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Quizathon- Gen Quiz
Rules :-
● There are total 24 Questions.
● +10 on Bounce & +15/-5 on Pounce.
● There are 3 rounds of 9-6-9 questions respectively.
● Google Doodle Round(Q 10 to 15) will be written round & marking
will be different. QM will explain that.
● Ask for hints if needed.
● QM’s decision will be final.
● Do NOT use any search engine (Google, Firefox, etc.) to find answer.
● Have Fun. Enjoy Quizzing.
Round - I
While almost 65% countries follows the other way but many nations including
India follows the traditional British way which was initiated because armoured
knights were mostly right handed & hence greet or kill with the right hand while
steering the horse by left hand. Earlier it was followed worldwide but with the
invention of carriage transport by four horses made it change. (Image) The carriage
driver used to ride on the rear-left horse & whipped the horses into motion with his
right hand. It also helped them to stick closer to the centre of the road.
What is this explanation all about?
Ans. 1
Driving in left/right lane of the road.
The ISRO successfully launched PSLV C51 carrying 19 satellites on 28 february,
2021 from satish dhawan space centre. The 18 satellites were of the United States
and India.The remaining one X is the first dedicated commercial mission of a PSE
of Govt. of India.
X is the optical earth observation satellite of National Institute for Space Research
(INPE). This satellite would further strengthen the existing structure by providing
remote sensing data to users for monitoring deforestation in the ________
region and analysis of diversified agriculture across the _______ territory.
The PSE was established on 6th March 2019 under company act 2013 with the aim
to scale up industry participation in Indian space programmes.
Name X.
Ans. 2
In most of the paintings (photos), King Charlemagne, one of the great emperors of
Early middle ages, is seen holding his sword either touching the ground or resting
on shoulders. But somewhere it is seen placed behind the head, which might seem
that he is trying to stab himself with it, & hence, called ‘The Suicide King’.
According to beliefs, in one of the paintings, where he is seen holding a battle ax, is
the inspiration of the earlier designs but over the course of copies being made, the
ax head was omitted, and the weapon changed to a curiously positioned sword.
Where can we see this along with three other variations depicting King David, King
Alexander & Julius Caesar?
Ans. 3
King of Hearts in cards game.
Automation Bias is the propensity for humans to favor suggestions from
automated decision-making systems and to ignore contradictory information
made without automation, even if it is correct.
A term, X, almost same with the phenomenon, came into headlines after a tweet of
Shashi Tharoor in 2017. X is a ‘hinglish’ portmanteau of two words, first one being
the source & the other one is a hindustani synonym of the person’s act.
An Indian general news & opinion website, founded by Raghav Bahl & Ritu Kapur
in 2015, which is much known for the clearance of its news and opinions, has
named it’s fact checking wing as X.
Id the term, X.
Ans. 4
Webqoof / Webaqoof.
In Japanese, ‘X’ is formed by rearranging the syllables of the Japanese word ‘yasai’
which means ‘vegetable’. All full-blooded X’s birth names are puns on various
vegetable names.
__(6)__ is a pun on the word ‘Vegetable’.
__(7)__ is an interesting mutation of ‘Carrot’.
__(5)__ a pun on ‘Broccoli’.
These are the names of a very famous Anime Series and Manga Comics characters.
Which Series and Give X?
Ans. 5
Dragon Ball Series.
X- Saiyan
A retired schoolteacher in Kalpa, Himachal Pradesh, became an important
name in the history of India in 1951 during a big national level event &
made a record in his name , as Himachal Pradesh went to it five months early
because the weather there tends to be inclement in February and March and heavy
snowfall during that period would have make it impossible for citizens to reach the
He lived in oblivion for 45 years till he was tracked in July 2007 when IAS officer
Manisha Nanda, first learnt about him from the photo of that National Level Event.
What is the record that he will keep in his name till all the time to come ?
Ans. 6
First Indian Voter. (Shyam Saran Negi)
This is an artistic representation of an airport that is expected to open in November
2021 in the UK. Built as a result of a partnership between the government, private
businesses (including Hyundai) and the aviation industry, this airport is
expected to bring clean urban air transport to the masses and bring forth a new
airborne world of zero-emission movement.
While this airport is 60% smaller than your usual heliport, what else is so special
about this airport that involves what was previously considered to be a techno-
utopian fantasy?
Ans. 7
First airport for flying cars & drones.
X are the frescoes depicting Hindu mythology in the state of ______ . Ancient
temples and palaces in ________ India, display an abounding tradition of X
paintings mostly dating back between the 9th to 12th centuries CE.
The scriptural basis of these paintings can be found in the Sanskrit texts
Traditionally the painting involves four different processes,
Preparation of the ground
Sketching of the outline
Application of colours and
Addition of decorative details
Which style of painting ?
Ans. 8
Kerala Mural Paintings.
This is a vault in Svalbard, Norway which is asteroid and apocalypse proof. It was
inspired by Global Seed Vault, a building that holds more than 930,000 types of
seeds from around the world.
The main objective is to protect an important thing in the vault but it was actually a
marketing gimmick of X after NASA’s announcement about Asteroid 2018VP1,
which would have hit Earth in early November last year. In a press release X said,
“X isn’t risking a future without the world’s favourite _____.”
What important item is protected in this ‘doomsday’ vault?
Ans. 9
Oreo recipe and cookies.
Google Doodle Round
● This round is written round.
● There is no pounce and bounce.
● Each question is of 10 marks, no neg for wrong answers.
● For answering 5Qs correctly, you'll get extra 10 marks & for
answering all 6Qs you'll get extra 20 marks.
● Once the QM will read all the 6 Questions, you will get extra 1
min to compile your answer.
Round - II
In 2011,a special Google Doodle marked the 50th anniversary of ___ ___ ___'s
inaugural address (1961), which included the famous line which was a call to action
for the public to do what is right for the greater good.
The team took the words from ________ speech and rearranged them to spell
out the Google logo.
This Google doodle was dedicated to which American leader?
Google celebrated the 94th birthday of legendary Indian cartoonist & author with
this Doodle of his most known common cartoon character. The doodle is in black-
and-white just like his sketches which created history.
The character was adapted into the Indian television series Wagle Ki Duniya on
DD National and the on going show of same name on Sab Tv.
Which famous Indian Cartoonist ?
This doodle was shared on the 126th birthday of X in 2013. Unlike many other
doodles, this one depicts a thought experiment, (devised by X while discussing
with Y), that illustrates an apparent paradox of a very well known phenomenon
which was opposed by Y, one of the greatest scientist of all time.
Id X, who was honoured with this doodle.
A temporary city is built every year in Black rock desert in Nevada for observing a
famous festival held every summer. This festival, which celebrates counterculture via
music, art and more, started in 1986 as a ritual of bonfire when Larry Harvey along with
a few friends met on Baker Beach.
Though not inspired, this festival is similar to an Indian festival which symbolizes
the conquest of good over evil. The festival’s name is the same as the main activity
of the Indian festival.
In The first ever doodle, designed by Google founders and
shared in 1998 celebrated this festival.
Which festival?
A Bharat Ratna Awardee X, who took Indian classical music to the West was
celebrated with a Google Doodle on his 96th birthday on 7 April, 2016. The
illustration by artist Kevin Laughlin depicted this instrument with two bridges and a
second gourd-shape resonator at the top of the instrument's neck that X used.
X was born in a Bengali Brahmin family. He created the music for the Apu Trilogy
by Satyajit Ray, and was music director of All India Radio, New Delhi during 1950s.
Who is X, whose name is often preceded by the title ______ (scholar) ?
This doodle commemorating the 107th birthday of X was shared in 2002. In this
doodle, the letters are written in a system, named after X, which is used worldwide
for the _____. X stitched the letters on ‘slate & stylus tools’ using awls which
accidentally made him _____ at the age of 3.
Id X.
● Q 10: John F Kennedy
● Q 11: R K Laxman
● Q 12: Erwin Schrodinger
● Q 13: Burning Man Festival
● Q 14: Pandit Ravishankar
● Q 15: Louis Braille
Round - III
While ‘hunt and peck’ is the most common form but for accuracy & saving time professionals
follow the ‘touch’ method where they focus on the source copy at all times & uses all the fingers
instead of 1 or 2. This method sometimes led to mistakes as fingers might get slipped/displaced
as the focus remained on the source copy not on the ________.
In 2002, June E Botich came up with a solution of it, which got patented in the very next year &
companies that manufactured ________ included this feature there after. Though he
suggested a small plastic attachment on the top of the resting positions of 8 fingers on the
________, Nowadays we find it as only 2 small ridges.
Which minor ridges I’m talking about, that we often neglect in our daily life but is useful for
increasing efficiency in official works?
Ans. 16
Bumps on F & J key in keyboards.
This is a billboard ad that was featured in Delhi. In this particular ad, an image of a
cursor was used to show the section being lifted.
The location of this ad was chosen to ensure that the target demographic would see the
ad on their daily commute. The campaign was successful as many users signed up for
the service citing the advertised feature as a big reason.
The company in the ad used to be a popular website but has since dropped to a market
share of less than 2% ! and lost out to a company that is currently headed by
an Indian-American CEO. Which American tech company's services are being
advertised here?
Ans. 17
(Yahoo mail is being advertised)
New York City's most famous neighborhood is Manhattan's Times Square.
Significantly less well known is a neighborhood just a few blocks away, known as the
Diamond District. More than 2,600 independent businesses are located in this
While at first, Raffi S. worked for those businesses, you might now find him on his
hands and knees, facing the sidewalk below, working out on the street.
What is he doing now to make money in that neighborhood by a process that's not
dissimilar to the one certain people of the 1840s used?
Ans. 18
Collecting Gold from streets.
Kaninhoppning is a game originated in Sweden early in the 1970’s. It can be called a
version of another game; difference is just using X in place of Y.
Both X & Y are part of a Far Eastern folktale, where the first 12 in a race were given an
order according to their rank in crossing the finishing line & X was the first one about
to reach the feat but seeing no one there X took a nap & couldn’t got first. While Y, the
fastest among this group of 12 got stuck in a cemetery & dodging the obstacles finally
managed to be a part of the group.
Y’s struggle in the cemetery can be related with the other game which inspired
What kind of game is Kaninhoppning & which folktale?
Ans. 19
Rabbit Hurdle Race.
The great race of Chinese Zodiac.
Countersteering is used by single-track vehicle operators, such as cyclists and
motorcyclists, to initiate a turn toward a given direction by momentarily steering
counter to the desired direction ("steer left to turn right"). To negotiate a turn
successfully, the combined center of mass of the rider and the single-track vehicle must
first be leaned in the direction of the turn, and steering briefly in the opposite direction
causes that lean. The rider's action of countersteering is sometimes referred to as
"giving a steering command".
How does this phenomenon help in bike racing?
Prevents from sleeping down.
In the battle of Mahabharata at a very crucial moment during the duel of Karna-Arjuna,
Karna’s chariot got stuck in the ground because of the curse that was given to him by a
Brahmana that when he’ll be fighting the most important battle of his life the wheel of
his chariot will be swallowed by the earth (Stuck in the earth)”.
For which deed was Karna given this curse?
He killed a Calf (Cow’s infant) unintentionally while
learning a new skill of Archery.
This technology giant urged its employees to chat channels rather than emails and
meetings, going so far as to slash the duration of meetings from 60 to 30 minutes. The
company further capped the attendance at these meetings at 5 employees.
The tech company ran a trial run of a certain program in 2019 in its Japanese offices.
What was the defining feature of the trial run that delighted employees, and was
proposed in India’s new labour codes in 2021, and even resulted in a rise in productive
capacity by nearly forty percent?
4 day work week.
Till 2016, before the start of a Test match was a tradition was followed by Lord's cricket
ground only. In 2016, 'X' was added to the Eden Gardens stadium to __ in the start of
day's play for test cricket and the start of the match for ODI & T20I matches. In the
inauguration of the X West Bengal’s CM and and Bangladesh’s PM begin this tradition.
Although, in cricket matches, Kapil Dev was the first person to begin this tradition to
start the test match between India and New Zealand in September 2016.
What is this Tradition?
Ringing bell before the start of a match.
You’ve heard of the Ministry of Magic from Harry Potter. But there’s another absurdist
Ministry that originated from the minds of British artists.
This is a clip from a 1970 sketch by Monty Python, an influential British comedy
troupe. The clip is from a sketch that was a satire on bureaucratic inefficiency. John
Cleese plays a civil servant strolling rather whimsically to his place of work where
he is responsible for developing _____ ______ through grants.
The character works in the Ministry of _____ ______. Based on the peculiarity in the
clip, what might that absurd Ministry be? (blanks are indicative)
Silly Walks.

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Anything Tech, Anything Online Quiz, ZHDC Weekly Session #18
Anything Tech, Anything Online Quiz, ZHDC Weekly Session #18Anything Tech, Anything Online Quiz, ZHDC Weekly Session #18
Anything Tech, Anything Online Quiz, ZHDC Weekly Session #18

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Anything Tech, Anything Online Quiz, ZHDC Weekly Session #18
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Quizathon gen quiz finals

  • 2. Rules :- ● There are total 24 Questions. ● +10 on Bounce & +15/-5 on Pounce. ● There are 3 rounds of 9-6-9 questions respectively. ● Google Doodle Round(Q 10 to 15) will be written round & marking will be different. QM will explain that. ● Ask for hints if needed. ● QM’s decision will be final. ● Do NOT use any search engine (Google, Firefox, etc.) to find answer. ● Have Fun. Enjoy Quizzing.
  • 4. Q.1 In While almost 65% countries follows the other way but many nations including India follows the traditional British way which was initiated because armoured knights were mostly right handed & hence greet or kill with the right hand while steering the horse by left hand. Earlier it was followed worldwide but with the invention of carriage transport by four horses made it change. (Image) The carriage driver used to ride on the rear-left horse & whipped the horses into motion with his right hand. It also helped them to stick closer to the centre of the road. What is this explanation all about?
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Ans. 1 Driving in left/right lane of the road.
  • 8. Q.2 In The ISRO successfully launched PSLV C51 carrying 19 satellites on 28 february, 2021 from satish dhawan space centre. The 18 satellites were of the United States and India.The remaining one X is the first dedicated commercial mission of a PSE of Govt. of India. X is the optical earth observation satellite of National Institute for Space Research (INPE). This satellite would further strengthen the existing structure by providing remote sensing data to users for monitoring deforestation in the ________ region and analysis of diversified agriculture across the _______ territory. The PSE was established on 6th March 2019 under company act 2013 with the aim to scale up industry participation in Indian space programmes. Name X.
  • 9.
  • 11. Q.3 In most of the paintings (photos), King Charlemagne, one of the great emperors of Early middle ages, is seen holding his sword either touching the ground or resting on shoulders. But somewhere it is seen placed behind the head, which might seem that he is trying to stab himself with it, & hence, called ‘The Suicide King’. According to beliefs, in one of the paintings, where he is seen holding a battle ax, is the inspiration of the earlier designs but over the course of copies being made, the ax head was omitted, and the weapon changed to a curiously positioned sword. Where can we see this along with three other variations depicting King David, King Alexander & Julius Caesar?
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. Ans. 3 King of Hearts in cards game.
  • 15. Q.4 Automation Bias is the propensity for humans to favor suggestions from automated decision-making systems and to ignore contradictory information made without automation, even if it is correct. A term, X, almost same with the phenomenon, came into headlines after a tweet of Shashi Tharoor in 2017. X is a ‘hinglish’ portmanteau of two words, first one being the source & the other one is a hindustani synonym of the person’s act. An Indian general news & opinion website, founded by Raghav Bahl & Ritu Kapur in 2015, which is much known for the clearance of its news and opinions, has named it’s fact checking wing as X. Id the term, X.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. Ans. 4 Webqoof / Webaqoof.
  • 19. Q.5 In Japanese, ‘X’ is formed by rearranging the syllables of the Japanese word ‘yasai’ which means ‘vegetable’. All full-blooded X’s birth names are puns on various vegetable names. __(6)__ is a pun on the word ‘Vegetable’. __(7)__ is an interesting mutation of ‘Carrot’. __(5)__ a pun on ‘Broccoli’. These are the names of a very famous Anime Series and Manga Comics characters. Which Series and Give X?
  • 20.
  • 21. Ans. 5 Dragon Ball Series. X- Saiyan
  • 22. Q.6 A retired schoolteacher in Kalpa, Himachal Pradesh, became an important name in the history of India in 1951 during a big national level event & made a record in his name , as Himachal Pradesh went to it five months early because the weather there tends to be inclement in February and March and heavy snowfall during that period would have make it impossible for citizens to reach the locations. He lived in oblivion for 45 years till he was tracked in July 2007 when IAS officer Manisha Nanda, first learnt about him from the photo of that National Level Event. What is the record that he will keep in his name till all the time to come ?
  • 23.
  • 24. Ans. 6 First Indian Voter. (Shyam Saran Negi)
  • 25. Q.7 This is an artistic representation of an airport that is expected to open in November 2021 in the UK. Built as a result of a partnership between the government, private businesses (including Hyundai) and the aviation industry, this airport is expected to bring clean urban air transport to the masses and bring forth a new airborne world of zero-emission movement. While this airport is 60% smaller than your usual heliport, what else is so special about this airport that involves what was previously considered to be a techno- utopian fantasy?
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. Ans. 7 First airport for flying cars & drones.
  • 29. Q.8 X are the frescoes depicting Hindu mythology in the state of ______ . Ancient temples and palaces in ________ India, display an abounding tradition of X paintings mostly dating back between the 9th to 12th centuries CE. The scriptural basis of these paintings can be found in the Sanskrit texts Chitrasutra. Traditionally the painting involves four different processes, Preparation of the ground Sketching of the outline Application of colours and Addition of decorative details Which style of painting ?
  • 30.
  • 31. Ans. 8 Kerala Mural Paintings.
  • 32. Q.9 This is a vault in Svalbard, Norway which is asteroid and apocalypse proof. It was inspired by Global Seed Vault, a building that holds more than 930,000 types of seeds from around the world. The main objective is to protect an important thing in the vault but it was actually a marketing gimmick of X after NASA’s announcement about Asteroid 2018VP1, which would have hit Earth in early November last year. In a press release X said, “X isn’t risking a future without the world’s favourite _____.” What important item is protected in this ‘doomsday’ vault?
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. Ans. 9 Oreo recipe and cookies.
  • 36. Google Doodle Round ● This round is written round. ● There is no pounce and bounce. ● Each question is of 10 marks, no neg for wrong answers. ● For answering 5Qs correctly, you'll get extra 10 marks & for answering all 6Qs you'll get extra 20 marks. ● Once the QM will read all the 6 Questions, you will get extra 1 min to compile your answer. Round - II (written)
  • 37. Q.10 In 2011,a special Google Doodle marked the 50th anniversary of ___ ___ ___'s inaugural address (1961), which included the famous line which was a call to action for the public to do what is right for the greater good. The team took the words from ________ speech and rearranged them to spell out the Google logo. This Google doodle was dedicated to which American leader?
  • 38. Q.11 Google celebrated the 94th birthday of legendary Indian cartoonist & author with this Doodle of his most known common cartoon character. The doodle is in black- and-white just like his sketches which created history. The character was adapted into the Indian television series Wagle Ki Duniya on DD National and the on going show of same name on Sab Tv. Which famous Indian Cartoonist ?
  • 39. Q.12 This doodle was shared on the 126th birthday of X in 2013. Unlike many other doodles, this one depicts a thought experiment, (devised by X while discussing with Y), that illustrates an apparent paradox of a very well known phenomenon which was opposed by Y, one of the greatest scientist of all time. Id X, who was honoured with this doodle.
  • 40. Q.13 A temporary city is built every year in Black rock desert in Nevada for observing a famous festival held every summer. This festival, which celebrates counterculture via music, art and more, started in 1986 as a ritual of bonfire when Larry Harvey along with a few friends met on Baker Beach. Though not inspired, this festival is similar to an Indian festival which symbolizes the conquest of good over evil. The festival’s name is the same as the main activity of the Indian festival. In The first ever doodle, designed by Google founders and shared in 1998 celebrated this festival. Which festival?
  • 41. Q.14 A Bharat Ratna Awardee X, who took Indian classical music to the West was celebrated with a Google Doodle on his 96th birthday on 7 April, 2016. The illustration by artist Kevin Laughlin depicted this instrument with two bridges and a second gourd-shape resonator at the top of the instrument's neck that X used. X was born in a Bengali Brahmin family. He created the music for the Apu Trilogy by Satyajit Ray, and was music director of All India Radio, New Delhi during 1950s. Who is X, whose name is often preceded by the title ______ (scholar) ?
  • 42. Q.15 This doodle commemorating the 107th birthday of X was shared in 2002. In this doodle, the letters are written in a system, named after X, which is used worldwide for the _____. X stitched the letters on ‘slate & stylus tools’ using awls which accidentally made him _____ at the age of 3. Id X.
  • 43.
  • 44. Answers: ● Q 10: John F Kennedy ● Q 11: R K Laxman ● Q 12: Erwin Schrodinger ● Q 13: Burning Man Festival ● Q 14: Pandit Ravishankar ● Q 15: Louis Braille
  • 46. Q.16 While ‘hunt and peck’ is the most common form but for accuracy & saving time professionals follow the ‘touch’ method where they focus on the source copy at all times & uses all the fingers instead of 1 or 2. This method sometimes led to mistakes as fingers might get slipped/displaced as the focus remained on the source copy not on the ________. In 2002, June E Botich came up with a solution of it, which got patented in the very next year & companies that manufactured ________ included this feature there after. Though he suggested a small plastic attachment on the top of the resting positions of 8 fingers on the ________, Nowadays we find it as only 2 small ridges. Which minor ridges I’m talking about, that we often neglect in our daily life but is useful for increasing efficiency in official works?
  • 47.
  • 48. Ans. 16 Bumps on F & J key in keyboards.
  • 49. Q.17 This is a billboard ad that was featured in Delhi. In this particular ad, an image of a cursor was used to show the section being lifted. The location of this ad was chosen to ensure that the target demographic would see the ad on their daily commute. The campaign was successful as many users signed up for the service citing the advertised feature as a big reason. The company in the ad used to be a popular website but has since dropped to a market share of less than 2% ! and lost out to a company that is currently headed by an Indian-American CEO. Which American tech company's services are being advertised here?
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52. Ans. 17 Yahoo. (Yahoo mail is being advertised)
  • 53. Q.18 New York City's most famous neighborhood is Manhattan's Times Square. Significantly less well known is a neighborhood just a few blocks away, known as the Diamond District. More than 2,600 independent businesses are located in this neighborhood. While at first, Raffi S. worked for those businesses, you might now find him on his hands and knees, facing the sidewalk below, working out on the street. What is he doing now to make money in that neighborhood by a process that's not dissimilar to the one certain people of the 1840s used?
  • 54.
  • 55. Ans. 18 Collecting Gold from streets.
  • 56. Q.19 Kaninhoppning is a game originated in Sweden early in the 1970’s. It can be called a version of another game; difference is just using X in place of Y. Both X & Y are part of a Far Eastern folktale, where the first 12 in a race were given an order according to their rank in crossing the finishing line & X was the first one about to reach the feat but seeing no one there X took a nap & couldn’t got first. While Y, the fastest among this group of 12 got stuck in a cemetery & dodging the obstacles finally managed to be a part of the group. Y’s struggle in the cemetery can be related with the other game which inspired Kaninhoppning. What kind of game is Kaninhoppning & which folktale?
  • 57.
  • 58. Ans. 19 Rabbit Hurdle Race. The great race of Chinese Zodiac.
  • 59. Q.20 Countersteering is used by single-track vehicle operators, such as cyclists and motorcyclists, to initiate a turn toward a given direction by momentarily steering counter to the desired direction ("steer left to turn right"). To negotiate a turn successfully, the combined center of mass of the rider and the single-track vehicle must first be leaned in the direction of the turn, and steering briefly in the opposite direction causes that lean. The rider's action of countersteering is sometimes referred to as "giving a steering command". How does this phenomenon help in bike racing?
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 63. Q.21 In the battle of Mahabharata at a very crucial moment during the duel of Karna-Arjuna, Karna’s chariot got stuck in the ground because of the curse that was given to him by a Brahmana that when he’ll be fighting the most important battle of his life the wheel of his chariot will be swallowed by the earth (Stuck in the earth)”. For which deed was Karna given this curse?
  • 64.
  • 65. Ans.21 He killed a Calf (Cow’s infant) unintentionally while learning a new skill of Archery.
  • 66. Q.22 This technology giant urged its employees to chat channels rather than emails and meetings, going so far as to slash the duration of meetings from 60 to 30 minutes. The company further capped the attendance at these meetings at 5 employees. The tech company ran a trial run of a certain program in 2019 in its Japanese offices. What was the defining feature of the trial run that delighted employees, and was proposed in India’s new labour codes in 2021, and even resulted in a rise in productive capacity by nearly forty percent?
  • 67.
  • 69. Q.23 Till 2016, before the start of a Test match was a tradition was followed by Lord's cricket ground only. In 2016, 'X' was added to the Eden Gardens stadium to __ in the start of day's play for test cricket and the start of the match for ODI & T20I matches. In the inauguration of the X West Bengal’s CM and and Bangladesh’s PM begin this tradition. Although, in cricket matches, Kapil Dev was the first person to begin this tradition to start the test match between India and New Zealand in September 2016. What is this Tradition?
  • 70.
  • 71. Ans.23 Ringing bell before the start of a match.
  • 72. Q.24 You’ve heard of the Ministry of Magic from Harry Potter. But there’s another absurdist Ministry that originated from the minds of British artists. This is a clip from a 1970 sketch by Monty Python, an influential British comedy troupe. The clip is from a sketch that was a satire on bureaucratic inefficiency. John Cleese plays a civil servant strolling rather whimsically to his place of work where he is responsible for developing _____ ______ through grants. The character works in the Ministry of _____ ______. Based on the peculiarity in the clip, what might that absurd Ministry be? (blanks are indicative)
  • 73.
  • 74.