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orobtainingpiecesfrom theREGRETseries.
As an artist, there is a moment when you must decide what you will say with your work. I thought long
and hard about this decision and, in the spring of 2010, I chose “Regret”. Regret is series of portrait
paintings of women who have had abortions and regret them. Each portrait is accompanied by a hand
written letter from the woman explaining her decision and her lament, as well as a video interview. The
project took three years to develop and in January of 2014, the very first advertisement for volunteers
was submitted to an email newsletter for the Silent-No-More Organization. In one day, I had 33
responses. The project has grown since then and each new story sheds light on a different perspective.
This diverse group has experienced much pain and even more healing in a nation phenomena that has
shaped generations.
Table of Contents
The Project.................................................................................................................................................2
The Artist:..................................................................................................................................................3
Participant Reactions:................................................................................................................................3
Viewer Reactions:......................................................................................................................................4
Press Publications and Events:...................................................................................................................4
Video Component:.....................................................................................................................................5
Frequently Asked Questions:.....................................................................................................................5
Sample News Story:...................................................................................................................................5
How to participate:.....................................................................................................................................6
Exhibition Requirements:..........................................................................................................................7
This project is designed to lift a veil from the eyes of the general public on any side of the arguments
surrounding abortion in America and around the world by recording actual human accounts of the
decisions leading up to, the act of receiving, and the aftermath of an abortion.
• Reduce the number of “extremists” on any side of the argument who are not willing to account
for human error, regret, and forgiveness.
• Increase the number of Americans talking about the process, number of, and results of abortions
in their nation and community.
• Bring the conversation of conception, contraceptives and causalities of abortion into the
everyday family life of Americans as a tool of research and education.
• Provide resources for persons considering or suffering from an abortion.
• Be the catalyst to a movement of truth about the exact details that occur in clinics and the
lingering and permanent results of those procedures.
• Create a series of well-developed work to showcase the true stories of women who have had
abortions and regret them.
• Exhibit these pieces in galleries and viewing areas across the country.
• Compile the work into a book including resources for women, men, and families dealing with
these issues.
• Submit donated copies to libraries across the United States so this information is accessible
without the use of the internet.
• Provide for Q&A sessions, lectures, and speaking engagements to spark the conversation of
abortion in communities across the country.
• Continue to produce work, eventually including would-have-been fathers and saline survivors.
The Project
REGRET: Portraits of Post-Abortive Women takes numerous measures to remain relevant and uphold a
standard of integrity. The process begins with an email from the interested party to the artist, followed
by the potential candidate completing a preliminary interview. This first layer of procedure reduces the
risk of phishing. This is proceeded by the signing of a release form that clearly states the parameters the
project intends to take, the obligations of the artist, and the rights of the participants. Next, a video
interview is recorded in which each candidate answers the same questions with no provocation of
emotion or opinion. From this interview, a still is chosen for the portrait. The participant then hand-
writes a letter to the public. This negates any accusations of fabrication by the artist or interested
parties. When all the pieces of any one testimony are completed the participant reviews them to be sure
their story is in context and accurate. When approved, the materials are released for public viewing.
Participants have absolute veto power over where their story appears and how it is presented ensuring
that the women are comfortable with the exposure they receive and the intent of the project. With these
many steps, the project can withstand scrutiny under the eyes of the public and the general media.
The Artist:
GM Spear has been a professional artist since her debut at the
College of St. Rose Undergraduate show in 2008, where she
received the First Place Foundations Award. Inspired by human
interactions and nature, Spear works with a variety of mediums
including graphite, charcoal, oil paint, cut paper, and more. From
beginners to professionals, she has collaborated with a number of
local and national artists, and volunteered in non-profit
organizations, such as co-founding the Washingtonville Art Society
in her home town. Her personal work such as the Pop-on-Pop and
Regret series look today’s culture in the face. From magazine-
clipping collages to high profile oil paintings, Spear was self-
taught until applying to a college level art program. She has
attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the College of St. Rose,
and Empire State College as well as studying abroad. She has two
Bachelors of Science Degrees; one in Fine Art Drawing and
Painting and the other in Natural Science with a focus in Geology.
Participant Reactions:
"Taking my son's life through abortion is the one decision I regret most in my life. This project,
REGRET, means so much because it gives my baby and I voices to share the pain of abortion. I pray it
will help parent's choose life for their unborn children." - Portrait Candidate Diane
"You know, I feel blessed to be a part of [REGRET] and after talking with you for the interview, it's
undeniably opened up many things for me and healing." -Portrait Candidate Julia
“Despite sharing my story comfortably for nearly two years and very publicly, REGRET made my
story more personal, even to me, by revealing my continued struggle with obsessing for perfection
because mistakes can never be redone to be right the first time; much like my abortion and lost child. It
has also made me own my abortion experience in a more real and profound way than I already had.”
-Portrait Candidate Sarah Flores
“Sharing my story with REGRET has been a beautiful experience. It caused me to reflected back to
where I was in life when the abortion happened to where I am today. Back then I was alone and afraid.
I didn't have people in my life who could give me wisdom or guidance. Since seeking healing from the
pain of a forced abortion I have become a strong advocate to stop violence against women. I now am a
professional counselor who helps other young ladies with the effects of abortion and sex trafficking.
What evil intended for harm, God turned into good. Thank you REGRET for this opportunity of further
healing in my story.” -Portrait Candidate Toni McKinley
Viewer Reactions:
"REGRET is a eyeopening experience that takes me into a personal, life altering event of women who
were or are my age. Their powerful stories educate about the process and aftermath of an abortion. This
work truly puts you in their shoes and gives you the chance to decide what you would do if you were in
their shoes." -Monika
“They say that "a picture is worth a thousand words" and I believe that these portraits really capture the
essence of each woman and her story. The unexpected twist to this art series is that you can actually opt
to read the 'thousand words' that inspired the painting. Each portrait draws you in with it's
craftsmanship, but the power of the words in each story (handwritten by the subject of the portrait) are
what really pull at your heart strings. There is something to be said about the combination of art and
words and GM Spear has intertwined the two into a bold and compelling project that helps give a voice
to women who have gone through abortions.” -Brianne N.
“Spear's presentation was not only informative but poignant and emotionally charged. The project
allowed for the audience to experience the emotions, thoughts, and consequences of these women and
their choices. I highly recommend this presentation.” -Grace Alcaro, Regent of CDA Court St. Ann
Mother of Mary #2419 and New York State CDA Circle of Love Quality of Life Chairman
Press Publications and Events:
Catholic Daughters of the Americas National Newsletter, February 2015
Catholic Daughters of the Americas New York State Newsletter, February 2015
REGRET: Portraits of Post-Abortive Women Exhibit at St. Mary's Tetreau Hall Washingtonville NY,
Orange County Post/Sentinel, Just Wondering 'Round Column 1/9/15
Julia's Regret Portrait Featured on
Orange County Right to Life Dinner Special Guest Exhibit, October 19, 2014
Illustrating Regret of Abortion by Hannah Sheboy for 9/30/14
Regret Debut at the OCAC Open Studio Tour 9/13 – 9/14/14
Project Participant Request Inquiry Email Newsletter for the Silent-No-More Awareness Campaign
Video Component:
Each video interview is edited and then approved by the candidate. It is posted on the project's
YouTube channel and each interview runs on average 10 minutes. There are also compilation videos
that combined stories with similar beginnings, ends, struggles, or themes. These videos often have the
greatest impact on the viewer.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is this a religious/political project?
This project is not designed to be a religious, political, or dictatorial experience. The project is designed
as informational, including external resources, contact information for services, and accurate, true
stories of real women. These stories are direct from the source and unchanged by the artist. This
information is to be taken as is and will hopefully start a conversation of personal research and
exploration for the viewer.
If I don't agree with the idea of the work, why should I see it?
It is always best to be informed on a topic whether you feel you agree or not. With the information
provided to the public by the project, you can better prepare to discuss the topics of the project despite
the personal stance of the viewer.
Why is this topic important?
With a drastically high number of abortions in the United States every year and a lack of coverage by
the general media of the side-effects it causes in many women. This project attempts to shine a truthful
light on life after abortion by interviewing women who have made the choice to abort.
Who are the women who participate?
The women who participate in the project are varied ages, races, religions, socioeconomic levels, and
locations. From California to New England, late teenage years to the ripeness of old age, these women
have little in common other than experiences with abortion and the amazingly similar aftermath they
have felt.
How do I know the letters and stories are not falsified?
Each woman approves her video interview, portrait, and hand-writes her letter to the public. They are
real people with real personal truths to tell.
Sample News Story:
REGRET: Portraits of Post-Abortive Women
GM Spear feels it is a privilege to help other women in any way that she can with the talents
God has given her. Always having loved to draw, paint, and create, Spear found that engineering
school did not feed her creativity enough. She transferred to an art program and had to strive to hold
onto her faith and morals in a world that refused to see them as anything other than ignorance. “It was
difficult. The art programs today do not always cater to opinions that don't fit their norm. Being a
conservative in a fine art program is like being a black and white character in a color film. At least
that's how many of my peers saw me. I was this archaic stereotype,” says Spear.
As an artist, there is a moment when you must decide what you will say with your work. Spear
contemplated this decision while approaching the completion of her fine art degree and, in the spring of
2010, chose “Regret”. REGRET: Portraits of Post-Abortive Women is a series of portrait paintings
accompanied by a hand written letters and video interviews from women who have had abortions and
regret them. The project took three years to develop and is comprised of a number of complex steps.
“The entire project is centered around the women. They have final veto power over every step of the
process. They are always informed about where their image is being seen and any press the project
receives. This was of vital importance to me in the building stages because it is not my story people
come to see; I am only the painter.” Preliminary interviews, release forms, video interviews, approval
confirmation and showing agreements are just a few of the built in safe guards. “These women trust me
and I work hard to be trustworthy and present them with all the knowledge and information I can.”
In January of 2014, the very first advertisement for volunteers was submitted to the Silent-No-
More Campaign Organization to run in an email news letter. It read:
“Artist seeks portrait candidates for series of paintings of women who regret having abortions. Women
will be interviewed, photographed/filmed, and painted. Each painting will be accompanied by the
handwritten story of the portrayed woman. This series is to inform against the media-driven “abortion
fixes it” mentality. If interested, please contact the artist.”
In one day, Spear had 33 responses. The project has grown since then and is available online and in
print. This pivotal series of work looks today’s culture in the face. “Each story is so uniquely different
and yet all of these women have suffered as a result of this 'choice' so publicly proclaimed a quick fix.”
The project is not politically bias and does not have a religious inclination; it is simply informational.
The Facebook page, Spear's website, and other articles have links and contact information for
organizations who can help women facing this decision. “I just want women to know all the facts
before they make this decision and I think the paintings, letters, and videos bring to light a discussion
too often swept under the rug or thought to be crude or inappropriate. If we can show the results of
smoking, drinking, and dietary choices on television then why not this 'choice'?” No matter what a
viewer's stance on abortion, these personal truths and haunting portraits are defining a new voice and
venue for this controversial topic.
For more information, visit:
or contact the artist:
To include photographs with this article, please contact the artist.
How to participate:
Would you like to exhibit REGRET in your area? Please see Exhibition Requirements (next section) for
more information.
Each letter needs to be framed! If you are interested in donating the price of a frame, please contact the
artist for pricing on available letters. Each donated frame is a uniform black molding with a plaque
listing the dedication requested by the donor.
If you would like to be considered as a portrait candidate, please visit and Click
Regret Series for more details.
Exhibition Requirements:
An exhibition of REGRET entails a number of requirements. The following list will enable
persons/organizations to find an adequate space to show in their area.
• Each painting requires five feet of uninterrupted wall to hang both the canvas and the letter.
These pieces must have walls that can support an adequate amount of weight (80-100lbs) – no
temporary participants or moving walls. Images of the space must be submitted to the artist to
make necessary preparations.
• The room must be heated to a minimum of 50 degrees at all times while the work is hanging.
The exhibition space must have doors that remain locked for the hours the exhibition is closed.
• Artist must be able to hammer/screw hardware into the wall as need be.
• A minimum of six portraits will hang at a time and a maximum of ten depending on wall
• The artist will need a blank, uninterrupted wall or over-head projector screen to project the
video interviews.
• A minimum of two 9 foot, grounded extension cords.
• A minimum of 60 chairs—twenty for the video viewing area and forty for an area in the middle
of the room for the Q and A session.
• Three Tables—one large table for prints, one 3-5 foot table for the projector, and one table for
information cards and pamphlets.
• Two organization member volunteers! The artist can not be everywhere at once so she needs
two volunteers to run the prints table. These persons have to be trustworthy with money
handling. The sale of these prints fuel the project.
• If the exhibition space is more than one hour from the New York 10992 zip code area, the artist
will need housing for the length of the exhibition including one day prior and one day after for
set up and break down. A guestroom in a private residence is adequate.
• All fuel costs incurred by the artist must be reimbursed.
• Provide refreshments—when food is advertised with an events more people tend to come.
• Advertise—this media packet includes a newspaper/internet ready article. Just remember to
include the name of your organization and the event dates, times, and location at the beginning
or end of the article. Submit to local and regional newspapers. Invite other organizations in
your area. Target highly populated areas with flyers, like a supermarket community bulletin
board. Add the event to radio station community calendars or schedule a call in time to
announce the event.
• Have information for your organization available as a take-away.
Provided by Artist:
• Digital, printable flyers with the organization's name, the event dates, times, and location.
• All tools and materials required for hanging the work.
• One 30 minute Question and Answer session at each night of the exhibition.
• The artist will be present for the entire scheduled exhibition time barring illness.
• Printed media, business cards, and take-aways for the information table.
• A number of prints and original works on sale at the prints table.
• The computer and projector required to display the video interviews.
• Six to ten paintings and the accompanying letters.
Thank you for considering an exhibition of REGRET. If you have any further questions, please email
the artist.
GM Spear
PO Box 272
Washingtonville NY 10992
Illustrating Regret of Abortion
By Hannah Sheboy - ProLife Blogger
On September 13, 2014 GM Spear, a talented young artist, decided to put everything on the line to
share a powerful message. Her project, entitled “Regret: Portraits of Post-Abortive Woman” was shared
publicly for the first time.
The project that she had been nurturing since its infancy is now exposed for the world (particularly the
secular art world).
At the close of her college career, Spear was filled with the desire—as an artist—to say something with
her work. She explained how she felt like “a lot of current artists, who are in the spotlight either
nationally or internationally, do not say a lot of anything in their work” and that she wanted to make art
that would mean something. She wanted to make art that she was passionate about, and the topic that
she felt the most inspired by was “regret” (particularly the regret of post-abortive women).
Spear contacted many pro-Life organizations and realized, “that there are so many more organizations
that help women deal with the trauma of abortion, than organizations trying to provide information that
would prevent it”.
Spear believes that if the women, who had abortions while she was in college, knew the regret that they
would feel; they would be less likely to have an abortion.
As Spear selected the volunteers for her portraits, she would ask the women questions about their
experience. She would ask women if they felt informed as they made their decision. And many women
gave her answers like, “Yes, at the time I thought I was informed, But, no I really wasn’t”.
Spear has gone to exceptional lengths to protect the integrity of these women and their stories. Before
she even begins painting, Spear is asking these women for their approval. She has each woman write a
handwritten letter to accompany the painting, to ensure that no one can accuse her of fabricating or
changing these stories.
Spear claims that the purpose of her project is just to provide information. She expresses that she does
not desire to change people’s religious or political views. She just wants to share these stories.
Spear challenges other pro-life artists to create airtight, irrefutable projects to share with the public. She
believes that this is a more than effective way to share the pro-life message. But, she also hopes that all
young artists develop their projects from all angles to ensure that there is no room for people to poke
For now, the pro-life community is waiting eagerly for the release of the next portraits. And can’t wait
to hear what GM Spear is doing next!
To see these portraits and to read the stories “like” Regret: Portraits of Post-Abortive Women on

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REGRET media kit

  • 2. Introduction: As an artist, there is a moment when you must decide what you will say with your work. I thought long and hard about this decision and, in the spring of 2010, I chose “Regret”. Regret is series of portrait paintings of women who have had abortions and regret them. Each portrait is accompanied by a hand written letter from the woman explaining her decision and her lament, as well as a video interview. The project took three years to develop and in January of 2014, the very first advertisement for volunteers was submitted to an email newsletter for the Silent-No-More Organization. In one day, I had 33 responses. The project has grown since then and each new story sheds light on a different perspective. This diverse group has experienced much pain and even more healing in a nation phenomena that has shaped generations. Table of Contents Introduction:...............................................................................................................................................1 Mission:......................................................................................................................................................2 Goals:.........................................................................................................................................................2 Objectives:.................................................................................................................................................2 The Project.................................................................................................................................................2 The Artist:..................................................................................................................................................3 Participant Reactions:................................................................................................................................3 Viewer Reactions:......................................................................................................................................4 Press Publications and Events:...................................................................................................................4 Video Component:.....................................................................................................................................5 Frequently Asked Questions:.....................................................................................................................5 Sample News Story:...................................................................................................................................5 How to participate:.....................................................................................................................................6 Exhibition Requirements:..........................................................................................................................7 Contact:......................................................................................................................................................8 1
  • 3. Mission: This project is designed to lift a veil from the eyes of the general public on any side of the arguments surrounding abortion in America and around the world by recording actual human accounts of the decisions leading up to, the act of receiving, and the aftermath of an abortion. Goals: • Reduce the number of “extremists” on any side of the argument who are not willing to account for human error, regret, and forgiveness. • Increase the number of Americans talking about the process, number of, and results of abortions in their nation and community. • Bring the conversation of conception, contraceptives and causalities of abortion into the everyday family life of Americans as a tool of research and education. • Provide resources for persons considering or suffering from an abortion. • Be the catalyst to a movement of truth about the exact details that occur in clinics and the lingering and permanent results of those procedures. Objectives: • Create a series of well-developed work to showcase the true stories of women who have had abortions and regret them. • Exhibit these pieces in galleries and viewing areas across the country. • Compile the work into a book including resources for women, men, and families dealing with these issues. • Submit donated copies to libraries across the United States so this information is accessible without the use of the internet. • Provide for Q&A sessions, lectures, and speaking engagements to spark the conversation of abortion in communities across the country. • Continue to produce work, eventually including would-have-been fathers and saline survivors. The Project REGRET: Portraits of Post-Abortive Women takes numerous measures to remain relevant and uphold a standard of integrity. The process begins with an email from the interested party to the artist, followed by the potential candidate completing a preliminary interview. This first layer of procedure reduces the risk of phishing. This is proceeded by the signing of a release form that clearly states the parameters the project intends to take, the obligations of the artist, and the rights of the participants. Next, a video interview is recorded in which each candidate answers the same questions with no provocation of 2
  • 4. emotion or opinion. From this interview, a still is chosen for the portrait. The participant then hand- writes a letter to the public. This negates any accusations of fabrication by the artist or interested parties. When all the pieces of any one testimony are completed the participant reviews them to be sure their story is in context and accurate. When approved, the materials are released for public viewing. Participants have absolute veto power over where their story appears and how it is presented ensuring that the women are comfortable with the exposure they receive and the intent of the project. With these many steps, the project can withstand scrutiny under the eyes of the public and the general media. The Artist: GM Spear has been a professional artist since her debut at the College of St. Rose Undergraduate show in 2008, where she received the First Place Foundations Award. Inspired by human interactions and nature, Spear works with a variety of mediums including graphite, charcoal, oil paint, cut paper, and more. From beginners to professionals, she has collaborated with a number of local and national artists, and volunteered in non-profit organizations, such as co-founding the Washingtonville Art Society in her home town. Her personal work such as the Pop-on-Pop and Regret series look today’s culture in the face. From magazine- clipping collages to high profile oil paintings, Spear was self- taught until applying to a college level art program. She has attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the College of St. Rose, and Empire State College as well as studying abroad. She has two Bachelors of Science Degrees; one in Fine Art Drawing and Painting and the other in Natural Science with a focus in Geology. Participant Reactions: "Taking my son's life through abortion is the one decision I regret most in my life. This project, REGRET, means so much because it gives my baby and I voices to share the pain of abortion. I pray it will help parent's choose life for their unborn children." - Portrait Candidate Diane "You know, I feel blessed to be a part of [REGRET] and after talking with you for the interview, it's undeniably opened up many things for me and healing." -Portrait Candidate Julia “Despite sharing my story comfortably for nearly two years and very publicly, REGRET made my story more personal, even to me, by revealing my continued struggle with obsessing for perfection because mistakes can never be redone to be right the first time; much like my abortion and lost child. It has also made me own my abortion experience in a more real and profound way than I already had.” -Portrait Candidate Sarah Flores 3
  • 5. “Sharing my story with REGRET has been a beautiful experience. It caused me to reflected back to where I was in life when the abortion happened to where I am today. Back then I was alone and afraid. I didn't have people in my life who could give me wisdom or guidance. Since seeking healing from the pain of a forced abortion I have become a strong advocate to stop violence against women. I now am a professional counselor who helps other young ladies with the effects of abortion and sex trafficking. What evil intended for harm, God turned into good. Thank you REGRET for this opportunity of further healing in my story.” -Portrait Candidate Toni McKinley Viewer Reactions: "REGRET is a eyeopening experience that takes me into a personal, life altering event of women who were or are my age. Their powerful stories educate about the process and aftermath of an abortion. This work truly puts you in their shoes and gives you the chance to decide what you would do if you were in their shoes." -Monika “They say that "a picture is worth a thousand words" and I believe that these portraits really capture the essence of each woman and her story. The unexpected twist to this art series is that you can actually opt to read the 'thousand words' that inspired the painting. Each portrait draws you in with it's craftsmanship, but the power of the words in each story (handwritten by the subject of the portrait) are what really pull at your heart strings. There is something to be said about the combination of art and words and GM Spear has intertwined the two into a bold and compelling project that helps give a voice to women who have gone through abortions.” -Brianne N. “Spear's presentation was not only informative but poignant and emotionally charged. The project allowed for the audience to experience the emotions, thoughts, and consequences of these women and their choices. I highly recommend this presentation.” -Grace Alcaro, Regent of CDA Court St. Ann Mother of Mary #2419 and New York State CDA Circle of Love Quality of Life Chairman Press Publications and Events: Catholic Daughters of the Americas National Newsletter, February 2015 Catholic Daughters of the Americas New York State Newsletter, February 2015 REGRET: Portraits of Post-Abortive Women Exhibit at St. Mary's Tetreau Hall Washingtonville NY, 1/9-1/10/15 Orange County Post/Sentinel, Just Wondering 'Round Column 1/9/15 Julia's Regret Portrait Featured on Orange County Right to Life Dinner Special Guest Exhibit, October 19, 2014 Illustrating Regret of Abortion by Hannah Sheboy for 9/30/14 Regret Debut at the OCAC Open Studio Tour 9/13 – 9/14/14 Project Participant Request Inquiry Email Newsletter for the Silent-No-More Awareness Campaign 4
  • 6. Video Component: Each video interview is edited and then approved by the candidate. It is posted on the project's YouTube channel and each interview runs on average 10 minutes. There are also compilation videos that combined stories with similar beginnings, ends, struggles, or themes. These videos often have the greatest impact on the viewer. Frequently Asked Questions: Is this a religious/political project? This project is not designed to be a religious, political, or dictatorial experience. The project is designed as informational, including external resources, contact information for services, and accurate, true stories of real women. These stories are direct from the source and unchanged by the artist. This information is to be taken as is and will hopefully start a conversation of personal research and exploration for the viewer. If I don't agree with the idea of the work, why should I see it? It is always best to be informed on a topic whether you feel you agree or not. With the information provided to the public by the project, you can better prepare to discuss the topics of the project despite the personal stance of the viewer. Why is this topic important? With a drastically high number of abortions in the United States every year and a lack of coverage by the general media of the side-effects it causes in many women. This project attempts to shine a truthful light on life after abortion by interviewing women who have made the choice to abort. Who are the women who participate? The women who participate in the project are varied ages, races, religions, socioeconomic levels, and locations. From California to New England, late teenage years to the ripeness of old age, these women have little in common other than experiences with abortion and the amazingly similar aftermath they have felt. How do I know the letters and stories are not falsified? Each woman approves her video interview, portrait, and hand-writes her letter to the public. They are real people with real personal truths to tell. Sample News Story: REGRET: Portraits of Post-Abortive Women GM Spear feels it is a privilege to help other women in any way that she can with the talents God has given her. Always having loved to draw, paint, and create, Spear found that engineering school did not feed her creativity enough. She transferred to an art program and had to strive to hold onto her faith and morals in a world that refused to see them as anything other than ignorance. “It was difficult. The art programs today do not always cater to opinions that don't fit their norm. Being a conservative in a fine art program is like being a black and white character in a color film. At least 5
  • 7. that's how many of my peers saw me. I was this archaic stereotype,” says Spear. As an artist, there is a moment when you must decide what you will say with your work. Spear contemplated this decision while approaching the completion of her fine art degree and, in the spring of 2010, chose “Regret”. REGRET: Portraits of Post-Abortive Women is a series of portrait paintings accompanied by a hand written letters and video interviews from women who have had abortions and regret them. The project took three years to develop and is comprised of a number of complex steps. “The entire project is centered around the women. They have final veto power over every step of the process. They are always informed about where their image is being seen and any press the project receives. This was of vital importance to me in the building stages because it is not my story people come to see; I am only the painter.” Preliminary interviews, release forms, video interviews, approval confirmation and showing agreements are just a few of the built in safe guards. “These women trust me and I work hard to be trustworthy and present them with all the knowledge and information I can.” In January of 2014, the very first advertisement for volunteers was submitted to the Silent-No- More Campaign Organization to run in an email news letter. It read: “Artist seeks portrait candidates for series of paintings of women who regret having abortions. Women will be interviewed, photographed/filmed, and painted. Each painting will be accompanied by the handwritten story of the portrayed woman. This series is to inform against the media-driven “abortion fixes it” mentality. If interested, please contact the artist.” In one day, Spear had 33 responses. The project has grown since then and is available online and in print. This pivotal series of work looks today’s culture in the face. “Each story is so uniquely different and yet all of these women have suffered as a result of this 'choice' so publicly proclaimed a quick fix.” The project is not politically bias and does not have a religious inclination; it is simply informational. The Facebook page, Spear's website, and other articles have links and contact information for organizations who can help women facing this decision. “I just want women to know all the facts before they make this decision and I think the paintings, letters, and videos bring to light a discussion too often swept under the rug or thought to be crude or inappropriate. If we can show the results of smoking, drinking, and dietary choices on television then why not this 'choice'?” No matter what a viewer's stance on abortion, these personal truths and haunting portraits are defining a new voice and venue for this controversial topic. For more information, visit: or contact the artist: To include photographs with this article, please contact the artist. How to participate: Would you like to exhibit REGRET in your area? Please see Exhibition Requirements (next section) for more information. 6
  • 8. Each letter needs to be framed! If you are interested in donating the price of a frame, please contact the artist for pricing on available letters. Each donated frame is a uniform black molding with a plaque listing the dedication requested by the donor. If you would like to be considered as a portrait candidate, please visit and Click Regret Series for more details. Exhibition Requirements: An exhibition of REGRET entails a number of requirements. The following list will enable persons/organizations to find an adequate space to show in their area. • Each painting requires five feet of uninterrupted wall to hang both the canvas and the letter. These pieces must have walls that can support an adequate amount of weight (80-100lbs) – no temporary participants or moving walls. Images of the space must be submitted to the artist to make necessary preparations. • The room must be heated to a minimum of 50 degrees at all times while the work is hanging. The exhibition space must have doors that remain locked for the hours the exhibition is closed. • Artist must be able to hammer/screw hardware into the wall as need be. • A minimum of six portraits will hang at a time and a maximum of ten depending on wall availability. • The artist will need a blank, uninterrupted wall or over-head projector screen to project the video interviews. • A minimum of two 9 foot, grounded extension cords. • A minimum of 60 chairs—twenty for the video viewing area and forty for an area in the middle of the room for the Q and A session. • Three Tables—one large table for prints, one 3-5 foot table for the projector, and one table for information cards and pamphlets. • Two organization member volunteers! The artist can not be everywhere at once so she needs two volunteers to run the prints table. These persons have to be trustworthy with money handling. The sale of these prints fuel the project. • If the exhibition space is more than one hour from the New York 10992 zip code area, the artist will need housing for the length of the exhibition including one day prior and one day after for set up and break down. A guestroom in a private residence is adequate. • All fuel costs incurred by the artist must be reimbursed. Suggestions: • Provide refreshments—when food is advertised with an events more people tend to come. • Advertise—this media packet includes a newspaper/internet ready article. Just remember to include the name of your organization and the event dates, times, and location at the beginning or end of the article. Submit to local and regional newspapers. Invite other organizations in your area. Target highly populated areas with flyers, like a supermarket community bulletin 7
  • 9. board. Add the event to radio station community calendars or schedule a call in time to announce the event. • Have information for your organization available as a take-away. Provided by Artist: • Digital, printable flyers with the organization's name, the event dates, times, and location. • All tools and materials required for hanging the work. • One 30 minute Question and Answer session at each night of the exhibition. • The artist will be present for the entire scheduled exhibition time barring illness. • Printed media, business cards, and take-aways for the information table. • A number of prints and original works on sale at the prints table. • The computer and projector required to display the video interviews. • Six to ten paintings and the accompanying letters. Thank you for considering an exhibition of REGRET. If you have any further questions, please email the artist. Contact: GM Spear PO Box 272 Washingtonville NY 10992 8
  • 10. Illustrating Regret of Abortion 9/30/2014 By Hannah Sheboy - ProLife Blogger On September 13, 2014 GM Spear, a talented young artist, decided to put everything on the line to share a powerful message. Her project, entitled “Regret: Portraits of Post-Abortive Woman” was shared publicly for the first time. The project that she had been nurturing since its infancy is now exposed for the world (particularly the secular art world). At the close of her college career, Spear was filled with the desire—as an artist—to say something with her work. She explained how she felt like “a lot of current artists, who are in the spotlight either nationally or internationally, do not say a lot of anything in their work” and that she wanted to make art that would mean something. She wanted to make art that she was passionate about, and the topic that she felt the most inspired by was “regret” (particularly the regret of post-abortive women). Spear contacted many pro-Life organizations and realized, “that there are so many more organizations that help women deal with the trauma of abortion, than organizations trying to provide information that would prevent it”. Spear believes that if the women, who had abortions while she was in college, knew the regret that they would feel; they would be less likely to have an abortion. As Spear selected the volunteers for her portraits, she would ask the women questions about their experience. She would ask women if they felt informed as they made their decision. And many women gave her answers like, “Yes, at the time I thought I was informed, But, no I really wasn’t”. 9
  • 11. Spear has gone to exceptional lengths to protect the integrity of these women and their stories. Before she even begins painting, Spear is asking these women for their approval. She has each woman write a handwritten letter to accompany the painting, to ensure that no one can accuse her of fabricating or changing these stories. Spear claims that the purpose of her project is just to provide information. She expresses that she does not desire to change people’s religious or political views. She just wants to share these stories. Spear challenges other pro-life artists to create airtight, irrefutable projects to share with the public. She believes that this is a more than effective way to share the pro-life message. But, she also hopes that all young artists develop their projects from all angles to ensure that there is no room for people to poke holes. For now, the pro-life community is waiting eagerly for the release of the next portraits. And can’t wait to hear what GM Spear is doing next! To see these portraits and to read the stories “like” Regret: Portraits of Post-Abortive Women on Facebook. 10