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Rails <form> Chronicle
history of “name” attribute and form_* helper methods.

                    2008 / 2 / 16
      PostgreSQL                / Ruby

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• Rails      @

•            PostgreSQL   /


•Rails   @

•     (       )   Rails

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    • Ruby
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# in app/controllers/entries_controller.rb
entry =[:entry])

What is <form>?
<form> is an          HTML element.
• form
•                      HTTP

 <form id=”new_entry” action=”/entries” method=”POST”>
    <label for=”entry_title”>Title</label>
    <input type=”text” id=”entry_title” name=”entry[title]” />

    <label for=”entry_body”>Body</label>
    <textarea id=”entry_body” name=”entry[body]”></textarea>
<form> is an   Interface.
    User Interface.
<form> has some           Controls.
  •               Control       (input or so)

  • Control        name

<form id=”new_entry” action=”/entries” method=”POST”>
    <label for=”entry_title”>Title</label>
    <input type=”text” id=”entry_title”
           name=”entry[title]”       />

    <label for=”entry_body”>Body</label>
    <textarea id=”entry_body”   name=”entry[body]”>
What is control’s

        “name” attribute.
• name


“name” attribute is
    the Programming Interface

• form   API !

 •                 name    API !

•         action      method
<form> is an   Interface.

      User Interface

               Programing Interface
How does Rails
Phase 1

From View to
Rails handle query parameters

            like a Hash
•Rails                    Hash

POST /entry
  entry[title]=new title&entry[body]=new body

# =>{ :entry => {:title => “new title”,
                 :body => ”new body”}}
<form action=”...”>
  <input name=”title” type=”text” />
  <input name=”body” type=”text” />

{:title => “new title”, :body   => ”new body”}
<form action=”...”>
  <input name=”entry[title]” type=”text” />
  <input name=”entry[body]” type=”text” />

{ :entry => {:title => “new title”,
             :body => ”new body” }}
<form action=quot;...quot;>
  <input type=quot;textquot;   name=quot;entry[title]quot; />
  <input type=quot;textquot;   name=quot;entry[links][]quot; />
  <input type=quot;textquot;   name=quot;entry[links][]quot; />
  <input type=quot;textquot;   name=quot;entry[links][]quot; />

           quot;linksquot;=>[quot;xxxquot;, quot;yyyquot;, quot;zzzquot;]}}
Phase 2

From Controller to
  Model (and DB)
Rails handle Hash as
AR constructor argument.
• Rails   Hash ActiveRecord

hash = { :entry => {:title => “new title”,
                    :body => ”new body”}}

entry =[:entry])
entry.title # => “new title”
And, of course, Rails can
    save AR object to DB
•             Rails   ActiveRecord       DB

entry =
entry.title # => “new title”
Therefore Rails can
save form-data to DB at ease.
•        Rails        form

entry =[:entry])
In other words,

entry =[:entry])

 • params[      ]

 •       form            name
Rails <form> Chronicle

 history of “name” attribute and
     form_* helper methods.
~ Rails 1.0
Before form_for()
form_tag(url_for_options = {},
         options = {},

• Rails 1.0          <form>

• HTML        form

 •   action            url_for_options

 •                        options
Thin wrapper for
        HTML <form> tag.
  {:id=>”new_entry”, :method=>”post”} )


<form id=”new_entry” method=”POST”
there is lovely end_form_tag()

    # Outputs “</form>”
    def end_form_tag
•                           FormHelper            !!

    @entry =>”      ”)
    text_field(:entry, :title)

    # => <input type=”text”
                value=”       ” />

• ActiveRecord               (=DB     )    form
@entry =>”             ”)
text_field(:entry, :title)

# => <input type=”text”
            value=”       ” />

               and you will get

{:entry => {:title => “           ” }}
    text_field(object, method, options={})

•                                object

•        method

• “#{object}[#{name}]”           name     input
<form action=”...”>
  <input name=”entry[title]” type=”text” />
  <input name=”entry[body]” type=”text” />

{ :entry => {:title => “new title”,
             :body => ”new body” }}
Rails 1.1& Rails1.2
  form_for() has come.
form_for( object_name,
          *args, &proc)

• Rails 1.1
 •   URL

• “Creates a form and a scope around a specific
  model object, ”(from API Document)
form for the object.

    •   text_field()

    •                 ==

<%# @entry                 %>
<% form_for(:entry,
            :url=>{:action=>”crate”}) do |f| %>
<% end %>
            remembers the object.

• text_field(method, options={})
    •   cf : text_field(object, method, options={}) in Rails 1.0

<% form_for(:entry,
            :url=>{:action=>”crate”}) do |f| %>
    # @entry#title        text field

  <%= f.text_field :title %>
<% end %>
<% form_for(:entry,
            :url=>{:action=>”crate”}) do |f| %>
  <%= f.text_field :title %>
<% end %>


<form action=quot;/entries/createquot; method=quot;postquot;>
  <input id=quot;entry_titlequot; name=quot;entry[title]quot;
         size=quot;30quot; type=quot;textquot; />
FYI: 2nd argument.
<% entry_local =>”local”) %>

<% form_for(:entry,
            :url=>{:action=>”crate”}) do |f| %>
  <%= f.text_field :title %>
<% end %>

• respond_to?(:title)                             OK
OK, but

                 Why form_for()?
rem i
          • Rails                 Hash

re min
          • “Creates a form and a scope around a
              specific model object, ”

          •                  CRUD        HTML

           •                     ↑↑
OK, but

    Does it works well?

•               has_many :through

•            CRUD

•    RDBMS
• form_for
    (Rails          @          )

 •   end_form_tag() obsolete

•             (?)

Rails 2.0

form_for() meets Resource
form_for() and map.resource

• AR                  ”resource”

•“resource”   HTTP   CRUD

  ActionController::Routes.draw do |m|
    map.resources :entries
new form_for()
<% @entry = Entry.find(1) %>

<% form_for(@entry) do |f|%>
<% end %>

<form action=quot;/entries/1quot; class=quot;edit_entryquot;
  id=quot;edit_entry_1quot; method=quot;postquot;>

  <input name=quot;_methodquot; type=quot;hiddenquot; value=quot;putquot; />
     determine the form identity.
<form action=quot;/entries/1quot;   class=quot;edit_entryquot;
     id=quot;edit_entry_1quot;      method=quot;postquot;>

  <input name=quot;_methodquot; type=quot;hiddenquot; value=quot;putquot; />

• ActiveRecord
 •          class   ID
new Convention for
             DOM ID & CSS class
<form action=quot;/entries/1quot;   class=quot;edit_entryquot;
     id=quot;edit_entry_1quot;      method=quot;postquot;>

• CSS class ”        AR                 ”

• ID ” AR                     _ DB ID              ”

 •           prefix             ”edit”              ”new”

 •   class    ID            dom_class() dom_id()
    re min            form_for()
             remembers the object.

•              FormBuilder

         <% form_for(@entry) do |f| %>
           <%= f.text_field :title %>
         <% end %>
• label(method,    text=nil, options={})

<% form_for(:entry,
            :url=>{:action=>”crate”}) do |f| %>
  <%= f.label :title, “       ” %>
  <%= f.text_field :title %>
<% end %>

<label for=”entry_title”>      <label>
understands the object’s status.
<form action=quot;/entries/1quot; class=quot;edit_entryquot;
  id=quot;edit_entry_1quot; method=quot;postquot;>

  <input name=quot;_methodquot; type=quot;hiddenquot; value=quot;putquot; />

• AR

•                      POST /entries
    PUT /entries/:id

    Convention for CRUD

• HTTP              CRUD     Convention

• Rails
on RubyKaigi2006,

                  DHH said
 GET              POST                  PUT               DELETE

 find             create               update               destroy

SELECT          INSERT              UPDATE                DELETE
HTTP methods and actions
GET      /entries/:id
{:controller=>quot;entriesquot;, :action=>quot;showquot;}

PUT      /entries/:id
{:controller=>quot;entriesquot;, :action=>quot;updatequot;}

DELETE   /entries/:id
{:controller=>quot;entriesquot;, :action=>quot;destroyquot;}

POST      /entries
{:controller=>quot;entriesquot;, :action=>quot;createquot;}
HTTP Method                 !
HTTP Method
ActiveRecord                    !
ActiveRecord                DB CRUD !!

    DB CRUD              form_for
resource oriented form              ....

HTTP               CRUD
class EntriesController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])

  def create
    @entry =[:entry])

  def update
    @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])

  def destroy
    @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])
class EntriesController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])

  def create
    @entry =[:entry])
def show

  @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])
  def update
end @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])

  def destroy
    @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])
class EntriesController < ApplicationController
    def show
      @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])

       def create
         @entry =[:entry])
def    create
      @entry =[:entry])
       def update
         @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])

    def destroy
      @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])
class EntriesController < ApplicationController
    def show
      @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])

    def create
      @entry =[:entry])
def update
  @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])
    def update
      @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])

    def destroy
      @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])
class EntriesController < ApplicationController
    def show
      @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])

    def create
      @entry =[:entry])
def destroy
  @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])
    def update
      @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])

    def destroy
      @entry = Entry.find(params[:id])
FYI: about PUT and DELETE
•            PUT

 • _method
<form action=quot;/entries/1quot; class=quot;edit_entryquot;
  id=quot;edit_entry_1quot; method=quot;postquot;>

  <input name=quot;_methodquot; type=quot;hiddenquot; value=quot;putquot; />
           ind    I’ve talked about
features of form_for()w/ Rails 2.0
•                                 form DOM ID


One more
(sad) thing..
Good bye end_form_tag()

                       iabl e or
               cal var
        ned lo             ag’
  un defi          _for m_t
         od `end
the Goal
entry =[:entry])
Where         form_for()   and

  AC::Resource          going to?

• Web                    CRUD


• relationship   CRUD

 • has_many :through
Conclusion of
•Rails 2.0 form_for()

•Rails           blog   2.0

•     &
     ActiveResource               ?            ?

• RESTful        Web

• Rails                ActionController ARes

 •   ActionController::Resouces

FAQ:             +

•        Rails 1.2


•          1.2       URL
        form_for()                     ?

• config/routes.rb     resource

 •map.resources      resource_plural

• new_record?                  id

•                         AR

 •            aggregate

•↑   Array       Hash
FAQ:               ?

 •                 OK

 •                          :- )
FAQ:                                    ?
class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :tags

 def tags_string=(str)
   str.split(“,”).each{ ... }

  def tags_string
    ts = self.tags“, “)      entry[tags_string]
• Rails                               (         )

• RESTful Web

• Discover of World of resource.

• RFC2616(                        )

• HTML 4.01 Specification(ja)
REST and Rails

• HTTP                 CRUD

• form_for()    HTML
    nested resouce

•               CRUD

•    (id=2)      (id=5)

•    (id=2)
2 ways for handling nested resource

           Ordinary style
•                              blog_id

<form action=quot;/entriesquot; class=quot;new_entryquot;
      id=quot;new_entryquot; method=quot;postquot;>

    <input type=”hidden” name=”blog_id” value=”2” />
    <input type=”text” name=”entry[title]” />
2 ways for handling nested resource

     AC::Resources style
# config/routes.rb

map.resources :blog, :has_many=>:entries

# in app/views/entries/*.html.erb
form_for(@entry,:url=>blog_entries_path( )

# in HTML
<form action=”/blogs/1/entries” method=”POST”>
2 ways for handling nested resource

     AC::Resources style
@entries = Entry.entries.find(:all)

@user = User.find(params[:user_id])
@entries = @user.entries.find(:all)

@blog = Blog.find(params[:blog_id])
@entries = @blog.entries.find(:all)
form_for()         and REST
• HTTP is next TCP/IP
 •       TCP

 •             HTTP

• Man Machine Interface
 •         Web             REST
Man Machine Interface
         and REST
•                    Human Interface

 • iPhone      NintendoDS

 •            Mac   Windows

• Web

• Rails 2.0

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Rails <form> Chronicle

  • 1. Rails <form> Chronicle history of “name” attribute and form_* helper methods. 2008 / 2 / 16 PostgreSQL / Ruby / Rails @
  • 2. •( ) • Ruby Rails • Rails @ •
  • 3. Acknowledgments • • PostgreSQL / Ruby • • •Rails @ •
  • 5. ( ) Rails • Rails • Ruby
  • 6. Contact me • (work) • (private) • • :- )
  • 7. blog FeedList
  • 8.
  • 9. Conclusion • / # in app/controllers/entries_controller.rb entry =[:entry]) • •form
  • 11. <form> is an HTML element. • form • HTTP <form id=”new_entry” action=”/entries” method=”POST”> <label for=”entry_title”>Title</label> <input type=”text” id=”entry_title” name=”entry[title]” /> <label for=”entry_body”>Body</label> <textarea id=”entry_body” name=”entry[body]”></textarea> </form>
  • 12. <form> is an Interface. • User Interface.
  • 13. <form> has some Controls. • Control (input or so) • Control name <form id=”new_entry” action=”/entries” method=”POST”> <label for=”entry_title”>Title</label> <input type=”text” id=”entry_title” name=”entry[title]” /> <label for=”entry_body”>Body</label> <textarea id=”entry_body” name=”entry[body]”> </textarea> </form>
  • 14. What is control’s “name” attribute. • name • • “name”
  • 15. “name” attribute is the Programming Interface • form API ! • name API ! • action method
  • 16. <form> is an Interface. • User Interface • Programing Interface
  • 17. How does Rails handle?
  • 18. Phase 1 From View to Controller
  • 19. Rails handle query parameters like a Hash •Rails Hash POST /entry entry[title]=new title&entry[body]=new body params() # =>{ :entry => {:title => “new title”, :body => ”new body”}}
  • 20. Examples <form action=”...”> <input name=”title” type=”text” /> <input name=”body” type=”text” /> </form> {:title => “new title”, :body => ”new body”}
  • 21. Examples <form action=”...”> <input name=”entry[title]” type=”text” /> <input name=”entry[body]” type=”text” /> </form> { :entry => {:title => “new title”, :body => ”new body” }}
  • 22. Examples <form action=quot;...quot;> <input type=quot;textquot; name=quot;entry[title]quot; /> <input type=quot;textquot; name=quot;entry[links][]quot; /> <input type=quot;textquot; name=quot;entry[links][]quot; /> <input type=quot;textquot; name=quot;entry[links][]quot; /> </form> {quot;entryquot;=>{quot;titlequot;=>quot;aaaquot;, quot;linksquot;=>[quot;xxxquot;, quot;yyyquot;, quot;zzzquot;]}}
  • 23. Phase 2 From Controller to Model (and DB)
  • 24. Rails handle Hash as AR constructor argument. • Rails Hash ActiveRecord hash = { :entry => {:title => “new title”, :body => ”new body”}} entry =[:entry]) entry.title # => “new title”
  • 25. And, of course, Rails can save AR object to DB • Rails ActiveRecord DB entry = entry.title # => “new title”
  • 26. Therefore Rails can save form-data to DB at ease. • Rails form DB entry =[:entry])
  • 27. In other words, entry =[:entry]) • params[ ] • form name
  • 28. Rails <form> Chronicle history of “name” attribute and form_* helper methods.
  • 29. ~ Rails 1.0 Before form_for()
  • 30. form_tag(url_for_options = {}, options = {}, *parameters_for_url) • Rails 1.0 <form> • HTML form • action url_for_options • options
  • 31. Thin wrapper for HTML <form> tag. form_tag( {:controller=>”entries”,:action=>”create”}, {:id=>”new_entry”, :method=>”post”} ) generates <form id=”new_entry” method=”POST” action=>”entries/create”>
  • 32. and there is lovely end_form_tag() # Outputs “</form>” def end_form_tag “</form>” end
  • 33. ActionView::Helpers:: FormHelper. • FormHelper !! @entry =>” ”) text_field(:entry, :title) # => <input type=”text” name=”entry[title]” value=” ” /> • ActiveRecord (=DB ) form
  • 34. ActionView::Helpers:: FormHelper. @entry =>” ”) text_field(:entry, :title) # => <input type=”text” name=”entry[title]” value=” ” /> and you will get {:entry => {:title => “ ” }}
  • 35. ActionView::Helpers:: FormHelper. text_field(object, method, options={}) • object ”@#{object}” • method • “#{object}[#{name}]” name input
  • 36. rem ind Examples <form action=”...”> <input name=”entry[title]” type=”text” /> <input name=”entry[body]” type=”text” /> </form> { :entry => {:title => “new title”, :body => ”new body” }}
  • 37. Rails 1.1& Rails1.2 form_for() has come.
  • 38. form_for( object_name, *args, &proc) • Rails 1.1 • • URL • • “Creates a form and a scope around a specific model object, ”(from API Document)
  • 39. form for the object. • • text_field() • == <%# @entry %> <% form_for(:entry, :url=>{:action=>”crate”}) do |f| %> ... <% end %>
  • 40. form_for() remembers the object. • ActionView::FormBuilder • text_field(method, options={}) • cf : text_field(object, method, options={}) in Rails 1.0 <% form_for(:entry, :url=>{:action=>”crate”}) do |f| %> # @entry#title text field <label>Title</label> <%= f.text_field :title %> <% end %>
  • 41. ActionView:: FormBuilder <% form_for(:entry, :url=>{:action=>”crate”}) do |f| %> <label>Title</label> <%= f.text_field :title %> <% end %> generates <form action=quot;/entries/createquot; method=quot;postquot;> <label>Title</label> <input id=quot;entry_titlequot; name=quot;entry[title]quot; size=quot;30quot; type=quot;textquot; /> </form>
  • 42. FYI: 2nd argument. • <% entry_local =>”local”) %> <% form_for(:entry, entry_local, :url=>{:action=>”crate”}) do |f| %> <label>Title</label> <%= f.text_field :title %> <% end %> • respond_to?(:title) OK
  • 43. OK, but Why form_for()? rem i nd • Rails Hash re min d • “Creates a form and a scope around a specific model object, ” • CRUD HTML • ↑↑
  • 44. OK, but Does it works well? • has_many :through • CRUD • RDBMS
  • 45. But... • form_for (Rails @ ) • • end_form_tag() obsolete • (?) •
  • 47. form_for() and map.resource • AR ”resource” •“resource” HTTP CRUD ActionController::Routes.draw do |m| map.resources :entries end
  • 48. new form_for() <% @entry = Entry.find(1) %> <% form_for(@entry) do |f|%> ... <% end %> generates <form action=quot;/entries/1quot; class=quot;edit_entryquot; id=quot;edit_entry_1quot; method=quot;postquot;> <input name=quot;_methodquot; type=quot;hiddenquot; value=quot;putquot; /> ... </form>
  • 49. form_for() determine the form identity. <form action=quot;/entries/1quot; class=quot;edit_entryquot; id=quot;edit_entry_1quot; method=quot;postquot;> <input name=quot;_methodquot; type=quot;hiddenquot; value=quot;putquot; /> ... </form> • ActiveRecord Convention • class ID
  • 50. new Convention for DOM ID & CSS class <form action=quot;/entries/1quot; class=quot;edit_entryquot; id=quot;edit_entry_1quot; method=quot;postquot;> • CSS class ” AR ” • ID ” AR _ DB ID ” • prefix ”edit” ”new” • class ID dom_class() dom_id()
  • 51. d re min form_for() remembers the object. • FormBuilder <% form_for(@entry) do |f| %> <label>Title</label> <%= f.text_field :title %> <% end %>
  • 52. ActionView:: FormBuilder#label • label(method, text=nil, options={}) <% form_for(:entry, :url=>{:action=>”crate”}) do |f| %> <%= f.label :title, “ ” %> <%= f.text_field :title %> <% end %> ... <label for=”entry_title”> <label> ...
  • 53. form_for() understands the object’s status. <form action=quot;/entries/1quot; class=quot;edit_entryquot; id=quot;edit_entry_1quot; method=quot;postquot;> <input name=quot;_methodquot; type=quot;hiddenquot; value=quot;putquot; /> ... </form> • AR • POST /entries PUT /entries/:id
  • 54. bigger Convention for CRUD • HTTP CRUD Convention RFC2616 • Rails
  • 55. on RubyKaigi2006, DHH said GET POST PUT DELETE find create update destroy SELECT INSERT UPDATE DELETE
  • 56. HTTP methods and actions GET /entries/:id {:controller=>quot;entriesquot;, :action=>quot;showquot;} PUT /entries/:id {:controller=>quot;entriesquot;, :action=>quot;updatequot;} DELETE /entries/:id {:controller=>quot;entriesquot;, :action=>quot;destroyquot;} POST /entries {:controller=>quot;entriesquot;, :action=>quot;createquot;}
  • 57. HTTP Method ! HTTP Method ! CRUD ActiveRecord ! ActiveRecord DB CRUD !! DB CRUD form_for resource oriented form .... HTTP CRUD
  • 58.
  • 59. class EntriesController < ApplicationController def show @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) end def create @entry =[:entry]) end def update @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) @entry.update_attributes(params[:entry]) end def destroy @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) @entry.destroy end end
  • 60. class EntriesController < ApplicationController def show @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) end def create @entry =[:entry]) def show end @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) def update end @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) @entry.update_attributes(params[:entry]) end def destroy @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) @entry.destroy end end
  • 61. class EntriesController < ApplicationController def show @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) end def create @entry =[:entry]) def create end @entry =[:entry]) def update @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) end @entry.update_attributes(params[:entry]) end def destroy @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) @entry.destroy end end
  • 62. class EntriesController < ApplicationController def show @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) end def create @entry =[:entry]) def update end @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) @entry.update_attributes(params[:entry]) def update @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) end @entry.update_attributes(params[:entry]) end def destroy @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) @entry.destroy end end
  • 63. class EntriesController < ApplicationController def show @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) end def create @entry =[:entry]) def destroy end @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) @entry.destroy def update @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) end @entry.update_attributes(params[:entry]) end def destroy @entry = Entry.find(params[:id]) @entry.destroy end end
  • 64. FYI: about PUT and DELETE • PUT • POST • _method <form action=quot;/entries/1quot; class=quot;edit_entryquot; id=quot;edit_entry_1quot; method=quot;postquot;> <input name=quot;_methodquot; type=quot;hiddenquot; value=quot;putquot; /> ... </form>
  • 65. rem ind I’ve talked about features of form_for()w/ Rails 2.0 • form DOM ID CSS • FormBuilder •
  • 67. Good bye end_form_tag() iabl e or cal var ned lo ag’ un defi _for m_t od `end meth
  • 69. the Goal entry =[:entry])
  • 70. Where form_for() and AC::Resource going to? • Web CRUD • • relationship CRUD • has_many :through
  • 71. Conclusion of Conclusions •Rails 2.0 form_for() •AC::Resources •Rails blog 2.0 !! • &
  • 73. FAQ: ActiveResource ? ? • RESTful Web ARes • Rails ActionController ARes • ActionController::Resouces •
  • 74. FAQ: + ? • Rails 1.2 • DOM ID • 1.2 URL
  • 75. FAQ: form_for() ? • config/routes.rb resource •map.resources resource_plural • new_record? id • AR • aggregate •↑ Array Hash
  • 76. FAQ: ? 1 • • OK • • :- )
  • 77. FAQ: ? 1 class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :tags def tags_string=(str) str.split(“,”).each{ ... } end def tags_string ts = self.tags“, “) entry[tags_string] end end
  • 78.
  • 79. References • Rails ( ) • RESTful Web • • Discover of World of resource. • • RFC2616( ) • • HTML 4.01 Specification(ja) •
  • 80.
  • 82. REST and Rails • HTTP CRUD • form_for() HTML UI
  • 83. handling nested resouce • CRUD • (id=2) (id=5) • (id=2)
  • 84. 2 ways for handling nested resource Ordinary style • blog_id <form action=quot;/entriesquot; class=quot;new_entryquot; id=quot;new_entryquot; method=quot;postquot;> <input type=”hidden” name=”blog_id” value=”2” /> <input type=”text” name=”entry[title]” /> ... </form>
  • 85. 2 ways for handling nested resource AC::Resources style • URL # config/routes.rb map.resources :blog, :has_many=>:entries # in app/views/entries/*.html.erb form_for(@entry,:url=>blog_entries_path( ) # in HTML <form action=”/blogs/1/entries” method=”POST”>
  • 86. 2 ways for handling nested resource AC::Resources style • # @entries = Entry.entries.find(:all) # @user = User.find(params[:user_id]) @entries = @user.entries.find(:all) # @blog = Blog.find(params[:blog_id]) @entries = @blog.entries.find(:all)
  • 87. form_for() and REST • HTTP is next TCP/IP • TCP • HTTP • Man Machine Interface • • Web REST
  • 88. Man Machine Interface and REST • Human Interface • iPhone NintendoDS • Mac Windows • Web REST • Rails 2.0