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– The Engineers’ Day Quiz 
Aveek Baruah & Sandipan Goswami 
(Organized by Research Promotion Cell, in association with ISTE Students’ Chapter, NIT Silchar)
According to legend, the sage Vishvamitra through tapasya acquired the 
power to create a whole new universe. When he set out to create a new 
universe it aroused consternation in Indra. However, he continued and after 
creating a copy of our universe, he started creating people, the first being 
Trishanku whom he decided to send up to rule his new universe. Indra stopped 
his progress. That is how Trishanku ended up suspended head down in mid-air. 
The X river was born out of the saliva dripping from his mouth. 
X is a river unlike any other in India. As its Hindi name suggests, it is the only 
cursed river and it is believed that touching its water would ruin one’s plans. 
There’s hardly any development along this river. People around this river just eat 
dry fruits because cooking food would require water. 
Id the river X
Karmanasha river 
(situated in Uttar Pradesh, a tributary of Ganga)
It is a folkway that traces its roots back to West African Dahomeyan Vodun, an 
ancient set of practices closely associated with religion that has evolved into 
multiple branches. It originated specifically in the kingdoms of Fon and Kongo on 
the continent's western coast. The Fon kingdom is known to many anthropologists 
as the "cradle of X." The religion centers on spirit worship and most likely evolved 
from worship of ancestors and animals. 
The areas of Africa where X began were trafficked heavily during the slave-trade 
period, which helped transmit the religion to the Americas, and especially Haiti. 
Much of X’s "black magic" image in the West may be attributed to an 1884 book 
called "Haiti or the Black Republic" by S. St. John, which described the religion as 
black and evil, but was largely inaccurate. The commercialization aspect came 
only into the picture in America in 1930s 
Prominent among all are the African, Haitian and Louisiana versions of ‘X’ .
X, from the local language meaning “shepherd’s hill”, is a ruined city in the 
state of Telangana, India, near Hyderabad, which from the mid-14th century 
until the end of the 17th was the capital of two successive kingdoms. At 
that time, India had the only known diamond mines in the world, hence 
region is universally famous for the mines that have produced the world's most 
famous and coveted gems, including the Hope Diamond, The Eye of the Idol 
(aka the Nassak Diamond) and The Koh-I-Noor diamond. 
During the Renaissance and the early modern eras, the name “X" acquired a 
legendary aura and became synonymous for vast wealth. The fame it 
acquired through being the center of the region's legendary diamond 
industry was such that its name remains – 
• according to the Oxford English Dictionary, a synonym for 'mine of wealth, 
advantages or happiness‘ 
• gemologists use X to denote a diamond with a complete (or almost-complete) 
lack of nitrogen
P. D. Sharma was the first Indian to get airmail pilot’s licence and 
flew between Karachi and Lahore. P D Sharma’s family had nine 
pilots. He and his father were instrumental in getting his wife, Sarla 
Thakral, enrolled in the Lahore Flying Club. 
What first in was then achieved by Sarla Thakral in the year 1936?
India’s first woman pilot
Vantablack is a substance made of carbon nanotubes. Its name 
comes from the term ‘Vertically Aligned Nano Tube Arrays’. It was 
developed by scientists at Surrey NanoSystems, UK after two years 
of R&D and unveiled at Farnborough International Airshow on 14th 
July 2014. Previously NASA had developed a similar substance that 
could be grown at 750 °C, but Vantablack can be grown on 
materials that cannot withstand higher temperatures. 
Aesthetically, its being called “…the closest thing to a black hole 
on earth…”. It is envisioned to increase the absorption of heat in 
materials used in concentrated solar power technology, as well as 
military applications such as thermal camouflage. 
What is the USP of Vantablack?
Blackest material on earth
In the 1940s, a graduate student at the University of Illinois 
named Arthur Galston was working on a way to make 
soybeans grow faster, and he was having some success with 
something called 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. However, he 
discovered that when applied in large quantities, it would 
cause the plant to die. 
Beginning in 1965 vehemently lobbied his colleagues and the 
government to stop using something, which had roots in his 
graduation thesis. 
What was the infamous invention?
Agent Orange 
(a deadly herbicide used in Vietnam war)
Contrary to popular thinking, the animal in the X logo is actually a Red 
Panda. Slightly larger than a domestic cat, the red panda is native to the 
Himalayas and western China. Many assume that the animal in the X logo is a 
fox, yet X is actually the nickname for the rare panda species. Eating mostly 
bamboo, it is currently classified as "vulnerable" by IUCN because of it's dwindling 
Logo of which product X?
"It was a mistake," said Microsoft's co-founder of the famous "three finger salute" in 
an interview. "We could have had a single button, but the guy who did the IBM 
keyboard design didn't wanna give us our single button." "Why, when I want to 
turn on my software and computer, do I need to have three fingers on _____, ____, 
and _____?" asked David Rubenstein, Harvard Campaign co-chair. "Whose idea 
was that?" 
Bill Gates explains that the key combination was designed to prevent other apps 
from faking the login prompt and stealing a password. "We were able to experi-ment 
with a lot of stuff, but more on the software side than the hardware," he 
said, after admitting that pressing three buttons to log in to a computer amounts 
to a design flaw. 
People ranting about what?
The X effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when consumers place a 
disproportionately high value on products they partially created. 
Official experiment results on the X effect were first published by Michael I. Norton 
of Harvard Business School, Daniel Mochon of Yale University, and Dan Ariely of Duke 
University in 2011. Their experiments demonstrate that self-assembly impacts the 
evaluation of a product by its consumers. The experiment result suggests that when 
people use their own labor to construct a particular product, they value it more than 
if they didn't put any effort into its creation, even if it is done poorly. 
X is a Swedish manufacturer and furniture retailer, which sells many furniture products 
that require assembly.
IKEA effect
What is significant about these items of clothing, which once belonged to an extremely 
famous Indian person?
Sari worn by Indira Gandhi on the 
day of her assassination
Due to the small size of Vatican city, all embassies to the Vatican city are 
located in Italy, according to numerous treaties signed between Italy and 
the Vatican City State. 
As a result, what unique distinction is held today by Italy?
Italian embassy is the only embassy 
in the world that is housed on its 
own soil
In Hindu mythology, X was a woman, whose horoscope showed that her first 
husband would die and leave her a widow. To avert this, X's family married her 
to a goat and then killed the goat to fulfil the destiny and assumed that she 
could now go ahead and marry a human. 
X later married a prince Y, but in the most dramatic fashion the secret about 
X’s first marriage to the goat came out. Y and his brother were furious at X’s 
family for not telling that she was a widow. To avenge this, Y and his brother 
imprisoned all of X’s male family, and since killing was against Dharma, he 
starved them to death by giving only 1 fistful of rice for the entire clan 
everyday. The clan decided that the entire fistful of rice will be used to keep 
the youngest brother, Z, alive so that he can take revenge on Y later. Z’s dying 
father, during his last days, told him to take the bones from the dead body 
and make something which would always obey him. 
Later Z successfully used this instrument to extract his evil plan of revenge. 
ID Z, and what did he wield?
Z = Shakuni, whose dice always 
obeyed him 
(X= Gandhari Y=Dhritarashtra)
The name of this small town literally means, in Sanskrit, “angular sun”. 
It’s most distinguishing feature was built in 1250AD by King Narasimhadeva I of 
Eastern Ganga dynasty, to commemorate his victory over Tughral Tughan Khan in 
1243AD. It is shaped like a huge chariot on 12 pairs of wheels, pulled by seven horses. 
According to local folklore, Narasimhadeva I had hired a chief architect called Bisu 
Maharana to build the temple. After a period of twelve years, the workforce almost 
finished the construction but they failed to mount the crown stone. The impatient 
king ordered the temple to be finished in three days or the artisans be put to death. 
At the time, Bisu Maharana's twelve year old son, Dharmapada arrived at the site. 
Bisu Maharana had never seen his son, as he had left his village when his wife was still 
pregnant. Dharmapada successfully proposed a solution to mount the crown stone. 
But, the artisans were still apprehensive that the king will be displeased to learn that a 
boy succeeded where his best artisans failed. Dharmapada climbed onto the 
temple and leapt into the water to save his father and his co-workers. 
What is being described here?
Konark Sun Temple, Odisha
Jeanne Baret was a member of Louis Antoine de 
Bougainville's expedition on the ships La 
Boudeuse and Étoile in 1766–1769. 
Jeanne Baret joined the expedition disguised as a man, 
calling herself Jean Baret. She enlisted as valet and 
assistant to the expedition's naturalist, Philibert 
Commerson, shortly before Bougainville's ships sailed 
from France. According to Bougainville's account, Baret 
was herself an expert botanist. 
With this expedition, what first in history did Jeanne Baret 
First woman to circumnavigate the 
In 1890, the U.5 Congress decided that the 
celebration of the 400th anniversary of Columbus' 
discovery of America should be centered in 
Chicago. Daniel H. Burnham, architect of the first 
"skyscrapers," was hired. Burnham was chiefly 
concerned at the lack of participation by America's 
civil engineers. He called on them to provide some 
distinctive feature, something to fill the relative 
position in the World's Columbian Exposition that 
was filled by the 984 foot Eiffel Tower at the Paris 
Exposition in 1889. Mere bigness was not what was 
wanted but something novel, original and daring. 
At one of his speeches, seated in the audience was 
George Washington Gale ____, Jr. , a Pennsylvania 
bridge builder. Inspired, he built something for the 
World Columbian Exposition in Chicago, which was 
later considered his magnum opus, and now can 
be found all over the world. What?
Ferris Wheel 
(by George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr.)
X is the center of Tibetan exile in the world. It was formerly known as Bhagsu. 
Following the 1959 Tibetan uprising there was an influx of Tibetan refugees who 
followed the 14th Dalai Lama. His presence and the Tibetan population has 
made X a popular destination for tourists, including students studying Tibet. The 
headquarters of Central Tibetan Administration (the Tibetan government in exile) 
are in X. 
During the shooting of the movie Rockstar in X, Tibetan flags appeared in the 
footage along with banners espousing Tibetan freedom, which were later 
censored by the CBFC, leading to protests. 
Id the place X.
Dharmshala, in Himachal Pradesh
Connect to a person
Frank Miller 
 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – inspired from Frank Millers run on 
Daredevil, from Raphael’s psi weapon, sensei named Splinter to the 
villain clan ‘The Foot’ 
 Samurai Jack – inspired by Frank Miller comic ‘Ronin’ 
 Robocop 2 – screenplay by Frank Miller 
 The Wolverine – based on the comic miniseries by Frank Miller and 
Chris Claremont 
 Batman v. Superman – partly based on Frank Miller’s ‘The Dark 
Knight Rises’ graphic novel
__________ are coming to nine more nations 
to improve computing for all generations. 
So we’d like to say our Hellos 
to our new global __________ fellows: 
Kia ora to our New Zealand mates, 
where getting on-line will have shorter waits. 
Kumusta to new friends in the Philippines, 
a better way of computing is what this means. 
Hallo to all the folks in Norway 
Speed, simplicity and security are coming your way. 
Hej Hej to the people in Denmark 
Built-in virus protection will be your new computing benchmark. 
To Mexico and Chile, Hola we say 
Tons of apps and free automatic updates are starting today. 
And in the coming weeks -- very soon, you’ll see -- 
__________ will be in Belgium, Spain and Italy. 
__________ are easy to share, manage and use, 
With lots of shapes, colors and sizes to choose. 
Stay safe with your data stored in the cloud, 
A smart pick like __________ will make your mom proud. 
When __________ in these countries alight, 
We hope our new global friends find some computing delight. 
Written by David Shapiro, director of _______ marketing in a famous tech giant. 
FITB, or identify the tech giant. (all blanks are same)
Chromebooks (by Google)
On 28 December 1885, 72 Indian lawyers, academics and 
journalists gathered at Goculdas Tejpal Sanskrit College and 
Boarding House, at Gowalia Tank in Bombay. The meeting was 
scheduled to be held in Pune, but due to a plague outbreak, 
was shifted to Bombay. 
Thus inadvertently, it became the site to what important event?
Formation of Indian National 
Congress (INC)
Gadadhar Chattopadhyay was a famous mystic of 19th-century India. 
According to his followers, Gadadhar’s parents experienced supernatural 
incidents and visions before his birth. In Gaya his father Khudiram had a dream in 
which Lord Gadadhara (a form of Vishnu), said that he would be born as his son. 
His mother was said to have had a vision of light entering her womb from Shiva's 
temple. At one time, he was priest at Dakshineswar Kali Temple and then onwards 
became more contemplative. He occasionally even dabbled in Islam and 
Christianity. One his most prominent monastic disciples was Narendranath Dutta. 
How do we famously know Gadadhar and Narendranath?
Ramkrishna Paramhansa and Swami 
X was established in 1994 by Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of 
India. The parent company was formed in 1955 as a joint-venture of the World 
Bank, India's public-sector banks and public-sector insurance companies to 
provide project financing to Indian industry. X is headquartered in Vadodara, 
and is counted among the Big Four in its field. 
In 2000, X became the first of its kind in India to list on the New York Stock 
Exchange and in 2012, along with Airtel, X became the only other Indian brand 
in ‘Top 100 global brands’ 
X is now headed by Chanda Kocchar as its CEO.
X was one of the most religious businessmen in the Hindi film 
industry and there are many stories of his donations to religious 
institutions. He even had a free 24-hour langar for pilgrims at 
Vaishno Devi and brought out numerous cassettes of devotional 
songs. X was especially devoted to Lord Shiva and somehow 
incorporated the Trishul, symbolic of Lord Shiva, into his 
ID X, or his claim to fame.
Gulshan Kumar/T-Series 
(The ‘T’ stands for Trishul)
The term X is derived from clan that once ruled in the South, the 
Cholas. Rajatarangini a tenth-century literary work by Kalhana, 
states that the X from the Deccan was introduced under the royal 
order of Kashmir. The first X were front covering, tied at the back 
with four strings. This type is still common in state of Rajasthan. Pre- 
Christian era paintings of Maharashtra and Gujarat are considered 
the first recorded examples of X. 
X is now very common in India, southern Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka 
and Bangladesh
What is this person’s cricket connect in India?
Raghuramaih Trophy 
(played out every year between Lok Sabha 
and Rajya Sabha)
Dakhma, also known as "Cheel Ghar" in Hindi and "Tower of Silence" in English, is 
a circular, raised structure built such that the topmost part is exposed to the sun 
and to scavenging birds. The towers, which are fairly uniform in their 
construction, have an almost flat roof, with the perimeter being slightly higher 
than the center. The roof is divided into three concentric rings. 
The earliest reference to the ritual exposure comes 
from Herodotus (Histories i.140), where the historiographer describes the rites to 
have been secret. 
Once such tower can be found 
in Malabar Hills, Mumbai. 
Who uses these towers and for 
what purpose?
Death rites of Parsee/Zoroastrian 
Paul Winchell was an American ventriloquist, actor, and 
comedian. He was famous for creating Oswald the cartoon 
character, voicing Tigger in Disney’s Winnie-the-Pooh films and 
his ‘Jerry Mahoney’ ventriloquism act. 
Winchell was also interested in 
medicine and was a pre-med 
student at Columbia University 
and with Dr. Henry Heimlich 
(inventor of Heimlich 
maneuver), patented his most 
famous invention. 
Which invention?
Artificial heart
X is a fictional group of people appearing in the Y 
stories. In modern life, the X are an invitation-only 
society founded in 1934 who only award membership 
and the accompanying customary "Irregular Shilling" to 
eminent Y scholars. Isaac Asimov and Neil Gaiman are 
both members. Honorary members include Harry S. 
Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt. The group convenes 
for a fancy dinner once a year, and hosts other Y - 
oriented activities open to the public. 
The Baker Street Irregulars
Yucca brevifolia is a tree-like plant 
species belonging to the genus Yucca 
native to southwestern North America in 
the states of California, Arizona, Utah, 
and Nevada. 
What is the common name of this plant, 
and its music connection?
The Joshua Tree
Rise of the Ogre is an autobiography about the band X, ostensibly 
written by the four band members in collaboration with musician 
and official scribe Cass Browne. The book is 304 pages long and 
extensively illustrated. The book details the life-stories of the band-members; 
it contains previously unknown secrets of the band, such 
as future plans of a movie. Rise of the Ogre has also been released 
as the world’s first audiobook singles. 
Which band?
The name of which Indian condiment, that can be used 
either as a dip or a salad, is a derivative of the Sanskrit 
word X, meaning black mustard, and Y, meaning sharp 
or pungent?
Raita (rajika+tiktaka)
The _________ biscuit consists of 
currants squashed and baked 
between two thin, oblongs of 
biscuit dough. Popular with British 
consumers as a snack for over 
150 years, the _________ is 
conventionally consumed with 
tea or coffee. 
The biscuit was named after the 
Italian leader _________, who had 
made a popular visit to South 
Shields in England in 1854. FITB.
(Giuseppe) Garibaldi
The Look of Silence is a 2014 
documentary film directed by 
Joshua Oppenheimer. It is a sequel 
to which 2012 film, whose name in 
the native language is Jagal, 
meaning “Butcher”, and was 
directed by an anonymous 
individual, along with 
The Act of Killing
This famous painting by British artist Sir John Everett Millais 
depicts and is named after which literary character from 
which famous work?
Ophelia (from Hamlet)
Men of War is the name of several American comic 
book series published by DC Comics. For the most 
part, the series was an anthology comic featuring 
fictional stories about the American military 
during World War II. 
A panel by Irv Novick from the "Star Jockey" story 
from issue #89 of DC Comics' All-American Men of 
War (Feb. 1962) forms part of a dream sequence in 
which fictional World War II P-51 Mustang pilot 
Johnny Flying Cloud, "the Navajo ace", foresees 
himself flying a jet fighter while shooting down other 
jet planes. 
This panel served as the primary inspiration for which 
famous work of art?
Whaam! by Roy Lichtenstein
Hakarl is an Icelandic delicacy consisting of a particular 
creature which has been cured with a fermentation 
process and hung out to dry for four to five months. 
Andrew Zimmern described the ammonia-rich smell of 
the dish as reminding him of “some of the most horrific 
things I’ve ever breathed in my life”; Gordon Ramsay, 
after eating hakarl on his show The F Word as a 
challenge, spat it out. 
Considered an extreme food and an acquired taste, 
hakarl is made from the rotten meat of which animal?
In September 2013 Psychrolutes marcidus was 
voted the "World's Ugliest Animal", based on 
photographs of decompressed specimens, and 
adopted as the mascot of the Ugly Animal 
Preservation Society, in an initiative "dedicated to 
raising the profile of some of Mother Nature’s more 
aesthetically challenged children". 
What is the common name of this creature?
What is this list about? Also FITB. 
Uttam Kumar (1967) 
Satindra Bhattacharya (1974) 
Subhrajit Dutta (2009) 
Abir Chatterjee (2010-2012) 
Sujoy Ghosh (2013) 
…X… (2015)
Actors who have played Byomkesh 
Bakshi in cinema 
X – Sushant Singh Rajput
Which literary classic derives its title from the blanked-out portion of 
Thomas Gray’s poem Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard? 
___ ____ ___ _______ _____'s ignoble strife 
Their sober wishes never learn'd to stray; 
Along the cool sequester'd vale of life 
They kept the noiseless tenor of their way.
Far From the Madding Crowd 
by Thomas Hardy
This book, first published in 1974, is a work of philosophical fiction, 
the first of Robert M. Pirsig's texts in which he explores 
his Metaphysics of Quality. 
The book sold 5 million copies worldwide. It was originally rejected 
by 121 publishers, more than any other bestselling book, according 
to the Guinness Book of Records. 
The title is an apparent play on the title of the book Y by Eugen 
Herrigel. In its introduction, Pirsig explains that, despite its title, "it 
should in no way be associated with that great body of factual 
information relating to orthodox ___ ________ practice. It's not very 
factual on ___________, either.“ 
Which book are we talking about?
The Transformers: The Movie is a 
1986 animated feature film based on 
the animated TV series by the same name. 
Set to a soundtrack of synth-based 
incidental music and hard-driving metal 
music, composed by Vince DiCola, the 
movie has a decidedly darker tone than the 
television series, with detailed visuals in Toei 
Animation's typical anime film styling, and 
like G.I. Joe: The Movie, Decepticon villains 
that are more menacing, killing without 
hesitation. The voice of Unicron in the film 
was given by X, and this marked the final film 
role for X. Who is X?
Orson Welles

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  • 3. According to legend, the sage Vishvamitra through tapasya acquired the power to create a whole new universe. When he set out to create a new universe it aroused consternation in Indra. However, he continued and after creating a copy of our universe, he started creating people, the first being Trishanku whom he decided to send up to rule his new universe. Indra stopped his progress. That is how Trishanku ended up suspended head down in mid-air. The X river was born out of the saliva dripping from his mouth. X is a river unlike any other in India. As its Hindi name suggests, it is the only cursed river and it is believed that touching its water would ruin one’s plans. There’s hardly any development along this river. People around this river just eat dry fruits because cooking food would require water. Id the river X
  • 4. Karmanasha river (situated in Uttar Pradesh, a tributary of Ganga)
  • 5. It is a folkway that traces its roots back to West African Dahomeyan Vodun, an ancient set of practices closely associated with religion that has evolved into multiple branches. It originated specifically in the kingdoms of Fon and Kongo on the continent's western coast. The Fon kingdom is known to many anthropologists as the "cradle of X." The religion centers on spirit worship and most likely evolved from worship of ancestors and animals. The areas of Africa where X began were trafficked heavily during the slave-trade period, which helped transmit the religion to the Americas, and especially Haiti. Much of X’s "black magic" image in the West may be attributed to an 1884 book called "Haiti or the Black Republic" by S. St. John, which described the religion as black and evil, but was largely inaccurate. The commercialization aspect came only into the picture in America in 1930s Prominent among all are the African, Haitian and Louisiana versions of ‘X’ .
  • 7. X, from the local language meaning “shepherd’s hill”, is a ruined city in the state of Telangana, India, near Hyderabad, which from the mid-14th century until the end of the 17th was the capital of two successive kingdoms. At that time, India had the only known diamond mines in the world, hence region is universally famous for the mines that have produced the world's most famous and coveted gems, including the Hope Diamond, The Eye of the Idol (aka the Nassak Diamond) and The Koh-I-Noor diamond. During the Renaissance and the early modern eras, the name “X" acquired a legendary aura and became synonymous for vast wealth. The fame it acquired through being the center of the region's legendary diamond industry was such that its name remains – • according to the Oxford English Dictionary, a synonym for 'mine of wealth, advantages or happiness‘ • gemologists use X to denote a diamond with a complete (or almost-complete) lack of nitrogen
  • 9. P. D. Sharma was the first Indian to get airmail pilot’s licence and flew between Karachi and Lahore. P D Sharma’s family had nine pilots. He and his father were instrumental in getting his wife, Sarla Thakral, enrolled in the Lahore Flying Club. What first in was then achieved by Sarla Thakral in the year 1936?
  • 11. Vantablack is a substance made of carbon nanotubes. Its name comes from the term ‘Vertically Aligned Nano Tube Arrays’. It was developed by scientists at Surrey NanoSystems, UK after two years of R&D and unveiled at Farnborough International Airshow on 14th July 2014. Previously NASA had developed a similar substance that could be grown at 750 °C, but Vantablack can be grown on materials that cannot withstand higher temperatures. Aesthetically, its being called “…the closest thing to a black hole on earth…”. It is envisioned to increase the absorption of heat in materials used in concentrated solar power technology, as well as military applications such as thermal camouflage. What is the USP of Vantablack?
  • 13. In the 1940s, a graduate student at the University of Illinois named Arthur Galston was working on a way to make soybeans grow faster, and he was having some success with something called 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. However, he discovered that when applied in large quantities, it would cause the plant to die. Beginning in 1965 vehemently lobbied his colleagues and the government to stop using something, which had roots in his graduation thesis. What was the infamous invention?
  • 14. Agent Orange (a deadly herbicide used in Vietnam war)
  • 15. Contrary to popular thinking, the animal in the X logo is actually a Red Panda. Slightly larger than a domestic cat, the red panda is native to the Himalayas and western China. Many assume that the animal in the X logo is a fox, yet X is actually the nickname for the rare panda species. Eating mostly bamboo, it is currently classified as "vulnerable" by IUCN because of it's dwindling population. Logo of which product X?
  • 16.
  • 17. "It was a mistake," said Microsoft's co-founder of the famous "three finger salute" in an interview. "We could have had a single button, but the guy who did the IBM keyboard design didn't wanna give us our single button." "Why, when I want to turn on my software and computer, do I need to have three fingers on _____, ____, and _____?" asked David Rubenstein, Harvard Campaign co-chair. "Whose idea was that?" Bill Gates explains that the key combination was designed to prevent other apps from faking the login prompt and stealing a password. "We were able to experi-ment with a lot of stuff, but more on the software side than the hardware," he said, after admitting that pressing three buttons to log in to a computer amounts to a design flaw. People ranting about what?
  • 19. The X effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when consumers place a disproportionately high value on products they partially created. Official experiment results on the X effect were first published by Michael I. Norton of Harvard Business School, Daniel Mochon of Yale University, and Dan Ariely of Duke University in 2011. Their experiments demonstrate that self-assembly impacts the evaluation of a product by its consumers. The experiment result suggests that when people use their own labor to construct a particular product, they value it more than if they didn't put any effort into its creation, even if it is done poorly. X is a Swedish manufacturer and furniture retailer, which sells many furniture products that require assembly.
  • 21. What is significant about these items of clothing, which once belonged to an extremely famous Indian person?
  • 22. Sari worn by Indira Gandhi on the day of her assassination
  • 23. Due to the small size of Vatican city, all embassies to the Vatican city are located in Italy, according to numerous treaties signed between Italy and the Vatican City State. As a result, what unique distinction is held today by Italy?
  • 24. Italian embassy is the only embassy in the world that is housed on its own soil
  • 25. In Hindu mythology, X was a woman, whose horoscope showed that her first husband would die and leave her a widow. To avert this, X's family married her to a goat and then killed the goat to fulfil the destiny and assumed that she could now go ahead and marry a human. X later married a prince Y, but in the most dramatic fashion the secret about X’s first marriage to the goat came out. Y and his brother were furious at X’s family for not telling that she was a widow. To avenge this, Y and his brother imprisoned all of X’s male family, and since killing was against Dharma, he starved them to death by giving only 1 fistful of rice for the entire clan everyday. The clan decided that the entire fistful of rice will be used to keep the youngest brother, Z, alive so that he can take revenge on Y later. Z’s dying father, during his last days, told him to take the bones from the dead body and make something which would always obey him. Later Z successfully used this instrument to extract his evil plan of revenge. ID Z, and what did he wield?
  • 26. Z = Shakuni, whose dice always obeyed him (X= Gandhari Y=Dhritarashtra)
  • 27. The name of this small town literally means, in Sanskrit, “angular sun”. It’s most distinguishing feature was built in 1250AD by King Narasimhadeva I of Eastern Ganga dynasty, to commemorate his victory over Tughral Tughan Khan in 1243AD. It is shaped like a huge chariot on 12 pairs of wheels, pulled by seven horses. According to local folklore, Narasimhadeva I had hired a chief architect called Bisu Maharana to build the temple. After a period of twelve years, the workforce almost finished the construction but they failed to mount the crown stone. The impatient king ordered the temple to be finished in three days or the artisans be put to death. At the time, Bisu Maharana's twelve year old son, Dharmapada arrived at the site. Bisu Maharana had never seen his son, as he had left his village when his wife was still pregnant. Dharmapada successfully proposed a solution to mount the crown stone. But, the artisans were still apprehensive that the king will be displeased to learn that a boy succeeded where his best artisans failed. Dharmapada climbed onto the temple and leapt into the water to save his father and his co-workers. What is being described here?
  • 29. Jeanne Baret was a member of Louis Antoine de Bougainville's expedition on the ships La Boudeuse and Étoile in 1766–1769. Jeanne Baret joined the expedition disguised as a man, calling herself Jean Baret. She enlisted as valet and assistant to the expedition's naturalist, Philibert Commerson, shortly before Bougainville's ships sailed from France. According to Bougainville's account, Baret was herself an expert botanist. With this expedition, what first in history did Jeanne Baret achieve?
  • 30. First woman to circumnavigate the globe
  • 31. In 1890, the U.5 Congress decided that the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of America should be centered in Chicago. Daniel H. Burnham, architect of the first "skyscrapers," was hired. Burnham was chiefly concerned at the lack of participation by America's civil engineers. He called on them to provide some distinctive feature, something to fill the relative position in the World's Columbian Exposition that was filled by the 984 foot Eiffel Tower at the Paris Exposition in 1889. Mere bigness was not what was wanted but something novel, original and daring. At one of his speeches, seated in the audience was George Washington Gale ____, Jr. , a Pennsylvania bridge builder. Inspired, he built something for the World Columbian Exposition in Chicago, which was later considered his magnum opus, and now can be found all over the world. What?
  • 32. Ferris Wheel (by George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr.)
  • 33. X is the center of Tibetan exile in the world. It was formerly known as Bhagsu. Following the 1959 Tibetan uprising there was an influx of Tibetan refugees who followed the 14th Dalai Lama. His presence and the Tibetan population has made X a popular destination for tourists, including students studying Tibet. The headquarters of Central Tibetan Administration (the Tibetan government in exile) are in X. During the shooting of the movie Rockstar in X, Tibetan flags appeared in the footage along with banners espousing Tibetan freedom, which were later censored by the CBFC, leading to protests. Id the place X.
  • 35. Connect to a person
  • 36. Frank Miller  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – inspired from Frank Millers run on Daredevil, from Raphael’s psi weapon, sensei named Splinter to the villain clan ‘The Foot’  Samurai Jack – inspired by Frank Miller comic ‘Ronin’  Robocop 2 – screenplay by Frank Miller  The Wolverine – based on the comic miniseries by Frank Miller and Chris Claremont  Batman v. Superman – partly based on Frank Miller’s ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ graphic novel
  • 37. __________ are coming to nine more nations to improve computing for all generations. So we’d like to say our Hellos to our new global __________ fellows: Kia ora to our New Zealand mates, where getting on-line will have shorter waits. Kumusta to new friends in the Philippines, a better way of computing is what this means. Hallo to all the folks in Norway Speed, simplicity and security are coming your way. Hej Hej to the people in Denmark Built-in virus protection will be your new computing benchmark. To Mexico and Chile, Hola we say Tons of apps and free automatic updates are starting today. And in the coming weeks -- very soon, you’ll see -- __________ will be in Belgium, Spain and Italy. __________ are easy to share, manage and use, With lots of shapes, colors and sizes to choose. Stay safe with your data stored in the cloud, A smart pick like __________ will make your mom proud. When __________ in these countries alight, We hope our new global friends find some computing delight. Written by David Shapiro, director of _______ marketing in a famous tech giant. FITB, or identify the tech giant. (all blanks are same)
  • 39. On 28 December 1885, 72 Indian lawyers, academics and journalists gathered at Goculdas Tejpal Sanskrit College and Boarding House, at Gowalia Tank in Bombay. The meeting was scheduled to be held in Pune, but due to a plague outbreak, was shifted to Bombay. Thus inadvertently, it became the site to what important event?
  • 40. Formation of Indian National Congress (INC)
  • 41. Gadadhar Chattopadhyay was a famous mystic of 19th-century India. According to his followers, Gadadhar’s parents experienced supernatural incidents and visions before his birth. In Gaya his father Khudiram had a dream in which Lord Gadadhara (a form of Vishnu), said that he would be born as his son. His mother was said to have had a vision of light entering her womb from Shiva's temple. At one time, he was priest at Dakshineswar Kali Temple and then onwards became more contemplative. He occasionally even dabbled in Islam and Christianity. One his most prominent monastic disciples was Narendranath Dutta. How do we famously know Gadadhar and Narendranath?
  • 42. Ramkrishna Paramhansa and Swami Vivekananda
  • 43. X was established in 1994 by Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India. The parent company was formed in 1955 as a joint-venture of the World Bank, India's public-sector banks and public-sector insurance companies to provide project financing to Indian industry. X is headquartered in Vadodara, and is counted among the Big Four in its field. In 2000, X became the first of its kind in India to list on the New York Stock Exchange and in 2012, along with Airtel, X became the only other Indian brand in ‘Top 100 global brands’ X is now headed by Chanda Kocchar as its CEO.
  • 45. X was one of the most religious businessmen in the Hindi film industry and there are many stories of his donations to religious institutions. He even had a free 24-hour langar for pilgrims at Vaishno Devi and brought out numerous cassettes of devotional songs. X was especially devoted to Lord Shiva and somehow incorporated the Trishul, symbolic of Lord Shiva, into his enterprises. ID X, or his claim to fame.
  • 46. Gulshan Kumar/T-Series (The ‘T’ stands for Trishul)
  • 47. The term X is derived from clan that once ruled in the South, the Cholas. Rajatarangini a tenth-century literary work by Kalhana, states that the X from the Deccan was introduced under the royal order of Kashmir. The first X were front covering, tied at the back with four strings. This type is still common in state of Rajasthan. Pre- Christian era paintings of Maharashtra and Gujarat are considered the first recorded examples of X. X is now very common in India, southern Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
  • 48. Choli
  • 49. What is this person’s cricket connect in India?
  • 50. Raghuramaih Trophy (played out every year between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha)
  • 51. Dakhma, also known as "Cheel Ghar" in Hindi and "Tower of Silence" in English, is a circular, raised structure built such that the topmost part is exposed to the sun and to scavenging birds. The towers, which are fairly uniform in their construction, have an almost flat roof, with the perimeter being slightly higher than the center. The roof is divided into three concentric rings. The earliest reference to the ritual exposure comes from Herodotus (Histories i.140), where the historiographer describes the rites to have been secret. Once such tower can be found in Malabar Hills, Mumbai. Who uses these towers and for what purpose?
  • 52. Death rites of Parsee/Zoroastrian people
  • 53. Paul Winchell was an American ventriloquist, actor, and comedian. He was famous for creating Oswald the cartoon character, voicing Tigger in Disney’s Winnie-the-Pooh films and his ‘Jerry Mahoney’ ventriloquism act. Winchell was also interested in medicine and was a pre-med student at Columbia University and with Dr. Henry Heimlich (inventor of Heimlich maneuver), patented his most famous invention. Which invention?
  • 56. X is a fictional group of people appearing in the Y stories. In modern life, the X are an invitation-only society founded in 1934 who only award membership and the accompanying customary "Irregular Shilling" to eminent Y scholars. Isaac Asimov and Neil Gaiman are both members. Honorary members include Harry S. Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt. The group convenes for a fancy dinner once a year, and hosts other Y - oriented activities open to the public. X?
  • 57. The Baker Street Irregulars
  • 58. Yucca brevifolia is a tree-like plant species belonging to the genus Yucca native to southwestern North America in the states of California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. What is the common name of this plant, and its music connection?
  • 60. Rise of the Ogre is an autobiography about the band X, ostensibly written by the four band members in collaboration with musician and official scribe Cass Browne. The book is 304 pages long and extensively illustrated. The book details the life-stories of the band-members; it contains previously unknown secrets of the band, such as future plans of a movie. Rise of the Ogre has also been released as the world’s first audiobook singles. Which band?
  • 62. The name of which Indian condiment, that can be used either as a dip or a salad, is a derivative of the Sanskrit word X, meaning black mustard, and Y, meaning sharp or pungent?
  • 64. The _________ biscuit consists of currants squashed and baked between two thin, oblongs of biscuit dough. Popular with British consumers as a snack for over 150 years, the _________ is conventionally consumed with tea or coffee. The biscuit was named after the Italian leader _________, who had made a popular visit to South Shields in England in 1854. FITB.
  • 66. The Look of Silence is a 2014 documentary film directed by Joshua Oppenheimer. It is a sequel to which 2012 film, whose name in the native language is Jagal, meaning “Butcher”, and was directed by an anonymous individual, along with Oppenheimer?
  • 67. The Act of Killing
  • 68. This famous painting by British artist Sir John Everett Millais depicts and is named after which literary character from which famous work?
  • 70. Men of War is the name of several American comic book series published by DC Comics. For the most part, the series was an anthology comic featuring fictional stories about the American military during World War II. A panel by Irv Novick from the "Star Jockey" story from issue #89 of DC Comics' All-American Men of War (Feb. 1962) forms part of a dream sequence in which fictional World War II P-51 Mustang pilot Johnny Flying Cloud, "the Navajo ace", foresees himself flying a jet fighter while shooting down other jet planes. This panel served as the primary inspiration for which famous work of art?
  • 71. Whaam! by Roy Lichtenstein
  • 72. Hakarl is an Icelandic delicacy consisting of a particular creature which has been cured with a fermentation process and hung out to dry for four to five months. Andrew Zimmern described the ammonia-rich smell of the dish as reminding him of “some of the most horrific things I’ve ever breathed in my life”; Gordon Ramsay, after eating hakarl on his show The F Word as a challenge, spat it out. Considered an extreme food and an acquired taste, hakarl is made from the rotten meat of which animal?
  • 73. Shark
  • 74. In September 2013 Psychrolutes marcidus was voted the "World's Ugliest Animal", based on photographs of decompressed specimens, and adopted as the mascot of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society, in an initiative "dedicated to raising the profile of some of Mother Nature’s more aesthetically challenged children". What is the common name of this creature?
  • 76. What is this list about? Also FITB. Uttam Kumar (1967) Satindra Bhattacharya (1974) Subhrajit Dutta (2009) Abir Chatterjee (2010-2012) Sujoy Ghosh (2013) …X… (2015)
  • 77. Actors who have played Byomkesh Bakshi in cinema X – Sushant Singh Rajput
  • 78. Which literary classic derives its title from the blanked-out portion of Thomas Gray’s poem Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard? ___ ____ ___ _______ _____'s ignoble strife Their sober wishes never learn'd to stray; Along the cool sequester'd vale of life They kept the noiseless tenor of their way.
  • 79. Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy
  • 80. This book, first published in 1974, is a work of philosophical fiction, the first of Robert M. Pirsig's texts in which he explores his Metaphysics of Quality. The book sold 5 million copies worldwide. It was originally rejected by 121 publishers, more than any other bestselling book, according to the Guinness Book of Records. The title is an apparent play on the title of the book Y by Eugen Herrigel. In its introduction, Pirsig explains that, despite its title, "it should in no way be associated with that great body of factual information relating to orthodox ___ ________ practice. It's not very factual on ___________, either.“ Which book are we talking about?
  • 81.
  • 82. The Transformers: The Movie is a 1986 animated feature film based on the animated TV series by the same name. Set to a soundtrack of synth-based incidental music and hard-driving metal music, composed by Vince DiCola, the movie has a decidedly darker tone than the television series, with detailed visuals in Toei Animation's typical anime film styling, and like G.I. Joe: The Movie, Decepticon villains that are more menacing, killing without hesitation. The voice of Unicron in the film was given by X, and this marked the final film role for X. Who is X?