SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Here's my website and production notes following to convert my site to a Drupal
CMS site.…
Please note: I expect you to bring functionality design and suggestions to me as
we move forward to make the site look/operate better in any way you can.
Especially in terms of a great way to add my workshop events.
BASIC Design structure:
Unless otherwise noted below, including the menu font size, I want the basic site
to look and function like this site...
(BTW. The above site is constructed using this:
-White background.
-The way the menus function when you slick, the submenus and the little
pointers (>>) that indicate where you are in the site.
-Menu items are on the left side of the browser window and left justified. Menu
needs the ability to change menu items, color and size and have it change site
-Images are full bleed, but do NOT go under the menu
-Social media icons under the menus..
Social media buttons: UNDER MENUS - WITH A SPACER GAP.
[facebook] - facebook (link to facebook page)
[like] - facebook like (link to website)
one of the following:
[one] - google plus one (link to website)
[google plus] - google plus (link to google plus account)
[twitter] - twitter (link to twitter page)
[linkedin] - linkedin (link to linkedin page)
[mailto] - email icon (enter email address)
[pinterest] - pinterest (link to pinterest page)
I like the social media icon buttons here...
But would like something better.
-My name logo in upper left (I will supply image) like this...
-mouse pointer changes to right arrow and left arrow depending on where it
hovers over image to go to next and previous image. And when mouse is in
middle of image mouse pointer changes to four squares to indicate thumbnails.
Like this site...
-Contact form like this...
except I want my email address to be hyperlinked and live.
Lower Center:
-Below images I want: text/functionality of: caption, email, thumbs, <
prev image count next>
Like this...
On this page...
Note: Please see how the "email" button above works. I would like to replicate
Also please note. I do not want the Caption function
-PDF creator like here...
Lower Right:
-email|phone|COPYRIGHT like this...
**The color scheme of the two items above should look like this...
-the multimedia galleries that can combine text, images and video. And button to
view images as a slideshow.
-easy process to upload the images, text and video (vimeo embeds).
-Optimized to work on all devices. resizing pages & responsive.***It is important
that the photos dynamically resize to the browser window, but I can prevent the
photos from going under the menu.
-Optimized for Retina displays
-Entire site SEO ready and optimized
Right now if someone subscribes to my newsletter their name and email address
goes into a subscribe.dat file on my web server. When they unsubscribe it goes
into an unsubscribe/dat file on my web server. I need to retain this functionality.
-HTML5 (no flash!!)
-Site needs to load and display images VERY fast
- Admin Control Panel will be a Graphical Interface which makes it possible to
manage my website on regular basis.
-SEO Friendly Designing and Programming: Website design and development
needs to be SEO friendly. Needs to have Unique Page Titles, Meta Descriptions,
Meta Keywords, Image Alt Tags, Custom 404 (Not Found) Error Pages, Robots.txt
File and Sitemap.
-Google Analytics Implementation: Google Analytics Code will be put on all pages
so that you can check your traffic and other statistics on daily basis.
-Cross Browser Compatibility of Website: Website will be cross browser
compatible and will work perfectly in all browsers.
-W3C Validation of Code: Website code will be W3C validated and it will be bug
-shopping cart for fine art prints (see below).
-Workshop registration sysytem (see below)
***I will provide you with a full set of high res original images for you to use.
My site it basically broken down into several parts. Here’s notes on each section
for conversion/migration.
***Note: The items in bold Red are main menu items. the items in green are sub
menu itms of the red main menu item directly above it.
1) - galleries: travel | wildlife | landscape | lifestyle | portraits | resorts |
campaigns | motion
please see the folders for resized images. Please replicate each of the above
portfolios using images in folders in the order they are in the existing live site.
Please combine any “pairings if images you see on live site using photoshop.
**if any photos that are on my live site are missing, please do a screen shot of
the missing image and use that in the website. Please make sure you embed the
text “missing” in the actual picture your use screen shots for so I can replace
them later.
-workshops: (on each of the workshop pages there is a second duplicate –
horizontal – menu. We will loose this). Travel photographer of the Year
pic/logo needs to be on each page.
about: Pretty straightforward converting text & background colors. The existing
title graphics at the top of the page, can be converted to text, as can all the sub
heading which are graphics. Make sure and all links are active.
schedule: converting text & background colors. I’d like to retain my star circle
line graphics. I do have one with a white background. I’d also like to retain the
workshop grid, if possible, but am open to a redesign if it makes it easier to use.
**each linked page on this page needs to be converted.
**Please see separate section below on workshop registration...
Faq: Pretty straightforward converting text & background colors. The existing title
graphics at the top of the page, can be converted to text, as can all the sub
heading which are graphics. Make sure and all links are active.
preparation: Pretty straightforward converting text & background colors. The
existing title graphics at the top of the page, can be converted to text, as can all
the sub heading which are graphics. Make sure and all links are active.
Terms: Pretty straightforward converting text & background colors. The existing
title graphics at the top of the page, can be converted to text, as can all the sub
heading which are graphics. Make sure and all links are active.
newsletter: I’d like to replace this sections with the museletters link. So this will
still be called newsletter, but will link to the page:
sponsors: kill this link.
Testimonials: convert background to white. Text to black and make video all
vimeo embeds. Keep star and line. graphic design element.
-fine art.
cuba prints
africa prints
beyond prints
for the 3 sections above the functionalism of viewing images by thumbnail or
enlarged needs to be retained. As well each image needs to be converted to the
new shopping cart/checkout system. Use existing images for enlarged and
cuba book. Retain existing images.
posters. Covert to new cart.
print info: Convert text and background theme
Faq: Convert text and background theme
view cart: convert to new design/cart theme
Capabilities: Convert main page and each linked page. Each thumbnail links to
another page. I am willing to look at a redesign of this grid system. Perhaps
match it up to a new design of the workshop grid?
Tear sheets: use existing images to replicate tear sheets and image order.
Clients: easy one. Just carry this image over.
-contact + more
contact: convert text and pics. Use existing pics.
bio: convert text and pics. Use existing pics. Chnage the menu item bio to about
Museletter: Convert photo into text. Use sunset photo. Use subscribe form on this
page which I like better…
or the example above. Or if you have a better idea.
Covert past newsletter grid to something new? Make sure each newsletter is
publications: convert text and pics. Use existing pics
awards: convert text and pics. Use existing pics
***Right now the publications and awards pages are too long. I'd like to you
figure out a better design for this.
**check and convert all links.
Additional information on the shopping cart and hidden link that need to be
Workshops registration system
for example here...
and here...
and here is a hidden test page...
I'll need a way to create new workshop trip pages with different dates, workshop
descriptions and prices, all leading to a registration page.
Here's some hidden links that need to be converted...
These are my past trips. This page and all the links on it nned to be carried
This is a link of Cuba trips. needs to be editable so I can ad and remove trips
Just a baisc page
I have two types of workshop registrations: USA and non-USA trips.
The USA trips need to go to this registration page...
The non-USa trips need to go to this registration page...
this is a non-USA trip page test page...
After you fill out any registration page you go to the billing page, here...
I will also need a way to make ciustom billing pages like these...
I will also need a way to create custom discount coupons...
If you go here...
and click "Continue" at the bottom of the page you will come to the billing page
and on the right side you will see this...
Client Code: Not required to register
This is my discount box. I didn't want to put "discount" on my website. So, need
a way to easily add discount coupons and retain this client code box.
Additional functionality that relates to the above...
I have 3 different "states" for my Cuba trips that I will need a way to change
modify each trip...
1) When I announce a trip the page looks like this... 29+120days.html
**Please note the price and Deposit vlaue. If I register for this trip on the
payment page I will see box that looks like this...
Select Payment Amount
Full $0.33 or Deposit $0.05
2) This is the page I put up when the trip is within 120 days of departure.
Basically what I do is remove the ability for someone to make a deposit on the
trip they have to pay in full. The key factor is when I do this I basically make the
value of the deposit zero and then the box above disappears from the payment
3) When A trip is sold out then I put up a page that looks like this...
Here's some forms I get by email when people click various things on my
When someone clicks on "register" from any trip page I get this email...
Registration page accessed:
item: NON usa Workshop
product: Cuba
dates: December 10-21, 2013
price: 4,995.00
Deposit_Amount: 2,500
supplement: 595.00
x: 58
y: 22
(this is not 100% necessary to carry over. I just use it to track who clicks that
register button)
When someone does click the register button and fills out the registration form
and then at the bottom clicks "Continue" then I get this...
Billing page accessed:
-- Workshop --
Name -> Cuba
Dates -> December 10-21, 2013
Price -> 4,995.00
Single supplement -> 595.00
Deposit -> 2,500
Type -> NON usa Workshop
-- Registration Info --
fname: LEN
lname: LIPSON
address_1: 315 E 69th St Apt 7J
city: NEW YORK
state: NY
country: US
zip: 10021
phone_1: 242-505-4111
phone_2: 917-613-9199
passport_number: 21666102
passport_expire: 07/10/2016
dob_mm: 12
dob_dd: 16
dob_yyyy: 1944
nationality: US
mothers_maiden_name: LIFSHITZ
sex: M
emergency_contact: PHOEBE WITTE
emergency_phone: 803-547-3216
how: Web Search
experience_level: Intermediate
interests[]: Getting to the best spots
interests[]: Improving my photography
interests[]: Creativity
subject: -
subjects[]: Travel
subjects[]: Landscape
subjects[]: Macro
subjects[]: People
subjects[]: Nature
equipment_consultation: Yes
consult_contact_number: 242-505-4111
best_contact_time: Morning
coaching: No
comments: Sounds like a great trip except for the 6 hour bus ride to Trinidad.
On the next page after they click Continue" there is a payment page. When they
page (credit card, bank wire, etc.,) then several emails go out.
1) Client gets this...
Welcome aboard, thanks for registering!
Well before the departure date, you'll receive an extensive email regarding
equipment selection and trip preparation.
In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact me should you have any
Lorne Resnick Photography
7095 Hollywood Blvd., #455
Hollywood, CA 90028
Ph. 323-876-6999
2) I get this...
Thanks for registering for the workshop/trip!
Order Number 29045
Workshop Information
Location Cuba
Date December 10-21, 2013
Workshop/Trip Cost: $4,995.00
Single Room Supplement/Trip: $595.00
Total Cost: $5,590.00
Amount Deposited: $2,500.00
Balance Due: $3,090.00
Billing Information
Payment Type Credit Card
Card Type Amex
Address 315 E 69th St Apt 7J
State/Province NY
Zip/Postal Code 10021
Country US
Contact Information
First Name LEN
Last Name LIPSON
Address 1 315 E 69th St Apt 7J
Address 2
State NY
Country US
Zip/Postal Code 10021
Primary Phone 212-581-4211
Secondary Phone 907-333-0199
Date of Birth 12/16/1944
Nationality US
Emergency Contact Name PHOEBE WITTE
Emergency Contact Phone 803-500-3216
product: Cuba
dates: December 10-21, 2013
price: 4,995.00
Deposit_Amount: 2,500
item: NON usa Workshop
supplement: 595.00
fname: LEN
lname: LIPSON
address_1: 315 E 69th St Apt 7J
city: NEW YORK
state: NY
country: US
zip: 10021
phone_1: 242-505-4111
phone_2: 917-613-9199
passport_number: 233332102
passport_expire: 07/10/2016
dob_mm: 12
dob_dd: 16
dob_yyyy: 1944
nationality: US
mothers_maiden_name: LIFSHITZ
sex: M
emergency_contact: PHOEBE WITTE
emergency_phone: 803-547-3216
how: Web Search
experience_level: Intermediate
interests[]: Getting to the best spots
interests[]: Improving my photography
interests[]: Creativity
subjects[]: Travel
subjects[]: Landscape
subjects[]: Macro
subjects[]: People
subjects[]: Nature
equipment_consultation: Yes
consult_contact_number: 242-505-4111
best_contact_time: Morning
coaching: No
comments: Sounds like a great trip except for the 6 hour bus ride to Trinidad.
PaymentType: Amex
cc_number: 374716016820655
expire_mm: 08
expire_yy: 15
CVV: 5456
baddress_1: 315 E 69th St Apt 7J
bcity: NEW YORK
bstate: NY
bzip: 10021
bcountry: US
PaymentMethod: creditcard
3) AND this...
LEN LIPSON (single)
P# 218182102 Exp. 07/10/2016
Birthdate: 12/16/1944
315 E 69th St Apt 7J
NEW YORK NY, 10021
Web Search
Getting to the best spots, Improving my photography, Creativity
Travel, Landscape, Macro, People, Nature
Sounds like a great trip except for the 6 hour bus ride to Trinidad.
4) And client get receipt that looks like this...
Thanks for registering for the workshop/trip!
Order Number 29045
Workshop Information
Location Cuba
Date December 10-21, 2013
Workshop/Trip Cost: $4,995.00
Single Room Supplement/Trip: $595.00
Total Cost: $5,590.00
Amount Deposited: $2,500.00
Balance Due: $3,090.00
Billing Information
Payment Type Credit Card
Card Type Amex
Address 315 E 69th St Apt 7J
State/Province NY
Zip/Postal Code 10021
Country US
Contact Information
First Name LEN
Last Name LIPSON
Address 1 315 E 69th St Apt 7J
Address 2
State NY
Country US
Zip/Postal Code 10021
Primary Phone 242-505-4111
Secondary Phone 917-613-9199
Date of Birth 12/16/1944
Nationality US
Emergency Contact Name
So, I'm sure you will have questions, but I would like to move towards a full
quote as soon as possible.
I'm looking to have this done as soon as possible.
Best case scenario for me is 4-6 weeks.
Lorne Resnick Photography
7095 Hollywood Blvd., #455
Hollywood, CA 90028
Ph. 323-876-6999

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Resnick webconversion2

  • 1. Hi, Here's my website and production notes following to convert my site to a Drupal CMS site.… ************************* Please note: I expect you to bring functionality design and suggestions to me as we move forward to make the site look/operate better in any way you can. Especially in terms of a great way to add my workshop events. ************************ BASIC Design structure: Unless otherwise noted below, including the menu font size, I want the basic site to look and function like this site... (BTW. The above site is constructed using this: Specifically... -White background. -The way the menus function when you slick, the submenus and the little pointers (>>) that indicate where you are in the site. -Menu items are on the left side of the browser window and left justified. Menu needs the ability to change menu items, color and size and have it change site wide. -Images are full bleed, but do NOT go under the menu -Social media icons under the menus.. Social media buttons: UNDER MENUS - WITH A SPACER GAP. [facebook] - facebook (link to facebook page) [like] - facebook like (link to website) _____ one of the following:
  • 2. [one] - google plus one (link to website) [google plus] - google plus (link to google plus account) ___ [twitter] - twitter (link to twitter page) [linkedin] - linkedin (link to linkedin page) [mailto] - email icon (enter email address) [pinterest] - pinterest (link to pinterest page) I like the social media icon buttons here... But would like something better. -My name logo in upper left (I will supply image) like this... -mouse pointer changes to right arrow and left arrow depending on where it hovers over image to go to next and previous image. And when mouse is in middle of image mouse pointer changes to four squares to indicate thumbnails. Like this site... -Contact form like this... except I want my email address to be hyperlinked and live. BOTTOM OF WEB BOWSER PAGE: Lower Center: -Below images I want: text/functionality of: caption, email, thumbs, < prev image count next> Like this...
  • 3. On this page... Note: Please see how the "email" button above works. I would like to replicate this. Also please note. I do not want the Caption function -PDF creator like here... Lower Right: -email|phone|COPYRIGHT like this... **The color scheme of the two items above should look like this... Black/grey. Additionally... -the multimedia galleries that can combine text, images and video. And button to view images as a slideshow. -easy process to upload the images, text and video (vimeo embeds). -Optimized to work on all devices. resizing pages & responsive.***It is important that the photos dynamically resize to the browser window, but I can prevent the photos from going under the menu. -Optimized for Retina displays -Entire site SEO ready and optimized -NEWSLETTER: SUBSCRIBE EXAMPLE: Right now if someone subscribes to my newsletter their name and email address
  • 4. goes into a subscribe.dat file on my web server. When they unsubscribe it goes into an unsubscribe/dat file on my web server. I need to retain this functionality. -HTML5 (no flash!!) -Site needs to load and display images VERY fast - Admin Control Panel will be a Graphical Interface which makes it possible to manage my website on regular basis. -SEO Friendly Designing and Programming: Website design and development needs to be SEO friendly. Needs to have Unique Page Titles, Meta Descriptions, Meta Keywords, Image Alt Tags, Custom 404 (Not Found) Error Pages, Robots.txt File and Sitemap. -Google Analytics Implementation: Google Analytics Code will be put on all pages so that you can check your traffic and other statistics on daily basis. -Cross Browser Compatibility of Website: Website will be cross browser compatible and will work perfectly in all browsers. -W3C Validation of Code: Website code will be W3C validated and it will be bug free. -shopping cart for fine art prints (see below). -Workshop registration sysytem (see below) CONVERSION: NOTES: ***I will provide you with a full set of high res original images for you to use. My site it basically broken down into several parts. Here’s notes on each section for conversion/migration. ***Note: The items in bold Red are main menu items. the items in green are sub menu itms of the red main menu item directly above it. 1) - galleries: travel | wildlife | landscape | lifestyle | portraits | resorts | campaigns | motion please see the folders for resized images. Please replicate each of the above portfolios using images in folders in the order they are in the existing live site. Please combine any “pairings if images you see on live site using photoshop. **if any photos that are on my live site are missing, please do a screen shot of
  • 5. the missing image and use that in the website. Please make sure you embed the text “missing” in the actual picture your use screen shots for so I can replace them later. -workshops: (on each of the workshop pages there is a second duplicate – horizontal – menu. We will loose this). Travel photographer of the Year pic/logo needs to be on each page. about: Pretty straightforward converting text & background colors. The existing title graphics at the top of the page, can be converted to text, as can all the sub heading which are graphics. Make sure and all links are active. schedule: converting text & background colors. I’d like to retain my star circle line graphics. I do have one with a white background. I’d also like to retain the workshop grid, if possible, but am open to a redesign if it makes it easier to use. **each linked page on this page needs to be converted. **Please see separate section below on workshop registration... Faq: Pretty straightforward converting text & background colors. The existing title graphics at the top of the page, can be converted to text, as can all the sub heading which are graphics. Make sure and all links are active. preparation: Pretty straightforward converting text & background colors. The existing title graphics at the top of the page, can be converted to text, as can all the sub heading which are graphics. Make sure and all links are active. Terms: Pretty straightforward converting text & background colors. The existing title graphics at the top of the page, can be converted to text, as can all the sub heading which are graphics. Make sure and all links are active. newsletter: I’d like to replace this sections with the museletters link. So this will still be called newsletter, but will link to the page: sponsors: kill this link. Testimonials: convert background to white. Text to black and make video all vimeo embeds. Keep star and line. graphic design element. -fine art. cuba prints africa prints beyond prints for the 3 sections above the functionalism of viewing images by thumbnail or
  • 6. enlarged needs to be retained. As well each image needs to be converted to the new shopping cart/checkout system. Use existing images for enlarged and thumbnails. cuba book. Retain existing images. posters. Covert to new cart. print info: Convert text and background theme Faq: Convert text and background theme view cart: convert to new design/cart theme -commercial. Capabilities: Convert main page and each linked page. Each thumbnail links to another page. I am willing to look at a redesign of this grid system. Perhaps match it up to a new design of the workshop grid? Tear sheets: use existing images to replicate tear sheets and image order. Clients: easy one. Just carry this image over. -contact + more contact: convert text and pics. Use existing pics. bio: convert text and pics. Use existing pics. Chnage the menu item bio to about Museletter: Convert photo into text. Use sunset photo. Use subscribe form on this page which I like better… or the example above. Or if you have a better idea. Covert past newsletter grid to something new? Make sure each newsletter is converted. publications: convert text and pics. Use existing pics awards: convert text and pics. Use existing pics ***Right now the publications and awards pages are too long. I'd like to you figure out a better design for this. **check and convert all links. **** Additional information on the shopping cart and hidden link that need to be converted
  • 7. *********** Workshops registration system for example here... lley_and_Slot_Canyons.html and here... and here is a hidden test page... I'll need a way to create new workshop trip pages with different dates, workshop descriptions and prices, all leading to a registration page. Here's some hidden links that need to be converted... These are my past trips. This page and all the links on it nned to be carried over... This is a link of Cuba trips. needs to be editable so I can ad and remove trips - Just a baisc page - I have two types of workshop registrations: USA and non-USA trips. The USA trips need to go to this registration page... - The non-USa trips need to go to this registration page...
  • 8. this is a non-USA trip page test page... - After you fill out any registration page you go to the billing page, here... - I will also need a way to make ciustom billing pages like these... - - I will also need a way to create custom discount coupons... If you go here... - and click "Continue" at the bottom of the page you will come to the billing page and on the right side you will see this... Client Code: Not required to register This is my discount box. I didn't want to put "discount" on my website. So, need a way to easily add discount coupons and retain this client code box. Additional functionality that relates to the above... I have 3 different "states" for my Cuba trips that I will need a way to change modify each trip... 1) When I announce a trip the page looks like this... 29+120days.html **Please note the price and Deposit vlaue. If I register for this trip on the payment page I will see box that looks like this...
  • 9. Select Payment Amount Full $0.33 or Deposit $0.05 2) This is the page I put up when the trip is within 120 days of departure. Basically what I do is remove the ability for someone to make a deposit on the trip they have to pay in full. The key factor is when I do this I basically make the value of the deposit zero and then the box above disappears from the payment page. 3) When A trip is sold out then I put up a page that looks like this... Here's some forms I get by email when people click various things on my website. _____________________________________________________________ When someone clicks on "register" from any trip page I get this email... Registration page accessed: item: NON usa Workshop product: Cuba dates: December 10-21, 2013 price: 4,995.00 Deposit_Amount: 2,500 supplement: 595.00 x: 58 y: 22 (this is not 100% necessary to carry over. I just use it to track who clicks that register button) _____________________________________________________________ When someone does click the register button and fills out the registration form and then at the bottom clicks "Continue" then I get this... Billing page accessed: -- Workshop --
  • 10. Name -> Cuba Dates -> December 10-21, 2013 Price -> 4,995.00 Single supplement -> 595.00 Deposit -> 2,500 Type -> NON usa Workshop -- Registration Info -- fname: LEN lname: LIPSON occupation: RETIRED - ADVERTISING address_1: 315 E 69th St Apt 7J address_2: city: NEW YORK state: NY province: country: US zip: 10021 phone_1: 242-505-4111 phone_2: 917-613-9199 email_1: email_2: passport_name: LEONARD WARREN LIPSON passport_number: 21666102 passport_expire: 07/10/2016 dob_mm: 12 dob_dd: 16 dob_yyyy: 1944 nationality: US mothers_maiden_name: LIFSHITZ sex: M emergency_contact: PHOEBE WITTE emergency_phone: 803-547-3216 how: Web Search how_other: experience_level: Intermediate interest: interests[]: Getting to the best spots interests[]: Improving my photography interests[]: Creativity subject: - subjects[]: Travel subjects[]: Landscape subjects[]: Macro subjects[]: People subjects[]: Nature equipment_consultation: Yes
  • 11. consult_contact_number: 242-505-4111 best_contact_time: Morning coaching: No comments: Sounds like a great trip except for the 6 hour bus ride to Trinidad. _____________________________________________________________ On the next page after they click Continue" there is a payment page. When they page (credit card, bank wire, etc.,) then several emails go out. 1) Client gets this... Hi LEN, Welcome aboard, thanks for registering! Well before the departure date, you'll receive an extensive email regarding equipment selection and trip preparation. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. Best, Lorne Lorne Resnick Photography 7095 Hollywood Blvd., #455 Hollywood, CA 90028 Ph. 323-876-6999 2) I get this... Thanks for registering for the workshop/trip! Order Number 29045 Workshop Information Location Cuba Date December 10-21, 2013 Workshop/Trip Cost: $4,995.00 Single Room Supplement/Trip: $595.00 Total Cost: $5,590.00 Amount Deposited: $2,500.00 Balance Due: $3,090.00 Billing Information
  • 12. Payment Type Credit Card Card Type Amex Name LEONARD W LIPSON Address 315 E 69th St Apt 7J City NEW YORK State/Province NY Zip/Postal Code 10021 Country US Contact Information First Name LEN Last Name LIPSON Address 1 315 E 69th St Apt 7J Address 2 Occupation RETIRED - ADVERTISING City NEW YORK State NY Country US Zip/Postal Code 10021 Primary Phone 212-581-4211 Secondary Phone 907-333-0199 E-Mail Date of Birth 12/16/1944 Nationality US Emergency Contact Name PHOEBE WITTE Emergency Contact Phone 803-500-3216 product: Cuba dates: December 10-21, 2013 price: 4,995.00 Deposit_Amount: 2,500 item: NON usa Workshop supplement: 595.00 extra_supplement: flight_price: hotel: two_day_supplement: two_day_extra_supplement: CouponCode: fname: LEN lname: LIPSON occupation: RETIRED - ADVERTISING address_1: 315 E 69th St Apt 7J address_2: city: NEW YORK state: NY
  • 13. province: country: US zip: 10021 phone_1: 242-505-4111 phone_2: 917-613-9199 email_1: email_2: passport_name: LEONARD WARREN LIPSON passport_number: 233332102 passport_expire: 07/10/2016 dob_mm: 12 dob_dd: 16 dob_yyyy: 1944 nationality: US mothers_maiden_name: LIFSHITZ sex: M emergency_contact: PHOEBE WITTE emergency_phone: 803-547-3216 how: Web Search how_other: experience_level: Intermediate interests[]: Getting to the best spots interests[]: Improving my photography interests[]: Creativity subjects[]: Travel subjects[]: Landscape subjects[]: Macro subjects[]: People subjects[]: Nature equipment_consultation: Yes camera_model: consult_contact_number: 242-505-4111 best_contact_time: Morning coaching: No car_pooling: room_sharing: smoker: comments: Sounds like a great trip except for the 6 hour bus ride to Trinidad. PaymentType: Amex cc_number: 374716016820655 expire_mm: 08 expire_yy: 15 CVV: 5456 bname: LEONARD W LIPSON baddress_1: 315 E 69th St Apt 7J baddress_2: bcity: NEW YORK
  • 14. bstate: NY bzip: 10021 bcountry: US PaymentMethod: creditcard 3) AND this... LEN LIPSON (single) LEONARD WARREN LIPSON P# 218182102 Exp. 07/10/2016 Birthdate: 12/16/1944 LIFSHITZ 315 E 69th St Apt 7J NEW YORK NY, 10021 Web Search Intermediate Getting to the best spots, Improving my photography, Creativity Travel, Landscape, Macro, People, Nature Sounds like a great trip except for the 6 hour bus ride to Trinidad. 4) And client get receipt that looks like this... Thanks for registering for the workshop/trip! Order Number 29045 Workshop Information Location Cuba Date December 10-21, 2013 Workshop/Trip Cost: $4,995.00 Single Room Supplement/Trip: $595.00 Total Cost: $5,590.00 Amount Deposited: $2,500.00 Balance Due: $3,090.00 Billing Information Payment Type Credit Card Card Type Amex Name LEONARD W LIPSON Address 315 E 69th St Apt 7J City NEW YORK State/Province NY Zip/Postal Code 10021 Country US Contact Information First Name LEN Last Name LIPSON Address 1 315 E 69th St Apt 7J Address 2 Occupation RETIRED - ADVERTISING
  • 15. City NEW YORK State NY Country US Zip/Postal Code 10021 Primary Phone 242-505-4111 Secondary Phone 917-613-9199 E-Mail Date of Birth 12/16/1944 Nationality US Emergency Contact Name _____________________________________________________________ So, I'm sure you will have questions, but I would like to move towards a full quote as soon as possible. I'm looking to have this done as soon as possible. Best case scenario for me is 4-6 weeks. Best, Lorne Lorne Resnick Photography 7095 Hollywood Blvd., #455 Hollywood, CA 90028 Ph. 323-876-6999