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                AUGUST 2010
Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Jargon Buster



   Purpose of the Workshop

   The national policy context: Transforming Adult Social Care

Creating a User Led Organisation: What has happened so far?

The Purpose of the workshop

Workshop Summary

   Key Recommendations from the Workshop:

The Guest Speakers

Question and Answer Session

Possible roles for the User Led Organisation

Appendix 1:

Organisations who attended

Appendix 2: Documents

Appendix 3: Equality, Diversity and Evaluation of Event

Appendix 4: Redbridge User Led Organisation Road Map

Executive Summary                                 4. Go out and meet people
                                                  Connect with individual organisations to
                                                  explain the User Led Organisation process
                                                  and the reasons for it. This should include
                                                  minority groups and groups supporting
The Vision
                                                  people with learning difficulties.
Promoting independence,
                                                  5. Language we use
inclusive living and a credible                   Other groups, carers, older people, minority
voice for everyone who uses                       organisations, must feel more involved in

services in Redbridge                             this process. For example, the term ‘user of
                                                  services’ might be misleading.

The Key Messages
                                                  Social care is an issue that can touch the
1. The Role of User Led Organisation.             lives of every family whether we are carers,
The express wish of attendees was that the
                                                  old or young, disabled people, experiencing
User Led Organisation should have a
                                                  mental health conditions or from a black
prominent ‘engagement’ role in Redbridge.
                                                  and ethnic minority group. People who use
This is compatible with a brokerage type of
                                                  local services and their families want and
                                                  expect choice, control, dignity, respect and
2. Tell people what the User Led                  equality to be at the heart of service
   Organisation is doing                          provision. People also quite rightly insist on
The User Led Organisation should have its
                                                  the right type of support and care. All these
own website to publicise all decisions and
                                                  elements are essential to ensure that
                                                  everyone has the opportunity to make the
3. Involve more service users                     most of their chances in their life as well as
Greater involvement of users of services is       to lead fulfilling, flourishing and purposeful
essential. This might be achieved via the         lives.
Redbridge User Reference Group. Users of
                                                  The journey for the Redbridge community
services must have greater influence upon
                                                  started back in June 2009 when Adult
decisions made by the Steering Group.
                                                  Social Care and local grassroots
                                                  organisations in Redbridge agreed to

explore the potential of setting up a User
Led Organisation (ULO) in Redbridge. Over            The Guest Speakers
the last year, the ULO Steering Group has
                                                     The first part of the day was given over to
talked to a wide range of people and
                                                     three main speakers. They were John
organisations culminating in the Workshop
                                                     Powell, the Director of Adult Social Services
at the end of April 2010: ‘Nothing about us
                                                     in Redbridge, Nick Danagher, a member of
without us’
                                                     Equality 2025, UK Government Network on
The event received wide support.           81        Disability Equality and Neil Nerva, part of the
people attended of which over half identified         London Division of the Department of
themselves as users of local services. There         Health. Each spoke about how important
were also representatives or users from over         this development is and how committed
30 different organisations including: social         they were to establishing a ULO & Centre
care; the NHS; independent;       third sector       for Independent Living in Redbridge it.
and service user organisations. A wide and           Indeed, it should be remembered that
diverse range of people turned up including:         without Transforming Adult Social Services
carers; older people; people with a learning         funding to support this process from the
disability; people with mental health                London Borough of Redbridge it is unlikely
conditions; physical and sensory                     we could have got to this point in the User
impairments; long term chronic conditions;           Led Organisation’s development.
young and old and people from minority
communities.                                         The Role of the User Led Organi-
The Purpose of the workshop
                                                     The rest of the day was given over to the
The purpose was, first, to inform them of
                                                     Workshop participants.       They were first
the progress that had been made in
                                                     asked for their opinions about the progress
Redbridge towards developing a User Led
                                                     so far. In the second part participants were
Organisation. Second, was to ask
                                                     asked to select the roles they wanted the
participants what roles a User Led
                                                     User Led Organisation to play in Redbridge.
Organisation should play in Redbridge.
                                                     Overwhelmingly, the participants wanted it
These objectives are in line with the
                                                     to be a “Campaigning organization” that
Transforming Adult Social Care initiative.
                                                     gives a louder voice to people that may not
From April 2011, “anybody who receives
                                                     be able to express their needs as individuals
social care support will have genuine choice
                                                     and a One-stop shop that could provide
and control over the services they receive
                                                     services including Brokerage
and the way they receive them.”

Strategic Direction

Having listened to the views of local people
we are now ready to take the next step
towards independence.  This report
summarises our vision for the future based
on the findings from the workshops and the
discussion and debates we have had with
various stakeholders, local service users               •   Use and promote plain language
and policy makers over the last year.                   •   Build on the work already provided
                                                            by the voluntary sector, to provide a
   •   It must be controlled and run by the                 unique service, across service user
       people using its services                            and carer groups based on individual
   •   It must be a universal service that                  needs ;
       anyone, experiencing barriers, serv-             •   Let people know what it is doing and
       ice user or not, will be welcome to                  involve more seldom heard citizens
       use                                                  using a range of methods including
   •   Empower people to have greater                       an internet website, easy read and
       control over their lives, by helping                 translated material etc 
       them make meaningful choices                     •   Promote  greater inclusion, inde-
   •   give people a louder voice to influ-                  pendence and health and well being
       ence decisions that affect their lives           •   Work with local organisations to as-
   •   take forward issues voiced by  the                   sist with the delivery of local strategic
       membership including those raised                    priorities.
       at the workshops                                 •   It must meet its obligations and
   •   Provide advice, information and bro-                 commitments to funders
       kerage support

               User Led Organisation Steering Group Members

Age Concern Redbridge - London Borough of Redbridge - Redbridge Carers Support
Service - Redbridge Concern For Mental Health - Redbridge LINk - Redbridge Disability
Association - Redbridge Forum for People with a Learning Disability - Redbridge People
First - RUN-UP - The Daffodil Advocacy Project - RADAR (The Royal Association for
Disability Rights) - Refugee and Migrant Forum for East London - Redbridge Children &
Young People's Network

Jargon Buster                                        Commissioning

                                                     The process by which local authorities
                                                     decide how to spend their money to get the
It is helpful to set out some definitions of
                                                     best possible services for local people.
words and phrases used in this report.
                                                     Direct payments
User Led Organisation
                                                     These are monthly payments given to
User-led organisations are those where the
                                                     service users as the means of controlling
people who the organisation represents or
                                                     their own care - allowing more choice and
provides a service to, have a majority on the
                                                     flexibility. They enable people to purchase
Management Committee or Board, and
                                                     their own care rather than use council
where there is clear accountability to
members and / or service users.
                                                     Individual budgets
                                                     Individual budgets (IBs)  give a clear
The scope of the Broker’s role includes
                                                     allocation of cash to an individual to control
helping people to identify the changes they
                                                     the way money is spent to meet his or her
want to make to their lives; find support
                                                     care needs. IBs can bring together a variety
services and community opportunities that
                                                     of income streams from different agencies
the person requires; negotiate with
                                                     as well as social care. People can use
providers and prepare community resources
                                                     individual budgets to 'buy' services from
as necessary; cost and write a support plan
                                                     public, private and voluntary sectors.
and identify and obtain funding.
                                                     Independent living
Centre for Independent Living
                                                     Means having choice and control over your
Centres of independent living are grass
roots organisations run and controlled by
people who use local services. Their aims            Inclusive living
are that people who use services should
                                                     Means being fully included in your
have control over their lives and achieve full
participation in society. They work towards
these aims by representing peoples views             Outcomes
both nationally and locally, and by providing
                                                     The end results or impact something has on
services which promote independent living.
                                                     a service user's life eg. Improved quality of

Personal budget                                     replace the current care management
                                                    process over the next three years
This is an individual budget made up solely
of social care funding.                             Service users
                                                    Service user means people who need
                                                    support and / or equipment in order to go
The process by which state provided                 about their daily lives and who use services
services can be adapted to suit service             that are provided as part of the welfare
users. This means everyone having choice            state.
and control over the shape of their support
along with a greater emphasis on prevention         User-led Groups
and early intervention.
                                                    Are groups run by and for the people they
Putting People First                                speak up for. The group is managed and
                                                    controlled by its members
The Government's shared vision and
commitment to the transformation of adult           The social model of disability
social care
                                                    Says that the problem is not someone’s
ReSURG                                              impairment, illness, frailty or learning
                                                    disability but instead, the problem is that
ReSURG is the Redbridge Service User
                                                    they don’t have the support, equipment or
Reference Group. It was set up to provide
                                                    housing they need and they don’t have
service user and carer input into the work
                                                    choice and control over their daily lives.
that Adult Social Services are doing to
                                                    Although the social model of disability was
develop more personalised social care. This
                                                    initially developed by people with physical
is a role that the ULO will carry out in the
                                                    impairments, it is just as relevant to people
future. However, as the ULO Steering Group
                                                    with a learning disability, older people, and
is busy setting up the new organisation, it
                                                    people with mental health support needs.
was decided to set up ReSURG as an
interim measure, with a plan for it to merge
with the ULO when the time is right.

Self-Directed Support

This is the name given to the change in the
way the whole social care system operates
to give service users the choice, control and
power over the support they receive. It will


This is a Report of the views and
conclusions of service users and                   Social Care, is to develop ways of ensuring
organisations that attended the ‘Nothing           people can exercise choice and control over
about us without us’ Workshop on Tuesday           their lives. To help give them a voice on
27th April 2010. This event was essential to       service development through advocacy and
ensure that people locally learnt about what       brokerage support linked to the
had happened so far. Also, it was important        development of a User Led Organisations in
that people are involved in all future             each region.
decisions about the role a User Led
                                                   The second reason for this Workshop was
Organisation would have in Redbridge.
                                                   to ask the participants what roles a User
Purpose of the Workshop                            Led Organisation in Redbridge should
There were two reasons why we asked                have?      The purpose of a User Led
people who use local services to attend this       Organisation is to help the London Borough
Workshop. First, it was to inform them of          of Redbridge meet its agenda for
the progress that had been made in                 Transforming Social Care (TASC) locally.
Redbridge in developing a User Led
                                                   The national policy context:
Organisation. One of the central
                                                   Transforming Adult Social Care
requirements identified by the Department
                                                   There has been a gathering policy
of Health Strategy “Putting People
First” (see Appendix 1); Transforming Adult        momentum leading to local authority and
                                                   health service reform. A number of key

messages and themes have emerged in                  responsibilities) should have a user-led
particular that public sector services will          organisation modelled on existing Centres
have to change the way they look after               for Independent Living”[see appendix 2].
people. In particular by putting service users
                                                     Putting People First (December 2007) has
at the heart of the process; enabling them
                                                     an objective “Support for at least one local
to decide what care, support or service will
                                                     user led organisation and mainstream
meet their needs in the best way possible,
                                                     mechanisms to develop networks which
how it should be provided with an emphasis
                                                     ensure people using services and their
on supporting people to live independently
                                                     families have a collective voice, influencing
and to have choice and control over the
                                                     policy and provision”.[see appendix 2]
way they wish to live their lives

“A User Led Organisation is an organisation that is run and controlled by
 people who use support services including people with physical and/or
 sensory impairments, mental health service users, people with a learn-
 ing difficulty, older people, and their families and carers.

 Social Care Institute for excellence (2009)
In January 2005, in Improving the life               The March 2009 Transforming Adult Social
chances of disabled people, the                      Care local authority circular (LAC) states that
Government set out an ambitious vision that          a core component should be “An enabling
“By 2025, disabled people in Britain should          framework to ensure people can exercise
have full opportunities and choices to               choice and control with accessible
improve their quality of life and will be            advocacy, peer support and brokerage
respected and included as equal members              systems with strong links to user led
of society.”[1] Promoting independent living         organisations. Where ULOs do not exist, a
and the active participation of disabled             strategy to foster, stimulate and develop
people in the design, delivery and                   user led organisations locally.”[Appendix 2]
monitoring of resources and services are
                                                     The Local Authority intends to change the
recognised as being fundamental to the
                                                     way services are provided to adults  in
process of improving their life chances.
                                                     Redbridge. From April 2011 “anybody who
Improving the life chances of disabled               receives social care support will have
people also made the recommendation that             genuine choice and control over the
“By 2010, each locality (defined as that area         services they receive and the way they
covered by a Council with social services            receive them. (see Appendix 1 for link)

There are four areas in which this will be         • SOCIAL CAPITAL. This is key and
achieved.                                           means engaging with people to show
                                                    them how they can influence the decisions
The four areas are:
                                                    that affect their lives. People who have
• UNIVERSAL SERVICES. This                          support needs, their carers and others
 means creating general support and                 who find support difficult to access need
 services available to everyone locally             to be encouraged to be part of those
 (universal services). These services               discussions about community life.
 including things like transport, leisure,
                                                   How The User Led Organisation
 education, health, housing, community
 safety and access to information and              helps this
 advice.                                           A User-Led Organisation will play an
                                                   important role in transforming the way
                                                   services are delivered. It will be a vehicle
                                                   through which people can make their views
 about the support available to assist
                                                   know. The User-Led Organisation will also
 people who need a little more help, at an
                                                   deliver unique services that people want
 early stage to stay independent for as long
                                                   and cannot be easily run by smaller
 as possible. For example, support to
                                                   organizations. Finally, it will be the place
 recover from the effects of illness or help
                                                   where advice and information can be easily
 to manage a long- term condition from
 someone with experience of a similar
 condition. It can even be job training,           Redbridge began the process of creating a
 gardening or exercise.                            local User Led Organisation in March 2009
                                                   with a Report to the Redbridge Health &
                                                   Social Care Advisory Committee (Appendix
 about self-directed support. This means           1). Since then a number events have taken
 having services available to meet people’s
                                                   place, which have lead to where we are
 needs rather than people having to fit in          today.
 with the things on offer. People who need
 support should be able to choose who
 provides that support, and control when
 and where the services are provided.

Creating a User Led Organisation:
What has happened so far?

     DATE                                        EVENT

   April 2009   Public meeting about how TASC will inform the Commissioning Strategy

  June 2009     Developing a User Led Organisation in Redbridge Workshop: This began
                discussions with service users and existing user led organisations about
                how to become a User Led Organisation – (see appendix 2 for doc).

September 2009 Workshop to Develop a model for User and Carer involvement. From this
                Workshop the Redbridge User Reference Group was established
                (ReSURG) – (see appendix 2 for doc).

 October 2009   The Voluntary Sector produced their ‘ROAD MAP” to the establishment
                of a ULO – (see appendix 1 for Road Map link)

November 2009 London Borough of Redbridge accepted the Report and Road Map as
                the route to be taken to establish a ULO in Redbridge.

 January 2010   First meeting of User Led Organisation Steering Group. This group is
                charged with creating the User Led Organisation.

  March 2010    ReSURG met and endorsed progress so far.
   April 2010   Stakeholder Group met and chose structure of the User Led

The Purpose of the workshop

                                                                  The Visual Journey

                                                                  To aid the recording of the
                                                                  event, a graphic artist (Ryan
                                                                  Jones) was commissioned to
                                                                  capture people’s views in a
                                                                  graphical representation. Quite,
                                                                  simply this provided a visual
                                                                representation of everything that
                                                   happened at the Workshop. This picture
The first aim of the workshop was to ask
participants for their views about the             was in the form of a journey. This allowed
                                                   people to follow the proceedings visually,
progress made so far towards establishing a
User Led Organisation in Redbridge. The            and enabled the artist to capture all the
                                                   presentations, the responses of the
second aim was to ask attendees to state
their preferred choice of role a User Led          attendees, and feedback at the event.

Organisation might have in Redbridge. The          Limitations
choices were set within Transforming Adult
Social Care Agenda. They also had an               The scope of the Workshop was to provide
opportunity to raise any “burning issues”          information about the progress of the User-

that they had and which would be recorded          Led Organisation’s development and, more
and taken up at a later date. Finally,             i m p o r t a n t l y, t o g i v e a t t e n d e e s t h e

evaluation forms were handed out at the            opportunity to influence the next steps in its
end of the event to give participants the          development. Its aim was also to encourage

opportunity to comment on the quality of           greater involvement in this process. There
the Workshop and also to suggest ways in           were no pre-meetings to better inform

which to improve communication and                 attendees. This did place some at a
subsequent involvement..                           disadvantage. Nor did we distinguish
                                                   between employees of organisations and
                                                   service users when we asked for people’s

views. It is estimated that more than half of        significantly influence what the User Led
those who attended were made up of                   Organisation will eventually do.
people who use services. Finally, attendees
                                                     Despite widespread publicity, it is likely that
were asked to choose the role they wished
                                                     many people were unaware of this event or
to see the User Led Organisation adopt in
                                                     could not attend. This Workshop is only one
Redbridge. They were reminded that the
                                                     small part of the engagement and
role of the User Led Organisation has yet to
                                                     involvement of users of services in
be determined. Their views would not be
                                                     Redbridge. There will be many subsequent
binding and the User Led Organisation
                                                     meetings and events, large and small, to
might do other things. However, their
                                                     maintain the momentum begun at this
opinions stated at this Workshop will

             ULOs are local and driven by what their
             users know works for them. With the
             right level of resources they could be a
             power-house for social change towards
             full participation for all as equal citizens
             because their voice is authentic.
             Maynard-Campbell 2007

Workshop Summary

The workshop involved 81 participants.              Local Authority Circular (March 2010 - see
These included service users and voluntary          appendix 2 for reference) based on the
sector organisations. The purpose of the            principles of “nothing about us without us”.
event was to, first, inform them of the
                                                    According to the Circular: “This is a phrase
progress that had been made in Redbridge
in developing a User Led Organisation. The          widely used by those users and carers who
                                                    want to contribute to the transformation of
second was to ask the participants what
roles the User Led Organisation in                  services. At the heart of personalisation are
                                                    the principles of empowering customers to
Redbridge could potentially take on.
                                                    take more control over their lives, and to
Key Recommendations from the                        assist them in making choices as to how
Workshop:                                           and when their care and support needs are
1.	    The Role of User Led                         met. It is expected that not only will all

Organisation                                        service users understand what the changes
                                                    will mean for them but also that those who
The express wish of attendees was that the          want to contribute to the development of
User Led Organisation should have a                 new services and new ideas can do so
prominent ‘engagement’ role in Redbridge            alongside the local authority as partners in
and to act as a forum where users of local          delivering the local transformation.”
services can voice their views and opinions
                                                    This is also clearly compatible with a
in effect to be a ‘coalition of voices’ .
                                                    brokerage type of function.
This clearly ties in with the transformation
programme set out by Department of Health

     Tell people what the User
Led Organisation is doing                          4.	    Go out and meet people
The User Led Organisation should have its
                                                   Meet with individual organisations to explain
own website to publicise all decisions and         the User Led Organisation process and the
                                                   reasons for it. This should include minority
3.	     Involve more service users                 groups and groups supporting people with
                                                   learning difficulties and a learning disability.
Greater involvement of users of services is
essential. This might be done via the              5.	    Language we use
Redbridge User Reference Group. They               Other groups, carers, older people, minority
must have greater influence upon decisions
                                                   organisations, must feel more involved in
made by the Steering Group.                        this process. For example, the term ‘user of
                                                   services’ might be misleading.

              A lot of thought is going into forming a User Led Organisa-
              tion which will co-ordinate many issues that other smaller
              organisations either struggle or cannot cope with. In es-
              sence to give a stronger voice to people with a disability
              so they do not remain invisible.


be to the Local Authority in helping it deliver
                                                     better services in Redbridge.
The Guest Speakers
                                                     We would like to take this opportunity to
                                                     thank the London Borough of Redbridge for
John Powell, Director of Adult
                                                     the many thousands of pounds they have
Social Services                                      committed to this Project.
John reminded us of the London Borough               A special thanks, also, to John for finding
of Redbridge’s great commitment to choice            the time to attend, despite being delayed
and control for all users of services. Also,         abroad by the Icelandic Volcanic Ash!
how important a User-Led Organisation will

Supporting people to become active citizens would be part of providing in-
formation. There’s no point in just having information for information’s
sake. There are lots of elements on this list which could be put together.

N i c k D a n a g h e r, m e m b e r o f             undertook at the June 2009 Workshop. Neil

Equality 2025, UK Government                         spoke of the hope to see more adventurous
                                                     services supported by Local Authorities. He,
Network on Disability Equality
                                                     also, recognised the difficulties that might
NICK DANAGHER was also a guest                       be faced when establishing a User Led
speaker. Nick reminded us of the historic            Organisation. However, he applauded the
context of the struggle disabled people have         ‘coalition’ model approach Redbridge has
had to gain control of their lives. The title        chosen to ensure User Led Organisation
‘nothing about us, without us’ is                    representation. He saw it as accountable
symbolic of the purpose of a User Led                and representative, both key to ensuring
Organisation. It is to empower disabled              that the voices of users of services are
people and help them exercise choice and             heard.
control over their lives.
                                                     We would like to thank all the speakers for
Neil Nerva, London Division of the                   taking the time to attend the Workshop.
Department of Health

Like John Powell, NEIL NERVA kindly
reprised his role as guest speaker, a role he

Question and                                         families did not use information technology.
                                                     They would be penalised. The User Led
Answer Session                                       Organisation should ensure all had equal
                                                     access to information.
This session followed a description of what
                                                     Some also felt the language used in the
had taken place over the last year in
                                                     workshop was far too complex and
developing the User-Led Organisation.
                                                     excluded many who attended. It was
People were invited to ask questions in
                                                     suggested that smaller meetings to explain
response to what they had heard. Below is
                                                     the issues more clearly would be very
a summary of the themes that came from
those questions.
                                                     Concerns raised about what a
Confusion about the ULO’s role
                                                     User Led Organisation would be
and how we can get involved

                                                     A large User Led Organisation that
Many people felt they or their organisation          represented everybody would lose the
had not had an opportunity to get involved.          ‘spontaneity’ of a smaller organisation.
It was suggested that those responsible              There was little trust in a very conservative
should have smaller meetings with individual         Local authority to be innovative with
groups to explain what had happened.                 services. Can we believe in all this ‘user
                                                     control’ rhetoric? The view was that there
The User Led Organisation could
                                                     was no outcome-based accountability when
be the interface between a union                     performance measures fail to be delivered.
of small organisations, users and                    “Whose measures do we accept? What
the local authority                                  about the outcomes that the users have?”

It was felt that services and service user           How it relates to us: Real Life
groups were very fragmented. That,
                                                     A few users gave examples of being bullied
participation of users and their organisation
                                                     and harassed by children or neighbours
were always after the decisions had been
                                                     because of their disability or beliefs. They
made. Users were merely asked to ‘rubber
                                                     wanted a User Led Organisation that
stamp’ decisions already made.
                                                     considered wider social issues to be
The ULO must be accessible to all                    important, not just social care issues.

There was a concern that key information             They considered early intervention and
would only be web based. Many users and              prevention to be vital. A User Led

Organisation should use and support the           It is important to state here that all the focus
existing voluntary sector to have area            is on adult social care. The funding of the
meetings especially to break down stigma          User Led Organisation and the people it will
at grass-roots level.                             be expected to assist will be adults who use
                                                  adult social care services. It is not yet clear if
The User Led Organisation and
                                                  this will include young people in ‘transition’
children and carer’s of disabled                  or not.

People who are carers of disabled children
wanted to know whether the User Led
Organisation would represent them?

      When you look at the feedback people gave, most of the points
      made were about individual rights. We need to be able to advo-
      cate for our communities. Our voices need to be heard first –
      who is campaigning for you? It’s not campaigning where you tie
      yourself to railings but about having clear representation to the
      local authority.


Possible roles for the User Led

We asked the participants what roles they             4. Supporting people to be active
thought a User-Led Organisation should                    citizens (community engagement).
have? To assist this process, the attendees
were given a list of 5 options to choose              5. Building and supporting community
from.                                                    network

The list from which people were asked              The Most Popular Choice:                  A
to select from were:                               campaigning voice that empowers and
                                                   engages local service users

   1. A One-Stop Information Shop.                 Of this, attendees said:

   2. A centre to help people to plan and          “When you look at the feedback people
      find  the care and support services           gave, most of the points made were about
      they need (Brokerage).
                                                   individual rights. We need to be able to
   3. A campaigning organisation.                  advocate for our communities. Our voices
                                                   need to be heard first – who is campaigning
                                                   for you? It’s not campaigning where you tie

yourself to railings but about having clear
representation to the local authority.”                Also:

     Also:                                             “Our organisation is isolated because
                                                       we are faith based. It makes it harder
     “Are we reinventing the wheel with
                                                       for us to be integrated with the wider
     some of these ideas? It would be
                                                       range of groups, which has
     useful to capacity build the existing
                                                       implications for our funding.”
     organisations to provide the best care,
     but the campaigning issue is the most
     important potential function of a ULO.
     Is there an issue of not actually being
     able to campaign if you are in receipt
     of public money? You can’t criticise

     the local council if they are funding
     you.”                                           “Supporting people to become active
                                                     citizens would be part of providing in-
Second most popular choice: One stop                 formation. There’s no point in just hav-
shop and a Brokerage service                         ing information for information’s sake.
                                                     There are lots of elements on this list
The majority of attendees agreed that both           which could be put together.”
a one-stop shop and brokerage and advice
are services they would like the User Led
Organisation to run.
     “There was a concern of what you
     mean by a one stop shop. If it’s just a
     leaflet drop then forget it. But if it
     offered brokerage and campaigning
     we could accept that. But we thought
     a ULO should incorporate all the
     options and no one could exist without
     the other. So we thought the ULO
     should be a hub which actually
     undertakes the campaigning on behalf
     of individuals, but the overriding thing
     about it is for it to maintain its
     independence and autonomy.”

Appendix 1:
Organisations who attended
Air Football                                 Refugee & Migrant Forum of East Lon-
Department of Health                         don (RAMFEL)

Indigo Project - Transition Group            Re-Start (working with ex-offenders)

Intake and Brief Intervention Team           Richmond Fellowship Employment
                                             Service Redbridge
Interface Redbridge

Jewish Care's Mitkadem Centre for            RUN-UP

Wellbeing                                    Sikh Community Care Project

London Borough of Redbridge                  Springboard

NHS Redbridge                                The Daffodil Advocacy Project

North East London NHS Foundation             The Royal Association for Disability
Trust                                        Rights

Pensioner's Forum                            Thinkarts

People's Platform                            Uniting Friends

Redbridge Carers Support Service

Redbridge Concern For Mental Health         Thanks to:

Redbridge CVS                               Maddy Edwards, BASIS Coach

Redbridge Disability Association            Maggie and her team at the Blue River Cafe

Redbridge Forum for People with a           Ryan Jones, the graphic artist
Learning Disability
                                            The Parish Church & Community Centre of
Redbridge Indian Welfare Association        St Paul's Goodmayes for use of the venue.
Redbridge Link
                                            Chris Wyatt and the Redbridge Music
Redbridge Music Lounge                      Lounge

Redbridge People First                      Roxanne Keynejad, for taking the notes and
Redbridge Resource Centre                   collating them

Redbridge Transport                         Elliott Tucker for producing a film of the

Appendix 2:

Developing a model for Service User and Carer Involvement in the Transforming Adult Social
Care Programme, Sept 2009. (Search on ‘transforming‘)
accessed May 6, 2010

Developing a User Led Organisation in Redbridge, June 2009
(Search on ‘transforming‘) accessed May 6, 2010

Putting people first: a shared vision and commitment to the transformation of adult social
care; DH (2007)
PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_081118 accessed May 6, 2010

P u t t i n g P e o p l e F i r s t : Tr a n s f o r m i n g A d u l t S o c i a l C a r e w e b s i t e : h t t p : / / accessed May 6, 2010

Redbridge User Led Organisation Update to REDBRIDGE HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE
ADVISORY COMMITTEE, March 2009. (search on
‘transforming‘) accessed May 6, 2010

Road Map - Redbridge ULO Roadmap Stakeholder Event October 22nd Endorse Report
Accountability to users of ULO Relationship to stakeholders Next Step. http:// (Search on ‘Road Map’) accessed May 6, 2010

Local Authority Circular LAC (DH) (29 March 2010) 1, TRANSFORMING ADULT SOCIAL
CARE – the Social Care Reform Grants,

Appendix 3:
Equality, Diversity and Evaluation of Event

 Ethnicity (Some of the categories below reflect self-defined identities)

                        6%    2%
                   2%              10%
                                                                     Black African
                                                  4%                 Black Caribbean
                                                                     Mixed Ethnicity
                                                                     White British
                                                                     White Irish
                                                                     Brown British
                                                                     Did Not Respond


 Faith               12%


                                                   44%                Hindu
                                                                      Did not Respond


                        15%        2%

Age                                    6%

                                         6%        2%
                                    2%                      10%
                                  2%                                                    25 to 34
                                                                                        35 to 49
                                                                       6%               50 to 65
                                                                                 Black African
                                                                            4%   Black Caribbean
                                                                                        Under 25
                                                                                        Did not respond
                19%                                                              Mixed Ethnicity
                                                                                 White British
                                                                                 White Irish
                                                                           47%   Brown British
                                                                                 Did Not Respond


I found out all I
wanted to know                                6%


                                                                                         Strongly agree
                                                                                         Don't know
                                                                                         Did not answer



Appendix 4:      Redbridge User Led Organisation Road Map







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                   @3+/!A+6!?/0&('3&.'*(!!                                          ?/0&('3&.'*(!!




Produced and published by Redbridge Concern for Mental Health

To discuss the report please contact:

Jon Abrams

020 8925 2435

Equality         Choice





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Report of Redbridge DPULO workshop, August 2010

  • 2.
  • 3. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Jargon Buster 5 Introduction 7 Background 7 Purpose of the Workshop 7 The national policy context: Transforming Adult Social Care 7 Creating a User Led Organisation: What has happened so far? 10 The Purpose of the workshop 11 Workshop Summary 13 Key Recommendations from the Workshop: 13 The Guest Speakers 15 Question and Answer Session 16 Possible roles for the User Led Organisation 18 Appendix 1: 20 Organisations who attended 20 Appendix 2: Documents 21 Appendix 3: Equality, Diversity and Evaluation of Event 22 Appendix 4: Redbridge User Led Organisation Road Map 24 1
  • 4. Executive Summary 4. Go out and meet people Connect with individual organisations to explain the User Led Organisation process and the reasons for it. This should include minority groups and groups supporting The Vision people with learning difficulties. Promoting independence, 5. Language we use inclusive living and a credible Other groups, carers, older people, minority voice for everyone who uses organisations, must feel more involved in services in Redbridge this process. For example, the term ‘user of services’ might be misleading. The Key Messages Social care is an issue that can touch the 1. The Role of User Led Organisation. lives of every family whether we are carers, The express wish of attendees was that the old or young, disabled people, experiencing User Led Organisation should have a mental health conditions or from a black prominent ‘engagement’ role in Redbridge. and ethnic minority group. People who use This is compatible with a brokerage type of local services and their families want and function. expect choice, control, dignity, respect and 2. Tell people what the User Led equality to be at the heart of service Organisation is doing provision. People also quite rightly insist on The User Led Organisation should have its the right type of support and care. All these own website to publicise all decisions and elements are essential to ensure that activities. everyone has the opportunity to make the 3. Involve more service users most of their chances in their life as well as Greater involvement of users of services is to lead fulfilling, flourishing and purposeful essential. This might be achieved via the lives. Redbridge User Reference Group. Users of The journey for the Redbridge community services must have greater influence upon started back in June 2009 when Adult decisions made by the Steering Group. Social Care and local grassroots organisations in Redbridge agreed to 2
  • 5. explore the potential of setting up a User Led Organisation (ULO) in Redbridge. Over The Guest Speakers the last year, the ULO Steering Group has The first part of the day was given over to talked to a wide range of people and three main speakers. They were John organisations culminating in the Workshop Powell, the Director of Adult Social Services at the end of April 2010: ‘Nothing about us in Redbridge, Nick Danagher, a member of without us’ Equality 2025, UK Government Network on The event received wide support. 81 Disability Equality and Neil Nerva, part of the people attended of which over half identified London Division of the Department of themselves as users of local services. There Health. Each spoke about how important were also representatives or users from over this development is and how committed 30 different organisations including: social they were to establishing a ULO & Centre care; the NHS; independent; third sector for Independent Living in Redbridge it. and service user organisations. A wide and Indeed, it should be remembered that diverse range of people turned up including: without Transforming Adult Social Services carers; older people; people with a learning funding to support this process from the disability; people with mental health London Borough of Redbridge it is unlikely conditions; physical and sensory we could have got to this point in the User impairments; long term chronic conditions; Led Organisation’s development. young and old and people from minority communities. The Role of the User Led Organi- sation The Purpose of the workshop The rest of the day was given over to the The purpose was, first, to inform them of Workshop participants. They were first the progress that had been made in asked for their opinions about the progress Redbridge towards developing a User Led so far. In the second part participants were Organisation. Second, was to ask asked to select the roles they wanted the participants what roles a User Led User Led Organisation to play in Redbridge. Organisation should play in Redbridge. Overwhelmingly, the participants wanted it These objectives are in line with the to be a “Campaigning organization” that Transforming Adult Social Care initiative. gives a louder voice to people that may not From April 2011, “anybody who receives be able to express their needs as individuals social care support will have genuine choice and a One-stop shop that could provide and control over the services they receive services including Brokerage and the way they receive them.” 3
  • 6. Strategic Direction Having listened to the views of local people we are now ready to take the next step towards independence.  This report summarises our vision for the future based on the findings from the workshops and the discussion and debates we have had with various stakeholders, local service users • Use and promote plain language and policy makers over the last year. • Build on the work already provided by the voluntary sector, to provide a • It must be controlled and run by the unique service, across service user people using its services and carer groups based on individual • It must be a universal service that needs ; anyone, experiencing barriers, serv- • Let people know what it is doing and ice user or not, will be welcome to involve more seldom heard citizens use using a range of methods including • Empower people to have greater an internet website, easy read and control over their lives, by helping translated material etc  them make meaningful choices • Promote  greater inclusion, inde- • give people a louder voice to influ- pendence and health and well being ence decisions that affect their lives • Work with local organisations to as- • take forward issues voiced by  the sist with the delivery of local strategic membership including those raised priorities. at the workshops • It must meet its obligations and • Provide advice, information and bro- commitments to funders kerage support User Led Organisation Steering Group Members Age Concern Redbridge - London Borough of Redbridge - Redbridge Carers Support Service - Redbridge Concern For Mental Health - Redbridge LINk - Redbridge Disability Association - Redbridge Forum for People with a Learning Disability - Redbridge People First - RUN-UP - The Daffodil Advocacy Project - RADAR (The Royal Association for Disability Rights) - Refugee and Migrant Forum for East London - Redbridge Children & Young People's Network 4
  • 7. Jargon Buster Commissioning The process by which local authorities decide how to spend their money to get the It is helpful to set out some definitions of best possible services for local people. words and phrases used in this report. Direct payments User Led Organisation These are monthly payments given to User-led organisations are those where the service users as the means of controlling people who the organisation represents or their own care - allowing more choice and provides a service to, have a majority on the flexibility. They enable people to purchase Management Committee or Board, and their own care rather than use council where there is clear accountability to services. members and / or service users. Individual budgets Brokerage Individual budgets (IBs)  give a clear The scope of the Broker’s role includes allocation of cash to an individual to control helping people to identify the changes they the way money is spent to meet his or her want to make to their lives; find support care needs. IBs can bring together a variety services and community opportunities that of income streams from different agencies the person requires; negotiate with as well as social care. People can use providers and prepare community resources individual budgets to 'buy' services from as necessary; cost and write a support plan public, private and voluntary sectors. and identify and obtain funding. Independent living Centre for Independent Living Means having choice and control over your Centres of independent living are grass life. roots organisations run and controlled by people who use local services. Their aims Inclusive living are that people who use services should Means being fully included in your have control over their lives and achieve full community. participation in society. They work towards these aims by representing peoples views Outcomes both nationally and locally, and by providing The end results or impact something has on services which promote independent living. a service user's life eg. Improved quality of life 5
  • 8. Personal budget replace the current care management process over the next three years This is an individual budget made up solely of social care funding. Service users Service user means people who need Personalisation support and / or equipment in order to go The process by which state provided about their daily lives and who use services services can be adapted to suit service that are provided as part of the welfare users. This means everyone having choice state. and control over the shape of their support along with a greater emphasis on prevention User-led Groups and early intervention. Are groups run by and for the people they Putting People First speak up for. The group is managed and controlled by its members The Government's shared vision and commitment to the transformation of adult The social model of disability social care Says that the problem is not someone’s ReSURG impairment, illness, frailty or learning disability but instead, the problem is that ReSURG is the Redbridge Service User they don’t have the support, equipment or Reference Group. It was set up to provide housing they need and they don’t have service user and carer input into the work choice and control over their daily lives. that Adult Social Services are doing to Although the social model of disability was develop more personalised social care. This initially developed by people with physical is a role that the ULO will carry out in the impairments, it is just as relevant to people future. However, as the ULO Steering Group with a learning disability, older people, and is busy setting up the new organisation, it people with mental health support needs. was decided to set up ReSURG as an interim measure, with a plan for it to merge with the ULO when the time is right. Self-Directed Support This is the name given to the change in the way the whole social care system operates to give service users the choice, control and power over the support they receive. It will 6
  • 9. Introduction Background This is a Report of the views and conclusions of service users and Social Care, is to develop ways of ensuring organisations that attended the ‘Nothing people can exercise choice and control over about us without us’ Workshop on Tuesday their lives. To help give them a voice on 27th April 2010. This event was essential to service development through advocacy and ensure that people locally learnt about what brokerage support linked to the had happened so far. Also, it was important development of a User Led Organisations in that people are involved in all future each region. decisions about the role a User Led The second reason for this Workshop was Organisation would have in Redbridge. to ask the participants what roles a User Purpose of the Workshop Led Organisation in Redbridge should There were two reasons why we asked have? The purpose of a User Led people who use local services to attend this Organisation is to help the London Borough Workshop. First, it was to inform them of of Redbridge meet its agenda for the progress that had been made in Transforming Social Care (TASC) locally. Redbridge in developing a User Led The national policy context: Organisation. One of the central Transforming Adult Social Care requirements identified by the Department There has been a gathering policy of Health Strategy “Putting People First” (see Appendix 1); Transforming Adult momentum leading to local authority and health service reform. A number of key 7
  • 10. messages and themes have emerged in responsibilities) should have a user-led particular that public sector services will organisation modelled on existing Centres have to change the way they look after for Independent Living”[see appendix 2]. people. In particular by putting service users Putting People First (December 2007) has at the heart of the process; enabling them an objective “Support for at least one local to decide what care, support or service will user led organisation and mainstream meet their needs in the best way possible, mechanisms to develop networks which how it should be provided with an emphasis ensure people using services and their on supporting people to live independently families have a collective voice, influencing and to have choice and control over the policy and provision”.[see appendix 2] way they wish to live their lives “A User Led Organisation is an organisation that is run and controlled by people who use support services including people with physical and/or sensory impairments, mental health service users, people with a learn- ing difficulty, older people, and their families and carers. Social Care Institute for excellence (2009) ” In January 2005, in Improving the life The March 2009 Transforming Adult Social chances of disabled people, the Care local authority circular (LAC) states that Government set out an ambitious vision that a core component should be “An enabling “By 2025, disabled people in Britain should framework to ensure people can exercise have full opportunities and choices to choice and control with accessible improve their quality of life and will be advocacy, peer support and brokerage respected and included as equal members systems with strong links to user led of society.”[1] Promoting independent living organisations. Where ULOs do not exist, a and the active participation of disabled strategy to foster, stimulate and develop people in the design, delivery and user led organisations locally.”[Appendix 2] monitoring of resources and services are The Local Authority intends to change the recognised as being fundamental to the way services are provided to adults  in process of improving their life chances. Redbridge. From April 2011 “anybody who Improving the life chances of disabled receives social care support will have people also made the recommendation that genuine choice and control over the “By 2010, each locality (defined as that area services they receive and the way they covered by a Council with social services receive them. (see Appendix 1 for link) 8
  • 11. There are four areas in which this will be • SOCIAL CAPITAL. This is key and achieved. means engaging with people to show them how they can influence the decisions The four areas are: that affect their lives. People who have • UNIVERSAL SERVICES. This support needs, their carers and others means creating general support and who find support difficult to access need services available to everyone locally to be encouraged to be part of those (universal services). These services discussions about community life. including things like transport, leisure, How The User Led Organisation education, health, housing, community safety and access to information and helps this advice. A User-Led Organisation will play an important role in transforming the way • E A R LY INTERVENTION & services are delivered. It will be a vehicle PREVENTION SERVICES. This is through which people can make their views about the support available to assist know. The User-Led Organisation will also people who need a little more help, at an deliver unique services that people want early stage to stay independent for as long and cannot be easily run by smaller as possible. For example, support to organizations. Finally, it will be the place recover from the effects of illness or help where advice and information can be easily to manage a long- term condition from found. someone with experience of a similar condition. It can even be job training, Redbridge began the process of creating a gardening or exercise. local User Led Organisation in March 2009 with a Report to the Redbridge Health & • CHOICE AND CONTROL. This Social Care Advisory Committee (Appendix about self-directed support. This means 1). Since then a number events have taken having services available to meet people’s place, which have lead to where we are needs rather than people having to fit in today. with the things on offer. People who need support should be able to choose who provides that support, and control when and where the services are provided. 9
  • 12. Creating a User Led Organisation: What has happened so far? DATE EVENT April 2009 Public meeting about how TASC will inform the Commissioning Strategy June 2009 Developing a User Led Organisation in Redbridge Workshop: This began discussions with service users and existing user led organisations about how to become a User Led Organisation – (see appendix 2 for doc). September 2009 Workshop to Develop a model for User and Carer involvement. From this Workshop the Redbridge User Reference Group was established (ReSURG) – (see appendix 2 for doc). October 2009 The Voluntary Sector produced their ‘ROAD MAP” to the establishment of a ULO – (see appendix 1 for Road Map link) November 2009 London Borough of Redbridge accepted the Report and Road Map as the route to be taken to establish a ULO in Redbridge. January 2010 First meeting of User Led Organisation Steering Group. This group is charged with creating the User Led Organisation. March 2010 ReSURG met and endorsed progress so far. April 2010 Stakeholder Group met and chose structure of the User Led Organisation. 10
  • 13. The Purpose of the workshop The Visual Journey To aid the recording of the event, a graphic artist (Ryan Jones) was commissioned to capture people’s views in a graphical representation. Quite, simply this provided a visual representation of everything that happened at the Workshop. This picture The first aim of the workshop was to ask participants for their views about the was in the form of a journey. This allowed people to follow the proceedings visually, progress made so far towards establishing a User Led Organisation in Redbridge. The and enabled the artist to capture all the presentations, the responses of the second aim was to ask attendees to state their preferred choice of role a User Led attendees, and feedback at the event. Organisation might have in Redbridge. The Limitations choices were set within Transforming Adult Social Care Agenda. They also had an The scope of the Workshop was to provide opportunity to raise any “burning issues” information about the progress of the User- that they had and which would be recorded Led Organisation’s development and, more and taken up at a later date. Finally, i m p o r t a n t l y, t o g i v e a t t e n d e e s t h e evaluation forms were handed out at the opportunity to influence the next steps in its end of the event to give participants the development. Its aim was also to encourage opportunity to comment on the quality of greater involvement in this process. There the Workshop and also to suggest ways in were no pre-meetings to better inform which to improve communication and attendees. This did place some at a subsequent involvement.. disadvantage. Nor did we distinguish between employees of organisations and service users when we asked for people’s 11
  • 14. views. It is estimated that more than half of significantly influence what the User Led those who attended were made up of Organisation will eventually do. people who use services. Finally, attendees Despite widespread publicity, it is likely that were asked to choose the role they wished many people were unaware of this event or to see the User Led Organisation adopt in could not attend. This Workshop is only one Redbridge. They were reminded that the small part of the engagement and role of the User Led Organisation has yet to involvement of users of services in be determined. Their views would not be Redbridge. There will be many subsequent binding and the User Led Organisation meetings and events, large and small, to might do other things. However, their maintain the momentum begun at this opinions stated at this Workshop will Workshop. “ ULOs are local and driven by what their users know works for them. With the right level of resources they could be a power-house for social change towards full participation for all as equal citizens because their voice is authentic. Maynard-Campbell 2007 ” 12
  • 15. Workshop Summary The workshop involved 81 participants. Local Authority Circular (March 2010 - see These included service users and voluntary appendix 2 for reference) based on the sector organisations. The purpose of the principles of “nothing about us without us”. event was to, first, inform them of the According to the Circular: “This is a phrase progress that had been made in Redbridge in developing a User Led Organisation. The widely used by those users and carers who want to contribute to the transformation of second was to ask the participants what roles the User Led Organisation in services. At the heart of personalisation are the principles of empowering customers to Redbridge could potentially take on. take more control over their lives, and to Key Recommendations from the assist them in making choices as to how Workshop: and when their care and support needs are 1. The Role of User Led met. It is expected that not only will all Organisation service users understand what the changes will mean for them but also that those who The express wish of attendees was that the want to contribute to the development of User Led Organisation should have a new services and new ideas can do so prominent ‘engagement’ role in Redbridge alongside the local authority as partners in and to act as a forum where users of local delivering the local transformation.” services can voice their views and opinions This is also clearly compatible with a in effect to be a ‘coalition of voices’ . brokerage type of function. This clearly ties in with the transformation programme set out by Department of Health 13
  • 16. 2. Tell people what the User Led Organisation is doing 4. Go out and meet people The User Led Organisation should have its Meet with individual organisations to explain own website to publicise all decisions and the User Led Organisation process and the activities. reasons for it. This should include minority 3. Involve more service users groups and groups supporting people with learning difficulties and a learning disability. Greater involvement of users of services is essential. This might be done via the 5. Language we use Redbridge User Reference Group. They Other groups, carers, older people, minority must have greater influence upon decisions organisations, must feel more involved in made by the Steering Group. this process. For example, the term ‘user of services’ might be misleading. “ A lot of thought is going into forming a User Led Organisa- tion which will co-ordinate many issues that other smaller organisations either struggle or cannot cope with. In es- sence to give a stronger voice to people with a disability so they do not remain invisible. ” 14
  • 17. be to the Local Authority in helping it deliver better services in Redbridge. The Guest Speakers We would like to take this opportunity to thank the London Borough of Redbridge for John Powell, Director of Adult the many thousands of pounds they have Social Services committed to this Project. John reminded us of the London Borough A special thanks, also, to John for finding of Redbridge’s great commitment to choice the time to attend, despite being delayed and control for all users of services. Also, abroad by the Icelandic Volcanic Ash! how important a User-Led Organisation will “ Supporting people to become active citizens would be part of providing in- formation. There’s no point in just having information for information’s sake. There are lots of elements on this list which could be put together. ” N i c k D a n a g h e r, m e m b e r o f undertook at the June 2009 Workshop. Neil Equality 2025, UK Government spoke of the hope to see more adventurous services supported by Local Authorities. He, Network on Disability Equality also, recognised the difficulties that might NICK DANAGHER was also a guest be faced when establishing a User Led speaker. Nick reminded us of the historic Organisation. However, he applauded the context of the struggle disabled people have ‘coalition’ model approach Redbridge has had to gain control of their lives. The title chosen to ensure User Led Organisation ‘nothing about us, without us’ is representation. He saw it as accountable symbolic of the purpose of a User Led and representative, both key to ensuring Organisation. It is to empower disabled that the voices of users of services are people and help them exercise choice and heard. control over their lives. We would like to thank all the speakers for Neil Nerva, London Division of the taking the time to attend the Workshop. Department of Health Like John Powell, NEIL NERVA kindly reprised his role as guest speaker, a role he 15
  • 18. Question and families did not use information technology. They would be penalised. The User Led Answer Session Organisation should ensure all had equal access to information. This session followed a description of what Some also felt the language used in the had taken place over the last year in workshop was far too complex and developing the User-Led Organisation. excluded many who attended. It was People were invited to ask questions in suggested that smaller meetings to explain response to what they had heard. Below is the issues more clearly would be very a summary of the themes that came from useful. those questions. Concerns raised about what a Confusion about the ULO’s role User Led Organisation would be and how we can get involved like A large User Led Organisation that Many people felt they or their organisation represented everybody would lose the had not had an opportunity to get involved. ‘spontaneity’ of a smaller organisation. It was suggested that those responsible There was little trust in a very conservative should have smaller meetings with individual Local authority to be innovative with groups to explain what had happened. services. Can we believe in all this ‘user control’ rhetoric? The view was that there The User Led Organisation could was no outcome-based accountability when be the interface between a union performance measures fail to be delivered. of small organisations, users and “Whose measures do we accept? What the local authority about the outcomes that the users have?” It was felt that services and service user How it relates to us: Real Life groups were very fragmented. That, A few users gave examples of being bullied participation of users and their organisation and harassed by children or neighbours were always after the decisions had been because of their disability or beliefs. They made. Users were merely asked to ‘rubber wanted a User Led Organisation that stamp’ decisions already made. considered wider social issues to be The ULO must be accessible to all important, not just social care issues. There was a concern that key information They considered early intervention and would only be web based. Many users and prevention to be vital. A User Led 16
  • 19. Organisation should use and support the It is important to state here that all the focus existing voluntary sector to have area is on adult social care. The funding of the meetings especially to break down stigma User Led Organisation and the people it will at grass-roots level. be expected to assist will be adults who use adult social care services. It is not yet clear if The User Led Organisation and this will include young people in ‘transition’ children and carer’s of disabled or not. children People who are carers of disabled children wanted to know whether the User Led Organisation would represent them? “ When you look at the feedback people gave, most of the points made were about individual rights. We need to be able to advo- cate for our communities. Our voices need to be heard first – who is campaigning for you? It’s not campaigning where you tie yourself to railings but about having clear representation to the local authority. ” 17
  • 20. Possible roles for the User Led Organisation We asked the participants what roles they 4. Supporting people to be active thought a User-Led Organisation should citizens (community engagement). have? To assist this process, the attendees were given a list of 5 options to choose 5. Building and supporting community from. network The list from which people were asked The Most Popular Choice: A to select from were: campaigning voice that empowers and engages local service users 1. A One-Stop Information Shop. Of this, attendees said: 2. A centre to help people to plan and “When you look at the feedback people find  the care and support services gave, most of the points made were about they need (Brokerage). individual rights. We need to be able to 3. A campaigning organisation. advocate for our communities. Our voices need to be heard first – who is campaigning for you? It’s not campaigning where you tie 18
  • 21. yourself to railings but about having clear representation to the local authority.” Also: Also: “Our organisation is isolated because we are faith based. It makes it harder “Are we reinventing the wheel with for us to be integrated with the wider some of these ideas? It would be range of groups, which has useful to capacity build the existing implications for our funding.” organisations to provide the best care, but the campaigning issue is the most important potential function of a ULO. Is there an issue of not actually being able to campaign if you are in receipt of public money? You can’t criticise “ the local council if they are funding you.” “Supporting people to become active citizens would be part of providing in- Second most popular choice: One stop formation. There’s no point in just hav- shop and a Brokerage service ing information for information’s sake. There are lots of elements on this list The majority of attendees agreed that both which could be put together.” a one-stop shop and brokerage and advice are services they would like the User Led Organisation to run. ” “There was a concern of what you mean by a one stop shop. If it’s just a leaflet drop then forget it. But if it offered brokerage and campaigning we could accept that. But we thought a ULO should incorporate all the options and no one could exist without the other. So we thought the ULO should be a hub which actually undertakes the campaigning on behalf of individuals, but the overriding thing about it is for it to maintain its independence and autonomy.” 19
  • 22. Appendix 1: Organisations who attended Air Football Refugee & Migrant Forum of East Lon- Department of Health don (RAMFEL) Indigo Project - Transition Group Re-Start (working with ex-offenders) Intake and Brief Intervention Team Richmond Fellowship Employment Service Redbridge Interface Redbridge Jewish Care's Mitkadem Centre for RUN-UP Wellbeing Sikh Community Care Project London Borough of Redbridge Springboard NHS Redbridge The Daffodil Advocacy Project North East London NHS Foundation The Royal Association for Disability Trust Rights Pensioner's Forum Thinkarts People's Platform Uniting Friends Redbridge Carers Support Service Redbridge Concern For Mental Health Thanks to: Redbridge CVS Maddy Edwards, BASIS Coach Redbridge Disability Association Maggie and her team at the Blue River Cafe Redbridge Forum for People with a Ryan Jones, the graphic artist Learning Disability The Parish Church & Community Centre of Redbridge Indian Welfare Association St Paul's Goodmayes for use of the venue. Redbridge Link Chris Wyatt and the Redbridge Music Redbridge Music Lounge Lounge Redbridge People First Roxanne Keynejad, for taking the notes and Redbridge Resource Centre collating them Redbridge Transport Elliott Tucker for producing a film of the event 20
  • 23. Appendix 2: Documents Developing a model for Service User and Carer Involvement in the Transforming Adult Social Care Programme, Sept 2009. (Search on ‘transforming‘) accessed May 6, 2010 Developing a User Led Organisation in Redbridge, June 2009 (Search on ‘transforming‘) accessed May 6, 2010 Putting people first: a shared vision and commitment to the transformation of adult social care; DH (2007) PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_081118 accessed May 6, 2010 P u t t i n g P e o p l e F i r s t : Tr a n s f o r m i n g A d u l t S o c i a l C a r e w e b s i t e : h t t p : / / accessed May 6, 2010 Redbridge User Led Organisation Update to REDBRIDGE HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE, March 2009. (search on ‘transforming‘) accessed May 6, 2010 Road Map - Redbridge ULO Roadmap Stakeholder Event October 22nd Endorse Report Accountability to users of ULO Relationship to stakeholders Next Step. http:// (Search on ‘Road Map’) accessed May 6, 2010 Local Authority Circular LAC (DH) (29 March 2010) 1, TRANSFORMING ADULT SOCIAL CARE – the Social Care Reform Grants, dh_digitalassets/documents/digitalasset/dh_114790.pdf 21
  • 24. Appendix 3: Equality, Diversity and Evaluation of Event Ethnicity (Some of the categories below reflect self-defined identities) 6% 2% 2% 10% 2% 2% 4% 6% Black African 4% Black Caribbean Indian Mixed Ethnicity White British White Irish Brown British Chinese Jewish Did Not Respond 62% Faith 12% 4% Christian 44% Hindu Jewish Muslim 21% None Sikh Did not Respond 2% 15% 2% 22
  • 25. Age 6% 12% 8% 8% 6% 2% 2% 10% 2% 25 to 34 2% 35 to 49 4% 6% 50 to 65 Black African 65+ 4% Black Caribbean Under 25 Indian Did not respond 19% Mixed Ethnicity White British White Irish 47% Brown British Chinese Jewish Did Not Respond 62% I found out all I wanted to know 6% 15% 19% Strongly agree Agree Disagree Don't know Did not answer 13% 47% 23
  • 26. Appendix 4: Redbridge User Led Organisation Road Map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
  • 27. Produced and published by Redbridge Concern for Mental Health To discuss the report please contact: Jon Abrams 020 8925 2435 25
  • 28. Equality Choice Respect Support Voice Dignity Control