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// READ BEFORE YOU START: // Please read the given Word document for the project
description with an illustrartive diagram. // You are given a partially completed program that
creates a list of dogs for an adoption shelter. // Each dog has the corresponding information:
name, breed, and a linked list of checkups. // Please read the instructions above each required
function and follow the directions carefully. // If you modify any of the given code, return types,
or parameters, you risk failing test cases. // // Note, Textbook Section 2.10 gives a case study on
complex linked list operations. // This project is based on that case study. Make sure you read
the code in section 2.10. // The following will be accepted as input in the following format:
"name:breed" // Example Input: "Spot:Terrier" or "Daisy:Poodle" // Valid name:
String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter // Valid breed: String
containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter // Valid date: String in the
following format: "MM/DD/YYYY" ex: "01/01/2010" // All input will be a valid length and
no more than the allowed number of dogs will be added to the linked list. #include #include
#include #include // included to check for memory leaks #define CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
#include #pragma warning(disable: 4996) // used to create a linked list of containers, each
contaning a "dog" struct container { struct dog *dog; struct container *next; } *list =
NULL; // used to hold dog information and linked list of "checkups" struct dog { char
name[30]; char breed[30]; struct checkup *checkups; }; // used to create a linked list
of checkups containing "dates" struct checkup { char date[30]; struct checkup *next;
}; // forward declaration of functions that have already been implemented void flush(); void
branching(char); void helper(char); void remove_all(struct container*); void display(struct
container*); // the following forward declarations are for functions that require implementation
// return type // name and parameters // points void
add_dog(char*, char*); // 5 struct dog* search_dog(char*);
// 5 void add_checkup(char*, char*); // 10 char*
last_checkup(char*); // 15 void remove_one(char*);
// 15 //
Total: 50 points for hw07 struct container* list_of_breed(char*); // 25 struct
container* list_by_name(); // 25 //
Total: 50 points for hw08 int main() { char ch = 'i';
printf("Dog Adoption Center  "); do { printf("Please enter your
selection: "); printf("ta: add a new dog to the list "); printf("ts: search
for a dog on the list "); printf("tr: remove a dog from the list ");
printf("tc: add a checkup date for dog "); printf("tl: display last checkup for a
dog "); printf("tn: display list of dogs by name "); printf("tb: display
list of dogs of breed "); printf("tq: quit "); ch = tolower(getchar());
flush(); branching(ch); } while (ch != 'q'); remove_all(list); list =
NULL; _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); // check for memory leaks (VS will let you know in
output if they exist) return 0; } // consume leftover ' ' characters void flush() { int c;
do c = getchar(); while (c != ' ' && c != EOF); } // branch to different tasks void
branching(char c) { switch (c) { case 'a': case 's': case 'r': case
'c': case 'l': case 'b': case 'n': helper(c); break; case 'q': break;
default: printf("Invalid input! "); } } // This function will determine what info is needed
and which function to send that info to. // It uses values that are returned from some functions to
produce the correct ouput. // There is no implementation needed here, but you should trace the
code and know how it works. // It is always helpful to understand how the code works before
implementing new features. // Do not change anything in this function or you risk failing the
automated test cases. void helper(char c) { if (c == 'a') { char input[100];
printf(" Please enter the dog's info in the following format: ");
printf("name:breed "); fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin); // discard ' '
chars attached to input input[strlen(input) - 1] = '0'; char* name =
strtok(input, ":"); // strtok used to parse string char* breed = strtok(NULL, ":");
struct dog* result = search_dog(name); if (result == NULL) {
add_dog(name, breed); printf(" Dog added to list successfully  ");
} else printf(" That dog is already on the list  "); } else if
(c == 's' || c == 'r' || c == 'c' || c == 'l') { char name[30]; printf("
Please enter the dog's name: "); fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin); //
discard ' ' chars attached to input name[strlen(name) - 1] = '0'; struct
dog* result = search_dog(name); if (result == NULL) printf(" That
dog is not on the list  "); else if (c == 's') printf(" Breed: %s  ",
result->breed); else if (c == 'r') { remove_one(name);
printf(" Dog removed from the list  "); } else if (c == 'c')
{ char date[30]; printf(" Please enter the date of the checkup:
"); fgets(date, sizeof(date), stdin); // discard ' ' chars attached to
input date[strlen(date) - 1] = '0'; add_checkup(name, date);
printf(" Checkup added  "); } else if (c == 'l') {
char* result = last_checkup(name); if (result == NULL)
printf(" No checkups documented.  "); else printf(" Last
checkup: %s  ", result); } } else if (c == 'b') { char
breed[30]; printf(" Please enter the breed: "); fgets(breed, sizeof(breed),
stdin); // discard ' ' chars attached to input breed[strlen(breed) - 1] = '0';
struct container* result = list_of_breed(breed); printf(" List of dogs with
breed type %s:  ", breed); display(result); remove_all(result);
result = NULL; } else // c = 'n' { struct container* result =
list_by_name(); printf(" List of dogs sorted by name:  "); display(result);
remove_all(result); result = NULL; } } // This function recursively
removes all dogs from the linked list of containers // Notice that all of the checkups for all of the
dogs must be removed as well void remove_all(struct container* dogs) { struct checkup*
temp; if (dogs != NULL) { remove_all(dogs->next); while (dogs-
>dog->checkups != NULL) { temp = dogs->dog->checkups;
dogs->dog->checkups = dogs->dog->checkups->next; free(temp); }
free(dogs->dog); free(dogs); } } // This function prints the list of dogs in
an organized format // It may be useful to trace this code before you get started void
display(struct container* dogs) { struct container* container_traverser = dogs; if
(container_traverser == NULL) { printf(" There are no dogs on this list!  ");
return; } while (container_traverser != NULL) // traverse list of dogs {
printf("Name: %s ", container_traverser->dog->name); printf("Breed: %s ",
container_traverser->dog->breed); printf("Checkups on file: "); struct
checkup* ptr = container_traverser->dog->checkups; if (ptr == NULL) {
printf("No checkups documented."); } else {
while (ptr != NULL) // traverse list of checkups { printf("
%s", ptr->date); ptr = ptr->next; } }
printf("  "); // formatting container_traverser = container_traverser->next; } }
// hw07 Q1 : add (5 points) // This function should add dog to the head of the list of containers. //
The function search_dog() is called before calling this function, // therefore you can assume that
the dog is not already on the list. void add_dog(char* name, char* breed) { } // hw07 Q2 :
search (5 points) // In this function, you are passed the name of a dog to find its breed. // If the
dog exists on the list, return a pointer to the requested dog. If not, return NULL. // (You must
return a pointer to a node in your list. Do not create a pointer that just includes the breed) //
(Remember that it is enough to search for a dog by only their name since no 2 dogs will have the
same name) struct dog* search_dog(char* name) { return NULL; } // hw07 Q3:
add_checkup (10) // In this function, you are passed the name of a dog and a date of a checkup. //
You should add the date to the tail of the linked list of the dogs "checkups". // You can assume
that all checkups will be added in chronological order. // The function search_dog() is called
before calling this function, // therefore you can assume that the dog is not already on the list.
void add_checkup(char* name, char* date) { } // hw07 Q4: last_checkup (15) // In this
function, you are passed the name of a dog to find the date of its last checkup. // Remember that
checkups are stored in chronological order, // therefore the last checkup will be at the tail of the
linked list of checkups. // If the dog has not yet had a checkup added to its list of checkups,
return NULL. // The function search_dog() is called before calling this function, // therefore you
can assume that the dog is not already on the list. char* last_checkup(char* name) { return
NULL; } // hw07 Q5: remove_one (15) // In this function, you are passed the name of a dog to
remove the corresponding dog from the list. // The search function is called before this function
so you can assume that the dog is on the list. // You will need to find the dog and remove it using
proper memory management to ensure no memory leaks. void remove_one(char* name) {
} // hw08 Q1: list_of_breed (25) // This function is used to construct a linked list of containers
from the global list of containers. // The returned list should only contain dogs which are of the
breed type parameter (container->dog->breed). // The list that you return will be cleaned up for
you by the remove_all() function (see helper() function), // however you will need to make sure
that you leave no dangling references (those cause memory leaks too). // Notice that the returned
list will need to contain all dog and checkup information to be displayed. struct container*
list_of_breed(char* breed) { return NULL; } // hw08 Q2: list_by_name (25) // This
function is used to construct a linked list of containers from the global list of containers. // The
returned list should be sorted alphabetically by each container's dog's name (container->dog-
>name). // The list that you return will be cleaned up for you by the remove_all() function (see
helper() function), // however you will need to make sure that you leave no dangling references
(those cause memory leaks too). // Notice that the returned list will need to contain all dog and
checkup information to be displayed. // You can again assume that for this assignment, no 2 dogs
on the list will have the same name. // You may want to use the function that you have written
above as a blueprint for this function. struct container* list_by_name() { return NULL; }
Please find the answer to the above problem as follows:-
// The following will be accepted as input in the following format: "name:breed"
// Example Input: "Spot:Terrier" or "Daisy:Poodle"
// Valid name: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter
// Valid breed: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter
// Valid date: String in the following format: "MM/DD/YYYY" ex: "01/01/2010"
// All input will be a valid length and no more than the allowed number of dogs will be added to
the linked list.
// included to check for memory leaks
// used to create a linked list of containers, each containing a "dog"
struct container {
struct dog *dog;
struct container *next;
} *List = NULL;
// used to hold dog information and linked list of "checkups"
struct dog {
char name[30];
char breed[30];
struct checkup *checkups;
// used to create a linked list of checkups containing "dates"
struct checkup {
char date[30];
struct checkup *next;
// forward declaration of functions that have already been implemented
void flush();
void branching(char);
void helper(char);
void remove_all(struct container*);
void display(struct container*);
// the following forward declarations are for functions that require implementation
// return type // name and parameters // points
void add_dog(char*, char*); // 5
struct dog* search_dog(char*); // 5
void add_checkup(char*, char*); // 10
char* last_checkup(char*); // 15
void remove_one(char*); // 15
// Total: 50 points for hw07
struct container* list_of_breed(char*); // 25
struct container* list_by_name(); // 25
// Total: 50 points for hw08
int main()
char ch = 'i';
printf("Dog Adoption Center  ");
printf("Please enter your selection: ");
printf("ta: add a new dog to the list ");
printf("ts: search for a dog on the list ");
printf("tr: remove a dog from the list ");
printf("tc: add a checkup date for dog ");
printf("tl: display last checkup for a dog ");
printf("tn: display list of dogs by name ");
printf("tb: display list of dogs of breed ");
printf("tq: quit ");
ch = tolower(getchar());
} while (ch != 'q');
List = NULL;
return 0;
// consume leftover ' ' characters
void flush()
int c;
do c = getchar(); while (c != ' ' && c != EOF);
// branch to different tasks
void branching(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a':
case 's':
case 'r':
case 'c':
case 'l':
case 'b':
case 'n': helper(c); break;
case 'q': break;
default: printf("Invalid input! ");
// This function will determine what info is needed and which function to send that info to.
// It uses values that are returned from some functions to produce the correct ouput.
// There is no implementation needed here, but you should trace the code and know how it
// It is always helpful to understand how the code works before implementing new features.
// Do not change anything in this function or you risk failing the automated test cases.
void helper(char c)
if (c == 'a')
char input[100];
printf(" Please enter the dog's info in the following format: ");
printf("name:breed ");
fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);
// discard ' ' chars attached to input
input[strlen(input) - 1] = '0';
char* name = strtok(input, ":"); // strtok used to parse string
char* breed = strtok(NULL, ":");
struct dog* result = search_dog(name);
if (result == NULL)
add_dog(name, breed);
printf(" Dog added to list successfully  ");
printf(" That dog is already on the list  ");
else if (c == 's' || c == 'r' || c == 'c' || c == 'l')
char name[30];
printf(" Please enter the dog's name: ");
fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin);
// discard ' ' chars attached to input
name[strlen(name) - 1] = '0';
struct dog* result = search_dog(name);
if (result == NULL)
printf(" That dog is not on the list  ");
else if (c == 's')
printf(" Breed: %s  ", result->breed);
else if (c == 'r')
printf(" Dog removed from the list  ");
else if (c == 'c')
char date[30];
printf(" Please enter the date of the checkup: ");
fgets(date, sizeof(date), stdin);
// discard ' ' chars attached to input
date[strlen(date) - 1] = '0';
add_checkup(name, date);
printf(" Checkup added  ");
else if (c == 'l')
char* result = last_checkup(name);
if (result == NULL)
printf(" No checkups documented.  ");
printf(" Last checkup: %s  ", result);
else if (c == 'b')
char breed[30];
printf(" Please enter the breed: ");
fgets(breed, sizeof(breed), stdin);
// discard ' ' chars attached to input
breed[strlen(breed) - 1] = '0';
struct container* result = list_of_breed(breed);
printf(" List of dogs with breed type %s:  ", breed);
result = NULL;
else // c = 'n'
struct container* result = list_by_name();
printf(" List of dogs sorted by name:  ");
result = NULL;
// This function recursively removes all dogs from the linked list of containers
// Notice that all of the checkups for all of the dogs must be removed as well
void remove_all(struct container* dogs)
struct checkup* temp;
if (dogs != NULL)
while (dogs->dog->checkups != NULL)
temp = dogs->dog->checkups;
dogs->dog->checkups = dogs->dog->checkups->next;
// This function prints the list of dogs in an organized format
// It may be useful to trace this code before you get started
void display(struct container* dogs)
struct container* container_traverser = dogs;
if (container_traverser == NULL)
printf(" There are no dogs on this list!  ");
while (container_traverser != NULL) // traverse list of dogs
printf("Name: %s ", container_traverser->dog->name);
printf("Breed: %s ", container_traverser->dog->breed);
printf("Checkups on file: ");
struct checkup* ptr = container_traverser->dog->checkups;
if (ptr == NULL)
printf("No checkups documented.");
while (ptr != NULL) // traverse list of checkups
printf(" %s", ptr->date);
ptr = ptr->next;
printf("  "); // formatting
container_traverser = container_traverser->next;
// hw07 Q1 : add (5 points)
// This function should add dog to the head of the list of containers.
// The function search_dog() is called before calling this function,
// therefore you can assume that the dog is not already on the list.
void add_dog(char* name, char* breed)
List = (struct container*)malloc(sizeof(struct container));
struct dog *newDog = (struct dog*)malloc(sizeof(struct dog));
strcpy(newDog->breed, breed);
strcpy(newDog->name, name);
newDog->checkups = NULL;
List->dog = newDog;
List->next = NULL;
struct dog *newDog = (struct dog*)malloc(sizeof(struct dog));
strcpy(newDog->breed, breed);
strcpy(newDog->name, name);
newDog->checkups = NULL;
struct container *traverser = List;
traverser = traverser->next;
struct container *newDogContainer = (struct container*)malloc(sizeof(struct container));
newDogContainer->dog = newDog;
newDogContainer->next = NULL;
traverser->next = newDogContainer;
// hw07 Q2 : search (5 points)
// In this function, you are passed the name of a dog to find its breed.
// If the dog exists on the list, return a pointer to the requested dog. If not, return NULL.
// (You must return a pointer to a node in your list. Do not create a pointer that just includes the
// (Remember that it is enough to search for a dog by only their name since no 2 dogs will have
the same name)
struct dog* search_dog(char* name)
struct container *traverser = List;
if(strcmp(name, traverser->dog->name)==0){
return traverser->dog;
traverser = traverser->next;
return NULL;
// hw07 Q3: add_checkup (10)
// In this function, you are passed the name of a dog and a date of a checkup.
// You should add the date to the tail of the linked list of the dogs "checkups".
// You can assume that all checkups will be added in chronological order.
// The function search_dog() is called before calling this function,
// therefore you can assume that the dog is not already on the list.
void add_checkup(char* name, char* date)
struct dog *myDog = search_dog(name);
struct checkup *newCheckup = (struct checkup*)malloc(sizeof(struct checkup));
strcpy(newCheckup->date, date);
newCheckup->next = NULL;
struct checkup *traverser = myDog->checkups;
myDog->checkups = newCheckup;
traverser = traverser->next;
traverser->next = newCheckup;
// hw07 Q4: last_checkup (15)
// In this function, you are passed the name of a dog to find the date of its last checkup.
// Remember that checkups are stored in chronological order,
// therefore the last checkup will be at the tail of the linked list of checkups.
// If the dog has not yet had a checkup added to its list of checkups, return NULL.
// The function search_dog() is called before calling this function,
// therefore you can assume that the dog is not already on the list.
char* last_checkup(char* name)
struct dog *myDog = search_dog(name);
struct checkup *traverser = myDog->checkups;
traverser = traverser->next;
return traverser->date;
return NULL;
// hw07 Q5: remove_one (15)
// In this function, you are passed the name of a dog to remove the corresponding dog from the
// The search function is called before this function so you can assume that the dog is on the list.
// You will need to find the dog and remove it using proper memory management to ensure no
memory leaks.
void remove_one(char* name)
struct container *traverser = List;
if(strcmp(traverser->dog->name, name)==0){
List = List->next;
struct container *prev = NULL;
while(strcmp(traverser->dog->name, name)!=0){
prev = traverser;
traverser = traverser->next;
prev->next = traverser->next;
// hw08 Q1: list_of_breed (25)
// This function is used to construct a linked list of containers from the global list of containers.
// The returned list should only contain dogs which are of the breed type parameter (container-
// The list that you return will be cleaned up for you by the remove_all() function (see helper()
// however you will need to make sure that you leave no dangling references (those cause
memory leaks too).
// Notice that the returned list will need to contain all dog and checkup information to be
struct container* list_of_breed(char* breed)
int counter = 0;
struct container *list_breed = (struct container *)malloc(sizeof(struct container));
struct container *traverser = List;
struct container *current;
if(strcmp(traverser->dog->breed, breed)==0){
current = (struct container *)malloc(sizeof(struct container));
struct dog *myDog = (struct dog *)malloc(sizeof(struct dog));
current->dog = myDog;
strcpy(current->dog->breed, traverser->dog->breed);
strcpy(current->dog->name, traverser->dog->name);
struct checkup *list_checkup = NULL;
struct checkup *ccurrent = NULL;
int ccounter = 0;
struct checkup *newCheckup = (struct checkup*)malloc(sizeof(struct checkup));
strcpy(newCheckup->date, traverser->dog->checkups->date);
newCheckup->next = NULL;
if(ccounter == 0){
list_checkup = newCheckup;
ccurrent = list_checkup;
ccurrent = ccurrent->next;
traverser->dog->checkups= traverser->dog->checkups->next;
current->dog->checkups = list_checkup;
current->next = NULL;
counter = 1;
current->next = list_breed;
list_breed = current;
traverser = traverser->next;
traverser = NULL;
current = NULL;
return list_breed;
// hw08 Q2: list_by_name (25)
// This function is used to construct a linked list of containers from the global list of containers.
// The returned list should be sorted alphabetically by each container's dog's name (container-
// The list that you return will be cleaned up for you by the remove_all() function (see helper()
// however you will need to make sure that you leave no dangling references (those cause
memory leaks too).
// Notice that the returned list will need to contain all dog and checkup information to be
// You can again assume that for this assignment, no 2 dogs on the list will have the same name.
// You may want to use the function that you have written above as a blueprint for this function.
struct container* list_by_name()
struct container *list_name = (struct container *)malloc(sizeof(struct container));
struct container *traverser = List;
struct container *temp = list_name;
list_name = NULL;
temp = list_name;
struct container *current = (struct container *)malloc(sizeof(struct container));
struct dog *myDog = (struct dog *)malloc(sizeof(struct dog));
current->dog = myDog;
strcpy(current->dog->breed, traverser->dog->breed);
strcpy(current->dog->name, traverser->dog->name);
struct checkup *list_checkup = NULL;
struct checkup *ccurrent = NULL;
int ccounter = 0;
struct checkup *newCheckup = (struct checkup*)malloc(sizeof(struct checkup));
strcpy(newCheckup->date, traverser->dog->checkups->date);
newCheckup->next = NULL;
if(ccounter == 0){
list_checkup = newCheckup;
ccurrent = list_checkup;
ccurrent = ccurrent->next;
traverser->dog->checkups= traverser->dog->checkups->next;
current->dog->checkups = list_checkup;
current->next = NULL;
list_name = current;
traverser = traverser->next;
if(strcmp(traverser->dog->name, temp->dog->name)<0){
current->next = temp;
list_name = current;
traverser = traverser->next;
struct container *prev = NULL;
bool inserted = false;
prev = temp;
temp = temp->next;
if(strcmp(traverser->dog->name, temp->dog->name)<0){
current->next = temp;
prev->next = current;
inserted = true;
current->next = NULL;
temp->next = current;
traverser = traverser->next;
return list_name;

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READ BEFORE YOU START Please read the given Word document fo.pdf

  • 1. // READ BEFORE YOU START: // Please read the given Word document for the project description with an illustrartive diagram. // You are given a partially completed program that creates a list of dogs for an adoption shelter. // Each dog has the corresponding information: name, breed, and a linked list of checkups. // Please read the instructions above each required function and follow the directions carefully. // If you modify any of the given code, return types, or parameters, you risk failing test cases. // // Note, Textbook Section 2.10 gives a case study on complex linked list operations. // This project is based on that case study. Make sure you read the code in section 2.10. // The following will be accepted as input in the following format: "name:breed" // Example Input: "Spot:Terrier" or "Daisy:Poodle" // Valid name: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter // Valid breed: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter // Valid date: String in the following format: "MM/DD/YYYY" ex: "01/01/2010" // All input will be a valid length and no more than the allowed number of dogs will be added to the linked list. #include #include #include #include // included to check for memory leaks #define CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #pragma warning(disable: 4996) // used to create a linked list of containers, each contaning a "dog" struct container { struct dog *dog; struct container *next; } *list = NULL; // used to hold dog information and linked list of "checkups" struct dog { char name[30]; char breed[30]; struct checkup *checkups; }; // used to create a linked list of checkups containing "dates" struct checkup { char date[30]; struct checkup *next; }; // forward declaration of functions that have already been implemented void flush(); void branching(char); void helper(char); void remove_all(struct container*); void display(struct container*); // the following forward declarations are for functions that require implementation // return type // name and parameters // points void add_dog(char*, char*); // 5 struct dog* search_dog(char*); // 5 void add_checkup(char*, char*); // 10 char* last_checkup(char*); // 15 void remove_one(char*); // 15 // Total: 50 points for hw07 struct container* list_of_breed(char*); // 25 struct container* list_by_name(); // 25 // Total: 50 points for hw08 int main() { char ch = 'i'; printf("Dog Adoption Center "); do { printf("Please enter your selection: "); printf("ta: add a new dog to the list "); printf("ts: search for a dog on the list "); printf("tr: remove a dog from the list "); printf("tc: add a checkup date for dog "); printf("tl: display last checkup for a dog "); printf("tn: display list of dogs by name "); printf("tb: display
  • 2. list of dogs of breed "); printf("tq: quit "); ch = tolower(getchar()); flush(); branching(ch); } while (ch != 'q'); remove_all(list); list = NULL; _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); // check for memory leaks (VS will let you know in output if they exist) return 0; } // consume leftover ' ' characters void flush() { int c; do c = getchar(); while (c != ' ' && c != EOF); } // branch to different tasks void branching(char c) { switch (c) { case 'a': case 's': case 'r': case 'c': case 'l': case 'b': case 'n': helper(c); break; case 'q': break; default: printf("Invalid input! "); } } // This function will determine what info is needed and which function to send that info to. // It uses values that are returned from some functions to produce the correct ouput. // There is no implementation needed here, but you should trace the code and know how it works. // It is always helpful to understand how the code works before implementing new features. // Do not change anything in this function or you risk failing the automated test cases. void helper(char c) { if (c == 'a') { char input[100]; printf(" Please enter the dog's info in the following format: "); printf("name:breed "); fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin); // discard ' ' chars attached to input input[strlen(input) - 1] = '0'; char* name = strtok(input, ":"); // strtok used to parse string char* breed = strtok(NULL, ":"); struct dog* result = search_dog(name); if (result == NULL) { add_dog(name, breed); printf(" Dog added to list successfully "); } else printf(" That dog is already on the list "); } else if (c == 's' || c == 'r' || c == 'c' || c == 'l') { char name[30]; printf(" Please enter the dog's name: "); fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin); // discard ' ' chars attached to input name[strlen(name) - 1] = '0'; struct dog* result = search_dog(name); if (result == NULL) printf(" That dog is not on the list "); else if (c == 's') printf(" Breed: %s ", result->breed); else if (c == 'r') { remove_one(name); printf(" Dog removed from the list "); } else if (c == 'c') { char date[30]; printf(" Please enter the date of the checkup: "); fgets(date, sizeof(date), stdin); // discard ' ' chars attached to input date[strlen(date) - 1] = '0'; add_checkup(name, date); printf(" Checkup added "); } else if (c == 'l') { char* result = last_checkup(name); if (result == NULL) printf(" No checkups documented. "); else printf(" Last checkup: %s ", result); } } else if (c == 'b') { char breed[30]; printf(" Please enter the breed: "); fgets(breed, sizeof(breed), stdin); // discard ' ' chars attached to input breed[strlen(breed) - 1] = '0';
  • 3. struct container* result = list_of_breed(breed); printf(" List of dogs with breed type %s: ", breed); display(result); remove_all(result); result = NULL; } else // c = 'n' { struct container* result = list_by_name(); printf(" List of dogs sorted by name: "); display(result); remove_all(result); result = NULL; } } // This function recursively removes all dogs from the linked list of containers // Notice that all of the checkups for all of the dogs must be removed as well void remove_all(struct container* dogs) { struct checkup* temp; if (dogs != NULL) { remove_all(dogs->next); while (dogs- >dog->checkups != NULL) { temp = dogs->dog->checkups; dogs->dog->checkups = dogs->dog->checkups->next; free(temp); } free(dogs->dog); free(dogs); } } // This function prints the list of dogs in an organized format // It may be useful to trace this code before you get started void display(struct container* dogs) { struct container* container_traverser = dogs; if (container_traverser == NULL) { printf(" There are no dogs on this list! "); return; } while (container_traverser != NULL) // traverse list of dogs { printf("Name: %s ", container_traverser->dog->name); printf("Breed: %s ", container_traverser->dog->breed); printf("Checkups on file: "); struct checkup* ptr = container_traverser->dog->checkups; if (ptr == NULL) { printf("No checkups documented."); } else { while (ptr != NULL) // traverse list of checkups { printf(" %s", ptr->date); ptr = ptr->next; } } printf(" "); // formatting container_traverser = container_traverser->next; } } // hw07 Q1 : add (5 points) // This function should add dog to the head of the list of containers. // The function search_dog() is called before calling this function, // therefore you can assume that the dog is not already on the list. void add_dog(char* name, char* breed) { } // hw07 Q2 : search (5 points) // In this function, you are passed the name of a dog to find its breed. // If the dog exists on the list, return a pointer to the requested dog. If not, return NULL. // (You must return a pointer to a node in your list. Do not create a pointer that just includes the breed) // (Remember that it is enough to search for a dog by only their name since no 2 dogs will have the same name) struct dog* search_dog(char* name) { return NULL; } // hw07 Q3: add_checkup (10) // In this function, you are passed the name of a dog and a date of a checkup. // You should add the date to the tail of the linked list of the dogs "checkups". // You can assume that all checkups will be added in chronological order. // The function search_dog() is called before calling this function, // therefore you can assume that the dog is not already on the list. void add_checkup(char* name, char* date) { } // hw07 Q4: last_checkup (15) // In this function, you are passed the name of a dog to find the date of its last checkup. // Remember that
  • 4. checkups are stored in chronological order, // therefore the last checkup will be at the tail of the linked list of checkups. // If the dog has not yet had a checkup added to its list of checkups, return NULL. // The function search_dog() is called before calling this function, // therefore you can assume that the dog is not already on the list. char* last_checkup(char* name) { return NULL; } // hw07 Q5: remove_one (15) // In this function, you are passed the name of a dog to remove the corresponding dog from the list. // The search function is called before this function so you can assume that the dog is on the list. // You will need to find the dog and remove it using proper memory management to ensure no memory leaks. void remove_one(char* name) { } // hw08 Q1: list_of_breed (25) // This function is used to construct a linked list of containers from the global list of containers. // The returned list should only contain dogs which are of the breed type parameter (container->dog->breed). // The list that you return will be cleaned up for you by the remove_all() function (see helper() function), // however you will need to make sure that you leave no dangling references (those cause memory leaks too). // Notice that the returned list will need to contain all dog and checkup information to be displayed. struct container* list_of_breed(char* breed) { return NULL; } // hw08 Q2: list_by_name (25) // This function is used to construct a linked list of containers from the global list of containers. // The returned list should be sorted alphabetically by each container's dog's name (container->dog- >name). // The list that you return will be cleaned up for you by the remove_all() function (see helper() function), // however you will need to make sure that you leave no dangling references (those cause memory leaks too). // Notice that the returned list will need to contain all dog and checkup information to be displayed. // You can again assume that for this assignment, no 2 dogs on the list will have the same name. // You may want to use the function that you have written above as a blueprint for this function. struct container* list_by_name() { return NULL; } Solution Please find the answer to the above problem as follows:- // The following will be accepted as input in the following format: "name:breed" // Example Input: "Spot:Terrier" or "Daisy:Poodle" // Valid name: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter // Valid breed: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter // Valid date: String in the following format: "MM/DD/YYYY" ex: "01/01/2010" // All input will be a valid length and no more than the allowed number of dogs will be added to the linked list. #include #include
  • 5. #include #include #include"DogAdoptionFunctions.cpp" // included to check for memory leaks // used to create a linked list of containers, each containing a "dog" struct container { struct dog *dog; struct container *next; } *List = NULL; // used to hold dog information and linked list of "checkups" struct dog { char name[30]; char breed[30]; struct checkup *checkups; }; // used to create a linked list of checkups containing "dates" struct checkup { char date[30]; struct checkup *next; }; // forward declaration of functions that have already been implemented void flush(); void branching(char); void helper(char); void remove_all(struct container*); void display(struct container*); // the following forward declarations are for functions that require implementation // return type // name and parameters // points void add_dog(char*, char*); // 5 struct dog* search_dog(char*); // 5 void add_checkup(char*, char*); // 10 char* last_checkup(char*); // 15 void remove_one(char*); // 15 // Total: 50 points for hw07 struct container* list_of_breed(char*); // 25
  • 6. struct container* list_by_name(); // 25 // Total: 50 points for hw08 int main() { char ch = 'i'; printf("Dog Adoption Center "); do { printf("Please enter your selection: "); printf("ta: add a new dog to the list "); printf("ts: search for a dog on the list "); printf("tr: remove a dog from the list "); printf("tc: add a checkup date for dog "); printf("tl: display last checkup for a dog "); printf("tn: display list of dogs by name "); printf("tb: display list of dogs of breed "); printf("tq: quit "); ch = tolower(getchar()); flush(); branching(ch); } while (ch != 'q'); remove_all(List); List = NULL; free(List); return 0; } // consume leftover ' ' characters void flush() { int c; do c = getchar(); while (c != ' ' && c != EOF); } // branch to different tasks void branching(char c) { switch (c)
  • 7. { case 'a': case 's': case 'r': case 'c': case 'l': case 'b': case 'n': helper(c); break; case 'q': break; default: printf("Invalid input! "); } } // This function will determine what info is needed and which function to send that info to. // It uses values that are returned from some functions to produce the correct ouput. // There is no implementation needed here, but you should trace the code and know how it works. // It is always helpful to understand how the code works before implementing new features. // Do not change anything in this function or you risk failing the automated test cases. void helper(char c) { if (c == 'a') { char input[100]; printf(" Please enter the dog's info in the following format: "); printf("name:breed "); fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin); // discard ' ' chars attached to input input[strlen(input) - 1] = '0'; char* name = strtok(input, ":"); // strtok used to parse string char* breed = strtok(NULL, ":"); struct dog* result = search_dog(name); if (result == NULL) { add_dog(name, breed); printf(" Dog added to list successfully "); }
  • 8. else printf(" That dog is already on the list "); } else if (c == 's' || c == 'r' || c == 'c' || c == 'l') { char name[30]; printf(" Please enter the dog's name: "); fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin); // discard ' ' chars attached to input name[strlen(name) - 1] = '0'; struct dog* result = search_dog(name); if (result == NULL) printf(" That dog is not on the list "); else if (c == 's') printf(" Breed: %s ", result->breed); else if (c == 'r') { remove_one(name); printf(" Dog removed from the list "); } else if (c == 'c') { char date[30]; printf(" Please enter the date of the checkup: "); fgets(date, sizeof(date), stdin); // discard ' ' chars attached to input date[strlen(date) - 1] = '0'; add_checkup(name, date); printf(" Checkup added "); } else if (c == 'l') { char* result = last_checkup(name); if (result == NULL) printf(" No checkups documented. "); else
  • 9. printf(" Last checkup: %s ", result); } } else if (c == 'b') { char breed[30]; printf(" Please enter the breed: "); fgets(breed, sizeof(breed), stdin); // discard ' ' chars attached to input breed[strlen(breed) - 1] = '0'; struct container* result = list_of_breed(breed); printf(" List of dogs with breed type %s: ", breed); display(result); remove_all(result); result = NULL; } else // c = 'n' { struct container* result = list_by_name(); printf(" List of dogs sorted by name: "); display(result); remove_all(result); result = NULL; } } // This function recursively removes all dogs from the linked list of containers // Notice that all of the checkups for all of the dogs must be removed as well void remove_all(struct container* dogs) { struct checkup* temp; if (dogs != NULL) { remove_all(dogs->next); while (dogs->dog->checkups != NULL) { temp = dogs->dog->checkups;
  • 10. dogs->dog->checkups = dogs->dog->checkups->next; free(temp); } free(dogs->dog); free(dogs); } } // This function prints the list of dogs in an organized format // It may be useful to trace this code before you get started void display(struct container* dogs) { struct container* container_traverser = dogs; if (container_traverser == NULL) { printf(" There are no dogs on this list! "); return; } while (container_traverser != NULL) // traverse list of dogs { printf("Name: %s ", container_traverser->dog->name); printf("Breed: %s ", container_traverser->dog->breed); printf("Checkups on file: "); struct checkup* ptr = container_traverser->dog->checkups; if (ptr == NULL) { printf("No checkups documented."); } else { while (ptr != NULL) // traverse list of checkups { printf(" %s", ptr->date); ptr = ptr->next; } } printf(" "); // formatting
  • 11. container_traverser = container_traverser->next; } } // hw07 Q1 : add (5 points) // This function should add dog to the head of the list of containers. // The function search_dog() is called before calling this function, // therefore you can assume that the dog is not already on the list. void add_dog(char* name, char* breed) { if(List==NULL){ List = (struct container*)malloc(sizeof(struct container)); struct dog *newDog = (struct dog*)malloc(sizeof(struct dog)); strcpy(newDog->breed, breed); strcpy(newDog->name, name); newDog->checkups = NULL; List->dog = newDog; List->next = NULL; }else{ struct dog *newDog = (struct dog*)malloc(sizeof(struct dog)); strcpy(newDog->breed, breed); strcpy(newDog->name, name); newDog->checkups = NULL; struct container *traverser = List; while(traverser->next!=NULL){ traverser = traverser->next; } struct container *newDogContainer = (struct container*)malloc(sizeof(struct container)); newDogContainer->dog = newDog; newDogContainer->next = NULL; traverser->next = newDogContainer; } } // hw07 Q2 : search (5 points) // In this function, you are passed the name of a dog to find its breed. // If the dog exists on the list, return a pointer to the requested dog. If not, return NULL. // (You must return a pointer to a node in your list. Do not create a pointer that just includes the
  • 12. breed) // (Remember that it is enough to search for a dog by only their name since no 2 dogs will have the same name) struct dog* search_dog(char* name) { struct container *traverser = List; while(traverser!=NULL){ if(strcmp(name, traverser->dog->name)==0){ return traverser->dog; } traverser = traverser->next; } return NULL; } // hw07 Q3: add_checkup (10) // In this function, you are passed the name of a dog and a date of a checkup. // You should add the date to the tail of the linked list of the dogs "checkups". // You can assume that all checkups will be added in chronological order. // The function search_dog() is called before calling this function, // therefore you can assume that the dog is not already on the list. void add_checkup(char* name, char* date) { struct dog *myDog = search_dog(name); if(myDog!=NULL){ struct checkup *newCheckup = (struct checkup*)malloc(sizeof(struct checkup)); strcpy(newCheckup->date, date); newCheckup->next = NULL; struct checkup *traverser = myDog->checkups; if(traverser==NULL){ myDog->checkups = newCheckup; }else{ while(traverser->next!=NULL){ traverser = traverser->next; } traverser->next = newCheckup; }
  • 13. } } // hw07 Q4: last_checkup (15) // In this function, you are passed the name of a dog to find the date of its last checkup. // Remember that checkups are stored in chronological order, // therefore the last checkup will be at the tail of the linked list of checkups. // If the dog has not yet had a checkup added to its list of checkups, return NULL. // The function search_dog() is called before calling this function, // therefore you can assume that the dog is not already on the list. char* last_checkup(char* name) { struct dog *myDog = search_dog(name); if(myDog!=NULL){ struct checkup *traverser = myDog->checkups; while(traverser->next!=NULL){ traverser = traverser->next; } return traverser->date; }else return NULL; } // hw07 Q5: remove_one (15) // In this function, you are passed the name of a dog to remove the corresponding dog from the list. // The search function is called before this function so you can assume that the dog is on the list. // You will need to find the dog and remove it using proper memory management to ensure no memory leaks. void remove_one(char* name) { struct container *traverser = List; if(strcmp(traverser->dog->name, name)==0){ List = List->next; return; }else{ struct container *prev = NULL; while(strcmp(traverser->dog->name, name)!=0){
  • 14. prev = traverser; traverser = traverser->next; } prev->next = traverser->next; free(traverser); } } // hw08 Q1: list_of_breed (25) // This function is used to construct a linked list of containers from the global list of containers. // The returned list should only contain dogs which are of the breed type parameter (container- >dog->breed). // The list that you return will be cleaned up for you by the remove_all() function (see helper() function), // however you will need to make sure that you leave no dangling references (those cause memory leaks too). // Notice that the returned list will need to contain all dog and checkup information to be displayed. struct container* list_of_breed(char* breed) { int counter = 0; struct container *list_breed = (struct container *)malloc(sizeof(struct container)); struct container *traverser = List; struct container *current; while(traverser!=NULL){ if(strcmp(traverser->dog->breed, breed)==0){ current = (struct container *)malloc(sizeof(struct container)); struct dog *myDog = (struct dog *)malloc(sizeof(struct dog)); current->dog = myDog; strcpy(current->dog->breed, traverser->dog->breed); strcpy(current->dog->name, traverser->dog->name); current->dog->checkups=NULL; struct checkup *list_checkup = NULL; struct checkup *ccurrent = NULL; int ccounter = 0; while(traverser->dog->checkups!=NULL){ struct checkup *newCheckup = (struct checkup*)malloc(sizeof(struct checkup));
  • 15. strcpy(newCheckup->date, traverser->dog->checkups->date); newCheckup->next = NULL; if(ccounter == 0){ list_checkup = newCheckup; }else{ ccurrent = list_checkup; while(ccurrent->next!=NULL){ ccurrent = ccurrent->next; } ccurrent->next=newCheckup; } traverser->dog->checkups= traverser->dog->checkups->next; } current->dog->checkups = list_checkup; if(counter==0){ current->next = NULL; counter = 1; }else current->next = list_breed; list_breed = current; } traverser = traverser->next; } traverser = NULL; current = NULL; free(traverser); free(current); display(list_breed); return list_breed; } // hw08 Q2: list_by_name (25) // This function is used to construct a linked list of containers from the global list of containers. // The returned list should be sorted alphabetically by each container's dog's name (container- >dog->name). // The list that you return will be cleaned up for you by the remove_all() function (see helper() function),
  • 16. // however you will need to make sure that you leave no dangling references (those cause memory leaks too). // Notice that the returned list will need to contain all dog and checkup information to be displayed. // You can again assume that for this assignment, no 2 dogs on the list will have the same name. // You may want to use the function that you have written above as a blueprint for this function. struct container* list_by_name() { struct container *list_name = (struct container *)malloc(sizeof(struct container)); struct container *traverser = List; struct container *temp = list_name; list_name = NULL; while(traverser!=NULL){ temp = list_name; struct container *current = (struct container *)malloc(sizeof(struct container)); struct dog *myDog = (struct dog *)malloc(sizeof(struct dog)); current->dog = myDog; strcpy(current->dog->breed, traverser->dog->breed); strcpy(current->dog->name, traverser->dog->name); current->dog->checkups=NULL; struct checkup *list_checkup = NULL; struct checkup *ccurrent = NULL; int ccounter = 0; while(traverser->dog->checkups!=NULL){ struct checkup *newCheckup = (struct checkup*)malloc(sizeof(struct checkup)); strcpy(newCheckup->date, traverser->dog->checkups->date); newCheckup->next = NULL; if(ccounter == 0){ list_checkup = newCheckup; }else{ ccurrent = list_checkup; while(ccurrent->next!=NULL){ ccurrent = ccurrent->next; } ccurrent->next=newCheckup; }
  • 17. traverser->dog->checkups= traverser->dog->checkups->next; } current->dog->checkups = list_checkup; if(temp==NULL){ current->next = NULL; list_name = current; traverser = traverser->next; continue; } if(strcmp(traverser->dog->name, temp->dog->name)<0){ current->next = temp; list_name = current; traverser = traverser->next; continue; } struct container *prev = NULL; bool inserted = false; while(temp->next!=NULL){ prev = temp; temp = temp->next; if(strcmp(traverser->dog->name, temp->dog->name)<0){ current->next = temp; prev->next = current; inserted = true; break; } } if(!inserted){ current->next = NULL; temp->next = current; } traverser = traverser->next; } return list_name; }