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Purpose Of ESSA
According to the Committee on Education and the Workforce (CEW), "Congress must replace No
Child Left Behind with new policies that help every child access an excellent education." (2015).
They also stated that introducing ESSA, "will reduce the federal footprint, restore local control, and
empower parents and education leaders to hold schools accountable for effectively teaching
students." The purpose of the ESSA to replace NCLB strict and unattainable regulations. For
example, the accountability for the access of the students will depend on the state and school
districts. Additionally, parents, particularly of those students who require special education, will
have greater input in the education plan of the students and how it more content...
(The Education Trust, 2016).
Title II provides funding for the teachers. According to National Association ofCharter School
Authorizers (NACSA), "To receive funds, a state has to have an approved plan to increase quality
of these professionals which could include elements like: teacher certification requirements, teacher
evaluations, alternative credential programs, or teacher retention. States have significant flexibility
to design their plan." (2016), This also seems to be an incentive for teachers, as they will receive
the appropriate training and funding for appropriate activities. There is an estimate of 2.3 billion in
grants offered in Title II based on need (poverty among students). (NACSA, 2017).
Title III provides grants for Language instruction for English learners and Immigrant students. As
mentioned previously, the act is aimed for English Learners (ELs) as they are now required to meet a
certain standard of English proficiency. Through their development, that is how the quality of the
school is measured (Migration Policy Institute). States would need to generate programs that allow
English learners to achieve English proficiency and how they could further be assisted. Title IV
focuses on 21st Century Schools in which is divided in different sectors; Student Support and
Academic Enrichment Grants, Community Learning Centers, Charter Schools, Magnet Schools
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Essay on The Purpose of Life
Life is defined in the dictionary as "the quality that makes living animals and plants different from
dead organisms and inorganic matter. Its functions include the ability to take in food, adapt to
the environment, grow, and reproduce." But, what is it, really? What purpose in the grandest
scheme of things does life serve? We have such a small effect on the universe, and it was just fine
for billions of years before we came along. Philosophers around the world have been asking these
questions for as long as humans could think logically. Some would say that the purpose of life is
to please a God, while others would say that it is to be happy in the world. These many varying
views and opinions about how we should live our lives more content...
I want to meet the Dalai Lama, or even shake his hand. When I stop to think about it, there's so
much that I could do. My entire life waits before me, like the coastline of the homeland of a
homesick sailor. My only limit to what I can do is the length of my lifetime. Something else I like
to believe in is that everyone on this Earth has a calling. There is some activity that everyone has
a natural affinity to. I've always had an interest in computers and website design, but recently I
have discovered that the logic and physics of Chemistry have made sense to me, and I am
exceptionally good within that class to the point of considering that I may want to pursue it as a
career. I have seen people in my arts classes create things that are incredibly stunning, and I would
love to see if they pursue their great talents further on in their lives. On the other hand, if someone
is forced to cope with a job or class that they just have no passion for or talent in, all they are doing
is torturing themselves and nothing good can come out of such a situation. Outside of the purpose
of life, I also believe that everyone and everything in the world can coexist. Call me a reincarnated
Taoist. I believe that since we all came from the same place, we can at least get along with one
another, regardless of the differences in the ideas in our heads. Anger and hate directed at other
people grates on
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The Purpose Of Travel
2.2.3.Purpose of travel
As there are many type of tourism, how could businesses capture their potential customers with
these types of travel? It is a simple question but it is not easy to answer. Regarding to the purposes
of traveller to visit a destination, there are able to divide a number of travellers or tourists into
smaller groups.
The list of common forms of travel and its description which are used for specify travellers in a
broad sense, are mentioned as following:
i.Leisure / Holiday Tourism
Leisure / Holiday Tourism are the most common form of travel that can be defined in a board
meaning. There are two main purposes that can be described as a term of Leisure / Holiday tourism
which are Relaxation and Sightseeing:
a) Relaxation
Tourists who want to travel for relaxation more content...
Business Tourism
There may be several purposes for business travelers to travel. Trade, meeting, convention and
exhibition can be one of those travel purposes. However, business people also consume similar
products and services as general tourists do. They would also spend their money on entertainment
and recreation while they are at their destinations. Some unique characteristics of business tourists
can be found as following:
–Business tourists often travel to unusual seen as tourist destinations. The examples of important
destinations for the business travelers are cities like London, Frankfurt, New York, Tokyo and Hong
–It is relatively price–inelastic for business travel. Due to the budget of their business, encouraging
them to travel more frequently by offering low prices will not effect to their travel decision. In
another way around, increasing prices neither discourage they to hesitate go travelling.
–Seasonal factors also not greatly effect to business tourists. Because they frequently travel to the
destinations for short time. Even in holiday periods or variation in climate are not the main factors
to consider while they need to travel for their
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What is the Purpose of College? Essay example
A college education gives a person the opportunity to be successful in life, either financially or
morally dependent on the goals that they set for their life. They will choose a college that offer
programs for the major of their choice, where they will specialize and receive a degree. The decision
to pursue a higher education will give the opportunity to earn a better income over someone who
does not have a degree. College is more of life preparation course that will help make sure a
successful career. If a person pursues a career in engineering, physics or mathematics their
curriculum would include more liberal art preparation courses, in order for them to earn their
degree, so someone pursuing a degree in these types of careers more content...
Today's world economies are so tied together and react to one another that only the brightest and
smartest will survive. The better educated a student is in the specific career that they have chosen to
earn a degree in will give them the educated edge so that they can out compete with foreign markets.
President Barack Obama said "In this kind of economy, countries who out–educate us today will
out–compete us tomorrow. Already, China is graduating eight times as many engineers as we are.
By 12th grade, our children score lower on math and science tests than most other kids in the
world," ("Full"). American colleges need to do a better job at improving math and science scores so
that the graduating student can better compete in the world market Asian countries are continuously
outperforming American students. Gary W. Phillips, chief scientist at the American Institutes of
Research said "In this case, the bad news trumps the good because our Asian economic competitors
are winning the race to prepare students in math and science," (Dillon). The better colleges prepare
students to edge out competitors in the world market needs to be their priority. Secondly the
purpose of a college education is to meet the student's liberal art's needs so that they can compete
and give them a well–rounded education that will enable them to earn
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Essay on What Is the Purpose of Education?
Getting educated is very important for every person. It goes without saying that each of us has to
have a proper education. We learn how to read, count and write. These are the basic abilities we
acquire and use during our life. Is there any other purpose of education or it is aimed only at giving
us a possibility to communicate our ideas and satisfy basic needs? During centuries, there were
different interpretations of the purpose of education. Many scientists, pedagogues and philosophers
tried to answer the question: what is the purpose of education? Taking into consideration the needs
and tendencies of a modern society, we can assume that the purpose of education is to prepare
students to be self–sufficient citizens capable of more content...
Our education should be aimed at educating people who love the world they lie in and who are
ready to become peacemakers and healers of the world (Orr 55). A sustainable society "consists"
of citizens, workers, specialists, technicians, etc, who are ready to work in order to build and
support such society. One of the ways to provide such education is to "get outdoor". The skills
and abilities develop in real world and not in artificial situations in class. In this regard, we may
refer to the Plato's "Allegory of the Cave". One should "touch" the real world problems and get
personal experience from it. Shadows in the cave are the retrospectives of the real knowledge. To
acquire the knowledge, we should leave the "cave". We can learn theory separated from practice and
this will not have any result. Instead, we should understand that every individual is a part of the
natural world, thus, education should be based on ecological literacy as "health of our planet" is one
of the most urgent questions of the modern social community.
For many centuries, the principles of the classical education were in the spotlight. The good of the
individual, realizing his/her own potential were the purposes of the learning process. Cultural
development is the aim of the classical education. It stands above everything, including religion.
(Nietzsche, n. p.). Referring to Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" to interpret the classical education in
modern society, we can say that
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What Is Life Purpose Essay
What is your life purpose? This might be a reflective question that is hard to answer for all of us
because it requires time to think and understand ourselves. It does not simply mean what you want
to do in life but it reflects more deeply that what make you happy and matter you the most. Life
purpose is what you value and can motivate you to achieve the success. From the article how will
measure your life ? written by Dr. Clayton M. Christen, the author mentioned that most people have
little idea about their life purpose. They don't have a clear idea what is important and meaningful
for their life. The author focused that it's essential for everyone to take time and ask themselves
about their life purpose because it's the best way of more content...
It is the fuel that motivates people to pursue their goal. After people realize what they need in life,
they go forward to it with their spirit and power. They can continue doing what they love and
worth for them. There has nothing that limits their effort to achieve life's goal. As a result, people
who have a life's purpose can thrive to the success easily than others. Everything is possible to do
and the door of opportunity open for them. Furthermore, life purpose is the intrinsic force that
makes people be able to overcome the trouble in life. When they face with life's struggle, they can
break through the problem and come across it because they see it as a challenge rather than
obstacle. It does not matter how hard the problem is but they can overcome ultimately. Hence, life
purpose can motivate individual to reach the goal and also cope with life's difficulty
In conclusion, life purpose has many benefits to our life. People can concentrate on important thing
and have ability to make a good decision. They can allocate time and effort in the right area, which
result in life's achievement. Moreover, people who realize their life purpose can fulfill satisfaction
because their life are more meaningful and passionate. Everything will be done with passion and
come from the heart. In addition, purpose of life is also the intrinsic motivation that driven our life to
the success. Any struggle is turned to be a power that propels our effort to accomplish the
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Purpose Of College Essay
The purpose of college differentiates from person to person, the purpose of college for me is to
not only shape me into a productive citizen but to prepare me for my future career and life in the
real world. Like most students, I think a portion of college should be devoted to career
preparation to ensure the move from college to career is an easy one and to make sure I've gained
all college has to offer. Throughout my college career, I will take many courses I don't see the
purpose of yet they are somehow related to my major. The purpose of these courses, although they
seem unconnected and pointless are a major part of my academic success and future career.
How exactly do general education courses help to shape your college career more
Yet many people don't seem to see it as a learning experience but instead a necessity to get to
reach or stay in middle class. To me, the purpose of college is simple to help citizens to not only
reach their maximum potential but to become better citizens. This can be achieved in college not
only by our rigorous coursework but by the guidance of our professors.
What portion of college should be dedicated to career preparation? This is an often ignored
question what exactly is career preparation? Simply put it's a developmental process that prepares
people for their future careers. I think career preparation should be personalized for each person.
Not only due to each person having different strengths and weaknesses but when personalized our
different careers are put into the mind and allow us to reach our maximum potential and prepare
for our future carerrs. Career preparation should also be integrated into our general education
courses. Not only due to our general education classes helping us to develop "soft skills" that most
people need paired with career preparation is not only a fresh new concept but we would end up
getting the best out of our college careers and seeing if college that career we've had in mind is
actually right for us.
In conclusion, the purpose of college although it differentiates from person to person requirement for
a job ,or simply trying to better yourself and
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Purpose Essay On Purpose
Stanford University researcher William Damon defines purpose as, "a stable amd generalized
intention to accomplish something that is at once meaningful to the self and consequential to the
world beyond the self." Purpose is a thing that most people strive to look for most of their lives,
however I am lucky to have found it so early in my mine. My purpose is to help others. While
many little occurrences have led me to find this, such as becoming a cheerleading coach, one event
made it clear. I found this purpose during my junior year of high school through a program called
Natural Helpers. Through this program I was able to realize many things, but most importantly being
my purpose in life.
Natural Helpers is a retreat in which more content...
Fast Forward to my senior year, and I was invited back on the same Natural Helper retreat, only
this time as staff leader. In the Natural Helper program, staff leaders were senior students who ran
the retreat with three teachers. The staff leaders are responsible for putting on the plays, helping
people become comfortable, and being a friend to all. As a staff leader not only did my purpose
solidify in my mind, but it helped me put my newfound purpose into action. As a staff leader, I
was the one helping others share their story and experiences. I was able to give the group of peers
that were assigned to me a safe place to speak about what is weighing on them and to be
themselves. I was able to help them, just as they were able to help me. In Natural Helpers, the
theme used is rainbows which signify better times. This powerful imagery impacted me very
deeply. Now every time I see a rainbow after a storm I remember my experience on the retreat, but
it also serves as a reminder of my purpose and a little push to make sure I am doing all that I can to
help others. These two retreats brought my some of my closest friends and are my most valuable
memories which will continue impacting me throughout my life. Natural Helpers gave me the
opportunity to help others and how to recognize when one wants help.
In addition to Natural Helpers little occurrences in my life have led me to my purpose. Once again
during high school, I was
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The Purpose of an Education Essay
The Purpose of an Education
Many of today's youth do not see the purpose of education. Students, however, have goals and
ambitions they want to fulfill when they reach adulthood. They want to be the lawyers, doctors,
teachers, computer analysts, and government officials. They want to have salaries that exceed
$50,000 so they can drive the BMW(s) and Lexus(es). To fill these positions, young people need to
meet the qualifications and they will see that it fundamentally comes down to receiving a good
education. The purpose of education is not to prepare young people for the next grade. The overall
purpose of an education, however, is to prepare adolescents to be adults so they can be productive
citizens in our more content...
Not only does having an education teach a student book knowledge, but it also can teach them life
lessons. For example, turning homework in on time and to the best of their ability is an act of
punctuality and being proactive. Students also should be able to always question the information
they read and receive. This should not be mistaken for a student trying to be smarter than the
teacher, but it should provide an avenue for a student to gain understanding of the subject matter.
This will be helpful when they watch the news on television or read a magazine article or
non–fiction book because much of what students read is biased. Students need to learn how to read
this information and decide which is accurate. Learning these techniques is a major contributor to
receiving a good education.
Finally, having an education increases our advancement on the economic and social ladder.
Depending on how far we go in our education will determine the career that we choose. It will also
determine our usefulness and effectiveness in society. If we do not have an education, it is hard to
become that productive citizen in society. The end result is that we will be powerless. It has been
proven that powerless people do not reach the attention of higher members in society. The sad thing
is that without an education, they would not know that they are powerless. The purpose of an
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Purpose Of An Essay

  • 1. Purpose Of ESSA According to the Committee on Education and the Workforce (CEW), "Congress must replace No Child Left Behind with new policies that help every child access an excellent education." (2015). They also stated that introducing ESSA, "will reduce the federal footprint, restore local control, and empower parents and education leaders to hold schools accountable for effectively teaching students." The purpose of the ESSA to replace NCLB strict and unattainable regulations. For example, the accountability for the access of the students will depend on the state and school districts. Additionally, parents, particularly of those students who require special education, will have greater input in the education plan of the students and how it more content... (The Education Trust, 2016). Title II provides funding for the teachers. According to National Association ofCharter School Authorizers (NACSA), "To receive funds, a state has to have an approved plan to increase quality of these professionals which could include elements like: teacher certification requirements, teacher evaluations, alternative credential programs, or teacher retention. States have significant flexibility to design their plan." (2016), This also seems to be an incentive for teachers, as they will receive the appropriate training and funding for appropriate activities. There is an estimate of 2.3 billion in grants offered in Title II based on need (poverty among students). (NACSA, 2017). Title III provides grants for Language instruction for English learners and Immigrant students. As mentioned previously, the act is aimed for English Learners (ELs) as they are now required to meet a certain standard of English proficiency. Through their development, that is how the quality of the school is measured (Migration Policy Institute). States would need to generate programs that allow English learners to achieve English proficiency and how they could further be assisted. Title IV focuses on 21st Century Schools in which is divided in different sectors; Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants, Community Learning Centers, Charter Schools, Magnet Schools Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on The Purpose of Life Life is defined in the dictionary as "the quality that makes living animals and plants different from dead organisms and inorganic matter. Its functions include the ability to take in food, adapt to the environment, grow, and reproduce." But, what is it, really? What purpose in the grandest scheme of things does life serve? We have such a small effect on the universe, and it was just fine for billions of years before we came along. Philosophers around the world have been asking these questions for as long as humans could think logically. Some would say that the purpose of life is to please a God, while others would say that it is to be happy in the world. These many varying views and opinions about how we should live our lives more content... I want to meet the Dalai Lama, or even shake his hand. When I stop to think about it, there's so much that I could do. My entire life waits before me, like the coastline of the homeland of a homesick sailor. My only limit to what I can do is the length of my lifetime. Something else I like to believe in is that everyone on this Earth has a calling. There is some activity that everyone has a natural affinity to. I've always had an interest in computers and website design, but recently I have discovered that the logic and physics of Chemistry have made sense to me, and I am exceptionally good within that class to the point of considering that I may want to pursue it as a career. I have seen people in my arts classes create things that are incredibly stunning, and I would love to see if they pursue their great talents further on in their lives. On the other hand, if someone is forced to cope with a job or class that they just have no passion for or talent in, all they are doing is torturing themselves and nothing good can come out of such a situation. Outside of the purpose of life, I also believe that everyone and everything in the world can coexist. Call me a reincarnated Taoist. I believe that since we all came from the same place, we can at least get along with one another, regardless of the differences in the ideas in our heads. Anger and hate directed at other people grates on Get more content on
  • 3. The Purpose Of Travel 2.2.3.Purpose of travel As there are many type of tourism, how could businesses capture their potential customers with these types of travel? It is a simple question but it is not easy to answer. Regarding to the purposes of traveller to visit a destination, there are able to divide a number of travellers or tourists into smaller groups. The list of common forms of travel and its description which are used for specify travellers in a broad sense, are mentioned as following: i.Leisure / Holiday Tourism Leisure / Holiday Tourism are the most common form of travel that can be defined in a board meaning. There are two main purposes that can be described as a term of Leisure / Holiday tourism which are Relaxation and Sightseeing: a) Relaxation Tourists who want to travel for relaxation more content... Business Tourism There may be several purposes for business travelers to travel. Trade, meeting, convention and exhibition can be one of those travel purposes. However, business people also consume similar products and services as general tourists do. They would also spend their money on entertainment and recreation while they are at their destinations. Some unique characteristics of business tourists can be found as following: –Business tourists often travel to unusual seen as tourist destinations. The examples of important destinations for the business travelers are cities like London, Frankfurt, New York, Tokyo and Hong Kong. –It is relatively price–inelastic for business travel. Due to the budget of their business, encouraging them to travel more frequently by offering low prices will not effect to their travel decision. In another way around, increasing prices neither discourage they to hesitate go travelling. –Seasonal factors also not greatly effect to business tourists. Because they frequently travel to the destinations for short time. Even in holiday periods or variation in climate are not the main factors to consider while they need to travel for their Get more content on
  • 4. What is the Purpose of College? Essay example A college education gives a person the opportunity to be successful in life, either financially or morally dependent on the goals that they set for their life. They will choose a college that offer programs for the major of their choice, where they will specialize and receive a degree. The decision to pursue a higher education will give the opportunity to earn a better income over someone who does not have a degree. College is more of life preparation course that will help make sure a successful career. If a person pursues a career in engineering, physics or mathematics their curriculum would include more liberal art preparation courses, in order for them to earn their degree, so someone pursuing a degree in these types of careers more content... Today's world economies are so tied together and react to one another that only the brightest and smartest will survive. The better educated a student is in the specific career that they have chosen to earn a degree in will give them the educated edge so that they can out compete with foreign markets. President Barack Obama said "In this kind of economy, countries who out–educate us today will out–compete us tomorrow. Already, China is graduating eight times as many engineers as we are. By 12th grade, our children score lower on math and science tests than most other kids in the world," ("Full"). American colleges need to do a better job at improving math and science scores so that the graduating student can better compete in the world market Asian countries are continuously outperforming American students. Gary W. Phillips, chief scientist at the American Institutes of Research said "In this case, the bad news trumps the good because our Asian economic competitors are winning the race to prepare students in math and science," (Dillon). The better colleges prepare students to edge out competitors in the world market needs to be their priority. Secondly the purpose of a college education is to meet the student's liberal art's needs so that they can compete and give them a well–rounded education that will enable them to earn Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on What Is the Purpose of Education? Getting educated is very important for every person. It goes without saying that each of us has to have a proper education. We learn how to read, count and write. These are the basic abilities we acquire and use during our life. Is there any other purpose of education or it is aimed only at giving us a possibility to communicate our ideas and satisfy basic needs? During centuries, there were different interpretations of the purpose of education. Many scientists, pedagogues and philosophers tried to answer the question: what is the purpose of education? Taking into consideration the needs and tendencies of a modern society, we can assume that the purpose of education is to prepare students to be self–sufficient citizens capable of more content... Our education should be aimed at educating people who love the world they lie in and who are ready to become peacemakers and healers of the world (Orr 55). A sustainable society "consists" of citizens, workers, specialists, technicians, etc, who are ready to work in order to build and support such society. One of the ways to provide such education is to "get outdoor". The skills and abilities develop in real world and not in artificial situations in class. In this regard, we may refer to the Plato's "Allegory of the Cave". One should "touch" the real world problems and get personal experience from it. Shadows in the cave are the retrospectives of the real knowledge. To acquire the knowledge, we should leave the "cave". We can learn theory separated from practice and this will not have any result. Instead, we should understand that every individual is a part of the natural world, thus, education should be based on ecological literacy as "health of our planet" is one of the most urgent questions of the modern social community. For many centuries, the principles of the classical education were in the spotlight. The good of the individual, realizing his/her own potential were the purposes of the learning process. Cultural development is the aim of the classical education. It stands above everything, including religion. (Nietzsche, n. p.). Referring to Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" to interpret the classical education in modern society, we can say that Get more content on
  • 6. What Is Life Purpose Essay What is your life purpose? This might be a reflective question that is hard to answer for all of us because it requires time to think and understand ourselves. It does not simply mean what you want to do in life but it reflects more deeply that what make you happy and matter you the most. Life purpose is what you value and can motivate you to achieve the success. From the article how will measure your life ? written by Dr. Clayton M. Christen, the author mentioned that most people have little idea about their life purpose. They don't have a clear idea what is important and meaningful for their life. The author focused that it's essential for everyone to take time and ask themselves about their life purpose because it's the best way of more content... It is the fuel that motivates people to pursue their goal. After people realize what they need in life, they go forward to it with their spirit and power. They can continue doing what they love and worth for them. There has nothing that limits their effort to achieve life's goal. As a result, people who have a life's purpose can thrive to the success easily than others. Everything is possible to do and the door of opportunity open for them. Furthermore, life purpose is the intrinsic force that makes people be able to overcome the trouble in life. When they face with life's struggle, they can break through the problem and come across it because they see it as a challenge rather than obstacle. It does not matter how hard the problem is but they can overcome ultimately. Hence, life purpose can motivate individual to reach the goal and also cope with life's difficulty In conclusion, life purpose has many benefits to our life. People can concentrate on important thing and have ability to make a good decision. They can allocate time and effort in the right area, which result in life's achievement. Moreover, people who realize their life purpose can fulfill satisfaction because their life are more meaningful and passionate. Everything will be done with passion and come from the heart. In addition, purpose of life is also the intrinsic motivation that driven our life to the success. Any struggle is turned to be a power that propels our effort to accomplish the Get more content on
  • 7. Purpose Of College Essay The purpose of college differentiates from person to person, the purpose of college for me is to not only shape me into a productive citizen but to prepare me for my future career and life in the real world. Like most students, I think a portion of college should be devoted to career preparation to ensure the move from college to career is an easy one and to make sure I've gained all college has to offer. Throughout my college career, I will take many courses I don't see the purpose of yet they are somehow related to my major. The purpose of these courses, although they seem unconnected and pointless are a major part of my academic success and future career. How exactly do general education courses help to shape your college career more content... Yet many people don't seem to see it as a learning experience but instead a necessity to get to reach or stay in middle class. To me, the purpose of college is simple to help citizens to not only reach their maximum potential but to become better citizens. This can be achieved in college not only by our rigorous coursework but by the guidance of our professors. What portion of college should be dedicated to career preparation? This is an often ignored question what exactly is career preparation? Simply put it's a developmental process that prepares people for their future careers. I think career preparation should be personalized for each person. Not only due to each person having different strengths and weaknesses but when personalized our different careers are put into the mind and allow us to reach our maximum potential and prepare for our future carerrs. Career preparation should also be integrated into our general education courses. Not only due to our general education classes helping us to develop "soft skills" that most people need paired with career preparation is not only a fresh new concept but we would end up getting the best out of our college careers and seeing if college that career we've had in mind is actually right for us. In conclusion, the purpose of college although it differentiates from person to person requirement for a job ,or simply trying to better yourself and Get more content on
  • 8. Purpose Essay On Purpose Stanford University researcher William Damon defines purpose as, "a stable amd generalized intention to accomplish something that is at once meaningful to the self and consequential to the world beyond the self." Purpose is a thing that most people strive to look for most of their lives, however I am lucky to have found it so early in my mine. My purpose is to help others. While many little occurrences have led me to find this, such as becoming a cheerleading coach, one event made it clear. I found this purpose during my junior year of high school through a program called Natural Helpers. Through this program I was able to realize many things, but most importantly being my purpose in life. Natural Helpers is a retreat in which more content... Fast Forward to my senior year, and I was invited back on the same Natural Helper retreat, only this time as staff leader. In the Natural Helper program, staff leaders were senior students who ran the retreat with three teachers. The staff leaders are responsible for putting on the plays, helping people become comfortable, and being a friend to all. As a staff leader not only did my purpose solidify in my mind, but it helped me put my newfound purpose into action. As a staff leader, I was the one helping others share their story and experiences. I was able to give the group of peers that were assigned to me a safe place to speak about what is weighing on them and to be themselves. I was able to help them, just as they were able to help me. In Natural Helpers, the theme used is rainbows which signify better times. This powerful imagery impacted me very deeply. Now every time I see a rainbow after a storm I remember my experience on the retreat, but it also serves as a reminder of my purpose and a little push to make sure I am doing all that I can to help others. These two retreats brought my some of my closest friends and are my most valuable memories which will continue impacting me throughout my life. Natural Helpers gave me the opportunity to help others and how to recognize when one wants help. In addition to Natural Helpers little occurrences in my life have led me to my purpose. Once again during high school, I was Get more content on
  • 9. The Purpose of an Education Essay The Purpose of an Education Many of today's youth do not see the purpose of education. Students, however, have goals and ambitions they want to fulfill when they reach adulthood. They want to be the lawyers, doctors, teachers, computer analysts, and government officials. They want to have salaries that exceed $50,000 so they can drive the BMW(s) and Lexus(es). To fill these positions, young people need to meet the qualifications and they will see that it fundamentally comes down to receiving a good education. The purpose of education is not to prepare young people for the next grade. The overall purpose of an education, however, is to prepare adolescents to be adults so they can be productive citizens in our more content... Not only does having an education teach a student book knowledge, but it also can teach them life lessons. For example, turning homework in on time and to the best of their ability is an act of punctuality and being proactive. Students also should be able to always question the information they read and receive. This should not be mistaken for a student trying to be smarter than the teacher, but it should provide an avenue for a student to gain understanding of the subject matter. This will be helpful when they watch the news on television or read a magazine article or non–fiction book because much of what students read is biased. Students need to learn how to read this information and decide which is accurate. Learning these techniques is a major contributor to receiving a good education. Finally, having an education increases our advancement on the economic and social ladder. Depending on how far we go in our education will determine the career that we choose. It will also determine our usefulness and effectiveness in society. If we do not have an education, it is hard to become that productive citizen in society. The end result is that we will be powerless. It has been proven that powerless people do not reach the attention of higher members in society. The sad thing is that without an education, they would not know that they are powerless. The purpose of an Get more content on