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Reservoir Connectivity Analysis
with Streamline Simulation
Arif KHAN – PetroTechnical Expert (PTE - Reservoir/Production)
Reservoir Characterization Group – NorthSea
Sunday, 26 January 2020
Production Geoscience Conference 2-3 Nov. 2010
© 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved.
An asterisk is used throughout this presentation to denote a mark of
Schlumberger. Intelligent performance is a mark of Schlumberger. Other
company, product, and service names are the properties of their
respective owners.
2 AK
• Overview
• Building streamlines
• Streamline versus Finite difference
• Applications
• Streamlines and Property distribution
• Complex grids
• Calibrating (HM) model with streamlines
• Conclusions
3 AK
4 AK
Sources of Uncertainty in Simulation
Reservoir Connectivity Analysis
with Streamline Simulation
Overview – building streamlines
6 AK
Streamline simulation overview
6 key principles (by Marco R. Thiele)
SL simulation rests on 6 key principles
1. Tracing three-dimensional (3D) streamlines in terms of time-
of-flight (TOF)
2. Recasting the mass conservation equations along streamlines
in terms of TOF (3D→1D)
3. Periodic updating streamlines
4. Numerical 1D transport solutions along streamlines
5. Accounting for gravity effects using operator splitting
6. Extension to compressible flow
7 AK
M ii
ii F
0 i
→=  vv
= vv
PVi = dTOFi × Qi
Vx =dx/dt
dt= Vx * dx
)( Dgpv iiii −−=
▪The streamline concept solves the pressure equation implicitly to compute a
set of streamlines that represent flow in the reservoir.
•Each streamline represents a volumetric rate and acts as a one dimensional
grid running perpendicular to the pressure contours in the reservoir.
•Streamline simulation is relatively grid insensitive.
•Although contained within a grid framework, streamlines can originate
anywhere in the grid, as dictated by the pressure solution.SPE 54616 - G. H. Grinestaff, BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.
Streamline simulation overview
8 AK
Streamlines are perpendicular to pressure
contours.Pressure contours.
Streamline simulation overview
9 AK
 ),,(
Replace space coordinates (x,y,z) into time coordinates
The time-of-flight operator transforms 3D streamline
flow into 1-D where the distance variable along
streamline at the centre of the streamline is replaced by
a time variable that captures the transport properties of
the streamline in a summarized form.
Space coordinates (x,y,z) transformed in Time coordinates using TOF
(time of flight) operator
Modelling Flow Along Streamlines
Streamline simulation overview
TOF, Travel Time, Transit Time, Time of
Arrival, Time
Don’t forget to read:
10 AK
Space coordinates (x,y,z) transformed in Time coordinates using TOF
(time of flight) operator
Distance (S) = Velocity(V) xTime (TOF)
Velocity(V) from darcy law = KA dP/uL
Time (TOF) = Distance (S) / Velocity(V)
TOF is a measure of spatial distance along streamlines
Modelling Flow Along Streamlines
Streamline simulation overview
Darcy law/eq. in space
Darcy law/eq. in time
Simply replace darcy equation to present flow in time
instead of presenting flow in space.
(used in FD sim.)
(used in SL sim.)
Thus we decoupled flow calculation from grid onto streamlines
11 AK
Modelling Flow Along Streamlines
Time coordinates using TOF operator concept is analogous to Seismic concepts
For example, We can say that the distance between any
two points A and B is 50 miles or alternatively, we can
express the same distance as ‘1 hr’, traveling at 50 miles/h.
Travel time of a neutral tracer particle along a streamline or
the distance along the streamline divided by the particle
Higher permeability quick tranport along streamlines
Higher pressure, less velocity, quick transport
zyx =
 ),,(
 ),,(
Streamline simulation overview
12 AK
13 AK
Time of Flight (Begin)
Color Scale Max = 800 Color Scale Max = 1250
Breakthrough time is very close to the TOF approximation.
TOF approximation was achieved with only one times step
Time of flight (Transit Time) maximum value for the same time step.
Right figure shows and approximation of 1250 days breakthrough
time from well I3 to well P2.
time transformation of space advantage
Wells are connected through a line (streamline) of known time for particle movement
Streamline simulation overview
Reservoir Connectivity Analysis
with Streamline Simulation
Overview – Streamline vs Finite Difference
15 AK
Streamline simulation overview
Why Streamline-Based Simulation is used?
(SL model vs Finite Difference FD model)
3D-streamline models have some very significant applications/advantages over
conventional finite difference simulations:
1. Easier visualization/conceptualization of injector-producer coupling of flow
2. Better drainage/Sweep area identification
3. Easy calculation of production allocation factors for water floods or gas floods
4. Easy ranking of complex geological/geostatistical models
5. Easy incorporation of entire field models
6. Assisted history matching
7. Potentially, a more accurate solution (physics at high level)
8. Speed
(by Marco R. Thiele)
16 AK
FD Flow paths for parallel and diagonal flow in a Cartesian grid
Grid sizes used in Cartesian grid models
Streamline simulation overview
Grid Orientation Effects in Finite Difference (FD)
Grid orientation effects the model predictability
Decoupling of saturation solution from 3D grid into 1D
streamline solutions; eliminates the grid artifact effect
FD Predicted performance at M=0.5 for parallel (8x8) and
diagonal (6x6) grid blocks
Grid orientation effects increase with fluid mobility
Grid orientation plus grid itself offers numerical dispersion
issues thus masking the drive mechnism
17 AK
Streamline simulation overview
Grid orientation effects on water breakthrough (profiles)
Finite Difference simulation versus Streamline simulation
Streamline simulationFinite Difference simulation
Effected Not Effected
Exactly swap the locations of
wells P2 and I1, effectively
rotating the positions of the
injector and the producers.
Reservoir Connectivity Analysis
with Streamline Simulation
Applications – Streamline & Property distribution effects
19 AK
Streamlines for a central injector and two producers for ky
= kx (left) and ky = 0.1kx (right)
Streamline trajectories until time of flight = 5000 days, ky = kx (left)
and ky = 0.1kx (right).
An illustration of imposing no-flow boundaries via image wells. Note that no flow
occurs across the central horizontal line.
Streamline simulation & Heterogeneity
Very earlier work on this subject:
Streamlines & Heterogeneity
20 AK
Uniform to stratified Permeability distribution
Homogeneous case, the streamlines are uniformly
Heterogeneous cases, the streamline geometry and
density reflect the underlying permeability distribution
Streamlines tend to cluster in regions of high flow and
are sparsely distributed in low-permeability regions,
thus providing higher transverse resolution in
regions of faster flow.
21 AK
Streamlines & Heterogeneity
Time of flight is used to quantify the heterogeneity and find
breakthrough times in each reservoir unit.
Streamlines & Heterogeneity
22 AK
Random permeability results in uniform streamlines density
Higher permeability quick tranport time along streamlines
Highly correlated permeability results in denser streamlines at the correlated area
Reservoir Connectivity Analysis
with Streamline Simulation
Applications – Complex Grids
24 AK
Streamlines are very good tools to identify the communication across domains of a
reservoir model very quickly by just screening through them. This example is showing a
transmissible fault.
Fault Juxtaposition
25 AK
Grid sections showing pinched out layer (unconformity)
Flow across pinchout layer not allowed across
eroded layer
Flow across pinchout layer allowed across
eroded layer
Monitoring Communication across Layers
Having built a reservoir model in a geological package, it may
take time to understand the communication paths that have
been built in.
Streamline simulation can interrogate flow paths between wells
and across displaced faults, and prove significant aid in
understanding for geoscientists/geologists and reservoir
26 AK
Grid sections showing fault & pinched out layer
Flow across pinchout layer not allowed Flow across pinchout layer allowed
Monitoring Communication across Layers
Streamlines follow general grid property trend
Windows can be identified easily
Simulator can handle such situation in variety of ways,
thus care has to be exercise
Reservoir Connectivity Analysis
with Streamline Simulation
Applications – Model Calibration
A word
28 AK
Streamlines marked “A” which have shorter time of
flight periods. These will strongly control early water
breakthrough whereas streamlines marked “B”
and “C” control later stage watercut
Streamlines mechanism for production calibration
Streamline technology helps in grouping cells that
need to be modified.
Easy to see how the travel time along a single
streamline can be increased or decreased by
changing permeability.
Identification of history match regions where
changes need to be made
By multiplying permeability up in all the grid blocks along the
streamline, the velocity of fluid will increase and travel time will
decrease proportionally. Therefore, by adjusting permeability
fields in specific regions, we can history match watercut in a
waterflood or GOR in a gas flood
zyx =
 ),,(
 ),,(
*Courtesy of Richard Baker
29 AK
Streamlines mechanism for production calibration
Model Calibration (History matching) can be thought of as composed of two parts.
• overall architecture of the reservoir.
• are layers connected to each other
• do faults/shale layers compartmentalize the field?
Inner loop:
• is concerned with the permeability and porosity distribution within a layer or region or near well.
Overlooking especially in manual approach:
• the majority of time is spent in a conventional manual history match simulation study on the inner loop,
because it is not always clear on how good the history match can be.
• too much concentration on inner loop, may overlook changing something critical in the outer loop such as a
major geological feature.
• numerous runs are spent changing parameter values with relatively few runs adjusting the conceptual model
(outer loops).
AHM (assisted history matching):
• allows engineers to solve the inner loop problems more efficiently. Solving inner loop problems more
efficiently would then allow a more thorough/comprehensive investigation of reservoir models.
Reservoir Connectivity Analysis
with Streamline Simulation
Applications – Model Calibration
Calibrating layer contribution in mature flood
31 AK
TRANS =Ka*Kr*A*X / visc*FVF*L
TRAN_X_dir TRAN_Z_dirTRAN_Y_dir
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating layer contribution in mature flood
Producer (highly deviated) is shown among its 4 injectors
Colored streamlines connecting injector-producer completions
(each injector-producer pair has separate color code for its streamlines)
It is then easy to filter grid properties along these designated
Transmissibility in x, y, z direction is
shown here as filtered
Chalk geosystem
Ok match
Ok match
Ok match
Ok match
Streamline aided calibration
PLT data pre-matching for highly deviated well
Oil & water rates along
injector-producer connection
pair streamline (how much of
injector perf water pushing oil in
particular streamline which is
connected to particular
connection of producer)
Oil, gas, water production rates and reservoir
volumes for streamlines originating from I1
Water injection rates and reservoir
volumes for streamlines leading to P1
Producer connections
4 injectors connections
Producer connections
33 AK
Flood it out
Streamlines are connecting perfs from
injectors to producer (insert showing
property along streamlines)
Pie chart showing % of injector connection
contributing to particular producer
PLT vs Sim (pre-post match) water cut
Streamline aided calibration
PLT data pre-post matching results for highly deviated well
Producer connections
Reservoir Connectivity Analysis
with Streamline Simulation
Applications – Model Calibration
Calibrating GOR (Gas-oil Ratio) of problem well
35 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating GOR (Gas-oil Ratio) of problem well
Gas Breakthrough and supply was more in
well compared to history as shown.
Changing near well condition and near well
proximity properties in the existing fault
block didn’t help too much.
Connectivity of well was checked with
streamlines of where this huge gas supply
is coming from.
Since streamlines changes with time, rate,
pressure regime in the reservoir areally and
vertically thus all the timesteps were looked
into to get the idea on average path of the
gas towards this well
Fluivial geosystem (K~10 D)
36 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating GOR (Gas-oil Ratio) of problem well
By the way
Literature survey: (learn from the past reported experiences)
Certain phenomenon was reported in Gullfaks field
where gas found window of oppourtunity to break
itself through into the production well even if it had
to take long route.
There is no reporting of how this was spotted but
we followed a systematic approach of streamline
based connectivity instead of some experiences
* Courtesy of NPF
37 AK
Scanning streamlines connectivity in time and
looking at contributing grid cells on average basis
(streamlines change with pressure, rates in time)
Gas flowGas flow
water flow Problem well
Found cross fault connections
Found window which established connectivity
Streamline aided calibration
Calibrating GOR (Gas-oil Ratio) of problem well
block A
block B
38 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating GOR (Gas-oil Ratio) of problem well
Well’s top perfs are flooded with gas emerging out
through this window in enormous proportions
Look at various possibilites that whether shale-gouge
calculation has flaw or should this migration be treated as
Across the fault in fault block B there are no producing
wells to confirm this contribution
block A
block B
block A
block B
Next step; run test trials to seal the connections, seal
the whole fault, change Fault block A properties -
ultimately to go to 4D seismic, conduct interference
test, buildup tests, initiate tracer injection, cross well
39 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating GOR (Gas-oil Ratio) of problem well
Reducing significantly the flow
characteristics of fault window connections
proved viable in matching, in combination
with tunning cross-fault grid properties.
Past reported experience coupled with
streamline technology proved promising in
adressing the problem.
Reservoir Connectivity Analysis
with Streamline Simulation
Applications – Model Calibration
Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
41 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
CAHM- computer aided history matching
(use computer progam CAD to meet target
by minizing difference (objective function) in
Observation & simulation profiles by
changing reservoir properties in an
CAD tool/method used here is gradient
based steepest descent (dPerm/dGOR)
AHM- assisted history matching
(use a tool to assist an
engineer/process/workflow to identify
locations, properties for history matching
either to provid it to above CAD program or
to facilitate manual matching)
AHM tool/method used here is Streamline
42 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
Property values are generally determined by optimization softwares (like automatic History
matching tools/CAD programs)
Biggest problem → Definition of regions to be changed
▪ Majority of a history matching effort
▪ Depends totally on engineer’s experience
▪ Difficult to honor physics and geology
43 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
If the region is misdefined, changes may:
• Have too little or no effect
• Have unintended consequences
• Honor production but not geology
• Honor geology but not production
• Affect other wells (coupling)
44 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
If the region is misdefined, changes may:
• Have too little or no effect
• Have unintended consequences
• Honor production but not geology
• Honor geology but not production
• Affect other wells (coupling)
Possible approach: History matching assisted by
Streamlines (AHM)
45 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
Streamlines indentify preferential paths inside
The grid blocks penetrated by the streamlines
are mapped (exercise caution on pore volume
changes, rates changes, pressure field changes on
streamlines) .
These grid blocks (regions) are inserted into
CAD program and modified.
Simple work process:
46 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
All wells relatively matched (using Finite Difference
simulation), except well P06
How to improve P06 match without affecting
other wells???
We will now look at the effect of matching of
well P06 on its near neighbor well P07
* Courtesy of Statoil
47 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
Start with smaller region
around well P06 and
change its properties via CAD
program using FD simulator
48 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
In order to improve match, redefine slightly bigger region around target well P06 and
change its properties via CAD program
See effect on neighbouring well’s
HM, it is distorted
49 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
To solve this issue, run streamline simulation
Find Producer-Injector pair, go fast forward to observe any variation of streamlines
path with time and monitor its dependecy on rate, pressure and neighbouring wells
Carve out a portion per pair definition as shown
50 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
Carved out portion as shown
More modest solution than patches
Selected portion is now run with CAD program (CAHM) using FD simulator
51 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
Main-Target well calibration
52 AK
Streamline Aided Calibration
Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
Neighbouring well Calibration
Reservoir Connectivity Analysis
with Streamline Simulation
Applications – Model Calibration
Tracer aided connectivity monitoring
Tracer aided connectivity monitoring
Streamline well pair production allocations coupled with Tracer maps
54 AK
*Courtesy of ConocoPhillips
Chalk geosystem
Tracer (in quantitative and qualitative form - here are passive tracers used) are good indicators of
connectivity, especially in segmented reservoirs.
Tracer aided connectivity monitoring
Streamline well pair production allocations coupled with Tracer maps
55 AK
*Courtesy of ConocoPhillips
Field tracer map Wellwise allocations from SL sim
(could be completion wise)
Once we map the tracers properly to the producers then it is tunning of % contribution and identify
non-contributors. Arrow shows in-focus tracer path here
How much injector is contributing to its pattern producers
Reservoir Connectivity Analysis
with Streamline Simulation
57 AK
Streamline simulation with its limitations proves promising for various connectivity
Aid in geological features (streaks, barriers, juxtaposition, complex grids) identification.
4D property maps overlayed by streamlines provides better scrutiny technique.
Facilitates engineer’s judgement in making decisions during model calibration.
Assists tremendously in Mature field’s interwell connectivity and matching.
Tracers coupled with streamlines paths and with allocation information among injector-
producer pair can be very usefull.
58 AK
Rigourous small scale physics of capillary pressure, hysterisis, fluid compositionality is
still a limitation in technology but not an obstacle to persue of what has been shown.
Streamline paths are strongly dependent on mobility effects, changing field conditions
(rate changes, zone isolations etc.), Infill drilling, pattern conversions.
Streamlines variability should be monitored before selecting any grid cells for finite
difference simulations.
Streamlines can change thus pore volume under observation also, care should be
excercise. While high permeability streaks, shales and flow along highly tranmissible
faults (high conduit fractures) will stand out even if rates and pressure fields are changing
through time.
Conclusions (continued…)
Reservoir Connectivity Analysis
with Streamline Simulation
Thank you
Questions Please!
Arif Khan
PetroTechnical Expert (Reservoir/Production)
Engineering Services
Data & Consulting Services – NorthSea Geomarket
Schlumberger - Oilfield Services
Mobile # +47 45 22 1367
Direct line # +47 5194 6717
Risabergveien-3, 4068 Stavanger - Norway

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Reservoir connectivity analysis_with_streamline_sim_nov_2010_v2

  • 1. Reservoir Connectivity Analysis with Streamline Simulation Arif KHAN – PetroTechnical Expert (PTE - Reservoir/Production) Reservoir Characterization Group – NorthSea Sunday, 26 January 2020 Production Geoscience Conference 2-3 Nov. 2010
  • 2. © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. An asterisk is used throughout this presentation to denote a mark of Schlumberger. Intelligent performance is a mark of Schlumberger. Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners. 2 AK 1/26/2020
  • 3. Agenda • Overview • Building streamlines • Streamline versus Finite difference • Applications • Streamlines and Property distribution • Complex grids • Calibrating (HM) model with streamlines • Conclusions 3 AK 1/26/2020
  • 4. 4 AK 1/26/2020 Sources of Uncertainty in Simulation
  • 5. Reservoir Connectivity Analysis with Streamline Simulation Overview – building streamlines
  • 6. 6 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline simulation overview 6 key principles (by Marco R. Thiele) SL simulation rests on 6 key principles 1. Tracing three-dimensional (3D) streamlines in terms of time- of-flight (TOF) 2. Recasting the mass conservation equations along streamlines in terms of TOF (3D→1D) 3. Periodic updating streamlines 4. Numerical 1D transport solutions along streamlines 5. Accounting for gravity effects using operator splitting 6. Extension to compressible flow
  • 7. 7 AK 1/26/2020 .0 11 =   +   x F t M ii 0 11 =   +    ii F t Mu 1 1 0 i i i i Fv t M uF t M +   ==+              =   →=   →=  vv v d v   = vv PVi = dTOFi × Qi Vx =dx/dt dt= Vx * dx )( Dgpv iiii −−=   ▪The streamline concept solves the pressure equation implicitly to compute a set of streamlines that represent flow in the reservoir. •Each streamline represents a volumetric rate and acts as a one dimensional grid running perpendicular to the pressure contours in the reservoir. •Streamline simulation is relatively grid insensitive. •Although contained within a grid framework, streamlines can originate anywhere in the grid, as dictated by the pressure solution.SPE 54616 - G. H. Grinestaff, BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. Streamline simulation overview
  • 8. 8 AK 1/26/2020 Streamlines are perpendicular to pressure contours.Pressure contours. Streamline simulation overview
  • 9. 9 AK 1/26/2020 ds v zyx t =   ),,( Streamline S Replace space coordinates (x,y,z) into time coordinates The time-of-flight operator transforms 3D streamline flow into 1-D where the distance variable along streamline at the centre of the streamline is replaced by a time variable that captures the transport properties of the streamline in a summarized form. Space coordinates (x,y,z) transformed in Time coordinates using TOF (time of flight) operator Modelling Flow Along Streamlines Streamline simulation overview TOF, Travel Time, Transit Time, Time of Arrival, Time Don’t forget to read:
  • 10. 10 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline S Space coordinates (x,y,z) transformed in Time coordinates using TOF (time of flight) operator Distance (S) = Velocity(V) xTime (TOF) Velocity(V) from darcy law = KA dP/uL Time (TOF) = Distance (S) / Velocity(V) TOF is a measure of spatial distance along streamlines Modelling Flow Along Streamlines Streamline simulation overview Xu Pk v   =   = u Pk v Darcy law/eq. in space Darcy law/eq. in time Simply replace darcy equation to present flow in time instead of presenting flow in space. (used in FD sim.) (used in SL sim.) Thus we decoupled flow calculation from grid onto streamlines
  • 11. 11 AK 1/26/2020 Modelling Flow Along Streamlines Time coordinates using TOF operator concept is analogous to Seismic concepts For example, We can say that the distance between any two points A and B is 50 miles or alternatively, we can express the same distance as ‘1 hr’, traveling at 50 miles/h. Travel time of a neutral tracer particle along a streamline or the distance along the streamline divided by the particle velocity Higher permeability quick tranport along streamlines Higher pressure, less velocity, quick transport ds yPermabilit zyx =   ),,( ds v zyx t =   ),,( Streamline simulation overview
  • 13. 13 AK 1/26/2020 Time of Flight (Begin) Color Scale Max = 800 Color Scale Max = 1250 Breakthrough time is very close to the TOF approximation. TOF approximation was achieved with only one times step simulation. Time of flight (Transit Time) maximum value for the same time step. Right figure shows and approximation of 1250 days breakthrough time from well I3 to well P2. time transformation of space advantage Wells are connected through a line (streamline) of known time for particle movement Streamline simulation overview 1250800
  • 14. Reservoir Connectivity Analysis with Streamline Simulation Overview – Streamline vs Finite Difference
  • 15. 15 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline simulation overview Why Streamline-Based Simulation is used? (SL model vs Finite Difference FD model) 3D-streamline models have some very significant applications/advantages over conventional finite difference simulations: 1. Easier visualization/conceptualization of injector-producer coupling of flow 2. Better drainage/Sweep area identification 3. Easy calculation of production allocation factors for water floods or gas floods 4. Easy ranking of complex geological/geostatistical models 5. Easy incorporation of entire field models 6. Assisted history matching 7. Potentially, a more accurate solution (physics at high level) 8. Speed (by Marco R. Thiele)
  • 16. 16 AK 1/26/2020 FD Flow paths for parallel and diagonal flow in a Cartesian grid Grid sizes used in Cartesian grid models Streamline simulation overview Grid Orientation Effects in Finite Difference (FD) Simulation Grid orientation effects the model predictability Decoupling of saturation solution from 3D grid into 1D streamline solutions; eliminates the grid artifact effect FD Predicted performance at M=0.5 for parallel (8x8) and diagonal (6x6) grid blocks Grid orientation effects increase with fluid mobility contrast Grid orientation plus grid itself offers numerical dispersion issues thus masking the drive mechnism
  • 17. 17 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline simulation overview Grid orientation effects on water breakthrough (profiles) Finite Difference simulation versus Streamline simulation Streamline simulationFinite Difference simulation Oriented Effected Not Effected Exactly swap the locations of wells P2 and I1, effectively rotating the positions of the injector and the producers. I1 P2 I1 P2 Oriented
  • 18. Reservoir Connectivity Analysis with Streamline Simulation Applications – Streamline & Property distribution effects
  • 19. 19 AK 1/26/2020 Streamlines for a central injector and two producers for ky = kx (left) and ky = 0.1kx (right) Streamline trajectories until time of flight = 5000 days, ky = kx (left) and ky = 0.1kx (right). An illustration of imposing no-flow boundaries via image wells. Note that no flow occurs across the central horizontal line. Streamline simulation & Heterogeneity Very earlier work on this subject:
  • 20. Streamlines & Heterogeneity 20 AK 1/26/2020 Uniform to stratified Permeability distribution Homogeneous case, the streamlines are uniformly distributed Heterogeneous cases, the streamline geometry and density reflect the underlying permeability distribution Streamlines tend to cluster in regions of high flow and are sparsely distributed in low-permeability regions, thus providing higher transverse resolution in regions of faster flow.
  • 21. 21 AK 1/26/2020 Streamlines & Heterogeneity Time of flight is used to quantify the heterogeneity and find breakthrough times in each reservoir unit.
  • 22. Streamlines & Heterogeneity 22 AK 1/26/2020 Random permeability results in uniform streamlines density Higher permeability quick tranport time along streamlines Highly correlated permeability results in denser streamlines at the correlated area
  • 23. Reservoir Connectivity Analysis with Streamline Simulation Applications – Complex Grids
  • 24. 24 AK 1/26/2020 Streamlines are very good tools to identify the communication across domains of a reservoir model very quickly by just screening through them. This example is showing a transmissible fault. Fault Juxtaposition
  • 25. 25 AK 1/26/2020 Grid sections showing pinched out layer (unconformity) Flow across pinchout layer not allowed across eroded layer Flow across pinchout layer allowed across eroded layer Monitoring Communication across Layers Having built a reservoir model in a geological package, it may take time to understand the communication paths that have been built in. Streamline simulation can interrogate flow paths between wells and across displaced faults, and prove significant aid in understanding for geoscientists/geologists and reservoir engineers.
  • 26. 26 AK 1/26/2020 Grid sections showing fault & pinched out layer (unconformity) Flow across pinchout layer not allowed Flow across pinchout layer allowed Monitoring Communication across Layers Streamlines follow general grid property trend Windows can be identified easily Simulator can handle such situation in variety of ways, thus care has to be exercise
  • 27. Reservoir Connectivity Analysis with Streamline Simulation Applications – Model Calibration A word
  • 28. 28 AK 1/26/2020 Streamlines marked “A” which have shorter time of flight periods. These will strongly control early water breakthrough whereas streamlines marked “B” and “C” control later stage watercut Streamlines mechanism for production calibration Streamline technology helps in grouping cells that need to be modified. Easy to see how the travel time along a single streamline can be increased or decreased by changing permeability. Identification of history match regions where changes need to be made By multiplying permeability up in all the grid blocks along the streamline, the velocity of fluid will increase and travel time will decrease proportionally. Therefore, by adjusting permeability fields in specific regions, we can history match watercut in a waterflood or GOR in a gas flood ds yPermabilit zyx =   ),,( ds v zyx t =   ),,( *Courtesy of Richard Baker
  • 29. 29 AK 1/26/2020 Streamlines mechanism for production calibration Model Calibration (History matching) can be thought of as composed of two parts. Outerloop: • overall architecture of the reservoir. • are layers connected to each other • do faults/shale layers compartmentalize the field? Inner loop: • is concerned with the permeability and porosity distribution within a layer or region or near well. Overlooking especially in manual approach: • the majority of time is spent in a conventional manual history match simulation study on the inner loop, because it is not always clear on how good the history match can be. • too much concentration on inner loop, may overlook changing something critical in the outer loop such as a major geological feature. • numerous runs are spent changing parameter values with relatively few runs adjusting the conceptual model (outer loops). AHM (assisted history matching): • allows engineers to solve the inner loop problems more efficiently. Solving inner loop problems more efficiently would then allow a more thorough/comprehensive investigation of reservoir models.
  • 30. Reservoir Connectivity Analysis with Streamline Simulation Applications – Model Calibration Calibrating layer contribution in mature flood
  • 31. 31 AK 1/26/2020 TRANS =Ka*Kr*A*X / visc*FVF*L TRAN_X_dir TRAN_Z_dirTRAN_Y_dir Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating layer contribution in mature flood Producer (highly deviated) is shown among its 4 injectors producer Colored streamlines connecting injector-producer completions (each injector-producer pair has separate color code for its streamlines) It is then easy to filter grid properties along these designated streamline Transmissibility in x, y, z direction is shown here as filtered Chalk geosystem injector injectorinjector injector
  • 32. Ok match Ok match Ok match Ok match Streamline aided calibration PLT data pre-matching for highly deviated well Oil & water rates along injector-producer connection pair streamline (how much of injector perf water pushing oil in particular streamline which is connected to particular connection of producer) Oil, gas, water production rates and reservoir volumes for streamlines originating from I1 I1 P1 Water injection rates and reservoir volumes for streamlines leading to P1 Producer connections 4 injectors connections Producer connections
  • 33. 33 AK 1/26/2020 Flood it out Streamlines are connecting perfs from injectors to producer (insert showing property along streamlines) Pie chart showing % of injector connection contributing to particular producer connection PLT vs Sim (pre-post match) water cut Streamline aided calibration PLT data pre-post matching results for highly deviated well Producer connections injector injectorinjector injector producer
  • 34. Reservoir Connectivity Analysis with Streamline Simulation Applications – Model Calibration Calibrating GOR (Gas-oil Ratio) of problem well
  • 35. 35 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating GOR (Gas-oil Ratio) of problem well Gas Breakthrough and supply was more in well compared to history as shown. Changing near well condition and near well proximity properties in the existing fault block didn’t help too much. Connectivity of well was checked with streamlines of where this huge gas supply is coming from. Since streamlines changes with time, rate, pressure regime in the reservoir areally and vertically thus all the timesteps were looked into to get the idea on average path of the gas towards this well Pre-match Fluivial geosystem (K~10 D)
  • 36. 36 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating GOR (Gas-oil Ratio) of problem well By the way Literature survey: (learn from the past reported experiences) Certain phenomenon was reported in Gullfaks field where gas found window of oppourtunity to break itself through into the production well even if it had to take long route. There is no reporting of how this was spotted but we followed a systematic approach of streamline based connectivity instead of some experiences * Courtesy of NPF
  • 37. 37 AK 1/26/2020 Scanning streamlines connectivity in time and looking at contributing grid cells on average basis (streamlines change with pressure, rates in time) Fault Gas flowGas flow water flow Problem well Reconfirming Found cross fault connections Found window which established connectivity Streamline aided calibration Calibrating GOR (Gas-oil Ratio) of problem well Fault block A Fault block B
  • 38. 38 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating GOR (Gas-oil Ratio) of problem well Well’s top perfs are flooded with gas emerging out through this window in enormous proportions Look at various possibilites that whether shale-gouge calculation has flaw or should this migration be treated as unrealistic Across the fault in fault block B there are no producing wells to confirm this contribution Fault block A Fault block B Fault block A Fault block B Next step; run test trials to seal the connections, seal the whole fault, change Fault block A properties - ultimately to go to 4D seismic, conduct interference test, buildup tests, initiate tracer injection, cross well seismic.....
  • 39. 39 AK 1/26/2020 Pre-match Post-match Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating GOR (Gas-oil Ratio) of problem well Reducing significantly the flow characteristics of fault window connections proved viable in matching, in combination with tunning cross-fault grid properties. Past reported experience coupled with streamline technology proved promising in adressing the problem.
  • 40. Reservoir Connectivity Analysis with Streamline Simulation Applications – Model Calibration Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM
  • 41. 41 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM CAHM- computer aided history matching (use computer progam CAD to meet target by minizing difference (objective function) in Observation & simulation profiles by changing reservoir properties in an algorithm) CAD tool/method used here is gradient based steepest descent (dPerm/dGOR) AHM- assisted history matching (use a tool to assist an engineer/process/workflow to identify locations, properties for history matching either to provid it to above CAD program or to facilitate manual matching) AHM tool/method used here is Streamline simulation
  • 42. 42 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM Property values are generally determined by optimization softwares (like automatic History matching tools/CAD programs) Biggest problem → Definition of regions to be changed ▪ Majority of a history matching effort ▪ Depends totally on engineer’s experience ▪ Difficult to honor physics and geology
  • 43. 43 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM If the region is misdefined, changes may: • Have too little or no effect • Have unintended consequences • Honor production but not geology • Honor geology but not production • Affect other wells (coupling)
  • 44. 44 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM If the region is misdefined, changes may: • Have too little or no effect • Have unintended consequences • Honor production but not geology • Honor geology but not production • Affect other wells (coupling) Possible approach: History matching assisted by Streamlines (AHM)
  • 45. 45 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM Streamlines indentify preferential paths inside reservoir. The grid blocks penetrated by the streamlines are mapped (exercise caution on pore volume changes, rates changes, pressure field changes on streamlines) . These grid blocks (regions) are inserted into CAD program and modified. Simple work process:
  • 46. 46 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM history Initial All wells relatively matched (using Finite Difference simulation), except well P06 How to improve P06 match without affecting other wells??? We will now look at the effect of matching of well P06 on its near neighbor well P07 * Courtesy of Statoil
  • 47. 47 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM history Initial Final Start with smaller region around well P06 and change its properties via CAD program using FD simulator
  • 48. 48 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM In order to improve match, redefine slightly bigger region around target well P06 and change its properties via CAD program history Initial Final See effect on neighbouring well’s HM, it is distorted
  • 49. 49 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM To solve this issue, run streamline simulation Find Producer-Injector pair, go fast forward to observe any variation of streamlines path with time and monitor its dependecy on rate, pressure and neighbouring wells Carve out a portion per pair definition as shown
  • 50. 50 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM Carved out portion as shown More modest solution than patches Selected portion is now run with CAD program (CAHM) using FD simulator
  • 51. 51 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM Main-Target well calibration
  • 52. 52 AK 1/26/2020 Streamline Aided Calibration Calibrating semiglobal Well production profiles – using CAHM + AHM P07 Neighbouring well Calibration
  • 53. Reservoir Connectivity Analysis with Streamline Simulation Applications – Model Calibration Tracer aided connectivity monitoring
  • 54. Tracer aided connectivity monitoring Streamline well pair production allocations coupled with Tracer maps 54 AK 1/26/2020 *Courtesy of ConocoPhillips Chalk geosystem injector Tracer (in quantitative and qualitative form - here are passive tracers used) are good indicators of connectivity, especially in segmented reservoirs.
  • 55. Tracer aided connectivity monitoring Streamline well pair production allocations coupled with Tracer maps 55 AK 1/26/2020 *Courtesy of ConocoPhillips Field tracer map Wellwise allocations from SL sim (could be completion wise) injector Once we map the tracers properly to the producers then it is tunning of % contribution and identify non-contributors. Arrow shows in-focus tracer path here How much injector is contributing to its pattern producers
  • 56. Reservoir Connectivity Analysis with Streamline Simulation Conclusions
  • 57. 57 AK 1/26/2020 Conclusions Streamline simulation with its limitations proves promising for various connectivity approaches. Aid in geological features (streaks, barriers, juxtaposition, complex grids) identification. 4D property maps overlayed by streamlines provides better scrutiny technique. Facilitates engineer’s judgement in making decisions during model calibration. Assists tremendously in Mature field’s interwell connectivity and matching. Tracers coupled with streamlines paths and with allocation information among injector- producer pair can be very usefull.
  • 58. 58 AK 1/26/2020 Rigourous small scale physics of capillary pressure, hysterisis, fluid compositionality is still a limitation in technology but not an obstacle to persue of what has been shown. Streamline paths are strongly dependent on mobility effects, changing field conditions (rate changes, zone isolations etc.), Infill drilling, pattern conversions. Streamlines variability should be monitored before selecting any grid cells for finite difference simulations. Streamlines can change thus pore volume under observation also, care should be excercise. While high permeability streaks, shales and flow along highly tranmissible faults (high conduit fractures) will stand out even if rates and pressure fields are changing through time. Conclusions (continued…)
  • 59. Reservoir Connectivity Analysis with Streamline Simulation Thank you Questions Please! Arif Khan PetroTechnical Expert (Reservoir/Production) Engineering Services Data & Consulting Services – NorthSea Geomarket Schlumberger - Oilfield Services Email: Mobile # +47 45 22 1367 Direct line # +47 5194 6717 Risabergveien-3, 4068 Stavanger - Norway