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1.1 Background
In the history of development of a country, Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) are really important. The growth of information technology has
change our daily routine day by day. The prospective on Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) in education has been presented a long time ago.
The first Malaysia computer system was on 1966.Since that, the government introduce
ICT to improve capacities in every field including education. [1]. Malaysia agreed that
the ICT are able to enhance education among student. ICT development has a potential
in developing education to student [2]. Therefore, Ministry of Education Malaysia
(MOE) has taken some strategies to apply ICT in teaching and learning process in all
school system over the country.
Special education is an education that specific to the disabilities student. The term
“Special Education Needs” refer to all difficulties that can cause problems during the
learning process [3]. The new education Act 1996 is an educational reform undertake
by the Malaysia government give a high standard education to all people in the country.
This includes children with special education. Refer to the 1996 Act, the special needs
of blind, deaf and physically handicapped children were being met. However, the needs
of children with less obvious special needs were being neglected.
In the beginning of 2001, a working panel was set up to initiate the National Dyslexia
Programme in Malaysia. This involve the Department of Special Needs Education,
dyslexia specialist from Universiti Putra Malaysia, psychologist clinic, paediatricians,
SEN teachers, speech therapists and parents. Apart from the educational, medical and
lay teams collaborate for advancement of dyslexia awareness in Malaysia. The
Malaysian Bar Council is working on a memorandum on legislation for the education
of individuals with disabilities. This memorandum enclose the needs and rights of
children with specific learning difficulties [4].
In 19 April 2005, the Special Education Department, under the governance of the
Malaysian Ministry of Education together with the National Autism Society of
Malaysia (NASOM), which is national level non-governmental organization (NGO)
initiated an inclusive programme in one of the primary school [5]. Student need to
register with NASOM. After three years implementation the number of registration
increase meaning that the number of autism that go to school are increase. The school
are helped by three teachers from NASOM.
Make use of ICT in special education deals with an assistive technology (AT),
communication system, adaptive devices and internet application. During the last
decade, learning with ICT deals with intervention tools which only can be use by
doctors, but also from teachers, special educators and parents [3]. Recently, ICT has
being use by the students with disabilities. This will give students with disabilities
received equal access to education. In fact, this might give some impact to the student
in the learning process. Make use of technology is the best way of learning process.
Use a multimedia as part of it by using an audio, animation, and pictures will attract the
student to learn in class.
This research attempts to examine and review the impact of ICT towards usefulness,
ease of use, attitude, behavioural intention to use and actual system use to dyslexic and
autistic student in primary school which will refer to TAM Framework.
1.2 Problem Statement
This study will discuss on ICT use for dyslexic and autistic student in term of
1. Communication with teachers:
 The main problem is communication with teachers. Many disabilities
student find difficult to communicate since they has a difficulties on
speaking. This one is the major problem in the learning process.
 E.g.: If the teacher are ask the student question on mathematic subject
and they cannot calculate, they will feel offended and they will not ask
the teacher how the calculation is actually works. This will create a
problem to the student and teacher.
2. Acceptance:
 Level of ICT acceptance by the teachers are the most important issues.
Since the teachers need to go for a training and need to be willing to
learn ICT in order for them to teach dyslexic and autistic student.
Teachers need to play their role in order to make sure that the student
receive whatever they teach and they need to put some effort to teach
dyslexic and autistic student.
3. Ease of use:
 Level ease of use for teacher might be easy but for the student it is
depends on the maturity of the student itself.
1.3 Research Objectives
Below are the objectives for the study:
1. To study the acceptance and use of ICT in dyslexia and autism primary school.
 The ICT acceptance by the teachers and students are important in order
to make sure that the teacher are delivering the knowledge and the
student are receiving the knowledge. This process are important to make
sure that the knowledge process are successful. Make use of ICT in
learning process will make the knowledge are totally being transferred
to the student. This objective will see the acceptance and use of ICT in
dyslexia and autism primary school.
2. To identify the effectiveness and challenges of ICT adoption as learning tools
by dyslexic and autistic student.
 To identify the effectiveness, a teacher and a student need to make use
of ICT as a tools in learning process. This will allowed educators to see
how effective use ICT as a learning tolls in learning process. The teacher
and student must face a challenges in order to make use of ICT as a
learning tools. The challenges faced might be the technical and student
issues. It is whether to see the challenges can be overcome or not. This
objective will investigate the effectiveness and the challenges using an
ICT as a learning tool.
3. To propose a model for ICT acceptance for special education and suggestion to
improve ICT addition in dyslexia and autism primary school.
 The use of ICT as learning tools in special education has increase.
However, there is a people who can’t accept an ICT as a learning tools.
 Some improvement needed so that the use of ICT as learning tools will
1.4 Research Questions
For this research, three main question is built during this study of ICT impact to dyslexia
and autism primary school student. These question will be answered at the end of this
1. What are the levels of ICT acceptance and use by dyslexic / autistic students in
primary school?
2. What are the challenges faced by teachers in adopting the ICT as learning tools
in class?
3. How efficient is technology adoption a learning tools in class
1.5 Research Motivation
As referred during 2001, the government take an initiatives to give a focus to dyslexia
disabilities. By having an Act 1996, an equal education or standard education are given
to the communities. In 19 April 2005, the Special Education Department, under the
governance of the Malaysian Ministry of Education together with the National Autism
Society of Malaysia (NASOM), which is national level non-governmental organization
(NGO) initiated an inclusive programme. Disabilities student receive same education
same as the normal student received. As the normal student receive an education using
an ICT, disabilities student also given an opportunities to learn ICT. However, in order
to make use an ICT in learning process this will involve the teacher’s effort as well as
the student effort. Both side need to play their role and give 100% commitment to teach
and to learn.
This research will study the impact of ICT to dyslexia and autism primary school
student which focuses to special education and the teachers as respondents for this
study. The objectives of this research is to study the ICT acceptance of use in dyslexia
and autism primary school. Whether the ICT being use as a tools in learning process
and the acceptance by the teachers and student. The second objectives of this study is
to study the effectiveness and challenges of ICT adoption as learning tools by dyslexic
and autistic student. There must be a challenges in order for teacher to teach and student
to learn and will see the effectiveness of ICT as learning tools. The last objectives is to
propose a model for ICT acceptance for special education and suggestion to improve
ICT addition in dyslexia and autistic primary school. The assumptions for this study
are: make use of ICT as a learning tools give a positive impact to dyslexic and autistic
primary school student.
1.6 Hypothesis
Below are hypothesis
H1. Information and communication technology give a positive impact to dyslexic
and autistic student
 For this hypothesis, it indicates that using an information and
communication does give a positive impact to dyslexic and autistic
student in learning process. The hypothesis will be use if the result of
this study meet the later hypothesis.
H2. The factors that give an impact using ICT for dyslexic and autistic student
 There must be a factor that cause the impact of ICT to dyslexic and
autistic student. The hypothesis will be use if the result shows some
factor cause the impact.
1.7 Project Stakeholder
For this research I do an interview with teacher from Sekolah Kebangsaan Sikama,
Seremban and Sekolah Kebangsaan Putrajaya Presint 9 (2).
1.8 Summary
On this chapter, the explanation of Information and Communication Technology,
special education and the use of ICT in special education are defined. To set the purpose
of this research, the problem statements are stated to know the problem related to ICT
to dyslexia and autism primary school student. Research objectives has defined to make
this study clear. There are research questions and motivation also use in this research.
Lastly, hypotheses are the conclusion for this research.
2.1 Introduction :
The research on use of ICT in education for disabilities students or sometimes call as
ICT in special education for disabilities. This research is focusing on ICT in special
education. The research is about the impact of ICT in special education for dyslexic and
autistic student and the target is the primary school student. The research is being carried
out to find the impact of ICT in special education for dyslexic and autism student at
primary school. By doing this research, the result of impact of ICT in special education
for dyslexic and autistic student at primary school will be known by doing the 2 method.
The method of the research can be found in two ways which is literature review and
qualitative methodology. For the literature review, the sources are from journal article
and internet about the impact of ICT in special education for dyslexic and autistic
student in school. As for the qualitative methodology, the result will carry out by
interview the teacher that teach dyslexic and autistic student at primary school.
2.2 Terms
2.2.1 Information and Communication Technology.
The growth of information technology has change our daily routine day by day. The
term of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a term that covers all
forms of computers and communication used to manipulate information [6]. Computers
and communication being link together because by having a computer we can
communicate and in order for us to communicate we need a technology such as
computers. Information technology itself common on referring to computer [7].
Computer based actually has increase human skill [8]. In our daily life we need ICT to
make our daily activities easier. ICT has proven that it increase human skill such as
skills on typing, skill in controlling and etc. ICT support a lot of technology such as
decision support, serve people and allow people to get information [9]. ICT scope
continuously change according to the new technology [10].ICT allowed human to get
an information, so that the human itself can get knowledge as many as they want or they
need. Serve people is the main purpose of ICT. ICT has given an impact in a lot of field.
ICT is not only support the economic growth but it also support in education. The effect
of ICT in education has been studies early 1970s, where educators started to believe
that ICT could support students in education [3]. The prospective of ICT in form of
education has been well presented. ICT actually can overcome barriers among the
students and teachers [11]. ICT giving an effect on the numbers of knowledgeable
teachers and knowledgeable student [12]. ICT has proven that it’s already change the
way of teaching and the way of learning at school.
2.2.2 Disabilities
The word disabilities describe a person who has impairment problems and has mentally
delayed. According to the World Health Organisation, a disability is a restrain or lack
(occur from any impairment) of ability to perform activity in away or within the range
considered normal for human being. People with disabilities may include people with
long term illness, people with physically disability, people who are deaf or hearing
impairment, people with learning or intellectual disabilities and etc.
According to the United Nations Standard Rules the term “disability” encapsulate the
number of functional limitations occur in any country. People may be disabled by
physical, intellectual or sensory impairment, mental illness or medical conditions or
illness may be permanent [13].
There is many types of impairment such as visual impairment, motor impairment and
hearing impairment. Table 1 show types of disabilities and the effect [14]:
Table 2.1: Type of disabilities and the effect
Types of disabilities Affect
Physical Affect a mobility [14]
Intellectual Affect a to learn [14]
Visual Affect a view [15]
Hearing Effect on hearing
Syndrome Effect on speak, think
Mental Affect thinking process
2.2.3 Dyslexia
The word dyslexia comes from the Greek word that means difficulty with words.
Dyslexia is a disorder that can occur problem in reading and/or spelling at word
level [16]. Some doctors, specialist and educators may refer it as “reading
disabilities” or a “reading disorder”. It can also affect speaking, writing and spelling.
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that mainly affect the people spell words and read.
According to the National Institutes of Health, up to 15% of population in every
country has a difficulty learning or read.
Dyslexia is a learning difference that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate
and fluent word reading and spelling across the range of intellectual abilities. It
affects phonological awareness, memory and verbal processing speed. Dyslexia
occurs across the range of intellectual abilities [17].
People think that dyslexia is a condition that involves reading from right to left and
reversing words and letters. Experts say that dyslexia has little to do with
recognizing the visual form of words.
Researcher not yet identify what cause dyslexia. The overall point said that dyslexia
can be caused by inherited factors, and/or hearing problems at an early age [18].
Dyslexia usually runs in family. About 40% of siblings of children with dyslexia
may have the same reading issues. Scientist have also found several genes
associated with reading and language processing issues. Most of children with
dyslexia seems that their parents also has dyslexia which is difficulties on reading,
writing or even speaking.
There are variety of symptoms of dyslexia. One of it was problem with phonology
which is the mental representation and processing of speech sounds [19]. It is an
ability to identify how the word sound. For example a child with a good level of
phonological awareness would understand that if you change the letter "p" in the
word "pat" to "s", the word becomes "sat" [20]. Phonological awareness can
improve the children reading awareness, and spelling, especially for reading and
spelling words with blends [21]. A normal people might think that phonological
process is difficult as for dyslexic people it was because of their brains function in
different way.
2.2.4 Autism
The word “autism” came from Greek word that means self [22]. Autism describe
the children does not have an ability to interact and communicate with others.
Autism also known as triad of impairment. American Psychiatric Association state
that autism is a “pervasive developmental disorder”. Autism usually effecting three
main area which is social communication, social imagination and social interaction
[23]. Children with autism fail to become social.
For social communication or interaction, children with autism usually show little
variation in facial expression, abnormal eye contact and not involve in social
imitation [24]. They don’t understand that other people have feelings. Almost 50%
of children with autism have meaningful or useful speech. They fail communicate
with others. They have a difficulty in developing language skills and understanding
what other people say to them. They may also have a difficulty in communicate
verbally, such as eye contact, hand gesture and facial expression. It is actually
depends on development of the children itself. Some of them may be unable to
speak. But most of autism children does not have difficulties in pronouncing word.
Majority of autism children has difficulty on using language effectively, especially
when they talk to others and they might not understand body language.
Autism effect on social imagination. They attempt to only play with their world.
When they get an object they will imagine about the object and they will not play
or get involve with other. But if they do involve they will set the rules.
Autism also may effect on social interaction. They fail to make their life socialize.
Meaning that they fail to communicate with other people.
Researcher not yet identify what cause autism. But there is a pinpoint that said the
genetic is the cause of autism. People with autism probably share certain of
abnormal brain function. Recent studies of sulfur metabolism in children with
autism shows a pattern of abnormalities indicative of the presence of oxidative stress
and impairment methylation [25].
2.2.5 Special Education
The term ‘Special Education’ refers for those students who are physically, mentally
or emotionally delayed [26]. In other words, special education also been referred as
inclusion. Inclusion means when a student with special learning and/or behavioural
needs is educated full time in the general education program [27]. Those students
with disabilities need a special education so that they can learn as same as the normal
student did. The Special Education Philosophy state that the disabilities student need
entertained equally to the normal student is a basic in receiving formal education
Special education needs is actually refers to difficulties on transferring knowledge
[29]. It’s meaning to the disabilities student that have a learning difficulties, sensory
or physically need, problem in communication or having a bad health condition
[30]. Special education has been use to a certain country [31].
“Government need to develop national plans to extend inclusive education for
children with disabilities, including detailed targets, strategies for improving access
and learning achievement, and comprehensive plans for providing financing and
training teachers. The starting point for such a plan is a credible needs assessment
based on a national survey of the prevalence of disabilities.” EFA Global
Monitoring Report 2010.
2.2.6 Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology is any item, equipment product or software that use to help
individuals with disabilities [32]. It’s a term that being use by individual with
disabilities sometimes. Assistive technology can assist individuals with disabilities
to attain optimal function and independence and has become an increasingly
accepted intervention [33]. Its help people with disabilities to do things more easily,
independently or more quickly. For student, when they used assistive technology,
they can have an opportunity for access and participation [34]. The fact is that
different disabilities actually need a different assistive technologies. Sometimes, the
assistive technology are complex to be use. People who are going to use the assistive
technology must know that complexity of the assistive technology [35].
Assistive technology is defined in the Technology-Related Assistance Act (Tech
Act) as “any piece is equipment, or system whether get from commercial off the
shelf, customized or modified use to increase, improve or maintain functional
capabilities of individuals with disabilities “(Tech Act, 1998). Assistive technology
will not make the disability go away but it can only lessen the impact of the disability
(Moore, 1991). Assistive technology are actually to decrease the functional
limitation of a person with a disability [36].
However, assistive technology has its own barriers and problem. The device are
very expensive and resources are not easy to get, or the equipment are purchase with
no training support system to show individuals on how to use the equipment
effectively, or devices simply breakdown and need to be repaired (Moore,1991).
2.3 The Concept
2.3.1 ICT in Special Education
ICT has becoming an important component to the young child world. Thus, ICT in
childhood education has effect in people environment that surround children’s
learning and well-being [37]. Today, almost one of six students in schools cannot
fully benefit from a traditional educational program because they have a disability
that impairs their ability to participate in classroom activities [38]. ICT in special
education is needed because ICT has impacted on the quality and quantity of
teaching, learning, and research in traditional and distance education institutions.
[12]. In other words, ICT can enhance the learning and teaching process [12].ICT
provides an opportunities to get know a lot of information using information
resources and viewing information from others perspective [39].
2.3.2 Dyslexia and Autism in Malaysia Special Education
Malaysia itself has seen that special education is really needed for disabilities
student. Malaysia has a more than 36 school that are specific for special education
[40]. There is a school that specific for student who has visual impairment, motor
impairment, hearing impairment and student that are hyperactive.
Malaysian People with Disabilities Act 2008 state that formal education should be
given to people with disabilities. The aim is actually to give an opportunity to
pursue their education in highest level. Dyslexia and autism has been categorized as
learning difficulties. The schooling period for special needs student in Malaysia is
13 years, which 2 years more compared to mainstream system [41] (see Table 2) .
It is slightly different from the mainstream system where they have an extra years
for learning. This is including education for dyslexia and autism student.
Table 2.2: School Period for Special Need Student in Malaysia
Year Education Level
Form 5
Higher Secondary Level
Form 4
Form 3
Lower Secondary Level
Form 2
Form 1
2nd Extra
Standard 6
Primary School
Standard 5
Standard 4
Standard 3
Standard 2
Standard 1
1st Extra
Stated under Ministry of Education, there are 2 categories of special education
program which is Special School for students with auditory, visual and learning
disabilities like dyslexia and autism (secondary level) and Special Education
Integration Programme for student with auditory, visual and learning disabilities
like dyslexia and autism – which need inclusive teaching and learning approach
(primary, secondary and vocational levels).
2.4 Assistive Technology
2.4.1 Assistive Technology for Dyslexic Student
The special-purpose hardware supplied to students with dyslexia is usually in the form
of standalone electronic devices [42].
a) Kurzweil3000 [16].
Kurzweil300 is a software that covers on reading, writing and learning for
student with disabilities. The software print the document with the use of
scanner or on the web, and electronic documents. It is a text reader with
embedded study and writing skills. This will help the student to access to
material with the fasters speed. Student can get audio and visual feedback and
use it for writing assignments. By having an audio and visual will make the
student interested to learn and this will make them excited to learn. The feedback
given will make the student known if there is any mistakes that they made.
b) Sprint [16].
Sprint is a program that has speech and language technology to a computer.
Student can listen to any available text on their computer because Sprint will
reads them out loud. Sprint also can read out loud while text is being entered
which will help in detecting mistakes. This will make the student alert about the
mistakes that they made and can make correction on the mistakes. Student just
need to listen while the Sprint read it out loud. Sprint will read it clearly so that
student can hear it correctly.
c) Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) [43].
Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) software is a language-learning
software example like web-based, CD-ROM that has lessons and exercise
designed and developed for the particular needs of a target language leaner
group. CALLS means of aiding the work done in classroom by the teacher and
can also be mean of independently learning a language. CALL technology can
strengthen the symbol-sound-meaning link with constant audio-visual revision
because a student can click on a word and hear what it sounds like as often as
they like.
d) Tablet PCs [44].
The adoption of tablet PC as assistive technology has recently conducted. Make
use of tablet for teaching and learning is a good method in teaching student with
reading difficulties. A tablet can do a zooming in and out to give a better view.
While the student are reading, they can actually highlight an important by
choosing the highlight colour and just colour the point. This will help on
grouping a point that are connect to the topic that the student read.
e) Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) [45].
At Malaysia, Automatic Speech Recognition for Malay version are on the
serious research. It providing a reading-based application that teachers teach by
‘listening’ to and monitoring their reading. ASR being used to enabler reading
tracking mechanism by comparing the read speech with actual word being read.
ASR trach reading while the kid are reading and its enable user to ask question.
It been used in Malaysia.
2.4.2 Assistive Technology for Autistic Student
a) Humanoid Robot [46]
It is to encourage interaction skills. It is develop as a robotic toy with capability
to connect to an array of many sensors, and to support a spectrum of interaction
with children which involving music, speech and movement [46]. The autistic
children can play with the robot. The use of the robot as entertained systems has
an important constrains on the design as well as the appearance of the robot [47].
The physical appearance of the robot are important to attract the autistic
b) vSked [48]
vSked is combination visual schedule, reward system and choice boards. vSked
is composed of devices for each student integrated by the teacher through large
touch screen monitor at the front of the classroom. [48]. vSked can make student
be more independence, reduce the number of educators and reduce the time that
required to change from one activity to another activity.
c) Mobile Application for Children with Autism: Mari Basuh Tangan (let’s
wash hands) [49].
At Malaysia,this application will guide them on how to learn personal hygiene
care properly especially washing hand in devices like tablet or smart phone. This
application ca be install in tablet or smart phone. There will be a step on how to
wash hands with animation and instruction to guide them. It been used in
2.5 ICT impact to dyslexic and autistic student
Below are the impact of ICT to dyslexic and autistic student
a) Academic and curriculum result [50].
Academic and curriculum result is very important for student. It is not only
important to the normal student but it is also important for disabilities student.
ICT help disabilities student to have a success in curriculum and support the
academic as well. ICT will help disabilities student on getting an experience and
opportunity to explore the ICT world. A good result and experience will help
disabilities student in the future for example they will get an equal opportunity
to get a job.
b) Compete in learning environment [51].
Disabilities student will able to compete in learning environment. Disabilities
need to serve an equal education which the learning process same as the normal
student get. Having an ICT in education will make disabilities feel more
confident to compete the normal student. This help disabilities to not feel
offended with the normal student.
c) Promote skill [50].
Giving an opportunity using ICT to disabilities will help them to promote their
skill. Disabilities student are same as a normal person who actually have their
own specialities or skill. Who knows that disabilities can actually make a
programming or multimedia design? They can actually promote their skill at
school or to find job in the future.
d) Study behaviour [52]
The researcher finds that ICT give a positive effect to the pattern of study for
student. Disabilities also will make use of internet in order to find materials for
their study. The pattern will change from the traditional search like books turn
to open an internet to find materials. This will make the search more interesting
because student will get more information.
e) Knowledgeable about the technology [51].
In this modern era everybody use ICT in daily life to make daily activities easier.
The knowledge in technology is very important. As normal student can use the
technology same goes to the disabilities student. Disabilities student also can be
updated or knowledgeable on technology. Technology can actually help the
learning process.
2.6 The Barriers of ICT to dyslexic and autistic student
Below are the barriers
a) Not interested [15]
Interested means the interest of disabilities student in accepting the opportunity
through ICT. Are disabilities interested in learning ICT? Teachers should
approach student. Teachers should use different approach according to the age
because they have a different kind of thinking. They might think that ICT is only
for a normal student and only for adults.
b) School factors [53]
Sometimes the school itself are not providing a complete set of ICT equipment.
The school are not really aware of important of ICT in learning process. This
will make disabilities student not into the ICT world. They are not use of ICT.
The school need to provide a complete equipment so that disabilities student
may have an interest in learning it.
c) Social and community factors [54]
The society are not willing to meets the needs of the disabilities student. They
are not aware that disabilities student also need to give an opportunity to learn.
The society are not giving opportunity to show their talent or skill in ICT. The
society need to help disabilities student on ICT because they also need a
knowledge in ICT.
d) Government [55]
Government not allow to fully access to sum information. Sometimes the
information that should be public and general are hidden or need to pay for the
view of the information. They need to pay certain amount to get the information.
The role of government actually to student to access to the information.
2.7 Barriers to Assistive Technology Implementation in education
There are many barriers towards implementation of assistive technology in
a) Inadequate knowledge of assistive technology [56]
Teachers lack of knowledge and unawareness on assistive technology.
Teachers does not know the assistive technology available and service
available for student with learning difficulties. As result, assistive technology
is not an option for the disabilities student.
b) High costs of equipment and lack of funding [57]
In order to implement assistive technology in education or school need
funding to access the device or service since assistive technology are
c) Less of contributing [58]
Student must contribute in every activities that involve the assistive
technology and not only rely on others student.
d) Professionals lack of knowledge about technology [57]
Few training programs for teachers include courses or class sessions on
assistive technology applications and issues.
2.8 The Assistive Technology Framework
As assistive technology being use as a tools that help disabilities people in doing daily
activities, many result presented concerning this topic. To ease the result framework
are built to show how the assistive technology works for disabilities. Below shows 2
types of framework, the element of comprehensive assistive technology (CAT) and
human activity assistive technology (HAAT).
2.8.1 The Comprehensive Assistive Technology Framework
The element of comprehensive assistive technology involve context, person, activities
and assistive technology.
Figure 2.1: CAT Model (Hersh and Johnson, 2008)
i. Context
It is good if the assistive design are based on the user’s existing context and not
required any change. However, the arrangement of assistive technology can be
work towards improving the context, either on its own or work with other
ii. Person
The person is the one who are going to use the assistive technology. It involve
the person how they manage to use the assistive technology. It is consist skills.
The characteristic of the person or the types of disabilities are depends on the
assistive technology that are suitable for the person. User attitude to assistive
technology include how they accept new technology.
iii. Activities
Activities depends on how a person might want to carry out. It involve all the
activities that takes place while using assistive technology.
iv. Assistive Technology
Most of disability people required assistive technology to carry out their desired
2.8.2 Human Activity Assistive Technology Framework
Component of human activity assistive technology are activity, assistive technology
and human.
Figure 2.2: HAAT Model (Cook and Husse, 2008)
i. Activity
Define as task, procedure or operation the person would like to achieve. It is a
flexible term within the model and the use of the model. Activity is performed
when assistive technology is used [59].
ii. Assistive Technology
Define the devices use to overcome any barriers.
iii. Human
Define who the person is or human that are going to use the assistive technology.
Who is considered to have the attributes of sensory inputs, central processing
and effectors (motor outputs) [60].
2.9 TAM Framework
Below are the TAM Model
Figure 2.3: TAM Model (Davis, 1986)
i. External variable
Individuals believe that use of technology will results in performance
ii. Perceived usefulness (PU)
David, in his study of PU, proposed a six items measurement tool.
The six items include the four items most commonly used which
using (application) increase productivity, using (application) increase
job performance, using (application) enhance effectiveness on job
and using (application) useful in job [61].
iii. Perceived ease of use (PEOU)
There is four items are more frequently use which is learning to
operate (the application) is easy, easy to get the (application) to do
what to do, the (application) is rigid and inflexible to interact with
and the (application) easy to use [61].
iv. Attitude toward using
Organisational and technical infrastructure require support of
technology exist.
ii. Behavioral intention
Its focus on user bahavior [62].
iii. Actual use
Usage with intention was higher than its correlation with actual usage
2.10 Literature Review
Table 2.3 : Literature Review
Author Objective / Aim Methods Remarks
Foong-Mae Chan ICT in Malaysian
School : Policy and
Studies ICT in education at
Ab Hadi, Mohd
Yusop, Baharom
Mohamad, Mohd
Shaiful Azhar
Survey the level of
teachers and students
from Technical and
Vocational Special
Programme has
utilized Information
and Communication
Technology (ICT)
usage in their
learning and teaching
Survey ICT still need to practice
in Technical and
Vocational Special
Drigas, Rodi-
Eleni Ioannidou
Use ICT in special
Studies ICT support learning
Caroline Gomez Dyslexia in Malaysia Studies Dyslexia in education at
Hussin, Dr.Loh
Sau Cheong,
Professor Datin
Dr. Quek Ai
Autism in Malaysia Studies Autism in education at
Vedad Hulusic,
Computer based in
learning process
User study Created software in
native languages was
completely clear and user
friendly for kids with and
without special needs.
Mudasiru Olalere
analysis of the
Nigerian National
Policy for
Analysis Adoption of ICT in
Nigeria are late.
Muhammad Ali ICT is opportunities
for all including
people with
Studies People with different
kinds of disabilities are
now able to communicate
with each other and learn
through the tools
available for the purpose
through ICT.
Table 2.3 : Literature Review
Use ICT to support
student with Dyslexia
Exam and
Both Kurzweil3000 and
Sprint showed
advantages and
disadvantages. Students
need to have some basic
computer skills to be
capable of using either
John Bradford Causes of dyslexia Studies Dyslexia is not brought
about by poor parenting.
Franck Ramus Neurobiology of
Studies The model outlined here
is both compatible with
all the available cognitive
and neurobiological
evidence, and, quite
uniquely, offers potential
explanations for the
association between
specific cognitive
developmental disorders
and sensorimotor
heterogeneity within
each disorder, and
comorbidity between
Barbara Garner Techniques for
Studies Allow time for activities
and elements that are
usually considered
luxuries in education.
Colwyn Trevarth
en, Kenneth Ait
Despina Papoudi,
Jacqueline Roba
Children with autism Studies autism could be defined
as the condition of someb
ody who is unusually abs
orbed in him or her self
Richard Deth,
Muratore, Jorge
Benzecry, Verna-
Ann Power-
Mostafa Waly
How environmental
and genetic factors
combine to cause
autism: A
Studies Involvement of
environmental factors in
causing this
developmental disorder,
in concert with genetic
risk factors.
Table 2.3 : Literature Review
Drigas, Rodi-
Eleni Ioannidou
To examine and
describe how special
education services
were provided in four
elementary schools
and four secondary
schools (two middle
schools and two high
schools) in a large,
metropolitan school
district in a
southwestern city.
Examine these interviews strongly
support the
practice of including
students with special
education challenges
in general education
Drigas, Rodi-
Eleni Ioannidou
Special education and
Studies ICT has also played a
major part in shaping the
knowledge and skills of
school staff, therapists,
special educators etc.
Peter Williams,
Hamid R Jamali,
David Nicholas
To provide a review
of the past studies on
use of information
communications tech
nology (ICT) for
people with special
education needs
(SEN) to inform a
research project on
using ICT to
facilitate self-
advocacy and
learning for SEN
Studies great number of ICT
initiatives for people with
all kinds
of disabilities
Edyburn, Dave
Assistive technology Studies Description of assistive
Betsy Philips,
Hongxin Zhao
Assistive technology Survey Important factors in
successful use of
assistive technology by
individuals with
Edyburn, Dave
Focus on assistive
technology and
students with mild
Studies Leadership is needed to
develop appropriate
policies and practices
relative to three phases’
intervention, and
Table 2.3 : Literature Review
Mankoff, Gillian
R Hayes, Devva
Understanding the
experience of
disability and issues
on using assistive
Studies &
case study
Expand the view of
assistive technology to
disabilities people.
Mohammed Ali
examining the current
and future uses of
assistive technology
by parents and
special needs centres
for the therapy and
rehabilitation of
children with special
needs, with a focus
on autism
Survey &
fair level of awareness of
the benefits and value of
assistive technology in
the field of special need
Ted S
Candyce H
Williams Glaser
Use of Computer
Technology to Help
Students with Special
Studies Barriers of ICT for
student with disabilities
need to be undertaken so
that everyone can use
ICT in learning process.
Ed Smeets Constribution of ICT
to learning
environment in
primary school
Most teachers do not
make use of the potential
of ICT to contribute to
the power of learning
environments. Thus,
computers are used
mainly to complement
rather than change
existing pedagogical
practice. Teachers who
applied powerful
learning environments in
their classes, who valued
ICT as a means to
support pupils’ active
and autonomous
learning, and who were
more confident about
their skills in using ICT,
were more likely to use
open-ended types of ICT
in their teaching practice
Table 2.3 : Literature Review
Nor Azlina Ab
Ab Aziz, Avijit
Paul, Anuar
Mohd Yusof,
Noor Shuhailie
Mohamed Noor
Cloud computing
technology enables a
location independent
computing where the
computing resources,
software, and data are
stored in the cloud
Studies Advancement in
technology has benefitted
the education system. It
gives a more interesting
learning experience to
the students.
EA Draffan, DG
Evans, P
To identify the types
and mix of
technology (hardware
and software)
provided to post-
secondary students
with dyslexia and d
to determine the
students’ satisfaction
with, and use of, the
equipment provided
and to examine their
experiences with
Survey Students express
satisfaction not only with
the computer systems
that they receive but also
with the special purpose
software provided to
support their studies.
Significant numbers of
students elect not to
receive training and may,
therefore, not be using
their equipment to its
best advantage.
Cara Nicole
Language Learning
(CALL) software
aimed at dyslexic
Studies The software aims to aid
the reading, organisation
and exam skills of
dyslexic students
A Gasparini,
Alma L Culén
concerning adoption
of iPad or other
tablets as assistive
It offers clear support to
some children with
reading difficulties.
Husniza Husni,
Automatic Speech
technology for
children with
dyslexia: Enabling
intervention to
support reading in
Bahasa Melayu.
Research Immediate intervention is
the key in teaching
dyslexics to read. It
allows them to learn
from the process of
making mistake when
reading and immediate
correction given as
Table 2.3 : Literature Review
Ben Robins,
Dautenhahn, R
Te Boerkhorst,
Aude Billard
Studies the eflect of a
robot’s design
(appearance) in
facilitating and
interaction of
children with autism
with a small
humanoid robot.
Research Autism does not occur to
the same degree and in
the same form in all
cases, so, as robotic
systems are developed to
aid in the therapy and
education of children
with autism, it is unlikely
that they can be used
generically to satisfy all
needs and requirements.
Aude Billard,
Ben Robins,
Nadel, Kerstin
Robota for children
with autism
Studies Robota complements
other approaches by
addressing the role that
human features and
imitation might have in
shaping children’s
interaction with others.
Results of such studies
are promising and will
set the stage for a better
understanding of the
needs of these children
Meg Cramer, Sen
H Hirano,
Monica Tentori,
Michael T
Gillian R Hayes
Vsked for student
with autism
Studies vSked can promote
student independence,
reduce the quantity of
prompts, encourage
consistency and
predictability, reduce the
time required to
transition from one
activity to another
Fadzil Nur'Ain
Mobile Application
For Children With
Autism: Mari
Membasuh Tangan.
The objective of this
project is to develop
an application which
is easy to use by
children with autism
Project his mobile application
can be used by teachers
of children with autism
to teach basic steps of
personal hygiene care at
the Autism Centre
Table 2.3 : Literature Review
Nabil Eid Innovation and
technology for person
with disabilities
Studies f ICT being used to assist
with the teaching of
disabled students by
providing help to identify
the most appropriate
technologies for
addressing individual
needs, and suggestions
on how these might be
managed in educational
learning, understanding
of ICT and an awareness
of the needs of learners
with different disabilities
Tah Babila Mbah the impact of
information and
ology (ICT) on
students' study habits
Survey The results revealed that
students have a positive
attitude towards ICTs as
such use them to
facilitate learning,
although male students
are more favourable
toward ICT usage and
likely to find that ICT’s
help them at their studies.
M Arrigo e-learning for blind
students to introduce
some studies about
the accessibility of
the e-learning and to
introduce an online
learning environment
designed for blind
Studies ICT offers great benefits
to students with
disabilities and enables
them to participate fully
in the social, cultural and
economic development
of their community.
amie Messinger-
Matthew T
How the Universal
Design for Learning
framework can be
used with assistive
technology to
enhance educational
opportunities for
secondary students
with learning
Studies Students with disabilities
who are fully included in
secondary classrooms
continue to struggle to
make adequate yearly
progress toward their
educational goals.
Secondary educators can
use UDL and AT to
enhance the academic,
social, and behaviour
outcomes for students
with disabilities if
implementation barriers
can be overcome.
Table 2.3 : Literature Review
Todd Twyman,
Gerald Tindal
To improve the
comprehension and
solving skills of
students with
disabilities in social
studies using a
conceptually framed,
history text.
technology is an effective
learning supplement for
students with disabilities
in content classrooms.
Diane Pedrotty
Bryant, Brian R
Barriers and support
systems for
technology and
effective instructional
practice, and the need
to consider
technology adaption
for student who have
learning disabilities.
Research Cooperative learning can
be an effective
instructional arrangement
to teach reinforce skills
and concepts.
Paul Legris, John
Ingham, Pierre
A critical review of
the technology
acceptance model
Research TAM is a useful model,
but has to be integrated
into a broader one which
would include variables
related to both human
and social change
processes, and to the
adoption of the
innovation model.
Izak Benbasat,
Henri Barki
Concert on TAM
Studies TAM has fulfilled its
original purpose and that
it is time researchers
moved outside its limited
Athanasios S
Drigas, Rodi-
Eleni Ioannidou
ICTs in Special
Education: A Review
Studies ICT is increasingly seen
as a tool in terms of
creating independent
learning environments,
ensuring access to the
curriculum and
enhancing the social
inclusion of all
2.11 Summary
In this chapter, the definition of ICT, disabilities, dyslexia, autism, special education
and assistive technology are clearly stated. Besides that, the concept of dyslexia and
autism in Malaysia special education also been stated. The assistive technology being
use for dyslexic and autistic student are shown in this chapter. The impact of ICT to
dyslexic and autistic student also been stated. Lastly, the CAT and HAAT model is
shown as the framework for assistive technology.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter will summarized the research methodology being use for this research.
The methodology contain the need of the research as providing an information that
are very useful for general purpose. Research methodology are used to collect data
or information for a purpose [64]. This is the systematic way to solve problem.
There are two types of research methodology which is either qualitative or
quantitative. To choose the methodology it is depends on the research objective of
the research question. For this research qualitative methodology are choose.
Qualitative methodology is design to inform the target audience on behaviour, what
people think in specific topic or issues. Group discussion or face-to-face interviews
are the best way to get the feedback. Its aim to know how the participant assume
meaning of the topic or issues. Data collection for qualitative methodology use
semi-structured technique. The result of qualitative methodology are descriptive
rather than predictive.
3.2 Qualitative Method
A qualitative research methodology is a scientific research. It consist of
investigation on seeking answer to a question, collect evidence, produce findings
and systematic way to produces the answer. The unique of using qualitative actuality
its ability. It has an ability to provide textual description of how people think,
experience for the given topic or issues. The types of data can be in form of notes,
audio recording and transcript.
There are three common qualitative methods which is participant observation where
collecting data naturally on behaviour in usual contexts, In-depth interview which
is collecting data on individual histories, experience, perspective of the particular
topic or issues and lastly focus groups which is collecting data or information in a
group on the particular topic or issues.
The advantage of using qualitative methodology was the data are meaningful and
important to the participant, unexpected by researcher and rich and explanation in
3.2.1 Research Methodology Framework
The framework shows the step of conducting this research project.
Figure 3.1: Research methodology framework
Preliminary study
 50 articles referred
Qualitative method: Interview
 Interview two teacher, one
from the teacher that teach
dyslexic student and the other
one teach autistic student.
Result Analysis
 Analyzed data from the
 Factors of ICT Impact to
Dyslexic and Autistic
Primary School Student
3.3 Respondents Profile
Below are the two profile of respondent from different major expertise from two
different school.
Respondent 1
Respondent one is a teacher from Sekolah Kebangsaan Putrjaya Presint 9(2).
Respondent are the teacher that teach dyslexic student. Respondent has 20 years’
experience in teaching dyslexic student. For respondent 1 the qualitative method
being used is through email. Giving the softcopy interview question to the
respondent and respondent are taking about one week to answer all the question.
After one week respondent send the softcopy of the question as well as the
answer from respondent opinion, experience and knowledge that respondent
Respondent 2
Respondent one is a teacher from Sekolah Kebangsaan Sikamat, Seremban.
Respondent are the teacher that teach autistic student. Respondent has 10 years’
experience in teaching autistic student. For respondent 2 the qualitative method
being used is face-to-face interview. The interview session takes about 1 hour
and 30 minutes to finish. Respondent are also been given the hardcopy of
interview question just in case that respondent want to write something so that
the information of the interview session may not loss and explanation on
answering the question been ask are recorded.. Respondent can freely express
their opinion, experience and knowledge that respondents have.
3.4 Data Collection
Data collection is the procedure of gathering all data from the methodology
chosen. Data collection method chosen are interview. It is a qualitative research
methodology, which consists of question regarding to special education, the
acceptance, ease of use, provision of ICT facilities and effectiveness and
The data being gathered with two different method of qualitative methodology
which is one through email and one through face-to-face interview. The email
method the respondent are given the softcopy of the question through email and
respondent are taking one week to complete the interview question. After one
week, respondent send back the interview question as well as the answer. While
with face-to-face interview, respondent are given hardcopy of interview
question as well as the explanation on answering the question are recorded. The
answer for interview question will get immediately. This method are easier for
3.5 Summary
This chapter explain about the methodology that being used in this research. The
qualitative methodology is chosen and methodology framework is shown in this
chapter. The details pf respondents profile also been shown in this chapter. Lastly,
the interview question for dyslexia and autism teacher are shown in this chapter.
4.1 Introduction
Data collection is the procedure of gathering all data from the methodology chosen.
It is a qualitative research methodology. Data collection method chosen are
interview. The data collection may lead to decision making. The analysis will help
to answer the problem statement, research objective and hypothesis in the
introduction part of this research.
The total number of interview question is fourteen. The question are regarding to
special education, the acceptance, ease of use, provision of ICT facilities and
effectiveness and challenges.
Apart of the question, respondent need to fill up their school name, their name, their
current position, their contact details, the interview date, interview location, the
starting and end time of the interview.
4.2 Analysis
4.2.1 Special Education
As we know that all disabilities need a special education. The use of Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) in special education needs (SEN)
environment have proven during the last decade (2001-2010) [65]. ICT has
become an important element and it give an impact in special education.
Computer-based play a significant role in children life. Having a special education,
teacher can get closer to student and student can be more confident and will feel
more responsible. In fact, special education using ICT has change the way of
teaching and learning process. Special education using ICT has shown a positive
impact to dyslexic and autistic student.
4.2.2 Acceptance
Acceptance also is one of the element that are very important in implementing ICT
in special education. Level acceptance of teacher has shown that teacher are
playing an important roles in using ICT as a teaching tools. Teacher are given a
training by government in order for them to teach ICT in class. Level acceptance
by the student shows a positive impact. Student can accept the learning process by
using ICT. Level acceptance for both side (teacher and student) prove that it gave
a positive impact to dyslexic and autistic student.
4.2.3 Ease of use
Level ease of use by the teacher has proven that using ICT as a tools in teaching
process make the job as a teacher easier. Nowadays, text book that been provide
by the government has CD in it. Teacher only need to play the CD to teach the
student and with multimedia elements makes the student get interested to learn. It
is easier and save time. However, level ease of use by the student are depends on
the maturity of the student itself. If the student are very good in learning ICT the
level of ease might be higher but for those who are slow in learning the level of
ease might be low. Ease of use of ICT as teaching and learning tools has given an
impact to dyslexic and autistic student.
4.2.4 Facilities
Facilities is needed in order to make use of ICT in learning process for disabilities
student. The facilities need to be complete in dyslexic and autistic class.
Government has provide notebook at every school and each student can use the
notebook each per person. This will make the student feel free to use the notebook
to learn. A complete facilities give an impact to dyslexic and autistic student to
learn ICT.
4.2.5 Effectiveness and Challenges
Using ICT as teaching tools are more effective. Learning using ICT will attract
interest of the student and will make the job of teacher easier. For example if the
teacher need to draw an elephant is a traditional way by using marker pen, the
elephant might turn to something else but by using a real picture from the internet
the picture will look more realistic and it save time for teacher to teach the student.
Nowadays, there is a portal that the teacher can key in the exercise for student and
the student can download the exercise and the portal also available for parents to
view their children result. Make use of ICT in education are more effective than
the traditional way.
However, in order to make the learning process success there must be a challenge.
Student might get bored and tired especially when it comes to difficult subject.
Student also might have a low concertation where by the student are not focus
while study because of the disabilities. Because of the effectiveness and the
challenges make use of ICT in teaching and learning process does impact dyslexic
and autistic student.
4.3 Trusted ICT Impact to Dyslexic and Autistic Primary School Student Model
Figure 4.1: Trusted ICT Impact to Dyslexic and Autistic Primary School Student Model
Special Education
Ease of use
Effectiveness and
ICT Impact to
Dyslexia and Autism
Primary School
The figure above are a model of ICT impact to dyslexic and autistic primary school
student. The factor that give an impact in using ICT as a tool in teaching and
learning process. Special education, acceptance, ease of use, facilities and
effectiveness and challenges are the factors of the impact. Based on the interview,
special education are needed for the children with disabilities. The level of
acceptance by the teacher and student playing the important factors in teaching and
learning process. ICT might be easy use by the teacher but for the student it depends
on the maturity of the student. Facilities need to be complete to make sure that all
student are given the same opportunity to use ICT. Lastly, the effectiveness of using
ICT as a learning tool are depends on the teacher how the teacher are going to use
it and it might be some challenges to use ICT as a tools in class.
4.4 Summary
This research, the qualitative method which the question been ask in the interview
session is use in collecting data. After the data are collected, all the data are
gathered to analyse the relationship between the factors of ICT impact to dyslexic
and autistic primary school student. From the result collected it shows that the
factors does give an impact to ICT for dyslexic and autistic student.
5.1 Research Conclusion
This purpose of this research is to investigate the ICT acceptance and use in
dyslexia and autism primary school. The second objective of this research is to
identify the effectiveness and challenges of ICT adoption as learning tools by
dyslexic and autistic student. The final objective are to propose a model for ICT
acceptance for special education and suggestion to improve ICT addition in
dyslexia and autistic primary school.
In the Literature Review chapter, it has been discussed about the term of ICT which
covers all forms of computers and communication, disabilities which means a
person who has impairment problem, dyslexia which means a person who has
difficulties in reading, writing and speaking, autism which refer to a person who
has difficulties to interact and communicate with others, special education that are
refer to education for disabilities and assistive technology which an equipment that
help individual with disabilities. The concept of special education for dyslexic and
autistic student in Malaysia are stated in literature review. The next part is the
example of assistive technology for dyslexic and autistic student. The impact of
ICT to dyslexic and autistic student are the same because both are refer to learning
difficulties. This research reveals the barriers of ICT to dyslexic and autistic
student. This research followed by the assistive technology framework which is
CAT and HAAT and the TAM Framework.
The methodology used for this research are qualitative method. The respondent are
from two different major expertise and from two different school which is one is
the dyslexia teacher and one is the autism teacher. The interview are done with two
different way which is one through email and another one face-to-face interview.
The email method the respondent are given the softcopy of the question through
email. While with face-to-face interview, respondent are given hardcopy of
interview question as well as the explanation on answering the question are
The analysis result are the explanation from the respondent. The result show the
factors that can give an impact of using ICT to dyslexic and autistic student. The
factors are special education, acceptance, ease of use, facilities and effectiveness
and challenges. It is show a positive impact towards it. The result of the analysis
supported both H1 and H2. At the end of this analysis, the research provide a model
on ICT Impact to dyslexic and autistic primary school student.
The research has given an understanding on the ICT, dyslexia and autism. From the
research we identified that using an ICT as a teaching and learning tool does give
a positive impact to dyslexic and autistic student. Lastly, for further plan I have
prepared paper for conference (refer Appendix C).
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Appendix A- Gantt Chart for FYP 1 and FYP 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Project Start
Milestone 1: (Proposal)
Milestone 2:
Milestone 2:
(Literature Review)
Milestone 3:
Research Methodology
Design Poster
Poster Presentation
Milestone 3:
Analysis and Result
Milestone 3:
Week Topic Assessment
Task 1
8 June
Project start Project start
Task 2
19 June
Proposal Milestone 1: Project
proposal submission
Task 3
27 June
Milestone 2 Milestone 2: Progress 1
Task 3
11 Sept
Milestone 3 Milestone 3: Progress 2
Task 4
11 Sept
Project 1 End Project 1 End
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Milestone 1: (Chapter 4 :
Result and pilot study)
Milestone 2:
(Chapter 1[introduction],
Chapter 2[literature
review],Chapter 3
[research methodology],
Chapter 4[analysis and
Milestone 3:
Improvement of Chapter
1, 2, 3, and 5
Milestone 3:
Discussion / conclusion /
future works.
Week Topic Assessment
Task 1
13 November 2016
Milestone 1 Milestone 1: (Chapter 4 :
Result and pilot study)
Task 2
18 December 2016
Milestone 2 Milestone 2:
(Chapter 1[introduction],
Chapter 2[literature
review],Chapter 3
[research methodology],
Chapter 4[analysis and
Task 3
3 February 2016
Milestone 3 Milestone 3:
Improvement of Chapter
1, 2, 3, and 5
Milestone 3:
Discussion / conclusion /
future works.
Task 4
16 February 2016
Showcase Presentation Showcase Presentation
Task 5
17 February 2016
Panel Presentation Panel Presentation
Appendix B- Interview Question for Dyslexia and Autism Teacher
Dyslexia :
No Question Answer
Special Education
1. What is special education in your
perspective as a teacher?
Apakah yang dimaksud kan dengan
pendidikan khas dari perspektif anda
sebagai seorang guru?
2. What experience do you have in the
special education field?
Apakah pengalaman yang anda ada
dalam bidang pendidikan khas?
3. What are the benefits of having a
special education program?
Apakah manfaat yang diperolehi
melalui program pendidikan khas?
4. Do you think Information and
Communication Technology can helps
Dyslexic students as learning tool in
Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi dapat
membantu pelajar disleksia sebagai
alat pembelajaran dalam kelas?
5. How do you see the level of teacher’s
acceptance in Information and
Communication Technology usage
towards teaching process in Special
(Scale 1 to 5)
Bagaimana anda melihat tahap
penerimaan guru dalam penggunaan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam
pendidikan khas?
(Skala 1 hingga 5)
6. How do you see the level of student’s
acceptance in Information and
Communication Technology usage
towards teaching process in Special
(Scale 1 to 5)
Bagaimana anda melihat tahap
penerimaan pelajar dalam penggunaan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam
pendidikan khas?
(Skala 1 hingga 5)
7. What normally attract Dyslexic
students in Information and
Communication Technology, based on
your observation?
Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda, apakah
yang dapat menarik minat pelajar
disleksia dalam teknologi maklumat
dan komunikasi?
Ease of use
8. Do you think that Information and
Communication Technology in special
education are easy to use by the
teacher as teaching tool?
Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5-
Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi
maklumat dalam pendidikan khas
mudah digunakan oleh guru sebagai
alat pembelajaran?
(Skala 1 hingga 5 tertingi)
9. Do you think that Information and
Communication Technology are easy
to use by the Dyslexic student?
Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5-
Adakah and fikir bahawa teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi mudah
digunakan oleh pelajar disleksia?
(skala 1 hingga 5 tertinggi)
Provision of ICT facilities
10. As a teacher.
What you do to ensure students use an
Information and Communication
Technology in learning process?
Sebagai seorang guru.
Apakah yang anda lakukan bagi
memastikan pelajar menggunakan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
dalam proses pembelajaran?
11. Do Information and Communication
Technology facilities provided at the
school is adequate?
Adakah kemudahan teknologi
maklumat dan kommunikasi
disediakan di sekolah mencukupi?
12. Appreciate if you can share how you
use Information and Communication
Technology as teaching tool in your
(students involvement, students
reaction, and students performance)
Jika anda boleh berkongsi, bagaimana
anda menggunakan teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi sebagai alat
pembelajaran di dalam kelas anda?
(penglibatan pelajar, reaksi pelajar, dan
prestasi pelajar-pelajar)
Effectiveness & Challenges
13. Based on your experience.
What is the different between learning
with and without Information and
Communication Technology in
learning process?
Berdasarkan pengalaman anda.
Apakah perbezaan antara pembelajaran
menggunakan dan tanpa menggunaan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
dalam proses pembelajaran?
14. Do you find any difficulties during the
learning process?
(due to students disabilities)
Adakah anda menemui sebarang
kesukaran semasa proses
(disebabkan ketidakupayaan pelajar)
No Question Answer
Special Education
1. What is special education in your
perspective as a teacher?
Apakah yang dimaksud kan dengan
pendidikan khas dari perspektif anda
sebagai seorang guru?
2. What experience do you have in the
special education field?
Apakah pengalaman yang anda ada
dalam bidang pendidikan khas?
3. What are the benefits of having a
special education program?
Apakah manfaat yang diperolehi
melalui program pendidikan khas?
4. Do you think Information and
Communication Technology can helps
Autistic students as learning tool in
Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi dapat
membantu pelajar autistik sebagai alat
pembelajaran dalam kelas?
5. How do you see the level of teacher’s
acceptance in Information and
Communication Technology usage
towards teaching process in Special
(Scale 1 to 5)
Bagaimana anda melihat tahap
penerimaan guru dalam penggunaan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam
pendidikan khas?
(Skala 1 hingga 5)
6. How do you see the level of student’s
acceptance in Information and
Communication Technology usage
towards teaching process in Special
(Scale 1 to 5)
Bagaimana anda melihat tahap
penerimaan pelajar dalam penggunaan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam
pendidikan khas?
(Skala 1 hingga 5)
7. What normally attract Autistic students
in Information and Communication
Technology, based on your
Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda, apakah
yang dapat menarik minat pelajar
autistik dalam teknologi maklumat dan
Ease of use
8. Do you think that Information and
Communication Technology in special
education are easy to use by the
teacher as teaching tool?
Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5-
Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi
maklumat dalam pendidikan khas
mudah digunakan oleh guru sebagai
alat pembelajaran?
(Skala 1 hingga 5 tertingi)
9. Do you think that Information and
Communication Technology are easy
to use by the Autistic student?
Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5-
Adakah and fikir bahawa teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi mudah
digunakan oleh pelajar 68utistic?
(skala 1 hingga 5 tertinggi)
Provision of ICT facilities
10. As a teacher.
What you do to ensure students use an
Information and Communication
Technology in learning process?
Sebagai seorang guru.
Apakah yang anda lakukan bagi
memastikan pelajar menggunakan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
dalam proses pembelajaran?
11. Do Information and Communication
Technology facilities provided at the
school is adequate?
Adakah kemudahan teknologi
maklumat dan kommunikasi
disediakan di sekolah mencukupi?
12. Appreciate if you can share how you
use Information and Communication
Technology as teaching tool in your
(students involvement, students
reaction, and students performance)
Jika anda boleh berkongsi, bagaimana
anda menggunakan teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi sebagai alat
pembelajaran di dalam kelas anda?
(penglibatan pelajar, reaksi pelajar, dan
prestasi pelajar-pelajar)
Effectiveness & Challenges
13. Based on your experience.
What is the different between learning
with and without Information and
Communication Technology in
learning process?
Berdasarkan pengalaman anda.
Apakah perbezaan antara pembelajaran
menggunakan dan tanpa menggunaan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
dalam proses pembelajaran?
14. Do you find any difficulties during the
learning process?
(due to students disabilities)
Adakah anda menemui sebarang
kesukaran semasa proses
(disebabkan ketidakupayaan pelajar)
No Question Answer
Special Education
1. What is special education in your
perspective as a teacher?
Apakah yang dimaksud kan dengan
pendidikan khas dari perspektif anda
sebagai seorang guru?
In my opinion, special education is an
education for exceptional students
and students of special needs.
Students with special needs if we can
guide them they will be a successful
2. What experience do you have in the
special education field?
Apakah pengalaman yang anda ada
dalam bidang pendidikan khas?
I have 20 years’ experience in
teaching dyslexic student. My
experience in special education is to
teach students who need guidance
different from the normal students.
3. What are the benefits of having a
special education program?
Apakah manfaat yang diperolehi
melalui program pendidikan khas?
- Getting close to the student
and had to face lot of
- Share knowledge to the
- Student will be more
confident and will feel more
4. Do you think Information and
Communication Technology can
helps Dyslexic students as learning
tool in class?
Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi dapat
membantu pelajar disleksia sebagai
alat pembelajaran dalam kelas?
Students are more interested in the
use of information technology in
learning process.
5. How do you see the level of teacher’s
acceptance in Information and
Communication Technology usage
towards teaching process in Special
(Scale 1 to 5)
Bagaimana anda melihat tahap
penerimaan guru dalam penggunaan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam
pendidikan khas?
(Skala 1 hingga 5)
Scale: 5
Because teacher are given a training
in order to teach the student.
6. How do you see the level of student’s
acceptance in Information and
Communication Technology usage
towards teaching process in Special
(Scale 1 to 5)
Bagaimana anda melihat tahap
penerimaan pelajar dalam
penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan
komunikasi ke arah proses
pembelajaran dalam pendidikan
(Skala 1 hingga 5)
Scale 5:
Students are able to focus on teaching
and learning with the use of
7. What normally attract Dyslexic
students in Information and
Communication Technology, based
on your observation?
Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda,
apakah yang dapat menarik minat
pelajar disleksia dalam teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi?
Students are more interested in
answering question using computer
and teacher teach using computer.
Having a music, video and picture
will make the student excited to
Ease of use
8. Do you think that Information and
Communication Technology in
special education are easy to use by
the teacher as teaching tool?
Scale: 5
Because it is more easy and save
Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5-
Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi
maklumat dalam pendidikan khas
mudah digunakan oleh guru sebagai
alat pembelajaran?
(Skala 1 hingga 5 tertingi)
9. Do you think that Information and
Communication Technology are easy
to use by the Dyslexic student?
Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5-
Adakah and fikir bahawa teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi mudah
digunakan oleh pelajar disleksia?
(skala 1 hingga 5 tertinggi)
Scale 5:
Because its help dyslexic student in
learning process.
For example tools to enlarge the font
and words.
Provision of ICT facilities
10. As a teacher.
What you do to ensure students use
an Information and Communication
Technology in learning process?
Sebagai seorang guru.
Apakah yang anda lakukan bagi
memastikan pelajar menggunakan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
dalam proses pembelajaran?
The facilities need to be complete in
the dyslexia class.
Teacher need to approach them and
guide them.
11. Do Information and Communication
Technology facilities provided at the
school is adequate?
Adakah kemudahan teknologi
maklumat dan kommunikasi
disediakan di sekolah mencukupi?
The government provide notebook
and each student are given to use the
notebook each per person.
12. Appreciate if you can share how you
use Information and Communication
Technology as teaching tool in your
(students involvement, students
reaction, and students performance)
Jika anda boleh berkongsi,
bagaimana anda menggunakan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
sebagai alat pembelajaran di dalam
kelas anda?
(penglibatan pelajar, reaksi pelajar,
dan prestasi pelajar-pelajar)
For teaching and learning purpose.
By using an ICT the student will
involve and give their respond
towards the learning process.
Effectiveness & Challenges
13. Based on your experience.
What is the different between
learning with and without
Information and Communication
Technology in learning process?
Berdasarkan pengalaman anda.
Apakah perbezaan antara
pembelajaran menggunakan dan
tanpa menggunaan teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi dalam
proses pembelajaran?
Learning using information and
communication technology will
attract interest of the student and it
will make the job of teacher easier.
14. Do you find any difficulties during
the learning process?
(due to students disabilities)
Adakah anda menemui sebarang
kesukaran semasa proses
(disebabkan ketidakupayaan pelajar)
Student will easily get bored and
tired especially when it comes to a
difficult subject.
No Question Answer
Special Education
1. What is special education in your
perspective as a teacher?
Apakah yang dimaksud kan dengan
pendidikan khas dari perspektif anda
sebagai seorang guru?
Special education are education that
are very special and it is specifically
for disabilities student. Has 3
categories which is hearing problems,
visual problems and learning
difficulties. The programmed usually
called as “Program Pendidikan Khas
Integrasi”. But for Program
Pendidikan Khas Integrasi is actually
for learning difficulties which is for
student like autism, hyperactive, slow
learner and syndrome down. It has its
own learning process. Usually the
student timetable are very flexible
because they need to give an
opportunity for student to explore
things outside the school.
For example :
Change from the subject mathematics
to computer learning or bring them to
play bowling.
Special education also given the same
opportunity in curriculum but in
different level.
Special education also has an
inclusive whereby if the student are
able to read, writing and can manage
their self the student can go to the
mainstream class which the normal
student class but still monitored by
the teacher. It has 2 types of inclusive
which is full time inclusive and half
time inclusive. For full time inclusive
the student will always be at the
mainstream class but for half time
inclusive they will go to mainstream
class only for the subject that will take
in UPSR.
2. What experience do you have in the
special education field?
Apakah pengalaman yang anda ada
dalam bidang pendidikan khas?
10 years’ experience with two
different school.
Has faced a lot of student behavior as
well as parents acceptance. For
example the parent’s acceptance
teacher need to face the parents when
anything happens to the student and
sometime the parents can’t accept that
their child need to go for special
education, parents can’t accept when
their children still can’t read or write
within 1 years and when their children
still can’t take UPSR.
Happy when the student can win any
of competition.
3. What are the benefits of having a
special education program?
Apakah manfaat yang diperolehi
melalui program pendidikan khas?
For student:
- They will get an allowance
that will help the parents.
- They has their own
curriculum activities so they
will confident in doing the
- They will learn the same
syllabus but a bit slow.
For teacher:
- Share their knowledge and
proud that they can help the
student to success.
4. Do you think Information and
Communication Technology can
helps autism students as learning tool
in class?
Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi dapat
Yes, because for disabilities student
in their timetable has a computer class
that the teacher will guide them on
how to use computer, how to use
Microsoft words, paint and etc. This
will help the student get excited when
they see the pictures, they hear an
audio and watch the video.
membantu pelajar autism sebagai alat
pembelajaran dalam kelas?
There is a student that are not really
active in class learning but when it
comes to computer they are more
advance from their friend.
5. How do you see the level of teacher’s
acceptance in Information and
Communication Technology usage
towards teaching process in Special
(Scale 1 to 5)
Bagaimana anda melihat tahap
penerimaan guru dalam penggunaan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam
pendidikan khas?
(Skala 1 hingga 5)
Scale : 4
Because in university previously they
are given a learning using ICT and
most of the teacher can teach ICT.
Government also provide training for
teacher in order to teach the student.
Teacher need to learn on how using
computer, LCD and etc.
6. How do you see the level of student’s
acceptance in Information and
Communication Technology usage
towards teaching process in Special
(Scale 1 to 5)
Bagaimana anda melihat tahap
penerimaan pelajar dalam penggunaan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam
pendidikan khas?
(Skala 1 hingga 5)
Scale : 4
Because of the attractiveness of the
audio, image and video. This will
make the student interested to study.
For example, teacher give a song
lyrics and the student need to write
back the song lyrics this is will make
the student use to the keyboard.
7. What normally attract autism students
in Information and Communication
Technology, based on your
Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda,
apakah yang dapat menarik minat
Use music, visualization and video to
attract the student. For example like
doing an exercise ask the student to
match the pictures and turn on the
music to make them excited.
When they heard music they will start
to dance and sing the song.
pelajar autism dalam teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi?
Ease of use
8. Do you think that Information and
Communication Technology in
special education are easy to use by
the teacher as teaching tool?
Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5-
Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi
maklumat dalam pendidikan khas
mudah digunakan oleh guru sebagai
alat pembelajaran?
(Skala 1 hingga 5 tertingi)
Scale : 4
Because the government provide cd in
the text book, the teacher only need to
play the cd in class. The teacher get
involve when their doing an activities.
When the teacher play the cd the
student will start to involve in the
9. Do you think that Information and
Communication Technology are easy
to use by the autism student?
Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5-
Adakah and fikir bahawa teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi mudah
digunakan oleh pelajar autism?
(skala 1 hingga 5 tertinggi)
Scale : 3
Because it is depends on the group of
the student. There is 5 group in the
school, most of the time group
number 4 and 5 are the most that can
learn it easy and can give the group
more activities or exercise while
group 1, 2 and 3 still need specific
guidance from the teachers so the
activities or exercise are less.
Provision of ICT facilities
10. As a teacher.
What you do to ensure students use an
Information and Communication
Technology in learning process?
Sebagai seorang guru.
Apakah yang anda lakukan bagi
memastikan pelajar menggunakan
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
dalam proses pembelajaran?
Bring the student to computer lab.
Teach them how to use Microsoft
words, paint, YouTube, download
and etc.
11. Do Information and Communication
Technology facilities provided at the
school is adequate?
Adakah kemudahan teknologi
maklumat dan kommunikasi
disediakan di sekolah mencukupi?
The government provide notebook
and each student can use the notebook
each per person. This will make the
student feel free to use it.
12. Appreciate if you can share how you
use Information and Communication
Technology as teaching tool in your
(students involvement, students
reaction, and students performance)
Jika anda boleh berkongsi, bagaimana
anda menggunakan teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi sebagai
alat pembelajaran di dalam kelas
(penglibatan pelajar, reaksi pelajar,
dan prestasi pelajar-pelajar)
Using an ICT in learning process will
make the student more interested in
studying. ICT will make the student
more understand. By using an ICT the
student will 100% involve and give
their respond towards the learning
process. Even though it makes takes
time but it worth when the student get
involve and the student.
Effectiveness & Challenges
13. Based on your experience.
What is the different between learning
with and without Information and
Communication Technology in
learning process?
Berdasarkan pengalaman anda.
Apakah perbezaan antara
pembelajaran menggunakan dan tanpa
menggunaan teknologi maklumat dan
komunikasi dalam proses
More effective because buy using an
ICT it will make the teacher job
For example if the teacher need to
draw a picture manually the picture
might not turn as it is but by having
the real picture the teacher will save
time by drawing it.
Nowadays there is the portal that the
teacher can key in the exercise for
student and the student can download
the exercise and parents can view the
student result through online.
14. Do you find any difficulties during the
learning process?
(due to students disabilities)
Adakah anda menemui sebarang
kesukaran semasa proses
(disebabkan ketidakupayaan pelajar)
- Low concertation: the student
not focus while study because
of the disabilities.
- Behavior: sometimes when
the teacher are teaching at
front they are doing
something else at the back.
Appendix C – Paper
College of Information Technology
Universiti Tenaga Nasional
Selangor, Malaysia
Abstract – This research is about the
adoption of information and
communication technology (ICT) in
special education specific for dyslexia
and autism primary school student.
From the research we identified that
using an ICT as a teaching and
learning tool does give a positive
impact to dyslexic and autistic
Keywords – dyslexic, autistic, assistive
The new education Act 1996 is an
educational reform undertake by the
Malaysian government give a high
standard education to all people in the
country [1]. This includes children with
special education. Refer to the 1996
Act, the special needs of blind, deaf and
physically handicapped children were
being met [1]. However, the needs of
children with less obvious special needs
were being neglected.
In the beginning of 2001, a working
panel was set up to initiate the National
Dyslexia Programme in Malaysia [1].
This involve the Department of Special
Needs Education, dyslexia specialist
from Universiti Putra Malaysia,
psychologist clinic, paediatricians, SEN
teachers, speech therapists and parents
[1]. Apart from the educational,
medical and lay teams collaborate for
advancement of dyslexia awareness in
Malaysia. The Malaysian Bar Council is
working on a memorandum on
legislation for the education of
individuals with disabilities. This
memorandum enclose the needs and
rights of children with specific learning
difficulties [1].
In 19 April 2005, the Special
Education Department, under the
governance of the Malaysian Ministry
of Education together with the National
Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM),
which is national level non-
governmental organization (NGO)
initiated an inclusive programme in one
of the primary school [67]. Student need
to register with NASOM. After three
years implementation the number of
registration increase meaning that the
number of autism that go to school are
The term ‘Special Education’ refers
for those students who are physically,
mentally or emotionally delayed [3].
Due to this delayed student cannot met

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  • 1. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background In the history of development of a country, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are really important. The growth of information technology has change our daily routine day by day. The prospective on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education has been presented a long time ago. The first Malaysia computer system was on 1966.Since that, the government introduce ICT to improve capacities in every field including education. [1]. Malaysia agreed that the ICT are able to enhance education among student. ICT development has a potential in developing education to student [2]. Therefore, Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) has taken some strategies to apply ICT in teaching and learning process in all school system over the country. Special education is an education that specific to the disabilities student. The term “Special Education Needs” refer to all difficulties that can cause problems during the learning process [3]. The new education Act 1996 is an educational reform undertake
  • 2. 2 by the Malaysia government give a high standard education to all people in the country. This includes children with special education. Refer to the 1996 Act, the special needs of blind, deaf and physically handicapped children were being met. However, the needs of children with less obvious special needs were being neglected. In the beginning of 2001, a working panel was set up to initiate the National Dyslexia Programme in Malaysia. This involve the Department of Special Needs Education, dyslexia specialist from Universiti Putra Malaysia, psychologist clinic, paediatricians, SEN teachers, speech therapists and parents. Apart from the educational, medical and lay teams collaborate for advancement of dyslexia awareness in Malaysia. The Malaysian Bar Council is working on a memorandum on legislation for the education of individuals with disabilities. This memorandum enclose the needs and rights of children with specific learning difficulties [4]. In 19 April 2005, the Special Education Department, under the governance of the Malaysian Ministry of Education together with the National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM), which is national level non-governmental organization (NGO) initiated an inclusive programme in one of the primary school [5]. Student need to register with NASOM. After three years implementation the number of registration increase meaning that the number of autism that go to school are increase. The school are helped by three teachers from NASOM. Make use of ICT in special education deals with an assistive technology (AT), communication system, adaptive devices and internet application. During the last decade, learning with ICT deals with intervention tools which only can be use by doctors, but also from teachers, special educators and parents [3]. Recently, ICT has being use by the students with disabilities. This will give students with disabilities
  • 3. 3 received equal access to education. In fact, this might give some impact to the student in the learning process. Make use of technology is the best way of learning process. Use a multimedia as part of it by using an audio, animation, and pictures will attract the student to learn in class. This research attempts to examine and review the impact of ICT towards usefulness, ease of use, attitude, behavioural intention to use and actual system use to dyslexic and autistic student in primary school which will refer to TAM Framework. 1.2 Problem Statement This study will discuss on ICT use for dyslexic and autistic student in term of education. 1. Communication with teachers:  The main problem is communication with teachers. Many disabilities student find difficult to communicate since they has a difficulties on speaking. This one is the major problem in the learning process.  E.g.: If the teacher are ask the student question on mathematic subject and they cannot calculate, they will feel offended and they will not ask the teacher how the calculation is actually works. This will create a problem to the student and teacher. 2. Acceptance:  Level of ICT acceptance by the teachers are the most important issues. Since the teachers need to go for a training and need to be willing to learn ICT in order for them to teach dyslexic and autistic student.
  • 4. 4 Teachers need to play their role in order to make sure that the student receive whatever they teach and they need to put some effort to teach dyslexic and autistic student. 3. Ease of use:  Level ease of use for teacher might be easy but for the student it is depends on the maturity of the student itself. 1.3 Research Objectives Below are the objectives for the study: 1. To study the acceptance and use of ICT in dyslexia and autism primary school.  The ICT acceptance by the teachers and students are important in order to make sure that the teacher are delivering the knowledge and the student are receiving the knowledge. This process are important to make sure that the knowledge process are successful. Make use of ICT in learning process will make the knowledge are totally being transferred to the student. This objective will see the acceptance and use of ICT in dyslexia and autism primary school. 2. To identify the effectiveness and challenges of ICT adoption as learning tools by dyslexic and autistic student.  To identify the effectiveness, a teacher and a student need to make use of ICT as a tools in learning process. This will allowed educators to see how effective use ICT as a learning tolls in learning process. The teacher
  • 5. 5 and student must face a challenges in order to make use of ICT as a learning tools. The challenges faced might be the technical and student issues. It is whether to see the challenges can be overcome or not. This objective will investigate the effectiveness and the challenges using an ICT as a learning tool. 3. To propose a model for ICT acceptance for special education and suggestion to improve ICT addition in dyslexia and autism primary school.  The use of ICT as learning tools in special education has increase. However, there is a people who can’t accept an ICT as a learning tools.  Some improvement needed so that the use of ICT as learning tools will increase. 1.4 Research Questions For this research, three main question is built during this study of ICT impact to dyslexia and autism primary school student. These question will be answered at the end of this study. 1. What are the levels of ICT acceptance and use by dyslexic / autistic students in primary school? 2. What are the challenges faced by teachers in adopting the ICT as learning tools in class? 3. How efficient is technology adoption a learning tools in class
  • 6. 6 1.5 Research Motivation As referred during 2001, the government take an initiatives to give a focus to dyslexia disabilities. By having an Act 1996, an equal education or standard education are given to the communities. In 19 April 2005, the Special Education Department, under the governance of the Malaysian Ministry of Education together with the National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM), which is national level non-governmental organization (NGO) initiated an inclusive programme. Disabilities student receive same education same as the normal student received. As the normal student receive an education using an ICT, disabilities student also given an opportunities to learn ICT. However, in order to make use an ICT in learning process this will involve the teacher’s effort as well as the student effort. Both side need to play their role and give 100% commitment to teach and to learn. This research will study the impact of ICT to dyslexia and autism primary school student which focuses to special education and the teachers as respondents for this study. The objectives of this research is to study the ICT acceptance of use in dyslexia and autism primary school. Whether the ICT being use as a tools in learning process and the acceptance by the teachers and student. The second objectives of this study is to study the effectiveness and challenges of ICT adoption as learning tools by dyslexic and autistic student. There must be a challenges in order for teacher to teach and student to learn and will see the effectiveness of ICT as learning tools. The last objectives is to propose a model for ICT acceptance for special education and suggestion to improve ICT addition in dyslexia and autistic primary school. The assumptions for this study are: make use of ICT as a learning tools give a positive impact to dyslexic and autistic primary school student.
  • 7. 7 1.6 Hypothesis Below are hypothesis H1. Information and communication technology give a positive impact to dyslexic and autistic student  For this hypothesis, it indicates that using an information and communication does give a positive impact to dyslexic and autistic student in learning process. The hypothesis will be use if the result of this study meet the later hypothesis. H2. The factors that give an impact using ICT for dyslexic and autistic student  There must be a factor that cause the impact of ICT to dyslexic and autistic student. The hypothesis will be use if the result shows some factor cause the impact. 1.7 Project Stakeholder For this research I do an interview with teacher from Sekolah Kebangsaan Sikama, Seremban and Sekolah Kebangsaan Putrajaya Presint 9 (2).
  • 8. 8 1.8 Summary On this chapter, the explanation of Information and Communication Technology, special education and the use of ICT in special education are defined. To set the purpose of this research, the problem statements are stated to know the problem related to ICT to dyslexia and autism primary school student. Research objectives has defined to make this study clear. There are research questions and motivation also use in this research. Lastly, hypotheses are the conclusion for this research.
  • 9. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction : The research on use of ICT in education for disabilities students or sometimes call as ICT in special education for disabilities. This research is focusing on ICT in special education. The research is about the impact of ICT in special education for dyslexic and autistic student and the target is the primary school student. The research is being carried out to find the impact of ICT in special education for dyslexic and autism student at primary school. By doing this research, the result of impact of ICT in special education for dyslexic and autistic student at primary school will be known by doing the 2 method. The method of the research can be found in two ways which is literature review and qualitative methodology. For the literature review, the sources are from journal article and internet about the impact of ICT in special education for dyslexic and autistic student in school. As for the qualitative methodology, the result will carry out by interview the teacher that teach dyslexic and autistic student at primary school.
  • 10. 10 2.2 Terms 2.2.1 Information and Communication Technology. The growth of information technology has change our daily routine day by day. The term of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a term that covers all forms of computers and communication used to manipulate information [6]. Computers and communication being link together because by having a computer we can communicate and in order for us to communicate we need a technology such as computers. Information technology itself common on referring to computer [7]. Computer based actually has increase human skill [8]. In our daily life we need ICT to make our daily activities easier. ICT has proven that it increase human skill such as skills on typing, skill in controlling and etc. ICT support a lot of technology such as decision support, serve people and allow people to get information [9]. ICT scope continuously change according to the new technology [10].ICT allowed human to get an information, so that the human itself can get knowledge as many as they want or they need. Serve people is the main purpose of ICT. ICT has given an impact in a lot of field. ICT is not only support the economic growth but it also support in education. The effect of ICT in education has been studies early 1970s, where educators started to believe that ICT could support students in education [3]. The prospective of ICT in form of education has been well presented. ICT actually can overcome barriers among the students and teachers [11]. ICT giving an effect on the numbers of knowledgeable teachers and knowledgeable student [12]. ICT has proven that it’s already change the way of teaching and the way of learning at school.
  • 11. 11 2.2.2 Disabilities The word disabilities describe a person who has impairment problems and has mentally delayed. According to the World Health Organisation, a disability is a restrain or lack (occur from any impairment) of ability to perform activity in away or within the range considered normal for human being. People with disabilities may include people with long term illness, people with physically disability, people who are deaf or hearing impairment, people with learning or intellectual disabilities and etc. According to the United Nations Standard Rules the term “disability” encapsulate the number of functional limitations occur in any country. People may be disabled by physical, intellectual or sensory impairment, mental illness or medical conditions or illness may be permanent [13]. There is many types of impairment such as visual impairment, motor impairment and hearing impairment. Table 1 show types of disabilities and the effect [14]: Table 2.1: Type of disabilities and the effect Types of disabilities Affect Physical Affect a mobility [14] Intellectual Affect a to learn [14] Visual Affect a view [15] Hearing Effect on hearing Syndrome Effect on speak, think Mental Affect thinking process
  • 12. 12 2.2.3 Dyslexia The word dyslexia comes from the Greek word that means difficulty with words. Dyslexia is a disorder that can occur problem in reading and/or spelling at word level [16]. Some doctors, specialist and educators may refer it as “reading disabilities” or a “reading disorder”. It can also affect speaking, writing and spelling. Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that mainly affect the people spell words and read. According to the National Institutes of Health, up to 15% of population in every country has a difficulty learning or read. Dyslexia is a learning difference that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling across the range of intellectual abilities. It affects phonological awareness, memory and verbal processing speed. Dyslexia occurs across the range of intellectual abilities [17]. People think that dyslexia is a condition that involves reading from right to left and reversing words and letters. Experts say that dyslexia has little to do with recognizing the visual form of words. Researcher not yet identify what cause dyslexia. The overall point said that dyslexia can be caused by inherited factors, and/or hearing problems at an early age [18]. Dyslexia usually runs in family. About 40% of siblings of children with dyslexia may have the same reading issues. Scientist have also found several genes associated with reading and language processing issues. Most of children with dyslexia seems that their parents also has dyslexia which is difficulties on reading, writing or even speaking.
  • 13. 13 There are variety of symptoms of dyslexia. One of it was problem with phonology which is the mental representation and processing of speech sounds [19]. It is an ability to identify how the word sound. For example a child with a good level of phonological awareness would understand that if you change the letter "p" in the word "pat" to "s", the word becomes "sat" [20]. Phonological awareness can improve the children reading awareness, and spelling, especially for reading and spelling words with blends [21]. A normal people might think that phonological process is difficult as for dyslexic people it was because of their brains function in different way. 2.2.4 Autism The word “autism” came from Greek word that means self [22]. Autism describe the children does not have an ability to interact and communicate with others. Autism also known as triad of impairment. American Psychiatric Association state that autism is a “pervasive developmental disorder”. Autism usually effecting three main area which is social communication, social imagination and social interaction [23]. Children with autism fail to become social. For social communication or interaction, children with autism usually show little variation in facial expression, abnormal eye contact and not involve in social imitation [24]. They don’t understand that other people have feelings. Almost 50% of children with autism have meaningful or useful speech. They fail communicate with others. They have a difficulty in developing language skills and understanding what other people say to them. They may also have a difficulty in communicate verbally, such as eye contact, hand gesture and facial expression. It is actually
  • 14. 14 depends on development of the children itself. Some of them may be unable to speak. But most of autism children does not have difficulties in pronouncing word. Majority of autism children has difficulty on using language effectively, especially when they talk to others and they might not understand body language. Autism effect on social imagination. They attempt to only play with their world. When they get an object they will imagine about the object and they will not play or get involve with other. But if they do involve they will set the rules. Autism also may effect on social interaction. They fail to make their life socialize. Meaning that they fail to communicate with other people. Researcher not yet identify what cause autism. But there is a pinpoint that said the genetic is the cause of autism. People with autism probably share certain of abnormal brain function. Recent studies of sulfur metabolism in children with autism shows a pattern of abnormalities indicative of the presence of oxidative stress and impairment methylation [25]. 2.2.5 Special Education The term ‘Special Education’ refers for those students who are physically, mentally or emotionally delayed [26]. In other words, special education also been referred as inclusion. Inclusion means when a student with special learning and/or behavioural needs is educated full time in the general education program [27]. Those students with disabilities need a special education so that they can learn as same as the normal student did. The Special Education Philosophy state that the disabilities student need
  • 15. 15 entertained equally to the normal student is a basic in receiving formal education [28]. Special education needs is actually refers to difficulties on transferring knowledge [29]. It’s meaning to the disabilities student that have a learning difficulties, sensory or physically need, problem in communication or having a bad health condition [30]. Special education has been use to a certain country [31]. “Government need to develop national plans to extend inclusive education for children with disabilities, including detailed targets, strategies for improving access and learning achievement, and comprehensive plans for providing financing and training teachers. The starting point for such a plan is a credible needs assessment based on a national survey of the prevalence of disabilities.” EFA Global Monitoring Report 2010. 2.2.6 Assistive Technology Assistive Technology is any item, equipment product or software that use to help individuals with disabilities [32]. It’s a term that being use by individual with disabilities sometimes. Assistive technology can assist individuals with disabilities to attain optimal function and independence and has become an increasingly accepted intervention [33]. Its help people with disabilities to do things more easily, independently or more quickly. For student, when they used assistive technology, they can have an opportunity for access and participation [34]. The fact is that different disabilities actually need a different assistive technologies. Sometimes, the
  • 16. 16 assistive technology are complex to be use. People who are going to use the assistive technology must know that complexity of the assistive technology [35]. Assistive technology is defined in the Technology-Related Assistance Act (Tech Act) as “any piece is equipment, or system whether get from commercial off the shelf, customized or modified use to increase, improve or maintain functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities “(Tech Act, 1998). Assistive technology will not make the disability go away but it can only lessen the impact of the disability (Moore, 1991). Assistive technology are actually to decrease the functional limitation of a person with a disability [36]. However, assistive technology has its own barriers and problem. The device are very expensive and resources are not easy to get, or the equipment are purchase with no training support system to show individuals on how to use the equipment effectively, or devices simply breakdown and need to be repaired (Moore,1991). 2.3 The Concept 2.3.1 ICT in Special Education ICT has becoming an important component to the young child world. Thus, ICT in childhood education has effect in people environment that surround children’s learning and well-being [37]. Today, almost one of six students in schools cannot fully benefit from a traditional educational program because they have a disability that impairs their ability to participate in classroom activities [38]. ICT in special education is needed because ICT has impacted on the quality and quantity of
  • 17. 17 teaching, learning, and research in traditional and distance education institutions. [12]. In other words, ICT can enhance the learning and teaching process [12].ICT provides an opportunities to get know a lot of information using information resources and viewing information from others perspective [39]. 2.3.2 Dyslexia and Autism in Malaysia Special Education Malaysia itself has seen that special education is really needed for disabilities student. Malaysia has a more than 36 school that are specific for special education [40]. There is a school that specific for student who has visual impairment, motor impairment, hearing impairment and student that are hyperactive. Malaysian People with Disabilities Act 2008 state that formal education should be given to people with disabilities. The aim is actually to give an opportunity to pursue their education in highest level. Dyslexia and autism has been categorized as learning difficulties. The schooling period for special needs student in Malaysia is 13 years, which 2 years more compared to mainstream system [41] (see Table 2) . It is slightly different from the mainstream system where they have an extra years for learning. This is including education for dyslexia and autism student. Table 2.2: School Period for Special Need Student in Malaysia Year Education Level Form 5 Higher Secondary Level Form 4 Form 3 Lower Secondary Level Form 2
  • 18. 18 Form 1 2nd Extra Standard 6 Primary School Standard 5 Standard 4 Standard 3 Standard 2 Standard 1 1st Extra Stated under Ministry of Education, there are 2 categories of special education program which is Special School for students with auditory, visual and learning disabilities like dyslexia and autism (secondary level) and Special Education Integration Programme for student with auditory, visual and learning disabilities like dyslexia and autism – which need inclusive teaching and learning approach (primary, secondary and vocational levels). 2.4 Assistive Technology 2.4.1 Assistive Technology for Dyslexic Student The special-purpose hardware supplied to students with dyslexia is usually in the form of standalone electronic devices [42]. a) Kurzweil3000 [16]. Kurzweil300 is a software that covers on reading, writing and learning for student with disabilities. The software print the document with the use of
  • 19. 19 scanner or on the web, and electronic documents. It is a text reader with embedded study and writing skills. This will help the student to access to material with the fasters speed. Student can get audio and visual feedback and use it for writing assignments. By having an audio and visual will make the student interested to learn and this will make them excited to learn. The feedback given will make the student known if there is any mistakes that they made. b) Sprint [16]. Sprint is a program that has speech and language technology to a computer. Student can listen to any available text on their computer because Sprint will reads them out loud. Sprint also can read out loud while text is being entered which will help in detecting mistakes. This will make the student alert about the mistakes that they made and can make correction on the mistakes. Student just need to listen while the Sprint read it out loud. Sprint will read it clearly so that student can hear it correctly. c) Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) [43]. Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) software is a language-learning software example like web-based, CD-ROM that has lessons and exercise designed and developed for the particular needs of a target language leaner group. CALLS means of aiding the work done in classroom by the teacher and can also be mean of independently learning a language. CALL technology can strengthen the symbol-sound-meaning link with constant audio-visual revision because a student can click on a word and hear what it sounds like as often as they like.
  • 20. 20 d) Tablet PCs [44]. The adoption of tablet PC as assistive technology has recently conducted. Make use of tablet for teaching and learning is a good method in teaching student with reading difficulties. A tablet can do a zooming in and out to give a better view. While the student are reading, they can actually highlight an important by choosing the highlight colour and just colour the point. This will help on grouping a point that are connect to the topic that the student read. e) Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) [45]. At Malaysia, Automatic Speech Recognition for Malay version are on the serious research. It providing a reading-based application that teachers teach by ‘listening’ to and monitoring their reading. ASR being used to enabler reading tracking mechanism by comparing the read speech with actual word being read. ASR trach reading while the kid are reading and its enable user to ask question. It been used in Malaysia. 2.4.2 Assistive Technology for Autistic Student a) Humanoid Robot [46] It is to encourage interaction skills. It is develop as a robotic toy with capability to connect to an array of many sensors, and to support a spectrum of interaction with children which involving music, speech and movement [46]. The autistic children can play with the robot. The use of the robot as entertained systems has an important constrains on the design as well as the appearance of the robot [47].
  • 21. 21 The physical appearance of the robot are important to attract the autistic children. b) vSked [48] vSked is combination visual schedule, reward system and choice boards. vSked is composed of devices for each student integrated by the teacher through large touch screen monitor at the front of the classroom. [48]. vSked can make student be more independence, reduce the number of educators and reduce the time that required to change from one activity to another activity. c) Mobile Application for Children with Autism: Mari Basuh Tangan (let’s wash hands) [49]. At Malaysia,this application will guide them on how to learn personal hygiene care properly especially washing hand in devices like tablet or smart phone. This application ca be install in tablet or smart phone. There will be a step on how to wash hands with animation and instruction to guide them. It been used in Malaysian. 2.5 ICT impact to dyslexic and autistic student Below are the impact of ICT to dyslexic and autistic student a) Academic and curriculum result [50]. Academic and curriculum result is very important for student. It is not only important to the normal student but it is also important for disabilities student. ICT help disabilities student to have a success in curriculum and support the
  • 22. 22 academic as well. ICT will help disabilities student on getting an experience and opportunity to explore the ICT world. A good result and experience will help disabilities student in the future for example they will get an equal opportunity to get a job. b) Compete in learning environment [51]. Disabilities student will able to compete in learning environment. Disabilities need to serve an equal education which the learning process same as the normal student get. Having an ICT in education will make disabilities feel more confident to compete the normal student. This help disabilities to not feel offended with the normal student. c) Promote skill [50]. Giving an opportunity using ICT to disabilities will help them to promote their skill. Disabilities student are same as a normal person who actually have their own specialities or skill. Who knows that disabilities can actually make a programming or multimedia design? They can actually promote their skill at school or to find job in the future. d) Study behaviour [52] The researcher finds that ICT give a positive effect to the pattern of study for student. Disabilities also will make use of internet in order to find materials for their study. The pattern will change from the traditional search like books turn to open an internet to find materials. This will make the search more interesting because student will get more information.
  • 23. 23 e) Knowledgeable about the technology [51]. In this modern era everybody use ICT in daily life to make daily activities easier. The knowledge in technology is very important. As normal student can use the technology same goes to the disabilities student. Disabilities student also can be updated or knowledgeable on technology. Technology can actually help the learning process. 2.6 The Barriers of ICT to dyslexic and autistic student Below are the barriers a) Not interested [15] Interested means the interest of disabilities student in accepting the opportunity through ICT. Are disabilities interested in learning ICT? Teachers should approach student. Teachers should use different approach according to the age because they have a different kind of thinking. They might think that ICT is only for a normal student and only for adults. b) School factors [53] Sometimes the school itself are not providing a complete set of ICT equipment. The school are not really aware of important of ICT in learning process. This will make disabilities student not into the ICT world. They are not use of ICT. The school need to provide a complete equipment so that disabilities student may have an interest in learning it.
  • 24. 24 c) Social and community factors [54] The society are not willing to meets the needs of the disabilities student. They are not aware that disabilities student also need to give an opportunity to learn. The society are not giving opportunity to show their talent or skill in ICT. The society need to help disabilities student on ICT because they also need a knowledge in ICT. d) Government [55] Government not allow to fully access to sum information. Sometimes the information that should be public and general are hidden or need to pay for the view of the information. They need to pay certain amount to get the information. The role of government actually to student to access to the information. 2.7 Barriers to Assistive Technology Implementation in education There are many barriers towards implementation of assistive technology in education: a) Inadequate knowledge of assistive technology [56] Teachers lack of knowledge and unawareness on assistive technology. Teachers does not know the assistive technology available and service available for student with learning difficulties. As result, assistive technology is not an option for the disabilities student.
  • 25. 25 b) High costs of equipment and lack of funding [57] In order to implement assistive technology in education or school need funding to access the device or service since assistive technology are expensive. c) Less of contributing [58] Student must contribute in every activities that involve the assistive technology and not only rely on others student. d) Professionals lack of knowledge about technology [57] Few training programs for teachers include courses or class sessions on assistive technology applications and issues. 2.8 The Assistive Technology Framework As assistive technology being use as a tools that help disabilities people in doing daily activities, many result presented concerning this topic. To ease the result framework are built to show how the assistive technology works for disabilities. Below shows 2 types of framework, the element of comprehensive assistive technology (CAT) and human activity assistive technology (HAAT).
  • 26. 26 2.8.1 The Comprehensive Assistive Technology Framework The element of comprehensive assistive technology involve context, person, activities and assistive technology. Figure 2.1: CAT Model (Hersh and Johnson, 2008) i. Context It is good if the assistive design are based on the user’s existing context and not required any change. However, the arrangement of assistive technology can be work towards improving the context, either on its own or work with other people. ii. Person The person is the one who are going to use the assistive technology. It involve the person how they manage to use the assistive technology. It is consist skills. The characteristic of the person or the types of disabilities are depends on the assistive technology that are suitable for the person. User attitude to assistive technology include how they accept new technology.
  • 27. 27 iii. Activities Activities depends on how a person might want to carry out. It involve all the activities that takes place while using assistive technology. iv. Assistive Technology Most of disability people required assistive technology to carry out their desired activities. 2.8.2 Human Activity Assistive Technology Framework Component of human activity assistive technology are activity, assistive technology and human. Figure 2.2: HAAT Model (Cook and Husse, 2008) i. Activity Define as task, procedure or operation the person would like to achieve. It is a flexible term within the model and the use of the model. Activity is performed when assistive technology is used [59].
  • 28. 28 ii. Assistive Technology Define the devices use to overcome any barriers. iii. Human Define who the person is or human that are going to use the assistive technology. Who is considered to have the attributes of sensory inputs, central processing and effectors (motor outputs) [60]. 2.9 TAM Framework Below are the TAM Model Figure 2.3: TAM Model (Davis, 1986) i. External variable Individuals believe that use of technology will results in performance gains.
  • 29. 29 ii. Perceived usefulness (PU) David, in his study of PU, proposed a six items measurement tool. The six items include the four items most commonly used which using (application) increase productivity, using (application) increase job performance, using (application) enhance effectiveness on job and using (application) useful in job [61]. iii. Perceived ease of use (PEOU) There is four items are more frequently use which is learning to operate (the application) is easy, easy to get the (application) to do what to do, the (application) is rigid and inflexible to interact with and the (application) easy to use [61]. iv. Attitude toward using Organisational and technical infrastructure require support of technology exist. ii. Behavioral intention Its focus on user bahavior [62]. iii. Actual use Usage with intention was higher than its correlation with actual usage [63].
  • 30. 30 2.10 Literature Review Table 2.3 : Literature Review Author Objective / Aim Methods Remarks Foong-Mae Chan ICT in Malaysian School : Policy and Strategy Studies ICT in education at Malaysia. Ab Hadi, Mohd Yusop, Baharom Mohamad, Mohd Shaiful Azhar Jaafar Survey the level of teachers and students from Technical and Vocational Special Education Programme has utilized Information and Communication Technology (ICT) usage in their learning and teaching process. Survey ICT still need to practice in Technical and Vocational Special Education. Athanasios Drigas, Rodi- Eleni Ioannidou Use ICT in special education Studies ICT support learning process. Caroline Gomez Dyslexia in Malaysia Studies Dyslexia in education at Malaysia. Professor Dr.Sufean Hussin, Dr.Loh Sau Cheong, Professor Datin Dr. Quek Ai Hwa Autism in Malaysia Studies Autism in education at Malaysia. Vedad Hulusic, Nirvana Pistoljevic Computer based in learning process User study Created software in native languages was completely clear and user friendly for kids with and without special needs. Mudasiru Olalere Yusuf analysis of the Nigerian National Policy for Information Technology Analysis Adoption of ICT in Nigeria are late. Muhammad Ali ICT is opportunities for all including people with disabilities Studies People with different kinds of disabilities are now able to communicate with each other and learn through the tools available for the purpose through ICT.
  • 31. 31 Table 2.3 : Literature Review Nadia.Diraa, Jan.Engelen Use ICT to support student with Dyslexia Exam and experience s Both Kurzweil3000 and Sprint showed advantages and disadvantages. Students need to have some basic computer skills to be capable of using either software. John Bradford Causes of dyslexia Studies Dyslexia is not brought about by poor parenting. Franck Ramus Neurobiology of dyslexia Studies The model outlined here is both compatible with all the available cognitive and neurobiological evidence, and, quite uniquely, offers potential explanations for the association between specific cognitive developmental disorders and sensorimotor manifestations, heterogeneity within each disorder, and comorbidity between disorders. Barbara Garner Techniques for Teaching Beginning-Level Reading Studies Allow time for activities and elements that are usually considered luxuries in education. Colwyn Trevarth en, Kenneth Ait ken, Despina Papoudi, Jacqueline Roba rts Children with autism Studies autism could be defined as the condition of someb ody who is unusually abs orbed in him or her self Richard Deth, Christina Muratore, Jorge Benzecry, Verna- Ann Power- Charnitsky, Mostafa Waly How environmental and genetic factors combine to cause autism: A redox/methylation hypothesis Studies Involvement of environmental factors in causing this developmental disorder, in concert with genetic risk factors.
  • 32. 32 Table 2.3 : Literature Review Athanasios Drigas, Rodi- Eleni Ioannidou To examine and describe how special education services were provided in four elementary schools and four secondary schools (two middle schools and two high schools) in a large, metropolitan school district in a southwestern city. Examine these interviews strongly support the practice of including students with special education challenges in general education programs. Athanasios Drigas, Rodi- Eleni Ioannidou Special education and ICTs Studies ICT has also played a major part in shaping the knowledge and skills of school staff, therapists, special educators etc. Peter Williams, Hamid R Jamali, David Nicholas To provide a review of the past studies on use of information and communications tech nology (ICT) for people with special education needs (SEN) to inform a major research project on using ICT to facilitate self- advocacy and learning for SEN learners Studies great number of ICT initiatives for people with all kinds of disabilities Edyburn, Dave L. Assistive technology Studies Description of assistive technology. Betsy Philips, Hongxin Zhao Assistive technology Survey Important factors in successful use of assistive technology by individuals with disabilities. Edyburn, Dave L. Focus on assistive technology and students with mild disabilities Studies Leadership is needed to develop appropriate policies and practices relative to three phases’ consideration, intervention, and outcome.
  • 33. 33 Table 2.3 : Literature Review Jennifer Mankoff, Gillian R Hayes, Devva Kasnitz Understanding the experience of disability and issues on using assistive technology Studies & case study Expand the view of assistive technology to disabilities people. Mohammed Ali Habash examining the current and future uses of assistive technology by parents and special needs centres for the therapy and rehabilitation of children with special needs, with a focus on autism Survey & examined fair level of awareness of the benefits and value of assistive technology in the field of special need Ted S Hasselbring, Candyce H Williams Glaser Use of Computer Technology to Help Students with Special Needs Studies Barriers of ICT for student with disabilities need to be undertaken so that everyone can use ICT in learning process. Ed Smeets Constribution of ICT to learning environment in primary school Questionn aire Most teachers do not make use of the potential of ICT to contribute to the power of learning environments. Thus, computers are used mainly to complement rather than change existing pedagogical practice. Teachers who applied powerful learning environments in their classes, who valued ICT as a means to support pupils’ active and autonomous learning, and who were more confident about their skills in using ICT, were more likely to use open-ended types of ICT in their teaching practice
  • 34. 34 Table 2.3 : Literature Review Nor Azlina Ab Aziz, Kamarulzaman Ab Aziz, Avijit Paul, Anuar Mohd Yusof, Noor Shuhailie Mohamed Noor Cloud computing technology enables a location independent computing where the computing resources, software, and data are stored in the cloud Studies Advancement in technology has benefitted the education system. It gives a more interesting learning experience to the students. EA Draffan, DG Evans, P Blenkhorn To identify the types and mix of technology (hardware and software) provided to post- secondary students with dyslexia and d to determine the students’ satisfaction with, and use of, the equipment provided and to examine their experiences with training. Survey Students express satisfaction not only with the computer systems that they receive but also with the special purpose software provided to support their studies. Significant numbers of students elect not to receive training and may, therefore, not be using their equipment to its best advantage. Cara Nicole Greene Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) software aimed at dyslexic learners Studies The software aims to aid the reading, organisation and exam skills of dyslexic students A Gasparini, Alma L Culén concerning adoption of iPad or other tablets as assistive technology Pilot studies It offers clear support to some children with reading difficulties. Husniza Husni, Zulikha Jamaludin Automatic Speech Recognition technology for children with dyslexia: Enabling immediate intervention to support reading in Bahasa Melayu. Research Immediate intervention is the key in teaching dyslexics to read. It allows them to learn from the process of making mistake when reading and immediate correction given as feedback.
  • 35. 35 Table 2.3 : Literature Review Ben Robins, Kerstin Dautenhahn, R Te Boerkhorst, Aude Billard Studies the eflect of a robot’s design (appearance) in facilitating and encouraging interaction of children with autism with a small humanoid robot. Research Autism does not occur to the same degree and in the same form in all cases, so, as robotic systems are developed to aid in the therapy and education of children with autism, it is unlikely that they can be used generically to satisfy all needs and requirements. Aude Billard, Ben Robins, Jacqueline Nadel, Kerstin Dautenhahn Robota for children with autism Studies Robota complements other approaches by addressing the role that human features and imitation might have in shaping children’s interaction with others. Results of such studies are promising and will set the stage for a better understanding of the needs of these children Meg Cramer, Sen H Hirano, Monica Tentori, Michael T Yeganyan, Gillian R Hayes Vsked for student with autism Studies vSked can promote student independence, reduce the quantity of educatorinitiated prompts, encourage consistency and predictability, reduce the time required to transition from one activity to another Fadzil Nur'Ain Mobile Application For Children With Autism: Mari Membasuh Tangan. The objective of this project is to develop an application which is easy to use by children with autism Project his mobile application can be used by teachers of children with autism to teach basic steps of personal hygiene care at the Autism Centre
  • 36. 36 Table 2.3 : Literature Review Nabil Eid Innovation and technology for person with disabilities Studies f ICT being used to assist with the teaching of disabled students by providing help to identify the most appropriate technologies for addressing individual needs, and suggestions on how these might be managed in educational learning, understanding of ICT and an awareness of the needs of learners with different disabilities Tah Babila Mbah the impact of information and communicationtechn ology (ICT) on students' study habits Survey The results revealed that students have a positive attitude towards ICTs as such use them to facilitate learning, although male students are more favourable toward ICT usage and likely to find that ICT’s help them at their studies. M Arrigo e-learning for blind students to introduce some studies about the accessibility of the e-learning and to introduce an online learning environment designed for blind students Studies ICT offers great benefits to students with disabilities and enables them to participate fully in the social, cultural and economic development of their community. amie Messinger- Willman, Matthew T Marino How the Universal Design for Learning theoretical framework can be used with assistive technology to enhance educational opportunities for secondary students with learning disabilities. Studies Students with disabilities who are fully included in secondary classrooms continue to struggle to make adequate yearly progress toward their educational goals. Secondary educators can use UDL and AT to enhance the academic, social, and behaviour outcomes for students with disabilities if implementation barriers can be overcome.
  • 37. 37 Table 2.3 : Literature Review Todd Twyman, Gerald Tindal To improve the comprehension and problem- solving skills of students with disabilities in social studies using a conceptually framed, computer-adapted history text. Studies and experimen t Computer-adaptive technology is an effective learning supplement for students with disabilities in content classrooms. Diane Pedrotty Bryant, Brian R Bryant Barriers and support systems for technology integration technology and effective instructional practice, and the need to consider technology adaption for student who have learning disabilities. Research Cooperative learning can be an effective instructional arrangement to teach reinforce skills and concepts. Paul Legris, John Ingham, Pierre Collerette A critical review of the technology acceptance model Research TAM is a useful model, but has to be integrated into a broader one which would include variables related to both human and social change processes, and to the adoption of the innovation model. Izak Benbasat, Henri Barki Concert on TAM Model Studies TAM has fulfilled its original purpose and that it is time researchers moved outside its limited confines Athanasios S Drigas, Rodi- Eleni Ioannidou ICTs in Special Education: A Review Studies ICT is increasingly seen as a tool in terms of creating independent learning environments, ensuring access to the curriculum and enhancing the social inclusion of all individuals.
  • 38. 38 2.11 Summary In this chapter, the definition of ICT, disabilities, dyslexia, autism, special education and assistive technology are clearly stated. Besides that, the concept of dyslexia and autism in Malaysia special education also been stated. The assistive technology being use for dyslexic and autistic student are shown in this chapter. The impact of ICT to dyslexic and autistic student also been stated. Lastly, the CAT and HAAT model is shown as the framework for assistive technology.
  • 39. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter will summarized the research methodology being use for this research. The methodology contain the need of the research as providing an information that are very useful for general purpose. Research methodology are used to collect data or information for a purpose [64]. This is the systematic way to solve problem. There are two types of research methodology which is either qualitative or quantitative. To choose the methodology it is depends on the research objective of the research question. For this research qualitative methodology are choose. Qualitative methodology is design to inform the target audience on behaviour, what people think in specific topic or issues. Group discussion or face-to-face interviews are the best way to get the feedback. Its aim to know how the participant assume meaning of the topic or issues. Data collection for qualitative methodology use semi-structured technique. The result of qualitative methodology are descriptive rather than predictive.
  • 40. 40 3.2 Qualitative Method A qualitative research methodology is a scientific research. It consist of investigation on seeking answer to a question, collect evidence, produce findings and systematic way to produces the answer. The unique of using qualitative actuality its ability. It has an ability to provide textual description of how people think, experience for the given topic or issues. The types of data can be in form of notes, audio recording and transcript. There are three common qualitative methods which is participant observation where collecting data naturally on behaviour in usual contexts, In-depth interview which is collecting data on individual histories, experience, perspective of the particular topic or issues and lastly focus groups which is collecting data or information in a group on the particular topic or issues. The advantage of using qualitative methodology was the data are meaningful and important to the participant, unexpected by researcher and rich and explanation in nature.
  • 41. 41 3.2.1 Research Methodology Framework The framework shows the step of conducting this research project. Figure 3.1: Research methodology framework Preliminary study  50 articles referred Qualitative method: Interview  Interview two teacher, one from the teacher that teach dyslexic student and the other one teach autistic student. Result Analysis  Analyzed data from the interview. Findings  Factors of ICT Impact to Dyslexic and Autistic Primary School Student 
  • 42. 42 3.3 Respondents Profile Below are the two profile of respondent from different major expertise from two different school. Respondent 1 Respondent one is a teacher from Sekolah Kebangsaan Putrjaya Presint 9(2). Respondent are the teacher that teach dyslexic student. Respondent has 20 years’ experience in teaching dyslexic student. For respondent 1 the qualitative method being used is through email. Giving the softcopy interview question to the respondent and respondent are taking about one week to answer all the question. After one week respondent send the softcopy of the question as well as the answer from respondent opinion, experience and knowledge that respondent have. Respondent 2 Respondent one is a teacher from Sekolah Kebangsaan Sikamat, Seremban. Respondent are the teacher that teach autistic student. Respondent has 10 years’ experience in teaching autistic student. For respondent 2 the qualitative method being used is face-to-face interview. The interview session takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes to finish. Respondent are also been given the hardcopy of interview question just in case that respondent want to write something so that the information of the interview session may not loss and explanation on answering the question been ask are recorded.. Respondent can freely express their opinion, experience and knowledge that respondents have.
  • 43. 43 3.4 Data Collection Data collection is the procedure of gathering all data from the methodology chosen. Data collection method chosen are interview. It is a qualitative research methodology, which consists of question regarding to special education, the acceptance, ease of use, provision of ICT facilities and effectiveness and challenges. The data being gathered with two different method of qualitative methodology which is one through email and one through face-to-face interview. The email method the respondent are given the softcopy of the question through email and respondent are taking one week to complete the interview question. After one week, respondent send back the interview question as well as the answer. While with face-to-face interview, respondent are given hardcopy of interview question as well as the explanation on answering the question are recorded. The answer for interview question will get immediately. This method are easier for researcher.
  • 44. 44 3.5 Summary This chapter explain about the methodology that being used in this research. The qualitative methodology is chosen and methodology framework is shown in this chapter. The details pf respondents profile also been shown in this chapter. Lastly, the interview question for dyslexia and autism teacher are shown in this chapter.
  • 45. 45 CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction Data collection is the procedure of gathering all data from the methodology chosen. It is a qualitative research methodology. Data collection method chosen are interview. The data collection may lead to decision making. The analysis will help to answer the problem statement, research objective and hypothesis in the introduction part of this research. The total number of interview question is fourteen. The question are regarding to special education, the acceptance, ease of use, provision of ICT facilities and effectiveness and challenges. Apart of the question, respondent need to fill up their school name, their name, their current position, their contact details, the interview date, interview location, the starting and end time of the interview.
  • 46. 46 4.2 Analysis 4.2.1 Special Education As we know that all disabilities need a special education. The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in special education needs (SEN) environment have proven during the last decade (2001-2010) [65]. ICT has become an important element and it give an impact in special education. Computer-based play a significant role in children life. Having a special education, teacher can get closer to student and student can be more confident and will feel more responsible. In fact, special education using ICT has change the way of teaching and learning process. Special education using ICT has shown a positive impact to dyslexic and autistic student. 4.2.2 Acceptance Acceptance also is one of the element that are very important in implementing ICT in special education. Level acceptance of teacher has shown that teacher are playing an important roles in using ICT as a teaching tools. Teacher are given a training by government in order for them to teach ICT in class. Level acceptance by the student shows a positive impact. Student can accept the learning process by using ICT. Level acceptance for both side (teacher and student) prove that it gave a positive impact to dyslexic and autistic student.
  • 47. 47 4.2.3 Ease of use Level ease of use by the teacher has proven that using ICT as a tools in teaching process make the job as a teacher easier. Nowadays, text book that been provide by the government has CD in it. Teacher only need to play the CD to teach the student and with multimedia elements makes the student get interested to learn. It is easier and save time. However, level ease of use by the student are depends on the maturity of the student itself. If the student are very good in learning ICT the level of ease might be higher but for those who are slow in learning the level of ease might be low. Ease of use of ICT as teaching and learning tools has given an impact to dyslexic and autistic student. 4.2.4 Facilities Facilities is needed in order to make use of ICT in learning process for disabilities student. The facilities need to be complete in dyslexic and autistic class. Government has provide notebook at every school and each student can use the notebook each per person. This will make the student feel free to use the notebook to learn. A complete facilities give an impact to dyslexic and autistic student to learn ICT. 4.2.5 Effectiveness and Challenges Using ICT as teaching tools are more effective. Learning using ICT will attract interest of the student and will make the job of teacher easier. For example if the teacher need to draw an elephant is a traditional way by using marker pen, the
  • 48. 48 elephant might turn to something else but by using a real picture from the internet the picture will look more realistic and it save time for teacher to teach the student. Nowadays, there is a portal that the teacher can key in the exercise for student and the student can download the exercise and the portal also available for parents to view their children result. Make use of ICT in education are more effective than the traditional way. However, in order to make the learning process success there must be a challenge. Student might get bored and tired especially when it comes to difficult subject. Student also might have a low concertation where by the student are not focus while study because of the disabilities. Because of the effectiveness and the challenges make use of ICT in teaching and learning process does impact dyslexic and autistic student. 4.3 Trusted ICT Impact to Dyslexic and Autistic Primary School Student Model Figure 4.1: Trusted ICT Impact to Dyslexic and Autistic Primary School Student Model Special Education Acceptance Ease of use Effectiveness and challenges Facilities ICT Impact to Dyslexia and Autism Primary School Student
  • 49. 49 The figure above are a model of ICT impact to dyslexic and autistic primary school student. The factor that give an impact in using ICT as a tool in teaching and learning process. Special education, acceptance, ease of use, facilities and effectiveness and challenges are the factors of the impact. Based on the interview, special education are needed for the children with disabilities. The level of acceptance by the teacher and student playing the important factors in teaching and learning process. ICT might be easy use by the teacher but for the student it depends on the maturity of the student. Facilities need to be complete to make sure that all student are given the same opportunity to use ICT. Lastly, the effectiveness of using ICT as a learning tool are depends on the teacher how the teacher are going to use it and it might be some challenges to use ICT as a tools in class. 4.4 Summary This research, the qualitative method which the question been ask in the interview session is use in collecting data. After the data are collected, all the data are gathered to analyse the relationship between the factors of ICT impact to dyslexic and autistic primary school student. From the result collected it shows that the factors does give an impact to ICT for dyslexic and autistic student.
  • 50. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 5.1 Research Conclusion This purpose of this research is to investigate the ICT acceptance and use in dyslexia and autism primary school. The second objective of this research is to identify the effectiveness and challenges of ICT adoption as learning tools by dyslexic and autistic student. The final objective are to propose a model for ICT acceptance for special education and suggestion to improve ICT addition in dyslexia and autistic primary school. In the Literature Review chapter, it has been discussed about the term of ICT which covers all forms of computers and communication, disabilities which means a person who has impairment problem, dyslexia which means a person who has difficulties in reading, writing and speaking, autism which refer to a person who has difficulties to interact and communicate with others, special education that are refer to education for disabilities and assistive technology which an equipment that help individual with disabilities. The concept of special education for dyslexic and autistic student in Malaysia are stated in literature review. The next part is the example of assistive technology for dyslexic and autistic student. The impact of
  • 51. 51 ICT to dyslexic and autistic student are the same because both are refer to learning difficulties. This research reveals the barriers of ICT to dyslexic and autistic student. This research followed by the assistive technology framework which is CAT and HAAT and the TAM Framework. The methodology used for this research are qualitative method. The respondent are from two different major expertise and from two different school which is one is the dyslexia teacher and one is the autism teacher. The interview are done with two different way which is one through email and another one face-to-face interview. The email method the respondent are given the softcopy of the question through email. While with face-to-face interview, respondent are given hardcopy of interview question as well as the explanation on answering the question are recorded. The analysis result are the explanation from the respondent. The result show the factors that can give an impact of using ICT to dyslexic and autistic student. The factors are special education, acceptance, ease of use, facilities and effectiveness and challenges. It is show a positive impact towards it. The result of the analysis supported both H1 and H2. At the end of this analysis, the research provide a model on ICT Impact to dyslexic and autistic primary school student. The research has given an understanding on the ICT, dyslexia and autism. From the research we identified that using an ICT as a teaching and learning tool does give a positive impact to dyslexic and autistic student. Lastly, for further plan I have prepared paper for conference (refer Appendix C).
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  • 58. 58 Appendix A- Gantt Chart for FYP 1 and FYP 2 Task Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Project Start Milestone 1: (Proposal) Milestone 2: (Introduction) Milestone 2: (Literature Review) Milestone 3: Research Methodology Design Poster Poster Presentation Milestone 3: Analysis and Result Milestone 3: Summary
  • 59. 59 Week Topic Assessment Task 1 8 June Project start Project start Task 2 19 June Proposal Milestone 1: Project proposal submission Task 3 27 June Milestone 2 Milestone 2: Progress 1 submission Task 3 11 Sept Milestone 3 Milestone 3: Progress 2 submission Task 4 11 Sept Project 1 End Project 1 End
  • 60. 60 Task Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Milestone 1: (Chapter 4 : Result and pilot study) Milestone 2: (Chapter 1[introduction], Chapter 2[literature review],Chapter 3 [research methodology], Chapter 4[analysis and result]) Milestone 3: Improvement of Chapter 1, 2, 3, and 5 Milestone 3: Discussion / conclusion / future works. Showcase Panel
  • 61. 61 Week Topic Assessment Task 1 13 November 2016 Milestone 1 Milestone 1: (Chapter 4 : Result and pilot study) Task 2 18 December 2016 Milestone 2 Milestone 2: (Chapter 1[introduction], Chapter 2[literature review],Chapter 3 [research methodology], Chapter 4[analysis and result]) Task 3 3 February 2016 Milestone 3 Milestone 3: Improvement of Chapter 1, 2, 3, and 5 Milestone 3: Discussion / conclusion / future works. Task 4 16 February 2016 Showcase Presentation Showcase Presentation Task 5 17 February 2016 Panel Presentation Panel Presentation
  • 62. 62 Appendix B- Interview Question for Dyslexia and Autism Teacher Dyslexia : No Question Answer Special Education 1. What is special education in your perspective as a teacher? Apakah yang dimaksud kan dengan pendidikan khas dari perspektif anda sebagai seorang guru? 2. What experience do you have in the special education field? Apakah pengalaman yang anda ada dalam bidang pendidikan khas? 3. What are the benefits of having a special education program? Apakah manfaat yang diperolehi melalui program pendidikan khas? Acceptance 4. Do you think Information and Communication Technology can helps Dyslexic students as learning tool in class? Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dapat membantu pelajar disleksia sebagai alat pembelajaran dalam kelas? 5. How do you see the level of teacher’s acceptance in Information and Communication Technology usage towards teaching process in Special Education? (Scale 1 to 5) Bagaimana anda melihat tahap penerimaan guru dalam penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
  • 63. 63 ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam pendidikan khas? (Skala 1 hingga 5) 6. How do you see the level of student’s acceptance in Information and Communication Technology usage towards teaching process in Special Education? (Scale 1 to 5) Bagaimana anda melihat tahap penerimaan pelajar dalam penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam pendidikan khas? (Skala 1 hingga 5) 7. What normally attract Dyslexic students in Information and Communication Technology, based on your observation? Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda, apakah yang dapat menarik minat pelajar disleksia dalam teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi? Ease of use 8. Do you think that Information and Communication Technology in special education are easy to use by the teacher as teaching tool? Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5- highest. Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi maklumat dalam pendidikan khas mudah digunakan oleh guru sebagai alat pembelajaran? (Skala 1 hingga 5 tertingi)
  • 64. 64 9. Do you think that Information and Communication Technology are easy to use by the Dyslexic student? Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5- highest Adakah and fikir bahawa teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi mudah digunakan oleh pelajar disleksia? (skala 1 hingga 5 tertinggi) Provision of ICT facilities 10. As a teacher. What you do to ensure students use an Information and Communication Technology in learning process? Sebagai seorang guru. Apakah yang anda lakukan bagi memastikan pelajar menggunakan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dalam proses pembelajaran? 11. Do Information and Communication Technology facilities provided at the school is adequate? (Yes/No) Adakah kemudahan teknologi maklumat dan kommunikasi disediakan di sekolah mencukupi? (Ya/Tidak) 12. Appreciate if you can share how you use Information and Communication Technology as teaching tool in your class? (students involvement, students reaction, and students performance)
  • 65. 65 Jika anda boleh berkongsi, bagaimana anda menggunakan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi sebagai alat pembelajaran di dalam kelas anda? (penglibatan pelajar, reaksi pelajar, dan prestasi pelajar-pelajar) Effectiveness & Challenges 13. Based on your experience. What is the different between learning with and without Information and Communication Technology in learning process? Berdasarkan pengalaman anda. Apakah perbezaan antara pembelajaran menggunakan dan tanpa menggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dalam proses pembelajaran? 14. Do you find any difficulties during the learning process? (due to students disabilities) Adakah anda menemui sebarang kesukaran semasa proses pembelajaran? (disebabkan ketidakupayaan pelajar)
  • 66. 66 Autism: No Question Answer Special Education 1. What is special education in your perspective as a teacher? Apakah yang dimaksud kan dengan pendidikan khas dari perspektif anda sebagai seorang guru? 2. What experience do you have in the special education field? Apakah pengalaman yang anda ada dalam bidang pendidikan khas? 3. What are the benefits of having a special education program? Apakah manfaat yang diperolehi melalui program pendidikan khas? Acceptance 4. Do you think Information and Communication Technology can helps Autistic students as learning tool in class? Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dapat membantu pelajar autistik sebagai alat pembelajaran dalam kelas? 5. How do you see the level of teacher’s acceptance in Information and Communication Technology usage towards teaching process in Special Education? (Scale 1 to 5) Bagaimana anda melihat tahap penerimaan guru dalam penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam pendidikan khas? (Skala 1 hingga 5)
  • 67. 67 6. How do you see the level of student’s acceptance in Information and Communication Technology usage towards teaching process in Special Education? (Scale 1 to 5) Bagaimana anda melihat tahap penerimaan pelajar dalam penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam pendidikan khas? (Skala 1 hingga 5) 7. What normally attract Autistic students in Information and Communication Technology, based on your observation? Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda, apakah yang dapat menarik minat pelajar autistik dalam teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi? Ease of use 8. Do you think that Information and Communication Technology in special education are easy to use by the teacher as teaching tool? Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5- highest. Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi maklumat dalam pendidikan khas mudah digunakan oleh guru sebagai alat pembelajaran? (Skala 1 hingga 5 tertingi) 9. Do you think that Information and Communication Technology are easy to use by the Autistic student?
  • 68. 68 Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5- highest Adakah and fikir bahawa teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi mudah digunakan oleh pelajar 68utistic? (skala 1 hingga 5 tertinggi) Provision of ICT facilities 10. As a teacher. What you do to ensure students use an Information and Communication Technology in learning process? Sebagai seorang guru. Apakah yang anda lakukan bagi memastikan pelajar menggunakan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dalam proses pembelajaran? 11. Do Information and Communication Technology facilities provided at the school is adequate? (Yes/No) Adakah kemudahan teknologi maklumat dan kommunikasi disediakan di sekolah mencukupi? (Ya/Tidak) 12. Appreciate if you can share how you use Information and Communication Technology as teaching tool in your class? (students involvement, students reaction, and students performance) Jika anda boleh berkongsi, bagaimana anda menggunakan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi sebagai alat pembelajaran di dalam kelas anda? (penglibatan pelajar, reaksi pelajar, dan prestasi pelajar-pelajar)
  • 69. 69 Effectiveness & Challenges 13. Based on your experience. What is the different between learning with and without Information and Communication Technology in learning process? Berdasarkan pengalaman anda. Apakah perbezaan antara pembelajaran menggunakan dan tanpa menggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dalam proses pembelajaran? 14. Do you find any difficulties during the learning process? (due to students disabilities) Adakah anda menemui sebarang kesukaran semasa proses pembelajaran? (disebabkan ketidakupayaan pelajar)
  • 70. 70 Dyslexia: No Question Answer Special Education 1. What is special education in your perspective as a teacher? Apakah yang dimaksud kan dengan pendidikan khas dari perspektif anda sebagai seorang guru? In my opinion, special education is an education for exceptional students and students of special needs. Students with special needs if we can guide them they will be a successful human. 2. What experience do you have in the special education field? Apakah pengalaman yang anda ada dalam bidang pendidikan khas? I have 20 years’ experience in teaching dyslexic student. My experience in special education is to teach students who need guidance different from the normal students. 3. What are the benefits of having a special education program? Apakah manfaat yang diperolehi melalui program pendidikan khas? Teacher: - Getting close to the student and had to face lot of challenges. - Share knowledge to the student Student: - Student will be more confident and will feel more responsible. Acceptance 4. Do you think Information and Communication Technology can helps Dyslexic students as learning tool in class? Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dapat membantu pelajar disleksia sebagai alat pembelajaran dalam kelas? Yes. Students are more interested in the use of information technology in learning process.
  • 71. 71 5. How do you see the level of teacher’s acceptance in Information and Communication Technology usage towards teaching process in Special Education? (Scale 1 to 5) Bagaimana anda melihat tahap penerimaan guru dalam penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam pendidikan khas? (Skala 1 hingga 5) Scale: 5 Because teacher are given a training in order to teach the student. 6. How do you see the level of student’s acceptance in Information and Communication Technology usage towards teaching process in Special Education? (Scale 1 to 5) Bagaimana anda melihat tahap penerimaan pelajar dalam penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam pendidikan khas? (Skala 1 hingga 5) Scale 5: Students are able to focus on teaching and learning with the use of computer. 7. What normally attract Dyslexic students in Information and Communication Technology, based on your observation? Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda, apakah yang dapat menarik minat pelajar disleksia dalam teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi? Students are more interested in answering question using computer and teacher teach using computer. Having a music, video and picture will make the student excited to learn. Ease of use 8. Do you think that Information and Communication Technology in special education are easy to use by the teacher as teaching tool? Scale: 5 Because it is more easy and save time.
  • 72. 72 Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5- highest. Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi maklumat dalam pendidikan khas mudah digunakan oleh guru sebagai alat pembelajaran? (Skala 1 hingga 5 tertingi) 9. Do you think that Information and Communication Technology are easy to use by the Dyslexic student? Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5- highest Adakah and fikir bahawa teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi mudah digunakan oleh pelajar disleksia? (skala 1 hingga 5 tertinggi) Scale 5: Because its help dyslexic student in learning process. For example tools to enlarge the font and words. Provision of ICT facilities 10. As a teacher. What you do to ensure students use an Information and Communication Technology in learning process? Sebagai seorang guru. Apakah yang anda lakukan bagi memastikan pelajar menggunakan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dalam proses pembelajaran? The facilities need to be complete in the dyslexia class. Teacher need to approach them and guide them. 11. Do Information and Communication Technology facilities provided at the school is adequate? (Yes/No) Adakah kemudahan teknologi maklumat dan kommunikasi disediakan di sekolah mencukupi? (Ya/Tidak) Yes The government provide notebook and each student are given to use the notebook each per person.
  • 73. 73 12. Appreciate if you can share how you use Information and Communication Technology as teaching tool in your class? (students involvement, students reaction, and students performance) Jika anda boleh berkongsi, bagaimana anda menggunakan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi sebagai alat pembelajaran di dalam kelas anda? (penglibatan pelajar, reaksi pelajar, dan prestasi pelajar-pelajar) For teaching and learning purpose. By using an ICT the student will involve and give their respond towards the learning process. Effectiveness & Challenges 13. Based on your experience. What is the different between learning with and without Information and Communication Technology in learning process? Berdasarkan pengalaman anda. Apakah perbezaan antara pembelajaran menggunakan dan tanpa menggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dalam proses pembelajaran? Learning using information and communication technology will attract interest of the student and it will make the job of teacher easier. 14. Do you find any difficulties during the learning process? (due to students disabilities) Adakah anda menemui sebarang kesukaran semasa proses pembelajaran? (disebabkan ketidakupayaan pelajar) Yes Student will easily get bored and tired especially when it comes to a difficult subject.
  • 74. 74 Autism: No Question Answer Special Education 1. What is special education in your perspective as a teacher? Apakah yang dimaksud kan dengan pendidikan khas dari perspektif anda sebagai seorang guru? Special education are education that are very special and it is specifically for disabilities student. Has 3 categories which is hearing problems, visual problems and learning difficulties. The programmed usually called as “Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi”. But for Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi is actually for learning difficulties which is for student like autism, hyperactive, slow learner and syndrome down. It has its own learning process. Usually the student timetable are very flexible because they need to give an opportunity for student to explore things outside the school. For example : Change from the subject mathematics to computer learning or bring them to play bowling. Special education also given the same opportunity in curriculum but in different level. Special education also has an inclusive whereby if the student are able to read, writing and can manage their self the student can go to the mainstream class which the normal student class but still monitored by the teacher. It has 2 types of inclusive which is full time inclusive and half time inclusive. For full time inclusive the student will always be at the mainstream class but for half time inclusive they will go to mainstream class only for the subject that will take in UPSR.
  • 75. 75 2. What experience do you have in the special education field? Apakah pengalaman yang anda ada dalam bidang pendidikan khas? 10 years’ experience with two different school. Has faced a lot of student behavior as well as parents acceptance. For example the parent’s acceptance teacher need to face the parents when anything happens to the student and sometime the parents can’t accept that their child need to go for special education, parents can’t accept when their children still can’t read or write within 1 years and when their children still can’t take UPSR. Happy when the student can win any of competition. 3. What are the benefits of having a special education program? Apakah manfaat yang diperolehi melalui program pendidikan khas? For student: - They will get an allowance that will help the parents. - They has their own curriculum activities so they will confident in doing the activities. - They will learn the same syllabus but a bit slow. For teacher: - Share their knowledge and proud that they can help the student to success. Acceptance 4. Do you think Information and Communication Technology can helps autism students as learning tool in class? Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dapat Yes, because for disabilities student in their timetable has a computer class that the teacher will guide them on how to use computer, how to use Microsoft words, paint and etc. This will help the student get excited when they see the pictures, they hear an audio and watch the video.
  • 76. 76 membantu pelajar autism sebagai alat pembelajaran dalam kelas? There is a student that are not really active in class learning but when it comes to computer they are more advance from their friend. 5. How do you see the level of teacher’s acceptance in Information and Communication Technology usage towards teaching process in Special Education? (Scale 1 to 5) Bagaimana anda melihat tahap penerimaan guru dalam penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam pendidikan khas? (Skala 1 hingga 5) Scale : 4 Because in university previously they are given a learning using ICT and most of the teacher can teach ICT. Government also provide training for teacher in order to teach the student. Teacher need to learn on how using computer, LCD and etc. 6. How do you see the level of student’s acceptance in Information and Communication Technology usage towards teaching process in Special Education? (Scale 1 to 5) Bagaimana anda melihat tahap penerimaan pelajar dalam penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi ke arah proses pembelajaran dalam pendidikan khas? (Skala 1 hingga 5) Scale : 4 Because of the attractiveness of the audio, image and video. This will make the student interested to study. For example, teacher give a song lyrics and the student need to write back the song lyrics this is will make the student use to the keyboard. 7. What normally attract autism students in Information and Communication Technology, based on your observation? Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda, apakah yang dapat menarik minat Use music, visualization and video to attract the student. For example like doing an exercise ask the student to match the pictures and turn on the music to make them excited. When they heard music they will start to dance and sing the song.
  • 77. 77 pelajar autism dalam teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi? Ease of use 8. Do you think that Information and Communication Technology in special education are easy to use by the teacher as teaching tool? Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5- highest. Adakah anda fikir bahawa teknologi maklumat dalam pendidikan khas mudah digunakan oleh guru sebagai alat pembelajaran? (Skala 1 hingga 5 tertingi) Scale : 4 Because the government provide cd in the text book, the teacher only need to play the cd in class. The teacher get involve when their doing an activities. When the teacher play the cd the student will start to involve in the activities. 9. Do you think that Information and Communication Technology are easy to use by the autism student? Give your rate based on Scale 1 to 5- highest Adakah and fikir bahawa teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi mudah digunakan oleh pelajar autism? (skala 1 hingga 5 tertinggi) Scale : 3 Because it is depends on the group of the student. There is 5 group in the school, most of the time group number 4 and 5 are the most that can learn it easy and can give the group more activities or exercise while group 1, 2 and 3 still need specific guidance from the teachers so the activities or exercise are less. Provision of ICT facilities 10. As a teacher. What you do to ensure students use an Information and Communication Technology in learning process? Sebagai seorang guru. Apakah yang anda lakukan bagi memastikan pelajar menggunakan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dalam proses pembelajaran? Bring the student to computer lab. Teach them how to use Microsoft words, paint, YouTube, download and etc.
  • 78. 78 11. Do Information and Communication Technology facilities provided at the school is adequate? (Yes/No) Adakah kemudahan teknologi maklumat dan kommunikasi disediakan di sekolah mencukupi? (Ya/Tidak) Yes. The government provide notebook and each student can use the notebook each per person. This will make the student feel free to use it. 12. Appreciate if you can share how you use Information and Communication Technology as teaching tool in your class? (students involvement, students reaction, and students performance) Jika anda boleh berkongsi, bagaimana anda menggunakan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi sebagai alat pembelajaran di dalam kelas anda? (penglibatan pelajar, reaksi pelajar, dan prestasi pelajar-pelajar) Using an ICT in learning process will make the student more interested in studying. ICT will make the student more understand. By using an ICT the student will 100% involve and give their respond towards the learning process. Even though it makes takes time but it worth when the student get involve and the student. Effectiveness & Challenges 13. Based on your experience. What is the different between learning with and without Information and Communication Technology in learning process? Berdasarkan pengalaman anda. Apakah perbezaan antara pembelajaran menggunakan dan tanpa menggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dalam proses pembelajaran? More effective because buy using an ICT it will make the teacher job easier. For example if the teacher need to draw a picture manually the picture might not turn as it is but by having the real picture the teacher will save time by drawing it. Nowadays there is the portal that the teacher can key in the exercise for student and the student can download the exercise and parents can view the student result through online.
  • 79. 79 14. Do you find any difficulties during the learning process? (due to students disabilities) Adakah anda menemui sebarang kesukaran semasa proses pembelajaran? (disebabkan ketidakupayaan pelajar) - Low concertation: the student not focus while study because of the disabilities. - Behavior: sometimes when the teacher are teaching at front they are doing something else at the back.
  • 80. 80 Appendix C – Paper ICT IN SPECIAL EDUCATION: A CASE STUDY OF DYSLEXIA AND AUTISM PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENT NURUL SYAFIQAH HIDAYU BINTI MOHD RAMLY College of Information Technology Universiti Tenaga Nasional Selangor, Malaysia Abstract – This research is about the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) in special education specific for dyslexia and autism primary school student. From the research we identified that using an ICT as a teaching and learning tool does give a positive impact to dyslexic and autistic student. Keywords – dyslexic, autistic, assistive technology. 1. INTRODUCTION The new education Act 1996 is an educational reform undertake by the Malaysian government give a high standard education to all people in the country [1]. This includes children with special education. Refer to the 1996 Act, the special needs of blind, deaf and physically handicapped children were being met [1]. However, the needs of children with less obvious special needs were being neglected. In the beginning of 2001, a working panel was set up to initiate the National Dyslexia Programme in Malaysia [1]. This involve the Department of Special Needs Education, dyslexia specialist from Universiti Putra Malaysia, psychologist clinic, paediatricians, SEN teachers, speech therapists and parents [1]. Apart from the educational, medical and lay teams collaborate for advancement of dyslexia awareness in Malaysia. The Malaysian Bar Council is working on a memorandum on legislation for the education of individuals with disabilities. This memorandum enclose the needs and rights of children with specific learning difficulties [1]. In 19 April 2005, the Special Education Department, under the governance of the Malaysian Ministry of Education together with the National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM), which is national level non- governmental organization (NGO) initiated an inclusive programme in one of the primary school [67]. Student need to register with NASOM. After three years implementation the number of registration increase meaning that the number of autism that go to school are increase. The term ‘Special Education’ refers for those students who are physically, mentally or emotionally delayed [3]. Due to this delayed student cannot met