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Government pension plans

                                                                                                  Making sense of it all
                                  Alternatively, these amounts can be
                                  transferred to a locked-in plan such
                                                                                                  If you’ve lived in Canada and contri-
                                  as a Locked-in Retirement Account
                                                                                                  buted to the Canada Pension Plan
                                  (LIRA), a Life Income Fund (LIF) or,
                                                                                                  (CPP) or the Quebec Pension Plan
                                  in some provinces, into a locked-in
                                                                                                  (QPP), you’ll be entitled to benefits.
                                  Retirement Income Fund (LRIF) or
                                  a “Prescribed RIF” (PRIF).                                      You can choose to start receiving
                                                                                                  benefits at any time between the ages
                                  LIFs and LRIFs are similar to RRIFs

                                                                                                                                                                                                     3 5 years to go and counting
                                                                                                  of 60 and 70. When benefits start
ED MADRO B.A. Econ., CPCA         in that you are required to withdraw
                                                                                                  prior to age 65, there is a reduction
                                  a minimum amount each year,

                                                                                                                                                                SPECIAL REPORT
                                                                                                  in the benefit. However, if you   however, the withdrawals are also
                                                                                                  choose to delay receipt of your bene-
                                  capped. In other words, pension

                                                                                                                                                                Many of the financial decisions
(403) 220-9654
                                                                                                  fits beyond age 65, your benefit will
                                  legislation establishes a “band” or

                                                                                                                                                                you make as you ease into
                                                                                                  increase. Talk with us to determine
                                  range of income. You then decide
                                                                                                  which option best suits your needs.

                                                                                                                                                                retirement will have far reaching
                                  what amount, within that range,

                                                                                                                                                                implications that may be felt,
                                  you’ll withdraw to meet your needs.

                                                                                                                                                                quite literally, for the rest of
                                  This is intended to ensure the LIF
                                  or LRIF is not depleted prematurely.                            It’s clear the road to retirement,

                                                                                                                                                                your life. In this Special Report,
                                                                                                  which once seemed so long, is

                                                                                                                                                                we’ll guide you through the maze
                                  If your company pension plan
                                                                                                  getting shorter. Your “destination”
                                  allows, you may be able to transfer

                                                                                                                                                                of issues you should consider as
                                                                                                  is now within sight and, as you’ve
                                  your accumulated pension benefits

                                                                                                                                                                retirement approaches.
                                                                                                  seen, you have many decisions to
                                  into a LIRA before ultimately moving
                                                                                                  make. Will you be ready? Talk with
                                  them into a LIF/LRIF. Some jurisdic-
                                                                                                  us today.
                                  tions provide for a “one-time” transfer
                                  of a percentage of locked-in assets to
                                  an RRSP or RRIF. Be aware that you
                                  may forfeit other retirement benefits

                                  ™ Trademark owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. Written and published by Investors
                                  if you choose to make such a transfer.

                                    Group as a general source of information only. It is not intended as a solicitation to buy or sell specific investments,
                                  Still, the ability to control how one’s

                                    nor is it intended to provide tax, legal or investment advice. Readers should seek advice on their specific circumstances
                                    from an Investors Group Consultant.
                                  retirement savings are managed

                                    Commissions, fees and expenses may be associated with mutual fund investments. Read the prospectus before
                                  makes this option an attractive one

                                    investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.
                                  for many people.

                                    Insurance products and services offered through I.G. Insurance Services Inc. (in Québec, a Financial Services Firm).
                                    Insurance license sponsored by The Great-West Life Assurance Company (outside of Québec). Investors Group/
                                    Great-West Life segregated fund policies are issued by The Great-West Life Assurance Company.
                                  “Retirement: 5 years to go and counting” © Investors Group Inc. 2012                                    MP1234 (11/2012)
                                            Investors Group Financial Services Inc.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Investors Group Financial Services Inc.
Sources and choices
for retirement income

                                                                                                                                                                                          Tax-Free Savings Accounts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Retirement can come as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        a profound shock to many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        newly retired people. Clearly,

                                         Retirement Savings Plans
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        a fulfilling retirement requires
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        not only financial preparation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        but also a clear vision of what
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        kind of life you’d like to lead
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        during retirement.
                                         you can’t afford to lose sight of the                   This means contributing the allowable            payments. Your Investors Group          from your non-registered assets
                                         fact that you may require an income                     maximum to your RRSP every year                  Consultant can help you to select       before accessing capital from your
                                         for 20 years or more. As a result,                      and allowing the contributions to                the term that's right for you.          tax-sheltered assets may be advisable.
Plan to stay active – Many people
                                         you’ll need to protect yourself from                    grow uninterrupted for as long                   4. Convert your RRSP to a               The fact that RRIF withdrawals
believe retirees do most of their

                                                                                                                                                                                          Company pensions
                                         the danger of outliving your savings.                   as possible. If you have unused                  Registered Retirement Income            are fully taxed provides an added
major spending within the first few

                                                                                                                                                                                          and locked-in accounts
years of their retirement, arguing       Your plan could include stocks                          contribution room available, you’ll              Fund (RRIF): RRIFs are very much        incentive to leave as much of your
this eliminates the need to prepare      (equities) or equity mutual funds.                      want to be sure to take advantage                like RRSPs, with two exceptions:        registered assets sheltered as long as
financially for a lengthy – and expen-                                                           of it in these last few years leading            you cannot contribute previously        you possibly can. Further, depending
                                         Generally speaking, these kinds of
sive – retirement. Don’t believe it.                                                             up to your retirement. If necessary,             unregistered money to your RRIF;        on how you invest outside of your
                                         investments have consistently provided
                                                                                                 consider an RRSP catch-up loan to                and you are required to withdraw a      RRSP or RRIF, non-registered assets
The fact of the matter is Canadians      better returns than those available on
                                                                                                 ensure that contribution room                    minimum amount each year.               may receive preferential tax treatment,
are living longer, and staying active    interest-bearing accounts over longer                                                                                                            allowing you to keep more of what
                                                                                                 is not wasted.                                   The advantages of RRIFs – The

                                           TIPS FOR PLANNING BEYOND RETIREMENT
longer, than ever before. Many           periods of time. Your plan should                                                                                                                you earn.
people who once anticipated being        also guard against market volatility,                   Your retirement income options –                 minimum amount you’re required
able to enjoy travel and various         especially a market decline early in                    You’ll have to convert your RRSP to              to withdraw from your RRIF each
leisure activities only in their early                                                           something that produces an income                year is a percentage of the value of
                                         retirement that could significantly
retirement years are now finding                                                                 by December 31st of the year in which            the RRIF. It can be based on either
                                         reduce your retirement income.
they’re able to continue that level                                                              you turn 71. When you choose to                  your age or that of your spouse and     A TFSA can be used as another
of activity well into their 80s.         Essentially, your portfolio needs to                    convert your RRSP, you’ll have four              the percentage increases each year.     source of retirement funds as it is

                                           3 Make your maximum RRSP contribution for            3 To minimize the amount of RRIF income
                                         include a mix of investments that help                  basic options:                                   If you have a younger spouse, you       designed to help Canadians save for

                                             as long as you can. You can contribute to            you’ll be required to expose to tax, base
At the same time, inflation, even with   protect against market downturns                                                                         may find it advantageous to base        important goals and reduce their

                                             your RRSP until the end of the year in which         your RRIF withdrawals on the age of the
annual increases in the two to three                                                             1. Cash in your plan: This is the least          your withdrawals on your spouse’s

                                             you turn 71 – whether you’re working or not          younger spouse.
                                         while also delivering a cash flow that                                                                                                           overall tax bill.
per cent range, can whittle away your                                                            advisable route, as you’ll likely pay

                                             – if you have contribution room available.
                                         will sustain your retirement lifestyle.                                                                  age, as the required minimum

                                                                                                3 To get the most tax-deferred growth from
savings’ purchasing power if you’re                                                              tax on the entire sum at the highest                                                     You put money in, you get the money
                                                                                                                                                  withdrawal will be smaller, thereby

                                           3 Since RRSP contribution room is based on             your RRIF, withdraw only the minimum
not careful. Be aware that the cost of                                                           marginal tax rate.                                                                       and growth back out tax-free; you can

                                             previous year’s earned income, you will have         amount required and choose December 31
                                                                                                                                                  allowing you to shelter more of
                                                                                                                                                                                          withdraw funds at any time and for

                                             RRSP contribution room the year after you            of each year as the date you’ll receive your
commodities and services that affect                                                             2. Buy a life annuity: A life annuity            your wealth from tax.

                                             retire. Be sure to make an RRSP contribu-            annual income. You’re not required to
retirees the most–such as prescrip-      You’re already familiar with the                                                                                                                 any purpose without incurring tax.
                                                                                                 will pay you a specified income,

                                             tion the year after you retire. If you intend to     receive any RRIF income until December 31
tions and health care–often rise more                                                                                                             You can withdraw any amount

                                             work beyond age 71, you can still contribute         of the year following the year that your RRIF
                                         benefits of Registered Retirement                       usually monthly, for the rest of                                                         There are also no age restrictions
                                                                                                                                                  beyond the minimum each year,

                                             to a spousal RRSP if your spouse is younger          was established.
dramatically than the conventional       Savings Plans (RRSPs). In general,                      your life.                                                                               on withdrawals and your eligibility
                                                                                                                                                  including lump sums should a

                                             than you. If this is not possible, consider
“family” living costs used to measure    it’s usually a good idea to shelter                                                                                                              for federal income-tested benefits,

                                             making an over-contribution to your RRSP in
broad movements in consumer prices.                                                              3. Buy a term-certain annuity : This             special need arise.
                                                                                                                                                                                          such as Old Age Security (OAS), the

                                             December of the year in which you turn 71.
                                         as much of your savings from tax                        type of annuity guarantees payments
Building a portfolio for your            as possible.                                                                                             You can hold virtually all the same     Guaranteed Income Supplement
                                                                                                 for the duration of the term selected.           investments in your RRIF as you
retirement – While your retirement                                                                                                                                                        (GIS) and the Age credit, will not
                                                                                                 The longer the term, the smaller the             currently hold in your RRSP.
may now be less than five years away,                                                                                                                                                     be affected.
                                                                                                                                                  You can split your RRIF income, for
                                                                                                                                                  tax purposes, with your spouse if you                                             value of the member’s flex account
                                                                                                                                                  are at least 65 years of age. Talk to                                             can be used to purchase one or more
                                                                                                                                                  us before considering this option.      Defined Benefit (DB) plans –              ancillary benefits, such as some form
                                                                                                                                                  With all this flexibility, it’s no      As the name suggests, DB plans            of cost of living increase, a bridging
                                                                                                                                                  surprise most people choose RRIFs.      “define” the pension benefit payable      feature – which provides a higher
                                                                                                                                                                                          upon retirement based on a formula        income prior to receipt of CPP/QPP
                                                                                                                                                  Non-registered investments –            that reflects your earnings and years     and OAS benefits – or an unreduced
                                                                                                                                                  You may choose to supplement            of service.                               pension for early retirement.
                                                                                                                                                  the income you receive from your
                                                                                                                                                  registered investments with income      Flexible benefit (flex) plans – Some      Defined Contribution (DC) plans –
                                                                                                                                                  from your non-tax sheltered savings     DB pension plans contain a flexible       With a DC plan, the member’s
                                                                                                                                                  and investments. In fact, because of    benefit (or “flex”) feature. These give   contributions, together with their
                                                                                                                                                  the powerful effect of tax-deferred,    members the option of making              employer’s contributions and the
                                                                                                                                                  compounding growth on your              additional voluntary contributions        plan’s investment earnings, are used
                                                                                                                                                  registered assets, drawing income       to the plan. Upon retirement, the         to purchase a life annuity contract.

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Retirement 5 years and counting

  • 1. Government pension plans Retirement: Making sense of it all Alternatively, these amounts can be transferred to a locked-in plan such If you’ve lived in Canada and contri- as a Locked-in Retirement Account buted to the Canada Pension Plan (LIRA), a Life Income Fund (LIF) or, (CPP) or the Quebec Pension Plan in some provinces, into a locked-in (QPP), you’ll be entitled to benefits. Retirement Income Fund (LRIF) or a “Prescribed RIF” (PRIF). You can choose to start receiving benefits at any time between the ages LIFs and LRIFs are similar to RRIFs 3 5 years to go and counting of 60 and 70. When benefits start ED MADRO B.A. Econ., CPCA in that you are required to withdraw prior to age 65, there is a reduction a minimum amount each year, SPECIAL REPORT Consultant in the benefit. However, if you however, the withdrawals are also choose to delay receipt of your bene- capped. In other words, pension Many of the financial decisions (403) 220-9654 fits beyond age 65, your benefit will legislation establishes a “band” or you make as you ease into increase. Talk with us to determine range of income. You then decide which option best suits your needs. retirement will have far reaching what amount, within that range, implications that may be felt, you’ll withdraw to meet your needs. quite literally, for the rest of This is intended to ensure the LIF or LRIF is not depleted prematurely. It’s clear the road to retirement, your life. In this Special Report, which once seemed so long, is we’ll guide you through the maze If your company pension plan getting shorter. Your “destination” allows, you may be able to transfer of issues you should consider as is now within sight and, as you’ve your accumulated pension benefits retirement approaches. seen, you have many decisions to into a LIRA before ultimately moving make. Will you be ready? Talk with them into a LIF/LRIF. Some jurisdic- us today. tions provide for a “one-time” transfer of a percentage of locked-in assets to an RRSP or RRIF. Be aware that you may forfeit other retirement benefits ™ Trademark owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. Written and published by Investors if you choose to make such a transfer. Group as a general source of information only. It is not intended as a solicitation to buy or sell specific investments, Still, the ability to control how one’s nor is it intended to provide tax, legal or investment advice. Readers should seek advice on their specific circumstances from an Investors Group Consultant. retirement savings are managed Commissions, fees and expenses may be associated with mutual fund investments. Read the prospectus before makes this option an attractive one investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. for many people. Insurance products and services offered through I.G. Insurance Services Inc. (in Québec, a Financial Services Firm). Insurance license sponsored by The Great-West Life Assurance Company (outside of Québec). Investors Group/ Great-West Life segregated fund policies are issued by The Great-West Life Assurance Company. “Retirement: 5 years to go and counting” © Investors Group Inc. 2012 MP1234 (11/2012) Investors Group Financial Services Inc. 1-866-424-6392 Investors Group Financial Services Inc.
  • 2. Sources and choices for retirement income Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) Retirement can come as a profound shock to many newly retired people. Clearly, Retirement Savings Plans a fulfilling retirement requires not only financial preparation, but also a clear vision of what kind of life you’d like to lead during retirement. you can’t afford to lose sight of the This means contributing the allowable payments. Your Investors Group from your non-registered assets fact that you may require an income maximum to your RRSP every year Consultant can help you to select before accessing capital from your for 20 years or more. As a result, and allowing the contributions to the term that's right for you. tax-sheltered assets may be advisable. Plan to stay active – Many people you’ll need to protect yourself from grow uninterrupted for as long 4. Convert your RRSP to a The fact that RRIF withdrawals believe retirees do most of their Company pensions the danger of outliving your savings. as possible. If you have unused Registered Retirement Income are fully taxed provides an added major spending within the first few and locked-in accounts years of their retirement, arguing Your plan could include stocks contribution room available, you’ll Fund (RRIF): RRIFs are very much incentive to leave as much of your this eliminates the need to prepare (equities) or equity mutual funds. want to be sure to take advantage like RRSPs, with two exceptions: registered assets sheltered as long as financially for a lengthy – and expen- of it in these last few years leading you cannot contribute previously you possibly can. Further, depending Generally speaking, these kinds of sive – retirement. Don’t believe it. up to your retirement. If necessary, unregistered money to your RRIF; on how you invest outside of your investments have consistently provided consider an RRSP catch-up loan to and you are required to withdraw a RRSP or RRIF, non-registered assets The fact of the matter is Canadians better returns than those available on ensure that contribution room minimum amount each year. may receive preferential tax treatment, are living longer, and staying active interest-bearing accounts over longer allowing you to keep more of what is not wasted. The advantages of RRIFs – The TIPS FOR PLANNING BEYOND RETIREMENT longer, than ever before. Many periods of time. Your plan should you earn. people who once anticipated being also guard against market volatility, Your retirement income options – minimum amount you’re required able to enjoy travel and various especially a market decline early in You’ll have to convert your RRSP to to withdraw from your RRIF each leisure activities only in their early something that produces an income year is a percentage of the value of retirement that could significantly retirement years are now finding by December 31st of the year in which the RRIF. It can be based on either reduce your retirement income. they’re able to continue that level you turn 71. When you choose to your age or that of your spouse and A TFSA can be used as another of activity well into their 80s. Essentially, your portfolio needs to convert your RRSP, you’ll have four the percentage increases each year. source of retirement funds as it is 3 Make your maximum RRSP contribution for 3 To minimize the amount of RRIF income include a mix of investments that help basic options: If you have a younger spouse, you designed to help Canadians save for as long as you can. You can contribute to you’ll be required to expose to tax, base At the same time, inflation, even with protect against market downturns may find it advantageous to base important goals and reduce their your RRSP until the end of the year in which your RRIF withdrawals on the age of the annual increases in the two to three 1. Cash in your plan: This is the least your withdrawals on your spouse’s you turn 71 – whether you’re working or not younger spouse. while also delivering a cash flow that overall tax bill. per cent range, can whittle away your advisable route, as you’ll likely pay – if you have contribution room available. will sustain your retirement lifestyle. age, as the required minimum 3 To get the most tax-deferred growth from savings’ purchasing power if you’re tax on the entire sum at the highest You put money in, you get the money withdrawal will be smaller, thereby 3 Since RRSP contribution room is based on your RRIF, withdraw only the minimum not careful. Be aware that the cost of marginal tax rate. and growth back out tax-free; you can previous year’s earned income, you will have amount required and choose December 31 allowing you to shelter more of withdraw funds at any time and for RRSP contribution room the year after you of each year as the date you’ll receive your commodities and services that affect 2. Buy a life annuity: A life annuity your wealth from tax. retire. Be sure to make an RRSP contribu- annual income. You’re not required to retirees the most–such as prescrip- You’re already familiar with the any purpose without incurring tax. will pay you a specified income, tion the year after you retire. If you intend to receive any RRIF income until December 31 tions and health care–often rise more You can withdraw any amount work beyond age 71, you can still contribute of the year following the year that your RRIF benefits of Registered Retirement usually monthly, for the rest of There are also no age restrictions beyond the minimum each year, to a spousal RRSP if your spouse is younger was established. dramatically than the conventional Savings Plans (RRSPs). In general, your life. on withdrawals and your eligibility including lump sums should a than you. If this is not possible, consider “family” living costs used to measure it’s usually a good idea to shelter for federal income-tested benefits, making an over-contribution to your RRSP in broad movements in consumer prices. 3. Buy a term-certain annuity : This special need arise. such as Old Age Security (OAS), the December of the year in which you turn 71. as much of your savings from tax type of annuity guarantees payments Building a portfolio for your as possible. You can hold virtually all the same Guaranteed Income Supplement for the duration of the term selected. investments in your RRIF as you retirement – While your retirement (GIS) and the Age credit, will not The longer the term, the smaller the currently hold in your RRSP. may now be less than five years away, be affected. You can split your RRIF income, for tax purposes, with your spouse if you value of the member’s flex account are at least 65 years of age. Talk to can be used to purchase one or more us before considering this option. Defined Benefit (DB) plans – ancillary benefits, such as some form With all this flexibility, it’s no As the name suggests, DB plans of cost of living increase, a bridging surprise most people choose RRIFs. “define” the pension benefit payable feature – which provides a higher upon retirement based on a formula income prior to receipt of CPP/QPP Non-registered investments – that reflects your earnings and years and OAS benefits – or an unreduced You may choose to supplement of service. pension for early retirement. the income you receive from your registered investments with income Flexible benefit (flex) plans – Some Defined Contribution (DC) plans – from your non-tax sheltered savings DB pension plans contain a flexible With a DC plan, the member’s and investments. In fact, because of benefit (or “flex”) feature. These give contributions, together with their the powerful effect of tax-deferred, members the option of making employer’s contributions and the compounding growth on your additional voluntary contributions plan’s investment earnings, are used registered assets, drawing income to the plan. Upon retirement, the to purchase a life annuity contract.