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 A list of questions
which are
logical to carry out survey
Of a specific issue like
1. Educational
2. Commercial
3. Socio-economical etc.
Educational Questionnaire
 Related to Educational Issues,
Students’ Learning habits and
views regarding education or
examination system, T.V. or
Movie watching habits, mobile,
computer and internet using
Commercial Questionnaire
 Formed to carry out survey on
large scale to know likings and
disliking of the consumers.
 Companies use it find out
which particular features
attract the consumers.
 Government or Non-Governmental
Organizations carry out surveys to
chalk out new plans of Development.
 The information one wants to seek
should be quite clear in the mind
before formulating the questionnaire.
Formation of Questions
1. ‘Wh’ questions likeWhat,Why,
When,Where, How, Whom
i.e. 1. How much do you earn
every month?
2. What are your monthly
Provide information
Question Formation
 Questions begin with helping verbs
like ….
1. Do you use internet per day?
2. Are you interested in internet?
3. Do you feel excess use of cell phone
harms the study?
These are ‘yes’, ‘no’ questions, means
the response will be only either in
‘yes’ or ‘no’.
 There can be OPTIONAL
questions which help in collection
of FINE response. i.e. …..
1. Where do you study?
(a) at home (b) in library
(c) at friend’s (d) in hostel
Clarity about….
 Form of Questionnaire
 Type of Questions ( content )
Appearance of the
Type of Questions
Questionnaire should be
divided into two parts
1. Personal
2.Issue Specific ( Content )
Personal Details
 In this part personal details are
sought and the respondent
should be assured that details
gathered will be treated as
confidential and be used only
for study purpose.
Issue related part
 All the questions should be
arranged in logical sequence.
 Any question should not follow
any one.
 There should be interlink.
Minimum Questions should
extract maximum
 Questions should be formed in
such a way that information
can be analyzed dynamically.
Personal Details
 Name :
 Address :
 Contact Details
Mobile No.:
e-mail :
1. Business [ ]
2. Service [ ]
Personal Details
1. Business [ ]
2. Service [ ]
3. Student [ ]
4. Home maker [ ]
5. Unemployed [ ]
6. Any other (specify)…………………………..
Personal Details
Name of the School/College/ Institution
Faculty :
1. Arts [ ] 2. Commerce [ ]
3. Science [ ] 4. Medical [ ]
5. Engineering [ ] 6. Management [ ]
7. Any other (specify)……………………………………..
Personal Details
Semester /Year :
1. First [ ] 2. Second [ ]
3. Third [ ] 4. fourth [ ]
5. Fifth [ ] 6. sixth [ ]
7.Seventh [ ] 8. Eighth [ ]
Personal Details
Monthly Income :
1. Upto Rs. 5000 [ ]
2. Rs. 5001 to Rs.10000 [ ]
3. Rs. 10001 to Rs.20000 [ ]
4. Rs. 20001 to Rs.30000 [ ]
5. Above Rs.30001 [ ]
Personal Details
Monthly Saving :
1. Upto Rs. 1000 [ ]
2. Rs. 1001 to Rs.5000 [ ]
3. Rs. 5001 to Rs.10000 [ ]
4. Rs. 10001 to Rs.20000 [ ]
5. Above Rs.20001 [ ]
Personal Details (open ended)
Name of the School/College/ Institution :
Faculty : ……………………
Semester /Year : ……………………..
Monthly Income Rs. :……………………..
Monthly Saving Rs. :………………………
Personal Details (open ended)
Father’s Profession :
Father’s Monthly Income :
Socio-economical Condition of
Auto Rikshaw Drivers
Socio-economical Condition of
Auto Rikshaw Drivers
1. Do you drive your own auto rikshaw or hired?
A. Own [ ] B. Hired [ ]
2. If owned, how did you buy it?
A. Cash [ ]
B. with the help of Bank Loan [ ]
C. by borrowing money from relatives [ ]
D by borrowing money from friends [ ]
Socio-economical Condition of
Auto Rikshaw Drivers
3. How many hours do you drive Rikhaw in day?
A. 8 Hours [ ] B.10 Hours [ ]
C. 12 Hours [ ] D. more than 12 hours [ ]
4. Do you take weekly holiday? Yes [ ] No
[ ]
5. What do you do for entertainment?
A. WatchT.V. [ ] B. Movie [ ]
C. Outing [ ] D. Cultural Programme [ ]
Socio-economical Condition of
Auto Rikshaw Drivers
6.Which of the following items do you
A. ColourTV [ ]
B. Refrigerator [ ]
C. TwoWheeler [ ]
D. Land Line Phone [ ]
E. Mobile Phone [ ]
F. ……………….. [ ]
Socio-economical Condition of
Auto Rikshaw Drivers
7. If bought it on loan what is the
amount of monthly installment?
A. Rs. 1000 [ ] B. Rs. 2000 [ ]
C. Rs. 3000 [ ] C. More than Rs.3000 [ ]
8.What is tenure of the loan?
A. 3 years [ ] B 4 years [ ]
C. More than 4 years [ ]
Socio-economical Condition of
Auto Rikshaw Drivers
9. What is your daily income?
A. Rs. 100 [ ] B.Rs. 200 [ ]
C. Rs. 300 [ ] C. More thanRs.301 [ ]
10. What is your monthly saving?
A. Rs.500 [ ] B. Rs. 750 [ ]
C. Rs. 1000 [ ] C. Rs. 2000 [ ]
E. More than Rs.2001 [ ]
Socio-economical Condition of
Auto Rikshaw Drivers
11.Where do you keep your saving?
A. In bank [ ] B. In Precious metal [ ]
C. At home[ ] D. in small fund scheme[ ]
12. Do you feel that you can manage your
domestic expense easily?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
13.If no, how do you manage your domestic
Socio-economical Condition of
Auto Rikshwa Drivers
14. Are you office bearer of any Union or
Association of the Auto Rikshaw Drivers or
Owners? Yes [ ] No [ ]
15. Are you member of any Social
Organization? Yes [ ] No [ ]
16. Are you member of any Political
Organization? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Socio-economical Condition of
Auto Rikshwa Drivers
A.With the help of the income of the other
family members. [ ]
B. By financial cuts in domestic needs. [ ]
C. By simple life style [ ]
D. By more working [ ]
17. Are you member of any Union or Association
of the Auto Rikshaw Drivers or Owners?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
Socio-economical Condition of
Auto Rikshwa Drivers
18. Are you member of any Cultural
Organization? Yes [ ] No [ ]
19.How is your experience with the passengers?
A. Co-operative [ ]
B. Hostile [ ]
C. Indifferent [ ]
D. Rude [ ]
E. Insulting [ ]
F. Any other (
Socio-economical Condition of
Auto Rikshwa Drivers
20.How is very experience with theTraffic
A. Co-operative [ ]
B. Hostile [ ]
C. Indifferent [ ]
D. Rude [ ]
E. Insulting [ ]
F. Any other (
Socio-economical Condition of
Auto Rikshwa Drivers
21. Do the Police Constable ask for bribe?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
22. Do theTraffic Police harasses you?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
23. Do you like your work? Yes [ ] No [ ]
24. If you get any opportunity to change the
work would you do it? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Socio-economical Condition of
Working Women
1. Does your husband co-operate you in house
hold work? Yes [ ] No [ ]
2. How is your male colleagues’ attitude towards
you in the office?
A. Co-operative [ ]
B. Indifferent [ ]
C. Jealous [ ]
D. Harassing [ ]
E. Any other
Socio-economical Condition of
Working Women
Socio-economical Condition of
Working Women
3. Number of child/children you have?
A. 1 [ ] B. 2 [ ]
C. 3 [ ] D. More than 3 [ ]
4. Can you pay sufficient attention to the
upbringing of your children?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
5. Does the approach of your family members
helpful to you? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Socio-economical Condition of
Working Women
A. Why do you work?
A. Because I like to [ ]
B. Because it helps my family financially. [ ]
C. Because I feel free and independent [ ]
D. It gives me chance to use my ability for
society [ ]
E. Any other (specify)……………………………………
Socio –eco conditon of Primary
Socio –eco condiiton of Primary
1. Do you like your job?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
2. Are you satisfied with the your
work atmosphere?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
3. Do you think the students really
take interest in the teaching?
Socio –eco condiiton of Primary
4. Are you satisfied with the salary you get?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
5. How many hours do you prepare for the
A. 1Hour [ ] B 2 Hours [ ]
C. 3 Hours [ ] D. More than 3 Hours [ ]
6. Is the teaching job your conscious selection?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
Socio –eco condiiton of Primary
7. Are you happy with the management?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
8. Are you happy with the Head Master?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
9.Do you feel Government’s education policy is
helpful to society?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
Socio –eco condiiton of
Primary Teacher
12. if you get chance to
change the job would you
do so?
A. Yes [ ] B. No [ ]
C. Not certain [ ]
Socio –eco condiiton of
Primary Teacher
13. Do you think your
expectations have come true in
the job?
A. Yes [ ] B. No [ ]
C. Not certain [ ]
Consumer Market Research
 (i) Prospect of Launching a newWashing
Machine in the market
 (ii) Prospect of Launching a new Detergent
Powder in the market
 (iii) Consumers’ Preference for aTooth-paste
 (iv) Consumers’ Preference for a Mobile Phone
 (v) Consumers’Views on Online Shopping
(i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing
Machine in the market
 1. How do you wash your cloths?
A. Myself [ ]
B.With the help of servant [ ]
C. Using washing machine [ ]
(i) Prospect of Launching a new
Washing Machine in the market
 If you use washing machine, which
brand do you like to use?
 A. Samsung [ ]
 B. Godrej [ ]
 C. Whirlpool [ ]
 D. IFB [ ]
 E. Any other (specify)……………….
(i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing
Machine in the market
 If you use washing machine,
which type ofWashing Machine
do you use?
A. Semi-automatic [ ]
B. Full-automatic [ ]
(i) Prospect of Launching a new
Washing Machine in the market
 Are you satisfied with its function?
 A. Yes [ ]
 B. Partially [ ]
 C. No [ ]
 E. Any other (specify)……………….
(i) Prospect of Launching a new
Washing Machine in the market
 If yes , which aspects do you like
of it?
A. Function [ ]
B. Service [ ]
C. Model [ ]
D. Design [ ]
E. Color [ ]
(i) Prospect of Launching a new
Washing Machine in the market
 If no , which aspects you do not
like of it?
A. Function [ ]
B. Service [ ]
E. Any other (specify)……………….
(i) Prospect of Launching a new
Washing Machine in the market
 If we offer you better quality in a
little high cost would you like it?
A.Yes [ ]
B. No [ ]
C. I shall decide after having seen it
[ ]
D. Any other (specify)……………….
(i) Prospect of Launching a new
Washing Machine in the market
 If we offer you better quality in a
little less cost would you like it?
A.Yes [ ]
B. No [ ]
C. I shall decide after having seen it
[ ]
D. Any other (specify)……………….
(i) Prospect of Launching a new
Washing Machine in the market
 Which factors do you prefer in
selecting a good washing
machine? ( Give preference order)
A. Function [ ]
B. Service [ ]
C. Brand Name [ ]
D. Model [ ]
(i) Prospect of Launching a new
Washing Machine in the market
E. Color [ ]
F. Look [ ]
G. Any other (Specify) . . . . . . . . . .
… … … … … … … … … … … ……….
(i) Prospect of Launching a new
Washing Machine in the market
 What helps you to select which
Washing Machine you should
A. Advertisement [ ]
B. Friend’s advise [ ]
C. Relatives advise [ ]
D. Salesman’s guidance [ ]
(i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing
Machine in the market
E. Neighbour’s advise [ ]
F. Prestige of the Company [ ]
G. Any other (Specify) ….. …. …. ….
…… ….. …….. ……. ……. ….. ….. ……
(i) Prospect of Launching a new
Washing Machine in the market
 Would you like to change the
A.Yes [ ]
B. No [ ]
(i) Prospect of Launching a new
Washing Machine in the market
 If yes, when?
A. If I get some better option [ ]
B. If I get good offer [ ]
C. If I get some financial benefit [ ]
D. Any other (specify) ….. …… …..
…… ……. ….. ……. …… … … …. .. . .
(i) Prospect of Launching a new
Washing Machine in the market
 Your suggestion for a new
Washing Machine.
A. . …….. …… ……………………… ….
…… ………… ……………………………
B. . ……….. ……… ……… ……. …… …
……………. ……. ……. ………….. ….. .
C. .….. …… ….. …… ……. ….. …….
…… … … …. .. . . ……. …. ….. … …
Consumers’ Preference for a Tooth-
 1. If you use tooth paste, which paste
do you use to clean your teeth?
 A. Colgate [ ]
 B. Pepsodent [ ]
 C. Close-up [ ]
 D. Oral B [ ]
 E. Meshwak [ ]
 F. Any other (Specify) … ……. ….. ……… ….
Consumers’ Preference for a Tooth-
 1. How do you brush your teeth?
A. By using tooth paste [ ]
B. By using Neem/Babool [ ]
C. By using Salt [ ]
D. Any other (Specify) … ……. …..
……… ….. ….. …. ….. ….. ….. ….. …
(i) Prospect of Launching a new
Washing Machine in the market
 If you use tooth paste, which type of
Tooth Paste do you use?
 A. Gel [ ]
 B. Paste [ ]
 C. Powder [ ]
 D. Ayurvedic paste / Powder [ ]
 E. Any other (Specify)
(i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing
Machine in the market
 Are you satisfied with its function?
A.Yes [ ]
B. Partially [ ]
C. No [ ]
E. Any other (specify)……………….
(i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing
Machine in the market
 If yes , which aspects do you like
of it?
A. Cleaning Function [ ]
B. Aroma (smell) [ ]
C. Foam [ ]
D. Freshening effect [ ]
E. Color [ ]
(i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in
the market
 If we offer you better quality in a little
high cost would you like it?
 A. Yes [ ]
 B. No [ ]
 C. I shall decide after having used it
[ ]
 D. Any other (specify)……………….
(i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine
in the market
 Which factors do you prefer in
selecting a goodTooth Paste?
( Give preference order)
 A. Cleanliness [ ]
 B. Cost [ ]
 C. Brand Name [ ]
 D. Model [ ]
Students views on Use of Social Media
RS Nagar
Arts & Commerce College
1. Do use Social Media?
 Yes [ ]
 Sometime [ ]
 No [ ]
2. Which of the following Social Platforms
do you use? (Tick Mark with preference)
 WhatsApp [ ]
 FaceBook [ ]
 Instagram [ ]
 Tweeter [ ]
 Messenger [ ]
 YouTube [ ]
 Any other (specify) ……………………
3. Why do you prefer your favorite media
 For communication [ ]
 For entertainment [ ]
 For information [ ]
 For knowledge [ ]
 Any other (specify) ………………
4. How much time do you spend on your
favourite media?
 Less than One Hour [ ]
 One toTwo Hour [ ]
 Two toThree Hours [ ]
 More thanThree Hours [ ]
5. How does Social Media affect your life?
 Positively [ ]
 Negatively [ ]
 Makes life colourful [ ]
 Connects with society [ ]
 Isolates from the society [ ]
 Adds more meaning [ ]
 Makes life richer [ ]

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  • 1.
  • 2.  A list of questions which are logical to carry out survey Of a specific issue like 1. Educational 2. Commercial 3. Socio-economical etc.
  • 3. Educational Questionnaire  Related to Educational Issues, Students’ Learning habits and views regarding education or examination system, T.V. or Movie watching habits, mobile, computer and internet using habit.
  • 4. Commercial Questionnaire  Formed to carry out survey on large scale to know likings and disliking of the consumers.  Companies use it find out which particular features attract the consumers.
  • 5. Socio-economical Questionnaire  Government or Non-Governmental Organizations carry out surveys to chalk out new plans of Development.  The information one wants to seek should be quite clear in the mind before formulating the questionnaire.
  • 6. Formation of Questions 1. ‘Wh’ questions likeWhat,Why, When,Where, How, Whom i.e. 1. How much do you earn every month? 2. What are your monthly expenses? Provide information
  • 7. Question Formation  Questions begin with helping verbs like …. 1. Do you use internet per day? 2. Are you interested in internet? 3. Do you feel excess use of cell phone harms the study? These are ‘yes’, ‘no’ questions, means the response will be only either in ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
  • 8.  There can be OPTIONAL questions which help in collection of FINE response. i.e. ….. 1. Where do you study? (a) at home (b) in library (c) at friend’s (d) in hostel
  • 9. Clarity about….  Form of Questionnaire  Type of Questions ( content ) Appearance of the Questionnaire
  • 10. Type of Questions Questionnaire should be divided into two parts 1. Personal 2.Issue Specific ( Content )
  • 11. Personal Details  In this part personal details are sought and the respondent should be assured that details gathered will be treated as confidential and be used only for study purpose.
  • 12. Issue related part  All the questions should be arranged in logical sequence.  Any question should not follow any one.  There should be interlink.
  • 13. Minimum Questions should extract maximum information  Questions should be formed in such a way that information can be analyzed dynamically.
  • 14. Personal Details  Name :  Address :  Contact Details Mobile No.: e-mail : Profession 1. Business [ ] 2. Service [ ]
  • 15. Personal Details Profession 1. Business [ ] 2. Service [ ] 3. Student [ ] 4. Home maker [ ] 5. Unemployed [ ] 6. Any other (specify)…………………………..
  • 16. Personal Details Name of the School/College/ Institution ……………………………………………………………… Faculty : 1. Arts [ ] 2. Commerce [ ] 3. Science [ ] 4. Medical [ ] 5. Engineering [ ] 6. Management [ ] 7. Any other (specify)……………………………………..
  • 17. Personal Details Semester /Year : 1. First [ ] 2. Second [ ] 3. Third [ ] 4. fourth [ ] 5. Fifth [ ] 6. sixth [ ] 7.Seventh [ ] 8. Eighth [ ]
  • 18. Personal Details Monthly Income : 1. Upto Rs. 5000 [ ] 2. Rs. 5001 to Rs.10000 [ ] 3. Rs. 10001 to Rs.20000 [ ] 4. Rs. 20001 to Rs.30000 [ ] 5. Above Rs.30001 [ ]
  • 19. Personal Details Monthly Saving : 1. Upto Rs. 1000 [ ] 2. Rs. 1001 to Rs.5000 [ ] 3. Rs. 5001 to Rs.10000 [ ] 4. Rs. 10001 to Rs.20000 [ ] 5. Above Rs.20001 [ ]
  • 20. Personal Details (open ended) Name of the School/College/ Institution : ……………………………………………………………… Faculty : …………………… Semester /Year : …………………….. Monthly Income Rs. :…………………….. Monthly Saving Rs. :………………………
  • 21. Personal Details (open ended) Father’s Profession : Father’s Monthly Income :
  • 23. Socio-economical Condition of Auto Rikshaw Drivers 1. Do you drive your own auto rikshaw or hired? A. Own [ ] B. Hired [ ] 2. If owned, how did you buy it? A. Cash [ ] B. with the help of Bank Loan [ ] C. by borrowing money from relatives [ ] D by borrowing money from friends [ ]
  • 24. Socio-economical Condition of Auto Rikshaw Drivers 3. How many hours do you drive Rikhaw in day? A. 8 Hours [ ] B.10 Hours [ ] C. 12 Hours [ ] D. more than 12 hours [ ] 4. Do you take weekly holiday? Yes [ ] No [ ] 5. What do you do for entertainment? A. WatchT.V. [ ] B. Movie [ ] C. Outing [ ] D. Cultural Programme [ ]
  • 25. Socio-economical Condition of Auto Rikshaw Drivers 6.Which of the following items do you possess? A. ColourTV [ ] B. Refrigerator [ ] C. TwoWheeler [ ] D. Land Line Phone [ ] E. Mobile Phone [ ] F. ……………….. [ ]
  • 26. Socio-economical Condition of Auto Rikshaw Drivers 7. If bought it on loan what is the amount of monthly installment? A. Rs. 1000 [ ] B. Rs. 2000 [ ] C. Rs. 3000 [ ] C. More than Rs.3000 [ ] 8.What is tenure of the loan? A. 3 years [ ] B 4 years [ ] C. More than 4 years [ ]
  • 27. Socio-economical Condition of Auto Rikshaw Drivers 9. What is your daily income? A. Rs. 100 [ ] B.Rs. 200 [ ] C. Rs. 300 [ ] C. More thanRs.301 [ ] 10. What is your monthly saving? A. Rs.500 [ ] B. Rs. 750 [ ] C. Rs. 1000 [ ] C. Rs. 2000 [ ] E. More than Rs.2001 [ ]
  • 28. Socio-economical Condition of Auto Rikshaw Drivers 11.Where do you keep your saving? A. In bank [ ] B. In Precious metal [ ] C. At home[ ] D. in small fund scheme[ ] 12. Do you feel that you can manage your domestic expense easily? Yes [ ] No [ ] 13.If no, how do you manage your domestic expenses?
  • 29. Socio-economical Condition of Auto Rikshwa Drivers 14. Are you office bearer of any Union or Association of the Auto Rikshaw Drivers or Owners? Yes [ ] No [ ] 15. Are you member of any Social Organization? Yes [ ] No [ ] 16. Are you member of any Political Organization? Yes [ ] No [ ]
  • 30. Socio-economical Condition of Auto Rikshwa Drivers A.With the help of the income of the other family members. [ ] B. By financial cuts in domestic needs. [ ] C. By simple life style [ ] D. By more working [ ] 17. Are you member of any Union or Association of the Auto Rikshaw Drivers or Owners? Yes [ ] No [ ]
  • 31. Socio-economical Condition of Auto Rikshwa Drivers 18. Are you member of any Cultural Organization? Yes [ ] No [ ] 19.How is your experience with the passengers? A. Co-operative [ ] B. Hostile [ ] C. Indifferent [ ] D. Rude [ ] E. Insulting [ ] F. Any other ( Specify)……………………………………
  • 32. Socio-economical Condition of Auto Rikshwa Drivers 20.How is very experience with theTraffic Police? A. Co-operative [ ] B. Hostile [ ] C. Indifferent [ ] D. Rude [ ] E. Insulting [ ] F. Any other ( Specify)……………………………………
  • 33. Socio-economical Condition of Auto Rikshwa Drivers 21. Do the Police Constable ask for bribe? Yes [ ] No [ ] 22. Do theTraffic Police harasses you? Yes [ ] No [ ] 23. Do you like your work? Yes [ ] No [ ] 24. If you get any opportunity to change the work would you do it? Yes [ ] No [ ]
  • 34. Socio-economical Condition of Working Women 1. Does your husband co-operate you in house hold work? Yes [ ] No [ ] 2. How is your male colleagues’ attitude towards you in the office? A. Co-operative [ ] B. Indifferent [ ] C. Jealous [ ] D. Harassing [ ] E. Any other (specify)………………………………….
  • 36. Socio-economical Condition of Working Women 3. Number of child/children you have? A. 1 [ ] B. 2 [ ] C. 3 [ ] D. More than 3 [ ] 4. Can you pay sufficient attention to the upbringing of your children? Yes [ ] No [ ] 5. Does the approach of your family members helpful to you? Yes [ ] No [ ]
  • 37. Socio-economical Condition of Working Women A. Why do you work? A. Because I like to [ ] B. Because it helps my family financially. [ ] C. Because I feel free and independent [ ] D. It gives me chance to use my ability for society [ ] E. Any other (specify)……………………………………
  • 38. Socio –eco conditon of Primary Teacher
  • 39. Socio –eco condiiton of Primary Teacher 1. Do you like your job? Yes [ ] No [ ] 2. Are you satisfied with the your work atmosphere? Yes [ ] No [ ] 3. Do you think the students really take interest in the teaching?
  • 40. Socio –eco condiiton of Primary Teacher 4. Are you satisfied with the salary you get? Yes [ ] No [ ] 5. How many hours do you prepare for the teaching? A. 1Hour [ ] B 2 Hours [ ] C. 3 Hours [ ] D. More than 3 Hours [ ] 6. Is the teaching job your conscious selection? Yes [ ] No [ ]
  • 41. Socio –eco condiiton of Primary Teacher 7. Are you happy with the management? Yes [ ] No [ ] 8. Are you happy with the Head Master? Yes [ ] No [ ] 9.Do you feel Government’s education policy is helpful to society? Yes [ ] No [ ]
  • 42. Socio –eco condiiton of Primary Teacher 12. if you get chance to change the job would you do so? A. Yes [ ] B. No [ ] C. Not certain [ ]
  • 43. Socio –eco condiiton of Primary Teacher 13. Do you think your expectations have come true in the job? A. Yes [ ] B. No [ ] C. Not certain [ ]
  • 44. Consumer Market Research Survey:  (i) Prospect of Launching a newWashing Machine in the market  (ii) Prospect of Launching a new Detergent Powder in the market  (iii) Consumers’ Preference for aTooth-paste  (iv) Consumers’ Preference for a Mobile Phone  (v) Consumers’Views on Online Shopping
  • 45. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  1. How do you wash your cloths? A. Myself [ ] B.With the help of servant [ ] C. Using washing machine [ ]
  • 46. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  If you use washing machine, which brand do you like to use?  A. Samsung [ ]  B. Godrej [ ]  C. Whirlpool [ ]  D. IFB [ ]  E. Any other (specify)……………….
  • 47. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  If you use washing machine, which type ofWashing Machine do you use? A. Semi-automatic [ ] B. Full-automatic [ ]
  • 48. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  Are you satisfied with its function?  A. Yes [ ]  B. Partially [ ]  C. No [ ]  E. Any other (specify)……………….
  • 49. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  If yes , which aspects do you like of it? A. Function [ ] B. Service [ ] C. Model [ ] D. Design [ ] E. Color [ ]
  • 50. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  If no , which aspects you do not like of it? A. Function [ ] B. Service [ ] E. Any other (specify)……………….
  • 51. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  If we offer you better quality in a little high cost would you like it? A.Yes [ ] B. No [ ] C. I shall decide after having seen it [ ] D. Any other (specify)……………….
  • 52. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  If we offer you better quality in a little less cost would you like it? A.Yes [ ] B. No [ ] C. I shall decide after having seen it [ ] D. Any other (specify)……………….
  • 53. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  Which factors do you prefer in selecting a good washing machine? ( Give preference order) A. Function [ ] B. Service [ ] C. Brand Name [ ] D. Model [ ]
  • 54. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market E. Color [ ] F. Look [ ] G. Any other (Specify) . . . . . . . . . . … … … … … … … … … … … ……….
  • 55. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  What helps you to select which Washing Machine you should buy? A. Advertisement [ ] B. Friend’s advise [ ] C. Relatives advise [ ] D. Salesman’s guidance [ ]
  • 56. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market E. Neighbour’s advise [ ] F. Prestige of the Company [ ] G. Any other (Specify) ….. …. …. …. …… ….. …….. ……. ……. ….. ….. ……
  • 57. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  Would you like to change the Machine? A.Yes [ ] B. No [ ]
  • 58. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  If yes, when? A. If I get some better option [ ] B. If I get good offer [ ] C. If I get some financial benefit [ ] D. Any other (specify) ….. …… ….. …… ……. ….. ……. …… … … …. .. . .
  • 59. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  Your suggestion for a new Washing Machine. A. . …….. …… ……………………… …. …… ………… …………………………… B. . ……….. ……… ……… ……. …… … ……………. ……. ……. ………….. ….. . C. .….. …… ….. …… ……. ….. ……. …… … … …. .. . . ……. …. ….. … …
  • 60. Consumers’ Preference for a Tooth- paste  1. If you use tooth paste, which paste do you use to clean your teeth?  A. Colgate [ ]  B. Pepsodent [ ]  C. Close-up [ ]  D. Oral B [ ]  E. Meshwak [ ]  F. Any other (Specify) … ……. ….. ……… ….
  • 61. Consumers’ Preference for a Tooth- paste  1. How do you brush your teeth? A. By using tooth paste [ ] B. By using Neem/Babool [ ] C. By using Salt [ ] D. Any other (Specify) … ……. ….. ……… ….. ….. …. ….. ….. ….. ….. …
  • 62. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  If you use tooth paste, which type of Tooth Paste do you use?  A. Gel [ ]  B. Paste [ ]  C. Powder [ ]  D. Ayurvedic paste / Powder [ ]  E. Any other (Specify) ……………………………………………..
  • 63. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  Are you satisfied with its function? A.Yes [ ] B. Partially [ ] C. No [ ] E. Any other (specify)……………….
  • 64. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  If yes , which aspects do you like of it? A. Cleaning Function [ ] B. Aroma (smell) [ ] C. Foam [ ] D. Freshening effect [ ] E. Color [ ]
  • 65. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  If we offer you better quality in a little high cost would you like it?  A. Yes [ ]  B. No [ ]  C. I shall decide after having used it [ ]  D. Any other (specify)……………….
  • 66. (i) Prospect of Launching a new Washing Machine in the market  Which factors do you prefer in selecting a goodTooth Paste? ( Give preference order)  A. Cleanliness [ ]  B. Cost [ ]  C. Brand Name [ ]  D. Model [ ]
  • 67. Students views on Use of Social Media RS Nagar Arts & Commerce College Kheda
  • 68. 1. Do use Social Media?  Yes [ ]  Sometime [ ]  No [ ]
  • 69. 2. Which of the following Social Platforms do you use? (Tick Mark with preference)  WhatsApp [ ]  FaceBook [ ]  Instagram [ ]  Tweeter [ ]  Messenger [ ]  YouTube [ ]  Any other (specify) ……………………
  • 70. 3. Why do you prefer your favorite media most?  For communication [ ]  For entertainment [ ]  For information [ ]  For knowledge [ ]  Any other (specify) ………………
  • 71. 4. How much time do you spend on your favourite media?  Less than One Hour [ ]  One toTwo Hour [ ]  Two toThree Hours [ ]  More thanThree Hours [ ]
  • 72. 5. How does Social Media affect your life?  Positively [ ]  Negatively [ ]  Makes life colourful [ ]  Connects with society [ ]  Isolates from the society [ ]  Adds more meaning [ ]  Makes life richer [ ]