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Real-time Buyer
Know Thy Buyer. With 1-click.
Most B2B market categories have become crowded and noisy, placing
product marketers (PMMs) in high demand. Forward-thinking PMM
leaders have started aligning their KPIs to what the C-Suite cares
about — revenue metrics.
Yet, knowing what messaging-positioning is converting to revenue
remains the Holy Grail. There is no single source of truth.
It’s time to stop the guesswork and earn a seat at the Revenue table.
Why now? Thanks to digital transformation, your Buyer’s world is
changing as rapidly as yours. To win bigger, you must track your
Buyer’s top of mind problems, their current evaluation criteria, and
recent perception of competitive differentiation.
Whether you are a 100- or 10,000-employee company, your sales,
marketing, product and customer success teams need these insights
to accelerate customer acquisition and expansion.
The challenges — Buyer intelligence gathering depends on a manual
win-loss process. Insights are limited to a handful of deals, often
anecdotal, and way too late. Your organization will get seriously left
behind if you continue relying on old-school analog methods.
A note to
the modern
The good news — in today’s remote-first world, buyer-seller
conversations are increasingly digital. From the first prospecting
email, to Discovery and Demo call recordings, Proposal document
and Onboarding deck, stitching together the buying journey, as it
unfolds, is now possible — with 1-click.
By mining these conversations using NLP/ML, your ENTIRE revenue
organization can benefit from real-time Buyer intelligence — across
ALL industries, personas, segments, regions, land vs expand deals.
That’s why we spent over three years building Tribyl, the industry’s
first Buyer Intelligence Platform.
I’m excited to share this breakthrough with you, and help unlock an
additional 15-20% revenue growth from your current marketing and
sales spend.
I invite you, the Modern Product Marketing Leader, to join the
conversation at I’d love to hear from you!
In service of your Buyer,
Sanjeev Somani
Founder CEO
Tribyl, Inc.
A note to
the modern
Winning today is hard, losing is easy. Today’s buyers are
empowered and sophisticated. They expect you to have a deep
understanding of their ever-changing problems and needs, and
they reward a personalized buying experience.
Real-time Buyer intelligence gives you the insights you need to
dynamically iterate on your customer acquisition and expansion
playbook, and the agility to stay ahead of competition.
Rowan Noronha,
Founder, Product Marketing Community
Table of Contents
1. Thy Buyer: The missing voice in revenue intelligence...................................... 6
2. The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss............................................................ 12
3. The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss............................................ 20
4. The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action................................... 37
Modern demand generation - data-driven campaigns. ................................................................. 39
Modern customer marketing - build compelling stories............................................................... 40
Modern sales development - personalization at scale................................................................... 41
Modern sales - become a trusted advisor...................................................................................... 42
Modern competitive intelligence - battlecards that prioritize revenue impact............................... 43
Modern sales management - build rep competencies................................................................... 44
Modern revenue operations - make the right bets, early............................................................... 45
5. The Beginning: Time to change the game...................................................... 47
Thy Buyer:
The missing
voice in revenue
If we’re honest with ourselves, we’re all just guessing.
Our marketing teams come up with campaign messaging based
on someone’s creative idea. Our product leaders are building
features based on which customer yells the loudest, or which
rep needs a feature to close a big deal. We don’t know which
pitch will resonate with a buyer in a specific vertical. Product
Marketers are building the thing that sales or an exec tells them
is a priority.
We’re all wasting a lot of time and resources in that guessing.
Clint Burgess,
Head of Product Marketing, Bloomreach
Thy Buyer: The missing voice in revenue intelligence
How good is your revenue
Using data to optimize marketing and sales effectiveness
is not a novel concept. That’s why Revenue intelligence is
a hot and well-funded SaaS category.
The emphasis, however, has been on analyzing your
engagement with the buyer. For example:
■ Marketing measures views, downloads, touches, ...
■ Sales monitors activities by stage, adherence to sales
methodology, Rep talk time, …
It’s all about YOU.
But, does this intelligence truly represent what’s going on
in the minds of your Buyers? Do these insights make your
products and services more compelling to them?
Your Buyers care
about how good
you are at knowing
and solving their
problems, not how well
you’re tracking your
processes, activities
and engagement.
Thy Buyer: The missing voice in revenue intelligence
Want higher conversion?
Know Thy Buyer — by Industry, Use Case, Persona
#Qualified Pipeline
Accelerate Close
IOT Smart Apps Digital
SaaS Cloud Artificial
Big Data Connected
Machine Learning
Data Science Online
Is our jargon hitting on
urgent problems?
Is our value prop
Are we truly
Decision criteria
#Deal size, velocity #Win rate
Thy Buyer: The missing voice in revenue intelligence
The hard part?
Capturing and sharing Buyer intelligence in real-time.
Your Buyers’ needs and decision criteria are changing rapidly.
Yet, most companies rely on manual win-loss programs to gather Buyer
intelligence. Feedback is collected at the end of the sales cycle, that too from
a handful of cherry-picked deals.
As a result, insights are not representative of all customers and deals,
anecdotal, subject to bias and memory recall, and way too late.
Finding these insights, right when you need them, is equally challenging.
The reality is that traditional win-loss programs will never scale to real-time
Buyer intelligence.
It’s 2022. Time to use technology and upgrade to modern win-loss.
Let’s take a closer look this breakthrough.
with dynamic
customer journey
alignment achieve
15-20 % higher
revenue growth.
CSO Insights
Thy Buyer: The missing voice in revenue intelligence
As most SaaS businesses go, a high-velocity “land then expand”
motion is crucial for growth. While we get deep win-loss insights
on our largest deals, it’s our smaller deals that bring in new
logos and have a greater velocity. It’s hard to have that same
level of manual scrutiny and analysis for volume deals.
That’s why the idea of automating win-loss analysis is so
powerful and relevant. I foresee that automated buyer and
competitor intelligence will become as ubiquitous as CRM and
Marketing automation are today.
Mike Anand,
Chief Marketing Officer, Redis
Thy Buyer: The missing voice in revenue intelligence
The Breakthrough:
Modern win-loss
Marketers have invested a lot of time (and tooling) on measuring
campaign effectiveness at the top of the funnel. However,
measuring messaging-positioning effectiveness along the
entire buying journey has always been difficult, and more art
than science.
Here’s why. First, we validate our hypotheses with customer/
prospect interviews, industry analysts and experts. That’s hard
work, time consuming, and usually involves a small sample
set. We then roll out our messaging, cross our fingers that it
resonates, and wait for input from sales, hoping the feedback is
timely, specific, and unbiased. It’s about time we automate this
process and get insights from the entire funnel.
Chris Mills,
VP Marketing, Ambition
The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
Why traditional win-loss doesn’t scale.
■ Most of the time, you already have a hypothesis about your
Buyer, because you and your teams have been talking to them
(and with partners, analysts, peers…)
■ You want to validate this hypothesis, and see if it’s material
enough for your organization to act on. So you start digging into
the data:
» What’s in the CRM?
» What’s in call recording tools?
» What’s in emails and documents?
» What’s in win-loss interviews and surveys?
» The list goes on.
■ All of that effort is for one hypothesis. ONE.
■ How many hypotheses do you encounter, everyday?
■ How many deals do you hope to test them against?
I spend $100K a quarter on
outsourced Buyer interviews,
covering <1% of all deals.
At least 80% of the insights
validate hypotheses I already had.
Ben W.,
Director, Competitive Intelligence
The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
Sample size matters
When it comes to Buyer intelligence, context and granularity are everything.
Why let a handful of deals and customers dictate your entire GTM strategy?
The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
Modern win-loss lets you tap
previously dark data
■ Traditional win-loss practices were created when we had few
means to directly learn what’s top of mind for your Buyers.
■ Accelerated by the pandemic, the model has flipped. Selling has
gone remote. Most conversations are now digital.
■ With natural language processing (NLP) techniques, we can now
be a ‘fly on the wall’ in ALL buyer-seller interactions.
■ With machine learning (ML), we can finally track the revenue
impact of our messaging-positioning — by industry, persona,
segment, region, competitor, new logo vs expansion.
■ We can now directly, intelligently, tap previously dark data.
The interactions sales people have
are massive proxies for the market.
They talk to prospects all day,
every day. If we could synthesize
all that data, and understand
what’s going on in the market
based on all of that incoming
information, it’d be amazing.
Mihir G.,
VP of Product Marketing
The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
This changes
the game
You no longer have to:
■ Limit yourself to asking just
a few questions because of
budget or time constraints.
■ Peanut butter insights from
a narrow set of wins and
losses, to your entire
target market.
■ Spend hours searching
multiple tools and reports
■ Wait for months to get any
answers at all.
Now, with machine learning
and NLP, you can test
UNLIMITED hypotheses,
against ALL deals, by mining
ALL conversations your
sales teams are having with
real Buyers.
■ Every day.
■ With 1-click.
■ WITHOUT breaking
the bank.
The future of Revenue Teams
is one where they’ll use NLP
and machine learning to truly
understand their Buyers —
it won’t be a static “ICP”
persona hanging on the office
wall or in a stale playbook.
Go-to-market strategy will
become dynamic and laser-
focused. Companies will find
product market fit faster and
accelerate like never before.
Clint Burgess,
Head of Product Marketing,
The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
Messaging and positioning are never perfect. They need to be
continually refined. You start with a hypothesis based on what
you know at the time, but figuring out where to go from there
can be tricky.
While you can easily track revenue outcomes, determining
which messages strongly influenced those outcomes is a
huge challenge. The answers lie hidden in the thousands of
conversations happening with your prospects and customers.
Current tools are great at capturing all of this digitally, but not
so great at delivering actionable insights based on the entirety
of these conversations. A solution that can make sense of it
all, and enables a data-driven approach to messaging and
positioning is the holy grail marketers have been looking for.
Mike Berger,
VP Product Marketing, ClickUp
The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
Welcome to modern
Optimizing marketing and sales activities and
engagement is not sufficient to accelerate
customer acquisition and expansion.
We’ve been talking about a way to equip modern
revenue teams with granular, real-time Buyer
intelligence from ALL deals, automatically:
■ What problems are Buyers trying to solve?
■ Why now?
■ What evaluation criteria are important to them?
■ How do they perceive you versus competition?
Real-time buyer intelligence requires a modern
approach to win-loss.
Coming up, the blueprint for doing just that.
Organizations that outperform
have made win-loss intelligence a
C-level priority.
Gartner found that a
comprehensive win-loss
approach increases
revenue by up to 30%.
Leaders who invest in modern win-
loss accelerate their own careers, too!
The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
The Blueprint:
modern win-loss
In theory, the feedback loop between marketing, SDR, and sales should be firmly
ingrained and always-on. In practice, the promise never comes to fruition. It’s
difficult to structure meaningful experiments, corral qualitative insights, and
really know what changes to make. This isn’t often a people problem — the
desire to learn and improve likely exists across your teams. The challenge is that
this feedback loop is an ancillary part of everyone’s day job, as the primary focus
is on the metrics driving the business.
If you can collect, analyze and share this granular data in real-time, in an
automated way, you’re guaranteeing a deeper understanding of your buyer and
meaningful changes to your messaging. You’re also enabling your organization
to rinse-repeat learnings and share tribal knowledge much faster, improving the
metrics you already measure.
Kyle Coleman,
VP Revenue Growth, Enablement and Product Marketing, Clari.
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
3 pillars
of modern
Digital playbook
1 2 3
Centralized repository
for your company’s
hypotheses and GTM
tribal knowledge.
Ready to accelerate
customer acquisition
and expansion with
real-time Buyer
Here’s a blueprint
with three pillars:
Let’s dig
into each
Buyer 360
Single pane of glass
for all buyer-seller
conversations and
buying journey
data sources.
Prescriptive insights
engine that uses NLP/
ML to push buyer
intelligence in GTM
workflows, enabling
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
Digital playbook
Customer insight sets your bullseye. Insights
such as core problems being solved or
compelling events driving prioritization
/ funding by executives. If you haven’t
established a centralized and scalable
process to capture and share this intelligence
in real-time, then how do your teams know
what to aim for?
Noah Marks,
Vice President, Revenue Operations, Udemy
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
Your revenue intelligence
stack has a gaping hole.
■ What would happen if sales and marketing worked off of their
own versions of Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities?
■ It’d be mayhem, right?
■ Your tech stack has…
» ONE account object.
» ONE contact object.
» ONE opportunity object.
■ But where’s the buying journey object that captures Buyer
intelligence in one place, in one standardized format?
You can’t share
Buyer intelligence
that lies scattered
across CRM,
spreadsheets, decks,
content, and
people’s heads.
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
Buying journey object =
digital playbook
A buying journey object is a digital playbook,
a single source of truth for your company’s
messaging and positioning hypotheses.
■ Why buy? Why buy now? Answers to these
questions map to Buyer use cases, pain points
and triggers, or compelling events.
■ How to decide? What do buying committee
personas want and need in a solution and
partner? What KPIs would justify the purchase?
■ Who to choose? How do the alternatives
stack up in terms of relative strengths
and weaknesses?
Digital Playbook Taxonomy
Why buy? Why now?
How to decide?
Use cases Pain points Triggers
Who to choose?
Competitors Strengths Weaknesses
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
True story: A creative rep sold a CRM system to
Walmart for $1M.
In the notes, she typed “recruiting” as the use case.
What’s the connection between CRM and recruiting?
Turns out, $100M worth of connection—that’s how
much new business closed after the CRM vendor
realized that HR leaders could track applicants using
CRM, just as Sales leaders track their sales pipelines!
What casually entered golden nuggets might be sitting
outside your playbooks?
What buying signals are missing from your revenue
intelligence radar?
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
Connect your playbook with
Buyer-seller conversations
■ Did a use case in your playbook come up in multiple
conversations throughout the sales cycle? If so, it was
likely important to the deal.
■ Is the use case trending in recent Retail deals? If yes,
let’s build a retail ABM campaign around it!
■ See where we’re going? Your tech stack has been
missing a way to connect your playbook to actual sales
conversations and deals.
■ That’s why you also need a 360-degree view of all Buyer-
seller conversations. Let’s explore that next.
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
Buyer 360
I find that any one data channel is not
sufficient to make properly informed
decisions. The more channels, touchpoints,
stakeholders, and inputs that are used,
the better the outcome. Being a good PMM
requires finding the best path forward from a
diverse set of channels.
Dylan McPhetres,
PMM, Sedaru
In Art of the Conversation
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
Buyers and sellers are talking;
now you can listen
B2B selling is a complex web of conversations, each building on
the previous.
To appreciate the movie’s end, you need to watch it from the start.
Why not stitch together ALL conversations and ALL data sources
to get a complete, 360-degree view of the buying journey?
■ Prospecting emails
■ Discovery calls
■ Demo calls
■ Meeting decks
■ Meeting minutes
■ Proposals/RFP responses
■ Onboarding calls
■ CRM fields
■ CRM notes
■ Team collaboration
■ Deal reviews
■ Win-Loss Surveys
■ Win-loss interviews
■ Case studies
No need to rely on a few data points. Buyer 360 gives you all.
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
Buyer 360 tells you the complete story
about the buying journey
Prospecting Discovery Solution Negotiation Onboarding Post-mortem
SDR opens
the door
by figuring
out what
the Prospect,
lands a
AE uncovers
the real
pains and
the business
case that
will motivate
Sales engineer
what features
are most
important to
and technical
what ultimately
most to the
use cases
and success
criteria during
and surveys
what wasn’t
shared or
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
To build customer responsive products and services, it’s critical
to continually sharpen our understanding of customer needs,
from their own words.
Call recording tools allow us to search sales conversations,
but these tools aren’t purpose-built for measuring messaging-
positioning effectiveness. Finding answers to specific questions
(e.g. why the sudden growth in a particular segment) requires
time-intensive analysis.
A solution that reduces the manual work required to weed
through mountains of calls, emails and CRM notes, and provides
GTM teams actionable feedback on what’s working (and what’s
not) is the missing puzzle piece in the modern revenue stack.
Jake Ricciardi,
Head of Product Marketing, Andela
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
To drive impact, don’t forget to solve for the last mile.
Even with all that buyer intelligence at hand in a gigantic database, your GTM teams would need to spend
hours searching for insights such as:
Who wants to spend hours searching?
That’s why insights need to be pushed in GTM workflows. Let’s look at that next.
■ Pain points generating the most new
logo pipeline - by Persona?
■ Use cases driving the biggest deals -
by Industry?
■ Product gaps tied to most losses -
by Competitor?
■ What questions were Buyers
■ How were they describing their
wants and needs?
■ Are Reps delivering our
messaging? Is it landing?
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
Prescriptive insights We hold regular GTM council meetings, with
marketing, sales, and sales development. I run it
like a forecast call. I say,
‘Okay, we are falling short on our pipeline
coverage. What’s going on? What should we do?’
And despite all the tools and dashboards we
have available, the conclusion is always like,
‘Well, we don’t really know what’s working and
not working, and why.’
Jim S.,
VP Revenue Operations,
Business Intelligence SaaS
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
Product Marketing
that resonates with
target Buyers.
Demand Generation
Campaigns that
attract ready to buy
Customer Marketing
Stories that motivate
change in status quo.
Sales Development
Personalization at
scale, without the
grunt work.
Field Sales
Trusted advisors
that lead with a
point of view.
Features that
solve burning
problems and
win more deals.
How are you
enabling GTM teams
on all the industries,
personas, use cases,
segments and
geographies your
company sells into?
It takes a village —
all GTM teams must become Buyer experts
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
To succeed, sellers must have a deep understanding of the
Buyer and their circumstances. You can’t just ask, ‘What keeps
you up at night?’ and expect to get there. Sellers must use
insightful questions to determine how they can add value
and help.
Learning from other deals and use cases is a critical part of
winning with more efficiency and confidence. The ability to
codify and share this tribal knowledge at scale has always
remained elusive. Until now.
Robert Lewis,
Chief Revenue Officer (formerly at Qualtrics)
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
Connect real-time Buyer
intelligence to your
revenue engine
If your win-loss program stops at delivering monthly
and quarterly management presentations, you’re leaving
serious money on the table.
And if you expect GTM teams to ‘help themselves’ to
your win-loss database and reports, you might as well
ask them to hit the ‘easy button’ — they will continue to
rely on gut feelings and opinions.
To drive impact, Buyer intelligence should be
prescriptive and pushed in GTM workflows — the power
of NLP/ML now makes this possible.
Next, you’ll see real-time buyer intelligence in action.
The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
The Use Cases:
Real-time Buyer
in action
Meet Acme Co., a business
intelligence SaaS company
■ The board just threw down the gauntlet: Double
new logo growth in the enterprise retail market.
Game on!
■ Acme Co. formed a cross-functional team across
marketing, sales, product and revenue operations.
■ With just 1-click, they surfaced buying journey
insights from recent Enterprise retail deals. The
playbook’s set!
■ Let’s take a closer look at how Acme put these
insights into action.
The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
in action -
Target Buyer
Recent deals
use case
Value prop
Least mentioned
value prop
Recent wins for
top-selling use case
Rinse-repeat messaging that’s
driving the most revenue.
The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
Modern customer marketing in action -
build compelling stories, without the grunt work.
Pain point found
in the deal
Conversations involving
the pain point
Buyer’s words. Pure gold for case
studies and digital marketing!
The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
Modern sales development in action -
personalization at scale.
This is a modern email
sequence targeting the VP of
IT persona, a key influencer
in Acme’s deals.
The digital playbook has
auto-populated the SDR’s
email with top-selling KPIs
and pain points from similar
Say goodbye to generic email
blasts and hours of research.
Say hello to more meetings.
The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
Modern sales
in action -
a trusted
Modern sales enablement is
all about Buyer enablement.
Acme’s digital playbook equips
reps with prescriptive insights
from similar wins, so they can
lead with a point of view.
Say goodbye to reps asking
generic discovery questions.
Say hello to reps becoming
trusted advisors, shorter sales
cycles, and more cross-sell
and upsell!
Auto-generated stories with
buyer-centric messaging
The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
Modern competitive intelligence in action -
battlecards that prioritize revenue impact.
Modern competitive
intelligence surfaces
differentiation that matters to
YOUR Buyers.
In YOUR deals. Right NOW.
Not what your competition is
putting out on websites. Or
what analysts are saying.
Say goodbye to noise.
Say hello to higher win rates
and to building features that
move the revenue needle!
Reinforce in
content, demos
and AR/PR
handling and
product roadmap
The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
Modern sales management in action -
build rep competencies.
Modern sales management is
all about data-driven coaching
and helping reps build
Say goodbye to relying on
manually updated MEDDIC
fields and hoping that Reps
are following your messaging
and sales methodology.
Say hello to 1-click deal
reviews and automatic
playbook reinforcement. Your
reps will thank you for this.
Based on similar
deals, e.g., same use
case and industry.
Next-best conversation
to grow/accelerate deal
MEDDIC summary
Coaching opportunity!
The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
Modern revenue operations in action -
make the right bets, early.
Modern revenue operations takes
a portfolio approach to optimizing
marketing, sales and product
resources, just in time.
Looking good
Support or pivot
Invest and grow
Say goodbye to nail-biting closes.
Say hello to predictable growth
and higher profitability.
Real-time inventory control
$4.5M | 46 deals
Pipeline, by Use Case
Historical win rate (%)
Propensity to Buy
$5M | 51 deals
1:1 Engagement
$2.5M | 23 deals
Digital Footprint Tracking
$3.2M | 31 deals
? $
The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
A lot of SaaS companies are going “vertical.” Once we see traction in a
vertical, we’ll want to capitalize on the market opportunity. To come up with
industry playbooks, we ask — what problems have we already been solving
for those customers? What have they been saying about our product and
value proposition? From there, our goal is to scale what’s already working —
by amplifying these messages in campaigns and content.
Doing this research the old way would take months. By directly mining sales
and customer conversations, not only can this timeline be crashed to days,
we can continue to refine our playbooks with real-time feedback. That’s the
recipe for accelerating revenue growth and changing the game!
Jeff Yoshimura,
Chief Marketing Officer, Snyk
Thanks to real-time Buyer intelligence, Acme crushed it!
The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
The Beginning:
Time to change
the game
Real-time Buyer intelligence
is happening now
■ Digital transformation is disrupting nearly every
business process.
■ Now that most sales conversations are digitized,
machines can directly tap into what your Buyers want
and need.
■ Those same machines can tell you what signals make
you the most money, and then pipe those insights into
GTM workflows—in real time—to drive conversion and,
ultimately, revenue.
■ It’s time to upgrade to modern win-loss, and have
real-time Buyer intelligence accelerate your customer
acquisition and expansion.
The Beginning: Time to change the game
Today, win-loss programs must deliver ‘always-on’ market
intelligence that informs what’s top of mind for your buyers,
whether your messages are converting to revenue, and if your
competitive positioning is anchored in how buyers perceive
value. That’s the one thing missing from the stack.
Delivering these insights at scale, in real-time, and across
all touchpoints is key to improving marketing and sales
effectiveness in a consistent way.
Axel Kirstetter,
Product Marketing Leader, EIS Ltd.
The Beginning: Time to change the game
How real-
time buyer
can help your
Grow New Logos
(e.g., ABM
(e.g., new Buyers,
Use cases)
(e.g., qualified
pipe, win rates)
(e.g., verticals,
Get timely feedback
(e.g., new messaging/
playbooks, product
Accelerate business
model transformation
(e.g., inbound to
outbound, on-prem
to cloud)
Drive Account
Enter new
The Beginning: Time to change the game
What’s next for you?
Ready to unlock real-time Buyer intelligence to accelerate profitable
growth and your own career? If even one of these points resonate,
the answer might be YES:
We need to grow new logos and drive expansion.
We’re being pushed to improve ROI of our marketing and sales
spend. It’s all about conversion.
Getting messaging and positioning right is a strategic priority, we
need to track what’s working or not.
I’m tired of manually searching spotty CRM data and thousands
of call recordings.
Timely and granular Buyer intelligence will ensure better
alignment across marketing, sales, product.
What’s next for you?
Everyone (sales, product,
marketing) has an idea on how
we should go to market, what use
cases an industry cares about, or
what our next marketing campaign
should be around.
Tribyl’s Buyer Intelligence Platform
has helped us to become data-
driven in making decisions on
where we should put our focus and
efforts. Now there’s little guessing
– we just point to the data.
Molly S.,
Director Product Marketing,
Business Intelligence SaaS
The Beginning: Time to change the game
Let’s talk
We’ve been busy helping B2B companies (200
to 5,000+ employees) implement real-time
buyer intelligence.
If you’re ready to step into the future, which is
actually here now…
Email us at We’d love to trade
notes and get your thoughts on what we’ve
been building for the last three years.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor are world-
class revenue organizations. Tribyl is a modular
platform designed for crawl-walk-run.
Learn more at
The Beginning: Time to change the game

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Real-time Buyer Intelligence

  • 2. Most B2B market categories have become crowded and noisy, placing product marketers (PMMs) in high demand. Forward-thinking PMM leaders have started aligning their KPIs to what the C-Suite cares about — revenue metrics. Yet, knowing what messaging-positioning is converting to revenue remains the Holy Grail. There is no single source of truth. It’s time to stop the guesswork and earn a seat at the Revenue table. Why now? Thanks to digital transformation, your Buyer’s world is changing as rapidly as yours. To win bigger, you must track your Buyer’s top of mind problems, their current evaluation criteria, and recent perception of competitive differentiation. Whether you are a 100- or 10,000-employee company, your sales, marketing, product and customer success teams need these insights to accelerate customer acquisition and expansion. The challenges — Buyer intelligence gathering depends on a manual win-loss process. Insights are limited to a handful of deals, often anecdotal, and way too late. Your organization will get seriously left behind if you continue relying on old-school analog methods. A note to the modern product marketing leader continued
  • 3. The good news — in today’s remote-first world, buyer-seller conversations are increasingly digital. From the first prospecting email, to Discovery and Demo call recordings, Proposal document and Onboarding deck, stitching together the buying journey, as it unfolds, is now possible — with 1-click. By mining these conversations using NLP/ML, your ENTIRE revenue organization can benefit from real-time Buyer intelligence — across ALL industries, personas, segments, regions, land vs expand deals. That’s why we spent over three years building Tribyl, the industry’s first Buyer Intelligence Platform. I’m excited to share this breakthrough with you, and help unlock an additional 15-20% revenue growth from your current marketing and sales spend. I invite you, the Modern Product Marketing Leader, to join the conversation at I’d love to hear from you! In service of your Buyer, Sanjeev Somani Founder CEO Tribyl, Inc. A note to the modern product marketing leader
  • 4. Winning today is hard, losing is easy. Today’s buyers are empowered and sophisticated. They expect you to have a deep understanding of their ever-changing problems and needs, and they reward a personalized buying experience. Real-time Buyer intelligence gives you the insights you need to dynamically iterate on your customer acquisition and expansion playbook, and the agility to stay ahead of competition. Rowan Noronha, Founder, Product Marketing Community
  • 5. Table of Contents 1. Thy Buyer: The missing voice in revenue intelligence...................................... 6 2. The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss............................................................ 12 3. The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss............................................ 20 4. The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action................................... 37 Modern demand generation - data-driven campaigns. ................................................................. 39 Modern customer marketing - build compelling stories............................................................... 40 Modern sales development - personalization at scale................................................................... 41 Modern sales - become a trusted advisor...................................................................................... 42 Modern competitive intelligence - battlecards that prioritize revenue impact............................... 43 Modern sales management - build rep competencies................................................................... 44 Modern revenue operations - make the right bets, early............................................................... 45 5. The Beginning: Time to change the game...................................................... 47
  • 6. Thy Buyer: The missing voice in revenue intelligence 1
  • 7. If we’re honest with ourselves, we’re all just guessing. Our marketing teams come up with campaign messaging based on someone’s creative idea. Our product leaders are building features based on which customer yells the loudest, or which rep needs a feature to close a big deal. We don’t know which pitch will resonate with a buyer in a specific vertical. Product Marketers are building the thing that sales or an exec tells them is a priority. We’re all wasting a lot of time and resources in that guessing. Clint Burgess, Head of Product Marketing, Bloomreach 7 Thy Buyer: The missing voice in revenue intelligence
  • 8. How good is your revenue intelligence? Using data to optimize marketing and sales effectiveness is not a novel concept. That’s why Revenue intelligence is a hot and well-funded SaaS category. The emphasis, however, has been on analyzing your engagement with the buyer. For example: ■ ■ Marketing measures views, downloads, touches, ... ■ ■ Sales monitors activities by stage, adherence to sales methodology, Rep talk time, … It’s all about YOU. But, does this intelligence truly represent what’s going on in the minds of your Buyers? Do these insights make your products and services more compelling to them? Your Buyers care about how good you are at knowing and solving their problems, not how well you’re tracking your processes, activities and engagement. 8 Thy Buyer: The missing voice in revenue intelligence
  • 9. Want higher conversion? Know Thy Buyer — by Industry, Use Case, Persona Attract #Qualified Pipeline Accelerate Close IOT Smart Apps Digital SaaS Cloud Artificial Intelligence Big Data Connected Machine Learning Data Science Online Is our jargon hitting on urgent problems? Is our value prop resonating? Are we truly differentiated? Personas Decision criteria Competitors #Deal size, velocity #Win rate 9 Thy Buyer: The missing voice in revenue intelligence
  • 10. The hard part? Capturing and sharing Buyer intelligence in real-time. Your Buyers’ needs and decision criteria are changing rapidly. Yet, most companies rely on manual win-loss programs to gather Buyer intelligence. Feedback is collected at the end of the sales cycle, that too from a handful of cherry-picked deals. As a result, insights are not representative of all customers and deals, anecdotal, subject to bias and memory recall, and way too late. Finding these insights, right when you need them, is equally challenging. The reality is that traditional win-loss programs will never scale to real-time Buyer intelligence. It’s 2022. Time to use technology and upgrade to modern win-loss. Let’s take a closer look this breakthrough. Organizations with dynamic customer journey alignment achieve 15-20 % higher revenue growth. CSO Insights 10 Thy Buyer: The missing voice in revenue intelligence
  • 11. As most SaaS businesses go, a high-velocity “land then expand” motion is crucial for growth. While we get deep win-loss insights on our largest deals, it’s our smaller deals that bring in new logos and have a greater velocity. It’s hard to have that same level of manual scrutiny and analysis for volume deals. That’s why the idea of automating win-loss analysis is so powerful and relevant. I foresee that automated buyer and competitor intelligence will become as ubiquitous as CRM and Marketing automation are today. Mike Anand, Chief Marketing Officer, Redis 11 Thy Buyer: The missing voice in revenue intelligence
  • 13. Marketers have invested a lot of time (and tooling) on measuring campaign effectiveness at the top of the funnel. However, measuring messaging-positioning effectiveness along the entire buying journey has always been difficult, and more art than science. Here’s why. First, we validate our hypotheses with customer/ prospect interviews, industry analysts and experts. That’s hard work, time consuming, and usually involves a small sample set. We then roll out our messaging, cross our fingers that it resonates, and wait for input from sales, hoping the feedback is timely, specific, and unbiased. It’s about time we automate this process and get insights from the entire funnel. Chris Mills, VP Marketing, Ambition 13 The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
  • 14. Why traditional win-loss doesn’t scale. ■ ■ Most of the time, you already have a hypothesis about your Buyer, because you and your teams have been talking to them (and with partners, analysts, peers…) ■ ■ You want to validate this hypothesis, and see if it’s material enough for your organization to act on. So you start digging into the data: » » What’s in the CRM? » » What’s in call recording tools? » » What’s in emails and documents? » » What’s in win-loss interviews and surveys? » » The list goes on. ■ ■ All of that effort is for one hypothesis. ONE. ■ ■ How many hypotheses do you encounter, everyday? ■ ■ How many deals do you hope to test them against? I spend $100K a quarter on outsourced Buyer interviews, covering <1% of all deals. At least 80% of the insights validate hypotheses I already had. Ben W., Director, Competitive Intelligence 14 The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
  • 15. INDUSTRIES PERSONAS USE CASES SITUATIONS! Sample size matters When it comes to Buyer intelligence, context and granularity are everything. Why let a handful of deals and customers dictate your entire GTM strategy? 15 The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
  • 16. Modern win-loss lets you tap previously dark data ■ ■ Traditional win-loss practices were created when we had few means to directly learn what’s top of mind for your Buyers. ■ ■ Accelerated by the pandemic, the model has flipped. Selling has gone remote. Most conversations are now digital. ■ ■ With natural language processing (NLP) techniques, we can now be a ‘fly on the wall’ in ALL buyer-seller interactions. ■ ■ With machine learning (ML), we can finally track the revenue impact of our messaging-positioning — by industry, persona, segment, region, competitor, new logo vs expansion. ■ ■ We can now directly, intelligently, tap previously dark data. The interactions sales people have are massive proxies for the market. They talk to prospects all day, every day. If we could synthesize all that data, and understand what’s going on in the market based on all of that incoming information, it’d be amazing. Mihir G., VP of Product Marketing 16 The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
  • 17. This changes the game You no longer have to: ■ ■ Limit yourself to asking just a few questions because of budget or time constraints. ■ ■ Peanut butter insights from a narrow set of wins and losses, to your entire target market. ■ ■ Spend hours searching multiple tools and reports ■ ■ Wait for months to get any answers at all. Now, with machine learning and NLP, you can test UNLIMITED hypotheses, against ALL deals, by mining ALL conversations your sales teams are having with real Buyers. ■ ■ Every day. ■ ■ With 1-click. ■ ■ WITHOUT breaking the bank. The future of Revenue Teams is one where they’ll use NLP and machine learning to truly understand their Buyers — it won’t be a static “ICP” persona hanging on the office wall or in a stale playbook. Go-to-market strategy will become dynamic and laser- focused. Companies will find product market fit faster and accelerate like never before. Clint Burgess, Head of Product Marketing, Bloomreach 17 The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
  • 18. Messaging and positioning are never perfect. They need to be continually refined. You start with a hypothesis based on what you know at the time, but figuring out where to go from there can be tricky. While you can easily track revenue outcomes, determining which messages strongly influenced those outcomes is a huge challenge. The answers lie hidden in the thousands of conversations happening with your prospects and customers. Current tools are great at capturing all of this digitally, but not so great at delivering actionable insights based on the entirety of these conversations. A solution that can make sense of it all, and enables a data-driven approach to messaging and positioning is the holy grail marketers have been looking for. Mike Berger, VP Product Marketing, ClickUp 18 The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
  • 19. Welcome to modern win-loss Optimizing marketing and sales activities and engagement is not sufficient to accelerate customer acquisition and expansion. We’ve been talking about a way to equip modern revenue teams with granular, real-time Buyer intelligence from ALL deals, automatically: ■ ■ What problems are Buyers trying to solve? ■ ■ Why now? ■ ■ What evaluation criteria are important to them? ■ ■ How do they perceive you versus competition? Real-time buyer intelligence requires a modern approach to win-loss. Coming up, the blueprint for doing just that. Organizations that outperform have made win-loss intelligence a C-level priority. Gartner found that a comprehensive win-loss approach increases revenue by up to 30%. Leaders who invest in modern win- loss accelerate their own careers, too! 19 The Breakthrough: Modern win-loss
  • 21. In theory, the feedback loop between marketing, SDR, and sales should be firmly ingrained and always-on. In practice, the promise never comes to fruition. It’s difficult to structure meaningful experiments, corral qualitative insights, and really know what changes to make. This isn’t often a people problem — the desire to learn and improve likely exists across your teams. The challenge is that this feedback loop is an ancillary part of everyone’s day job, as the primary focus is on the metrics driving the business. If you can collect, analyze and share this granular data in real-time, in an automated way, you’re guaranteeing a deeper understanding of your buyer and meaningful changes to your messaging. You’re also enabling your organization to rinse-repeat learnings and share tribal knowledge much faster, improving the metrics you already measure. Kyle Coleman, VP Revenue Growth, Enablement and Product Marketing, Clari. 21 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 22. 3 pillars of modern win-loss Digital playbook 1 2 3 Centralized repository for your company’s messaging-positioning hypotheses and GTM tribal knowledge. Ready to accelerate customer acquisition and expansion with real-time Buyer intelligence? Here’s a blueprint with three pillars: Let’s dig into each pillar. Buyer 360 Single pane of glass for all buyer-seller conversations and buying journey data sources. Prescriptive insights Recommendation engine that uses NLP/ ML to push buyer intelligence in GTM workflows, enabling rinse-repeat. 22 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 23. PILLAR 1 Digital playbook Customer insight sets your bullseye. Insights such as core problems being solved or compelling events driving prioritization / funding by executives. If you haven’t established a centralized and scalable process to capture and share this intelligence in real-time, then how do your teams know what to aim for? Noah Marks, Vice President, Revenue Operations, Udemy 23 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 24. Your revenue intelligence stack has a gaping hole. ■ ■ What would happen if sales and marketing worked off of their own versions of Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities? ■ ■ It’d be mayhem, right? ■ ■ Your tech stack has… » » ONE account object. » » ONE contact object. » » ONE opportunity object. ■ ■ But where’s the buying journey object that captures Buyer intelligence in one place, in one standardized format? You can’t share Buyer intelligence that lies scattered across CRM, spreadsheets, decks, conversations, content, and people’s heads. 24 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 25. Buying journey object = digital playbook A buying journey object is a digital playbook, a single source of truth for your company’s messaging and positioning hypotheses. ■ ■ Why buy? Why buy now? Answers to these questions map to Buyer use cases, pain points and triggers, or compelling events. ■ ■ How to decide? What do buying committee personas want and need in a solution and partner? What KPIs would justify the purchase? ■ ■ Who to choose? How do the alternatives stack up in terms of relative strengths and weaknesses? Digital Playbook Taxonomy Why buy? Why now? How to decide? Use cases Pain points Triggers Personas Decision criteria Justification Who to choose? Competitors Strengths Weaknesses 25 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 26. Recruiting True story: A creative rep sold a CRM system to Walmart for $1M. In the notes, she typed “recruiting” as the use case. What’s the connection between CRM and recruiting? Turns out, $100M worth of connection—that’s how much new business closed after the CRM vendor realized that HR leaders could track applicants using CRM, just as Sales leaders track their sales pipelines! What casually entered golden nuggets might be sitting outside your playbooks? What buying signals are missing from your revenue intelligence radar? 26 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 27. Connect your playbook with Buyer-seller conversations ■ ■ Did a use case in your playbook come up in multiple conversations throughout the sales cycle? If so, it was likely important to the deal. ■ ■ Is the use case trending in recent Retail deals? If yes, let’s build a retail ABM campaign around it! ■ ■ See where we’re going? Your tech stack has been missing a way to connect your playbook to actual sales conversations and deals. ■ ■ That’s why you also need a 360-degree view of all Buyer- seller conversations. Let’s explore that next. 27 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 28. PILLAR 2 Buyer 360 I find that any one data channel is not sufficient to make properly informed decisions. The more channels, touchpoints, stakeholders, and inputs that are used, the better the outcome. Being a good PMM requires finding the best path forward from a diverse set of channels. Dylan McPhetres, PMM, Sedaru In Art of the Conversation 28 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 29. Buyers and sellers are talking; now you can listen B2B selling is a complex web of conversations, each building on the previous. To appreciate the movie’s end, you need to watch it from the start. Why not stitch together ALL conversations and ALL data sources to get a complete, 360-degree view of the buying journey? ■ ■ Prospecting emails ■ ■ Discovery calls ■ ■ Demo calls ■ ■ Meeting decks ■ ■ Meeting minutes ■ ■ Proposals/RFP responses ■ ■ Onboarding calls ■ ■ CRM fields ■ ■ CRM notes ■ ■ Team collaboration ■ ■ Deal reviews ■ ■ Win-Loss Surveys ■ ■ Win-loss interviews ■ ■ Case studies No need to rely on a few data points. Buyer 360 gives you all. 29 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 30. Buyer 360 tells you the complete story about the buying journey Prospecting Discovery Solution Negotiation Onboarding Post-mortem SDR opens the door by figuring out what motivates the Prospect, lands a meeting. AE uncovers the real pains and the business case that will motivate decision makers. Sales engineer identifies what features are most important to functional and technical buyers. Proposal summarizes what ultimately matters most to the Prospect’s decision- making process. Customer Success validates use cases and success criteria during implementation kick-off. Interviews and surveys capture what wasn’t explicitly shared or discussed previously. 30 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 31. To build customer responsive products and services, it’s critical to continually sharpen our understanding of customer needs, from their own words. Call recording tools allow us to search sales conversations, but these tools aren’t purpose-built for measuring messaging- positioning effectiveness. Finding answers to specific questions (e.g. why the sudden growth in a particular segment) requires time-intensive analysis. A solution that reduces the manual work required to weed through mountains of calls, emails and CRM notes, and provides GTM teams actionable feedback on what’s working (and what’s not) is the missing puzzle piece in the modern revenue stack. Jake Ricciardi, Head of Product Marketing, Andela 31 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 32. To drive impact, don’t forget to solve for the last mile. Even with all that buyer intelligence at hand in a gigantic database, your GTM teams would need to spend hours searching for insights such as: Who wants to spend hours searching? That’s why insights need to be pushed in GTM workflows. Let’s look at that next. Quantitative: ■ ■ Pain points generating the most new logo pipeline - by Persona? ■ ■ Use cases driving the biggest deals - by Industry? ■ ■ Product gaps tied to most losses - by Competitor? Qualitative: ■ ■ What questions were Buyers asking? ■ ■ How were they describing their wants and needs? ■ ■ Are Reps delivering our messaging? Is it landing? 32 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 33. PILLAR 3 Prescriptive insights We hold regular GTM council meetings, with marketing, sales, and sales development. I run it like a forecast call. I say, ‘Okay, we are falling short on our pipeline coverage. What’s going on? What should we do?’ And despite all the tools and dashboards we have available, the conclusion is always like, ‘Well, we don’t really know what’s working and not working, and why.’ Jim S., VP Revenue Operations, Business Intelligence SaaS 33 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 34. Marketing Product Marketing Messaging/positioning that resonates with target Buyers. Demand Generation Campaigns that attract ready to buy prospects. Customer Marketing Stories that motivate change in status quo. Sales Sales Development Personalization at scale, without the grunt work. Field Sales Trusted advisors that lead with a point of view. Product Features that solve burning problems and win more deals. How are you enabling GTM teams on all the industries, personas, use cases, segments and geographies your company sells into? It takes a village — all GTM teams must become Buyer experts Buyer 34 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 35. To succeed, sellers must have a deep understanding of the Buyer and their circumstances. You can’t just ask, ‘What keeps you up at night?’ and expect to get there. Sellers must use insightful questions to determine how they can add value and help. Learning from other deals and use cases is a critical part of winning with more efficiency and confidence. The ability to codify and share this tribal knowledge at scale has always remained elusive. Until now. Robert Lewis, Chief Revenue Officer (formerly at Qualtrics) 35 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 36. Connect real-time Buyer intelligence to your revenue engine If your win-loss program stops at delivering monthly and quarterly management presentations, you’re leaving serious money on the table. And if you expect GTM teams to ‘help themselves’ to your win-loss database and reports, you might as well ask them to hit the ‘easy button’ — they will continue to rely on gut feelings and opinions. To drive impact, Buyer intelligence should be prescriptive and pushed in GTM workflows — the power of NLP/ML now makes this possible. Next, you’ll see real-time buyer intelligence in action. 36 The Blueprint: Implementing modern win-loss
  • 37. The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action 4
  • 38. Meet Acme Co., a business intelligence SaaS company ■ ■ The board just threw down the gauntlet: Double new logo growth in the enterprise retail market. Game on! ■ ■ Acme Co. formed a cross-functional team across marketing, sales, product and revenue operations. ■ ■ With just 1-click, they surfaced buying journey insights from recent Enterprise retail deals. The playbook’s set! ■ ■ Let’s take a closer look at how Acme put these insights into action. 38 The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
  • 39. Modern demand generation in action - data-driven campaigns. Target Buyer Recent deals Top-selling use case Top-selling Value prop Least mentioned value prop Recent wins for top-selling use case Rinse-repeat messaging that’s driving the most revenue. 39 The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
  • 40. Modern customer marketing in action - build compelling stories, without the grunt work. Pain point found in the deal Conversations involving the pain point Buyer’s words. Pure gold for case studies and digital marketing! 40 The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
  • 41. Modern sales development in action - personalization at scale. This is a modern email sequence targeting the VP of IT persona, a key influencer in Acme’s deals. The digital playbook has auto-populated the SDR’s email with top-selling KPIs and pain points from similar customers. Say goodbye to generic email blasts and hours of research. Say hello to more meetings. 41 The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
  • 42. Modern sales in action - become a trusted advisor. Modern sales enablement is all about Buyer enablement. Acme’s digital playbook equips reps with prescriptive insights from similar wins, so they can lead with a point of view. Say goodbye to reps asking generic discovery questions. Say hello to reps becoming trusted advisors, shorter sales cycles, and more cross-sell and upsell! Auto-generated stories with buyer-centric messaging 42 The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
  • 43. Modern competitive intelligence in action - battlecards that prioritize revenue impact. Modern competitive intelligence surfaces differentiation that matters to YOUR Buyers. In YOUR deals. Right NOW. Not what your competition is putting out on websites. Or what analysts are saying. Say goodbye to noise. Say hello to higher win rates and to building features that move the revenue needle! Reinforce in content, demos and AR/PR Objection handling and product roadmap 43 The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
  • 44. Modern sales management in action - build rep competencies. Modern sales management is all about data-driven coaching and helping reps build competencies. Say goodbye to relying on manually updated MEDDIC fields and hoping that Reps are following your messaging and sales methodology. Say hello to 1-click deal reviews and automatic playbook reinforcement. Your reps will thank you for this. Based on similar deals, e.g., same use case and industry. Next-best conversation to grow/accelerate deal Auto-populated MEDDIC summary Coaching opportunity! 44 The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
  • 45. Modern revenue operations in action - make the right bets, early. Modern revenue operations takes a portfolio approach to optimizing marketing, sales and product resources, just in time. Looking good Support or pivot Disqualify Invest and grow Say goodbye to nail-biting closes. Say hello to predictable growth and higher profitability. Real-time inventory control $4.5M | 46 deals Pipeline, by Use Case Open deals (#) Historical win rate (%) Propensity to Buy $5M | 51 deals 1:1 Engagement $2.5M | 23 deals Digital Footprint Tracking $3.2M | 31 deals ? $ x ? x $ 45 The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
  • 46. A lot of SaaS companies are going “vertical.” Once we see traction in a vertical, we’ll want to capitalize on the market opportunity. To come up with industry playbooks, we ask — what problems have we already been solving for those customers? What have they been saying about our product and value proposition? From there, our goal is to scale what’s already working — by amplifying these messages in campaigns and content. Doing this research the old way would take months. By directly mining sales and customer conversations, not only can this timeline be crashed to days, we can continue to refine our playbooks with real-time feedback. That’s the recipe for accelerating revenue growth and changing the game! Jeff Yoshimura, Chief Marketing Officer, Snyk Thanks to real-time Buyer intelligence, Acme crushed it! 46 The Use Cases: Real-time Buyer intelligence in action
  • 47. The Beginning: Time to change the game 5
  • 48. Real-time Buyer intelligence is happening now ■ ■ Digital transformation is disrupting nearly every business process. ■ ■ Now that most sales conversations are digitized, machines can directly tap into what your Buyers want and need. ■ ■ Those same machines can tell you what signals make you the most money, and then pipe those insights into GTM workflows—in real time—to drive conversion and, ultimately, revenue. ■ ■ It’s time to upgrade to modern win-loss, and have real-time Buyer intelligence accelerate your customer acquisition and expansion. 48 The Beginning: Time to change the game
  • 49. Today, win-loss programs must deliver ‘always-on’ market intelligence that informs what’s top of mind for your buyers, whether your messages are converting to revenue, and if your competitive positioning is anchored in how buyers perceive value. That’s the one thing missing from the stack. Delivering these insights at scale, in real-time, and across all touchpoints is key to improving marketing and sales effectiveness in a consistent way. Axel Kirstetter, Product Marketing Leader, EIS Ltd. 49 The Beginning: Time to change the game
  • 50. How real- time buyer intelligence can help your organization today. Grow New Logos (e.g., ABM personalization) (e.g., new Buyers, Use cases) (e.g., qualified pipe, win rates) (e.g., verticals, segments) Get timely feedback (e.g., new messaging/ positioning, playbooks, product launches) Improve conversion Accelerate business model transformation (e.g., inbound to outbound, on-prem to cloud) Drive Account expansion Enter new markets 50 The Beginning: Time to change the game
  • 51. What’s next for you? Ready to unlock real-time Buyer intelligence to accelerate profitable growth and your own career? If even one of these points resonate, the answer might be YES: We need to grow new logos and drive expansion. We’re being pushed to improve ROI of our marketing and sales spend. It’s all about conversion. Getting messaging and positioning right is a strategic priority, we need to track what’s working or not. I’m tired of manually searching spotty CRM data and thousands of call recordings. Timely and granular Buyer intelligence will ensure better alignment across marketing, sales, product. What’s next for you? Everyone (sales, product, marketing) has an idea on how we should go to market, what use cases an industry cares about, or what our next marketing campaign should be around. Tribyl’s Buyer Intelligence Platform has helped us to become data- driven in making decisions on where we should put our focus and efforts. Now there’s little guessing – we just point to the data. Molly S., Director Product Marketing, Business Intelligence SaaS 51 The Beginning: Time to change the game
  • 52. Let’s talk We’ve been busy helping B2B companies (200 to 5,000+ employees) implement real-time buyer intelligence. If you’re ready to step into the future, which is actually here now… Email us at We’d love to trade notes and get your thoughts on what we’ve been building for the last three years. Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor are world- class revenue organizations. Tribyl is a modular platform designed for crawl-walk-run. Learn more at 52 The Beginning: Time to change the game