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                       The ESA APPRISE Oncology Program
                A History of REMS Requirements, a Review of the Data,
                   And an Approach to Compliance in the Hospital
           David J. Reeves, PharmD, BCOP; Amanda K. Quebe, PharmD; and Ranita Patel, PharmD

History of the REMS Program                                           drugs, including the erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs),
   On September 27, 2007, President George W. Bush signed             requires elements to ensure safe use with or without an
into law the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act              implementation system (Table 3, page 425). The FDA seeks
of 2007 (FDAAA), which authorized the FDA to require a Risk           input from patients and health care practitioners when devel-
Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program for drugs           oping the program design to ensure that it will not be unduly
and biological agents.1 REMS programs are intended to sup-            burdensome to patients or the health care system.2
port the safe use of products for which the risks and benefits
need to be carefully weighed in general or in specific patient        The Use of Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents
populations. The FDA can require a REMS program at the time           In Oncology
of a product’s approval. If a safety problem is detected after           ESAs have been widely used in cancer patients on the basis
approval, the REMS can be required at any time during a               of data showing that they decreased transfusion requirements.
drug’s life cycle.                                                    A 2006 meta-analysis of more than 9,000 patients receiving
   The decision about whether to require a REMS program is            ESAs, with and without concurrent antineoplastic therapy,
based on the estimated patient population likely to be exposed        reported a 36% decreased need for red blood cell transfusions.5
to the product, the seriousness of the condition being treated        Unfortunately, the authors also found a 67% increase in throm-
by the drug, the expected benefit and duration of treatment,          boembolic events (transient ischemic attacks, stroke, pul-
and the safety risk created by use of the drug.2 The results of       monar y emboli, deep-vein thrombosis, and myocardial
this analysis determine the need for and the components of the        infarction) for those receiving ESAs, conflicting with results of
REMS.                                                                 a previous publication.6 This earlier analysis, published in
   The FDAAA legislation authorized several individual                2005,6 also indicated a trend toward increased survival that was
requirements, one or more of which may be combined to                 not supported by the subsequent 2006 study.5
make up a product-specific REMS program.2 The require-                   A meta-analysis, published in 2008 by Bennett et al.,
ments include:                                                        reinforced the elevated thromboembolic risk associated with
                                                                      ESA use compared with a placebo (7.5% vs. 4.9%, respectively).7
  • a medication guide.                                               The authors also found an increased mortality risk with
  • a communication plan to disseminate risk information to           ESAs (hazard ratio [HR], 1.10; 95% confidence interval [CI],
    health care professionals (e.g., Dear Healthcare Profes-          1.01–1.20).
    sional letters).
  • elements to ensure safe use.
                                                                       Table 1 Elements to Ensure Safe Use
  • an implementation system to monitor and evaluate the
    program’s success.
                                                                       A REMS program to ensure safe use incorporates one or more
                                                                       of the following elements:
   Several elements to ensure safe use are outlined in the leg-
islation (Table 1). Products can vary greatly in their REMS            • Health care providers who prescribe the drug have
requirements. As of December 10, 2010, more than 150 drug                specialized training or experience or are certified in a
products had a REMS program.3 Of those drugs, almost all                 specific field.
included a medication guide (Table 2). For other products,             • Pharmacies, practitioners, or health care settings that
such as antidepressants as a class, a medication guide may be            dispense the drug are certified in a specific field.
required outside of a REMS program.4                                   • The drug is dispensed to patients only in certain health
   Many drugs also include a communication plan. A subset of             care settings (e.g., hospitals).
                                                                       • The drug is dispensed to patients with evidence or other
Dr. Reeves is an Oncology Clinical Specialist at St. Vincent Indi-       documentation of safe-use conditions (e.g., laboratory
anapolis Hospital and an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice        results).
at Butler University in Indianapolis, Ind. Dr. Quebe is Director of    • Patients are subjected to certain monitoring requirements.
Clinical Specialists and the Postgraduate Year 1 Residency             • Patients are enrolled in a registry.
Program at St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital in Indianapolis.
                                                                          Data from FDA Amendments Act of 2007.2
Dr. Patel is a Postgraduate Year 1 Pharmacy Resident at St. Vincent
Indianapolis Hospital in Indianapolis.
                                                                      Disclosure: The authors report that they have no financial or com-
Approved for publication March 17, 2011.                              mercial relationships in regard to this article.

                                                                                                   Vol. 36 No. 7 • July 2011 •   P&T® 423

   A 2009 update to the 2006 meta-analysis5 revealed increased           warn of the increased risks of thrombosis and tumor promotion.
mortality with the use of ESAs (combined HR, 1.17; 95% CI,                  In 2007, the ODAC discussed four additional trials that
1.06–1.3) and decreased survival (combined HR, 1.06; 95% CI,             showed adverse outcomes: Epoetin Alfa in Advanced Non–
1–1.12) during the active study period.8 There was no statisti-          Small Cell Lung Cancer (EPO CAN-20),11 Amgen studies 2001-
cally significant increase in mortality (combined HR, 1.10; 95%          010312 and 2000-0161,13 and the Danish Head and Neck Cancer
CI, 0.98–1.24) or decrease in overall survival (combined HR,             Group (DAHANCA 10)14 (see Table 4). This review resulted
1.04; 95% CI, 0.97–1.11) in the subgroup of patients receiving           in the addition of a boxed warning to the labeling of ESAs
concomitant chemotherapy and ESAs.                                       regarding an increased risk of death, more rapid tumor pro-
   In addition to the meta-analyses of studies investigating             gression, and serious cardiovascular and thromboembolic
ESAs, the FDA Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee (ODAC)                  events.
met three times to discuss the findings and the future place of             In 2008, the ODAC was convened to review the results of two
ESAs in the management of patients with cancer. At the first             additional trials: the Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG-
meeting in 2004, two trials with adverse findings were reviewed          191)15 and the Preoperative Epirubicin Paclitaxel Aranesp
(Table 4, page 426): Evaluation of NeoRecormon on outcome                (PREPARE16) study. Based on these trials and the earlier
in Head And Neck Cancer in Europe (ENHANCE)9 and the                     literature showing adverse outcomes, the ODAC recom-
Breast Cancer Erythropoietin Survival Trial (BEST).10 Based              mended limiting the use of ESAs to patients receiving pallia-
on these trials and previous data regarding thromboembolic               tive treatment. The ODAC also recommended that the FDA
events, the FDA-approved labeling of ESAs was updated to                 require informed consent or a patient agreement before ESAs

 Table 2 Drug Products With REMS Programs—Medication Guide Only

  Antiepileptic drugs, selected                                            Other agents
    Carbamazepine (Equetro)                                                 Bupropion (Aplenzin, Wellbutrin)
    Ethosuximide (Zarontin)                                                 Colchicine (Colcrys)
    Ethotoin (Peganone)                                                     Dabigatran (Pradaxa)
    Gabapentin (Neurontin)                                                  Diclofenac oral and topical solutions (Cambia, Pennsaid)
    Lacosamide (Vimpat)                                                     Doxepin (Silenor)
    Levetiracetam (Keppra)                                                  Fenofibric acid (Trilipix)
    Lamotrigine (Lamictal)                                                  Mefloquine (Lariam)
    Pregabalin (Lyrica)                                                     Methsuximide (Celontin)
    Primidone (Mysoline)                                                    Metoclopramide oral solution and disintegrating tablets
    Tiagabine (Gabitril)                                                       (Metozolv ODT)
    Topiramate (Topamax)                                                    Milnacipran (Savella)
    Zonisamide (Zonegran)                                                   Morphine oral solution
                                                                            Naltrexone (Vivitrol)
  Antiretrovirals, selected                                                 Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
    Abacavir (Ziagen)                                                       Olanzapine/fluoxetine (Symbyax)
    Abacavir/lamivudine (Epzicom)                                           Omalizumab (Xolair)
    Lopinavir/ritonavir (Kaletra)                                           Oral bowel prep kits
    Abacavir/lamivudine/zidovudine (Trizivir)                               Oxycodone oral solution
    Nevirapine (Viramune)                                                   Pancrelipase (Creon, Pancreaze, Zenpep)
    Didanosine (Videx,Videx EC)                                             Pazopanib (Votrient)
    Telbivudine (Tyzeka)                                                    Propylthiouracil
    Saquinavir (Invirase)                                                   Quetiapine (Seroquel)
                                                                            Ramelteon (Rozerem)
  Fluoroquinolones, all                                                     Repository corticotropin (HP Acthar Gel)
                                                                            Ribavirin (Copegus, Rebetol)
  Interferon alfa and beta, all                                             Rufinamide (Banzel)
                                                                            Sirolimus (Rapamune)
  Long-acting beta2-agonist combination products, selected                  Sitagliptin (Januvia, Janumet)
    Formoterol/budesonide (Symbicort)                                       Sunitinib (Sutent)
    Salmeterol/fluticasone (Advair)                                         Testosterone, topical (AndroGel, Axiron, Testim)
                                                                            Trazodone extended release (Oleptro)
  Thiazolidinediones, all                                                   Varenicline (Chantix)
                                                                            Zolpidem oral spray (ZolpiMist)

    Data from FDA, as of December 2010. Information for REMS is updated routinely on the FDA Web site.3

424 P&T®   • July 2011 • Vol. 36 No. 7

Table 3 REMS Program Requirements by Drug Product or Class

                                                                      Medication       Communica-         Elements of        Implementa-
                                                                        Guide           tion Plan          Safe Use           tion System
Alvimopan (Entereg)                                                                         X                 X                     X
Alglucosidase alfa (Lumizyme)                                                               X                 X                     X
Alosetron (Lotronex)                                                        X                                 X                     X
Armodafinil (Nuvigil)                                                       X                 X
Botulinum toxin A (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) and B (Myobloc)                  X                 X
Buprenorphine transdermal (Butrans)                                         X                                    X
Buprenorphine/naloxone sublingual film (Suboxone)                           X                                    X                    X
Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum (Xiaflex)                              X                 X
Dalfampridine (Ampyra)                                                      X                 X
Denosumab (Prolia)                                                          X                 X
Dronedarone (Multaq)                                                        X                 X
Ecallantide (Kalbitor)                                                      X                 X
Eculizumab (Soliris)                                                        X                                    X
Electrolyte containing bowel prep tablets (OsmoPrep, Visicol)               X                 X
Eltrombopag (Promacta)                                                      X                                    X                    X
Endothelin receptor antagonists (Letairis, Tracleer)                        X                                    X                    X
Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (Aranesp, Epogen, Procrit)                X                 X                  X                    X
Everolimus (Zortress)                                                       X                 X
Fingolimod (Gilenya)                                                        X                 X
Formoterol/mometasone (Dulera)                                              X                 X
Fentanyl buccal film (Onsolis)                                              X                 X                  X                    X
Glucagon-like peptides (Byetta,Victoza)                                     X                 X
Hydromorphone extended release (Exalgo)                                     X                                    X
Isotretinoin (Accutane, Amnesteem, Claravis)                                X                                    X                    X
Lenalidomide (Revlimid)                                                     X                                    X                    X
Modafinil (Provigil)                                                        X                 X
Morphine/naltrexone (Embeda)                                                X                 X
Nilotinib (Tasigna)                                                         X                 X
Olanzapine extended release injection (Zyprexa Relprevv)                    X                 X                  X                    X
Oxycodone extended release                                                  X                                    X
Pegloticase (Krystexxa)                                                     X                 X
Prasugrel (Effient)                                                         X                 X
Quinine (Qualaquin)                                                         X                 X
Romiplostim (Nplate)                                                        X                 X                  X                    X
Sacrosidase (Sucraid)                                                                         X                  X                    X
Salmeterol (Serevent)                                                       X                 X
Telavancin (Vibativ)                                                        X                 X
Teriparatide (Forteo)                                                       X                 X
Tetrabenazine (Xenazine)                                                    X                 X
Thalidomide (Thalomid)                                                      X                                    X                    X
Tocilizumab (Actemra)                                                       X                 X
Tolvaptan (Samsca)                                                          X                 X
Tumor necrosis factor antagonists: certolizumab (Cimzia),                   X                 X
  etanercept (Enbrel), adalimumab (Humira), infliximab
  (Remicade), golimumab (Simponi)
Ustekinumab (Stelara)                                                       X                 X
Vigabatrin (Sabril)                                                         X                 X                  X                    X
  Data from FDA, as of December 2010. Information for REMS is updated routinely on the FDA Web site.3

                                                                                                        Vol. 36 No. 7 • July 2011 •   P&T® 425

Table 4 Summary of Trials of Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents (ESAs) Reviewed by the Oncologic
Drugs Advisory Committee

Trial                                    Study Design                                       Selected Results
Reviewed in 2004
ENHANCE9             • Patients with head and neck cancer receiving    ESA use was associated with:
                       radiotherapy                                     • decreased locoregional progression-free survival
                     • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo            (adjusted relative risk, 1.62; P = 0.0008)
                     • Target Hb ≤ 14 g/dL for women, ≤ 15 g/dL for     • decreased overall survival (relative risk, 1.39;
                       men                                                P = 0.02)
BEST10               • Women with metastatic breast cancer receiving Study was stopped early; higher mortality rates in the ESA
                       first-line chemotherapy                        group than in the placebo group:
                     • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo         • 12-month overall survival rate 70% vs. 76% (P = 0.01)
                     • Target Hb 12–14 g/dL                            • tumor response and time to progression were similar
                                                                         between groups
Reviewed in 2007
EPO CAN-2011         • Patients with non–small-cell lung cancer not    Study was stopped early; higher mortality rates in the ESA
                       receiving chemotherapy or receiving non–         group than in controls:
                       platinum-based chemotherapy regimens              • Median survival, 63 days vs. 129 days (P = 0.04)
                     • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo
                     • Target Hb 12–14 g/dL
Amgen study          • Patients with non-myeloid cancers not receiving ESA use was associated with:
2001-010312            chemotherapy                                     • increased cardiovascular and thromboembolic events
                     • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo            (9.7% vs. 7.7%; P was not reported)
                     • Target Hb 12–13 g/dL                             • decreased survival during treatment and long-term
                                                                          follow-up (HR for overall survival, 1.22; P = 0.022)
Amgen study          • Patients with lymphoma or myeloma receiving     ESA use was associated with:
2000-016113            chemotherapy                                     • increased quality of life
                     • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo          • decreased survival (HR for death, 1.37; P = 0.04)
                     • Target Hb 13–14 g/dL for women, 13–15 g/dL
                       for men
DAHANCA 1014 • Patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the            ESA use was associated with:
               head and neck receiving radiotherapy                     • decreased locoregional control (56% vs. 69%; P = 0.02)
             • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo                  • decreased disease-free survival (48% vs. 63%; P = 0.004)
             • Target Hb ≤ 15.5 g/dL                                   No statistically significant difference in overall survival
Reviewed in 2008
GOG-19115            • Women with cervical cancer receiving            Study was stopped early; concerns about an increased rate
                       chemotherapy and radiation                       of thromboembolic events with ESAs:
                     • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo           • 19.2% vs. 7.7%
                     • Target Hb 12–14 g/dL                              • fewer than 25% of planned patients enrolled
                                                                       ESA use was associated with a numerical, but not a
                                                                         statistically significant, decrease in:
                                                                         • progression-free survival (58% vs. 66%)
                                                                         • overall survival (60% vs. 74%)
PREPARE16            • Women with breast cancer receiving neo-         An unplanned interim analysis after a median follow-up
                       adjuvant chemotherapy                            period of 3 years showed an association of ESA use with:
                     • Randomized to receive an ESA or a transfusion    • decreased overall survival (86% vs. 90%;
                     • Target Hb 12.5–13 g/dL                             HR, 1.42; 95% CI, 0.93–2.18)
                                                                        • decreased progression-free survival (73% vs. 79%;
                                                                          HR, 1.33; 95% CI, 0.99–1.79)
 CI = confidence interval; Hb = hemoglobin; HR = hazard ratio.
 Trials: BEST = Breast Cancer Erythropoietin Survival Trial; DAHANCA = Danish Head and Neck Cancer Group; ENHANCE = Evaluation of
NeoRecormon on outcome in Head And Neck Cancer in Europe; EPO CAN-20 = Epoetin Alfa in Advanced Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer;
GOG = Gynecologic Oncology Group; PREPARE = Preoperative Epirubicin Paclitaxel Aranesp.
                                                                                                                 continued on page 431

426 P&T®   • July 2011 • Vol. 36 No. 7
continued from page 426
could be administered. The FDA-approved labels were sub-            ESAs, whereas other elements of ESA APPRISE are unique to
sequently revised to state that ESAs were not recommended           patients with cancer.)
when the intent of chemotherapy was to cure and when a                 Some logistical considerations are associated with this
REMS program was initiated.                                         process and must be addressed by each hospital, such as
   In response to published data, national guidelines have been     which member of the health care team is responsible for
updated. The 2010 American Society of Clinical Oncology/            reviewing the information with the patient (nurse, pharmacist,
American Society of Hematology guideline recommends ESAs            or physician) and whether the medication guide must be used
as an option when hemoglobin levels are below 10 g/dL dur-          to facilitate discussion. If the guide is used, the process by
ing chemotherapy.17 The guideline does not include a specific       which it is stored and retrieved must also be addressed.
hemoglobin target; instead, it recommends maintaining                  For instance, the medication guides are five pages long,
hemoglobin at the lowest level required to avoid a transfusion.     they are not supplied in a 1:1 ratio with the product, and they
Notably, the guideline differs from the FDA-approved labeling       are subject to updates. At St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital, the
by stating that limiting the use of ESAs to palliative chemother-   nurse reviews the guide with the patient. The guide is printed
apy regimens is a clinical judgment and not expressly sup-          by the pharmacy from the manufacturer’s Web site at the time
ported by the literature. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid       of dispensing, It is then sent with the ESA to ensure that the
Services (CMS) defined the appropriate setting for ESAs to          most recent version is used, thereby eliminating the need to
apply only to patients receiving chemotherapy in the palliative     store paper copies. The medication guide is distributed with
setting with a hemoglobin level of less than 10 g/dL and fur-       each drug administration to each patient so that the content
ther recommend discontinuing ESAs within eight weeks of the         provided and the method of dissemination are consistent.
last chemotherapy dose.18
                                                                    Communication Plan
ESA APPRISE and an Approach to Compliance                            The responsibility of the communication plan rests with the
  In February 2010, based on the ODAC’s recommendations             manufacturer. The Dear Healthcare Provider letters and other
and the FDA’s subsequent action, Amgen and Centocor Ortho           materials can be accessed at
Biotech announced that the FDA had approved a REMS pro-
gram called Assisting Providers and cancer Patients with Risk       Elements to Ensure Safe Use20
Information for the Safe use of ESAs (the ESA APPRISE On-              Three of the elements to ensure safe use are incorporated
cology Program).19 This program incorporates a medication           into the ESA APPRISE Oncology Program: (1) health care
guide, a communication plan, elements to ensure safe use, and       provider training and certification, (2) hospital certification,
an implementation system.20                                         and (3) dispensing following the documentation of safe-
                                                                    use conditions. All prescribers who plan to order ESAs for
Medication Guide                                                    cancer patients must receive training and must enroll in ESA
   The original REMS for ESAs included a requirement that a         APPRISE. The manufacturer maintains an on-line list of en-
medication guide be distributed to each patient when an ESA         rolled prescribers through an independent third party. The
was to be dispensed.20 There was no specific direction with         hospital must appoint a designee to receive training and enroll
regard to the practice setting (i.e., inpatient or outpatient) or   in APPRISE on behalf of the institution. At our hospital, the
the frequency with which guides should be distributed (i.e.,        designee is the director of pharmacy.
upon therapy initiation or with every drug administration).            Training, which is available on the manufacturer’s Web site,
   In February 2011, the FDA issued a draft guidance ex-            includes a review of the risks of using ESAs in cancer patients.
plaining its approach to discretionary enforcement of the           Enrollment includes an agreement to conform to the man-
REMS regulations.21 Although not yet formally in effect as of       dates of ESA APPRISE. The hospital designee is responsible
this writing, the draft guidance specifies requirements for in-     for establishing and overseeing a process that includes verifi-
patient and outpatient sites and when medication guides must        cation of prescriber enrollment in the program as well as
be distributed. For hospitalized patients, a guide is not manda-    patient and prescriber discussions of risks and benefits before
tory unless the patient or patient’s agent requests it. Instead,    ESAs are dispensed.
providing patient information, including appropriate use, po-          One of the elements of ESA APPRISE is a formal, docu-
tential side effects, and follow-up by a health care professional   mented discussion between a certified prescriber and the
in the course of care, is considered sufficient to meet the reg-    patient regarding the risks and benefits of ESA use in cancer.
ulatory intent. In an outpatient setting, in which the ESA is       Both parties sign an acknowledgment form. Outside the hos-
dispensed to a health care professional to administer to the        pital, these forms are faxed to a central repository and are also
patient, the medication guide must be distributed upon re-          maintained in the patient’s medical record. For in-hospital use
quest, at the first time drug is dispensed, and when the guide’s    of ESAs, forms are not submitted to a central repository; they
content has been substantively changed.                             are provided to the hospital designee only to validate that the
   The FDA guidance does not affect the duty of the hospital        discussion has occurred before an ESA has been dispensed.
to inform a patient of the REMS program. Although distribu-         Completion of the form does not constitute patient enrollment
tion of the actual medication guide is not mandated for each        in any registry or program; it serves only as documentation of
patient with each drug administration, a review of the infor-       the required discussion between prescriber and patient.
mation must still be included for each patient each time.              We’ve noted many logistical problems involving the
   (Note: Distribution of the guide is required for all uses of     acknowledgment form in our institution, which is a community

                                                                                                 Vol. 36 No. 7 • July 2011 •   P&T® 431

hospital without an integrated electronic health record (EHR)      duty of the prescriber to complete the acknowledgment form
system. In the REMS program, a prescriber is required to           with the patient. This task cannot be delegated to other mem-
complete the form with the patient for each course of therapy,     bers of the health care team. Verification also needs to occur
although many times therapy is initiated in the outpatient set-    with each admission, and completed forms must be stored and
ting and continued in the hospital. The hospital could choose      retrieved by the pharmacist or must be provided again by the
to require a copy of the acknowledgment form to verify com-        office or physician with each admission.
pletion. If so, the form must travel from the office to the hos-      Our hospital has opted for a different approach and has
pital, or it must be completed again in the hospital. The office   determined that a specific medication order set for ESAs is the
might be unable to provide a copy during off-hours, or the         best approach in treating cancer patients (Figure 1). Included
physician might be unavailable to complete it again.               in the order set is a physician’s attestation that the medication
   According to the ESA APPRISE Oncology Program, it is the        guide has been reviewed, the risks and benefits have been

   NOTE: Orders for erythropoiesis-stimulating agents              IRON REPLACEMENT
   (ESAs) will not be honored unless all required infor-             I Ferrous Sulfate 325 mg PO t.i.d. on an empty
   mation is provided.                                                  stomach
                                                                     I ______________________________
   Hgb (g/dL): _________
   (Date: ___/___/______)                                          ERYTHROPOIESIS-STIMULATING AGENT
   *Hgb must be < 10 g/dL                                            ×
                                                                     I HOLD darbepoetin if Hgb > 10 g/dL
                                                                      I Darbepoetin (Aranesp) 100 mcg subcutaneously
   I Chemotherapy-induced anemia
                                                                         once weekly
     * ESAs are indicated only in patients receiving
       concomitant chemotherapy. Therapy may be                    Outpatient
       continued for up to 8 weeks after the last dose               I Darbepoetin (Aranesp) 500 mcg subcutaneously
       of chemotherapy.                                                 every three weeks
     * ESAs are not indicated in patients receiving                  I Darbepoetin (Aranesp) ________ mcg
       hormonal agents, therapeutic biologic products,                  (2.25 mcg/kg) subcutaneously weekly
       or radiotherapy unless they are also receiving
       concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy.                  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
   I Other (specify): ____________________________                 Dose Adjustment Guidelines
                                                                     • If Hgb increase < 1 g/dL after 4 weeks and Hgb is
      *ESAs are not reasonable for AML, CML, or erythroid              < 10 g/dL: increase dose by 25%.
      cancers; anemia of cancer not related to chemotherapy;         • If Hgb increase > 1 g/dL over 2 weeks: hold until
      or prophylactic use.                                             Hgb < 10 g/dL: decrease dose by 25%.

     I CBC prior to each dose                                       ESA APPRISE Program
     I Tsat I Ferritin I Serum iron                                     ***REQUIRED FOR ALL ONCOLOGY PATIENTS***
     I Serum vitamin B12 (cobalamin) level                          By signing below I attest that:
     I Serum folate level                                              • I have received training and I am enrolled in the ESA
     I ________________________________                                  APPRISE Oncology Program. I have been assigned an
                                                                         enrollment ID number.
     I ________________________________
                                                                       • I have provided the Medication Guide to the patient
                                                                         and reviewed it with the patient prior to this course of
                                                                       • I counseled this patient on the risks/benefits of ESAs
                                                                         prior to this course of therapy.
                                                                       • I signed the ESA APPRISE Oncology Program Patient
                                                                         and Healthcare Professional Acknowledgment form
                                                                         and witnessed the patient sign the same form. I have
                                                                         retained the archival copy of this form.

                                                                         Date: ___/___/______

   Date ________Time ____________ Signature________________________MD

Figure 1 Sample ESA Oncology Order Set. AML, CML = acute and chronic forms of leukemia; CBC = complete blood count;
Hgb = hemoglobin; PO = orally; t.i.d. = three times daily; Tsat = transferrin saturation.

432 P&T®   • July 2011 • Vol. 36 No. 7

discussed, and the prescriber and patient have signed the                     therapy: A survival study. J Clin Oncol 2005;23:5960–5972.
acknowledgment form. Following confirmation that the pre-                 11. Wright JR, Ung YC, Julian JA, et al. Randomized, double-blind,
scriber is registered with the ESA APPRISE Oncology Pro-                      placebo-controlled trial of erythropoietin in non-small-cell lung
                                                                              cancer with disease-related anemia. J Clin Oncol 2007;25:1027–
gram, this order set serves as our hospital’s documentation of                1032.
compliance. The patient acknowledgment form, in addition to               12. Smith RE, Aapro MS, Ludwig H, et al. Darbepoetin alfa for the
the medication order set, may be submitted to the pharmacy;                   treatment of anemia in patients with active cancer not receiving
however, this is not required, because the physician’s attesta-               chemotherapy or radiotherapy: Results of a phase III, multicenter,
                                                                              randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Clin Oncol
tion serves as a surrogate.                                                   2008;26:1040–1050.
                                                                          13. Hedenus M, Adriansson M, San Miguel J, et al. Efficacy and
Implementation                                                                safety of darbepoetin alfa in anaemic patients with lympho-
  The manufacturer is responsible for confirming compliance                   proliferative malignancies: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-
with ESA APPRISE. This is achieved through a series of ran-                   controlled study. Br J Haematol 2003;122:394–403.
                                                                          14. Overgaard J, Hoff C, Sand Hansen H, et al. Randomized study of
dom on-site audits of enrolled hospitals. Those hospitals that                the importance of novel er ythropoiesis stimulating protein
are not enrolled or that are not in compliance may not have                   (Aranesp) for the effect of radiotherapy in patients with primary
access to ESAs.20                                                             squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC):
                                                                              The Danish Head and Neck Cancer Group DAHANCA 10 ran-
Conclusion                                                                    domized trial. Eur J Cancer Suppl 2007;5:7.
                                                                          15. Thomas G, Ali S, Hoebers FJP, et al. Phase III trial to evaluate the
   REMS programs represent a new facet of drug safety regu-                   efficacy of maintaining hemoglobin levels above 120 g/dl with ery-
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                                                                                                          Vol. 36 No. 7 • July 2011 •   P&T® 433

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  • 1. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE The ESA APPRISE Oncology Program A History of REMS Requirements, a Review of the Data, And an Approach to Compliance in the Hospital David J. Reeves, PharmD, BCOP; Amanda K. Quebe, PharmD; and Ranita Patel, PharmD History of the REMS Program drugs, including the erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs), On September 27, 2007, President George W. Bush signed requires elements to ensure safe use with or without an into law the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act implementation system (Table 3, page 425). The FDA seeks of 2007 (FDAAA), which authorized the FDA to require a Risk input from patients and health care practitioners when devel- Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program for drugs oping the program design to ensure that it will not be unduly and biological agents.1 REMS programs are intended to sup- burdensome to patients or the health care system.2 port the safe use of products for which the risks and benefits need to be carefully weighed in general or in specific patient The Use of Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents populations. The FDA can require a REMS program at the time In Oncology of a product’s approval. If a safety problem is detected after ESAs have been widely used in cancer patients on the basis approval, the REMS can be required at any time during a of data showing that they decreased transfusion requirements. drug’s life cycle. A 2006 meta-analysis of more than 9,000 patients receiving The decision about whether to require a REMS program is ESAs, with and without concurrent antineoplastic therapy, based on the estimated patient population likely to be exposed reported a 36% decreased need for red blood cell transfusions.5 to the product, the seriousness of the condition being treated Unfortunately, the authors also found a 67% increase in throm- by the drug, the expected benefit and duration of treatment, boembolic events (transient ischemic attacks, stroke, pul- and the safety risk created by use of the drug.2 The results of monar y emboli, deep-vein thrombosis, and myocardial this analysis determine the need for and the components of the infarction) for those receiving ESAs, conflicting with results of REMS. a previous publication.6 This earlier analysis, published in The FDAAA legislation authorized several individual 2005,6 also indicated a trend toward increased survival that was requirements, one or more of which may be combined to not supported by the subsequent 2006 study.5 make up a product-specific REMS program.2 The require- A meta-analysis, published in 2008 by Bennett et al., ments include: reinforced the elevated thromboembolic risk associated with ESA use compared with a placebo (7.5% vs. 4.9%, respectively).7 • a medication guide. The authors also found an increased mortality risk with • a communication plan to disseminate risk information to ESAs (hazard ratio [HR], 1.10; 95% confidence interval [CI], health care professionals (e.g., Dear Healthcare Profes- 1.01–1.20). sional letters). • elements to ensure safe use. Table 1 Elements to Ensure Safe Use • an implementation system to monitor and evaluate the program’s success. A REMS program to ensure safe use incorporates one or more of the following elements: Several elements to ensure safe use are outlined in the leg- islation (Table 1). Products can vary greatly in their REMS • Health care providers who prescribe the drug have requirements. As of December 10, 2010, more than 150 drug specialized training or experience or are certified in a products had a REMS program.3 Of those drugs, almost all specific field. included a medication guide (Table 2). For other products, • Pharmacies, practitioners, or health care settings that such as antidepressants as a class, a medication guide may be dispense the drug are certified in a specific field. required outside of a REMS program.4 • The drug is dispensed to patients only in certain health Many drugs also include a communication plan. A subset of care settings (e.g., hospitals). • The drug is dispensed to patients with evidence or other Dr. Reeves is an Oncology Clinical Specialist at St. Vincent Indi- documentation of safe-use conditions (e.g., laboratory anapolis Hospital and an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice results). at Butler University in Indianapolis, Ind. Dr. Quebe is Director of • Patients are subjected to certain monitoring requirements. Clinical Specialists and the Postgraduate Year 1 Residency • Patients are enrolled in a registry. Program at St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital in Indianapolis. Data from FDA Amendments Act of 2007.2 Dr. Patel is a Postgraduate Year 1 Pharmacy Resident at St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital in Indianapolis. Disclosure: The authors report that they have no financial or com- Approved for publication March 17, 2011. mercial relationships in regard to this article. Vol. 36 No. 7 • July 2011 • P&T® 423
  • 2. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: The ESA APPRISE Oncology Program A 2009 update to the 2006 meta-analysis5 revealed increased warn of the increased risks of thrombosis and tumor promotion. mortality with the use of ESAs (combined HR, 1.17; 95% CI, In 2007, the ODAC discussed four additional trials that 1.06–1.3) and decreased survival (combined HR, 1.06; 95% CI, showed adverse outcomes: Epoetin Alfa in Advanced Non– 1–1.12) during the active study period.8 There was no statisti- Small Cell Lung Cancer (EPO CAN-20),11 Amgen studies 2001- cally significant increase in mortality (combined HR, 1.10; 95% 010312 and 2000-0161,13 and the Danish Head and Neck Cancer CI, 0.98–1.24) or decrease in overall survival (combined HR, Group (DAHANCA 10)14 (see Table 4). This review resulted 1.04; 95% CI, 0.97–1.11) in the subgroup of patients receiving in the addition of a boxed warning to the labeling of ESAs concomitant chemotherapy and ESAs. regarding an increased risk of death, more rapid tumor pro- In addition to the meta-analyses of studies investigating gression, and serious cardiovascular and thromboembolic ESAs, the FDA Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee (ODAC) events. met three times to discuss the findings and the future place of In 2008, the ODAC was convened to review the results of two ESAs in the management of patients with cancer. At the first additional trials: the Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG- meeting in 2004, two trials with adverse findings were reviewed 191)15 and the Preoperative Epirubicin Paclitaxel Aranesp (Table 4, page 426): Evaluation of NeoRecormon on outcome (PREPARE16) study. Based on these trials and the earlier in Head And Neck Cancer in Europe (ENHANCE)9 and the literature showing adverse outcomes, the ODAC recom- Breast Cancer Erythropoietin Survival Trial (BEST).10 Based mended limiting the use of ESAs to patients receiving pallia- on these trials and previous data regarding thromboembolic tive treatment. The ODAC also recommended that the FDA events, the FDA-approved labeling of ESAs was updated to require informed consent or a patient agreement before ESAs Table 2 Drug Products With REMS Programs—Medication Guide Only Antiepileptic drugs, selected Other agents Carbamazepine (Equetro) Bupropion (Aplenzin, Wellbutrin) Ethosuximide (Zarontin) Colchicine (Colcrys) Ethotoin (Peganone) Dabigatran (Pradaxa) Gabapentin (Neurontin) Diclofenac oral and topical solutions (Cambia, Pennsaid) Lacosamide (Vimpat) Doxepin (Silenor) Levetiracetam (Keppra) Fenofibric acid (Trilipix) Lamotrigine (Lamictal) Mefloquine (Lariam) Pregabalin (Lyrica) Methsuximide (Celontin) Primidone (Mysoline) Metoclopramide oral solution and disintegrating tablets Tiagabine (Gabitril) (Metozolv ODT) Topiramate (Topamax) Milnacipran (Savella) Zonisamide (Zonegran) Morphine oral solution Naltrexone (Vivitrol) Antiretrovirals, selected Olanzapine (Zyprexa) Abacavir (Ziagen) Olanzapine/fluoxetine (Symbyax) Abacavir/lamivudine (Epzicom) Omalizumab (Xolair) Lopinavir/ritonavir (Kaletra) Oral bowel prep kits Abacavir/lamivudine/zidovudine (Trizivir) Oxycodone oral solution Nevirapine (Viramune) Pancrelipase (Creon, Pancreaze, Zenpep) Didanosine (Videx,Videx EC) Pazopanib (Votrient) Telbivudine (Tyzeka) Propylthiouracil Saquinavir (Invirase) Quetiapine (Seroquel) Ramelteon (Rozerem) Fluoroquinolones, all Repository corticotropin (HP Acthar Gel) Ribavirin (Copegus, Rebetol) Interferon alfa and beta, all Rufinamide (Banzel) Sirolimus (Rapamune) Long-acting beta2-agonist combination products, selected Sitagliptin (Januvia, Janumet) Formoterol/budesonide (Symbicort) Sunitinib (Sutent) Salmeterol/fluticasone (Advair) Testosterone, topical (AndroGel, Axiron, Testim) Trazodone extended release (Oleptro) Thiazolidinediones, all Varenicline (Chantix) Zolpidem oral spray (ZolpiMist) Data from FDA, as of December 2010. Information for REMS is updated routinely on the FDA Web site.3 424 P&T® • July 2011 • Vol. 36 No. 7
  • 3. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: The ESA APPRISE Oncology Program Table 3 REMS Program Requirements by Drug Product or Class Medication Communica- Elements of Implementa- Guide tion Plan Safe Use tion System Alvimopan (Entereg) X X X Alglucosidase alfa (Lumizyme) X X X Alosetron (Lotronex) X X X Armodafinil (Nuvigil) X X Botulinum toxin A (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) and B (Myobloc) X X Buprenorphine transdermal (Butrans) X X Buprenorphine/naloxone sublingual film (Suboxone) X X X Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum (Xiaflex) X X Dalfampridine (Ampyra) X X Denosumab (Prolia) X X Dronedarone (Multaq) X X Ecallantide (Kalbitor) X X Eculizumab (Soliris) X X Electrolyte containing bowel prep tablets (OsmoPrep, Visicol) X X Eltrombopag (Promacta) X X X Endothelin receptor antagonists (Letairis, Tracleer) X X X Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (Aranesp, Epogen, Procrit) X X X X Everolimus (Zortress) X X Fingolimod (Gilenya) X X Formoterol/mometasone (Dulera) X X Fentanyl buccal film (Onsolis) X X X X Glucagon-like peptides (Byetta,Victoza) X X Hydromorphone extended release (Exalgo) X X Isotretinoin (Accutane, Amnesteem, Claravis) X X X Lenalidomide (Revlimid) X X X Modafinil (Provigil) X X Morphine/naltrexone (Embeda) X X Nilotinib (Tasigna) X X Olanzapine extended release injection (Zyprexa Relprevv) X X X X Oxycodone extended release X X Pegloticase (Krystexxa) X X Prasugrel (Effient) X X Quinine (Qualaquin) X X Romiplostim (Nplate) X X X X Sacrosidase (Sucraid) X X X Salmeterol (Serevent) X X Telavancin (Vibativ) X X Teriparatide (Forteo) X X Tetrabenazine (Xenazine) X X Thalidomide (Thalomid) X X X Tocilizumab (Actemra) X X Tolvaptan (Samsca) X X Tumor necrosis factor antagonists: certolizumab (Cimzia), X X etanercept (Enbrel), adalimumab (Humira), infliximab (Remicade), golimumab (Simponi) Ustekinumab (Stelara) X X Vigabatrin (Sabril) X X X X Data from FDA, as of December 2010. Information for REMS is updated routinely on the FDA Web site.3 Vol. 36 No. 7 • July 2011 • P&T® 425
  • 4. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: The ESA APPRISE Oncology Program Table 4 Summary of Trials of Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents (ESAs) Reviewed by the Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee Trial Study Design Selected Results Reviewed in 2004 ENHANCE9 • Patients with head and neck cancer receiving ESA use was associated with: radiotherapy • decreased locoregional progression-free survival • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo (adjusted relative risk, 1.62; P = 0.0008) • Target Hb ≤ 14 g/dL for women, ≤ 15 g/dL for • decreased overall survival (relative risk, 1.39; men P = 0.02) BEST10 • Women with metastatic breast cancer receiving Study was stopped early; higher mortality rates in the ESA first-line chemotherapy group than in the placebo group: • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo • 12-month overall survival rate 70% vs. 76% (P = 0.01) • Target Hb 12–14 g/dL • tumor response and time to progression were similar between groups Reviewed in 2007 EPO CAN-2011 • Patients with non–small-cell lung cancer not Study was stopped early; higher mortality rates in the ESA receiving chemotherapy or receiving non– group than in controls: platinum-based chemotherapy regimens • Median survival, 63 days vs. 129 days (P = 0.04) • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo • Target Hb 12–14 g/dL Amgen study • Patients with non-myeloid cancers not receiving ESA use was associated with: 2001-010312 chemotherapy • increased cardiovascular and thromboembolic events • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo (9.7% vs. 7.7%; P was not reported) • Target Hb 12–13 g/dL • decreased survival during treatment and long-term follow-up (HR for overall survival, 1.22; P = 0.022) Amgen study • Patients with lymphoma or myeloma receiving ESA use was associated with: 2000-016113 chemotherapy • increased quality of life • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo • decreased survival (HR for death, 1.37; P = 0.04) • Target Hb 13–14 g/dL for women, 13–15 g/dL for men DAHANCA 1014 • Patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the ESA use was associated with: head and neck receiving radiotherapy • decreased locoregional control (56% vs. 69%; P = 0.02) • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo • decreased disease-free survival (48% vs. 63%; P = 0.004) • Target Hb ≤ 15.5 g/dL No statistically significant difference in overall survival Reviewed in 2008 GOG-19115 • Women with cervical cancer receiving Study was stopped early; concerns about an increased rate chemotherapy and radiation of thromboembolic events with ESAs: • Randomized to receive an ESA or placebo • 19.2% vs. 7.7% • Target Hb 12–14 g/dL • fewer than 25% of planned patients enrolled ESA use was associated with a numerical, but not a statistically significant, decrease in: • progression-free survival (58% vs. 66%) • overall survival (60% vs. 74%) PREPARE16 • Women with breast cancer receiving neo- An unplanned interim analysis after a median follow-up adjuvant chemotherapy period of 3 years showed an association of ESA use with: • Randomized to receive an ESA or a transfusion • decreased overall survival (86% vs. 90%; • Target Hb 12.5–13 g/dL HR, 1.42; 95% CI, 0.93–2.18) • decreased progression-free survival (73% vs. 79%; HR, 1.33; 95% CI, 0.99–1.79) CI = confidence interval; Hb = hemoglobin; HR = hazard ratio. Trials: BEST = Breast Cancer Erythropoietin Survival Trial; DAHANCA = Danish Head and Neck Cancer Group; ENHANCE = Evaluation of NeoRecormon on outcome in Head And Neck Cancer in Europe; EPO CAN-20 = Epoetin Alfa in Advanced Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer; GOG = Gynecologic Oncology Group; PREPARE = Preoperative Epirubicin Paclitaxel Aranesp. continued on page 431 426 P&T® • July 2011 • Vol. 36 No. 7
  • 5. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: The ESA APPRISE Oncology Program continued from page 426 could be administered. The FDA-approved labels were sub- ESAs, whereas other elements of ESA APPRISE are unique to sequently revised to state that ESAs were not recommended patients with cancer.) when the intent of chemotherapy was to cure and when a Some logistical considerations are associated with this REMS program was initiated. process and must be addressed by each hospital, such as In response to published data, national guidelines have been which member of the health care team is responsible for updated. The 2010 American Society of Clinical Oncology/ reviewing the information with the patient (nurse, pharmacist, American Society of Hematology guideline recommends ESAs or physician) and whether the medication guide must be used as an option when hemoglobin levels are below 10 g/dL dur- to facilitate discussion. If the guide is used, the process by ing chemotherapy.17 The guideline does not include a specific which it is stored and retrieved must also be addressed. hemoglobin target; instead, it recommends maintaining For instance, the medication guides are five pages long, hemoglobin at the lowest level required to avoid a transfusion. they are not supplied in a 1:1 ratio with the product, and they Notably, the guideline differs from the FDA-approved labeling are subject to updates. At St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital, the by stating that limiting the use of ESAs to palliative chemother- nurse reviews the guide with the patient. The guide is printed apy regimens is a clinical judgment and not expressly sup- by the pharmacy from the manufacturer’s Web site at the time ported by the literature. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid of dispensing, It is then sent with the ESA to ensure that the Services (CMS) defined the appropriate setting for ESAs to most recent version is used, thereby eliminating the need to apply only to patients receiving chemotherapy in the palliative store paper copies. The medication guide is distributed with setting with a hemoglobin level of less than 10 g/dL and fur- each drug administration to each patient so that the content ther recommend discontinuing ESAs within eight weeks of the provided and the method of dissemination are consistent. last chemotherapy dose.18 Communication Plan ESA APPRISE and an Approach to Compliance The responsibility of the communication plan rests with the In February 2010, based on the ODAC’s recommendations manufacturer. The Dear Healthcare Provider letters and other and the FDA’s subsequent action, Amgen and Centocor Ortho materials can be accessed at Biotech announced that the FDA had approved a REMS pro- gram called Assisting Providers and cancer Patients with Risk Elements to Ensure Safe Use20 Information for the Safe use of ESAs (the ESA APPRISE On- Three of the elements to ensure safe use are incorporated cology Program).19 This program incorporates a medication into the ESA APPRISE Oncology Program: (1) health care guide, a communication plan, elements to ensure safe use, and provider training and certification, (2) hospital certification, an implementation system.20 and (3) dispensing following the documentation of safe- use conditions. All prescribers who plan to order ESAs for Medication Guide cancer patients must receive training and must enroll in ESA The original REMS for ESAs included a requirement that a APPRISE. The manufacturer maintains an on-line list of en- medication guide be distributed to each patient when an ESA rolled prescribers through an independent third party. The was to be dispensed.20 There was no specific direction with hospital must appoint a designee to receive training and enroll regard to the practice setting (i.e., inpatient or outpatient) or in APPRISE on behalf of the institution. At our hospital, the the frequency with which guides should be distributed (i.e., designee is the director of pharmacy. upon therapy initiation or with every drug administration). Training, which is available on the manufacturer’s Web site, In February 2011, the FDA issued a draft guidance ex- includes a review of the risks of using ESAs in cancer patients. plaining its approach to discretionary enforcement of the Enrollment includes an agreement to conform to the man- REMS regulations.21 Although not yet formally in effect as of dates of ESA APPRISE. The hospital designee is responsible this writing, the draft guidance specifies requirements for in- for establishing and overseeing a process that includes verifi- patient and outpatient sites and when medication guides must cation of prescriber enrollment in the program as well as be distributed. For hospitalized patients, a guide is not manda- patient and prescriber discussions of risks and benefits before tory unless the patient or patient’s agent requests it. Instead, ESAs are dispensed. providing patient information, including appropriate use, po- One of the elements of ESA APPRISE is a formal, docu- tential side effects, and follow-up by a health care professional mented discussion between a certified prescriber and the in the course of care, is considered sufficient to meet the reg- patient regarding the risks and benefits of ESA use in cancer. ulatory intent. In an outpatient setting, in which the ESA is Both parties sign an acknowledgment form. Outside the hos- dispensed to a health care professional to administer to the pital, these forms are faxed to a central repository and are also patient, the medication guide must be distributed upon re- maintained in the patient’s medical record. For in-hospital use quest, at the first time drug is dispensed, and when the guide’s of ESAs, forms are not submitted to a central repository; they content has been substantively changed. are provided to the hospital designee only to validate that the The FDA guidance does not affect the duty of the hospital discussion has occurred before an ESA has been dispensed. to inform a patient of the REMS program. Although distribu- Completion of the form does not constitute patient enrollment tion of the actual medication guide is not mandated for each in any registry or program; it serves only as documentation of patient with each drug administration, a review of the infor- the required discussion between prescriber and patient. mation must still be included for each patient each time. We’ve noted many logistical problems involving the (Note: Distribution of the guide is required for all uses of acknowledgment form in our institution, which is a community Vol. 36 No. 7 • July 2011 • P&T® 431
  • 6. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: The ESA APPRISE Oncology Program hospital without an integrated electronic health record (EHR) duty of the prescriber to complete the acknowledgment form system. In the REMS program, a prescriber is required to with the patient. This task cannot be delegated to other mem- complete the form with the patient for each course of therapy, bers of the health care team. Verification also needs to occur although many times therapy is initiated in the outpatient set- with each admission, and completed forms must be stored and ting and continued in the hospital. The hospital could choose retrieved by the pharmacist or must be provided again by the to require a copy of the acknowledgment form to verify com- office or physician with each admission. pletion. If so, the form must travel from the office to the hos- Our hospital has opted for a different approach and has pital, or it must be completed again in the hospital. The office determined that a specific medication order set for ESAs is the might be unable to provide a copy during off-hours, or the best approach in treating cancer patients (Figure 1). Included physician might be unavailable to complete it again. in the order set is a physician’s attestation that the medication According to the ESA APPRISE Oncology Program, it is the guide has been reviewed, the risks and benefits have been NOTE: Orders for erythropoiesis-stimulating agents IRON REPLACEMENT (ESAs) will not be honored unless all required infor- I Ferrous Sulfate 325 mg PO t.i.d. on an empty mation is provided. stomach I ______________________________ Hgb (g/dL): _________ (Date: ___/___/______) ERYTHROPOIESIS-STIMULATING AGENT *Hgb must be < 10 g/dL × I HOLD darbepoetin if Hgb > 10 g/dL Inpatient INDICATION: I Darbepoetin (Aranesp) 100 mcg subcutaneously I Chemotherapy-induced anemia once weekly * ESAs are indicated only in patients receiving concomitant chemotherapy. Therapy may be Outpatient continued for up to 8 weeks after the last dose I Darbepoetin (Aranesp) 500 mcg subcutaneously of chemotherapy. every three weeks * ESAs are not indicated in patients receiving I Darbepoetin (Aranesp) ________ mcg hormonal agents, therapeutic biologic products, (2.25 mcg/kg) subcutaneously weekly or radiotherapy unless they are also receiving concomitant myelosuppressive chemotherapy. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) I Other (specify): ____________________________ Dose Adjustment Guidelines • If Hgb increase < 1 g/dL after 4 weeks and Hgb is *ESAs are not reasonable for AML, CML, or erythroid < 10 g/dL: increase dose by 25%. cancers; anemia of cancer not related to chemotherapy; • If Hgb increase > 1 g/dL over 2 weeks: hold until or prophylactic use. Hgb < 10 g/dL: decrease dose by 25%. LABS: I CBC prior to each dose ESA APPRISE Program I Tsat I Ferritin I Serum iron ***REQUIRED FOR ALL ONCOLOGY PATIENTS*** I Serum vitamin B12 (cobalamin) level By signing below I attest that: I Serum folate level • I have received training and I am enrolled in the ESA I ________________________________ APPRISE Oncology Program. I have been assigned an enrollment ID number. I ________________________________ • I have provided the Medication Guide to the patient and reviewed it with the patient prior to this course of therapy. • I counseled this patient on the risks/benefits of ESAs prior to this course of therapy. • I signed the ESA APPRISE Oncology Program Patient and Healthcare Professional Acknowledgment form and witnessed the patient sign the same form. I have retained the archival copy of this form. Signature:__________________________ Date: ___/___/______ Date ________Time ____________ Signature________________________MD Figure 1 Sample ESA Oncology Order Set. AML, CML = acute and chronic forms of leukemia; CBC = complete blood count; Hgb = hemoglobin; PO = orally; t.i.d. = three times daily; Tsat = transferrin saturation. 432 P&T® • July 2011 • Vol. 36 No. 7
  • 7. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: The ESA APPRISE Oncology Program discussed, and the prescriber and patient have signed the therapy: A survival study. J Clin Oncol 2005;23:5960–5972. acknowledgment form. Following confirmation that the pre- 11. Wright JR, Ung YC, Julian JA, et al. Randomized, double-blind, scriber is registered with the ESA APPRISE Oncology Pro- placebo-controlled trial of erythropoietin in non-small-cell lung cancer with disease-related anemia. J Clin Oncol 2007;25:1027– gram, this order set serves as our hospital’s documentation of 1032. compliance. The patient acknowledgment form, in addition to 12. Smith RE, Aapro MS, Ludwig H, et al. Darbepoetin alfa for the the medication order set, may be submitted to the pharmacy; treatment of anemia in patients with active cancer not receiving however, this is not required, because the physician’s attesta- chemotherapy or radiotherapy: Results of a phase III, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Clin Oncol tion serves as a surrogate. 2008;26:1040–1050. 13. Hedenus M, Adriansson M, San Miguel J, et al. Efficacy and Implementation safety of darbepoetin alfa in anaemic patients with lympho- The manufacturer is responsible for confirming compliance proliferative malignancies: A randomized, double-blind, placebo- with ESA APPRISE. This is achieved through a series of ran- controlled study. Br J Haematol 2003;122:394–403. 14. Overgaard J, Hoff C, Sand Hansen H, et al. Randomized study of dom on-site audits of enrolled hospitals. Those hospitals that the importance of novel er ythropoiesis stimulating protein are not enrolled or that are not in compliance may not have (Aranesp) for the effect of radiotherapy in patients with primary access to ESAs.20 squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC): The Danish Head and Neck Cancer Group DAHANCA 10 ran- Conclusion domized trial. Eur J Cancer Suppl 2007;5:7. 15. Thomas G, Ali S, Hoebers FJP, et al. Phase III trial to evaluate the REMS programs represent a new facet of drug safety regu- efficacy of maintaining hemoglobin levels above 120 g/dl with ery- lation. With a growing number of programs and a wide variety thropoietin vs. above 100 g/dl without erythropoietin in anemic of requirements within the programs, hospitals may be chal- patients receiving concurrent radiation and cisplatin for cervical lenged to meet the criteria for compliance. The ESA APPRISE cancer: A Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. Gynecol Oncol 2008;108:317–325. Oncology Program represents a difficult challenge, in that 16. FDA. Background information for the Oncologic Drugs Advisory ESAs may be high-use agents, and the elements to ensure safe Committee meeting, March 13, 2008. Available at: www.fda. use present logistical considerations for hospital pharmacy gov/ohrms/DOCKETS/ac/08/briefing/2008-4345b2-05-AMGEN.pdf. departments. Accessed December 30, 2010. 17. Rizzo JD, Brouwers M, Hurley P, et al. American Society of Clin- ical Oncology/American Society of Hematology clinical practice guideline update on the use of epoetin and darbepoetin in adult References patients with cancer. Blood 2010;116:4045–4059. 1. Identification of drug and biological products deemed to have risk 18. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Decision evaluation and mitigation strategies for purposes of the Food and memo for erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) for non-renal Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007. Fed Register disease indications (CAG 00383N). Available at: https://www. 2008;73(60):16313–16314. 2. FDA. Full text, FDA Amendments Act of 2007. Available at: www. asp&id=203&. Accessed December 20, 2010. 19. Amgen and Centocor Ortho Biotech Products Finalize ESA Risk andCosmeticActFDCAct/SignificantAmendmentstotheFDCAct Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) With FDA. February /FoodandDrugAdministrationAmendmentsActof2007/FullText 16, 2010. 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Maintaining normal hemoglobin levels with epoetin alfa in mainly nonanemic patients with metastatic breast cancer receiving first line chemo- Vol. 36 No. 7 • July 2011 • P&T® 433