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Research Paper On The Bermuda Triangle
Bermuda Triangle as a Mythical Geographic Area
The Bermuda triangle is a mythical geographic area. It is believed to extend from the tip of Florida to Bermuda and to Puerto Rico. Over 100 planes
and ships have disappeared in the last century. There are many theories about what might cause the disappearances of theses ships and planes. Scientist
have come to believe that the most possible theory has something to do with the climate change such as tsunamis, hurricanes or waterspouts. The other
theory is that the compasses point to the True North and not the Magnetic North. There are other less likely theories but it depends on whether a person
believes or not. There is also the theory that Atlantis might have sunk where the more content...
The flight leader called into the dispatch tower and said that both of his compasses were not working and he was not sure where he was located.
Scientist say that true north and magnetic north are 20 degrees apart so when anyone is flying or on a ship they need to take into account the
variation. Many planes before disappearing have reported that their compasses were not working and that they were not located where their compass
indicated. If this theory is true it is very possible that they might have gotten lost in the middle of the ocean and it is hard to find the remains of the
ships and planes since the ocean is so vast.
This next theory is very hard to believe but it is one of the many possibilities. This theory dates back to Plato's theory about Atlantis. People think
that Atlantis might be located in the Bermuda Triangle and that the Atlanteans technology is ahead of ours. Supposedly in the Bermuda triangle there
is a crystal pyramid, which has the power to disintegrate anything that passes in its path. This might be why there is no trace of the ships, planes or
people. Dr. Brown said that when he was snorkeling in the Bahamas he saw a shiny looking pyramid in the water and that as he approached it he saw
a pair of hands extend out holding a large crystal that was handed to him. He said that when that crystal was put in his hands he had a weird sensation
or feeling that of which he cannot explain. Dr. Brown has that crystal
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Bermuda Triangle Essay
The Bermuda Triangle is an unsolved mystery that leaves many people oblivious as to how it has taken away the lives of countless amounts of
humans. The Bermuda Triangle is also known as the Devils Triangle. It is an area located on the north western Atlantic, in the country of
International waters, The Bahamas. The Bermuda Triangle is an extremely dangerous area for one to enter. Aircrafts and surface vessels are believed
to have vanished in weird ways which are considered human error, piracy, equipment failure, or natural disasters. Important things in society have
shown some of these disappearances could have been the laws of physics, paranormal, or actions performed by aliens. The Bermuda Triangle is at a
status of more content...
Many theories exist about the origin of the Bermuda Triangle and why it allegedly causes the damage it does. Theories stretch to anything from
extraterrestrial life forces causing the deaths, to a black hole–like object causing the Triangle's passers by to be taken to a different time and location.
Once again, these theories raise skepticism from critics. There are also the people who really believe in some of these theories, but there isn't
much evidence to back it up. Since technology is getting better and we are finding out more about nature and the way things work, we are bound
to solve the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. For years there has been an unsolved mystery of disappearances of boats and planes with no trace of
evidence left behind. Could it be human error? Equipment failure? There are a lot of different things that could have happened with every
disappearance within this dangerous area, the Bermuda Triangle. Many believe these disappearances are laws of physics, paranormal, or actions
performed by aliens, but nobody knows.Octagonal clouds in the sky push the planes and aircraft down and they loose control. Water at night is the
most worst for boats bc waves get bigger and bigger and can sink your boat. There are mysterious explanations of the incidents that have happened.
Triangle writers have used a lot of weird ways to explain the incidents. One explanation blames it on leftover
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Taking a Look at the Bermuda Triangle
Dead Space
The Bermuda Triangle's nickname is "Devil's Triangle" or "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle" (live science). It is an area that connects to Bermuda;
Miami, Florida; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. It is 50,000 square miles long (Live science). The Bermuda Triangle has been talked about for 74 years.
The very first person to enter in the Triangle is Christopher Columbus. Its fame began in 1945. In 1892 was when people were getting curious of the
disappearances. The flights 19 made the Bermuda Triangle known in 1945(Bermuda Island). This paper will explain the disappearances in the
Bermuda Triangle, a story of a survivor, and things seen before departing. This name was from the mysterious disappearance of people, ships and
aircrafts under strange circumstances. In addition, Superstitions that the devil was fooling with lost travelers. 1,075 ships and planes over the past 25
years have vamoosed. It did not receive its nickname until 1964.
Disappearances of boats happened on the Atlantic Ocean. The Mary Celeste was seen drifting crewless, Atlanta was on en route to England leaving
no trace behind. The Freya, a German bark, was found deserted on October 20, 1902 (Kusche, Lawrence 179). Disappearances on planes were the 2
KL–135 planes' debris was found 160 miles apart from each other (Argosy 116–118). A plane of 27 men had never been found when they took off at
2:10 pm on December 5, 1945(Bermuda Triangle Demystify). The Douglas DC–3 aircraft containing 32 people went
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Argumentative Essay On The Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is responsible for the mysterious death of many. This can be considered one of the
biggest and most controversial mysteries in history. This region stretches from Bermuda, Miami and Puerto Rico in the shape of a triangle. As far
as we know, there have been 75 planes and hundreds of ships filled with people to disappear without a trace. There are lots of debates about
paranormal activity or extraterrestrial beings in that area. Some believe in different shaped clouds causing the damage, others believe in methane
gas trapped underneath the sea floor. Even some believe the idea of the Devil's Triangle is just a hoax. Aside from the beliefs, there is nothing
scientifically proven to explain these mysteries. One of the most famous disappearances would be Flight 19. On December 5, 1945, U.S. Navy
torpedo bombers were on a routine training flight and eventually lost contact when overwater. A storm blew in and the flight became disoriented. "I
don't know where we are. We must've gotten lost after that last turn." One of the pickets stated over the radio. It is said that eventually they ran out of
fuel, and they were never heard of again. There were 14 members in that flight, and all taken by the triangle. After the worried comments over the radio,
search planes went out looking. One of them, did not come back either. Through months of investigation, it is believed that they drifted hundreds of
miles off course and
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Bermuda Triangle Research Paper
I. The Myth of the Bermuda Triangle A: Examples of theories and historical events. B: Environmental reasoning of the location.
II. The Popular Mystery of Flight 19 A: The legend of six fighter planes disappearing on a routine flight. B: How the Bermuda Triangle got its name
from this mystery. C: The true occurrence of how the mission went and explanation of phenomena.
For years there has been an unsolved mystery of disappearances of boats and planes with no trace of evidence left behind. All of these conspiracies
had relevance as to the whereabouts of these lost travelers. The locations of these disappearances were within a geographical triangle in the Atlantic
Ocean. The corners of this legendary triangle more content...
But these dangerous spouts aren't capable of being spotted in the dark and any plane or ship that encounters one could be easily ripped to shreds
(Berlitz 82). Clear air turbulence is another possibility for the loss of air planes. Clear air turbulence are areas a vacuum in the atmosphere caused
by the jet stream which moves at speeds up to 200 knots per hour (Berlitz 85). This natural force cannot be detected by any present day technology
(Berlitz 84). There are also electromagnetic problems in this area. Accident investigators believe this may be responsible for the disappearances
(Kushe 13). This causes problems with the compass and any other feature that may deter a navigator. This isn't the only place on the world that causes
these obscurities. Another place that shows these same problems is The Devil's Sea off the coast of Japan (Kushe 12). Some scientists believe that
these places might have once been the location of one of the earth's magnetic poles that changed in prehistoric times (Kushe 267). Finally, the
topography of the ocean floor varies from extensive shoals around the islands to some of the deepest marine trenches in the world (Rosenburg no. 6).
With the interaction of the strong currents over the many reefs the topography is in a state of constant flux and development of new navigational
hazards is swift (Rosenburg no. 6). On the date December 5, 1945, the largest and
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Bermuda Triangle Essay
The Bermuda Triangle is also known as the Devils Triangle, Dragons Triangle and the Devils Sea. The Triangle is a 500,000 square mile part of the
Atlantic Ocean that stretches from Florida, to the island of Bermuda, to Puerto Rico and then back again. It is known for its many mysterious
disappearances. Through this paper, I will present the theories and incidents of the Bermuda Triangle which will leave you to decide; Bermuda
Triangle Fact or Fiction. The Bermuda Triangle has a long history, as far back as Christoper Columbus but didn't gets its name until 1964 after an
article written by Vincent H. Gaddis. Many theories have been made to explain the Bermuda triangle but none have been proven. There are many
natural explanations more content...
Hurricanes are a powerful swirling storm. Freak waves can get up to 30m high and can appear suddenly in even seemingly calm seas. All three of
these things can easily destroy a ship. Occasionally a hurricane or waterspouts appear so quickly that a radar doesn't properly pick it up and by the
time the storm is finished the ship is gone and there is little to no evidence of a storm at all.The next natural explanation is the deep trenches of the
triangle. Deep trenches have been known to create whirlpools which can easily pull a ship underwater. When currents are strong and the water is
warm vortexes can be made. The trench can then trap the water making the whirlpool even stronger and larger. Now we go to hexagonal clouds as
a natural explanation. Hexagonal Clouds are clouds shaped like a hexagon with straight edges seen in the Bermuda triangle. Its been proven these
clouds are like air bombs and cans send out blasts of air to the sea below at speeds as high as 170 miles per hour. This can also cause gigantic
waves reaching 40 feet high meaning this could cause major disaster to both ships and planes. Finally the Sargasso sea also known as Graveyard of
Ships or Sea of the Lost Ships. The Sargasso sea is inside the Bermuda triangle and is a sea without shores. The sea is surrounded by intensely strong
currents on all sides though its currents are predominantly stationary. Though it is unknown why numerous ships have been found here either
completely abandoned or with
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Research Paper On Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle, or Devil's Triangle is a mysterious legend that people believe may involve supernatural habits, causing people to disappear. It's
located in the Western part of the North Atlantic Ocean.
"Just off the coast of Florida lies a patch of the Atlantic Ocean with a nasty reputation. During the last century, people say, some 50 ships have vanished
in the notorious Bermuda Triangle" (Bubble Trouble, Rene Ebersole).
After my research, I've come to the conclusion that I don't think there's anything supernatural about the Bermuda Triangle, any theories I've come
across have been debunked.
"It is one of the biggest mysteries of our time– that perhaps isn't really a mystery." (The "Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle).
Throughout time there has been many cases of disappearances, not just in the Bermuda Triangle. In the U.S. there's on average 90,000 people
missing at anytime. In Mexico, their disappearance rates are 200 people with every 100,000 resident. Those places are very high, just like the
Bermuda Triangle is. Why is the Bermuda Triangle thought of any different from anywhere else? Even though the Bermuda doesn't always come up
with a body or the ship, it's a pretty big land to cover and hard to find if a ship sunk into the ocean. "Disappearance is the same as anywhere else in the
world on a percentage basis" (The "Mystery" more content...
Bermuda started coming up as mysterious around World War I and II. When planes were first made they weren't necessarily reliable, even now
there are still planes malfunctions with some planes. They also weren't able to predict what the weather would be like, so they could be going out
and not know that a storm was coming. Often times pilots would be on the job and get drunk before going out and flying. When drunk you obviously
lose your ability to operate correctly, if you can't drive a car drunk a plane is
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`` Bermuda Triangle `` And Devil 's Sea
1.Topic proposal The topic, which I foresee to write in this research paper, is "Bermuda Triangle" or Devil's sea; the reason to select this topic is my
personal interest into the mystery behind this suspicious place. In order to write for this research paper I would collect information from different
sources including books written, National Geographic videos and interviews with saviors and major accidents in the history. The major problem I see
to complete this research is authenticity of the information, different religious and scientific point of views and myths about the place. 2.Sources list
Berlitz, Charles, and Joseph Manson Valentine. The Bermuda Triangle. Panther, 1975. Dolan, John W., and LCGC North America. "The Bermuda
Triangle." (2005): 370–+. Cazeau, Charles J., and Stuart D. Scott Jr. "The Bermuda Triangle." Exploring the Unknown. Springer US, 1979. 171–186.
Somford, Matthijs Paul, DaniГ«l Hoornenborg, and Jan–Joost Wiegerinck. "Kager 's "Bermuda" Triangle." The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery 53.4
(2014): 503–504. Kusche, Larry. The Bermuda triangle mystery–solved. London: New English Library, 1975. Wolf, Marina E. "The Bermuda Triangle
of cocaine–induced neuroadaptations." Trends in neurosciences 33.9 (2010): 391–398. Fiadeiro, M. E., and George Veronis. "Circulation and heat flux
in the Bermuda Triangle." Journal of physical oceanography 13.7 (1983): 1158–1169. Shevell, Michael I. "The "Bermuda triangle" of neonatal
neurology: cerebral palsy,
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The Bermuda Triangle Essay
The Bermuda triangle is a heavily debated topic. Over the years people have fought back and forth on the matter. However, no one can seem to
come to a consensus. What is the truth? Does the Bermuda triangle qualify as a strange, unexplainable site? If it does, is it the reason for the many
strange happenings and events? Despite the lack of answers, the legend of the Bermuda triangle will continue to be debated and discussed by
believers and skeptics. For both sides claim to contain strong solid evidence defending their stance. Overall, the Bermuda Triangle is a great
argumentative topic between paranormal believers and knowledgeable professionals. The Bermuda Triangle is the connecting point of Bermuda,
Florida, and Puerto Rico. Due to the conspiracy surrounding this particular location, it has also been termed "The Devil 's Triangle". The legend
was named in 1964 by writer Vincent Gaddis. However, its popularity didn't rise until Charles Berlitz provided his knowledge and opinion. Berlitz,
who was very interested in the paranormal, proposed that Atlantis, a historic mythical city, actually existed and could be using its unique energy to
draw in the likes of aircraft and ships (Benjamin Radford). Since his bestseller on the topic in 1974, the discussion and theories have not relented. As
more ships and aircraft began to disappear, more ideas started to surface. From paranormal energy resembling gravity to rogue tidal waves, the
possibilities seem endless.The
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Review Of ' The Bermuda Triangle '
Review of Literature I. Introduction to the Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle is a legendary mythological section of the Atlantic Ocean, made
up of the triangle formed by Miami, Florida; San Juan Puerto Rico; and the islands of the Bahamas. The triangle covers about five–hundred thousand
(500,000) square miles of the ocean. The phrase "Bermuda Triangle" was first coined by Vincent H. Gaddis (1913–1997). He was writing an article for
Argosy magazine back in 1964. The article was received exceptionally well by audiences and, due to its success, was later expanded to be
published into his book entitled "Invisible Horizons: True Mysteries of the Sea". The book was published in 1965, and included nine (9) accounts
if this phenomenon in extensive detail. In December of 1967, Gaddis' book was in the limelight because of a National Geographic Society news
release. Numerous newspapers headlined stories about the Bermuda Triangle also in that December. Later, in 1968, The Triangle was a cover story
for Argosy, as well as in the book "Limbo of the Lost" (1969) written by John Wallace Spencer, and in a documentary motion picture called "The
Devil's Triangle". Charles Berlitz (1914–2003) wrote a book titled "The Bermuda Triangle", it was an instant hit! Later it was discovered that some of
the assertions were fabricated, and proved to be incorrect. It may come as a surprise, but Christopher Columbus (1451–1506) was actually one of the
firsts to ever witness The
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Bermuda Triangle: Superstition or Scientifically Proven? "...More than 50 ships and 20 planes have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in the last
century itself, and up to 1000 over the past 500 years" (Bhattacharya). Considering the significant amount of disappearances, numerous fanciful theories
have formed to explain them. However, it cannot be proven that these tragedies occur more frequently than in other highly traveled areas of the ocean,
as people navigate this region daily without difficulty. These vanishings are not as mystical as previously thought and can easily be explained.
Although many believe the Bermuda Triangle to be influenced by supernatural powers, it can be scientifically proven that the "mysterious
disappearances" are the result of foul weather, strong currents, and navigational error.
The Bermuda Triangle, otherwise known as the Devil's Triangle is an expanse of ocean in the Northern Atlantic. It is located between the island of
Bermuda; Miami, Florida; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Ships, planes, and people have allegedly disappeared, without a trace, never seen again. Charles
Berlitz first started the "mystery" of the Triangle with his book, "The Bermuda Triangle." more content...
In fact, they are a misconception, easily explained through science. It is proven that these tragedies ensue from dreadful weather, ocean currents, and
human mistake. The Bermuda Triangle is hit with a myriad of hurricanes each year, resulting in numerous disasters. With three opposite flowing
currents, it is easy to become drawn in the wrong direction. In the Triangle, a place where compasses point to true north, not magnetic north, getting
lost is no trouble. "The U.S Navy and the U.S. Coast Guard contend that there are no supernatural; explanations for disasters at sea..." and, "... does not
recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name and does not maintain an official file on the area" (National
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Summary Of ' The Bermuda Triangle Mystery '
Matt Maher
Language Arts 10
Ms. Mueller
7th hour
The Bermuda Triangle Mystery
Based on the evidence, The Bermuda Triangle is still a mystery because still nobody knows why the triangle actually makes things disappear out in the
Atlantic Ocean, but bad compass readings due to the magnetic fields and Electra fog , pilot error, and methane gas bubbles are the most probable
solution to the mystery.
Most people know just a little bit about the Triangle and the basics of what it has done but they don't really know the real reason for why these things
The Bermuda Triangle is area of the Atlantic Ocean that makes a triangle. one tip if the triangle is by southern Florida, another is by Puerto Rico, and
of course the last one is Bermuda.("Bermuda Triangle." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia)
The Bermuda triangle is known to have sudden, violent storms and strong ocean currents that causes wind patterns that go in every
direction.("Bermuda Triangle." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia.)
It has claimed alot of different air crafts, and ships, but most of the time it happens to the bigger ships and the bigger planes.
In the past 25 years, the Triangle has taken at least 80 private and charter air crafts . "Ships that have disappeared range from small yachts to really
nice ones." A really famous ship that has sunk in 1984 was named the frighten–er and is was 540 feet long. (Quasar, Gian. "The Bermuda
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Essay on The Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Many people
believed that people, ships, and planes have mysteriously vanished in this area. The size of the triangle varies from 500,000 square miles. Some trace
the mystery back to the time of Columbus. Bermuda Triangle estimates range from about 200 to no more than 8,000 distress calls in the area and that
there have been more than 50 ships and 20 planes to go down in the Bermuda Triangle within the last century. Many people think Bermuda Triangle is
made of Evil extraterrestrial, residue crystals from Atlantis, evil humans with anti–gravity devices or other weird technologies, and vile vortices from more content...
Bermuda Triangle could disappear things, but Bermuda Triangle also appeared things that it doesn't exist. The Columbus' story may not be true
because when he saw the light, the light could be anything. It could be lightning or the light from an island. On December 5th 1945, five Navy
TBM Avenger Torpedo Bombers (Flight 19) mysteriously vanished while on a routine training mission. They were disappeared that rescue team
couldn't find any evidence of Flight 19. "The search for the planes continued for weeks, and even today the U.S. Navy has a standing order for
crews to keep a look out for Flight 19. The military experts were completely baffled—how could 27 men and six planes just disappear?"
(Kusche L. 204) Investigations to date have not produced scientific evidence of any unusual phenomena involved in the disappearances. Navy planes
vanished on a training mission during a severe storm in 1945. The most logical theory is that lead pilot Lt. Charles Taylor's compassed failed. The
trainees' planes were not equipped with working navigational instruments. The group was disoriented and simply ran out of fuel. No mysterious forces
were likely to have been involved other than the mysterious force of gravity on planes with no fuel. One of the rescue planes blew up shortly after
take–off, but this was likely due to a faulty
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The Bermuda Triangle Essay
The Bermuda Triangle,also known as the Hoodoo Sea, the Devil's Triangle, the Limbo of the Lost, and the Twilight Zone, is a part of the ocean in
which planes, ships, and people mysteriously seem to just disappear. It is an imaginary area shaped as a triangle. Which is located in the outer tip of
Florida. Its been the biggest mystery of time because of the mysterious disappearances that have happened over time. "The term Bermuda Triangle
was first used in an article written by Vincent H. Gaddis for Argosy magazine in 1964. In the article, Gaddis claimed that in this strange sea a number
of ships and planes had disappeared without explanation. Gaddis wasn't the first one to come to this conclusion, either. As early as 1952, George X. more content...
One of the the survivors that i've found that have made it out alive out of the Bermuda Triangle is called, Cary Trantham she is one of the
marvelous people who survived flying over the Bermuda. "I had an experience while flying my airplane alone in a corner of the area known as the
Bermuda Triangle. It was a terrifying experience and I have no idea what caused the situation and I have no idea how much time was involved
before I was able to get control of the airplane" Cary Trantham. This is how she described her experience flying over the mysterious Bermuda
Triangle. Those who lived to tell about the bermuda triangle each said different reactions occurred during the experience. " Clouds have "come out of
nowhere" and caused compasses to spin and engine RPMs to drop off. Objects and luminous phenomena have sped past" Gian J.Quasar. These were
some things someone experienced by one of the conductors. Some similar things that happened were that all of them had failures to reach themselves
to anyone else , so there was no other contact available. This mean no radios, cell phones, not even the navigational system would work including any
compass's of any sort. There are many myths and beliefs to go with the Bermuda Triangle, for example some people think its the "devils hideout", and
other think the unusual weather patterns are caused by alien abductions that occur there. Then others think its the gateway to Atlantis, a mythical island
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The Bermuda Triangle Essay
The Bermuda Triangle
Off the southern tip of Florida lies a phenomenon called the Bermuda Triangle. Ships, planes, and over one thousand lives were lost in the Triangle
without a trace. Theories have been put forth, but still no universally accepted explanation exists for the mystery that surrounds the Bermuda Triangle.
The Bermuda Triangle covers almost 440,000 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean. An imaginary line that begins near Melbourne, Florida, extends south
to Bermuda, and west to Puerto Rico before turning north to Florida, forms the Triangle. From 1972–1999, more than one hundred planes and ships
have vanished into thin air. More than one thousand lives have been lost as well. One frightening aspect of this entire more content...
all radio communication ceased. (Kusch, 106, 114)
In an attempt to find the lost flight, a Martin Mariner PBM–5 flying boat was sent to search for the mission squadron. The flying boat left Fort
Lauderdale Airport at 7:27 p.m. (Cusack, 16). At 7:30 p.m. the plane's radio failed, and flight disappeared forever.
By dawn on December 6, 1945, the largest search and rescue mission over air and sea was underway. Before the sun would rise that day, over 240
planes and 18 ships would be deployed to search for Flight 19. Later that morning, the Royal Air
Force would send out planes to assist in the search. Numerous land teams would crisscross the Bahamas and the Florida Keys searching in vain for
signs of survivors or wreckage that may have washed ashore. One search and rescue ship, the S.S. Gaines Mills, radioed at 7:50 p.m. that they had
observed a burst of flames that rose one hundred feet high and lasted for about ten minutes. Ships and planes rushed to the area, but no signs of debris
or survivors were found.
After five days of intense searching, the rescue mission was canceled. No wreckage, survivors, or explanations were found for the disappearance of
Flight 19.
Forty–six years later, May 8, 1991, a computer–controlled submarine scanned the ocean floor for sunken galleons. On this day, the crew of the Deep
Sea would be unsuccessful in their search for galleons. Instead, 750 feet below the surface of the ocean, they would discover the outline of an
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Research Paper On Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle covers about 500,000 square miles. People claim that there have been many disappearances such as ships, planes, people, etc.
and there have been very different occurrences in The Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is in close relation to The Devil's Sea. The Bermuda
Triangle is a strange area of land that makes up a metaphorically drawn out triangle that has very unusual occurrences. According to The Bermuda Triangle stretches across Bermuda, Miami Florida, and San Juan Puerto Rico, and it totals to 500,000 square
miles. According to the Bermuda Triangle has many stories about several flights gone missing and ships that disappeared into thin air.
One of the many told stories more content...
There was no combat and yet so many people were lost and never found again. It was said to be, from, "The largest non–combat loss of
life in the US Navy's history in 1918." 309 people lost their lives because of the Triangle. Now there have been over hundreds of ship
disappearances In the triangle. People are still wondering "What makes the Bermuda Triangle so deadly?" And people also wonder "Why do people
disappear in the Bermuda Triangle?" Some Theorists have tried to come up with an answer and some have some really good theories. According to
bermuda– there is a theory about there being strong magnetic fields at the bottom of the ocean that cause the compasses to
malfunction and them causing the ships to break down or be dragged down the ocean because of their large metal ships and that large magnetic
field around it which causes the ships to sink. There are a lot of strange activities that go on inside the Bermuda Triangle. According to,
The voyager Christopher Columbus reported that a large flame of fire that had crashed into the sea one night (It was more than likely a meteor) and
a few weeks later he saw a strange light appear in the distance. He also wrote about an irregular compass reading, probably because at that time a
piece of the Bermuda Triangle was one of the few places on Earth where true north and magnetic north lined
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The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle Essay
There has always been an aura of mystery surrounding Bermuda, the collective name for a group of small islands located in the Atlantic Ocean. Once
referred to as "The Devil's Islands," 'the Bermuda Triangle' represents the geographical area along the Atlantic Ocean from Puerto Rico to the South
and Miami to the West (Kelly, 2004, p. 227). The actual term Bermuda Triangle was not introduced until 1964, when Vincent H. Gaddis' article "The
Deadly Bermuda Triangle" was published in Argosy magazine (Kelly, 2004). However, it was not until the publication of Charles Berlitz's bestseller
The Bermuda Triangle in 1974 that the international fascination with the mysterious disappearances of ships, aircraft, and individuals reached a fever more content...
Other nineteenth–century disappearances attributed to the Bermuda Triangle include the Rosalie (1840), the Bella (1854), the Lotta (1866), and the
Viego (1868) (Kusche, 1995). One of the most famous stories involve the 1872 disappearance of the passengers aboard the Mary Celeste, which
included the captain, his wife and child, along with eight crewmembers. The vessel remained sailing for approximately ten days until it was
discovered near the Azores. Eight years' later, the Atalanta departed from Bermuda in January 1880 headed for England. Its crew, which consisted
of 300 naval officers and cadets, was never seen or heard from again despite intensive rescue and recovery efforts (Kusche, 1995). During the
twentieth century, another characteristic was added to the Bermuda Triangle puzzle in the form of a "ghost ship" (Hagen, 2004, p. 14). Berlitz
(1974) invokes the 'ghost ship' motif when describing the disappearance of the "German bark Freya, sailing from Manzanillo, Cuba, to ports in
Chile in October 1902, was found abandoned and listing, with the pages of the ship's calendar torn off until October 4" (p. 70). Then, seven years'
later, famed circumnavigator Joshua Slocum embarked on another around the world seafaring adventure in a small boat known as the Spray (Kelly,
2004). He was never seen again, and no traces of him were ever discovered. The phenomenon most closely associated with the Bermuda Triangle takes
the form of five Avenger
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Bermuda Triangle Essay
The Bermuda Triangle
Is the Bermuda Triangle really a place where strange powers are at work? The Bermuda Triangle is a very complex and mystifying area that is noted
for a high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small boats, and aircraft. From reading this paper one will learn geographic features of the Bermuda
Triangle, famous disappearances, and possible explanations for them.
There is a section of the western Atlantic, off the southeast coast of the United States, forming what has been termed a triangle. It extends from
Bermuda in the north to southern Florida, and then west to a point through the Bahamas past Puerto Rico to about 40* west latitude, and then back more content...
The experienced crew had a routine that would take them 160 miles east, 40 miles north, and then 120 miles straight back to base (Cusack 10). The
planes were suppose to carry three man crews, but one crew member failed to show. The planes had done their required preflight test and everything
checked out in good working order. It was a routine two hour mission but the planes were still fully fueled. The planes had extensive radio equipment
to include ten different radio channels and homing devices that would show them the way home (Cusack 9–10). The first message came in from the
patrol at 15:45: "Control tower this is an emergency. We seem to be off course. We seem to be lost. We can't make out where we are"
(Berlitz 15). The tower said "Head due west," but the flight did not know which way west was. "Everything looks wrong, even the
ocean looks strange" (Berlitz 15). The tower was puzzled; even if the compasses were not working, the crew should have been able to fly west
by following the sun. A few minutes later the radio went dead. A Martin Mariner
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Research Paper On The Bermuda Triangle

  • 1. Research Paper On The Bermuda Triangle Bermuda Triangle as a Mythical Geographic Area The Bermuda triangle is a mythical geographic area. It is believed to extend from the tip of Florida to Bermuda and to Puerto Rico. Over 100 planes and ships have disappeared in the last century. There are many theories about what might cause the disappearances of theses ships and planes. Scientist have come to believe that the most possible theory has something to do with the climate change such as tsunamis, hurricanes or waterspouts. The other theory is that the compasses point to the True North and not the Magnetic North. There are other less likely theories but it depends on whether a person believes or not. There is also the theory that Atlantis might have sunk where the more content... The flight leader called into the dispatch tower and said that both of his compasses were not working and he was not sure where he was located. Scientist say that true north and magnetic north are 20 degrees apart so when anyone is flying or on a ship they need to take into account the variation. Many planes before disappearing have reported that their compasses were not working and that they were not located where their compass indicated. If this theory is true it is very possible that they might have gotten lost in the middle of the ocean and it is hard to find the remains of the ships and planes since the ocean is so vast. This next theory is very hard to believe but it is one of the many possibilities. This theory dates back to Plato's theory about Atlantis. People think that Atlantis might be located in the Bermuda Triangle and that the Atlanteans technology is ahead of ours. Supposedly in the Bermuda triangle there is a crystal pyramid, which has the power to disintegrate anything that passes in its path. This might be why there is no trace of the ships, planes or people. Dr. Brown said that when he was snorkeling in the Bahamas he saw a shiny looking pyramid in the water and that as he approached it he saw a pair of hands extend out holding a large crystal that was handed to him. He said that when that crystal was put in his hands he had a weird sensation or feeling that of which he cannot explain. Dr. Brown has that crystal Get more content on
  • 2. Bermuda Triangle Essay The Bermuda Triangle is an unsolved mystery that leaves many people oblivious as to how it has taken away the lives of countless amounts of humans. The Bermuda Triangle is also known as the Devils Triangle. It is an area located on the north western Atlantic, in the country of International waters, The Bahamas. The Bermuda Triangle is an extremely dangerous area for one to enter. Aircrafts and surface vessels are believed to have vanished in weird ways which are considered human error, piracy, equipment failure, or natural disasters. Important things in society have shown some of these disappearances could have been the laws of physics, paranormal, or actions performed by aliens. The Bermuda Triangle is at a status of more content... Many theories exist about the origin of the Bermuda Triangle and why it allegedly causes the damage it does. Theories stretch to anything from extraterrestrial life forces causing the deaths, to a black hole–like object causing the Triangle's passers by to be taken to a different time and location. Once again, these theories raise skepticism from critics. There are also the people who really believe in some of these theories, but there isn't much evidence to back it up. Since technology is getting better and we are finding out more about nature and the way things work, we are bound to solve the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. For years there has been an unsolved mystery of disappearances of boats and planes with no trace of evidence left behind. Could it be human error? Equipment failure? There are a lot of different things that could have happened with every disappearance within this dangerous area, the Bermuda Triangle. Many believe these disappearances are laws of physics, paranormal, or actions performed by aliens, but nobody knows.Octagonal clouds in the sky push the planes and aircraft down and they loose control. Water at night is the most worst for boats bc waves get bigger and bigger and can sink your boat. There are mysterious explanations of the incidents that have happened. Triangle writers have used a lot of weird ways to explain the incidents. One explanation blames it on leftover Get more content on
  • 3. Taking a Look at the Bermuda Triangle Dead Space The Bermuda Triangle's nickname is "Devil's Triangle" or "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle" (live science). It is an area that connects to Bermuda; Miami, Florida; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. It is 50,000 square miles long (Live science). The Bermuda Triangle has been talked about for 74 years. The very first person to enter in the Triangle is Christopher Columbus. Its fame began in 1945. In 1892 was when people were getting curious of the disappearances. The flights 19 made the Bermuda Triangle known in 1945(Bermuda Island). This paper will explain the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle, a story of a survivor, and things seen before departing. This name was from the mysterious disappearance of people, ships and aircrafts under strange circumstances. In addition, Superstitions that the devil was fooling with lost travelers. 1,075 ships and planes over the past 25 years have vamoosed. It did not receive its nickname until 1964. Disappearances of boats happened on the Atlantic Ocean. The Mary Celeste was seen drifting crewless, Atlanta was on en route to England leaving no trace behind. The Freya, a German bark, was found deserted on October 20, 1902 (Kusche, Lawrence 179). Disappearances on planes were the 2 KL–135 planes' debris was found 160 miles apart from each other (Argosy 116–118). A plane of 27 men had never been found when they took off at 2:10 pm on December 5, 1945(Bermuda Triangle Demystify). The Douglas DC–3 aircraft containing 32 people went Get more content on
  • 4. Argumentative Essay On The Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is responsible for the mysterious death of many. This can be considered one of the biggest and most controversial mysteries in history. This region stretches from Bermuda, Miami and Puerto Rico in the shape of a triangle. As far as we know, there have been 75 planes and hundreds of ships filled with people to disappear without a trace. There are lots of debates about paranormal activity or extraterrestrial beings in that area. Some believe in different shaped clouds causing the damage, others believe in methane gas trapped underneath the sea floor. Even some believe the idea of the Devil's Triangle is just a hoax. Aside from the beliefs, there is nothing scientifically proven to explain these mysteries. One of the most famous disappearances would be Flight 19. On December 5, 1945, U.S. Navy torpedo bombers were on a routine training flight and eventually lost contact when overwater. A storm blew in and the flight became disoriented. "I don't know where we are. We must've gotten lost after that last turn." One of the pickets stated over the radio. It is said that eventually they ran out of fuel, and they were never heard of again. There were 14 members in that flight, and all taken by the triangle. After the worried comments over the radio, search planes went out looking. One of them, did not come back either. Through months of investigation, it is believed that they drifted hundreds of miles off course and Get more content on
  • 5. Bermuda Triangle Research Paper I. The Myth of the Bermuda Triangle A: Examples of theories and historical events. B: Environmental reasoning of the location. II. The Popular Mystery of Flight 19 A: The legend of six fighter planes disappearing on a routine flight. B: How the Bermuda Triangle got its name from this mystery. C: The true occurrence of how the mission went and explanation of phenomena. For years there has been an unsolved mystery of disappearances of boats and planes with no trace of evidence left behind. All of these conspiracies had relevance as to the whereabouts of these lost travelers. The locations of these disappearances were within a geographical triangle in the Atlantic Ocean. The corners of this legendary triangle more content... But these dangerous spouts aren't capable of being spotted in the dark and any plane or ship that encounters one could be easily ripped to shreds (Berlitz 82). Clear air turbulence is another possibility for the loss of air planes. Clear air turbulence are areas a vacuum in the atmosphere caused by the jet stream which moves at speeds up to 200 knots per hour (Berlitz 85). This natural force cannot be detected by any present day technology (Berlitz 84). There are also electromagnetic problems in this area. Accident investigators believe this may be responsible for the disappearances (Kushe 13). This causes problems with the compass and any other feature that may deter a navigator. This isn't the only place on the world that causes these obscurities. Another place that shows these same problems is The Devil's Sea off the coast of Japan (Kushe 12). Some scientists believe that these places might have once been the location of one of the earth's magnetic poles that changed in prehistoric times (Kushe 267). Finally, the topography of the ocean floor varies from extensive shoals around the islands to some of the deepest marine trenches in the world (Rosenburg no. 6). With the interaction of the strong currents over the many reefs the topography is in a state of constant flux and development of new navigational hazards is swift (Rosenburg no. 6). On the date December 5, 1945, the largest and Get more content on
  • 6. Bermuda Triangle Essay The Bermuda Triangle is also known as the Devils Triangle, Dragons Triangle and the Devils Sea. The Triangle is a 500,000 square mile part of the Atlantic Ocean that stretches from Florida, to the island of Bermuda, to Puerto Rico and then back again. It is known for its many mysterious disappearances. Through this paper, I will present the theories and incidents of the Bermuda Triangle which will leave you to decide; Bermuda Triangle Fact or Fiction. The Bermuda Triangle has a long history, as far back as Christoper Columbus but didn't gets its name until 1964 after an article written by Vincent H. Gaddis. Many theories have been made to explain the Bermuda triangle but none have been proven. There are many natural explanations more content... Hurricanes are a powerful swirling storm. Freak waves can get up to 30m high and can appear suddenly in even seemingly calm seas. All three of these things can easily destroy a ship. Occasionally a hurricane or waterspouts appear so quickly that a radar doesn't properly pick it up and by the time the storm is finished the ship is gone and there is little to no evidence of a storm at all.The next natural explanation is the deep trenches of the triangle. Deep trenches have been known to create whirlpools which can easily pull a ship underwater. When currents are strong and the water is warm vortexes can be made. The trench can then trap the water making the whirlpool even stronger and larger. Now we go to hexagonal clouds as a natural explanation. Hexagonal Clouds are clouds shaped like a hexagon with straight edges seen in the Bermuda triangle. Its been proven these clouds are like air bombs and cans send out blasts of air to the sea below at speeds as high as 170 miles per hour. This can also cause gigantic waves reaching 40 feet high meaning this could cause major disaster to both ships and planes. Finally the Sargasso sea also known as Graveyard of Ships or Sea of the Lost Ships. The Sargasso sea is inside the Bermuda triangle and is a sea without shores. The sea is surrounded by intensely strong currents on all sides though its currents are predominantly stationary. Though it is unknown why numerous ships have been found here either completely abandoned or with Get more content on
  • 7. Research Paper On Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle, or Devil's Triangle is a mysterious legend that people believe may involve supernatural habits, causing people to disappear. It's located in the Western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. "Just off the coast of Florida lies a patch of the Atlantic Ocean with a nasty reputation. During the last century, people say, some 50 ships have vanished in the notorious Bermuda Triangle" (Bubble Trouble, Rene Ebersole). After my research, I've come to the conclusion that I don't think there's anything supernatural about the Bermuda Triangle, any theories I've come across have been debunked. "It is one of the biggest mysteries of our time– that perhaps isn't really a mystery." (The "Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle). Throughout time there has been many cases of disappearances, not just in the Bermuda Triangle. In the U.S. there's on average 90,000 people missing at anytime. In Mexico, their disappearance rates are 200 people with every 100,000 resident. Those places are very high, just like the Bermuda Triangle is. Why is the Bermuda Triangle thought of any different from anywhere else? Even though the Bermuda doesn't always come up with a body or the ship, it's a pretty big land to cover and hard to find if a ship sunk into the ocean. "Disappearance is the same as anywhere else in the world on a percentage basis" (The "Mystery" more content... Bermuda started coming up as mysterious around World War I and II. When planes were first made they weren't necessarily reliable, even now there are still planes malfunctions with some planes. They also weren't able to predict what the weather would be like, so they could be going out and not know that a storm was coming. Often times pilots would be on the job and get drunk before going out and flying. When drunk you obviously lose your ability to operate correctly, if you can't drive a car drunk a plane is Get more content on
  • 8. `` Bermuda Triangle `` And Devil 's Sea 1.Topic proposal The topic, which I foresee to write in this research paper, is "Bermuda Triangle" or Devil's sea; the reason to select this topic is my personal interest into the mystery behind this suspicious place. In order to write for this research paper I would collect information from different sources including books written, National Geographic videos and interviews with saviors and major accidents in the history. The major problem I see to complete this research is authenticity of the information, different religious and scientific point of views and myths about the place. 2.Sources list Berlitz, Charles, and Joseph Manson Valentine. The Bermuda Triangle. Panther, 1975. Dolan, John W., and LCGC North America. "The Bermuda Triangle." (2005): 370–+. Cazeau, Charles J., and Stuart D. Scott Jr. "The Bermuda Triangle." Exploring the Unknown. Springer US, 1979. 171–186. Somford, Matthijs Paul, DaniГ«l Hoornenborg, and Jan–Joost Wiegerinck. "Kager 's "Bermuda" Triangle." The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery 53.4 (2014): 503–504. Kusche, Larry. The Bermuda triangle mystery–solved. London: New English Library, 1975. Wolf, Marina E. "The Bermuda Triangle of cocaine–induced neuroadaptations." Trends in neurosciences 33.9 (2010): 391–398. Fiadeiro, M. E., and George Veronis. "Circulation and heat flux in the Bermuda Triangle." Journal of physical oceanography 13.7 (1983): 1158–1169. Shevell, Michael I. "The "Bermuda triangle" of neonatal neurology: cerebral palsy, Get more content on
  • 9. The Bermuda Triangle Essay The Bermuda triangle is a heavily debated topic. Over the years people have fought back and forth on the matter. However, no one can seem to come to a consensus. What is the truth? Does the Bermuda triangle qualify as a strange, unexplainable site? If it does, is it the reason for the many strange happenings and events? Despite the lack of answers, the legend of the Bermuda triangle will continue to be debated and discussed by believers and skeptics. For both sides claim to contain strong solid evidence defending their stance. Overall, the Bermuda Triangle is a great argumentative topic between paranormal believers and knowledgeable professionals. The Bermuda Triangle is the connecting point of Bermuda, Florida, and Puerto Rico. Due to the conspiracy surrounding this particular location, it has also been termed "The Devil 's Triangle". The legend was named in 1964 by writer Vincent Gaddis. However, its popularity didn't rise until Charles Berlitz provided his knowledge and opinion. Berlitz, who was very interested in the paranormal, proposed that Atlantis, a historic mythical city, actually existed and could be using its unique energy to draw in the likes of aircraft and ships (Benjamin Radford). Since his bestseller on the topic in 1974, the discussion and theories have not relented. As more ships and aircraft began to disappear, more ideas started to surface. From paranormal energy resembling gravity to rogue tidal waves, the possibilities seem endless.The Get more content on
  • 10. Review Of ' The Bermuda Triangle ' Review of Literature I. Introduction to the Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle is a legendary mythological section of the Atlantic Ocean, made up of the triangle formed by Miami, Florida; San Juan Puerto Rico; and the islands of the Bahamas. The triangle covers about five–hundred thousand (500,000) square miles of the ocean. The phrase "Bermuda Triangle" was first coined by Vincent H. Gaddis (1913–1997). He was writing an article for Argosy magazine back in 1964. The article was received exceptionally well by audiences and, due to its success, was later expanded to be published into his book entitled "Invisible Horizons: True Mysteries of the Sea". The book was published in 1965, and included nine (9) accounts if this phenomenon in extensive detail. In December of 1967, Gaddis' book was in the limelight because of a National Geographic Society news release. Numerous newspapers headlined stories about the Bermuda Triangle also in that December. Later, in 1968, The Triangle was a cover story for Argosy, as well as in the book "Limbo of the Lost" (1969) written by John Wallace Spencer, and in a documentary motion picture called "The Devil's Triangle". Charles Berlitz (1914–2003) wrote a book titled "The Bermuda Triangle", it was an instant hit! Later it was discovered that some of the assertions were fabricated, and proved to be incorrect. It may come as a surprise, but Christopher Columbus (1451–1506) was actually one of the firsts to ever witness The Get more content on
  • 11. Bermuda Triangle: Superstition or Scientifically Proven? "...More than 50 ships and 20 planes have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in the last century itself, and up to 1000 over the past 500 years" (Bhattacharya). Considering the significant amount of disappearances, numerous fanciful theories have formed to explain them. However, it cannot be proven that these tragedies occur more frequently than in other highly traveled areas of the ocean, as people navigate this region daily without difficulty. These vanishings are not as mystical as previously thought and can easily be explained. Although many believe the Bermuda Triangle to be influenced by supernatural powers, it can be scientifically proven that the "mysterious disappearances" are the result of foul weather, strong currents, and navigational error. The Bermuda Triangle, otherwise known as the Devil's Triangle is an expanse of ocean in the Northern Atlantic. It is located between the island of Bermuda; Miami, Florida; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Ships, planes, and people have allegedly disappeared, without a trace, never seen again. Charles Berlitz first started the "mystery" of the Triangle with his book, "The Bermuda Triangle." more content... In fact, they are a misconception, easily explained through science. It is proven that these tragedies ensue from dreadful weather, ocean currents, and human mistake. The Bermuda Triangle is hit with a myriad of hurricanes each year, resulting in numerous disasters. With three opposite flowing currents, it is easy to become drawn in the wrong direction. In the Triangle, a place where compasses point to true north, not magnetic north, getting lost is no trouble. "The U.S Navy and the U.S. Coast Guard contend that there are no supernatural; explanations for disasters at sea..." and, "... does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name and does not maintain an official file on the area" (National Get more content on
  • 12. Summary Of ' The Bermuda Triangle Mystery ' Matt Maher Language Arts 10 Ms. Mueller 7th hour The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Based on the evidence, The Bermuda Triangle is still a mystery because still nobody knows why the triangle actually makes things disappear out in the Atlantic Ocean, but bad compass readings due to the magnetic fields and Electra fog , pilot error, and methane gas bubbles are the most probable solution to the mystery. Most people know just a little bit about the Triangle and the basics of what it has done but they don't really know the real reason for why these things happen. The Bermuda Triangle is area of the Atlantic Ocean that makes a triangle. one tip if the triangle is by southern Florida, another is by Puerto Rico, and of course the last one is Bermuda.("Bermuda Triangle." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia) The Bermuda triangle is known to have sudden, violent storms and strong ocean currents that causes wind patterns that go in every direction.("Bermuda Triangle." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia.) It has claimed alot of different air crafts, and ships, but most of the time it happens to the bigger ships and the bigger planes. In the past 25 years, the Triangle has taken at least 80 private and charter air crafts . "Ships that have disappeared range from small yachts to really
  • 13. nice ones." A really famous ship that has sunk in 1984 was named the frighten–er and is was 540 feet long. (Quasar, Gian. "The Bermuda Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on The Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Many people believed that people, ships, and planes have mysteriously vanished in this area. The size of the triangle varies from 500,000 square miles. Some trace the mystery back to the time of Columbus. Bermuda Triangle estimates range from about 200 to no more than 8,000 distress calls in the area and that there have been more than 50 ships and 20 planes to go down in the Bermuda Triangle within the last century. Many people think Bermuda Triangle is made of Evil extraterrestrial, residue crystals from Atlantis, evil humans with anti–gravity devices or other weird technologies, and vile vortices from more content... Bermuda Triangle could disappear things, but Bermuda Triangle also appeared things that it doesn't exist. The Columbus' story may not be true because when he saw the light, the light could be anything. It could be lightning or the light from an island. On December 5th 1945, five Navy TBM Avenger Torpedo Bombers (Flight 19) mysteriously vanished while on a routine training mission. They were disappeared that rescue team couldn't find any evidence of Flight 19. "The search for the planes continued for weeks, and even today the U.S. Navy has a standing order for crews to keep a look out for Flight 19. The military experts were completely baffled—how could 27 men and six planes just disappear?" (Kusche L. 204) Investigations to date have not produced scientific evidence of any unusual phenomena involved in the disappearances. Navy planes vanished on a training mission during a severe storm in 1945. The most logical theory is that lead pilot Lt. Charles Taylor's compassed failed. The trainees' planes were not equipped with working navigational instruments. The group was disoriented and simply ran out of fuel. No mysterious forces were likely to have been involved other than the mysterious force of gravity on planes with no fuel. One of the rescue planes blew up shortly after take–off, but this was likely due to a faulty Get more content on
  • 15. The Bermuda Triangle Essay The Bermuda Triangle,also known as the Hoodoo Sea, the Devil's Triangle, the Limbo of the Lost, and the Twilight Zone, is a part of the ocean in which planes, ships, and people mysteriously seem to just disappear. It is an imaginary area shaped as a triangle. Which is located in the outer tip of Florida. Its been the biggest mystery of time because of the mysterious disappearances that have happened over time. "The term Bermuda Triangle was first used in an article written by Vincent H. Gaddis for Argosy magazine in 1964. In the article, Gaddis claimed that in this strange sea a number of ships and planes had disappeared without explanation. Gaddis wasn't the first one to come to this conclusion, either. As early as 1952, George X. more content... One of the the survivors that i've found that have made it out alive out of the Bermuda Triangle is called, Cary Trantham she is one of the marvelous people who survived flying over the Bermuda. "I had an experience while flying my airplane alone in a corner of the area known as the Bermuda Triangle. It was a terrifying experience and I have no idea what caused the situation and I have no idea how much time was involved before I was able to get control of the airplane" Cary Trantham. This is how she described her experience flying over the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. Those who lived to tell about the bermuda triangle each said different reactions occurred during the experience. " Clouds have "come out of nowhere" and caused compasses to spin and engine RPMs to drop off. Objects and luminous phenomena have sped past" Gian J.Quasar. These were some things someone experienced by one of the conductors. Some similar things that happened were that all of them had failures to reach themselves to anyone else , so there was no other contact available. This mean no radios, cell phones, not even the navigational system would work including any compass's of any sort. There are many myths and beliefs to go with the Bermuda Triangle, for example some people think its the "devils hideout", and other think the unusual weather patterns are caused by alien abductions that occur there. Then others think its the gateway to Atlantis, a mythical island Get more content on
  • 16. The Bermuda Triangle Essay The Bermuda Triangle Off the southern tip of Florida lies a phenomenon called the Bermuda Triangle. Ships, planes, and over one thousand lives were lost in the Triangle without a trace. Theories have been put forth, but still no universally accepted explanation exists for the mystery that surrounds the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle covers almost 440,000 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean. An imaginary line that begins near Melbourne, Florida, extends south to Bermuda, and west to Puerto Rico before turning north to Florida, forms the Triangle. From 1972–1999, more than one hundred planes and ships have vanished into thin air. More than one thousand lives have been lost as well. One frightening aspect of this entire more content... all radio communication ceased. (Kusch, 106, 114) In an attempt to find the lost flight, a Martin Mariner PBM–5 flying boat was sent to search for the mission squadron. The flying boat left Fort Lauderdale Airport at 7:27 p.m. (Cusack, 16). At 7:30 p.m. the plane's radio failed, and flight disappeared forever. By dawn on December 6, 1945, the largest search and rescue mission over air and sea was underway. Before the sun would rise that day, over 240 planes and 18 ships would be deployed to search for Flight 19. Later that morning, the Royal Air Force would send out planes to assist in the search. Numerous land teams would crisscross the Bahamas and the Florida Keys searching in vain for signs of survivors or wreckage that may have washed ashore. One search and rescue ship, the S.S. Gaines Mills, radioed at 7:50 p.m. that they had observed a burst of flames that rose one hundred feet high and lasted for about ten minutes. Ships and planes rushed to the area, but no signs of debris or survivors were found. After five days of intense searching, the rescue mission was canceled. No wreckage, survivors, or explanations were found for the disappearance of Flight 19. Forty–six years later, May 8, 1991, a computer–controlled submarine scanned the ocean floor for sunken galleons. On this day, the crew of the Deep Sea would be unsuccessful in their search for galleons. Instead, 750 feet below the surface of the ocean, they would discover the outline of an
  • 17. Get more content on
  • 18. Research Paper On Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle covers about 500,000 square miles. People claim that there have been many disappearances such as ships, planes, people, etc. and there have been very different occurrences in The Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is in close relation to The Devil's Sea. The Bermuda Triangle is a strange area of land that makes up a metaphorically drawn out triangle that has very unusual occurrences. According to The Bermuda Triangle stretches across Bermuda, Miami Florida, and San Juan Puerto Rico, and it totals to 500,000 square miles. According to the Bermuda Triangle has many stories about several flights gone missing and ships that disappeared into thin air. One of the many told stories more content... There was no combat and yet so many people were lost and never found again. It was said to be, from, "The largest non–combat loss of life in the US Navy's history in 1918." 309 people lost their lives because of the Triangle. Now there have been over hundreds of ship disappearances In the triangle. People are still wondering "What makes the Bermuda Triangle so deadly?" And people also wonder "Why do people disappear in the Bermuda Triangle?" Some Theorists have tried to come up with an answer and some have some really good theories. According to bermuda– there is a theory about there being strong magnetic fields at the bottom of the ocean that cause the compasses to malfunction and them causing the ships to break down or be dragged down the ocean because of their large metal ships and that large magnetic field around it which causes the ships to sink. There are a lot of strange activities that go on inside the Bermuda Triangle. According to, The voyager Christopher Columbus reported that a large flame of fire that had crashed into the sea one night (It was more than likely a meteor) and a few weeks later he saw a strange light appear in the distance. He also wrote about an irregular compass reading, probably because at that time a piece of the Bermuda Triangle was one of the few places on Earth where true north and magnetic north lined Get more content on
  • 19. The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle Essay There has always been an aura of mystery surrounding Bermuda, the collective name for a group of small islands located in the Atlantic Ocean. Once referred to as "The Devil's Islands," 'the Bermuda Triangle' represents the geographical area along the Atlantic Ocean from Puerto Rico to the South and Miami to the West (Kelly, 2004, p. 227). The actual term Bermuda Triangle was not introduced until 1964, when Vincent H. Gaddis' article "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle" was published in Argosy magazine (Kelly, 2004). However, it was not until the publication of Charles Berlitz's bestseller The Bermuda Triangle in 1974 that the international fascination with the mysterious disappearances of ships, aircraft, and individuals reached a fever more content... Other nineteenth–century disappearances attributed to the Bermuda Triangle include the Rosalie (1840), the Bella (1854), the Lotta (1866), and the Viego (1868) (Kusche, 1995). One of the most famous stories involve the 1872 disappearance of the passengers aboard the Mary Celeste, which included the captain, his wife and child, along with eight crewmembers. The vessel remained sailing for approximately ten days until it was discovered near the Azores. Eight years' later, the Atalanta departed from Bermuda in January 1880 headed for England. Its crew, which consisted of 300 naval officers and cadets, was never seen or heard from again despite intensive rescue and recovery efforts (Kusche, 1995). During the twentieth century, another characteristic was added to the Bermuda Triangle puzzle in the form of a "ghost ship" (Hagen, 2004, p. 14). Berlitz (1974) invokes the 'ghost ship' motif when describing the disappearance of the "German bark Freya, sailing from Manzanillo, Cuba, to ports in Chile in October 1902, was found abandoned and listing, with the pages of the ship's calendar torn off until October 4" (p. 70). Then, seven years' later, famed circumnavigator Joshua Slocum embarked on another around the world seafaring adventure in a small boat known as the Spray (Kelly, 2004). He was never seen again, and no traces of him were ever discovered. The phenomenon most closely associated with the Bermuda Triangle takes the form of five Avenger Get more content on
  • 20. Bermuda Triangle Essay The Bermuda Triangle Is the Bermuda Triangle really a place where strange powers are at work? The Bermuda Triangle is a very complex and mystifying area that is noted for a high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small boats, and aircraft. From reading this paper one will learn geographic features of the Bermuda Triangle, famous disappearances, and possible explanations for them. There is a section of the western Atlantic, off the southeast coast of the United States, forming what has been termed a triangle. It extends from Bermuda in the north to southern Florida, and then west to a point through the Bahamas past Puerto Rico to about 40* west latitude, and then back more content... The experienced crew had a routine that would take them 160 miles east, 40 miles north, and then 120 miles straight back to base (Cusack 10). The planes were suppose to carry three man crews, but one crew member failed to show. The planes had done their required preflight test and everything checked out in good working order. It was a routine two hour mission but the planes were still fully fueled. The planes had extensive radio equipment to include ten different radio channels and homing devices that would show them the way home (Cusack 9–10). The first message came in from the patrol at 15:45: "Control tower this is an emergency. We seem to be off course. We seem to be lost. We can't make out where we are" (Berlitz 15). The tower said "Head due west," but the flight did not know which way west was. "Everything looks wrong, even the ocean looks strange" (Berlitz 15). The tower was puzzled; even if the compasses were not working, the crew should have been able to fly west by following the sun. A few minutes later the radio went dead. A Martin Mariner Get more content on