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Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia
Foundation in Natural and Built Environments (FNBE)
Group Member : Rachael Cheong (0319926)
Chong Kit Yee (0319748)
Lucas Ong Tun Chiek (0319939)
Miaw Yen Chee (0319)
Daniel Mazlan (0321409)
Lecture : T. Shankar
Intake: AugustFNBE 0814
Submission Date: 8th
June 2015
This assignment would not be complete without the effort and Co-operation from
our group members, Ong Tun Cheik, Rachel Cheong, Chong Kit Yee, Daniel and Miaw Yen
Chie. We would like to acknowledge the effort that have contributed by each group
member that involved in making this project. Their efforts, understanding and patience has
been the key for th undertaking of this assignment.
We are grateful and satisfied that we manage to finish our psychology assignment within the
time given by our lecturer, Mr T. Shankar. We couldn’t done the assignment without his
guidance and also advices that was given by him to produce this report, video and also
presentation slides which is titled ‘ Think Twice’.
In this project, students are required to carry out a social psychology conceptual video clip
and required to do a presentation in a group of 4 to 5 students. Students may us theories from
a choice of topic that is taught and discussed in class.
Students are required to complete three tasks and that is, producing a video clip which
has a relation to the psychology concept student may use any of the psychology concept that
we have learned in psychology class.
Next, we are require to carry out a report which basically is about the of the video clip
and also prepare a summarize form in a power point (Slides) which is more convenient and
easier for students present the concepts that involved in the video during class.
This project will help students to learn and also have a better understanding in the
connection between concepts and perspective within psychology and with other discipline.
Hence, student will be able to engage in psychological inquiry and become self-regulated
To make sure that our group video ‘I should think twice” was filmed smoothly.
. We discussed on the tools and props that needed to be use to ensure completing the
storyboard act.
Below is the item used.
Filming item:
• IPhone 5
Editing software:
• Windows Movie Maker
• Camtasia Studio
• Wavepad
Props Used:
• Eraser stain (nails)
• Cookie
• Tissue Paper
• Hp laptop
To make a more engaging approach through our video, we filmed our video in a variety of
venues. In sequence of the video, these include:
• Starbuck areas
• Taylor’s Uni-Square
• Blog E, Walk way
• Lucas’s house
• 11th May 2015,first meeting with all the group members. We used this time to
discuss about what concepts need to be used and an overall idea on how our
storyboard was going to be like. Meeting completed after we are done with our draft
of the storyboard.
• 23rd May 2015,second meeting we managed to make thing clearer by improvising
our storyboard and stuff. Next, we discussed about our script for the video and
decided the venue, date and item that need to be used for filming the video. We
finally manage to complete our script before the meeting end.
• 31st May 2015,filming day from 1.00 p.m. until 6.30 p.m.
• 6th June 2015,compilation and editing videos. Completing the report and
presentation slides.
The discussion were based on our video. After we finalized all the main points and themes in
our video, which is attractions and stereotyping. We fabricate the main storyline and choose
6 of suitable social psychologies concept into this video. Next, all of us suggested to make a
direct, short and simple video by convey each of the messages specifically and clearly.
The requirement of this project needed every members are inside the video. Thus, we
discussed to put each of us into one character and in charged on what scene. Everyone is
required to put his or her own weight. However, we often suggest area of improving and the
ideas for each another to increase to quality of our work and video.
Below was the role delegation of our task.
Chong Kit Yee Main Character
Lucas Ong Tun Cheik Current Boy-Friend
Rachael Chong Friends
Miaw Yen Chie Ex-Boy Friend
Daniel Mazlan Friend, Lucas’s Roomate
Chong Kit Yee Audio Editor
Lucas Ong Tun Cheik Slide Maker, Videographer
Rachael Chong Kah Yien Presenter , Main Report Writer
Miew Yen Chie Man Power or Assistant
Daniel Mazlan Video Editor
After all we did continuous brainstorming sessions to spark out ideas for fitting in our
project assignment concepts on the topic, Think Twice. We found that this topic is most
suitable to explain about the short video which including the five concepts.
In our storyline is about a lesson for people to think wisely before u action, as in causes of
attraction attitude on people by outward appearance. Also, this two are the best matters to
define our topic.
Attitude defined as a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something,
typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior and attraction defined as the natural
feeling of being drawn to other individuals and desiring company. That unconscious yet
instinctive pull all individuals have towards another specific personality or aura is what we
find particularly intriguing.
In Psychology of attraction in the study of what makes people tick on positive matter,
means that we are attracted to people that turn us on physically but emotionally too. Also
inspiring desire and hope for something beckoning in the unknown. By leading of the good
attitude, the attraction starts.
Our theme describe five concepts which united in one storyline of attitude
attraction. Those concepts are traits of human psychology explained in our video, and
further backed up by written analysis and study through this report and we will present it
through slides for more specifically. Our concepts are including social cognitive Perspective,
stereotyping, persuasion, First Impression and the last halo effect.
This story is about a girl need to find a partner which is clean and tidy. She judge a guy by his
cover. Actually the guy is not that clean and tidy and is very messy.
Venue: Restaurant
The Ex: [Eat until very dirty, lick finger, Food everywhere on the table]
Kit: Cannot stand anymore!
Venue: Starbucks
Kit: Eh Racheal, got any boy introduce a? [spotting guys]
Racheal: I thought you got boyfriend ard?
Kit: No la just break up with him like 3 seconds ago. He’s so dirty! I want someone which is
clean, tidy. If the best he is mysophobia.
Racheal: You see that guy also not bad ma... [Pointing someone]
Kit: That one also no bad...
(Lucas walking on opposite direction)
Lucas: [Suddenly a leave or whatever drop on his shirt he sweep it off take wet tissue to
clean it, take out a clean shirt and change]
Racheal: Eh, that one okay or not? He look so clean, pure… Is your type of mysophobia
Kit: OMG. Yes, he is mine. No I mean my type. I’m going to get him no matter what.
Racheal: Are you sure?
Venue: Starbucks
Kit: [Scrolling Instagram stalking Lucas]
Racheal: [Saw me stalking] Kit, are you serious? You just meet him like few seconds ago.
Kit: Look he’s so cool. He emphasise his hygiene so much.
Racheal: Eh Kit cannot la. Maybe he is dirty…..
Kit: Whatever! I don’t care. I don’t care. I don’t care…….
Venue: Unisquare
Daniel: Kit I heard somebody said you like Lucas is it?
Kit: Yea. Problem?
Daniel: Eh. He is dirty, doesn’t care about his hygiene actually.
Kit: No. Why you keep talking bad about him? You like me is it?
Daniel: No la!
Kit: Is that Lucas? [Walk away]
Venue: Unisquare
[Kit bump against Lucas, books all fly over]
Lucas: Oh my god, she is so hot. [help kit clean up those books]
Kit: Thank you.
Lucas: Hey girl!
Kit: Yes?
Lucas: Can I have your phone number?
Kit: Yea sure.
[Success and be together]
Venue: Classroomcorridor
Kit: Eh B, we need to find a classroomto finished up our final.
Lucas: Why do we need a classroom?
Kit: Cause we got many crafting need to do.
Lucas: Okay. Let’s go.
[Walk along the corridor looking for classroom]
Kit: Ah B, no classroom leh.
Lucas: Errrmmm… How about go to my house?
Kit: Okay then.
Venue: Lucas House
Lucas: [Open door is messy in his house & room] Naaah. Sit wherever you like la.
Kit: [Shocked] Lucas, I didn’t know that you are such messy.
Lucas: Guys ma, why need to clean up?
Kit: I cannot I cannot.
=================================THE END=============================
Social Cognitive
The first concept which is social cognitive applied in the beginning of the story in which the
girl decided to break up with his boyfriend who is filthy and unhygienic at all. (0:05 to 1:26)
It’s only been 1 month ever since Kit and Miaw were together. One day Kit realize how dirty
and unhygienic Miaw is, as Miaw said that he didn’t wash his hair for 3 days and his clothes
were wore for 10 days because he have no time as he was busy with his assignment. (Time)
So she eventually break with him right away. She just couldn’t stand her boyfriend of being
so unhygienic.
Social Cognitive Perspective: This perspective is derived from the behavioralism perspective.
It assumes that an individual’s cognitive process influences and is influenced by behavioural
associations. Classical and operant conditioning are aspects of this perspective.
The cognitive processes of Kit has been established the hygienic of a person can affect the
attractiveness of a person. She belief that a hygienic guy will be hygienic intrinsic or maybe
at his daily routine. While a unhygienic guy will be dirty all the way no matter what.
The second concept, stereotype is applied when the girl thinks that the guy with a tidy dress
up and keeps him self clean (2:18 to 2:21).
Kit met a guy who is in the same course as her in Starbuck, he was good looking and he looks
tidy in his outfit and he even clean his shoe if there is any dirt on it even if it’s just a tissue
(TIME). He even changes his clothes when he smells an odd smell on his shirt. He has a
difficulty on throwing thing outs as previously when he picks the tissue on his shoe he did
not throw away.
Stereotypes : A stereotype is used to catergorize a group of people. People don't understand
that type of person, so they put them into classifications, thinking that everyone who is that
needs to be like that, or anyone who acts like their classifications is one.
She classifies the guy who dress neatly and never allows any dirt to stain on themselves or
even a super organized person as a guys who is hygienic or maybe with a mysophobia. This
shows that the girl has similar experience on how a guys with mysophobia would dress like.
Stereotype is used in this context based on the appearance and attire of that guy.
Rachael stop Kit not to judge by the cover. Maybe he’s not the one. She persuade Kit not to
fall for him. Saying that Kit, should know him more and to observe him more. But Kit is like
“I don’t care, I don’t care” and stubborn. Thinking that Lucas was actually her type and really
don’t bother them and take it as non-sense.
Persuasion: Persuasion is a powerful force in daily life and has a major influence on society
and a whole. Politics, legal decisions, mass media, news and advertising are all influenced by
the power of persuasion, and influence us in turn. Persuasion isn’t just a pushy salesman
trying to sell you a car, or a television commercial enticing you to buy the latest and greatest
product. Persuasion can be subtle, and how we respond to such influences can depend on a
variety of factors.
As Kit had fall for a stranger which she thinks that he is visually clean and hygiene who she
just met 10 seconds ago, her friend Rachael persuade her not to judge someone by his
cover. Rachael think that maybe he can be very dirty when he is in his own. But she failed to
persuade Kit. Kit automatically categorised him into clean, tidy, hygienic and mysophobia.
She thought of this immediately because her schemas of a guy who dress neatly and tidy
are usually belongs to this category (Guys with mysophobia).
Confirmation Bias
Next, the forth concept, confirmation bias is seen in (1:31 to 2:30) where the girl’s friend
tells negative things about the guy but the girl just ignores the negative information.
While walking, Kit and Daniel met each each other and Daniel knew that Kit was in love with
Lucas. Daniel was Lucas’s roommate and he knew that Lucas isn’t that kind of guy that Kit
was thinking of. He told Kit that Lucas is actually, dirty, messy and unhygienic at all. But kit
refuse to believe what Daniel have said to her and thought that Daniel likes her as a reason
to stop her from falling for Lucas.
Confirmation bias : is a type of cognitive bias and represents an error of inductive inference
toward confirmation of the hypothesis under study. Confirmation bias is a phenomenon
wherein decision makers have been shown to actively seek out and assign more weight to
evidence that confirms their hypothesis, and ignore or underweight evidence that could
disconfirm their hypothesis.
Kit encounters that Lucas is a hygienic and is totally her type. Even though Daniel was
Lucas’s roommate and he knew that Lucas isn’t that kind of guy that Kit was thinking of. She
seek out “proof” that further backs up this belief, while actually do not support the idea. She
even thought that Daniel is in love with her to proof that why he is talking bad about Lucas.
First Impression
Kit saw Lucas and accidentally bump against him. The books and paper on her hands drop all
over the ground. Lucas is stunned for a few seconds by her beauty face . He then help Kit to
pick up all her books and paper. Before steps off and turn back, In just 1 second he made up
his mind to go for her. So he asked for Kit’s phone number. Without second thought both of
them accept each other right away.
First Impression: First impression is the event when one person first encounters another
person and forms a mental image of that person. Impression accuracy varies depending on
the observer and the target being observed. First impressions are based on a wide range of
characteristics: age, race, culture, language, gender, physical appearance, accent, posture,
voice, number of people present, and time allowed to process. The first impressions
individuals give to others could greatly influence how they are treated and viewed in many
contexts of everyday life.
Kit give Lucas a positive impressions that she looks beautiful which is just the type of girl he
is been looking for. The image of the Kit is evaluated based on her face and also her body
movement. This is a positive impression because Lucas views her as a pretty and beautiful.
The first impression influence Lucas to get her phone numbers and chase after her.
Scene Description : One day, Lucas and Kit need a classroom to finish up their final
assignment but all of the classroom were full. So, Lucas suggested to go his house to finish it
up. When Kit reach his house and see his messy and dirty room. She is kind of disappointed
of him, all of the thing about him is just an illusion. She decided to break up with him.
This scene does not show particular concept but instead provides a final ending to this
video. This summaries the topic of the video “ Think twice”
Behind The Scenes
1. Aboutcom. (2015). Aboutcom Education. Retrieved 7 June, 2015, from
2. Aboutcom. (2015). Aboutcom Education (Social Influence). Retrieved 7 June, 2015, from
3. Simplypsychologyorg. (2013). Basic social psychology . Retrieved 7 June, 2015, from'
4. Wikipediaorg. (2015). First impression theory. Retrieved 7 June, 2015, from

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PSY - Think Twice

  • 1. SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING AND DESIGN Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Foundation in Natural and Built Environments (FNBE) Group Member : Rachael Cheong (0319926) Chong Kit Yee (0319748) Lucas Ong Tun Chiek (0319939) Miaw Yen Chee (0319) Daniel Mazlan (0321409) Lecture : T. Shankar Intake: AugustFNBE 0814 Submission Date: 8th June 2015 ATTRACTION - THINK TWICE -
  • 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This assignment would not be complete without the effort and Co-operation from our group members, Ong Tun Cheik, Rachel Cheong, Chong Kit Yee, Daniel and Miaw Yen Chie. We would like to acknowledge the effort that have contributed by each group member that involved in making this project. Their efforts, understanding and patience has been the key for th undertaking of this assignment. We are grateful and satisfied that we manage to finish our psychology assignment within the time given by our lecturer, Mr T. Shankar. We couldn’t done the assignment without his guidance and also advices that was given by him to produce this report, video and also presentation slides which is titled ‘ Think Twice’.
  • 4. INTRODUCTION In this project, students are required to carry out a social psychology conceptual video clip and required to do a presentation in a group of 4 to 5 students. Students may us theories from a choice of topic that is taught and discussed in class. Students are required to complete three tasks and that is, producing a video clip which has a relation to the psychology concept student may use any of the psychology concept that we have learned in psychology class. Next, we are require to carry out a report which basically is about the of the video clip and also prepare a summarize form in a power point (Slides) which is more convenient and easier for students present the concepts that involved in the video during class. This project will help students to learn and also have a better understanding in the connection between concepts and perspective within psychology and with other discipline. Hence, student will be able to engage in psychological inquiry and become self-regulated learners.
  • 5. METHODS – APPARATUS & MATERIAL To make sure that our group video ‘I should think twice” was filmed smoothly. . We discussed on the tools and props that needed to be use to ensure completing the storyboard act. Below is the item used. Filming item: • DSLR • IPhone 5 Editing software: • Windows Movie Maker • Camtasia Studio • Wavepad Props Used: • Eraser stain (nails) • Cookie • Tissue Paper • Hp laptop METHODS – PROCEDURE SETTINGS : To make a more engaging approach through our video, we filmed our video in a variety of venues. In sequence of the video, these include: • Starbuck areas • Taylor’s Uni-Square • Blog E, Walk way • Lucas’s house
  • 6. TIMING : • 11th May 2015,first meeting with all the group members. We used this time to discuss about what concepts need to be used and an overall idea on how our storyboard was going to be like. Meeting completed after we are done with our draft of the storyboard. • 23rd May 2015,second meeting we managed to make thing clearer by improvising our storyboard and stuff. Next, we discussed about our script for the video and decided the venue, date and item that need to be used for filming the video. We finally manage to complete our script before the meeting end. • 31st May 2015,filming day from 1.00 p.m. until 6.30 p.m. • 6th June 2015,compilation and editing videos. Completing the report and presentation slides. OPERATION : DISCUSSION The discussion were based on our video. After we finalized all the main points and themes in our video, which is attractions and stereotyping. We fabricate the main storyline and choose 6 of suitable social psychologies concept into this video. Next, all of us suggested to make a direct, short and simple video by convey each of the messages specifically and clearly. ROLES The requirement of this project needed every members are inside the video. Thus, we discussed to put each of us into one character and in charged on what scene. Everyone is required to put his or her own weight. However, we often suggest area of improving and the ideas for each another to increase to quality of our work and video. Below was the role delegation of our task.
  • 7. MEMBERS VIDEO CHARACTER Chong Kit Yee Main Character Lucas Ong Tun Cheik Current Boy-Friend Rachael Chong Friends Miaw Yen Chie Ex-Boy Friend Daniel Mazlan Friend, Lucas’s Roomate MEMBERS OVERALL CONTEXT Chong Kit Yee Audio Editor Lucas Ong Tun Cheik Slide Maker, Videographer Rachael Chong Kah Yien Presenter , Main Report Writer Miew Yen Chie Man Power or Assistant Daniel Mazlan Video Editor
  • 8. DISCUSSION – CONCEPT& DEFINITION After all we did continuous brainstorming sessions to spark out ideas for fitting in our project assignment concepts on the topic, Think Twice. We found that this topic is most suitable to explain about the short video which including the five concepts. In our storyline is about a lesson for people to think wisely before u action, as in causes of attraction attitude on people by outward appearance. Also, this two are the best matters to define our topic. Attitude defined as a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior and attraction defined as the natural feeling of being drawn to other individuals and desiring company. That unconscious yet instinctive pull all individuals have towards another specific personality or aura is what we find particularly intriguing. In Psychology of attraction in the study of what makes people tick on positive matter, means that we are attracted to people that turn us on physically but emotionally too. Also inspiring desire and hope for something beckoning in the unknown. By leading of the good attitude, the attraction starts. Our theme describe five concepts which united in one storyline of attitude attraction. Those concepts are traits of human psychology explained in our video, and further backed up by written analysis and study through this report and we will present it through slides for more specifically. Our concepts are including social cognitive Perspective, stereotyping, persuasion, First Impression and the last halo effect.
  • 9. DISCUSION – STORYBOARD DESIGN This story is about a girl need to find a partner which is clean and tidy. She judge a guy by his cover. Actually the guy is not that clean and tidy and is very messy. SCENE#1 Venue: Restaurant The Ex: [Eat until very dirty, lick finger, Food everywhere on the table] Kit: Cannot stand anymore! Venue: Starbucks Kit: Eh Racheal, got any boy introduce a? [spotting guys] Racheal: I thought you got boyfriend ard? SCENE #2 Kit: No la just break up with him like 3 seconds ago. He’s so dirty! I want someone which is clean, tidy. If the best he is mysophobia. Racheal: You see that guy also not bad ma... [Pointing someone] Kit: That one also no bad... (Lucas walking on opposite direction) Lucas: [Suddenly a leave or whatever drop on his shirt he sweep it off take wet tissue to clean it, take out a clean shirt and change] Racheal: Eh, that one okay or not? He look so clean, pure… Is your type of mysophobia Kit: OMG. Yes, he is mine. No I mean my type. I’m going to get him no matter what. Racheal: Are you sure? SCENE #3 Venue: Starbucks Kit: [Scrolling Instagram stalking Lucas] Racheal: [Saw me stalking] Kit, are you serious? You just meet him like few seconds ago. Kit: Look he’s so cool. He emphasise his hygiene so much. Racheal: Eh Kit cannot la. Maybe he is dirty….. Kit: Whatever! I don’t care. I don’t care. I don’t care……. SCENE #4 Venue: Unisquare Daniel: Kit I heard somebody said you like Lucas is it? Kit: Yea. Problem? Daniel: Eh. He is dirty, doesn’t care about his hygiene actually. Kit: No. Why you keep talking bad about him? You like me is it? Daniel: No la! Kit: Is that Lucas? [Walk away]
  • 10. SCENE #5 Venue: Unisquare [Kit bump against Lucas, books all fly over] Lucas: Oh my god, she is so hot. [help kit clean up those books] Kit: Thank you. Lucas: Hey girl! Kit: Yes? Lucas: Can I have your phone number? Kit: Yea sure. [Success and be together] SCENE #6 Venue: Classroomcorridor Kit: Eh B, we need to find a classroomto finished up our final. Lucas: Why do we need a classroom? Kit: Cause we got many crafting need to do. Lucas: Okay. Let’s go. [Walk along the corridor looking for classroom] Kit: Ah B, no classroom leh. Lucas: Errrmmm… How about go to my house? Kit: Okay then. Venue: Lucas House Lucas: [Open door is messy in his house & room] Naaah. Sit wherever you like la. Kit: [Shocked] Lucas, I didn’t know that you are such messy. Lucas: Guys ma, why need to clean up? Kit: I cannot I cannot. =================================THE END=============================
  • 11. DISCUSION – APPLICATION &ANALYSIS SCENE #1 Social Cognitive The first concept which is social cognitive applied in the beginning of the story in which the girl decided to break up with his boyfriend who is filthy and unhygienic at all. (0:05 to 1:26) SCENE DESCRIPTION : It’s only been 1 month ever since Kit and Miaw were together. One day Kit realize how dirty and unhygienic Miaw is, as Miaw said that he didn’t wash his hair for 3 days and his clothes were wore for 10 days because he have no time as he was busy with his assignment. (Time) So she eventually break with him right away. She just couldn’t stand her boyfriend of being so unhygienic. CONCEPT : Social Cognitive Perspective: This perspective is derived from the behavioralism perspective. It assumes that an individual’s cognitive process influences and is influenced by behavioural associations. Classical and operant conditioning are aspects of this perspective. APPLICATION : The cognitive processes of Kit has been established the hygienic of a person can affect the attractiveness of a person. She belief that a hygienic guy will be hygienic intrinsic or maybe at his daily routine. While a unhygienic guy will be dirty all the way no matter what.
  • 12. SCENE #2 Stereotypes The second concept, stereotype is applied when the girl thinks that the guy with a tidy dress up and keeps him self clean (2:18 to 2:21). SCENE DESCRIPTION : Kit met a guy who is in the same course as her in Starbuck, he was good looking and he looks tidy in his outfit and he even clean his shoe if there is any dirt on it even if it’s just a tissue (TIME). He even changes his clothes when he smells an odd smell on his shirt. He has a difficulty on throwing thing outs as previously when he picks the tissue on his shoe he did not throw away. CONCEPT : Stereotypes : A stereotype is used to catergorize a group of people. People don't understand that type of person, so they put them into classifications, thinking that everyone who is that needs to be like that, or anyone who acts like their classifications is one. APPLICATION : She classifies the guy who dress neatly and never allows any dirt to stain on themselves or even a super organized person as a guys who is hygienic or maybe with a mysophobia. This shows that the girl has similar experience on how a guys with mysophobia would dress like. Stereotype is used in this context based on the appearance and attire of that guy.
  • 13. SCENE #3 Persuasion SCENEDESCRIPTION : Rachael stop Kit not to judge by the cover. Maybe he’s not the one. She persuade Kit not to fall for him. Saying that Kit, should know him more and to observe him more. But Kit is like “I don’t care, I don’t care” and stubborn. Thinking that Lucas was actually her type and really don’t bother them and take it as non-sense. CONCEPT : Persuasion: Persuasion is a powerful force in daily life and has a major influence on society and a whole. Politics, legal decisions, mass media, news and advertising are all influenced by the power of persuasion, and influence us in turn. Persuasion isn’t just a pushy salesman trying to sell you a car, or a television commercial enticing you to buy the latest and greatest product. Persuasion can be subtle, and how we respond to such influences can depend on a variety of factors. APPLICATION : As Kit had fall for a stranger which she thinks that he is visually clean and hygiene who she just met 10 seconds ago, her friend Rachael persuade her not to judge someone by his cover. Rachael think that maybe he can be very dirty when he is in his own. But she failed to persuade Kit. Kit automatically categorised him into clean, tidy, hygienic and mysophobia. She thought of this immediately because her schemas of a guy who dress neatly and tidy are usually belongs to this category (Guys with mysophobia).
  • 14. SCENE #4 Confirmation Bias Next, the forth concept, confirmation bias is seen in (1:31 to 2:30) where the girl’s friend tells negative things about the guy but the girl just ignores the negative information. SCENE DESCRIPTION : While walking, Kit and Daniel met each each other and Daniel knew that Kit was in love with Lucas. Daniel was Lucas’s roommate and he knew that Lucas isn’t that kind of guy that Kit was thinking of. He told Kit that Lucas is actually, dirty, messy and unhygienic at all. But kit refuse to believe what Daniel have said to her and thought that Daniel likes her as a reason to stop her from falling for Lucas. CONCEPT : Confirmation bias : is a type of cognitive bias and represents an error of inductive inference toward confirmation of the hypothesis under study. Confirmation bias is a phenomenon wherein decision makers have been shown to actively seek out and assign more weight to evidence that confirms their hypothesis, and ignore or underweight evidence that could disconfirm their hypothesis. APPLICATION : Kit encounters that Lucas is a hygienic and is totally her type. Even though Daniel was Lucas’s roommate and he knew that Lucas isn’t that kind of guy that Kit was thinking of. She seek out “proof” that further backs up this belief, while actually do not support the idea. She even thought that Daniel is in love with her to proof that why he is talking bad about Lucas.
  • 15. SCENE #5 First Impression SCENE DESCRIPTION : Kit saw Lucas and accidentally bump against him. The books and paper on her hands drop all over the ground. Lucas is stunned for a few seconds by her beauty face . He then help Kit to pick up all her books and paper. Before steps off and turn back, In just 1 second he made up his mind to go for her. So he asked for Kit’s phone number. Without second thought both of them accept each other right away. CONCEPT : First Impression: First impression is the event when one person first encounters another person and forms a mental image of that person. Impression accuracy varies depending on the observer and the target being observed. First impressions are based on a wide range of characteristics: age, race, culture, language, gender, physical appearance, accent, posture, voice, number of people present, and time allowed to process. The first impressions individuals give to others could greatly influence how they are treated and viewed in many contexts of everyday life. APPLICATION : Kit give Lucas a positive impressions that she looks beautiful which is just the type of girl he is been looking for. The image of the Kit is evaluated based on her face and also her body movement. This is a positive impression because Lucas views her as a pretty and beautiful. The first impression influence Lucas to get her phone numbers and chase after her.
  • 16. SCENE #6 Scene Description : One day, Lucas and Kit need a classroom to finish up their final assignment but all of the classroom were full. So, Lucas suggested to go his house to finish it up. When Kit reach his house and see his messy and dirty room. She is kind of disappointed of him, all of the thing about him is just an illusion. She decided to break up with him. This scene does not show particular concept but instead provides a final ending to this video. This summaries the topic of the video “ Think twice”
  • 25. REFERENCES 1. Aboutcom. (2015). Aboutcom Education. Retrieved 7 June, 2015, from 2. Aboutcom. (2015). Aboutcom Education (Social Influence). Retrieved 7 June, 2015, from 3. Simplypsychologyorg. (2013). Basic social psychology . Retrieved 7 June, 2015, from' 4. Wikipediaorg. (2015). First impression theory. Retrieved 7 June, 2015, from