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Omero G. Mwale
Msc . Mental Health Nursing
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Learning outcomes
 Upon completion of this topic participants should be
able to;
 Define the following terms:
 stress
 Stressor
 Adaptation response
 maladaptation
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Identify the physiological responses to stress
 Explain the relationship between stress and diseases of
 Describe the concept of stress as an environmental event.
 Explain the concept of stress as a transaction between the
individual and the environment
 Discuss adaptive coping strategies in management of stress
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Stress –may be viewed as an individuals reaction to
any change that requires an adjustment or
response, which can be physical mental or
 Stressor-a biological , physiological, social or
chemical factor that causes physical or emotional
tension and may be a factor in the etiology of certain
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 adaptation- is viewed as positive and is correlated
with a healthy response.
 When behavior disrupts the integrity of the individual
it is perceived as maladaptive (negative or
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Physiological response to stress
 Selye, 1976, called this as state manifestated by a
specific syndrome which consists of all the
nonspecifically induced changes within a biological
 Syndrome of symptoms is known as fight or flight
 Called this general reaction of the body
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
to stress the general adaptation syndrome.
 Has three phases
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
1.Alarm reaction phase
 Fight or flight syndrome are initiated
 The body prepares to fight or adjust to the stressor
by increasing ;
 heart rate
 blood sugar
 respiration and muscle tension
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
2.Resistance stage
 The individual uses the physiological responses of
the first stage as a defense in the attempt to adapt to
the stressor.
 If adaptation takes place the third stage is prevented
or can be delayed.
 Physiological symptoms may disappear.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
3.Exhaustion stage
 It takes place when there is a prolonged exposure to
the stressor to which the body has become adjusted
 The adaptive energy is depleted
 Diseases of adaptation may occur
 Such as headaches, ulcers, coronary heart
disease, mental disorders
 Without intervention, this may result into death.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
general adaptation syndrome
blood sugar
responses are
Energy is
Death can
occur without
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Stress as an environmental
 The event creates change in the life pattern of the
individual , requires significant adjustment in lifestyle
and taxes available personal resources.
 The change can be either positive, such as
outstanding personal achievement, or negative such
as being fired from job.
 What is important is the change from the
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
existing steady state of the individuals life pattern
 Miller and Rahe found that women react to life stress
events at higher levels than men,
 And unmarried people gave higher scores than
married people for most of the events.
 They used a rating scale with numerical values.
 Table 1-1 (Townsend 2012)
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Younger subjects rated more events at a higher
stress level than older subjects
 A higher score on the recent life changes
questionnaire( RLCQ) puts the individual at greater
susceptibility to physical or physiological illness
 The questionnaire may be completed considering life
stressors within a 6 months or 1-year period.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Six months totals equal to or greater than 300 life change
units(LCU’s) or
 1 – year totals equals to or greater than 500 (LCU) are
considered indicative of a high level of recent life stress,
 Thereby increasing the risk of illness for the individual.
 It is not known whether stress overload
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Merely predisposes a person to illness or actually
precipitates it but there does appear to be a causal
link( Pellelier 1992 cited in Townsend 2012)
 The drawback to life changes questionnaire is that it
does not consider the individuals perception of the
 Individuals differ in their reaction to life events
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 And these variations are related to the degree to
which the change is perceived as stressful.
 The same instruments fail to account for the
individuals coping strategies and available support
systems at the time when the life change occurs.
 Positive coping mechanisms and strong
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Social or familial support can reduce the intensity of
the stressful life changes and promote a more
adaptive response.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Stress as a transaction between
the individual and the
 The emphasis is the relationship between the individual
and the environment.
 Personal characteristics and the nature of the
environmental event are important.
 This differs with the modern explanation of the etiology of
 No longer is causation viewed solely as an external entity
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Whether or not illness takes place depends also on
the affected organism susceptibility.
 Similarly, to predict psychological stress as a
reaction, the properties of the person in relation to
the environment must be considered.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Precipitating event
 Is a stimulus arising from the internal or external
environment and is perceived by the individual in a
specific manner.
 The determination that a particular person-environment
relationship is stressful depends on the individuals
cognitive appraisal of the situation.
 Cognitive appraisal is an individual evaluation of the
personal significance of the event or
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Or occurrence.
 The event precipitates a response on the part of the
individual, and the response is influenced by the
individuals perception of the event.
 The cognitive response consists of a primary
appraisal and secondary appraisal.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Individuals perception of the
 1. primary appraisal
 Lazarus and Folkman 1984 cited in (Townsend
2012), identified three types of primary appraisal.
 1.Irrelevant
 2.Benign-positive
 3.stressful
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 An event is judged irrelevant when the outcome
holds no significance for the individual.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
2.A benign-positive outcome
 Is one that is perceived as producing a pleasure for the
 Stress appraisal include harm/loss, threat and challenge.
 Harm/loss appraisals refers to damage or loss already
experienced by the individual.
 Appraisals of a threatening nature are perceived as
anticipated harm/loses
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 When an event is appraised as challenging, the
individuals focuses on potential for gain or
growth, rather than a risks associated with the event.
 Challenge produces stress even though the
emotions associated with it (eagerness and
excitement) are viewed as positive and coping
mechanisms must be called
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
to face the new encounter.
 Challenge and threat may occur together when an
individual experiences these positive emotions along with
fear or anxiety over possible risks associated with
challenging event.
 3.When stress is produced in response to
harm/loss, threat or challenge , a secondary appraisal is
made by the person.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Secondary appraisal
 This is an assessment of the skills, resources, and
knowledge that the person posses to deal with the
 The individual evaluates by considering the following;
• Do I have the resources to deal effectively with this challenge
or stressor?
• Which coping strategies are available to me?
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Secondary app..Cont,
 Will the option I choose be effective in this situation
 Do I have the ability to use that strategy in an
effective manner
 The interaction between the primary appraisal of the
event that has occurred and the secondary appraisal
available coping strategies determines the quality of
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 the individuals adaptation response to stress.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Predisposing factors
 A variety of elements influence how an individual
perceives and responds to a stressful event.
 These predisposing factors strongly influence
whether the response is adaptive or maladaptive.
 Types of predisposing factors include genetic
influences, past experiences and
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Existing conditions
 Genetic influences are those circumstances of an
individual’s life that are acquired through heredity.
 Examples include family history or physical and
physiological conditions( strengths and weaknesses)
 And temperament ( behavioral characteristics
present at birth
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
that evolve with development).
 Past experiences are occurrence that result in
learned patterns that can influence an individual’s
adaptation response
 They include previous exposure to the stressor or
the other stressors, learned coping responses and
degree of adaptation to previous stressors.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Existing conditions incorporate vulnerabilities that
influence the adequacy of the individual’s
physical, psychological and social resources for
dealing with adaptive demands.
 Examples include current health
status, motivation, developmental maturity, severity
and duration of the stressor,
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Financial and educational resources ,age, existing
coping strategies and a support system of caring
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Transactional model of
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Stress management
 It involves the use of coping strategies in response
to stressful situations.
 Coping strategies are adaptive when they protect the
individual from harm ( or additional harm ) or
strengthen the individual’s ability to meet challenging
 Adaptive responses help restore homeostasis
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 To the body and impede the development of diseases of
 Coping strategies are considered maladaptive when the
conflict being experienced goes unresolved or intensifies
 Energy resources become depleted as the body
struggles to compensate for the chronic physiological and
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
arousal being experienced.
 The effect is a significant vulnerability to physical or
psychological illness.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Adaptive coping strategies
 Awareness – to become aware of the factors that
create stress and feelings associated with a stressful
 Stress can be controlled only when one recognizes
that it is being experienced.
 As one becomes aware of stress he or she can omit
,avoid or accept them.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Individuals experience relaxation in different ways.
 Exercise that require strong energy
 Use of breathing exercises and progressive
relaxation relieve stress
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Involves assuming a comfortable position, closing
the eyes, casting off all other thoughts and
concentrating on a single word, sound or phrase that
has a positive meaning to the individual.
 Practiced 20 minutes once or twice daily , has shown
to produce a lasting reduction in blood pressure and
other stress related symptoms.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Interpersonal communication
with others
 Talking the problem out with an individual who is
empathetic is sufficient to interrupt escalation of the
stress response.
 Writing about one’s feeling in a journal or daily can
also be therapeutic.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Problem solving
 Done objectively by looking at a situation.
 After an objective assessment of the situation, the
problem solving /decision making model can be put in
 Assess the facts of the situation
 Formulate goals for resolution of the stressful situation
 Study the alternatives for dealing with the situation
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Determine the risks and benefits of each alternative
 Implement the alternative selected
 Evaluate the outcome of the alternative implemented
 If the first choice is ineffective select and implement
a second option
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Studies have shown that people who care for pets
especially dogs and cats are better able to cope with
stressors of life (Allen, Blascovich &
Mendes, 2002, Barker Knisely, Mccain &Best 2005
cited in Townsend 2012).
 The physical act of stroking or petting a dog or cat
can be therapeutic
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 It gives the animal an intuitive sense of being cared for
and at the same time gives the individual the calming
feeling of warmth, affection and interdependence with a
reliable trusting being.
 One study revealed evidence that individuals
experienced a statistically significant drop in blood
pressure in response to petting a dog or cat(whitaker
2000 cited in townsend 2012.
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Creating and listening to music stimulate
motivation, enjoyment and relaxation.
 Music can reduce depression and bring about
measurable changes in mood and general
activity.(classical or spiritual music)
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
Ethical Issues About
Stress in Organizations
 Organizational change: do managers have an ethical duty to
prepare employees for change?
 Physical work environment: is it unethical for managers to
knowingly expose workers to hazards?
 Person-environment fit: is it unethical for an organization to
distort information about a job?
 Knowledge about work and nonwork stressors: should
managers consider nonwork stressors when trying to
understand the total stress effects on an employee?
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 How would you know that your employees are
stressed up as a manager?
 Physical symptoms.
 behavioral symptoms.
 How do you deal with stress in a work place ?
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health
 Townsend M,C. (2012) Psychiatric Mental Health
Nursing.Concepts of care in evidence based
practice. 7th edition. Davis company;philadephia.
 Meyer s, Naude Nierkek (2005) .the unit
manager.comprehensive guide. JUTTA; South
reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc
mental health

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Reactions to socio environmental stress

  • 1. Omero G. Mwale Msc . Mental Health Nursing reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 2. Learning outcomes  Upon completion of this topic participants should be able to;  Define the following terms:  stress  Stressor  Adaptation response  maladaptation reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 3. Objec,cont  Identify the physiological responses to stress  Explain the relationship between stress and diseases of adaptation  Describe the concept of stress as an environmental event.  Explain the concept of stress as a transaction between the individual and the environment  Discuss adaptive coping strategies in management of stress reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 4. Definitions  Stress –may be viewed as an individuals reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response, which can be physical mental or emotional.  Stressor-a biological , physiological, social or chemical factor that causes physical or emotional tension and may be a factor in the etiology of certain illness reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 5. Defin,cont  adaptation- is viewed as positive and is correlated with a healthy response.  When behavior disrupts the integrity of the individual it is perceived as maladaptive (negative or unhealthy) reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 6. Physiological response to stress  Selye, 1976, called this as state manifestated by a specific syndrome which consists of all the nonspecifically induced changes within a biological system.  Syndrome of symptoms is known as fight or flight syndrome  Called this general reaction of the body reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 7. Cont, to stress the general adaptation syndrome.  Has three phases reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 8. 1.Alarm reaction phase  Fight or flight syndrome are initiated  The body prepares to fight or adjust to the stressor by increasing ;  heart rate  blood sugar  respiration and muscle tension reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 9. 2.Resistance stage  The individual uses the physiological responses of the first stage as a defense in the attempt to adapt to the stressor.  If adaptation takes place the third stage is prevented or can be delayed.  Physiological symptoms may disappear. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 10. 3.Exhaustion stage  It takes place when there is a prolonged exposure to the stressor to which the body has become adjusted  The adaptive energy is depleted  Diseases of adaptation may occur  Such as headaches, ulcers, coronary heart disease, mental disorders  Without intervention, this may result into death. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 11. general adaptation syndrome (diagrammatically) Alarmreactionstage Increased blood sugar Respirations increase Blood pressure increase Resistancestage Physiological responses are used Exhaustionstage Energy is depleted Death can occur without interventions reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 12. Stress as an environmental event  The event creates change in the life pattern of the individual , requires significant adjustment in lifestyle and taxes available personal resources.  The change can be either positive, such as outstanding personal achievement, or negative such as being fired from job.  What is important is the change from the reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 13. cont existing steady state of the individuals life pattern  Miller and Rahe found that women react to life stress events at higher levels than men,  And unmarried people gave higher scores than married people for most of the events.  They used a rating scale with numerical values.  Table 1-1 (Townsend 2012) reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 14. Cont,  Younger subjects rated more events at a higher stress level than older subjects  A higher score on the recent life changes questionnaire( RLCQ) puts the individual at greater susceptibility to physical or physiological illness  The questionnaire may be completed considering life stressors within a 6 months or 1-year period. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 15. Cont,  Six months totals equal to or greater than 300 life change units(LCU’s) or  1 – year totals equals to or greater than 500 (LCU) are considered indicative of a high level of recent life stress,  Thereby increasing the risk of illness for the individual.  It is not known whether stress overload reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 16. cont Merely predisposes a person to illness or actually precipitates it but there does appear to be a causal link( Pellelier 1992 cited in Townsend 2012)  The drawback to life changes questionnaire is that it does not consider the individuals perception of the event.  Individuals differ in their reaction to life events reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 17. Cont,  And these variations are related to the degree to which the change is perceived as stressful.  The same instruments fail to account for the individuals coping strategies and available support systems at the time when the life change occurs.  Positive coping mechanisms and strong reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 18. Cont,  Social or familial support can reduce the intensity of the stressful life changes and promote a more adaptive response. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 19. Stress as a transaction between the individual and the environment  The emphasis is the relationship between the individual and the environment.  Personal characteristics and the nature of the environmental event are important.  This differs with the modern explanation of the etiology of disease  No longer is causation viewed solely as an external entity reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 20. Cont,  Whether or not illness takes place depends also on the affected organism susceptibility.  Similarly, to predict psychological stress as a reaction, the properties of the person in relation to the environment must be considered. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 21. Precipitating event  Is a stimulus arising from the internal or external environment and is perceived by the individual in a specific manner.  The determination that a particular person-environment relationship is stressful depends on the individuals cognitive appraisal of the situation.  Cognitive appraisal is an individual evaluation of the personal significance of the event or reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 22. Cont,  Or occurrence.  The event precipitates a response on the part of the individual, and the response is influenced by the individuals perception of the event.  The cognitive response consists of a primary appraisal and secondary appraisal. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 23. Individuals perception of the event  1. primary appraisal  Lazarus and Folkman 1984 cited in (Townsend 2012), identified three types of primary appraisal.  1.Irrelevant  2.Benign-positive  3.stressful reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 24. 1.Irrelevant  An event is judged irrelevant when the outcome holds no significance for the individual. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 25. 2.A benign-positive outcome  Is one that is perceived as producing a pleasure for the individual  Stress appraisal include harm/loss, threat and challenge.  Harm/loss appraisals refers to damage or loss already experienced by the individual.  Appraisals of a threatening nature are perceived as anticipated harm/loses reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 26. Cont,  When an event is appraised as challenging, the individuals focuses on potential for gain or growth, rather than a risks associated with the event.  Challenge produces stress even though the emotions associated with it (eagerness and excitement) are viewed as positive and coping mechanisms must be called reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 27. cont to face the new encounter.  Challenge and threat may occur together when an individual experiences these positive emotions along with fear or anxiety over possible risks associated with challenging event.  3.When stress is produced in response to harm/loss, threat or challenge , a secondary appraisal is made by the person. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 28. Secondary appraisal  This is an assessment of the skills, resources, and knowledge that the person posses to deal with the situation.  The individual evaluates by considering the following; • Do I have the resources to deal effectively with this challenge or stressor? • Which coping strategies are available to me? reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 29. Secondary app..Cont,  Will the option I choose be effective in this situation  Do I have the ability to use that strategy in an effective manner  The interaction between the primary appraisal of the event that has occurred and the secondary appraisal available coping strategies determines the quality of reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 30. Cont,  the individuals adaptation response to stress. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 31. Predisposing factors  A variety of elements influence how an individual perceives and responds to a stressful event.  These predisposing factors strongly influence whether the response is adaptive or maladaptive.  Types of predisposing factors include genetic influences, past experiences and reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 32. Cont,  Existing conditions  Genetic influences are those circumstances of an individual’s life that are acquired through heredity.  Examples include family history or physical and physiological conditions( strengths and weaknesses)  And temperament ( behavioral characteristics present at birth reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 33. Cont, that evolve with development).  Past experiences are occurrence that result in learned patterns that can influence an individual’s adaptation response  They include previous exposure to the stressor or the other stressors, learned coping responses and degree of adaptation to previous stressors. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 34. Cont.  Existing conditions incorporate vulnerabilities that influence the adequacy of the individual’s physical, psychological and social resources for dealing with adaptive demands.  Examples include current health status, motivation, developmental maturity, severity and duration of the stressor, reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 35. Cont,  Financial and educational resources ,age, existing coping strategies and a support system of caring others. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 36. Transactional model of stress/adaptation reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 37. Stress management  It involves the use of coping strategies in response to stressful situations.  Coping strategies are adaptive when they protect the individual from harm ( or additional harm ) or strengthen the individual’s ability to meet challenging situations.  Adaptive responses help restore homeostasis reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 38. Cont,  To the body and impede the development of diseases of adaptation.  Coping strategies are considered maladaptive when the conflict being experienced goes unresolved or intensifies  Energy resources become depleted as the body struggles to compensate for the chronic physiological and psychological reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 39. Cont, arousal being experienced.  The effect is a significant vulnerability to physical or psychological illness. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 40. Adaptive coping strategies  Awareness – to become aware of the factors that create stress and feelings associated with a stressful response  Stress can be controlled only when one recognizes that it is being experienced.  As one becomes aware of stress he or she can omit ,avoid or accept them. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 41. Relaxation  Individuals experience relaxation in different ways.  Exercise that require strong energy  Use of breathing exercises and progressive relaxation relieve stress reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 42. Meditation  Involves assuming a comfortable position, closing the eyes, casting off all other thoughts and concentrating on a single word, sound or phrase that has a positive meaning to the individual.  Practiced 20 minutes once or twice daily , has shown to produce a lasting reduction in blood pressure and other stress related symptoms. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 43. Interpersonal communication with others  Talking the problem out with an individual who is empathetic is sufficient to interrupt escalation of the stress response.  Writing about one’s feeling in a journal or daily can also be therapeutic. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 44. Problem solving  Done objectively by looking at a situation.  After an objective assessment of the situation, the problem solving /decision making model can be put in place.  Assess the facts of the situation  Formulate goals for resolution of the stressful situation  Study the alternatives for dealing with the situation reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 45. Cont,  Determine the risks and benefits of each alternative  Implement the alternative selected  Evaluate the outcome of the alternative implemented  If the first choice is ineffective select and implement a second option reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 46. Pets  Studies have shown that people who care for pets especially dogs and cats are better able to cope with stressors of life (Allen, Blascovich & Mendes, 2002, Barker Knisely, Mccain &Best 2005 cited in Townsend 2012).  The physical act of stroking or petting a dog or cat can be therapeutic reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 47. Cont,  It gives the animal an intuitive sense of being cared for and at the same time gives the individual the calming feeling of warmth, affection and interdependence with a reliable trusting being.  One study revealed evidence that individuals experienced a statistically significant drop in blood pressure in response to petting a dog or cat(whitaker 2000 cited in townsend 2012. reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 48. Music  Creating and listening to music stimulate motivation, enjoyment and relaxation.  Music can reduce depression and bring about measurable changes in mood and general activity.(classical or spiritual music) reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 49. Ethical Issues About Stress in Organizations  Organizational change: do managers have an ethical duty to prepare employees for change?  Physical work environment: is it unethical for managers to knowingly expose workers to hazards?  Person-environment fit: is it unethical for an organization to distort information about a job?  Knowledge about work and nonwork stressors: should managers consider nonwork stressors when trying to understand the total stress effects on an employee? reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 50. OTHER ASPECTS -Cont,  How would you know that your employees are stressed up as a manager?  Physical symptoms.  behavioral symptoms.  How do you deal with stress in a work place ? reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health
  • 51. References  Townsend M,C. (2012) Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing.Concepts of care in evidence based practice. 7th edition. Davis company;philadephia.  Meyer s, Naude Nierkek (2005) .the unit manager.comprehensive guide. JUTTA; South Africa reactions to socio-environmental stress.omero.Msc mental health

Editor's Notes

  1. Cognitive Model of StressLazarus & Folkman. primary appraisal-Is there a potential threat?