybe one dreads confrontation, or maybe you just don’t make the time to talk things out and work through issues together. Brushing problems and issues to the side only makes for a bigger problem to arise later on. You can only tiptoe around the real issue for so long, until one or both of you explode. If it’s a small issue make the decision to drop it or vent to a friend. If it’s a big issue, find the time to address it immediately and in a calm way. Don’t wait months or years for suppressed rage to finally burst out. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 9. Deal with conflict as it happens, so to avoid greater hurt in the future. 3. Gossiping If you are talking about the problems in your relationship with friends or relatives but not working on improving the situation, you are gossiping. Gossip is not a productive way to handle problems, and can result in additional problems. For instance, your partner may feel betrayed that you revealed sensitive material to others that made him embarrassed or uncomfortable around them. Also, if you promote a negative side of your partner or your relationship, others may get a distorted view, and changes in their attitudes and behavior © All Rights Reserved -
  • 10. may follow. Others may remember your conflicts long after you and your partner have gotten past them. Instead, work on improving your communication skills as a couple. Turn toward your partner, not away. If you need help, seek out the assistance of an objective third party such as a therapist who works with couples. When it comes to your needs, stop complaining and start asking! 4. Not listening Think back to when you were dating. Remember when every single word out of your date’s mouth was fascinating and you couldn’t wait for him to call, to hear what he thought about anything and everything? This “honeymoon” phase can fade and © All Rights Reserved -
  • 11. be replaced by the realistic daily life you now live together. Are you distracted and too worried about your last argument or issues at your job? Are you bored with hearing your partner complain endlessly about work without doing anything about it and therefore tuning out? Once you can get a handle on why one or the other partner no longer listens, you can dig deeper into the issues. Communication is key here and needs to be addressed before any greater issue can be solved. Remember that your relationship is a compromise between two very different people and when you got together you made that commitment together. Be vocal about your frustrations and be open to hearing about what your man might find irritating about you too! © All Rights Reserved -
  • 12. 5. Unreasonable expectations Unreasonable expectations are exactly that, unreasonable. Many men and women have crazy expectations about the institution of marriage and what that entails. Resentment can build up if a partner feels particularly shocked with reality. These expectations and unexpected realities double for child raising, when lack of sleep, stress and financial pressure bring out conflicts in nearly every couple in the world. The list of areas where people have unrealistic expectations are nearly endless: how their partner should look, the job they should have, how much money they should earn etc. It’s important for both partners to take a step back and clearly state their © All Rights Reserved -
  • 13. expectations for different stages in their relationship. If something seems extremely unreasonable to one of you, it probably is, at least for your specific relationship. Seek advice and help from either friends or family who have gone through something similar, or an objective 3rd party such as a therapist or counselor. 6. Putting Yourself First It’s not “all about me,” especially when you are in a relationship. Letting one’s self interests take priority in an unbalanced way can be toxic to a partnership. The other person usually winds up feeling deprived, resentful, and unimportant. Furthermore, the more self-involved you are, the more you take your © All Rights Reserved -
  • 14. relationship for granted, the less you appreciate your partner, and the more alone you actually are. So if your relationship is this way, you also lose out, because you experience less of the joy that a true connection brings. You and your partner both get more from the relationship through reciprocity in giving and receiving. Relationships are about give and take. You should want your partner to be as happy and content as you are. 7. Living in the past If you have a problem with your service or food at a restaurant, do you tell your server about every problem you’ve ever had at that restaurant your entire life? Or do you just get down to the complaint © All Rights Reserved -
  • 15. at hand? Relationships are the same. Talk about what’s happening now. Bringing up issues and problems in the past may be helpful in establishing a relationship history initially, but by constantly bringing up the past you will lose sight of your future. To complain over and over about past events only dilutes the current issue, leaving the other person worn out, overwhelmed and likely to tune out about your current complaint. 8. Trust issues The foundation for every solid relationship is based on trust. Honesty is the best policy applies more than ever in intimate relationships. This means being truthful about how you think, what you feel © All Rights Reserved -
  • 16. and what you’re doing. You should have your partner’s back and they should have yours. Sadly, many of us grew up in homes where trust between parents was fractured and this childhood history can lead any of us down a similar relationship path. Don’t continue the cycle of hurt and sadness in your relationship. I’m sorry if any of these common relationship issues are affecting you, but now we are about to get into an important yet often neglected step towards building a lasting relationship. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 17. The Overlooked Step To An Unbreakable Bond Another important thing you may want to take note is that if you want to find a person who can give you a lasting relationship to fulfill your emotional and physical needs, it is best to become friends before you become lovers. Friendship is the foundation of a relationship. Like how a building that is constructed with a strong foundation can survive a storm or flood, so can couples that are truly best friends with one another are able to withstand stormy or rocky times. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 18. That is why being in the ‘friend zone’ with the opposite sex is not necessarily a bad thing. Truly getting to know a person without prior selfish motives creates an anchor or bond for a potential lasting/joyful relationship. Just think about it, if true friends are quick to forgive and remain loyal to one another, then how much more so would a couple be united if they properly laid a solid foundation of genuine friendship? Also, what makes a true friendship unique is that it allows you to develop an essential attribute towards forming a relationship that lasts through thick and thin. As you continue on you will learn what this vital attribute is. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 19. The 1 Secret That Makes A Relationship Thrive Before we go into the secret that makes a relationship prosper, let us consider this illustration…. Let’s say that you are camping with your friends and or family and you light a fire. Now that fire is intensely hot at the moment, but if you left that fire alone over night, do you think it will still be blazing without consistently adding firewood? Of course not, with love being the secret (if you want to call it that) to a strong relationship, it is similar to fire. It can be intensely hot and strong in the beginning, but without that constant firewood or applied effort to keep that fiery love burning, your relationship will dwindle over time. Now love can be broken down into 3 basic components… © All Rights Reserved -
  • 20.  Trust  Kindness  Forgiveness When trials and tribulation occurs within a relationship these 3 components of love are severely threatened. So as you read on to the next subheading we will go into some actionable steps you can take, if the love in your relationship is currently weakening. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 21. Techniques To Influx The Love In Your Relationship Consider this illustration... You pick out the make, model, year, color, and features that you believe are best for you. After driving your car for a couple of months, you realize that perhaps you should have purchased a larger car, or that maybe the leather seats would have been better, or on hot sunny days, the sunroof would have been nice. However, it is now too late so you choose to keep your car and make it work. It is the same for relationships. Not everything will be perfect and there will be major obstacles to overcome but you have made your decision and now you choose to make it work. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 22. There are hundreds of things you can do to better your relationship. To help get you headed in the right direction, here are some proven ways to build, strengthen, and enhance the love in your relationship. Start Over When couples first get together, everything is new and exciting. They overlook the little annoying things the other person does. However, after time, the nagging starts, instead of hearing, “You look beautiful,” they might hear “Why are you wearing that shirt?” If this sounds like your relationship, first, the two of you need to sit down and be honest that things have changed. Identify the things each other did in the beginning of the relationship that created the attraction in the first place. Then together, make a commitment to start over. The © All Rights Reserved -
  • 23. truth is, both of you will have to work on this. It will not automatically be easy but it is possible. Start by forgiving each other, forgetting the past, and then start over with the flirtation. Focus only on the special things your mate does and relearn to put the unimportant things aside. It will take some time so be patient. Communicate When couples are having problems in a relationship, communication is the first thing to stop. It is often easier to just be quiet than to get mad. When rebuilding relationships, just as communication was the first to stop, it now needs to be the first to start. This will require that both individuals let down their guard and pretty much throw caution to the wind. Healing in the relationship cannot start until you talk. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 24. Make an agreement that you will talk about anything and everything and that you will listen, really listen. That does not mean that you will agree with everything, which is perfectly fine. However, if you do not agree, do not yell, rather, the two of you need to calmly discuss the issue and together, work out a solution. This is hard work but within a very short time, you will both feel much better, individually and as a couple. Schedule Time Spending quality time together is crucial. This time can be with friends, dining out, attending a sporting event, or cuddling together while watching a favorite movie. The activity is not what is important but the fact that you are together, doing something that you both enjoy. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 25. People have extremely busy schedules and between work, family, the home, errands, and everything else going on, finding time for your mate can be difficult. Just as you would schedule a meeting on your calendar, show some courtesy in the relationship by scheduling time with each other. Once the plan is in place, no backing out unless you have some life and death emergency. Realistic Expectations No matter how wonderful and flawless your mate seems, no one is perfect. Be careful about putting someone on a pedestal, especially in the early stages of your relationship. Make sure that the expectations you © All Rights Reserved -
  • 26. have for your mate and yourself are realistic. There are going to be differences in opinion, and probably some disagreements. Also, do not assume that your mate knows how you feel or what you think about something. When discussing something important to you, ensure that you both understand the same thing. The reality is that neither one of you is going to know exactly what the other one needs. As long as you do not expect them to read your mind and accept that this is a part of getting to know one another and communicating, you will be fine. Maintaining and rebuilding the love in a relationship is not the easiest thing to do, sadly this is why many couples fail. When problems arise in a relationship if both mates are willing to work it out before it’s too late, there’s a window of opportunity to start over and refresh that relationship. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 27. But how do you know when it’s time to start over to rebuild your relationship? And what steps should you take? As we continue to the next subheading we’ll get the answers to these 2 questions. 5 Signs Of A Dead-end Relationship Are you and your partner fighting all the time or just not getting along? No matter how bad things get, it can be difficult to know when to call it quits. Here are five signs it's time to start afresh… © All Rights Reserved -
  • 28. Lack of respect Steps to take:  Tell your partner how their actions are making you feel.  Suggest you both limit teasing, listen more actively and be more positive towards each other.  If your partner doesn't see a problem, you're at a dead end. No time for each other Steps to take: © All Rights Reserved -
  • 29.  Set aside time for each other every day. Do this in a clear and structured way.  It may not be spontaneous, but having a plan and sticking to it shows you want to work things out.  If you or your partner won't commit the time, it's a sign that you're at a stalemate. Incompatible goals Steps to take:  'What's important is not to focus on persuading the other to come around to your point of view, but to work out whether or not you can find a compromise together that makes you both happy,' says relationship counselor Tracey Williams.  If you do find a compromise, make sure you're both behind it 100 per cent. Otherwise, a blame game will © All Rights Reserved -
  • 30. start further down the line that will bring your relationship to an end. Constant Boredom Steps to take:  Stuck in a rut means changes need to be made,' says psychotherapist Annie Bennett. Think about finding new interests or challenges together.  'Try to introduce variety across different areas of your life. Go to new places to eat, try new ways of being together and turn off distractions when you're together - the TV, computer, mobile phones - and start talking.' © All Rights Reserved -
  • 31.  If you or your partner are not interested in making changes, this is a sign that your relationship may have run its course. Bickering and fighting Steps to take:  'If your relationship has become abusive, it's time to call it a day,' advises Annie Bennett.  For constant bickerers, take a break from the fighting by calling a truce and see if you can stick to it for a week.  No desire to call a ceasefire? Then you're at a dead end and it's unlikely the relationship can be saved. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 32. If you noticed 1 or more of these symptoms in your relationship, then it maybe to your benefit to apply the advice given above, but if you are the only one putting forth effort to improve, and your mate’s actions shows they refuse to help refine the relationship. Than it may be best to leave them alone, but if you’re married you may want to seek help from trusted resources (family, bible, professional consoling, etc). How To Kill Your Fear Of Loneliness 1. Grieve for what you have lost: ending a relationship is a loss that needs to be worked through, even if being together made you unhappy. Often, we are encouraged to 'forget them and move on', but this will only keep your ex firmly on your mind. 2. Seize the advantages of being single: as a single person, you have total control over what you do and © All Rights Reserved -
  • 33. where you go in your life. Start making plans to take advantage of your new freedom. 3. Mobilize your support system: being with friends and family allows you to vent your emotions as you sort through your life. They can also help you see how much you are loved and needed in your own right. 4. Reinvent yourself: get a haircut, change your look or take up something you've always fancied. Just don't do anything rash that you may later regret, such as leaving your job. 5. Sort out your financial affairs: breaking up can be stressful from a financial point of view. You may be left paying the rent or mortgage, or have to find a new place to live. If you're finding things a stretch, get some professional financial advice. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 34. 6. Accept you'll have down times: don't expect everything to be fine and dandy. Prepare yourself for some lonely moments, but remind yourself that they will pass and you will be happy again. 7. Set goals: one of the worst things about ending a relationship is seeing your future as a blank slate that was once filled with potential. Set new goals, be they work ones, travel ones or ones that broaden your life. 8. Let yourself be happy: single life may not be your ideal, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. Say yes to invites, make plans for your social life and work on finding a new way of living that pushes you out of your comfort zone now and again. If you’re currently in the process of getting over a break up or your contemplating breaking up with someone then please apply what you just read above. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 35. And do not rush into another relationship thinking it will make things better, for 1st you will need to allow yourself time to heal and regain confidence. Plus, it would be best to reanalyze your past relationship and see the mistakes you and your partner made at the time, and make a personal change to prevent similar issues in the future. Once you’re emotional able then it would be best to find someone who has the ideal attributes of being your true love. The next subheading will go into some ideal attributes to look for in a potential mate or help depict whether or not your current partner is right for you. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 36. 8 Attributes Of An Ideal Soul mate As humans it is only natural for us to want to find our perfect match, but as imperfect people we have many flaws. So to make things clear you will need to be realistic when searching out a mate, for you will never truly find that superman or superwoman. However, it is possible to find the best one for you. So here’s a characteristic profile of a person that is proven to be a right fit for anyone in need of a lasting relationship. Traits to look for in an ideal mate no matter your type… © All Rights Reserved -
  • 37.  Willing to consult you when making a decision that could affect the relationship  Deeply cares for your feelings rather than their own  Self sacrificing  Moderate in habits  Humble / Down to earth  Forgiving  Practices self control  Honest These traits may not sound attractive. Plus, a potential mate or person you may already be dating may not have any of these characteristics, but to be in a relationship with a person like this is priceless. If you ever spoke with couples who been happily married for majority of their lives and asked them how their spouse contributes to keep their happy relationship, it’s © All Rights Reserved -
  • 38. guaranteed they will give you a description similar to the one above. Conclusion As you can see, relationships take work but the rewards of a successful relationship will pay for itself many times over. With the right attitude, upfront effort, and some unique applicable methods on how to make it successful, couples can have a strong lifelong relationship! So no matter if you’re currently seeking the right mate, already dating someone, or currently married, please remember that love endures and conquers all. If you always exercise love in your life, your peace and joy will be abundant. © All Rights Reserved -
  • 39. P.S. - Let peace and blessings be with you on your journey for true love and happiness, Owner of → Please click here to share your opinion about this ebook. © All Rights Reserved -
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