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Prepared for:
Mr. Charles Spellman
May 18, 2016
Submitted by:
Joycelyn Dong, Kun Lei, Vickie Li, John Rosebrough
Section 6, Team 1 Spring 2016
Professors Douglas Wills and Jeanine Casler
Design, Thinking, and Communication Program
McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................4
Users and Requirements.............................................................................................................................6
Design Concept and Rationale...................................................................................................................7
Future Development ...................................................................................................................................9
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................10
Appendix A: Secondary Research Summary .........................................................................................12
Appendix B: Project Definition ...............................................................................................................13
Appendix C: Client Interview Summary................................................................................................15
Appendix D: User Observation Summary..............................................................................................17
Appendix E: User Testing Report ...........................................................................................................18
Appendix F: Performance Testing Report .............................................................................................21
Appendix G: Safety Analysis ...................................................................................................................22
Appendix H: Dimensioned Sketch...........................................................................................................23
Appendix I: Instructions for Construction.............................................................................................24
Appendix J: Instructions for Use.............................................................................................................26
Main Report
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Figures and Tables
Figure 1: Target and Diffuser Ridges ......................................................................................... 7
Figure 2: Testing of Target Holder Mockup ............................................................................ 18
Figure 3: Rail Mockup................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 4: Double Stage Mockup................................................................................................ 19
Figure 5: Dimensioned Sketch of CaliBox................................................................................ 23
Figure 6: Stage with Micrometer Extender.............................................................................. 26
Figure 7: Configuration of Stage and Psylotech Frame.......................................................... 26
Figure 8: CaliBox in the dog-bone shaped grips of Psylotech's frame................................... 27
Table 1: Requirements and Specifications for Prototype ....................................................... 13
Table 2: Summary of User Testing Results .............................................................................. 19
Table 3: FMEA Safety Analysis................................................................................................. 22
Table 4: Materials for Construction of Prototype ................................................................... 24
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Executive Summary
We were asked by Charles Spellman, a product manager at Psylotech, a company that provides
novel high resolution sensor technology, to design a product to assist with the calibration process
of their µTS system. Their current process is cumbersome and inefficient. With guidance from
Mr. Spellman, we designed the CaliBox, a lighted calibration box that holds the speckled pattern
target. CaliBox is also supplemented with a micrometer extender.
With the CaliBox, the overall process of using the µTS device is simplified. There is no longer a
need to assemble a calibration configuration and also a testing configuration. The calibration can
easily be done in the testing configuration. The CaliBox also improves the current back lighting
CaliBox meets the following requirements requested by our client and user:
1. Simplification of entire process: Decreasing the amount of time used for calibration
2. Ease of use: The shape of the box allows for quick addition and removal from the frame
3. Improvement of accuracy: The box is stationary and will not allow the glass to move
4. Sufficient Lighting: The four LEDs will provide the correct amount of light needed for
For future improvements, we suggest searching for a micrometer on the current market that is at
least 4 inches long and that is digital. We also suggest that the current lithium ion battery is
replaced with a lithium ion battery that has a better charging signal so that a user is forewarned
when charging is necessary.
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Imaging distortion is a common problem in the material testing process. Distortion can originate
from the alignment of optics, shape of lenses, human errors, etc. Such distortions may lead to
inaccurate calibration of the optical system, and result in wrong measurements for the tested
materials. Reducing imaging distortion is crucial to ensure correct measurements for the
materials and the safety of engineering configurations using the tested materials.
The common way to address this problem is to improve the precision of optical and calibration
devices (see Appendix A: Secondary Research Summary). However, this can be very costly as
precision improves. We aim to solve the problem from a different approach: reduce imaging
distortion by simplifying the calibration and testing process to minimize human errors (see
Appendix B: Project Definition). We hope that this simplification may also improve the
efficiency of the entire material testing process.
The device we designed, the CaliBox, consists of two parts: a speckled pattern target holder that
simplifies the calibration process and a knob extender that provides easier turnings for the
calibration stage.
This report explains the client’s requirement and specifications for the design, a detailed
explanation of the design and rationale, and a discussion of possibilities for future development.
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Users and Requirements
For this design, the primary users include employees of Psylotech and those who purchase their
product. The main stakeholder is Psylotech and the main requirements for the design include
accuracy, simplification, safety, ease of use, and ease of maintenance.
Main Users of the Design
1. Users of the µTS system
The µTS system can be used in different workplaces but can be mainly found in labs.
This system is usually used to characterize materials although it has many other
2. Employees of Psylotech
The employees of Psylotech are both users and clients for this project. We can list
Psylotech as a user because in addition to distributing the µTS system they also offer
services to test individual materials. In other words, Psylotech will also be users since
they are constantly operating their own device.
The main stakeholder is Psylotech, which hopes to improve their µTS system (see Appendix C:
Client Interview Summary).
Design Requirements
1. Improvement in accuracy
The user wanted a product that would improve the accuracy of the testing and calibration.
2. Simplification of process
The user wanted a product that would simplify the overall process of testing. In the
original process involved.
3. Safety
The user wanted a product that does not damage the speckled pattern glass or the µTS
4. Durability and easy to maintain
The user wanted a product that is sturdy so it doesn’t break down or require maintenance.
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Design Concept and Rationale
Design Overview
The CaliBox is designed to allow users of Psylotech’s frame and testing system to complete
calibration for a given setup rapidly, without disassembling the testing apparatus. This will
greatly streamline the process of calibration and allow for a more pleasant user experience. The
CaliBox is made up of 3 main components: the box, diffuser, and backlighting. The CaliBox,
composed of these three components, allows for users to go through the calibration process
without worry of distortion error. (See Appendix D: User Observation Summary, Appendix E:
User Testing Report, Appendix F: Performance Testing Report, and Appendix G: Safety
Design Components: Specifications and Rationale
1) 3D printed body
The box consists of a main body and a base. The base is screwed into the body to allow for
removal for maintenance on internal components of the box. The body of the CaliBox is 3D
printed from PLA plastic to ensure that the structure isn’t too brittle. This is necessary because
the testing frame is extremely rigid, and a stiffer material might snap if the frame is adjusted at
all while holding the CaliBox. The sides of the CaliBox have two small dog-bone shaped
extensions, designed to match the sample holders of the same shape on the testing frame. The
dog-bone shaped handles allow for the device to be inserted directly into the testing frame so that
the necessary translations can be completed without disassembling the testing apparatus (see
Appendix H: Computer-aided Drawings, Appendix I: Instructions for Construction, and
Appendix J: Instructions for Use).
2) Target and diffuser holders
The top of the CaliBox has two small ridges taken out of the plastic. The lower and slightly
smaller ridge is for holding a plastic diffuser, and the higher ridge is for holding the calibration
target. The ridge for the target has an additional semicircular cutout to allow for easy removal of
the calibration target despite the extremely tight fit. In figure X, the target and diffuser ridges are
clearly labeled.
Figure 1: Target and Diffuser Ridges
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3) Backlighting
The CaliBox uses 4 small green LEDs as backlighting for the calibration target. Green was
chosen to provide a single wavelength of light which will give more accurate calibration results.
The LEDs are controlled by two external switches: A toggle switch for turning the lights on and
off directly, and a dimmer switch for adjusting the brightness of the lights. A small diffuser
filter is also placed above the LEDs in order to ensure that the light is more evenly distributed
over all sections of the calibration target. The lights are powered by a small rechargeable lithium
ion battery pack with an externally accessible charging port to allow users to easily recharge the
4) Micrometer Extender
The micrometer extender extends the current micrometer by extending the end that sticks into the
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Future Development
We see potential for further development in the following areas.
Due to time and cost constraints, we chose to use the 150 mAh lithium ion batteries as the
power source for LEDs, and screws for back cover connection. We see potential in using
lithium batteries with larger capacities and with proper modification for monitoring
remaining power in order to prevent over-discharging. This would require us to conduct
further research about lithium batteries and perform multiple tests to determine the
optimal solution. We also hope to modify the rear cover connection and use a structure
similar to the rear cover of remote controls in the future.
Micrometer Extender
Due to time limits, we chose to extend the micrometer that comes standard with Thorlabs
XYR stages. We see potential in finding a commercial micrometer that includes features
such as digital monitor and a length of at least 4 inches. This length was determined from
the current configuration of the system and the challenge it produces for users to reach
the micrometer.
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During the client meetings and testing sessions, our team identified the essential features that the
client wanted - simple-to-use and able to reduce human errors in the imaging and testing process.
We built the CaliBox (with supplemental knob extender) which both simplified the entire
calibration and testing process, therefore reducing human errors in imaging distortion.
We believe that the CaliBox (with supplemental knob extender) solution will address the client’s
needs. We hope that, with the CaliBox and the Extender, our client and future users can not only
gain more precise results from the calibration and imaging processes, but also improve efficiency
of future tests.
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Correlated Solutions -“Using Microscope Distortion Correction in Vic-2D”
Psylotech- “Modular Under Microscope Mechanical Test System -µTS User Manual”
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Appendix A: Secondary Research Summary
At the beginning of our project, we conducted background research on terms and concepts
mentioned by our client, Charles Spellman of Psylotech, in his written description and first client
meeting. The project involves simplifying Psylotech’s imaging device and its process.
Our background research helped us begin to understand several aspects of the problem so that we
were better prepared for the client and user interview.
An overview of imaging
Psylotech has designed a testing frame to take images of materials being pulled on from each end
in order to better characterize them. A microscope with an attached camera takes images
continuously as this deformation is happening, and these are run through software that generates
a map of where the greatest movements and deformation lies. This information is used to gain a
greater understanding of the properties of a given material.
Prior to imaging, the system must be calibrated to account for lens aberrations and defects. A
piece of glass with a speckled pattern sized specifically for a given objective lens is placed on the
stage. This is then moved 5 times to the right along the x-axis, back to the origin, and then 5
times upwards along the y-axis, with an image taken at each of these ten points and at the
origin. The calibration software then compares the images to find out the effects of a given lens
on imaging so that these effects can be ignored when actual imaging is done. This process must
be repeated each time the objective lens, and therefore zoom factor, is changed.
Imaging Setup
The imaging testbed is mounted on an optical table to allow for stability and precision. The
bottom layer is a stage that allows for sample movement on the X, Y, and rotational axes. Next
is an aluminum plate that reinforces the whole structure and allows for the mounting of the final
component, the testing frame. The testing frame has two slots for vice clamps to hold the ends of
a material sample in a “dog-bone” shape--thin midsection, wide at either end. These clamps can
be pulled apart from each other to deform and break apart the material sample, which is imaged
using an Olympus optical microscope with an attached digital camera or a standalone digital
camera, depending on the requirements for that imaging session.
Current solutions
Essentially, the current setup is extremely cumbersome. Although the calibration process is
reasonably fast, it does require the disassembly of most of the testing apparatus each time lenses
are changed on the microscope, in order to recalibrate. It also currently allows for a large
amount of human error as a result of the fact that the stage must be manually operated.
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Appendix B: Project Definition
Project name: CaliBox
Client: Mr. Charles Spellman of Psylotech
Team members: Joycelyn Dong, Kun Lei, Vickie Li, Alex Rosebrough
Date: May 26, 2016
Version: Three
Mission Statement: To develop a simple and repeatable method of setting up microscopy optics
and camera equipments to capture required images for the user with minimal distortion.
Project Description: Psylotech leverages high quality microscopy optics with digital cameras to
acquire images of materials in an effort to better characterize them for modeling and simulation.
While the optics are the highest quality available, the calibration process of the equipment
remains difficult to perform and therefore, error prone. This often causes unnecessary distortions
to occur. We would like to develop a simple and repeatable method to make the calibration
process simpler and more accurate.
Project Deliverables:
 A functional prototype of a method that simplifies the calibration process.
 Detailed instructions for the new calibration process.
 Materials must not cost more than $100.
 Must be completed before June 9, 2016.
 Engineers at Psylotech.
 Users of the Psylotech microscopy optics equipment.
Table 1: Requirements and Specifications for Prototype
Requirements Specifications
Translation Accuracy
 Must be able to support accurate
calibration under 1x to 50x
 Method must allow users to translate
the speckled pattern glass on the X
and Y axis by 10 mm under the 1 x
scale and 220 microns under the 50x
 Provides a micrometer extender that
allows the user to turn the calibration
knob with ease and accuracy
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Lighting Support
 Must have either front or back lighting
to allow for crisp images under the
 Four green LEDs with diffuser filter
Ease of Use
 Must allow for easy adjustments
 Must allow for easy removal
 Outer box design constructed using
 Outer box design that fits directly into
the µTS device
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Appendix C: Client Interview Summary
We conducted our initial interview with our client, Mr. Charles Spellman, a product manager for
Psylotech, on Friday, April 8th
, 2016 from 2:45 p.m. to 4:10p.m., in the Psylotech office. All
group members were present. The purpose of the meeting was to learn more from Mr. Charles
Spellman about the optical system Psylotech uses, the main problems with current devices, the
requirements for our prototype, and users and potential specialists of the opetical system. This
appendix summarizes what we learned about the current devices, design problem, requirements,
and users.
Current Optical System
Our client demonstrated the components and usage of the current optical system Psylotech has:
 The current device is composed of five parts: a microscope, a speckled pattern chip, an
XYR-stage, a plate and a frame Psylotech designed.
 The microscope is used to capture image of the material tested;
the speckled pattern chip serves as the standard for calibrations;
the xyr-stage is used to move the speckled pattern chip around during calibrations;
the Psylotech plate serves as a support to the Psylotech frame and a connection between
the xyr-stage and the Psylotech frame;
the Psylotech frame is used to fix the materials tested under the microscope and to stretch
the material for testing purposes.
 Usage of the optical system includes three steps:
1. Calibration of the microscope: using an LED backlight to illuminate the speckled
pattern chip, and manually moving the plate around using the xyr-stage to collect
eleven images for calibration.
2. Reassembling the optical system: disassembling the speckled pattern chip and
xyr-stage, and assembling the Psylotech frame, Psylotech plate, and xyr-stage one
on top of another.
3. Testing materials: inserting the material plate into the Psylotech frame,
illuminating the material with front light, stretching the material plate with the
frame, and capturing images needed.
Our client pointed out the issues and inadequacy regarding the current optical system:
 According to the feedbacks Mr. Spellman receives, advanced users of the Psylotech
optical system find it difficult to use the system without disassembling the entire system,
a process that often takes around ten minutes to complete.
 The switch between backlight (used in calibrations) and front light (used in material
testing) is cumbersome in the testing process; the Psylotech plate and frame also gets in
the way of backlighting.
 It takes extra time and attention to tell the sides of the speckled pattern chip; only a
specific area of the speckled pattern chip is actually in use.
 The Psylotech frame needs to be supported by a plate to remain stable, but the current
plate is merely long enough to provide the required support.
 The calibration and testing process is error prone due to the manual repositions of the
speckled pattern chip and materials tested.
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Our client identified these requirements and potential options for the design:
 Ease of use
o The design should be easy for users to organize and operate.
o The design should accommodate the Psylotech frame during calibration.
 Accuracy
o The xyr-stage and Psylotech frame needs to remain stable during calibrations and
o The plate needs to be long enough to provide support for the Psylotech frame.
o Low thermal fluctuation during calibration is needed.
o The repositions of the speckle pattern chip during calibration should be as
accurate as possible.
 Specific features
o The design should allow the Psylotech frame to be fixed on one end, and free to
move on the other end.
o The design should ideally avoid reassembly of the Psylotech frame, and should
translate accurately.
 Potential options worth consideration
o Attaching the speckled pattern chip to the Psylotech frame.
o Creating a new speckled pattern chip.
o Developing a new calibration system, optimally only involving front light to
avoid the light switch.
o Designing an automated system to perform reposition, calibration, and testing, if
time is sufficient.
o Incorporating a fixture on top of the Psylotech frame to attach the front light to
the frame.
 Creativity
o The design should be creative and innovative.
 Cost
o The prototype should ideally cost less than 500 dollars.
Users and Specialists
Our client pointed out the user group of the optical system and specialists we may reach out to:
 Users of the design product are technicians within the material science field.
 Specialists include:
o Correlated Solutions Company, which produces the scatter pattern chip and
suggests the use of backlight;
o Researchers of Clammp Lab at NU;
o Technicians in Misumi Company, which produces the Psylotech plate used in the
current optical system.
The interview provided crucial information for understanding the current optical system, the
problem, client requirements, and users. In light of this information, we will be brainstorming for
ideas that synthesize the requirements of our client and that may potentially solve the problems.
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Appendix D: User Observation Summary
We had our initial interview with our user, Partha Paul, at Northwestern University on
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting was to learn more about
the current microscopic calibration process and its pain points and clarify the direction for our
design. This session lasted approximately one hour. This appendix explains the methodology
used to conduct the observation and summarizes the results of the observation.
The observation took place on Northwestern’s campus in the Technological building. To learn
more about the user’s difficulties with Psylotech’s imaging device, we interviewed the user and
asked him to talk us through the process. After that, we asked him for suggestions for a design
that may alleviate the difficulties with the calibration process.
Information about user
The user is a Mechanical Engineering researcher at Northwestern University. He had some some
prior experience with Psylotech’s imaging device but the experience was with an older model of
the device. He currently does not use Psylotech’s product in the lab anymore.
User’s interaction and difficulties with Psylotech’s imaging device
The current calibration process
Our user first discussed some issues that he had with the current calibration process:
1. The calibration has to be done very often during observation because it is easy for
images taken from the microscope to lose their quality if anything is adjusted on
the microscope and if the system is not calibrated again.
2. Calibration has to be redone not only between adjustments, but also whenever the
equipment has been moved in any way, and this is caused mostly by human error.
3. Calibration is done solely by manipulating the stage knob, and the precision of
calibration outcome depends largely on the experience and fine motor skills of the
User’s requirements for the design
In addition to raising the above issues, our user also pointed out some additional
requirements that have not been previously identified:
1. The system has to operate manually without any motors, since even a slight
vibration near the system can cause the imaging process to be less precise.
2. The part of our design where the speckle pattern or the specimen sits on has to be
extremely flat and should stay perfectly horizontal, since even a slight tilt will
become a major impact to the system on the microscopic scale.
3. The calibration and the actual imaging process has to occur at the same depth
under the microscope so maximum precision can be achieved.
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Appendix E: User Testing Report
The purpose of the user testing was to determine if the user likes the Target Holder mockup, and
the Rail mockup, the Double Stages mockup. In particular, we wanted to obtain feedback from
our user (Mr. Spellman, who is also our client) regarding each mockup with respect to: (1) the
ease of use, (2) user preferences, (3) additional constraints that need to be considered in actual
Test methodology
Three of the team members visited Psylotech on May 2nd. The user testing lasted for an hour.
We tested the three mockups that we had built mainly out of foamcore and cardboard. The
Double Stages mockup aims to provide better precision for the existing system; the Target
Holder mockup and Rail mockup aim to simplify the necessitating assembly of the system.
Because only the Target Holder mockup was built according to precise dimensions, we only
tested this mockup with the testing frame to see if it fits into the frame’s “I” shape slots. We
presented the other two mockups to our user and obtained verbal feedback.
Figure 2 shows our testing of the Target Holder mockup. Figure 3 and 4 show our Rail mockup
and Double Stages mockup.
Figure 2: Testing of Target Holder Mockup
Figure 3: Rail Mockup
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Figure 4: Double Stage Mockup
The following table summarizes the user testing results.
Table 2: Summary of User Testing Results
What user
What user disliked Additional Constraints
The design is
simple and
easy to use.
The design fits
into the
frame’s “I”
shape slots.
The “I” shape inserters need to
be thicker (10mm) to align the
speckle pattern target with the
frame’s horizontal midline.
When the supporting plate and
testing frame are mounted on
the stage, the stage knobs are
hidden below the plate,
making turning the knobs
The target holder cannot be rigid
due to the deformation
considerations, so the team
should look into softer material
that is still hard.
Battery is the preferred energy
source for LED.
LED need to be either green or
A plastic light diffuser should be
incorporated into the holder.
The color theme for the holder
can be metallic or black.
An additional source to look into
is Shapeways, a company that
provides 3D printing materials.
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Rail The design
allows the user
to have more
potential add-
The rail should be designed to
blend in with the existing
It would better if the sliding
box can be tucked away after
The rail design can be
It would be better if the sliding
box is removable.
The rail can attach to the frame
through the twelve outer screws
along the two metal rods, or
through the screws on the
moving middle piece.
The rail can be only mounted in
one place.
N/A. It would be better to have one
stage with finer precision.
The stage can have better
The Double Stages design is not
a good idea because the weight
capacity of the stages with finer
precision tends to be smaller
than the weight of the frame.
Analysis of results
User strongly preferred the Target Holder mockup over the other two mockups due to simplicity
and ease of use. User was also optimistic about further development of the Rail mockup.
The results suggest a focus on refining the Target Holder design. This leads us to increase the
thickness of the “I” shape inserters and to incorporate the LED, light diffuser, and battery into
our current Target Holder design. To solve the stage-knob issue the user mentioned in the
testing, we decided to add an additional knob extender design as part of our final solution to the
Limitations to our testing include: (1) two of our three mockups were not able to actually attach
to the existing frame, and (2) all three mockups could not be used for actual calibration and
material testing.
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Appendix F: Performance Testing Report
The purpose of performance testing was to determine if the mockups met the needs of the users
and the requirements of the client. Performance testing occurred at Psylotech’s lab.
From the various observations conducted, the users expressed a strong need for a support system
for the speckled pattern glass, and therefore creating an appropriate target holder appeared to be
a path to be considered. The alternative designs in our performance testing included a speckled
pattern target holder, a double stage, and a digital readout of location. Our objective was to
determine whether the alternative designs met the requirements of the project.
By having each member on the team try to calibrate with each alternative design, corresponding
feedback for each design was obtained. While team members calibrated with each mockup, we
asked them to provide qualitative feedback on how they felt during calibrating and what they
thought could be improved about the design.
Due to the nature of the mockups, it was not possible to obtain precise data that showed the time
differences between each mockup. From the feedback, we learned that it was easiest for the user
to perform the calibration process using the speckled pattern target holder. The double stage
mockup did not work and would not work due to weight constraints that are inherent in the
design. The digital readout of the current position had potential to work but would be impossible
of a project for our team due to our lack of expertise and also did not greatly improve the
calibration process.
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Appendix G: Safety Analysis
Table 3 displays the results of the FMEA safety analysis.
Table 3: FMEA Safety Analysis
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Appendix H: Dimensioned Sketch
The figure below details the dimensions and features of the initial version of the CaliBox. The
updated version of the CaliBox features 4 LED holes.
Figure 5: Dimensioned Sketch of CaliBox
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Appendix I: Instructions for Construction
The CaliBox is a device that supports a speckled pattern target in order for its proper use during
calibration. The knob extender is also a vital part of this design because it extends the
micrometer of the Thorlabs XYR stage. These instructions describe the process of constructing
the device using materials and machines found in the Ford Prototyping and Fabrication
workshop. Assembly time is about 5 hours.
The following table lists all the materials needed to construct the device.
Table 4: Materials for Construction of Prototype
Material Specification Quantity Price
Lithium Ion Polymer Battery 3.7 V and 150 mAh 1 $12.50
Adafruit Micro Lipo
w/MicroUSB Jack-USB
Lilon/LiPoly charger
Charging port for lithium ion polymer
1 $6.95
Toggle Switch A switch to turn on all 4 LEDs 1 $0.00
Dimming Switch A switch to adjust the brightness of the
1 $0.00
Green LED light 5 mm long 4 $0.00
Diffusion Filter Matte on one side. 0.005 inches thick. 1 $1.80
Micro USB to USB 3 ft cable Cord used to charge battery 1 $1.60
Screws 1/8” diameter 4 $0.00
PLA filament for MakerBot This is the material used by the
1 $5.00
7/8 inch Aluminum Stock
7/8 inch diameter 1 $0.00
Hardened Steel Rod Standard Size 1 $0.00
Set Screws Standard size 3 $0.00
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Fabricating the box
1. Fabricate the body of the box by using a 3D printer and the CAD model provided.
2. Tap the four corners of the battery containing part of the main body and the four corners
corresponding on the base plate.
Wiring the LEDs
1. Use your background of circuitry to wire the four green LEDs to the dimming switch,
toggle switch, the lithium ion battery, and the charging port.
Assembling the components
1. Place the circuited battery and LEDS inside the 3D printed body from the bottom side of
the box and adjust switches to corresponding holes.
2. Place the four LEDs inside the four holes located on the bottom of the box.
3. Carefully place the diffuser on top of the LEDs from the top opening of the box.
4. Close the back of the box using the screws.
Fabricating the micrometer extender
1. Turn down the diameter of a 7/8- inch aluminum rod to the same diameter as the piece of
the micrometer that is inserted into the stage.
2. Use a lathe to drill a through hole to slightly larger than the diameter of the center pin of
the micrometer.
3. The wide end of the previous piece should then be counterbored to the depth of the length
of the micrometer insertion piece and the diameter of the same piece.
4. Now drill 3 set screw holes and tapped around the circumference of the wide end, each
separated by 120°.
5. Now insert a free floating hardened steel rod into the center of the device and then cut to
the same length as the through hole, to allow for the micrometer extension to function by
pressing on the internal springs of the stage.
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Appendix J: Instructions for Use
The following are the steps to follow when using the CaliBox:
Initial Setup
1. Remove the micrometer that controls the “Y” direction and add the supplemental
micrometer extender to the stage. Refer to figure 6, below, for the correct orientation.
Figure 6: Stage with Micrometer Extender
2. Set up the microscope and calibration stage as you would in a system without the
Psylotech frame.
3. Mount the Psylotech frame on top of the calibration stage using the plate. Refer to Figure
7 for the correct configuration.
Figure 7: Configuration of Stage and Psylotech Frame
Calibration Configuration
1. Place the speckled pattern glass inside the CaliBox
2. Before beginning calibration the entire system by placing CaliBox in the dog-bone grips
of the µTS system. Refer to Figure 8 for the correct configuration.
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Figure 8: CaliBox in the dog-bone shaped grips of Psylotech's frame
1. Before starting calibration, adjust the brightness of the LEDs by using the dimmer switch
found on the side of the box.
1. Begin calibrating after the previous steps have been performed.
2. After calibration is completed, remove the CaliBox from the frame and start the imaging
process as usual.

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Psylotech Final Paper

  • 1. 1 | P a g e Prepared for: Mr. Charles Spellman Psylotech May 18, 2016 Submitted by: Joycelyn Dong, Kun Lei, Vickie Li, John Rosebrough Section 6, Team 1 Spring 2016 Professors Douglas Wills and Jeanine Casler Design, Thinking, and Communication Program McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60208
  • 2. 2 | P a g e Table of Contents Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................4 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................5 Users and Requirements.............................................................................................................................6 Design Concept and Rationale...................................................................................................................7 Future Development ...................................................................................................................................9 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................10 References..................................................................................................................................................11 Appendix A: Secondary Research Summary .........................................................................................12 Appendix B: Project Definition ...............................................................................................................13 Appendix C: Client Interview Summary................................................................................................15 Appendix D: User Observation Summary..............................................................................................17 Appendix E: User Testing Report ...........................................................................................................18 Appendix F: Performance Testing Report .............................................................................................21 Appendix G: Safety Analysis ...................................................................................................................22 Appendix H: Dimensioned Sketch...........................................................................................................23 Appendix I: Instructions for Construction.............................................................................................24 Appendix J: Instructions for Use.............................................................................................................26 Main Report Appendices
  • 3. 3 | P a g e Figures and Tables Figure 1: Target and Diffuser Ridges ......................................................................................... 7 Figure 2: Testing of Target Holder Mockup ............................................................................ 18 Figure 3: Rail Mockup................................................................................................................ 18 Figure 4: Double Stage Mockup................................................................................................ 19 Figure 5: Dimensioned Sketch of CaliBox................................................................................ 23 Figure 6: Stage with Micrometer Extender.............................................................................. 26 Figure 7: Configuration of Stage and Psylotech Frame.......................................................... 26 Figure 8: CaliBox in the dog-bone shaped grips of Psylotech's frame................................... 27 Table 1: Requirements and Specifications for Prototype ....................................................... 13 Table 2: Summary of User Testing Results .............................................................................. 19 Table 3: FMEA Safety Analysis................................................................................................. 22 Table 4: Materials for Construction of Prototype ................................................................... 24 Figures Tables
  • 4. 4 | P a g e Executive Summary We were asked by Charles Spellman, a product manager at Psylotech, a company that provides novel high resolution sensor technology, to design a product to assist with the calibration process of their µTS system. Their current process is cumbersome and inefficient. With guidance from Mr. Spellman, we designed the CaliBox, a lighted calibration box that holds the speckled pattern target. CaliBox is also supplemented with a micrometer extender. With the CaliBox, the overall process of using the µTS device is simplified. There is no longer a need to assemble a calibration configuration and also a testing configuration. The calibration can easily be done in the testing configuration. The CaliBox also improves the current back lighting system. CaliBox meets the following requirements requested by our client and user: 1. Simplification of entire process: Decreasing the amount of time used for calibration 2. Ease of use: The shape of the box allows for quick addition and removal from the frame 3. Improvement of accuracy: The box is stationary and will not allow the glass to move 4. Sufficient Lighting: The four LEDs will provide the correct amount of light needed for calibration For future improvements, we suggest searching for a micrometer on the current market that is at least 4 inches long and that is digital. We also suggest that the current lithium ion battery is replaced with a lithium ion battery that has a better charging signal so that a user is forewarned when charging is necessary.
  • 5. 5 | P a g e Introduction Imaging distortion is a common problem in the material testing process. Distortion can originate from the alignment of optics, shape of lenses, human errors, etc. Such distortions may lead to inaccurate calibration of the optical system, and result in wrong measurements for the tested materials. Reducing imaging distortion is crucial to ensure correct measurements for the materials and the safety of engineering configurations using the tested materials. The common way to address this problem is to improve the precision of optical and calibration devices (see Appendix A: Secondary Research Summary). However, this can be very costly as precision improves. We aim to solve the problem from a different approach: reduce imaging distortion by simplifying the calibration and testing process to minimize human errors (see Appendix B: Project Definition). We hope that this simplification may also improve the efficiency of the entire material testing process. The device we designed, the CaliBox, consists of two parts: a speckled pattern target holder that simplifies the calibration process and a knob extender that provides easier turnings for the calibration stage. This report explains the client’s requirement and specifications for the design, a detailed explanation of the design and rationale, and a discussion of possibilities for future development.
  • 6. 6 | P a g e Users and Requirements Introduction For this design, the primary users include employees of Psylotech and those who purchase their product. The main stakeholder is Psylotech and the main requirements for the design include accuracy, simplification, safety, ease of use, and ease of maintenance. Main Users of the Design 1. Users of the µTS system The µTS system can be used in different workplaces but can be mainly found in labs. This system is usually used to characterize materials although it has many other applications. 2. Employees of Psylotech The employees of Psylotech are both users and clients for this project. We can list Psylotech as a user because in addition to distributing the µTS system they also offer services to test individual materials. In other words, Psylotech will also be users since they are constantly operating their own device. Stakeholders The main stakeholder is Psylotech, which hopes to improve their µTS system (see Appendix C: Client Interview Summary). Design Requirements 1. Improvement in accuracy The user wanted a product that would improve the accuracy of the testing and calibration. 2. Simplification of process The user wanted a product that would simplify the overall process of testing. In the original process involved. 3. Safety The user wanted a product that does not damage the speckled pattern glass or the µTS system. 4. Durability and easy to maintain The user wanted a product that is sturdy so it doesn’t break down or require maintenance.
  • 7. 7 | P a g e Design Concept and Rationale Design Overview The CaliBox is designed to allow users of Psylotech’s frame and testing system to complete calibration for a given setup rapidly, without disassembling the testing apparatus. This will greatly streamline the process of calibration and allow for a more pleasant user experience. The CaliBox is made up of 3 main components: the box, diffuser, and backlighting. The CaliBox, composed of these three components, allows for users to go through the calibration process without worry of distortion error. (See Appendix D: User Observation Summary, Appendix E: User Testing Report, Appendix F: Performance Testing Report, and Appendix G: Safety Analysis) Design Components: Specifications and Rationale 1) 3D printed body The box consists of a main body and a base. The base is screwed into the body to allow for removal for maintenance on internal components of the box. The body of the CaliBox is 3D printed from PLA plastic to ensure that the structure isn’t too brittle. This is necessary because the testing frame is extremely rigid, and a stiffer material might snap if the frame is adjusted at all while holding the CaliBox. The sides of the CaliBox have two small dog-bone shaped extensions, designed to match the sample holders of the same shape on the testing frame. The dog-bone shaped handles allow for the device to be inserted directly into the testing frame so that the necessary translations can be completed without disassembling the testing apparatus (see Appendix H: Computer-aided Drawings, Appendix I: Instructions for Construction, and Appendix J: Instructions for Use). 2) Target and diffuser holders The top of the CaliBox has two small ridges taken out of the plastic. The lower and slightly smaller ridge is for holding a plastic diffuser, and the higher ridge is for holding the calibration target. The ridge for the target has an additional semicircular cutout to allow for easy removal of the calibration target despite the extremely tight fit. In figure X, the target and diffuser ridges are clearly labeled. Figure 1: Target and Diffuser Ridges
  • 8. 8 | P a g e 3) Backlighting The CaliBox uses 4 small green LEDs as backlighting for the calibration target. Green was chosen to provide a single wavelength of light which will give more accurate calibration results. The LEDs are controlled by two external switches: A toggle switch for turning the lights on and off directly, and a dimmer switch for adjusting the brightness of the lights. A small diffuser filter is also placed above the LEDs in order to ensure that the light is more evenly distributed over all sections of the calibration target. The lights are powered by a small rechargeable lithium ion battery pack with an externally accessible charging port to allow users to easily recharge the device. 4) Micrometer Extender The micrometer extender extends the current micrometer by extending the end that sticks into the stage.
  • 9. 9 | P a g e Future Development We see potential for further development in the following areas. CaliBox Due to time and cost constraints, we chose to use the 150 mAh lithium ion batteries as the power source for LEDs, and screws for back cover connection. We see potential in using lithium batteries with larger capacities and with proper modification for monitoring remaining power in order to prevent over-discharging. This would require us to conduct further research about lithium batteries and perform multiple tests to determine the optimal solution. We also hope to modify the rear cover connection and use a structure similar to the rear cover of remote controls in the future. Micrometer Extender Due to time limits, we chose to extend the micrometer that comes standard with Thorlabs XYR stages. We see potential in finding a commercial micrometer that includes features such as digital monitor and a length of at least 4 inches. This length was determined from the current configuration of the system and the challenge it produces for users to reach the micrometer.
  • 10. 10 | P a g e Conclusion During the client meetings and testing sessions, our team identified the essential features that the client wanted - simple-to-use and able to reduce human errors in the imaging and testing process. We built the CaliBox (with supplemental knob extender) which both simplified the entire calibration and testing process, therefore reducing human errors in imaging distortion. We believe that the CaliBox (with supplemental knob extender) solution will address the client’s needs. We hope that, with the CaliBox and the Extender, our client and future users can not only gain more precise results from the calibration and imaging processes, but also improve efficiency of future tests.
  • 11. 11 | P a g e References Correlated Solutions -“Using Microscope Distortion Correction in Vic-2D” Psylotech- “Modular Under Microscope Mechanical Test System -µTS User Manual”
  • 12. 12 | P a g e Appendix A: Secondary Research Summary At the beginning of our project, we conducted background research on terms and concepts mentioned by our client, Charles Spellman of Psylotech, in his written description and first client meeting. The project involves simplifying Psylotech’s imaging device and its process. Our background research helped us begin to understand several aspects of the problem so that we were better prepared for the client and user interview. An overview of imaging Psylotech has designed a testing frame to take images of materials being pulled on from each end in order to better characterize them. A microscope with an attached camera takes images continuously as this deformation is happening, and these are run through software that generates a map of where the greatest movements and deformation lies. This information is used to gain a greater understanding of the properties of a given material. Calibration Prior to imaging, the system must be calibrated to account for lens aberrations and defects. A piece of glass with a speckled pattern sized specifically for a given objective lens is placed on the stage. This is then moved 5 times to the right along the x-axis, back to the origin, and then 5 times upwards along the y-axis, with an image taken at each of these ten points and at the origin. The calibration software then compares the images to find out the effects of a given lens on imaging so that these effects can be ignored when actual imaging is done. This process must be repeated each time the objective lens, and therefore zoom factor, is changed. Imaging Setup The imaging testbed is mounted on an optical table to allow for stability and precision. The bottom layer is a stage that allows for sample movement on the X, Y, and rotational axes. Next is an aluminum plate that reinforces the whole structure and allows for the mounting of the final component, the testing frame. The testing frame has two slots for vice clamps to hold the ends of a material sample in a “dog-bone” shape--thin midsection, wide at either end. These clamps can be pulled apart from each other to deform and break apart the material sample, which is imaged using an Olympus optical microscope with an attached digital camera or a standalone digital camera, depending on the requirements for that imaging session. Current solutions Essentially, the current setup is extremely cumbersome. Although the calibration process is reasonably fast, it does require the disassembly of most of the testing apparatus each time lenses are changed on the microscope, in order to recalibrate. It also currently allows for a large amount of human error as a result of the fact that the stage must be manually operated.
  • 13. 13 | P a g e Appendix B: Project Definition Project name: CaliBox Client: Mr. Charles Spellman of Psylotech Team members: Joycelyn Dong, Kun Lei, Vickie Li, Alex Rosebrough Date: May 26, 2016 Version: Three Mission Statement: To develop a simple and repeatable method of setting up microscopy optics and camera equipments to capture required images for the user with minimal distortion. Project Description: Psylotech leverages high quality microscopy optics with digital cameras to acquire images of materials in an effort to better characterize them for modeling and simulation. While the optics are the highest quality available, the calibration process of the equipment remains difficult to perform and therefore, error prone. This often causes unnecessary distortions to occur. We would like to develop a simple and repeatable method to make the calibration process simpler and more accurate. Project Deliverables:  A functional prototype of a method that simplifies the calibration process.  Detailed instructions for the new calibration process. Constraints:  Materials must not cost more than $100.  Must be completed before June 9, 2016. Users/Stakeholders:  Engineers at Psylotech.  Users of the Psylotech microscopy optics equipment. Table 1: Requirements and Specifications for Prototype Requirements Specifications Translation Accuracy  Must be able to support accurate calibration under 1x to 50x magnification  Method must allow users to translate the speckled pattern glass on the X and Y axis by 10 mm under the 1 x scale and 220 microns under the 50x scale  Provides a micrometer extender that allows the user to turn the calibration knob with ease and accuracy
  • 14. 14 | P a g e Lighting Support  Must have either front or back lighting to allow for crisp images under the microscope  Four green LEDs with diffuser filter Ease of Use  Must allow for easy adjustments  Must allow for easy removal  Outer box design constructed using plastic  Outer box design that fits directly into the µTS device
  • 15. 15 | P a g e Appendix C: Client Interview Summary We conducted our initial interview with our client, Mr. Charles Spellman, a product manager for Psylotech, on Friday, April 8th , 2016 from 2:45 p.m. to 4:10p.m., in the Psylotech office. All group members were present. The purpose of the meeting was to learn more from Mr. Charles Spellman about the optical system Psylotech uses, the main problems with current devices, the requirements for our prototype, and users and potential specialists of the opetical system. This appendix summarizes what we learned about the current devices, design problem, requirements, and users. Current Optical System Our client demonstrated the components and usage of the current optical system Psylotech has:  The current device is composed of five parts: a microscope, a speckled pattern chip, an XYR-stage, a plate and a frame Psylotech designed.  The microscope is used to capture image of the material tested; the speckled pattern chip serves as the standard for calibrations; the xyr-stage is used to move the speckled pattern chip around during calibrations; the Psylotech plate serves as a support to the Psylotech frame and a connection between the xyr-stage and the Psylotech frame; the Psylotech frame is used to fix the materials tested under the microscope and to stretch the material for testing purposes.  Usage of the optical system includes three steps: 1. Calibration of the microscope: using an LED backlight to illuminate the speckled pattern chip, and manually moving the plate around using the xyr-stage to collect eleven images for calibration. 2. Reassembling the optical system: disassembling the speckled pattern chip and xyr-stage, and assembling the Psylotech frame, Psylotech plate, and xyr-stage one on top of another. 3. Testing materials: inserting the material plate into the Psylotech frame, illuminating the material with front light, stretching the material plate with the frame, and capturing images needed. Problems Our client pointed out the issues and inadequacy regarding the current optical system:  According to the feedbacks Mr. Spellman receives, advanced users of the Psylotech optical system find it difficult to use the system without disassembling the entire system, a process that often takes around ten minutes to complete.  The switch between backlight (used in calibrations) and front light (used in material testing) is cumbersome in the testing process; the Psylotech plate and frame also gets in the way of backlighting.  It takes extra time and attention to tell the sides of the speckled pattern chip; only a specific area of the speckled pattern chip is actually in use.  The Psylotech frame needs to be supported by a plate to remain stable, but the current plate is merely long enough to provide the required support.  The calibration and testing process is error prone due to the manual repositions of the speckled pattern chip and materials tested.
  • 16. 16 | P a g e Requirements Our client identified these requirements and potential options for the design:  Ease of use o The design should be easy for users to organize and operate. o The design should accommodate the Psylotech frame during calibration.  Accuracy o The xyr-stage and Psylotech frame needs to remain stable during calibrations and testing. o The plate needs to be long enough to provide support for the Psylotech frame. o Low thermal fluctuation during calibration is needed. o The repositions of the speckle pattern chip during calibration should be as accurate as possible.  Specific features o The design should allow the Psylotech frame to be fixed on one end, and free to move on the other end. o The design should ideally avoid reassembly of the Psylotech frame, and should translate accurately.  Potential options worth consideration o Attaching the speckled pattern chip to the Psylotech frame. o Creating a new speckled pattern chip. o Developing a new calibration system, optimally only involving front light to avoid the light switch. o Designing an automated system to perform reposition, calibration, and testing, if time is sufficient. o Incorporating a fixture on top of the Psylotech frame to attach the front light to the frame.  Creativity o The design should be creative and innovative.  Cost o The prototype should ideally cost less than 500 dollars. Users and Specialists Our client pointed out the user group of the optical system and specialists we may reach out to:  Users of the design product are technicians within the material science field.  Specialists include: o Correlated Solutions Company, which produces the scatter pattern chip and suggests the use of backlight; o Researchers of Clammp Lab at NU; o Technicians in Misumi Company, which produces the Psylotech plate used in the current optical system. The interview provided crucial information for understanding the current optical system, the problem, client requirements, and users. In light of this information, we will be brainstorming for ideas that synthesize the requirements of our client and that may potentially solve the problems.
  • 17. 17 | P a g e Appendix D: User Observation Summary We had our initial interview with our user, Partha Paul, at Northwestern University on Wednesday, April 20th, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting was to learn more about the current microscopic calibration process and its pain points and clarify the direction for our design. This session lasted approximately one hour. This appendix explains the methodology used to conduct the observation and summarizes the results of the observation. Methodology The observation took place on Northwestern’s campus in the Technological building. To learn more about the user’s difficulties with Psylotech’s imaging device, we interviewed the user and asked him to talk us through the process. After that, we asked him for suggestions for a design that may alleviate the difficulties with the calibration process. Information about user The user is a Mechanical Engineering researcher at Northwestern University. He had some some prior experience with Psylotech’s imaging device but the experience was with an older model of the device. He currently does not use Psylotech’s product in the lab anymore. User’s interaction and difficulties with Psylotech’s imaging device The current calibration process Our user first discussed some issues that he had with the current calibration process: 1. The calibration has to be done very often during observation because it is easy for images taken from the microscope to lose their quality if anything is adjusted on the microscope and if the system is not calibrated again. 2. Calibration has to be redone not only between adjustments, but also whenever the equipment has been moved in any way, and this is caused mostly by human error. 3. Calibration is done solely by manipulating the stage knob, and the precision of calibration outcome depends largely on the experience and fine motor skills of the user. User’s requirements for the design In addition to raising the above issues, our user also pointed out some additional requirements that have not been previously identified: 1. The system has to operate manually without any motors, since even a slight vibration near the system can cause the imaging process to be less precise. 2. The part of our design where the speckle pattern or the specimen sits on has to be extremely flat and should stay perfectly horizontal, since even a slight tilt will become a major impact to the system on the microscopic scale. 3. The calibration and the actual imaging process has to occur at the same depth under the microscope so maximum precision can be achieved.
  • 18. 18 | P a g e Appendix E: User Testing Report Purpose The purpose of the user testing was to determine if the user likes the Target Holder mockup, and the Rail mockup, the Double Stages mockup. In particular, we wanted to obtain feedback from our user (Mr. Spellman, who is also our client) regarding each mockup with respect to: (1) the ease of use, (2) user preferences, (3) additional constraints that need to be considered in actual usage. Test methodology Three of the team members visited Psylotech on May 2nd. The user testing lasted for an hour. We tested the three mockups that we had built mainly out of foamcore and cardboard. The Double Stages mockup aims to provide better precision for the existing system; the Target Holder mockup and Rail mockup aim to simplify the necessitating assembly of the system. Because only the Target Holder mockup was built according to precise dimensions, we only tested this mockup with the testing frame to see if it fits into the frame’s “I” shape slots. We presented the other two mockups to our user and obtained verbal feedback. Figure 2 shows our testing of the Target Holder mockup. Figure 3 and 4 show our Rail mockup and Double Stages mockup. Figure 2: Testing of Target Holder Mockup Figure 3: Rail Mockup
  • 19. 19 | P a g e Figure 4: Double Stage Mockup Results The following table summarizes the user testing results. Table 2: Summary of User Testing Results What user liked What user disliked Additional Constraints Target Holder The design is simple and easy to use. The design fits into the existing frame’s “I” shape slots. The “I” shape inserters need to be thicker (10mm) to align the speckle pattern target with the frame’s horizontal midline. When the supporting plate and testing frame are mounted on the stage, the stage knobs are hidden below the plate, making turning the knobs difficult. The target holder cannot be rigid due to the deformation considerations, so the team should look into softer material that is still hard. Battery is the preferred energy source for LED. LED need to be either green or white. A plastic light diffuser should be incorporated into the holder. The color theme for the holder can be metallic or black. An additional source to look into is Shapeways, a company that provides 3D printing materials.
  • 20. 20 | P a g e Rail The design allows the user to have more potential add- ons. The rail should be designed to blend in with the existing frame. It would better if the sliding box can be tucked away after calibration. The rail design can be simplified. It would be better if the sliding box is removable. The rail can attach to the frame through the twelve outer screws along the two metal rods, or through the screws on the moving middle piece. The rail can be only mounted in one place. Double Stages N/A. It would be better to have one stage with finer precision. The stage can have better micrometers. The Double Stages design is not a good idea because the weight capacity of the stages with finer precision tends to be smaller than the weight of the frame. Analysis of results User strongly preferred the Target Holder mockup over the other two mockups due to simplicity and ease of use. User was also optimistic about further development of the Rail mockup. Conclusion The results suggest a focus on refining the Target Holder design. This leads us to increase the thickness of the “I” shape inserters and to incorporate the LED, light diffuser, and battery into our current Target Holder design. To solve the stage-knob issue the user mentioned in the testing, we decided to add an additional knob extender design as part of our final solution to the project. Limitations Limitations to our testing include: (1) two of our three mockups were not able to actually attach to the existing frame, and (2) all three mockups could not be used for actual calibration and material testing.
  • 21. 21 | P a g e Appendix F: Performance Testing Report Introduction The purpose of performance testing was to determine if the mockups met the needs of the users and the requirements of the client. Performance testing occurred at Psylotech’s lab. Purpose From the various observations conducted, the users expressed a strong need for a support system for the speckled pattern glass, and therefore creating an appropriate target holder appeared to be a path to be considered. The alternative designs in our performance testing included a speckled pattern target holder, a double stage, and a digital readout of location. Our objective was to determine whether the alternative designs met the requirements of the project. Methodology By having each member on the team try to calibrate with each alternative design, corresponding feedback for each design was obtained. While team members calibrated with each mockup, we asked them to provide qualitative feedback on how they felt during calibrating and what they thought could be improved about the design. Results Due to the nature of the mockups, it was not possible to obtain precise data that showed the time differences between each mockup. From the feedback, we learned that it was easiest for the user to perform the calibration process using the speckled pattern target holder. The double stage mockup did not work and would not work due to weight constraints that are inherent in the design. The digital readout of the current position had potential to work but would be impossible of a project for our team due to our lack of expertise and also did not greatly improve the calibration process.
  • 22. 22 | P a g e Appendix G: Safety Analysis Table 3 displays the results of the FMEA safety analysis. Table 3: FMEA Safety Analysis
  • 23. 23 | P a g e Appendix H: Dimensioned Sketch The figure below details the dimensions and features of the initial version of the CaliBox. The updated version of the CaliBox features 4 LED holes. Figure 5: Dimensioned Sketch of CaliBox
  • 24. 24 | P a g e Appendix I: Instructions for Construction Introduction The CaliBox is a device that supports a speckled pattern target in order for its proper use during calibration. The knob extender is also a vital part of this design because it extends the micrometer of the Thorlabs XYR stage. These instructions describe the process of constructing the device using materials and machines found in the Ford Prototyping and Fabrication workshop. Assembly time is about 5 hours. Materials The following table lists all the materials needed to construct the device. Table 4: Materials for Construction of Prototype Material Specification Quantity Price Lithium Ion Polymer Battery 3.7 V and 150 mAh 1 $12.50 Adafruit Micro Lipo w/MicroUSB Jack-USB Lilon/LiPoly charger Charging port for lithium ion polymer battery 1 $6.95 Toggle Switch A switch to turn on all 4 LEDs 1 $0.00 Dimming Switch A switch to adjust the brightness of the LEDs 1 $0.00 Green LED light 5 mm long 4 $0.00 Diffusion Filter Matte on one side. 0.005 inches thick. 1 $1.80 Micro USB to USB 3 ft cable Cord used to charge battery 1 $1.60 Screws 1/8” diameter 4 $0.00 PLA filament for MakerBot This is the material used by the MakerBot 1 $5.00 7/8 inch Aluminum Stock (round) 7/8 inch diameter 1 $0.00 Hardened Steel Rod Standard Size 1 $0.00 Set Screws Standard size 3 $0.00
  • 25. 25 | P a g e Fabricating the box 1. Fabricate the body of the box by using a 3D printer and the CAD model provided. 2. Tap the four corners of the battery containing part of the main body and the four corners corresponding on the base plate. Wiring the LEDs 1. Use your background of circuitry to wire the four green LEDs to the dimming switch, toggle switch, the lithium ion battery, and the charging port. Assembling the components 1. Place the circuited battery and LEDS inside the 3D printed body from the bottom side of the box and adjust switches to corresponding holes. 2. Place the four LEDs inside the four holes located on the bottom of the box. 3. Carefully place the diffuser on top of the LEDs from the top opening of the box. 4. Close the back of the box using the screws. Fabricating the micrometer extender 1. Turn down the diameter of a 7/8- inch aluminum rod to the same diameter as the piece of the micrometer that is inserted into the stage. 2. Use a lathe to drill a through hole to slightly larger than the diameter of the center pin of the micrometer. 3. The wide end of the previous piece should then be counterbored to the depth of the length of the micrometer insertion piece and the diameter of the same piece. 4. Now drill 3 set screw holes and tapped around the circumference of the wide end, each separated by 120°. 5. Now insert a free floating hardened steel rod into the center of the device and then cut to the same length as the through hole, to allow for the micrometer extension to function by pressing on the internal springs of the stage.
  • 26. 26 | P a g e Appendix J: Instructions for Use The following are the steps to follow when using the CaliBox: Initial Setup 1. Remove the micrometer that controls the “Y” direction and add the supplemental micrometer extender to the stage. Refer to figure 6, below, for the correct orientation. Figure 6: Stage with Micrometer Extender 2. Set up the microscope and calibration stage as you would in a system without the Psylotech frame. 3. Mount the Psylotech frame on top of the calibration stage using the plate. Refer to Figure 7 for the correct configuration. Figure 7: Configuration of Stage and Psylotech Frame Calibration Configuration 1. Place the speckled pattern glass inside the CaliBox 2. Before beginning calibration the entire system by placing CaliBox in the dog-bone grips of the µTS system. Refer to Figure 8 for the correct configuration.
  • 27. 27 | P a g e Figure 8: CaliBox in the dog-bone shaped grips of Psylotech's frame Backlighting 1. Before starting calibration, adjust the brightness of the LEDs by using the dimmer switch found on the side of the box. Calibrating 1. Begin calibrating after the previous steps have been performed. 2. After calibration is completed, remove the CaliBox from the frame and start the imaging process as usual.