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The status of retail payments survey

Are payment solution
and technology providers
in alignment with Retail and
Merchant preferences?
19-21 NOVEMBER 2013

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Introduction by VeriFone.............................................................................................................................................4


Survey Objective.................................................................................................................................................................5

2.	Background..............................................................................................................................................................................6



Challenges for Retailers and Merchants.........................................................................................................8


Industry View on new Technologies and Security...........................................................................................8


Industry View on new Technologies and Consumers................................................................................10


Industry View on new Technologies and Retailers/Merchants............................................................ 12


Industry View on the new mPOS Technology................................................................................................. 15


Tom Conlon
VP, Marketing and Business Development,
VeriFone EMEA

Key findings of the survey........................................................................................................................................18

Isabelle Alfano
Events Director
+33 (0) 1 7677 1107

CARTES, Secure Connexions Event, is the world’s leading event in secure solutions for payment,
identification and mobility. From its beginnings in Paris in 1985, CARTES has grown to become
the world’s number one event in the industry, presenting 450 exhibitors and 140 conferences
featuring international experts. The event is attended by 20,000 visitors from 137 countries who
come to discover the latest trends and innovations (mobile payment, NFC, biometrics, M2M...).
The next edition will be held from November 19 to 21, 2013 in Paris Nord Villepinte – France. The
major topic this year is “Building trust in mobile life” including a specific focus on Connected
Commerce. Indeed new payment technologies and services are developed by technology
providers (NFC, digital wallet etc.) for retailers and merchants, to offer value added services to

Alex Rolfe
Managing Director
+44 (0) 1263 711800

the customers. The latest technologies and services will be presented in a dedicated “Smart

shopping area” within the exhibition.
What types of services are currently proposed? What type of solutions and technologies are
used? What is the level of trust in the new payment terminal solutions? What are the challenges
for retailers and merchants in customer adoption? In order to give an insight on these questions,
CARTES has decided to conduct a survey within the industry in partnership with Payments Cards
& Mobile and to publicize the results before and during the event.

Payments Cards & Mobile
Payments Cards & Mobile is an established and award-winning hub for payments industry
intelligence. We work with recognised industry experts to provide impartial, up-to-date and
Published May 2013
Copyright © 2013 PaymentsCM LLP
All rights reserved. Reproduction by any
method or unauthorised circulation is strictly
prohibited, and is a violation of international
copyright law.

relevant information and analysis on every area of card and mobile payment.
Payments Cards & Mobile is the leading payments publication covering every aspect of the
international card, mobile and contactless payments business. |	

CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile


In an Industry first, Payments Cards and Mobile has teamed with veteran industry exhibition CARTES,
Secure Connexions Event, to give an industry overview of the status of retail payments.
In this survey we are aiming to see if the goals of Retailers and Merchants are aligned with the suppliers of technology and
services to both Consumers and Retailers/Merchants. With the proliferation of technology, multi-channels, and convergence
in some areas we are seeing retailers and merchants being forced into making investment choices.
Objective of this short survey: aim to derive feedback from different players of the industry regarding what is on offer by
suppliers and what is required by the merchant.

At VeriFone we believe that listening to our customers, understanding and addressing their needs is a
fundamental part of our business.  We are, therefore, delighted to sponsor this survey in conjunction
with PCM and CARTES, which uniquely assesses how well payment technology and service providers
are aligned to retail and consumer requirements.
It demonstrates that, collectively, we are ready to embrace and exploit new ways to better align physical and online channels and
are willing to invest in new ways to drive efficiency and value.  The survey also reinforces that payments is now increasingly seen as
a strategic tool to manage customer relationships, drive footfall and boost loyalty.
As we seek to examine the impact of technology such as mobile and NFC on our industry, market insight like this is vital to keep
us focused on the essentials.  It helps us all recognise that, for many merchants, payments is still about getting the basics better continuing to make the POS faster, more convenient and efficient and e-commerce platforms more integrated, reliable and secure. 
For vendors, this means that payment innovation will have to be backed by pragmatic delivery and justified by its ability to deliver
real value for shoppers and bottom line return.
Tom Conlon, VP, Marketing and Business Development, VeriFone EMEA


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CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile

Survey Objective
This survey aims to see if the goals of Retailers and Merchants are aligned with the suppliers of technology
and services to both Consumers and Retailers/Merchants. Especially in focus are new technologies like
contactless cards, NFC payments on cards or in wallets, QR-codes, related values added mobile services,
and the mobile-POS terminals (mPOS) launched for the emerging markets of small and mobile merchants.
With the proliferation of technology, multi-channels, and convergence in some areas the initiators of the study are seeing retailers
and merchants being forced into making investment choices. Objective of this short survey: aim to derive feedback from different
players of the industry regarding what is on offer by suppliers and what is required by the merchant.

Survey Questions 	
The queries of the short study sent to the respondents are grouped in this document into four parts:
	 Industry view on new technologies and security	


	 Industry view on new technologies and consumers


	 Industry view on new technologies and retailers/merchants


	 Industry view on the new mPOS technology and market


Compared to the rating average of all respondents, differentiated views were given by industry sector e. g. by merchants/retailers
different from those of banks/card schemes, and Payment Technology Providers.

The Respondents of the Survey
The invitation to respond to the short survey was sent out in March/April 2013 to




selected key persons from the payment industry and to merchants/retailers. The


respondents replying to the survey are broken down as follows: Europe (73.3%),

Card Scheme
Payment Technology Provider

the Americas (13.9%), and the APMEA region (12.8%).

By industry segment, the respondents can be categorised into four key segments:
Merchant/Retailers (12.6%), Banks/Card Schemes (17.9%), Payment Technology Providers (40.0%), or Consultants (29.5%).
The frequent participation of Payment Technology Providers and Consultants shows a high interest in getting feedback regarding
the alignment of new technologies offered with the demands of merchants/retailers. Thus, the average rating of merchants/retailers
is compared to those of banks/card schemes and payment technology providers in addition to the average rating of all respondents.
At this initial stage, at a high level only, the study found some interesting results. Obviously, the study did not drill down either into the
different retail sectors (e. g. convenience stores, supermarkets, mid-sized retailers, small mobile merchants), or into the banking sectors
(e. g. finance institutions, e-money institutions) nor did it dedicate time into the many different types of payment technology providers
(e. g. card manufacturers, processors, payment service providers, POS network services, POS terminal vendors).
The initiators of the study are aware of the fact that some of these answers and ratings could have been more detailed depending on
the different types of retailers or by including internet players and non-bank prepaid product issuers. However, for the purposes of this
study we chose to group the respondents into three main categories: Merchant/Retailer, Bank Card Scheme and Payments Technology
Provider, sometimes referred to in this documents as PT Provider. |	

CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile


The Traditional View of Retailers and Merchants on Payments
For some time retailers view on new means of payments have been clear and shall fulfil these demands:
	 Be secure – no fraud risks, payment guarantee for the merchant


	 Be as fast as possible – no queuing at the register in the outlet



	 Have low cost for merchants

	 Show high consumer acceptance


	 No investment where possible and/or protect investments made
by the merchant

One of the current key questions in the payment industry is to find out what the retailers view on payments is, how it affects their
priorities, willingness to invest and time-to-market regarding acceptance of new mobile technologies and mobile services in general.

Background – New Technologies offered – Status and Outlook
For many years, retail payments are practiced between consumers and merchants/retailers and include contact-based cards at POS
terminals and the e-payment mix on the internet (e. g. cards, wallets, online bank transfers, prepaid products and others).
On the other hand, both the whole payment industry and the retailers have noticed that consumers are going mobile, not just
by using smart phones and tablets for online shopping but also for a magnitude of other services like price comparison, coupon
download, store locator and even in-store services such as stock checking and detailed product information. Thus, retailers and
merchants are being forced to move into mobile services and multi-channel sales processes.
New IT technologies like mobile internet, tablet PCs, smart phones and contactless RFID/NFC/QR communication have led the way
to both mobile services and contactless services at the point of sale.

From 2008, various new technologies have been offered by Payment Technology Providers. Thanks to many successful
contactless/NFC pilots, the new technologies have proven their market readiness:
	 Contactless cards e. g. card payments at any contactless POS terminal or contactless reader device


	 Remote m-payments e. g. mobile payments by using smart phones on the internet


(on cards, online bank transfers, on prepaid products, on e-wallets)
	 Mobile NFC Payments e. g. payments on cards at the point of sale (card brand transparent)


	 Mobile NFC wallets e. g. payments on wallets both remote on the internet and NFC at the POS


	 2DQR-codes, 1D Barcodes e. g. bridging technology to online shops or to initiate cashless payments


In 2013 – Contactless cards are in a rollout process and consumers purchase online and pay cashlessly by using their PCs, smart phones
or tablets. Also, QR-codes are used enabling smart phones and tablets to connect from the real world to online shops on the internet.
Mobile consumers can use many mobile retail apps and experience more and more mobile services which demand mobile payments.
In parallel, new mobile-POS Chip and PIN card readers (mPOS terminals) can be combined with cloud-based electronic cash solutions
on tablets or on smart phones. Such solutions have become a valid new low cost option for small and mobile merchants.
Finally, mobile NFC Payments by using NFC capable smart phones have been successfully piloted. Recently, the card schemes,
together with banks and many mobile network operators, announced various mobile wallet services and are going to start to
compete with internet players like PayPal and Google.

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CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile

Outlook – Retail payments are likely to migrate in the long-term from contact-based to contactless/NFC and
a new mPOS market segment is emerging. NFC payments on cards transparent or on wallets are the next
battlefield of the industry with internet players and banks competing at the contactless POS.
The final challenge for all payment industry players is then simply to find both consumer acceptance and merchant acceptance
and it is here that we find the industry at large is not in agreement.
In a recent announcement from Visa Europe they made public some very interesting growth stats for contactless:
However, in a separate study which appeared at the same time, in which UK residents answered questions about their payment and banking
habits, found that less than one in 10 people had actually made a purchase using their contactless card in the previous month.
These results were compared with a recent survey of industry professionals conducted by Compass Plus, to highlight the differences between
industry expectations and reality. The industry survey indicated that professionals believe the mass adoption of NFC and contactless payments
will take place between one and three years, however nearly 40% of the public revealed they did not even know what contactless payments are.



	 26.9 million cards in circulation
l	 More than £39million worth of
contactless transactions in the month
of March
l	 232,000 terminals


	 6.7 million contactless cards
l	 16 million cards in the market by the
end of 2013
l	 120,000 contactless terminals

	 57 million spend on contactless cards
and phones per month
l	 10 million contactless transactions
every month
l	 8.6 million contactless cards now in
circulation and 116,000 terminals







	 One million contactless transactions in
March 2013
l	 More than 1.3 million contactless cards
l	 More than 10,000 contactless terminals

	 0.9 million contactless transactions in
March 2013
l	 2.9 million cards in the market and
183,000 contactless terminals
l	 7.5 million cards by the end of 2013	

	 More than 6 million contactless cards
	 8.5 million cards in the market by the
end of 2013
l	 69,000 contactless terminals

The same survey also revealed, that the major issue faced by payments professionals at the moment is the “Proliferation of new
payment channels” and this is really what we are trying to highlight in this study. If, as payments professionals we are struggling
with the influx of new methods and channels, how can expect Merchants, retailers and consumers to cope?

When do you expect to see the mass adoption of
NFC/contactless in your region?




What is the biggest issue for the payment and
card industry now?

It’s already here
1-2 years
2-3 years
3-4 years
4+ years |	





The growth of NFC/contactless technology
The proliferation of new payment channels
The need for simple and convenient user authentication
The rise of non-traditional payment providers
New business models via SaaS and
Open Source App development

CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile


Challenges for Retailers and Merchants
With the proliferation of technology, multi-channels and convergence in some areas, retailers and
merchants are facing new challenges and are being forced into making investment choices, for
example, convergence to multi-channel sales and digital 1:1 client communication in order to retain
and win mobile consumers.
Selected current key questions for retailers and merchants regarding time to market are:
	 Offer online shops on the mobile internet for mobile consumers (in rollout)


	 Offer QR-code-based services and value added mobile services to mobile consumers (rollout just started)


	 Be aware of future multi-channel selling (i.e. POS + internet + mobile app)


	 Invest in contactless/NFC terminals to accept contactless cards and mobile NFC payments at the POS


	 Invest in barcode scanners to accept and offer value added services (e. g. e-/m-couponing)


	 Can tablets/smart phones with mPOS terminals disrupt investments into traditional ECR devices and POS terminals?


Market example: German retailers say that they have accelerated preparing for contactless and mobile payments systems by
investing into innovative electronic cash register solutions but giving higher priority to data security at the same time. Being aware
that smart phones are more frequently used by consumers, more than 70% of the large German retailers say they plan to invest in
NFC payments and QR-code scanners in order to be technically capable of accepting contactless and mobile payments at the POS
and in mobile shops on the internet.

Industry View on new Technologies and Security	
Q2: What types of solutions and technology regarding payments are best for consumers?
Online Bank Transfers on the internet and at the POS
New Internet Player Entrants e.g. PayPal, Google etc.
Current contact-based Debit/Credit/Prepaid cards
Mobile NFC wallets
Payment Technology Providers
Remote m-payments

Banks and Schemes

Contactless Debit/Credit/Prepaid cards


QR Codes
Mobile NFC



Source: PCM Research

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CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile

Predominance of Solutions and Technologies in the next 3 – 5 years?
A key question of interest is what solutions and technologies will be predominant in the next 3 – 5 years:

Key Findings
	 Regarding predominance, the views of the respondents by sector look rather aligned.


	 According to rating average – Predominant are still contact-based card (!) and, also, contactless cards.


	 QR-codes were ranked as least important when seen from the aspect of initiating payments.


	 Mobile NFC technology and remote mobile payments were ranked less predominant.


	 Contentious issue between retailers and banks/card schemes is the view on new internet player entrants.


New Technologies and related Security Issues
There is a general perception in the payments industry regarding security and fraud. Whilst many acknowledge that a 100% secure
solution is typically too difficult to get consumers to use. Thus, the respondents were asked which of the new technologies they
think is most secure regarding payments.

Key Findings
	 Traditional cards were rated as most secure by most respondents and, also, by industry sectors.


	 QR-codes were ranked as least secure when seen from the aspect of initiating payments.


	 Also, magnetic stripes at mPOS terminals were ranked least secure – increased demand for Chip & PIN mPOS devices


	 Indirectly, most respondents feel that proving day-to-day security of the new technologies is at an early stage.


Q10: Security issues: Which of the following technologies do you think is most secure?
Traditional Cards

Magnetic Stripe at the MPOS Terminal

Mobile NFC wallets

Remote m-payments

Payment Technology Providers
Banks and Schemes

Contactless Cards


QR Codes

Ranked from most secure as
1 and least secure as 7. There
is a general perception in the
payments industry regarding
security and fraud. Many
acknowledge that a 100%
secure solution is too difficult
to get consumers to use.

Mobile NFC




Source: PCM Research |	





CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile


Challenges for Retailers and Merchants
Industry View on new Technologies and Consumers
Solutions and Technologies best for Consumers
In order to get the highest level of consumer acceptance, an important question from the industry point of view is what types of
solutions and technologies regarding payments are best for consumers.

Key Findings – Rating Average
	 The rating average of the respondents ranked cards top which is no real surprise.


	 Contactless Cards are voted as best solution and technology for the consumer.


	 Mobile NFC payments on cards – similar to contactless cards are voted second best.


	 Thanks to best practise so far, traditional contact-based cards are still seen as third best for consumers (!).


	 All respondents, including retailers/merchants, stated QR-code initiated payments are no good for consumers.


Key Findings – Rating by industry sectors
	 The rating averages of retailers, banks+schemes, and PT Providers are – generally speaking – rather aligned.


	 Retailers/merchants ranked traditional cards and then contactless cards as top demonstrating at the same time that NFC and NFC


wallet are rather new technologies which still show a lack of consumer demand.
	 Banks/Schemes rated contactless cards and NFC payments on cards highest and expressed a “disliking” of contact-based cards and


e-/m-payments on the internet (risk, internet players).
	 Especially the retailers stated QR-code initiated payments are no good for consumers.


Q1: What types of solutions and technology regarding payments are best for consumers?
Ranked from 1 as the top to 6 as the lowest
Traditional cards e. g. payments with contact-based cards

Mobile NFC wallets e. g. remote on the internet and NFC at the POS

Remote m-payments e. g. remote payments on the internet
Payment Technology Providers
Banks and Schemes

Contactless cards e. g. card payments at any contactless reader device

QR codes e. g. bridging to online shops and/or initiating payments

Mobile NFC e. g. proximity card payments at the point of sale

Source: PCM Research

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CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile

Expectations of value added Mobile and Payment Services for Consumers
Following the accelerated growth of mobile services by number and value, another key question from the industry is what are the
expectations of new value added mobile and payment services for consumers?

Key Findings – Rating Average
	 The rating average of the 3 choices is: secure payments, discounts and faster transactions - then: no higher cost.


	 Not in focus: Greater product/service awareness, better access to bank accounts and location-based services.


	 The rating by individual industry sector is more or less aligned with the rating average of all respondents.


	 Contentious issue between retailers and banks/card schemes is the use of online payment services of non-banks at the POS.


While retailers/merchants would/are supporting this, the banks/schemes are not to be in favour of potential competitors.

Q9: What is the expectation of new value added and payment services for consumers?
Repondents chose up to three choices from the list. Thus, total of choices amounts to 300%

Capability to use online payment services at the POS
More exibility to choose the preferred payment service
No higher cost when using new value added payment services
Secure payments – no fraud risks
More location-based product & service information/o ering

Payment Technology Providers
Banks and Schemes

Discounts via loyalty and couponing


Better access to personal nance and accounts
Greater awareness of the individual merchants’ products and services
Faster transactions at the POS


Source: PCM Research |	







CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile


Challenges for Retailers and Merchants
Industry View on new Technologies and Retailers/Merchants 		
Solutions and Technologies best for Merchants
In order to get the highest level of merchant acceptance, an important question from the industry point of view is what types of
solutions and technologies regarding payments are best for merchants.

Key Findings
	 The rating average of the 3 choices is: contactless cards, contact-based cards and Mobile NFC on cards and on wallets.


	 Contactless Cards are voted as the best solution and technology for the merchants.


	 Least best for merchants according to the rating average: QR-codes, online bank transfers.


	 Not good for merchants according to retailers own rating: QR-codes and remote m-payments.


	 Best for merchants according to retailers own rating: contactless cards and Mobile NFC on cards/wallets.


	 Best for merchants according to payment technology providers: contactless cards and Mobile NFC Wallets.


Q5: What types of solutions and technology are best for merchants?
Repondents chose up to three choices from the list. Thus, total of choices amounts to 300%, Others include biometry, new/low cost means of payments,
retailer-branded apps

Online Bank Transfers
New Internet Players
Contact-based cards
Mobile NFC wallets
Payment Technology Providers

Remote m-payments

Banks and Schemes

Contactless cards

QR Codes
Mobile NFC





Source: PCM Research

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CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile

Value added Mobile and Payment Services for Merchants
Being aware of more and more mobile consumers, the question from the industry point of view is what do merchants want from
value added mobile services in addition to card payments and online payments?

Key Findings
	 Knowing that new technologies have to meet the existing business requirements of the merchants, the rating Average by industry


sector looks aligned showing that all of the five issues are of importance to merchants.
	 Rated most important were loyalty cards, couponing and consumer preference data.


	 Rated least important: product tagging for greater consumer choice (which the retailers do by QR-coding anyhow).


Q3: Value added services for merchants - What do merchants want from value added mobile
services in addition to card payments and online payment?
Ranked in order of most important as 1 and least important as 5

Product tagging for greater consumer choice

Consumer preference data for targeted daily/monthly deals

Geo-location for push messaging and local o ers

Payment Technology Providers
Banks and Schemes

Loyalty cards


Coupon download and redemption at POS


Source: PCM Research |	


CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile


Challenges for Retailers and Merchants
Expectations of value added Mobile and Payment Services for Merchants’ Services
Another question from the industry point of view is what are the expectations of new value added mobile and payment services for
merchants’ services in addition to card payments and online payments?

Key Findings
	 Rating Average by industry sector looks aligned: most important are driving new sales and attracting new customers.


	 Rated least important was: winning new customer segments by offering cool services; no others were named.


	 The impact of new ‘cool mobile services’ demanded by the young mobile generation on winning new client segments seems to


not yet be transparent to both the retailers and the payment industry.

Q4: What is the expectation of new value added mobile services for merchants’ services in
addition to card payments and online payments?
Ranked in order of most important as 1 and least important as 7


Winning new customer segments by o ering 'cool services'

Greater customer sales activity through targeted promotions

Greater consumer awareness of merchants products and services

Payment Technology Providers
Banks and Schemes

Speeding up payment at the till

Attracting customer loyalty

Driving new sales


Source: PCM Research

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CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile

Industry View on the new mPOS Technology		
From 2011, new mobile-POS Chip and PIN card readers (mPOS terminals) can be combined with cloud-based electronic cash solutions
on tablets or on smart phones. Such types of new electronic cash register solutions with mobile or cloud-based payment apps have
become valid low cost options for small/mobile merchants.

Level of Trust of Merchants in new mPOS solutions
In order to understand the level of merchant acceptance, an important question from the industry point of view is what level of trust
do merchants have in the new mPOS solutions?

Key Findings
	 The rating average is dominated by ‘some trust’ – typical for very new emerging technologies


	 Retailers showed high reluctance as they have no experience with mPOS terminals in their outlets so far.


	 Already having some expertise with mPOS devices from pilots, banks and card schemes rated the relatively highest concerns


due to the fact that Square and clones originally started with magnetic stripe mPOS devices not supporting the European Chip
and PIN standards.
	 It is noted that none of the very small and mobile merchants targeted for mPOS were respondents to the survey.


Q6: What level of trust do merchants have in new mPOS solutions?
mPOS is a tablet/smart phone ECR+mini-POS device combined with chip & PIN card reader device

Great Trust

Some Trust

Payment Technology Providers
Banks and Schemes

No Trust








Source: PCM Research |	





CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile


Challenges for Retailers and Merchants
Level of Trust of Consumers in new mPOS solutions
In order to understand the level of consumer acceptance, another question from the industry point of view is what level of trust
do consumers have in the new mPOS solutions when paying on cards at small/mobile merchants’ tablets or mobile smart phones?

Key Findings
	 Again, the rating average is dominated by ‘some trust’ – typical for very new emerging technologies.


	 Retailers showed high reluctance as they do know that educating consumers is always a challenge.


	 Thanks to having some expertise with mPOS device from pilots, banks and card schemes also rated the relatively highest concerns


due to the fact that Square and clones originally started with magnetic stripe mPOS devices not supporting the European Chip
and PIN standards which made mobile consumers somehow confused in the pilots.
	 It is noted that none of the very small and mobile merchants targeted for mPOS were respondents to the survey.


Q7: What level of trust do consumers have in new mPOS solution?
mPOS is a tablet/smart phone ECR+mini-POS device combined with chip & PIN card reader device

Great Trust

Some Trust

Payment Technology Providers
Banks and Schemes

No Trust







Source: PCM Research

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CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile

mPOS solutions and potential disruption of the current POS market
One of the most important questions from both the industry and the retailer points of view is to what extent do new mPOS solutions
disrupt the current POS market.

Key Findings
	 The new mPOS technology was rated by all industry sectors to have significant impact on the POS market.


	 But, for the time being, the respondents have different views on the impact of the new mPOS technology.


	 While retailers and payment technology providers rated it fairly disruptive highest, the banks and card schemes are already aware


that the impact of new mPOS technology might be very disruptive.
	 A third of the respondents stated that the disrupting of the current POS market is expected only in the selected market segments


of small merchants and mobile merchants which are a kind of green field market segment for the whole payment industry.
One individual comment was given that many small merchants which have just one ECR application on a PC device and one
‘traditional’ EFTPOS terminal have the choice to migrate to cloud-based mPOS solutions.
Another individual comment was given that, so far, many of the very small and mobile merchants have never used an ECR device
and/or an EFTPOS terminal. Thus, the new mPOS technology enables a new emerging market segment for the payment industry.

Q8: To what extent do you envisage new mPOS solutions disrupting the current POS market?
mPOS is a tablet/smart phone ECR+mini-POS device combined with chip & PIN card reader device

Only in selected merchant segments

Very Disruptive

Payment Technology Providers
Banks and Schemes

Fairly Disruptive


Not at all






Source: PCM Research |	







CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile


Key findings of the survey
The survey aimed to see if the goals of Retailers and Merchants are aligned with the suppliers
of technology and services to both Consumers and Retailers/Merchants. The industry players
responding to the study gave their individual view on the technologies like contactless cards, NFC
payments on cards or on wallets, QR-codes, related value added mobile services and the mobile-POS
terminals (mPOS) launched for the emerging market of small and mobile merchants.
The initiators of the study thank all the respondents for their detailed contribution to the results and for their individual feedback
regarding new technologies and what is required by the merchant, especially for giving different views by industry sector.
The individual rating average by queries provided by retailers, banks and card schemes and payment technology providers has been
– generally speaking – rather aligned. And all respondents had in mind that – beyond new technologies – the underlying challenge
for the industry is like always to win both consumer acceptance and merchant acceptance.
But independent from the technologies, the rating average by sector was sometimes specific for obvious sector specific reason. As
known in the industry, the view of merchants/retailers on payments follows different strategy and business objectives compared
to those of banks/card schemes and payment technology providers.

Summary – Industry view on new technologies and security
	 Predominant in 3-5 years: contact-based cards and contactless cards; QR-codes were ranked as least important


	 Contentious issue between retailers and banks/card schemes is the use of online payment services of non-banks at the POS.


While retailers/merchants would support, the banks/schemes are not to be in favour of potential competitors.
	 Especially, the retailers ranked QR-code initiated payments being not best for consumers.


	 Security – rated by all sectors most secure were traditional cards; least secure: QR-codes, magnetic stripe mPOS


Summary – Industry view on new technologies and consumers
	 Best for consumers: Contactless cards and NFC payments on cards


	 Mobile value added service expectations for consumers: secure payments, discounts and coupons and faster transactions.


Summary – Industry view on new technologies and merchants
	 Best for merchants: contactless cards, contact-based cards and Mobile NFC on cards and on wallets.


	 Mobile value added service expectations for merchants: loyalty cards, couponing and consumer preference data.


	 Expectations most important for merchant services: driving new sales and attracting new customers.


	 The impact of new ‘cool mobile services’ demanded by the young mobile generation on winning new client segments seems to


be not yet transparent to both the retailers and the payment industry.

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CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile

Summary – Industry view on the new mPOS technology and market
	 Level of trust of merchants in mPOS solutions: some trust – typical for very new emerging technologies


	 Level of trust of consumers in mPOS solutions: some trust – typical for very new emerging technologies


	 The new mPOS technology was rated by all industry sectors to have significant impact on the POS market.

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CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile


Published May 2013
Copyright © 2013 PaymentCM LLP
All rights reserved. Reproduction by any method or unauthorised circulation is strictly prohibited,
and is a violation of international copyright law.

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  • 1. SPONSORED BY The status of retail payments survey 2013 Are payment solution and technology providers in alignment with Retail and Merchant preferences?
  • 2. 19-21 NOVEMBER 2013 Register on
  • 3. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS SURVEY – SPONSORED BY Contents Contacts Introduction by VeriFone.............................................................................................................................................4 1. Survey Objective.................................................................................................................................................................5 2. Background..............................................................................................................................................................................6 @VeriFone_EMEA 3. Challenges for Retailers and Merchants.........................................................................................................8 Industry View on new Technologies and Security...........................................................................................8 Industry View on new Technologies and Consumers................................................................................10 Industry View on new Technologies and Retailers/Merchants............................................................ 12 Industry View on the new mPOS Technology................................................................................................. 15 4. Tom Conlon VP, Marketing and Business Development, VeriFone EMEA Key findings of the survey........................................................................................................................................18 CARTES Isabelle Alfano Events Director +33 (0) 1 7677 1107 CARTES, Secure Connexions Event, is the world’s leading event in secure solutions for payment, identification and mobility. From its beginnings in Paris in 1985, CARTES has grown to become the world’s number one event in the industry, presenting 450 exhibitors and 140 conferences featuring international experts. The event is attended by 20,000 visitors from 137 countries who come to discover the latest trends and innovations (mobile payment, NFC, biometrics, M2M...). The next edition will be held from November 19 to 21, 2013 in Paris Nord Villepinte – France. The major topic this year is “Building trust in mobile life” including a specific focus on Connected Commerce. Indeed new payment technologies and services are developed by technology providers (NFC, digital wallet etc.) for retailers and merchants, to offer value added services to Alex Rolfe Managing Director +44 (0) 1263 711800 the customers. The latest technologies and services will be presented in a dedicated “Smart shopping area” within the exhibition. What types of services are currently proposed? What type of solutions and technologies are used? What is the level of trust in the new payment terminal solutions? What are the challenges for retailers and merchants in customer adoption? In order to give an insight on these questions, CARTES has decided to conduct a survey within the industry in partnership with Payments Cards & Mobile and to publicize the results before and during the event. Payments Cards & Mobile Payments Cards & Mobile is an established and award-winning hub for payments industry intelligence. We work with recognised industry experts to provide impartial, up-to-date and Published May 2013 Copyright © 2013 PaymentsCM LLP All rights reserved. Reproduction by any method or unauthorised circulation is strictly prohibited, and is a violation of international copyright law. relevant information and analysis on every area of card and mobile payment. Payments Cards & Mobile is the leading payments publication covering every aspect of the international card, mobile and contactless payments business. | CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile 3
  • 4. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS SURVEY Introduction In an Industry first, Payments Cards and Mobile has teamed with veteran industry exhibition CARTES, Secure Connexions Event, to give an industry overview of the status of retail payments. In this survey we are aiming to see if the goals of Retailers and Merchants are aligned with the suppliers of technology and services to both Consumers and Retailers/Merchants. With the proliferation of technology, multi-channels, and convergence in some areas we are seeing retailers and merchants being forced into making investment choices. Objective of this short survey: aim to derive feedback from different players of the industry regarding what is on offer by suppliers and what is required by the merchant. At VeriFone we believe that listening to our customers, understanding and addressing their needs is a fundamental part of our business.  We are, therefore, delighted to sponsor this survey in conjunction with PCM and CARTES, which uniquely assesses how well payment technology and service providers are aligned to retail and consumer requirements. It demonstrates that, collectively, we are ready to embrace and exploit new ways to better align physical and online channels and are willing to invest in new ways to drive efficiency and value.  The survey also reinforces that payments is now increasingly seen as a strategic tool to manage customer relationships, drive footfall and boost loyalty. As we seek to examine the impact of technology such as mobile and NFC on our industry, market insight like this is vital to keep us focused on the essentials.  It helps us all recognise that, for many merchants, payments is still about getting the basics better continuing to make the POS faster, more convenient and efficient and e-commerce platforms more integrated, reliable and secure.  For vendors, this means that payment innovation will have to be backed by pragmatic delivery and justified by its ability to deliver real value for shoppers and bottom line return. Tom Conlon, VP, Marketing and Business Development, VeriFone EMEA SPONSORED BY 4 | CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile
  • 5. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS SURVEY – SPONSORED BY Survey Objective This survey aims to see if the goals of Retailers and Merchants are aligned with the suppliers of technology and services to both Consumers and Retailers/Merchants. Especially in focus are new technologies like contactless cards, NFC payments on cards or in wallets, QR-codes, related values added mobile services, and the mobile-POS terminals (mPOS) launched for the emerging markets of small and mobile merchants. With the proliferation of technology, multi-channels, and convergence in some areas the initiators of the study are seeing retailers and merchants being forced into making investment choices. Objective of this short survey: aim to derive feedback from different players of the industry regarding what is on offer by suppliers and what is required by the merchant. Survey Questions The queries of the short study sent to the respondents are grouped in this document into four parts: Industry view on new technologies and security l Industry view on new technologies and consumers l Industry view on new technologies and retailers/merchants l Industry view on the new mPOS technology and market l Compared to the rating average of all respondents, differentiated views were given by industry sector e. g. by merchants/retailers different from those of banks/card schemes, and Payment Technology Providers. The Respondents of the Survey The invitation to respond to the short survey was sent out in March/April 2013 to 13.7% 4.2% 40% 29.5% selected key persons from the payment industry and to merchants/retailers. The 12.6% respondents replying to the survey are broken down as follows: Europe (73.3%), Banks Card Scheme Consultant Merchant/Retailer Payment Technology Provider the Americas (13.9%), and the APMEA region (12.8%). By industry segment, the respondents can be categorised into four key segments: Merchant/Retailers (12.6%), Banks/Card Schemes (17.9%), Payment Technology Providers (40.0%), or Consultants (29.5%). The frequent participation of Payment Technology Providers and Consultants shows a high interest in getting feedback regarding the alignment of new technologies offered with the demands of merchants/retailers. Thus, the average rating of merchants/retailers is compared to those of banks/card schemes and payment technology providers in addition to the average rating of all respondents. At this initial stage, at a high level only, the study found some interesting results. Obviously, the study did not drill down either into the different retail sectors (e. g. convenience stores, supermarkets, mid-sized retailers, small mobile merchants), or into the banking sectors (e. g. finance institutions, e-money institutions) nor did it dedicate time into the many different types of payment technology providers (e. g. card manufacturers, processors, payment service providers, POS network services, POS terminal vendors). The initiators of the study are aware of the fact that some of these answers and ratings could have been more detailed depending on the different types of retailers or by including internet players and non-bank prepaid product issuers. However, for the purposes of this study we chose to group the respondents into three main categories: Merchant/Retailer, Bank Card Scheme and Payments Technology Provider, sometimes referred to in this documents as PT Provider. | CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile 5
  • 6. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS SURVEY Background The Traditional View of Retailers and Merchants on Payments For some time retailers view on new means of payments have been clear and shall fulfil these demands: Be secure – no fraud risks, payment guarantee for the merchant l Be as fast as possible – no queuing at the register in the outlet l l l Have low cost for merchants Show high consumer acceptance l No investment where possible and/or protect investments made by the merchant One of the current key questions in the payment industry is to find out what the retailers view on payments is, how it affects their priorities, willingness to invest and time-to-market regarding acceptance of new mobile technologies and mobile services in general. Background – New Technologies offered – Status and Outlook For many years, retail payments are practiced between consumers and merchants/retailers and include contact-based cards at POS terminals and the e-payment mix on the internet (e. g. cards, wallets, online bank transfers, prepaid products and others). On the other hand, both the whole payment industry and the retailers have noticed that consumers are going mobile, not just by using smart phones and tablets for online shopping but also for a magnitude of other services like price comparison, coupon download, store locator and even in-store services such as stock checking and detailed product information. Thus, retailers and merchants are being forced to move into mobile services and multi-channel sales processes. New IT technologies like mobile internet, tablet PCs, smart phones and contactless RFID/NFC/QR communication have led the way to both mobile services and contactless services at the point of sale. From 2008, various new technologies have been offered by Payment Technology Providers. Thanks to many successful contactless/NFC pilots, the new technologies have proven their market readiness: Contactless cards e. g. card payments at any contactless POS terminal or contactless reader device l Remote m-payments e. g. mobile payments by using smart phones on the internet l (on cards, online bank transfers, on prepaid products, on e-wallets) Mobile NFC Payments e. g. payments on cards at the point of sale (card brand transparent) l Mobile NFC wallets e. g. payments on wallets both remote on the internet and NFC at the POS l 2DQR-codes, 1D Barcodes e. g. bridging technology to online shops or to initiate cashless payments l In 2013 – Contactless cards are in a rollout process and consumers purchase online and pay cashlessly by using their PCs, smart phones or tablets. Also, QR-codes are used enabling smart phones and tablets to connect from the real world to online shops on the internet. Mobile consumers can use many mobile retail apps and experience more and more mobile services which demand mobile payments. In parallel, new mobile-POS Chip and PIN card readers (mPOS terminals) can be combined with cloud-based electronic cash solutions on tablets or on smart phones. Such solutions have become a valid new low cost option for small and mobile merchants. Finally, mobile NFC Payments by using NFC capable smart phones have been successfully piloted. Recently, the card schemes, together with banks and many mobile network operators, announced various mobile wallet services and are going to start to compete with internet players like PayPal and Google. 6 | CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile
  • 7. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS – SPONSORED BY Outlook – Retail payments are likely to migrate in the long-term from contact-based to contactless/NFC and a new mPOS market segment is emerging. NFC payments on cards transparent or on wallets are the next battlefield of the industry with internet players and banks competing at the contactless POS. The final challenge for all payment industry players is then simply to find both consumer acceptance and merchant acceptance and it is here that we find the industry at large is not in agreement. In a recent announcement from Visa Europe they made public some very interesting growth stats for contactless: However, in a separate study which appeared at the same time, in which UK residents answered questions about their payment and banking habits, found that less than one in 10 people had actually made a purchase using their contactless card in the previous month. These results were compared with a recent survey of industry professionals conducted by Compass Plus, to highlight the differences between industry expectations and reality. The industry survey indicated that professionals believe the mass adoption of NFC and contactless payments will take place between one and three years, however nearly 40% of the public revealed they did not even know what contactless payments are. UK France 26.9 million cards in circulation l More than £39million worth of contactless transactions in the month of March l 232,000 terminals Poland 6.7 million contactless cards l 16 million cards in the market by the end of 2013 l 120,000 contactless terminals 57 million spend on contactless cards and phones per month l 10 million contactless transactions every month l 8.6 million contactless cards now in circulation and 116,000 terminals l l l Slovakia Spain Turkey One million contactless transactions in March 2013 l More than 1.3 million contactless cards l More than 10,000 contactless terminals l 0.9 million contactless transactions in March 2013 l 2.9 million cards in the market and 183,000 contactless terminals l 7.5 million cards by the end of 2013 l More than 6 million contactless cards 8.5 million cards in the market by the end of 2013 l 69,000 contactless terminals l l The same survey also revealed, that the major issue faced by payments professionals at the moment is the “Proliferation of new payment channels” and this is really what we are trying to highlight in this study. If, as payments professionals we are struggling with the influx of new methods and channels, how can expect Merchants, retailers and consumers to cope? When do you expect to see the mass adoption of NFC/contactless in your region? 10% 17% 6% 14% 35% 32% What is the biggest issue for the payment and card industry now? It’s already here 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4+ years | 21% 17% 18% 30% The growth of NFC/contactless technology The proliferation of new payment channels The need for simple and convenient user authentication The rise of non-traditional payment providers New business models via SaaS and Open Source App development CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile 7
  • 8. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS SURVEY Challenges for Retailers and Merchants With the proliferation of technology, multi-channels and convergence in some areas, retailers and merchants are facing new challenges and are being forced into making investment choices, for example, convergence to multi-channel sales and digital 1:1 client communication in order to retain and win mobile consumers. Selected current key questions for retailers and merchants regarding time to market are: Offer online shops on the mobile internet for mobile consumers (in rollout) l Offer QR-code-based services and value added mobile services to mobile consumers (rollout just started) l Be aware of future multi-channel selling (i.e. POS + internet + mobile app) l Invest in contactless/NFC terminals to accept contactless cards and mobile NFC payments at the POS l Invest in barcode scanners to accept and offer value added services (e. g. e-/m-couponing) l Can tablets/smart phones with mPOS terminals disrupt investments into traditional ECR devices and POS terminals? l Market example: German retailers say that they have accelerated preparing for contactless and mobile payments systems by investing into innovative electronic cash register solutions but giving higher priority to data security at the same time. Being aware that smart phones are more frequently used by consumers, more than 70% of the large German retailers say they plan to invest in NFC payments and QR-code scanners in order to be technically capable of accepting contactless and mobile payments at the POS and in mobile shops on the internet. Industry View on new Technologies and Security Q2: What types of solutions and technology regarding payments are best for consumers? Online Bank Transfers on the internet and at the POS New Internet Player Entrants e.g. PayPal, Google etc. Current contact-based Debit/Credit/Prepaid cards Mobile NFC wallets Payment Technology Providers Remote m-payments Banks and Schemes Retailers Contactless Debit/Credit/Prepaid cards Average QR Codes Mobile NFC 0 1 2 Source: PCM Research 8 | 3 4 5 6 7 8 CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile
  • 9. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS – SPONSORED BY Predominance of Solutions and Technologies in the next 3 – 5 years? A key question of interest is what solutions and technologies will be predominant in the next 3 – 5 years: Key Findings Regarding predominance, the views of the respondents by sector look rather aligned. l According to rating average – Predominant are still contact-based card (!) and, also, contactless cards. l QR-codes were ranked as least important when seen from the aspect of initiating payments. l Mobile NFC technology and remote mobile payments were ranked less predominant. l Contentious issue between retailers and banks/card schemes is the view on new internet player entrants. l New Technologies and related Security Issues There is a general perception in the payments industry regarding security and fraud. Whilst many acknowledge that a 100% secure solution is typically too difficult to get consumers to use. Thus, the respondents were asked which of the new technologies they think is most secure regarding payments. Key Findings Traditional cards were rated as most secure by most respondents and, also, by industry sectors. l QR-codes were ranked as least secure when seen from the aspect of initiating payments. l Also, magnetic stripes at mPOS terminals were ranked least secure – increased demand for Chip & PIN mPOS devices l Indirectly, most respondents feel that proving day-to-day security of the new technologies is at an early stage. l Q10: Security issues: Which of the following technologies do you think is most secure? Traditional Cards Magnetic Stripe at the MPOS Terminal Mobile NFC wallets Remote m-payments Payment Technology Providers Banks and Schemes Contactless Cards Retailers Average QR Codes Ranked from most secure as 1 and least secure as 7. There is a general perception in the payments industry regarding security and fraud. Many acknowledge that a 100% secure solution is too difficult to get consumers to use. Mobile NFC 0 1 2 3 Source: PCM Research | 4 5 6 7 CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile 9
  • 10. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS SURVEY Challenges for Retailers and Merchants Industry View on new Technologies and Consumers Solutions and Technologies best for Consumers In order to get the highest level of consumer acceptance, an important question from the industry point of view is what types of solutions and technologies regarding payments are best for consumers. Key Findings – Rating Average The rating average of the respondents ranked cards top which is no real surprise. l Contactless Cards are voted as best solution and technology for the consumer. l Mobile NFC payments on cards – similar to contactless cards are voted second best. l Thanks to best practise so far, traditional contact-based cards are still seen as third best for consumers (!). l All respondents, including retailers/merchants, stated QR-code initiated payments are no good for consumers. l Key Findings – Rating by industry sectors The rating averages of retailers, banks+schemes, and PT Providers are – generally speaking – rather aligned. l Retailers/merchants ranked traditional cards and then contactless cards as top demonstrating at the same time that NFC and NFC l wallet are rather new technologies which still show a lack of consumer demand. Banks/Schemes rated contactless cards and NFC payments on cards highest and expressed a “disliking” of contact-based cards and l e-/m-payments on the internet (risk, internet players). Especially the retailers stated QR-code initiated payments are no good for consumers. l Q1: What types of solutions and technology regarding payments are best for consumers? Ranked from 1 as the top to 6 as the lowest Traditional cards e. g. payments with contact-based cards Mobile NFC wallets e. g. remote on the internet and NFC at the POS Remote m-payments e. g. remote payments on the internet Payment Technology Providers Banks and Schemes Contactless cards e. g. card payments at any contactless reader device Retailers Average QR codes e. g. bridging to online shops and/or initiating payments Mobile NFC e. g. proximity card payments at the point of sale 0 Source: PCM Research 10 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile
  • 11. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS – SPONSORED BY Expectations of value added Mobile and Payment Services for Consumers Following the accelerated growth of mobile services by number and value, another key question from the industry is what are the expectations of new value added mobile and payment services for consumers? Key Findings – Rating Average The rating average of the 3 choices is: secure payments, discounts and faster transactions - then: no higher cost. l Not in focus: Greater product/service awareness, better access to bank accounts and location-based services. l The rating by individual industry sector is more or less aligned with the rating average of all respondents. l Contentious issue between retailers and banks/card schemes is the use of online payment services of non-banks at the POS. l While retailers/merchants would/are supporting this, the banks/schemes are not to be in favour of potential competitors. Q9: What is the expectation of new value added and payment services for consumers? Repondents chose up to three choices from the list. Thus, total of choices amounts to 300% Capability to use online payment services at the POS More exibility to choose the preferred payment service No higher cost when using new value added payment services Secure payments – no fraud risks More location-based product & service information/o ering Payment Technology Providers Banks and Schemes Discounts via loyalty and couponing Retailers Average Better access to personal nance and accounts Greater awareness of the individual merchants’ products and services Faster transactions at the POS 0% 10% Source: PCM Research | 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile 11
  • 12. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS SURVEY Challenges for Retailers and Merchants Industry View on new Technologies and Retailers/Merchants Solutions and Technologies best for Merchants In order to get the highest level of merchant acceptance, an important question from the industry point of view is what types of solutions and technologies regarding payments are best for merchants. Key Findings The rating average of the 3 choices is: contactless cards, contact-based cards and Mobile NFC on cards and on wallets. l Contactless Cards are voted as the best solution and technology for the merchants. l Least best for merchants according to the rating average: QR-codes, online bank transfers. l Not good for merchants according to retailers own rating: QR-codes and remote m-payments. l Best for merchants according to retailers own rating: contactless cards and Mobile NFC on cards/wallets. l Best for merchants according to payment technology providers: contactless cards and Mobile NFC Wallets. l Q5: What types of solutions and technology are best for merchants? Repondents chose up to three choices from the list. Thus, total of choices amounts to 300%, Others include biometry, new/low cost means of payments, retailer-branded apps Online Bank Transfers New Internet Players Contact-based cards Mobile NFC wallets Payment Technology Providers Remote m-payments Banks and Schemes Retailers Contactless cards Average QR Codes Mobile NFC 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Source: PCM Research 12 | 50% 60% 70% 80% CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile
  • 13. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS – SPONSORED BY Value added Mobile and Payment Services for Merchants Being aware of more and more mobile consumers, the question from the industry point of view is what do merchants want from value added mobile services in addition to card payments and online payments? Key Findings Knowing that new technologies have to meet the existing business requirements of the merchants, the rating Average by industry l sector looks aligned showing that all of the five issues are of importance to merchants. Rated most important were loyalty cards, couponing and consumer preference data. l Rated least important: product tagging for greater consumer choice (which the retailers do by QR-coding anyhow). l Q3: Value added services for merchants - What do merchants want from value added mobile services in addition to card payments and online payment? Ranked in order of most important as 1 and least important as 5 Product tagging for greater consumer choice Consumer preference data for targeted daily/monthly deals Geo-location for push messaging and local o ers Payment Technology Providers Banks and Schemes Retailers Loyalty cards Average Coupon download and redemption at POS 0 1 2 Source: PCM Research | 3 4 CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile 13
  • 14. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS SURVEY Challenges for Retailers and Merchants Expectations of value added Mobile and Payment Services for Merchants’ Services Another question from the industry point of view is what are the expectations of new value added mobile and payment services for merchants’ services in addition to card payments and online payments? Key Findings Rating Average by industry sector looks aligned: most important are driving new sales and attracting new customers. l Rated least important was: winning new customer segments by offering cool services; no others were named. l The impact of new ‘cool mobile services’ demanded by the young mobile generation on winning new client segments seems to l not yet be transparent to both the retailers and the payment industry. Q4: What is the expectation of new value added mobile services for merchants’ services in addition to card payments and online payments? Ranked in order of most important as 1 and least important as 7 Other Winning new customer segments by o ering 'cool services' Greater customer sales activity through targeted promotions Greater consumer awareness of merchants products and services Payment Technology Providers Banks and Schemes Retailers Speeding up payment at the till Average Attracting customer loyalty Driving new sales 0 1 Source: PCM Research 14 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile
  • 15. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS – SPONSORED BY Industry View on the new mPOS Technology From 2011, new mobile-POS Chip and PIN card readers (mPOS terminals) can be combined with cloud-based electronic cash solutions on tablets or on smart phones. Such types of new electronic cash register solutions with mobile or cloud-based payment apps have become valid low cost options for small/mobile merchants. Level of Trust of Merchants in new mPOS solutions In order to understand the level of merchant acceptance, an important question from the industry point of view is what level of trust do merchants have in the new mPOS solutions? Key Findings The rating average is dominated by ‘some trust’ – typical for very new emerging technologies l Retailers showed high reluctance as they have no experience with mPOS terminals in their outlets so far. l Already having some expertise with mPOS devices from pilots, banks and card schemes rated the relatively highest concerns l due to the fact that Square and clones originally started with magnetic stripe mPOS devices not supporting the European Chip and PIN standards. It is noted that none of the very small and mobile merchants targeted for mPOS were respondents to the survey. l Q6: What level of trust do merchants have in new mPOS solutions? mPOS is a tablet/smart phone ECR+mini-POS device combined with chip & PIN card reader device Great Trust Some Trust Payment Technology Providers Banks and Schemes Retailers Average No Trust 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Source: PCM Research | 70% 80% 90% 100% CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile 15
  • 16. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS SURVEY Challenges for Retailers and Merchants Level of Trust of Consumers in new mPOS solutions In order to understand the level of consumer acceptance, another question from the industry point of view is what level of trust do consumers have in the new mPOS solutions when paying on cards at small/mobile merchants’ tablets or mobile smart phones? Key Findings Again, the rating average is dominated by ‘some trust’ – typical for very new emerging technologies. l Retailers showed high reluctance as they do know that educating consumers is always a challenge. l Thanks to having some expertise with mPOS device from pilots, banks and card schemes also rated the relatively highest concerns l due to the fact that Square and clones originally started with magnetic stripe mPOS devices not supporting the European Chip and PIN standards which made mobile consumers somehow confused in the pilots. It is noted that none of the very small and mobile merchants targeted for mPOS were respondents to the survey. l Q7: What level of trust do consumers have in new mPOS solution? mPOS is a tablet/smart phone ECR+mini-POS device combined with chip & PIN card reader device Great Trust Some Trust Payment Technology Providers Banks and Schemes Retailers Average No Trust 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% Source: PCM Research 16 | 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile
  • 17. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS – SPONSORED BY mPOS solutions and potential disruption of the current POS market One of the most important questions from both the industry and the retailer points of view is to what extent do new mPOS solutions disrupt the current POS market. Key Findings The new mPOS technology was rated by all industry sectors to have significant impact on the POS market. l But, for the time being, the respondents have different views on the impact of the new mPOS technology. l While retailers and payment technology providers rated it fairly disruptive highest, the banks and card schemes are already aware l that the impact of new mPOS technology might be very disruptive. A third of the respondents stated that the disrupting of the current POS market is expected only in the selected market segments l of small merchants and mobile merchants which are a kind of green field market segment for the whole payment industry. One individual comment was given that many small merchants which have just one ECR application on a PC device and one ‘traditional’ EFTPOS terminal have the choice to migrate to cloud-based mPOS solutions. Another individual comment was given that, so far, many of the very small and mobile merchants have never used an ECR device and/or an EFTPOS terminal. Thus, the new mPOS technology enables a new emerging market segment for the payment industry. Q8: To what extent do you envisage new mPOS solutions disrupting the current POS market? mPOS is a tablet/smart phone ECR+mini-POS device combined with chip & PIN card reader device Only in selected merchant segments Very Disruptive Payment Technology Providers Banks and Schemes Fairly Disruptive Retailers Average Not at all 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% Source: PCM Research | 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile 17
  • 18. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS SURVEY Key findings of the survey The survey aimed to see if the goals of Retailers and Merchants are aligned with the suppliers of technology and services to both Consumers and Retailers/Merchants. The industry players responding to the study gave their individual view on the technologies like contactless cards, NFC payments on cards or on wallets, QR-codes, related value added mobile services and the mobile-POS terminals (mPOS) launched for the emerging market of small and mobile merchants. The initiators of the study thank all the respondents for their detailed contribution to the results and for their individual feedback regarding new technologies and what is required by the merchant, especially for giving different views by industry sector. The individual rating average by queries provided by retailers, banks and card schemes and payment technology providers has been – generally speaking – rather aligned. And all respondents had in mind that – beyond new technologies – the underlying challenge for the industry is like always to win both consumer acceptance and merchant acceptance. But independent from the technologies, the rating average by sector was sometimes specific for obvious sector specific reason. As known in the industry, the view of merchants/retailers on payments follows different strategy and business objectives compared to those of banks/card schemes and payment technology providers. Summary – Industry view on new technologies and security Predominant in 3-5 years: contact-based cards and contactless cards; QR-codes were ranked as least important l Contentious issue between retailers and banks/card schemes is the use of online payment services of non-banks at the POS. l While retailers/merchants would support, the banks/schemes are not to be in favour of potential competitors. Especially, the retailers ranked QR-code initiated payments being not best for consumers. l Security – rated by all sectors most secure were traditional cards; least secure: QR-codes, magnetic stripe mPOS l Summary – Industry view on new technologies and consumers Best for consumers: Contactless cards and NFC payments on cards l Mobile value added service expectations for consumers: secure payments, discounts and coupons and faster transactions. l Summary – Industry view on new technologies and merchants Best for merchants: contactless cards, contact-based cards and Mobile NFC on cards and on wallets. l Mobile value added service expectations for merchants: loyalty cards, couponing and consumer preference data. l Expectations most important for merchant services: driving new sales and attracting new customers. l The impact of new ‘cool mobile services’ demanded by the young mobile generation on winning new client segments seems to l be not yet transparent to both the retailers and the payment industry. 18 | CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile
  • 19. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS – SPONSORED BY Summary – Industry view on the new mPOS technology and market Level of trust of merchants in mPOS solutions: some trust – typical for very new emerging technologies l Level of trust of consumers in mPOS solutions: some trust – typical for very new emerging technologies l The new mPOS technology was rated by all industry sectors to have significant impact on the POS market. l | CARTES in association with Payments Cards and Mobile 19
  • 20. THE STATUS OF RETAIL PAYMENTS – SPONSORED BY Published May 2013 Copyright © 2013 PaymentCM LLP All rights reserved. Reproduction by any method or unauthorised circulation is strictly prohibited, and is a violation of international copyright law. CARTES IN ASSOCIATION WITH PAYMENTS CARDS AND MOBILE |