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            Sanjeev Kumar Chaswal
          Advocate and IPR Attorney
           LL.M ( IPR,ARB & ADR)
      M.S (Cyber Law and Cyber Security)
Over view - Comparative Advertising
• Most comparative advertisements refer to rival products
  as ‘ordinary,’ instead of specifically mentioning names of
  products. Aggrieved firms have claimed that ‘ordinary’
  refers to all products other than the advertised one.
• Comparative advertising is advertising where one party
  advertises his goods or services by comparing them with
  the goods or services of another party.
• This raises several concerns - on the one hand, the
  concern of brand owners for their goodwill being harmed
  and, on the other, the benefits for consumers that may
  result from the reduction in information asymmetry and
  the stimulation of competition.
• If the disparagement is based on ‘false and misleading
  facts’ that the advertisement becomes an unfair trade
Concept and Definition
• Comparative advertising is an advertisement in which a
  particular product, or service, specifically mentions a
  competitor by name for the express purpose of showing
  why the competitor is inferior to the product naming it.
• Comparative advertising, also referred to as ‘knocking
  copy’, is loosely defined as advertising where “the
  advertised brand is explicitly compared with one or more
  competing brands and the comparison is oblivious to the
• They may explicitly name a competitor or implicitly refer
  to him it may emphasize the similarities (positive
  comparisons) or the differences (negative comparisons)
  between the two products.

• The advertised product is “better than” (superiority
  claims) or “as good as” the competitor’s (equivalence
  or parity claims).
• No Indian statute defines the term, but the UK
  Regulation defines comparative advertising as meaning
  any advertisement which “explicitly or by implication,
  identifies a competitor or goods or services offered by
  a competitor”.
• In this backdrop, the Delhi High Court summarized the
  law on the subject in the case of Reckitt & Colman v.
  Kiwi TTK , as follows:
• 1. A tradesman is entitled to declare his goods to be the
  best in the world, even though the declaration is untrue.
• 2. He can also say that his goods are better than his
  competitor’s, even though such statement is untrue.

• 3. For the purpose of saying that his goods are the
  best in the world or his goods are better than his
  competitor’s he can even compare the advantages of
  his goods over the goods of others.
• 4 One, cannot say his goods are better than his
  competitors', or say that his competitors' goods are
  bad. If one says so, then in other words he defames
  his competitors and their goods, which is not
• 5. If there is no defamation to the goods or to the
  manufacturer of such goods no action lies, but if
  there is such defamation an action lies for recovery
  of damages for defamation, then the Court is
  competent to grant an order of injunction restraining
  such defamation.

Statutory Provisions In India:
• The Supreme Court was significantly led by the Judgment
  of the American courts. The Indian Supreme Court’s had
  also reflected its doubt in their decision on the Hamdard
  Case in 1960 as per American courts judgments of 1940.
• In the backdrop of revisions change in the position of the
  American courts, the Supreme Court, gave its view in the
  Tata Yellow Pages case in 1985, was categorical: We,
  therefore, hold that ‘commercial speech’ is a part of
  freedom of speech and expression guaranteed under
  Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution.
• The MRTP Commission has followed the constitutional
  freedom under “MRTP Act”. A party has a right to advertise
  its product making commendation about its quality.
  Advertisement being a commercial speech, which is a part
  of the freedom of speech is guaranteed under article
  19(1)(a) of the Constitution. The MRTP Act and the Trade
  Marks Act, 1999 work in tandem
• to provide the basic structure that govern Comparative
  Advertising. :
• The Trade Marks Act is a balance to the conflicting interests
  of the rights of registered trade mark owners and a keeps a
  consumer interest in informative advertising.
• The Trademarks Act, 1999 has provisions related to this
  concept in Ss. 29(8) and 30(1). According TM Act
  Comparative Advertising is permissible, with certain
  limitations as to unfair trade practices.
• Section 29(8) of the Trade Marks Act provides that a
  registered trademark is infringed by any advertising, if such
  advertising takes unfair advantage and is contrary to honest
  practices in industrial or commercial matters, is detrimental
  to its distinctive character, or is against the reputation of the
  trade mark. The Section 30(1) however, provideds an escape
  route for what would otherwise have been an infringing act
  under Section 29, if the impugned use of the mark is in
  accordance with “honest practices” in industrial or
  commercial matters.
Honest practices - mandatory for
         Comparative Advertising
• Comparative advertising aims to objectively and
  truthfully inform the consumer, and promotes market
  transparency, keeping down prices and improving
  products by stimulating competition. Therefore, it is
  important to protect the interests of such competitors
  by not allowing comparative advertising to cause
  confusion, mislead, or discredit a competitor.

• There is no definition or explanation as to what
   constitutes “honest practices”. There is a large and
   clear shared core concept of what constitutes honest
   conduct in trade, which may be applied by the courts
   without great difficulty and without any excessive
   danger of greatly diverging interpretations.
• In BMW v. Deenik , European Court of Justice, 3
  December 1998, BMW v Deenik The question was
  whether a trader, not being an authorized dealer of BMW
  motor cars, was entitled to use the name BMW being a
  registered trademark of the BMW manufacturing
  company, in the context of holding itself out as having
  specialized expertise in servicing BMW cars. The Court
  held that the proprietor of the trademark is not entitled to
  prohibit a third party from using the mark for the purpose
  of informing the public that he carries out the
  maintenance and repair of the goods covered by that
  trademark, unless the mark is used in a way that may
  create the impression that there is a commercial
  connection between the other undertaking and the
  trademark proprietor, and in particular that the reseller’s
  business is affiliated to the trademark proprietor’s
  distribution network or that there is a special relationship
  between the two undertakings.
Comparative Advertising - Unfair Trade
• Comparative advertising is also subject to certain other
  limitations contained in the definition of ‘unfair trade
  practices’. In 1984 the MRTP Act was amended to add a
  chapter on unfair trade practices.
• Section 36A of the MRTP Act lists several actions to be
  an ‘unfair trade practice’ as any unfair method or unfair
  or deceptive practice which gives false or misleading
  facts disparaging the goods, services or trade of another
• The object of this section is to bring honesty and truth in
  the relationship between the provider of the services and
  the consumer, and when a problem, arises as to whether
  a particular act can be condemned as an unfair trade
  practice or not,
• the key to solution would be to examine whether it
  contains a false statement and is misleading and
  further what is the effect of such representation on
  the common man.
• From the above context it may be gathered that false
  representation would mean an incorrect or untrue
  statement or expression which is designed to
  influence and induce a consumer to buy or engage,
  or use such goods or services and make such
  advertisements available to the members of the

Concept of Disparagement:
• Section 36 A of the MRTP Act purports that unfair trade
    practices are those which lead to disparagement of the
    goods, services or trade of another person. The term
    “disparagement” has not been defined in any statute,
    but judicial pronouncements have adopted its dictionary
• The New International Webster’s' Comprehensive
    Dictionary, disparagement means, to speak of
    slightingly, undervalue, to bring discredit or dishonor
    upon, the act of depreciating, derogation or valuation, a
    reproach, disgrace, an unjust classing or comparison
    with that which is of less worth, and degradation.
• The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines disparage as
    under, to bring dis-crediting or reproach upon;
    dishonour; lower in esteem; speak on or treat
    slightingly or vilify; undervalue, and deprecate.
• In the electronic media the disparaging message is
  conveyed to the viewer by repeatedly showing the
  commercial everyday thereby ensuring that the
  viewers get clear message as the said commercial
  leaves an indelible impression in their mind. But, it
  must be noted that a mere opinion, which is not a
  statement of fact, would not attract Clause (x) of
  Section 36A (1).

• In the New Pepsodent v Colgate case , HLL advertised
  its toothpaste ‘New Pepsodent’ as “102% better than
  the    leading   toothpaste”.  In   the    television
  advertisement, samples of saliva are taken from two
  boys, one who has brushed with the new Pepsodent
  while another has brushed with “a leading
• The saliva of “the leading toothpaste” shows larger
  number of germs. While the sample was being taken
  from the boys, they were asked the name of the
  toothpaste with which they had brushed in the morning.

• One boy said Pepsodent, the response of the second
  boy was muted, however, lip movement of the boy
  would indicate that he was saying “Colgate”.

• Also, when the muting was done, there was a sound of
   the jingle used in the Colgate advertisement. According
   to the Commission, the word toothpaste had become
   synonymous with Colgate over the years and a
   reference to “leading brand” was to Colgate. Thus it
   became a case of Comparative Advertisement which led
   to the disparagement of Colgate’s products.
• Use of the trademark to disparage the goods of another,
  and the aforementioned concepts of comparative
  advertising have been dealt with in Pepsi Co. Inc. and
  Ors. v. Hindustan Coca Cola Ltd. and Anr .
• Pepsi, the appellants filed suit against Hindustan Coca
  Cola and others, who were endorsing their product with
  the help of a commercial which shows that the lead
  actor asks a kid which is his favorite drink. He mutters
  the word "Pepsi", which can be seen from his lip
  movement though the same is muted.
• The lead actor thereafter asks the boy to taste two
  drinks in two different bottles covered with lid and the
  question asked by the lead actor is that "Bacchon Ko
  Konsi pasand aayegi"? After tasting, the boy points out
  to one drink and say that that drink would be liked by the
  children because it is sweet.

• In his words he says. "Who meethi hain, Bacchon ko
   meethi cheese pasand hai". He discredited the drink
   which according to him has a sweet taste. He preferred
   the other drink which according to him tastes strong
   and that grown up people would prefer the same.
• At that point, the lead actor lifts the lid from both the
   bottles and the one which is said to be strong taste
   reveals to be "Thums Up", and one which is sweet, word
   "PAPPI" is written on the bottle with a globe device and
   the colour that of the "PEPSI". Realising that he had at
   the initial stage given his preference for "PEPSI" and
   subsequently finding it to be a drink for kids, the boy felt
   embarrassed. He depicts this embarrassment gesture by
   putting his hands on his head. There are other
   commercials by the respondents where the lead actor
   said "Wrong choice baby", and that the "Thums Up" is a
   right choice, and "Kyo Dil Maange No More" for the
   appellant’s products.
• Here the issue was whether the commercial by
   depicting that the boy preferred Thums Up as against
   "Pepsi" because Thums Up is strong drink while
   "Pepsi" is for children as children like sweet, amounts
   to disparagement or it is only a healthy competition and
   puffing the product of the respondents?
The Delhi HC explained the concept of disparagement
   stating that “a manufacturer is entitled to make a
   statement that his goods are the best and also make
   some statements for puffing of his goods and the same
   will not give a cause of action to the other traders or
   manufacturers of similar goods to institute proceedings
   as there is no disparagement or defamation or
   disparagement of the goods of the manufacturer in so
   doing. However, a manufacturer is not entitled to say
   that his competitor’s goods are bad as to puff and
   promote his goods, and concluded that comparative
   advertising cannot be permitted which discredits or
” denigrates the trade mark or trade name of the competitor.
In another case, the Supreme Court was of the view, that in a
   democratic economy, free flow of commercial information
   is indispensable and advertisement is a facet of
   “commercial speech” as public at large is benefited by the
   information made available through the advertisement.
   Thus, “commercial speech” is a part of Freedom of Speech
   and Expression guaranteed under Article 19 (1) (a) of the
   Indian Constitution.
• To decide the question of disparagement of another’s
   goods. Unfair trade practice can be ascertained only in the
   presence of false or misleading facts through scientific or
   technical assessment of the claims. It is not actionable if
   the manner is only to show one’s product better or best
   without derogating the competitor’s product. Thus, Courts
   have taken the position that “publicity and advertisement
   of one’s product with a view to boosting sales is a
   legitimate market strategy.”
Comparison Between Comparative
     Advertising Laws Of Different
• Like the Indian law, jurisdictions in UK and U.S.A.
  allow comparative advertising, since comparative
  advertising provides consumers with information
  about both parties' products through a quick
  comparison, effectively results in lower prices,
  encourages competition, and helps prevent
• Comparative advertisements could be either
  indirectly or directly comparative, positive or
  negative, and seeks “to associate or differentiate the
  two competing brands”. Different countries apply
  differing views regarding the laws on comparative
United Kingdom
• The UK has a relatively liberal regime permitting
  comparative advertising. The European Standing
  Committee of the UK Parliament debated the issue of
  comparative advertising in November 1995 and stated
  that the government viewed this type of advertising as
  ‘a legitimate, useful and effective marketing tool’ which
  ‘we believe stimulates competition and informs the
  consumers. Section 4(1) (b) of the 1938 Act was
  replaced in the new Act by Section 10(6). Also relevant
  is Section 11(2), which has been held to permit fair
  comparisons of goods, for example, indications of
  quality or price.
• In the UK, most of the use of competitor’s registered
  trademark in a comparative advertisement was an
  infringement of the registration up till the end of 1994.
• However, the laws on comparative advertising were
  harmonized in 2000. The current rules on comparative
  advertising are regulated by a series of EU Directives.
  The Business Protection from Misleading Marketing
  Regulations 2008 implements provisions of Directive
  (EC) 2006/114 in the UK.
• The primary objective of section 10(6) is to permit
  comparative advertising, as stated clearly by Laddie J
  in Barclays Bank v. RBS Advanta. Since the TMA 1994
  came into force, there have been a number of decisions
  under section 10(6). It include Barclays v. RBS Advanta,
  Vodafone v. Orange, British Telecommunications v.
  AT&T . Barclays, BT, Macmillan Magazines was an
  application for interlocutory injunction and Vodafone was
  a trial. It is interesting to note that in all of these cases
  the plaintiff was unsuccessful, with judgments being
  firmly in favour of comparative advertising in general.
USA History
• The earliest case concerning comparative advertising
  dates back to 1910 in United States – Saxlehner v
  Wagner. Prior to the 1970s, comparative advertising was
  deemed unfeasible due to related risks. For instance,
  comparative advertising could invite misidentification of
  products, potential legal issues, and may even win public
  sympathy for their competitors as victims.
• In 1972, the FTC began to encourage advertisers to make
  comparison with named competitors, with the broad,
  public welfare objective of creating more informative
  advertising. The FTC argued that this form of advertising
  could also stimulate comparison shopping, encourage
  product improvement and innovation, and foster a
  positive competitive environment. However, studies have
  shown that while comparative advertisements had
  increased since 1960, the relative amount of comparative
  advertising is still small.
 In the United States, maximizing consumer welfare and
 promoting a free and competitive economy has been
 the guiding objective and “the keystone of
 governmental attitude towards the business scene” for
 more than 100 years.
 Thus, in US comparative advertising has been a well-
 recognised and acceptable form of advertising , and
 enjoys the additional protection of freedom of speech
 laws. The 1969 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Policy
 Statement on Comparative Advertising encouraged the
 use of comparisons that name the competitor or the
 competitive     product.   However,       the     negative
 consequences of false and confusing comparative
 claims led the FTC to require “clarity, and, if necessary,
 disclosure to avoid deception of the consumer.”
• Another major law is the Trademark Lanham Act, which
   states that one could incur liability when the message of
   the comparative advertisement is untrue or uncertain,
   but has the intention to deceived consumers through
   the implied message conveyed.
• The FTC and the National Advertising Division of the
   Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. (NAD), govern
   the laws of comparative advertising in the United States
   including the treatment of comparative advertising
   claims. FTC stated that comparative advertising could
   benefit consumers and encourages comparative
   advertising, provided that the comparisons are “clearly
   identified, truthful, and non-deceptive”.[15] Although
   comparative advertising is encouraged, NAD has stated
   “claims that expressly or implicitly disparage a
   competing product should be held to the highest level
   of scrutiny in order to ensure that they are truthful,
   accurate, and narrowly drawn
• For example, in Tommy Hilfiger Licensing Inc. vs. Nature
  Labs LLC [2002] , Nature Labs, a shop selling pet
  perfumery, used "Timmy Holedigger" as its trademark as
  well as the slogan "If you like Tommy Hilfiger, your pet
  will love Timmy Holedigger". Tommy Hilfiger, one of the
  best recognized U.S. fashion labels, brought a lawsuit
  against Natural Labs for, among other things, trademark
  infringement, unfair competition, trademark dilution and
  commercial fraud.
• The court held that the use of a trademark similar to
  Tommy Hilfiger by the defendant is a fair parody, a type of
  "freedom of speech" protected under the First
  Amendment of the United States Constitution.
  Consumers were more likely to laugh at the humor in the
  parody than be confused about the origin of the products.
  Moreover, the comparison used by the respondent did not
  depreciate the claimant's products in any means.
  Therefore, the court dismissed all of the plaintiff's claims.
• In Australia, no specific law governs comparative
  advertising although certain cases regarding this
  matter have occurred.
• Comparative advertising that is truthful, and does not
  lead to confusion is permitted.
• Generally, Australian advertisers should make sure
  that the following are complied when exercising
  comparative advertising to avoid breaches regarding
  misleading advertising under Australia Consumer Law
1. Product compared should be like products as per
   HCF Australia Ltd v Switzerland Australia Health Fund
   Pty Ltd, or else comparison must be made clearly to
   consumers as per Gillette Australia Pty Ltd v
   Energizer Australia Pty Ltd;

2. Test results are presented as it is as per Makita v
   Black & Decker;
3. Test used are appropriate and conducted according
   to industry guidelines as per Duracell Australia Pty
   Ltd v Union Carbide Australia Ltd; and
4. Mock up test results truly reflects how is product
   functioning in real life as per Hoover (Australia) Pty
   Ltd v Email Ltd

• It is interesting to note that the laws relating to
  comparative advertising in China are a total contrast to
  those      of      the   US,      UK      and     India.
  “Trade mark owners need to be careful with advertising
  in China … aggressive campaigns which might work in
  other countries can be punished" .
• The Advertising Law is primarily directed towards the
  protection of consumers’, as distinct from competitors’,
• In fact, Articles 7 and 12 of the Advertising Law
  effectively disallow comparative advertising , since the
  ultimate purpose of comparative advertising is to prove
  that the advertiser's products are better than its
  competitor's, such comparison, has the actual effect of
  disparaging other commodities or services.
China Contd….

•    Moreover, according to The Criteria for Advertising
    Examination issued by the State Administration for
    Industry and Commerce ("SAIC") in 1994,
    comparative advertising should not involve any
    direct comparison of specific products or services.
    Since these provisions tend to be either too vague or
    too strict, Chinese enterprises hesitate to engage in
    comparative advertising.

CASES {Regaul vs Ujala }
A television advertisement promoting Ujala liquid blue
  showed that two-three drops of this brand were adequate
  to bring striking whiteness of clothes while several
  spoons of other brands were required for the same effect.
  A lady holding a bottle of Ujala was looking down on
  another bottle without any label, exclaiming ‘chhi, chhi,
  chhi!’ in disgust. The manufacturers of Regaul, a
  competing brand, complained to the Commission that the
  advertisement was disparaging its goods.
 The Commission was of the view that ‘a mere claim to
  superiority in the quality of one’s product’4 by itself is not
  sufficient to attract clause (x). In the advertisement,
  neither did the bottle carry any label nor did it have any
  similarity with the bottle of any other brand. The
  Commission, thus, was of the opinion that it could not be
  classified as a case of disparagement of goods.
Novino Batteries’ Case
• The judgement of the Supreme Court in the Novino
  Batteries’ case has had an important influence on all the
  cases raising questions about advertisements. Lakhanpal
  Industries Ltd. had a collaboration with Mitsubishi
  Corporation of Japan for manufacturing Novino batteries.
• Mitsubishi Corporation was the owner of the well-known
  trade name, National Panasonic. Lakhanpal Industries, in its
  advertisements, claimed that Novino batteries were made in
  collaboration with National Panasonic.
• This was technically incorrect as National Panasonic was
  only a trade name and Lakhanpal Industries could not have
  collaborated with a trade name. The Supreme Court ruled
  Following this, the court held that, even though, literally, the
  representation made by Lakhanpal Industries was
  inaccurate, it could not be held to be an unfair trade
  practice. In the next case, we would see how the judgement
  in the Novino Batteries’ case found an application
Colgate vs Vicco Case
• A television advertisement promoting Vicco toothpowder
     showed another oval-shaped tin without any label. The white
     powder coming out from the can was described as useless.
     Colgate claimed before the Commission that this was
     disparaging its product, Colgate toothpowder.
• The Commission found that the shape and colour
     combination of the can shown in the television commercial
     resembled Colgate’s toothpowder can. Following the Novino
     Batteries’ case, the MRTPC noted that the advertisement did
     not explicitly mention Colgate. In fact, there may not have
     been any intention of depicting the can to be that of Colgate.
     But, since the advertisement created an impression among
     the viewers that the can was of Colgate, it would be a case
     of disparagement.
• The Commission took into account the nature of the Indian
     audience: ... disparaging remarks about the uselessness of
     such toothpowder come through a mysterious invisible
Cherry Blossom Case
• The principle, thus, emerged that a case of
  disparagement arises only if the product in question is

• Identification could be explicit or drawn from the facts
  and circumstances. Thus, in the advertisement of ‘Kiwi
  Liquid Wax Polish,’ a bottle is described as X from
  which liquid is shown dripping while from a bottle
  marked Kiwi, liquid does not drip.

• From the shape of the bottle marked X and from the fact
    that Cherry Blossom had a design registration for this
    shape, the bottle could be identified with Cherry
    Blossom and the advertisement became a case of
Colgate Dental Cream-Double
                      Protection Case
• In June 1998, Colgate introduced its new brand of toothpaste
  as Colgate Dental Cream-Double Protection (CDC-DP). It gave
  wide publicity through print and television that the
  toothpaste was 2.5 times superior to any ordinary toothpaste
  in fighting germs. Hindustan Lever Ltd. moved the
  Commission alleging that the advertisements disparaged
  toothpastes manufactured by it under various brand names.
  It contended that a reference to ‘ordinary’ toothpaste was to
  all brands other than Colgate. The Commission was of the
  view that a reference to ‘ordinary’ toothpaste does not
  identify any specific product.
• Thus, the Commission took the position that the claim of 2.5
  times superiority of CDC-DP over any ordinary toothpaste did
  not refer to any identifiable product or manufacturer. As a
  result, it could not be a case of disparagement of goods.
Godrej vs Vasmol Case
• The television commercial of Vasmol Hair dye opened with a lady
    dyeing her hair with instant hair dye made by mixing hair dye and
    developer contained in two cylindrical bottles. The bottles were
    labelled as ‘Sadharan’ (ordinary). The picture then widened to
    show the anguish of the lady with falling hair. The commentary
    attributed this to the use of inferior dye containing harmful
    chemicals. The advertisement ended with the picture of ‘Vasmol
    33 Hair Dye’ which is stated to contain Ayurprash, a natural way
    of blackening the hair and strengthening the roots of the hair.
    Godrej Ltd. was aggrieved with the advertisement. It had products
    like ‘Godrej Hair Dye’ and ‘Godrej Kesh Kala’ for dyeing hair.
    Godrej’s contention was that the pictorial depiction of two
    cylindrical bottles would identify it as its product. Godrej claimed
    that its products were disparaged not only by insinuating that
    these contained harmful chemicals but also by calling these as
    ‘Sadharan’ (ordinary). The Commission stated the principles as
• To summarize the interpretation of the Commission,
  an advertisement could disparage other products and
  yet, it would not be a case of ‘disparagement’ so long
  as the disparaged product is not identifiable.

• Is the law adequate to prevent unfair trade practices?

• In the Indian context, should the balance in
  interpreting the law not be tilted against such an

• The conflicting claims would need to be assessed in
  the context of the constitutional provisions on the
  Fundamental Rights, privileging the freedom to speak

• In the 1980s, during what has been referred to as the cola Wars
  soft drink manufacturer Pepsi ran a series of advertisements
  where people, caught on hidden camera, in a blind taste test,
  chose Pepsi over rival Coca-Cola.
• The use of comparative advertising has been well established
  in political campaigns, where typically one candidate will run
  ads where the record of the other candidate is displayed, for
  the purpose of disparaging the other candidate. The most
  famous of these type ads, which only ran once on TV,
  consisted of a child picking daisies in a field, while a voice
  which sounded like Barry Goldwater performed a countdown
  to zero before the launch of a nuclear weapon which explodes
  in a mushroom cloud. The ad, “Daisy", was produced by Lydon
  B. Johnson's campaign in an attempt to prevent Goldwater
  from either winning the nomination of his party or being
  selected. Another example took place throughout starting in
  circa 1986, between the bitter rivalry between Nintendo and
  Sega. “Genesis does what Nitendon’t" immediately became a
  catch phrase following the release of the Sega Genesis (known
  as Mega Drive in PAL countries).
Thank You

Kingsoft Office
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Regulation of comparative advertising [compatibility mode]

  • 1. REGULATION OF COPARATIVE ADVERTISING Sanjeev Kumar Chaswal Advocate and IPR Attorney LL.M ( IPR,ARB & ADR) M.S (Cyber Law and Cyber Security)
  • 2. Over view - Comparative Advertising • Most comparative advertisements refer to rival products as ‘ordinary,’ instead of specifically mentioning names of products. Aggrieved firms have claimed that ‘ordinary’ refers to all products other than the advertised one. • Comparative advertising is advertising where one party advertises his goods or services by comparing them with the goods or services of another party. • This raises several concerns - on the one hand, the concern of brand owners for their goodwill being harmed and, on the other, the benefits for consumers that may result from the reduction in information asymmetry and the stimulation of competition. • If the disparagement is based on ‘false and misleading facts’ that the advertisement becomes an unfair trade practice. 1/29/2013
  • 3. Concept and Definition • Comparative advertising is an advertisement in which a particular product, or service, specifically mentions a competitor by name for the express purpose of showing why the competitor is inferior to the product naming it. • Comparative advertising, also referred to as ‘knocking copy’, is loosely defined as advertising where “the advertised brand is explicitly compared with one or more competing brands and the comparison is oblivious to the audience. • They may explicitly name a competitor or implicitly refer to him it may emphasize the similarities (positive comparisons) or the differences (negative comparisons) between the two products. 1/29/2013
  • 4. • The advertised product is “better than” (superiority claims) or “as good as” the competitor’s (equivalence or parity claims). • No Indian statute defines the term, but the UK Regulation defines comparative advertising as meaning any advertisement which “explicitly or by implication, identifies a competitor or goods or services offered by a competitor”. • In this backdrop, the Delhi High Court summarized the law on the subject in the case of Reckitt & Colman v. Kiwi TTK , as follows: • 1. A tradesman is entitled to declare his goods to be the best in the world, even though the declaration is untrue. • 2. He can also say that his goods are better than his competitor’s, even though such statement is untrue. 1/29/2013
  • 5. • 3. For the purpose of saying that his goods are the best in the world or his goods are better than his competitor’s he can even compare the advantages of his goods over the goods of others. • 4 One, cannot say his goods are better than his competitors', or say that his competitors' goods are bad. If one says so, then in other words he defames his competitors and their goods, which is not permissible. • 5. If there is no defamation to the goods or to the manufacturer of such goods no action lies, but if there is such defamation an action lies for recovery of damages for defamation, then the Court is competent to grant an order of injunction restraining such defamation. 1/29/2013
  • 6. Statutory Provisions In India: India: • The Supreme Court was significantly led by the Judgment of the American courts. The Indian Supreme Court’s had also reflected its doubt in their decision on the Hamdard Case in 1960 as per American courts judgments of 1940. • In the backdrop of revisions change in the position of the American courts, the Supreme Court, gave its view in the Tata Yellow Pages case in 1985, was categorical: We, therefore, hold that ‘commercial speech’ is a part of freedom of speech and expression guaranteed under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution. • The MRTP Commission has followed the constitutional freedom under “MRTP Act”. A party has a right to advertise its product making commendation about its quality. Advertisement being a commercial speech, which is a part of the freedom of speech is guaranteed under article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution. The MRTP Act and the Trade 1/29/2013 Marks Act, 1999 work in tandem
  • 7. • to provide the basic structure that govern Comparative Advertising. : • The Trade Marks Act is a balance to the conflicting interests of the rights of registered trade mark owners and a keeps a consumer interest in informative advertising. • The Trademarks Act, 1999 has provisions related to this concept in Ss. 29(8) and 30(1). According TM Act Comparative Advertising is permissible, with certain limitations as to unfair trade practices. • Section 29(8) of the Trade Marks Act provides that a registered trademark is infringed by any advertising, if such advertising takes unfair advantage and is contrary to honest practices in industrial or commercial matters, is detrimental to its distinctive character, or is against the reputation of the trade mark. The Section 30(1) however, provideds an escape route for what would otherwise have been an infringing act under Section 29, if the impugned use of the mark is in accordance with “honest practices” in industrial or 1/29/2013 commercial matters.
  • 8. Honest practices - mandatory for Comparative Advertising • Comparative advertising aims to objectively and truthfully inform the consumer, and promotes market transparency, keeping down prices and improving products by stimulating competition. Therefore, it is important to protect the interests of such competitors by not allowing comparative advertising to cause confusion, mislead, or discredit a competitor. • There is no definition or explanation as to what constitutes “honest practices”. There is a large and clear shared core concept of what constitutes honest conduct in trade, which may be applied by the courts without great difficulty and without any excessive danger of greatly diverging interpretations. 1/29/2013
  • 9. • In BMW v. Deenik , European Court of Justice, 3 December 1998, BMW v Deenik The question was whether a trader, not being an authorized dealer of BMW motor cars, was entitled to use the name BMW being a registered trademark of the BMW manufacturing company, in the context of holding itself out as having specialized expertise in servicing BMW cars. The Court held that the proprietor of the trademark is not entitled to prohibit a third party from using the mark for the purpose of informing the public that he carries out the maintenance and repair of the goods covered by that trademark, unless the mark is used in a way that may create the impression that there is a commercial connection between the other undertaking and the trademark proprietor, and in particular that the reseller’s business is affiliated to the trademark proprietor’s distribution network or that there is a special relationship between the two undertakings. 1/29/2013
  • 10. Comparative Advertising - Unfair Trade practices: • Comparative advertising is also subject to certain other limitations contained in the definition of ‘unfair trade practices’. In 1984 the MRTP Act was amended to add a chapter on unfair trade practices. • Section 36A of the MRTP Act lists several actions to be an ‘unfair trade practice’ as any unfair method or unfair or deceptive practice which gives false or misleading facts disparaging the goods, services or trade of another person. • The object of this section is to bring honesty and truth in the relationship between the provider of the services and the consumer, and when a problem, arises as to whether a particular act can be condemned as an unfair trade practice or not, 1/29/2013
  • 11. • the key to solution would be to examine whether it contains a false statement and is misleading and further what is the effect of such representation on the common man. • From the above context it may be gathered that false representation would mean an incorrect or untrue statement or expression which is designed to influence and induce a consumer to buy or engage, or use such goods or services and make such advertisements available to the members of the public. 1/29/2013
  • 12. Concept of Disparagement: • Section 36 A of the MRTP Act purports that unfair trade practices are those which lead to disparagement of the goods, services or trade of another person. The term “disparagement” has not been defined in any statute, but judicial pronouncements have adopted its dictionary meaning. • The New International Webster’s' Comprehensive Dictionary, disparagement means, to speak of slightingly, undervalue, to bring discredit or dishonor upon, the act of depreciating, derogation or valuation, a reproach, disgrace, an unjust classing or comparison with that which is of less worth, and degradation. • The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines disparage as under, to bring dis-crediting or reproach upon; dishonour; lower in esteem; speak on or treat slightingly or vilify; undervalue, and deprecate. 1/29/2013
  • 13. • In the electronic media the disparaging message is conveyed to the viewer by repeatedly showing the commercial everyday thereby ensuring that the viewers get clear message as the said commercial leaves an indelible impression in their mind. But, it must be noted that a mere opinion, which is not a statement of fact, would not attract Clause (x) of Section 36A (1). • In the New Pepsodent v Colgate case , HLL advertised its toothpaste ‘New Pepsodent’ as “102% better than the leading toothpaste”. In the television advertisement, samples of saliva are taken from two boys, one who has brushed with the new Pepsodent while another has brushed with “a leading toothpaste”. 1/29/2013
  • 14. • The saliva of “the leading toothpaste” shows larger number of germs. While the sample was being taken from the boys, they were asked the name of the toothpaste with which they had brushed in the morning. • One boy said Pepsodent, the response of the second boy was muted, however, lip movement of the boy would indicate that he was saying “Colgate”. • Also, when the muting was done, there was a sound of the jingle used in the Colgate advertisement. According to the Commission, the word toothpaste had become synonymous with Colgate over the years and a reference to “leading brand” was to Colgate. Thus it became a case of Comparative Advertisement which led to the disparagement of Colgate’s products. 1/29/2013
  • 15. • Use of the trademark to disparage the goods of another, and the aforementioned concepts of comparative advertising have been dealt with in Pepsi Co. Inc. and Ors. v. Hindustan Coca Cola Ltd. and Anr . • Pepsi, the appellants filed suit against Hindustan Coca Cola and others, who were endorsing their product with the help of a commercial which shows that the lead actor asks a kid which is his favorite drink. He mutters the word "Pepsi", which can be seen from his lip movement though the same is muted. • The lead actor thereafter asks the boy to taste two drinks in two different bottles covered with lid and the question asked by the lead actor is that "Bacchon Ko Konsi pasand aayegi"? After tasting, the boy points out to one drink and say that that drink would be liked by the children because it is sweet. 1/29/2013
  • 16. • In his words he says. "Who meethi hain, Bacchon ko meethi cheese pasand hai". He discredited the drink which according to him has a sweet taste. He preferred the other drink which according to him tastes strong and that grown up people would prefer the same. • At that point, the lead actor lifts the lid from both the bottles and the one which is said to be strong taste reveals to be "Thums Up", and one which is sweet, word "PAPPI" is written on the bottle with a globe device and the colour that of the "PEPSI". Realising that he had at the initial stage given his preference for "PEPSI" and subsequently finding it to be a drink for kids, the boy felt embarrassed. He depicts this embarrassment gesture by putting his hands on his head. There are other commercials by the respondents where the lead actor said "Wrong choice baby", and that the "Thums Up" is a right choice, and "Kyo Dil Maange No More" for the appellant’s products. 1/29/2013
  • 17. • Here the issue was whether the commercial by depicting that the boy preferred Thums Up as against "Pepsi" because Thums Up is strong drink while "Pepsi" is for children as children like sweet, amounts to disparagement or it is only a healthy competition and puffing the product of the respondents? The Delhi HC explained the concept of disparagement stating that “a manufacturer is entitled to make a statement that his goods are the best and also make some statements for puffing of his goods and the same will not give a cause of action to the other traders or manufacturers of similar goods to institute proceedings as there is no disparagement or defamation or disparagement of the goods of the manufacturer in so doing. However, a manufacturer is not entitled to say that his competitor’s goods are bad as to puff and promote his goods, and concluded that comparative advertising cannot be permitted which discredits or 1/29/2013
  • 18. ” denigrates the trade mark or trade name of the competitor. In another case, the Supreme Court was of the view, that in a democratic economy, free flow of commercial information is indispensable and advertisement is a facet of “commercial speech” as public at large is benefited by the information made available through the advertisement. Thus, “commercial speech” is a part of Freedom of Speech and Expression guaranteed under Article 19 (1) (a) of the Indian Constitution. • To decide the question of disparagement of another’s goods. Unfair trade practice can be ascertained only in the presence of false or misleading facts through scientific or technical assessment of the claims. It is not actionable if the manner is only to show one’s product better or best without derogating the competitor’s product. Thus, Courts have taken the position that “publicity and advertisement of one’s product with a view to boosting sales is a 1/29/2013 legitimate market strategy.”
  • 19. Comparison Between Comparative Advertising Laws Of Different Countries: • Like the Indian law, jurisdictions in UK and U.S.A. allow comparative advertising, since comparative advertising provides consumers with information about both parties' products through a quick comparison, effectively results in lower prices, encourages competition, and helps prevent monopolies. • Comparative advertisements could be either indirectly or directly comparative, positive or negative, and seeks “to associate or differentiate the two competing brands”. Different countries apply differing views regarding the laws on comparative advertising. 1/29/2013
  • 20. United Kingdom • The UK has a relatively liberal regime permitting comparative advertising. The European Standing Committee of the UK Parliament debated the issue of comparative advertising in November 1995 and stated that the government viewed this type of advertising as ‘a legitimate, useful and effective marketing tool’ which ‘we believe stimulates competition and informs the consumers. Section 4(1) (b) of the 1938 Act was replaced in the new Act by Section 10(6). Also relevant is Section 11(2), which has been held to permit fair comparisons of goods, for example, indications of quality or price. • In the UK, most of the use of competitor’s registered trademark in a comparative advertisement was an infringement of the registration up till the end of 1994. 1/29/2013
  • 21. • However, the laws on comparative advertising were harmonized in 2000. The current rules on comparative advertising are regulated by a series of EU Directives. The Business Protection from Misleading Marketing Regulations 2008 implements provisions of Directive (EC) 2006/114 in the UK. • The primary objective of section 10(6) is to permit comparative advertising, as stated clearly by Laddie J in Barclays Bank v. RBS Advanta. Since the TMA 1994 came into force, there have been a number of decisions under section 10(6). It include Barclays v. RBS Advanta, Vodafone v. Orange, British Telecommunications v. AT&T . Barclays, BT, Macmillan Magazines was an application for interlocutory injunction and Vodafone was a trial. It is interesting to note that in all of these cases the plaintiff was unsuccessful, with judgments being firmly in favour of comparative advertising in general. 1/29/2013
  • 22. USA History • The earliest case concerning comparative advertising dates back to 1910 in United States – Saxlehner v Wagner. Prior to the 1970s, comparative advertising was deemed unfeasible due to related risks. For instance, comparative advertising could invite misidentification of products, potential legal issues, and may even win public sympathy for their competitors as victims. • In 1972, the FTC began to encourage advertisers to make comparison with named competitors, with the broad, public welfare objective of creating more informative advertising. The FTC argued that this form of advertising could also stimulate comparison shopping, encourage product improvement and innovation, and foster a positive competitive environment. However, studies have shown that while comparative advertisements had increased since 1960, the relative amount of comparative advertising is still small.
  • 23. USA In the United States, maximizing consumer welfare and promoting a free and competitive economy has been the guiding objective and “the keystone of governmental attitude towards the business scene” for more than 100 years. Thus, in US comparative advertising has been a well- recognised and acceptable form of advertising , and enjoys the additional protection of freedom of speech laws. The 1969 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Policy Statement on Comparative Advertising encouraged the use of comparisons that name the competitor or the competitive product. However, the negative consequences of false and confusing comparative claims led the FTC to require “clarity, and, if necessary, disclosure to avoid deception of the consumer.” 1/29/2013
  • 24. • Another major law is the Trademark Lanham Act, which states that one could incur liability when the message of the comparative advertisement is untrue or uncertain, but has the intention to deceived consumers through the implied message conveyed. • The FTC and the National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. (NAD), govern the laws of comparative advertising in the United States including the treatment of comparative advertising claims. FTC stated that comparative advertising could benefit consumers and encourages comparative advertising, provided that the comparisons are “clearly identified, truthful, and non-deceptive”.[15] Although comparative advertising is encouraged, NAD has stated “claims that expressly or implicitly disparage a competing product should be held to the highest level of scrutiny in order to ensure that they are truthful, 1/29/2013 accurate, and narrowly drawn
  • 25. • For example, in Tommy Hilfiger Licensing Inc. vs. Nature Labs LLC [2002] , Nature Labs, a shop selling pet perfumery, used "Timmy Holedigger" as its trademark as well as the slogan "If you like Tommy Hilfiger, your pet will love Timmy Holedigger". Tommy Hilfiger, one of the best recognized U.S. fashion labels, brought a lawsuit against Natural Labs for, among other things, trademark infringement, unfair competition, trademark dilution and commercial fraud. • The court held that the use of a trademark similar to Tommy Hilfiger by the defendant is a fair parody, a type of "freedom of speech" protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Consumers were more likely to laugh at the humor in the parody than be confused about the origin of the products. Moreover, the comparison used by the respondent did not depreciate the claimant's products in any means. Therefore, the court dismissed all of the plaintiff's claims. 1/29/2013
  • 26. Australia • In Australia, no specific law governs comparative advertising although certain cases regarding this matter have occurred. • Comparative advertising that is truthful, and does not lead to confusion is permitted. • Generally, Australian advertisers should make sure that the following are complied when exercising comparative advertising to avoid breaches regarding misleading advertising under Australia Consumer Law 1. Product compared should be like products as per HCF Australia Ltd v Switzerland Australia Health Fund Pty Ltd, or else comparison must be made clearly to consumers as per Gillette Australia Pty Ltd v Energizer Australia Pty Ltd; 1/29/2013
  • 27. 2. Test results are presented as it is as per Makita v Black & Decker; 3. Test used are appropriate and conducted according to industry guidelines as per Duracell Australia Pty Ltd v Union Carbide Australia Ltd; and 4. Mock up test results truly reflects how is product functioning in real life as per Hoover (Australia) Pty Ltd v Email Ltd 1/29/2013
  • 28. China: • It is interesting to note that the laws relating to comparative advertising in China are a total contrast to those of the US, UK and India. “Trade mark owners need to be careful with advertising in China … aggressive campaigns which might work in other countries can be punished" . • The Advertising Law is primarily directed towards the protection of consumers’, as distinct from competitors’, interests. • In fact, Articles 7 and 12 of the Advertising Law effectively disallow comparative advertising , since the ultimate purpose of comparative advertising is to prove that the advertiser's products are better than its competitor's, such comparison, has the actual effect of disparaging other commodities or services. 1/29/2013
  • 29. China Contd…. Contd…. • Moreover, according to The Criteria for Advertising Examination issued by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce ("SAIC") in 1994, comparative advertising should not involve any direct comparison of specific products or services. Since these provisions tend to be either too vague or too strict, Chinese enterprises hesitate to engage in comparative advertising. 1/29/2013
  • 30. CASES {Regaul vs Ujala } A television advertisement promoting Ujala liquid blue showed that two-three drops of this brand were adequate to bring striking whiteness of clothes while several spoons of other brands were required for the same effect. A lady holding a bottle of Ujala was looking down on another bottle without any label, exclaiming ‘chhi, chhi, chhi!’ in disgust. The manufacturers of Regaul, a competing brand, complained to the Commission that the advertisement was disparaging its goods. The Commission was of the view that ‘a mere claim to superiority in the quality of one’s product’4 by itself is not sufficient to attract clause (x). In the advertisement, neither did the bottle carry any label nor did it have any similarity with the bottle of any other brand. The Commission, thus, was of the opinion that it could not be classified as a case of disparagement of goods. 1/29/2013
  • 31. Novino Batteries’ Case • The judgement of the Supreme Court in the Novino Batteries’ case has had an important influence on all the cases raising questions about advertisements. Lakhanpal Industries Ltd. had a collaboration with Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan for manufacturing Novino batteries. • Mitsubishi Corporation was the owner of the well-known trade name, National Panasonic. Lakhanpal Industries, in its advertisements, claimed that Novino batteries were made in collaboration with National Panasonic. • This was technically incorrect as National Panasonic was only a trade name and Lakhanpal Industries could not have collaborated with a trade name. The Supreme Court ruled Following this, the court held that, even though, literally, the representation made by Lakhanpal Industries was inaccurate, it could not be held to be an unfair trade practice. In the next case, we would see how the judgement in the Novino Batteries’ case found an application 1/29/2013
  • 32. Colgate vs Vicco Case • A television advertisement promoting Vicco toothpowder showed another oval-shaped tin without any label. The white powder coming out from the can was described as useless. Colgate claimed before the Commission that this was disparaging its product, Colgate toothpowder. • The Commission found that the shape and colour combination of the can shown in the television commercial resembled Colgate’s toothpowder can. Following the Novino Batteries’ case, the MRTPC noted that the advertisement did not explicitly mention Colgate. In fact, there may not have been any intention of depicting the can to be that of Colgate. But, since the advertisement created an impression among the viewers that the can was of Colgate, it would be a case of disparagement. • The Commission took into account the nature of the Indian audience: ... disparaging remarks about the uselessness of such toothpowder come through a mysterious invisible voice. 1/29/2013
  • 33. Cherry Blossom Case • The principle, thus, emerged that a case of disparagement arises only if the product in question is identifiable. • Identification could be explicit or drawn from the facts and circumstances. Thus, in the advertisement of ‘Kiwi Liquid Wax Polish,’ a bottle is described as X from which liquid is shown dripping while from a bottle marked Kiwi, liquid does not drip. • From the shape of the bottle marked X and from the fact that Cherry Blossom had a design registration for this shape, the bottle could be identified with Cherry Blossom and the advertisement became a case of disparagement. 1/29/2013
  • 34. Colgate Dental Cream-Double Cream- Protection Case • In June 1998, Colgate introduced its new brand of toothpaste as Colgate Dental Cream-Double Protection (CDC-DP). It gave wide publicity through print and television that the toothpaste was 2.5 times superior to any ordinary toothpaste in fighting germs. Hindustan Lever Ltd. moved the Commission alleging that the advertisements disparaged toothpastes manufactured by it under various brand names. It contended that a reference to ‘ordinary’ toothpaste was to all brands other than Colgate. The Commission was of the view that a reference to ‘ordinary’ toothpaste does not identify any specific product. • Thus, the Commission took the position that the claim of 2.5 times superiority of CDC-DP over any ordinary toothpaste did not refer to any identifiable product or manufacturer. As a result, it could not be a case of disparagement of goods. 1/29/2013
  • 35. Godrej vs Vasmol Case • The television commercial of Vasmol Hair dye opened with a lady dyeing her hair with instant hair dye made by mixing hair dye and developer contained in two cylindrical bottles. The bottles were labelled as ‘Sadharan’ (ordinary). The picture then widened to show the anguish of the lady with falling hair. The commentary attributed this to the use of inferior dye containing harmful chemicals. The advertisement ended with the picture of ‘Vasmol 33 Hair Dye’ which is stated to contain Ayurprash, a natural way of blackening the hair and strengthening the roots of the hair. Godrej Ltd. was aggrieved with the advertisement. It had products like ‘Godrej Hair Dye’ and ‘Godrej Kesh Kala’ for dyeing hair. Godrej’s contention was that the pictorial depiction of two cylindrical bottles would identify it as its product. Godrej claimed that its products were disparaged not only by insinuating that these contained harmful chemicals but also by calling these as ‘Sadharan’ (ordinary). The Commission stated the principles as follows: 1/29/2013
  • 36. • To summarize the interpretation of the Commission, an advertisement could disparage other products and yet, it would not be a case of ‘disparagement’ so long as the disparaged product is not identifiable. • Is the law adequate to prevent unfair trade practices? • In the Indian context, should the balance in interpreting the law not be tilted against such an advertisement? • The conflicting claims would need to be assessed in the context of the constitutional provisions on the Fundamental Rights, privileging the freedom to speak 1/29/2013
  • 37. • In the 1980s, during what has been referred to as the cola Wars soft drink manufacturer Pepsi ran a series of advertisements where people, caught on hidden camera, in a blind taste test, chose Pepsi over rival Coca-Cola. • The use of comparative advertising has been well established in political campaigns, where typically one candidate will run ads where the record of the other candidate is displayed, for the purpose of disparaging the other candidate. The most famous of these type ads, which only ran once on TV, consisted of a child picking daisies in a field, while a voice which sounded like Barry Goldwater performed a countdown to zero before the launch of a nuclear weapon which explodes in a mushroom cloud. The ad, “Daisy", was produced by Lydon B. Johnson's campaign in an attempt to prevent Goldwater from either winning the nomination of his party or being selected. Another example took place throughout starting in circa 1986, between the bitter rivalry between Nintendo and Sega. “Genesis does what Nitendon’t" immediately became a catch phrase following the release of the Sega Genesis (known 1/29/2013 as Mega Drive in PAL countries).
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