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Modelling of origami concrete crease pattern and export
into Abaqus using open source software – Pyformex
Name: Viktoras Jarmolkovicius
Home university: University of Sheffield
Host institute: RWTH – Institut für Massivbau
Project supervisor: Jan Dirk van Der Woerd
Duration: 2014.06.09 – 2014.08.01
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3
Introduction 3
Exploration of Pyformex functionality 4
General information 4
Features worth mentioning 5
Creation of the crease and export into Abaqus 5
1. Input Parameters 5
2. Reading of data 6
3. Offset 6
4. Creation of crease 7
5. Subdivision (Meshing) 7
6. Assignment of properties and .inp export 8
Analysis of Abaqus 8
Conclusions 9
References 9
Appendix 10
Executive Summary
This report focuses on the presentation of the internship project that was undertaken in the Institute
for Structural Concrete, RWTH, Aachen, Germany, under supervision of Mr. Jan Dirr van der Woerd.
The main purpose of the project was to develop a software tool (code) to facilitate the analysis of
Textile Reinforced Concrete plate structures via the Finite Element Method. Firstly, the detailed
scope of the project is introduced and important background information is given to present already
existing and available facilities and to present associated expectations and further development
areas. The main body of the report consists of 3 main sections: exploration of existing Pyformex
software functionality, development of the analysis tool and modelling of laboratory test in Abaqus.
Images and brief explanations are given where appropriate. In the end, the outcome of the project is
concluded and an appendix featuring a full detailed script of the tool is given for reference purposes.
Internship material focuses on some specific areas of a major research project which is being carried
out in the Institut für Massivbau in RWTH, Aachen under supervision of the doctoral student Jan Dirk
van Der Woerd and the research assistant Mr. Rotislav Chudoba. So far, a computer simulation
platform was developed which creates a 3D structure consisting of folded TRC concrete plates.
Simulation software is undergoing constant development and in order to achieve satisfying results a
specific definition of the crease pattern that joins TRC plates is necessary. Internship covers explicit
definition and modelling of a crease pattern using open source python-based software Pyformex.
After crease patterned was appropriately modelled, it is expected to be meshed into Finite Elements
and prepared for subsequent analysis in Abaqus. Internship outcome also includes the exploration of
the functionality of Pyformex for the main research application and generally learning how to use
Pyformex and Abaqus and familiarise myself better with Finite Element Analysis for Structural
Engineering Applications. Ultimate goal is to use Abaqus to simulate the laboratory experiment
performed on a real structure.
Pyformex is open source software which is undergoing constant development and changes, yet it is
free and easily accessible to a new user. For the purpose of the research project, Pyformex is
intended to be used as an intermediate step between Oricrete Simulation Platform and Finite
Element Analysis Software Abaqus with an ultimate intention to integrate all the steps as modules
and plugins into Oricrete Simulation Platform.
The process could be visualized as follows:
Exploration of Pyformex functionality
General information
The exploration has revealed that Pyformex is very powerful software that is capable of performing
different actions related to objects, their properties with an ultimate intention to create an input file
(.inp) for analysis in Abaqus. A detailed description of all Pyformex functions is available in the
keyword manual accessible at
The manual provides a total overview of the functionality, however does not include any comments
on how to implement the functions, examples should be sought elsewhere. It gives a good idea of
what Pyformex is capable of though: it is possible to perform majority of mathematical and
geometrical operations, since Pyformex has a module called “numpy” in its library.
A very good source of data which was used extensively during the internship is the website called
“nullege”. It contains numerous .py files with all plugins, also working and useful examples, such as where a random object is created, manipulated, meshed, assigned different properties to
and finally written as a .inp file. This example was extensively referred to while creating a code for
export of .inp file of the crease. The author of the scripts is the creator of the Pyformex himself –
prof. Benedict Verhegghe.
•Output result: list of nodes and elements corresponding to facets of of the
structure - no crease specified
•modelling of the crease
•creation of FE mesh
•assignment of properties
•writing .inp file
•FE analysis of the structure
•Interpretation of different loading conditions, support constraints, material
properties and their impact on results
Features worth mentioning
 Similar to programing in “Eclipse” various modules and plugins have to be imported in order
to use their functionality.
 Pyformex can perform some very useful geometrical and mathematical operations, like
creating a Finite Element Mesh for instance, but certain operations can be performed only on
specific object classes. The most usual ones are “Formex”, “TriSurface”, “Array”, “Mesh”.
Necessity for usage of different classes will be elaborated on in the next section.
 Pyformex is similar to CAD software in a way that objects and files can be
imported/created/manipulated/exported both via direct scripting (writing appropriate
commands) and via the usage of graphical user interface (using toolbars and drawing options).
 Pyformex has a very convenient and user friendly drawing facility of the “Formex” class which
is the most frequently used one. Command is simply draw(g) where “g” is a “Formex” object.
Also conversion from an “array” to “Formex” is very simple. This is very useful, because it is
convenient to perform mathematical and geometrical operations on “arrays” using “numpy”
functions. A modified object can be easily drawn afterwards.
 “Formices” of same plexitude can be superposed to one another by a simple mathematical
addition operation (+). Plexitude refers to the number nodes that compose a single element.
Creation of the crease and export into Abaqus
This section is mainly structured in way that a brief explanation of the code will be presented
alongside with illustrative images whereas a detailed version of the code can be found in the
appendix of the report – thus the focus will be kept on the most important aspects and concepts of
the tool that was developed during an internship. The code was run and tested to work properly on
both Pyformex and Abaqus, provided that two input files 'nodes.txt' and 'elements.txt' (described in
more detail in the next section) are given. Although the code addresses a particular crease pattern
arrangement, it is generally multipurpose and is applicable to any number of elements.
1. Input Parameters
This is where the actual work on input data begins. Some very basic user input parameters have to
be specified. Changing one of those values will affect the gaps between elements and the size of
the mesh. These parameters define the outcome of the analysis:
1. Number of elements
2. Number of divisions, or mesh density
3. Crease mesh density
4. Offset distance
Offset distance – is unitless but is essentially of the same units as coordinates. So if coordinates
are implied to be in centimetres then distance will be implied in centimetres too.
2. Reading of data
Lists of nodes and nodal connectivity are imported into Pyformex and converted into a “Formex”
class. Files “nodes.txt” and “elements.txt” are essentially the only input parameters and they are
being manipulated later. Nodes file should be structured in a way that numbers are x,y,z
coordinates of each node 0,1,2…,n:
0.0536, 0.0024, 0.0412,
0.0536, 0.4012, 0.0412,
0.0536, 0.8000, 0.0412,
0.3555, 0.0024, 0.2184,
Numbering is implied. Within itself Pyformex counts starting with zero: 0,1,2,…,n. Elements file
would have a very similar structure:
0, 3, 19,
1, 4, 20,
3, 6, 21,
4, 7, 22,
Again, numbering of elements is implied. Numbers show the connectivity of nodes. For example,
element 0 connects nodes 0, 3 and 19 and so on. This essentially means that the output file from
the ‘Oricrete’ Platform should be modified such that all nodes have number values minus one.
Input data can be presented in the visual form:
3. Offset
Now elements are offset by a certain user defined distance specified at the beginning of the script
(mentioned above). Offsetting is based on area coordinate method which ensures that each side
of the triangle is moved by a constant distance. Pyformex by default used unitless numbers.
Therefore the units of the distance are the same as units of length and area of the triangle. This
means that if a user gives nodal coordinate date in centimetres, then offset distance will be
understood in centimetres too.
4. Creation of crease
Once triangles are offset, the crease has to be created, joining the gaps between triangles. The
script works in such way that on the lowest level 2 adjacent triangles are analysed at one time: 4
nodes defining a gap between 2 triangles are located and are used to create a new “Formex”.
Once this “Formex” is created, rest of the operations remain the same regardless of which two of
the triangles of the general structure are analysed. A newly created “Formex” is a 4-plex structure
(definition of plexitude is explained above) which is essentially a desired crease assuming the
structure is 3D but consists of 2D plates.
5. Subdivision (Meshing)
By this point there are two objects created: a 3-plex Formex of offset triangles and a 4-plex
Formex consisting of the crease elements. Due to the fact that assignment of properties can be
done to object of same plexitude only, each of the crease elements has to be subdivided into two
triangles. Superposition of the triangles’ Formex and crease Formex gives the desired final
structure, it is, however, convenient to keep them two separate because later different properties
are assigned to them. This is what the final superposed Formex looks like:
6. Assignment of properties and .inp export
Last section of the code is creation of the .inp file which itself consists of 3 main subparts: creation
of properties, assignment of properties and export of the .inp file ready for analysis in Abaqus.
First of all, property database is created. It is very important to import properties’ plugin and make
sure that the name of the property database (which can be essentially arbitrary) is consistently
followed through the rest of the process, because this is where all the properties of the entire
structure are stored and read from. Next, final Formex is converted into TriSurface so that nodes
and elements can be easily obtained. These will be required later, during the export of .inp file. It
is important to note here at this point that we are working with one unique Formex by the name
“final” but its constituents – crease and triangles are still having their nodes and elements
indirectly associated with them. We assign two properties: “pa” and “pb” which are nothing else
but colors (1 and 2 in this example) to triangles and crease respectively. This is not used directly
but assists later in creation of two different kinds of element sets that will have different
properties assigned to them. After that, a standard procedure for creating material properties,
section properties and creation of the sections follows. Once that is done, element properties can
be assigned to their respective sets (colours) and saved in the property database. Next, boundary
and loaded node sets are defined by the user. A standard procedure for nodal property
assignment follows. Finally, nodes, elements and property database, also output requests and
loading steps are all put together and an export file of the format .inp is created and run in
Analysis of Abaqus
An example of loading the crease pattern:
 Boundary: edges are pinned
 Loading: 6 point loads applied at middle crease gap
 Plates are modelled as thin steel shell elements
 Crease is modelled as thin glass shell elements
This project proved that Pyformex indeed offers great assistance and already existing functionality to
manipulate both simple and complex geometrical objects with the purpose of either performing
Finite Element Analysis directly or preparing the input file for analysis in other FE software programs.
It is important to note that further development of the tool is necessary to account for real geometry
and improve the simulation of the laboratory experiment. Another valuable conclusion is the
reliability aspect of open source software: it was observed that there are multiple errors and
functions that do not work properly and/or are not designed and explained completely. The risks of
using constantly changing open source software have to be properly assessed and evaluated before
important analysis operations are performed.
This section features the full Python script used for the process described above.
1. #just trying out some things
2. #importing aaaalllll the stuff, just in case ;)
3. #Please be patient and respectful to the code! Pretty please :)
4. #I am still new to programming
7. import numpy as np
8. import pyformex as pf
9. from mesh import *
10. import utils
11. from lib import misc
12. import os
13. from formex import *
14. from connectivity import connectivity,connectedLineElems,adjacencyArrays
15. from mesh import Mesh
16. import geomtools
17. import fileread,filewrite
18. import utils
19. import os,tempfile
20. import tempfile
21. from utils import deprecation
22. from pyformex.olist import List
23. from numpy import array,arange
24. from plugins.fe_abq import *
25. from import *
26. from plugins.fe import *
27. from mydict import Dict,CDict
28. import pyformex as GD
29. from datetime import datetime
30. import os,sys
31. from mesh import *
#Specifying some fixed variables before start
36. ndiv = 6
37. rf1 = 1
38. rf2 = 1
39. dist = 0.01
40. nel = 36
41. clear()
#Read a set of nodes from an open mesh file
47. #Reading geometry
48. a = fromfile('nodes1f.txt',sep=',').reshape(-1,3)
49. a = Coords(a)
50. """print('coords',a)"""
51. """print('printing coordinates',a)"""
52. #Read a set of elemements of plexitude nplex from an open mesh file
53. e = fromfile('elements1f.txt',sep=',',dtype=Int).reshape(-1,3)
54. e = Connectivity(e)
55. """print('now printing elems..',e)"""
56. #Creating the desired formex
57. g = Formex(a[e]).setProp(3)
58. #Converting Formex to an array
59. clear()
66. x = g
67. """print('original coords',x)"""
68. # calculate the cross sectional area of each triangle
69. v1 = x[:, 1, :] - x[:, 0, :]
70. v2 = x[:, 2, :] - x[:, 0, :]
71. # calculate cross product
72. v12 = np.cross(v1, v2,axis=1)
73. # claculate area
74. a = np.array([0.0]*nel)
75. for i in range (0,nel):
76. a[i] = np.linalg.norm(v12[i])/2.0
77. """print('area',a)"""
78. # calculate the edge lengths of each triangle
79. # first edge is at the opposite of the first node.
80. l = np.sqrt(np.sum((x[:, (2, 0, 1), :] - x[:, (1, 2, 0), :]) ** 2, axis=2))
81. """print('lengths',l)"""
82. # calculate the triangle heights relative to each edge
83. h = 2 * a[:, np.newaxis] / l
84. # get the area coordinate of all points at dist
85. xi_dist = dist / h
86. # construct the combinations of all three coords
87. # and calculate the third triangular coordinate.
88. cxi0 = np.c_[1 - xi_dist[:, 2] - xi_dist[:, 1], xi_dist[:, 1], xi_dist[:,
89. cxi1 = np.c_[xi_dist[:, 0], 1 - xi_dist[:, 0] - xi_dist[:, 2], xi_dist[:,
90. cxi2 = np.c_[xi_dist[:, 0], xi_dist[:, 1], 1 - xi_dist[:, 0] - xi_dist[:,
91. cx = np.array([cxi0, cxi1, cxi2], dtype='f')
92. # get the shifted nodal coordinates
93. xs = np.einsum('lik,ikj->ilj', cx, x)
94. F = Formex(xs)
95. draw(F)
#Creation of the crease
100. #now make a loop to go around each of the entries of adj and call it
101. gg = g
102. adj = g.toMesh().adjacency(1,2)
103. """print('adjacency :)',adj)"""
104. bigcrease = Formex([])
105. for el_nr in range (0,36)
106. if adj[el_nr][0] == -1:
107. lim = 1
108. else:
109. lim = 0
110. #this inside loop is looping through adjacent elements
111. for i in range (lim,3):
112. i = adj[el_nr][i]
113. j = el_nr
114. n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6=0,0,0,0,0,0
115. for iii in range (0,3):
116. if length(gg[i][0]-gg[j][iii])==0:
117. n1=F[i][0]
118. n2=F[j][iii]
119. for iii in range (0,3):
120. if length(gg[i][1]-gg[j][iii])==0:
121. n3=F[i][1]
122. n4=F[j][iii]
123. for iii in range (0,3):
124. if length(gg[i][2]-gg[j][iii])==0:
125. n5=F[i][2]
126. n6=F[j][iii]
127. if length(n1) == 0:
128. point1=n3
129. point2=n4
130. point3=n5
131. point4=n6
132. if length(n3) == 0:
133. point1=n1
134. point2=n2
135. point3=n5
136. point4=n6
137. if length(n5) == 0:
138. point1=n1
139. point2=n2
140. point3=n3
141. point4=n4
142. # run through all of the "bigcrease" elements
143. # check if the crease is already created
144. cr_nr = (size(length(bigcrease)))/4
145. ii = cr_nr
146. counting = 1
147. """print('size of big crease is',cr_nr)"""
148. for cr_nr in range (0,ii-1):
149. check = Formex([bigcrease[cr_nr]])
150. current = Formex([[point1,point3,point4,point2]])
151. if (check[0][0][0]==current[0][3][0]) and
(check[0][1][0]==current[0][2][0]) and (check[0][0][2]==current[0][3][2]) and
check[0][0][0] > 0:
152. counting = 0
153. if counting == 1:
154. bigcrease = bigcrease.setProp(2) +
162. #First split the crease into rectangular elements
163. #Then take each rectangular element and split it into triangles
164. #To keep consistent with global Formex plexiture
165. endcrease = Formex([])
166. creasef = Formex([])
167. for number in range (0,46):
168. crease = Formex([bigcrease[number]])
169. crease = crease.toMesh()
170. crease = crease.subdivide(ndiv,1)
171. crease = crease.toFormex()
172. for i in range(0,ndiv):
173. creasei = Formex([crease[i]])
174. creasei =
175. creasef = creasef + creasei
176. endcrease = endcrease + creasef
177. clear()
178. draw(endcrease)
179. FF = Formex(xs).toMesh().toSurface().subdivide(ndiv)
# Assigning Properties
189. clear()
190. F = FF
191. crease_f = endcrease
192. draw(Formex(FF + endcrease))
193. PDB = PropertyDB()
194. # Turn the Formex structure into a TriSurface
195. # This guarantees that element i of the Formex is element i of the
196. S = TriSurface(F+crease_f)
197. nodes = S.coords
198. elems = S.elems # the triangles
199. # So now we have F (domain A) and crease_f (domain B): two ready formices
200. #Make sure property numbers never clash!
201. pa,pb = 1,2 #properties corresponding to domains A and B
202. F.setProp(pa)
203. crease_f.setProp(pb)
204. parts = [F,crease_f]
205. #Transfer properties from the parts in a global set
206. elemprops = concatenate([part.prop for part in parts])
207. # Create element sets according to the properties pa,pb:
208. esets = {}
209. esets.update([(v,where(elemprops==v)[0]) for v in [pa,pb]])
210. # Set element properties
211. # This is where one can say that element groups will be different abq
212. # creating some section and material properties
213. steel = {
214. 'name': 'steel',
215. 'young_modulus': 3e+10,
216. 'poisson_ratio': 0.2,
217. 'density': 2500,
218. }
219. glass = {
220. 'name': 'glass',
221. 'young_modulus': 72000,
222. 'shear_modulus': 26200,
223. 'density': 2.5,
224. }
225. medium_plate = {
226. 'name': 'glass_plate',
227. 'sectiontype': 'shell',
228. 'thickness': 0.006,
229. 'material': 'glass',
230. }
231. thin_plate = {
232. 'name': 'glass_plate',
233. 'sectiontype': 'shell',
234. 'thickness': 0.002,
235. 'material': 'glass',
236. }
237. tube = {
238. 'name':'tube',
239. 'cross_section': 799,
240. 'moment_inertia_11': 1000,
241. 'sectiontype': 'GENERAL',
242. 'moment_inertia_22': 1500,
243. 'moment_inertia_12': 1230,
244. 'torsional_constant': 900,
245. 'material': 'steel',
246. }
247. tubesection = ElemSection(section=tube,material=steel)
248. facetsection = ElemSection(secton=medium_plate,material=steel)
249. creasesection = ElemSection(section=thin_plate,material=glass)
250. #writing properties
251. PDB.elemProp(set=esets[pa],section=facetsection,eltype='S3R')
252. PDB.elemProp(set=esets[pb],section=creasesection,eltype='S3R')
253. # populate the property database
254. #Boundary nodes
255. bnodes = [1,2,3,50,51,52,53]
256. #Loaded nodes
257. lnodes = [240]
258. # Set the nodal properties
259. PDB.nodeProp(tag='init',set=bnodes,name='boundary',bound='pinned')
260. PDB.nodeProp(tag='step1',set=lnodes,name='Loaded',cload=[0.,0.,-
261. # Request default output plus output of S in elements of part B.
262. # If the abqdata are written with group_by_group==True (see at bottom),
263. # all elements of each group in elems will be collected in a set named
264. # Eset('grp',index), where index is the index of the group in the elems
265. # Thus, all elements of part B will end up in Eset('grp',1)
266. out = [ Output(type='history'),
267. Output(type='field')
268. ]
269. # Create requests for output to the .fil file.
270. # - the displacements in all nodes
271. # - the stress components in all elements
272. # - the stresses averaged at the nodes
273. # - the principal stresses and stress invariants in the elements of part B.
274. # (add output='PRINT' to get the results printed in the .dat file)
275. res = [ Result(kind='NODE',keys=['U']),
276. Result(kind='ELEMENT',keys=['S']),
277. Result(kind='ELEMENT',keys=['S'],pos='AVERAGED AT NODES')
278. ]
279. # Define steps (default is static)
280. step1 = Step(time=[0.1, 1., 1e-05,
281. # collect all data
282. # !! currently output/result request are global to all steps
283. # !! this will be changed in future
284. #
285. fe_model = Dict(dict(solver='Abaqus',nodes=nodes,elems=elems,prop=PDB))
286. export({'fe_model':fe_model})
287. FE = named('fe_model')
288. nodes = FE.nodes
289. elems = FE.elems
290. prop = FE.prop
291. model = Model(nodes,elems)
292. data = AbqData(model,PDB,steps=[step1],bound=['init'])
293. if ack('Export this model in ABAQUS input format?',default='No'):
294. fn = askNewFilename(filter='*.inp')
295. if fn:
296. data.write(jobname=fn,group_by_group=True)
298. # End

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Report_Internship_TRC Aachen

  • 1. Report Modelling of origami concrete crease pattern and export into Abaqus using open source software – Pyformex Name: Viktoras Jarmolkovicius Home university: University of Sheffield Host institute: RWTH – Institut für Massivbau Project supervisor: Jan Dirk van Der Woerd Duration: 2014.06.09 – 2014.08.01
  • 2. 2 Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction 3 Exploration of Pyformex functionality 4 General information 4 Features worth mentioning 5 Creation of the crease and export into Abaqus 5 1. Input Parameters 5 2. Reading of data 6 3. Offset 6 4. Creation of crease 7 5. Subdivision (Meshing) 7 6. Assignment of properties and .inp export 8 Analysis of Abaqus 8 Conclusions 9 References 9 Appendix 10
  • 3. 3 Executive Summary This report focuses on the presentation of the internship project that was undertaken in the Institute for Structural Concrete, RWTH, Aachen, Germany, under supervision of Mr. Jan Dirr van der Woerd. The main purpose of the project was to develop a software tool (code) to facilitate the analysis of Textile Reinforced Concrete plate structures via the Finite Element Method. Firstly, the detailed scope of the project is introduced and important background information is given to present already existing and available facilities and to present associated expectations and further development areas. The main body of the report consists of 3 main sections: exploration of existing Pyformex software functionality, development of the analysis tool and modelling of laboratory test in Abaqus. Images and brief explanations are given where appropriate. In the end, the outcome of the project is concluded and an appendix featuring a full detailed script of the tool is given for reference purposes. Introduction Internship material focuses on some specific areas of a major research project which is being carried out in the Institut für Massivbau in RWTH, Aachen under supervision of the doctoral student Jan Dirk van Der Woerd and the research assistant Mr. Rotislav Chudoba. So far, a computer simulation platform was developed which creates a 3D structure consisting of folded TRC concrete plates. Simulation software is undergoing constant development and in order to achieve satisfying results a specific definition of the crease pattern that joins TRC plates is necessary. Internship covers explicit definition and modelling of a crease pattern using open source python-based software Pyformex. After crease patterned was appropriately modelled, it is expected to be meshed into Finite Elements and prepared for subsequent analysis in Abaqus. Internship outcome also includes the exploration of the functionality of Pyformex for the main research application and generally learning how to use Pyformex and Abaqus and familiarise myself better with Finite Element Analysis for Structural Engineering Applications. Ultimate goal is to use Abaqus to simulate the laboratory experiment performed on a real structure. Pyformex is open source software which is undergoing constant development and changes, yet it is free and easily accessible to a new user. For the purpose of the research project, Pyformex is intended to be used as an intermediate step between Oricrete Simulation Platform and Finite Element Analysis Software Abaqus with an ultimate intention to integrate all the steps as modules and plugins into Oricrete Simulation Platform.
  • 4. 4 The process could be visualized as follows: Exploration of Pyformex functionality General information The exploration has revealed that Pyformex is very powerful software that is capable of performing different actions related to objects, their properties with an ultimate intention to create an input file (.inp) for analysis in Abaqus. A detailed description of all Pyformex functions is available in the keyword manual accessible at The manual provides a total overview of the functionality, however does not include any comments on how to implement the functions, examples should be sought elsewhere. It gives a good idea of what Pyformex is capable of though: it is possible to perform majority of mathematical and geometrical operations, since Pyformex has a module called “numpy” in its library. A very good source of data which was used extensively during the internship is the website called “nullege”. It contains numerous .py files with all plugins, also working and useful examples, such as where a random object is created, manipulated, meshed, assigned different properties to and finally written as a .inp file. This example was extensively referred to while creating a code for export of .inp file of the crease. The author of the scripts is the creator of the Pyformex himself – prof. Benedict Verhegghe. ndicularVector/python Oricrete •Output result: list of nodes and elements corresponding to facets of of the structure - no crease specified Pyformex •modelling of the crease •creation of FE mesh •assignment of properties •writing .inp file Abaqus •FE analysis of the structure •Interpretation of different loading conditions, support constraints, material properties and their impact on results
  • 5. 5 Features worth mentioning  Similar to programing in “Eclipse” various modules and plugins have to be imported in order to use their functionality.  Pyformex can perform some very useful geometrical and mathematical operations, like creating a Finite Element Mesh for instance, but certain operations can be performed only on specific object classes. The most usual ones are “Formex”, “TriSurface”, “Array”, “Mesh”. Necessity for usage of different classes will be elaborated on in the next section.  Pyformex is similar to CAD software in a way that objects and files can be imported/created/manipulated/exported both via direct scripting (writing appropriate commands) and via the usage of graphical user interface (using toolbars and drawing options).  Pyformex has a very convenient and user friendly drawing facility of the “Formex” class which is the most frequently used one. Command is simply draw(g) where “g” is a “Formex” object. Also conversion from an “array” to “Formex” is very simple. This is very useful, because it is convenient to perform mathematical and geometrical operations on “arrays” using “numpy” functions. A modified object can be easily drawn afterwards.  “Formices” of same plexitude can be superposed to one another by a simple mathematical addition operation (+). Plexitude refers to the number nodes that compose a single element. Creation of the crease and export into Abaqus This section is mainly structured in way that a brief explanation of the code will be presented alongside with illustrative images whereas a detailed version of the code can be found in the appendix of the report – thus the focus will be kept on the most important aspects and concepts of the tool that was developed during an internship. The code was run and tested to work properly on both Pyformex and Abaqus, provided that two input files 'nodes.txt' and 'elements.txt' (described in more detail in the next section) are given. Although the code addresses a particular crease pattern arrangement, it is generally multipurpose and is applicable to any number of elements. 1. Input Parameters This is where the actual work on input data begins. Some very basic user input parameters have to be specified. Changing one of those values will affect the gaps between elements and the size of the mesh. These parameters define the outcome of the analysis: 1. Number of elements 2. Number of divisions, or mesh density 3. Crease mesh density 4. Offset distance Offset distance – is unitless but is essentially of the same units as coordinates. So if coordinates are implied to be in centimetres then distance will be implied in centimetres too.
  • 6. 6 2. Reading of data Lists of nodes and nodal connectivity are imported into Pyformex and converted into a “Formex” class. Files “nodes.txt” and “elements.txt” are essentially the only input parameters and they are being manipulated later. Nodes file should be structured in a way that numbers are x,y,z coordinates of each node 0,1,2…,n: 0.0536, 0.0024, 0.0412, 0.0536, 0.4012, 0.0412, 0.0536, 0.8000, 0.0412, 0.3555, 0.0024, 0.2184, Numbering is implied. Within itself Pyformex counts starting with zero: 0,1,2,…,n. Elements file would have a very similar structure: 0, 3, 19, 1, 4, 20, 3, 6, 21, 4, 7, 22, Again, numbering of elements is implied. Numbers show the connectivity of nodes. For example, element 0 connects nodes 0, 3 and 19 and so on. This essentially means that the output file from the ‘Oricrete’ Platform should be modified such that all nodes have number values minus one. Input data can be presented in the visual form: 3. Offset Now elements are offset by a certain user defined distance specified at the beginning of the script (mentioned above). Offsetting is based on area coordinate method which ensures that each side of the triangle is moved by a constant distance. Pyformex by default used unitless numbers. Therefore the units of the distance are the same as units of length and area of the triangle. This means that if a user gives nodal coordinate date in centimetres, then offset distance will be understood in centimetres too.
  • 7. 7 4. Creation of crease Once triangles are offset, the crease has to be created, joining the gaps between triangles. The script works in such way that on the lowest level 2 adjacent triangles are analysed at one time: 4 nodes defining a gap between 2 triangles are located and are used to create a new “Formex”. Once this “Formex” is created, rest of the operations remain the same regardless of which two of the triangles of the general structure are analysed. A newly created “Formex” is a 4-plex structure (definition of plexitude is explained above) which is essentially a desired crease assuming the structure is 3D but consists of 2D plates. 5. Subdivision (Meshing) By this point there are two objects created: a 3-plex Formex of offset triangles and a 4-plex Formex consisting of the crease elements. Due to the fact that assignment of properties can be done to object of same plexitude only, each of the crease elements has to be subdivided into two triangles. Superposition of the triangles’ Formex and crease Formex gives the desired final structure, it is, however, convenient to keep them two separate because later different properties are assigned to them. This is what the final superposed Formex looks like:
  • 8. 8 6. Assignment of properties and .inp export Last section of the code is creation of the .inp file which itself consists of 3 main subparts: creation of properties, assignment of properties and export of the .inp file ready for analysis in Abaqus. First of all, property database is created. It is very important to import properties’ plugin and make sure that the name of the property database (which can be essentially arbitrary) is consistently followed through the rest of the process, because this is where all the properties of the entire structure are stored and read from. Next, final Formex is converted into TriSurface so that nodes and elements can be easily obtained. These will be required later, during the export of .inp file. It is important to note here at this point that we are working with one unique Formex by the name “final” but its constituents – crease and triangles are still having their nodes and elements indirectly associated with them. We assign two properties: “pa” and “pb” which are nothing else but colors (1 and 2 in this example) to triangles and crease respectively. This is not used directly but assists later in creation of two different kinds of element sets that will have different properties assigned to them. After that, a standard procedure for creating material properties, section properties and creation of the sections follows. Once that is done, element properties can be assigned to their respective sets (colours) and saved in the property database. Next, boundary and loaded node sets are defined by the user. A standard procedure for nodal property assignment follows. Finally, nodes, elements and property database, also output requests and loading steps are all put together and an export file of the format .inp is created and run in Abaqus. Analysis of Abaqus An example of loading the crease pattern:  Boundary: edges are pinned  Loading: 6 point loads applied at middle crease gap  Plates are modelled as thin steel shell elements  Crease is modelled as thin glass shell elements
  • 9. 9 Conclusions This project proved that Pyformex indeed offers great assistance and already existing functionality to manipulate both simple and complex geometrical objects with the purpose of either performing Finite Element Analysis directly or preparing the input file for analysis in other FE software programs. It is important to note that further development of the tool is necessary to account for real geometry and improve the simulation of the laboratory experiment. Another valuable conclusion is the reliability aspect of open source software: it was observed that there are multiple errors and functions that do not work properly and/or are not designed and explained completely. The risks of using constantly changing open source software have to be properly assessed and evaluated before important analysis operations are performed. References 1. 2. cularVector/python 3. 2008/video-lectures/lecture-17-finite-elements-in-1d-part-1/
  • 10. 10 Appendix This section features the full Python script used for the process described above. 1. #just trying out some things 2. #importing aaaalllll the stuff, just in case ;) 3. #Please be patient and respectful to the code! Pretty please :) 4. #I am still new to programming 5. 6. 7. import numpy as np 8. import pyformex as pf 9. from mesh import * 10. import utils 11. from lib import misc 12. import os 13. from formex import * 14. from connectivity import connectivity,connectedLineElems,adjacencyArrays 15. from mesh import Mesh 16. import geomtools 17. import fileread,filewrite 18. import utils 19. import os,tempfile 20. import tempfile 21. from utils import deprecation 22. from pyformex.olist import List 23. from numpy import array,arange 24. from plugins.fe_abq import * 25. from import * 26. from plugins.fe import * 27. from mydict import Dict,CDict 28. import pyformex as GD 29. from datetime import datetime 30. import os,sys 31. from mesh import * #Specifying some fixed variables before start 36. ndiv = 6 37. rf1 = 1 38. rf2 = 1 39. dist = 0.01 40. nel = 36 41. clear() #Read a set of nodes from an open mesh file 47. #Reading geometry 48. a = fromfile('nodes1f.txt',sep=',').reshape(-1,3) 49. a = Coords(a) 50. """print('coords',a)""" 51. """print('printing coordinates',a)""" 52. #Read a set of elemements of plexitude nplex from an open mesh file 53. e = fromfile('elements1f.txt',sep=',',dtype=Int).reshape(-1,3) 54. e = Connectivity(e) 55. """print('now printing elems..',e)""" 56. #Creating the desired formex 57. g = Formex(a[e]).setProp(3) 58. #Converting Formex to an array 59. clear()
  • 11. 11 #Offsetting 66. x = g 67. """print('original coords',x)""" 68. # calculate the cross sectional area of each triangle 69. v1 = x[:, 1, :] - x[:, 0, :] 70. v2 = x[:, 2, :] - x[:, 0, :] 71. # calculate cross product 72. v12 = np.cross(v1, v2,axis=1) 73. # claculate area 74. a = np.array([0.0]*nel) 75. for i in range (0,nel): 76. a[i] = np.linalg.norm(v12[i])/2.0 77. """print('area',a)""" 78. # calculate the edge lengths of each triangle 79. # first edge is at the opposite of the first node. 80. l = np.sqrt(np.sum((x[:, (2, 0, 1), :] - x[:, (1, 2, 0), :]) ** 2, axis=2)) 81. """print('lengths',l)""" 82. # calculate the triangle heights relative to each edge 83. h = 2 * a[:, np.newaxis] / l 84. # get the area coordinate of all points at dist 85. xi_dist = dist / h 86. # construct the combinations of all three coords 87. # and calculate the third triangular coordinate. 88. cxi0 = np.c_[1 - xi_dist[:, 2] - xi_dist[:, 1], xi_dist[:, 1], xi_dist[:, 2]] 89. cxi1 = np.c_[xi_dist[:, 0], 1 - xi_dist[:, 0] - xi_dist[:, 2], xi_dist[:, 2]] 90. cxi2 = np.c_[xi_dist[:, 0], xi_dist[:, 1], 1 - xi_dist[:, 0] - xi_dist[:, 1]] 91. cx = np.array([cxi0, cxi1, cxi2], dtype='f') 92. # get the shifted nodal coordinates 93. xs = np.einsum('lik,ikj->ilj', cx, x) 94. F = Formex(xs) 95. draw(F) #Creation of the crease 100. #now make a loop to go around each of the entries of adj and call it "el_nr" 101. gg = g 102. adj = g.toMesh().adjacency(1,2) 103. """print('adjacency :)',adj)""" 104. bigcrease = Formex([]) 105. for el_nr in range (0,36) 106. if adj[el_nr][0] == -1: 107. lim = 1 108. else: 109. lim = 0 110. #this inside loop is looping through adjacent elements 111. for i in range (lim,3): 112. i = adj[el_nr][i] 113. j = el_nr 114. n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6=0,0,0,0,0,0 115. for iii in range (0,3): 116. if length(gg[i][0]-gg[j][iii])==0: 117. n1=F[i][0] 118. n2=F[j][iii] 119. for iii in range (0,3): 120. if length(gg[i][1]-gg[j][iii])==0:
  • 12. 12 121. n3=F[i][1] 122. n4=F[j][iii] 123. for iii in range (0,3): 124. if length(gg[i][2]-gg[j][iii])==0: 125. n5=F[i][2] 126. n6=F[j][iii] 127. if length(n1) == 0: 128. point1=n3 129. point2=n4 130. point3=n5 131. point4=n6 132. if length(n3) == 0: 133. point1=n1 134. point2=n2 135. point3=n5 136. point4=n6 137. if length(n5) == 0: 138. point1=n1 139. point2=n2 140. point3=n3 141. point4=n4 142. # run through all of the "bigcrease" elements 143. # check if the crease is already created 144. cr_nr = (size(length(bigcrease)))/4 145. ii = cr_nr 146. counting = 1 147. """print('size of big crease is',cr_nr)""" 148. for cr_nr in range (0,ii-1): 149. check = Formex([bigcrease[cr_nr]]) 150. current = Formex([[point1,point3,point4,point2]]) 151. if (check[0][0][0]==current[0][3][0]) and (check[0][1][0]==current[0][2][0]) and (check[0][0][2]==current[0][3][2]) and check[0][0][0] > 0: 152. counting = 0 153. if counting == 1: 154. bigcrease = bigcrease.setProp(2) + Formex([[point1,point3,point4,point2]]).setProp(2) 155. #Subdivision 162. #First split the crease into rectangular elements 163. #Then take each rectangular element and split it into triangles 164. #To keep consistent with global Formex plexiture 165. endcrease = Formex([]) 166. creasef = Formex([]) 167. for number in range (0,46): 168. crease = Formex([bigcrease[number]]) 169. crease = crease.toMesh() 170. crease = crease.subdivide(ndiv,1) 171. crease = crease.toFormex() 172. for i in range(0,ndiv): 173. creasei = Formex([crease[i]]) 174. creasei = (((creasei.toMesh()).subdivide(rf1,rf2)).toSurface()).toFormex() 175. creasef = creasef + creasei 176. endcrease = endcrease + creasef 177. clear() 178. draw(endcrease) 179. FF = Formex(xs).toMesh().toSurface().subdivide(ndiv)
  • 13. 13 # Assigning Properties 189. clear() 190. F = FF 191. crease_f = endcrease 192. draw(Formex(FF + endcrease)) 193. PDB = PropertyDB() 194. # Turn the Formex structure into a TriSurface 195. # This guarantees that element i of the Formex is element i of the TriSurface 196. S = TriSurface(F+crease_f) 197. nodes = S.coords 198. elems = S.elems # the triangles 199. # So now we have F (domain A) and crease_f (domain B): two ready formices 200. #Make sure property numbers never clash! 201. pa,pb = 1,2 #properties corresponding to domains A and B 202. F.setProp(pa) 203. crease_f.setProp(pb) 204. parts = [F,crease_f] 205. #Transfer properties from the parts in a global set 206. elemprops = concatenate([part.prop for part in parts]) 207. # Create element sets according to the properties pa,pb: 208. esets = {} 209. esets.update([(v,where(elemprops==v)[0]) for v in [pa,pb]]) 210. # Set element properties 211. # This is where one can say that element groups will be different abq eltypes 212. # creating some section and material properties 213. steel = { 214. 'name': 'steel', 215. 'young_modulus': 3e+10, 216. 'poisson_ratio': 0.2, 217. 'density': 2500, 218. } 219. glass = { 220. 'name': 'glass', 221. 'young_modulus': 72000, 222. 'shear_modulus': 26200, 223. 'density': 2.5, 224. } 225. medium_plate = { 226. 'name': 'glass_plate', 227. 'sectiontype': 'shell', 228. 'thickness': 0.006, 229. 'material': 'glass', 230. } 231. thin_plate = { 232. 'name': 'glass_plate', 233. 'sectiontype': 'shell', 234. 'thickness': 0.002, 235. 'material': 'glass', 236. } 237. tube = { 238. 'name':'tube', 239. 'cross_section': 799, 240. 'moment_inertia_11': 1000, 241. 'sectiontype': 'GENERAL', 242. 'moment_inertia_22': 1500, 243. 'moment_inertia_12': 1230, 244. 'torsional_constant': 900, 245. 'material': 'steel',
  • 14. 14 246. } 247. tubesection = ElemSection(section=tube,material=steel) 248. facetsection = ElemSection(secton=medium_plate,material=steel) 249. creasesection = ElemSection(section=thin_plate,material=glass) 250. #writing properties 251. PDB.elemProp(set=esets[pa],section=facetsection,eltype='S3R') 252. PDB.elemProp(set=esets[pb],section=creasesection,eltype='S3R') 253. # populate the property database 254. #Boundary nodes 255. bnodes = [1,2,3,50,51,52,53] 256. #Loaded nodes 257. lnodes = [240] 258. # Set the nodal properties 259. PDB.nodeProp(tag='init',set=bnodes,name='boundary',bound='pinned') 260. PDB.nodeProp(tag='step1',set=lnodes,name='Loaded',cload=[0.,0.,- 800.,0.,0.,0.]) 261. # Request default output plus output of S in elements of part B. 262. # If the abqdata are written with group_by_group==True (see at bottom), 263. # all elements of each group in elems will be collected in a set named 264. # Eset('grp',index), where index is the index of the group in the elems list. 265. # Thus, all elements of part B will end up in Eset('grp',1) 266. out = [ Output(type='history'), 267. Output(type='field') 268. ] 269. # Create requests for output to the .fil file. 270. # - the displacements in all nodes 271. # - the stress components in all elements 272. # - the stresses averaged at the nodes 273. # - the principal stresses and stress invariants in the elements of part B. 274. # (add output='PRINT' to get the results printed in the .dat file) 275. res = [ Result(kind='NODE',keys=['U']), 276. Result(kind='ELEMENT',keys=['S']), 277. Result(kind='ELEMENT',keys=['S'],pos='AVERAGED AT NODES') 278. ] 279. # Define steps (default is static) 280. step1 = Step(time=[0.1, 1., 1e-05, 1.],tags=['step1'],name='step1',out=out,res=res) 281. # collect all data 282. # !! currently output/result request are global to all steps 283. # !! this will be changed in future 284. # 285. fe_model = Dict(dict(solver='Abaqus',nodes=nodes,elems=elems,prop=PDB)) 286. export({'fe_model':fe_model}) 287. FE = named('fe_model') 288. nodes = FE.nodes 289. elems = FE.elems 290. prop = FE.prop 291. model = Model(nodes,elems) 292. data = AbqData(model,PDB,steps=[step1],bound=['init']) 293. if ack('Export this model in ABAQUS input format?',default='No'): 294. fn = askNewFilename(filter='*.inp') 295. if fn: 296. data.write(jobname=fn,group_by_group=True) 297. 298. # End