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Kristen Kummen
Theology 3 /Pipitone

                           Religion 3: Quarter 3 Exam Study Guide

note: if it’s highlighted, I was too lazy to answer it

1.   What caused corruption within in Catholic Church? How can we say that despite the corruption, the institution
     remained/remains holy?
2.   How did feudalism affect the Church?
     It increased the interaction between the ecclesiastical and secular leaders in rural parts of Europe. Also, it lead
     to Church leaders abusing their authority: bishops & abbots receiving extra income from royal benefices.
3.   What is feudalism?
     -a contract system between kings & land-owning vassals and wider population
     -involved exchange of labor, services, military service for military production
4.   Why was Cluny so monumental?
     greater emphasis on spiritual life of individual monk
     What made it so special?
     reinstated& lengthened the Divine Office; reduced amount of time spent in manual labor so more time could
     be devoted to prayer
     What is the privilegium?
     How did Cluny govern itself that made it unique? Why did Cluny end? What was important about the
     spirituality within Cluny? What did the reforms emphasize?
           a. Pope Benedict VIII
           b. William the Pious
5.   Otto I?
     He was a Saxon ruler who formed the Holy Roman Empire
6.   Otto & Pope Sylvester?
     They had an alliance. Benefits for each:
     - Otto: raised him to the level of Charlemagne, legal basis for bringing part of the old middle kingdom under
     his control
     - Pope: the Church received temporal protection; peace and stability is necessary for the Church’s mission
7.   Emperor Henry II and Queen St. Cunegond?
8.   The Lay Investiture Controversy?
     main question: who should appoint bishops, secular or religious leaders?
           a. William the Conqueror
               he headed the last successful invasion of England in 1066
           b. Gregory VII
               the Reformer
                      i. The DictatusPapae
                         asserted that the Pope possessed special powers bestowed by God
                         -to convene & ratify a council
                         -to define tenets of the faith
                         -to appoint, transfer, & remove bishops from office
                         -to depose temporal rulers
                     ii. Emperor Henry IV
                         He denies the decree of Gregory VII and appoints bishops of Milan. After a showdown,
                         Gregory VII gives Henry a hearing, hears his confession, absolves and then restores loyal
                         throne. Within a year, Henry again challenges the Pope and installs Clement the III
           c. Concordat of Worms
               Brought about resolution:
               - Spiritual investiture left to the Church alone
               -Temporal investiture left to the civil authorities
Kristen Kummen
Theology 3 /Pipitone

          d.   The English Investure
                       i. St. Thomas Becket
                      ii. Henry II
                     iii. Claremont Constitutions
9.    Frederick I?
10.   Frederick II and Innocent III?
      They duke it out. Frederick took throne at 17, and he promised to respect sovereignty of Papal states and try
      not the unify Germany and Italy. After Innocent III dies, Frederick goes back on his promise, tries to crush
      Papal States by invading and driving Pope Gregory IX from Rome. Many saw Freddy as the anti-christ.
            a. What was Innocent’s goal of his papacy?
               to control and maintain the balance of power throughout Europe
11.   St. Bernard of Clairvaux?
      first abbot of new Cistercian monastery at Clairvaux, France
            a. His prayer life
12.   The Carthusians?
      a model priest and a civil servant
            a. The emphasis within the spiritual life
               severe mortification & perpetual silence
13.   St. Bruno?
14.   Cistercians?
      special emphasis on austerities, farming, simplicity of life
            a. What does the color of the white habit mean?
               poverty & simplicity
15.   The Crusades?
      8 expansive military operations carried out by the Church in defense of the Holy Land; goal was to defend
      Christianity from Muslim expansion.
            a. Bl. Urban II
               He preached the First Crusade in 105 in central France to try to rouse support from Westerners to aid
               the Eastern Christians.
            b. Who fought in the Crusades?Christian people
            c. Why were the majority of the Crusades not successful? pg. 332, 333
               Corruption & extremely unorganized
            d. How did St. Francis affect the Crusades? What was the point of including him in the book?
               St. Francis was a prime example of how peace was an overlooked option;
            e. Who are the Knights Templar?Knights whose specific mission was to protect pilgrims traveling to
                       i. What is apostasy?Rejection of believing in God
            f. How many Knights of Templar gave up their life to protect Christian pilgrims?
            g. Knights Hospitalers
               Grew out of an already existing work of charity consisting of the care of sick pilgrims; made a major
               contribution in the defense of Jerusalem, and served as a medical corps to the Crusaders
            h. The Legacy of the Military Orders…what was their function? Were they successful?
               Instituted to ensure the protection of Christian pilgrims, Church and holy places in Holy lands. Yes,
               they were successful.
16.   The Inquisition
            a. Purpose
               Called in response to heretical activities that threatened civil order; the Albegensians. Were
               organized to defend both the state and Church.
            b. Mistreatment of people…the Jews
                       i. Pope Innocent III spoke out against the behavior
                          Pope Innocent III called for the Inquisition to protect people, society and Christianity
Kristen Kummen
Theology 3 /Pipitone

          c.    Albigensians
                      i. Their beliefs
                         Believed that two gods governed the universe: one spiritual and good, the other physical and
                     ii. Why are they contra family?
                         Had evil practices, anti-Christians, violent, and promoted the following: abortion,
                         homosexuality, and suicide
                    iii. Why is that an assault on the Christian Church?

          d.    Spanish Inquisition
                Reconquering of Spain by the Christians against the Muslims and the Jews
                       i. Time Frame purpose
                           Was used to promote and retain Spanish unity under a common Christian religion
17.   The University?
           a. The origin of the university
           b. The effects of the university
                The work of many academics would shed new light on the many mysteries of the Faith; helped lead
                Europe into a period of exceptional intellectual growth
           c. The influence of the Church on academics
                All students who went to universities could then leave the school and continue on to study more
                intensively for a doctorate degree in law, medicine, or theology.
18.   Scholasticism? With access to Aristotles works, universities fostered a new style of inquiry in philosophy
      known as Scholasticism, or “science of the schools”.
           a. The relationship between faith and reason
                St. Thomas explained that they do not need to be opposed to one another; utilizing Aristotle’s
                philosophy, he was able to discuss in a cogent way Christ’s dual nature as God and man as his
                presence in the Eucharist.
           b. The Papal Encylical, Fides et Ratio
19.   St. Thomas Aquinas (know this information like you would a special friend…I’d rather not)? Why is he referred
      to as the Angelic Doctor?St. Thomas used philosophy to shed light on the mysteries of the Christian doctrine,
      explaining theology in a philosophical context.
           a. Why is his work important?
                He combined the works of Aristotle and truths of Christianity
20.   Bl. Dun Scotus?
           a. Immaculate Conception
21.   St. Francis of Assisi? (know him like an old friend blahblahblah nonsense)His courage & peaceful attempts to
      try to calm the controversy over the Holy Lands should remind us of the power of peace. Through the personal
      holiness of St. Francis, the Sultan gratned St. Francis access to the Holy Lands
22.   St. Bonaventure? He made a new provision that allowed individual Franciscans to receive donations meant for
      the well-being of the order. The money would not be held by the Franciscans in common, as it was with other
      monastic orders. Rather, St. Bonaventure made it so that everything received by the Franciscans would be
      given to the Holy See,which would then see to the preservation of the order according to its own good will.
23.   St. Dominic? He set to convert the Albegensians back to the Church.
           a. What is the real name of the Dominicans?
                Order of Preachers
           b. What is the habit like?
                to live a life of poverty, without a staff and no money
           c. What is the legacy of the Dominican Orders?
                to life an ascetical life modeled after the life of Christ
24.   The Middle Ages and the Arts?With emphasis on Christ, the Light of the World, Christians began to look for a
      new style of architecture that could provide a space that held light, music and air in a suitable way.
Kristen Kummen
Theology 3 /Pipitone

          a.    What was the purpose of Medieval Church art? (pg. 384)
                To convey stories from the Gospels and depict the facial expressions to try and reveal the inner souls
                of the saints through subtle artistic representation
25.   What were/are the mendicant orders known for? These orders remained a constant reminder that, despite
      the potential glory of the human capacity to understand, ultimately, as John Paul II reminded, it is “training
      and spiritual life”, faith and love of God that leads to greater knowledge and understanding of Christ
26.   What is Dante’s major work? (pg. 384)Divine Comedy
27.   The Avignon Papacy?
            a. Pope Celestine V
            b. Boniface VII and Philip IV
                      i. Why was Philip a pain?
                     ii. How did “theologians” in Paris hurt the papacy and the Church rather than help it?
28.   St. Catherine of Siena?
29.   The Western Schism?
            a. The Causes, the effects, the outcomes
            b. The Council of Constance
            c. The Popes (know that chart Pipi drew & discussed)
30.   The decline of Scholastic Philosophy and Theology and the rise of heresy, i.e. John Wycliff and Jan Hus?
            a. Apologetics
            b. The Bible
            c. The Faith Alone Heresy
            d. Sola Scriptura Heresy
31.   Gallicanism?
32.   Black Death?
33.   The Eucharist?
34.   What are the conditions or essential characteristics that must be maintained for a council to be valid? (pg.
      413)Must have three essential characteristics:
      1.) It must be called by the pope
      2.) It must be presided over by the pope or his legate
      3.) Its dogmatic decrees are considered valid only if they are accepted and approved by the pope
35.   Avignon and Western Schism Packet
36.   Protestant Packet
                             &Here’s More From Rach Camps/Clark
• The order that helped the poor; means “to beg”:
• Father of canon law:
Gregory the VII
• Selling of divine offices:
• Ended lay investiture problem that plagued the church:
Concordat of Worms
• Collapse of this empire made feudalism more popular:
• Document that tried to get revenues from the church, Thomas Becket opposed it:
Clermont Constitutions
• Refused to hear confessions of Henry the IV:
Gregory the VII
• Political office of Thomas Becket:
Chancelor of England
• Appointing family members to positions:
Kristen Kummen
Theology 3 /Pipitone

• Gregory the second said the powers from God rest in him in what document:
• Pope that tried to force kings to follow him:
• At the council of Constance, the anti-pope forced to resign and the new real pope that was elected is:
Martin the V
• Antipopes:
John the XXIII Alexander V and Benedict XIII
• St. Catherine of Sienna encouraged these two Popes to go back to Rome:
Gregory the XI and Urban VI
• Pope that tried to work out peace with France:
Benedict XI
• Captured and beaten; died three days later:
• Pope saw his papacy as the guard of Christendom:
Innocent III
• Religious order called “order of preachers”:
Dominicans (OP)
• Befriended salkin and converted him:
St. Francis of Assisi
• Catherine of Sienna:
Dominican tertiaries
• Archbishop of Bari, Italy; took name after angry mob:
Urban VI
• Reasons why Crusades failed:
leaders obsessed with fame, defensive military campaigns
• Exhumed body of dead pope and put him on trial:
Pope Stephen VI
• Inquisition:
result of Albigensians
• Studied and was a chairman of a university:
Thomas Aquinas
• Minister and general for Franciscans for 16 yrs:
St. Boniventure
• Answered directly to pope; one order:
• Religious order founded holy sites; took three vows:
military orders
• People received stigmata:
Catherine of Sienna, and Francis of Assisi
• Purpose of Spanish Inquisition:
reunited Spain under one Christian religion
• Group stormed and demanded a pope of their nationality
• Satire novel written by Dante
Dante’s Inferno (divine Comedy)
• Council called to end western schism
Council of Constance
• What town did Francis of Assisi call a wolf to stop attacking
St. Catherine of Siena had to work out peace deals in
- Florence
Pope returned to Rome after a long period of time in France
Kristen Kummen
Theology 3 /Pipitone

- Gregory XI
Philosophy in which man seeks out pleasure over all else
2 types of Indulgences
-Partial and Plenary
Person who was picked as an anti-Pope by Pisa
-Alexander V
Early heretic of Protestants
-John Wycliff
Council that settled the Western Schism
What council formally excommunicated Martin Luther?
1st person to advocate predestination
-John Wycliff
Half the land in this empire was owned by the Church
Human achievements over God
Focused on military instead of being Pope
-Julius II
-Selling of Church offices
-Family members elected to positions
Before becoming an Augustinian monk, Luther was
-a lawyer
Luther was faculty at this university
Decree that ended LayVestiture program
-Concordat of Worms
Collapse of this empire left unfavorable conditions for feudalism
Practice of selling ecclesiastical offices/pardons
Person know as father of Canon Law
-St. Gregory VII
Thought his vocation as empire was to revive Roman empire
-Frederick I
Type of order known for helping poor, means “to beg”
Political office of Thomas Becket
-Chancellor of England
Degree set by Gregory VII
This person refused to hear confession of Henry IV
-Gregory VII
Council of Constance, French antipope lost support, this person elected as ultimate pope
-Martin V
St. Catherine of Siena told these two pope’s to go back to Rome
-Urban VI and Gregory XI
This Pope told Christian kingdoms to respect authority, papae pageantry
Kristen Kummen
Theology 3 /Pipitone

Captured, slapped, held for 3 days
Resisted, found dead
-Benedict XI
Led Church into Secular affairs
-Innocent III
“The order of preachers”
Befriended Sultan and converted him to true faith
-St. Francis of Assisi
Archbishop Barry
-Urban VI
Council Pope’s authority is superior to Council’s
Exhumed body of previous pontiff, fingers chopped off of the body
-Stephen VI
Inquisition began to
-fight against Albigensians
Chairperson of Theology Dept
-St. Thomas Aquinas
Limits to reason and logic, argued theres should be intuitive knowledge
Person was minister general of Franciscans, wrote biography of St. Francis of Asissi
-St. Bonaventure
French movement, King Philip called to move against Boniface VIII
How many Crusades
What year does Spanish Inquisition end?
Purpose for Crusades
-protect holy lands, defensive war
Martin Luther joined
Luther summoned to be at this meeting
Two valid sacraments to Luther
-Eucharist and Baptism
Religious group answered directly to Pope
Founded order of Carthusians
Person’s pontificate, desired to maintain balance throughout Europe
Wrote the Sattire Novel
-Dante, “Divine Comedy”
Showed Aristotle’s thought was okay
-St. Thomas Aquinas

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Religion 3 quarter 3 exam study guide

  • 1. Kristen Kummen 3/20/12 Theology 3 /Pipitone Religion 3: Quarter 3 Exam Study Guide note: if it’s highlighted, I was too lazy to answer it 1. What caused corruption within in Catholic Church? How can we say that despite the corruption, the institution remained/remains holy? 2. How did feudalism affect the Church? It increased the interaction between the ecclesiastical and secular leaders in rural parts of Europe. Also, it lead to Church leaders abusing their authority: bishops & abbots receiving extra income from royal benefices. 3. What is feudalism? -a contract system between kings & land-owning vassals and wider population -involved exchange of labor, services, military service for military production 4. Why was Cluny so monumental? greater emphasis on spiritual life of individual monk What made it so special? reinstated& lengthened the Divine Office; reduced amount of time spent in manual labor so more time could be devoted to prayer What is the privilegium? How did Cluny govern itself that made it unique? Why did Cluny end? What was important about the spirituality within Cluny? What did the reforms emphasize? a. Pope Benedict VIII b. William the Pious 5. Otto I? He was a Saxon ruler who formed the Holy Roman Empire 6. Otto & Pope Sylvester? They had an alliance. Benefits for each: - Otto: raised him to the level of Charlemagne, legal basis for bringing part of the old middle kingdom under his control - Pope: the Church received temporal protection; peace and stability is necessary for the Church’s mission 7. Emperor Henry II and Queen St. Cunegond? 8. The Lay Investiture Controversy? main question: who should appoint bishops, secular or religious leaders? a. William the Conqueror he headed the last successful invasion of England in 1066 b. Gregory VII the Reformer i. The DictatusPapae asserted that the Pope possessed special powers bestowed by God -to convene & ratify a council -to define tenets of the faith -to appoint, transfer, & remove bishops from office -to depose temporal rulers ii. Emperor Henry IV He denies the decree of Gregory VII and appoints bishops of Milan. After a showdown, Gregory VII gives Henry a hearing, hears his confession, absolves and then restores loyal throne. Within a year, Henry again challenges the Pope and installs Clement the III c. Concordat of Worms Brought about resolution: - Spiritual investiture left to the Church alone -Temporal investiture left to the civil authorities
  • 2. Kristen Kummen 3/20/12 Theology 3 /Pipitone d. The English Investure i. St. Thomas Becket ii. Henry II iii. Claremont Constitutions 9. Frederick I? 10. Frederick II and Innocent III? They duke it out. Frederick took throne at 17, and he promised to respect sovereignty of Papal states and try not the unify Germany and Italy. After Innocent III dies, Frederick goes back on his promise, tries to crush Papal States by invading and driving Pope Gregory IX from Rome. Many saw Freddy as the anti-christ. a. What was Innocent’s goal of his papacy? to control and maintain the balance of power throughout Europe 11. St. Bernard of Clairvaux? first abbot of new Cistercian monastery at Clairvaux, France a. His prayer life hermit 12. The Carthusians? a model priest and a civil servant a. The emphasis within the spiritual life severe mortification & perpetual silence 13. St. Bruno? 14. Cistercians? special emphasis on austerities, farming, simplicity of life a. What does the color of the white habit mean? poverty & simplicity 15. The Crusades? 8 expansive military operations carried out by the Church in defense of the Holy Land; goal was to defend Christianity from Muslim expansion. a. Bl. Urban II He preached the First Crusade in 105 in central France to try to rouse support from Westerners to aid the Eastern Christians. b. Who fought in the Crusades?Christian people c. Why were the majority of the Crusades not successful? pg. 332, 333 Corruption & extremely unorganized d. How did St. Francis affect the Crusades? What was the point of including him in the book? St. Francis was a prime example of how peace was an overlooked option; e. Who are the Knights Templar?Knights whose specific mission was to protect pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem. i. What is apostasy?Rejection of believing in God f. How many Knights of Templar gave up their life to protect Christian pilgrims? 20,000 g. Knights Hospitalers Grew out of an already existing work of charity consisting of the care of sick pilgrims; made a major contribution in the defense of Jerusalem, and served as a medical corps to the Crusaders h. The Legacy of the Military Orders…what was their function? Were they successful? Instituted to ensure the protection of Christian pilgrims, Church and holy places in Holy lands. Yes, they were successful. 16. The Inquisition a. Purpose Called in response to heretical activities that threatened civil order; the Albegensians. Were organized to defend both the state and Church. b. Mistreatment of people…the Jews i. Pope Innocent III spoke out against the behavior Pope Innocent III called for the Inquisition to protect people, society and Christianity
  • 3. Kristen Kummen 3/20/12 Theology 3 /Pipitone c. Albigensians i. Their beliefs Believed that two gods governed the universe: one spiritual and good, the other physical and evil. ii. Why are they contra family? Had evil practices, anti-Christians, violent, and promoted the following: abortion, homosexuality, and suicide iii. Why is that an assault on the Christian Church? d. Spanish Inquisition Reconquering of Spain by the Christians against the Muslims and the Jews i. Time Frame purpose Was used to promote and retain Spanish unity under a common Christian religion 17. The University? a. The origin of the university b. The effects of the university The work of many academics would shed new light on the many mysteries of the Faith; helped lead Europe into a period of exceptional intellectual growth c. The influence of the Church on academics All students who went to universities could then leave the school and continue on to study more intensively for a doctorate degree in law, medicine, or theology. 18. Scholasticism? With access to Aristotles works, universities fostered a new style of inquiry in philosophy known as Scholasticism, or “science of the schools”. a. The relationship between faith and reason St. Thomas explained that they do not need to be opposed to one another; utilizing Aristotle’s philosophy, he was able to discuss in a cogent way Christ’s dual nature as God and man as his presence in the Eucharist. b. The Papal Encylical, Fides et Ratio 19. St. Thomas Aquinas (know this information like you would a special friend…I’d rather not)? Why is he referred to as the Angelic Doctor?St. Thomas used philosophy to shed light on the mysteries of the Christian doctrine, explaining theology in a philosophical context. a. Why is his work important? He combined the works of Aristotle and truths of Christianity 20. Bl. Dun Scotus? a. Immaculate Conception 21. St. Francis of Assisi? (know him like an old friend blahblahblah nonsense)His courage & peaceful attempts to try to calm the controversy over the Holy Lands should remind us of the power of peace. Through the personal holiness of St. Francis, the Sultan gratned St. Francis access to the Holy Lands 22. St. Bonaventure? He made a new provision that allowed individual Franciscans to receive donations meant for the well-being of the order. The money would not be held by the Franciscans in common, as it was with other monastic orders. Rather, St. Bonaventure made it so that everything received by the Franciscans would be given to the Holy See,which would then see to the preservation of the order according to its own good will. 23. St. Dominic? He set to convert the Albegensians back to the Church. a. What is the real name of the Dominicans? Order of Preachers b. What is the habit like? to live a life of poverty, without a staff and no money c. What is the legacy of the Dominican Orders? to life an ascetical life modeled after the life of Christ 24. The Middle Ages and the Arts?With emphasis on Christ, the Light of the World, Christians began to look for a new style of architecture that could provide a space that held light, music and air in a suitable way.
  • 4. Kristen Kummen 3/20/12 Theology 3 /Pipitone a. What was the purpose of Medieval Church art? (pg. 384) To convey stories from the Gospels and depict the facial expressions to try and reveal the inner souls of the saints through subtle artistic representation 25. What were/are the mendicant orders known for? These orders remained a constant reminder that, despite the potential glory of the human capacity to understand, ultimately, as John Paul II reminded, it is “training and spiritual life”, faith and love of God that leads to greater knowledge and understanding of Christ 26. What is Dante’s major work? (pg. 384)Divine Comedy 27. The Avignon Papacy? a. Pope Celestine V b. Boniface VII and Philip IV i. Why was Philip a pain? ii. How did “theologians” in Paris hurt the papacy and the Church rather than help it? 28. St. Catherine of Siena? 29. The Western Schism? a. The Causes, the effects, the outcomes b. The Council of Constance c. The Popes (know that chart Pipi drew & discussed) 30. The decline of Scholastic Philosophy and Theology and the rise of heresy, i.e. John Wycliff and Jan Hus? a. Apologetics b. The Bible c. The Faith Alone Heresy d. Sola Scriptura Heresy 31. Gallicanism? 32. Black Death? 33. The Eucharist? 34. What are the conditions or essential characteristics that must be maintained for a council to be valid? (pg. 413)Must have three essential characteristics: 1.) It must be called by the pope 2.) It must be presided over by the pope or his legate 3.) Its dogmatic decrees are considered valid only if they are accepted and approved by the pope 35. Avignon and Western Schism Packet 36. Protestant Packet &Here’s More From Rach Camps/Clark • The order that helped the poor; means “to beg”: Mendicants • Father of canon law: Gregory the VII • Selling of divine offices: Simony • Ended lay investiture problem that plagued the church: Concordat of Worms • Collapse of this empire made feudalism more popular: Carolingian • Document that tried to get revenues from the church, Thomas Becket opposed it: Clermont Constitutions • Refused to hear confessions of Henry the IV: Gregory the VII • Political office of Thomas Becket: Chancelor of England • Appointing family members to positions: Nepotism
  • 5. Kristen Kummen 3/20/12 Theology 3 /Pipitone • Gregory the second said the powers from God rest in him in what document: DidactusPapae • Pope that tried to force kings to follow him: Boniface • At the council of Constance, the anti-pope forced to resign and the new real pope that was elected is: Martin the V • Antipopes: John the XXIII Alexander V and Benedict XIII • St. Catherine of Sienna encouraged these two Popes to go back to Rome: Gregory the XI and Urban VI • Pope that tried to work out peace with France: Benedict XI • Captured and beaten; died three days later: Boniface • Pope saw his papacy as the guard of Christendom: Innocent III • Religious order called “order of preachers”: Dominicans (OP) • Befriended salkin and converted him: St. Francis of Assisi • Catherine of Sienna: Dominican tertiaries • Archbishop of Bari, Italy; took name after angry mob: Urban VI • Reasons why Crusades failed: leaders obsessed with fame, defensive military campaigns • Exhumed body of dead pope and put him on trial: Pope Stephen VI • Inquisition: result of Albigensians • Studied and was a chairman of a university: Thomas Aquinas • Minister and general for Franciscans for 16 yrs: St. Boniventure • Answered directly to pope; one order: Cistercians • Religious order founded holy sites; took three vows: military orders • People received stigmata: Catherine of Sienna, and Francis of Assisi • Purpose of Spanish Inquisition: reunited Spain under one Christian religion • Group stormed and demanded a pope of their nationality Italy • Satire novel written by Dante Dante’s Inferno (divine Comedy) • Council called to end western schism Council of Constance • What town did Francis of Assisi call a wolf to stop attacking Gubbio St. Catherine of Siena had to work out peace deals in - Florence Pope returned to Rome after a long period of time in France
  • 6. Kristen Kummen 3/20/12 Theology 3 /Pipitone - Gregory XI Philosophy in which man seeks out pleasure over all else -Hedinism 2 types of Indulgences -Partial and Plenary Person who was picked as an anti-Pope by Pisa -Alexander V Early heretic of Protestants -John Wycliff Council that settled the Western Schism -Constance What council formally excommunicated Martin Luther? -Constance 1st person to advocate predestination -John Wycliff Half the land in this empire was owned by the Church -Bohemia Human achievements over God -humanism Focused on military instead of being Pope -Julius II Simony -Selling of Church offices Nepotism -Family members elected to positions Before becoming an Augustinian monk, Luther was -a lawyer Luther was faculty at this university -Wittenburgh Decree that ended LayVestiture program -Concordat of Worms Collapse of this empire left unfavorable conditions for feudalism -Carolingian Practice of selling ecclesiastical offices/pardons -Simony Person know as father of Canon Law -St. Gregory VII Thought his vocation as empire was to revive Roman empire -Frederick I Type of order known for helping poor, means “to beg” -Mendicants Political office of Thomas Becket -Chancellor of England Degree set by Gregory VII -DidachePapae This person refused to hear confession of Henry IV -Gregory VII Council of Constance, French antipope lost support, this person elected as ultimate pope -Martin V St. Catherine of Siena told these two pope’s to go back to Rome -Urban VI and Gregory XI This Pope told Christian kingdoms to respect authority, papae pageantry -Boniface
  • 7. Kristen Kummen 3/20/12 Theology 3 /Pipitone Captured, slapped, held for 3 days -Boniface Resisted, found dead -Benedict XI Led Church into Secular affairs -Innocent III “The order of preachers” -Dominicans Befriended Sultan and converted him to true faith -St. Francis of Assisi Archbishop Barry -Urban VI Council Pope’s authority is superior to Council’s -Trent Exhumed body of previous pontiff, fingers chopped off of the body -Stephen VI Inquisition began to -fight against Albigensians Chairperson of Theology Dept -St. Thomas Aquinas Limits to reason and logic, argued theres should be intuitive knowledge - Person was minister general of Franciscans, wrote biography of St. Francis of Asissi -St. Bonaventure French movement, King Philip called to move against Boniface VIII -Gallicanism How many Crusades -8 What year does Spanish Inquisition end? -1884 Purpose for Crusades -protect holy lands, defensive war Martin Luther joined -Augustinians Luther summoned to be at this meeting - Two valid sacraments to Luther -Eucharist and Baptism Religious group answered directly to Pope -Clooney Founded order of Carthusians -Bruno Person’s pontificate, desired to maintain balance throughout Europe -Catherine Wrote the Sattire Novel -Dante, “Divine Comedy” Showed Aristotle’s thought was okay -St. Thomas Aquinas